i 'rmgn at" tab Vanorricn at JaMi"rs, K. 0., ah. BkcOkd Class BATES OF ADVERTISING. . 4. . . ' '-1 . FiftT cents per V8 tor ll!ret .,rti.m and twenty dive W . each addition! insertion. EiKht (S) Hne-V Xonparoil typc.'Con ,titute snare. 1 The subscription priee to Tub Wfj Mi.vnTo.v Post i 0 per .year; ix month 75 eents. ! All crtm'munlcrtlons on bnslnesshould Fe a'Mr'l to The Wilmington I'oU, Wilmington, N C. ' All advertisements will be eharged a the above rates, except on special con tract. . 1 , - -v"!1 L 1 . - ! - 1 " LATE GENERAL NEWS. Tne Rev. Jon A doom, a wiy Jfteoh Abbott, a anther of books for hlldro, died re cently at raraaiagtpn, Maine. He wrote'ras" Tonne, Christian," r.he"series of felfMfttd asvere.gmV' the rtRollo Boeks," Ae', and news nbont the most Tulemlaoox and popnlar writer of that .late. ! He was 7. years old, and d cradiiMfl atflowdoin Co) lege in 1020. President Hayes has annonnced him ,elf is tees fjVirjinlx paving her Hiry. ' ' '. . ' . : When Hie Rppobliean gel control of Oongrc. tny will Him on (irj nrpton, Fitler, Chalmers nnd eeey eaa of tke fraudulently sleet cl ooritnfTs member and Senators. 1 Th? Indian war. has prob.ibly prek.iy nearly ended. The murderers of ThorV burg and parry will -be given nj. He's, sa l lira. (Iran t went down infeo a Vim la Nevada, ?,! fast, and on ften-ay p Mrs; 'Grant ira presented.' with a geld brtek y eHicers ef the Ti n na m 1 A e. " t- Thefcaw Yerk: eleetne-i eeeurs next 'fnexday. nA fHfle mere gMp-, C.tptatn Ith MW e-rted that Senator Bay ard HiVw a r4 deal of enM aalifae ihn In wie resnlt tn Ohio, and llrat ho think fhe national contention . will iWn far nerd money. Th e aU M.rton nnuoobttdly eomcs frem the Iho rnWta'flmi ef ThnrniSn nnd r-IIi'sdricb tfm7ww. 1 Jn r Fir Jssrr ITfinsB ef the Prussian Ihch Ilerr fen Keller was . elected rn.Mdcijf, rretitinj SI Totrs lo lfl rnitfor Hrrr Von TkWlnp n. Ilcrr It.inl.t, National Liberal, and llcrr Her iiiinii, I'ltramontane, were elected Vice rnWilenr. Dr. Etjdberg, Imperial .'crctary of Brae for Justice, lias been aj'jHiinicd Tmsslan Minister of Justice. Sir r redoriek noberw han issod a proclamation asroming eontrol of Af gtiAiilntsin, and asking the Afghan an- thorities bt rrspect hia onlers. It prom nes justice nnd kind treatment tnthe Hi)pleof the eoiintry, and faithful cr- v c", but threatens punishment of all otltHices agninst the Hrittsh adminiatra lion. After the tnunell, 4o which the Afghan authorities and chief have been invited, arrangements will be made for the permanent torernment of the coun try. Mr. M.wmifi Warren li!ju.t published a roTnpt'ndiuiiuf the theological'Wwk of P,;nHnuel Swedenbry, the fTodish er- rhe biography accompnnTing the work' b by Mr.?John Ilirelow and ho- thai Pwedenborp waa an ad 7 Tnd e ienttpt aad a praetiral wian, tlielattntor of the store, the first whe I'la Avrtfc he Jattwnle theorr, the fMh rrofth rdera Mrenee ef ryHlof; rlhy, fhs dheowrer ef the identity of liRlituiup with electricity, the Ar who dvmonstnitrd that planetary motion derived, from the an, nnd other tbinra tu science. This tkeolt,icl ork taHsn mere, than 10,000 pages. It it taial that the aincompoops whe ru IMdeaS literarT Imreaa In 1876 are 'Urtlog &lti, awe that eoatheru edi lom are VeiHnalnr en w Tilnea t ncmlaate. Tjot. Frown ef Teanceste the . Vietr lreardeat ef tke Tewa Taeilc railis rtatee that the eorperatloa jwill aot a aay more aid ef .IVn preen. - tx Te PrHrdeat ?chnjler Colfaa eiimtd kte feetare, 'Aeroes tbe (Xa nwt," at Baltimore, aad the l'reai- deavMr. Key aad lca. Ilawley, tke AsiVtaaV rVertte ef the Trtaaurr, , ei pnmtt Ut. Jo a Jay Abetnethy,' r many Jmv Medial Pireehir ef vh.e I'uittd (latm lUry, db4 ral week ia kiew Verk, afed 74, ef leeart diee. 1; h eaWt that tke faprtau