"I. it. 1m 1 i J u u AX VOLUME XL WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY, FEB 1 880 Sifigle Copies 5 Cents NUMBEK :4 V CI 'Or xV ! - . i i V 14 q ifuKiF i n H M I. H .r I K II 1' I 1 .. W . - 1 I - WlLMIlSrGhTOISf'FOST Entered at the Tostoffice at Wilmington, N. C, as Second Class , Matter 1 - . , - :- ' " ; ITates of advertising. Fifty cents per line-for 'th,e first in j sertion and twenty rfive cents per lin or each additional insertion. Eight (8) lines, Nonpareil type, con stitute a square. I . The subscription priee to The Wil mington Post if? $1 00 "per year; six months 75 cents'. I Aircommunicrtionsonbusinesshould be addressed ! to The Wilmington I Post,- Wilmington, N. C. All ac vertisement3 will be charged a the above rates, except on special bon tracts. i; - V-.;"' . J:. Late General Newv They liad-a happy time at a working in Madison county the ojtjicr day, hc- 'cordingvLo. the, iUhville Journal. Senie moonshiners camo in late, a row en sued about illicit whiskey, and nine men eoou t laid on the ground Hoody, and il is .flared, fat alfy wounded. .(No namesjare given, i : And new. seme New York financial goiirniands," called a syndicate, have fixed theirjiungry eyes on the Western N. U. Railroad.! Of course that great road is! to become a feeder to roais leading to Charleston and Norfolk, as the Carolina Central road ;s likely to be,, and after that maintain a sort of i! tnbiguous existence receivers.'' in the hands of There are at' present 207 convicts n tiie renitentiarv. Of these SO arc white. Only three 'white' women arj held, and -8 colored. Of trie convicts, "0 are in it,r life, for various offences arson, burglary and murder. The shoe shops are busy on orders, and .now turning out loO pairs, per day. The re are sev- f.-1 ill looms at work, which m ake nearly Utc cloth worn by the pri sobers. FVtd.t Ifassaurek, the ; w ll known Mtrmau editor, of Cincinnati, is in - W'ji shin cton creating considerable of a' v in motion by stating mphalically that the German Republicans would vote solidly against Grant and cause him to lo'e Ohio. lie;. says they arc in fayor m .Sherman. . : A very dramatic seen? Occurred on Thur-day before the committee inves Aigiitipg Indian anair.e Gen. Clinton !. Tiirk had prelerred charges against Mi: ilavt, Commissioner if Indian (i'.iirc, which Mr, Ilayt denied. They U'j.nioneu uen. Hammond petore the eiciiimuee, ana ne swore mat the letter iirp;,rting to be written by b mi, was a confessed f'.--g: ry. Subsequently he the letter was as he yrbt.e it and an 1 1 ue, and directly be'eame scnse :. The Secretary of the - Interior wits' sent for, and took Gen. Hammond's oufession,' and directly thereafter Gen. nehurz addressed the following laconic ote to Mr. Hay t: I ' : . January 19, 1SS0. Ijou. K. A. Jlayt, r ;! Cxmimaisiuncr oj Judutn, Affairs: Muv. - It haV become my dhty to in rnt ycu that thepublic interest de auds a changc'tin tlie Commissioner ijli of Indian Affairs andthat you? rihfr services are dispensed with. I ! 1 Very respectfully, , J j O t'CHUKz, Secretary. , J The new road jaw requires the board Mij crvisors of each township in tho ( .: '. , ' .1... i u Tu " lit' Iliftl OU liJC lli feu iUUIiUilv Ml I'JCU' iy, hit the purpose of consulting on ic condition of the roads, and to elect 'a- chairman of- their number. The ne -section makes it the duty ef the Krvisors to visit and - personally ex amine all the roads in their township du riuir the week preceding the meet ll$LE(lATJi:S TO CIIICAUO. U'lic aUicn of the Republican Slate Stcutive Lommitlee cives . general S:U "isaction to the Republicanj of this "sec tjon. Ihe delegates are airstauncii ;sta tlwart B?r ublicaiis, and they will YO e lur no man at Chicago who will stand bv-the Republicans of the no ij fei.-uili, regardless of color." The Dele : Kajcs are unanimously in fav.5r of the ideral -patronage of thestate being (qyally uistrihuted between the-colored and white Republicans.of the state, and in Future. no man should be supported fur office who will not guarantee to the lie .uiblicaus to divide the patruage of his o ilice ju.tly with our colored fellow citiziiis, anl -on this plaVforni the editor of 1. his pa per proposes to stand! or full i future as he has in the past. '. - i ' : 2 u tVlNT-SJIKHAiAlV. V ! ven Graut was made Pre-sidut be ! caiiio he wai the foremost ligure in tlie " war which" saved" the government. It ! wa51 .Proper, it was .