- U IT i - I Q. VOLUME XI. VlLMlNGTONPOST lFvrr.nEi AT the Fostoffice at ' u . . v v a as Second Class Matter! . -' RATES OF ADVERTISING. Fiftv cents per line for the first in aeriion and twenty-five cents per lin for each additional insertion. ;- 7 Eight (8) lines, Nonpareil type, con stitute a square. . . , r The Hubscriptiou priee to Ihk IL Mt.vflToX Post in $1 00 per year; Mix months 75 cents. ". Alltommunicrtionsonbusinesshould be .addressed to The Wilmington Post, Wilmington, N. C. " All .a.lvftrtiscments will be charged a the above rates, except on special con tracts. Late General News.! ..''. Gen!, Darnel ltuggles of Virginia, has patented an artifkul system of preci pi luting ; rainfalls, by exploding dynamite . cartridges in the cloud realm, thus condensing the atmosphere - and pro ducing rain. The venerable Thurlow Weed has ben robbed in a car of the elevated railroad in New York of $1) in money, and a chk for 250. U is a very doubtful busiufsa fur Congress to interfere with the case of Fnz John Porter. The court-martial which tried him, found him guilty of rriminal disobedience of orders.. It is evident that affairs in Europe ;ire assuming such au'attitude as to be ineii.icing to peace. If thoro were .nothing mora than the riyalry between JJussia aud England for control of the rust, that of itself would be Ihreutcning. ttut there is ninch more. A friend who is t' the manner burn nn,l is thoroughly Republican find able .writes us: "Mr. Sherman is known I), iter to reading and thinking men iIimii to tho masses. His distinguished nltility in the management of our na limial finances commandi the" adnlira-. li'.m of , intelligent men everywhere. Wh.it seems to b needed in this sec tion is more intorjnation and activity. I urn freqiieuily-askevl by colored and Vint", who ought to be nominated; and am ilf'mg my best to pusli I he interests ,,1 Sherman. Si :i.,tir IUaiiie deiries lh.it he .. ill t tie: a iwcoihI place oil any tickot, es )ici;iUy on ii Third Term one. lie does n il believe tho Third Term con !u -ive in su-a-ss-but that it would alarm the ncoo'ic ami violate an old tradition and auimvoiVautsafeguard of the Republic. TU -Yepi of vhe Nordt nskjwlorexpe i!nio:i lathe Pole is at Ueylon and will noun arr.ve iu Europe whera the officers niil lut banqticlted and welcomed with j-v.uw ileuioifrtration!'. ' Tlic .syndicate project for the pur ( l iii'(p' iLc Western N. C. Riilroad is I. r ilic-pri'st'iit dead. fjiii of the 7'biid T rm journals arc f.iyiDg thai if . ''Until t is elected he-will LiVe possession of the office." VIat "ilois this mean?. Is he going t seiz-.i tin' t'llioe whether he is counted iu or n..i '.' .Dan Cameron is reported ns say- i k' ll atfUlie peoolc c ft hit count ty me to. ii i t tbe uncertain! it ;s ol it govei u mi ni." 'What does this mean lo? an U iij iii ? Iv l p?vple fhink. II loinl moonlit received by th X. ; Y- .'.on,'. fund IVr starving Ireland iu I lU'.l-'tli in-.!., wtm f I7it,rtl.;l. loe 1'ioiiUi.i 1ms isu. d a proc'a n. . inn; waria-oi: all pcr.-ioot iuiir' rly m i ujiyinij lamrin tne IimIimii. Itrriiory lo let off-oii peril ot.tlie sovvrt st pew . i o !' i lie law. T ' . ; .101, i Ml HUM AN. . .oiinil' s.s Abiis; of n Man oi ini; linear ly. -r V -i' Iftr- St. i'.suf l.'Uutfvr IW.i I fie .itorics wliivh aie bcinj; ' l graph olii 'io Wjshiniton all over the cotiu ' . 7 - " ir, i h.a Slu-riiKi'i is u-i;i4 I he til :.il )' i' '" iKie of 'is- office tt porch i-oMip- Jr t 't l; Picnidenttal aspirations ni.iy I'.' '.il'elv di'tiiiissrd ai iuvo'it o;i l'.ial . p utu uiatiy auuti story icie- gf-phed bv our Wahiiilun c rrcpoii- il l t!i.it lie had boujat up the ira Ot'lt v ttiuii tn tin? iliicai Coin c til ion Vy Vniiipromi.iiiii; a miu f over J'iK, t" lv.ii:aiinl a lurl;ntnii Ji w, i r rather jiotHu nt . vgaititt .hi loi.dm.t in ib i' mount, forS00o Another story tlut lie hid premised 'ucrativo (LtU es to certain pnriies on condiliorr 'that th-y would support him for the Pui ihe Nt-w York Jim't. w hich, under the ' - -- - n- . circumstances, Is fXocrdiinjlT comiral : Jehu 5Ucriuaii ii uol that sort of 0)i t all Wiiii'ever ' rUo unv:hv tieeu 4'.d al a. lioo, m oi. lia fM ti'li'it.liOHsJ. .f a. .vl .'