7 7 V 111 I ir : wrrtr irrr ifiri r nirmr Mm in UliOMl A. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY. OCT. 12. 1S79, Single Copies 5 Cents NUMBEIl 11 W L I.MINCJTON 1 OST I LOn ri: u -! at Tiiiv;L'o.sroF 'h i; at .Viuixirox, !S.-i'., as fc?KconlirUr!'s Matt Kit. I BATES OP ADVERTISING. Fjl'tetiiiU er line Tor -tin? a-rtiou aii-1 twenty-live rent t,,r .deli i ii'Mitiomil insertion. first in per, line "Kicht S) liars,. Nonpareil ty e, cor -stitut st Hiu:irf 1 Tin1 Hubicriplioti pri'ee to I'll u Wl L- MfSnrN' 1'osr i.i i 00 pert year; six nioiilln 7'" cvnlH. Mint iiniiuiiertiomnii !- 1 1. in !ll'Olill In' ii'l'iros.'il to I III. WJI.M NiT(N I r li . . . . I . I'o- I, Wilmington, N-. All iiilvcilMt'incnlrt will c eh tli'e above lilies, exeept on p traets.- I'.'' red n :i I ecu LATE GENLRAL xmhU r Shepherd's operjiti l lie .M;tj;i'hi mines, in Mexico, to Jiirje iiiimliirs ol Aim-riiMtis are to ivmU, 1 1 1 ; i y possible complicate II i Ml which jroiiitf i Hairs lithvei ii Mexico and I he United .rules. I'liese aiiiiei are situated at the eprners ii tin' sf.tle.s ol' Soiiora, ChihiJahua Snul'ii I hilario, about IJi'MI' Irniiellie Texas, li-u.e. ' I'lie Itoii. -.John Mr. Luigstoi has iiKide a'i eh in Washington in jvhich lie jrlvi-e.ites tlie scattering ol a pJ ; t ion Oi'llif co'"rd peo;i'e i f tl e s-'U'h over n in b. . ' Ttie In id back Detnocr.iti of IV assa elms Hi .i I :'S u tliev were en; il!' to ni;il'' ii" i ll'orl mi thejire.senl c.imj aiLrn, mi I i Inn leave nearly a clean ti;l t be-. tivpeii Muiler an 1 the U 'onbl ic.in i. Hie I'rcsiileiit and Secretary Slier niui will hoth vote in Ohio, an Mr. s Sherin ii is making speeches and in;; in 'If canvass. UciWioe, thei Jeori;ia Treasurer I. ti.'i'ii ac'nitted. .J ii'. iicial (iiant leleradii th.'.t he will ' W in'tialena in st ason to go lo the uni ting ol Ihi- Ai iny of T nnessee at t-vnal'iii ('oiiklin didiv'ri'd a po-.v irhil iid'li''"-s -at. -'the. 1H k I v 1 1 Aeade- ! i ''-. . .... ... lit y t I uiHMc oil ine Jie.'lit "I llic Mil, 'in ad vo.'.aey tt ,M i . i "'orm-ll's -eh-el i"ii J UccatiM a NYashinlipii'iiiriAsjMiii lent i1 Hie ( liarlotte rrrr, wcte a I :i" (liitllie Kepiihlie.iiis i' t lie inleiided ,to rim-an t ni L-Uer lids (ll dent Peinocral lor ( iovenior, next y ear, mid ; dtM'rihi d n man sehctcd, ,cry much hketJol. 1!. M. lnl () Alamance, Oil. Holt, Ion come out with ii letter mini;. tlui"he will do no sucli thing ll a'nkcs cue that this' is very much .like,; .. "I .llllfMi.Mir I'.asli r, WliH n lur'l ln-H-U' lit- n il livr,-' I 'apt. Payne of the Vifih t'av ... . . - .try .ls penned in a tidit. place at Milk I'Hei1 in Molilalia hy'the l:tes, am! I in filuus eoiidituui, hen he was re- I'cyeil J.y t'.ipt. I..di;e ol the Ninth '..'. nil iv wiih about 1' colored tro In the fii;h( Matir Thoi nborouj;h was W.i kldeil. toL'ether uith nine sill! Ml 'nil, and privates, and three tltiieis aii'Ljlit men woiindol. Keiuforcenu nts line been I'.ij -y;u drd, and tlie l to h "ill el a bad thrashing, i In Wji return thank to the I'ostot ico I' :iliiienl lot ai'i oiiilimr Keoublic Ills its i ' '.Hjie. lot last live appoiutiiM ' nli in ilns ili-tiii t h ive been oIkI, 'I'jl, li!ait Kei'ublican; Mr. w il Jit. lint" I li'iiini'r.il lnis In "i"vl. .New, there are 1? mere IV !V.lls l-i c,e, ailiL'ood, hiMiest Kepul li- oi i,i in ,,, i,,jr pl;u-r; when tli ll Is done we kb ill ill i v . tli ml. . . ..j. .... Ihe i.H.U ;i,. in. i M deal, as will iecu I'loni tlut 'dl.niTnisj lettf r ree i i- illli'il.ll it.; ,l,.e riirner one ) '.lie m .Ll i . ' 'rnipt h.hi , N'otth Carolina, I r "ii ihe I'eimldican ticket. tviil int.. i ni l!ie.iu:hor ..l lhis I. - r llv.it I be ncpublic.ini of the sUtcaL K-ni; i, bo'nia,le I'oo'U .