ui Jii-utlr, all! cr -a .1 I .... I I'll' ! ' : !-!rr!?iv .lr f ,i.;:.-d-!i7r ml . ' tf. .' I I II P II I i f V X a "a. "WV " v J Win I VI A VI I J I I II II II II till I I I I I 1 Ay t VOLUME X. vviLMiisroTQisr POST ESTEIBEI AT TIIK roSTOFFlCK AT IVVlLMINGTOM, . V., AS BEtVNI) L.liAHH I Matt kr v RATES OP ADVERTISING. lOiflv centa 'per lino for the first in t r i; ' ; i.. - 1 Kight fS) lines, Nonpareil type, con- .titiifo a H'piare. vTUe Mnl)scripii pxie to Tim WlL jirwttN -fl'owT $100 per s year U montlw 75 cents. ; ., Allcouiiiiuiiirrtionson bu.iincH should ho aMrecl to Tuk Wli.MlNaTuN p.ir, Wilmington, N. U. i LATE OE NLRAL NEWS. A new iron att'atmliip, fur th Old )ouiinion tStcnniHliip Company, lta been launched at Roach's xhip yard, Ohfuler, Ta. ! -: It is thought in Indon that the sending of two million pounds of bill-, Jion t-i tlio United BlateH will llirow,np tbo rates of interest in England. On the whole, wo judge that tbo scourge during (ho Jast week link been (IjininiKliitig at.Memphnl It ncenis to lie-better under control. IJtit there are a few ciises in New Orleans and one or to other places. There is time yet for (lie fearful plague to do great damage before frost, if it once spreads. The associated press tejegramsi of Saturday say nothing about Ithe condi tion of Kalloch, but wo suppose he.Is improving. - .11 Those wise simpletons, thy Circe it backers: of New York, have assembled nl Ulica ii convention, and voted that il is expedient to retire all the National Hank notes, and issuo $50 in greenbacks piT capita for all the people of the United States. Iet the fool-killer conio urtli. '.'.'" , iien. tireeu 15. Uaum, Couiuiissioiier of fuU-ral lleveuue, has addressed a deserved complimentary letter to l)r. V. II; Wheeler, Collector of internal Hevenue for llie Filth District in which he laJi " ' ; ' ? Sir -It appear from an oiiicial cx aminnlion of the records of your ollice, that the public money c(dlected by you rturinK the fiscal year ended June4i0ih, IST'J'.uave been duly accounted "for. T'hin fihhful discharge of a public trust merits commendation, and I tako pleas lire" teut'ru' ' .V1,u tu thanks ol this oiiioe therefor il'lie Hecretary ol War baa reversed tie finding of. the court martial Uis injjssiiig Surgeon Cleneral llammond from the Army, and restored him to Jho ietirel list without back," present or tut ure pay, and the President has ap proved the decision of the Secretary. - A corrcspoudent from Maino thinks iliat on the night of Sept. 8th tho SoU . lowing telegram will be eut out front JUaine: 'Maine goes liepublicaii by i Jroin 3f(r00 to 5,000 majority, ijoth -branches of llie legislature llcpublican, the ihi'iiaLe by about 15 majority and iho House by 20 to 25 inajority," i rtTho 'ex-Confederate General Jj 15. l r - .Hood and his daughter, Lydia,jBie "down with the yellow fever iu New. ; Orleans. ; . ' . , ,. i VA. h. D. Inficrsoll, the librarian of did War Department, has died of con sumption in Colorado. - Secretary Sherman has explained to the merchants of Cincinnati that .he cx unded the time' for withdrawing ironi national bank depositaries tho proceeds ."of the sale of -4 ler ceut. boiuls Jbr (the . purpose of slurping tho advance in, the rate of iujerest aud the drain of legal fenders. The reason why tho unsettled Mcou.Dtar left witlrthc First National Bank and tho lUnk of Conui.erce is because the former mado the subscrip tion closing the 10-40 and the latter . (he iibseriptiou closing the 5-l!!t)s-r tuhcriptiou which, being the last in nuiueral order, are naturally the last v. drawn upon. " . . j John Roach says n'w llraxiliau hteam ediip line is losing $6,000 cr tuonib, 'nd he contemplateSjWitudrawing it JU-ports hare been it'eei veil frow 305 counties in Uie ireaterti sUtW W1 ter ritories, embracing