4 11 aw SIi5la CcH 5 CciU , NUMBElt 13 VULUMli X, WILMINGTON. NOUTII OAUOUNA. SUNDAY. OCT. 20. I87!. fc'S - 'I : ' - : - J i , . .. l- f "; ' f :,.- - . m i .HNTII fT T'l AT 'X hnT .... Wi LIlNqi-ON 1 OHT ESTrEi at thk rofiTornrR AT W-II.MIKfiTOK, N. C, AH HEiVSIiCl.AM MATTKR 1 RATES OF ADVERTISING. Fifty cent, per line for the first: i ertion and twenty-five cent er line for each additional insertion. Eight (8) line, Nonpareil type, con stitute a square. . The subscription priee to The VrlL minoton Post in fl 00 per year; six months 75 cents, i Allcomniuntcrtionsou busines should be addrc-ised to Thk Wilmington Post, Wilmington, N. U. . All advertisements will be charged a the above rates, except on special con tracts. LATE GENERAL NEW3. Robert Bonner will sell at auction on the 20lh inst., 8 horses from bis breed ing farm, among them the fast and beautiful son of Flora Temple, and others that cost thousands. Standing Tjufl and his daughter Hright Eyes, are telling the story of their wrongs in Chicago, in a way that makes one shiver. They are of the old Pi.niea tribe which has always been at pcacf with the government. :.. il.L ' tk J... .' .. it. i.' if ill ii u iniinvuri Ul uir. Jj. ill. Stan on's opinions of current affairs will very much change the opinion of many people in regard to his character. The abrupt withdrawal of Senator : Thuruian from public life will leave a " very. large vacuum. Some of his acU in national matters are unquestionably very creditable. Ho will leave few if any of his class influential in affairs, who are his equal. i They have had in some sort a ce!c Urntinn at Yorktown, a merely pre SSratory affair to that which is prepar ing Tor Oct. 23d, 1881. A society is to be organ;.ed and committees arraigned t get' up an extensive display. A Imrrible atrocity in the House of .Correction of .Milwaukee has been re- veiled where the prisoner- have btcuAr fl mi tiri'ml mailt frin ilaninrnil . r ... feed, and meal of embryo calves, dogs nil slandered horses. They had also a block hole, 5 feet 1: inches by 3 feet, and indescribably filthy where they confined men twenty days. The Mexican Congress has erected the disputed corners of -the states of Chiha'nhau, Durango and Coahnila, in cluding tne entiro mining district of Sierra Majada, whero anAmerican company are operating largely, iuto a . territory under the Federal Govern- - mcni, uniu me question oi oouuuaiics ' shall be settled. - The House Committee on Rules has in its repoit reduced the number of rule of the House from 160 to 00. The present rules are the accumulations of a century, and very fow members, if any, are complcto masters of them. Hut some one of them sometimes springs into life suddenly to the embarrassment of business. The Committee cannot nuke them more cumbrous, and its leg islation will be much simplified. (ien. Roberts, the English command er, has levied a tseayy tine on the eilf- ifiis of Cabul, "directed that all iuhab itanti shall deliver up their arms within ten- days on penalty of death, and of fered heavy rewards for the couviclion of any person coucerned in the mas-: "tcrc of the British Embassy, . . It . is said that James Ucdpallt who mysteriously disappeared about three weeks ago is alive, and was only hidiog to ot recuperation from. intense labor. A torresHndnt has had an inter view' with. Got. Ioui Koasuth, who said he believed a, Franco-Kussian alli ance inevitable, aud that Germany would then have her hands full on the Khine, and Austria be left to bear alone th brunt of a Slav ontlaaght. He ex pressed the belief that Count And raw v will reappar in, politics as Imperial Chanctllor. Bcmtbo4y , in Cnicao is licusing whether a poor, tired wortman