: I , ; ! T v : .. . ; ! ' , '" -v ld ' - '' . ' -. H g5S2&. ' JJ ' . ' v. . U ' -1- 4P- WILMINGTON, NOKTII CAROLINA. (SUNDAY. lj)EC. '4. 1879. Single Copies 5 Cents A. If UMBER 5 J . TV 17 i ., ' " n a : i rWil l. n 1 1 tl $a ihi h& ir3 IS1 fcl ft J f-S . pa M M 1:J 11 IW J ( I I I I . N ' i N I'Of I' , l'li-ruim j: vr ' '"'-. rc'tsi'i r'l. "' - A I) V iff I .SING. n" I' .1). r 1 ' 1 1 1 - vt-nr; 'I , 1 " - ) I I i -1 1 i ' . W i l, M J . ' ! l"'''Ul I : h I.- ) , i' i'i t . pi: i i V 1 ! .' ; Mini .1 I in i i ,i: i.ii i : iiiioii, I :.-.t' ! I i lit?. iii ii. i :ift i it .1 . wis v v, i'.v- i!ji!tuu-..- ,1i :ti i!'il- It'll i -1 . , irt U h 1 1 It'll t l. Hvl II v ir ii ';r - ,.1 i. i'-. I . .-1 t'. ;"i I: I ..t':c !.' Car- hr.'at- I . . j t ll . . .1 l l . - ; iu' i ,1 n ;uii of .. . i ;l I l.'il'i'l i -wit ll , ,; . ; !.'!i d ! .jt tipe -, M : A '! A ! jliiiioirtaii ! o .i r..'i;adi-! phia ;.i i.-e.l i - il'.t t'ut li. -. i ; ; i : i tis: ic! , says rVi' i the uii.K rein - ,'i .iii ;'i against i raot . ii - r,i o- r 11 n u-v-ia was w i . i l! o ivo'ic i.t i i wl on w.'tc l'..v-t. i la re i . .'. ii . l.' Vrl t") il 'Jil.-lt '. : llVu, i mv V'M . i ,: . 1 1 ,i ; t '.l ; c I a i u.t' U re .I.1 '.il'.iii.iciv. on tne : ' : ' r. I , i ii-n' It d i he i'.'t i i conductor ;' it i it;i..- 1 uilu'i' ticprfii i:. i ; .iii i.L !... . idi i v d " i 'iii i'ir. e n-.nUir and i i 'i i e. tvja to the i i 1 1 i :;' ..! a i'-iI i - there '. 1 i.c govern i'. a iu .i i. i In v'oine a i..-: .'' iiprisi::;; is i 1 .' i : ii'. - i i I I ! i:i Mai! 1 1 .. . -... .I;. i'..--v.i i'u- i.'.u .. i i ;-. ;.;'' i:t i l':i I'V :' ', . ; ' . t .tl- 1. iipirlir.e i t-iht i 'ali. in J"i'ti i -'. . . ,i ; ' v- iii'.lii' ! i:y . Mai -. ..;, t t'. .i '. oM 'i.ii. 1 rouu! '.'.' i i.if ' in ';a ,;nd, :ihe i . ',.' t ". iM -ii.t !!C!Btl'l :. . '. 1 1 ' .No I 'lib HI '' . i . ' Jil t j ! i; V. : i i 1 vr ao a in. . i . , i" ' " -,- i . lli i' die P.ov ,': ' It. ,;ivi's til ejploil! i . ..'' . H'a: ri'ii, whotu .r e . .' r.-iiu-tn'.H'r- M . ., 1 Til it',',.- .s - I.! "11 hi" .. ; ..i.o. '.. . L '..a ' , ; ':' t e !-u:o".re Ii i '.c- - i v '.;. .ic d .. aiid he hi !led fi p ,i:Vic of I'ail Kivt r. M.iv , . ., ;Le r.;':ii tkrcil Meilu , '- .r: 1 oi'u r pOv'plo ! V a. i ,ii S ii!ro!iU'rv are 1 he i e ivientiy ca ;.' V , v t Of t.U Ul'l'g - O J'tl.-O' h 'J' . ,, lr I'i.iit calcvt lilac i-Mi i I .die ; a nii't taa-'t; o Mi oi i t I r. t.ce j in ' , A t'.l lis C ' - : "ii x.d 1 V tlu' 1 .ui the i.. ,j,setlr.u-. vrrj . .... r c " . i .. k icrin , t . a t'.tv h s l.ei: .... S ic a h. V i . c ; ot a r -l.iiirU' and "aaitv I '- . ia'.y i h: ti 'tne. -J accord A Wr,,'.,' itmovy I iicm hit liot.i i it v w i!tv u -at ii:irraon- i 5e : '.. lalUw him to UKr k r nothiof, - a ! i h - .' ..o:a li r. ' : - .....I 1... -. I.;;-.:;. ";.v"w;e-..o ic pasVi -i tllfi vV ct VVr. ,,c:,ft'' i u.o ibe .vi,k u? ha lc h.w a n t 1 v i .ii ... .,,.1 wyu a errijuiii w ioc ics-, m: ol .at . . , . i l ' Ai:; f lrhvl ,!,c:'i mM Uire. and would W th !T.,t cr j oa t riday ootuir and cvruu; t ; : , , uv,. o !..- I-'' t f v , ( nfWaJ,- . V . to jil to an.it her trial Uf.e" tt- . art v l me ft hi hv.trrr . J w, - , . . . A I. 1 -.