r WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA,. SUNDAY, NOV. 1(. 1S79. Single Copies 5 Cents NUMBER lii I .ASK I ! 1 VV 1 LM IN (roNP-OWT V n-n'tj iu-.p at tiii: Tostofkici; at Wl1 MIN'VW.N, S.C.; AS r.CONl) Cl.AS M a i ii i'. I " ' i LATEST NEWS. (i 7v; tro-we'l -f Mich'Ka'i, -.has up- ivA rtnte; .-'eua'-o-, to liiT out the tiTi-xpirO-'t termor l!!' Into euator cA'dtf r, Mr. ' Besuinn i ii lawyer Kb"iiU .",.-ycarH ol.l, ami h:s represented !i::i'p- in CongreWi i tliO -thirty Ucnlh, "'! 'llHrtyrvightli thirty? ninth1, f.itictli and.' forty-lir-d ((.ti ll. i;"is Imm ii :i Uepuhlicft'i . ini.i'; 'i of i lit! ri v ;'iii i .iiH-'' ' i . -1" ; ! ' ..i.hi , ' J;i'j"'il ml n i i ! U ;t ' l hi mt"' lo !n' ni-m;.; m lj'i:';"'. ' In addition i . i in ,!U . !) i il -I'l i!k:ui Proviu'-es .ij, un ', At lii' t'l.ii' i'"-; i ii 1 1 1 1 r.-t "I .i'l. a I I i iii !,. trtcfii I'm key and- I lu. -si '. Tiie.uU 1 hi Irr. -iiith'.iril .Mr.- Liyai-I, 'Jn 'Etig i J rui'lt-r. i )i l-iehakolV, the iui td i iiiim-fll'ir of Ku-Wia, ha resign I t: t y ii t v Hi h is going to Berlin. i.iii ft )i i il i ii InrV' tin'iils to I! j ''. ,j . l ln- . ir :ha miih? su n t 'ii'l' i- r ii 1 1 ii K v i d- id i la'.v in it ..tin;!.eM.- .;i; i-, Hid.. ' ! In- I'n -i'lcnt and the Cabinet have .ut'iilnl tu make few recommendations i . .(Vmgrrs lor legislation. .' There-is. some- doubt whetlii i , Ken viicky h;ts any Cuii.-titution at all. Tin y i - in't find the engrossed copy' adopted jylhe ennventi n. and accepted 'by tbc JM-'!1 i ' ' . , "A triifiiii-iit hoiMf. uceupivu by twelve Uia.il i-rs in New Vorkr took fire and -vera! jieoplc were smothered to death. - A si'vcre cyclone has b'een -raging ro'iii'l ('iiiejiiiiati. . LATE GENERAL NEWS. iWi.lent.HiiytM ha.i i.iMieil hi.i Proc i.un.iiK'ii fur a nalionaTf Thanksgiving loUr on the 27th inst., for . return-: iii Uintik t (i .il '"r4. ir national blensirtr! - - ' ,11 .. rix.r .1 ai vis hai i-iied a I'roela r. ii f'..r V-Milni viii:r ami craver on !.l ',: I .iHI.Irl . .Ill in .ii- ;)( ii-, '..,;' (.lliiii ill iliui.', : V'ni.i'iVf h lliexe is no nnajrinin; whUt iio-i iiit l' they w ill do'. '- i !.m in-aiie woman named Adams in I. iTie.i-.U r eounty, . 'J., eut the jiiu i .ir wins id hi r. live children, .Hothat :'ny b!id to death, and thJn m t lur . nil ittlii on t'te, m -that ho died in .'luitit trVe hotii.s. . '" Tlu oldent asa v il 11 viais old, and the' youngest an eil.uit. - - - ;. - - iVu-Ndndvo r.uhvunt I'ludke, ia UVh.iiiiMaii a noted; Jead v(. a 1 lun.t I' i lit law ! ias been '!tiut! and t r. i ii1-ported tor life, and 'w-i.il ol Ids lotltovers for ten year. l.i' "!iiliatoiy Mytr and courtesy j o; ?o'n'iU" ideni.t may be inferred .in the oidi and pliiasis wbuhne i Ii. in !is tliau two columns in one ' !lu ir i an rs i of a lhoua4id-inilcs ! n licie : -". Malignant,'' "trueulent if,.!, n is," "ttiaiii'' "baelei and ab t .' i '! iseiu s," "iiave leturned ,to wiiiit a,;ii;,'' ',voi.- "vjU-t r i.4!in vs. duplicity, anil l.i!iebri .I'' V '..iiif.il vagaries' ' want of political ?ti . i. lo'," "federal usurpation" " 1 i t i, iitralj ' ati'on,"' "contempt l talrid," "duLpiM'," "despise," t'iv','.' " vie ajid venomous tr.v!u, ; r, " ' m i t pi, it and pervort," "all i I '."'"despt.se and -spurn, 'in r.'.iein advcntuicrs ol t;i.;u "I ' 1.11 J h I ' :,H,l M'rdi'd-tiVV." "llcIviftry ik 'majority.' In fact, Moore coun nil i 'lUii-' I t the north." "hV:u "4 tant'-uiid.Hl aecU"ations upon the -i'l. I'io. i. copied from ait article fhU ',,1 Xtuli and S.uth.'