1 THE -'WILMINGTON POST. V, P. C AN AD AY, Ed'r'A Frop'r WILMINGTON, X. C, '.-' .;..y Mokmn;,'.Seit.'H, 17'J. i ;.ir. i.nce, a very iionorao.c ; '.inr lb publican in .South Carolina, is.ur Icred a few day ago by the j l):.n.,cratic demons of that state, Il j-s uid tbi&Mr. Dricc hid just reorran- .i.-j -.1 the lclul!ican party of his county it -1 .ttlipir ready for t!ie next c.in:: iiiirii, a!, :i the Kci Shirty, rallied ,u:..!'j.uV him out of the . way, ,Not a ;-;c is.niOCatIc . paper in the state j. :.!!;,-.!. cd tfi'e matter they keep it per ! ..'.!'. .-:!..:;'-. ,"I5ut murder will out." , i otf Republican has written the" j'.j s to a 'man iu Washington, and so t-,'j matter was rnaae puoiic. .i;ut mere u.-.. tii' i; and.s of others who are "killed a ; 1 one '.ever, knows 'of it outside of t it- immediate neighborhood. Nothing e ver stop this until the last one of ?V:K:se ii.-."tvtms'are .hung, aslthey ought . t , I.:. ' . - V Co!. Young has gotten out a bench v.. ir rant for Col. Bennett and other? v. :.o took part in' the ro-taking of the blockade gtlods from the Revenue Col- "lector, at Wadesboro, a few days ago jihcagent hau captureu awagon ioau , j of t -bacco which was running the ... . i . i . l ; ' blockade and carried it to Wadesboro, took it an returned it to the owner. They claimed that they had a writ from the Clerk of-the Superior Court, but if : nc!i v.a.i the fact, it was not worth, the paper it wuf written on it was only a .pretext to-get. .a criminal friend out ot the ay. The matter will now be set i led, 'and notwithstanding the very high standing of the parties, they should be made' to know that such conduct wil be punished by the courts, let the de iVndants be lawyers or farmers. , 'The true meaning of it is, Colbne l;junettivants to be Governor, and this j.ct is the beginning of his canvass mm i ' If Cyrfi.-C W. Field's word is worth , all Samuel J. Tilden ia a r; .:akiii:f liar about a matter. of busi ;k Vs. itfi Field,- Fields states that per ':!! ow'nilijf over nine-tenths of the '(: I l.i the: New York Flevatcd Hail . .; 1 ''g:u,d an agreement not to put t'.t ;r stock oh the intir'ket, .Tilden among j hi. That Tilden directlv .transferred h. to. h to l.i nephew, l'eltou, anel th.-i iVit in wont to. trading it oil' sc e -. 'y 1 r Tilden.' That the Htock went '-.( lo per-jharc, aiid I'tlton sold wo i r! that it "fell to UU. Fields also ... (, ih.it l'liden came on board of the : ufher a.-, he was .sailing for Europe- "v. li: M-red'.' to'him that he would !. !;i hj l up the stocks; and that he had , 1 ! ' . ot' out oi, the harbor before l ),.u-i:'s 'tock weittVoathc market. L it i ' ; . ..y.i of "Tilden: thus conduct ' was't in- a revelation of tho charac-;;-:" I' i he man, but ol" w hichT had been i f . .jue-'.itly warned, but ol which I had !i t;; ver a ;;reat iiuui. Cunniug i.i hiit f j; nJi is it the kind of ability . i ' ' p..;t lie olhccrs. (. raft ayd :' : i.'.ake :i politician, but not .i i.-tc :,.a:i. Mr. Fields concludes: 'Tt :' N;' ri i:c alter a close intimacy . ; ; vars' is-worth anytJting, it is ' 1, - ' a man so'giyen to 'vyays that a! ' da:1. , i ) canning and vleceit, that !i i S v ev ::aMire is so false and treach ,i t;.uj:he 'cannot be trusted either s :i.i- r politie; and that the : :i i j .':! y that intrusts either inter i ''-" : lioaor to his kecpiug is ?uro to 1 1 vol.'' Cyrus is certainly savage : ltlv Mt'ss'tSSltVPi'lMHUULIO. I 'he i vc.nion of tho trial of the Kem . v'r- c.. unty murderers, '' and the 'testi mony o: Mrs. Chisholm, gives an ' pp por'.uinty -tVr a little' more than the . i jniary a'.teilti. : to the n (fairs ef that ;.:'.e. . . .. Wo j ::b!i-li iu another place the re iK ri ' !. l-.tT testimony as sent by the As,(V-i;.ic 1 I'ress. I: is of course only tho. ! cj'o li'.iiiti of the old and horrible ':t'ry, f:U w d print, it so as to give some thiiiUke a sviwipsis of the proceedings oi the ia;if. "' T A: the time time with this trial there 0 i:i pf.yro? in Mississippi & contro efy o:i uiou the Democrats .u to whether th. Yazoo and. Kemper, the flu t pun jvoUcy shall be coutinucd. 