-:. ...tlT l '1 1 '.li kw- il l - - - - -' - ----.w-. i and a. voluntary subscription was made : and .'given to lis in, with a regret that it was uot U10r 'e accepted it tuant- ! fu"y hiit wished it to be understood j that he va impelled by "philanthropic ! and not mercenary motives in the cahsp, i to which he devoted all his time and " energies. J Ie was getting along glori- ; misiy, and the louug Meu s Protestant r Temperance liociptv began to trrow m- t crested, . lie ou xti t 'not to bo attoweu U hide hi liRht under a bushel, or in a corner, like (.!!ob graciously tendi c ViUaire. and ( they h 1 hini . their large liall iii t!:e heart acn iVd. " Uut t ihe :1 -: i Ihr of the tiiy.. It - was lie f:.tal paragraph i i ' appcareil on the h;r ih' evening vvinja as lo l jjrven i'i t.'nii- !i - ;t el !l ' h i n I' i I A : i V ' d-fi'i! I. i' ' I' '.. Ji' ''! vi-i;-ii) i n city, and -i'i:iiisn i lie Jtru'd ru d vn k U lh" hou -e Mj..pi.;-i-d if' w.-rei I.I. t: i i'i :t!i .-ri:r.e pfr- .M -'IH"(.' 'l 111; IIIt.HI.- ; -vVif-, r'n- juM i n I; ? latin ; ir.y j : i i Kali in-s.-t tro at .'.!!(:.. 4 I u I I I .- !,i y l t'U vr .;ir i-.iid iol tver ir.y .leetiiri; tint. w io ibo 'invfiiiing;1' . . i j 1 1" i hen procure i 1 ji h ick and departed HI ll l,M Wltl'. i h it w.n the 1 ist his I ri n..-. ln-re a kl Iii :n . Year eii'liiri "V-p'. Jl'.hh, 'l.s7'J, the to- l : t.il rcceipt-j of th State iW'W 1)5 and l.di-o i's i-cienUilic ntrent and ininirv's ihat N1'tt'ii Carolina cxi'ii,' uc.u-.tre in alj.y!utoly.t!w'lbr-st fu-ld fr uiineials i:i ti: world; tLai nowhere is there any' thiiiL' like the vaiiety which -"she .'fur-' tii.s'.e-, and, as h !t u'e, i. hey ar j by far the inott perfect Mpecimcn known." O i i! e It dtib". '1 the natii Treasiiry, t 'was if October, ISoj, the n, less the funds in the 7;.Y.)0r2.U. The , issued the first of Lis' re : statemu tu.1. usv'itt in mill, .slio'Acd the debt to j - be f2.0li;,0-l:,72-')'." 11.11".) Si, a reduction of o j le.-s iliau I") year.-, or ll.c i.tte uf fc-'l:;.".!', t!7;) .-")" a yeir. J'ro'eor NonjletfsVj iii, ih-; .s'iVcos- i'i Ai i:t;c e. i'r, i io; op' s to tfirn practical account, by his di. c)V-er!es ! the : .-1 ib! i in u: t til regular navigation to the niouth'cf the Jer.esei l'iver in .Siber'ii. a!sjo of the opinion that eoaiiminica'.i n with the mouth of 'he liiyer Ler;a may- be . 'regularly cstab lis'ie 1 fmni hot li Jiussia unit Anieiica. 1 1. ill i.' ih-i hi! v. Arctic e 1-rer who c't !.- live I :ir-: uti'ji i i s:i;-"Sii)n t:i toe luii sohit i-e .boats 1 scitons i lite AtirLo. i: three ol ui': v. inlf i i he was ab- ly aiotie with - the n at i vi A ensc uf fear .-ce aisj, never to -have "been expiiieiiced. AbHoibvti in his one ob ject dangers, dllljciilties ;.nd privations lonnd liii'u tiUMnrviug. Jlorejver, to .be xyitti tiio l'?(pijimaux suited hiniad- inirably, lor upon them he depended largely,, for inform ition and help in prosecuting his1 search. J ' . .. ;. a t. i i.l. . . I . W e i tiblish below f ir the inform i tioii of cur reaiuj-rs, a bill otrred. in Congress ou the or J day uf December, i " j - 1S7!', by JIou. 1).L. liusscll, reiresift:. tative from this District, which . "peaks f-r i:sel ' .. j ; . ! To create a. iitvv collection district iii rsorth Carolina, and to in'iko Fayette viilt a p u t of entry. j J!.: i tii'i -it 'l by r S-rt'.V' mid 'Iloutc f Ii'rj:rit!'iitli''f I'i' I '.' in1a of A'tiirtCti in fc'omrcfii -acnthfol. That a collection district is .hereby created to i'm hide so much! d the je.ent district of Wiliniiigioa, North Caiolin.i, as . is .ttiiated oa the south side. of the C'lpe rear river. S; c "J. Ttiiit 1 tiict. is hereby c sal -ieci to all lb; jiiyetteviile, in saitl ilis jre;ited ai port of entry, lavss, rules, and regu-. lai ion coverniii'p other ports of entry ol the I nitcd States. . -; ' ' m:- That a eullector shall be np' ptdntcd lor said port'of entry whit hall ivsi lc at Fayettev tlJe, and keep his ollice there, and jwlio1 shall receive such compensation as may bo fi.v-J by, the Secretin y ol the Treasury, n jt t x ecetl live lmudrivi dollars. ! SKt-; I. I hat the navigable" yvuters of the Cape Fear river arc hereby declared io be Ireo and open to nil the Meain boat;-or other vesVls duly registered or l.ceiiM'd under the law of the I'nited States which iu,iv ply beteen saitl p of i f l-aettet ille and any other part ot ttie I'nited or "y foreign poif", or which may navigate sai I river tor any purposew hatever. Sia ', .". It hll not bt) lawful for any Corp .ujtlioa or persons to X!ict, or to atteaipi to exact, tolls or oiher charstet trom .any'' tf ambost or other vessel, whether"uudr Colo of any State -kar-ler or btheiwise aud any person who shad y ioi.Ue the proviiions of this see lion shall be guilty of" a misdemeanor, and n conviction lull b fiaed uot le. than 1 1 v hundred dollar tor cvrry such oileti:k . I oi . e s.U '. u. lilatalllaas and cUaf of ivy. in contl.ct wi;h this act arc hcrvbf aty; i e pealed. pealed. ! ' l eu.vcricy prtfer Grant. Ucatl whit - . . . 1 . . n . ... i tne -tMy bcru Vw.vriil sav atmut hunt t . . , I .. , ' . . i H the thrr. Itrstit. lllainp or hrr-' - t , n :., te u ti.'Ant cvtrv tim f..r try ! rtt- '.. oae that we txdiere of the ; thtf he wiii tve t.Ue eaie; beaten, and j them let Cut tU scret of iia lvarte, t.aecrau. , party want ? . . . , ,h(.., ar i S wttaialy TMomir. him. CITY 1TE T ', Sweet iNAvy One Jackson' Dot Tobacco. Ai S20 jST GOLIK " ' I r;. T . i . ' IS CtOLI) tt amj p,-non ic.'io iath w PAY JSC- S VI; SCll.WIiiiS . i ro ! 'XbtJ, ilny "f Jtn if-tj, J ' EDI 1 OH 'OS 7. IS intfriii'tfls in ( )akd lie ('-: Cfy I in i-ijr i he week.'. j:. ! li,' WvJ'ivsdy last. Iii ly !: I ., i !.( i. ; t-'einV't ry tl.it. we', k l i broii. if Z-iX murri.i. IIO'iiM: Hi ..--.! ! :. ; white and ?ix oiored cosi't s i.y th Roister of IK-eds during the i:t-.t we-k. Hon. Jas. II. Httrriss, (if Wi-.ke, li.j:). V. P. Mabson, of laheooiuhe;,-.:.! Mr.! r f 1 1. I. . . i- ri . I i .... p '"J'' ni'n craven, were i a t:je ci:y A iioit i ii ILiruet', ! and Seventh .s;',;ct. oec t phen-Iyie!ijird.so:i, ivas . on Tt.urMjji'V' last. M'LiVt i ll -xiic u Ae..iiiL' l'OU" ol ,M c M 1 C:lV, The (ianeli nbout jwo uMzi t'r.-; i tins was-destroyed by lire on Friday-. house whs valued at $3,fjj.i0 o i which there was -an insurance .ifo.'U- ?.i r.t.ti - - Cyrus "IY p t, if ( imeut IJ. V. :Xu i VA Co. "M" 1 f !i I: ibn v.' hry. l'ii';sc eai.i u.-o'r ed a S-! !' . -.-i... ii";; I J r. i-,- n .. ' I ' ! i I - o A I'l"i; i'i:V! !V. i ;.J,! ; , :. ; .s Eli McICoy, v as j,r&ind ..(-' ceny o.' a hig and asau-ll. witir. a d?ad- ly weapo i. J io. H. tj.lo vay v.;,; 'lie .suTercr by I he larceny ai. I !ra;ed the mat-er upua-;i he di-cov. n 1 that Mi - ler had s! den butclo'i ci and it to pv-isops iiv:t:; : n I e ! in ic -i -!.-,. ,. i :V -lii;. Oal l-.v. a .- cm I : i o , .',! i;:1, t ie h-g wl en tol Wiis inad-; i-s.i -i.; with ti,c pis I'rin ia i. I i.ii:-'- '. .'.!. ........:,:.. toe Purct-ri' Iloiifc was -di.ui-loiin v decorated, and Maj. Ilowtl! Cobb. : i,e proprietor, -ct out one ol 'the very i.t.