i , .;! !' : r .-' a1 . j.T YiA : r J." "I . f:, r i i t.ed Jan? VhVWi WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA. SCNDii-YNOV. 23. 4870. Sin le dopies 5 Cents NUMBER -10' 1 vl' ill 1 V rv j. A' 7? A U MUM inn mil bit i H m - : , , , .,,), . r . " V - ' V - N - mi 8-1 if 'ir, in ' ( i x' iT N I 'OST V''J i .':1.f(lF';rfHR Po.vroFFicE at- r,,N. as v..-? .';,,. q 1 LATEST NEWS. :,y(. occur i 11 i l .n'.'.M.1"1" , ,,, 1m in .1 !y it!). ;,rc: j"'V'r' .. , 4 " ' I. in -r 'Ali f - .1 '!.! ' unci! i !; , mi iH i it'll.-. if JIuuO S.'i : ! ii'ivi u I i li' i '- iii. ii r. ..-.it l l ,i lil, i It i ... I : '- ; , , li.lij ii; I.- i 11 11. it .l.h- J- r- I1.' ' ' 7 j 11,. 1 uiui ,.i'ii- 1 1. mi 1 1 , ,, iv.iImc fiicivlr -aImc'i ttf 1 ih: . til s'-vi ! le T'air. ' :. I L t ! i'l H II Vt'l lug ll I he rT!t.-. ) i.nc l!iyt r Ul . is 1 1 ! :i il if-j 1 Hi Miy h lii.it . j li p'lili 1 1 v I illi'l - Will ,k 1 Ifil ill liillull. ..: .. j i"n 111 iiii-Hl. t .vi.i'.i 111 I rt'laml imi , ,;,,! ,, 1 in! iron Llrs. Alicliael D.i-.r.ni.-.i licc lillcn and Jaiik-h ,; v niii'io violent f-i'CCCllfrt 111 ,SllgO ; imi- Itc.'u arri stcd. Inll unmatory ;io posted .about, (he country 1 lie. people to resist the ; ,: i.i-. l liiine rule inc tings are ;,i ,ii lvi;;t;iMd mid Scotland by Irish ..rilfi, iiii'l f ur,f(.ripiions are ueing , 11 i i i.i'l iii-sy.-ieij(iing inose arresieu. 1 t i" I : 1 1 I LATE GENERAL NEWS. w.is'a'.iiifetiiijjr, of. the American ,i jc Ili'iillti AsHociaitioh' at Memphis 1. ii Vi:4iies'Uy lal. j - I . rti-ri.fary Miermaii - .will- put in in ,,.e. I i-mi ..imate tor the fiscal year end Mimic .X lfl, of $7,1 V.'Mk , l licM i ijiuidrtiili, the for'mer Confed iie ciiiiM-rj now belonging to the Sul- ii u.f:,inzibar, luis been sunk off the . ;t ,.f S nHitra ii the' Indian Ocean : :'. UK of llie ci'ew drowned, t Vh.iv, lie fiieiuUy cliiet docs not suc- t ,i c luUDiimi; t.U(Mi"suic crueis.uuiy v . '.u .wilt smire-..the delivery up of ln-irrrrfilt'icrscf Meeker and the sol-ii-iF or.periMi iii 'it lie atteiiipt. It is ii.l ilii'l he arilii'ipitcs lii.nvn assassi- n.i1 i"i, ;.' .1 I hc (i.neruiir and Council. of Maine ' v.; it plan on. the pretext of fraud, lo ; ,r iv "in eii'Uiji state Senators, who vn-re elcetid as Uepublicahs, to give ;t S.-mile "to the Democrats. This 'piracy, las brought to Augusta U'lrJIainlin, jirael Washburne, Lot .M Mi'rriil.and others. There? w ill be ho( ! '.'JrHerli.tt's unrtlieni flunkey uewspaper ays r i I'i'le oj" the south, are naturally i;yiivValhy with the Jetrersonian apd ( -"iiiin schooL -of politics. iThere i't r w.h a greater error. If either 'ii- iij or .l.ii ks.ui ..had been l'rchi iii' uht'ti the n b'cls. were nin king their s .1! Hi.':.- tliey would hav lluolllcd .I liu- ii'u!iet. ... ;' , . . ' r : wn'l f.t :t! of tlif- act ii :il stand i iiiies 1 t the nations of Kurope is ' ' i i men, but including the reserve ; if 'Hu.Hiiit-t U. iG,47I,91S. men, " ti.i. j inniicil, or ijrp learning the w:ir', iti.d arc held ready to cuter 'ui. It Is not strange that with ;i uu iwv -luu-i'ular force and intel- 5 1 ;.mu durrted trom industry l'uropc f .