WlLMHSTGTOISr POST 1 ENTI2 EEDTAT TIIE POSTOFFICE AT Wilmington, N. C., as Second Class Matter 1 . RATS 3 O? ADVERTISING. XFifty cents per line for the first in erblQ and twenty-five cents per Jin or each additional insertion " Eight (8) lines, Nonpareil type, con es titute a square. -H The subscription prise to The Wil mington i Post is $1 00 per year; six months 75 cents. '-) n . AU.communicrtions on busines should bo addressed to TnE WILMINGTON '- Post. Wilmington. N. C. All idv'rt laments will be charged a lihe above -rates, ext;ept on speci.il con vtracts. ' If . -; Late General News. The cie,' c f llayden charged with the murd r ot A ary t.inuarJwore Ibarra ' yearo, aud which has been on trial for about 20 vreeks in New Haven, Conn., is c'o&ed. The jury stood elevu for acquittal and uc for OQurder.in the second degree. It is probabie that the ftaiure to convict under such circum stances will operate as an acquittal. Speaker Rr,dali, having been atked if he had sent a dispatch to the fusion ist Lslature in Maine "to stand firm, saying that they arc legal bedy and should not yield their rights, because 'iVi'a a matter of national importance tliut the Democrats should have the control ot the state government of Elaine," denies having sent the above ! n.euUoned or any other dispatch. ,G.-n: Grant did not see Mr. Ccnkling dunug his late call in the rtast, nor try to. Perhaps the reason is, that in, the 'New York State Republican Conven tion of 1875, an anti-Third Term reso lutioa as adopted, no I one, not even Mr. Conkiing dissenting. 'This is the resolution, which is good doctrine now: Eighth -Recognizing as conclusive ttlie President's public declaration that he is not a candidate for reuomination, Land with the sincerest gratitude for his Tmtriotic services, we declare unaltera ;. opposition to the election of any Presi ded for a third term. " Commissioner Ilayt -thinks I that a good many of the Ute3 will consent to tiikji titles to lands in severalty on their reservations and settle on ibem, .and t!i at the rest will go to the Uintah rea ; "rvatiou. ' ' iTiT,e question as to the right of t"tllc 'aty-making power to put a pro 'vi'inr ii a treaty modifying the reve i, 'as been popped suddenly into the" Ho se by. Judge Kelly of Pennsylvania, nd Fernando Vood. 1,the Tieatui Department three vets of books are kepi, in each of which every financial transaction of the gov. eminent is entered. rU is the same sys tem of bookkeeping which was formu lated by Alexander Hamilton, the first heefetarv of the Treasury undertsli- inKon. Senator Davis of WfistjVirginia, someyears ago conceived thattbers were several millions of discrepancies iu the account!. It became a monomania, a " night-mare with himJ He had a com mittee appointed of whkh he" was -airman, and after 'long examina- tion, dufing which every, facility was aiTvrci-vi by the Department, his r.-jmrt Avili-hovv tlut his conceptions have o..ly ihe thiuu?s5 0fiMr and ibe vagueness f dreams. . ,:'.. ' There jU a bill, or bills, 1 Congress providing for the distribution of the unexpended balance of the , Alabarna claim?, . v Brev't Brig. Geo. fleoryL. Abbott ' -r of Engineer, has . recently de livered a lecture before the Miliary Service luxation on toe subject of torpedoes. Thh instrument of coast ulefence was experimented n by bush. Yicll in 177Cri)y Fulton in -JS0 -. and W Colt in 1830.14. In the'rebellbn etis were either crippled or totally ue-troyed lv them, five of wbich wfre Confederate. Defensive and clfVnsjve torpedoes are now 'subject of instruc tion in the1 "ulitary schools cfm fitly the nations of Eurcpe, The school At -Willei's Voint teaches tbeb,est mode construction cf torpedoes, theirshare and the amouut of dynamite to be v.txd leUrpedoisWed at a dis tance of more than a mil by electrici ty, and is propelled and steered uader iAriral column of electrical light r Yor nicht service, by an electrical motor ipower making A mai:nuin ol tenmi.es Lt hour. These terrible efifiD ot fuesfruction, will form our, chief icstrU tnent of ccjist defence, after they Warried byperlnieat to a sufficient point of perfection. , Iftenator Vest liaa icirodt'cedi a bill fixing the pay of S. Pistrict Attor- heys. Nnrtfe fJarolina. for the eastern Wat'rict. attorney, 52,000 with one as sistant at $1,000 for western