- light. Secretary Jdlin Sherman has done more than ; ; anyj ther man, to restore the public credit, without which the continued existence of the verrnent would be endangered. A large number of the , , American people think this ; great dtnieveaient suouiel now be acknowl- eageu. 'lhis done, the ueoole will i - . 7 i 1 n g da ainn. i : . . . 1 two grand safeguardn of the Republic "vilorjaudinterity. Garo'.ian. -coi'uu luejr rciiiiuce upon- inerv ,i i ,i u;Ma rnm Th e Raleigh correspondent of the' N. Y. Times has lone been distinguished for political vagaries. The day, before the meeting of the State Republican Committee ie telegraphed to the Times that Canaday and Mtt were "for Sher mao.bui they have no following on the committee, or among the masses." Hw much reliance can be placed upon the statement of this correspondent, may be judged by the fact, that when the committcje met the next day, they stood six for Sherman and' four lor somebody else. Wliat following Mr, Sherman may have among j"the masses" will be known be Iter after he gets 12 out of the 1G delegates to be 'appofnted, or else the whole delegation. It is evident that the statements of jthe correspond dent do not give ! evidence of great in dustry in that they getting! at exact facts,and must be taken with several i grains of teaU. MEETJKa OP TUJi REPUBLICAN STATU CONVENTION. ! This body met at Raleigh on the 29.h for the pui-pose of making the prelimi nary arrangements tor the coming cam paigning for appointing the delegates at large for the National Republican Convention to be held at Chicago on the 2nd day of June next. , Among ne first Jbusines3 transacted was the resignation ot Col. Thos. B. Keogh as chairman and the election UfC. W. G randy of Elizabeth City in his place. Ex Gov. Holden also re. member of the committee, signed as a and Col L. W. Humphrey of Golds- born was elected in his place. , Couip'.iuientary resolutions were vo ted to Cul.j Keogh and, thanks - to the National Committee for selecting1, him as its Secreiary. i ' J Th6 Committee then proceeded to select delegates at large to the Rational Convention! as' follows? TTon. W. P Canaday of! this city, Hon. D. If. Star- buck of Salem, .Hon. James H. Harris i - of Raleigh, and Gen. Rufus Barringer of Charlotte. The alternates selected were: W. S. Pearson, Geo. W. StSn- ton, L. C. Christmas, and A. M. Dibbee ) i j -, The Committee voted to call a State Republican Convention to be. held at Raleigh on the 7th day of July next, for' the nomination of Crovernor and othjer state 6Ficers, and for two electors at large. j . , In the meantime it is understood that either the District Congressional Com- mittees, or the District Conventions will select tjie remaining 'delegates.' !r The State Committee' before the re formation cohsjsted of: Thos. B. Keogh, Chaii--ai-; W- P. Canaday, J. J Mott, D. 11., Starbuck, Pinkney Rollins, J. II. Harass, D., A. Jenkins, O. Hubbs, C. W. Grandy and W. W. Holden. ' . The reason which influenced the Committee to appoint the delegates at large, and to put the State after the National Convention, was that it is too early now to call the latter meeting, and that it can be done more intelli gently af'er the- action of the National Convention is made public. LOCASi CORRESPONDENCE OF THE POST. WiLMTNftTOSr, N. C.Jan. 30, 1880. A REIGN OF TERROR. ; Empires have fallen, kingdoms van, ished, rtbellions crushed. Would it therefore be surprising if the little government of New Hanovjer County should come to a sudden-stop by usur" pation ? Indications are such, for cer tain officials, claiming to' be sound Democrats, always ready and seeking to flourish their names at the head of any and every Democratic ticket, are by no means-Democrats, but belonging to a :)arty,.not now in power, but se cretl; working, nt now daring to show their true colors in daylight. Xhis party alluded to, have but one object in view, since the negro (slave) has been taken from them, to find fuel to keep the cauldron boiling at last, centered upon the' poor ignorant V; for eigner as a fit subject to .work upon, ile must keep them in clfice, he must be bled, he tnut suffer, he must be dic tated t.). vole as they want, he must be made a foci tf. This is all very fine and sometimes only too successful.'