1 here are two partit among the l?m i cr.; i :i the .jacilion, eno for, and one JvprtvAtirily ; ajtaiat the shot-gua p. -Iter by which I-iiuir wsu c ut to the e:,.at sn.t Chalmers and Singleton and vther to the lIoue the policy ty which the: IVajocrat acquired un b :1 i'wer. ' Nellie id;a vT tl.c ute vt'.'tltici may c :- t.vd bt fw citiact frm the Vw Injury :r-.:., x rry abU and tficrs.l'e IVracHTatic paper. Ifuyt. I t:.' I'urK-K - id we nwan bv the I u:t.- t,.o f viitwo lViuxrU who 'i ' :;:cu-.i tl.a: the jut.c the meaa, t. n-.iittr how ;ucy.;v3A&'. th uiat Jtkjr.a cvovectioa. ; They ; art .) fir :h:t cuacatica U malt s.oaiaatsva Ur every cifce, and Uea j ;h liviti t'.r.ah, tairlv, if thv y iit;cr n:eaa, if they tfatiu-a. u to el tb &eTlk lijr Wf4 e (et oat Utitl ia x:: 1 r u" Ai lh culvd 5i tp . vv:aty . t reauty 'f the i-.: W tta .rtKa ef ?h t-xo: tat " iUj t lSe 4-kTl': . rv::r iU- ot a . c?iri eiJ of If they mean they will elect their ticket by a suppression of the colored vote in some way, (and if they do not mean thisj what do they mean?) n it not for the patriotic, thoughtful, whlto citizens of tne jeountry to say, "Our situation is not so desperate ai to justity any such course"? The evils that will flow from such a course are almost innumerable,' ... ! ! a V a mi I rrti m Ant tViot r .avance(i in faVor of it, via., that unlesa tte j0 report to a suppression of this vote, it will ue massed against us to reni'jru i iuic ui j rrjuuice, uate, acu anaticism, id not at the present time ourid. To resort to violence or fraud. or both, virtually places. u under the rule ol tue Ou'kt instead of the ballot. It ,is undeniable that our fctreet.i. have lrcady witnessed scenes of blood from iobnrr. that o-,i ifj !ir-tiv m t this evil. At, one time "here, when it was thoughe that the bullet and bull- zing would control the affairs of this county, no one felt safe, for it could not be told who would be rthe mark . ol the fcsperado and the' assassm The only thing that stopped this fearful rlu Vl y .x lDe ft i m of the people that these methods should itcir.i u uu., only thing that will cause it to exist again, is the permission of Osgood citizens, or meir counienanee oi io- ence, fraud, and intolerance. , 1? puta'tfo proper officer, pre The Herald further says that "the sentinj, a Treasury Warrant for money colored voters that to a great extent represent the labor of the county (War- . ,. t ,' reiij reiiues., reprewuwuuu uy vo uiru of their own race and choice, m the Ieei8lature'" from the county) also one as treasurer of the county, a diputy in as his testimony would have you be the sheriff's office; a deputy in the. Heve r -Far from it indee Does any chancery clerk's office, and one-third of the magistrates and constables. un I these conditions the colored voters "will agree in -eucIi a manner the white I voters r.innftt. tmssihlv dnnbt theiftrood I faitb-to support any white candidates . t j . o the white voters can agree upon for the remaining oSccs." This proposi- the craftadvocates and adds : "tiuch a consummation would be 'just and right, fully in accord with the'eonserva- tive principles of the Democratic-Con- servative party and the: Vicksburg Con-, vention, and its future value as a precedent cauld hardly be estimated, Fcacc, harmony,' and progress would spring from it, while distrust and bitter- ness between the property owners and , , j.., r , laborers would be swept away for long yearsjto come." The earnestness with which the Jin uW advocates this compromise on the , , . ground that the colored voters are two to one white in the county, is certainly a faint sign that there is some little sense left even atnuiife the Missis- the .pcopc that is to be upheld by oc . , ,.r . ,, .... ,i casional advances of this kind, or are s.ppi Democrats, We shal see x heth- there t(J be rc.ular