" ' ;' -' "'j. kI ; -,':' "i -. - -' ''; ' , - - - V V . i S3.' it l r' t IT 1 ' ii I " THE WILMINGTON POST., f SuxpAY 3Ioi;Nixci. Due.: 1-1. 1571'J ' .1 ixc Ti c ;VT.;i'j:ilineetirtg of fftcc'..')' 1'k-r --. of tU.ab'ovc Comparjy. ' wa held Thursday, in the Company's oKice in this city, Waiter O. flacltae atjlinjr, as (.'hai.r.'nrin; Th c following e-'uCc-'r.-i were t-kct fur tLc c-.'i.-:u!u , 1 'resident U;i j;. 11. Iirliliiprs fre it t:irv ,u:: i p.' mar Donald JlacKat-. ' ('. L. GrnfUiri. Hui't. Hi'-Ati cici Uvl. Y. L. lie Dircct'ir.- --11.' ll. . JJriJvrj, iMwajrd Kidder, IO ta'.d MitcRac, Smilie A. (ire; .I..;lU r. e'riil'.lin, WV.tr r K. Din: a n. itioL ; The Trc;.-i'.rci'rf report of opera' jlurinc the ye.ir exhibited a favorable omiitio:) ul tiA'air-i. " ' j .M -ciinti t l'the i oi Owners of Pine i'ciest Cviiiciery. In ac'u ff!.tiife with previous ;a;n- iitiuiict nj ii:, L'i vtii by J. .0. Norwood ; 'cci-!;:fy, the h '17 ov.-iicr.-j of Pine 1'or t IJciiie'jt-r, in ll Ti(l;n.-il.iy evening last. in- ti t- city court room the rofm Win erov, ;'. !. Mr. Alex.Tr:e called -the '.meeting' loonier, umlvid the object was to hear the ft port of the (;!d Hoard and to elect a i; v j;c f..r l.i cu'riiii-tir' year.- air, 1 U :-. l'.i;tli Ui id vyita thui ele-eted tempo r.ry cht'irrnnn ru'id Mr. N. O, H.imp.-on ; fch-cretary. '1 l.e'rept.ri of the past year wu:i then rv.ii- i.y (''Noi.wuod, show iii;ri-.ilf'.i.i;':"' vi-iin i:l in th'M-on.'itioti oil tin- pjViiM-'. in tho,w;iy of flowers, t enrreeii ai':dhMll'eiy,:i!.d the fitiari ' ect.'of the rporatiMi area!-') much iiiiirnv"l. The ci.sh baLiiice on hand f.r liiT, f I receipt from all xour v. fur l7!, ?vdh;F-ttal. .S2J.23. l)i.-bui.i :iH ii'.-i for J87!),' ,s.r; bal a i ice ia ban!:' to credit, .'!70.-ll. The .rt-j'ort w: s then acVi ptc-d a nel adopted, and vote of thauLi It-iiderid tue Uoard for the In. '.est and faithful manner in which tluy.'had conducted the aiTaitd of their sacred trust. Thu iiieeLing thee rc-clccted the old Hoard of Directors, as luliow.-: llev. .James W.Telfair, Mdward Dixon, John (. Norwood, .Tas. A. J.owery, Ah-x. I'riee, Janus K. Cut lar and Lewi.- Lerand. t ( . l or the l'ost. '1 he hio'Itcn nt St. Stephen's A. M. Iv.Sabbath. School- willgive a concert and J'xlnhilioa in th.tt .above-named lnireh 1 uHiliii'T, Ctik r, I-'if:h and Ked . -nis ii'. i' ;, r;'yt -;'t u. ifilay evening, December liii'i-, to a.ii-t ho school in a iuueral way. All our pec-pit? 'should g' and he! p them in I ht-ir young but lioni r-t i !:' !i ; A ihl i I'l.iembiT that the Saviour M'iii, '": ulivr litt.le cui'hircu to come iMvto ir.e,!a:id forbid them not, for ei'-mb i- tli u i:':rd(.-ni of Heaven.'1 We wo il.l a-.ain call attention to the . irniol 1 i v m 1 .t . i lw rt-it lny ihp eon- gregati-oit of S(. Ltske's t'lnirch, Tues bV evening .December luili l'ay them a call, for'"!;!1 that five! h to 'the poor lenuetli t U;e l. nl, ; ' A tirand I In ti i tait;m-nt '.. ill be iven at City, Hall. Decniher J !th, under the aunpiecs of the N. M. and Literary So- ciety I M. :i-phci'iV A. M. P.. Church. .-l'rovceds : r the hem Ik of the building fund. J. 'V. lir.iii-, -President, S. W. r,atnpon) -I'a-lor. .ret at v, at;.! .'. (i l-'rV Tin-. t'j i.t iv, Hruaiel Co , 1 eee!n'oer Mil,' 17:', . I'.i'-: i oi. :-l. -: : --Tn.ie", t'.iianeiaiiy and pi'liiH- 1 .-j-., er.- i:;.iLmn' a ilnod tide iiifveiv.e:,t in i.:r c.mn.ty. -The advance in t!:e pi ieo : t all kinds' of pro-iuce hii c:evl a nJvrtul cliango in a sdiurt t?n-.