I - 1 v L a V WILMINGTON, NOKTH GAIIOLINA, SUNDAY, DEC. i'l. 1S79 . Single Copies 5 Cents NUMBER '60' Al,;(iTN POM : tv-1 i.'i 1 1' ''- .a i . .!i 1:i re i"i iype, c :;t': m- I'll I. "W'l u- ..vnb-rn :!" I"'1:'- ,.:f .. i-i -n " ' i"- ,j-.'u ni!is : rent. 1 l' Till'. W 1 1. M I N ' i " N" in nis an: ln.'l da I i UTESTNEWS. ! hViC i:j . .i' i'l'l. ;l ' ': mil 'ey ' l i " : . . ... : i.i W.i '.ii.r.r i week. ,1 -S ii-t ir .1. I . i '.iiii-ron ot IVnti- ,, , vii.tinii. ':, j place of ih ! i r 1 1..- l it.. !-. i.'i.Utt. ar.u Fie Keo'!', . V .iVn ( .Tfti lil.l. ' I i II I Sr.T.'l I TV III I I ; ; . .; ( , ,. Mc't '" mil ! . ' i I! '-d h,: Oi; Cli.tea iv-!r;ii...I. i :..- I hi; : r I I I!. lill ' rliC':.".ltlOtl.'U li.'j.'Hi)- ' .;i':i:i "I. ,"l, .'' T h-'t. ,.. h M ill Moo!, I ilfllvivil, ! i ;,.; .11 of, 'Mit.iic.-.o.e, !;', i;. -!i v.. i , S i ! i ! a !;:irll.- n: !!,! ' - : i f. " V I :i ! i' ' I Ireful I'V .11' i y. I in' .M tioll iin pat tiOul.tr li : i i ; n xi i I i-s e. till ;.'.;!.'. i l.fii a new, i;i c.Mi'-' I to do tlo- i t Ti . i .iii.j'.ii'.' a. - .' i I'"''" Ml ill lie ..! lilt e.s- . ,.,,) i,i i . 1 1 i.'liil luit to creatf. !n::,i:ii v 'ii'i u;if e "v'hy t ' 1 0 loruca i ";i i;'i 1 1 ti.i ' ivt n'v ctiik'iatiii to ,, ;iii'l I '..I i licipatid in by. Your-' 1. Wijii'iii, liiall-.Tlill of'( ; ir;;iii( i v-'. .1 "iiik 1 mjTj IJ.i is, K i!is(iii),uriL , ii;. ; , ul'ii it illy piey ;iinl .mi- ' i . .4 III' 'N. ;,;!(,. ii;i, iviK'lllly , ': .' V.t.ili.! j'iiui'il m lliicn 1 ' . v j. .V' - v t l .'-v t'U-i'U'..; i 1 ii cv iy j in Niniii r.'.i'i.i'-i-.r",,s" vu'st ' 's : ,ii tw in'. i"i is .' i.'aii'i a 1 1 cc .ui v.iiin' u' )U- Viutoi blti s, ,'.'!:r.t .' l' Willi' I'r.i'l ili'lS ,t . i tip .i mt I'lup-' r'.'iuiililU'O j i. i h; .t ' t iii..t';i.-i l' iht' il V-,;j (l;IVII j'.'i')llh- .' Uj ,,; r,in Hi' i" Pi i .), 'mill, all at ii li.iil, ii in- m.i tin- ayili ":' li.iin ."tin';.', !' t niry liit'in "i tii.t' r.'iir.ii' ni ct.uniiy, ;i -.i.i'ii; tii-i t-iiL "I' 1'. j'l, lia-i ii .mi 1'ii-iiu'. -m t 1 1 .m-li'i in it, i.'.t.T!i.!i ('! ti'in: ih tli. tn '.' i.i.iii' ll.'f iiM'ii:y .u .ill, Mint' .. - il l . n. it I iu- ' i i I t i ,:u r.i .' . l.ltt"v lilfli I I t iv N H l.'ll.tl i- vt ii"Li"i .i'.iun i"n, I J wi io :s ai'nl I i lu'ivrntitl. ; Id v. it : , Nm t!i I'.trnhtia, v.,u! ii-(.'aro . i i.i, '.. ita J i.'iiila, M i .s 'IV M i-v uti, H'ii. Vt- t!l.' i tlliT .'! i -.-. : : . I - ;in! i '. o i. I. i "i c ,i n I :..k:i : : w r; l'i I 1 1 tviiv.'v ;! ,i - i ' ! I i'.'i.ill 'i, 'i !. ll'.'i-:ill.' ' i . t!i,isi i'l, iluii' w io'-al I aitil - ,N v .! ! M-y, 1. 1.:, i-tiui!ii, ill ; Iv-'i'i: uoky , ami i n i : :i I'""- In ''l i': a .1 II .- 'hi ). i'l .. i-.i'.'.'. -tins i:';:nb.,i tlit lt' a; f , t tvi i i i"ul ' .lit ,'! I'. ' . .1.1 l l II .-! i I '. : M-r ' in VI A! .I'aiivi, i in ' a ! 1 i.i ' .hi!'.: i. a -i t ii , ii. i-i. ii i ti hi vjiit t'Ii, .11. ; 1 1 -: y t ,Kt.- -!;,ti:l' a::l. tl Mit i-liii;; . I, l'.n il P i it t't (al ! i in f. ,ivk' f i iH , jau'l lyayaiil '-1 '.i:U n Hu'.il. j I'lf,- U jtil)r ...i i 1 1 ia,i-.l . ;.i tl'.o an'.c . ' ;.in, i-ai; at.tl ' ' ;:;ok '11' t MM III, i'H1 1 1 ! ! ' till' - .. a .Vt. 1 1 ii.i. ' i t I I i . ! t. l'i.!j H.. ai.- I.. !: u ,! iu it . t a H. mi w it i' 'U '.,!' niri', T.'V imi.i t, a I'fiuiiiij.' .ut -'. la tj.i- u.i '.lit iiuv Oiuay 'irai -!' llio vri-at: i.i I'iiift't i ' Ctf H.sUUUU Ut.tl 111 - : Main. ' " muriier i. .an' h i- tut iit i V w ix 1-vssiV; a if.rs. it'll 1 1 s v ' ami bo r hi . ! I l.;lt wik a.. I is ..till i i lenoutit t the Stic 'U Tis 1 1 , ! ,,iv, . ' 'etvi- i ,. -M um- fl in'iiij'.i.iat 4 i r t be litvUui ii'." I' -uifg ' .-; ' i lanio' i'l the I v In v.ed the U put-Ui au- ;.