advances to him, er the plan will succeed or' not. 11 it does not the shot gun plan will. In the meantime a letter-has turned up, written by the late Captain if. M. , , uixcn, oi lazoo county,. to tue ne. Air. nednx , oi lvairiieiU, . lowa, ana published in the Des Moines lie jitter. It was -written only eiirht davs before Cant. Dixon's murder bv James Harks- dale. We Publish it below as throwin-r further light upon 'Mississippi politic: Yazoo City, Aug 11 Leslie liatiett, Lay,., Richland) Keokuk County ,. Intra: m.f yVuia'copy v 'VFie'lferaTd1, 'atV. am grieved to say it is too true all you have heard through the northern press ot the outrage perpetrated in this countv on July "Jo. .cinee that time a perfect reign oi terror has existed in this coun ty. My associate on tho Independent ticket for Chancery Clerk has been hunted and his house surrounded fur several nights by armed men, number ing from oO to 100, demanding his with drawal from the canvas's, but as yet they have been unable to, see Mr- J. t. Bell, who is the candidate for Chance ry Clerk. There is no Republican ticket In this county. " The indepen- denticket is composeel of Democrats, but on account of the colorexl people supporting the ticket so generally, it has aroused the Bourbon Democrats to such a high pitch that, they declare no opposiliou ticket shall be put in the held. I.very ellort is ' bein made to cover up their action here on the "th ult. i on cannot imagine or picture the scene of that meb, and but for our gallant Mayor, J. II. Holt, blood would have been spilled and myself and many friends murdered. As to the race issue that is all bosh. The negroes are ail quiet and could not be aroused to arms by any one, and were they to attempt such a thing, no one would rally to the protection of the intelligence e)f the intelligence of the county quicker than myselt, and every white person iu the county knows it, I have said nothing as yet, but so soon as the , time arrives 1 will be heard from. You w ill please not use my name if you publish this, as it may icjure me m someway. 1 intend to come out with full details as oon as ii ia prudent. Yours very trulr, H M. Dixon-. If there was ever any doubt as to the helliah pjMceediD by which that infa mous state is held by the Democrats, uch information as the above dispels iU If ever there ha Ik en hell i:i rarth and dcvila ia hum.- ' ; -, ;Lvv ex:: among lie ;:. ;CjjiaJ barbariac. TII K W. X. t It 1 1 Llt A I) lt lecmi that for tome I'tat Mr. -Wil-on had fallen ioto the habst ot ti.nag very much as he pleaael ia f rcci-d t the afaar of the road, vithc-ut refer- ace ta the ite. If he asJ any thia a hebcuSht it. If he -aasl a locvinotive he bought U ot IiaJi-sa A C1 l&Misoa avwaat. asd cf this iriO he Krro wed of tie uu? I a t: . . " ose-: Jsl UtliSit t I.fiSJ ire Li. -rfv . . .. . " : ' " ' --. aa u " " -r ; tie fa'. IzAl of a taiUiI arwirafU. . lt Ja. ;:rT .7 . 4. IT" - lfaV. ..a. aa.. f . - i ww- t -wwa a B . 7 r ' "i-.fm. i i ij ia w Mit;&i ihi i ; taraed atv-a lb itra iaaraAlsa ai i . . . , " " . ii I ecetae. aad! S iaat taettocie h de-re-b4w mntrmrtmm 5 v-" -.Jr. l.: k.. T!r 'i I""?'! ?t i m imw oi uw rM wvs ni'4 ifvi the ' t- , i jajkiy. jar. jaiwj m mi. ynmmi ;f ut, t:t; w,- ue. ac, aaj ijfca-? . t ts..vr v . i - - t. ai a -. I It crr a . firaUr, ,a a. I Vit V.,7Ykz. i tlmlre I -tre eP a4ai al XU ki Z-ltZZZuSZ Ttt7 ' - '' ' i ' '' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ... ccs for a party to borrow ; money of a party to get the means to do his own business, and then save tho credit of the party from whom he borrowed, by his rvi: guaranty Uut Mr. Aiken si i-iiis lo have been "doing exactly that. v ( :i p:i (Jo. l.c. No. 27, Mr. Wilson sav : - " One new engine h.is been pnrcbed bv me from Baldwin rc Co., ofl'bila :c'phi.i, 'for$7,-1X. of which w as furni.