( in SSl. tint KepitbtTcaus', ! iho ., CoiiL-rct- "ual litut, were in 1 7S. Weacll 'Ulf tlial it i an insult u iU I 'u M, lrti-r, mid wo therefore vtrj Nr bumblepol..i;y; I tnvMM Vn minuion lV.v'-i h B.viLin.. ..r .. .i... i I rM,ue;u news lo wrilf ton F-MTWi 5uU take wh. tbev woul l,,ut;ht vui.tW Cowniot i"n oom ,0 W present 5tlo otliceri. 4orre i I nljr uuv uiin in thU lt llllt ,, h..r tl.l . L J. ' . . ll t.IUIE J H pioxi Wtmuph over uy ,leTn.H rat i i nUt,-asul-"uU naiuc'u .Kiah lm vl lhlUU.ro. Li every vrtm i i ?- 'tf lht u ej ijI u t!u-1 Vino Fujp4rty,t,m .pjvrreUniilomv nd h t th- m.ibed tlo:i. Jmh for f.ir i t .i ii. i ..---L pcut.itof. aturtht.t cAn 'U'rtU f,.t ihe tieki Mr r..r..-T carry l Urt tolo tbn anr mik t4a d pyi vm invppufcitiomn tl ViorUe TAttv. lr iM i,i ,v .1 rvstry toall our i-cele T Krom the Inttr Ocan. TIIK SUMMONS nV E1.I.A W1IECI-ER. I think ll'ie leaf would sooner j lie the rtrst to break away j Than to hang alone In the orchard (lie bleak November day. ' -Au4 1 think the fate of the flower, j That fiills In the midst of bloom. Is sweeter tlmn If It lingered 1 ; To tle in Die autumn's gloom. Heine glowing golden morning, ; j Irr tho heart of summer time, ; : ; As I stand in the perfect vnr ' 1 And strength ofmy youth's glad prime, When my heart is light and happy, A tut t he world pecmR bright to roe,' in-on M like to drop from this earth-!ifc i As a fireen leaf drops from the tree. - i ! Meiiie day, vli:n the goldun glory f. lime Is over the earth, A ii I die birds arc singing together j In u wild, mad strain of mirth, hen I ho t-kies are a clear and -c'oudltfs As t he skies of June ran bo, I would like to hae the summon SSent dowu from Ood to me. I would not wait for the futrows, For the faded ryes and balr, j llul pass out.'.Hwift and sudden, Kro I grew heart-sick with care. I would break, some morn, tn my tinging, r Tall in my sprluglng vyalk, J As a lull-Miiwn flower will someHnies Prop sit .ubloom from the stalk. ' ' fc in my youth's glad morning, ; ... While I lie sum mer walks abroad, : I would like to hear the summons j Thai must come, some time, from Ood. . 1 would' pass from the earth's perfee'lou T'oM he endless Juno above, 1'i oni the fullness of livlug and loving T'i t lie noon of immortal loveJ i TIT V ITEMiS. OTLCF. j ( i n coricspinidents must curtail their inoilu lions. Let theui cultivate brcv- iiv.and t'oiilitio tlicniselrca to Ijieir subject. ii)ii't wander. Write only on one. side of tho paper. This advice is "ivcii because wo aY obliged to throw' Haiiy jood articles into the scrap baH' kci cert on account of length. Within liu r.'strictions our columns are opcji to the whole world. Be short, in cisive and pointed.-. lThis advice lis not meant for soino of our very excellent contributors, who are models. : City subscribers, who desire the Post niti.-t settle with our canvasser when he calls on th-ni. Wo ouly t-lmnjc one dollara year. All can pay that amount, :i ml those who do not, and will not, cannot have the Por. Every! man should have Urn Republican news, and' ihev can only get reliable information through a Republican paper. L; SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. IT, u-ill ,jire a TWEXTY DOLLAR (iUl.D I'lECK lo thr iH-rmii who eemh ti t- Iif incut nnmltrryj' joying Subscri ln'rs within (lie nc. i f three months: or by Ih, :lh .Am of 0Loba; 1879- ; ' Chew Jackson's Piest Sweet Navy Tobacco. ly .jTlie Criminal Court has been in I Bes sion. dispatching business In the usual satisfactory