-I Vrcad and meat, t ' ' ii;jt ib'nl -jtT0 negro faint- .1: (' in .O 1IKIIHIIK IIIUII ni'lkll til at' they are alljo bo ceti pat ions bv Mr. O. J. to Indiana from North '''ran. an. til ' ,f'-t W t! 1 j fen v i-tc " lireeiu-astle 1anner, ' ' .--I' ;i'ie.il.ly yiiorv applications than v.'1 .!. tjr, JIen,Jri; fays that - t .Uepuhltcan'-: scheme h fl -od " 4-e. w-itlj negroen" lt overcome the " i 10 ii.M rity tid prejudice the vi n.lati laborer--' ' 'O'l bvi t).ad Crymer in "" H'-th the present llcistcr Cly- ! iri t H- M a Member of a'.itn-titil Cii;te!,s, aud a tnem. it'c Ci,'retittorr which made the 4,Mi-.t.m:i(n. Hvit there have c Uf tT, and one Hieter who i '. is bead to tranMe the 1 e. Of thine nix !hr wer fVom K I'.IH ,1 i'. t n.T lL frvint Mrol.n.) :f i the ancient I,5f1, Uvjro io 1 m.u '.a-'number from " tr j PjiiiuT ha Micceedcd hia -n XUrylanJ iu the UlhjCon--Ihn their was Jfhn front - s. a brother of old lHnisl 'U;l):h Wtres. Then Wi!Ua, . e!d Jhinifl aitd John, in the i tah Uvogre. Ihrn Jc4rrh '- e juj, Cih, 7th, th and h Co- frv old IVtkt, "the ptopttf ho 4 kvm . Then Iae tPnuker v'-r. ia ih 51 (of;mt th aoa Viii::: l '; j : ! '""-'....'.-"..'--,.' J ' .'-'' ' ' -.!''' ": " '?''- ''': '".',:--. o'f William H e-ister,;nd he thought n 1 ho ret had spelled their inatnes wroigly. The Heisters and Clvmers too Have been rather a decent set. Ni Department of theBsr,overnment furnishes more enriotraly interesting siatiwtics than the Post Office Depart- nient. ; The "Dead Letter Office received during the lart year 2,996,013 letters a (Im'rft'f of 190,292 on the" previous yr-nr 1 lie decrease was caused Dy ine ijumbii of U tters on : ' the outside of which vrr.- requests fr the return of letter", 1 1.0 number containing money in Mi-( nranuh; xr.i 16,007, and the 1 111,1 ni i nrinrntev in ihem was ji,oji. T. M-r tr.'rr 13,575 containing drafts ,. ,, , jj i t..., v. theHiiiouiit oftl.l05,762 Vii; ,Lh- 0.202.211 rcj:i"-t-rod letters f ., nl the Deud ; . .- -. . . .; i' nc . 'j v i'rr- iil-iit lielotiirs ' to long lived N ..: tv; J r 1 ir I a n I stock, and gives promise ! in,, ii v M.ar.--. lor ie lias a cood con- w!i' 1 1 f 1 0 to. bgin with, anil tempera'e ami cirrcet linhiti of lifi, an even -tein-cr, iiji 1 i niiiinvgfnial disposition. He s:y. : I I b', mi iiatiotial issues "Tne recent , .1 i ii'in shuvv-i that very plainly, al 1 ii n'iiij all iiic iisuus in-v.il viid wera not nati 1 ijil. They had many state issues. Il.t.i iit! efeciion been fo.' President, I, leiieve rew Zrk would have gone Ke-uKlii-jrn by 20,000 majority. As it was the Republicans have won a victory, and did it under disadvantages. The' nomiiiiition of Cornell was & miatakei the vole shows that, lie was aratched to the, extent of thousands of votes. Had li been a citizen of New York I should have voted-for Cornell, but, at the same time, I think, with many Re pubiicsuis, that a stronger man could Ituve bwen found to head the ticket." "i)iiyou regard New York as safe for th Republican Presidential ticket next year?'' "I sfce no reason to doubt it. If is sues rfinaln about as now New York seems relfably Republican. Vfhenit comes! to a Presidential eleotion I re gard -Sew York as Republican." Th Orand U. O. of Love and Char ity, a hew tabernacle set apart by Rev. Henri Ellis and Laura