District, attorney, $3,000 and one assiMaei atj Jule3 Claude Gabriel- Favre, the French Tawyer and statesman is dead aged 79. He was born at I;yons,which he had often represented, and for which be was sitting as a Senator at the time of his death. -About 183G he. entered the. Chamber of Deputies, and support ed the constitution of 1848. After the cop de etah of 1S48, be retired to private me jor six years, lie came , bacic I the Corps Legislatif in 1858. After the fitl! '' Sfdati he look the port folio of bofC'g'i Affairs in the provijjiona goveirirerit, ant! after the departure of Garabe t i isi the balloon hs became pTnetivully tiie hcrd of whatever there was n? , i e? ponr ible government. Ia 1871 he had been returntd feysix De parhn ,(.". ami Tva8"nia(ld Minister of Fort ig.i A nilrs by . Thieq. He wrote inuch i j-re, and spoke with great powt r, a iid wrote a little in verse. As njiny r he won a great reputation in defending difiicult casts, such ' as his defence of Orsini, the attempted ass assin of ,L')ui-j Napoleon. As a statts man he was conservative aud disregard? ed parly, and, though he had much to do with Thiers, ho was never intimate with l im, and was his natural opponent. On r.c Viut of his independence and his isnif zing powers cf speech, his life was one long succession of defeats and triii mi lis. But Lenay be counted, af ter all, as one of iiie best types of Frenchmen of these modern' and dis ordered limes. ; ! ITS EDITOk It i tot often that we parade before the public complimentary notices of ourselves. Rut as what we copy below comes entirely without solicitation or expectation, and as we cannot help feeling onscieus tba,t it is not entirely undeserved, we copy it, to let a few people know what others think and say of us. Ihis is said by the late Conference held at Raleigh : WnfenE As, Hon. W. P. Canaday, Editor of tho Wilmington Tost, by the bold and fearless manner in which he has. advocated the true principles of the Republicanism, and especially his advocacy of the rights: of the colored people of this country to the full enjoyf inent of and participation in govern! mental affairs, and .of an equitable dis tribution of patronage of the party, he is deserving of cur, highest approval and commendation ; therefore, - .Resolved, That we express our appre ciation of the conduct of the Ppst init;s defence of the rights of the! colored people of this State, and we cheerfully recommend it as a bold and feailess exponent of Republicanism, i i ' the wkst. ; .Wesiekn JS. u, Jan. 13, 1880. Deae Post : I see suggestions in your staunch sheet, looking to the propersetection of Sf-ate and National Candidates for the Republican Party in this years race. Allow me as a member of the organization from the first day of its first meeting in North Carolina, to urge upon our friends to select original Republicans far the places which are to be contended for' Let the party stand to it record and aim simply to get out ojirjitc-T,hat fairly counted w'U CArry .the State this year. -'' ."" . Vance and Vance alone clutched the prize from us in jj'76. At lea t that is true. of this part of the Stale. And is it a matter of wonder that it was; so? Whatever was tLe old "moonshiner,'' Rf publican though he was to the core. wh could resist his appeal to vote agaiiiftt " the redjlegged 'grasshoppers . as he called the Revenue, officers ?. All that is how changed. i ; : The "extra session .of; Congress has lifted the inUt from the eyes of the de luded and the rash promises made on the stump in the 'tilden campaign as to reforni in revenue! matters have come back to plague lhej makers. The people have long memories. Around the plain firesides of our West em farmers the leaders of the North. Carolina Demccraey are spoken of as fools and frauds. 