.iu' .', ' i;in.sl, lr. li .in . m. it j i;u Ur", i I.h .no j'liu'.v jotU CiM . II.. lit tT'Oi., li l Vlio , t I ol III Hi 1,'ivt iU4 4'l !v iil?i ii"n ' ' ais-a. 'a '' bluv titt i it t, ut,v l li-t cu'lve i air i'l l' lt. Jle und .Ulni'-b;ic' i joil irai.iv-v me .u.iui miihim .i.tu thri,j tifcUich all ai.j o'H4iuiHot s l.jc alhrjMove. JackvaVd4y1 lo the ticto'fs bliu the ,jH.ii. io vibcr words, he tvlivt iu iho priavi pie mhicb has control id Ahf ada-.tuia-Irstioa -l ihe eaecuiite su "njc since 'Uat time by all pulie. iu a . i he rlKctf ol ihe guvsraniul shouiJ b h. ei tj MeMbrr of iu party km U i icivt aibU for th adtniuiuialu i ol ihe fraateai. Ha; ta lit applicalioa ftriis nrinciole. if we. mistake not, h diflers radically lrom me greai mss vi the politicians of the day. There is nothing ia his record, so far as we knw, to indicate that he regards, or has ever regarded, the public patrnage as a corruption fund, which: .might be legiti mately used by its dispensers to reward or purchase the active political serf ices of their adherents; that h has etcr placed partisan activity before honesty and competency as -qualifications for public office, cr made devotion to his own interests a test of official inerit. We very- much doubt whether in hii administration of the vast patronage of tho Treasury Department, covering as" it does nearly all the most lucrative of fices in the country, an authentic in stance can be found in which he has departed lrom the principle that hones, ty and competency are the essential aud controlling qualifications for public office or has ever sought to use its patroii:.jje or its powers for his personal advantage. Though his understood views on this subject are not, if they have been correctly interpreted, in ac cordance with the highest principles of civil service reform, which are funda mentally non-partisan, "they ar never theless the highest and purest possible application of the partisan principle in the administration of the execntiv patronage.' j - These attacks on Sherman, which at tribute to hinra corrupt use of the pat ronage and powers of his. office to fur ther bis Presidential aspirations, have this" significance: they hov that Sher man's candidacy is becoming frmid able in tho view of his antagonists; and there can be no better proof that they are riously alarmed at the recent rapid development of his strength in every section of the country than that they have found it 1 necessary at this early t-tage of the canvass to inaugurate what has all the signs of a preconcerted war of defamation. But this sort of warf.ice will recoil on' the heads of those who resort to it. Against charges of this hort, unless we are mistaken, John Sherman is invulnerable. They are refuted by his character, which stands like a monument of granite built up beneath the eyes of" the whole country, and which lias stood in its inflexible :.r v. - .. e integrity "four-square to all the winds that blow" for a quarter of a cemury. The general public lends easy cr " ice to the voice ol destruction; but be as soon believed that Johu b' is- stole it a jriveu sum ol mor the Treasury as that he has . iiavC- ij ' i . .ii i .ri. Inr iiivv .virnint nnrnniui If there is any . man in the country who J l I 1 " . . i i - . , oj i i t cm rn mr nnuiii'a i n i im i .i . - i" i . i i . i oi.' mi ieooie in ins oinciai aim per- sonul