- t'oute ot: rl no r.i tt. i, ami cap i tal ! AvVwiy stab!t keeper naniei Parket' 1 .Massachusetts, Cath disoleved the priest I -'-Mi It.. - . t l '.iti! mio and wa t icomuiitcat- r th;" pri'st f,r damngc to his fra.n,- aM,i recovned damage for $ 5. Ju.lce l' icon, who presided. v'cr.d t!n ii,0 j.lWf m t, cuntry r"! aUow.cWiaticl interference 'a mAti' business. n.r .U! J )nitlican Contuiittcv of J 3j.v4r.iU.tiav"-nii; ccrtttuM that . 7- majority Isekct tily a fe shrdol't ing ti',oHi havadjurtn-d,' - .u n call I lie cimi vrolion for f ,: un, buh tid be held in Iy t itini'.e state' llicr r 'and nrlevl ?-v-fi'. r..1,!. ...i....i . i . . ... VN. Y. IftrnU hoshow the K' of the New York lciUime MJf'.rt-; tho elector id lhrnext Prrt- K Vulthfn mt:"Xo (h lb p flvu. The eloctKm of a Preideal - Uur4 term U oo toot lorbiJJea by the conctitution than is the taking iiway of the choice of electors from the people Eiit in both cases long and ap proved usage has the force of a consti tutional provision, since nothing can bo more certain than if the constitution wcr5 now to be made it would insure the choice of the President by a popu lar vo'to and would limit his reeligiH bility." r , . ; Uoswcll Ecardhley has held the Post ol'ricc at North Lansing, N.'Y,, lor over . fifty one years, having betn commis eione.fby John iuincy Adams June 2S, 1 s2H. lie is the ( 1 lest Tost Master in ih United States. I '-.ii t;iia. II. orhi, Miibor M I tjmiirssTrom tb .ri district yfNew ji-iv j , mis uo'n srir.iieu iui ..r,n,n-i-t-ig '-Viiii i the' Firht Natioaal Ea'ot of I l u kensack, ot which ho is President, e.ollaif rals deposited to secure a private loan', r Traiilaelioiis in stocks in Wall street oij Wednesday were enormous. The 1'alkau Principalities have made an alliance against Austria, Hervia agreeing to furnish 120,000 men, Mon-h'io-gro iin.000 and Bulgaria 90,000. in' M i ii nc sot't, M. h?. Wilkinson, ex .-iii'o.r of t.hf United State?, has been eleeted to the oflice-jof attorney of Fati- ,;..!i'i (entity, and cjx-Uuitcd btatts .-ii i,;iior, li. 31. liice to; the tcice ol county treasurer. Two other old U. fcv .Seniors, Jones and Dodge, ran for county- olliees and were beaten. '1 be National Association of Wool -Manufacturers, are holding their au nual session in Philadelphia. The President is Kufus S.; Frost of Boston ; lluv Vice-Presidenta are, John L. Lit tle of Uosion, Gov. Talbot of Massachu setts, I). C. Einstien of N. J. j Thomas I)oleni of Philadelphia! Treasurer, Samuel Fay of Boston, Secretary, John L, Hayes of Boston. This society.is composed -of the leading wool manu facturers and wool growers of the United States, and its object is to pro mote the production oftbe finer wools. (!en. Grant is in Chicago attending the meeting of the society of the Army o-f -Tennessee. lie was welcomed all along the way from Galena to Chicago, and at the latter city was, received by a grandly imposing military and civic :(. - - ii 'i, "ny v ijJL noil lii iii'c v.f po- .! ', . ri. . mi u tioi:- on 11 the ' t . 1 -1 .ii.'! i ':l.'ii- buildi'-;:... 'hii. Grant in I ' -;,ply lo the .Mayor's audre.'s.