N-"5 "s I .1 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY, DEC. -7. 1871) .1 Single Copies 5 Cents NUMBER IS W1 I . . . ...... ; -. ' " r ' r' "- " ' . I i: 1 K Jul-1 J a i 'tvtV !T( msi T 'f sT YV 1 I I ; I's i rui:i at Till, hotoh'm a :. vVlAilv:io,N, S. f., asSk-oni.v'i.a j.' w i u ii i ". j; . .siioi ox is', seven anions som'A ! noC.to assent to the r con, u.'i datioin ..ft!,- Piisi dent and S. ou try f the Treasury, in regard to silver And liit' riiittMSl.ilcH notes. Will. W.ir . J , , ,-,-t, jit 11' premium of l cents, , ,i r national Ihiiiiirt s in all repi els ; '; .( r Jon. lilion lli;uv thry win , li,r-l !"' t. t'"V "'id doelor. tlK'in 11 1 1 1 in n .11 ! -1 nt.iMViv n'Coiiiiur ol oti. , a . i Cl'iilori, .iupiiM! ls a loll to retinal tile ; er "liis'-fi "I 1 depositor in the Yuy - , i ... f in. in .s I ia!iK. ,ieli a tiling in some l,)M vv'.nld In- a siniplo art ol pi-ti-T. 1 . . I:.. . ... .. 1. ..I' I .,- f, -111 l. il .. ( 1 I. . I a I ' j ' li.iii IH.HI I.' -V ; 1 " 1I1 Indian ; Hairs, wants lo ti uisler tiv " 1. in huiness to the War 1 t pi.r;- ; In HH-Ilt . . - At'. ; L' r ' 1 1 ; ,1111 v ('otu.ral hii-ven-, has 1 . ' ;iv tiiiiiished the Huii-e wilh the 1 : iii It f - (or paying the marshal-. J ilmpc' the Republicans of the ; L . '.1 1 1 1 . ' 1 1 . 1.1 'i.-;;ina 0 palatine, noHung me .iw- il-jf'.-w Willi rwill iMl elect h'li. M.a- int distinct V'bdgt s. . l.i l li Mil' llriTi I'llMI io in. repi'l'iHon ol the Mei rinion in North Carolina, !"!; i-eretaiy of S( ate in M line, h 11 jmninoiu d before' the .'upii i'i;-. liv 111 tndainiM.' 'Senator . 1 laoi-'do. l.i 1 11 l liWr is .; Ji'OK ' I as s;ilii ' tfint 11 -1l!f O' I"" - s . ,'i:i!.jutnlei tak to -sTeal tlio .slll.t.e 01 Moie llu' people vili pilch t!cm out illi.M.iti- ll'Mi-e ;-o "I he- lou-s. i.t ,. -rli ri'il.-. ' . 1, ' ' ll tui ip out In bo a laet that in seve. r.il -lliUMics in the late Louisiana e!ee tintilllie I'ull do. -rs wer.; atwoik. Tliey i ., ... ... .......I ..' 1. .1 i.,.,.,.' i"i;H' IVOi. no " Him nnn'v in.m. . nuialtiraut is j iiu'in;; his way rt:ir:i M (,'hieal (...ineiuua.i, I'h I. u.Mll.-.a'id othvr plae.-s i'a- iii.i- l.fvlE GOtUAL NEWS. ('''' ' . '" ' i- r.tcil i;iii.i- 'ial a' soiilhi'i 11 pa- ' " . . .. :i.'.. " -I..- ...":' 11.. ',. 4 J .I' M "I'll l.l:, II'' " liidi-cii-i'iVallv- iu'" itself in defence 1 . , .'il,-.' vii'auM wiio :iiiiiiUied Stephens i;t fcnil Jbui-e at Yancey vilb-, in vj'cn il.iydilil, in lNT'h i'iif r hctioii in I.ouisiana' was liehl -,.! l iu-s.y, 11ml (lie- White l.eague i .iluol i vei vlbing ; of course. tin- Keadjusters and about two i :'.b 't 'l lie Uepuloicaus, in ihe lej;is ;,i:i:ii',ol Virginia, as;ei'ublcd in joint l i n 111 and nominated the odiveis of :-..;li Houses. Tlw' Keadjusters and V i iibljcau majoiiiy in -the Senate is M.jni Sio I '., and in the llv.u.se from l' : . li -i," t hi Ihe ticket for ollicers o-f I ho w'. iune aie several colored men. In . i. (Hon cf i-tlicers all the Kepubli- l MY pi 1'!'., I"IJ' Ollll Mini mi' t.-in-teH". ' I'he sweep otall ofneers i'.. luiudud And -til'ty colond eini .i : In in Nriih raiolina - passed ''ii-l. Washiio-ton, o'i their way to i..oi;i i'li'iy of iheni we;e fun.i-hctl .5 1 thioiiidi licke'.s, and the Natioiiai . 1.1 Aid Society i endeav.ring 1.1. -e lumls to pay for tlie transporta- . t'n- in lioder to their dettna ''i. - Tie't'.