77F ' WILMiNGrTON; .NOirrH CAROLINA, SUNDAY, FEB. 22. 18S0 . Single Copies 5 Cents NUMEEli 7 . 1 T71T7 '! : '7:-'.!-'.'. ; - 1 " -. . 1 I ;-;V '' ' ; , ' NTK,).'v I'. .As mNt CLASS in. i , . lm fait an T,rV!S lias , GJT- in ofthelU" COI Itr P .Vi-T, on Monday, the loth aen.r,-t. to consider the i.f of Jarr" .-Jin ill ! " r- " F - The .''r"'' ing ill ever to sl ,'.,? f y?s st ll'at .industrial exhiurio.. i,o oreu ii'ul,n""" . ..-., ienfM" . f viriiiaii!, North paeons" Ctro 1 South Caroline. which c ry.iiiit y V V WIHK" v.- j, when ilu-J lVl ll'i-'""4' U ' It-public..'., ol the '..ir-if Ii:h The 'J'.ht'S i frii'- ...ttill 1;OIOU,U.' iU,y reputation lor jikizu ;Ji nninmn Iff- I ...l.t III :i I 1 l llill I'V" Mi I Ml V " - U has v.. bi cciiio t"hV i- - . i.iurniili-m. ..lite oi Am.""--a--- T!i! I V N T m.iinatki. ((Bng is from 'a Democrat k: rairj- i- a I'tuioc .nit . ...,.t i UT. a ''" Cn,;C,...... - : Mill- - - tei'i. IV H U at the. -formaus of dhat iV(. :iiul uiioomproinisini: ;t,".m to Crant. and .hotild f Ml. !1 roller in EclliDgHU products, D13IIOXFST, ccwilSATlo., kx- scility bLo'uII be rer dered him ' , ;fva cc rding to hia own wishes, and " l'au',Si " .--. :' .. i .i,f- ;a pleasure, a.ij.c 1 m-ju . -' .. -v- rsif( n Til 111 ;t iiiiiiiiTi Luau 'o 1 WA I BljlUtlfctU lit UIU M C 1 U Ai 1 f V GIT s: ITEMS. Chew Jackson'-" Beet Sweet J&itj Tobacco. ly . to ci eat di; oatisfaction. 1 I . . .....I . , !. la OKtlMI IV "O . l)wW 111 lit lil DOUU I 10 ti CUfc J v- phoivii. . . - . . 1 w - - . 1 . 1 j ..,;. of nmhiiniimii nr pvrrv ' . 1 - I irnnr Koaf aiH mai. a: I ht i PI I l himnpsa descripti jii and characteK - " ' ADBSERvEU i'R"awiw. -j rely strictly on.'wiuit icj sty. We c ip the following extract puD- ItiseviJent f-om the facts sUted ia iahed below, from the Tennis t , Advo- j tne circular, that tli ?re is a combina cat: i n inlleiitial eohred paper pub- tiou in Ke"w'0.rteaa, fr th? -purpose f liahei. at Whingtcn, D.'C. We doio manipunat'uig tl.v t-ea ira-le of that for the j.urp'jse of giving our hearty in- cjty to their 'j .v.i advantage, rezardit-ss dorseineiit of all that is said of Hr. cf truth and hone-it y ; an l as the ras- ilintdn, who is a young gentleman off Cally. manner of their ;de i-iitj.i -have at hiirh character from our sister ha8t been .exp lotd, thr shipment -of IS GOLD to any pereon who tends ut the LAR GES T NUMBER of PA Y IXG SUBSCRIBERS up (o the StK day of Januarg, 1880. ED II OR POST. very. stateJ South Carolina. peasfratn thi se;tiyij t th.it city will luo Wit were pleased to learu that Mr. jje stopped until th ,'busin -as i? coniuc T..j.'M'ut6i.;of South' Carolina,, has. ted-bv honest dil.-V, : ' iusiUeu promoted to a third class - ,,',.', w iierksi,.,, u.thc Fust CVnptroller's of. -Wilmiion, C, I co. IS, bSV. hce ol il Treasury. 1 he promotion Jditok,! osr : ,. was ibuiiued by a competitive exanii J Will you' p!ea e pn;.;i-h ilu- fu!low- jiatidn, iu wtucii Air. luiniou wt me card. ' w'.iUhe pn-:iio iniorm- successful' competitor, bix second ed as to the facts 'mcnti-iU'l in .aid cit-iks entered tha examination, card. - , 111 OS Min 11 of svhoin were in the office loDger than Mr. ."Min ton, aud had, tberelore, the idvantnge of greater experience, and H'.e are !"' '! ri-pre-illeiit nominated fr tirm lie i.o doubt that the I'""1 U ur:- will h.