Price, shall be knowt as St. Matthew's Tabernacle No. 1 of the sins and Daughters of Lgyi. The following officers were elect- ed and installed.: . J. W. S. Lincoln Moore. J? y. V. S. Mary J. Boyd. J. W, R. S. Laura Warren. J. tV'. F. S. Louisa Hall. J.. IV". T. Isabella Toomer. J. W. C Tony Toomer. J. W, I. S. Fannie FonTilie. J. W- O. 8. Willie Oornigie. I Iklm hold's Bitc 11 rielmbold's Buchn has long been known as one of the mo.st valuable-medicines attainable in certain classes of diseases, such as dyspepsia, chronic rheumatism, dropsy, cutaneous affections, and especially af- tect tons ol tne urtnary organi. A a diuretic, It is superior rto. almost any other medicine in use, and the great care ivith which It ia prepared, the ab solute purity ot the preparation, and the diligence used in the selection of the crude material, have made it known far aad wide as a reliable and effect I ve preparation, and one that ran always bt vritlt nfoty and benefit., The great tuiccosa of Helmbold's Buchu has led to the production, of, many spurious preparations, which are made cheaply and placed upon the market to be sold on il reputation acquired by Helm bold's original preparation. Parties who desire a leaiii good medicine should be careful and use Helmbold's '.only.; ' ; ; .' ; A number of our very best colored people in the 5th ward, met together last week, and organized a new fire company by the naw0 of tlie ''W. Caniday" Kngine Oompany. Tt following officers were elected : Jlua UU1, rreaident. ; ! leis Uryant, Vice-PreaidCTit. Jtihn W. Mosely, $ecretry. Tieodoreli. Jobea, AsabUnl eere ?apson, 1 reaaarer. Jajse Holland, "jsergenX at-Arms. Rklard Sherwood, Foreman. Alfred Jordan, Assistant Foreman. Alex. Sawpeoo, f Wo4. j Jawcs WinfleW, AwiiUnt Oiptaln. The eraeera ofiita ecraiwiBy are all good and experienced flrecaea, n4 M we said above, the whole cotnpaay U com posed ol the rtry best material. U Uwre, the CSief of ll Fr lVpattnial, is doing ail he aaa to mike the company a useful auailiary to his department. 1 We heard Oal. aloore epeak very highly of the personal of the cempany acd hf pledfes himself to aaaiai the cocumutee ta procrtng an Bojcittt. ( The city already haa a very axcalleal fin department from lu cfeiel daws, and this new company (wiU add tfry mach to iu efficiency. J I'nited ltatee Oiicoit Oo-art coamita at Rlign ta-nwmxr, lib Hoar H J. B--vJ, one of Int very jat Ckttuki Jttdte la the tTafted ftate, preaidieg CITY ITEMS. Chew Jackson's IJest fc?weet Navy Tobacco. S-20 JK GOLD. We v-Ul pay rWF.XTV DOLLARS IS GOLD to any inriion cho soul us the LAUGIT XL'MlihR of DA V. ' J.Vc!? S U D SCR J HERS Ui) to the loth day of Jurnutrr, 18S0. EDttOK -POST. X'Uy ."ubscrihers, wlo desire the Post .must settle with our canvasser wheri he caltS on thctn. We -only chary? one Jrdlara year. AH can p iy that amount, andj thos- who do? not, nd will not, cannot have- the I'osr.K Kverv man should have ihi' Ketititiiicjii news, and Ihev can only r't reliabb-- information . , t - t . . . 