-,- i r-.i'r"n:;' ir.o-t of the tux., pajus t . c ine to .liiue earlier than u nui!. , l t-ie been no, meeting of ti.e (iriier.l ;u-V.t r. reeir.t!vs- that I know : . the -" llni-i we c X tlure is more niency ; i.odueo. to buv wiih. i t here hat heen mere aic'.kueat ia.ttiU county th.'pril o;ii':i t'in for three t a ins j-! v i -tii. Th,fo : a g-.-;er.;l w ::ip!ai:it in rc f..x t t'.e j.o- !n'.-e"nt of property. I Ueltt l-j;irjal ': re uiueUHi geue r 1 ii"i'vf tor e uii c.'iinty, they, w ith the t. h-t t.ikef, n va!ued the proper lv. 'fh-' -;'.eots a:.d comnii?sioners met at S;uuh iwc i n the fourth -Moo- iaV ih At;:.;u:;:i!id eo:.f:rnud what tLey 1 ad iL; in ev-i p: the valuation of the I ; ml. wuis, J.ia Pennsylvania Lumber alnd S!.i i : e Cou pany, w hli h t.her re liuecl a' oi:t e:u 'a'fJ a;vl that is the cause oi s .i ci;;, h e,;;ap!;uat MiuKUig the tax pvrs. 1 ae pos r mo a. jv they cia i t er why tiie iilu ;uls and rien cor-p.-r it! : ; properly s!i til.l bo mluoed a-il t-ti i:i;-ri-.md. Put a few-cfuhe 1 ::Kcr:i: a.-.s ur :he ;ite.slica, but wi.i J' -nvfj; iT.t- n,-t election to the or row -t Aae. . ; -j r.mc pjor loaii, by the ;:.r. "of i.i6iard l.ot-.:, a ..!e lo;-;--D.-tnoerat, Juun Wac cint . w hi - ii!:J; liist ear. Vji ab tied V t v h; It t j' r.. -I ll - ..itr. h;' e. . : adrcd -d'uars, tu;s year ' : -'.r hundred aud ll-fty" w.i:'fci-d !'i o "0 "ir.i !c to t: hrt Mh !ir in le tnuwi i.' w;icj.i s::e co taty c raiuM. ,--ne r .t .. ws-uve ,: '..i-.ul :: it uul. taaut.c i, ;lu f I atu-jC Ux-a ls ira procaua. t n i: f.t cerat year; but lie wyr.Hh.;:,o.V.:y u!ued iiy tthef. -crttxl other- waate-t abatement, but :t no ar. Tll l Vr.CiAt oarthat i . -. ... they UM-d- t.v ,oxetlt:n; frcru lie- ruUUraa U-M.t-.a tUt OidlVnl lit ot iuto, !r:.r . w a vhurch jnople, and u th;tjv-V,urvh u ;!;" r cmao; b tur&ed Mt!. they t t tarn tbaucirt oat. V p?r.n stkfi whe sbe !VracraT ' .juration h ar th UerHtbiteaat i-n&i ' -. Wctl, j; baa sarrow ed llJ" riai .a cr Shcrnuts C,r ha, ba J tt c -M year as ! cc-ht ' -l:ic4. 1jui. laUfcfcj a ltc- L .iilKx l liuafc. m lat pr. xt mac. he lati-Biy u ci;U:e4 tj IV ctm&JVbc vf tie Ao.trKaa j vpU (t b: t-aafeciat aV'n.;; . f? Viiiuuiy. ; J U'rVAXr. Vat III . rt ? fnws ker.JT Tyhr i o cw taciL cot iia fabHi,!! H ia fa.L Trjr a ixil4 f a xtj i thaaT -a ti ttsiatj, iA txt ftvliit Li j -s tif liicc lie c:cvtic aod if wo can elect Jno. Shermaa lor President," and Ralph V. Buxton for G vernor, cotton will bring .25 cents a pdond and turpentice $6 dollars a bar- AX OCTBAGE. Our 4ent.AS5anlteel ia'tlio Town of Siielby 'o Caase4-lle Wm Treat-i!-. FCvcryboily ciritly. ' .tfniLBV, "S C.' Dec. 5, 187l.; Ta the Kditok of the Tcst : The ageut of the. Tost desires thtPyou will publish tbU in your issue of this wefk. We haye Tcry often been tokl in "NYilmingtoa that the report that the colored people are kept under a slavery in the south h s farce and only published by newspapers in order to mike capital My experience in bhelby, N. C, not only justifies the truth, but w31 show thapa worse slavery exUU in Cleveland county than was cver. im agined in Wilmington. I arrived in yholby ou Wednesday Dec. 3d, and im mediately set out oh a canvassing tour through the city. It very soon became evident that I was carefully patched by gentlemon of the Democratic patty. I hep.rd the whispered wordst "lie is a Radical." "He is trying to make votes forjtlie Radicals.'' "He ..is ."trying" to dchajngc the mind of the colored people.', Ignoring these' expression? 