witwlJa6la'lllWaw'",'' -7 10 ' V j J .Oil it- v! t'i;i . I A .r , nnh rf-nr fi.-fs -nti!tifr Ki.uit.'i!''- 'a jUC1': siodJ J7 1- Jcfv '- . YT. J 1 J u -J ' -.-.v-"-- i" 3- n 1 in . 1 1 sr. fcf j: if v r n - & t iff ,;, ,,! ii ii pi ii i7 VOLUME XI. wiT.ivTtisrcTQisr post TEnterel at Jthe Postofice :at WiLMINGTOy, N- C.,; AS SECOND CLASS Matter . "rates of advertising. Fifty cents per line for. the first inj settion and twenty -five cent? per lin for each additional insertion. Eight (8) lines, Nonpareil type, con stitute a square. The subscription priee to The Wil mington .Post is . $1. 00 per year; six months 75 cents. ' 'AH communicrtions on busines should be "addressed to The Wilmington Post, Wilmington, N. C. , All adrei;tiseraents will be charged a the above rates, except on special con tracts. ... ' ; - Xate General News. A health station for disinfecting vcl sells is established at Ship Island. The cost tf feicei in the United States is said to be $2,000,000,000. The German Army is to be greatly . increased, and two new regiments in A'aace and Lorraine. Ex.Secretary , of the , Navy, A. E. Borie, died in Philadelphia on the 5th jnst., aged 71. ' !' ! The Secretary of War reports -;tbo organized militia of the United States to consist of 8,869 officers and 117,037 -..unnmrnleamheil Cifflr.firi find YTlPn. and the unorgdnize l force to be 1,516, ' 753. :;'.; ';... -f ::"V J ! The Khights of Mocuus at New Or leans bad on their "ars portraits ol . Semiramis, Dido on the funeral pjrej Delilah tempting Sampson, (.Cleopatra sailing down the Cydnua, Mary Stuart' going to execution, Josephine' vision, &c, &c. ' I ' -Col. Bob Ingersoll says that on ac. count of ,bia: infidelity he l'otrs tbe company of a goid many foolp, and ' that he l as noticed that peoplo wh have tne smallest sou is jnase ;inegFtiu est fuss about getting them saved. The O.ueea in lier speech . at the opening of Parliament laments the calamities of Ireland, and says thai measures have already been taken foi their relief outside the lavr, which she trusts will be astented to by Purlk '- ment. I In the Supreme Court of the United States, n Monday, on, motion of, Mrs . Bel va Lock wood,1 Samnellt. Lowery o' AtoVoma Alrtr'1 waj' cflmitt.pd to pratice. . Mr. Lowery is the presideDt of the? Huntsville; Ala., ladustria; . School and a gentleman ot-'high at : tainments. j .:. : ' .' i ' Tte Nutional Board of Supervisors. ... of Jhspectirp..of steam vessels, in rtviis ' ing the pilot; rules, have chained tht clauses referring to passing signals, so ,.tht a descending eteamer wfll hereaf ter bej required to give the first biguals, . instead of an atcending keamer, as has been customary. , . ... . - committea of tho legislalnre of Kentucky, appointed to investigate the ronditiou of the Staid Prison, reports th it tut of 1000 prisoners 775 were und-r treatmentj,' produced by bad and ' insuflicient food, that ihe death list-. ran' a high as 79, 'that prisoners had : been ll 'irged to a cruel xtent, that beds, ventilation, iewerag "ere defective, and finaUy-that'such confinement was an outrau ou humanitv.,,- It id aid that over 300,000 people are slowly starving in Ireland. Some f them are living on one meal a day of turnipi, pr potatoes, ror meal. Lo cal efforts are. hecomjpc: feeble, and the distress - is indescribable. Pur neli's course in attempting to stimu late animosities at; this time is rceiv lrlS general reprobation' among the American people. r The House committee ou Education aDd Labor discussed again the subject of the distribution of the fund arising from unclaimed bounty and pay of colored sildiers. . JJpon receipt of a ccfmmunication from the Secoud Audi tor of the Treasury, stating that the fund is being "cAmatactiy "drawn upon by ciaimaxil or their heir, and that c all probability ony a sniail vurpius remain, the committee ptttpoutd -f of tho preaeuu further action in the inatu-r. " ' . " . 'Tu' population1 of Nebntska is now , ab..ut 500,O00l It produced oV grain last year ab..ut 20,000,000 lu.-h"els, with an increase of liv? s.tock -1 over . any fvr mer je:rVover G0per cent.