i-nritv. -u is John bherman. no is .one .I tew men in tublic hl who - - . ... ... . i h:ivt i.i.s. .1 ihrani'h alt the iircs of i rt i i ii ninlcviilfinrn and n:iloninvwith- iil . .o il ..C miihU ilnnn thfir car- ioo.il, l.llrtjin "( " "'"'Ml'Uni.traNSOl- THK STA1T. OF ihich -iiiirciieJ lli! names ol other I ilU-l -i mi ll - 4 TOl, icTT 11. vo-vicc.imrncan vtv lorcioiy i f. J - f ..!l 1- "iii i t f oiir 'Democratic c-intempo raru-s i;i ill's late nave uoiie goou ser vice to tl.c cause of Iruth nd justice ly ieiting the public know wha is the U.ilii:li --correspondent ot thersew i ort JuKc. Now it they will let the linurs know who its correspondent is by re pahliahiug some of their . editorials against Ilia said correspondent about the lime ho resigned the bolicitorship to c.-cipj impeachment and removal lrom llu u they will do a still greater serine to the same cause. THE WESTERN N. C. UAIJ ROAD. ' The Directors of this road met at Raleigh on the Och inst , to hear and consult on the proposition of Mr. I?cst who represents the N. l. byndicale. I he proposition is in the farm of a bill, and is in substance as follows. To protect the ISoO.OOO of mortgage bond now out; to issno to the stale $.W,i!i of lirst mortgage bonds in pay- uk iii for amount expended by the state Mine the sale of the road for the sup.; poll of convict, purchase of iron and interest o:i the fbdO.UOO bonds; will de .. Ol. 't'r.Mill. lil (MM1 li .1 '. III... .Kb II.. -"..,. V.V,V.'F VI V - ........... ... ..I I ....... I o f i.tn - .r.,14 (Rest) riot nive guaranty for the fulfill- ment ol the contract, this fau.OXKJ to become -a pcitual dejKsit to meet the intcrcstvou ih bonds now out; Mr P'Cst to put a mortgage on the road, not to exceed $15,0(H) per mil, interest not to be duo uulil the hue to Paint Iukc is completed; the amount expended on tt.w tin. i li. t . SWA.) e.C'Vll ll!lV Uli.l this amount to remain untouche until the entire line is toinpleteil toDiick towe; uv complete the Paint llock line by July, ISSI, and the Ducktown liuc by JuU, 1SSJ. i"' c hc were made, bv several gen ilemrii on boili nides of the question, when i her voted to retu tb iri.pjsi ti.. a .f Mr. P. st. and did not recom- n oi l i !; il.iver.i.'r t call iogiilier ihe ; l.,i.i. . .r .of Iv'eo nisli, U.-i ot i. (.v lim rH-e ol the extra vv.iin,'..i(rliK li Mr. lKricri iten'-unt-ril It SH oll'le.j In c.n wick C4., N. I'.", Keh. K. 10 f'Dt K r- ii J ll- wi' Ik report 1 ti ii I'ritasa.ca cuiity tiutin j i, . im1 !.'.u',rtu uomiUi-. ti l i.iis ic c-tnMir,aml if Johu .iii.i.ni nocnmatol he will cany liiUn.u t i wty by oxer to huodrrd II. IL RcaKK. Uxt f IVevli Ii i .tiwatl tint ikfM im iba hundri raft wo lh titer Uleen this ttT ab4 ratetieviUe. riiiaj wetvdusly in IKU city Kti dav. Ibe i blawc i wtW ofjau hoar. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY, Rooms Republican State Ezecu tive Committee, City of Raleigh, N. C, Jan. S9th, 1880. ThelNational Hepublican Executive Committee having named Chicago, and the 2nd day .ef June next, as the place and time for the meeting of the Na tional Republican Executive, Conven tion to nominate candidates for Presi dent apd "Vice-President of i the United Statesy thid committee, after due con sideration, deem it inexpedient to call a State Convention until after the Na tional Convention shall have been held and made its nominations, - This Com mittee, therefore, decide to elect four delegates and four alternates, to repre sent tho state at large- in the National Convention at Chicago, the 2nd day of June next. I This Committee respectfully suggest to the Congressional Executive Com mittees, to adopt a like course fn the election of delegates ,nd alternates to the said National Convention. This Committee will not commit it self, r the party, by the endorsement of any candidate for the National nom ination; that the delegates shajl be uc' instructed, that tlieo may be free in the exercise of their discretion to represent the best interests of the Republican party at large. This Committee decide to call a State Convention, to Jissemble in the city Raleigh, the 7ih day of July next, to nominate candidates.. for the yariou3 state offices, .