over 8,000,000 of acres devoted to the production of spring wheal, showipg U total acrtagb to be 10JGoAW, 8WBt ,016 wt year. Tbe aieraro jlelcj per aejs U cslimated at 12.92 bushels, against 1 1 .42 last yer. The aggregate tieU Is estiroaled at 157,850,000 buaheU, against uuns iiCto last year. Ahowiug an:ia- ! crease of ,05DQ busbpU., -j The AtlanU JiwubKc ys tluf a "northern born rentlemwi, vho ha bfon in the sto sinct th wax; de rtam t ''So Kon as I can arrange; my I affairs I am o(T tot a land o srhoola, and Iret spetcb, and a free prea, and where once la an age I can: eaten isspoflbe8ursaudeulre! Now mind, when I am gen,ri me a tea line noUce. saying tnat altnougk a par, nbirfff I stole nothing li the state, Ut.lostrad a if thousand dollars TrTTTT-ovTTi i r i t . "l ;,t ' TUB BiJHOOt' fcAW.' '! ' ' ;f At ""ti lafit Beibn' bJP jour legislat u re a bll was passeyrydeiiiog thephool law. - c Byiaome' neglect Hliedegi-Utai adjourned leafidg4 the Act a a signed; by" the Pi-euldenibf thefeejiate andpeaker of tue, .HotVi P9"! i'lfrM! iutxoipieiei :aa;, piece oi legpjiaaaii. The question was then raised wBetbei', it cotiM be, Coroplelft. by.' the jrBBidibg ofJkcrB ipf, tho ior,pnsc. signing; after Aho adurnweMU. iTJUefl two gen tleoit'it met at Raleigh andfftr; con ultatIoii .iecWed that Ih'ey 'wpulrf rtbt1 . . . U mot V iJ k1i-ii ni: ' r "r (f; i. . i:, . i,f rnrtV f " Tbetiloitiej GeBca't" we uuder Uuiig'Lwf wqek, rendered tho lolluwing Ueeiiionr.!riii ;, r 1 lot; Thatthe tresidirje officers of the beforo, it bccoujqs ,I Wj, ;a nd , should do during the oeaskroyofv the General Assembly, and; 'f il . ""m : 1 2d,Tha( affixing' their Bignature' by the Speakers to a bilT is ( the finishing act of legislation, and is dot under the conirol of the Court. : ' J " .! H' the' rrcw. school bill is not the law, luyijig hec'u; teft incomplete by the failure.tf,ihe presiding officers to sign it, tlio old Mctiol law, as it btooq when the 'ia t VglslaltiTO assembled being in .Uuvy it liappencd that the bill, after piiMfiijr; 4)0th Houses ia not signed' by the t 6 pfetading' officers, is not' jek dain;i . '' AC JiheIasi -Congress.'. lUer was an trrot iu,,!,!! bill making as ap prnpiialiou I for ; thp v. Arkansas Hot trpriig, Wwiiig to' tbCfclerks of the en- ilwli, ,lKi,ng f ufunfc . f i o : nopfl i .our President of the Senate and Speaker I Of the Hoiisc andlhe7eTirbTinig""clerks, were not in the same moist condition I as their exemplars ill-Congress, en the I ast night of the session. If it should J turn out that our solous were in such a tatq of humidity as the Congress was aiid IhurnUy loat the benefits of aa im- I pKved!sclipcf law to the people of the I stste, tho fact would be strongly sug gestive of the necessity of a more vigorT I oils Witilativo temperance societv at t .1.. i. .:..i. . i, ': ' . DKMOCItATlO OFFICIALS. TV . . .' a L . j are.jioruicaaBwcenain uoiieo tors ol Intcrnaf Itcvcnuo in North Car olina hate Democrats employed ; as Deputy Collectors, stpxekeepers, and wirtghrs aiul gauger. This is hard to believe, from the fact that all of the I Collectors arc- lekding'Repubiicansjbut I yto iutetul U investigate this' matter, J aud t-hall Uifbrdv the public if it is so. No, Democrat, should be . employed in tlio fntprnal Revenue Denartment: the iiaum, tno Uommissioner oi internal Revenue, says he wants Republicans urtpointcdan IweflHulijaap arft iot ap- pointed it is the fault of the Collectors, therfwie they hoald, and will, be ex poed Cien liaum showed us a letter that he hd vrfiltn to a pernio, Cplee tor in Nbrth Carolina, about this map tcr. savioa o-the iCelteclortfaf 'there were comptaluts fh'ai he Was a'ppbintiog Denicksrats to office, and it' 'should be stopped,' if good reliable men, who were Republicans, could be found for the position, f iNowy, it a a s reflection, be sides a great outrage, on the Republi can parly w,heu,, these.,, Collectors ap iniint Democrats, and , we hope we are a carcfuL investigation that the repert is true, wo shall irtiblisb i$ nameo'iif tix.i iTulleciors: asweJl as their Demo cratic subordinaWt (Therefore we fire imely uotice. 