t -4 .4 IS r riy. V VOL I' Ai iv A. - .;v4. Ji jv . sacliusclts all give uverwnemims jvepuuiican miijurititj x uuouaj xov. xv,vn Vv QOCK CROWS, which is anothor Boom for SHERMAN. I v.- , I -.' . LATEST NEWS. .Vccimlimr to the latest now Urn Sat- urd ;iy tiH-rniing : Cornell's 1 plurality ..'d5.m.!l letter's (IV'"-' flr -I'h'ut. j vfru i ;;l:. This in,tlicates Hos XiaV (Ue(.Vclec(iou. f-r l.ient-(iover-Tho returns also imrnjato the ' lection. ik the whole llopublicau state tkkrt except Si'iile for engineer. We tt:o Albanv - . ' . I'-iitliT, tor Stale Ticauor u reuu vaaia.i his a - n aioritv ot i early T - ; " l OiKV - :'- ! in X,w jersey, founcctlctt, No ljfk:.Miiinesotti, Wisconsin ard NU'wiuhuM it. the further returns coif firm pitvuv.is lepotts. '"" ira:i in .u his old hi lue in tiAlCU. ituhAn iliilicnliies more piiei except' . nig amonc the Apache end tether Nuvher: It; u.tn.i. rite ladil a IVmocrats ate about to eiulav to Tmfuaiiv..4ih'd "a mercy Vark. HON JOHN TOOL T'uu gmtlemau denies being a u.em- hffir m any wv rcsiHmsibk' l"r't1;e utUrr a Kt publVcan ' Af-'HH-iatiou at Wi.hiugton. He also ajs he think Hon. John Sherman hould ;be nomi- .'.'iu;, d by the Uej ublicana at their next Ni.a t-.r Convention. j ' H J.JV. AtbertMa'. C. sf, I'Utrict AUorury, i decidedly of the opinion Hon J.ohn Shcrtman Vhoiiid W lle lu-publuatj candidate for the ivrti. Jeoej, and U T. Uuttoo tiotrcrnor cut : ri.i. .tisiiii.tn ll itnlrr tAiucd b lxi the leading Ufpubli- Uaho were here at the ITiSsCouit.. HiLPPY pmv vnr.VTIlY SlVED--RErVBJLtC.l.VMSM VICTORIOUS. LATE GENERAL NEWS. J tf all the immigrants who arriyed ii tho Ihiitedf States for tho year End ing June 30, 1870, they were as iolhWs: From Furepe, 1S3.070, from Asiaj 9,- r.i'.O. from Africa, 17, from America, :J.t,0-.",: from Facific Islands, from all others, 1.23S. j (icticral (Irant and party are steadily making their way towards tlahea, land rectivirg enthusiastic demonstraticus all the way. - .-.." ; The occupations of imm1granutJtmiring for the year endiaj June 3t,lS7t yere: 4rofesionali IfiW, skilled. 21.3G2, nais cellar.cous 73,053, not atated, St7, and no cccupations (mostly women and children.) SO.S75. I : Of our total exports and imports with Ursril from JSoV1 to 1S75, the I lowest was in $l5,945,6o7, and the high est was in t?, K2,W,&o3. - j i And now an "able Democrmtio law Ttr" cf Virginia take the ground that stale may aboli.sh the right of trial hj jury r nU the Uuitvd SUtes can't help it. cf course he cites Daniel Webeter as authority. Thwiaway to get rid of negro juries. 1 j - j The number of immigrant arriting iu thtj ditlcrent Collevtioo District of the I' niled States fr the year euding Ju;ie S' 177t, & per the report of the liurraa of UtUticv 177,4. Of ihrc W.