-t dinners' that .!ia been tijtrtad ll r many years on any hutei in .the state. The bill ot fare yvas-gotten up by M?s.-rs Jiuks.in PieU, job pi inters, ai d w.i very fine. If you want'good tatin to-llie Purcel! Iloute. -'For. good aim cheap job printing -ste Jackson vV- P.-il, on Front t reel. Akki.si ir a Pi:-rr.it..n ; -K cv rt llrown. alias Ileary Mac!.,1 e.d.ovd aa escaped prisoner fram 'ftuitii Carolina was arret(d in this, city Moud.iv nidit li.-t by otlieer Carr, nnd a pojLo. select ed by himself for the purpose, lie is charged with ai n and biirirlar'. -t.aij to h'ave been committed in the Darlin t Jn, S. C, l);jtrict. lie in said t bo a de-perada amj no doubt yvould lave Hold his -Jiis life very ik'atly before capfure had he not, us he said dis posed of his pistol the daviof his rap- lure., lie wa- tamed over to f W. P. (!e t f Darlington wli.) afti f hi man. , ircnif I t i:ae W'e -clip tb.e f.'l.oi:1g l;n;,i ;he Craud Jury's rrp irl f Pend. r Coauty : Prohibitory li oior la.vjs neirele a large portion of the cotint'V. :tt:d th-ir, beniticent Jntl ience in lessening -crime,1 decrea-ini; pauperism,, mi 1 increa-ing the prosperity any happiaiss oUaU classes, are Striking feature of everv townsh'p. V . . : i . .nm ii i i. va.;ii.u tse'o i murders c a::-.i ted in P, i r than any, i-ther in li e State, t - ui'ire county i.o ab- surdity of Pais report wi.l be si-eu This- same (irahJ Jury, f.iled t fi id a true bill .icainn a white mya iby the' name of WalkVr.f rr killing a o'ored man by the name of UA. F..t then Hr!! was only a negra. IIOMtclPK. A whit csnn:i nixed William Iarey arai murdfrd at a dance louso oa Null strert rn Chriv ma aaorning by Lit c'.rd piram. nr. Mary ll1.',. Mir.-v hi l a 5 bki:-.chr. ot fcCta in ins i , . t c u lJ l key in hi p..ciou 'u;ei: the oman ujH.n hi, refu ' c . e them U' i;c lrcan-.e try via -f hem up -sh . k. 1. . . . . I .. ! - . the liou., borrowed a i. um i u s -J;; ti. fO" utciu.iui. aaii:t. ai-.. : .v . . i . - . . Uiru. nre.4viia iHt.ir.c!, n ,'tfii . : . -" . . , . ho Ira- la llif a vr and uttM medtcai a. stance u's v a. , .! The wurJcrrs.- '- .r.ud Ue.u aa.taxjuot over (tie f:r of 'he raurdtnrd tain iti rvad-rl a trr, diet an aevwdan i;h .!hf ..-? i Uc4 bf. I'mi:. CLristma inor'nius an old j hollow "sycamore .tree on the corner-j ; ,lt-'n.r.i r"Vt yt.rl-itl eiroei " -A'.- ! ' covered on-fire. Ptromptly extinguish j ;! I'he dwe-iiii-g fr Mr. F.M. Agoatini, ro':i the .corner of Seventh and Dock .street, was uncovered oa nre Amas ' ilWrtiin'x, but vas lextinjruished before - : thoaljrm was iivu. Fliu; 'Ar iiucicv- pjint -The iu iiO'.jse, c "!'i!i press ist mill andeiht . ! . . t 1 r y'ef 'r"eu uy i;re Jt'jcsy j iiisi ve(j. ine lire fui- ! posed to; Le : iciipei.tuf. It was the ' property J-Mcr Ve-i'.bryo!. Nc IJros. s:,um t:ic " &r,N -uT;t -J :' '.l .V"" ; v ;; : r.; wf i:s!r i ce. f i t C 1 st;i!;, i 1 ' iri M. . !'.), ".were Ijt.l.ie '. ju-:5 yesUr-i iy at Se.:i t cb.'Ci. appointive (dir. ,'S ). 1, tL:c'i h tyi .-ili'V th- lis? of : e.eeta-. '.i l-'if d: -i i ( : e ; ;i I. 1' - j; . 1 1 . i i, it c ii - w h i . i - i . i. ad i w ! ! ,.j ' t: I id ii. .o r tli.t a I... .tV ; y c.t mi 'i i-i', !i .vl t ii. iii. i.- i; s l:i :i j"g -g ''' A-i--.'. r a ; I-. lii-t ia v o.iiei . ... I I :--t '"'- 1 ;l j6 ' t t, -pay i niercli in- ' UV(, ! .'r iiin v :. i.iv ii:.): .1:1 f. r , I IV Ii iliieateae;! to iv- ;;:.u I'.u.ia r'..ag ''unci ,,u ! in.