1 inrougu a tvepuoitean paper If DTIGK. , Our corrspiiijidents mu t cuitail their productions. Let them Cultivate brev it y, and confine thenisi res to tlieir Write only This advice subject. Don't wander. on one Bide of the paper. is given because, w e are oMiged to throw many good articles -into-the scrat) bas ket on account of length. Within certain; r.strietiotH our columns are opeu to the whole world, lie. short, in cisive and pointed. This advice is not meant for sonic of our very excelleut contributors, who; are models. There is good boating water on the ii . I river now. I No interments; in BjIIcvuc during the past week. If Jacksonville, Onslow county, will soon have a dai'.y mail. T' A Special sc.-shjii-cf the Criminal Court will 'convene' Mondl'V". ' In Pine Foresti Cemetery 'there were, this, week; all adults.'. three intennent.s One adult and two children were in- erred in Oakdalei (Vmi'U ry dirring the week. The Register of Deeds issued seven marriage licenses! during -the week; all to colored couples. r J l - - . - whole tloet of Fayetteville steam ers wtffc in port Ian Friday. The first time since the drouth Superior Court of New Ilauuver county, will convene in this city on the first Monday in December. Judge R. P. Buxton is now holding the courts in the Charlotte District, where he is making many friends. olur irieuds in the country would do well to bring in their produce now aB prices for everything are ranging high. : f ," Judge Eure had to adjourn the Su perior Court of Onslow last week on account of severe sickness of his w ife. "jThe schedule of the Wilmington & Weldon and Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta Railroad has been changed. See advertisement. jlon. Geo. Davis w ill deliver a lecture for the benefit of the Historical aud Scientific Society, at the Opera House, Wednesday evening,' 2i;th inst. A couple bales of c-lton, on the deck of an ocean steamer, w ere set on lire by sparks from a passing tug-boat. The fijre was quickly extinguished. -Mr. t. Haustein, of No. o Market treet, uf this city,- was .married oa Thursday , the 20th inst., to Miss Clora L. Wolk, of New York-city. We con gratulate the happy pair and w ish them long life of this world's good4. ; The Department has decided to have the ri ver lighted up from Smithville to Wilmington, which will add very greatly to the commercial interest i f this city. Vessels can then run up and down the river at night ..'expediting basinets and reducing the expense, r Hon.. Robert & " Klliott, f Ssuth Carolina, was lu the city everal days daring the past week. He delivered the addresa at the Industrial-Fair at Raleigh on Wedoesdav,.which is Tery highlv spoken of. We shall publish it inbja nt. We are glad to hear that our friend Col. O. U. Blcckcx his sufficiently re covered lrom hi ill health to be again on duty. There is no belter er more rauanu omccr .0 ne ro" MVjr 7J ' " ; ""I 1 gentleman of the very high reaueman 01 iac urj twam ctair- tcter, both pcr-WBaliy and . 1 ScijaUy. Ot U liked by aU fxce-pi vioUors of Jaw ' ' Tbo mercbQt of thU city rrtjacte4 an arrangement tt ctrtsin free trsn porta t ion for excur:cciu alonj the linetof tbe "W. .Jk W. and W. a A A. R. K. Mr. A. IVpe rep!ied regretting IbaI the Directors cf the rwsd thought U unvlet as ft wtM ia'.-fiKre HJi caker pascenftr tr25; acd esUblbh a preoreat for other tones and cillr to malt rrejamts ( a tiiaiLsr na'.urr. Destructive Fihe Loss Brtytt $35,000 asd $40,000.