I 1 1 i 1 I k I III II I I I! : f0. WILMINGTON, NOKTII CAltOLTNAX SUNDAY, SEP J i 28, 1S79. k,- Single Copies 5 Cents NUMBER 35) i - VI1,MI N( ITON I 'OST 1 1 vsn.itl.K a r i n i: I'o.stokpici: at Wii.m'isjVx, N- C, a.s 1:1 -usd Ci....s M i n:i: r KATES OP ADVERTISING. Fitly cents per line for tholiist in v.-ri ioit and twenty-live cents per lipe ,r each additional Insertion, j Ei'ht (X) lines, Nonpareil type, coi nitiit.e :i square. 1 j ; I'll'.- siilycriili'ii price to ,Tn i: Wn viNifluN' INisr is i'l 00 per yen; i months 7-vculs. t j r A 1 1 co iii i i.i ii it icr! i 1 1 - mi lot ho'.; shou Id !, addressed lo Tim-: Wi i.mi n; ton . I'.isr, Wilmington, N. t-. All advertisements will In- churiicd ;i 1 1 lii''.'.t!v'. rat ', except on' special rm "(nets.- '," :- ' , late general news. liii'' iii-iii:iliiii;s f .vi .T!'.-.! i,r ttvii. limul ;it H:i ii Francisco ;mc nhriiiii!- i , 1 1 1 ir . The tily has ad'i-ics.sid liiai ! y re.snlut ion. Excursions, -visits, nci p lions and reviews succeed ciu'lt u!licF every .lay. '".'I 'lu-ri- is talk of ;in loxeiir -i.iu to Ynseuiilo V.allcy,. Eos Angeles'" tic;;-Mi and oilier placi. ' ; '' The I'm .sclent anil pat l.y alt- in Mind i!.. is..( pi: i i in tv.iiia-; ai.it i 1 i-i V i 1 1'"- -i on!' -sic- i MM'Wi Ik ie Ii i nil ol!ii i.i!; !.' i a.ho.d, I) ik.'i.i, h: hiii i"i:.y ; i . .it -n iu'i I Ly Tir': Th'' !'-. i-rsti ,(i j I ..ro uV.u or ';V-,:," ,n,l,'i i it.'.l Tin' . Pmiorr.ats ol Minnesota .llvHO K-i ,'., ij.iin-iiia'y'ltop (loviTnor Mil in ti n 1 ';i-hil 11 I'. !' ' r 1 1 ii t i. lor lai u.i.,( iovei i.nr ' ' ( lie ."itii vv.ir ii m'iril. I'etvvvavii! rli,i ,o l iv'i I Hi '.ii'i- IjiUII, ;u;tl l:i!i ! ii Iii i 1 1 .-iileiiee in I lie ( '.ist e. r 1 liu ie is no ii niii'; '.vijen wit xrii .ti ' I .It'! . .1 I n ill ,ciil. ' - ! ; lii; ex. t 'olieiel il e iiie i s jui1 .In l Ill'W iitielis i H;in l''l ; IHIsCO in tin; neej'tion ji'l eoi i li.ilh iii -ti. t!i:iiit... '1'ln ir' i ciiiit-'iatiiUitiei'iKi u i re leinl.ii'l in fiuli ri .leefiil ainl .em i-iiis ii i ins :is tliese : ' !.- ! ,': :' ',,"ITi;it vc, 1 lie c-sli! icifs a ml 1 , i (i 1 1 m- - i" llie lain t'nejiei;ilo" Lirinv .j!nl w y , "-u siilenl upon I ! u - lj.iViiic i ii.i - I , eniiial u late ( leiieral I '. S. ( Irani u 1 0 ii tin Imppy einlinj; l Ins tl;i-.lin-'Mii-luM Imir, a till , in eoiiniioii i:lt cair I 'lUos e'l! I,' -lis, liiu'luinifili ;ill polSl ieal i ii:nitie;it,ei :unl :i Hi I i :it ioiin, do tender .' V,s a vili.vu of ihe llei'liliiiv' most In'' ':ily weleoiiie lunu'.'. -, " f .'. ',; .,.Tli:it we take pK.iiiro in : letil nnr lotu'iieral (ir.nil our appro-, ria'ioii cflns soldier liko dii tatidm of 5 terms (if Minn'iider at Apponi;ittot, his jicisonal insistancc upon tlioir being I tlv-;'rve. by tilt ' ' nite J Stales irovi m I ni' iit in all lilierality, and lijs individ- I nal kindness, in'iierosdl v and uiiirna- niiuiiy to tlmso lately.;in arms airainal' At tlie terni of llie l': .S I'oint 'fi.'r t.lie WosttTii l)istiiet of South Carolina, ! pet sons we u loiind guilty 'id' yiola- iui tlie jcvciitii' law. Uut one ti'ftlio i i n i ' d rr n under tlie new lawi and uiiiL', atnont; tln'(l!eiid( is in tlie nLuiii- i ilas i !e;; ed urarAv all who eaind' te- I 'ie tlie in. - - I lie j on Ii reiit't u iwii n i mice Hu lunu I and Count X udrassy has re ll tod I uv :n.-ieenient that the (ioiinau it id Austrian- inteiists in all ponding lf.uro Vi:iii ipit'ion aio i4ontival, and that Jdio v..uuitioii of l')nr po is sm !i nsl w ill jlevw- no douht that tho two onipirid !.,'! i... ..i.'.. i.. .,.... 1 1...:. :..i.L..-t- j i i i-i- 1 in ti'ui uiiii i 1 1 1 v.i ipi" I'r fi'!eut: old 1 l r Cooper lia dean- I1' I U i'!i tho Cooper I rn ion )hw - ' . 