. Is this all they expect of him? Now they must pay not only cxhorbitant, i . .... . ', ,i..ri rents fines on the least occasions, sub scribe aud contribute to all, improve ments and com forts for those usurpers, and if desired to keep them in office, their last dollar is even taken from them before they earn it. Their oath is disregarded, their books and accounts are demanded, if they have any. They are prosecuted and bound over;! for iiistaii'V, where two parties haying failed to list their purchases, the one a native, being forthwith released, the other ' foreigner returned to court, yet their offence being alike. i Then again, as above mentioned, the Register of Deeds demanded only from foreigners of the entire city of Wil mington meir 7uoo am. v in fsnectiou. in order to force them to criminate themselves for any omission ia their returns. This demand is based upon a law enacted by.an allwhe Legis lature, the like of which you will never see again. The Chairman of the County Commissioners issued an oruer to a superior officer, who obeys the command,, however reluctant, and sends missives all over the city at an expense of s ixty cents each to the County. The valiant Colonel has certainly an eye to the welJ'are of the County at the risk of his health, and even our gener ous County Attorney is requested to sanction jlheir enterprise; f ' , A board of One Man, issues a man date and the la,w abiding clerk of that board tremblingly obeys, because he Knows that -a. shy lock eyei watching him, "to-grasp the " twenty cents ever time his signature hrastobe affixecl, a homemade law not nactd by legislative enactment. Moral. Let every foreigner who keeps a little store, open his eyes, cotr1 template, muse remedy of all to himself, what is the this ovil.' Whom will support'ancl for whom he will vole, if he is allowed press himself Ponder well wh to vote at all, and ex boldly and fearlessly. are his friends, ex make no promises to for office premature amine his ticket! any candidate Tote down Tyranny, be men, or you will otherwise be tools for designing office seekers Who are 'neither Demo crats nor Republicans. E. to be continued GITY ITEMS. Chew, Jacks-, i i'6 Best Sweet Navv iy " Tobacco. S20 IN (iOlD. lie mil pay TWEXTY DOLLARS ING&LDUany person ichd sends us the LAEGfr T NUMBER of FA Y ING SUBSCRiniCItS uh to tho loth day of January, 1SS0. - ED II OR POST. St. Valentine's day is just two week8 off, boy?. - -. .Three failures have been reported in this city during the past month. ' The rigalia of Ularendon Council A. L. of II. have been received and ia very handsome. Two prisoners in the County Jail chanced with murder. Each on a dif ferent charge. 5The repairs to the steam yacht Pas4 port are nearly complete and the little craft will be ready fcr work in a few days. " . A ' V . .'. ' - ; The ladies of St. Thomas' .Catholic Church coniemplato giving a sociable at Germania Halls on Wednesday evening. . ' . - Hon. D. K. McRae is to deliver an other lecture ou Wednesday night for the benefit ofthe Wilmiugton.Library Association. ; - Indications paint to a much larger area being planted in cotton this year in this section than was planted during the year 1879. -i ? X! A cow shed on the premises"of James Telfair;!near the corner of(Seventh and Walnut streets, was destroyed by : fire orilnday morninsr. . - The Treasurer of the Irish Relief Fund in this city has received $34 from Lumberton, and, $5 from Mr. Gecrge C. McDougal of Rosindalc. ' The freight trains coming in and going out of this city are heavy loaded and the freighting capacity of the roads ia taxed to their utmost extent. 