-t came to ew York. 53,1-1 b roil Uuroa, Mich., I0,&4 ta VQiloix aud Char.otowu, Maa., 9,253 to San Francisco, Vv. t rhiUdelpkia, 4,713 U lUltinwre, ta Charleston, 00, to Maria. IS, to New Orteaai, 1, S34 to Key Wet, Fla.. 820, to Tearl Rir, Mi. 4. to ! Wi, 5f . O, 1 , to uaUwUjn, Teaa. IS. to VilwioStao. w WILMINGTON NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY, NOV. 9, 1879 . Wisconsin. Minnesota, Nebraska and Mas- Of the importation of; salt since IS 10 to 1S7S, tho lowest was j in IS i I, being in value 710,-i0, and; tho highest in 1S74 iti va!o 'wa$2.3:V,:Ul. Major i.eneral ll)kci rem ains hove i,r;n,t ; rsn.'inn.ii with military been but honors. r OibrrK1 'of Florida, has l article fc 't fnh-r-Xi- furnished a timal RceUk iu whic'.i l.o shows from otlicial docun.euts a-vd ticat os tl at the Uuited Stages has leen c. nnulttei t the strictest! neutrality jtv -regard to the construction 'of .:i! : :itcr-occ;uiic c iral near rauania, no matter who utiempta to build it. "Whenever therj is a man unht lor anything else, and unreliable amoigi K! f. tlow.riii.u l -s'.masit-r-C.ontrai Key makes1 hiai a ruasi route ac:.t. io .,n.t. r tlu-re is so much m.u.l matter stolen, mistfarried or lot i-n the way. Why is it that Mr. Kty appoint r.rgrrt .. v - r - mail sgent4 on t uihem ra;.ti-u,.s, and only white lueu o:i uoitii'ern -rai. roaU? A should bo railniids.' We clip tou"d t f at U renuircd raa'd agents on abvive t rv so Charlotte i VMLvm.'.-j We wi-h to, assure Mr. Yate?, the editor, tiat "JfuJge Key Deuuvratic app'inUvs are the only un reliable route s.;vn tV -.t are now cou nectcd with the railway -ma:',: wrtieJ If Judge kty will dUu is ti e twenty IVmocrat he 'is :i shat stTteeio Xorli and'S.vh tn:ina and appotot Upublicacs -thciewVd ' be-to further ground for cviap-i l j - 1 u.vuy Ttiur. - Th AV;A A Ut 1 .' - i nintAtn a ;,-r,tr JVr letml-er wi'J w;r V.r;"! It Jta Anthcny jlroUo. tjr dUuKed and the tx ia Aaijea. 111 The secretary cf War, we understand will resign his petition to accept the Circuit Judgeship of Iowa. We. hope that Trcsident Hares will consider the . . 1 . A t ctatra ot me souti in n.ung me thcu ' cy. and if he dor, we know of no man wbfse appointnert would please tne southern people more than that of the Hon. Samuel K Thillips, the present Solicitor Cicneal. Wc take great pleasure in namiig him in. this conneC' tion, for his opacity and standing warraants us m aying inai no twwr selection could be made. J Hon. W. I1. Casvday Epitou Tost :-The ticket you pub I : . 1 . I r...n. almvil Itt KilnlA U .HLs ATO. : . - M, ' -uh V XT ;he exception of Attorney General and j aaj Liut.-GTemor. Te, therefore, resjectfuUy saggest the following ticket for ratification a :h next Mate and National OanteVoti, as being the very trongest that in be Vit before the people for thicic endorsement ForTrsideut, JOHN SPKKMAN. For Vieereeident, THOMAS SETTLK. I . Fer GiTernor, il r.j iinrroN. j For liettt-CtOTetnorJ DAVID M.FTJRCUB? For State Treaaaref, pJaLj-lskixs. Fcr5eaery ofSute. R. Ci BkDGKU- ; For Ationey?GeBral, . JOUS A MOORE. For Stpenatesde of lWi luw . R MJLCK. !,, as aor. o ocr b for . w r.-or iu Mtetan. i No. . Uturav. Jt? - - fir 'em The Democratic Rooster is dead. The Elections hnn. Tlu' liril i int. tiHiur i'f the Louisville tyirirr-J'iiiriin' iets nll-' .1 full t ! ; t of Htj iini "ii Ik'.i i' ntr ill'' m-ws frmn , New Y"lc. 