- in.- r 'aau :.':s i di:i jvi'i. 1 w .,: ; ; ;; j i r ,,J: .. , iy i ;r' ' :":-:'7 v;.' .a J tiaiuigto lA: t i i:rl.i ..' i. , iil,-( ,; . l,.ii acu i , ' and i j tir.lL -'!-.. are. ;i O-.-d f K'Hik 'a set efl j w.ielpr. a;-: A i h,,': the "c;re of D.yiuc J j l'"ov! i ' . vr h.s created ; beings is' ; ' 'l-v 'y fhcai.' We for.b.ar j ! gi'it-c i aims art-i hutker particulars, ! ba: .- wirii t 4-?;.d-forsaken ! wiuip-.' .:. .' tiy ..ie vi'..'l..t'iiig.the law i;i g''tt.!i: .'.I-.iii'i,. vve a on Christ-. I mas niii', a. a .-.1. hands yvere I "rliargcd. u . : h . i iv li-.xi-v,'' i . ; . " I. J jiis'h DY. -i'.ii! M is'cic ,'ra-.terui-y of-iljia ' city w v. K br.tte S:i Jcho's ,D-v i:v i, ! r.c.v by a para le t!iP !!-'.!i the tr,.als. I'u j - f.lyw iit is the line. yi ti?,li a 1 pr.vr.i'iiia for J l he a.y. ' V ' -' ' -1. .V :! il I -M ' "".'" : ' .' I' -'V!s. at 'ji ;.'"'! i i i .v, ., h r : ; i' i ' ; .- ; V i. e- ' i M i' i, r W ; ! . ; : r.'toa I i !-'.L N . ' - ' (i . - . i" c '.re.- (' tt, I. . e-t t J -'lu'i Lods- I I ' ' ' J , N.l, v S i , : t''' ! ; A t ... .a. : ti.e-a.r.vti -a ef M -.,rs. j ! -1 ' ! . ". V;. . ,, , ! f V f i . J ; M.;..1.'.': ' 1 i 1. 'i t " i . Street, - ' C a- ' i: r. . .. t ' i'vU.tii S.rs-xti -i" .- "t F urt.f" !.;Ci ;a,:U:i".Strict. . ; y it Cir.;l t ' 3 .v lls.;f y, i At tkh-.fl j.j.vjt-j 0XTC;tei i i , i.l- . I ' i'k:. !'.i::.I : D a i i M-.""-'i-c '.: bt ft '"'j'.-M I . ,j : - I C 1. 1 A! Cil. .i Mirtia.-' . If i'Tv l.7!'-..i J 1 i ; 1 X -. J.,;i..', .:. -. 1 : -f . .a ". .vCi f- - P .- r.t. ' t if. Ct I) I t 9TJ', P ' t ; v . .- L? 4j -:irt i-t tafTaM- at . i W w t !.--. K A. Vc -. i t :: r J it tt. bii-e, iie;k, NL C JI itK ill-.i. . THE FX.ODUS AT 1IOMK. Heetictf of tjid Fxecutive 1'ouferenet) Committcrt of the cjoloird Teoplc Synopsis of Proceedings ' rx. : i - There. wasjs, meeting of what is called the "Executive Conference Committee'' of the colored pcopld held here last week to consMer lnc subject of the cx odu. It arlpeara that the constant calibration f,jf colored aorers irom tne , soutb, is 'atthxetin Hi attctuion of the ws, ari I giving j c,:r3j re ,yll5 lh.ni.J the:n ierion4 auxbe! y Tne H'MiL Jji-.n-e-i II u r i citcis.u ifairniAf. ami H.i: I W Price -U t. Jrecr-la i, . Oil III. r. 1 nt.t i-: i.-. ' '.v!ii it jrre ;tly I liepciio? ! J St.itc sw.d i 'iitnitt'i r ii tm:.v pni-p ri:y of otir ir idt-vc!(if- lent or fivr tin- ,t, . Win r. 0 I - a , o ,ici of, and v s i io: ; j . r : ii.-a i a i 'ii - -j; t AO ! ! - r . U t' ' ii Hi! . . i :, i i i .d, : : ' . .- i ..i-.i ','' 'K i ; 1,! ; S'r, 'A ll -'. s i ili.-.l : i i i'1,1 ; ' nor '!'y'he; -i re- ! 'I '' a i o ii iii ;te a - r ; : , 1 1 j t l .- i io o ti:e c -.u.-... oli n . . o :i-i i l i d . o,i i , 1 1 n -cem . ii j ii .ii - "' v i ',' H ' 'P.-.',o oi t r .i-uo. e i ii S i ; ' -t if !:o,!i :; ;i :,ir ' li'l :i- i- i.i i.i ;iki .- ar.-- i.ijra.oi 'o Iii-; it f ii a t J if :' Vil. ! : ; I l if lc.;-t 'f- in-tf.li.-r.- i : :i c .lis1-' r .,- , . , i i ; i t. l I' ill.'. 1 - ac t ' i ij i O) i; t .c f I'O-il .a i a a ! hi-ij 1 i f? ii:. :i I w i : o . ; in t-: ie i.i rlait i.t i t t o- :r .mil :. J ! 'V I' o-, kiit. i'i o i. i.t-.v 'ana ia- pr LT.rs ! a :.. -ifVaii.) a ! 'our liic. ,-i .1 t ..M.iffutth t, Th it a coinaiaaitlj i. itiloi! b.J iill Ire.