-JOinnba; :p its principal city, erected lMt year, in uuu numoers, i.oyo .. new, bUHdiogs, &ud its business transactions reached the large : sum : of $200,000,000. The great resources of Nebraska have just ; begun to be deve'oped. . IV ; , " A new buoy has bee a invented by M. Perrin, of Havre, which includes the novel feature of announcing its position by means of whistling, and hence is known as the automatic whistling buoy. ; ;-l;WiyGTON, north STATE NEWS, n A Mr. gecrest, liviDg near Monroe, has lost six chiidretrom'ityphoid fever, within, two months, ,'and hisj two re maining ones'are stricken with the iame malady. , ,e . r The Charlotte Observer says that the VN.' C.) Superintendent of tbeAtiantic Tennessee & Ohio Railroad states, that within a short tithe he expects Jo 'have1 a tephone from Charfotte " to States-' villp. ; Senator 'Vance has iutrMflced a joint resolution directing 'the "restoration bf the oiuci.ali letter bookij of ; the! execu tive department of North Cartlina, now in the Confederate "Archives. ; I -v Col. II, Kr Bridger4 is one c th lead ing ; Directors eft the Southern JJell Telephone and Telegraph -Ocmpany, which has just been organized ' with a apital stock ot one million. ,s The idea is to connect all prominent telegraphic. peints by telephones - Im-id -.ti- u i: Mess nj. Waduell and . Scales i,of the' Senate, and'N C. English, Q. N. Leivis and. W. E. Clarke, of the House 'l'8f Representatives, last yeekexamined, as required by law, the ''accounts'' of the Treasury-Deparcmentj ai well as'bl the Penitentiary, Insane i Asyluni and Jeaf, Dumb aiid Blind Institutio'ns. ";rAll were found: correct. -f' I J-! Dr. Worth has exchanged $2,410, 800 of old bonds' of the first class, issuing therefore, $964,320 in new bonds. He ha taken in $1,486,645' 'of7 'the second c!as?, issuing 'forihem $370ii". of new bonds. Of the third class,' he, has" .tkeri in :$l,2740O'inginexr change : $191.D10 in, new' bondslTh old bonda retired amount to S5. 176,240. which are now represented by; 1,527,? 791 "in' new. bends. ; '', ij-ii "i The We Id oh :Ketx': 'We ;want a i man ( nominated for Governor "by;our next convention who has ability of a1 high order, and moral courage and sincerity enough ;tc do" from a high sense of duty what he believes is for the best' inter ests ot the ctate, and who would not-be influenced iiy' the hope rof future ''g-1 randizement; ; The powersyandJ"pfe- rogatives of government" should inot-be; converted into ; hoisting machines "for ambitious men. f -vi-.j-rv-u -y; vu: Th e Roan M on. a ta i n fieguWicaiii.The, , Refubiicin party lias iacreased .;Yon: derfully for the -last six -monifta-7 in, Watauga, Ashe. and Alleghany, ;. Many, ; many ch mocrats declare that jhey;. sire a change .'in , the f state affairs.- They say that they we re 6.(1, pa pronii: ses by the " democratic politicians, and at on time were induced" to vote with, tium, thinking that they ;would!!fulfil their' promises but,' as ? they; failed in every particular, they are turning their eyes to another party. ,, ' . t .... The , Superintendent of the Census writes tb Col. W." L. Steele, concerning the size of districts for enumerators; as follows: , ' ''i ;-.':. " cvi'- "In general; every town, township: militia districr, or ..other permanent cvil division o,f the county should .be constituted an" enumeration district, if the estimated population- thereof eX" ceeds seven or eight huudred inhabi" tants. The only reason , which. . this office could recagnize a3i sufficient for making such a "'civil divisioii a' part ' of a larger enumeration district would bo the impossibility of securing b com-pe-tent and trustworthy enumerator with in its own limits. ' " . . "f he euurnqratiou districts must be made stiiail enough tojsecure the com pletion of the canvass Withinthe limit set by the census law, -viz. : during the mouth of. June." .. . ..j rii Vi .?i..nr The North Carolina 5 Republicans: want for President! John Sherman. . 