seated in t hore car foing home at night, ruV 1 t. nfTr kia imI to a ladv who ta Uouing. A Washingtoo corrtspondeot writes: Prominent aouthcrn Democrat b, wail the Ohio Ttrdtct tweaose of iu efteet on New York, and they concede that without New Yok it will b alaMwt if not quit ipoaibt to elect Ueoi era tic lreideninext year. They aeen . to think Ual All Ibe iodicaiiHM point to a solid north against a solW south, ami the onh U much the Urge oT fh I wo, nad will nlwaye wiw h the line are drawn. The stale of ladtaaa, here toiore eoMMeeed wholly UeaMcratie, ia now caklerel by the IVmocrau quite Mhaky,M for Ui uje not of lie iMiblican rain there at ia Oh' wm4 Ctve it to the Republican by lS,t0 Oen. Fits John Porter, who vat tea fenced by a court Itoartial to have bcea guilty ofdUolxylng pea. Vope'a ordera on the battle field, at the acconJ Bull Kan, has come out with publication chiefly laudatory of hia military career. Whereat tie Iniar Ocean aayi that ror ter committed an act wblch !irould have caused blm to hate been shot in any other country than the United States," and that "Porter was doubtleee smart, but bo was Arnold." The Chief of the Bureau of Statistics reports that the value on exporta from the United States of live animals of all kind, increased from $5,844,653 during the Twcal year of 1878 to $11,437,754 dupng 187'J. 'Of the. lotal' exporta of live animals the last fiscal year 11 per cent were sent lo Great Britain.) . The vatuc of exports of cattle increased from f3,S)C,8l8 duriug 1878 to $S,37y, 200 in 18"y. - - WAmnTOPC LETTER. . ' Washikgtox, D. C, October 22, 18711. Two things are very fashionable just now among Democrats. One is the "without distinction of party" recep tions tendered to Gen. Grant and the others due to their well known piety, is ascribing to the bountiful harvest the entire merit of-the revival of busi ms prosperity. . The reason of the first is, that if Mr. Tildeii wont let them nominate a can didate for themselves they will do the next best thing possible and nominate one for us. The elections in Maine, California, Iowa and Ohio have sick" encd and disgusted them with the hkucs raised by the extra session and they hope that if Grant should be the Republican nominee, tbey will by rais ing the cry ef "Cswxriam" 'jthe man on horseback," etc., to divert attention from their settled determination to an nul as far as possible the results of the war, which if it did not settle that the Union' was supremo and the states subordinate, did not settle anything. r'The reason of their pious ? ascription to a kind Providence of a bountiful harvest and the blessing of returning proHiK'rity arises7, from their hatred of resumption and the fiuancial policy which has reduced the public debt, re? duced t,he intercut on the debt that re mains, reduced the duties on prorcinent staples, reduced the public expendi tures to the last dollar possible, with regard to efficiency and honesty in the public service and reduced the "lately defiant Democratic party to a wrang ling conglomeration of odda and ends, of Tildenites and Kellyites, Ac, Ac; of this man's party and that man's party, hard money, soft money, anything at all. "All things to all men" for success. A bountiful Providence blessed our land with generoas crops in '77 and '78, and our people were fed and clothed and enabled to bear up against the long continued stagnation of business of all kinds; 'but the Greenback frenzy and the tinkering of the Democratic Con grens with the finances of the country, frightened capital, proverbially timid, and for the great industries' of our peo , pie languishing tor lack of means there. was no market, no demand for the great: agricultural