-hed by the State of North Carolina from the amount due this Company fjr the superstructure of the road, Mr. Clayton and I guaranteeing to the state that crosa ties to that a- mountshoula be furnished to reimburse the state, and the state-should have a lein on the engine, as well as our per sonal security ; the balance, fi,500 was furnished by Mr. Clay ton .and myself. , At this point Mr: Aiken makes the sollowin comment.: ; Ju,t here the commitlee migbt have takeQ a Qew d torc and hadMr W. laiueU how jt wa3 that the BUle Treasurer was so exacUng as to require of h!m aecurit before drawing thia i.WO said to be "due the company fur 8U ' tructureJof the road. ' When uch an eiampieolar. fn th nfaSt.ileTrpa.su- Idue his coMpany, to give security for the amount, and that payable in cross- ties too, before : drawing the money 1 , insnl-n(.fi gf.ema 1- m08t to muca Jor nuraaa paUence liut. is Mr. Vilson a dolt or an idiot v ,hat ti,e $0,000 was "due this Company for superstructure of the road" or fjr anything whatever:? No lythi not onc- iT- Mr. Aiken now asks of Wilson & Co. . . , . , a very serious question wnere vuu wuien auinonzes euese- u3a luua' "l .w " 1S 1U lue authorities to look into this matter a .?. anu. uc Bome 01 lue peopic, especially along the line of that road, may dnsire to know whether the de- tails of the business of this large cor- portion are carried on without legal authority, or rather on defiance Of law. llerc is Mr. Aiken's language: ,w, 1win I,oint out thf. laW3 Vndcr which these guarantees, hens and per- sQnal surelic3fcwere executed, and-this ?0,000 of the people's money turned over to Mr. Wilson? Where is to be the end of this line of policy in paving out Treasury funds on the demand or iinportunitoflhis Al-tocuat of Mud jm u his "reputation aa a rait road man" so precious in the eyes of upoa tl,e ,,anifc ki:i 0j- u0CUrity; of SO per cent, out ol the Mate .treasury on every urchaso of rollirg s-tock which l ' .' d:PI'" ;'-'"ry in order that tho friends ot his candidates .may be carricd m. to the political conventions aud elections alonir tlic . N. C. li. K. Is thisthe programme ? If not, what is " -Nuw Alkc UolA out Uia' saw as a frightful.examplc of Wilson's manner of doing the business of the road and the state. It seeins by Wil son's .statement that the saw mill was owned bv him, the timber Cut from his I .. j 1... . . t. - . - . - !:-. There scetiu; to have been no terms otherwise with the state: Now concerning that siiwmill, so prominently shown on the Committee's Diagram of , ' Mud Cut and its surround ings," the object of admiration for. so many thousands of excursionists, hear him : t. ' Kxplaiu how your saw mill at Round Knob is b-.dng worked, '' A. "'The saw mill is my own; kept in repair by me; the timber furnished, by me, but the;' mill is worked by con vict labor; the. compensation to be re ceived by me is to bo fixed by the Treasurer of t life 't: t ; 1 have received nothing yet !" . ro iuuneu.se is the value of the yearly rental of this -Ix.'i. sun- mill, 'that' all Western North Carolina cannot furnish a man or men capable of estimating it, and the solution can only be accom plished by reference to a man ac custoand to counting in the millions. A handsome tribute (?) iudced to the intedl.igcnce of the lumbermen and mill men e f this region. We now give room to Mr. Aiken's final diatribe again: the unhappy and rascally Wilson, an I his confreres en gaged in doing business for the state. We mrdet'y suggest in behalf of eur self atid our readers, that Governor Jarvis, some day when he feels well enough, shall take one of those junket ing excursions of his out west, make a call on Major Wilson and look into his manner ef doing business forvthe state. He had better take alocg hl Attorney General, so as to ascertain whether Wilson has in fact been violitic law. They may make cut a cae cf rriuK evm. between Wilsou and the Ute, as they easily ccuM now a ess? of rr?n iu'um ' :h :::: i. " - - ' i .1 t" . iu; i frc i- .s boat : . We have -w-vit tlii Mm Ct"T CltliK in tUc rliaraser of lrrklo.t general rcnagcr and .;!? corstrac'or, mikij-j: iarje veibj! and ecret bartiln with jh Ce ffipaEraamsorvlevl eicrpt a hi own private acroott caim a 4xvmotive ia pcw5e-j--n of the rwad as hi own, easployig the bo!e rxi f t h. cwa pern-.s! ue at hU oa p-.ure. d a n men carrjisc the mt-c fc;;;ae ;r. L. brtcii" ivkl. i lhc u Tt l!tia aalc- j 4&a ;A of u tU.e Mt . BAaf?i u ; tify hs rreediae. If wi h a i c:rTt' y li ih; t4 tU .