- cnM ,.tl,Ml vote ni ,f'.i,,.p, niocratic candidate. . .i'ii i- nl'I.MI'KS , t -ou t' II V A ri .i ...,i,.!i li:i lieen said aUuiU the f.,;,,;, of a afeerman-delegation: l ro.n w".-- .. . . t. . . II v ..i. Pimlinii w nc!i is nw frenerany Willi ' " concdwl, 'that we have taken pau.s l nM rirto the polHical prefei'et:c. ! i. ,.i!;...liifWers as are coniieetiu k U otvv ihe. Treasury Dipartinent mter- ,j. ii..re do not lind that prepon ,ie.rc,. ,,f Treasury t.llicials working 3 h.-.r nony witu the ,lneu(ls ( I Mr. i.rm..n tliat ho is charged with. Tin re are- lour .Custom rfolh et h.-ii jy.-iv'.S'lhe I'tlieiais of whieh stand as f.ll.Vr.: Tl,f ColltCdrs .l the juris f V-iU-iauiirNeNvberiie. Ueaji fort and Vilnl;.t-;arc for .the SiiiTet;.ry. Of ihr M'ih.r.lintf fniploy at these VfrtH li u- fr ami 4 aeajinst. n .... f .nr lit(rii'.d lievoiiiio di-. I 1 l.ri'- iv. i , 1 iricts ope i.f tin; Co"ec .r.H pr and th : Jn ii-l. In' tin- Mil ordixiaN s in. Ill w i;i':.'iels iut i ' .'.".. i'Ci-uty C 1 -le- i M, !. e'.rej er-t (ITuiiMS and other em : v r ;iliuiit ""it:e for;. Mr. Mu r dhj i n I ile reii a in ler a ain 1b C il St vice mh-s i.'re evidently "no: iu!c:ulul l aj ply to the oj p nents ihi' li'.tn.ii ati :i of Mr. Slien'nan as utTtlii'i'lhy their piiBistiT.t eil'orts tivaivonr'i i-li his 'efeit. t)'.i I he other hauJ th'? i titsj o'ieu vt iee d to: ty-cjne' friends of the ' S cret try, i pjt-ais to briii ihe R urmi entJJo ';l!:e vi ri-o-ol 4. j ti i . .-: I!- ' T ! i : - ' . Tii:- :i eni't.l vsj h t.u s'as to I'm nr s. re i l i hr if' ( t-tta" v on his - i - . . uborJini!cs to in! u -i e li cit nr'-ioii aijilshivs t! at the IN Hillie.i i in.it s of the Va-'e,i- the oeeasion !'or :l e pop ularity ! M . M cra u. all of whom wtrewhite except Mr. on. Llois the only colsred clerk amofe the forty in the First Comptrol i.iiice. ,'ihis examination is es t.lv creditable to Mr. Miuton, as it Hope c-t fnl !y; W. 1'. Ui.i iiam Co., l'. F. MlTCUK'KL iV.-Sojf, KKNAX.eC FoKSi'lEit, J. I. .Mi. 1 Is ec Co.". TO ALU WHOM -If MAY CO-:Jv! We desire to uiieel at:e:i:iou'''t rer i.fc it i . , , - i ,. w H e inird iiromoiiou ne.uaa nwu t;uu irn iruianUes I'r. cti v a t'V Uie-Nt-W his'iuperior merits and qualifications Qrleajis Cow 1 a . liinir, which is c)in- d n r un ir the eighteen monlus no nas posed' of c nui;!.-i d nicrehe.iits who bee I in the Treasury. The promotion have orcanizeil theh.selyf.s into-a'ciub is a remarkable from the fact that 1 jor the; purpose of :'o!itroi:ii. lin cow theie are but three colored third class tradi 'on their .v, n terms Their cU iks .in. the various(government d-1 mode bf geltinit .ifiii.-igrii.n:-iiis is' by par .incuts here, among - tne enure six scattering br':iue.irl-over tl;u countiy. tho isan.l. The other (two being -the I cirtulars,'. holding out the jrreatest in- ... ... t tir j 1-.. I . ,' ,. . ,7- Ket. Win. waruiug ana o, . viju- i .duvements t shippers., wim cvn- - . . i. a ...!:,. j .tfiia whn . i l i .1. . I-. . :.. -.i.'i - i.i::ii-- iii-.