-ar was visiting .Mo'A-ow ,'and 1 I'Wrs were in unoer the r.ii ;r o.id ".Ur to U'ow.iipjids train a" h eti 1 i li.v 1 iU. 1'u: I'V luislake tiny I. .4. b.. -iViUV tia'u. ia' sllov i'lu .i '.u :-uihed old VV:iiv'r...t,.v and hiunlnig. AU . Su-oli-y'I? ''.HM-, is out witji his.lhiiKen 1 '.U ; , tc the ilheT th.it be 1 red i 'r.o out parti-an. lie 1 1 01 .'Mcli i.iey and J il. la is iiiiiri) v'-ii'. an.d now ho is wearing oitt ... 1 . . 1 u.i'iaj') ti.e Jliener et t:u 1 inuci -i s, ; A::;ei ;ca. r.iNbury rascal et Ma'ue.-f;'.u '. ;t- 1:1; ttoui worv 10 We;se., It i. I'V-vLjI they cau l be kicked into i"X,'n:cl'ee. heels oec head. - i '.'.e T;. s-.o-i peop'.e arc takn'g gri at fc; iu t U wron i f the Ponca lu- vu, hae hvid a meeluig v Pan. o'll to i-hl iarcwell lo Ihe Chief ..s .'..ui ihu-r, Pnh: K;c-. '.' aif' lu.ii euht .-to1 be dene t V. e u iiit 0! tloo kind y aid than Pof.e. ' ' 1 . . i . " .1 Nit iii u . iu lor I'll- -a r i . ifi..4:i i;ihh1 h.ie . . t 1 . . 1 KCH 1'Ul ll-iie'4 j xu. aua uiliri" aiv hi 1 e u.um. , Y.; r uiu r. Ui or U-vd tiv, .t'.fs to i UaiH-lic l:vu tin- Puile 1 S Km; it to hi au -A.acii i ' - . . . jer pmU n?o. sT-fjii Amtt - I Llfll II, . I.V- .... ..... . - -...., i . t "": -.ui- t lu 1 s- - UC W'Jt K- 1 ivi.ilv !.:;. 'teitutr Willi tUc 1 ii i -Mt'lli ol b.'.K- :.vtl tir t.n r I ... . . t i,u-s; tcudrwv U'id v -u..it.tf 11 ll.u .-it-e .'.U lb? I aiU-sl S.ji". r!,-,, has iMtro b'iil transfer? l'tccl into the llc:u-e .f .iminbrrunt.s-from f rin:; inc. rrtTj'Vii u . i.-iin;.-::a..i.-v i;tlc,i SLil is .Morc-tliA: 1 I hive ipiarloro 'oi. tin;. j:u iti; ;r.mis iioav l.-tijil :it Now Voilrj white o;i!y u wnall 'portion t-ay there-, ai d jya N-cvr York pays al! the csju n.st- ci .V.as tic (jut Jen, and other arr.inuemitlr Kill t:iu su- Irc!iu ( 'onrt h..s decided thru tn-j ;.ai , a-1 1. ... : .l f ..1 1. 1 1 I .1 I . ll lli'','llt- lll-. J'Ml'l'. . 1 l.c avidity with which-lhr ro-tuhfn Itoiirhoti i.ic.-s fol.Li'j down tlieir 1 . - ihrorls .".ny iyfi- ;?.d' dirly thit vitv iio'ieeahl.-. 'Tht-V if.ei :a iia-ti j ----- , tun' .-iiws'in a nvK l oViii-i !. '.' In y J'i' now 1 .speeia-ty i:j'rp 1 :-,(.:.V :.' I :e p-io- . i , ;..-i..u.-, . . .... . - ili.i.'s .:i M.;:i.c -t-y - ot w tin ai e ou.y 1 ; vam o y liie o-taone of K-'iiijier and Vaz o. :!.;il ci t 1 10 eoo.-n-.l 1 ;oii;i i . j.i oplo i-'iaed lieki ts i.t " t;.vid!.ioi a : 1 -bmur;h't to llnliaiiiipoll-;. J'H) l; 1 ;t.-: OlLTLi; and othirs ail ' alui'g :.-t!o--- w.iy. Tiiey were nio:liy lVi'ini .Leiioir, .but the .Vuu says lin re'isto L:i a- !iovc ui'-i.l IViini V:-VO-. -.''"' I ' I' Koo "0l 'ii-i:iTla;:il " l'l:! l Cill.r.K , 1CC I, 1 Koi 1 oif Wi i.m i n; 1 i''.-t : -Alls elions fr uii toe 11:1. ,(i ! th'e 1 a coast, are ::y J im! ;i- ll. '. Ihixl.ft; for SoVVi rn now ie! old t 'll iii:u i il j i.i..ik, tjii si-ei ion. ivi.-i'. .!;id:;o. Kiixton, kcir.v l.iiu t' i.ie .; )' "';r l eV- In !'.e-. :i o:," 1 . :v,; 1 ;i ' ' '. thin : . ' d.i; a-, i i uni r he'eiin e ir.iinaud inor.: Volei t!i I'lln r m.in. And I aoi s:iti-!i,d Cbx .-! New ; ' i'-r l 'J 01 ! tor jivo -''''" i ! 1 y '. y ;-,ii-livd ' an. any I that; to ! ,lod-re lhlxton ivhole .slat.- Hi .K I'm.U vJ'uli i c-inli u oeel ior no 11 les t.uv Ids W 'i i I. 0.1 v . 1 aiu. Jeo- loo w e riiii' t iiLi-i-1 hioi v ic'i er.ior. ean do il. "t li'i;lr';!;:;;. .1 a 1 111 ie JS.-it i4i;l. Tie- ma Mi.-. , So de iii:;o of .Mr. I ieiiiy li...! -.o 1 lolnu-s tool, p'aeo on i-1 i i r -t - day, N'.vei:11 p. 1:1., al 'tin- I ;4tT ls r., at '.'lot' o'v-b.ck 'r-si'iviei oi n I ' irren 1 he and 'nutcli , vs as V. . I 1 -a I L-l v 1 f 1 t.t. tclUliy I.IU'--: I ; to' D V.I- I. i'bapi'l w.ls I'd h d w.ii'i IV.. 