-. rt . Ht !,vt a i,'l Mint-ti-t Wo...s:.. ! c ,td iAst;nht the lodoie; icl.' j ?;u iK-m M.vlnd . . ni . t :.i '"' is.. .rildivc .v'evtioua ol' the taw I r ' . ... ..1 . terv ntii f-i s-i .1 .11. '-.s.-e-l '. 11 : -. . T see.ate t day. i Ue Uft 1 ia. . i .1 , '.'s;a'f tr i Su ti by ol- : aia iu ino ii.i'.i i oi v u, ia .tuiM- ance with the enactment of this law. Next TiU Kday the whole I?.w will pasn ly a lart-f niajorily." 1 I . - I C s'trh rascality :n has otjetired in Mimic li.ul occuretl in any country in Kurtip.', thy perpetrators of it wouhl luiv-' been chained in dungeons, or as a-inn.ti.l in twenty four hours. It never ocenrod to anybody what kuklux, ni!jht riders, and "Invisible Empires" were deM'ied1 for until wo heard of the dec 1 of thcte Maine villian. G ircelon and all should be huns in the pillory the remain h r of their lives, as they wiil b ; in the pillory of an avenging pu die o.'i iion. A correspondent says: "MAny piotniuent Democrats are 'heard i:-. denunciation of this audaci ou- : tea'., .hnlg" Sibly is conpicuous7 antoii;; sheiu. He expresses, his un ijHalilied disapproval- of the entire scheme. - The indignation throughout the entire -tafiis jreat, and it is be lieved the expression of the popular oiiininti against it will be so emphatic fiat if will be next to impossible for the. leaders to carry their plot through to the end. It is gcuerazly believed that the plot wasarrangcd immediately af" i thee ection and planned before it.'' i.ivrtj genVual. news. , In the stale of Maine they hod a Iitvit'ity ijii. bears' head', and it was so h'j-h, dial it was profitable to raise tame la ai - lor their heads. New Hampshire Ii i-, ; - -d a law making ttie bounty on Ik at s hieher than Maine, whereat the M aim- bear fanners are moving over tli- Iin- with their hetdf tamq bears, tiii - d I'tiving Maine of. an industry uhiih i- important and is raising a, n ai ptestion of state rights. J iiv it.iiiuiittcc .ippoiutcd to make a ..liiH.u v nifvey of Meinphis, report that all huitH.:; iu the city are to be chilled, t hat tins. u-jC of all polluted cisterns aud Ni-Ho shall be discontinued, that a large number of houses shall be torn down uml the matt rial burned, that, a system of sewerage costing $22-5,000 taking the lilth hud ofi'all into the river shall be com t: neted, that the water shall be 1 t'. itii a out of the bayous and that tliey shall be Oftivei Ul - into parks, and lina.l'i' that all d.iiii.'croits buildings be coodemtHil ai 1 'no new t,'iics erected w i 1 1 1 i ii 1 1 1 1 e asst n ' 1 1 1' t h e s in i t a r y a u t ho r ity. Tin y iiiteud to make Menijdiis one i'! Il.f liea't Ii ieat citi'sioi thcMiss-i'.:;-'!. . II'. !l.m.. I. M. LJuiunds, t!n: 1'o-t-in a-' i '" Wa.hintou i'ity, is dead. id h liaiive l New Voik but iii iv. d! to - Michigan in 1 So 1 , where he lived uutil lStiG, when he removed to Washington where he has held several h s onsible 'official positions. Ho was l'ie-i but of the Union League, aud a I-ni! t ime Secretary of the Congressional Kepu'iiiean Connnittce. He was hou-eiear-tieaded and inlluential, in all privitte and public relations. sA McFarland, the oldest journalist N-v Hampshire, died in Concord eully, aged To. He wa the son of the Kev. lr. McFarlaud, for fifty years the TaUor of the Old North Church of f m w-iiti! ! lvti nn ! nriti!r hv ....v.vi.i ti-..., ...... . J. tr.;.!e, and became- an owner and editor til t!;e New lTahipsVue iffntcfuian in IS'.', in wiieh. he reniainctl actively n it i i I I .m'i'.i. Hef was an excellent writer, and pub lishctl Several books and ad dit sses, ami led an honest, uuanibitious and useful tilV. The vu.V)iri, with ul.it ii. he was so long connected, is now in its .'tit h .year, niitl is one of the abVs! j nd most influential Rfpublioan j nirna's in, New Knghuid, . MYltTI.K I.AWAV l b;s new novel, written by a North Cii..'1iiii.'