style. ! MAUUi'.r Sikkict. Can't we get his Kxcelleiiey, Mayor Fishblate, and his lioyiil Highness, uhief of Police Brock, to have something done to Market street before the street, and all thereon, washes away. We will call them any kind of pet. nanei if they will have something done to improve it. j Ihe i ii lot nut ion we promised our readers, concerning the dry goods bupi ne.ss, is not ready for this issue, but w ill ,be von. Then we can give good, reliable facts, that will show, that there u something wrong somewhere. Ptr chasers should not be ccuipelled tt pajj more for ginnls, by railroad, in Wil mington,' -than ihey would 200 miles in tbe country. An I'liusually Beautifully Engrav ing has been i.ssueU by VPeterson'a Magkine" for ISSO to reward persons for getting up clubs. The plate is quite large, '21 inches by Jt, and would orna ment even the most rcfiued parlor; for it is executed iu the highest style of art; and is such a mcotint as is sold, at retail, for five dollars. The subject is WAsiuxuroN Ar Prayer At V.vui.t.v FogoK," conimembrmtiDg one f the moot touching incideuts of the War of lndeendence. This patriotic and beautiful meuotiot onght to be ia every house iu America. It i, we think, the finest that "Peterson has ever tsoued, and that is saying a great deal. ou can get it, gratis, by get ling up dub for "Peterson.' Only lh rm rnieus circulation of the ma gas ne c v explain why the proprietors CAti aiTv-rd to give such premiums. "PetehKJtt" is the best and cheapest of lie lady a bovks, the price bein but two dollars a year, wiife great deduc tion to club. Speciia04of tbJJaga- t,..,iil in ratlin? un Ink- Cu Rt li J. Psrt&sox, CfcfoUal Shrl, Philadelphia, Pa. llice birds are scarce. Cotton is coming in with a rush- . 4 . Mrs. (J. W. llarriss i.s iu New Yort. Kounders hare all come back to the city. i Our coiton factory U doing splendid, so wc are inlormcd. There are a great many improvements going on in the ciiyj Tne State Kair opens to inor av, an! Iiidds diirinit the week. Ju'jksoii & Ucll, are vcr'y exclletit ' Job Printers olliee on Front street. Solicitor Mclver says crime is very muclron the decrease in his district. . The U. 8. District Court convenes in this city the lirst week in November. Two interments in llelleue Cemc" tery during the past week, both chil dren. One adult and oho child were in terred in O.ikdale Cemetery during the week. ."Vlarriag licenses were issued to three white ami five coln-ed couples during the week. Thcv Superior Court of Drunswick convenes at Smilhville on Monday the 20lb itistanl. Stacy VanAinringe C. S. C, is to be thanked lor appointing sound Repub licans to office. Solicitor Mi ivvr, was inr the city a (ew days agoon bis way home from Columbus Cciiii- '1 wo capital cases, clung d. burglary, are to be tiled during tho present term of thc Criminat t -ourt. 'Ihe Wiluiin;;ti n Compress Coiupa uy will haveMiicir i'lessvjs in ruiiuing order iu a lew days. Maj. Calghill, Engineer in charge U. S. improvements, of our river, was in the city on Tuesday last. . mi i Mr..Jas. 11. Spiinger, has removed his coal and wood yard, to Water : Ircet, bttwee'n Princess and Chestnut. t We understand, that the steamer passport, will hereafter carry .the niai's batween Sinilhville and. Wilmingtoi''. Thanks to P.. ' C, Brothers, Secretary of thi Albemarle Agricultural Fair, for Complimentary ticket. We hope the society will succeed. ; "Figs and Thistles," by Judge A. W. Tourgee, has been received by us, aud will be noticed in our next. For sale tit P. lleinsberger's, in this city. The Custom House improvement is going on