'lit is rod I i vi s lo w it . i : t i'.j-' 1 .. ; c.o oin . blidc and f..'. 10:11 eii'cl'ed. il-o precedoil bv the l.dii.n t.ij" ''.': ii ;. I'O 1 ea , 31 iss .fUr, obi:. Mat ia lavior, .-.ir. 1 ; Mi.-.s r-.toiij Priv 1 ..) .1 Miss Annie i.r.ne ;e.d .Mr. ' iiiie iii-s, a beau li fill Wfddiui' ii.r.rch was r. nfer e' i by lbeJl.r:;:'u.i.-t, il i.-vi V'anio S t-d. -. "." u r Tlr" Uev. i . .1 . Sa:ide:a 'i!ii:iatcd. Af.er the i.iau iage ci : e;.eo V tho'liuppy v'ondo repaired to ihe ii iciice oflho bride's. .father. ( 1 ton. . 1 u:u'iiu llolim-s) Mierc many fiiends met and co-'rathla--tod them. The presents: were many ami of every kind; 'among ihennvas a haialsoinu i'aiii'ty liibh', to" cublo them thiougii life. "Wo noticed ulfo a gay "t th-af ol silver ami china ware. About 1 1, o'clock the I'.vel.-dor Kose Ihid Payd'canie ami remhritl several I'iciY.s of. their frie iniir.ie, wliieli was well Milled to the oe e irsit.n. Polii br.ido and groom are ot some of the oldest, and most respected families ol the ciiy. We v.ihi thciu long life, piorspi iilv and' ua('p.iie;sti.: Truly, An llv 1; Wii siAk . l ot li.e i'. :. .T' tin- t'lil'lle. Generally. lil coiimi gatioa ! 1, nkts (. hui i h. w in ive a:ioi. u r o:i-.ot grand feivaN' i-i tlve main par' oi; t.ie t'hureh; corner of evemh ami 1 '!:::: y-Ti streets 101 1 ae.-sd.iy, Ice, .1.', 1 C nieiiein s ;l o'eioek- i. ii. i. -s e 01-j;iv.;'-atbu lias labored yery hard id jthe erection ofi:o nQvClii:rci-:,.ii:i i v'esrtve t'.he c.iY'i.::tji;:.'mcnt al evity o:ie oi our einz-'is, wh'iH- :i:d- ' v; J. W'o ie; C 'that t!;e b"ir.'.Iin w-iil le cvo.y.'.. -Ptjo U iiini,.v i-.iiui'i v as we 1 o 1 - n s.r. every d dl.ir 1 ea:;.-.d . f-y the :.Uii ..ee has been properly ace b... nestle "petil.- We ' l.i le 1 t and 1 bile pa! : eu 1.' i ..rn.iiti'. Vt:-s.'N Wi.,is--0.i V.J:.v s.!ay '0 Vs- Mr.. riets 'iu-V. t veiling, al o'clock, we Iu 1 the j wro ot:.w I'.tu-.vutg t'ua ie.arr.ag-j v. WiUiAtuTl. W igii'isaud lie Uei ta ils' -n. l"i;o lmuriv-e. t :!c At :.' tephcn A. M. P.. Churcli. J. ti. PVy o.heiaiing. i.:o i;c!. tirV't C'Hij '.e was prevcde-1. by f;x ei 1:1 e;;Ming th t'hgrch. l.i ft a- l.eaotif-l'rv dre-.l l-l vth;;e. '..,'. i ' Srid-.v! ' P. : 1 brnlc ;.ud iireoai a:e- i:..M.: e-.;eea;cvi i.v i'l kii.-tw thetu. e w i:i :bif n uuich i v. lev: Jifo a4 propctit. j 'ouU:urtti C3red. I ' A t .-hi phyiei,vr, rctlrfil from J tue. Uamg had p'.actd iujr s ha: i in K-,t Pi '..a .'n.l-si..:iury l-o U- l v a vta;-. it. re,: aed. spsrvyt and jir-eaai en'. cure i--?f .Minn''.,,.. If. , '.-''ii 1'.' e;:i At ..v ...... : 1 :;l . . . . t - ,s- - - v.i .. :.:: r. , a ... . . u,.,-. - - - - j - :ino ;s j"i.acjw nt.ftU-.ti ei;:s .e. j . . . . .... 1 . ... . 1 , . . VOl lu'l.l I U. .Vv.lv.. S jVv p! ,.-:-:. af.er h i : ; '.e-.i us ' -. ..trt!ud MKffl l! : .l l . J.i. V . -7 - - .-- -- i .' ' I krowu t hi u3erinsr :e.ti , r, . , .1 tttJttfit yy .- s t. . 1 1 .. .-T l. S.l S3J j rrxi-H-. liOf:-'. - w r. 1. vl.tv u.r . '. "ay - tVi rV h: :lh -aroi , v. , j ;irfiT 1 1 . I N. V. AN W'e haVO; re eivnl a communication rt.nl Mr. A. (, itivintr 15. Lint!, our travclim' an acomi! of an o'utra- genus asi-aull on hini'iu Sdadby, NVl-. Jle visited Sh cibyjbr the purpose. 61 cany;assiii2: th.i't town in tficntoiyst of thisipoper, am lie w as inel by a lot of . . 1 '. . ., iai.!i: KOou nurei:-, w l;o Ueiong 10 liic neihocra'.U'. iJuty, wlio eursid and i ;d..uv! iiini. 1 We will 1 ublish Mr. . . . 1 IJ nil's own Ptaieuient in our n.oxl. We :vi.iii Lo'say to'lhese. kukiu Domocmtia bul .dozers that they had a.