1 - ' V The Tostoffice -: in this city is to be BUpplled'wiih a' new' and ;beautiful U. S. mail wagon'. AVhen it arrives Col.. Blink will ba siugiog "Wait for the waon. A'party of young meu who were out on a bm '6n ' Wed n esday 'n igh t, wcu he up the night's debauch by battering g down store doors, , &2. Where the police ? ; v were Letters have been received in this city announcing the safe arrival of Mr. and Mrs.James Dawsonin London, where they go to visit their I daughter, Mrs.' Gfeenougb, and husband. - The heavy rains tf the early part of the week seemed to have gone far it to the interior of the Saie. The Cape Fear is consequently high and can be said to be on a regular boom. ' - m Mr. J. D. Nutt, a clerk in the drug store ot Messrs. Green & Flanner . of this city, was painfully burned by the explosion of a small vial of acid on FrSIay. It was at first thought that his eyes were injured, but the injuries sustained we are happy to say, are not as bad as were first thought to be. ; SpriDg. February. I. . . Col. Geo. Harriss lost a' valuable horse oa Thursday. - Quite a number of wild swa l areeaid to be in the river. 1 e, What has .become of the (jwopojfd rail road to the sound. ' . ; The Little Giant Engine Oompany are to" havea fine pair of large Iron gray horses. . The Board of County Com missitntrs, Alderman and Auditors and finance meet to -mof row. I ; It is rumored that Chief Justice gmith ot the Supreme Court will re sign his ofiiceon account of illjhealth. . , I - ' i : The Criminal Court of New Hanover tfieetB on ihe second Mondapfif this monthHis Honor .JudgejlMears presiding. Robert Everritt, who is chargd with the1 murder of. his brother George, has' been handed over to Sheriff Taylor of Brunswick. 1j - .--- . -i Doctors W. G. and G. G. Thomas, ! . ; I father and son, were thrown from their buggy bn Monday last and received some slight injuries. , j , Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair! Re newer. j - Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re newer. ; .. . " ! ' Sold by all druggista.. The Government has had the wooden posts in this city, on whichs were stretched the wire3 of the signal office telegraph line, taken down., and re- placed with iron ones. . v - ; . The post office department has issu ed orders forbidding the 'reception of mutilated fractional currency at the post offices of the country. The pro hibition includes 'all coins which- have holds in them. - Messrs. Chas. Draper, of the Spring dale Woolen Mills of Uanton, sMass., J. J. Johnson, of the Roxbury Carpet Factory. Roxbury, Mass., James Ros ton and Chas. Haigh, of Boston are iii this city on a visit. - J G eorge Z. French, Eq.,vhas tcea quite ill at. his plantation ; at ' Rocky Point for more than two weeirs.;. But he'is nowjmuch better, and is so rapidly improving that ue will " ssoube; out ogaiu, as his friends over the state twill be glad to learn.' Professor Tice or some other weath er prognostigator has said that ! the character of the winter weather may be foretold by the thickness ofthe shuck on corn, a thin shuck presaging a mild winter, and that most ot the corn gathered lasts fall had a remarkable thin shuck. The Barque North Carolina which was recently lost on Long Bar, near Bermuda, has been 1 auled. off after bfting ashore1 2 days and sunk in deep water. , The following cargo; has been saved : 420 bales dry cottony 179 do wet do, 100 bags oil cake, 350 bag dry bark, 110 do wet do, 5 bbls, rosin. ! Commence the New Yeak Eight. Resolve that you will be musical for this new year, 1880. Be musical and you will be happy" Start right by sending a One Dollar William , to the Publishers of the Southern 'Musical Journal and have it sent you regularly, for one year. Tell them, hot to forget the $1.00 worth of Premimrf' Sheet Music promised every1 stibscribir. Commence with January number, which contains eight pages of choice mnsic. Address, Ludden & Bates, Sodthern Music House, Savannah, Ga. , fe Glass Factory in Wilmi2?ton. A gentleman from Bostn is in this city, who with a few capitalists of Wil mington, will, in about a wce.k, com mence the erection of a glass factory in the northern portion of the ciiy. The preliminary arrangments have been made and the iwork of erecting the necessary buildings will be conm menced in a few days. There will be seven buildings in all, one of which will be in siza 55 by, 60 feet, one 20 by 40 feet, one 20 by 20 feet, one 12 by 15. leet, one 12 by 13 leet, one ;ior oj 10 feet, and one SO by 20 feet.iThe "first named-will be used' as a1 furnacejbuild inr, and the others will include a pack ing shop, a blacksmith shop, a carpen ter's shop a rosin house .VfficeJ "fec. There will be twelve' large ovens,.6Jyf 8 feet in dimensiOns.in Which to neal the ;w&re after it has b&x removed from the moulds.1 There will be twelve large