rapidly, under the supervision of Mr. D. B. Thomas, froi the govert meut architect ollice. I Rev. George Patterson; 1. I , will preach at St. Mark's Church, corner of Mulberry and Sixth streets, this even ing at 71 o'clock. Seats free. - m mi Rev. O.O. Bradvj Minister iu Ciiaige of St. Mark's Episcopal Church, has re turned trpm the North aiid' will s-crvc iu that , church this inortii'ng at the usual hour. ! Daniel Wright, cdored, was commit ted to jail on Tuesday in dvlault ot'KW bond for his appearance at the present term of the Criminal Court, to answer to the charge of perjury. I 1 i Tho Light Shi l built by- Messrs. Cassidey A Ross, at their Marine Rail way, has been delivered to the govern ment. Rhe was towed to Chaileston by the buoy tender Alanthiis. Capt. Samuel Hooker, of Pr. Baique George Davis, died aKard his vessel, which was Tying at anchor opposite Smithville. He-was buried on Friday in the grae yard of that TiM-ge. Henry Murphy. ro;ui Wm. Tale Murphy, was arrested on a beBch war rant on Thursday charged with but- glarv. He was arraigned Friday and the case wa set lor trial, tomorrow at 10 o'cloek. Catt. John N. Matrm, hai resigned the position of Justice f ihe Peace, iu Harnett-Townbip7 aud the Tacaucy has beea filled, by Mr. Stacy YanAtn rioge Ckik of the SujHior: Court, in the appointment of Mr. Jcre N. Hew lett, of the same Townhip. A very deter geutlemau and gvwxt UepabliejiD. CV1. Charles fi. J .oes. Secretary f the Carolina Fair A.H-iatiou, at Chsr ktt, N. IV W vpt,our thanks tor a compliueuLary ticket to the exhibi tion! to come ftf on the 4;h, U, Ui ?lhof Novfniber oet. Col. Jones says, M From'! pre8 indjcaiioo, ibg anaaatsaent predict a larger, brttci, and suore sucvsfal fir thin U ever bxt brld here." We are soi ry to learn that Mr. R M Orrell, Tostmaster of Fayeltevillei N. C, has been quite ill. We liope, be will soon recover, and may continue .to serve the public many years as jth p. m. , ; ! Meeting of the Board of Aldek 5t en The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Alderraeo was held Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Preseut, His Honor Mayor Fishblate and Alder men Myers, , Flanner, Bowden, Vpn Ulahu, Vollers, KiDg, . Lowery, llill. The minutes ot the last meeting were .read and approved. The committee; on Fire Department reported progress in relation to the matter of In Kerosene oil standard. ' - . j j The committee oo aUeeii'aad ivhai vcs reported progress ou the date Ordi nance. 1 , . The committee appointed upon the matter in which Mr. A. Oldham is in terested reported progress. i The committee on Fire Department suggested that the extension of the Cape Fear Engine House bo postponed for this year on accountfSant Sof funds. Adopted. A petition to erect coal bius lu North Water street, from J. A. Springer was granted. j The lollowing was referred' to the committee on Fire Department: Ordered, That at tires within the city limits, whenever in the opiuiou of the Chief of the Fire Department, the fire is under control, aud tho further at tendance of the Fire Department is. not required to keep the tire from spread ing to adjoining property, then ita at tendance as a public duty shall cease; and any further services of the Fire Department, or any one of the com panies which may be required or de manded, shall be at tho -following charge, Ixt be paid by those interested or benefitted, viz. $5.00 per hour for each steam lire engine company for day service, and $7,00 per hour for, night service half to go to the com pany so employed, and ball to go into the City Treasury, for the wear and tear of the engine