'Vi'I'T-i'I Iik i(CM, and yG SMiii I- li" , ;m II i' f I iicti ! II X Ml pjort t Ti'iW-u, :!:! i'irls ( lint nil IVnir t i:i wji'.k itii" 1 1 ' W i it Hcllt jT 111- ii i'l .! v i! Mi. llido I. The !' 'I ilV lll'jf ' I f 'l rlif turn u oi i In' IllilV -me t:.m. ilic.stli-.svtk mil i:d Timr wliicli have bhiij;lit :i!';i Un- tie -.Ufss oisastt r.:ind w 1 1 it-li. in ti'd iiiany ci-es, may be $up-j-i .,.! wit hout i'ljusti''' t tuko secret Ulii;Ui in it, writ m.t rt.snlvt; them r!ves to any ihlini'c policy. They will express lhcins,el ves variously. There will be booms iiiul booms, as they are c;Jl!t'd. We shall have a IJayard boom, wj- shall have 1 a Davis boom, we shall have a Fit-Id boom, we shall have a Hancock boom. There may even be in1 a small way a llcmlricks boom, divi ding its little time with a Kelly boom i-iii the weft Hendricks and Kelly: in the cast, KeHy and Hendricks. In short each cock will crow from his own par ticular dunghwl, tilling, the air with a clamor from whose dissouance aud din but a single accordant note shall be heard, and that in dispraise of the only irian who is guiltless ot an act or a word ; to distract his party, and known chiefly through his sacrifices and benficcs. To this complexion has it come at last, Hid we are asked to abandon a leader who gave a national leader victory, and to follow the leaders who have wanton ly thrown -that victory away. There re many good and true men iu th-. i..,. ....... ; . i i . i rui'n i.iut ii.ti iv n iiu an- ivomiv to wear the purnle notablv, Senator Ha- yard, General Hiincotk and Air. Jus tice tieldj but there is nojune of them who ever will or ever caii reach the vVhite House over the dead body of Mr. Tildeu." CITY ITEMS. Chew Jackson's Best ISweet Navv ly ' Tobacco. fceven prisoners are confined in the county jail. ' Th river is very low, and the wattr is still falling. Superior Court of liobeson county convenes to-morrow. Fotatots are plentiful in'market, and they are bringing good prices. The lawyers have been busy Kr ihe past ten days attending the courts. One adult was interred in the Catho lie cemetery during the past week. The U. K j Custom House is being throughly rcnevated Inside and cut, Four children and one adult were in- torrcd in OaWlc vcu.oci during Uic past week." i The prices of nayal tore declintfd alrnoet as fast this week as it advanced last week. Lt ck the weather wa exceed ingly plea?ant, and the excunMouista to our city seemed to erjoy it.' Caldhead Light Houe wnow under going repair, to be ready for lighting by the first of January, 1??. Key. Ir. TaUerMi W expected to preach in Si. Mark's Church U xnorrow Ttninc at 7.3a o'clock. Sa free.' Mr. C. II. Robinson hi retarued frota a tbit to Vernsoot. hU oJ4 bone, locking rroce the cn for the trip. Mai. J- A. MeRae f VayewevilSe, aa4Tr. ijecre H, Wt of Ntwtc. were ta ihe csty dtsricg the p wk- Lrj a&4 tkm Sirccg' t , L . Vw. in Ik n!t Lit m. ant . 