-s well submit to the .situation, lor we lii'eml to lun c N'oitii (.'an j.i nil eauv'us-sed ata.1 whoever wii .-iil.i-ei il;c f 'r the p:ip. r .-shall have pperltnuv t-i do .-o. if ih" lemo 1 I. cralic parvy (iiitik h pic.Ycul Uepub'.i- can froui .-;il i'i i'.'iejr for a llepubiicair pai or thiy will be ba lly m:-t.il-:en. y phall .-ee Several persons out ccn dng for ; the .Post before the end of 'li. and thtr year, and no'oiu! will interfere i exchit nieiMi Jcuklux numb Vt-is. Vilv) the lby cvuwd. We shall --LUihiivh the name:; 01 Uii' parties wuo are eonnt.ctru with U;:'a oiitrares. ( -! FY ITKMS. iseiv .1 I'krou's Host Swett Xnvy cijoo. ;, . 1 y 5 . To y ru:i TWEXT) 70.;.IA',s1 Sfj! 1 , ii . ! -o. ill- . 1 k l n .II-.C is : .' loo -y lion. - - ii-p- achfug I'o.r. "ois. W: A. Sm- h a.i.d fli. W. i 1 nni-iin-;(o.i-!l.M.kiiig after So V. iv h'.i! II. s-.-ins :'' Sanu'.'n.i: i too liiy f, 1 y ial I"' are in Wavl ct 1 n'y 0.1s I. -;i 1 da i.iokimr in .-locodid 1: i ! ' 1 . a my, ha tis, and ' 1 v 1 w i t;. Il-d,- city . 1 : i- '!.- I e can -o:l Yt 0,1 . . ai .1 ...,i;s V I' l l ! Hi. I V ! oil I , ,' 1 e : ' re; ai lol V, .: II 1 :.! : uli- 'i -the 1 .. . I. -I. W; I l.-o, II. II- y--ii'.e .t 1. .1.1. it W.lll;. riolir U I .i-.li i eg I oil i.:i li iii.; v . Ii liii'i. a p!c;o:!.;u and Wi W : i:'i il: I'.' at iri r a tne al e.l ivr.r. I . 'ccio'er 7:lr, V a .u -in: -lay -1 . -1 ; : i -at PL Advei.i : ! 'raver euiiii I'r. as-.t. : iV.ibra&m .1 i' '. '.. -n ,.' . J- il ::ty Mal'ais; r l.i'f, . :e:d. ti a: Head b t::ia.id...- Mm pn v. eoio.ej Taj hn.sv ilh , S.i:s:p- 1 county, "about tv.! wtei-wS i lie 'Wo'u.id.'d v:;a'i h.as siheo dio'l. l.ice planting ls a:: a b mi . fai i.ls of 1 )rto;! j' antai.on a.re lo be re ired.uml k'f.:': el, i'.i . : i i t 1 kind - .-.! L- o 1 a. M iio j bitioti at 1 J he wotiuerlai uiuLm I-, ( . ,1 -. M:-!. (;.m. are. on e.i Ci'v Hal!. i "o v ;:-:' 1 t - '1 li le t : be! a '.--, ! ,.'. V a 1 e It!. h-.see 'l v. (. . i' i iv.o'"c '!:;;; i S aii:--, a:,, e . y a. 1.1 vv a'. :;. ::p. -r . ..1 o : t v. ' n P' t.iv to;-. . e l a , a - ; i'Ir:;l on: d -t-rmi : -t ii tee, .; o -: wL:.. .v:-. h -V T ce. iiv,': ..'.i twt : ; t, :.t:i.d.: .1 :t'-i-'Oi l!;e : ; 1 w 1 ' ; I -.,.;',.. ' ' eer; !,- ':.!. at. An a Vi.-.U- t .V 1 :- ; a . W i-A-i. U. :w ;--..! .,- . rfs ca'.y' .o.v.'i; ag 1. I e r ; 1 "-. r U, V, .J a w. i tut.;-v.:-.. l !i 1 s a':; ? 1 :.x :..w.' c..-.:; 'ri. r m vera: vf .", arc " t .3 ;.. i avoiiiii. PiesKKac T.i'- 1'ttN i i t .1 ' - art ; : 1 . . '. e 1 '. 1 -. i. g . : . I r. P.rv r. ss 'v'e ..l . .S l. V.esSV. V lb ! I. jr'Tif.t ? I K - !';-": a.- c'.;. .vist'i.. ,'.r Pav;-.: ;J-n l it- I 1 . -t . '.e a i'i . jl'-. W ;.fci,is :--,-r t's- . i t':f J r--:v' . A '" : 1 ; ' . ' - ; -' : . . -I-. The Chemist of the state Bpard of Jlealth is prepared to make aualysis of drinking water. The only expense in curred is the freight on the box to ihe laboratory at CUapel Uill, which sel dom amounts to $1. Dr. J.C. Walker, Superintendent of Jlealth of this cily, has asked for four additional carts lo Jbc used .exclusively for sanitary work. The present num ber of carts are j.airily not enough to haul oil' 1 heJgitrDwgp of tlio city. Mayor Fishblate says that tho koou ers will be allowed to masquerade about the streets this Christmas. Many will rejoice to hear this. What is Christ mas without a good old fashioned koo-ncr anvhow? PkomOti;!). Gapt. O. L. Dudley, of this city, who has for years past been Chief