- To one allusion ot fry reception abroad, I wjll say that in eveiy caso I Ml that it was a tribute to bur own eounXry. I will add itirther that our country stands ditlerently abroad in the thtimation of European and ICastern tiatiotfs from what it did a quarter ot a century ago. At that time it was" be lieved we had no nation; it was merely a eon federation of states, tied together by a rope of sand, and would give way upon the slightest friction. . They have found it was a grand mistake. They know that wo hare now a nation; that we arc a nation of strong and intelli gent and brave people, capable of judg ing and knowing our rights, and deter mined on all occasions to mainta'n them against either a domestic or foreign lec; and that is the reception you, as a na tion, have received through me while I was abroad. His reception by the Army of the Tennessee tork place on the 12th, and w.issvery imposing. t'Ai;niAi;r., MoourCXV, N C, November 12th, 1871. ) I M'.r. Post : The citizens ol Moore I'l-unty rrjvice to see your paper bring-: iii out ihe name of, A. . Black as a candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction. , We were not aware that he was a KepublicauTbut fwo know he otuht to be, on account of the Stalwarl Kepublican brother of hisj Mr. ' Wm. Black, whiv lives in this county. It Puton and Black are on the state ticket MiHire county will g Hepublican ty seconds the nominti,on of the fol lowing' ticket : For President, JOllXSHEUMANV For Y'tce-Prciident, l UOMA!? SETTLE. For (toyernor, K.VLPH P. BUXTOK. Fir Lieut-Governor, - DAN IEL M, FURCIIES. Kor Sccrttarjr of 8tate, .4 KICHAKD C PAlKfKR. For 5ute Treasurer, PAVU A. JENKINS. : For Attorney General, JOHN A. MiHIRE. For Superintendent f -Public Ioslruc UoQ, f AUC1UEU. BLACK. The gKHi people of this rctioo cer uiuly ritdor the whole tKkei, and we aU. endorse your etTorU io ftTio oa a u'nrt Republican paper, The rt nwkik i made by all who know and read iCthat the Vit Mtxuros Isr i the only Malwail and Muare Kepubli ca t published vtli of Wahlne ton, IV C. Contiou vour rxxxi work ja bVbalf of Jh Siermaot we are w uii yoi - " I - UATU4i'ft.- The I.tokba wurder UUl U the Superior Court of Hbe-o oxiaty, el for tomorrow . ' I " KEW YOl!K.r ,'Thc ofticial returns, are in rum all but six counties. ' Mr. lloskius has 1,215 majority over Potter for Lieut. Governor; Gen. ('arr for Secretary of State has ,SO0 majority; Mr. W.'ida worth for Controller lias 0,000 majority; Mr. WeiKit.ll for Treasurer has 15.200 majority; and Mr. Ward for Attorney General has ojCO majority. Tims the SvhoJu IiijMiblicaii slate ticket is-clevted ,exceliiig -Mr.-Soule for Eirginei-r- ami Surveyor, SGio is beaten by I jural io Seymour Jr.. son of Gov. Seynnnir. f . The reniaining t n unties will prob ably increase the Bi -piiblieau inaj-iiilieh. I'LAIn- Kil.lMI. (ien. 'JV(n.iubs si-i.t, j-lm editor of the Chicago A .-;, the .following: "Allmdit, Ua.M, K ptm, l-'Mhr: Your ieltgram received. 1 decline to answer except to j.resfiiL my per sonal congratulations to Gen. Grant on his safe arrival to, his .country. He fought for his country honorably and won. I fought for' nunc and lost. I am ready lo try- it ovir again. Jcath to the Union ! . ' 1 ISigrifil "11. TuuM io," A reporter says that .tire : telegram was garUUd. It would not bo Toouibs i f i t w a ?, v : i : i :! ! rc u , 7" S int body has lately bu n lenying that ' Toombs, threaten'..! that h would some day call the roll of his slaves, to Clipper at the foot of Bunker Hill Monument. When he did say it. and old, brawny, Boston blacksmith sent him' word. that if he tried it he would take lity breakfast in hell! It wan. said that f(r oner, on get ting the messao, liobert blu.shcd ! THE FICKlCD.MAN'S hank. The editor of the. Raleigh- .onrii'il "of Industry has been on a visit, to Wash ington, and had Jan .interview with Senator Bruce of Mississippi, 'in which he obtained some information in regard to the Frcedman's Saying Hank. He says also that it is the intention of the Senator to bo 'present at the Fair at Raleigh : Iu conversation with the Senator wo took occasion to etnjuire into the -affairs 6f the above named insti;i;i- nand.was given the following facts aufi iignres by him. i On a deposit of about 0 71(10,00(1 a dividend ol I'.o per cent has bent de- .lhrfil Thcrii is mnv nn limul :i!niiit. $00,000. This together with the aini'tiiit w hit ii il js ti-V"i '"iii.. bt-.i'i-a-Ui d h ;. falc ol thi. I'.inv'- or-'Os -ty:f .vhieli ' a jil ;rliii.