surplus of those vearsl Artisans wilhont' work were without mouey, and such was the un certainty of the outcomo Of the fioan cial vagaries- projounded in Congress that fi w men ventured to part with cah except for necessaries. Iu 1877 and '78 the farmers had crops but nobody had money to buy or move them. The resumption act, "the cause of all our woes," according to Democratic tinkerers, has put a differ ent face on affairs, j No sooner was the public assured that tho. great financier at the head of the treasury would be able to maintain the .stand he had taken of equal ami honest money for ill men and ail section, than capital lowed into the depleted channels of Industry, the bum of bust nulla was leant, confidence, was restored among tradesmen and faith revived iu the harvesty of on r purposes, and tne sta bility of the new era of prosperity wfeieh has dawned upon us. A pros perity, which like resumption, incepted has come te stay. I ' i To John Sherman' resumption net iand the firmness of purpose juid single honesty of intent whkbj fought H through hoU of enemies and obstacles well high Insurmountable, Is due the fset that to-dsj a greenback or a bank ia worth a gold dollar; throufbout the length and breadth of oar land. that tuoncY is cheap and plenty for all legitimate enterprises, that bank! free to all men and that the national hknk note furnish ue with a weal no cured current ffo4 ne gmU, in erery (ate and tmitory, a emmacy dificult le eountersVH and so flexible as to rftadilr expand e eontmet na the fcnei rsVu aecWtke of the country Around. Jahn hermaa tudcxihle steading in saainUtnios: reMimptiosi rrtored confidence, and capital reaasu red came from its retirement, and to-day we have mills running double turn, price and wages steadily and rapidly advancing, the wave of returning prosperity rising higher and higher, aud which, if the verdict of the people in the receut state elections iu Maiue, California, Iowa and Ohio meaus anything, will culminate in placing in -tho President tial chair that able statesman, that resolute and honest financier, the au thor and champion of. resumption, John Sherman. AHIIVILLK LKTTGK. A&iiyii.i.e, N. C, Oct. 20, 1879- Mit. W, P, Canaoay, Eijnoii Post : The weat is' exceed ingly well pleased with the candidates that you are supporting- in your very excellent paper. The names of John Sherman aud Ualnh P. Buxton for President and Governor will add thous ands of votes to our party in 1880. If Judge R. P. Bnxton should be the Re publican, caudidatc lor "Governor we will .certainly succeed. There is no man in the "north state" so popular an he. Everybody in the west is for Judge Buxton. Then 'give us Judge J. L. Henry, of this place, aa Licut. Governor, and th? transmoulane dis trict wilt go overwhelmingly for the liepublicau ticket. Tho honorable Johu Sherman, who hai as you say, at all times, stood by Bouthcrn Union Republicans',' can and will get a larger vole in this section than any mau who could be nomi nated by cither p irty. Thewestis for Sherman, that you cm depend tin.. QFor state treasurVr, we up over tho mountains, would bo exceedingly well pleased to see Hon. David A. Jenkins nominated, and if he will take the place ho will receive our undivided support, and he would aM very much to the general tit krt. For secretary of state giveus that stalwart and able Republican Maj. Ricliard U. Badger, one of the bext stump speakers in Nori!i Carolina. And ex-Attoruey Genera! llargrovo should be placed back on the ticket as Attorney General.'