- . . . x i . ' i - " -1 " ' - Mf airsa A only a fractional citizen, and moreover haviaf only a sort of left-handed ac qaaiatance with those dignitaries who now loonge aroand the Capitol at Ilal eigh, we ooght to apologise iHfrhaps for the freedom with which we have given publicity to Mr. Aiken' sayings, aud veBtilated Mjor Wilson's busiue.s habits. If that" placid and cumprehyn sive brain, how our Talinurus at the helm of stale, wt wa has already con ceived one "Norlb Carolina Uailroad Policy," will nowlcnd a small amount of its genius toward the achievements of Major Wilson, no doubt there will be a chance for lurther - poucics. iu fact thia conglomeration of "Mud Cub?," aawmilla, tie-getting, wood liauUug:and oonveatioB running, indicates Uat there ia already a policy- TIIK TWO VICTORIES. The electibn in California in which the Republicans cariied all their Con gressmen, their Governor and the Leg islature has been followed by a greater triumph in Maine If it might bewaiu that in California the result was due to the confusion in the rauks of our uppo nents.jit may be said with much great er truth that the result iu Maine is due to rigorous discipline in our own rauks. It has been very rare that any man ever brought ''to a canvass such complete knowledge of the situation, and used that knowledge with so much judgment. It is a brilliant triumph, not only to Senator Blaine, but to those who came gallantly to his aid, and the true men of that state. The whole ?ote cast thi. year , was about 14,000 more than last year when the Republicans were beaten. Of tujs the Republicans gained ll!,0'K. the Greenbackcrs 9,000, while the Demo crats lost 7,000. The Republican gain came mainly from a latent vytc that was brought out, and Republicans re claimed from tho Greenbackers, togeth er with a few bolting hard money Dem ocrat. The surprising thing is that the Greenbackers cast about 00,000 votes, while the Democratic vote feli to near ly nothing, thas leaving :thc Republi cans with a round majority above both factions, lacking about C00. 'lhe Sen ate stands, Republicans 18 out of V,l, and the LTouse SO Republicans to &1 fusion. V The contest on all sides w;as nearly the hottest and bitterest ever knuwu in the annals of partisan warfare. Every little remote locality seemed to have been crowded with coptcsting speakers .and managers, and flooded with printed docunieuts. Added Id this were all those showy appliances of musie, trans parencies', banners, pyrotechnics .ami gay processions,whic'u recalled the mat uprisings of 1S40 and 1SG0. WAIT. The order has gone forth from the CommandcriuChief, from all the stump, speakers, and from every news paper iu the Democratic party,. thati no more bulldozing shall be committed in the south during the elections iu the blood-thirsty demons of the Democratic party have been ordered and eutreated to H-aii until alter the Presidential elec tion of 1&$), before they kill. any, more white or colored Republicans iu the south. Tho Democratic papers are now beggihg the brethren of their party to wait and subordinate everything to Democratic success in 1 880. Then thev can continue their 'pastime of shooting the blacks ami whites of the Republi can party. Will the jeoplc of the north make a cote of this? If the Democratic party Carrie's the election in 1S80, and gets complete control of the United States government, the life of a Republican in the south' will not be worth a euny. The blood of 10,mh) murdercvl Republicans in the j-uutii cries from th.e earth, to the north t. rally and save their