-.ud for two electors for President aud Vice-President of the United States, for the state at large, and that the Chairman of the Commit? tee be instructed to make full publica tion of the call of said convention, and urge upon the Hepublican party, in all the counties in the state, to make their best efforts for a thorough organization, and to send full deicgaiious to the said convention. The above reso'.u-ions were uuaui mously ''adopted by-'the Republican State Executive t";.:i.mittee. ' y C. W,U::AN!fY, Chairman , l' M. Sokkki.I., Secretary. Chew Tobacco j ,ick-oii s X.ivy ly .2.0. IN (iOLD. Up "o'7 ;ry ' ii'AW TV D 0 . L. 1 li.S loLD.lo T';V p't'.-on irk'' .:-(' us f" ' "Ie ' u 4"J''il "' ii. r j '?.". etriO'l''-...' PA Y ..... ..... . . . . . . . i , of J an no.'-a. lv j f -i:lr l tou- l ja l iltl',U.N 1..N i UKN Uf 1 11 h lit NORTir CAROLIN A, WILL M LET llil. LU i Vl nLi:K;ii, ox ntm.i I.1 V I'll 1.4 v i w? T ! T I mri rin,c. i iumi n- oc.ui, 'SSO, FOR TIILPLMIPOLONO J- INATINd TWO ELK- rDlR A L- LARGK, AND TL ,0; -T !( K by i).:d;:r oi'spaih i:xk r- - - - TTIVE CO i.MI I'l E!:. v Lent. V Wo lo l ItUTcil. - Adverlise in the Poi. Subscribe -for l lie Post. The d.iys uidii't forget M- Valt i:iii;c !S!iad iio-.v sell lift iii mirk-.'t a". 0 cents per pair Rev. Dr. U,'o. Patters hi, h;is rtluriu cd to this citv. Tao 3 ir 1 "1 VldciiU.l!! UlCfl tv- morrow itijiht. t)ae infant was li.eoVv- i:i". r !.ei I'X Ucllevue ce.iucltry this vctk. ' . . . , I -V. . . ... V- . . ' vv.. !!... S.-lOU during the pal week Wilniinclon can bv.il ot the lt.-t lire department 1:1 the aoutt:. Adverlise vour "on!s in tlu Ii'. It has a Ure liutiUtioi A row uf slndo trees ia hviitg planted on each fide of Uw Tuinpikc The lovk tons in thii u v UOf lr- ftsetl to sell inmic valenUucs. Tt.cre wrre l-ut io:i r..ei.. m, Uk dale this week, ihrwe childrrn auvl one adu.u . It. vie ir tliuv iiitttrui.if i'i I'u.e rotes. -A ... i iy toi ttk -.t t-'.'. reu. rt !' mi a i 1 i : t I i . j. i;.i j. tC.I.C lVsr (aIS i . i.,; U'.lo f U'.-c . v . ar v v j .... i - i . - . .. iM.'. tne Ci i.tiu-i v a v.i s , w . . t v muiui r 414.1 ..i I i.u'i .vfv. l.,C U.lH u;. t.u 4.'jfc . ffcv b it.e S.Ua. l5 js lit Lii -'. . ' I ol iiuc. 1 ' a t .' I l ' - ( A Ik fof'th ba r "f..-u 1 a t-l II i VrjeiabWf- .-ivi isu 11 t a. I - ., - .1 at I rrdtt Ciiu :rNV vw; j rS bat a 4i-CMvta Wtv daaiav a ilawr. The Register of Deeds has issued but two marriage licensss th?a week, both of which were colored. Dr. W. Cowan Green, formerly of this city but now of St. Louis, is in this city on a visit. i " We understand that Dr. F; W. Pot ter, formerly of this city but now of Smithville, is to remove to this city to resume the practice of medicine." The telephonic fire alarm' is of valu able assistance in saving property from destruction in this city. The eld bake shop in the rear of Mr. T DT. Smith's store on Market street ws discovered on fire on Thursday afternoon but was speedily extinguish ed. The damage was fully covercLby insurance. There is a very general complaint on the part of our citizens that the wood sold in this city is not of the length required by law. Cannot the city au thorities take hold of the matter and remedy the evil. : If V Gilbert. Fisher, charged with lelony, and a fugitive from- justico, has been outlawed, by Justices Gardner and Milii. The Cornet Concert Club gave acon cert and skating festival