1 1-v aai j'oiiie, for tho Uso of tho J i mr.i's li.Mituto, wh'u h ho foiinlled, pi'ul vvliu'li ii i few loeatt d at 711 Mr ad- Vv. Ho n.i s all tho oxpoiists him iH v reonis w ill ho dovottd I . I I I .V i" M'" v'Muln'.lu-.tituto. ifsnuist Hill, i! i. (iy. n.Uil t'iio iipftiai'sios for t in- up tiaisi os (or i ' en', ii in any. tho iiiaLitiig i ho Uilv .I in '.li-'. of . dv !.. ih, ,, pt., K;ini'ed hy ntv "v in Kii.Uukv in In ii'iin l'wii li iii.ilo : .'.;! i it Mt:.l PI oV i I '.ho 1 : I i ' ie i i ilu in J 1 7 inli.t- -l.T In tnienli , in live r;us, at.d ' . . 'J i '"' ! ent i ei , arid oiuv kr Mi Kil pntii-lunelit. Jn I'u athil t VOUIl- " ; tiMinoir! ot a Velimr popula- "t !..'. aro .iii!r iiKtijtiiifntl for in Clay omnty, oiil of l.jW; P .'ail vn, t: out of IVn voun- , with a voting population f ll'Sl, nr '.'.si.i pi ivmu u iuK-r indict inoU at M,Vo KtJ, ..cr i t f orp.t. 1 :u ritMdv'ul l btill oonliiiuie;.; Ins ilif.-u-h the iH'ttliwost. and, to- F rnthusiastio attention rvviv i" i de tJjfv, ilio Mojionn i "ie ran I'ongfO U Collldri' llii jut i t i he H-r iKoaiiU- cnJ -lo ittl in Niw York iii which 'pol M. .r'r, chiu U? Uary uppuiU tii? IVUI''? Kuiuu Abbot I ha pprarvjd at F'Uad Opr llou" in New Xv, vny art'ulic ortiaitur of Mar- luuti Faut'.-,? pi yrl!r ftr i rapfJly Utiaj ' : .. . oa'.v n rv un KnUr.iaiK f vtt alh. r ' IVoin Ibo annual fc ortof Hon. John JOaloii, Coniiuissionor of E4lucRtton for the UniUd Stalof, for the year 1S77, we gather the following lads relating to North Carolina: Number of youth of school age (G to 21) in theBtate 408, 2'Mt; ouuiber euro'ikl in public schools 'J01,-1-"S; average actual attendance 104, 17S; M-hooI districts lor whites, 3,852, the naiue fr colored 18CC; whole num !or ol hc1mm)I teachers examined, 2,382; whole receipt n for public schoohj, $106, 117; av rag pay to lieacherc, $20 to $30 per month. Maj i Al.bott.'of the Engineer Corps, ha- hit jj intorviuwed by the Jlcrafd cm 1 1 ; v subject f torpedoes for co.i?t do-I'-i.i o. Among the things be nays are: that t he torjKMlocK can be exploded 15 mill's away; that by buildiuJvorob ;.r.M.fs-ti;iie)eiiUy;H!rong the machines caii' he sot up in any of tho present forts; that! thir operation requires a service of special training, the minium number of which should be nt least 520 men; that the torpedoes can be so constructed as to 'iii.t explosion from outside; and that their present use is limited on ac count ol their not being able to make only ..X knots per hour, while an iron ohd can niislo. 17 kno's an, hour. . 11 ufa re P.HJG natives of the old s 'e Mate living in the old free states, v. 1 In n ! taking in Maryland or Dela wiie. Among these emigiants are llo i. tieo. W. MeCrary, the Secretary of Wa-, and Hon. Allen (I. Thurman of Oliio. Tho FhjrM.i Centr.il ail tho Jack sot.vilh', I'ensacohl it Mobile railroads, tlie t '.v i extending to the Chatlahooche rivrr have been under a decree of Hie United .Stales Circuit court huiH wire hid oil' hy C. I). Williard, attorney-, lor Adolph Engler, trustee. Ii:'.' .I.ieksonville, IViisa'colia "& Mo bile road was sold for '.r0.0000, sub jeot to a prior lien i f about $800,000. The Honda Central road sold for $;505. 