1 'Ml-i M.j All the trsublo in .Maine is ended. The fursioa fellows havej gone home; excepting those who ha ve-taken -their seats in the les:al legislature, all the state officers are inaugurated, all the functions of government are assumed, Gov. Davis has delivered ; bis -message to the legislasture, and that body is pro ceeding withj the regular business. All is quiet, the' law has been .sustained tht rights of the people secured, and tbin air. : A t :Vcr ver City, Nebraska, 250 miles ue;-t oi" ihci Missouri, -a Presbyterian Church ;.'t)st ing $2,000 has been' dedi- caed. It stands in 1 tne' forefront of civiliziiion, beiog thirty miles x further wtKt than Hny,.otlier, Protestant church, , and U the enly "cliurch. ihthecoUiity.: Oil the il;iv ot dedication: OLfae -340 . .. t wnjcti .jeuiitinea to,.,JJC raisea was i-roisioiiv mi User i bed- ins full with? 100 nddUiu: sil to purchasai Icafpets,' lamps, ere. A 'large part of the members of the chur h -ive in sod houses and "dug- Take Ayer's Cherry. Pectoral to stop your cold, coughs and j bronchial af fections before they run into consump- tion tha you caotp rjq,A r Mls4 J)ownihff, one ofthe Lotydon candidates for school committee; is'de- scribed as a little woman with -a dark eye, a maculino face, and a fine Lille . j - ..'.'.'' .: ' ' 1 ; Sealskin hats in the shape of a son wester, and f with a button iri the raid? die," are gold ' for youDg girls and chiN aren. OITY ITEMS. T bnew 'Jackson's Best Sweet Navy . 820 IN GOLD. We'HUpay TWENTY DOLLARS I i i r. . ' . IN Q QLD to any person -who sends us the LARGE T NUMBER of PA Y ING S UBSCRIBERS up to the mh day 'ol, Januarg, 18S0. ED II OR P081. f "Nonterment in Oakdale Cemetery this week.. , tICerosene' oil is brought to this city in, large tank cars.' v. i ' - ..."-''--." ' ' ' ' " ' ' - " ,t Bishop J.' W. Hood, we understand will be io this cityo-raorrow'. Only' :bne interment in Bellevue Cemetery this week that of an infant- : Hon. XX C. Bowen and Lady, of Charleston, S. C, was in our city a few days 'agof .- . , . y . . -. - j 9 - The- water in the. river is higher and steamboats - now run hh more regu larity. 1 r Bishop, Atkinson will preach in St. Mark's Church to day,, at the 11 A. M. services. , '" ; .. ' There were two children and one adult interred in Pine Forest Cemetery (colored) thjs wee-, .Col. O. Ht .Blocker, Special. Inter nal Revenue Agent, who has been in tbe'far Bouth on fhciul business, re turned, to ihe sUle on Monday last. ;' The little School child rtn of Miss Mary P. Rbihrt'cii'sj school have raised. $5 among them-i ! ve and donated it to the relief of Ireland. invn ' ': : - t ' The Vilmingtoti Library Association have made an effort to-have Hon, S. S. CX to ideliver Ji lecture in this city this! season.- He h is partial iy prom- isedifi. ; . '' . v ; ,T . t . '" mm ' 'BfitEijT-Aii- Railkoaj). Th? .pro- prietor of the. Ro.ul has finally conclu ded to take it, up .and. sell- the iron, wbich; is more va' uab! e thati street car railroads.:.. ; ;. . The Cornet 'Concert Club will give a concert and skating tournament at the dity Hall on Monday night next, the proceeds to be devoted to the relief of the. sutferiiifr Irish. nsThe Rt. Rev. Thomas . Atkinson, -.D. D, will preach on Sunday, February 8th, in St.'Marks' Church, corner of Gth ' and Mulberry. Services to commence at. 11 A. M. All are cordialiy .invited. Seats free." - ' 'Will iam Buchanan colored, present ed Cot. Roger Moore with $10 on Fri day for ;the company which threw the . first f 'stream on the fire at Mtulam Hall's" house. It was turned over to the Cape "Fear Steam Fire Engine. ,:dary Agnes King, colored, was ar rested for stealing jewe.lry from a lady residing on Third between Walnut and Red Cross streets, and was committed . . j to jail in default of bond. The British schooner A. F. Randolph went ashore at .the mouth of the river during' the storm of last Monday. She 3 high and dry on tire beach and but little hopes are entertained for her safety." " ' s A dittle two year old child of Mr. Council , Casteen, j who resides near Rocky Point, strayed a short distance from-4he house and wa3 subsequeatly found drowned in a narrow stream about 100 