'I conliaued to solicit subicribers. Soon I saw sev eral groups casting anxious eyes on nie, and whenever I entered into conversa tion with a colored -man, a Democrat I - -: wt yirc to walk, up and listen. Looksi liko' dogger thrusts met me on all hands. Failing to secure subscribers I returned to. my room aud after supper I reLurned to Vm. Long's store. I had expected to iiod .Shelby lit up by gas or other wise. I fouikl on the other hanl a very dark town with only two or three stores open. One of thesa was that ot Wrn. Lojig, a white Republican. I made my wa thither and hoou began to aolicit siuhscribers for the TokT. lM)ojnted out thq merits of our paper' and endeavorcd to imake the colored PCje see the necessity of reading a good Republican newspaper. In thia store I met two Democrats, one Logah and ouo Alex ander, th6 former a carpenter, the latter the Coroner of Shelby. These two men begau a conversation with me about the Post. I told them that all I wanted was to get cur colored xcople into a habit of reading in order that they might learn to tiling for themselves. They replied thai I-had come to the wrong place for all the colored people ia Shelby are Democrat. I was sur prised and began by tact.to draw them out. Logan instantly undertook to en lighten me. lie said with AJcxandcr'.s concurrence that the colored people in Cleveland county voted the Democratic ticket bccau io they lia J ocnoo and knuw on which side their bread was buttered; that they knew that they got employ ment from the Democrat, and that it was to their advantage to vote; that ticket if they wanted employment. 1 then inquired if they -would be dis charged1 if they voted otherw ise. This direct iuestioti was evaded by both. They attempted to esphiin it away by saying that they voted ifreely r.s they thought best, but that; all voted the Democratic ticket becairse it was !o their ftrlvantao to do stj. I iaferrrd fronil-their language and hostility to nie that free idling was and k suppressed' 'as-, the ub-seijUvnt nairative will prove. Asfjooji as 1 found out their sentiments I turned from them to the half: do;;eu colored men present and' began to recite the merits cif the tr. soon perceived -.1 trcmoliug among tne ctjV.orcti men; , tlieir glances passed from ino to these two mi. Soon after-several white men' j appeared on the scene wiih ominoiis looks. Toi disarm prejudice 1 made j myst'.f as polite i s p' SsiL;-, but never attempted auy servilay. While ap pealing to the colored tiu-t, lai U-:t the store and -in a .fewj moments i.:'ier one Jehn Durham, a stori keeper, -iiei:-i.ter of Deeds and Cpla'ur'cd" mi'.iiia entered. lie cateutled '.hi Laud: I. r my paper. I politely handed it to him. As soon ax he took it Alexander re- started to h!n;, t'Johni. tho.e ' rivstct are marchinc ittt i :lie!Whi:c Ilou'-e.'": I replied, "they are j there already.'. Durham then iLi. "iii w d.d they ? tl:err;' I rtvied. "y iocrioti. l ne words were orivrj itttrerl th.ut l toua I t ut what his hjvt wa in com ing, and why lart wt-at cut. Tic jumped up with, '..: i a God d..aia ! o, hostre r txt ad hcivtr te ter.f.. ft i a tics! damned mi-, aV l you a Ovvl damne-l liar. I .snnt . e ve jou a gtxvl beaUi:. !-arrd a- it' he wa a a. . itcdhtn.. - He. wa . i etij - 1 rfTdhfd at onee by ssyitc. 