. As Superintendent of Public Instruc tion,' we understand th it Mr. A. R. Black, of New, llauover, would be ihe strongest candidate that could bo 110:11 inated. Mr. Black iv oue-4f-the be-.i teachers in tho stale and would be l!. right man in the right place. Therefore we respectfully nominate for the con sideration of the next Republic in Con vention the following ticket : For President, JOHN SHERMAN. For Vice President, TH OS. SETTLE. For Governor, RALPH P. BUXTON. For Lieut.-Governor, J. L. HENRY Secretary of state, RICHARD O. I1ADGEU. State Treairer, DAVID A. JENKINS. Attorney General, TAZEWELL R. HARGROVE. Superintendent Public Instruction. ; ARCHIE R. BLACK. We will bet one thousaud dollars on the success of the above ticket if the Republican Convention will put it be fore the people. Yours truly, ' AsavtM.K Keim T.l H AN smiihvilu, N. c o.t. 2;, iv. i The Sujer:orCourtTof Bruuwiek county convened j at tSmilhville . t.-t. 2Ulh. The charge of hi-t Honor to the jury was short and to the p tint The attendance was very 'final I, iu fact n session of the court for mviy years ha presented so still and uninviting a field for business or lawyers. For once in the history of the county there was not. a single person cou fried in the j ill for trial. Tliis speaks volume l"r the cple, and ia an evidence of their g J intentions an 1 resject fjr the taw of the land. ; A portiou of tho time of the Court was .occupied in. the heiring of a large number of bastardy cascs, iu oae of which our worthy alienor, by an honest and sjrn.what uacxpected an . wer of witness. receivM the gratuit.vi' npplause of the enure) assembly- the remainder c( the witnctiMs were re lieved of th datjr of arreriag any such questions by the Si.icit''. The court aiiouraed on Tuesday. The Board of County Commissioner were in session Monday and Tuesday, but very liUle buMom v( an Unportani nature wa tranfaced. The tax Kh1 were acttpted aid the jrV rifforvlered to collect and he immcdtauly coatmeacod .work. '''"' .'- ..'"'.' -' Tuesday niht the !adic of the M. K church gave a festival ia the Acad emy tor tbu prHe f ohuimsg fund to pay oCT a salait dcbt 00 thetr new rmnwoajr. Although it w g'Ucu up it great hie tt proved )aite a ac re. The octy - netted1 mm fifty dollars. The eaure $ up t2u great credit oa the ladir h maaagvd Ue afialr. not only ta ttw orlee mainiaroed throat. bout te ea'ire cv nine, but la the uauful and J h- Mne dwplay fr lle tawrr mm The grwat and g.ri"t ct rv ef Ohio, and lh steady oowirl mrch of RrpublicanUta everywhere throughout the land, baa Infesed new life Into the hearts of all who claim to Relieve ia the frlneinle ef the party and la this county has scattered to the four wind J or the heavens ,194 last vestige 01 that old French financial paper baby humbug of a hundred years ago. haded Greenback ism, at the present day. It has gone glimmering in this county, and its sponsors are as humble ajsei 01 men as sny community need desire. KlXiULAR- Dl'DLBT, N. C, Oct. 15. Mr. EfjiToa: There has been seven murder cases tried in Yayno county in the past two yearflj firo whiles and two colored, and of the lof the two colored and one white wis hung, arid Im other four white men go onponished.' the whites j were Democrats. All of Jerry Cox, u colored man and a state's wit ness, was taken from the jail at' night and killed. Will the Sheriff of Wayne let the good people know who commit ted this outrsge? ' It is reported that he knows all about it, therefore we hope he will give! the desired information. Cox was murdered in May last. A Friend to LAW. CIPY ITEMS. Chew Jackson's Tobacco. 