in the City Hall on Monday evening last, for the benefit of the Irish sufferers. Scvercl ladies and gentlemen in this pity have in preparation Mrp. Jarley's Wax Works, to be produced in a short time for the benefit of a worthy object. . , ,. : n T i. A htllo three year old daughter of Mr. h. C. Williams, of Han ett town- ship, fell in the fire on Wednesday and I was severely burned. It is found she j will die from the injuries sustained Many of the .little cffUdren of this city are depriving themsejves of little luxuries and donating their mite to the suffering Irish. Take Ayer's Pills for all tho purposes of a purgative, for costipatiou, indiges- tlftll r . ..'1 f 1 . . -1 ; .1 llwl lli.r p.nii,laii.l V.tr I ..V.. ...V...V ....... ...i,. xjj uuivi -rsai aeeoru, loey are too best ol a ! .purgatives tor famny use. Mayor Fishhlate, who hail been ab- seiit lrom the city for several days re- I irnr. I r... Vri.l ..." Il,i In. h turned on friUay. During Ins absence 1 Aldcrmao Planner of t!ie 3rd ward did . 1- .1 . 1 I tlie honors of the ollice. mi . j iinie ii. urreu was seriously i T in j-w . 1 t I : t on r r;aa v by a board sinn which .... . . . . . . ; s lilown lrom its hooks. We are i i to learn, however, that he is doing v.-.i ...:h1 that ins iniurit-s s ie not cou- San-erous. O niii i Sarco amount of shad are ex- porn l ii in this market during the .. -. . -. -- o.. n l.i. IV. 1 1 ..... UUII l'AIII11 :f... i .r t .. r 11 . IV...!ll .. ....... , , i '.v.m pairs atai ns in me ar- rangeinen'- ti locrcHSJ th'.i toisincss this seaso;.. :' , Dr. W. . Il.iii iss is to resume the practice ' oi ine.lu;no. there arc no loubt many i.i this city, who will be pleased to know it, aud will be glad to aga'Su see him in harnosV We learn that the 'doctor practice homa1- ooathv. , 4iStlaH i.Main., uuas crazy a- - ' r . r . r than," an inmate of ihe county poor house, was lound in this city a few days ago with shackles on Lis feet. Ue es- , . i - . r f l'M'lu r'.-o-c n c.oaacmciu aud was living to have the shackles removed when he was arrested. Diiiii g the early patt of January Daniel C.illl. rt r.f .In.. Mint, rrim .uaimu, ana ou inc orn .n. u,j wne .u,r.i i . . " 1 1 .1 . " . - f ot m ;iu i.iioiuei icuow .-up;JSCU lO be Ueorge Simpson; tf Carteret. Thev rarrir.5 wi'.h il.m hll f p.'. r,rvt ii. iii i it- . (i-.f.T a tint n 1... t..l .t.,lAVA.I Ki h- i I j " . " ' ..v " v. vuuvncvt UI3 ni.Q - .1. - .or,,. r uc ii3 in riKnu Ihe tuitaway coup:e arc supposed to have come in this direction. Thk ?oirru Arhisnc. The arii c'.cs open with one ou "Two Q lestions of To-d4y," by Cicero W. Harris. It is temperately written although iidi.cuse3 the question "whether the contrifugai poitcy ol iae sui causeu the entripe- ii! wilirt f ihe nor'li" or r. itji. It is uai au uninnnci uiijjisnion irom tne wi I'.rr and tmu'. Tnere i alan . - - - . - U 'i .. ;.... "iVinin it;.i,M. I L:ui.t .- iul lfr," bv Philip A. 1 ..n.ilh.l . .. t ; l. .-.':.- h'..f instil an. I I . . C M d f j ti r ii.n-'rf Thiers "tait ! D:'. by A;v.T 0iih, ! lime nn i.i mt n-i.'iei.f trr "'""S"a r -.A " . JaSi- Ta -oc, ' tCt fivt 1'yr fto: . r tlit for lr careRoi ti t ai .1 lat t orV, faTa.ieta :ejNi J'J itlhia Uit Ue dcrta fi-l. We u4rtAo4. tlt a am edi tloa i caairs ihjI villi a key hkb til s a!e thb 'ircatWa. I Turn U a talk c bat tat ceWa 1 13 ef tUe lUttle f UaUir4 Cberl a f 1 1 .vc, futr l'twrtlum vtmliMunl t n raw lrr &aufrd j CtBaUn tkat kia vtctorr M as Iu4 t 4 a 1 &rl FEB. 15. 1SS0 . Ssrvices at St. Mark's church are as follows, on Sunday ' Morning prayer at 11a.m. Evening prayer at 7 p. m. Sunday School at V. " Confirmation class at 4 During L?nt daily Morning prayer at 7-V " Daily Evening prayer at " ' Seats free. (om. Samantaus. 