Clerk in the office of the Secre tary of State, has been appointed Pri vate ecrelary to (iovernor Jprvis. The position made vacant by Capt. Dudley's resignation is filled by Mr. E. I!. lhigU'hard. The (Jraml Lodga Masons (colored) convenes at (.Jreensboro, X- C, on the '.'ih. instant, IJishop J. WMloodjiirand Master, presiding. Rev. J. W. Daf is, Presiding I'.lder, of Pavel teville, and Col. (ieo. J,. Mabson of this city, Dis trict l.Vpuiic,. leave here to morrow morning to attorn!. S;:sii;Nc;:i' to :;i; ; ill's.;. -Ailen Ma'lii.s", charged' .with the murder. of P-oVen llerrii'ig, in Pcidir Cotioty.in Se; cut 'cuiinr, I S7S , war tried, al the pre term of tho Superior Couit, on Wi UnesJav h The 1:1111. h red .man's s i . was party lo the murder, but turn- 1 " Mints cviupiu'i' viui was !( iM-inri- 1 i'al. prorjceutiug witness. The jury ad judged Alien Malhis giijUy of murder, anil li" wa.Sjihcu sen'.en'eed by Jmb-e i .iii e lo oe '..!', beii.e - ! 111. nm. On Kritlay, January 1. m. ai'd n til.- i:.. nrs i-f 1 1 A - !.! t'KiH Kl-MaVHti Mcsr-cif. .' ,. Co( in ami .1 .1 1 s 1 ll. lioiton, w ho a.e i. o a; . iii-l.twi. ! ui.l ' :t lilllesetto 01 Aloti-hsy i-iu'ii in .1 '.nani i ng. h. -use .in 1 is 1 w 1: ie;i e. Ill i.'llle ' iii'. :;ea rC iling in -. An oh! lem! he a verv 1 .-. 1 .. . j'Uv. in the ;n was renewed, har.-h words j were iis(-.h when V'os'.'ui drew -a knile and i'ltiic'.ci siverat verv pain ftl wo;ui,U (i;i j; -it, m. Tho pi! ieo were e fried, who hauled l)-.ton oil' of Pol .11, but .not unli he hud broken of ;- knile "ol.ide iu Pi-dion's iitvk. ' Tho 't- '.n.'a'.i man was eared for and Cost'm ih-d fi thoh.ckv.ip. Al the Mavcr's ' '. u: , 0:1 .(he following morning, he wa ; : . :i;iMl to outer into a ju-ttilied bo':i i . :' for his appearance at the t'ri"a '. .1 c'ourt. .ai : . r.i !. -1 Hiring li e prevalence of a o i P tle Phuul opposite this city o'i ;-' iud.iy morning List, John Taylor, an old colored man, received his death w-.u.nd. He was on hisll.it at the foot of Princes"! street, when several hien.bers of ihe First Ward Puckct t o::: : ar. v, ju'mped . on it and 1 j r-tarle I over the ri ver J l'ayl or protested , against his tl.u bring take:! elf, when lo'nn flr.idv -fruek him on tho head with a he-ke.Ppole. The wounded 1 tan ii'i-g'on'd 11 1-ii I Tuesday, when! he lilel mm the cifeet of tiic wound hii im .'iaie'y at'.i r tho blow w.-.s struck, John ti'ady was arrested an 1 lodged in iail lo- await reMi'ts. He was sulse- n oueiuiy co:wmntted 10 prison ta answer : tae c .trgo e.i!r;n;."ior a! Cimir.al C ert. the irext term i rur. N.t.uii Avir.r.K vn Rr.vir.w. 'v ; t' onti i'.'s : Romanism and the Irih P.s. e iu the Palled State-. Part -1, J:--f!-.e'A:-.thony Krou lo; Young Men ;r. P ;v-s tha-rgv S. P utwe: ; The Iivli giooA f To tlay: 1 IVli.i.-al Peonomy a Sck-ice, Pr at". pK.i-..y Piict; Pastish and American Physi.jue, Ceofge M. P.ear.'; Tho 1 riUancict? cf Political PeT.cs. Par: I.tV.V-Krt Mil's Recent lauraf.re. J.-la U. tt. ll.aiard, Ntw S-:k: 1. A pp'.tten ar.d Company, iit I Proa lay. Tcnr.s, Five Iol - '. u.rs A year. Sing'o r.uraK'r,- Fifty t 1 l.i 1 Aii. f Mr. ProuJe arti- c'o, is a book roctnt'T pabUshoi ia New York, on tho condition of "Roman .':.-:i the l!:i:td SlA'.e ' The L-.x k s ctidtci" a Artlio; esc, i ;.vib -a-, au t t.kr '.at urtvad f;rut,J '-sit v I :.e Church -f I.hwc the -r.nv;jp.- . s .... ,y::- - :; f . i i.c ssi;e c sir ! si ;sdeaa u !Utail ic- s s-:'.." Mr. i"rvH l"i attscle is do .