-- About M dlcloet yesterday morning, a fire Was' discover ed , in the-Steam SawabdPftiising Mills of Messrs. Colville & Co.-ftfated at the foot of Walnot stfeet Tne flame spread so' rapi?!v amonff ihe pitch-pine lumber'that ; sodrl .the building was enveloped, illnftfaClrig the entire northera portHn of the'efty: The department' were -pronSpt-iaV hsnd but before they arrived tKe Blind and Sash Factory of Messrs. Hftetfef & Price, adjoining the milf'Svas Ulin flames and too far consumed 4o b slved. Tee attentiot? rif Tth"firemen were directed to the large' Wval store shed of Messrs. Alex.'.6prhnt & Son.' This wx)den structcrrl'sebn sucumbefed to the intense heat frorrf the "burning buildings, rtnd that building together with most of its contents were consum ed. The large sheds oa the wharf of Messrs. Worth & Worthw'ere saved by the most strenuous efforts of tM fire " de partment. The' Origin of the fire is not known. Messrs. Colville &, (Jo's, lss amount to about tlG.OiW." They were insured for SS.OW. Messrs. Alt. ifferW Price's loss is estimated at $6,00f. They were insured f;r 1,0)0. . Messr5.,, AleS Spruut & Son's loss amounts to-about $10,000 mostly coveje'd by insurance. As we go to press th lire is still bur j iu-g among the lumber, but is . consl; ered under control. "w l Maiirikp. On Tuwday, November 18th, by the Rsv. Geo. ratterdon, D. D., at the residence of the bride's cousin, Geo. Z. French, at Rocky Point, Harry D. Thurston, of Bat)gr)f,JM?.,'and Car. melita A., daughter ol Chas: K. Taylor, of this city. a, - y ' Stealisq Rica. 42iiaha Jenkins, Geo. Brown and Henry Gause haye been stealing rice from the Hilton Rice Mills. They were sent to jail rn Thurs. day in default of bond for their appear ance at the,next term of the. Criminal ,Ulrt' ' im '; '.-,' ''4. A Siiowek of . lrofes?or Rich. A., Proctor predicts a meteoric display on Thursday night next, .'He says a swarm of flying, meteors jvill come flying from the northern hcav,ens and rush end on end towsrds the earth. Tnen look, out for fire works. . Our friend and fellow-citir n, Gen Allen Rutherford, arrived home on Friday night, to spend a few weeks with his many friends io Ibis city . His friends will be glad to shake -him by the hand once more, forhe ia-jaatly efy popular in Wilmington. ' We hwpe ke wiil bo able to moot-bis Jacksonville friend while here. ' t Smash Ur. The horse- attached to the gricery wagon of Messrs. Holmes fc Waters, became frightened yesterday at the passing of the truck -of the TJ'M. Stedmai- fire company and ran Into Lthe show window of frj Joh"n NRob" inson's hat store. The wagon was then thrown across the sidewalk becoming entangled with the telegrapb pole, when the horse broke 'out of ihe traces doing no other damsge than dcrroltshlng the wajjon. . ' FRArm'LKXT PjiRrtes6E.:f-S. B. New'ome, of Cage Depot, .jj-'C, was brought to this city xn Thursday. last, in charge of constable T. Q. BuuliDg. Newsome was arrested for ob'aiuiug money under false pretenspo, ' lie bor rowed M.OO0 fiom Mcve. Kerchuer A Calder Bros., to purchase totton, repre senting that his property, was worth $.40,000 and was unencumbered. He