1 ...' j fit y fptnioo and j fxtf it. 1 did eolforv royartf on iVm. 1 aapak i& th olortsl . r 'p!e. Welt. h repli!, I ae-an l .toi a p v Irai.ir.. Wtth taat hpelTatd a heavy tick orer raT heal., I iaac i bt.k oa the toftlepr" ti!f, rrtfl ar ' Vv Oa !t arm. as 1 try hrad lis" "f ba,l - ;.. .. I ;r atiua i tixrl u'.u.- a I aaite4 the btw tivrtle. Ike m.-: tQ;nrca abate a por4 o;t a & y "RstcaciPjC cjadJt&a 14 eo4 yrt Je- ket ; t tike ie titeml !.'- I ixtri tUt asaJc a 'mc', i t I :a tie mdi V 3T t.. ir.tt 1 Vi'i i mm Li.! i. . ....... . - Lia:cd Sitatwlf I txfltl by jmg. have done' nothing for you to strike me; I offered you no insult; you asked my opinion; I gave it." "You are a God damn liar when you say that Uaye was elected." "That, sir," I said, "is a matter of opinion. I am not here can vassing for yotes, the cam-. paign'is not yet opened; I am here in the interest of a Republican paper; all I deo're is that tie colored people may learn to read for themselves." With : these re mail: I moved off and stood by the counter. - Nothing seemed to satisfy Durham but that be must strike me. Tie fol lowed me and renewed the attack, but not -having fuel sufficient to keep up bis fire, Logan came to his rescue with, "Its John. he is .aid and sent up here to make votes for the Republican par ty." I denied the assertion; bnt the words added by Logau inflamed Dur ham into new life. He sprang forward caught me by the throat, pressed me on the counter, elevated Irs heavy stick, and I piict!y gave up. I made up my mind to die. I saw death staring me in the face. I found oat that if I at tempted to defend myself, death would be my insfnt sentence. Not. a col- oren man interfered. Every white man glared in my lace. . It was a moment 'of intense suspense, but a good Provi dence interfered. Durham did not strike. As soon as he let co, I spoke agfiin. I tjihl the in that I would not 'sto'ip to tt 11 a-, lie to" save rny life. . I 'came in the iutcre-t:of the Post. I Wanteijt t he colored people to subscribe for it. A tier a lew more words l)ur ham turned away. I at the same time asked foi a cigar, lit it, walked, about thotsti-i.- ; lnoircn' or two and then lefi for my ni'ini. I Lad s'.-..reo!y b.i n there live inin utes wiHii.a colored mail came an-, in- forni-il me th;.t In- ft aid tlu-m plottjng up tout! 'oi uioh in-, and advised that I -'sbou'd ' somewhere else. 1 was com- pefk-d to leave my noai and seek lodg ing elsewhere wheri? I remained till a late hour, when the man at whose house I had been came to me and begged me to return. I did but went back fully prepared and determined U sell my life -dearly. Iain happy to say I was not disturbed, and next morning I re turned up town in company with an old ; iellow, -and again solicited sub ucribers. This same gentleman accom pajiieit me to tlie depot and-was there asked if he did not think he would be doii!" butter by bcirg at his work, than to bej.-eeii wiih ir.o. iin'.y .-ir, the worst sort ot slavery exists , irt this county. Several colored men came to 'me and told me that the majuiiiy 1 the- colored people .there had -to vote the 1 'emocratic ticket or be tu'rmd out of employment. I even heard that a good colored woman kept her husband in her house until sunset, and then let dim out, but on his return home he declared that he nuliht as well have stayed in till o'clock f r li:ev made him vote a Dem ocratic ticket alter all. Of course this is merely heresay and may be, an exag geration, as-. I cannoi think that things leald be carried so far. Fro-.:; all- I saw, 1 am sure that the colored people dare not a'ct freely. They were afraid to approach me; they slipped, r liii i the corner 4 to make en quiries of the paper. They want it; they showid an' anxious desire to read a llepublici :i ' paper, but poor beingt they are n.