Court are riT.iv Um a14 akoamer W Jadge FitHh tar kwa rnnap spweek the Thaxsaaa Pa; llallread aet. llcTeral Wewlford's aKry af the Cttiaholm trial la VUg more so make StalwatU than aoy thing aiuce lb Ya saurder. BHORBTARY SHERMAN. . Secretary Bhermaa on his arrival at Syracuse was received with a Mint of 100 guns, and by the Republican County Committee who waited n Wm l RoA" tor and escorted fclav to thaelty. The hall wH literally pfcelttd with YOtera. and hpadreda ef people wh ame nail aaj ceremony of unveiliDg the a?my an hoar after the dee re were opened 0fthe dumberlarAd's statue ef "Pap" eodld jnot obtaiin itaadlrjj-room within Thomas lid fair to make this the HtII- the ha.ll. No larRer audience was ever CBt week.Washinir.ton has known since congregated in the opera house. , - last "inauguration day." Politically, A lrge number ef mechanics, fane- attention, is just now turned to the era, and laboring nea were present three-cornered contest in New York, and IjusIucRt men left their offieea and wnich really might be styled the funer- atores to hear the campaign issue 4is- aj 0f Democratic party. Cornell, cusximI, It waa a thinking audience despite lis innate weakness, will be one; which comprehended the magni elected and Samuel J. Tildea'a chances tndc of the great questions and realized for the Preaidency buried from sight the dangers whiehheeet the govern- nd i remembrance forever, and the ite lit. The most earnest attention waa manliness of the leaders of our ad- giveii! jt( Mr. Shetman'a. address, and jninlatratioD, in ignoring self aud per the satisfaction which it gare was man-, gonal lik. s and dislikes, in the interest ifestfdlln loud and frequent applause. Ofgood government, aud taking their The jSecrctary and Gen. Stewart L. Cornell crow kindly, will be a fitting Woodward spoke at Rochester in the monument for the "vaulting ambition evening.- that) o'erstept itself." But all these , lie had epoken to an immense crowd 8(ate elections are but straws to indl- at Albajny'-thc day before. cate the probable standard bearers in nbNF.8T pBMOCRAUT(r) the Presidential contest in 1880. AH lndeTnny Leads In Small Mat- thinking men know that If the Consti- In 18T8 Mr. A. V.Horrell, of Union Township, a Repoblicaa, was eleeted t.y Ke people f that township tb the t,mS r f eoastable, leading tha ecran- biiie rot ef font ether, candidal! 14 voir. At tke trlt meeting in Se her of fbis yer, i ehedience to aa er- dvr of iU Board rta,alriBg a new bond, Mr. Jl'irrtll appeavea Before me ijom- misAUnra and aabraiHM aa additional one, jntkiEed ia denble ha amount re quired, Which was accepted and filed in the effle of tkelRegistar. inbaeqaently MrrilofTcll walnfonied hy Mr. Danl Bhaw, Chairmaa ef the Beard ef Oom1 missioners, and a good Dmiirgt, as the term ia andtrsood ia preafneia ef He wnblican maioritiee. fcat a ret ef one dollar waa aeeewary foe rat iftit of re-. eord of ;the heal, waiea irppamrini t j Mr. ilorrellUbatnlr tat iawwIHa law ot the Democraey, he refaeent w pay. j should be wisely and thoughtfully con Tlie consequeneei of refusing this illegal tldered, nd not made, t.n is Uo cllen desnaild waa that Ohftlrmaa ftkaw b5 J the Iwiard of Demoerawa OowjaMtaloa r era o( render eountr at their nertaitet-1 ing afterward declared theoulco vaeaat J nnd proceeded to an election ef one of their own stripe in place of. Mr. Her- n-ll. !' The efhco luia been werth one dollar and fjfly cents to a Rrrmblieau eince j ast'Januarv. but who can fathom the opporlunitiea and honors resulting te the Democracy by tins brilliant sehemet The Roanoke Artra complainai that while the larger part of the Democratic votes is cast in the crtst, the offices largely go K the we?4. The Neirs seems to. mean business In the matter, hints