gave bond for his appearance at the approaching term ef the Criminal Court. V , Prices or TtuBiot. There in a-de-martd for timber in thh market, and the pjiccs have generally advanced. Atl kiuds arc, wanted exce-4 inferior short leaf. The market fa absolutely bare of good timber, and ira would ad vise pur friends to latT advantage cf the freshet whicV ii eipeetcd! by titer and steamboat wen. Ttraber'w-iil readi. It bring the fellowing t'fitslWt Common mill,5 V.5 to 6 Fair mill. - - t6 IVO to 7 lrijae mUt - v. .'': d u 3 56 Good mill. . .; ;, &U.Qll Contaaanem Car. An old phyarcian, mir.froa jnao tice, having had placed inirftftodt y an Yi India mies-toaary the -Ibrmala a, a aimpl. tegHaala nwt- t speedy and permAneat coreJ Coo .. umption, Bronchi til. Catarrh Aata ma, and all throat aa4 laf, a&etieaa, alao a poajuve aad radical estate? Nec- too Debility aad . all Nervou Com- U fa! eoratire Poirer la tivS e c, haa fUhalf Wak i MW. M fill. uw a . sup mtm wmiwn raww 4( mated by this motive aad a desire to relieve httmaa aiTfriag. -L-aul afflKl tree of charga oaIl aVaua U ia recipe, ta Uerxsaa. vita Ait dlrcclioaa ith atiap. tu&leri jhrar. It? rbwfrr . Y, Halifax, N. C, Nov. 20, 1879. Editor Post: The Republicans of Halifax township assembled on the 14th inst.,' and organized by calling R, J. Lewis temporarily to the chair, who addressed the meeting a few minutes advieing harmony and activity in the party. The club was then organized by the election of Rav. A. J. Jackson President, and Messrs. H. E. Davis and rfi R. Randolph chosen as Secretaries. Considerable enthusiasm was mani fested by those present. The club ad journed,! after giving three cheers fpr the Republican party, to meet again en the22diust. y X ," A H. E. Davis, I , H - J, li. Rasdolpu, pec ' Wiliainstja & Weldon R. R .j Company. Ot K.'Ctl (JKSERAI. SUPKKIMTENDENT, I Wiluiiug'.ou, N. C, Nov. il, 1S. ;M V-' '.'if soil i) ! ' L R '" t- ! . in r !fu-:.1 ty. Ni v ii-l" r : t',t itbstjii-j-r ir .iii, i ii ti e W tv. W. Ksilrosd will run as luitowti. DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN I r Daily. Leave Wi'uuosiOT?, Frout Street Depot, at .". 0 50 A. M Arrive at Weldon at 12:50 P.M. Liuave. Weldon a.;..,., a... 3:4 )l M Arrive at WiUulrgtou, Front at. l-po. ht 9:53 I. M NIGHT MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, Daily i LfHve VViIu.i"gt.L F:-j;it Strc.t IK-p t h? 8:tJ P. M Arrive at Wcl.lon at 8 5 ) A ' Leave Weldca dstily, at 2 13 A M rr'v? at W iiMi .trtoc From St Depot tit........ . 0 13AM Tvstison Tarluro Biaiuii Road leave ItocKy Mount for Tarhoro at 5:10 P. M. Daily, ami Tuesday, Tliiusday and Watur tlnv t. 4.00 A. M. Helunrlnif , leave Tarborc at 10.00 A. M.; dally, ami Monila.-, Wednes day aad Friday at S:1J 1', AI. ' U The Day Train makes close connection at Weldon lor all points North via Bay Line, daily except Sunday, and daily wa' Rlch mond and all-rail route. - NAglit Train makes closa connection at Weldon for all points north via Richmond, Sleeping Cars attached to ail Nlgbt Trains. JOHN F. DIYsLNJ General Sup't. no -.'3-tU , ' O ;Ow ft ici'Cii ! n. Z. K S c Scs EX. SUPERINTENDENT OKFKE WHaington. Coltmbia & !n ftisla R. R. Cocipany. Wilmington, N. C, Nv, Zi, ISTt CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ON aud after 8un Jay, Nov. 23, the fol lowing schedule will be run on thla rd: DAT EXPiiESS AND MAIL TRAIN . (Daily.) ( Lcate WUminitoi: s S3 a. M Arrive Flurenee. . . . . '. . . -. 