pots, made from clay, in Which to melt the material before .placing it in the moulds. The s furnace qhimney will be 40 feet high, 12 by- 13 feet in dimensions on the inside atsthe base, and 3 by 3 feet on the insidej at the tod. It Will rest on fou , Jrdn pillars f t - , ' , six leei njgn. . . , - t n' The Cape Fear i Artillery 'Company have disbanded, and the guns have been turned over to Coll Flanner, who has had them parked in the City Hall yard in absence of a better place. Mrs. C. Lawrence whQ has for a year or two past been in charge of St. James' Home, will be received into the Sister- bood - of St. Mary of the Episcopal Church this morning at St. James' Chunjh.:!---.;Vitii!;-;-v' - : - Since the nomination of Mr. Walker Hears ; as supervisor! of the census in the third district, President Hayes has seat in the name ut Jno. D. Stanford, Esq.; of Duplin, to the Senate for the same position. H Some smart thief carried off a backet of preserves fjrom a dray in frcnt of Mr. J. O. Sievenson's sto e, cn Mar ked street, a few days ago. He has also been victnizad to the extent of a tub of butter in the same way. -i .lriA. Sprjogers: ofihoq Water street,; was successfully burglarized oh Tuesday n-ight. , The. thief broke .-out pain of glass and on entering the offica' robbed the money drawer of $1.75 in cash and left for parts iinknovi n. 1 i m - ' '! Tho eaw mill of Messrs. Colvilie & Taylor, whichwas deilroyed a short ime ago by fire, has been rebuilt and is ,now ready for work. The old firm has dissolved and Mr. Jos. W. Taylor, the junior member, is running the business. ' 'Win. Sawyer, colored; had a narrow escape from death a few days ago in this city. He fell into the river between the! wliarf aud a steam-tur and was in a very precarious position -when he was hcoked out by some one standing close bv. f , : .T- ' I The Wilmington Hanover Turn rereina conleniphite enlarging- their grounds, on the corner of Market and 10-th streets, and making a nice " Ger den," in which games,' sports, &c, peculiar to the organisation can te indulged in. . , I A fine cambric needle wa3 extracted from the thigh of a ten mouth old child in this city a few days ego. The needle had worked its way into the flesh and 'had gone to the bono ot the leg when it was discovered aud cut out The little thing suffered ; very much but is now doing well. Mr. Winslow-Newkirk, engineer at Ihe-Navassa Guano Company Works at Meares' Bluff, mada a miraculous escape from death on Friday. His clothing was caught in a cog wheel and he was badly bruised and escaped ah awful death. He cannot tell how he extricated himself as the machinery was ;not stopped, and his escape was miraculous. Brunswick County has had another cutting scrape. This time between man and wife, and not brothers. Jim Davis and his wife, living eX Mears Bluff, became involved in ah altercation, whereupon Jims better half whacked liim several times with knife. His wounds are said to be dangerous., The partner of his life has been arrested. Fell in on TnEM.-A shed which was built at Pate' Station on the Corolina Central Rbilway. under which to store cjuano, was used a few days ago to hold a religious meeting in or under, when the post gave away and it tumbled in on the top of the congrega tion, some few were a little bruised There was a rush to get out and none seemed inclined to stick to the text and be brought face to face with "the Angel Gabriel at the pearly gates." The Stockholders of the Duplin Caaat in thU city, held a uieeting on Tuesday, and appointed its officers, &c, who are to meet the stockholdrs of the Canal enterprise of other counties and perfect a permanent organization. The committee seem 'determined to pus.h the matter and build theCanal. There is, now enough money subscrib ed to make the first fifteen miles and doubtless the balance will Jbc raised shortly after the permanent organiza tion cf the Can.il Company. ? Bather Dakgeeous. A party of boys playing shinny near the corner of Fourth and R:d Cross streets on Thurs: day frightened a horse attached to a buggy causing it to run away and break up the vehicle. Fortunately the lady occupants of the buggy succtstded in leaping but before they were hurt. The boys, it is trie, were (he innocent cause ofthe accident, but had. lives been lost by the runaway there would have been hut poor consolation in knowing that they: "didn't mean to do it." " They shonld be made to indulge in the game in a field of "lot and not on a public thoroughfare. Pink and bluo mufis are carried v.itii pink and blue gowns, and harmony is supposed to reign. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Said of Obsolete and TJnservica ble Ordnancs and Ordnance I Stores-" -r"-'' Uhiteo States Okdxakcx Agxkct, Comer Houston &nd Greece Streets, (P.O Box 1811,) KotYobx, January 22d, 1830. SEAlxEl PROPOSALS, In duplicate, will be received at this office for the purchase or Obsolete and Un&pnrlceable OrdnaDce and Ordnance Stores, embracing Cannon, Carriages, Small Arms, Leather . Work, Irad, Tools, and Scrap Materlats.dc., at the various Arsen&sJ Forts, and Depsts in the United States , - TilHn w(H Yin mnmixA a 14 .tAl .b If An Wednesday, the 25th day of February. 1880, 1 for Stores located as follows, to wit: i , Aiiegneny Arsenal, Pa.; Frankford Arsen al, Pa.; Fort Monroe Aisenal, Va.; Indian apolis Arsenal,Ind.;Kennebec Arsenal, Me.; PlkesYllle Arsenal, Md.; Bock Island Ar- nal. Mass. And the Forts in the following named States, to wit: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine. Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, .Virginia. Bids will be opened at 12 o'clock, M., on Wednesday, the 10th day of March, 18S0, for. Stores loeated as follows, to wit: Augusta Arsenal,,.Qa.; San Antonio Arse nal, Texas; Benicial Arsenal, Cal.; Vancou ver Arsenal. Wash. Ter. Fort Union, New Max.; U. S. Military. Academy, N. Y., and ihe Forts in the folio wing named States and territories, to wit : 1 Alabama, California, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Kansas, - Louisiana," Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, Texas, Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Dakota, Idaho, Indian, Montana, New Mexico, Utah, Washington, WyomlDg. - For list Of Ktorfts in riatatl 1 rtlrTi terms. to., see catalogues, which can be procured f uu appucauou at tne ordnance omce, Avar, Department,. Washington, D. C., at this Agency, or ac any of the Arsenals or Depots; and the Commanding Officers of Forts will furnish. on application information as -to whatstores on hand at their respective posts are for sale. . , , Bidders will state expltcitly . the posts where the Stores are located which they bid for, And will giye the kind, and quantities they propose to purchase. ' Deliveries will only be made at the vari ous posts where stored. t j. ue jjepanmeni reserves tne rlgnt' to re ject all bids which are not deemed satisfac- J.ne .Department reserves the right' to re- tory. Prior to the ftftflpntnrna of ntiv Yit It. will i have to be approved by thei War Depart- tlma of award and the remainder when the property is delivered. Thirty days will be allowed for the removal of Stores. i . . Packing boxes will be charged at prices to be determined by the Department. , Proposals will be addressed to the Ui S. Ordnance Agency, New York, (P. O. Box 1S11) and must be endorsed, "Proposals for purchasing Stores," with the names ofthe Arseuals, Forts or Depots where stored, and the names of States or Territories in which the Stores are located. 8. CRISPIN, Bvt. Col. U.S. AM Lt, Col. of Ord., Com manding. Jau 11 a ' REASONS WHY. , PEJEY AVIS' pain-killer IS THE . . :- I; - ; Best Fanill7 Medicine of tho Age. And why lt should be kept always near at 1 hand: l Pain-Kii-i-er is the most certain Cholera cure that medical science has produced; . 2nd. Pain-Killer, as a Diarroea and Dys entery remedy, seldom if ever fails. 3rd. Pain-Killer will cure Cramps or Pains in any part of the system. A - single dose usually affects a cure. i.h. Pain Iviier will curpdyspepslaand Indigestion, if usei according to direc tions. 5th. Pain-Killer is an almost never-fail ing cure l jr Sudden Colds, Coughs, &e Cth. Pa in- K i LLEKshas proved a Sovereign Kemedy for Fe vW and Ague, and Chill Fever; it has cured the most obstinate cases. ' i - 7th. Pain-Killer as -a lioament Is un equaled for Frost Bites. Chilblains, Burns. Bruises, Cuts, Sprains j dc. $th. Paiit-Killer has cured cas -? of i .Rheumatism and Neuralgia after years standing. 9th. Pain-Killer will destroy Boils. Fel ons, Whitlows Old Sores, giving relief iruiu iaiii auerwe nrsi appneauon. 