-t Hosiers of their own u.inds. The attack intoie in myself clearly proves that- tree speech, and free thought are ihi'tigs Hint Mud by cannot statu!. I: 'speaks- well tor the Post lliat it is feared. The oppressed ones are hungry tor information. Darkness pii vails m this county. I tell you c ..iiidhiiy tlr.it u the ku klux oranizt ti in is siipi if sst d lu re the principles iivUtlL-k g that Ivi.iu are as rampant tt day as vm r. Our readers may be sur prised an . I think tliat 1 color ihis'out r.titous assault , but what will they think w nets' I s ty that I heard a clerk ia li e same st ore teUing a. Jriend that he w.-s so Ir uhu tn d that he trembled like :1 ."Siii!. h i ii nowr l.i. .t.-vriA ! i ..t .7. i, , J .v III iiiuuttn iut ' l.c ad Aiueritf.v know that the tales of i '" "or and sapi;nsi n of fre 5iH-ech are :i t euMtures et .the nuagination, t ut hu-'.s-truc- a? proofs of holy writ, I ..ui I t ay. thai 1 l mud a Let ts r state ot thiti t lancj.lijun. The i 1 rvd p- t'i' e ni the iatiejr plac think t.-if.v at; 1 -ak ;'r'-v. At tir'iiiy whero o find cotton gioit, f ui.derie and lac' or ien, may ami witlbe & trtd and um pprefd race. It is true t!.ry et emp.oy ttn-otT but lu return or t.ii t:i-y inu-. h.av j;o to tjt of their t jxit. lut'T ue as their masiera decide 'r take itc conjtivece, let" ..f county they kuow ' v.i ii:th Ude their bread ivbrltcrrd." Upc:faiir, A. R I.ixn, . ie M W.i.utiapton 1ST. WluMi.iulo.v JIARKLTS, tvveiucr ti. ; lJ.tI It si iMiM-.-Th market -jt a.d tady. Salt of X0 cask at 3I cct;; r jttl'.i th-;s qaiet. 1 " RiS. lhe- aarkcl a uadr at M.'ine-d ana tll Straae4. "ra:?exi . " T iK. 1 ne oark: rrt,xi iradt- at $1 1 per ti J. e 2 'i:b a'ca u . that prior. Cm rr rrs.rnnr -Market sm ' at: 1 cvr:s. He star ki for thbariK-l tin., m:i aW rrpwftcii ! Ua!a a a Ka- eif 1J? era? per itt tr UlK',.. v,..k TV .i ; Ordsfcary, l?l ct J IS A aarr. . ti - - Mikidii IS. " " i RECE1TK3. Cotton, Spirits turpentine Rosin Tar, f Crude turpentine 712 bales! 218 casks 1,349 :bbls 59 bbhs -392 bbls December 8. Spi kits TuKPESTUfE. Tht market tor this article opened steady at 37 J cts pergallon lor regular packages. ltOsiN. lhe market was steady at $1 30 for Strained and Good Strained. females reported. lAR.-lhe market was steady at f 1 10 per bbl. of 280 lbs, with sales at quota tions. Crttde TtTRPEXTiifK Market firm $1 60(a :$2 69 for Hard and Yellow AiP . Cotton The marketi?-Ms article opened quiet, with sales on a basis, of 12 cents per lb tor Middling, closing witn a nrmer leelmg, ai me lonowmg official quotations: Ordinary, 10J cts f lb Good Ordinary, 11 15 1C " Strict Good Ordinary, " ii ii Low Middling, 12 3-lti" Middling, Hi- " Good Middling, 12i i 14E.UtiiTS. Cottofa, i Spiri turpentine, Rosin, l Tar, V . Crude Tdrpentine. S 17 bales 1 4 cisks 734 bbls 14 bbls 13S bbls December 9n Si-irits TLRPRXTlSE.h-The market was steady at 374 cents per gallon for regular packages. Sales of 50 casks at fiutotatiou. Rofeix. Market was steady at $1 30 for Strained and Good Strained. Sales reported of 1,500 bbls Good Strained. Tar. Market was firm, at $1 15 per bbl, of 250 lbs.; with s-les at quo tations. Crude Turpentine. The market was firm at-ft GtVf?2 GO for hard and Yellow Dip. Cotton. The market for this arti cle opened firm, at the following official quotations : Ordinary. 