1 Best Sweet Navy iy For. Rent. A piano, fir several months. If .wanted for a long time, inquire at HeinsbergerV. The receipts of cotton are increasing at this port. ; Our friends in the country should send in their wood, good prices uow. It is bringing The fish market has been bountifully supplied duriug the past week, j ' A thitf entered tho residence ;of Mr. A. Weill of this city, but was Tight ened off minus his booty. Rev. Juuies W. Craig will lilly the pulpit of the Front Street M. E. Church this morning, and tho l'asttir, Rev, E. A. Yates, will preach at nighL ti'iite aii xeitciueul 'revailtd near the coiner of Seventh- and Market streets Friday evening, caused by the burning nut of a foul cliimuey, We understalid that the Greenback - ors intend to have a mee'ing at Pvoekv Point tn 'the 8th of November next. The tire alarm was .sounded twice vc-trrday A bale oi cotton aiid the ro.! of a house being the cause. Our roostersJ of last week did con siderable crowing which made iur Re publican all over the state very joy ful. Hon Janus 11. Harries of Raleigh, was in ihc city on Thursday last. We are mti) to ce that he is not in very good health. We wish him success in life. There was quite a change of temper ature hereabouts yesterday morning. There was quite a good frost in and about the city. The cold wave acems to be general, and we aro glad ; to see that there has been a good frost in fever stricken Memphis. Fan Ni k L v 11 -S a m pmi x . 't he fu- nerai. service 01 mis amiaoie aui cs teemcl young Miss took place ju Fri day atternooti, tK'tober 23d, 1S70, from St. Mark' Episcopal Ciiurcb, and was s;id and impressive. The large number of relatives and friends nhofylIowed her remains to their last . resting place induces the belief that she , was widely known, though young, aud greatly be loved. Miss Fannie will" be remem bered by maur who witnessed the pre sentation of the bcaulitul'silkjnag to C1. Mabson battalion, and by into lcrs of this command, who sadiy dc plore her hs. The beautiful tribute b,cpaid to the colored citizen jdiery. - 1 1 t and the charge Jelivered to the ents of the: banner, cannot soon recupi be for- gotten, flowers. Cover her over with beuti(ul Daowxixt? or a Rivcxrc Orru er. Capt. Oo. W. Bailey.for quite a while in command ot the Revenue Cutter Craw ford.! then stationed here, is pleas antty remembered hr many ef our dtr xeosL He was drowned elf Cape Flat tery oa the Pacific coast on the 16th of this month. He was the commander of the Revenue Cutter Richard Rush, and there wa a heavy ra.e. H went on deck at one bell of the mora tog watch to sp-sk lo the efScer of the Vek, awdl was oVt seen afterwards. It U fwrtwtted that he was thrown over- board rf a rartlt of the rewsel while Uoding near the rail. Capt. iy w one of the most rfkienl oScm ef the Revenue Marine Srrvice,, and Via death w ill cause much Admrm i MU city and at ?akhvlle. fie w a na- 1 - 1 live ef lOcwaaertkwt, and eolettd the service in 1X The city ulepjione fire alarm is about comnieted. The telephone exchange b now ready to receive the instruments which will no doubt be put up . this Wjtvk, ',.. . j .r - ' A man stepped into a store ia thsj southera portion of the city on Monday last and called for a package of floor. It was banded (o hjni, when he gave leg bail as par meat for it. - i - . . John Bay, colored, fell into the. river at the foot of Chesuut street on Tues day night and was drowned. Friday the body was recovered aud ' taken charge of by the : friends of the de ooased. , . -.1 ,..;)' . 