7 Rocky" Mouxt, N. C, Feb 10, 1SS0. Dear Editor: , . Please allow space in your paper for staging a few facts concerning Ever Green Lodge of Good Samaritans and Daughters cf 'Samaria. The Lodge met on Tuesday night far the purpose Of installation, opened in doe form by W. C, G. M. Mitche, after which the following officers were installed :-Bro. W. H. Harris, CHef - Bro. G. M. Mitch ell, P. S. C; Bro. W. A. Gra'v, U. S.; also Brc;. J. M. Copelaad, who had served his term as P. S. C, wats install ed to the honorable position of Prelate. On motion, Bro. J. M. Copelan.J, and 13 others were appointel a co;nm;ttee qn refreshments. for visitors from other Lodges, after which the Lode closed in due form. "I am glad to say that the Lodge is in a flourishing condition. J. II. Reynolds, .- Special Deputy. QUAP.TEKl.F fiirETi:'G3 ion THE WlLMIXCTOX DlSTKUT OF Til E ilETII- Round. 1830. The" fiilowinir arc. the appointments made 1-v the Presiding f!Mer of tlje Wilmir.Lnon. District : t Vilmiogton, at Front Street, l- bru- ary 14 and Jo. l0j'8ai, Mt 1 Fcbrii.'.r y New RivcriMiisio:), February 2". Unsiow, at 'Srwan;-boro. ! cbmarv -b nd29. Duplin, at Magnolia March (5, and 7. Clinton,. at Andrews' -Chapel; March 13 ami H. fall attendance of tho District Stewards is requeued at the Parsonage of 'the Front btrect Church," in Vii- mingtoi), on the KJih of Ftbru.iry, at ... , i n;o ciocic, a. in. Ij. b. liultKHEA.D, '1!.l. Cousnnmtlou C'iuv.I An old physic'an, reiirt-d froni prac- ';. having had placed in !!- h,i..is bv . 1" . T ! - - - an Last India miss:oiinrv ih.i .irusi ?: .11 ot a snrtpie vegetable remedy J',.r the speedy and permanent cure f . f Cm: t tl !. 'i aumpnon, lironcnuis, ua'arrii Ar.i ouui. i ..... . . . . ana aa throat anil luacr. iii.ucUoiis. also a positive and radical euro fyr Ner- J vous Debility and :.il Nervous Com- I planus, alter havincr tested its woiuier- tul curative powers in tiioiisindj ol cases, has felt it his duiv to nu'ke it known to iiis suit'eriiiL'- iVllo.vs. A c 1 ...... . 1 l ,1.: . i i - I iui.iiiotivc anu a ue.-ire. to I relieve human siiir.no" I will .n,i i . It , . ' " " ..... .-.... l nee oi eoarge to an wno nes'.re it this recipe, iu (Jerman v rcncii, or igissh, I with lull uircctio:is fir preparing and 1 using. 8cnt ny inail by iddri'.-sii:j with stamp, tiainni ' this papr.- W. W fcherar, M'. Powers' P.'cc'x, iVjches.ter N. Y. sept. 3- STATE NEWS. On the 2nd iust., Jlr W. Y. R ,l;i::s. President of the Western ' Diviim ol" the We-tern Nort'.i Carolina Railroad I v.-js uj . uivu in i .11: ti . .cvi ?i .itr? n rr iinnw fi 1 1 t n 1 . 1 1 w Supreme Court at Washin-ton. thtfir.. demnity bond of I'll.OJ) ' rear ii red bv J lue oruer oi court o. 1 ece:ii'j cr l;::i, as he condition of rein.a'.inj: the appoils 1,1 iuecasesvoi tne v es'.crn .sorm iar- l?.;;,,,,,! ,1V v i), railroad et al. Th West era N.jrth Carolina Riilroad aprirn"::j'.l i' claim at h, but M i etrr;i I . vi- 1 :'h of the Wcs:e:n N'crli: Car iina I lVil.TOfcU S'Ul llOitlS oil tO llS C.l-ltll'C ' I made bv .1 usti e Ir.i I ov I . . " . , ... 4 . -a a- irp-.'ii I iaCU 1V TI.C t iOri l.l leli'r.l . 1 peal bond was lilrti. but it t tr:: to be a value' ss toad, a-jj .!;c roa.N I were sold I tiSiiiy:u.rcv oc -;.c I .... havefcltlrd ine r 1 1 s , ut d I ten n.tvc suUvl p .r:; t;:v The Hthdtrs'.'Mi Roriicr R ic .-ajs: And now inn! ptiess ti; l-'-O ;k r cot. in a few wttk. Nor;h Car ::.a n-. iu.1 hous cf li'iis ia it.e itbaels f her moun tain, and vet cur sta'esi., n i.siU(.t see how il is to be g.;l out. !:. a:;J ott'r nracticat rcuuiiv is ; eiF. r nisi'il special ii.ducerrcMs ;u the w .v ot t io- porary eseaipuoa, and t;i our iuuu I wU he srtcdiy develotsti a 'id Uinr 1 . . I v 4 ia i .. i .. .. I . i aionrr iv : h I . r 1' Ii . j . . . o- . ,a:.i f STr-i I'i-sn j. I tha l-rllle-s tan-nr i.