000. IJodi -roads were purchased tor bondholders', jiiid il is understood that a now company will ho organized to ojier.itt I he roads. Seventy fanners in Sweden have sailed tor Manitoba, and six' hundred uaoie aro to follow, and a delegation fioai Ij indi.iu have been spot to Canada to. ; p'lpect. v; " -J. i). S Carter, alias, -.1. I). Siininoiis charged with larceny and hound over to tho ucjt ' term. - of Criminal. Court, which eoaveues October G- Carter ha? been engaged in teaching School since his removal to this City. S uator Hruee says that his report on the I'recduian's Savings lvank, will Contain sinny startling facts In il;e great walking match at Madi son Sipiare Carden, llow'ell beats and there is a strong contest for the second plaoo. Uisiuarok has had an interview with the Austrian authorities in the inter ests of a pe'iiiamut peace between the two nations, and an alliance. The proposi ion as that both nations so far disarm is to admit of red uceel taxation. The J;iato Republican Committee of Mas-aciUisolts have issued an address to the people saying that the contest is, to a Urge extent, a personal contest between the followers ol Uen. Ikitler ami those who opposo him, and the only '-political forces in the field that nets! be coun.tcd aro the' Republican party on one fide slud a combination ot iiii'onj:nious elements, organizetl and commanded ,hy ti'en. Imller, on the other. Mr. I'.vails earnestly supvorts the lii'puhlioan livket in New York, and will .make ome jjH'echcs during the c in v.os. r lTTist Yiiinia a colored man kills a white mm, the colorevl man is hung by a mob, and while haugiug is shot; ..for !'.e js dead is taken down and com- pK ioly.oul to pieces -hi legs and arms t from. his body. In North Carolina, Walker, a white man, 1rutally murders Red,: a .colored man, tho white man. Walker, is bro ight before a Magistrate and rohised on a straw bond of $500. 1 ll7u ii (V'nM.'.. r 'fw Way to Trrat UlptUeiU A MinncaoU corresponent of the Ta llin i Ma.) i?.rrf.'f, aaj?: tlmte a discorenr in the treatment of Jiplhrrl hat lccu md here. . young man whoac arm had been ampu tated was atuckeil by diplheria bcfor healing tKk place; aud instead oi 'he matter incidont to that disease beinr deified in the throat, the grratrr Mr i tt'ii uppvarcti uti lie cMitKlixl arm, aa j pthc dipthcria wai tery light and easily" , inaiMgtl Dr. lhiu. of. MaukaUs pra-.d by lUU, and hta nxt cso l j dipil.cr.a l!iU rtd hi patinl'e brrast, : and on lUtv tditcred r the chief d j jHit apHArsl. Thu was aa exy cac j of dia? The iaMrr W lr. that dipthcru uully appwr ia the , iLrxsat. llcncc a hah iheblbtrr brrak tad akin upon any other pan of Ih j body, th die-M? appvar ihr. j Tr-? rvrKriJ f4pur ia Swik i Afiu-a, w thif iula Vif rwajo. I August ?th it anooancevl oj tehrjtap ' dpU h frm Capetowa. f CITY IT MS. Chew Jackson's licst r Sweet Navy Tobacco. ly WOTICK. Our correspondents must curtail their productions. Let them'cultivate brev ity, and coofiuo themselTes to their subject. -'Dou't wander. Write-only on pne side of the paper. This advice is giveir because we ar obliged to throw many good articles into thc scrap bas ket on account of length. Within cerUiin restrictions our columns! aro open to the vji hole world. Bo'short, in cisive and pointed. This advice is not meant for some of our very excellent contributors, wdio are models.: City subscribers, who desire the Post must wlle jviili of i - i-wl.i .. he' calls on them. We only clutryr. one dollara yean All can pity that auniunt, and those who do not, and will not, caunot have the I'osr. livery man should have tlie Republican nevvs,and they can only get reliable information' through a Republican paper. SPECIAL. ANNOUNCEMENT. IIL wit! jiv: -i TWENTY 1()LL.U (iOLI) VI lit' 11 to Ihr in i'i semis us flu; -irii xf mn'uhrr of j "!i'u'J .V'.'ev. bera within- i-ftr nUi . ore mnthx: nfby the 15 (liiy of Oct'), r, 1S70- Tlie eve ot atlonejiu ul., known as the m jstjsacred day ot the year, in tlie Jew idi calendar, was devotedly observed by appropriate services in ihe Temple of Israel of this cily-ou 2ii:is:. Uen. Robert (.'