.n, Mr. Kobert 1.. lallaril ot Watuu county, and published IVti isV-ti it brothers, has laid too long mhcUjl uptn our table. It5 is a pecu liar ivi.iklii its way. There is not in u a tcully impccunious'charactcr, and t..! one bad one. Nearly all is su pcibly wealthy; rclineil aud almost un earthly. Alau'sl evryboily, is happy and UiNiiiioi.s, ami although there is a -ofd C.y A "I temporary unhappines in the n u t f tli uarrHtion, it all ends in that supreme felicity known only in lu diui.i nn I woiki of faucy. The ove tfiifs are moMiy mstif up oi ofafoiu - sl" tatehnc5, m . wnico me: lo i tsL'te-t anil nioralixrs to the extent .-i sexitid pages at A vcty exciting U'Uie. .nd the iheroine iiuxans in fhiJise. l.vii alter all tuvre. are many t.niihio; MCiies iu the Unk, anJ the ia.u .Kit r srej mostly distinct drawn, , j i 'I . 1. . i .i ' . , ... , I m.s ... -,c levt uapp.y. ii ir.e auinor uiii iaic liomn a UiUt' Trvm his toj- luavy .:yif j and paint real, eartniy mi tiT. a tliics I'KarlrS lvMil and ' a - ' . . . . , uu j ..s ja Carolina to male . mrtr thirtiiar book. I . - - - - . a. . . . . , . . m . -v. 1 nii:j-&- 1 a 111. a n 1 t. m s M -.v m. , vi wi mioct nuirto.weesiiea wnica cone to oaf lab'.C. The N. Y. Herald has some gossip as to what may occur, or what may not occur iu the next Presidential election, from which wo quote tiie following: The Republican calculation may be thus stated: The south, it ls'supposeu, dV will cast 138 electoral j votes lor thea Democratic candidate; the number re quired to elect is 185. To Carry New York, Connecticut and New Jersey, which have in all 14 votes, would give the Democratic candidate' 182, and he would look for the remainder from Or egon or California. But to choose elec tors by districts in New Y'ork would, the Republicans calculate,! break this combination. They have now iu the House 24 members 'to 9 Democrats, They would hope to maintain this ratio next vear', and ifjso they would deprive the Democrats of 2j of the 35 Presi dential electors on which they are counting. This would be, not indeed, to make a Democratic vifctory'absotute ly impossible, but very dillicult, with the 138 votes of the south'. They would, to succeed, have still to carry Conueeti cut with six .votes,' New Jersey with nine, Indiana with fifteen California with six and Oregon with three in all forty-eight votesT-and this would se cure them only one more than a majori ty; It is believed by sonic Republicans that on this showing the south would, before next lall,: lose all hopcotcarrys ing a Democratic President, aud that this would prccijdtatc a' disintegration of the ruling party in many southern states and bring several of thcyi over to the llcpublicau side. The Hcraf-l adds what is quite signili cant: t - . There is this much to be said br this view, that it is frequently aud openly said by southern meji that if the Dem ocratic party loses next yeir they will no longer' act with il. They arc tired of being out iu the cold, and prefer S'riendly relations with the ndniinistru ion aud their share of what is going. Hence some Republicans'. believe that if the result cm be lixed fcefin baud, as the' proposed change! in the New York law would lix it, ii would only hasten the coming political breakup iu the southern staes, aud I hat promi nent men in several of those states who are well known to be .lukewarm Deuio. crats would use the fact of a coming and assured Democratic defeat to carry their people over to the Republican candidate. j .The N. Y. llrahl spjLcVd at Wash ington, . whom we presume to be Mr. NordhotT says that the only no'able thing ll at a peart d ab ti' tho National : fiimjitti e I is ih.'