associates in the Republican party of the southern rebel states. We tell people of the north that hundreue of Republicans arc assxs siuated. iu the couth w hich are never reported, from the fact that the Repub licans are afraid to speak of it. - How long will the north allow , this to con tinue? MisMiirri. ! Chisholm Murder Trial SrvVmi Wltncesa to TcattTy rvlticnt c for the Male. DeKaUI, t-e-pt. Th Uking tf evidence in the trial of Henry J. liu'dy. tor the murder of Cornelia Chiaholm, on April 2?th. 1STT, began at I o'clock this merninr. Seventy itnees thirty to tor the state and thirty ti$h; for tae defence were aworn and put uader rale and exdaded from the court room, , Mrs. ChUbola. first witnes. tcnfd that an excited crowd of men cstr rv! VKalboa the evening of Apr.i Z?:h, 1577. It larjeiy iixxeA.d n the loi'.owin; morai ."iccUir, hcr.2, rrrtJ her halarl en ;h taorninK eftbe2?tfe. He aks! u tf J.u.1 iin.1.t m . . ! .i. n m V and aocrht aa i&uat iateu:oa oM the charge xuxaX kiss, Arsced tatn ?tcia;r ceerrea wna utcta a4 tas cae tro-4, -Ya c-aCy aoodie;. fua arui kill e ttfcre etetjif. fcfct yc 5s il I wtU vaaa K i m . . . . mwm . I . .bhua r . . . i Kit aiaaaaaJ aMl It cw asa aaji t - oh the inside. I was sent home by my busband on an errand, and heard firing i I came back toward the jail ; saw old man'McClellao fall, pierced by sev. eral buckshtt, behiud the jaiL I rush fd in.-:do the jjH, and found the stairs erowdvd with m Rs-er ws at the top f th'slair, : il W'ni. Gully try ing to break the t.svk of the apjr d.r with axes. My daughter Cornelia, Johnnie, and Mr.Overstrert. were hol ding thed.Kjr n the iuide. ily caught ters fate was bleeding., Ho?er said to my daughter, "Djnn your eoul. I will blow your brains out if you don't get out of the w ay." Rosser fire I the first Shot though the broken leck, which severed uir sou's hand from his arm. lhe door was here, broken open and my little boy Bill shot through the heart.; Some one inside fired and.Ros- ser feli dead. Two men caurht him by the heels and drajrjred htm down stairs. My husband was bewildered at the death of Johnnie, land my son Clay carried the dead boy down stairs. Cornelia and father cause down stairs. Henry J. Gully came up and raised hi un. I closed the grated door at the bottom of the stairway. My daughter clasped my husband around the neck. Gully lired through the crating in the door, and mv daughter screamed, 1 am shot." Judge Chisholm opened the door, an i as he :-tepped oat lJenry Ciully came out of an adjourning room with. another! l'u.m atul tired again at him and ht n il. Clay and I assisted my husbaud i:i reaching home. My daughter was bleeding in the face. Her ackeucd bv a blow. She eyes were b was shot hi the wrist,- iu the ankle and in the heel, i She was shot by Henry Gullv. .Sheldied on the loth of May She died lroin the ctleets of her wounds. Mrs. Chisholm produced Cornelia bracelet, w hiieh was broken and driven into her :;rm ; also five buckshot taken out of her bilv D;:K.i.i Sept. 1. The state is at tempting -to establish a conspiracy N. C. .Sinclair, witness fjr the state, testified that on the -0:h of April, 1877, he w as ' Srheritl" of Kempe r coiiuty; that warrants .wi.-re placed in his hands for the arrest oi' Chisholm and other par ties, ehurel with the murder of J. W. Gully, lie deputized several parties to "accumpa ly him and aid in making the arrets, thinkimr he might need a itance. lie found Chisholm at hi hon'se, and iold him his business, Chis- holjn laughcl at it. lie placed meu to .ruard Chi holm. A guard during the Uheied around the house, morning g among thejn was Henry Gully. Chis holm sent jr him to come to the house. On arnvinr. Chiliolm said to Gully, "You think I killed vour brother, John iulty tjJiilly re.-ponded, "If you did not kill h.iin, vour monev hired him killed-'' C but only re just i:o'.V. ' Cieihui, tSi guard to i some daiktr count ol.l'i kne-.v Met. tue cr-wd. hisholnn did not denr this. ;!ied, "1 dou't want to die liise.