't ilr. M. W. HUbnrH, ot Brunswick cownty, the Democrat Ispoken of in ottr isue of the 5lh ' iiistant,. who visiled Smithville to have his taxes reduced, &c. W e aiso stated that the Democrat "paid fit) to a Jawyer.f This Mr. Hil- burn denies paying a; lawyer and he also' denies being a Democrat. We make these corrections for Mr. Hilburn with pleasure. J Houthern Musk-al Joiirn.tJ. With the Nov. number is inaugurated Vol. ,VIll of this valuable musical monthly. For seven years it has glad dened the hearts of. Southern, music lovers, and year by year it! has gained popularity and circulation, until it now visits nearly every postolhce in our music loving South, and performs no unimportant pat towards the" musical education of -our people The musical couteuts fot this mouth are "Life's Merry May'a catilhv!nic carol, adapted by W. L'idden; "Poterlorf March," by Carl Faust; 'Com in and shut the door," serin. comic song by Calicut, and Abt'a beau li Iu I sung, "Dear Angel, sleep thee well." AU this iu one num ber, and twelve such nuinbcrsin a year. All for $1.00, and a dollar's' worth of Premium Sheet Music throwu in for full measure. Send your subscription at once io the publisher)', Messrs. LtTD HEN it BATE, Savannah, GaV Wklcume.-IV A. I Cummiugs has issued "Vol. 1., Xo. 1," of the Madison county Vf M. It is 'Co be Republican iu principle; because iit is not resect able to ie Anything rNe in Madison county. It is gojnj;; to be intensely local, which is th'e true policy tor a country paper, and will show : Our ' railroad neetls building, our river needs manufacturing establish ments nlin' its banks, our iron, cold anil tiil ver mines need opening, our lands need better cultivation, we need more and better schools and a hicher standard of education, and especially o we want the outside world to know that we? grow the best and finest, to bacco upon the eastern coutiuent, and that too lanro quantities. Surrounded and hemmed in by mountain fastnesses, with but few natural passes of ingress and egress we are almost issolatcd from the gjreat commercial' centers. We therefore propose through our paper to let the world know who and where we sre, and what we arc doing, and or great natural resources; - m - The Xoi th Amcrira:l Jierific for No- 1 vember opens with a series of replies, by Julia Ward Howe, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Thomas Wcntworth lliggin son, Lucy Stoue and Wendell Phillips, to Mr. Paikoian's article on "Tho Wo man ineston," whicli appeared in the October number. They are united un der the title, "The Oahtr Side of the Woman uestiou,V and give a very complete presentation 'of the arguments j in favor of extending the right of uf frage to wouien. Tlie ft coud paper ia . an attack on Mallhusiauiui, Darwin ism and lVvsiniim, by Protcssor Francis Ikwcn, of Harvard College. The writer declares that MaUhu'ianisni has no ad vocate, tliat Darwinim. stands com pletely reruteil by the factJ of nature, and that ia the derpair uK J'csMQjism we witneae the wor4 ctniienc"s of the Malthusian theory. This essay will be enjoyed by those who like Us cussion in, sibjcu 00 quarter U given or talcu. "A Page of Political Corres pondence," which follows, i a coflec lion of letters written by Mr. Stanton to ex-Pmident Buchanan at the begin ning cf Mr. Lincoln' admiaistration, and now (or the first time given to the pablic They give in Very plain terms the writer's opinion of ilr. Lincoln and Mr. $wixJ, aad of the neaearea taken by the govern meat to rit the ee- aiewists. Part IV. ef The Pary of a Pablic Ms n treat chieSy cf the rr!l qaUhmeot of Fort Waiter, Mr. 5 ward's negotiations vrith Virgtaii-the jsrogren oierenVs at Rkhmocdsod Mootgocaery, nd the plan ef a rcac crwrtfilioo. Aootbejr Interview with Mr. Ltsscols It deecrihed. In which the PtcSdet s&ade evrral ef lhoe charaeterWtlc. remark whk-h cawMd him to be so saath nb udertoI by thw ahewt hia whra he 8rt came la to posrev, bet are now joned n fewfc of fc5 smriem aoj abttiry. lrefewr Arthsr Li Prrrv ceotftW a tJearfr WTittea emjr e -Tart? !ciee- l which he iKi tkat rxerr kma rewrste tjJtvmyJ tits, lie