. Sclienck has been very ill at North Ileuniiigti'ii Yt., ami for many days his death was hourly expected. ..lie is, however," icporW d as impinv ing and likely to reeover. Col. A. V. Hiallei was in the c ly sev('i-al (lav .last oi k . looking exceed iugly vvoll,aud was' bragging, as usual, on tho lino looks of the three young ShatFer's.. We are exceedingly glad the world has dealt so well wi a the CoU onel. 11c is one of the inos'. substantial fjiianeial nien of litis sfaie. N. t'. ,M i::m a i. .Iouhn a i. l'iie ep- teinber mnijher'oi'-ihis m.st ciiditaule Medical Monthly conducted by 1is. Wooil and K issel t, 1 ii;tni our' t"blo. It has 07 pages' of reading"' ui:it tcr, embracing original articles, cliu - cal reports, selected, current literature, reviews and book notices oic-. 1 1 is ! full of Scientific, information on medi cal matters. Important Nonet:. The. IJ jard of County Commissioners recently p;issi.d an 'importa it order relative to' Toll Tax, for 1870, to the etl'ect that all who failed to list their Toll Tax, tor 1S70, be allowed the privilege ol having the double tax remitted (and avoid other expenses), provided the Toll U paid to the Shcrili'berore the 1st day of Novem ber lS7y. Col. O. H. Blocker is iloing great service for the government in the Rev enue Department; he has made several important seizures lately. Tiicrc is not ft better oflicer in the service ot the government an honest faithful and hard working servant. He studies the interest of the government just as much as if it was his own private business, which w e cannot say for all the Iiuoinil Revenue ofiicers in North Carolina. ... . .. - - There have been several staienicnts put forth showing the economical ad ministration of tire county government since the Democrats took charge. In scaling down the individual claims of Republican claimants, they cut tliem down""$7.'1.02, while of the Dem ocratic claims they - cut down only, $17S.2. Was this an accident, or was it doue by design. Let these things W enquired jut;" j ' Historical am Sv-irsxit 'to So-ii TY. Ret. Rabid Mendelssohn of the Temple of Israel, in this city, will de liver tx-cture on Monday evening, 20th . iujl,",-before the Historical and Scient:fiv; Society ou "Hebrew Jurispru dence and Proceed j re iu Court." The well known ability and literary acpirr menU of the distinguished speaker will doubtedly attract a'lan;e audience on Ihc occasion. ' An iivation having beta extended U the public. Sekioi sCii Hi;. Duk MiUis, wl- i i . . .r.l ! r.. 1 ilh mn.-ki.ii 4 Ir.iii Kit th ilminitcn and en! ui Kail li'vad tu the vicTbity of R.-cky Toint iVu der county Las Iwu iccvnti; rxa lured, iu lo'oa O'unty, where Ue a lowered by the tigitanoe of herifT Jail, IbU ia county, aau wt.lU- UviJ m ( t 3 . Jv, . . ... i f f. , Cromwell, Barn. Jon ot Arc, icax aafe keeping the next tcr a i f i I end,r , , Pvl. bUrnfW r-JU. KuU catalog biioUiaw MaTor Kihbtate doi't -rav to hc !rm ta c!uln A, will b ol fre o Ttry much d Ther. Kr w cU rn'3rl tT tW MiVli3ker tie Jltaeri h altf oUaa ta tbc ditKn ! Mitct j "- iVk Ktcaa, S't Rk.iai Bokn. On .Wednesday last Mr. Joseph Worth waa presented by-Mra. Gracie Worth wiih a fine daughter. Haity at LAST. It would be use less for us to iuform our readers that Col. E. H. Brink, our worthy Post master, was happy, yery happyi if they knew he had nomo onj to call him grandpapa. H saya it is Worth a million dollars. For the past three days the Colonel has done not hing but go arouud singing, , - 7 " I am at lust exceedingly liappy. .' I liave a grand daughter to call graad- ippy. 1 "' - .4 km . J i M r. R. Bell, the popular agent of the .IWtner lager beer establishment, this slate, we are serry learn, has resigned and ' will Ieavi b " h )cakci2V out mo middle of next week. Mr. BelLlias made many frieuds since he has been located here, by his uniform gentle manly conduct, who will be sorry to part with him. We wish Mr. Bell lon life and prosperity, for he very richly deserves it. ; Ll'dickous Rosition of a Dkacon. Daring the lecture of Messrs. Dancy and Trice at 8t. Luke's Church on Tuesday evening, the 16th instant, there was' quite an interesting episode w itnessed. An enthusiastic member of the audience (who by the way is a Dea con) would at frequent intervals mani fest his appreciation and emotion by loud and earnest exclamations, such as: "Amen!''