-."'l ;'it i -. : 1 1 -y -ami : .1 iilt bt oi.i i .p-uiie 1 rie. -, ;,! . hj-r 'iiyiilpiiil i I "J-1 per eon!, is .i i!;!. i;i I. wluo'i wiil b..- the winding up of litis defunct institu tion. However, unless this js accom plished very soon, with three commis sioners, each receiving fco.OOO per an num, with lucrative clerkship and other uanecessiiry appendages and paraph .12,00t teralia, making in the aggregate 000 or jlo.000 annually, the machine will be apt to wind up itself beTorc this 'JO per cent, mere making op per cent, in all, is declared. i It appears from this statement that 50 per cent, of the deposits, ot 'nearly so, will be refunded from the assets,. We have always thought that it, was the duty of Congress to "rnake provision for refunding the whole :unii;it to Ihc depositors. The institution was-de-sign-ed as ait aid to a very "or c!ajs of citf zens of the United Stajte, an 1 the gov ernment' in soiin. sense s'.od as Bponsor for : it. Insie'jd of aiding th'e colored people it has hctually defraud edthem of half their deposits. 'o do no sec why the govemnieiit is not as much bound to' make good this loss as it is. to pay its bond, ft is io l'.ict un der moral obligations to-do so!, saying nothing about the proprie:y-ofj doing it as a matter of policy. No American cati think of the Ijaud, committed upon and impoverishes' class of our people without a blush of shame. It jis to tty diicredit of the govcinmcnt, should stand uiiliiptidateJ. that il ot.H,(HH, due these colored people might bv put in the form of bonds perhaps 1 The retrocessipn secession state rightH attitude of the r)cmvcrativ" part v in thei last Congress, as well a the remarkable editorials of the party! press, especially in the south just "oetore the late Elec tion and the labojed .iff t:s Jt the same i nee the in-ople so gloriously and justly: rebuked liiem, t, account for their disaster, remind us ot a little in cident, a it i very evident the party leaders jut iu realise thvir grert I os ! ; - - -; A drunken nia'a na- swaying ua ntCadily dvn the stree t the other dr, when a doc with a tia pan tiled to hi narraiive, ran WtwMi a is Kv. collision was so loryild that the tnaa was upet, and the Jo- ran on minus a piece of h LiL The matt cot up Ik-- ft ft . t k - - wtluerea, rucoevl me tiru;et.1 en 1 f his ninatcdmn. tuLfl u: thvvfk-' ii! i and soUicjuiied thus : Hi- i hie - j suspected I had sica a lhin( a-.a tail, t tilt I rv and fall d,.n oi tfk a of. J Mich made ahic f.ae.. hd itifg mvselif a man with a tail. Tacnfl biii millions in ii; milUots -hicl-ia it! Jis my lucl, hcnevrr I gt tbie; it's alaays jrne bcMe 5;4t;ot.