that tho Apolitical ssaehine is rotten," I and rronoBCs : i I fhe cast tnav vole ana elect the state pflicials and thoso very officials When thevhaveanappointmen.ro make, do I it with a view to help their chanoes to something higher without once consid-J enncr what section is most enimea Itled tO it. Tho east being without members of the Legislature h given the oold shoulder. There is one way in whieh the east ran make itself itlt, and that is in convention. Iiet her delegates go there and demand that they be reoog- niwd and their claims considered. Let Ihemgo iiiere aeicminroon naymgire right. Ii they go in their strength ard united, woe be unto him politically who tcfuses their just demands, j lion. John Sherman wa recelfcd io and most enthusiastic rarnerinn oi ine i . . I r . i r. . : people 04 anv yran uuriuiuc cawiaigu, ' . . - .,, by the very largest halls. It was one J 111- tumus tuuiu uv.i uv uvhiuiiii. complete ovation fW Mr. Sherman from one t ud of the slate to the other. It is now-bcliertHl by many that New Yotk wilt to IW Sherman in the nexe Ka tioutvl (nTvntton. Dnri-g r niil to th rfctioaan laipihd hist week w wrrtw maeh sua- mU .1 iVi KMulnAu riumi1 fa vi ksI. v-il WlUn. af A.l wnieh rwe hadieg ltepuWican f la eonntry who wer Vrshlng Waahingroa sjioke ef Hoa. Jeha Pherwan's ehancee f..i. ISald-ar Tha anlTemal rr - v v diet seeww tt V that kr will be SMml- aarl at Ike axt habaat iarrt't Convention a the trst ballot and Iee4 by tke largest majority f any caixiiuate aina iae wwr. Uta. irraafe friend ka Washington do nM think k will allow kks anuoe te U ni for Ik rhlavy Wr any eircamttantea. Mr. fans m Oen. iiraat Veirg !o3 feraeaal fttea, It U belirved that rant wM ! iker- iuu la any otbe.e WeTTwTii ki h . . . v i t v . u - v vt iv Vnrt htni atuli mI.U' I Th Pooe of Trarmaat ansabrr . . aa.. rw : , a . .4 bout w,vj n iNonn. xaienca, utlw. Waahiotton. vt uudcui. fct a m . v m . . . Temrlars, w boac order extends to saaay aatiooa, uWr soaa -i&O.taaA. WAIHIKUTON LETTER I Washiqtox, D. C, October 27, 1879. Dkar Tost : There is really no news to send yon. The National Fair which will begin to-morrow, seems to be the 0Bly ijye topic 0f conversation, and that 1 tntional Amenuments are to be mam- tained and the remits of the war secuied beyond doubt or dispute, that the fgov- erOTnent must remain in the hands of the Republicans, and t'ho.' only question Republicans cenis to be under wh0se lead we shall march to victory, Bftvarj er Hancock, McCiellan w But- tlei or wi,0eTer else the Democracy nomimt, . t tjie vote cf guch southern states .iH arc really Democratic Or can be made so by sysletiutiz nl bull dozing and may carry Indiana -and New Jersey, but all lie other states will "march under the flag and keep step, to the music of 'the Ufiion" bv givfng Republican mnjnri'ies. It bfchoorrs our par!y then to select i with care,1 the nun to 1ijib the deali- nies of 'our country will be confided during the next fcur years, snd if our donjirjatiou is cquiyalcnt to eleclkm it done In party conventions, in n !"hur rah boya excitement, when piim ijtles tre throat aside by oratorical clap-trap Many persons s;iv the discussion of the Presidential nominaiiofi at this time is premature. It may be so, for what may happen btfere the Inst Democratic Oongrtsa our country will ever be cursed with cads ile expiring wriggles, uo fore. aitrht can tell : bnt as matters' stand now the choice cf the Republicans ap- peara to be between Blaine and Grant and Sherman. Our party alrong in right and justice, can win with either, ont our eeumry ucmamie our best ana lhe Republicans are not wont to deny their beet and bravest at their country's call. Senator Blaine is a very able man, Rtnial ana popular, Lie mi inters ot staunch adherents in every late and is Mnpcipllv strong in tiie north wrot e . . t . hM ,0 ourT in lhe rflce' . i y ,J ' , . . 