. "That's sol'' "Yol veil" etc., etc. While the Rev. J. O. Trice was making one of his most eloquent appeals in behalf of tho temperauco cause, after showing the evil cllects and immorality of intemperance, he asked u "Shall we banish the hydra h end col monster id' intemperance from oiir midst?" Chipping his hands to gether and almost rising from hisiseat, this enthusiastic auditor loudly ex claimed, "Au, my Lord, no."' Tki ncf.ton Reivikw. Tho num ber for September opens w ith an article upou tho "Trogress of Christianity in, the United. Stales," by Dr. Thilip Scba 11" of the Union Theological Semi- t nary. It is a very readable nud inler- estiiig priMluelioii. The article on "fainting and its Historic Relations is entertaining. Thou DUovv two heavy articles on "Religion and Morality" and the '"Problem of the Hainan Will." Tlie last article trea's of the relations Virgil to Christianity, or rather treats iiiui as the "precursor" of tho faith. Virgil "was born 70 years before Christ and died TJ years before He appeared on earth. Rut he had garnered within himself the best philowjphies of his time, somewhat nearly akin thoso of 1 1 1 in whom he was never to see. This grand old lveyievv is well llivored with the best scholarship, but not so heavily fieiglitevTwith learning that it cannot be understood by any but scholars A Cvoi."fEiA roK nO.00 Perhaps the niost remarkable enterprise of the time, is iu t he publication of the Li brary of Universal Knowledge, in 20 volu-ncs of nearly 1,000 pages each, handfomely bound for 5 cents per vol ume, or $IO.OQ for the set. It is a reprint entire or tho last (1879) Edin burg and Londen edition of Chambers' Rucylopedia. A Dictionary at Uni versal Knowledge for tho people, with very 'argo additions upon topics of spec a!" 'interest . to American readers. The amount of matter w ill somewhat exceed that of the Cylopedias of Apple ton or Johnson, though the price .Is but a tVaclion of their cost. Volume one is to be ready early in vcpteuiuer, aud the others will follow at very short intervals. The remarkably low prices are accounted for by the method of sale, to the subrcribers direct, saving them the large commerce, often 50 or &) per cent., paid io agents or dealers alsc by the recent great rvdtu lion in the cost ol nrvkiiig books, and by tu.ikiii very large ales. Thii certainly it a work that the millions will appreciate Special inducement are offered to early subscribers and to c,l4b;. sd'he ame publuhr have reveolly issued edition of Chamber' CylopcxiU of Eaglish Literature. 4 vol, $2.00 tW merly told in 2 Tots,, $D .00; alo Roilina Arkicut Hiatory, and Josephu' Woifcs, !arj tjix eaiiiooi, for $i2 aad $100. and Smith's Bible Dictionary, $1.00 They also pubiUb, in Autst and Sep U nilcr. the Acme Ibrajy of IUogra- ! I hy, 12 volv, and the Actno Library of ; .11 ' crut and the latter at j0 craU per vol. In ihe ncar prreatcd mk aulhr as CrljU MacaaUr, Gibbo. ti-Md-tuith, Liwartiue. Miciii, rtnnu Moonp. Walter Srt, jukI Ex-Mayor Dawson has returned to the.city. The New Market is progressing slow ly, but surely. . , c Ex-Senator W. If. Moore, has moved back to Wilmington. Rice birds are plentiful in j market, and they are very fitieJ j . W. P. Canaday has a very