-sed to tin.' PiVM't. lit-S, : tin- i:yoai i-olio ia- ol : he StiiU-j, -i ..!!! in:a ia 'a i. c t . ,il e i.n i;i. :i-c a- -co i i i en io'i- i,i. m to t! .;-. i:i-rhi ly i i vrMiiate tne- m -Ut-r a '.we iM..i C .lit d. i i -l i I. H. .A'ijjsth .tacii iatro, ie -i .ir.s.iL I i","i--;'"5 tiu o-,u t o aar.nec iu i ' r.-oart tu -aSic Kve.'irivc f ci t',.r..,,rj- . . - --..v. V 4 I V V I - i .lUiiJoitcf y!'-':! '- 'v , , -. ' -- jli n u.iy-- ti 'Jitnuary, i in. j , v of U ileigiiand tiuike such re, ouuueu" ; datioas a-viiiey may deem a lvi-abie. ! ; )- tt ONP PAY. 'rj I Th.- in : ..; of M.m 1:iv o,. ....... a ;.,..,! i . .were rea l ud approved. H ilu-r.-usca l. t. Abbott rec mimcfid. i d thai Mm Chairniii a uiauM t. aairn.au proceed to api po oiai iues4J comniutte. As liiere yvas no at j -t tiUa the Caair appointed tl ..... S.,n ...i:...... ' .. e .ison and I. li. Ab aairm in was a l bs I bott. ';;:: . Oa m as ia, the C V. P. Mubson bavin; been pr?vioui ly request 1 by tho Cl:.-wra a i to crrrcs pond witlK'r'-e ia dial-rent pails of the State;relat.ive to the exodiis move" ment. Miftsuitted the followiug report: l'Tiiar,:inuseq'.iettce of the limited lime allotted m. ami tho ilirticiiiiiJ.. yvith whitii I have had to contend. I am only ifrepared to make a partial ri ; port: Hlk exodus fever, the a-itatiou .. l : t S . i i . i ia ;yi,ieuf coiiiineueetir early in the spring a along the colored people of he eastern cifuntifs, bs increased in mau uitade.'atid is still- spreading iu all direction tf thei State, and it is sin cerely feared it i tf cts wdl be felt in all sections bef are the crops arepianttd fr mxjt tear, So lsr as'i have beer, abie to Ujara theioautits iiiot direct i'v atlveted ify the exodus fever appcr to K l..n,.t. i :.....'. ' yi..f.... II .'.-.'. I - ! ... v v to -, ..... i n , i . . i i.i jk , s Nah, i: gecoin'tie, Pitt, il-on tw.d j Joins, fr V ui w h i c h I. a re ti u ai be r o f laborers ire leaving, and have bet-n I leaving iir laooths, uatil tho unabated j levtriia-.i llireaten- not oniv the de- I poj u'a t in ct the laboring element in 1 jraiizit.g and damaging t alVets other red tietts ot our :l.Ves. c ir.trai v t j w ha: eeiiis io uj inj? geae..ti oot..- t ... . i. . i ' i lo.i, iv.iiiar iu iuc mat emeu: is lesaa , ed. urged a:.da..sp:r.d liy an org;i:iiav-i ; t tl at, aiid. art,i s art toacttned a I intirtsttSl lujaht mattur who are, ' howtter, cot.cea'.ejl bvhiud the diatH' ical conducts! their unscrupulous age ats : w ho are impo-aig upon tue c'reuu.ity of our people. j Alter the adoptica ! Mr. Mil.n.', -report he offered the- lui.owir.g re-'u- , I tun, which was .uuaaio:t-iy - adapted. :.Vr., That we -Jtavuact- iu ua. mistakcvMe tcro-s ihr actieuj ff ittaia i I geut who are c;:!ealinff our people, ! a we believe by vague pre-mi- and j ; !le reprcentisvcs. j Afier c nidc ri eg othft ni.u-s of ! j inttrf-t to the colk-rcd jp ;ae cru i tvs.!-e av1j -urni d to tattx tie uy i f ; KjLeigh oa the l-.h day of JaamrV. Tfce rtMf! a :t'i' istrc-iuccJ i-v ..-' Wv Pi:ce icd idop.tfu i. p-csa.y i -atur tf car.-:tierati a. ' An ;a - I.i i ; gt.Li rr pert aftfffw't a-i iasarti'al a yetl aiJvn, by a co-ux.,t -.1 ca-viei p .C 'I ijif evCi. ie oi mere Til -e tr aa tiai ! ..itc vi Carr- "d Trtrt I UkeJy to jet at tLe :r-ti. I m We r-tt.i5T , tV k-cr . i; tte-, I Y. r. Pe;ry aid Kva.3- tit I Av-.y v.. V ... liil l.Tli.lv li li ai-w;ji3i u r.A;ri ;r jao aa- t..ii tii.. i . . . .; (1 '' T VT T . I ' .. 