1 JUi'iiv.uuuu iu iiiv nmu .uu- bilier, bis ocean steamer frubsidv speech to the New York Chamber of Com merce and the substitute he put in the army when drafted to serve nsn soldier, and this, is the weight that will pull him down. The Mobilier business may be &Q(j i trnst u a -slander, -and the ' ' -QdJ 'P.- m,Kht be excU8eJ f8 an error of judgment ; but men as able, men of as much cultuie nud of as re. !...? ;... Ttfr i-'ni.s i .vi . . t .u v. wm.v. m.u.w. .- " . i . . - . . . .. ne was canro on oy tne iw to take ins i , . , ... , . . ., I n ... lha linn inK'l- lim i-illlil i . 1 . l not nave mirkeu ii;e uuiy. uur pcopie (l , . ,J f .u euuu. m Uitewartnnesa in tbe nation . cause, in the day of tbe nation 'e ir'il. i:nni inm. ... fr.,. i.i. tr:t.n,.h. i i.i .1 s -. auv j.rogrve, ruuuu tue wc:a uu ..u t hjs lMff j u u eUimcd ltat . i i r v,- ll. . . - ... ina KlltUPar CI I nunc ItVt 'liOUS UU -,jcemcB from ,,ate, ,mi ctif)i and t-,i;-,,r- fr.r;,Mir t. n that w: ... ..-' t ..?'. . - ; ' ttKt clr m Klid r cutaneous J mB4 Boanimoua. lie bts lereaUdly J txprtWei i himself as avcrve to enter - ' .L .:.s i acam into raiiw-- uvu tunc n-oie. gatly," as Oaar put away tLe crown Marc Antonv ollercd at the fiast cf ioprcal. andl heaven- knows our party; nwj not lbc aJerjhipot ary man I as a favor, llic t.eneral who led our armies to victory will ever be ifear to th American people. lut do puiuical teueeomt on poiut with pride lo the xpeadttnre account of. ti.ant eight yeaj a Preside t. As a soldier, a ucvt. ae a Pirstdcnt. a dtsappotalaient. As a Mid:cr rl .cvi0:Am: 'Uvlirv i . A; 1 a routisntvHato.ivI.rtd cu tact- tars. Ahe w. tut he t to ciry w, tarn. The weight he U to utfj is, ah aat&tahed quarrels and heartburca Mapia rermtr term, ice intra term ta f frirtrsnest oa tbe uUhi e:al;hcd w . a . w that kikev fraud and pci.e'.K.a of the revenue ia hi cvad terra Ut i. t.h control of Ooneres and made -pos-i slble the present copgiomerate of dough- facea and Confederate brigadiers, and th ancoaeaaled dealre of the Deraoc ' raey for , hia aoralaation to enable them to rai the cry of "CasaariBin' ., and ironically bef th Republican majority, if they are eel to aurrender the country to "the man on Jreraebaek," to aee to it, that the nan ka at least more hralns than the horse. . . ...... John. Sherman Jn ad requirements for the position of President of the United Statea, etanda pre-eminent... His abilities are equal, to all emergencies and hia character i spotless In all re- l.i. m t.i.. 1 1 .Tl . Dure cold, that shines the brighter the more it la robbed Honesty aBd'hJm. self are synomyma, .The modeai com petence he gained in hia profession Jbai sufficed for his wants and though mil lions upon millions pass as it were. through his bands, and unto id oppor tunities for speculation are open to him, yet no man, no thing, not even a par tisan liar of the. Democratic press, haa ever impngrjeV iiw spotless integrity. Against him no charge of standing in with corrupt rings, or soiling his hands and his soul with dirty railroad "bonds, can be made. Ills character is his passport to Dubllo respect and confi dence, and his public record the history of his unfaltering devotion to principle and hia e aim to Republican suDDort. The author and steadfast upholder of the resumption act, he ia the embodied exponent of the prosperity which brightens the fireside and faces of our Eeople throughout the length and readth of our land. Space will not permit an enumera tion of his, financial achievements; let it suffice that he saxes to the people in interest every ytar more million)) than Buchanan's whole Democratic admin istration atole during tho four years they were trying to disarm, impoverish and betray the nation. ? The recent verdict in Ohio shows what his neighbors and friends think of the man whe la our first and last choice for the lienor ef leading the Re publican host to vietory in'l&itO, to the fore ordainel victory ef honest and equal meney, fair play and equal chance to rich and poor, to black and white, to the triumphant vindication of national supremacy over all the machiuatiana of .