3 00 f, M Leave Floreace.... o 5J P u ArriT at Wllmlnrton 8 '.sj I' V. NIGH T EX;l.tE3S TKAiN, (dsiij) Leave tViianujiton .10 13 P M Leave Florence. .... - J A M Arrive t C"lama. y iw A. M Utte Colombia.. s 10 &. M L-ve F ore oce t 2 O . m Arrive tt Wilsntnton . fi.3J A M This Tram to only at FicajiDiton Whitcvllie, Fair Biuo". Marion. PMMf n t.ir Cotuinb , n,l all poinU on U. A C. H, Hi and In Wnieni North e1n 11 na, vIa iViiumtil nd Sprvanbric. tiou,d aka Night Kpra Train Intra Wi mtDc ton. . Ttenter tor AacuU -hwiini lakr N'Ukt Kxp ir:a. ihUi sjnnt r.i It i riArtn-. t"hrifU-ti Ju!)-tii!. j fc tlbari.f n, f-jkTi-ii.h. Aciiu tiU itutfirtuta JantUuiis, and fc-r Co.umbi. JUm r, Dlv la, tiaa. eai nov 2 tf. To WHARF BLILDElS. Orritt or nir, Ls h t torK I.x i iutrM Ui!rai"r, ii 4ki a-rv . ? V ts.u r.i rrurY-A!v- t.i t re-.j at th? t3 otil i: U . Dwtiixt -.In! 5. far rib tort(ftti 4 a VAHK at C:t .iey. a c. .. ' ni a may r n w.. r'i ' , ' I'vr ikk .t t um4. a aw -i sataf K.v'.ia. re-7 JcgtikMB t'lfa-.- 1 v ''f s c " - k i "si - j NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. H. T. HELMBOLD'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT J3tKJIiU. f'r PHARMACEUTICAL. A SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES f OF THE BLADDER I KIDNEYS, i For Debility, Loi or Memorr, Indisposi tion to KxefTlou or Buslnesa. "shortness of llr-eath. Troubled with Though t of Dlseaup, Dimness efVlslonl Tain In the Back. Chest, and Head, Rush of Mood to the Head, Pal Countenance Dd Dry Hkln. . If these symptoms are allowed to go on. very frequently (Epileptic Fits and Con sumption follow. Whtn tho constitution , ,c4U1u.j tu o ma vi in invigorating medicine to strengthon and t rn A ii n thA ivbIo m h-ViIaI, HELMBOLD'S BUCHU" DOES IN EVEKY CASE. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU IS UNEQUALLED Hy any renieiy known. It is prescribed by themost eminent pbyslia ua mJl over the world, in Rheumatism, Spermatorrhoea, Neuralgia, ' Nervousness, ' Dygpepeia, Indigestion, Constipation, Aches and Pain General Debility, Kidney Diseases, , Liver Complaint, Nervous Debility, Epilepsy, Head Troubles, ;k araJjsis, General 111 Health, , Spinal Diseases, Sciatica, Deafness, Decline, -Lumbago, , Catarrh, Nervous Complaints, Female Complaints. Ha.;.r li .-r..oi in the Shoulders, Couih l.iirK-.iK'OK vmr Stonmrh. KmptliHs lUd '! in in. Mouth. pHipitatioa of the il -art. I'.iib In Uie reston of tho Kldneya .oi.l a ttiviuiuind other imtnful yaiutaa. are Ihf ofljipriiiga of Dynpt-ptia, HELMBOLD'S BUCHU INVIGORATES THE SroilAU, ' 1, An-I .liituiat. the torpid Liver. Uow:i, and Kidney l- hrallhy action. In Hcanalng llu- blood of ait impurtllea. mod ImpmrUfig uew life and vigor lo the whole yslem. A alogie trial will bo quit afflrtrat to ooovlnc the moat bnluiinr of IU valuable r tin. -dial qtialiuea. PRICE fl PER BOTTLE, f'r Sir Pallet fr ff. Ir'ivred to any ajdr f.