yards from the house. A retail liquor dealer was arraigned by a magistrate and tried by a jury for not giving in the amount of his pur chase lax. The jury rendered a verdict of guilty,' and the Cfurt imposed a fine of $50. . An appeal to the Criminal Court was asked for and granted. The supervising Surgeon of Marine Hospitals has re-recommended in his report an appropriation of $8,000 for the repair of the Marine Hospital at this place, and fitting it up for what is Called? ai 'No. r Hospital, to which will be pent marina patients from the Other ports, ajong this coast, j Seaman's Home SocrETY. A meet ing ol the Stockholders' of the Seaman's I13Hie3 was ; , held on ; Tuesday, after the reading of the President's and Treasurer's reports, an election of cfii cers was held with the .following re suit :,JPresi(lent, Geo. R. French, Sr., Vice President, Geo. Hacriss, Secretary and Treasurer, 'f Geo. R. French, Jr. These gentlemen in connection with the following were elected to consti tute 'the Executive ; Committee, viz Messrs. H. B.1 Eiler3, E. T. Hancock and li.,E. Heide. .. .- . ' , "" -l! Rev.! J. W. Craig was elected chap lain.- - V-: caroliAcSUd: A City Infib.mabt. Dr. W.- i W. Lane has established at th old Ameri can House, at the corner ef Front aocl Red Cross streets, what has long ben needed in the city, an Infirmary for the sick. There are fifteen, ropmsrm.h building which can be devoted - to pa tients, and several of them wUl ba fitted up suitably for patients of the firs-olass while others will be used for war4f.-1 will be a place where a stranger ;take,Q with, disease can receive caretuL treat ment, and be accommodated with pleas- ant quarters. Dr.. , Lane ia; specially; qualified for th charge of an institutipa like this . from his long experience la the Marine Hospital. M; ':. ... OTATE UONVENTIO OF UI)D J? EL. lows of N, C.--A, ibon ventioh of , the G. U. O. -of O. -fp'ot. NorthCarollna; has been called to meet in Wilmington on the 18th of Mayf'for the. purpose of establishing a State Grand Lodge. All the. Lodges in this State will' send delegates to said conventioa-The P. G. M . Council of - this city, ; thd tinl one South of Richmond,) will at the same time celebrate their first anni versary. A very1 large' number is ex pected to visit -;" Wilmington on the occasion from all parts f the State. ' . ; " m COKKJSSPONISKCE. Wilmington, N. C. Feb., 6' 183. iM.) To The Editor of the Post. sm:-. , '. -"- - ' -;i'....,7,:'':.;rV. lHaving ju3t returned froai ' ka f J ex tensive tour 1th rough North . Carolina and Virginia I desire te givei to our, readers some encouragement by statiiig some facta which came under rav ob- servation. I am happy to say tht the Wilmington Post bears a greater, re putation thanany other paper . pub" lished in this state. la Virgini. as well as in our own state ! met with great encouragement. The . people are alive and nothing ?eems ; to gire so much satisfaction as to know that the stalwart editor ..of the- Post is sending thatjnoble sheet through the country, A spirit of enthusiasm pervades all classes because the Posr supports the man who today holds.; the first place in the hearts of the American people as their c wdidate for , the . Presidency. There is not a particle of doubt but that Vir inia like North Carolina will go '! idly" for Hon. John Sherman. ' 1 Our people are alive t the fa,ct that the present prosperity in every branch of bu-dness in this ' country "if- due t John Sherman, therefore the Post in snpp uiing hi claim3 c'oifis for itself and iu editor golden IaureUr ' In o w place I found a few inclined to, a dii'Ferent view, but these latter had nt heard anythiug but stlch prejudiced ideas a3 :tr promulgated by .designing men for the ttccompljshrnent of their own selfish designs. I am pleased to state that wlerf the case . was stated plainly what the views ;of the,, Post, were, and ara now, they were gladly accepted. Your paper does more than any. other to open the eyes of the people to the true state of affairs. At another place I attended a Seyecum and Was kindly received by