- th. eolid Demratie aaeession. .state j ritrhti kalhlOMra . mnn hullira V. itli 1 their congenial baeking ef infitioaitt and repndiators. The righteousness of onr eanse, ehe innate jaatlce ef onr principles, will probably rive n the vieiory with Grant or Illaine but lo ueminata honest John Sherman ii to "makt asntirance doubly sure, and tsk a k.rnA of fate."' . .1 A.J., : RAi.KfOii, K. C, Oct. 21. 1S79. To tub Vout : j Your rooster of last wsvk was the ''bjggett thing on facts" h.t Thrive s?en for a' long time. Long lire that roller and the Fust on which he prri'hes. John Sherman is a business man and a man of the people. He is the oaly politician in Amrica who lias ,0uud idea in hia tilad of business pr;ncplf aa eonarcted with j politics. (rJU,t . ,n not m P.s a raciCcator, so let us have Sherman as a enrerol finan cial trfnbUs He is really the business man of ihe age. The American people should te;l prend of the two great heroes Grant and Sherman, Grant a hero in war and generosity, and Sher man a hero of enormous strength in finances to lift us -out of "hard times and make property for all. The time has come for a fiuancial and business President. Ohio has named, the man put the seal upon his brow. Sherman, and success will fellow as surely and certainly as Ohio pronounced it on last Tuesday. Yours truly. Oak Citt. Work on the W. . C. Railroad. . The people of Ashville, and those interested in the . N. U. Railroad reaching this point, mav at last flatter themselves1 that the goal has been al most reached". We have most flattering accounts of the progress of the work I towards ASheviwe. Uannir thn month i . t . r . 1. t. - . l were ru out ui wie wauuauoa iuu ni caVincr on the first dav of October i x. t V ,7. I iiti I 1 AT tnt - ha roTTtnfs.I n.l tlx. I -n.l- Anlinnin(r n irht nn.l w K . . r,--- three sets of hands. The cars on this side ofthe mountain on Mondav morn jng commenced running from Alexan der'a, 12 mjles distant, and this week will rtach Ooopcr s, 11 miles distant. I A permanent depot is to be established I in i t r tl ll.. tnrt will ho mm pleted to Oudrer'a Ford, only six miles ! distaat when the run down toe bwsa nanoa will eemmencc. A stockade has alreadv been buill, at the Reed farm nclr he Swannanca bridge, a little over a mile from the eorpomte limits I n' 'be work at this end will commence either tkie or t week. JTkKmi h seem that the Democrats ef Chi cago have nominated some Oocfrderat Rriradicr for Jadge ot one of their I court, and th ijUer-Ue esprewee its mind on tke sabjret iw the manner ftilowlog : I lXia't ur elliaen ibiak it aboat line Ki pat lb foet dowa on thai rrbtl UriadUrkaaiBsa ? Vt Lave had a tolerably fair trial f tb Coafcderat e'.cmeat ia Coorres. We have "ltd m- theiu alone ' anil lhy hav kicked up' A :be devil and iatitalJ a reign cf ter ! ; ror in a'.owwt every oaiaera staxt. Haven't we rooe far eaugh wiUaoal ;o.rrUcf a Confederal geetlemaa . t ait as Jud fo ofoar coorXs? Ate ocr civ:ens so pcke4 aal rnxi- ded with swet focitiatKo thAt ihcy tode to lb itwilfa svart the lATii-u-e of the Mlk by 4ttg a tateierai tidier Jadg of Ue apenoe t.art T CITY ITEMS. . Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy Tobacco. ! ly No Fayelteville steamera arrived yes- terday. , ":: , .. : Timber ia scarce and in demand in tbleclty. 