1 ial- te S'' 1 ! Mr. J between A. Sprincer's wood, on Water Princess and Chestnut streets, h tfie most convenient in the city. Mr. Springer fella coal and wood cheap and delivers to persons residing in any pait of tho city. He keeps the Yery best always oa hand and girei good measure and weight. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ia a comtotind of tho virtues ct itarsapa rina, Btiiiingia, inandrasa, yeUow dock, with the iodide of potash and iron, all pow erful blood-making, blood-cleansing, and ife-sustaining elements. It Is th puxstt. safest, and in eTeryjway tha most &eeaal alterative medicinal known or available to the public. The sciences of msdicine and chciiiistTy have never produced so valaa bio a remedy, nor one so potent to euro all diseases resulting from impura blood. It cures Scrofula, and all scrofulous diseases, Krysipelas, Rose, or St. An thony's Fire, Pimples andCFace Krubs, Pustules, motcb.es, Bolls, Tu mors Tetter, Ilumors, Salt Rheum, Seald-head,Ringrtvorm, Ulcers, Sores, Rheumatism, Mercurial Disease, Neu ralgia, Female Weaknesses and Ir regularities, Jaundice, Affections of the. Liver, Dyspepsia, tEniaclatiC;n and General Debility. I Biy its searching and cleansing qnalltles it purges out tho foul corruptions which contaminate tho blood, ana cause de rangement and decay. It stimulates and enlivens the vital functions. It nromotes i energy and strength. It restores and pre- l.1.v. Si. J foiis; ucuuu. it iiuuscs new lug ana vig6r throughont tho wholo system. Ko sufferer from any disease which arises from iuirjiurity of tho blood need despair, who will givo Ayer's Sarsatarilla a fair trial. jiEemember, tho earlier tha trial, thej speedier tho euro. ' lis recipe has been furnished to physi riahs everywhere; and thev, recognizing its ;6nperior qualities, administer it la their pr4ctice. ' .. . ... tot nearly forty year Ayer'3 5ar f.vrAitnxA has been videly used, and; It uoW possesses the confidence of millions of Ipeoplo yvho havo experiences! baneflta frojm jits marvellous curative virtues. Prepared by Dr. i. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical ChemUts, Lowell, Mas ISO arwasu. ;Pi;KRV DAVIS' PAIN - KILLER in THE Bejst:jj-fjitl Maliciae uf the Age. A-trt.U:": it t-hauta tx ; . ;.iwts near at liana 1st. if'yiv iCn l aac tin ntot-t cprtaln - i.erit.ilirt; t lei. : iiinln-a I kfcnrf hui pro I'.H-rd. 2i:d;i 1'iin ,k ; t .:, as a 1 i.-.rro-a ;nd lys entery remet!, iit .iii ll evrrfalU. Pa v - T iia : i :i ' i.i in iuv c . -t are l ijwu or ' the yi.m. A :Ovt a care. H . a. .i...e O-i'i . . P v : n K :i i.i. b nil, rui Jypefciti and ;t -io i j. 'tiv.ii. ij LoeJ acroraiiig to dirt-c- : li. i" y ; K 'l.: re -Van .-!u;.! nttfr fall hie C'!!-- t r -i-. l lt:i i "Id. t'Jtijti, Ac . "A. K l.e ,..-lv 1 r . . r . . I V v ; '-!. tins r r. ed a Sotrr e! jn . i i-vcmi) I A tu-,aij.l I Uitl tt'i. p s ; ;.i t K s a liiaaifjl ! bb ii.ai. i or h ri kiln I l.ltt.-alna liurr 15r u. !., y'ut -.ti I'A.-Kit.nj. 1m ''"fir vi'r.a: ar.-l t-i tarid.i-i-. a.nfiujiajt ! -K -i i n itte.. r-a!. Ft- W rtti'lv.wa .d S. ctrfef risf i i i.ii ai;r itftt Brat f f ..cjamm. T i.l.fl. ; t s . , S I - X" J- ai- . ! . .... - . , - . v . uaja 04 i :.... ma i iamj a tfcvsUar Ubm a- 5 1 -r.. nr W .,. : vi ri.iktiua L tsv&xrv t r-afijr nrajN' fj-T-rass. m.v u a- i i.. :J ry Saaaity. Dm . -r r : - -. f a ; t t ia ka - ,i liTtai t: ;,U:mm4Uu - l - '- ..;:y raMaikl fcy It. a4 t -- crtt ka.