1 " i We want sensible successful men to govern us and we JJ'apt no Third Terms to have a place ia the list. T them and their management we owe it that Bourbion!ni has advanced so bigh its fallen standard. ..John Sher man thai tor President and whoever the States that arej to elect Uim: may choose for Vice President. ; Buxton by all means for Governor and Furcher of Iredell, a quiet safe man, for Lieu ten ant Gjvernor.. Murcus Erwin or Judge Henry of Buncombe, should be uom nated for " Attorney! general, and the E ut should select the rest of the ticket to suit the voters of that sectiou. ijlpeci fully yours, jHaed Moey. Seriously III -r)Ve are grieved to learn that Hon. George 'A. French is Ivin dangerously ill At bis residence ncarRocky Point. We trust that his eooditjonvis not'as critical as reprcsent A and that he may speedily recover. State Treasurer Worth has decided iatbpns . TUB PROSPECTS OP MR.' SHEIt - -MaN., J r AVasuisgtoi, D. C, Jan. 10i 1880. Editor Post: The qu jet and skill ful manner in, which the interests of John Sherman arc beingj managed by his friends, is certainly working won ders in the way of popijjariziog ; and strengthening that' gent eman as a nd it is a re- Presidential c:udidat.e ; a liable truth thac hrew u. politicians upon all sides are realizing the fact that the " Sherman B jom ly and surely developing 1 3 ii auuai- a wonderful iollowingr, whicn-is hkly spun to aslon ish some of the managers pirants for Presidential pfor other as honors. A very careful and successful political calculator, and one who ha3 access to the opinions of the befit authorities in such matters, was beard to remark, a day or two since, lb a!t Sherman's popularity was growing steadily. A prominent Western rpfcHitician reports that Shermau has now two followers in the West where there was bne a month ago. "Nor is this wave of public senlir ment being-confined to one locality for old New England echoi-s the cpia- ions which come from the South and West, and offers such aa advocate as the " Boston Transcript," he leading Republican paper of Massachusetts to strengthen the popular cause. Now, Mr. Edjitor, with the great re publican state of Ohio to heid the list in the Convention with its 4tdelegatest and with the liberal percentage, of Sherman delegates frm many ot the other States, it secm3 to require 'no special gift of jrophesv to breUict- a satisfactory, if not an easy, victory for John Sherman in the " National Re publican Convention," and of Icouraa a nomination to him is cquivalsik to an election. - Iwriteth'M merely t' give Ton the drift of opinio i upon ail si.Je3ia the cause which you are doin? hj rr.ush to promote. Your &a , ' ! : If ILL IN MEMORIAM. WlLMlSGTOX, N. C., Jan. S, 130. At a meeling of the Grand Couucil of the I. O. ot It. a. and V. ot to,inJ America, the iV'uwing preamble Umd r . . ' t i I . resolutions were ouereu ,auu uiiain- mously adopted: l Wll 5UEAS ; It has pleased A I m iih t y God in his provideace to reraove fAoar our midst,--afcr a long ' and painol illness, Mary, A. Bakks, a W. P; PD. Grand Lodge No. 2, of North Carolina, and a member of the Supreme, Grand Lodge in America, and a member of this Grand Council, and whereas, tto speak off the dead is at alLtimesa melanpholy pleasure, but when one is striken down with whom we have been accustomed to associate in the fraternal relations of the Lodge rooca, we expe-' rience a more tender sorrow while the arrow is.quiyering in the wound whi.'e the dead lie burned iu our midst, w feel more keenly the affliction and the full heart finds silence the most elo-l quent eulogy of the departed. We' have known Marv A. BAuks or n-iite a number of years, the greater part of I that time as a member ot this- and ot a kindred order, she was a woman of en larged benevolence, full of the milk of human kindness, the friend of the poor and destitute. But she has' gono from among us -furnishing another of those' solemn lessons we are daily re ceiving, teaching us what shadows we are and what shadows we persue. The knell of each passing hour reminds us that we are following our sister to the home of the'dead the wise, the grave and reverent will be as low as hers. Let us theri improve this solemn aud affecting visitation. It is scarcely pos sible that all the members of the Grand Council now present, wi-H, after the close of this session, meet altogether again on.the shores of time ; let us so live tbat'we at the last, stand in the presence of the Supreme Grand Chief, wearing the jewels ot a well-spent life. Therefore, be it. . Resolved, That we deplore , the loss the Order has sustained in the death of our worthy and esteemed sister Banks, and a a token of respect 6 her memo ry, the members of this Grand Council tvill wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty day?. i Resolved, That this Council