4i-rawd ci4enWo - ' - luoa Single Copies 5 Cents Grone, to Yazoo'. - Sampson was! represented at the U. S Curt, last week, by that gallant jcen tlenian and lawyer, Colonel Kdwin W. Kerr. .Thr wilt be a meeting of Uic stock-I hdhlera ol the jVVllmingtbn & Weldoh I Il.'tilrud Company held in this city on I thf IStli instant J Mr- .fotrn D. Itellamy's law otiice was visiied by robbers a few nighU ainco, m.u tiopoiieu oi soiuo oi us mi nuurc I i l 'i -J i.- r'. I nd u lew law books. .... . . I The rurcell pletely crowded House has been coui" the past week, and fripnd f?i!h hnn''Viti In liia ulrtrv lwit-. . i j.vj. j .v.- ing aRer their wants and pleasures. vd U (i M.i;a ,f at the Charlotte Fair, and delivered the annual address which.ia. very highly spoken of by thej peoplaand the press Dr. B. F qobb, who now lives at Hickory, N. C,, was in tho city a Jew uays ago, on a yisii to ma son, uoweit Cobb, the proprietor of the TurceU House. . - He understand that L,umberton wil uave two wuistey distilleries started in a few days, to famish stimulants for the dry bones jof, hold Robeson and save tho state. I Capt. CJ. W. liimb, reigncJ his posi tion as Forrman of t!;c LUlle Grant Engine Coinjiany, and A.-istant, J. N. lliijke, was elected t 1:11 the vaou.cv.1 t A thief visittf I t'.r prr rr:i-es of Mr. King, i n Market, between 2nd and 3rd streets, on Thursday night, aud stole several articles' of clothing and other things of lees value. The Champion Base Ball Clubof this city, will leave on the ISth iut., for Wadcsboro, to attend .the Dixie Fair and participate in the games for the Championship! of the state. Col. .11. O. 1 'tbors .' ihe j ltd; but he flanner returned from his Weldon fair somewhat has got bravely over it, and "Richard is him himself again and ready to people. urnish drugs for the dear The Cape Fear Fire Company boys l.-,,! n ;f.l!n ,t Tl.l. " jviii twu uiuc uu tiiuiMui - - I . . .1 ; fw-t iasi, av mcir anniversary, iney are a PTMvt iut of follnn rA IUhltnfin f i ; " T v'v uav.ng nuge urn, wnen mey warn iu PuuMiSEXt , Reptbltcax ix TBE i'itv imin t r ik-.. ri it II V! v.. ri l t v- air. . Ii". HiU, we'rej in the city during tU rast week, in attendance ur-n the U. i. v vwuaa -- i . We have received a compuaientaxy ticket from the North Carolina Indua trial A?ciaUoti, to llw Fair l b held at lUIrlgh on the 17, IS, 19, mi 20th, of November. 1S73- Ur. O. Hun'.er, the Secretary, will p leat ac - a , . 1 V. 1 T Mr. Fassuel lfanUea, our friend the dry goods merchant. on Market stmt, b to be naaxned on the ?"th cf Nor, 1S77. at 7 p. to Mtm Oa L. Wol of New Yerk city. We crrratalatt the lady e-a bet good lrtaae, far Mr. j H m ose of tho gvt!esea mbo will , make any lailf Itxpj. Jal Geo. W. LclaiTi: al tbe Una U tU C S- CWt Ua4 weti. ilia v;tb Mfii aaiaal vkia ar kkr4 br uUa kj, lit M jsaf y. tvr? foftf ita- -I rtm,wf4,,d1a 1 1 juace NUMBER 15 on Tuesday last killed The Ex'cuksion. (iuito a lirj,o numler of up country unrtLunt-s have been iu the city for the pat week, htal as -v . con.