- i . . - . . ,. ii I... . . VJac i.j;.an u! ij i;. a ie 1 r i t of bad j-r aa Iuixas cjI c- .nevv Aivi::;nsi:: IONIaIFB& PIUJPERTT. 'O.ooo ' k. i, .t. p..-. . ii-:',ri tic. .i sttuaaMi. ( 1 . 1 Ick li If, CIYILF ASD HlXHAXICAr. K X.tf I N K K It I'X & 1 T lb P;vr f-. Jis fa J AaJ.'Kitiit' a W':U't tiiMtrMlinIMaw ; t la yv a-t -.-. ly a laa Single Copies 5 Gents JbtEA.D. We stood ftt an open window Leaning fkr over the slllj And If something hadn't happened We might have ttood there stllH But we reached for m banging shatter In blinding northeast hreece, , Bo our friends will have to be Invited To join In the obsequies. i IP WE COULD OJfLY HAVE llxOWJ what a storm was brewing (in a teapotl and no far off that shattar wa, we should never have ventured omr head outside ol Uuit window; bat it Is too late far regrets now; we are nonplosse!. completely squelched, hare been sat upon, and oar mends and the public generally are re spectfully invited to attend the obsequies on SATURDAY NEXT and we FtaKoitt Imputation on Its being the grandest funeral they ever witnessed. As ho 6lpa he alleles, and everv time he ery t slides he slips np most woefully, we leave our"iind friends' to find out the meaning of the above, and while they are doing to wc will ask the following questions: Ilavn't W3 tbe n;licst and dirtiest store In the Stater : Ilavn't we the poorest stock of goods lr Wilminstoa? Ilavn't we made prices in ueh hlghesi nee we commenced? Ilavn't we been very unaccommodating and impolite to you? ll.ivn't we charged you for ail he goods doiivcrtM.f? Ilavn't wc m.ide a (?rat many mistakes ami refused to correct theni when our atten tion whs called thereto? All ol our lrlcnds who answer 'yos" to theab ive questions Will jio:usonot buy from us auy more, ltespebtfully aud truly. P.L BRIDGERS &C0. 1 n ricir.i; uvcr lat SubiUij'r paper we regretted to notieo the tacit r.ciuowledg-nu-nt 1'roin sui!ii.f our brother Krooers that wu lal;i' away part ol their trade, and lOUliUlj? H'l a O pea I to 1 llC OthCTS llOt tO leave ;iirai. vvpwr..t i!.i.P...nnnir Dtnii. ly astiteyweru so kind and coio-iderate bout oar eoiiilriK to irrlcf. but surrose. as ; - . . . . . . we have dctermiued to do the L VRdEST RETalL GROCERY RLINEs ever done in Wilmington, we will in the iitiure nave lo Keep from IipIdk ko lender heioted.aud I't T buWN X'illui-H a little more. THC BLOODY CHASM II AS RF.P.N BRIDGED OVER. - TH E LITTLE JOKERS are not quite gone A line line of TOILET SOATS re ceived to-day, very low down. The OLD CAPE- FEAR is nou'rishing and MARTELLK swimmiotj. hie over and smoked that "C-:i sti ! : ! ' i i ; . . waii. t T' i'e rlne Havana It wus.but oh . .1 be bad tollcTto itoD t' , .imm wi'.h our fine literary ti'.'ii- itiey have the tendener lo I-i- -ery low; which we. of course, i. r l-oihI LTiK-rm. Uelret onlT uli !.-;i to r.-.v for clerk s hire .-.ii hi;J Ujcj. :.0T I UR1TAN1CAL. I.' k: o.rne. to the drinking I.j.U'i. r I. J;UlItlLS a IXt-. aranotl lllds vlllNbnim 12 n'c;k M . r luiran r; i to reruse losell them, V t k v.. HITCI.AW(,KOlKKYIStornlinll,;uii,. ioU: l "Ki,; run ifiorj to be without: but tbev I ron j.. ilif la.Kes that tbey wonld DfXer no-d out l!if re was any on lb premisra. u ism; oe ian tim ncra to t aruBK. Pl'MitARDNER, - , ' STUARTS DEW and UCUIIAM Ul.l rtvtiVtd ll.i wrk. auv ui; i-cmiri and laed ! I..' rws. g.4c1, a-l beat CORK v. UI-KKY ia the.u, to W bcu'ii o!y at ! f j IP .LiBRIDGKRS SCO'S G I aa I tim aswrt. amia a. tat - ,Jb ! . a Ir.Hy tmt tblSMkal arww.i V J- I av. a wt mt ma mmmrt kt NUMBER 6 seasons yrn x 3 l ' PERRY DAYIS PAIN . KILLER IS THB : ' ' Best Family Mediciae of the Age. And why U should be kept always near ai -f .hand: 1st. rAix-KiLXER Is thei most certain Cholera cure that medical science has produced. m 2nd. PAix-KiLtKR.as a Iiarro?a and Iyi- enterjr remedy, seldom if ever fails. 