- in We MIC six lip s MH in tlic t?ixlh Auditor's office, who KIgnieii!s have THE CONVENTION' OF THE RE PUBLICANS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, WILL MEET IN THE CITY OF RALEIGH, ON THE SEVENTH DAY OF JULY, i860, FOR THE PURPOSE OF NOM INATING TWO ELECTORS AT LARGE, AND STATE OFFICERS. BY ORDER OF STATE EXECU TTIiVE COMMITTEE. Combinations are wrong. The street car track has been entire ly removed by its owner. Nutt Street near thj C. C. Railway Depot has been repaired. The' Steam Saw Mill ot Mr. A. T. Wilson is now complete and is work ii'K- '' '- Three interments in Oikdale tnis wrek, two children and one adult. aisi obtained their promotion by being scarcely any i:-s Vim y t er reaeh- half ce-Hul in competitive examinations the -prices qu t 1 - s i:e:r ei:;s.-vilie:i!ions.' v:ars ago. 4-t also-l rtnecis crcuii, i are j M,eh ;i iiaU.ie. tii.i'. it- i-. .-si-m Si cretary Slrerman, who has j hie fur any .pea ti the r stand liibwu his oeierininaiioii iw imaiu ard. rit mid ubilitv with out n card 10 In the siiiiim.-r ..-, M. -s . I - color, instead of influence, as nas been Mitchel! Son i. i :i'-...'ar It.ad ot ton iiiMuently the case hitherto, and is j about 10 jbu-htU .; auh .quota- till in Mima ol the department oi me tions ran-io! no,.' .. 't. :.er No interments in Bellevne Cemetery this week. - iiiiy ic. t r re- vo'i I'.n aieoiit Government. .Indeed, the Secretary of bushel, i'.r whii ! it, i. Tr.nurv has aiioiiited more col- reived one fc!:t orfd nw n to j csitions than all thele- 0f stiles. Messrs W. 1'. oidh un iS: 0 ).,the p;i niiu n'.s eonibinfd, and has been jusl- same yerlii;,ed tooth, r parties some a i d impartial iu giving them ,opfor- itGUU bulu-ls peas., -'.i.ii-.ir ;:.-'. -vus oyer tu nil its ol obtaining promotions by 700 while eirei'ar ju4tate'-f ranged t should be. :uj etitive txauunatioiis. 1 ittei vhv 1 ti: from 1 50 to per biv-hel, s. . 'i . were made at $1.0-V anil T io 1 tr but-hel On aecoiiut .f paid salt s, . M :. .W P. O.ilhalil .V (M, III ;i !V i-o;r.p:a :ijt-r4 and were isii'rriiUiS :!..;t if Th,-y v. t re diseatiff.e'd -with 'a't s : icndered,; a: 1. would remit the t-xcbai'ti turn over the pe--s s -iti. piopo W. V. Wilmington has contributed S925 to tTie Irish sufferers.. Maria Hall and John Grady who have been convicted of manslaughter, hav not yet been sentanccd. Couit adjourced' until 10 o'clock Monday morning, when the prisoners will be carried before His Honor Judge Mears and sentenced. , Mr. Henry E. Cuney, of Texa.s, who is a clerk in the Treasury Department at Washington, was in our city yester day, go"mg south on an electioneering expedition for Mr. Jas. G. Biaine, Will the New York Times publish this to show, the way in which 2Ir. Sherman compels all of his employees to support hkn for the Presidency. Capt. W. A. Cunming's, we are alad ti inform our country timber friends, is entirely opposed to all combinations and desires t see an open, free market toalJ, so they can sell their timber un molested. We believe it due to the Captain, to state the above, for it is a matter greatly