12 cts J' ft) Good Ordinary, 12 1-1G Strict Good Ordinary, Low Middling, 12 7-16 Middling, 12r Good Middlintr. 13 " RECK11TS. 41 II Cotton Spirits Turpentine, Rosin, . Tar, Crude turpentine, 555 bales. 209 casks. 705 bbls. 33 ' 370 ' December 10. Srntrr.s TcKPESTiNE-The riiarket opened firm at 33 cents per gallon forregular packages with sales reported of 100 casks. Rosin The market was'ejuict at 1 30 for fctrained and Uood Strained. No sales reported. Tar Sales reported at $1 15 per bbl of 2&0 Ids, the market closinc quiet. Crude'' Turpentine The market was fi rm at $1 G0(j 2 GO fir Hard and 1 tllow Dip. Cotton Market opened firm, but closed quiet at the following cfiicial quotations: Ordinary, TJ, Good Ordinary, 12 1-1G. Strict G. Ordinary Low Middling, 12 7 1G Middling 12 cu 41 (f lb II II I. II II Uood Middling, 13 RKCEll'TS. Cotton, Spirits turpentine, Rosin, Tar, Crude turpentine, 5 15-bales 118 casks. 1,162 bbls. 9:1 " 987 " i December 11. Spf kits TuRPExnsE. The market I opened firm at 37 cents per gallon for. regular packages, being a decline of 2 cents with sales of the day at the above quotations. RosrN The market opened dull at $1 35 for Strained and $1 40 for Good Strained, with no sales reported. Iar. Market was quiet at $1 10 per bbl.. cf 280 lbs, withUales at quo- i tat ions. Cbudk Turpentine Tlie market was steady at ?I 55 for Ha'rd and $2 55 for Yellow Dip, closing steady. Cotton. The market opened firm and , nominal, and later sales were ellectcd ot I'J bales on a basis of 11J cnu per lb. tor Middling, closing quiet -.uf.i': . .. D 1 at, nie lotiow nig oiaciai quot,ations: Ordinary, 11 J cts B lb . . i . . i ..... T .iooi t.'raioary u i Strict tiiKvl lrdinary, (" Low Middling, I 20-1 G Middling, " CJooJ Middling, J 21 " ' ihxtdPfSw Cttton, Spiriu Turpentine Roin, Tar, Crude Turpentine. 551 baleo 20 cask l,Ot DDIS 147 bbss 327 bbll llecember 12 """PtRtTs Ty ktextise The market openctliiria at 3S cU pr rlloo, lor regular pacKge, wiujsaiea of 20 casks at that price, elusion auiet lioi1 jfarketonrml quiet at $1 30 frtr Strminett mrA IXit w, : J ... - out v. ja v.-vi a i lien, witn A!es la:cr in the Hay of !. bbls trained at .tJ0 do Good ' "" ' --tl rxr tN, ckxiMt Heady at tise tlecHae. Taa Market for tht firm at II 1W per bhl. o4 UA s0i alr at outooa. Ltrpt n-Ert-Tn-. T at f 1 2 6) tot Haiti .ad ! for e.low Dip. . . i CvrTo. lt Barktl Cat lLUanLrl 1 doll ar4 lower to Wl I at III crau p r pvuaj tt MiddUajr, The Vollow. tag ere lae .'5-taJ qMtatioM : GJ Ordiaarr, U 1516 - v IfTU,JJUae. 1 i t.j . rrr tm T , ' ' -Xj, I K:s u iCIV II tur. . atv ecu h 1 - urMit sa NEW AD VER71SEMENTS. CAUTION. "Y QJ jFKS Schiedam Aromatic SCHNAPPS, I T HAVING BEEN U BOUGHT TO. OU It attention that lailtatlons.of our Jnrtlcte nre ba E1E3 being sold in this market, 'notice it hTtbjr (riven to alll cm it may concora, U o ti.. reudlog of any article, wJth ib; a t en cC trade mark abore ecrlb. j:i hr j freemted nai-r a rrl act of ih f . rf9 0ur-tn aM 4 crii . N5W ADVEIfTISEMENTS, . " - v- ,-. The Only Medals Ever ters were giyln to the manufactures; of Benon Capcine Porous Piaslcrs at the i'tf .e!in ai Paris Exposition. . - OVER 5,000 rUYSICIANS & DRUGGIST 1 f A V 1 1 . VO Ll' N IT A K I L V nN.' I TIFIED that they are a