the. mem"5 bers and invitjed to address them. At the close of my address, they unani mously pledged themselves to Use' every energy to obtiin subscribers for the Post, and to support its candidate for the nomination for the Presidency. My tour was a success. Lit-tha' PosT; continue its march. It will and must conqaer. The banner of the true Repub-, wayes to the breeze, floats limn which it proudly, and forts. victory will crown its ef; Respectfully, v r A. B. Lixd. Consn'mptlon Cnred. , . An old physician, retired front prac tice, having had placed in his hands by; an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure fr Con sumption. Bronchitis, Catarrh Asthma, and all throat and lang,'' affections; also a positive and radical cure for Ner vous Debility and ull Nervous . Com plaints, after i2.riug tested its wonder-? ful curative powers in thousands' of cases, has fe t it hi3 dtxiy to make." it known to h s sulfering fallows. Ac tuated by thiii motive and , a. desire to relieve humau suffering, I will send tree of charge to all who desire : it; this recipe, in Get man, . French, or jSngiish; with full directions fjr preparing and usin. ben. u,y ; mail by addres3iog with stamp, naming this papers W: W isherar, I4d fpwers' liiocK, Hocb ester NY. eept. 2S 13t. Little silk buttons. ih lbbkV like whole pearls, are dotted; here and there nn PilftnilliS hrinnof. iiaa '." '' . t v - WV..-VT tiff I ii-iAi- . CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ' ENGINEER ING AT the Rsnsskaer Poly tebnlc Iristlttrte Tror. N. Y. Next tarm hpin Kent. 12 Tne Aaoual Register for 1875 conUinaa Ust oi me traauatssrorthe past '32 'years, with their positions, also coanie of study .require ments fqr admission, expenses. Ac. Ad uresss, njji. ii. iuujiu, ireasuror. , . jy u un .-' ....... ' b-5s'fJ5tB Wl ADVERTI3EMJINTS. -4 Sal of Obsolete ,aad Uuservica i lpl .Ordnance a an&n Ordnance !rStdrfel ni li'lvi! l .-r. i." j. T,fTjrrt3fSATEs OaojeANCs Agexcy, JCdrnsif HSmrtotf 'and'areefte' Streets",7(P. Q .j,,. &6 NtfwtYoflKr January 22d, 18S0; QiiBlvpfeOPO&ALR,lii idupUcat; wiu' reaj-vctat this oie for t&e purchase or.ObsoteteT, and TJafeecvlceable, OrdDapca aari Oittbahe Stores, etribricing : Cannon i Carriages, 9 !04iatl tAf m s Leather, y Worfe; 1 ad; Toots ?ao(Jr Sciaplaurla, tc.at. the various AisenaS.l'F.orJs.'and "Debits in tbeTJidtmi&eaomUi Vu ; iriin;; v. WeesdaMhTMiay. of. February, 1 .forWoTeaoeatedaf6iiowg,tb wit: U j - Allegheny Araenkl. Sik.?Fra.nk-fnr.l-ATstn'. Hal. JIMS. h alOtt? --9 fit !' ' -J-? "i.-'T 'J.' An th Forts ,,ln. the . following named ' Connec'tleutyDelawar. Mafae, fary lana,' Massaohusetts, iiichigaui flew Hampshire, New Jersey., New t York, t jPennsylranla, Rhode Island; ViTgrnla; ' '' . ' ' Bids opened at f 12 r o'clock, M.; on Wednesdeyi the 10th. day of March, 1S3J, for. Store luoatetf.as follow, to wit : . Annsta Aiaeilfi!, G.;Bftn Antonio1 Ars, nal, Texatiijljeniciu Arsehal. Cal.; VibncOa tvn Arscnar. Wasa.Tr.; Fort Ui)iour New Mtac.:.U. MHltary Academy, N. Y.; and tD OrtB lit ttLfc follotrlnv nnmffi tAtMnnH Territories-, o .wlt:. ; , r, v i ; , Kentucky liansaSj KLoaisI ana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri; Nebraska, Nevada, North. Carolina. ; Oregon, ttou'b. Carolina., Texas,-AlaskarAilzouar tolorad6, 'Dakota; Idaho, Indian j Montana, Uiew filwxicoj Utah,. WaAh ngtpn, Wycaning.. . ,j " . . ... . . ' . For list of Stores' in detail. looatlOff.terms, aco see catalognes, vrb:icb can ' be prootwed on application at iie Urdnance Office, War Department, .Washington, D. C, at this Agency, or at stny of the Arsenals or Depots; and tbe Commanding' -Officers of -JForts will farnish on application information, as to wnatstores on Hand at th.eir respective posts are for sale.