to his credit, that he has the courage to do right against such a very strong combination as the one-re-fured to in another article. Washington's Bir t 11 d a y. The draymen ol the city will have a parade to-morrow, Monday, and Col. Geo, L. Mabson will deliver the address. This celebration is in honor of Washington's Virthday. A very large crowd is ex pected. The draymen should he en couraged in every way possible. We hope they will be given! the Jiiy by th-iir employees. We suppose Colonel Mabscn will have his little hatchet in his pocket. Dox'f Come 16 'WiLMiM.ros. There are a great inatiy persons fjom other sections of the Stale earning to this city, fnr imployment, and they " . . uuifonuiy fail. We wiil state fir the Jhe I'otiticat King" has been at iu formation of .artiea who are con- last busted. Now the .Timber Ring tempting coming to this city seeking wrk, that there is now here about 00 Wake Foeest College.- We art very much, gratified at the progress the above institution of learning is making under the very excellent management of the Rev. Dr. T. H. Pritchard. We are informed that the building has had many needed additions, and that up to Feb. 17th, there has been for this ses sion, 1G7. matriculates. A Shaspeh Caught. Some time sine-- TT Mel. Orpn -F.sn.. of this citT. sent a draft on First National Bank of ?te.s: is. unpopular with - rogues, but cianatbest." He is .1 perfect hypo crite, a genuine "snake iu the grasp." Hoping you will paritn the length of this letter, and belief me with sin cerest regards for yourself, personally, I sign myself; A." STATE NEWS. ,The GoIdsbWo Mail, speaking of the re-establishment of the whippiDg-post in Kentucky says .- The law, given by God through this city to Mr. G. urice.of Clinton, N. persons. North Oa.nlin. w.,,1.1 .1.. -n C, in settlement of an account. Th I follow the example set by Kentucky. letter containing the draft reached the j Come on emigrants. Post Office at Ciintonbut the party to &-nBtM r. ... , whom it was addressed failed to re-1 t T- 7. . .. ' . .... the eastern Democratic ravers, want ce;ve it. cuusequentiy it was ascer- .u--rv a. . . t j .1. 1 j v j u we Aveincr?i,ic ciai3 tuTention 10 oe tamed that the draft had been paid on , . T . , . , i tt e .u ntld at Wilmington, . a forged indorsement. Upon-further f enquiry it was learned that the letter . The oldest postoffice in the ctuutry had beeri taken from the' Clinton effice at Jamestown, Va., on the James By one 'Samuel Green who .claimed river For twbj Hundred and eighty that it was intended for him-although three J"cars. matter -has 'been delivered addressed to another. It appearing there. - that there was something crooked in Roanoke Xeuv : List week Mr. T. D the transaction, Col. Brink, Tostmas- Dickens killed a big hawk. The hawk ter was informed of the matter, and on had , been making havoc ameng his the arriral of M;ij G, B, Chamberlin, poultry and he shot him. Tlie hawk Spl Agt. of the Post Office Depart- measured fifty-fur inches from tip to ment turned the case over to him for tip, and weighed k'v.? aud a quarter investigation. pounds. Spl. Agt. Chamberlin took