- j a gvxl 1 -hicI I More BtcttianH aw-I uj and tm ia naval torv but noihioj pcfiaa-a either ; way.. Os VndaT a f-l all rod. CITY ITEMS. Chew Jackson'a Best Sweet Navy Tobacco. ly SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. We will give a TWENTY DOLLAR (J OLD rib'CE to the person wlu tends us the largest number of pitying Subscri bers ivUftin tlie nc.it, three s months: or ltf the loth day of October, 1879 City subscribers, who desire the Post must settle with our canvasser when lie calls on them. W only charge one dollar a year. All can pay that amount, and those who do not, apd will, not, cannot have the i'osT. . Every -man should have the Republican news, and they can only get reliable information through a Republican paper. -- NOTICE. Our correspondents must curtail their productions. Let them cultivate brev ity, and confine themselves to their subject". Don't wattder. Write only on one side of Jt,he paper. This advice is giveh because we aro obliged to throw many good articles into the scrap bas ket on account of length. Within certain restrictions our columns are open to the whole world. Be short, in cisive ami pointed.! This advice is not meant for some of our very excellent contributors, who are models. Till ',' I V IHILLA ItS lw (JOLl). fVs will be scon trom the n-ecipt i'ub lishcd teloWj'Mr. W. B. Baker has been Awarded the prizs of twenty : dollars in gold for the largest number of sub scribers sent tbe Post, in accordance with, our offer: Duijkkt, N. C, Nv. 12, lbTJ. Keccived of Hon. W. P. Canaday, Editor rii,Mixi ton Post, twenty dol lars in gold, thtfamount awarded me by him, as the premium for the largest number of subscribers sent the said pa per from the 1st day ot August to the loth day of October, 1879. W. B. I!akf.r. ; Iu Pine Forest Cemetery there were three interments this week; all adults : Onp adult aud two children were iu tcrfedJu Oakdale Cemetery dining the week. Two lires yi-stcrday, and uotwillu stauding the high; wind' they were ijuickly subdued. Tli- li "-Nifr of l'ls ioivl fi.Hr i:::: I in-.-n-' - I M 1 it u to :il I t . e ' 1... eoiiph- hi lutein', m- pi n.-!iv i'l--: . 1 1 , . T - and two children. (The weather for the past few days has been very warm, and persons are now thinking of donning their Mtnimcr uNtets I -J" he water in the river between this city and Fayetteville is very low, and the botfs are now ruuning very irregu larly. ' Theehaoge from the Edison to the Bell Telephone hasten completed, and all the connections are now com plete. Dr. M. J. Deliosset of New York, sen of Dr. A.J. Deliosset of this city, where he practiced for a while, has re mwved to Ran Antonio, Texasi Bcv. J. B. Bailey will preach at Oak Hill, Myrtle Grove Sound, on Wednes day night, the P.Hh inst., and at Ih-th-any on Thursday morning the 20th inst Three small frame houes on Wcoster between Ninth and Tenth streets were consumed by fire on Sunday morning last. They were covered by insurance. The turpcutine Mills belonging to Messrs. Collins Bates at Euruberton, w ere consumed by fire on Friday night. Damage luht and covered by insurance Two colored boya who mysteriously left their homes in this city the early part of last week hare be n heard from. They were seen at Goldstor j a few day zzo cn route for Salem. Statements of account, &c, can now be mailed in an unsealed envelope with a oneVcnt stamp- No writing can b put on excepting the details of the bill, but it can be printed cn the bill iUelf. Firk. A fire broke out on Monday morning on Woooter, between '.Hh and 10th ttreeiA, in a three story bouse, and that ami. some adjoining buildings wie burned. Insured for $oot with tJordoa A Ck It is thought to hare been rt ' oa hre. r : . ProlW.r Tir' nrodirta abent tli orto of roHr did mot come oC atd 11 . . u -paaaaa and roof ia cap wtn fJed. The Prfer tofariUrmi are rvidailr oat of order. ', . m "At Work' ost llxU HcArx The) Lijjht Hottecbooaer Mieg-ff.e U at Work at 1UU HeadreUiaf ia maiscas I ; U towrt whKh UI te usd as a ugat - 1 bj. It wiU prvsSably be thfte wes btfnr it will be ready to r ' Jreen will preach in St. moruinu and in St. John's James this at night Messrs. II. H. Munson, W. II. Ke nan and James C. Munds will represent St. John's odge No. 1, of this city, at the meeting of the Grand Lodge of Masons, at Raleigh on December 2nd; and Messrs, C. II. Robinson and W. II, Chadbourn will represent Wilmington Lodge No. 310. - . ' " Narrow! Escape.