1 1k roasiBLY. 'I Wo cut Iho following from the New born IhiHQcrat wntcn seems w by authority,. i W( r informed, that . saUafattory .m.iit ltcan tnado and en r"t: "y: .irx s c. it It i v va iuijV sv -w 11. and tho ltickmend aa4 iMaviUe reemviit Ibe A. . & J$. v.. lw xw u , am iutegral part of a grand truer une, aaa nut a aiiiiiua apiwuuacv aa uumr itw nections will be maatained . Vowhrrn and ' alorebead CurJ ana less than pio rata rates , w vwpany - - - 7 - - ivorahTo"and satisfactory fom -r" r.T - ? : . : . i . WliTrri that xke Fiom tlas ils to inferred that tfce lUcbmoaeajDanrmecoaiioal. entering Into an arrangement w wnia frelhu rewie turned irom vnw main hne lo twoT an rr r . at f Kama n I interested scbemee quite unlike rail - s.it. nnh mtike owl UicJ;ciml patrooa of the Richmond and ljn. M ? t -1 ! . ' . t r ii m.ii K , . . . . " - WaSgTT i , l)f,QA.FAW stand ir, Hun applied tf tb ttnpreme CMirt for'ainanda'nins "4i'ciVn (the two piesidjqgolKcira 'tcj; eign.. .tHe', bill. Tliat. trtur. i "SK STItUntr 7 '''.'" r ' ;..';... - - :.t ,) . '- 1. - I ;BMmGTON. -NORTH- OAdOArififetiSttM -J COL. B. B. MOORE. ' ! We have received, a communication from Western North Carolina, stating that Cot. B. K. Moore, the very gentler ' y an ly Solicitor of our Criminal : Court it eing ialked of in that section by the Democrats as a very suitable person to be nominated for Lieut. Governor in 1801 ' All we have to say about it is, tbey, could go much further and do worse,; We may add that Col. -Moore, bas tnany "strong friends in this part of the state who would be much gratified (tocfl.b.ini nominated by his parly. , Our greatest objection to him is, he ia a red Lmoathed Democrat. -Outside of hu pofitice he is a very escellent gentle- mao. ; ' ' ' "lt '" "' i f i ;' . 1 ' ' ;V-;i-- t ;A r All ' survivori ot the: late war, Con federate and Union, arelnvited to balis-1 T)Ury on October 23, 1879, to participate in a grand reunion. Ample accommo dations will befmado for the entertain" m'ent of all.' Lowest possible railroad fares have been secured. The commit tee of invitation says: - j, "Prominent citizens of the btatc a-jd of the United States, and officers of both armies throughout the Union,have been invited and are '-expected to at tend " V North ' Carolina furnished so many soldiers Salisbury will bo ovctrun if a small per eentsigi should take a notion tQ go. Mar, j . -) ! There are;ibout two huedred colored Union soldiers in this city, and about fifteen hundreu in the state, who will, we understand, attend the convention this is a grand shaking yf hands across the color line.!' ; .Wo upderslaud that the Postuflice De partment has'ap Mated Mr. H. T. Rol lins, of Mooro county, a route agent on the W.& W. railroad. We' congratulate the Department on this very excellent selection, Mr. llollins is a giXKlIiepub- lican, a very excellent gentleman and in every way superior to the class of men the Department bus been appoint- ing to theso places of l ite. Mr. Schcnck of Petersburg, has also beeu appointed. We understand that he is a Republican also. So the licpublican parly is to be congratulated on the last three appoiut- ments all ltepublicans Messrs. Bisu- bp, Rollins and Schenck. Now, if the department will discharge the eight- teen Dei'riocraU thev have in North and South Carolina, as route agents, and ap point eighteen good, square, homst, bard working, stalwort Republicans, they will then have performed their duty not until then. , News from Sampson indicates that Judge Buxton will certainly be sup ported from that county for Governor. A friend from Blaileu says everybody is for Judge Buxton, even the Demo- I erata say he is the best man in the state for the place. I SS chew jack3on'a Best Sweet NAvy I Tobacco. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. He witt give a TWENTY DOLLAR .... .. :. . QOLD 'PIECE t&the person who stnth us the larycst humlwr of flaying Subtcri bert within the next thuee months; or by ....... I ' the mh day of October, 1S79- Corn is on the rise. Grapes are plentiful in unrket at 5 peols per quart, j The weather has been clear and cool for Ihe past two days. No interments in Belle vue cetnelery the week. I I An xeursion from Shelby to this I cjt s t0 lake place -about the middle Of , September, so we learn from the Shelby A uronu An excuraipn from Bladeu county to Waccamaw Lake is to be bad shortly, bwt whether this party will come by i. nf Wilminstnn or tint wo hsVP nnt I . ' . & . heard - i, .i ami - i I ; An excursion party from Fayrltville i a fj t"-j I day morning nui by o steamer uor. i n..t 1 ' 7 I (Tknt. (iarrisoa ol ine steamer u. a . . . i jarcniwa the best and longest blower itt thestate. He may well and bard. 5rsare at work on the now light I ... . , . . B. IZZZTZSkT 1W j , q im snc wiU , 8he U to lA lae fdacw Uf ti sbin now on the Pan. whih fa 1 - . rtrvrn of WATKaon the Bae: 'Tbe I Tn0U report that soundings on Main at mraa Wr tide now b 11 feet C w:V iit ImSm hum mmtmr i iicanvvaiu " - linrswas made lo the "fly part of Unta; Addto th mt; feLsalit tima depU of water J ibe bar at klgk tWe of feet. : A;l'jt:-.i "VlaKHim-! K j ';lU i Nsw cotton ifljcom ing in, i i: n j , RctJiV Jng baptised sixteen persons in thia'fcity hub Simday.at i the fclVofQUiied itreet:';,l'in . t l vl. " . .; w v -I ,Ji The ReT. J. B. Barlow, administered the ordioancVlaptism tjr immersion to Bixten.1pr1aCj!SnliUiv.iUe Sunday, j 'nltrj-ii at ,imil a "fi'l .'! last ,36 :n f.tnrn9nr.' til Hi O'Uac-JAe omoeWKW ? jour, readers lUrJowl of ifeaeyodef; Lawyer wha-w'aurrpi'& t WlsreiiU. He 7l'rrif v Tiff-'!' tit .xifTU" j has ben knwong jhia fiends ana the vU8ines4finea41iaVcM'Uf.' Tt L Mackr. 5 Abot aear ago, he i asso ciated himself -Tn,'Uie : prance? of law with that vrY.dgnified. au4 corpulent gentleman IaawsiL "Dltrby who is kno wft v stf bo ? descendant n of Green 1 few day8,ffagaonj, calling- orl ttds law.-! firm to find, "tthaAroWrr i"rind,.i, MickS refused lo answerno TbatMamer f ther fore if oujf friniiJwlsfi!5o.ieAse ittus gentleman tipmu j'hini jMr. O'Macks.M Xne ' ifirW wiUMreaAer be known as Messrs. O'Dirby A O'AIacks. BuKGtini;.i-A thief entered the res-. idence pf .Capl.pJt. S, Radcli'ffe yester-. day morning atKiut 5 o'clock, and after rumaging through the desk drawers started to go front the ''sitting room' to. the parbr. t In openlng the dpor, con necting ; these rooms he made, a poise which attracted the attention of boo of the members tf the family, who spoke out, saying some one was in the housec U&pu li. tntmediately gpt up, but toe would be tbiei had disappeared through a back window, 'which' ' he bad raised and through , wiiich he nad't'ctetl an entrauce. Nothing ; was disturbed but the" papers in , the, drawer. .'Tho; fel low was evidently "'after'-lmofley, jbut missed it. He has a foot exactly eleiveu inches long, and is supposed ' to, be a white man, and Aho same who robbed Capt. Radclifio four years agui. i; '-' JMasou & Hamlin 7 0trcana-f-imlor ued by OTer 100,00V ttcllMltted pur- chSBer8;::rf: 'yi'---y ; ' Not lowest priced,"' poorest and dear est. ,, But higbost priced, beet ahdche&p esl Cost but little more .than inferior orgausi- CUve live linus the satisfaction. Last; twice as l0ng.:; Victors at all world's