-i.. . : . -Bidders,. will stAto expltitly; the .posts ,w here tbe Stores are Jocatsd yiiich they bid ror, and will giye the kinds ahd qtian pities .fhey propose to purchase, n ':, : ! ': : Deliveries will only be made at the vari us posts where stored. The Dep-dtrtment reserves the right ' to re ject all bids) rhloii are not deemed satisfac tory, j . , : i . Prtor.to the acceptanctJ ot shy bid it will have to beproved' by tha vW'ar Depart ment. -Terms Cash. Tn i er cent. . at . the tlmo of award and the reriiHinder when the property is delivered. Thirty days Will be flowed for the removal of tstorqs. . Packing ooxe's will be charged at prices to be determined by the Department. J proposals-will be addressed to trie Ui S; Ordnance Agency, New : lork, ,Pi?6. Box lSll)and must be endorse.1, "Proposals for purchasing tore,"Tyith the namts of the Arseuajs, forts or -Depots where stored, and tho namt-s of istates or lerritjries in which the Stores are located." '- Bvt. COl. TJ.S. A., U. Ci: of Ord., Com- jan ii a - " 1 REASONS Win iASS-'KlMEtti 0 Hi:', il. '" IS" THE Best Family Maiiiciae of tha Age. And why il' should hV kept always.ueas at ") t J i t Yf n hand: 1 J x , '"iil : .l 'US Tf-; 1st. Pain-Killer is Uic most; certain . . ; : uC3iolera cure that raedlcal science has . .s proaucea. tli'l : I.,' i. A ,; r V 1 2ad.i Paix-Killer, as a DIjh cea and Dys , entery remedy, seldom if sver foils. 3rd. Pain-KilLbh will cure Cramps or , t Palnsfin any part of tbe system. A ; single dose usually affects a cure. 4thv PAijKiLLKk wi 11 cure dyspepsia and MAuuijjeeiitu, u usea accoramg to dirco- HOBS. . i'i).V 5th. PAiK-lvliLtEa Is an almost, never-fall ' " 'i ing cure tor budden Colds, Cougbs, Ac 6th, PAiN-iJiLLEietias proveda Sovereign - - Remedy for Fever and Ague, and Chill 'i j-iFi6 ver ;-' it bas curetf tbe ra ostr obstinate cases.. f.. i i i -t l i t, a 7tfi. PAIA-Kiti.i3ft as a lluarneut is-un-' oqrualed lor Jj"j;ost-' :iiiies.Cnllbluins, I 'IJ&rn, Brnises, Cuts, Spratns. dc. 'IH'-Hwii t r. ... .. "i ,8th. Pai-kim.kU has cured cas of Rntumatissu ?.cdNeuralgiaaitef years i5' ntandlng. k . latllflOfT a I''ii .;-..;jj?..fr-V?. t f ftth? PALN-KtLLEB. will destroy -Coils, Fel :.im Whitlows Old Sores, giving relief fmm rain iaftArihAfrraf annltn.irlin ;.. i . . . j-- lfltb. PAiirrKlLLBtt cures , Headache.- and 11th J .PjiNKiLiStt'will save you dys ol tsickness and many a dollar iu time "and Doctor's bills. ' - ' 12th. Palw-Killeb has been before the ! jpublic over thirty-seven years and is a .4 1 ourely-iYegetabte preparation, safe to J 7 . keep and uso in every family. The ' i u. simplicity attending its use, together ',.'- , with the great variety of diseases that I ,i'H tne great-amount ot pain and suffering iu liifibafcanbe alleviated through its use, , maJ(e it imperative upon every person 1 to supply themselves with this valu able eemedyuid to keep it always near the P Aix-KiLLKft ft now kn Own and an- treciated la ieyery, quarter i of the tQl ote. PhVKilfln ?p.-nTTTmnfI It in t.hpir- nnMnu while, all classes ot society bavafouud m i ge suras ; buy ?e aulas. Every. Dra oi, aalfu-sAriy every Country Grocer u ujh3atthelaul keapitfctrsale. - ' W-onrpe Aisenal; ,vaj; Indian appjw Arsenat.tnd.Rnttebec Arsenal Me.; Pikesvllla Awenal, :Md.;i Rock Isl -Bd Ar BonaLjlLjSt. Louia;Arsfcn&L AIos.; National Afrmoryi Mass.; WTasblB gton' Arsenal, D. 17.; Waterrllet Arsenal: 11 YWatertawn Arso ; Zimmmim: 7.' ! " c:.t I nin .:i jmiioU o-l Win is i c - "T.,j..Ti- . -i'i'r.vj.,i- lilt U.'Jl .vtfJKOO V.'W : r j js. V 6 stood at an open window ' ". --. -, ;? i::-, vi - t.,i::, leaning ar over the sill.! v , ; , 7And If soinething hadn't happen ed- i liWemlghthavestoodthere stUJtjf , 1 But we reached for a banging shutter . r in a bllndlh& northeast breeze, " go bur mends will liave to be invited -v I fJoin la th Obsequies., 7 3 'izt?: 1 vnl b i'.TlJo-uv.aoo i'Ui: .;ni':.fm.-rtf;': 1 lis I j' -11: til 3TJ;dsd urn 14 r d lit 1 V WE COULD ONLYdlAVE-KNOWN x a 8tnrm was brewing (in a.teapotl and hovf tut offithatshuttepwasj-weihould nevrhaye ventured ourk head outside ol that - window; butlt fs too late lor regrets rTti RpoPhisse , completely squelched, have beerr1 Bat upon rand' Our friends and the publio; generally, are re spectfully invited to atten the obsequies on taxi-cm i;U5'K iun tjiti f . - - - "i 1 t is ' .' SATURDAY NEXT ': and We sfcL&a ciu rennlatlrvn JatV .it hna tile grandes t funeral they, eyerwijtessed. AS be Blp;lie- j5itdes,faitd . every time he Udes he slips up most .Woefully. We leave ur"JfcXnd friends" to find out the'meanlne slides uur-jona inenas" trnnrt nut. t.hii'm.oin vyi iuo uic,,mu 'Wiuio wney are aoine so -we will ask the Ibllowing questions: ' . . Havn't 'we the n?llpct.o.niiHwtnat in - .1 i i w11?1"tflfi-lie Poo'es; stock of gOoda. Jd i Wilmington? uu -i , ,. - rT, 'ft . J Ilavn't we made prices much hlgheslnce we commented? i ft - i. ... v ,....