and the fuel con sumed, half of tho above pi ices to bo cbargiHl for the service of a hook and ladder and hand engine, all of which shall go to the company. ' j The Chief of.tho Fire Department is hereby charged with the execution of this ordinance. The following, recommended by the Clerk of the Market was referred to tbo committee ou Market and Fees: 1 1 Ordered, That the Chief of Police, with the concurrence of the Cleric of the Market be required, and is hereby required and' instructed, to have the stand for' market carts changed from its present location, on Marker aud Sec ond streets, to Front street, between Market and Orange street; the changb lo be made ou or before the 15th iin slant, and 'after that date no market carts to occupy any other stand but the latter. ; . , v . i ' j A .petition' from sundry citizens for foot biidge over the Wilmington & Weldou Railroad, on Fourth street was granted, the city agreeing to furnish material to an amount not to exceed $175. ' u A petition from Wilmington Steam Fire Euginc Company No. 1, for au appropriation of one hundred dollars to aid in buying a horse- to replace the one killed in service, wasgrauted A resolution was adopted requesting the Board of Audit and Finauce to re consider their action disapprovingj the appropriation of $100" to Mr. Walker Mcares, and that they grant the same. A communication from Mr. II . Nutj was received and read. Ou iirotion,; tho case was reopened and the petitioner allowed to be heard by counsel. The Mayor called the attention of ihe Board to the dock aud wharf at the foot of Red Cross street, when the mat ter was referred to the committee on streets and wharves, (o report at the next mectiug of the Board. - A communication from Calo Bunting Was read 'an l referred to the finance committee. ' i i Application from Lewis. Bryant aud O. lioyal, to rent the city wharf at the loot of Mulberry street, was referred to the committee on Streets and Wharves. Xlbe following Ordinance was adopt ed. " . . " j. O tfVmf, That from Oct 6ih, 1579, tbe City Hall shall not be rented, leased or used for purposes other than reli gious or charitable, and nuder no cir cumstances, will dancing be allowed ia the building: ZHhJ, further. That the Hall shall not be used fcr any purpose ei ee it on ihe payment ot lea dollars per dayrr night and shall nH be kept open afier I o'clock at nigou All ordinances or parts of ordinances iu conflict with the abere are hereby repealed. j -. j Alderman Flaoncr aaorcd tat here I after the Police Hrsutatioos be righlly j enforced. Tbe petitioa ol tie Clerk ! and Treasurer for aa iaenrase of pay. j was on motioa of Aldvrauui Myers, re ferred to the cxxumiUee o Finance, aud an increase to $l,VJ rvcoaaaaeaded. TW rrport of the Chief epaeef of the Kire iVrpartaaeot was rr.l ajid SherifT Manning seems to be happy, since he filed his new bond. ,We learn that there will be- a light i established on Bald Head at once. Now, if the Department will light up the river between Smithville rind WiN mingtpn, we shall all rejoice. W. R- Love, Esq. a good sound stal wart Republican, of Cumberland county has been appointed Route Agent, ou the Cape Fear River,. ia place of A. II. Worth, a Democrat; this is as it should be. While there is nothing against; Mr. Worth, except his politics, the position is a political-orre, and the j Administra tion being Republican, jibe ngeccy belongs to a Republican, and Mr. Worth had no right to expect 5r. ' : Mr. W- Ii. Love, is a gentlemen of character, and in every way qualitVed for the position, the Department, is to be congratulated on its selection. The