has lost one of . its strongest pillars and the Church a pious devout christian and her family a utiful wife and tender mother. RqQlp'Jp .That this Grand Council tender to then family ot the deceased their heart felt.'sympatby in this hour of such a sad berevement. " Resolved further, That a copy of these resolution be sent to the family of tbe deceased, and a copy to tjje Wilming ton Post, North Carolina ljeptjblican and Philadelphia Recorder, for publi cation. , M. W. H. Branch, Abie Beyast, a Susan A. Tuckkr, Committee on Resolutions. ' 4u ftRegdote Owas nee told of Daniel Boonef the crekt pioneer pt Ientuckyj to the effect that wnen ne went armie to North Carolina, after two or three vears' absence in Kentucky, be found that his wife had one more child than he could account for. Investigation showed tnat Daniel's brother was the responsible party. J nstead of taking bis shotgun and blowing the whole top of his brother' head off, the old ad AnH.rpr merelv took bU erring rela- vn Hirer merely took tion aside, ahook hlSI warmly hand aud said; Vll's a" .ri,gh5: Hnnt vou grieve yourself; n sail by the Bill doa't you grieve your I in the family, my 'boy.'.. " CITY ITEMS.. ; Chew VJ ackson's ' Btst Sweet. Navy Tobacco. - $20 IN GOLD. We trill pay TWENTY DOLLARS I GOLD to any person tcho sends us the LARGEST NUMBER f PAY ING SUBSCRIBERS up to the J5A day of January, 18S0. v ' .' ED110R POS1. Mild Winter.-' " -r . Egs ien cents per dozen, r s Poultry is plentiful but high. ) More shad in market, bjit too higa in price. - There were uoJntermeuts in Bellevue CemCterr this week. - In Pine Forest Cemetery this week five children and two adults were in tered seven in ail. There were two interments in Oak dale this week, one adult and one still born infant. ': -. : : ' Quinine is now du'y tree andas a conseqnence has declined i prico to $2.00 per ounce. - Wilmington has 26 churches or one church to rvery 650 inhabitants, ac cordinij to the Meares' census. There has been a gt?at explosion of a miuefat Newcastle-under-Tyn(, kill ing mere than' fifty men. i; Two alarms of fire were sounded on Wednesday last, but the fire quickly exticguishedT ' were A canary bird and cage was stolen from the piazz i at the reti Jeuce of Mr. John. II tar, jr., oa Monday last. The roof of the RiptijS;. Chureii, cors ner ot FifihanJ Market Street, has been ref aired and the leaks thoroughly stopped. : ' J r Ash-Wtdnesday falls on February Iltb, Good Friday on March 2Gui and .Easter Sunday on March 28th. Rev.; Dr. George Patterson has gone north on a visit, aud will proba ily be "jione for two weeks. Eiiiht bund fed and tweo-lvsix do!- Jars 'and seventy-five cents, .have been raided in this city tor the - relief of the j sufl iiig Ir sh. A ?ery handsome quilt has been pre- senud to the -Ladies' Benevolent So i i .i ciety, and will be. i sold sit auction at ilfinsbtrvr's to-morrow night. Col. 1). Iv. JMouae lectured on ii day evening to a very large audience, attheOj'tra IJous, on "the subject of poetry- '. .. . & .: .,'; Water is gitiua: very low in the river, and sttamboat-men are experi encing considerable iucnviehce frcm the low stage. A wild cat weighing 47 pounds was aught on the Groyely plantation in Brunswick county a few days ago. " ? TO Cii - .j lion. R. R. Bridirers will address the W -I m people of ! Pendor on the subject o1 drainage, irrigation and other, farm laiprovements. lhe -ume has rot yet been fixed upon. vessel drawing seventeen feet, two inches Went to sea through the! Bald Head Channel a few days ago. This is a good showing, and bat one of the re sults of the Rivr aud Harbor-improve merits. ." . i ' : : ": : : . - Rtv. Dr. Geo. B. Taylor, Baptist Missionary to Rome, is iu this city on a villi to hU brother, Rev. James-B. Taylor, Rector of the Baptist Church,' corner Fifih and Market streets.! ; The t'empf ranee meeting on Tuesday night! was rather siimly attended. Only fire persons signed the ""pledge to try and abstairfTrom drtnkirtg and using oaths. Thi rcsi icuco of Madam Hail, on Ann between Seventh and Eight Streets, was dikcoyered to be on fire on Tuesday morning last, but was extinguished be fore very much damage was done. The doss was covered by insurance. 