exhibitions. ' Ackuowlcdge best by all disinterested aud coraetent musi- ciaus. bona jaat, indisputable, sucn as no other organ maker in the world can Kft6(anftafc". Glorious news' for purchaseps.u Or and Introduction Sale. New Styles. fcrew Prices. Stop, Elc fjanl 'Case- $80 8perb v Mirror '- Top Que,; 10 "Mopj?; i$ays taial. , , Freight , pad noth , ways, if Or gan don't suit;''; Scld ' on : easy . terms. liQutel untill paid . for.' ' Delivered anywhere iu Ihd' South1 for extra. For full pailictilarsj address LUDDON & Bates, Savashah 4 Qa., Managers Wholesatb' ' tSotthern Depot. Prioe same as at the FaAorg. ' sept 1 4t ' The Earl of Mayfield is the title of a new and pow'erfuljJioYeVy a.win guiahed A-brltt aMho, now in pres and. now to h ftrbitohsd in a few days by'T. B: Petemn' eiroih'ersP phta. The opening scenes , are laid in Louisiana during .the early' days of the Rebdion, the iherb is a' rich planter. and the heroine Is a lovely example of pure womaohoou. The old .English Lomo is vory ' likely a uarpect' photo graph of art ideal hooe, as many simi lar ones exist in that identical locality It has the advantage of having but few characters, with good descriptions, ex eelknt dialoguos, Well sustained inter tcresti and conUtos ill: the lmeuU Of a Buecessim nove, the whole oetog , we toldp within the limits of -probability, and it will . no doubt prove to bo a great ku,ccc4. -r u wu oe issaea in ua " '.' ' V . ta ! 9 iform style with the works of Mrs. south worlh.in a large duodecimo- volume of d00 pages, bound in vellutn cloth, black and gold, price $I,,oO. The magistrates EaVe not been very busy during the past week and moot of the cases disposed of were trifling. Robert Lovett, assuH awd battm on. Alice Fairfcttj d .doe. penny and Charles OwnnvwiiauUaad baUery on Loq Loftin ; fined one pe7 and coats. Charlca Jackson, awault and battery on Win, Gordon.;; finf one. peRCJ tod; eosts. Wo. Uordoa, aisaalt awd battery on Chsrlcs Jackson; fioej; one peony and Wm. Gordon, nil iut, deadly weapow ow Ckas Jaeatoa Defendant was rounnd gunij, Wt it ;do damage was done, it was adjudged ? that ihe case be dismissed 'm the pay men l of fine t5 awd ciU lTiecase 'agsiwH John lleadefwaii. the .alleca Jtuof w. . diwwd upon ihe paywKml eicost. Charks Harper, Urcay f cbkkeaa, was nut to jail e 4 4a ;!of kk appcranceit ine nt ttnsi cf lie Unmaxl CoorC OvbeT UiTang raaroi asroU and baUery were dr-oa of HR-id on IU in li CHituJim vA cw . ."r 1 ... : ' , r- rri : r: rjrim- -.-z .::::.."! : i, it?Jt ' Marriage license were issued to1 only one colored couple during the week. Mr. H- N. Latham a former resident of; this city,, died in Aiken, S. C-i on Monday last. it m Only ,jtwoTfntermeiiur in OakdaJe Cemetery 'during the past week.1 Qao adoln one child. . j , u. There were sixl iitermeiits In Pine Forest Cemetery during tb& weeki jfoiir adnUs aid two chiklrenidlonA j " lo v; :nd i.of tl ' V .vtuuttUt-tf j ?UJ o TheiyAwl boat of the German barque Shanghai !M toIeh Wednesday night win. inuicrui vu Auursuiiy... tr" mm i -i(: ; . J -S i . -,'Eif ar olVenearce and Sighfio jthia market. V Now "i ihei twe for -our court? inenuji to iniognr uieir ggc . i'i rsi v; j -' r-vT vncii i Mrs; Hester A.tFoyIesJiiotuiOrt of the fate Daniel M. Foyles ol'thls city) died oft the 5pt Ips'abse,' Texai 1 " 1 id 1;: ' '.fi, ,'.-. --nu -i!l iMr.,Marcus .Bear, ts. couflned to his h time by sickness. We trust beobj not as' sick as is feared by his friend."; " vr:: ;-.' ; .' . -i-' - 1 Bf rl; A.'Dl'Bro.wn, who has been so sickt, a ritoga . wa n re glitd to: learn out of all dattgeT'Kud i lowly iniprov- ill. .t;t."n;;; - 4-"ruU-; ' ,' ,l!Alderman''FIanuerI of . 'the'M 'ward who tias peiu sojQuruiug at t Briar Sulphuf SprhuV'V&: r tho Green returned to the city;; I f 1 ! His; Ilbnor, Mayor Fishblate,; who has been absent for the past three weeks returned Thursday night looking much improved. ' sx v'. -r; -r-i: ' .!