-A gentleman riding down Nutt street, made a narrow escape yesterday morning. Thebitof the bridle broke and the horse clashed head long down Nutt, turning into Mulberry street andj knocking an jold colored woman down and severely injuring her. She was ca-rried in a house near by and medical assistance, summoned. Dom.ah! foh Dollar. And" twelve times mor j if you t-ubecribe for the Southern Jluriu Jourim us every southern n usieian ought. One Dollar a year secures it ami a dollar's worthf of I'remiui i Sheet Music of your own selection. This takei a dollar right out of your poi ket and puts it right V-ack again, giving you the paper absolutely fire of co!-, BetU-r -till, it givesjyou in every monthly number of tlr?' .4?l- md, rU.Ou worth of now and choice music. A 1 told, ?l:j -worth fur $1.00. Hard to believe, but it is true. Send your dolla to the publishers Messrs. Ludden A Bales, Savannah, Ga., and be conviiKcd ; or, send 10 cents for a specimen copy. . SoujjiEp.N Pl.vxtkr and Farmer The November number of this Jour nal contains the fourth sarics of articles ton Ctreen Fallow Crops, Animal Mas Commercial Fertilizers ;" iA siures and P2 Premujim Essay -on the Best Method etc., and many other valu able articles by leading southern farm ers. While it makes a specialty of ag riculture it all its branches, giving the results of successful experiments rather than the impractical suggestions of the dreaming theorist, there is much in it that cannot fail to interest the thouht- fu reader, id follows no matter what occupation Pub!L-hed. at I'iehmcnd. Vk.,- at 2.00 a year. t - I Tlil. i'l; i i 1 1 1 . -v . 'i'l No - U ' . i : lied is.iui'i;i'i,j- j;un V' tno.'i mill i, i.e r em i;', II. -a it I lest'i ii -tion- i,: eurr.-nl i-.l'i!;i- I'lfi. 1 tie jlat oi ine'arliuas io : Tiui'. Huxley's jlOxpesitioii of Hume's Philesophy." by Pres. Porter of, Yale College ; Univer sity Questions in England" by Gold win plinth, Prof. Tyndall upon the Origin bf the t-Vmos, by Mark dlopkins, late .Pres. of yilliams College; Compara tive View of American Progress, by kobert Porter. The a Priori Novum Urganum of .Christianity, by By man Hi Atwater, of Princeton College Bimetalism, by Prof. William U, Sumf ner, of Ya.lc College ; Points of Con tact between Science ,and lievelatiou, by' Prof. J. W. Paw-on, Montreal; Herbert pcucer s "Data of Ethic," by Pres. JilcCosh of Princeton College We cannot begjin even tircomment on ihc!c formidable! disquisitions. But we can not help welcoming tho venerable and acute Mark Hopkins, and the always instructive !( Jold win 8mith. HKAdll OF AX Eo KNTHK' MAX. We noticenl in the N. Y. Tm last week tii Ideath of. the Kev. Matthew Ualcmitli at his re-idcncc in Brook lyn. He has for about twenty years been the .regular New York corresjon dent of the IJos.ton Journal, and wa, away back in the palmy days of Charley Rogers. His letters were models in their way,) gossipy, smooth sentenced, easy, with all sorts of information about interior matter, pleasantly told of that great citr. He was also an orator of no small parts, with an easy manner, a fine presence, and the BoMon articula tion. He' preached oAen, made