-..tri::;' vhaa tWlvvk, ar4 pix "t-cda .cvtUet ! otctta?5 isj' vf oar t'rvi.;-i by . tie i s , ' I: a vi lie r-r.is' - iv.i, w Ltiit--h, kr th abase rfir oi U C A' . a - '.;.-.;; t ' ill tear a .ti ':"ricai5ifc. V e t ti .: ait ;i 02 'xLt itt an;rt - ml ;hss s i&v.fact : ft r - Si,.; Attempt At UocisEttY, A noctuT nal visitor in attempting to open an alarm cash drawer in Mr. W. R Old ham's mill, onL Wednesday night last broke the hinge and went off just as he would Lave done had ho opened it, minus the, money. It U thought the thief was locked up iu the duilding when it was closed for the night. Ei.z Manx, aa old resident 2f Newport, Carteret county, N. C, died suddenly at his homo a few days agOa Mr. i Mann left home after breakfast. ,and not returning to dinner hU wsfe sent after him, and he was found dead in a ditch, where he had probably fal len wheif he was attacked with heart disease He was a good citizen, a good soldier, and good mechanic. All who knew him loved b.im 011 account of the gentleness of his character. At the be giuning of the rebellion; he volunteered in company G. ,10th regiment, w here he served with credit to himself as a gal lant soldier. When the war ended he, returned to his home ami married Miss Ferebee Carman., lie was an affec tionate husband and father, lie loaves a wife and live ci.-ihlren to mourn his . 1 toss. Monthly Ki-.i-oiir. Harbor Master l'riee report TTie following arrival s during the month of November : American. Steamers, Schooners, ionnage- 0,0 ::,o0o I Hi Total, 'i ! T-.ia I. 7.0'ilJ l''oreigo. Tonnage Prigs, ; . I, Sill Par.pic.s., . i'l s.l-!:. I to ai. V-V . -J.-s I'.,!;,1. o. ;t;t Total ioi'olier ol' A iioh iea.i ;ui I For eign vessels, 1; tolal amount of Auieri cin and l )reiiu louiia i, lii.HiO. '. ril.O! S. I'M'l f.'i.s. The pile's rej.ort t liej ayerage soiind ing aMbe month of the river, for the niotiih of November lis follows: In liald lit ad, 11 f.-et ami '.' inehe-, on the Weslorn Par pjt feet, on the Kip S fe-t. A t! Shot Ifevdvei- Free. fatuous A rh--:h Mo-h-i 0 Shot 11. IlliU Io.er Ptvolvel i- metal and lu-at-iy ftinv! der rev.lves w iicii ihe; iiuiil" of select eii. I'l-t- i vlin haini;:e! is rais- Ctl. t.'iiiifie loiitle-l in an iuta!.l. .Inst the thing for tramps and bur.;i.iis. Having perfected' arrangements lor an immense quantity of tin so . Ki yoivers. we arc enabled to make the following and heretofore ujipairclie I oiler. To introduce lheJii:iioj-'A 1 . and A'rr 7f.ie we olir to send an elegant art premium and inc- Uevolvcr J V v, to any one who will send 7" cents for a six months trial subscription. The J,o,a )oi(h (iwff is one -of the largest papers published fin the world. The family favorite and home paper for tho miiiion. It has 1G pages, 'Jl columns, crowded with illustrated article, 'stories, poetry sketches, wit, humor, fan, receipt, iS;c f ckc, by tho ablest writer. Our sole purpose in making this F.rt'at offer is to introduce our paper, well knowing we, can fecure hundreds of subcribors in alijiost any town. This offer is open only GO days. Remember 'you ' got a 6 Shot lievolvcr rWc. l'ieaso remit :i ct. postage stamp. Order at onco, and ad dress, J. A. Ilo at. 1 , . nov o0-2t Philadelphia, penna. A i ra n l rhitrsimas tlift. Tio- New Domestic liiMo. j The splendid lioy.il Ouarto Plitio;. of the P.iblc is made self explaining, j being a Complete Library of the Holy .Scripluri-, and contains, in addition to the old and New Tes turnouts. Apocry- ; ha, Concordance aud P.