1 1 No interments in Oakdale Cemetery r during the week. " Stanley's floating compress was at work driring the week. ,; i i , m i .- , I Only one interment in Bellevue Cemetery during the week, and that a child. j Marriags licenses were issued to three white arid two colored couples during the week, ' ''- ,i i ' Two children and three adults were interred in Pine Forest Cemetery durldg the past week. The U. S. District Court conrenea in this city to-morrow, his Ilouor Judge Brooks presiding. Tbe damage done to the steeple of St. Paul's Lutheran Church by the late storm has been repaired. Rev. JJ B..Taylor, who has been ab sent from the city baa returned, and will fill his pulpit to-day Re. Dr. -Patterson' has returned home, and will delight his corgregatio with one of hi fine sermons to day. . All the fire alarm telephones are complete and in order, and tie city uow'lia a first class fire alarm svstem. The County Commissioners, Bjard of Audit afid Board of Aldermen meet ia regular month'r nieetwr lo-nrrow afternoon. , -- 'Col. A. M. Waddell delivered before the-Hia'torical and Scientific Society en .. . . . ... Jlonday night to a crowded house ene of his addresses on tho early settlement of North Carolina. There was quite a rush of excursion ists from along the line of the C. O. Railway last week. iThey seemed to be having good lime in sightseeing and vi-iting their friends. A iiewly born fcuaale infant wss left on the ; doorstep of Mr. V-'. Holland's residence near the eorner fFifth and Nun strecte on Monday nigiSt last. The ittle slrnnger's parentage is unknown. Kicholas VanSoelen has made a map of the county of New Hanover and the city with a pen, which is a marvel of tkill aud taste. Thev are the most ac curate maps of these place?, no doubt, in existence. ' ! Judge Meares has ordered a special term of the Criminal Court to sit on Monday November 24th, ia order to get -out of the way of the Superii Court, both of which were to meet on the same day. f PROMPrxESS-Sheriff Manning turned over last week $10,885. The sum of $10,000 of this amount goes towards payinr off the old bonds. These were the taxes collected by the Sheriff diir ing the previous week. Fires. The old Whitfield bouse in tbe southwestern portion of the city was destroyed by fire on Monday morn ing. The city has been' rid .of one of ite most disrepuiabie buildings by the conflagration. Mr. Marcus Bear's resi dence on Fifth between Market and Princes- streets, was discovered to be iu fl-iiues about two o'clock Monday moruing. The damage was but slight and was covered by insurance. Thc North Carolina Gturflc ries to remark that it d vs not believe that the state is at all safe for the Democratic party in the coming canvas.," and adds "thai ahe is gone, unless the very best men are put forward." The Raleigh Of acfTf r concurs in this explanation of the situation, and adds that "should Judge Ruxtou be nominated for Cot ernor by the Radicals, North oaro'asa may be wrested from cs in apit of all we can do, and with the gubernatorial candidate will, revtrn the tleetoral votel" , Saist Walt-sot. Many people ia Ibis city will remember tbe dry gxde dealer, TL S. Caldron, lie case her frvid Maaviiceter, N. H-, where he was entiMoyed aa e-erk in lUrton Jk Co. bxrg dry good eeubluhme cL " He lft here aVcut three yeir vta- A gr .'.