rial? arside t mute f lret Wcrl t IVtkw j TAmnri llrn. ' fTroaa the Ioter-Oeeaa.l Tho vesnna was oM an 4 rat and rrny, And bwil wit tne ehlli of n wlalM Ujr The streets were wavlt wlUa n recent wow; An tne mnnn . Jb wUlcwr nw. At th erowl4 eroMtng she waited lone, Jeatian aM y tbe earlew tkromr Of human being who pwaaeil ht by. Unsmiliajr the glance of ber aaalons era. IVnrh tJre'sTreef, with Isnghter and shoutl ' tl4wfne Cresdom of mobool InVowt,1- T . iiom nappy boy. Ilk m flock of abewp, , IfaaamrtU aoowplled wtatte nne dtp. ' fast the woman , no old nnd gray , - -, ,i Hartmed tbeelilkErwn on their wy; 1 , None onemd a helping kanaiSo ker, i Ho weak and timid, afraid to stir, . Lost tne enrrtsge wheats or the k ones' feet Should trampl her down In th aUppcry - atrent - . m At last come ont of the merry troupe lie iHgu w dot oi no in group. . s paused beside her nnd whUncred low. ' H.V i ll hoi n you nerosali you wteb to go.' i i Khe pfaaee4, and so, without hurt or harm. aea csDd on blstrooK rouns arm miv guiucu uiq KmuuiuiK II tionn.kW Prond that nlS own -were firm and strong. Then back again, toais mnd he wwnn 1 . . m young noart happy and weU content ! ,.rf 1 'i; "i' J' il "She's somebody's mother, boyt.7wu.koow. For all she' aged, poor, and slow: And some one sometime may lend n hand Toelp my mother you understand T irerer she poorand old and gray. And her own dear boy la far a way' ' - "Somebody's mother' bowed low herb end In her homo that nlsht, and the prayer she said Was: "Ood be kind to that noble boy. , Who Is somebody's ion and pride and Joy." Faint was the voice and worn and weak, , But heaven lists when It chosen apoak. t . Angels caaghfrtho faltering word, ' And " somebody's mother's ' pmyer -was heard, Mr. John E. Owensit sqems, is not in a hurry to visit Australia. At least, he has stopped on f his way at San Francisco to- plav in "Everybody 'a Friend" and "Solon Shingles " NEW ADYERTI3EMENT6. r GRANT'S TOUR Around The World. A COMPLETE RECORD OF THE JOUR ney of Ueneral . U. 8. Grant, throngU KoKlund, Ireland, Scotland, France, Hpaln, Germany, Austria, I tally1. Belghttn, Mwftrer laud, KuRsla, Egypt, , India, China, and Japan, with n graphic description of th plaoea Tlslted, man nam and eastonts or the eonntrtes, Interesting Incidents, enthusias tic ovation by Emperor. Kings, and th people of all climes. Bur success to all who take hold; will positively outsell all books. AGENTS WANTED 'S?PSf!K beat, and tbe only authentic low-priced book on tho subject. 800 page, r Vrlo f X3&. Address FORSHEE & McM AK.LN, . W West Fifth Street, j CJnclaDaU, O. , oct 35 t corjsur.iPTiOi for tho Pvfw nDl Mrmnaaaf mw rtt 'tionbroochitis.tWtsrTh. AxthnuMMi mil rhrtmt rMWarrwrv for Kervnaa DohUU sjktsJk, '?w?"ir kedpe, wtth fall dlr ettoaat lUir snd ntlnv 1 t .nail. . 1 t-m a, CJUCIINIJ IOr PITtS kti mrvtpt of sump. I1mu i wr mu isve m eai iaiwsH SHl ioriii'BiM a oct yt eow-i:u REASONS'. WJtli 112 UttV DAY 1 PAIN - KILLER J THK Best Family Medicine of the Agt, And why it shootd be kept atwsys near at hand: ltd. ruf-Kii.i.i.R Is-the miMt certain Otoiera care that medical rl-ace ha rruduced. 4 :ii.l. Pix t:!i i ra.asa IMarru-AarviDji i otry irtnedy, scMotu If ever mil. ' fd. l'Aia-Kii.t3i will cttr t'rwaapa or rnins In any part of the systa. A slngl dwe etttally aflecU a care. 4th. Paiv-KtLtn will mredypT and loaigeatioo.ir naed aoeordina; lodl 1 dlreo. tlous. jU. rai!KtU.an iaaaaJiaiaevee (alt 1 ni cure lor noddca Cvlda, Cowgb. aV Mb. Vxts-H iixna Urn p"vWah-evwelgw Retnnly fur Fever aad Agwv,aMt OUU f'w; M kaa ewrrd the most otUbl tskurraiai atrut-uraafn rtannieat i va Bam, BrsVio. fnu.