line horse for Bale. Call aud see him. Wednesday, the 1st day of October, is moving day in Wilmington. Mr. S. Hanstein is getting in store a very select lot of goods from the north. i. Tue Co.!ni'e?' -ri,:7c1y5t ok compressing citton for the foreign trade. ! . ! '- 3L (. Rosenthall has one of the best" .rT. selections of shoi's ever brought to this market. "; " j The Light House at Federal Point will be discontinued ii'lter the-first of January, 18S0. f The new Ligntship, being eon-.li noted at Messrs. Cassidy oi Ross' .diin vard, is nearly comiileted. We were glad tor see lion. ileo.VZ. French on our streets yesterday. He lus been quite sick. Trof. J. C. Hazely, of Africa, arrived here last night, lie i. stopidng'at Mr. Jno. II. Whiteman's on Sevent.ii street. Persons who ltlivc been od' hr th'e season are returning to the ciiy, ready Jor fall and winter Inisino.-s. r - j FiUK -A house .belonging l. Jn . Murry ou t;,h near Bladen olicel, was limned on Friday morning ls; Mr. B. T. Mitchell, who has ju,t boon north with his daughter -for the past three mouths ret ti died 01 Fii lay last. ! j Mr. S. Hanstein, wo ui.idcr-t.in !, h.:s established a brancii tofe in Clinton, Sampson couuty, N. C, where lie ex pects to do quite a large bussiu :ss. j TI e German F.inpcior stiil tindwly cherishes the memory uf Lis liiolher, the lovely tiuen Louisa. Tin' i ron s which she occupied in the' C.'s' !e el Konigsberc are by h'is special j desire kept religiously in nearly llicj same order in which she left thi in, and are reserved for his private use. j r The ts?f.) Tax. j Joseph E. Sampson, liiotcr i t d)i ,1s for New Hanover county, has ma Sc. the following report nf tlu taxes for thi county for 1S70 . ! - IfTATK TASKS Heal estate, persoual, fran- i ichisc, aud income c?,irj U Insane Asylum and l'eu itentiary .. o. i;G -Jl School tax payable to Coun ty Treasurer, but raported to State including poll tax for white.... .. 1 p. 17 uj Colored 1,470.5'J Bauk Ux of t'4 ou ;S2Xl,02l. 33 School tax of t?i ou Sj.IoSs 510 - o-j ! 10,1 70. SI CjUSTY TAlLi. Current expenses 3tcenUon $100 val Ciirrcut expeu-es $1 U'j 011 polls Current cxix-nscs 1 jir ix-nt or fraqchiso : . ... Current expeuocs 1 per cnt. oa income is, 1-0 4'.) ' s,; 0 j ',',' 1 1' '. ; j ' " ' .. 1' '.Ml Criminal Court IS cents 11. $100 valL y.TUi -0 Orimiual (iiurt 51 cents ou f ' poi'9 i.:k -:-t' O.d debt 30 cents ou $Hm vat 11 1's oT Now debt 5 wilts on $10') -' 'I'.To.TS New debt 13 co? : .-a p ". ,-l ijO.". Cinty.. Stale ,. 2n !70 bl Total St4te aa 1 coa .tj .... $72 C 1.81 NEW AHVERMsKMLNrs. WILMIN.ro.V, N. C rw, m iri.'I-a 'l 11, 4 W 1R'M .VND;fir -thU d-te I cc to t - K-RKK IRAHKB. HENUitTrA WaifcN, Hft r-a. - . ! TO. . 1 DELINQUENT TAX-! ! PAYERS. 11 S AL NiTM : t. h. nt y r . - i,. n . . rvla liii I.V.Vhs ii a-.- r; j lid t"CV la MmnUwv m le . lMtrwtMMi4Uif Matct a. t lia,-! il'f.e4 ta jri- orf't A4rt?v 1 IJ ojot rr4. to. rr ; -t-.- w ; tA XI r as; t- . j, . Mkl$artja limwc tm ivt:-r .. !? 2K U frkl f-vsjrtr. jr . , XMt)iwU IWt lrRi ri,Ai. v luc' l .-. wta. umDr the ii cf tA i. I trOUu rf tfc- MAJUtf tMlrsi u( i - - - w-1 am - .3. .. t. . - - s . , v. . - wst toMHir rntj ui nit I - yj-.--- " ' - MU-w -SS?T. KifV -S I 4cen uht tiwU 4irit i a .c War IW wr ksf it rJ Mnl iw ui a twr4 i- r r. it. Dvfcu i. Ta-X " cilj Altar a. NFAW AD YERTISEMKNTS i SALE OF The Wiimiflnriou Columbia And ' . '.'