.t the West tin. mefi aje all ;iiii Orant nirii. Tliry say that 1 the (r.to boi.tin is ' "tinplv.and hoii-iw ." Om- tf - . ' ' the -far west meir'snid ahat on !is wa. The people 1 laik'tl whh ami tiave'.ti! witii told, me that in llieir judgment it was not wise nor. necessary t' ren.imi uate (uN. Uriint: that the party has Other moil pei fectly capable of filling" the Presidential chair, aud that the pro position to nominate (ien. (train for a third term, even if he wanted ii, which was uot at ail certain, jw as imi'tiideiit, contrary to Hie wholesome palitieal traditions of the country ami the ex-: amples of our great men a ml-nvithout justification. They h.nl united in giv ing htm a friendly and enthusi isiic re ception .on his return home, but that did not mean that he oucht to have a ... . . ., third term noininauon. """ b " HAMLIN ANI MA1K. Some corresponde'it has interviewed that veteran Senator and noble old mau, Hannibal Hamlin, on the situa tion in Maine. The old hero seems to look gloomily on the unspeakable vil lainy o! the wretches who . have taken to tliemselres the manners of Tweed aud Louisiana, in the puro.vtmosphcre of Maine : ' 4 The news of the rdnU of the election in Maine was received lure this cven inc. The veuerable Hannibal Hamlin was astonished when he heard that the Democrats had actuallr gone and done what they had been threatening to, do. " hat did you say the Democratic majority in the Senate had been de clared to be?" inquired Mr. Hamliu.i Nine," replied the 'M correspon dent. "Just our majority, bv iJeorge!" ex claimed the old gentleman. ' Wc elect ed time majority, aud they counted nine majority in. "It is said you think il posiS'e that the Democratic proeelit g in "Maine will alienatv from the lemoiTat much of the j'fjMTt they have, he retofore had ia the Suae?" inqa'ireil the correspon dent. " j ,., -. -. : "Theio I was a tiine," repliel Mr. Hanihn, "when 1 thought that the iMe gl aud arbilfry u,c of ower to per petuate fraud would p rt.nl uee some revulsion of -fcclius iu a state, but it seems to me now a though the wvre the frauds ooaimitied by the lmocrU the nioife HpuUr their party become.' '1V you think, Mr. Hamlin, thai the Democrats, teiu iu a :njohtT ' in the state Igislaturej will a'.temivt In cWt Preshientia! elector ai-cv mlmj; to the 1.H . W V-S - 1.1111 .IlkUl.'l. Ill lltil U.4 ' "Ni, I di not." was the r.plv. "Il the New York '!ej;i3Umre should t- teaapl uctt a thing, the leitlaiure ol Maine mijCht rxla.iAte; nut t don i oe lieve that the w York .legUlaiure wiil , dj anvlhios f jbt " j Mrik ti!adtone a ad IjkIt libery 1 attemlesl all Un UUblw jniietiaj at Kdtnburjh, a4 ia fioat ot be j4alrb UateoiPf ttfctiely to every j winl. and occooaiv nxldi3 aa asenttwhWh was freuy aad ia.errti8. CITY 1TEMH. Chew Jackson Best Sweet Navy Tobacco'. t ly $20 IN GOLD. He vill pay j TWEXTY DOLLARS IX GOLD tu aiTy jierson who sends us the LARGEST X EMBER of PAY IXG SUBSCRIBERS up to the oth d'J'J of J.llllt(tr;J) 1S80. ED noil pom. There were no interments in Bellcvue Cemetery this week. In Oakdale there were three inter ments this week all children. . One interment, 'a child, in the Cath olic Cemetery during the past wets. The citizens of Smith ville are to have a grand dress ball on Tuesday evening. There were three interments in Piue Forest Cemetery (colored) this week two adults and one child. . . .