10th. Pain-Killer cures Headache, and Toothache. , lith. Pain-Killeb will gave yon days of sickness and many a dollar in time and Doctor's bills. 1 2th. Pain-Killer has been before the public over thirty-seven years and is a nurely Vegetable preparation, safe to - -keep, and use in every family. -The simplicity attending its use, together with the great variety of diseases that may be entirely eradicated by It, and the great amount ot pain and suffering that can be alleviated through its use, make it imperative upon every person to supply themselves with this valu able remedy ,and to keep it always near at hand. . -The Pa in-Killer Is now known and ap preciated in every quarter of the Globe. Physicians recommend it in their practice, while all classes ot society have found in lt rlef and comfort.- Give H a trial. ne sure and buy the genuine. Every Drug oi. and nearly, every Country Grocer U -Ujnouii tas neap lb x)r sai. nis-iy r bcuai, xu.; di, juouis Arsenal, jao.; national Armory. Mass.; WashingtoaArsenal, D. C; Watervliet Arsenal. N. YVVatertown Arso- KEA We Stood at an open window Leaning tax Over the sill.l And if something hadn't happened WemlehthavA But we reached for a banging sitti In a blinding northeast breeze. Eo our friends will have to bs lnvitekl , To Join in the obsequies. IT WB COULD ONLY HAVE KNOWN nOW lar off that shutter was, we should" ""V1 veniurea our neaa outside ot tnst window; but it Is too late ior regrets nJJ. we are nonplussed, completely duuo,ucu, wtTd uen sai upon, and mends and the public eenerallv nr our Bpectfaily invited to attend the obsequlefe on ro- SATTJRT3AV NEX and We Btak onr rtnn tAt.'tnn ' :u i bcjiiis the grandest funeral they ever witnessed. j , .r . i i&?? b1,P8 he slttes, and every tinidha slides he Blips up most woefully. . We leave our"klnd friends" to flnri of the above, and while they 'are doing ku wo will soV k a . . . - ' - . i tvX&y tlm "Sliest and dirt iest store l a xrW??'1?79 the Poorest stocl Wilmington? 1 Y of ioodi 10 Havn't We toado prices niiich hlghciilco and impolite to you? . .YU we ueen very uuaceomniftil.itln' -! C HaVnt WA nhorrm,? vau r.- nii i. j delivered? W1 ai1 aLv't maea 8reat many mistakes and refused to correct them when our atten tion was called thereto? , v. . rl our men0-s who answer "yis' to questions win please not buy frbhi UoUJr xixyiy, , rvespeouuiiy ind truly ;J P. L. BMDGERS &G0. In glancing over last Sunday's paper wo regretted to notice the tacit acknowledge 5"? some of our brother grocers that we had taken away part of their trado, and making an appeal to the others not to leavo them. We regret this exceedingly, especial ly as they were so kind and considerate about our coming to crlef. bnt. snn LARGEST EETAIL GROCEltY BUSINESS everdone in Wilmington. Ave will in thin "iyR ffS5? !?.n.So tender Kreu,iiuu VUX JUUVYiN 1'KHjliS more. a lilCJ-j THE BLOOD? CHASM HAS BEEN BKIDGED OVER. THE LITTLE JOKERS arenot quite . , , gone. A fine line of TOILET SOArS rel ceiyea to-aay, yery low down. The OLD CAPE FEAR is flourishiu and MARTELLE swimming. .-.Je naTe been over and smoked thatl or Peace." (a fine Havana lt was),but still think it would be bad policy to btopl lurnishing the papers with our line literary) productions, as they have 'the tendency to' keep prices - very low, which we. Of course, ! with allother good grocers, desire; onlyi want enough left to pay for clerk's , hire! store rent and taxes. ; NOT PURITANICAL. Although opposed to the drinking of I Liquors, P. L. BRIDGERS & COv are not I puritanical enough to refuse to sell them, I as they think no FIRST CLASS GROCERY ! STORE can afford to be without; but thev I promise the ladies that they would neyer I find out there was any on the premises, as i it must be taken elsewhere to be orunk. ' I BUMGARDNER, STUART'S DEW and DURHAM OLD RYE received this week. TRY OUR BUTTER AND LARD The purest, oldest, and best CORN WHISKEY in the State, toi be, bought only at i S3 P L BRIDGERS S CO'S v e feel highly flattered at the nc tieektken of onr advertisements, especially by a fellow grocer, who was not surprised at th-eabsenceof our vsual Sunday mornin ad, on account of one of our friends having goetoNew York Saturday night. ieo1 F. CO, if: v ft l - i 1.3. 3J3 f