- i -. ''it v Ilavn't wq been very -uicecunjnodaUng and impolite to you? h .t . " Ilavn't w delivered? i ,y fc made a great many mistakes ana leiused toicorrcctthenl when our atten tion was called theretu? , , . , , . -All of our- friends -who answer "yes" to the above questions wUl please not buy from us any more. Respectfully nd trul v. I h-MaU' JA.'t J i 1 .rj i.l i v V : 1 B7?- : i ,r r? P.L, BRIDGER &C0. ; ! . In glancing over 3at Sunday's paper we regretted to noilce.tbe tacit acknowledg ment from somaof our brother grocers that we bad taken away part of their trade, and making an appeal to the others not to leave nemj W aree-ret, ilii t prwaiimrKr unuiki. ly.as they were so kind and considerate auuutuur coming to , gn er, but suppose; as we haVe determined to do the ; LARGEST. RETAIL GROCERY BUSINESS ever dohe in A llmington. we will in the tuturo : have to keep' from being so tender hearted, and CUT IX) WN PRICES Uttle more. THE BLOUDx" : CHASM HAS BEEN BRIDGED OVER. j : y : THE LITTLE JOKERS are not quite , ! r; v-n '.;, .-gOD-.., ' f,. ' A fice j line of TOILET SOAPS re-1 ctiyea to-day, very low i down., v. i-U , - ... .. or? The OLD CAPE FEAR i3 flourishing and MARTELLE swimming. U e hv& beea over and smoked that "Cigar of Peace.'? (a fine Havana it was),but still think 4 it would be bad policy to stop iuruishing the papers with our fine literary productions, as they have the tendency to keep prices very low, which we, of course, with allother good grocers, desire; only want enough left to pay for clerk's hlref store rent and taxes. , , .. . , NOT TUiUTANICAL Although opposed to the drinking ol Liquors, F. L.. BRIDGEKS & CO', are not puritanical enough to refuse to sell them, as they think so FIRST CLASS GROCERY STORK can afford to be without; but they promise the ladies that they would neyer find out there was any on the premises, as it must be taken elsewherf tf be a runic , BU3.IGARDNER, ART'S DEW and - 4 UWUi.ii i'iiti j- 'Jtt DURHAM OLD RYE i . . f . . . . . . ,-. ", , received this week: ' - i - . 1 j . TRYi pUR BUTTER, AND LARD 'is.'-. " ' . - . TheVurest, oldwit-and beat CORN ? -WHISKEY la the State, to be w. Lu 4 ' 1 ;;coi: Ml Ik'. We feel hiaiilv flatteted .. J tice taken of our advertisements, especially I V.. A fAll Art. Will. A mm. w r . mjt Bicuun fciuwj, w vi tt us uui Burprisedat th absence of our usual Sunday morning gone to New York Saturday utoht. BRDGERS , dec IS F, U t COJ Wmm Wiln . -"jf- ilOOD. a &.(?' ngtori & Weldos. ft; K Com any. n ii lHOi4 I Wllmlneftnn M o v 0.1 . i-r. -. t .t ijyi., io i'. 1 ili. , jti.: sli i (f' i'. i - .i. ' -.( i , . " Din; CHANGE OF SCaJEDULR. . jj :'r. 1 -,.-;r,..v: - ,-t . On and after Sunday November 23. 189 PMsengerTralne on the W. & W. Rsilroad Fm-JTUli .aarollows: rt . , ... f DAT MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN nu:ih i i-,,-'-. . t r . '.. - . r Leave. Wili&iugioc, Front Street v Arrive atWeldoa at4 , . -..12:50 P fir . Leave Wetdon at a Vip m Arrive at WilmlBgton, Front BtV- f I mil etotj at t ; ...o:53 F. g ? NIGHT i MAIL ' I AND EXPRESS! - V - TRAIN, Daily - L . Leave WUmiagtos. Jb'ront Street - Deppfc at..; 8-43 P v . Arrive atrWeldon at ..v..U 33 A M Leave .Weldon. daily, ati... - v a x Arrive kt Wilmicgton F7ont St S Depoij t: . ; a . . 5 . . iVs ; . 9 13 a m o.v011 ?arbori branch Road leSv Sfi0,X,oSnfc Ior Tarboro at 5:10 P. M. T.andi Friday at 8:30 p; M. The Day . Train makes close connection at Weldonifor all points North via Bay Line, daily except -'Sunday, and daily via Rich mond aid all-rail roiute. V - - : j ' ,,- Night.Train makes elose eonnecti'en at weldon.for' all points, north via Richmond, 81eePinff ." Cars attached to ail Night Trains, v.. i.