great improvemeut on the camuion, e'.ow-acttugi r. rUt Piasters by reason of tneir prompt action miu ic iiosuuuo cenauuy (t i,tjf Coal and Wood!! fj'HE MOST IXJPULAH Y AUD OX TiiF. iWharfis ran by J. A. S 'ftlSGKH, r.ai tie foot of Cbcatnot street. Low prices mle the day. Iarge sales Justify tfce rule. All CBStomcrt served hone.tly and promptly. J. A, Ssl'ttiXUKpi, . l:l dec It PIANOS & ORGANS FROM FACTORY TO PURCHASER. EVERY MAN HIS OWN AGENT Lndden Ai Bales' Grand lntrmturt Ion Kale continued until Not. i, iSSo. Only salr . t the kind ever successfully earned out in America. 5,000 superb instruments at factor y rntrn f.r Introduction and AdTfrtUfinenl. N.-w ptanot sellinr: Kt AftaU I Ko Cemmitsiott I Itrtr: snU tMpptl Urct tfea Factsry to tuciistrs. U.ii.i m'i prefiu WTsi. Anat'i raUi to aU. Cti- t:c:t S:th MlUsgeatMiplaft. 1'IANOS, 7'oct. uf, rl fi t. ?55; Square tJnjnds, fi7. ORBASS, j sto 57: 13 btops, $715 13 stops, Mirror Top Case. $ . New, handsome, durable. 6 rears guarantee. days test trial. Purchasers choice from ten lead ing malfrt and 00 different ttyles. Join t:i KlSMBtle clb of ,ooo purchaser and secure an instrument at -STholeanle- rate. Swt terms to Music Teachers, Churches, ami I'mtort. Address for Introduction Sale circulars, LVDDEN Hi BATES, Savannah, Ga. dec 14 t-1 5. - o - i- i p, ft ST a fii -y p to ?5-i - r-r eg" .: r. : fc - -"5 H o . THE GENUINK 1. Celebrated .tvti' ' t WORM SPECIFiC VERMIFUGE SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. 'PI IE countenance" is p.-.h- nnd lt.! 1 en-colored, with orrasion il tnisli.-s, or a circumscribed -pot on -r.V m !;- ;'i cheeks ; the eyes becotne (' -'l ; il '.: pupils dilute ; an arure s mi' i t 1 e runs along the lower tyu 1 u ; the nose is irritated, swell, and -t.jiu-Min . bleeds; a swelling of the upper l.;i ; Occasional lutadachc, 'with hiinim.r. or throbbinsr of the cars; .v.i un.i -ti.ii Secretion of saliva; slimy "-or f.nnd tongue ; breath very foul, jiait.ctd i: !y in the morning; appetite v.u:. ;!.. some-times 'voracious, with n f;n.-.n;n. Sensation of the stomach, ;tt i'!i !- . cntircJy gone'; fleeting jiains in tlic stomach ;. occ.ib-idnal nan-en and :..-iting-; -iolcnt pains through-. -.::' alxlntncn ; lowcl4 .irregular., at t tt.. costive; tools -shiny, not unfit -n v.: ly tinged wrlh blKl; b.lly toli n and haul; urine tutb.d ; n- -i- ! .-. i occ4;'sion.uly difficult, and t-ij..-niCel 1 y hit cel:f h ; C.-U.h : e :ut tt:n dry .and convulsive ; in-.e-.'-v .m 1 '.': turned With gun. I r teeth ; tennper varial;', .:i irritable c. ..e Whene cr the a.i-ivc svt;:; DK.-r. i.f;r-s vi I",-:: i will certainly c.ffc t r. cure. IT IOF3 NOT COXTAtN" Mfk( t KV in any form ; it i .-.n inn-cr. j r :-l-ation. ntu-.ifiiibietf, ictus ts t injury the i t': Ur..i,r . r '":. ,'. The gif.;! ac Dk.- Mt. Lam . V;.,. MlrK.K f!-.US CiC II1IUSC, i f . MeI.Nn .t;.d ! ; i aum; l':;.i .. -V. the wrapp r. ) DR. C. McLANE'S LIVER PILLS are T"- rr-.-- ': the i:;v;:v;. ,: u f . . ; Xexiini tf-e aa U,J, .ICr jafUrati. t VtPvU at l Skk j It a ... Ache. r,f ..w-5fcMf .v. i! i,S: :n-.J i AGi n an i) rr.v i. r. . Xf l!!rf f ltvi atrty So, t ii c: e ,Av a - UwpV j-?tie tie ite' eua-i. - (.(; or miruiow. : Tke . ik3 i..--. t Wf, -trts . L:ui I;ii fa t i ? - -C Mft tie'.' n t t r. In t' J!ti . . ; V " 1 . t 1 ..-.IT mm'. M . , Te" , ii Ua iuti i emtmy r at W-oa a , : m r la.1 tf -iaiKsj U . -flr ': Awarded for Forous pos iSZlSIs? m li- e. - i . . , -. mJ till lew tl lll Ut.fV l ukT tn (Km , " A UrtJi IM LR.MTIOJt.lL 11 1. lO, 1-. m J,-. ,, lU'pT-a i ' I . xi is::.1,..