1 Mr. John St. George of Castis Hay ue was caught in a threshing machine a few dais ago and narrowly escaped ileath. j He "received several bruises about the head and neck and his clothes were torn from his body. , ; - Walkdr, the CensUs General Super intendent, feels that he is so far above ordinary people in this Republic of ours, tiat he should not listen to the petitions and prayers of his subjscts.- lie feels that ho is! much "bigger man", than the Emperor of "Germany, or ''Old Gram." George Everett, colored, who was seriously wounded in the abdomen about two weeks sgo by his"" brother Robert Everett, dW on Thursday his injury. "Egbert was arrested snd Is confined in jail to await his trial for murder. - Char les Curtis, who ha's been canvass es for the "New" York Fashon Ba zar," has turned out to be, what a great many supposed him to be, a swindle. He is in new fields and no doubt gul ling the people there as he did- while in this citv. ; lion. John Sherman, Secretary ofthe Treasury, recommended, that FOUR Republicans be appointed 1 Census Su pervisors in this state, and that one of Ihem should be aftioreu mm. . The editor ot" the Post : knows" ihis to be true. . - .v '. ' - ' . ; Five f box cirs vere precipitated through a tressei Va the Carolina Cen tral Railroad, onp mile from Abbatts burg, on Monday night last, by reason of one of the cars jumping the track. The damage was speedly repaired with out delay, lo 'travel. " With- a "view of letting persons know how piany in the county bave jjaid their poll and property taxes, We pub lish the following by townships : Wil niington, 2G9 white, 253 colored; Cape Fear township, G whites, -15 colored; Federal Point, 0 white, 9 colored; Harnett, 22 white, 10 colored; Mason bjoro, 24 white, 0 colored. Tola1, 317 while, 293 colored. t " Those of our merchants who had lis ted their purchase taxes, but wliorhad not puid, up to a', few days ago, Were served with warrants.: O.se f them wcntn'i mediately up to the Register jf Deeda.-aud settlei and laid the matter before Solicitor Moore, who is of the opinion that the warrants were not issued according to the law. "The ir.iH'iitrate lost his cost iu the cases. Muchly Uonjuked. Ben. Jamesj colored is a victim of an-old supersti tion, and the silly, idea that he and his family had been conjured. They lock ed themselves up in their '.house and would net come out or prmit any one to enter. Mayor -Fishblate, hearing pf the case, had the door forced open by policemen and the family carried to the guard house. They were furn'shed with food, and . yafier lecturing them sent them home. They 1 a 1 eaten nothing for two days. ." f The W. C. & A. Li. R. Company. The meeting of the bondholders of this road was held in Baltimore on the 21st inst , for the pupose of re-organizing the raadi The appointees to purchase the road reported that they had. per formed that duty, which report was adopted,. aud it was voted that the road be at once re-ofganizei. An election was then held, and the following gen tleiLfeU'Were elected : President, R. R. Bridgers; Directors, Messrs. Walters, Shoemaker, Newcomer, Short, Brown, Jenkins, Plenr,. Cameron and Piatt." The company will begin with $930, 000 capital stock, and bonds will bej isued to the amount of $1,000,000, bearing interest at the rate of , 6 per cent, per annum, payable in -gold in New York city on the first dayk of June and December. The plari'&fcebrgani zition will be given to every boMer of two thousand dollars worth of old bonds, with accompanying coupoas an d certificates, one thousand dollars in new bonds and six shares of stoc)t. Census Supervisoes. The Super visors of Census has bsen appointed by the President, and words cannot ex- press our indignation,' and the general feeling of Republicaps North Caro lina, at such treatment 6a the part of the Administration. It is true that the President had prom ised that two Republicans and two Democrats should be appointed in this state, and it is also true that the gentle man appointed from the First District was considered by the President to be a Republican, owing to the fact that Congressman Martin recommended him as such. Gov. Holden and Hon. S. F. Phillips,, say that Mr, Patterson, of the Fourth District, is a Republican ; but even admitting that these two gentle men are Republicans,1 (many persons who claim to know them deny it,) it is no excuse to appaint two Dtemocrats in the