poli'.i cl speeches, sometimes exhorted at camp mcetiogs,and sometime delivered ornate lyceum lectures in the winter, i In hu early lif he was noted for his erratic career ia rtlisiou mailers. He larted cut as a l"niTera,.it preacher, which cct at that lime Uught that a?l the human race entered a U'.e of purity at death, and that there was Co future punishment. Then he became a Uni tarian, then a Methodist, and after rou ting in nearly all cU, excepting Kpb- opalians and Catholics, joined the Cfcrgregatnonal charch, ad wa Mtt!rd ' over a Mrty m the town cf Nahaa, Hampshire, even then a larre ! nnctoHBf place. 1I teaching i withia the rwrrkii f h tl uJ - ia 7"" " ' "7 b "- a itd tether ot that ktL I ft ,htBl:SJir,rd there 01 arxvost j ka ttolart tilt ,hkh W had whk Joha H.trele, tUa Crortr3 el Xrw Hxairire, bat a attir ot IUdo!t4 Wwatv ia t2ii tim ( rt! tWtai. 1 It d-.xbsftjl il ia a &.-Kd 4 ir pwpl aware ti taw ttxit ' rttf ia Htpire a Inter Bishop NEW ADVERTIS"ilIENTS. $20 IN GOLD. We will pay TWENTY DOLLARS IN GOLD to any person vcho emdt. ut the LARGEST NUMBER of PA Y- ING S UBSCRIBERS itpto the nth day of January, TS30. EDITOR rOS 7. M me. Demo rest's PORT-FOLIO OF FASniONa. A Large and Beautlftil Book of 5t Folio ParcL . Published Semi-Annnally ' in March and September. Ontalntnc over 500 Largel Illustrations of t he Latest and Best Styles, Including all the standard and useful dsigni for Ladles' and Children's Dress, with, Frenlch and English descriptions, anion nt of material reontred. etc., etc. Every Lady wantsi this book. This valuable periodical is alsa printed in tho iierman jaDguage. trice, free. l.j cents. Post- Mme. Demorcst's What to Wear, Published Secni-Annually in March and 'September. Contains the lates information on every department of Ladies' and Children's lre including Materials, Trimratriffs. Traveling, Wedding and Mourning ouuits. Costumes of al descriptions. Jewelry, Coiffures. Milli nery. to., eto., with valuable information tor Merchants, Milliners, Dressmakers, and lisuies geDcrauy. ia pages, large s vol. x-ricc, i, cents, i-ost-iree, UEJflOUVLSt'S , ILLUSTRATED JOURS AL, A Iknutij'ul, Entertaining, and Compre hensive Family Japir. This nnlnently HuccessfiU Journal, with a circuiutiou ot Over One Hundred Thousand, ls-Tprintod oafinc tinted pn iter, c folio pniie splt'iidldly ltlustrnti'd. ami,, icon tains Kilters tainlng Literature on various teplcs, and a hrilliant display ol the leading styles for Ladies' ami rtiildren"s Dri'ss. .single copies c.-iils ; yearly, 11 cents. flee.. , iiov In tf , ' i . : - i !'!: H H V l PAIN - KILLEli rs THE Best Family Mediciiio of the Age. Aud why llshotiId le kept alwnys near at , hand: 1st. r.iN-KlI.I.K 1 tho most certain tliolera cure that medical science has produced. . . 2nd. Pain Kit.tFli,a ft Isrro.i ami Dys entery reineoy. sriuoni ii ever talis. "rL rais-Kn.i.nu will circ t'rnmps or - rains iu any part of the nytem. A Mii.ie uwc uvuuiiy aucctn a cure, i : h. l 1 n-K 1 1.1.ER will rure dy irpcpla and Iiuliteilon,lf used acoordlus todirec- ith. Paix K i 1.1. r.u 1 an . -vim. l uoxcr Uil lug euiu lor Smldcu Cold, t'ougb. Ac 6ih. PAix-Ku.i.rK ha provcl S.Terein Itetuedy Ktr Krrr and Acnv. and Oilil Fever; It has cared the tnoat obUaat canea. th. P.liv Klll.l an a tleatnrnt I on ciuaJrvl fur Kro-l 1IH. ttiUblAJas, Ilurna, Brtiisc. CuU, J-prmlu. JLv. Mil. Pa I Jl-K H.LKA H farm cmm libraDiUtm tod Xeutiata .a Ztcr y taadtaf. Ha. Fkit-wiMaa ui,dKw? rvtu. rn- Wbtilov ih4 rwm. g)t riM from rta aiterth Brt apptJoaUo. Mli. riii Knxii ror-r