-..'., . O oulv Jl !!!,, tj t-t'ils, i. - K nee i ltooh, only t'.nt Holtlav inM,l. ' Aikln-KH 1ANKL, ' K. lit..1-, v WashlnitlKii. y. j; .-. UecTlt I s Si-...I il0M ri lurns in St.l i son ti ilnn,Al Vl-U" Hit iul lt t)ris una iiiin.iti(L' tree. I.iU profits weekly on S:,.ci " , .M'tl-HofA A.Mress P. l't'l lKlt WKKiHT ' j: (.. iuikcis v. jn m; N v. A! CD(0 ptAh'. til ,'t i ( .. Inirftia uj4 Mi. - I, Agents Read This ! We vsi:t :!;'' -W' -m !' - ('"-H j . wlutm ! Ml !tMil;i! (H - li't'ii-r initj!, i.inl v.m-i .- s iv' m'-.H j -i';r u ui.it. : mi . ( t, . ,. t!i'l.. -; !'!,-' !Tl-. A Mns.tl! ulm'SIII ;, SIAS.t-1'i'.. l;iiv!i:il', M:.-l'iAi--, ON 30 DAYS TRIAL Wtv.:;i r-.i t:r ; .-o.tt Ttl-.-r Ki'. lti.- 1 i : ; i : -. 1, - j: A I'J J "'nil.-. t!h-'.i, jri I f.'l- i l.l If.ii.i- rittvl Hi; llolllf Ni'l ,,, 1 -i-l I it ". l;li. ;ii ,: .U ! i 1 : .i .1 - , i .,;,A e:iv l l.t. f'nr K i.m- , :n , iU ta tl l.rr (' 1, ;". A M -' ' ' I I ir ti" i :i 'il (i ,', ii'.y. A ! It '.., it.i.l ' l.Kt.T tf .M.u s'ii.ll, "M t. h. i. t r. -x- r tiKM s IV A t'avt.-sl: Si II IV -A VI lli I ..r il..-." r..t in : l 'cl t.il una llil I."-, I'l In i I'-liic. .1 t,,.r ,-, n-. sin. ,,. at I'lil.liliil; t ii., A I if 1. 1.", tTia. .; t i' PAHLOKloiUJANu. til t ,iM-..ji (!:i-., li.il. rlv I'...-'!. K. . 1 -. 'i i.'.j.H, J K lu i- Sm t its, only J ki ''" t". t'l.'ii.nn , i I'U -!. i .i . V'i rli. .1. . T'A ll U I i X10 TO 5UMM): 1 1, r. iiuiKi f . .1 tn n .ry ii:.u, ;ir. i; i:-. i. i t Ir'- 'N l.i ui ii tlitf vi r ll; n .'.' : I T V I . I'. uiki i. rk. KlliKI'SV, FI TS. 1 Mi-k in - ., r-I . . i ux I m, .....mi;.,., il N rms Attlti'i -..i.i., it l.t 1 1 l ,- rit 1 i . On 'I'.." ; s I i ! In. i! i t t:;; :i I i:m Ad i ;i!a' 1 il'tf und unr M-.-ni 1 1 in- -H . j .-.i t i .i . ll. i l . nn-e.ly - and iiii-f . nt-' !' t:I tl .. t-..v :il! :i : . ..I ' V.-r. . . f -vi:y 1'fcann. A 1 i 1- ys.- .a I. Mill, i i ii.li..i- t:. i ! i j t - i-i..l y i ii.l.lri-Fi. K. 1 '. t.'i.. lit- A' i . t! i v . ., , Ni w v oi k. ..' ' a great orriiiw rou 1 1 K 1 ' A Y Ha; :: .1 "fW l'f :( l.'i il. ."-)-; liV: ill ! .-n i ! tm. : ! I ;i!i I - ! ., ' t ..-. 1 is" i t: - i. i .. .i- -. 1- t .l.i flt-. - i - w .. t - a Mlii4, tlwiiy. Wt l. Mrtt t.1 .--;.'. -4 A(;kn is yami:i,; '!'- ii t v. - . 1. . tit l-r.ll.art i-t'toij".iI fi.y 4.-K ..: n z.s .' Gen. Grit ii( Aroimd the ! ! It- r '.CI 1 'A . .. , . . i a '. I .i in. i -.- Il-te 1 11:. I;. ' a! !-) I CIP...IK-' lljt.III S . It. ;. I .m. l.y i; ii 1. 1 i it tr :i . I - 11 i.i.j.. I'lil ii !. j t I'... 1880, Harper's Mata.i.ine. ILLUSTRATED I I .. .-. I . . t , . '. --.i: . .Ui-etif It.. :. r i. ii ..!-.. . ; :-. . r -.i't t vr S k f ty , I s "4;. .1 t m ,- n .j ' !-r t.'T . ', tar t. 2 wun fc 1j .itn.i.'.-.tl.: -fi. t j,.,.t a r ,. , . : AM, ". )!.. ti,f . f ' -nii;.!'i,!i. j. . ? , i.ft::'..- -. :''' j - Ti fLJ't't:f . -' 5-''. I ,.r. --Vi !,rf j.,.': . ; r- ' 5 .... ' t. - 9 - . ' " . J Ui- (Jk! . . .. . ' "I I M wi Iy.4e l".c 10 il" i 1 r -S'a fksaf-ai V i ; . :. , i. .1 ....... ,. . i i it'- ' tf,; V N..i3-r fi r. '-- J t -I. ,. - - V iV .f I- irM,- .. ... , , V! . ;V . I ,i . i . ' i . . .'. ,i l ..,.-''.-' , - . , , I. . - "' t (CI ISl tV "i ttt SS ( O . f,. h r' i.Ki--m-t;.i-i. . i. if.'.- - - ivi.tr. !.'", i, i. .tte .7-1! . t a4 iMa VVTl --a4.-- J A' i-' t UU I IT. a i ', I a4 Kii At , j .