8rd-,.IJIN".KlI'LER wIU curo Cramps or IUina in any part of the system. A sluglo doso usually alTects a curo. 4th. PA I n-JC I L.L.K ii will cure dyspepiila and Indigestion, tr used according to dlreo Hons. 6th. Tain-Killku is an almost never-rall ing cure for Sudden Colds. Coughs, do 6th. Pain-Killkr has proved a Sovereign Remedy lor Fever and Ague, nnd Chill ever; It lias cured the most obstinate, cases. . ith. Paix-Killkr as a liuament in un equaled for Krost Bites. Chllblaias. Burns, Bruises, Cuts, tspraius, dxr. 8th. Pais-Kiixeb has cured can of Kheiiinailsin and Neuralgiaalleryiars standing. 8th. Paix-Km.lku will deKtroy l!oll., K I ons. Whitlows lld Mores, iclvlng relUI from pain after the lirst application. 10th. Pain-Kili.es curt s lltadacl:, ar.d Toothache, lith. Pain-Kili.fr will save-you days of sickness and many , a dollar lu lime and lHicpor's bills. 12th. PAfN-Ku.LKR has been before tlx public over ihlrty-seveu yearaatid is iurely Vegetable prepurnllon, nafe -to keep and ukc in every family. The simplicity attending its use, together with the great variety of dUeases tbat may be entirely eradicated by If. and l heigreat amount ol pain and buffering that can be alleviated throuicli lis Use. niakejjt Imperative upon every pt rou to supply themselves with this valu able remedy, audio keep ll always near at band. Tbet-AiK-KiLLEKls now knCwnandap Predated In every quarter .l the lilota. 'hyiilclans recommend ll In their prnrue, while all classes ol aoeiely have found iu it rlef aud comfort. Ulve It a trial. Unsure and bay the genuine. Kvery )ruf. oi, and nearly every Country ajrocor i-iy Sale of Obsolete and Unservlc bio. Ordnance and Ordnance) Stores. United .srATi Oai.NAM i: acm v. Corner Houston and Greece t-lrocts. 1. O llox 1M1.) New VokkI January .M. ln. 8KA1.KI Pr.oPt S.Mj. in dupllrate will be reeetvikl.at this ofllce for the purrhuo of Obo!et and Unerveeat.l UfJoiDca and Orduanee fsiorcn. embracing Cannon. Cari-lace. Hthnil Arm. UniLrr W,h 1 L.' ad. Tools, and mn M.trt. a ml I the various Arvnu.l oris, and li il la 1 Ihr 1'nllnl Ki!m f I lltd will t onened at u nVhrk f r.r. I Wrdnedsv th I for Mores iucated as follows, toS4: ' I a rctitnr Anrml 1 lr... w t..r.t I al. Pa.: Kort Monroe An.mi v tn.iiai.. I atvolts Ancnal. Ind.:Ktinrlm-Arauml lie 11kevlU Arwnl. Ma : itwk liliod Ar senal. v. Ixxila Araeoal, Mo.: .NiooJ Watervliet Arsenal. N. . atrrtoa n Alto .! -., Stale, to wit: Counertlcut. Nlavirr U!r, lr1n.t Maaaacbustu. Mlcbllgan. ,t lUtop.hu.. fW JrrwT. olk l'rnMli...,l. cf I Ubode lslaod.'VlrKiaia- t w etlneoay. the jmu 4 erf Marrb l' lor Aug Ut AtkPoaJ.l.a - a Anlot.n Am. H ; I broke la ArMs.1. t'l un . ver Arenal, Wao. Tr4 rt t'tkm, rw f.H. Xllitarr Aflmf. N. aid th I ort la ll Kwiov ittsuunl m:m .a..i Ttrrttorle. to wif Aiafaaau. Cauuurista. r,i4a. U (ta. Keatarfty, Kaaaaa, jotei, NlimnuUi Miat:p(l. MiMkoarl. .NiWktt. Taa. North t antrf i a a. ir-r,, rsuui b (aiuiin. Ta. Alaska. AtUoca. jit.la. ItatoCa. aliijisU.o. Wyonitt. InrUMof SkltnladflAi! knlinK Uona I liefrl6t. eMecta. i C, al i"'T. 4 aay c tt Atwttli t4 l.jwu: a4 U lxHtnw4;ti c?SWr t4 l etu m in ar o ai. i'.l all U,brSUf Kai.a lr f.Sf aa hoeAmi m aii li li af. aaMi mm citftM ai4 a3 asa.UU Itiiniiii Wm4 at uwtv MtatlWtM(lt. Ik Irarta tmttf t!a f 5 VI ia ai wit fcitii s-itt at vmfA 4kl rrtsst to tfca MfWiliw rfttt Viiil:-. fear u aT ty tA a w Utaii. t Tna i. r mt a ta U ft aa4 a4 li r6i4t - ta 14, a ta fc ia rwmmi mt aXoa-val r-'-a;f tKtra a ft-fmrn aA fun rtMMAt, - ftmrm.tr. J tV X iiiiaaa aa lajumai. -fr mm ftxwmmc aaiL- li Ha SMa 4 tm AtmaM.IMUM tean aarq tMaa Aai mm Stsiortaa ta s frU'ra r. f A, ta CUL, t ia4. im- - - US m wmmmttmm i r-, i 1 . 'I " ji.. - ,., i . t, i i ill ..'. l - . ' r .-,-- v V' f ' i , i . t i '