-Rev. Dr. Patterson will preach at Pike" Church, Pender county, this morning and at Burgaw to-night, but this will hot-prevent thcirrgular ncr-' vices in St. John's Church to day. Messrs. Uolville & Co., and Messrs Altalfer & Price are rebuilding on their; ohl sites. Their new mills and factory will be larger than thos? destroyed. I Crtpt. A. A. Mosely of ScoU's Hill! rhas raised -1.S0O pounds of sed cotteuj from less than an avre of ground, mi which it is said nothing but, peanuts or potatoes would grow. j Ici; Mai iiine, Dr. J. K Wiuani has madevsomc improvements to his ice machine, and is uow making ice at the Champion Oompres-t wharf. Tlu ice company are now' prepared to take orders for July delivery. v OnlvO. 1!" Blocker was in the city on Friday looking finely, andou his way home to spend Chi istnias. Ho says that Sherman's. growing strength about amtmg the people o ihe state i most remai k able. ' i ; .. ' . : I 1 lie alarm ol fire was sotimkd yes' tt'r.'l ay afternoon, t'.tustfd ly th buiri uig of a lituise on Eleventh between Maiktt ami Piiuciss streets. Thrc il lines were etiuguished before. tliel tifpaitiiieiit could arrive. i S. fond Licutenanl W. 1; 1'. Frencli, '. 1 IT L" i'l". I I in no liiirti i . r iniantrv, passtu through here to day for Smitliviile in eoe.imami ti a ueiaeiimeni ol lo recruits for si i viee at Fort Johnston where they will, on arrival at Smithville, be re ported to t!ie ct'mmanding officer at that post for assignment to duty in Battery C, 2ml Artillery. , j Mn.ir.vi.v; Matters. The commis siouctl olli .';H of the First Regiment, N. C. S. O. will nicet at Newbern, those of the Sn-ond Regimeut at Wjl mington, those of the Fourth Battalion (colored) at R ileigh, and those of the Fifth Battalion (colored) at Fayetle ville, on the 1 'th of January next; for the purpose of electing field o thee rs. for the ensuing year. ? j M o it K S r e a ii N c Thieves have again made a raid on Capt. S. W. No- w ho lives on the bl'l New'oerue road, near this city. This time t hoy carried off a lot of geese an 1 some fod- il e r. Pe rso n s , 1 i v i n g iii Cant. N s. neighborhood, suiTVr Very much j by these deprctlatitno, and lhy are affaid that they will bose as heavily as ijhey did during the palmy days of lihe Moonlight Club. j ,)--- - -. ' j The Bank ok Vn.iiN.itN, N. C. The Bank of Wilmington, N. (.' ,fha.s made aliual settlement o-l' Us ti:iaiic;a! alV.tir, and ihe surplus lemjiinirgjwtll be distributed among it tockhotders to the extent ot thirty livo coots per share, pnyab.le.o'n applK-atHH to Col Win. L. Suritli; Trustee. Tlti, a!thfugh a small amount, will greatly nHievethe stixk holder froru any future repini bility. Ilii U the nty bank in ortb Carol i a doing buiinvsa duriajt the war that ha mvle any returns t it iock holder. Ther are, we ,learo to hundred and furtv lour fttockholder. . F.i ki iiox or Orni ks-. -At a rej Ur meeuos ofthe Crand Cmucil ot I. O-O s and l. of S i -Cs5ore4 offini - ' t4,u,D , ihwcitvUhe folio ac d:Scrm S ' i --a were elcvloJ to crve f.r the eaicj ,;cir : Anthony Millet- ti. C i Henry Brewictoo -ti. D. C Aonx IJryint Seerelanr. St. I Tucket Treasartr. I'rxzl McKJiiJcot IL 11. Jackajo Ccodact-tf. EJ-P.Tacket-O. S,U. Sarah UorT-r. C. Mo J i Jr. Heprtvr . Tax ox Cott .i January 1st is the time for merchants and others to give in their purchase tax, aud but few know that they aie liable to the tax on Cotton. Treasurer Worth, iu reply to questions, states that all -cotton dealers who purchase for themselves or as agent for others, are subject to the tax of one tenth of one per. cent, on their purchases-; and that merchants who make advances upon liens, anJ, in ad dition fo goods furnished, advance money and receive cotton iu payment, are subject to the purchase tax to the amount of money advanced. NOKTII AMERICAN j REVIEW". The January number of this Review oilers as subjects of this number the follow ing : The lnter-oceanic Canal, Count Ferdinand DeL: tiuestiou Again, seps; T'i Woman "Francis Park man j Romanism aud the Irish Race iu the United States. Jolin Authony Froude ; Saint Beuve, Hciry James, Jr. ; -The Metaphysics of Science, Prof. Ae-xan der Winchell ; The Permanence- of Po litical Forces, Cuthb.