appointment will give entire satisfaction to the Republic can party ot the state. j The North AmekicaxJ The num ber for October sustains the growing reputation of this ancient :W.d rc-kivig-orated monthly. "The Woman tiues tiou," and "Science atid Humanity" are treated, and Prof. Yotimans dis courses upon Herbert Spencer's '-Evo lution Philosophy." "The Diaryof a Public Man," describes the conditions aud scenes about Washington on the eve ' ot Mr. Lincoln's inauguration, gives certain personal reminiscences of his own, aud also describes the inaugu ration ball. Ti e writer, whoever he is, was so wise iii.his own estimation, that he sal constantly in . judgment over every body from Liiicolii, Ssward aud Douglas down. To any one who was familiar with the inside and outside of airairs at .Washington at that time, this "Diary" does not seem either very relia ble or oitditable to the author. It is not quite to be believed that there was anybody about -there at that time pos sessed of buch omnispective yisiou as t-j bo able to see so much more than others. ' County Com mi.- to i:'iU J- -The fol lowing business was transacted at a meeting of the Board of CouuiyCim misioners, on Monday lustj Taxes against W. C Fdrgius, J.aving already been listed, were remitie 1, the same has been charged twice, and the taxes-against the estate of 1. Fere us, valuation .$1,700, were crd.ored to be charged to W. C. Fergus. ' The petition of C. C. "Railway Com pany to amend its tax list, was granted aud ordered that said Company be perj mitted, to withdraw its protest and list its personal property at the sum of $80,000. ' ! In relation to the application of the Wilmington, Columbia Augusta Rail road Company be allowe I to list iu personal property at the sura of 5 l'",i. oi Ordered, that Waller Cjney, agen: be permitted to List the steam tugB!am he; and Douglass at the sum ol"l.r.ii ". Ordered, that the tax on the scbooner Snow Storm, improperly a-sced, be remitted, the same havingbeeri iis'.ed as jers )nal property t-y Cuuimin- &: Co. Taxes on the schf.o lu'rsl Ed vj;rd?, ; Minnie Ward and Ann Ray, were a so remitted, the same having been t-'rcidy! listed by VA wards Oc Hall. 't he delinouent tax atrinsiT "j .,.s a . .-3 ------ --o" tiui was vrdercl remit'e-.l. t"...j. Vme ha v.-: ing bceu lied. ; Tax ou ITuiltd Slates bunds iisud by A. 11. Kelley was oidered remitted It wa.s ordered that the Sheri'i I e j ins'.llielil tar. lurn t.. I . , ,. 1 r I- Xt.!,,, I - . v. . ) iv lllfMVUI & .'iVll.it the deed fer property sold I ji er-j -ira-i taxeti, for I S7, the same having been sold in consqutuce of a clerical crrer. The Couuly Treasurer submitted his monthly report for September, balance due him ou the general account of 19-14.30,- and on jecial fund balance due him I'.nn,!?. Exsmiue l and fund correct. , Fifty three coupen submilticd by the Treasurer were examined arid bur icd by the' Boan'. j The report of the Ikard of Edue4tton was submitted, showing a balance on hand of fjsi,17. I Xfce Register submitted bis repi rl showing $17,10 as the aiuouur paid to the Treasurer for marriage licesw. for the month.. Recrived and c rJrcl oa rile. On motion, the Board a4..riwd to meet on the first Mouday ia November next, at 23 p. ui. . SJBBBBRBBHBHBBaBBSBBBBBSBSSSBkSSSWBHSBBBHSSI. NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. , . .... .............. 1 rroc umi toatun. utt it's ff f M A W Z. K ifi Uv-. i v ! l'ra4 tap Uw cai. Li-rry twrnt tLkkntnuirMoi. u- it 1 5rf s";y 0air orwv (UU Irtal fij.rf. I Uarcl tt i4 hr It ir tml. Tn turn ofsjcctoait 'rii f 1 a L-iT I - .