-jji ut tua aav 4 rn a J-r.at ;:. iala lAtravsa It 111. Eii i Jsrets ry awro iviiff-Ufi.wstM ua tau -- ja4taaa;-4saaw 4 t.R-tisi-s. a tuui. IWas." .al-r li - ar. ttwl tea. S i&4.ttl !J .M Uf; U! 44. . w PwT MX'KJ UUJJ XAjJL JLXJb vu uf:aso win BEAD, We stood at an open window Leaning lar over the UllA And If something hadn't hapi ene-1 " We might haTo stood there still; But We reached for a banging shutt-r' In -bllndiDg northeast breex,.' f o our frieuds will have to b invited To J6in in the obsequies. " I K COl'LlHiNI.V ll.WK KNifW'JI w urn tt M'u in was uiowuru tin a tenp .1 i. and now rar on tbut shmi. j- ne .h'.uid nK'.er l,:,V' vt'Ulur. U our l,..Hi ouut.ie .! lfit wlotlow; bin It i ln l;c,. -fr rt--rts now- we rp n,u, u t-i. . .. .iii.ets It squeicbfilj have btfn sat i....i xtM , at friend and tbe imbllc riivi-it r . PCirU'Iv lilTI; ,1 lOHIU-IUl :l, fl. ,,Ul)uo SATUKklAV NKXT and we kUKoour reputation' on i s la.a'g ciiiui iiinwiii Uiv pvcf wiiues-r.l. .iAil!'.' ,,p and tretv Ui.Je 3e Slide lie ll8 up iimM w.K fullv. Y. -.ta our-'klnd :Mtuls" in I'.nd .m : in.- ii,.n,a of Hie aboy. ,:nd wMic ah. y i t d.Uie o we will t,t the follow int ,,i u,;.; " ' - ' Hmtuu w. ibo n .'!.! iie.dltir :.st sUui In ' UaTu'i we ibo pooio-i Wlimingt One Oo"k IUrn't wt mlc jiriti niueh h I . li'stnes wc eomuieneed:' . I ' .' llan'l wc Itcen tu v mt.-n .i:mi vlat'iiir aud Impolite to y u? deVlvercd ?' ChATS'1 ?',,M ' " !" u Havu t we madoa xr.-m mam nnstnkes and reme.l to correct ihem u l.en' o4.r itiUu Uou whs CalUNl thereto? All of our frU-ods who tiihwr "v" to theaboye qucstlonx will pttH ma Liir from us any mora. KHpoSifui!y rtU truly P.L. BRID6ERS &C0. Iu filancing ovt i IrtKt Mmr.ij ,, piiitr we roKrettrtt to notli-e ttin t.i.v t n. m wl s. uioiit from Minieof our brothor eriK-t-rattat wlc-i,?.d,tali CJJ. rKW.S VI Wt ot tfera ti i -1 1 o lea va ti.cn. m er;ret llUM-xci eUliul., , i t.pfeil- T ,an inpy were an kind and otiiFUlerate auoui ourrouunKio icrlcf, Imt njij poiK,! w u. . vkri ci iu I uvl 1 1 HU lilt? LAKi'II". lli:. All,!;l;t .hiKY I'USIMvsS evfrdviite in y !Jmii.i.Uiui , w p ill Id the future have to keeii from I b.iitit tender hfarted.and ITT LoWM Itlil s altttle more. THE BLOUUIT CHASM HAS BEEN BRIDGED UVEH. THE LITTLE JOKERS are hot quite . ' gone' I : , ' A fme line ol TUlLEl SOAl'S tr. ceired to-day, very low down. ' I ' " TheULl) CAPE FEAi i ilourubuiz and BIAUTKLL K awimming. j we have been uur Mi l .:i...k.,i 1 1 - i "tlgritf Pcee." ia flu" ltavt.ua II wmi tint at 111 tbihk It would be bad llti-y ti aUu turnlalilng the paper wllh our tine ltterat y priMlurtlous, aa lb-y have the tmlrn-; Ui keeppiicea very low, wblrli w of ...urt wllh ailother good grrw-rr. .I'.lrr; outy waut enough left to pay for tltrfc l.tiat tore rent and taaea. NOT PURITAMICAL. Although rpl to ti.e v.i.im..rf Lliuor. P. U HRUKiKIt i i a-. e!iot parllaolcal eoosuh lo rfua UU iai. aa they think ao lljlf-T t.fUH , SIUKh ran arTorvl to b itHotit- ImjI ihrY SrurnUv th ladle thai ahejr w ould ua r ad oal tbm u mt o the frvtuiMra, as it m nit be takto eie Lie Ui b vjrma. BUMUAUDXER. STUAKT DhW od .DURHAM OLD EYE roeird tbt week. try ouk nrriKr ammirh Th rurrat. 44c.. aod Ui iXlKS WIIISKLY ia lk taie, UA Mflil otlr at p BRIDGKRS S CO'S "" 4-'aa aaawt.MataaMav . ! f Wlm. w - a4 . . , IklNMnuirfaM-W.ti ay i g na.a 4w it T.U V a ttj f . i f

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