the mat- jhe Raleigh Oiserccr sav'i the health ter in hand and after giviDg the alTair af prof Cliarle3 Phillips, who is now a thcrough sifting, placed a warrant in in New York, continues to 'improve, the hands of U. S. Deputy Marshal, Xhe boarJ ef tru,tets of the Stat Kline for the arrest of Samuel Green, University, at their recent metting I V n ii-irli' -n rV.lQ!nrl tKo Ifttl.ir fVnm .. . . . ,iV.j "J .v-vvv. 1 eiectcd I rot. i cimps cmcruus pri.it the P. O. and embezzled the contents. 1 r m.i, ... Tim Lee, ex sheii.lVf WaU-, a jolly son of "ould Ireland'1 and a riirlit elewr gentleman, has become a drummer f - r a New York house. Oa yesterday Spl. Agt. Maj. Chamber- lin, accompanied by Dept. Marshal Kline, proceeded to Clinton and appre hended Green the offender, who was this 'morning brought to this city and lodged in jail. A hearing of the case will be had before U. S. Commissioner McQ iigg next v.ee'r. Combinations, Cliques and Rings are curses to the people, let them be dis continued for the purpose of polities or timber. whitts and 50) colored men out e.f em ployment already. Tliereio.re, others had better save their money -by remain ing at home. ' Tho urantl Samaritan Jupilee. Grand Lodge No. 2, I. O. ol G. S. ec D. of S., with all her subordinates will celebrate her anniversary in this city, on Wednesday the 21-st of July nex. Gen. R. P. Elliott of. South Carolh:;;, has been invrted to deliver ah ml Ire -s IA .T T 1 1 1; -t r. It V II A is t K Arousett'to then IiiteresS and See that the i tiuiHiy ,1'eople Have Ll n.sl IC:'. " ' I ... . ... , ,, . . ... .-.. . r would remit the t xehai j. o, tliry woui J i iicimiu owiit-is v.....,,DV v .v.u- over the ihms sul. Ms-rs. W.I i ni. -i, that, the combination they have ou'iiu,,, Co.,. .;-,.; d th rim .!-. 1U1 the eitv timber: brokers, sition liv -wire. 'hereupon; .M' ill AMi.t l eiHtici'a'ily to the i timber O.uham went io'-.n. a' r eans m per - .' - - I C...i.,;l ll .n.ir I'.-ill'i.t ,1111. V 11 ....in- ,...,,. i. cinri I "' '. r " . - - v-. r-.. I lit VOUIIU I I tv 'V v m .'.-' I I .. . . - ' . or mak-e gooti iio-i:' i":."i-i'.i-'i m.'I dtmam' nn open, free tl,riu.(1 i; . .i,T ari et, 1 '(to everybody can sell to Messrs. Ketraii- ' "F.-:slil' nil th.inselves. '. They ; say they don't the sanu year, to o'hn: i r i. ' 1;.... . '.,r limn,,, lOftils on a iti.-i;r;ui u i n 1.... wai.VUf.uaiu..u.r -w. V 4or,n.uU ll-!,.-,l.,.!i,rll,Hf tiM( is. A 1 they cesire is .lair play. . . , ,,, v. iV Origins nd that, t oy ea.y, is impossible. to get j Wll.s .OoTcents per tni-be !, 1 -" r 1 V -d in !. r ti.e i.rcileut Vniiii.- the pens re-sin :pe. i -. 1 r-n 1 . iV"'1- U ,'-,.,;.r is UVu.e trade everv C, there .ypaying irigi-.t .m. a mv- .- a 1 " Tl'lK. T 1S11.KK - iTHAUK - A sl li l 'I'll. lMLlltY ( Til K 1,.!:T '! TUK MILi. -OW K1 ' si- re I aV v h.t " I i ' ' , .,1 I - !l .1 ll' I I : t i.' .; 1 m i I I I V l' , C A 1- I ; :Vi o , ; . a 'in . . bi 1 1 1 .".. r oiin et ...ii.t 1 1 : . ii' i i;.ti ii ;. a , j .1 .1 1 iirr himu-.-i. l -ft ( i' !! ;uiii'ici 1 ia-1 viiiin'v, : at. .'tuif.t')ip jt'i Us .vfl!;n- a.u Wiev ! a.c liiii fon.i.ieuee, ao ill ia . S ilniini"!' ar.d re .