-s onjecietl to .Hc- ffcotehman, going as a .he jail, because hd feared r would befall him on ac s being a lb-publican. He Ulhm to be distasteful to )n eroUe.vsj;iiiatioii defemlaut's t .u:i-(l ..ilji -u-.pted to .-how by this wit- iu.-s thai McClellan was distasteful to t'.ie f r -wd :!:! j tbple generally, not becau-e ei- jl.is be-iuir a Republican, but reasons eiitirely ditlerent, (.ui account of, his beinff a had man. 1 he state objected to turth imiuirv ino the herilFs reasons for appreheiidsiig harm to McClellan, and the Court sustained the objection. The witness stated that the ke'ys of tho jail were tw i-;ted lrom his hands while Chisholm and hks family were in jail Did not stip any "of the shooting. He was at the! burial of Jno. W. Gully everai i:Ur.ureu people were present. itu ir actions cau .ed mm to suspect serious tr.iib!e, was breWin?. W. A. U dier, intrtKlucrxl bytheftate counsel tori prosecution, and asked wit i-i hi . . ness n i v (.i. i not Jir:.r some one aav Chish-dm jw.n being carricd to jail so the crowd C'ju 1 Li: I liia. W ltness re plied, No, nr. Are you afraid to tes tily here? aki I euunsel, No, sir. IHd not vuu st.iite.to one the! other dav that you he.ir l lor di !c!iee pro.-.eeut io: :-. i i thia the couose cted. Counsel for tho u can stand aside; we have y.-ui: private statement here in writing. 1 !i, i 10. -The tate at . o cl"ct yestt May afternoon, Rested it- c.if. m itlie trial i !( tiry J. Itullr lor the miird-T ol Cornelia.- Chisholm lhe bjrcl'iof the prusecutiuii has been to cs:..bIi-U a c iisjir.icy ou the part of the oi teiuiant ami others to StJll (Jhi holm, ii'.iqer ami Renbauui, and in carrying it m'o :Vct killed Cornelia ai.d the other parlies. An attempt was made to slkow that u the night after the burial m( Jr W. liullv a meeting o! the ori'pirator wa held at the bouse of Jijdia tiuliy to mature planar tor carrying the tjnspiracy irtd tffert. but the .-tape's ow u i!n'pM I'Toved the ot ject of t: more thau I of:a bmiy i the foil .n u o te notainr v (Ik'um the rraclicabiUiy f rsUz-r.s goiug to lKalb day t.i iv;i in the arrest of. C:;- U ar. i .-tjer rharsred with the mur !t r f John W. iuliy, fhcnU thef re;st and an.vv.ance.be necary till JHiti. e "tale gained a ii. Among tie -iccUra:;,-.a. made a.er the ku'.u - jof Cbiho!n, going to ahow the orj'p'.rieT. j the f.relaration by the defei3daic"U:4t we h4Tvtnae what we come to d , and that if there ia aT hanjriny.to pv dor.e here 4 ojt BecaC The trt;K.'.iaj c fth? de.'acc bat lead el jo coEtrauict use ot tte eaUrial s'.atexect pi itfffsvcs fMf ib-- r.rtattu Lsoa a to trsic :.r ;n ia tie ja ! ho ahot Cornelia abl JaJjre lTiiha!m, what pjtr. c t cr...a.J ha.J PtiBi tha aw. .e. r, .'.. ia ta.i darts the, nnr? ..Al-tN- r!5se rjMt.kfc tU fx. tiiX el i., cV,-vtObef II. r-!see! iteewem. '-'"T " ' ; t arxtM j mL ' if" . r f .ur.j af.jrmey ! jv, . r M . ... J'e' 4 f T - Uk4 f ! rstt Ut Utftw. - Ii.-. .... t i, . .. . s. . t- , a . a a--, i-T a a w 5 tf- t m. . i e - a m . tie 'dtifUmi - :mu c-i't. .arl mavt-.zma. .i. . i . .. .. iEW ?ADVERTISEMENm TffCBtiT 'SLP ex Q1500.OO, mil wwartrnLaw -nkv WHITLSfcrtMO KUtHlMEt:0.0CLmLANDf OH10. NE WAD VA?JJSEMSTS. AGEXTS 1TANTEI r the Beat Faaacvt BelUac Pictorial Bk and Bibles. rrtcm rwlored S3 per wjjit. auobm mo- Uabl& Odw PbibMlelpaiaw l.' A a lata. eia. HT. Ixns. Mdk v aeptWw 1oAfi reraln iidayaen SlOtf invested 1-W CMOeaat BMru:A4 Information free- like praBta weekly m Hutett. option of fie to S-ia. AMra T. FOTTKB WKHi HT A CO. Banker. U WaU&i. M Y. apt 13 w TEACHERS asaio t im or rwtxr Mostb dDtler WaM uvl Wlntw. For full iMLrilcal arm JLMnu, i CT McCl'RIY A CO. PhllaJelphi. Pa. . aptUiw un usTiumjxr caraiootrx. miiwfta. au a t j sept 13 1W kioa a bh.t. as mm JTU SANDFOHD S LIVER INVIORATOR. is a atandant Family Bemedr for oftiM ,Uvr. Htomach aa4 Borcla. It la Purely Vegetal! Il nver Ubilttl It ia Cataartio and Toole. 