-fiiuciu'en uu&nu-s i :.s betm booming. The morchtfnts t i" this city acted wjst ly when xhey i-v,niuwd get up the txcurio:?, ami : .-kv I the up country merchunts to this vi:y. )u Thursday an excursion d..wn i:t;rivir, on" the steani yacht r:isji:t, w.is giv n our visitors, and trips to' the M.s:ndir..ru of tls.:iv oc.,urreIlc,. -r Joan .Uetvos, a y. ;i - , ,. . man Yejy iijuor, from South Carolina, rolled i . -; - v ville on Saturday last, and much under the i:;f!iU'!jci I .. , . i attacked and peyore y ci:l l-.;ac and rs. C. I). Haldivi'i Yo;:';:: llcives is Hnnrv R.t.lui Af,. J ' ' I and lv. vatkms. sa'-oe .ve-y -juut a::u : cceablo, . . , ... . wnen he is not under the inuueuco: id liquor. lie was arrested ..t.d sulsi- quenlly released on a-S'-OO boiid for h s appearance at ' the next term -of U.e Superb r Court of Columbus couutvJ Capt-H. Fulghum has assumed ed'- tonal charge ot the "C ret t'sKr,, Patri ot. Without Tftctl'!!' f-i lltn ivi'L management ot that rsper. wo cau 8afelv promise the readers ( : the "Fa tnt ' great improvement in its editori al management, vant. I'uh-hum i is very popular in the ensfau'l we spent the sentiments of all, wln-n we w 'a him success. Wado llarri wh ) . s imi exceedingly popular in Wiimipgt:', asiK news-gatherer, is onth- "Tatri )t' . lo.-.i. In thiH leeiio-i i "ur shown gxd judgment. i in K. The tditcr.'of the iVst fCcls tcnji'j. younger tliaa I e IiI - a Monday .!;. before the virdlct'cf "l!ic stales of M York, Massachusetts, l'eiiasvlva i Minnesota, Nebr;ka, New .ierey J Connecticut, was d-eland. Wo I like everv true Uepublic.-.u ;.4 the - . i I does oi.onocs over th ;u.t. 4 . - " as a fricud said to is. a fc-.v days "it make us fed rial j liy. " The ..in ticta cf the Democrats l.vc contr T very much to our , glurilicask. The only wish wc Lave now t.. their faces may continue ho;; uutn 1 j at least. ! Fire is BrC!mvu k. The r.ct barn (in lh firm nf Mr V f Mur-rr! it RrnnBwicv ntitr ab(,ut ur I . '. ft ; l .: . . .l 1... i . .. I tlVUl Uil VJIT. IU Ul MiC V M I i I Fridav momin last. The f:re is ui- I ..... ... I posed to D Uie work o: an :cc riuiarr. Wn WM a j Mructure and tell J quantity t ric?, which f ia iproce oi oetne itreted o-?.::ue I " ' ' " " I t.W.000. On tbi. there a. ia.nrce ,or ,a "r" J . I MeMra. Jno. W. Cvrd a .V Fr . i' ti ' - . City and located as follow ca I Ivarn and t2r) c-n ric?, is t-sverrx-ol. - 1 London A Xilobe, ef Ixmdon, Koj.j t I (WO on ric la Virginia Fire and Ma'ri&f, J of Itkhmood. acd FJ on rice a I Merchant asd Mechanic, ef Uh I tnoad. .1 li.-rfsr' TirVtft it. .!: i- .i I a list of the ckrt la'U'lrd in Wil- j taicgu3 lic. No. v. !. O. at I Wcdceedaj nigh: W. C T.-W. M- Hay a. W. 1L H. S. MJ Agts K W W. L. II, S.-Mr. CU.-'.i W. V. T.-Mm- Nel .t VUl. w. e. j w. w. W. JL sS.-JU:i4t)n..- W. F. s.-a. IL 4 W T-Mi Mary Jo&e W. IJ. Mm ilasjat Cii ni W. t. CI -atsrs M.y Xnt W. O. tl Jb L. Marat :; W.Cl-Mrv V. A Oey, F. W. C. T. ."ba. Xf . )rfat-J . D. Pari r , i. : :1 ' v, TV' 1 I

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