.' Augusta Kail Road, Under Decree pf Foreclosure li1 V V1UTUJS OF A DECRKE OF TUB Circuit Court of the United States, for the District of North Carolint, 4th Judicial Histrtct, I made iu the case ot George 8. lirowu and Knoch lratt, trustees cum- Elainauti, against The Wilmington, Colu ru in aud kuiiu&ta liall Itoad Company, i)e lenOant, i the undersigned, Uuucan J, I-Hjv&ne, Coiumisslouer appointed by said decree, will sell by public auctiou, to the highest bidder, at the Oourt House door in the Cityl of Wilmington, iu the state of North Ittrolina, on I WKUNKSOAY, TUK F11WT DAY OF OCTOBER, A. i IST'J. at 11 o'ciocS, M., tho entire ltail Road, as the same exists nd is now uaed, known as tho WlLiMlNUTON. COLUMBIA it AUGUSTA KAIL. KOAD, extending from the CityW Wilnxingtou, In the-state 01 North Carolina to the City of Columbia, lit the state of South Carolina, a distance of One Hundred and Nlnely-One Miles, with all the;ltail wys, ltighuj of Wayj Depot Grounds, and other .Lands. Tracks, .Bridges YiadacUi, Depots, Station Houses, Engine Houses, Car Houses, Freight Houses, Wood Houses, Machine Shops, and all other shops, Houses or iluililihgs, mid all Locomotives, Tenders, Cars aud 1 other HolliDg Stoefr or Equip nients, and all Machinery, Tools, Imple ments, Fuel aud Material of any Kind lor constructing, operatiug, repairing or re placiug thu said Hail itoad, or auy part i hereof, arid all Appurtenances or Fixtures of 1 lie same, belonging to, or purchased by. said before named defendant, together Willi ill aud singular the Corporate Kixht. Franchises aud privileges ol'Ui said nbove named defendant,' as the same arc sot forth in tlie Indenture of Mortgage referred to In the Bill illcd in said case, and all the estate, rights, tit lie, interest property claim and ileuiand nf said deleudaut, iu aud' to auy aud all Real and Personal Property, or etl'ect s heroin before referred to, or which is owned by said defendant. j XKKMS OF SALE. The purchaser will be required to pay in Cash, on the day 01 sate, or w ilhlu Thirty (.Hi) Days thereafter, the snm or Twenty Thousand Dollars, and the residue of the purchase money In three equal payments, at Throe, fcfx und Niue Mouths, lrom the day of saio.jwith interest from that date at the rateofsix per centum per annnin. The po.i chaser or purchasers niayfpay any part ol the iiurch.ise money not renuiretl to be !aiil in Cash, iu any of the outstanding bonds, or the coupons thereof, secured by the inortgiuje, or deed of trust, referred to in the Bill and decree iu said cause, to the oxteut of the pro rati percentage ot the par value of the said bohds and coupons w hleh the holders thereof will be entitled to re ot iveupon the distribution of the proceeds of ihe slid sale under Iho aforesaid decree. Tne eji I'nieates of iiidebU'dnets mentioned in the Bill and decree iu this cause, will be received iu 'payment of the purchase 'money except the sum of Twenty Thousand Dul-i la i s above mentioned, at the same rate as coupons of: the mortgage bond-1, provided taat the coupons pledged as collalerais for said --certificates, and to u lik'e union ut therewith, Ishall tiocompauy and be iur rei: ierid with tho said certificates. 1 l'.i:4ossiuii will be delivered to tlu: pur c!r i-1 r M henever acil so soon as one half of a;l Ihe 1 irciliase money shall have licen p.'iid toihe iltndcrslgned Comuiissiotier and the purchaser or purchasers Khali have assumed altjliii-eontracls and Irabilu b s "of t'ae lieceivc'r heretofore lippoiuled in ibis .n-:. and .shall have iiideiuiiiilod hini against the ?-.inii', and whoa the Court shall -von liii uuuer i lie u 1 ins ol the decree DUNCAN J. DEVANK, COinill !Klttur -ill 1 iFASOS Will I IlitRV WAV !' PAIN - KILLER (is ihu y Modiciuo of the Age. Best Fdiin And why it should In- kepi alwavx near at hand 1st. P un-Kii.i.kk l Do- mort certain bull ra eure that medical scitucc bus produced. 2nd. I'uvKii .i.kr. sk rt I'i srr.rn and Ij d enii ry remedy. cM..iu u ever fails. 