- wtUtai o -- osi4 Irr tojaaE I . . jrlr ' "iu.,? j st j , btatc and County Taxes plAia brir. - cia iftt iCi t Ura OC ly r tf ltM b &uMztm I aaaJl wa pt vr -mr jb tr.m m mail lr. ?. ! l. rrr-..- t vafiaa o4 fcjM-l ) w a d yer tisements JSUPERIOK COURT,) STATE OF NOKTU XKW HANOVJSlt-S CX)LNTY. J CAROLINA..' isamuel I.. Smith end) wife. Mary V. Smith, Vrialatlfls. vs. ) " Frederick Itheu and "1 Ileury J. Stettnran and f Defendants. ' wife Ansa J. t?tcdmau.j riUIIS 19 A SPECIAL PROCEEDING IX X stitutetl before the Clerk of the Superior Court for the purpoeeof setting asldeajudg menf and! decree in a former proceeding in partition.innd to have the plaiutiffs declared icjiauU iii common with defendants Rheu, in :i certaiu lot described la tlie ielitiou ia thin cause; and for an account of the rents, issues and profits of the said premises. Tlie defendants, Jlenry J. Sfcediuan and wile, Anna J. Stedman-are hereby : notiried to appear before tlie Clerk of the said Court, at the Court lJouse in the city of Wilming ton, on Wednesday, Nov. li'th, lsV.i, then and there ionnswerordemnrtothe petition herein or ! judgment will be given against them according to the prayer or the said petition i - oct Li tn9 . VasAMRINOK, C. S. i . i . - n ,, lablisnea Saturday, Ocf. 4tli. TOURUEE'rf NEW WESTERN bTORY, FIGS AND THISTLES. A keenly; characteristic American novel. i:y Alujo! W. Tolkoee. i'rieet Cloth, 1. Also, by Ihe same Author, TOISETTE, A Tale of the South. New Kditilon. Fourth Thousand. I'rice, Cloth, ?1. rA pieturesnue, vivid, passiouaie story." Cinn. Times. I Rwulv shortly. A FOOL'S ERRAND, Jtv One or the Fooii N'.vitu. SkkV. Thou art not altogether a fool, l-'oor.. Nor thou altOKether a wise man: us much' foolery as I have, so much wit thou luekest. Timon of Athens. FORM. noVAKl, &. 1IUL1JKRT, New YOKK. 1 ; ' The above books are for sale by all Rook sellers, or will be mailed, postpaid, on receipt of price by tho Publishers. i 0HN WERNER,T ri:r.!)oNALi.v in atiesiiaxve at Hair Dressing Salooii7HSSSs No. 1 1 North Front Street. South of Purcell House, - Wilmington; nJc! None but the most experienced workmcu employed in tliis establishment. Manufacturer of TouiesHalr Oil. Col- ojrne. uenovators. Dyes, lieautiners, Ac, on. ., js(;i, WILMINGTON, N. C, j SEl'TEMUEB VT)Tll, 1ST!J IMtti.M AND after this date I cease to set - as j , . ". j FREE TKADEK. . I HFNRIKTTA WATON.I .se; 1 - -4- liEASONS Will K tRV DAY IS' PAIN - KILLEU 1S TJ1K Bast Family Medlciue of the Age. I . - . r. r i v. I Atid Why it sb'Hiiil be krnt alwavs ne:ir n't hand: j . I ' : n-K l it . i.v it i-. ll..- m.jst t-ertuln i li.-lt-ra ihlli' t h:it ill .-. i ;i i M-ieuit' 1j:i.s 'fv Jili-idi ' i. ris-Kti i .i i; sisa I 'i.irrii- an. I Ityn. srlj.ini it , vvr fails. I'.X fN-Kl lit. l it: w;ll cure Cimiii.s ,r I'.Hiis in any p;nt ..t tin- A s.;ic dust- UiiiiiHi ;i (!! a ,1; .. r.h. I'uv Ki ill.! l."'St 1 IiUll. ! kK !;! t-ureilvspt psln and :i u-.i-J ,cc'rUiiij; to uuecs i':N-Kisi.! rit i un , ; , : 4 . t t 11, -vef ftl in-jcure 1 f dJiu Cold-. I'liiii" .Ad -.. i'AIN-Kl l l K b.. iro ! r Sov-m Itv i.-lm I . h v 1 1 ; I'..1' I S. (ir tt v. r nn. I gin-, ai.l Clilit tiruri 1 1 tn- iiu(i oiistiuiite . 1'UN KlllLIK ; a H ;;am nf l tin- i-'i !.tl lOr Ir.M lUU. i hlSbl.ta li-ru-. l.ruiM-, .'i!-. - rain. .lc. !h. i'tlH-Kll ur.M Iim rort- t r-. of Hhrematlsj iu and Ni v.r.,!tla tttri r lAdlitE. ?ih. Pai?-Kii iii:tocif(.t r-.ii. Ki . Wliit'ow iJ sirr- lui rvilci irom utiu ;UU-rtlir lif .ii pl ciljoo. I - I'th. rtx-KiLl.r.s hrr HraUrh. and llij. r ui KiiliK nil! otr .,u !) ol tii-kn nl miiy SultAT la uatm mJ IvwUir 1 bill. ; J-1h. l-l?