-rt ' Mills; R-cent Poetry, Richard Henry S'.od l.vrd ; &c, etc. 'We'httvtf onlvv giancM at the-ar- ticles. but wo intend to take a sitlius over Froud-i's and I'arkmaa's, atidf pcrs haps M. Lcsscps'. Price, i) a year. Single copies, ,"U cents. ITi.j:cri.)X or (mtu kus am I.n stai i.ation. At th-2! annual meeting d .Wilmington Lodge u.f F. and A. Masons, the following named persons were re elected otiieeis f r the ensuing year:-- j .) W. M.--C. 11. Kol'iMso-i. S. W. -W. IF. ( lui'lbouri!. J. W. - F ( ?. Barker. Tiessnrrr- A. .1. IJow-.-n. S ers'lary W. S. -Warr.-tk. Tlie iirsl'allation will take place at. the l-jodge Room in the M ii"i;ie Had build ing on Siiturday, the' 27ih -day of De cember, St. John's Ijay, at 1') o'clock in the morning. - '.. CAKi'lINA Lul'i.E -K.NI'.Uli, ol llONe'K. At a meeting of Caiolilia L"dge No. iol, Knight's id' II uor, held last evening, the follow ing were eiectcl oliiccrs for the ensuing term : - ti. D.-Johu D. Taylor. D. Waller Coney. Y. D. J. A. Spt'iugi i . v A. D N. W.S. -hcHck. R. Ceo. N. Harris. F. Jno. L. LHuliiy. Treasurer ---W. A., Wjlitstei. , Chaplaiu - Clay ton lii't". Cuide-H. B. Wills. ; - ( iiurdiau - L. T. Realty. Sentinel- J. M. Miti jwau. . . Medical Examiner Dr. W. J. H. Bellamy. Trustees O. veil Fetiiiell, Jr., Alex under Johnson, Jr., John C. James.: Representatives to the' tlrand Lotlre P. L)., H. P. West. Alternate -P. D., F. A. L. Cassidey. The 'lrcasurcr's rcpoit sliows' lhe Lodge to be iu a sound financial coudi tion and the membership rapidly iu creasing. The officers elect will be installed on Monday evening, J anu iry r:ii, by D. ti. D., N. Jacobi. til'ARTKKLY M EE TIN lis IOU HIE WiLMiNtiroN Dismivror hie Meth odist E', Ciiiae h, 'Sou in Fikst RdfXl, 16S0. The following are the appointments made by t'ne Presiding Elder of the WHlmington District: Coharie Mis-s.uat Wesley Chain' I, Januarv 1. ''-. " - i Cokesbury, at Cokesbuiy, Jauuiry and 4' j Bladen, at B-liileltem, January Id and 11. j Fliz.ibeh, at F.li. ibetlilv. u, Jan i .ry 17 and IS. W'iii'.eville, at W'iuteville. Jmuary 21 ami 2. Wateamaw Mj-; n, a". IWihifda, Januarv 2tj ' Brunnick at Sbar-m, J.i'iita'v .'.1, and Ftrbruaiv 1. ; SmilhTiile Stall. .n. I coniaiy r. atid I Wilmington, ai Fifth S.reet,' Febru ary 7 ami S. j Wilmicgtou, at ;Fi:it '.riMt, Febru ary 14 and -. Tt'psail, t Pr -N i, Febrnrv 21 nd'22. New Rivii Mi.-sej:t. Fti iujry 2. . las'.o, at S anbor Februiry 2 and 2?. Duplin, a; Magnolia. Marco and 7. Clinton, at Andrcn-' Chji; !. March Hand It A fjll attendance f ihe ),irHt j Steward i re-ir-ted at the IirV.oare - - ; Krvntlr.t , Cbtir.h. m ftl mc.n. oq tae 1-th' cf tebruary - - - . 1 , I , 1 o'clovk, a. w Doctor Aver' l-ivr'.T, tht Sa ; - dvae ach njr f- r the s.scir. no- t a a jMita'. rr : rer fr the Ix-sot of ' iiokirl vaactBg ape . o pr.tce d.3iioili i a aa4 Uetr-vy. ilit vi-.je rasast .am- 'U..i ,.U.K.M . - J ,.. nart .xU en the t i 34 f -4 a-n -a- n ict a. i a , aJ-r tLi- . " ; . rtk& la him. f:r 1 wrll at !ialt!. el tie c&a'aa.ty. Robbers. Robbing is becoming quite frequent in this scctioa. There is hardly a night but that several chick" en coops are robbed, and the thieves are looking for larger game, The pea nut house of Cant. C. W. Noble, near this city, was robbed and several bags of peas carried off. Mr. Thos. fA. Sheppard has been rpbbed onco or twice, and Mr. E. W. Ward's chicken i coop, was robbed in front of his store, in the broad light of day. The thieves have not been arrested. . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE BEST REMEDY FOR Diseases of ttte Tbroat ail Lungs. , Diseases of tho - jfY ERS pulmonary organs lire tut prevaiem. aim fatal, that a safe and reliable remedy for them is invalualilo to every communit y. AvFii'a ' ittmwi- JPectobal is such a remedy, .and no rtr-kmi other so eruinentlv CriLKKl. merits tho conli- dence of the public. h is a seu'iu me coiii- (bination of the medi cinal prineiple.s ami .77; curative virtues of 'JLl tho finest d r u u s. PECTORAL, chcmieall.v unitt d. , to insure tho great est possible eftieiencyantluniforiuity of re sults, which enables" physicians as well as invalids to use it vvitli eonfidenee. It is the most reliable remedy for diseases of the throat and lungs that science has pre iluecd. It, strikes at tho foundation of all pulmonary diseases, affording prompt ami certain relief, and is adapted to pa tients of any ago or either sex. llcmg very palatalih;, tho youngest children take it without difficulty. In the treat ment of ordinary Coughs, Colds, Soro Throat, ltronchitis, Influenza, C'ler K man's SoroThroat, Asthma, 'roup, juid "atarrh, tho lefTecf.s of Aii:u's I'nranv l'lifTou 1, are magical, ami mult i-tiidi-s are annually presorv'tl from serious illness by its timely ami faithful use. Jt should lie kept at hand in every house hold, foij the .prot eel ion it affords in sud den attacks. In Whooping-cough and Consumption there is 110 other remedy so efficacious, soothing, and helpful. Tho marvellous cures' which Ayfk's Ciil liliY I'ki ltuiAi. has' effected all over the world are a sufficient guaranty that it i ill continue to produce the best" results. An impartial trial will convince Jh must sceptical of its wonderful curative oowers. as well as of its superiority over all other preparations lor pulmonary complaints. Eminent physicians in all parts of the country, knowing jt.s composition, recom mend An n's Ciir.unv Pi titutvi, to inva lids, and preserile it in their practice. The test of half a century has proved its ab.'olute certainty to cure all pulmonarv complaints not already beyond tho reach ol human aid. Pieuuied Uy Dr. J. C. Acr & Ci., l'ractlcal and Analytical ChrmUti., Lowell, Mass. fcCl-D BT ALL pnCGCISTS EVEKrW Ut UC. !" 0-p ' ' . REASONS 4Vv HI .112 II III" DAVIS PAIN - KILLER IS THE B.ost Family MeJici-iB of llio Age. Aud ti U it sliouhl be; kept alvia, b near at ' hand: l.t. IVvin'-Km.i.kk Is tint mot crrlntn bolt th i iiti Unit mediiMl science has produced. L'ihI. l'xis Kii.i.kk, a M.irr' aihII eul'-ry remeoy. lilom It ever ml Is. I. l'i in Kii.rs.K vrill euro Urnnipt or l.iins 111 iiny pjrl ot tli ylem. A 1.1114 :1- uom- u-.il. nl HtltH-ts a cine. 4. .'i. I'V's. K 11 i,i 1: writ! -urc .!y t-prpma mid I tiilite-i ivn. it useJ .t s,irll ii to dlrcc- iiou-. V.h. Pa'ih-Kii.i rH (k n a'init iirxrr fall 111 euro lur ."sudden Colds. C ounts. Ac th. l'.: -K n 1 i.uIjas prov t 1 a S.ivrt'rSgn K. ituslv tor l'i rt r ml A(ii', and 1'UUI I i i r; 11 njjt cciisj the an l o-.Uitt nil. I't'ii kn 1 1 K in a hunifiil i no -Uoil U.T r-t ltlr. litil-i.uu ltuiu, IruiM. Cut-, s-pmin. jkc. Mh. 1'AM-Kll 1 l . rurrsl r tf K i)-uinaiiiu and Ncu'i atiamTlcf ra i'-mi 1 (.a will a!ri T f-il. Krt .. Whttiowt ' !d ert. citrine relief from pato aitcr U: nrl apflKUott. rtwwf i.. ; i I" iii-kiti'K i'l 'Tii of urio'w 4 oimm a 4 Mt la Wae lrKtor bi.i, !.