- man who receaily has beea wetsard as eora oa who kae WaMron. II aid that te kxJ brtae a Morxaoa Slit. id rrj:kel la six w.ve, bat h i vkl a latw lh cusber i f ia cC j drra. Netithftaa4iAC Rrif Ua Taveg ) n jr4 rit hare ccitc ik . - - , u- i t M i -.r i- . i I "arrive Theft iri fo' be A- tournament' at- Bar- gaw on th 5th inst. i i Vixxi , , BT0BJT4. All natal stores have beam jumping all the week. From Thursday, to Friday spiris turpentine went up 8 penta, and. strained -rosin 5 tents, and yellow dip ,1275-, Tar went up 6 cents. , It is beglaninu to make thlnga liyelj on Water street. , ; Attaeked Tjj an Bafirl AnBnormous Kagi Attempts ' to Carry Off . a Child. : :- - j I' Frem the Duluth Tribnne.) j ..; We are In receipt of a letter from, C. Wieland, Esqn Auditor Of Lake county dated the 3d inat.,. of. which, th follow ing is the substance i ,4 j . Yesterday afternoon, while little Au gust Barr, aged, Tlyears, waa playing with his sisters one 5 j years old and the other R near by hia father's house, an enormous eagle pounced down upon them,ithrwlng ihen two girls,, to .the ground. . It immediately attacked the younger one grasping one of the child's arms with th claws of one foot, while the- claws of tho other foot ware deeply buried In the child's faee, and it at tempted to carry th child off. but was prevented by it straggles. Little Au gust, seeing that he eonld do nothing With, his OWB JiandS to help his Sister, I ran quickly lato th house, go the 1 . i I n! mid turn a 'Vila, vubkiug vug vri j them aeTerelr near the foot, whereupon the savage bird let go of the little girl and attacked the boy, knocking him over, tearing his pants and giving him some severe scratches. In the mean time the screams of the children brought out their mother, whereupon the eagle flew oil to th barn, on which he sat, and looked as though he would like to renew the contest should a favorable opportunity offer Itself; bnt he staved t ;r: , .T woe m neiKnuor. was caueu, who took down his gun and shot this great "emblem of American freedom," and his eagleship, when killed, was fennd to measure seven feet from wing- tin to wlng-tipl. - j The little girl'who had this remark able encounter ia Very! badly scratched, bat not seriously hurt. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, GRANT'S TOUR Around The World. IE. . tt oe. Kuglaud, Ireland, Scotland, France, Hpalu, Oermany. Auatrla. Itally. Belelum. Swftrer- Oermsny, Auatrla, Itally, Belgium, Swltrer- land, Kussla, Kgypt. JndU, China, and Japan, with a graphic description of the places visttea, manners ana enstonit of the countries, lnterestine Incidents, enthuslaa- iie Avauona oy n.mperora, jwings, ana we people er en euraes. sure auocesa te ail who take hold; will positively ontseil all DOOM. ! AGENTS WANTED It ; ,; beet, and the only authentic low-priced book on tbe subject. ) pages. lrice Addn-ss FORSHEE& McMAKIN, m West Fifth Street, Cincinnati, O. REASONS WHI PEUBY DAV PAIN-KILLER IS TH Best Family Medicine of the Age. And why it should be kept always near at hand: 1st. rA t V-Kii-i.fr I the moat certain Cholera cure tha fined leal science baa produced. tnd. r s(-KiTXKn, as, a IM.irrcwa aad Dye-, cuirrj rcmeuy, seuinin u ever aaiie. 3rd. rAi!e-lvit.t.KK wilt cure Crumps or latins In any part of the sjlcm; A atngie dose usually affecte a rare. 4th. rArx-KiM.BR will ruredyspepala and I ndlgestlon, U naed according to direc tions, j 9)lb.7rAir-KiLi.KR I s au alnui hever-fall lug cure tor Hodden Colds, Cousrhe, 4c tb. 1'aiM-Xn.i.aa K iiaa prove.i a Vfewefcn Kerned r for Kcver and Ague, and Cblil Fever: ll baa cured the moet oieUaate 7th. Paik KIU.PR as a lloamenl Is na eqaalod te r-4 lhiea. CaUMalna, llttrna, BnUaea. Cut, fr prams. Ac, th. raia-Kitxaa bae ecred caa of Rbeomattom and Nearalglaafleryeara aaMiaa. Kb. PAlJ-Kirua will Ammkref flc41a.re- ooi, WblUovi o4 I., giving rv.lel rroai peia ttt ut nm appuoauoo. liAh. Pata-Kiu-Jia car U aaJ Toothacba. ink. T ATW-SiLua win save yo-a Ur c4 waoaae sua mmmf a oiM la Ujae Ik. 1'atji-k.iLJ-aa bae tete Wsr tke sekte a- tkiny-ewre rears as U a vty Veawcaaia fciym iaua. aale te aee ajad aee ta evary awaiiy. Tke