-Kiti.j. kJui l-n tx-for thm to rely oe-.llr prtfxstoa. Sp to krrp aod 4m la try Uaait. Tt witjr atUrtJiu( It t. Urtir tnty fulirxlj rraUti4 fcjr H, u j lb srtua adxHkot c4 pfta a4SiBf i;.i can tw i ti-J lfcrvcb it mfce it lri r ar Ut --!): Ui4i wiili tk Zm a b ? nrlmnij! Am t lo fc U I m 1 m at t&aa. I ! t!l l.Klli.fi'. &ok:t4f- v6 11 1-T.. i 'UKsTtrr. Atrwr?rnrYAxr e '; ii tv ar aaaAt. i i ml ajtwr ; Udiak la.M:i ettaOt. 3CH. . It ,!SiM.aafrtf NEW ADVERTISEMENT. BEAD. 'We stood at an ofga window ; leaning far over the sill.1 And if something hadn't happened " We uiijht have stood there stil!; Uut we:.reached for a banging shutter In a bllndieg uortLeat bree:c, Fo our friends will have to bainvilea To join-in the obsc'inies. TF WE COCLD ONLY HAVK KNOWN .what a storm was brewing tin a teapot )l ftud how far oil that shutter was. we chiuld never have ventured our head outside ot that window;-but it is too hue- iorregreU now; tW8 are nonplussed, completely Miielched. hva been sat upon, aud our friends and the public petns-:iy lire ie speclTuliy invited loaUeud theobstHmUsvo SATURDAY IsTKXT and we stake our reputation on its hides the grandest fuu.r.it they evcr.wituetscd. Ashe slip j,e isltdes, and fvirvtiincLe slides he slips up must wotfullv. 'We leave our"kind friends.- to rind out the nuauina of the above, and while they are doinc ho we will ask the following queftioiis: Havn't wetiio iisiu-t anddlrtk-;l store iu the stiitt? . Havh't we the p'iM;-e.-t stiK-k of gi ods iu Wilmiujjton? , llavn't we made priccmucluhtifh'csiuce Vre eommenei.s.1? llavn't webeeu very uuaeeomtaodatlcc and impolite to you? llavn't we charged you for all hecoods delivered? . in v m1st.1l.. a 1 ouratU'1!! iVil ol our frii-ntls wii.t .......... ......v... Uk-above iieslioiiK will please not buy iroiu us any more. Uespe.-stfully mmi truly. P. L. BRID6ERS &C0. IiiKlancing over last sundav's (uiptrwe resretteil to notice the tacit iu k nowledK' ment from someof our brother proce-rs llu.t we had taken away pjtrt of t hcir.ti ade.'nud making au appeal to iheotluis tu t to ltuve them. We.rejiret thi exceedingly, cipi ei.ii ly -as they were so kind tuul i -uttsidi ra'e about our coming to trie., l.u: mpin.. wehavetlelermiucd to do l lit- LAKtri-LST. KETaIL CKo'EUV ever done In lin.t:.,;!.,.,. VK , inluo uture have lo ke. p jhiin if. 0 t. -iul r hearted, ana Ct I iHtWN I'Jii, ps a iili.o more. THE BLOOM CHASM HAS 13ELN BRIDGED 0VEK. THE LITTLE JOKF.l ;ire n-, ; . irone. A' line line el TulLlil .OAl'S rc-' eeiye-1 t.lay; very l.jw down. TlieULl) CA-1'j; 1 KaII U fiouri-l.ir am MAUTKl.Li: ilUUjru;. H e luvc 1ir. u ,.v,r ..... j n...e.l ti ..1 '.Cigar of .a line ll:i.tust it . ttil tilliik I! Y,.ui I I..- I :. t jM.L. ylo lurni-liUis the p-r Willi .ur lii.e i '.t t s.r JToitlirlloii-., at tlov iae JI.e t 1. I... 1'. keeppitcej, very low, hi, h ot t .,u't . Willi 11 other jrinir.. Or.. 1 r - want fiiuinh i :t to .- t..r titrk s 1 klorcrent uJ NOT PURITANICAL. AililfHj.il l.j-t4, 1, the dr L.J.,uor. r. iliUl I-H. A i r. j,t b-t purtLajtb-ai eii,!i i-. rttunr fi i ? t t a they think ao H li.- T CI.A-H i,H a i.l; V KTullK ran nfl.ifj to U nilhoal: . ?s.f -rotaie the laili.i IW; asU bi jn And sil u-.v u it x r the jt l no-i, fc H mut Ue Ukm tlfl.o to t.c uruti. bumjai:im:u. ".. JfTCAUT r? VIM' IiUIUlAJi 'OUU UVX yt4 mrt 1 . V OCT. DUTTKIi AND LMIU 4b fari. 44?s4. ic l Ud O WHISKEY tlx w I P: L BRIDOKRS k CD'S. r. tT Ui h4if ta.ii i , t wm min. i 11' mftmnti. m axM inM 04 A tt4 T f i onSerwl o tie. t The Uard the adriraedL " J, - I- : 1 ' 'j i . : r i ' '-i tv . . VA-i Jta4 i:r. i r.a m Umtt Cla, fM j-w . I r a f -i