largest districts in the state, which throws the working of the whole Census Department of the state info the hands of the Democratic party. This i3 another outrage on the .Republicans of Jorth Carolina, which tan not b,9 too strongly ccndepiBetEl by the people. The Register of Deeds has issued during theweek two marriage licenses, one of which wa3 for a white and the other for a colored coupler v ' Charles H. Davis is the name of the colored man who had his hand" so bad ly crushed while coupling cars at tlie depot on the 15th inst.,-mTtd he was employed at the Navassa Guano Works. He was brought to the city on the engine, and taken to Dr. J Francis. Shober's office, when it was found .ne cessary to amputate the index '' finger. He is getting along nicely. ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. al& of Obsolete and Unservica pie Ordnance and Ordnance Stores. . United States Obdancs Agexcy, Corner Houston and Greene Streets, (P.O - - Box 1811,) - I New Yoek, January 22d, l8S0. SKALEfJ PROPOSAJiS, in duplicate. Will be received at this olSce for the purchase or Obsolete and Unserviceable OrdnaDce and Ordnance Stores, embracing Cannon, I-ad, Aools, and Scrap Materials, dc,; Zt: it A . r, '5CUK,i x oris, ana uepis in the United States. AT?ds wiu be opened at 12 o'clock; M., on Wednesday, the 25th day of February, 1880, for Stores located as follow?, to wit: Allegheny Arsenal, Pa.; Frankford Arsen al, Pa.; Fort Monroe Aisenal, Va.; Indian ?2Ils AfsenaUnd.;Keunebec Arsenal. Me.; Pikesville Arsenal,; Md.; Kock Isltnd Ar senal, III St. Ixmlsl Arsenal, Mo.; National Watervliet Arsenal, If. y.'Watertowh Arsc ndl Mqco - ata V16 Forts in the following named States, to wit: . rOoanecticat. Delaware, raine, Maryland, AlaSSaChUSCt.t.S M1h1Van -VAnr TTnmnl.n fc.JIJ,le Nework, Pennsylvania, uu Virginia. wBids will be opened at 12 o'clock. 1., on vveunesdav. t.h lofh riot. r r...h iv Stores located as follows, to wit: 1 usu Arsenal, ua.; JSan Antonio Arse nal. J eXTftS" KAniMa Ai-oonat rv.1 . "VJ r..- ver Arsenal, Wash. Ter.; Fort Union, New Mex ; U.S. Military Academy, if. Y., and ine i?prts in the followingnamed States and Territories, t.n wit. , Alabama, California,: Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, isortn Carolina. Orp-mn umith nomiin Texas, Alaska, Arizona, Colorado Dakota, WQGhlhntnn T . . 'i. " ' t or list of stores in detail, location, terms, 40., see catalogues, which can be procured on application at the Ordnance Office, War Department," Washington, D. C, at; this Agency, or at any of the Arsenals or Depots; and the Commanding Officers of Forts will w on aPPication information as to wnatbtores on hand at their respective posts are for sale. Bidders will state expltcitly the posts where the Stores are located which they bid for, and will giy the kinds and quantities they propose to purchase. Deliveries will only be made at the vari ous posts where stored. The Department reserves the right to re ject all bids which are not deemed satisfac tory. . : I Prior to the acceptance of any bid it' will have to be approved by the War Depart ment. Terms Cash. Ten per cent", at the umo of award and the remainder when the property is delivered. TBirty day$ AVill be allowed for the removal of Stores. T Packing boxes will be charged at prices to be determined by the Department. Proposals will be addressed to the U. " S. Ordnance Agency, New York, (P. O. Box 1811) and must be endorsed, "Proposals for purchasing stores,", with the names of the Arsenals, Forts or Depots where stored, and the names of State3 or Territories in which the Stores are located. S. CRISPIN, Bvt. Col. U. S. A., L Col. of. Ord., Com manding. . . - jau n a N PAIN - KILLER IS THE Bast Family- Moliciiia of the Age. Atid why it should be kept always near at hand: . ; - 1st, ?a -Killer 'is the most certain Cholera cure that medical science has produced. 2nd. Paix-Killer, as a DLvrrcea and Dys entery remedy, seldom if ever fails. oxd. PAiN-KiLi.Ea f will cure Cramps or Pains in any part of the system. A single dose usually affects a cure. -. - : ' ' - ' . j . ; ; . ' -: :f - h. Pain Killer will cure dyspepsia and Indigestion, if use.J according to direc tions. th. PAix-Kir.LER is an almost never-fail . ingcaro for Sudden Colds, Coughs, &c 6th. Pain-K illeu has provel a Sovereign Kemedy for Fever and Ague, and Chill Fever; it has cured the most obstinate .