11 baa bcn used In Bay prmetlce ant bv the public, for more than yeara witb uaprecedented auccefc&, tsena r or circular. M. T. W. RANIFOUn, M. l 161 lircHulway. New York Oty Any Drusslst will tU you lu retutaiion aept is nr PARKKK & TAILOR, DEALERS, lit Kerosene Oil, Stires, Metals, Gons Lanterns, Fair bank's Scales, PUMPS, lll;AtS AND IIUN ROSIN STRAIN ElwS. ItlPl'ERS AND SKI SI ME US. Manufacturers and wholesale dealers in - .. TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, No. Ill FRONT STREET, an 11 ly WILM1.NUTON. N. C. trr &TJ Week U Agenta fl 00 0'' 1 OUTFIT K 14 tK. P.O. VIVTOUK.AUCIHU. laaiaa. VDl H JOIINATKKNKK II. C. l'KKM PKllT. Former f lUehiuond Koriuerljf u( itulUa Va. borw, N. C. WERNER & PREMl'ERT, Personally in attendance at HAIR DRKSSIM!' SALooN, .: No. 11 North Front S'lrtx-t, South ol Purcell JIoum, aud No. 7 South Front Street, 'WILMINGTON, H'. C. None but the most cxpcritucnl work men employed in this establishment. HaJT" Man ti facta rera of Tonic, 'Hair Oil, ; Cologne, Iienovatri, Iye, lUau tificrs, Ac., tic. april 12 tf $66 A WKkk In your Ui n. an.l no itilal rtknJ. urn ciU rll mi n ( U 1&4 1 1 hull I !.-. Tlte beat of-porVonllT erer ofTjrsj J.if itinw ttUUDi ti work. oualtoull ux'notliii i lae until roa e for jrnarwlf what you ran do at the Lu.inMi w i(Tr. N rtxu t piatn hrrr. Vt.a can UvHe ail Tour titn or only yonr IImi U) be bulrir. u 1 Blake grl pay tuf erery hour jrmi work, women roakeaa morh aa ri.. Heud tnr aalt riaa teratk uij jaf tiru laiXhlrb we malt free. utffl fre.. Dnt I eomplalV- ot tuu4 , time wttlie ) bae nucha chance, AiUrraa II HAI.1TT Jt ft. . aus lIy purti&nd. Wao.r FORSALE'.' Acre f Iji4 la !Ujpi tVwalr, Me r aa4 a baU ullm rroia the Vr rUTcr. 11i--t mtl laaJinc. - - x "'c'.ton, o 1 i lo f.-a4i4 nmJittuu. tw511a; aa4 aa ltoatn.li t ! rw diMoa. 3,000 fXw-4 Ot line Wl Wnion X, waala ! i-weraaaw HI ri kfT!r A. atctioat. ore Um. D-a4ea Coaaty Jt. c. i ' " .' tt WANTED- L i vi i t e ti t9Uaa era t waraa i 7PV iaaa a4 re-t tamakemoxi:y. ' s mmr rJIl I.WJ. aw 4 ik ' nUT.V(t4fti. ru J-tj M Ww ami u t ara. It i -i. . - -- ntb at4 Sksif S EN I) l&ta3V: 9a, 2SSt ri5 ajofiinv crM t. 9Kr Wt u ea. Vw Ajaiw euiti aataraaa! rrtttiLi a fa. .tlMCMB AOUliss: Schiedam Aromatic Ul!ow U'6 -'' - f'w ot 4 ho l.5iIiKmi ai In fvor ot thcii-hnapi'.s Mk. t'i3i.ruj Wolik. Heaver "u.o New York; ' . lK-ar Sir t ftc U.uud to ay that t;rv;j yonr rM-Unars Wins in every txpt pre eminently pure, and itescrvtas of ?n I v leal patronage. At all eveuta. It i Ui-i ut cl posilile article of UoHtuJ eU, fore utiottatuable, oiid a aucti may t s-' l irccrlrd by pUyalciana, AVJl U UOTT, M. 1.. ptimtns-vHiUoal Cactulat.Ncw riM. Su.na, Ni. lul l., N.n , I'tto- rii Woi. IZw. Pirsx-nl: IVar slr-1 li.ivc ui.ilc a clu uiuul t t iiatto.i of .miple uf .yuur fH-lileUas' Schuapi., w till tWiuU'Ul Of U U luas n,. any fort'lu or l i jurKiu sui u-ucc hi !, a.Vlcvl to Minplt itisti.U.l - lrit. Tin. o . in I n ll.m !i.tytriiiildl !n it,. . i cluo'.oit that Un" aiin if t-.iit:.!i! I m 1 otious or ii;!ttl1'.il a.lin' vlofr. I I tio l ,r-. on.il'lf to JisitiVii .iny liiv l!i J 1. nous Mil.nt.un-. w ir.. !. i in j t-A i !i t ! -.kJullvrutiiui in' l..iuvn 1 w ii I t.! tale U uc m M il. m ri m h;vj J ij iHl. . (jr liu-UUlual purj-. t:.c Nchw.ta!.. S.-liBpl ft ntr r'ccllc!it '"' KoH.Stt . Mc Narii ljf ol eiio. " ' V.if tct'eetfull . ir. HiKM.,s4 Clt.VH.-A. Mit,r.!t?.r - . : i . .Ni..illil fis-a u v( ii i 1 H-mt h.i I 'ut in .itiii, Iu titlii ir ;. ti 1 i t r r ! l.i U4 .' .l lk IllUll Ul , 1 I . f '!' O.ii ai-li!!uv, tii ! S t r-..'r. U i." " . ' iim it , j-if ; fix n .luViijunvu 5-c ecu o: fi,tir.'.iv H lM l:- f t t ac4 naa not t tr Uy.ref'4 itie tsii. -flt u lrf iilun r h!nji4 a j'ui.j'. j . :;,mi.i: . . .- ttijr Villi . a4 iWwii'j aA3VH ki '. Alaa -i44a, . ' -'; f"a aU aeiavi .tM i afc-ex e :.sv lattdvta . v r ,-t .,;.as;vra, j . aH. ;ti'W-V.-'. ea -. Kaefsarina4 J vara r, SH K t u i ti: a &: . 1 t ass t"aariit-.- .;' 1 i- Sh-i f. .-e I . 4t " ;..''