IU&. Paiar.aiti 1 mm wtil yo 4y uraw m mmj a U IUr a4 ttartor a Ulaa. ! in. r4irliuu kai hu Mm xh tti aa4 sm u s-rrry al'r T iwHtty autia tsa ta. ttour rust of si 1 j.. f T r urir t4.iiHis ar . t tlaMi r.a a4 MSwtM IMJiastisrMMtiifi tUM. .1 lftVJT tfO tWT MW ; UalM wrta Um tv. " luilt.tW M a It linn athM4.' Tvt isCitxa- SMPaew4e j i wrr Mt mi t bt. lt;witMNnMM4tl I Uhre trn fcii mii e' at anrrMVy lu to4 tM M r a4 mr Um r'-S. try trx C m4 Maft llymirr uiwti rWVUlMlA4trr tlMA READ- We stood at an open window ' Leaning far over the blll.J And if something hadn't happened We miKhthavo stood there stili; But we reached for a hanging shutter In a blinding northeast brevze, go oar friends will have to be In vitcd v To Join In the obsequies. IF WE .COULD ONLY ItAVK KNOWN X what a storta was brewing (iu a teapot s and how far off that shatter was, we should never have ventured our head outside ot that window; but it is too lato lor rejrr-.-n now; we are nonplussed, completelv Eqnelehed, have been sut upon, uud our friends and the public generally are re spectfully invited loattend thcobseiiuiesoa and we stake our reputation on iislu iug thesraudest funeral they ever wltiiBtstd. Ashe slips he slides, ami cverv tlpic ha slides he Klips up most wofullv. "We lenvu onr"klnd friends' to find out the muttum; of the above, and while thev are doliitrbu we will sk the ftdlowiiv- ju-'-! ivti: Hvn'l vvc- the uii.'-t a,,. :iri.v.f tore lit the St iteV Ilavn't we lii i-.nte ft.'i Wilmington'? ' j vin!, Il Ilavn't we made prices uiuch hl:,esluca we commenced? Ilavn't wo been very uunc oimaodaUni and impolite to you? Havn't we charged you forjiil ho good delivered? : - -i ; ' Havn't wc made a greats tnanv mistaki s and refused to correct them when ouraHlviiP tion was called thereto? All of our frleuds whu Miswrr "yds'' .i the above questions will please nut l.iYy iroi i us any more. llvspeiSUuily and truly.. P. L. BRIDGETS &G0. In frlauciug over ho-l Sunday s ;iperw j riKreited to notice the tacit u knowlsl(.'-i nient from some of our brother j;i-,k rs th tl we bud taken away part ot their liml,. 'an,.U making hu appeal tn the others not lo leavi ly n - ii.y -,, ir" n .'.lid !: :i!'(.ut oin inn in ! We h:,vi. IMntn.'.l 11 1. -ti i''"M . H a i; ; iw 1 i:i:i.n. i 15lmm: i':uy ever done In V 'iiiiuu;;! n. m, -v. ni lo rim fulnrv .have to keep tr.mii l.rii,;- t, ,, f heartetl.aud CIV Lhiw.N 11. i. is H ImlJ more. THE BL0UM CHASM 1 1 A: i BE Eli BRIDGED OVER. THE LITTLE . JOKEK- ;ucnot qn.to j go tie. - " A Cue line of TO I LET miaPS-i,-. ceiyed to-day, very low down. The OLD CAPE FE.; tlou,,. and MABTELLE swimtuiug. we have ,vvf and iiu.k.1 I ' ,l "t'i; r ! t'eee." .afliii- ll.tnii .4 1. . t Hill think II voul.l In-l..i. jxtli. y 1., .t. t. turn Whins the paper wuu our line u,it v pruducllous.aa they have the tend., t' keep prtcei very low, hu i, we. ot o,Ur . with all other cr.Kr. dirr ..niy want Ftiouch u-st Ut p4y Kr Jerk l.livl tore rent and Vaxr. - NOT PURITANICAL. Although okm.1 l'i i,Vf ttttnkmt ef UiaorK. 1', 1. hltilHjKl a of . fcrni tunlaal-al M.i.rh u ,.fae l. nil 1 . mm IhfTltllnll a VllVT Ci-AHm . -y n 1 promiw lh i-JUtiti Ui y uuid nr Bod 2t tit-rm was may au I pr mm it Bttl hm taka . bcr to fc a; auk. BUMGAr.DNKB, STUAUT? IEW atJ DCU1IAM OLD kYE rtceiTel ih'st week. TRY QUn BLTTKI: ,A.M L U:D TV purest ollt. atI (1 JKN WHISKEY i ii u W I Uoabt oa'f al P. L BRIM i in. m-t O Mn fu mmmmM U) w4 Ik I III II Htkt f Wa,v... oA. oo on mm wf . iMra r if.' 1 t V I . i : . . ' . a-(f

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