-a!:n, and 1 neatly J,0. liiu-traticrs -r.hd' a Fu'.l- I Pace 1'ngr.ivinps ; and; 1 lo ad-iitional ; i'oalurt.s the mot imrtaru of. which ( : - - i.r?rc a lb'c Ihitionary, lI::ory. of the Its k of tho l':b".-:l!istcry of Roligb?u ji Vnnrr.ir.ations, Ilistt-H of the nation, L-:ti", rivers,, lake?, binds, boa',. rei jtilcs, injects, trees, fruits an-1 i' owers of the P.b'.c ltsHi inarsinAl rcicrcn:f, Msrriscc CVrtii'c-itc, Paadly Record aad a Phutogrjip Albuni. Prirtcl with i clcarF!ars:c tyr on p?rr' c f f.rt-cis j i;ual.tT. .Sire t f pa, inv-Le-- j; The work is n:rl!y iln urPirtinore j tM, iriitc rsicd r-acc-l, ct Ii etifc anJ back, and wis old two years ao at flo J psr copy. Tit t?at. ah.r.c r.nt H H wtrti Hi lUi-c. r. 1 t I ' 'v-w jW JA f j . A Ssci! ! Oder ! To ir.trrbre c;? Pi. 's i $zrt. rsn- the 'rr:p: ct py t . , . e i t - i ;sc ttr r-'.D;r f t;Rv waa ry rrJtr ct thi pUpr TT.y' Ilosy PbW. mt'.u uyrb -ri - ! xt'i s.-t ikSs't t:lifV.J. rsiitje.l Lt-ri - Pr? - p a.-a a i?ef .-c t;i jr?r,:.. - rr - - f v--4 fr oiy e'y. .ax-d ty aM jp- rwt r:s n r Kra ti-'rr ;.-:? its. ' f 7 M mt a t i :z. a: i'.r r.si tk'f . - b-r s : a: i al - '; iIjtis. t: "iiU j4 i, l'til. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. nttICK Y4RD. llAVE a splendid tract of land, on the old Ncwbern Road, that contains the best LOT ol CLAY in this part of the stale. An r one who would like to start a brick yard, will please call and see me. Bcicks are always Ta demand-, and at good prices in this city decTtf W. P. CAN ADA T. BLACKSMITHS TOOLS, J HAVE a fnll set of Blacksmiths Tools which I will sell cheap. Call amd see Iheni: dec 7tf W. P. CAN ADA Y. ' SPLENDID DRAFT HORSE. T HAVE a splendid Draft Xlorte for sale, dec "if W. P. CANADAT. TRUCK FARM. DKSIKK to lenne iuy Truck Farm, nenr this city, f jr a term jof yearsr It Is "Within one half mile of the city market. The fenc ing is good:' Any ono wishing to lease such a farm will do w ell to call nnd see me at once. i decTtf W. P. CANADAT. 7 NOTICE. MIE annual meotlog of tho Lot Owners oi Pine Forest ceinetery, will be held at the City Hull, iu tU Mayor's tjoart Koom, Wednesday evonlos;, Dec. 10th, 187P, at 8 o . Ux k. JOHN O. KOUWOOD, lt e. 7 it Secretary and Treasury.; -IE s 5 s Jlft H r l53JiS -1 ii-.c' Kit ? ti i ; : 8 a REASO.NS'WJII V i: UII Y II A V I S ' . PAIN - IvlLLEIi 1 IS TIIK j lk?st Family Medicitu; of th Age. An ! wiiy :! Ktiotiid lc Kept iilwsjs near at li:ioil : isi. i" viNrjcri.f.RK Is tli nnl .certain 'liol.-ra curv llial uicdtcnl clour baa priHlueed. ; '.'ad. I'iin K 1 t.i.aKt,jvit a 1 "hrniti and ly eiiO ry reiucdy. neld'om If err falls. .1. I'xiN-Kir.i.rK s51l cure t-'rantps or I'ioi In miy prt of the yt-m. A s-.ii.c Jiwc uu;il!y afTeelii a rur. . 1 ' . ! x-K 11.) an li I curJynpiil and ! o.iiottoii. il UfeJ Moc-vrUlii( to dlrt-c- lloll. ill. 1" t-N - Ki :.rr 11 lsn at ru; iTcr rll liiK ci.;e lr su-U?n CV!J. Couf hi, Ac it ... P v ! -K 1 t,t n ha .mtil a svTre!n iU-im.l :,.r trr anJ Acu.and Clalil 'x rr. il Ii.ui cured the inuat iitUaal 1. i'Ais Kiiht (R t m l'.snrnl I n 11-:i:'.-l for I r t i;.U-. liUblaatta, Uuru, l.rui. luu, fpralaa. t ',runiuiu a;. 4 ura :c aitr r lT.l IJJ. Ul f ll-K!!lril w i!i..l-Mfs.y n.li. ' f.j i. . I tl'.ti rr.i n aJifttit Ct; r-fio' torn. . r 5- Kim !f vWVa, ac4 ; . . , 1" v : Kl Li( . - tor j o da ai a--4 ma a i-t ta Ua ai; i I t-,4. r.- !-.-k;ui r M Vra ara-5ija f c o c i&.r-. j rra fvraa4 a i r j prrjB If. aaav l tt t4 & ta y Sajaiiy. TV r.--r-,'i.y.a4ffl.