- f. osj obat vatloo. ' "lallU ' may eotsaa t t y :y. rTi v Stg lb came attention a by ratnag. e otnf-inl Ihya aue4 to eoatwa- pooarBia. Ail i-ir ho:4 Jirra,d H. T. DELSBOLD. Set i feit tkt prtrile pruprielaxy Staap ii ca eea bottle. SOLD EVERYWHERE " r We atbod at an open window ' ; Leahljif far over the Jil.i A.ttd if omething hadn't happece.l "We might have stood there stt'!; But we reached for a banglrr? shutter In h blinding nortbea; t bmtf, eq our rrtends will nT to b Invited Tojorn In Um obeqnl';. 1FVTK CfM'i.n ovi.t L what a storm was brewlii IIAV K KNOWN (In a ifaii;it u now lar on-that shatter WiUi, we bllOUill never have ventured our head ouiido ot lor rt-uretH uiafc Window; but It ls too 1: now we are nonpiuea lkto compled ly Hjuvicuea, nnve been sat Upon., and t;ur inenas tki the public irrteTTtv- v" are re- pewiuiijr inviura loattcna the uu SiVTUIiDAY ISTXT ana we Btaseour routat!o:i on -itsh.Jaa -" i"il UIO(;tTlT Wll lllM ,l, Ashe slips he sli'drs..' nnd 1 1 1 : v tlii- t-.a slides he slips up most -wrtettiHjr. ' e i.-avu of Mia above, and while thevare tiiia - ti we will aatt U following quedi ou: ' Hayn't we the nsTlestand dir.U t store lu Ui btaU? i I . T,SaT.n,t we,he Poorer stock of tooils la Wllmlngtou? I Hayn't we made prleps iumi l-.esl nco DOtUUUUUlCtN ' "vn t we Been very uuiuftHiintutHlaLluir Ollil lmnnlln ...... i , avn t; we ehslrged you for ail Le goods delivered? HaTn't we made a grai - Jinny raisia'kt -uu ii iuwsi ui correet tnm whuu out atten Hon was called threu? .A" or our friends who srtwer "vs" . lueapove question will plea.se ih. luiviro.a more. liefpeMrully in ! n u! v P. L. BRIDGERj & CO. Iu glancing over last Suiiia s ir.rerwn roKretled to notlee the taeit ii-kiowirtte-ruent from someaf our brother -ru-, rs tht t we had taken awny part : their tr.-idn an 1 maklug an appeal U tlifnttii r- not to leas i them. W erejretthl exceedingly. etTH-eiai- iy as tney were so kind and cunM.leraie about ou r com log to r I r we have determined to do-t!h hut Mippoou, a LARUE6T RETAIL GJiDCERY BUSINLai) everdonelu Wilmington future have to hot p irotn hearted, and CUT lKVN more. wia in 11 e bi liiK .. Ii iuli r lUicI a liti.a THE BLOUDif CHASM HAS BEEN BRIDGED OYER. THE LITTLE JOKEl gone. 3 are uot qu.ta A fine line of TOlLEI cetyeu tonlay; very low down. The OLD CAi'E EEaI t i I'.oUi.-i. n. and MARTELLE ) iutmiiig. .J hare hocfi titer nhf n.ir.k. l i 2Jfm.?t'Te "l auc.iiavaua it i atUl tlllllk It WOUl.l ho biot H,!!rj In I, turnublBir IHm vrrxluctlou. aa tlii y havni tU' Irixh i.r t. , awi pnm J low, wnidl we. of CHirtt-, with ail other, gmd grocer-, d.ir. r wmat noogh left tA nay far r'rrh h ?? tore real ud Uat-a. NOT PURlIAiiiCAL. AJUxaucw orp..) h ia .innki'f I IJqta.ra. L. liliUKiMin d - t,, t parllanfr-ai rnnwli in Mno t.. t . tt MUw-y thlttk bo kJlirf-TCL Vv.Jj i U,' wTOBI'. can afford t'tx w.thonf t-- ? proraU tha latllea thrtST wr' !,,f tj Mt taw w may pttux,; it U al ba tak u ! hrr U l wiii. BUliGARJDNLU, STUARTS VKw c! J DURUAll v Lb HY E reed fed M week. TBT OCR niTTKl; AM LAhl Tae r-nml, ollt. at, J tt cnr.v WHISKEY rati Hi'., tal-a boofratoaly at lirrrj Amu , . V - ) r v. ' . a-":' ; , - 1 ), . i - s ' . ' . , ' :."V. i l-i ' il 4 f-l t 1 1 :V f

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