- cases. 7th. Paik-Killer as a lioament is un equaled for Front Bites. Chilblains. Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Sprains, fcc. 6th. pain-killer has 1 cured cas of Rheumatism and Neuralgiaafteryeara standing. 9th. Pai.n-Killer will de&troy Boils, Fel ons, Whitlows OldSores, giving relief from pain after the first application. 10th. Pain-Killeb cures Headache, and Toothache. V 11th. PArN-KiLLER will save you days ol . ' sickness and many a dollar In time and Doctor's bill. - - i 12th. Paiu-Kxller has been before the public over thirty-seven years and is a purely Vegetable preparation, safe to keep and use ia every family. The simplicity attending its use. together with the great variety of diseases that 4 . may be entirely eradicated by it, and! . the great amount ot pain and suffering f imtvcitu veaucuaicu turuugn, lis use. make it Imperative upon every person to suddIv themselves with thia Tfti ti- able remedy .and to keep it always near J The Pain-Kjllzr is now kn Own and ap preciated in everv auartcr nt tha raivCa Physicians recommend it in their nrMm' while all classes ol society have found in its net aau ooiuiori. uive it a trial, ge Bare anituy the genuine Every Drug oV, aal - nearly every Caqniry Ctrocer u ughout tha la e.er itzr saje. We stood at an open window - Leaning far over the sill, And if omethlng hadn't happened We might have stood there sUlk But we reached for a banging shutter In n'blinding northeast breere, o our friends will have to be Invited To Join In the obsequies. X what a storm was brewing (in a teannti and ho far off that shutter 4a"4vSoSSl f??2LJiaTe-v5?tured our head outeide o SSL VUmIowj but it Is too late Jor regret s S5, JIS nonplussed. complISly been cPn. and our in.aid the public generally are re- ' spectfully Invited to attend the obsequies oa SATURDAY NEXT and wo Btakeour reputation on its beina thegrande&t fuaoral they ever witnessed. Ashe sUpa he slides, and evervttmehe slides he slfps up most woefullyf AVi Teav -S??i!WnKd ffien8" to find out tbe rnfininj we lS 5S?nAiwhJ,e they S3s2 we wm ask the following questions: i th?!tete?8 1116 1IeSl aua dlriost B'wre lu " : '-'-.' :-' " . V.." -1" miminonr 6 .POOreRt lock of lD SSSS8 PrtcomncU LIgheslnce aupStxt .. - I ' ." , ' " deIlivIrled?WeCbarbfeJ JOU A)r alhhQ i5avnIfc remade a great manv mistake iA11.0' our frlends who answer "ves" to theabove questions will please not buv from us any morev ItespeStfully "SS truly. P. L. BRIDGERS &C0. In glancing over last Sunday's patter w mfntfrnm1011 tacit JclJSSledS w hlnf rotter grocers thlt rnoiri -i", pan. oi meir trade, and 5h2Snfikvn aPPeal to the others not to leave them. We regret this exceedingly, especial ly they wer.e RO klnd and" conserie about our coming to grief, 'but suppose as we have det srm t T ah .i ;i,Jr 6Ui'l'sPa v: '. " '': - ; - -:'. LARGEST RETAIL GROCER : .i , BUSINESS ' ' er done in WilmiDgtonl wc vill in tha future have to keep from 'being so tende? hearted, and CUT DOWN PRI&S i ntU J THE BLOOD 3T CHASM HAS BEEk BRIDGED OVER. THE LITTLE JOKERS are not quile ' " '.": ':. '.gone. .. ., A fine line of TOILET SOAPS 5 re ceired to-day, yery low dorn The OLD CAPE FEAR is llourishinff and MARTELLE swimminjr. ..r6 ?T? been over and smoked that still think it would be bad policy to stop lurnishing the papers with our nine literary productions, as they have the tfendency to keep pricesjrery low, which-we; of course, with another good grocers, desire; only i,fught left t0 ror clerk's hlrel store rent and taxes. NOT PURITANICAL. Although opposed to the drinking ol liquors, P. L, BUIDQFItS d CO are not puritanical enough to refuse to sell t hem. 5h.?thlnk RST CLASS GROCERY STORE can afford to be without; but the y promise the ladies that they would neyer ftnil oaAthf rt wa8,any on the premises, as it must be taken elsewhere to be arunk. BUMGARDNER, T - j , STUART'S DEW and DURHAM OLD BYE received this week. , - TRY OUR BUTTER AND LARD : 'The purest, oldest, and best CORN ' WHISKEY ia the State, to be bought only at " ' . , ' . .:: . v . "'' .'" P.-LBRIDOERS COi , 8. Yo feel highly flattered at the no. ' th absence of our usual Sunday mornlnir ad, on account ofone of our friends havln! gone to New York Saturday nigh U 7