-,! ... - .. ..... .. , , The out side world will please send ou its' challangee, they will be taken care of by the "Sawed OfTs," 4Full Moou"or "Chaffipions.'V ,. . , ',- ; sc: , r-r-.. ,!..'. Rev. Dr. Patterson . returned to the city yesterday morning aud services II, therefore, be - held at the usual boors, morning; and eyening, in St. John's Church to day. " ' . Richard Sherwood was seriioly hurt on Friday by having a restive horso to fall on him. He is better tlnd will improve, though very slowly it is feared. -. . . i m . ; Marshal J. B. " Hill was in the city on yesterday, he paid us, a call. 'He inquired" about the condition of the Sherman Boom in tho interview, and her said that Mr. Sherman, in his opinion, should carry the state, and from the way tho people ' talked he woukf : r. Messrs.;- Baily and Laugly, Siiecial Agents of the Postoiiice Department were in the city the past week, and we are informed that, contrary to the rule, they are good Republicans, fltf is very refreshing to hear of a Special Ageni of the Postoffice Department being a Rg-' publican, therefore we joiild not refrain from making a note of It. ' ' " ! ' ! ' ' CE1, ,TH lAsSESSilXTi:-The County Coram issioaers, -. A&sessora and Magistrates of Brunswick county met id Smithnlle on Monday, in accor- auce wim me taw, to . rcviso lite as sessments on property in the -county. That portion of the Yilmington, CoU um.qia. Augusta Railroad ' running through the county was originally asv eeesed at H.300 per mile. Capt Jno. F. Dirine, the Buperinteudeot of the road, succeeded in having the assess ment reduce to 1 3,HX) per, mile. .. . i' i - - e- -. ,;- GlIY 5oUKT. Lawrence Koyal colored, Was arraigned for being drunk and disorderly,' and sentenced to pay a Cue of d pr go to prisou for Oflecu tlays. Joanna Taj lor, colored, for being drunk and resisting police, was fined $6. Larry Doa Uj, for eing druuk and down in llie , atreoU, was told to leare 50 with the City Treauier. '-' Charles Dlarpr, colored, was arres ted for aleal'ngchickenH. The pruouer was turned, over to a trial Ju&lico (ot an earuinjUoa and iuyesUgaiion. )eTeral u aim porta at cases, of drunk were disposed of, and upon tho request of thisc interrsted wo wilhold names. luzJiUX A. CK!rrix.-Thi choop erarrtTe4at ourwharree on Friday, having on board Messrs. Dyer and DavU, too young men about whom there has been so much anxUty. On the lSUt int, he encountered a hurri cane otT ihc rxjL ci Virginia which tool; away Um mainsail and otbcrwue ioiurcd he. Che lock li. chance of the high m, ontil the weather became calmer, when the rigging tat repaired and oa the ZTth hm aaado Frying IVc Sheala, where tho anchotrd &aUl a lug reached fee J lowed bet to tbe ciiy. 6be at oe time us4 barely mumtd beiag Ikrwsm npoa l bcstcK aad ailrward broke bet litter, aa4 efran; aleak. Her I tesir Urea-ih . scapca, Jjeasr. Dytt I &d Datis rwewt a wars wJttct i rro Uetr irtesw. ii;tdv. w'AimTimElsrrs -i RALE OP -tl TlieVj WilmiiigtoD, ColiuaWa Augusta RaaRdlaV .7'. Vf. all Under 'Decree of Poreelosure TY VIRTUE OF A Df5CBEE.eftR,THH Circuit Court ot the TJallett tat fad the District or Xfonn c&roiina, ux joatoiM Distriot,' msd In the m ot' George 8. Brown and i Knoch- Pratt,' trnsteaa oom plalnu ts, against The Wilmington, Colum bia, and Augusta Bail Uoad OompanyjCe fendant, the undersigned, , Duncan, ff, Xiva. OommlMioaer aypolnted by said decree, will sell by public auction, to the highest bidder, svt theOoort House door in the City of -Wilmington, In the state of Worth Carolina,-onWEDNJaDAT.tHK FUtST ' lAx OF OCTOBJEB,- A. IW XS7. at 12 o'clock. M the enUre Rail Road, as the saute exists and Is sew used, kaon as the