-.h. J-At-Ktixa feaa txra tir tJ pisSi' ortr tii'.rtj eia y r a4 la a vttmj Hn"l', mJ lo li io4 c i ery Bvaaifjr. Tfc. .mp;irtt jf aliaOitf Ita an. fcarvUMir m ,'.i U, Tar.etjr ei U ra Lbat - rrmAwAi by ll. aa-4 I tvmi xsxoa 14 . aAtl a9i-i& ll IxpcttUTt tfaa atma l-'iSfr'; li.s.t J- ia-- v txtcuZj J U kf l a.a; aa-kf t lui. Jv 1 ; rxvsi t rwr -it-n.-e ti t,- u:t ' I"J-a. "ax4 It iat atMruew. .:4 .r ba t ii 8 I 4 ai4arv 1 li M a nA. I 3i4 ta ta.a. .rry tr- .yu KS iEO 1 We stuoit at an open w 1 mtow Leaning far over the sill.i -Aud ir something hadu't hapi cued We might have stood there still; But we reached for a banging shimcr In M blinding northeast breeze. So our friends will hnve to bolnvilid To join In the obsequies. IP WE COULD ONLY HAVK KN(V X what a storm was lireu-lmr iin u t ..,,., and how far olT that chutler wan, we hou!il never have ventured our head outride, of tht w indow; but It Is too lato torresretn now; wo are nonplussed, completely ueicned, have been sat upon, and our lends and tho rmblic ccnerallv iir gpectfully invited lo attend the obsequies ua SATURIJAV NKXT and we stakeout- reputation on its bli the grandest funeral they over w lini'ssnl. ASlm tllM lm tli.l. s feUdcsheslfpsuplnost 'woetully. 'Wflriuti our-Kinu irienus ' to rlml out tho me;m.:- Of thoivbove, and while they are tl.oluK su jimaniiio louowili; iucMliii: . Havn't wc the holiest ami din i, st vi .110 in the State? Havn'tWotho Poorest m-I. r t:o.d.,to Wilmiulou? llavri't w e made prices much tiiciiesin -o We commenced? IlavnH we been verv uuaei .'.iimi.nbiini!- and impolite to v t'ii? Havn'1 werlimli'il t.m -.11 delivered? be ikhI.S IfaVU't Wo lll.lito a ci rut in. nn 111 J:ib... aud refused to correct them w Ueii our a turn uuu vtBSCaiieil lUtTt'tn.' Allofour friends who i.iisu v ,.. t -i thealove tiiest Ions will j-teiiM iioi l.i'iv ;roiu us any more. Kcspo.stiallv Mud'i nil v P.L.BRIU(iER.S &00. Ill K-laiieilit; ol lit.-l Sii;i ::i 1 I t r wo luelit from somen! our brother erocei s tfiut ..k.vi.v.. i..ii..iii.- 1114. i . i. :i)-t. 1 -if.il iiitu uthi 11 away pmi i ,, 11 tin.l.., i.i.O making an lu eiil to theothei s n..i 1.. i.m.v .. them. We lev.ret lhiM ee. ilin i . ui. ly as they were, so kind uml ',invl l..r,.i. about our COIilllii; to ;l fi l. but Mil pom- ud ... I I... .. . I . , .. II nv uaiv unci llliutu lOtlll llli' LABI ; EST KFJ aU. (,i;ot i.KY BUSINESS evVrdonein N ilminton. w, m m tlio future h.tve to keep I1.1111 I ..-1 , i,,, r hearted, uuU CUT IhjSVN I KIi i s h lmlo THE BLOUD CHASM HAS ULtN BRIDGED UVEK. THE EMTEi: JOKE US au not qui. o k gone. tiuo line, of -TOIEET SOAPS re ceived .to-day, very low d iwn, ; The OLD CAPF. Fl'. K i- il un-i,'. and MAKTEL1.E v inmiintj. We have tcu v r and Miy.ke.1 i.ut t1ar of IVaee." ,.1 line ll.-t.u... ifi .is l.iii rtlU think It would t.e I :t.t po'.i.yli. t;. ;i iuriuKiiuitf me upen wiin oi.r iuit iiiet ti v rouuciioun, a tlit y into tiie len.l. :..-v 1 cop pneo vrrr low. w hirii w e. ol 1 ..u r . wltii all other ('"! uroccr. il-lrr. if want enough left to py fur : rh 1 n tore rent aud lajit a. NOT 1'UKITANICAL; AlllioUll i-pnsi . tlr ii'.;k J nl I.! (U.r. I'. I IdillAil.lws. ,ti t. m, i.ui purllaulr-al ni.uih t. lrfu. ...r',j i..,tii a tbey think ao I ll-M 1 l,Ass i,J.i J liV KIXlKK cauiafl.rd tr I- itiiotjl, I. til tt..' iruiulu 1 1 i IjKlm that .lltrjr wnoid x.ttrt find ool I imi) on Its.. -r . 11. 1 u U uiul be lk rlw Urrv to t uru&t. llUMtJAUPNEK, fciUAUI ? DLW iKj 1 Drun.i ni.n it ''- . V V, ' YE' TUV i'H; I.ITI FK AMi LAI.D llr? Oirt, oldrt ui tf-t WHtKi;Y i a ihe to U Soaj;ht onlf at P. L BRIDUKRS S COS J . s--'W am. UUf U:w, j .., jm l4 o rt ai m'. Mm v fc. amMtr 4 -sf fi'i.i ur.,j . . . -. 1 U I. U aV 4 Ol ' . J r J r." ' , If i'l , s I I V",' . ; i. i

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