e'.mf;w?ty atlr&dlcg tu oaa. Uaeu wtvfc tke great itstMy of Sie ana Ua4 ay keeemraiy ne inniaii y M, aai Ifee great aaaovst t taitsJf;riM iSat caa be aaeWat4 tarB Ite aaa. aaaae tt laarwraUve staoa every so eapcy wai mtm wu uwa - at rtMij axi ta a eew n ajwaye ae .a aaC i Tkm f a tS" tUi t aa is cow ka a a4 ea pwrtaJ4 la every! aajartee.eA Us li rrcSasa aejnoaaaaeex M ia ta rX. e. kU mil arias i im Kf Saa4 t I sIMfsMeasMV jwtsesins. - I wa e-ar mmm wm. j Ue ara4f tWreateuksw Lrrrr fwaw . sas aMsarty e-y I rMlwetUMtaMtkff llist RE.A.33. We stood at an open window Leaning far over the illl. And If aomethlns hadn't happened ' W might hava stood there still; But w reached for a bang leg shutter In a blinding northeast breeae, 8o our friends will have to be lni led To Join In th obcequlei. IF WE COULD OXLYl HAVE KNOWN what a storm vras brewingHia a teapot and how far off that shatter w a, we should never have ventured our bead out&iUe nt that vrlndow; bnt It Is too late lor regretn now: we are nonplus,l. completely squelched, have been j sat upon, and our friends and th public generallv are re apectfullj Invited to attend iheob.equies on SATURDAY NEXT and we stake our refutation on 11.- ..;og the grandest funeral they evr wltnetn.i. " i Ashe slips he slldesj and every time ha d'pi Slir slides he slips up most woefully. Velc.ini our"klnd frlen ds ' to And out the rm-anin- of the above, and while they arc dolu we w111 " following questions: Havn t wethe ngUet nnddirtli-Jt strc lag tsiaiCT Ham'twethe rooret sNicIt ufn'j f:i Wilmington? .1 . Havn't we made rru-els 'n; u h l.'-ho-iii-e we commenced? - j ' Havn't we been verr una cv.j;i mo .! ! u and Impolite to you? Havn't we ctiarecvl ti f-.r , delivered? ! . -u. Havn't we made a r. rent rcViv t.iiKtn- nd "fused to correct them w Leu our aiu 1 uon vrns ciiueu thcrctoT the above questions -nKi plcaM- not buy ir ua any more. ltespcMfuily ud tiuly. jvti ui our irienua who r.rmw-pr "vim' P. L. BRIDGERS & CO. lugiauclfir overl5.t Saui'sru ininr i recretted lo notice the tacit urt wivvif,; ment from some of our brother crocn k t!i; we nod taken awav nnrt t th. lr iril- , making na appeal to theotli. rs not to leio them. Werti:retthlarxcc(tllni:l-. ft.r..-:. . ly ns they were so kind au.l conldcr:i about our cotul.rg to ijricr, but kUppOM; we have determined to do i h LARCiEST ' REl'llL C.Kv'CERY- ui'sim;-s evcrdoncln V ilmiiiit.,ii. . ... ..! int futuro-have lo kc-p to:n i !ri- v tcm hearted, and flr l .W ri.Iv.id alii more. THE BL0UD i CHASM HAS BEiU BRIDGED OVER. THE LITTLE JOKERS are not rr gone. fine line of TOILET SOAP.S' ceiyed to-day, very low down. The OLD CAPE FE.vKis flour! -Lire- and MARTELLE swimming. We hive tcn over r.n.l Mc k I that : "Ogar offeace." iu flue Havana tt wi.j....V still think It would be bad poltry t t, turnlshtng the papers with our Rn 1 t rury productions, aa ihry have the unili niv Ui keep prices very low. which we. of ca.. llh all other h1 t-T.-er. d'olrr- tily want enough l.-fl to pay ur clef it a 1 '.re store rent and Iaj.cs. i 'r NOT PURITANICAL Although oppil 'i t..r ',;a r; f I Uquor. T. L. liUIOhUM .t i t-. r. . t putitant-al raouib n rrfuw to tr.r aa Ihry think mo 'HUT IXAfS .!: H . " HTuKE cao afford lo l without; biit IU- roRilte the idie Hat ihry u..i v., r. od out tl.rre waa any on (J.- txt : '. .. 11 annt be taken elsewhatc t b aruala. BUMGARDNER, STUAirr S I'EW ar.d -DURHAM Cti.it RV ii received Ibis actk. TRY MUR BUTTER AND I Al l Tb rrt, 4'4tl, stud ti ( '. V? U t.- K E Y ia iLt i-tAl, t bought olv at n ;.! s tl tJ iA ml w aitwvaMMV.t. t--, . . T lh4 luni.v ww skmi 3t'ii il t r t mmt aawal faaar i0.m aA, tMut ata. m4 mm fr,i k-i a w t exa ikaSftjr a 'a v t t-.US.eCt):

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