WHJiilNUTON, COLUMBIA fc AUGUST A Wilmington, la the state ox .North Carolina to the Citr of Columbia. In the state of South Carolina, distance of One Uaadred and Ninety-One MUes. with all 'the tail ways, Kighta of Way, Depot Qronnds, and other Xands. Tracks, Bridges, Yiadacts, Iepots, Station Houses, Knglne Ueases, Car Houses, Freight Houses, Wood Jloases, Machine Shops, and all otner shops. Hofaess or Buildings, and aU Locomotives, Tenders, (jars ana otner ftouing uck or juyup menU, and all Machinery, Tools, Imple ments, Fuel and Material of Any kind for constructing, operating, repairing or re placing the satu Jttatt ttoexi, or any part thereof, and all Appurtenances or Fixtures of the same, belonging o, or purchased by, saidbelore named defendant, together with all I and Blngnlar. the Corporate , Rights, Kiranchlses and privileges, oi in said aoove named defendant, as the same are set forth in the Indenture of Mortgage referred to in. the Bill filed in Bald case, and all the estate, rights, title, interest property claim and demand of Bald defendant, in and to any and ail Real and : Personal . Property, or ett'ects herein before referred to. or which is owned by said defendant. - Lu I " " -TERMS OF SALE, n : : The1 purchaser Will be reaaired to ost In Cash, on the day ot sale, or within Thirty (30) Days thereafter, the nm of Twenty Thousand Dollars, and the residue of the purchase money in three equal payments, at Three, Six and Mine Months, lrom the day of sate, with interest from that date at the rate of six per centum per annum. The purchaser or purchasers maylpay any part Of the purchase money not required -to be paid in Cash, in : any or the outstanding bonds, or the coupons thereof, secured by the mortgi or deed or trust, referred to in me jsiii anu aecree in saia cause, to the extent or the pro rata percentage of the par value of the said bonds and coupons which the holders thereof will be entitled to re ceive upon the distribution of the proceeds of the said sale under the aforesaid decree. The certificates of indebtedness mentioned in the Bill and decree In this cause, will be received in payment of the purchase money except the sum of Twenty Thousand Dol lars above mentioned, at the same rate as coupons of the mortgage bond, provided that the coupons pledged as collaterals for said certificates, and to a like amount therewith, shall i accompany and be sur rendered with the said certificates. l'oesession will be delivered to the pur chaser whenever and so soon as one half of all the purchase money shall have been paid to the undersigned Commissioner, and assumed all the contracts and liabilities of the Receiver heretofore appointed in this cause, aud shall have iudetuultlcd. him RpUnxt the same, and when the Court shall iue purcjinser or purcuascrs snail , nave no order under the terms of the decree, DUMCAN J. DKVANK, s - i ' Commissioner ana's to I .-,..'.. . j : . UEASOJNS Yf U x ' j ..' -. " ' j '"'. ' "t - , v i;t;u-DAY IS . . i;"i;itr: uiiuJ 4 it ; 1 Si i-' ! f i '! J ' ' ' -.11 PAIN - KILLER IS TBS Best Family Medici ii 8 of the Age, And wny It should be kept al ways near at hand: . . -I! - : 1 - liit. Pain-Killer is the most certain Cholera cure that medical science has produced. . ,. , i 2nd. rAis-KiutE,M a DkirroaandDys tmm-Tj i vmeujr, cciuoxn 11 CVCTSSUS, .-fed . TAiii-KiM u will cmto Cramp or r.it 'x ,.i,y part of the system, A ikmi ancctsacure. i iih. -Ta i !-K i lI.sr w M 1 cu re d y spcrwla and lodisesUou,if used aocerdlus to dirvc- &th. PAU.KiLMrm isaaaltuAstnovot 4a U ins cure for bodden Colds, Contb 4rc Wh. rjkiM.KiijabasptvlaHuvlcw flmely ftf lTr and Aur. od CtotU . r'ever; tt UMrcd thotSMMobotiaatO caM-s. lb. I'Aiii-Kiuia as ilmot te equaled fr in4 Itttn. VJillblama, Hams, Uralses, Cuta, pralas, Jbe. Slh.rAiK-KU.Laa luu rwrd ras ; ol Hbratoaiisas aad Nrorals'iaaftoryiani standing, i , . . ; i .t - , 1 hh. HAl!