- 4c. w. rAii-Kitua tm ewt4 eaa ttt Hbnnmkii a4Arrariaanyrr t land lag. Ul rarn-Krtxssi will Mir rWls.F- mo. Wkttirs 0rrws.givtf VwtM Ttvm fim an tt im am ffcnOo. in a. rai atrtte im Mn4nra. an4 lltn. PAiv-KtLLan w;a v dsrv r utui w;;i yoa na4 mtmmf m Mmt u uaa ftUa. rata-atjixam k bm taafere iXm rwwK ee tairtr m ran 4 a kt n4 aa in vy f i'y, rs aBfKssy awig iw ' ' wnui iw mi mi osmif aay auiy imii iwam Vy it. Dm psi MMUI w saiMbriw ' mm mi i Unrwwgn ua an. liBHiailMIS ti ii m 1 em taut MaerwitsUarajsi TSwe I-au-feUtXJen Ss aMrv yasaa9 twtna mm u la Uunr i mm tuetnmi tf a x m riMfsMMBisn. tv ti irwi. IM m. M utia, kry ttraig. ty We stood at an open window t ' leaning tat over the 11M TAnd If namethljig hadn't bappeiu-d We might haTe tood there still; 4 But we reached for a banging shutter V In blinding northeast breexe, 80 our friends will have to b invited ' To Join In the obsequies. IF WE COULD ONLY HAVE KNOWN kj. what a storm waa brewing (In a traiHIL na now wr on mat niiutter was, we should never have ventured our head outside ol that jwlndew; but it U too late lor regret now; we are rioaplusel. completely Muetehstd. toave 'been ami upon, nnd our friend ud the public, generally are re spectfully Invited ioaltcud theobseuulesun SATURDAY NlSXT nod westakour repuUtlon ou lis Im Ing the grandest funeral they ever w I IneehiU. .A" 'he l,P he slides, aud every time ha slides he slips up moat woefully. Vt? leave onrklnd friends" to Hnd out tho iiu-anlnc of the above, and whllo they are dointf u wawlUaekthe following iuettiuu.: . Ilavn't we the ugliest and dirtiest store In the State? Mayn't we the iooroil slot k of cikkIs la Wilmington? - I Vvn'l we made pricei much liif hciuca w 'nmeuoed? ' ' HaVt webeott very uunccuiiiruoUaUnc and irk Jlietoj ou? , UavnWWe charged you for all he goo-U aeuverea? Mavn't we made a f- many mistake ana reftised to wirrtc, Ucu ouralten. Hon was called thereto. A All of our friends wtitfr "yos" i the above questions will pleaHeSfot bnrfiuu us anymore. Uespetiifally and truly. P.L.BRID&ERS &C0. In glauclni: over ln.st Siimlut'i. i.ai,. r roKrelted lo noUee the Utclt , Huowi,f : ment from souYeof our brother Krocern tlnt we had taken away part ol their trade. mii.I makiug ao apHMtl Ut thfutliim not to letJvo them. W ereKret tlil exceedingly. ejeeili. Iy as they were ho kind and cni.ldfriM about our milling to grief, hut .urpot.e Taa we have determined to do the I LAKGEST UKPaIL i;iioOE"UV ever done Hi W iltuhiK(u. He will Intha ruiurt; have to Iceei.i from l.. li,c lender ue..iu,uu ui knjwa rj(ii.tii alitile more. THE BLOUDlf CHASM HAS lEtN BRIDGED 0VEK. TUE LI1TLE JOKK1W" arc not quite, gonc- A fine lino of TOILET hOAl-S m- ceiyeU to-day, Tery low down. The OLD CAIT. FK U m flours Linj anj MAUTELLE swimminr. We have iMM-n r.ver nnJ m.,V.l ttol 'IZf'il?'??" IUl. H slXbut Miltlitak tt wonld b tHkd policy 1.. i.p lurulabJiia Ue pxr with our fine l-Urarr traduction, as they b Uir Irmki jr t rc-pprtewi vary low, vblrh w. of n irn, with all other gH) tMrrn. dmir; nly want enoogn left to pay lor clria slitfl store rent and taaea. . NOT PURITANICAL, AUhwuh nrwil I IL Jrlr Lto ' nf U"j I'. L. ttltUHikdUt iuK pnrrtaalcal mwtaur Ut rvfus biHii ii rm: m tby think ao riliMTi;i.Aft .. I hi hTUUK (MsSur4 to bm IUxmI. tu Ib.V ijrotBtMllt IMInUtt Uxr xllfttf Ils4 el Umm vu ur as rrm i m, m It nana be saka tlmbttf Ut bv taraaa. LUMOAUU.NL! KTUAtrr DLW anJ DUIU1AU ULU UVE rtceired Ikia nt. my oub wnrr.ii and lalu TWtsfat. Mru. a4 U4 O H;.V Wli WK KX Im lU -cau, to U bpat only at , P. t BR1D0KRS S CD'S. ttj? es i iu , . V W etHrf Uw mm m tinisij, HfMu, r my a tiiJwe pw.tVMMw)nid U 1 Sim a n mi mm mmti aasoMksy mmi g Sa. mm mmm t mt mmm ml mm amaMb a g'lins m mmlmmmm a-i. . saajofity. r.uaitti , ! -