-4a4- it w.v.a i rmfvf-f ct 4 1 wai ia r j ttcxitf ?atnala4 Sf i.'4 tY? ,SJkStt fsaia aat4s.w ti raa fc.jii4 ta rank It il aa. al . ; ' Ti : it ia a a 8 v aa4 a f-.isl i -? jr 4 u uu. 1 j ,tt rm5t "t la U4if t a... tijrtifcf i rvf Ur Swta4 ; I . t: i I r i. i V i a t-iai. j r-t f - i ' A C , I. wry tf-V . j 1 4f v i i 1 - a up 1 tm a Ik r : I & We stood at an open window Leaning far over the 6,111,1 And If something hadn't hapr-onod Wa might haTe stood there suit; But we reached for a banging shutur In a blinding northeast breeze. So oar mends wilt have to be invited To Join. In the obsequies. IP WI COULD OXLT IIAV13 KNOWN What a slorru was browing (lu a teapol 1 and bow Iter otT that shutter a, we rliouid nerer shave ventured our head outsUlo f that window; but His too into lor re-rei now; we are nonplusscl. completely squelched, have been sat upon, and our mends and the public ccnerallv are r speetfally invited lo attend thcol'ejuieson , S AXTRID Ala NEXT' and Westvakeour reputation on lisii. irg the grandest funeral thvy evt-r wliuesKod. .AS he slips he slides, nud cvi-rv time ! a llldro lie Blips up niosl wtH-fuilv. "Vf loave our"klnd friends" to rind out tlio wiennlun bf the above, and while they are dolu bo wewiuasa tue lonowiug questions: Havn'twtthe ugliest and dirt lest store la theBtate? Havn't we tli pH.rost f'eK-ii of gocds In Wilmington?, Havn't we made rrices much lit ;'aes! nca We commenced? Havn't we been very unaecoinm. .dating and Impolite to you? Havn't we clmrced j ous.r.r an :il .Ovla delivered? ; J Havn't We mftde a treat many loottakes and refused to correct them wUeu oar atiou tlon was called tlu-rc-to? All of our rrlt-njn who nnwi-r y" lo tbcaltove qucsIIohr will pl-iu. not lu'.v in tu us any more. Kespttstfully nl iruly. P.L. BRIDGERkS &C0. 1 11 Ktncli.K oTt-v lits.1 Sim liij ' pnpcrwA. rerftli-J lu Holler. llu Lull '1 . 1; mm U0 nitfiit from some of in-.r l.ri.iin r t. roeer tlmt we Imd taken unity pnrt i.i their ti..d, no. I inakliiK un njip.-rtl In llieollu rs n t lo'lrnvo tlu-ni. We rt-Krot this f-xi-ccdiiiKl v. t- ciiti ly ns thej-were k. kind niel eil.l.no ubout our coming l crlef, l.ui Mi usv, u we havo deleriuini-d to do tin. L.A1H5R5T RPlAir, CPui KRV PUSINP.SS " ever done in V Ilminion. we u 1.1 iu tue future have t- ket i fr. t, t I,. 11 x ... t. ft,., r hear1d. nud ITlliiw.N l'l;!. s alll'.lv luoru. , THE BL0UDY CHASM II AS HE EM BRIDGED 0VEK. THE LITTLE JOKI'.K. are not iuto I gone, A fin line of TO IL Kl" SOAP.- 1 - c?iye to-day, very low lown. The OLD CAP!'. FP R i. ih.uri- and - M A liTK LL I : s w : m m i rig. We iMkve lirn ovrr as'.d :n. ,1 ti ' "Opr or l'or." , flur llimm U w u j'ul till think tt would b-l.aj j., try I-, ' ,ji turnlahlnc the ppra wiUi mir fl trrtductlona, M. th-y ut ll.o leu.l -nry lo pprter tw; Int, hlr!i ir. t.l runrw, with all oll.T (hk! (nwsrr. .!.. ..-. want enmMlh lrfl to" ay fr cltrtk u.ivi store rent and la ira. NOT PUUITANU AL U)tjir. T. U liKIltK4t- ai t - ?-.-t t ur1lalrl Ml' ix I. l. lif aK 5.. I'.rm aa thT think ao V 1 i l .Jl' 1". 1 (TlUV; can aff.-il t tc .lj.. .t, I v V U. r prxml Ihfl iatlr lhaf li-ff m .U' t .? fiOd wot Ihrrm wmm mJtj o St." p M ll nod b ito tiwi uOt : 1 1 BUM GARDNER. STUART s I'PAV zu i I DURHAM U UYK recti e4 ih ta ek. try t)UR ni'rri::: ami i uu- i t. Tb( y'urv-! id.r4, ix i- L; t k i. WliLKLY .a ikf -ta.., u u fcM oi;T at 1 I U L BR1DUKRS S . i i . i" , . a. ttmi kt ; tiLr t: '. ; ta(w kSkka ' kinttaiavttot y a Sxrs (wr w sji'w ta i mim m at ur a.wiaJ ascarfikf i.v-t . ai.Min mm M ' iaU tr it?f nai. : wi U "-:4. . 4 to t t: I t 1 v. 1. ' . v t ,4