-KiUJUiwindstny tmOM.r' oaa. WblUowo UM Horoa. slvtsm retiol from pata after lb am appUeaiksa, ba. rAiM-Kitxaas nr Uex4aa.a4 11 u. r Aiv-KiLuaa IU rwa asyvsd sm aa4 sNur a AaUar la sum !3Uu I'ata-Ktuuca bs bo oafcot srr tamy osn oa yatoaasl to a , hrv ysaWs yrrprsti i, sa to , a aad bjoo lo rry auatly. Tho smaapsMoty owoaaiat ti a w ia tao trml vartay of 4 say aooautaty osovisnsiosl by IV tl ct4 assoaat ol pi as4 Sriis uao oaa a atunoiai laiona lis Baaao U UofwraU afsw orvrf -1 a4o rs w sir jsaaiio asow Oalwaya TbiAidtrtm kaa rrfci4 ta fwr s 4 tao Otrta InisMtao 'ictao tt ta UMtr wa-aii otivtiuio mi l-. rks . : ci tt a ua1 L. (iMtairr IMfUM NEW ADVEETISEMEirrst i Vu ' list Sonant .cremvo t?d;otifi h stood at an. open window j m ' I - ii?lnfcf owthaslll4, r-.J , And IT something hadn't happened ' "' WemlghthaTe stood thero stjll; , Butwo reached tor a banging shuttor . 4i .ft'wo'ww wmtw arecsfl. eo our mends wyj haye to be iny ljled TojolhtM bbeeqoles. ' - 4 " fc'oraw.i y& la nm i59d xtl il-- IF W COCLD ONLY HAVE KKOWN X wou s iktrm u bmln iin tMi i and bow Car off that shatter was, we sheuM peTer have ventured our head outside of that window; hot It Is too late lor regret , . tiwijiiuiwjtt. completely squelched, hav been sat anon, and our IrIenl.l the public eenerallyt re re. spectfully invited to at bend theobseouleaan XI 0 14 Saturday nkx1' ISO WO Sta&e'Oar rrnmtnUnn nta '.Itm l,ii.. the grandest-! uneral they ever wluossed. Ashe slips ho slides, and every time ho Slhe "JfJ"?"1- woefully. Ve icavo arHJund friends" ta find out tiia ,.1Annn of the above-and while they arc doinuno we wiU ask the following question: h the State? " " 7" 7 .7"- vT?f . "f ' TIavnt we the Wilmtoatoar yt: ' Z "Si Ilavn't wo made r1ccs modi l'ii-tiinM Bivnt we been and impolite to .you? 7 7.. ,7 dSe?ed?We yW n h ,sood aud refused to ' oprreot thetu when our atleu- w5 ottr' blends who answer "rss" to . "wiromiuj nu truly. P.L. BRIDGER8 &C0. In glancing overlant kudiIatV reBrettcd to noUce tho tacit aduiowlodic- -f i ,r?t? "onwof our brother grocers that wo had taken v mrtni ihui. ...i.. . .. nisklnc an apptal to the others not to lenvu tbesn. W e rcKret this ejKeedinSly, eapeclal- JU?l Uuy w,,r 80 klud 'U cJaMdcraio bout ourcomlnRto irrlcf.but suppose, as ........uiuiuwuuiu, -, ;!,. LARGEST RETAIL GROCERY BUSINESS s.io...' ever douo in t Hiuloetou. we wfll In tho rutur have to keep lrom lH-iujt Mi tender mef?- "TN "ilvK sVuuJjo THE BLOODY CrlASM HAS BEEN tilUUtiED UVEB. THE LITTLE JOKERS arc noVquIte 1 gone.: - '" ' '-' X', A fine lino of TOILET il eel red to-dar. verv low aori. ro- 3 1 J .. ' 7 ' ' ' - -i The OLD CAPE FEAR is flourishing ; ' and MARTELLE swimming. Wo have been over and smoked that "CJtar of Pvaec" a fine Havana It wasabat stUi think Itwoaldbobad policy to ui furnlsbtn the papers with our Ads liu-rar y pruducUuns, as thry have the tesdewy u keep prices very low, ; which we, of omrM, wtta all other sjood gTocors. Uir; fniy want onoucb left to pay for clera'abtro J N0T PURITANICAL v ' t - " f. - t : , , . AlthOUf tl eiwtftl l tlut drinkinir tt Unuof. r. U UKI 1N1KOH a IU. . partlaaloal eaouch to rrfuso krll !', as thv taiak oo K115KT C1AIW til9t'UlV HTUUK can afford to bo wuaoat; bat Uv promtso mo ladies taat tfcry vusu nrir Cod esrt ISw mm s on tt maUn, as It most bo takc olaro bcro lo b oraaa. DWMOARDNER, . ' tsTUARTS DEW and " DURHAM OLD liVE rtodttd this week. : - try ock dutto: and laux TW pri. U(. aad Uai COCN WULSkJIY la list Hast, lo be boiagU valval , P.L BRIDUKRS & CCS. I iwutaiorMfnaawM. I V aaaaow rmr.vtrMM lsaos amswot I mm s Xw 1 ata aaoar st"i.u J Ii r f f : 4 : si bin:' , . S

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