-r.v v-j. ; j-: v- v.-- ; , JOHH F. DIVINE, General -Sup't. rENj SUPERINTENDENT'S OEFICK ! gnsta ; R. R, Companv. Wilmiiigtph, N. C, Nov. 23, 189. ?".-;t.-V '1 ' ;'-' f' - 4 CHANGE OF SCHED'ULE . : ' ; r- J-.:. ' -' , . ON and after Sunday Nov. 23,? the lol- lowing schedule will be run oh thls- read ' -' - ;' i .-.-; - ' ! . .1. ,;-rt. - - - DAT , EjvPKESS AND MAIL TRAIN . r.::?;,:-(Daily.) -f Leave. Wilmington.... 9.33 A M Arrive Florence. ........ U . 2. CO P. M Leave Florence : S so p at Arrive at .Wilmington........... 8 20 PM T , NIGHT EXPSESS TRAIN, (daily) LeaveiyUmington . . "i; ..v. .......10.13 P'M Leave Florence.. ....... r. M.2Q AM Arrive at Columbia......... .... y.oo A. M- Leave Columbia.'.. .. . . ..... 5.C0 A. M Leave FJorenco at............. 2.30 A. M Arrive at Wilmington . . . . . . . . . . . 6.30 A M This Train - stops only at Flemington, TVhiteville, Fair Bluff, Marion; Passengers for Columbia, and all points' on G. & c. B. R. and in Western North Caro lina, via Columbia and Spartanburg, should aJte ilght Express Train from W limine - ton. J . ; -: . , - ... . . " Passengers for Augtista should take Night Express Train; wWch connects Closely via lorence and Charleston Junction. , Through Sleeping Cars on all night trains ror Charleston, Savannah, Augusta (via Charleston Junction), and for Columbia. , JOHN. F DIV INS, Gen. Sup'u nov23-tf. ' Oardlina Central Hall rh v-W Company. OFFICE GEN'L SUPERrNTENDENT :nt i WiiJUttOTON, N. C, June7, 187y.; r4. CII1N6E OF SCHEDliliE, ON and after Monday, 7th instant, the following Schedule will be operated oa this Railway : . ; . .. PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS ; ' : j'i.;; . train "T""-' . 1 Leave Wilmington at.,.M....7.-00 p;M' No. L KArrtve at Hamlet at . '2:27 A. M .... y Cbajlotteat AlflA. M 1' 1 Leave Charlotte at-..:25 P. M N o. 2. Arrive at Hamlet at....... 1:32 A. M ' 1 i ? " Wilmington at: t:50 A. M ' No. 1 Train is Daily except Sunday, but makes no connection tu Raleigh on Satur- i day.'-- j tnMm m--.'.) -; ; No. 2 Train Is Dally except on Saturday . SHELBf DIVISION MAIL, FREIGHT A n . . u PASSENGER AND EXPRESS ' No 9 1 Leave Charrojte.;; ....;:.8:40 A. M I a o. . Arrive at Shelby .12:30 P. Mj N6 10 1 Leave Shelby....... 1:15 P. M Arrive at Charlotte.. ...,6:05 P. M LOCAL FREIGHT & ACCOMMODAT.ION. Leaves Wilm in gton-............., .5:35 A. Mi Arrives at Laurinburg...... ....4:00 P. M - Leaves CJharlotte.. . :. .. . .van a ivr J Arrives atLaurinburg............... 4.15 P M "iw AJivunuuuris. ......, o;wa, il , Arrrves at Charlotte.... 4:20 P. ii Leaves Laurinburg.. .:00 A. M'- Arrives at Wilmington ... ........... 4:20 P. M These Trains leave "Wllmingto and Cha lotto Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays Laurinburg, Mondays, .Wednesdays and. Fridays.! -j..Vw.--i; . ..t.;; ; .rr. Close cOntectio'n made at Charlotte with Trains of A. & O. A. L. R. R. and A. T. fe O. Passengers for Asheviiie via ieither route. leaving.Wiimington at 7 p. m.n will arrive at destination at 9 p. m., next day. Sleeping-Car accommodations on Through, Kft111! ?ltl to an4 from Charlotte and Wilmington. . 1 i IliereAvill also be Through Sleepers run "vui iMueign ana unariote. vroT'ff- a ' V.' Q.' JOHNSON. ChJef Engineer andBuperintencen;. 4 dee7-tf $300 A MONTH euaranted. fl2 -a day at home made by the in dustrious. Capital not required we will start you. J Men; women, boys and girls make money faster at work for us than at anything else. Tbe work Is light and pleasant, and such a? anyone can go right at Those who are wise who see this notice will send ps their addresses at once and see for themselves. Costly outfit and terms free. Now is the time. T-hose already at work are laying up large -sums of money, Addrcsa august 10-1 y - TRUE . WugusU, M ZZrrS; . e,s,uJC .xnujsaay and Satur m&W&X'ii Returning, leave Tarboro SsSt A daIly. and.Monday, AVednes- i . . . . J " - s., .v.. 1

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