1 ''V N 7f ,' '-u Mil; cure Cramp or - f ' .! WH til lll l-)Hi Bl. A -iii.:. I.j-.r ii'ualiy ailivtn a eure. Il In l'r-: Kuifi; u P: enre.lv upeindnanj l u.iniii.ii.if nrl axs mime to dlrec- .1 1: l'.u-K! 1 Li en Is no !U. t i(v-r-ril r s-uddtu cvjOj.. Coulit. in .i.i-t k tills .rov si a vrrcif a r l'r.tiil gu.-. tiiid ni; !.. cu.-isl Uic rjuM olUllt I-. . I vis Kii.i.KK n liuurnt la ufi. .r-ttiI.M i.,r Kr.-it liiu. -i Uit.U4i,. Uif av lrus. Cut. Kpro. Ac, s n ruvkiUM llA ut M 4 H,iumim aud Ntfcrtcirw inn Sb. I'tin-K 1 1. hi owit pda r. . W tth' i4 ilt!(!( ri:l ;.ut 1 -i: Aflct U S4 f-4C9m WtZt V .t KjlULt t'W it.lMi.t. TMt-j-lis, !- . ; i.ku i. Ifer-rn mirm tm - t& 411 f 'i,S 4Mf(.M Ta, t 44-kitaAU 9-m k94fta. I". wje. rwiaM44 l l fcfervr ! (in. ? T i-r NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HEAD. We stood at an opcu w iudow . Leaning far over the tdll.? And if something hadn't hap pctt it We might have stood there stilt; Uut we reached for a banging shutter In u blinding northeast brccre. So our friends vriil have to be invited To join In (he obsequies. "IF WE COULD ONLY IIAA'R KNOWN A what a sUirm was brew ing (iu a tcapotl aud how far oil that shutter w as, w e sliould never have veutured our head outside ot that window; but it is too Uic icr rereu now; we are nonpkisse'l. completely Muelchexl. have beeu u-u upon, aud our Iricmls and tho public i:oncrallv are re spectfully iuviled loatteud tlieobstquieson- SATUKDAY NKXt' and wesUkcour ivi ul.uion on :sUln the grandest ruuerai they ever witnessed. Ashe slips he slides, and tvny time he slldi be slips up most Wi ful!v. A e lenvt our kiud hiend.s to find otii the nieanliie or the above and while tin y me doing 3 -we wlllusk the follow tug qiu sta-ns- ? Havn't wi the tstate? the Oiliest an ivAliii at More Ul Havn't we the point. t 'stovk Wilminglou? f gooiU la Havn't weins.l,- prices nun h hi 'heince we coniiueuccd? Itavn t wo been very uuai f..j.iuod.i.tlni uudluiioltie to you? a"lvereU?,re,,:,,:'MV",, K" '" he sooU kiui'Vl Hl",:u!o" -r'-,: '"'" "":k.. ss& wri,teii,rh.:!um Allot our friends who Answer 1., the above .Uesllons will i.;, .us,. ,.ot buy fruju us any more. Kespeisuuliy i,d uuy P. L. BltlDGERo eilDO. In glaiu-ia unci last sit:!,i..c, iai rr tvn regrelled to not lee i he Mnl i:( uuuwiiu". nient (rum Min eoi our luolli. r vtis . is U i.t we had taken away put t ol ihi !i trad... and iiiaking nu appeal I., t wih. ; s nn u l.i.v .Iii ui. e !-. -n t Ihi 1 xe. i dii.iv (iH,it. ly as they were so kti'.t ic-.d i ...i.ierns.' It -'I'1 ""i ,"mi"i:l" -Krief. but- M.1.IH..M1. KJ. we have determined to ,i 1 In LARtJEST KETaII, Cl.iH'ERV ih:sini.n. ever. lone in W i luilnri. .h. , u , ;l j.itbo future luive U.k. , ,, ,,, ,.,, , . Jo-rusj.and Cl l L-uVVN I'lHUS L L 'tul THE RLOUDi CilASM HAS RISEN BRIDGED UVKK. THE LUTLE JOKKK? a:. jivt ,ruta gone. V A line line ot TOIEE1 .-OAI S u cciyed to-tlay, very low do:i. The OLD CAPE FEaR m doHris5.ar' and MARTELLE sw iuunins;. c U:ixr ixN 11 ,,,r n-:.-,S m..i.ol Cat .rT.'1 """ ) llam:n it ii hul Ulllhltik Uw.Mil.IK.lNiO H,l-r ., ..,, luniUhiiijj the 1 arwsit, .,,.f i,hp nun .r M,Klurtwu,M Ui) have lit. iru.U-n, tl kf-cppri. VWyli., tbUlinr.ohuai,,, with ttJl other (.MMi Kr..r-r. dirr- ..!,! want Mnufli iHtd-i j. r i,lJkl j I'.ortrtul iitiuiit. HOT PUHITAMC AlllMl!. Stw. J., u,,. ... .' l U'ur. I". I. r.KUKJl lin a a - .: I rontuii fixiu;!, i., f,r,.fc t.,.. ii c. k. a i!T Iblnk mo fllisTt'I.Vs .,!: t "TOHK raaU.tf.l l-.U it!, .1 t-uiw W lTnl- !!. l.l; thfcl li:- J 5,,-j f flr.4 uut liirf e jrvrtj 1 ! - r m il tsut W lk. u ciT.i,,r ;., u -irva. DUMUAKDNEU. bTUAirr.H pKW r, J IiUKIIAM OI4J liYK tret; vcJ thv mttX. TIlV OLK M IfU; M EAtU TV r'. t't ii !n it n s WlllrKi.Y i iJb- iixur, 1 i-.-" tvUilr t . P. L BBIDOKRSi CD'S. mt mm Mull ms, . .. .