-hiji'Ml l -vi e:ir in-.i- at It is the intrinsic merit alone, of Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renew er, that has gained lor it great popu larity. j Capt. Frank Barr has been ordered .vay to another station, and 1st Lieut. F. M. Jiunger left in command of the u v. Steamer Colfax. F'RE. -The dwellings of Mr. John Kent Brown, Geo. H. Kelly and Thus. O. BuntiDg were cor.-;u:r.e l by lire on Tuesday morning. The lire rigina- ted in the kitchen on Mr. Browns resi- L dence. Mr. Brown had an -iur-urance on his house which will covtr the h.ss, but he lost heavily of furniture, fd!ver, &c. Mr. Kwily was irsure-.i. ' but his loss w'ill amoui.t to over :u:d iu-e. Political liiuirthat controled the above the insurance. There w .is 10 U. publican party for so many years insurance upon the dwelling occupied has a last been killed, now 1ft the by Mr. Bunting and his io?s i- ve-ry ' We publish below, a personal letter from a friend Irom North Carolina, now in Washington. The letter was not in-1 Ail . -ill.liillr 1 1 ll f it cI'micj lltl il. . - 1 itiiuiu ti't I'uu'iumuu, uui. u rii-....j. uj. on lae occasion, .Rl WIllCll li!U,0 Pur M! the doihgs'cf the Democratic Congress J preme (Jrand officers, egethi r ysiilv so oiainle. that we lav it before our urana Samaritan oUcers Irom other ! , : . . , I states, will be in attendance. C I lliiucn iui linn iiiiiuiiii.uii, tiiiii "v pope the author will pardon us for hubii-hin-r it without his consent. - W.'msc.TOX, IX C.,Feb. 21, 1SS0. My Kim Sir : zatNariian. peop e - Ul'-ilii :'f. wear to never? submit to heavv. . - ... i- 1 :i ;.to tint o! the pro-erip-tion t.i itirjiipi'. King-, iKUer., i.-ptv.i.i-, Ttie Ugtytt-r of Deeds, has issued six I insri i.if iteenes during lo weef, j. three "f 1. w -re for white and three keiithcr :oil gauges, wharfage com-" 111 u. sw rage, Oeights, etc., l.nve U', that the. coiiu- r.y eats up every Caot. .1. I. Melts, satiK' t-.ir iii,.pf-l Kovr.l biiiiiircd bii-.-hels ;i t rea- on . .. . 1 1 '0 cr t.u'aei, which !. ' eo.oi,,. -miij-icm . . I ! .,!. I.- I'll i : i:iv- -'i.t- v .'. 'I.-'- . . 1 -i lii.r.' w::s un k eiie m-tprmotit ia 4 of the iact ttott ue associated ir-'i io i-c ii. li.viiv. 1 v pcot'.e av it IK: an! it i ur duty t( w;;rn our pi op e , 1 in li'.Kstiotiable tolit ( ..tu r ipiotatistts al 5 ieas,:on arrival cenis per luisbe!-. In Apft'U" K-tT'.'. ham & Co., 'hipp to other partn Mr. W. Dauh iui, one of our old est and litest resptcted citizens, v.ho has been carrying on the tiuibt-r : bu-inos in this city for year.-, . s rul.u out of the trade the oliur day, on in cc tn.t 1 i i' iiiie.M-it Nearly'SOOHtO.OaO po.-tai v'.ird-. were uaed in the United States .-year. They are made at llolyokc, Mass., bv a private eoneern' under I'm- L-eu-ral I: 1 have ever allowed my sentimetitH, J supervision f a Cbvernnunt l'k r. pniitii-iilly, to run ia a Democratic I The work ia near! v ul done b.- n ... chaio.el. tlu-y certainly have been turn- chinery,.ev n tocjunti- :.nl 111. ed in the -opposite direction since I them "up hi packages of t-wn y-iive. have bieu here iu Washington. Whcii The t:.-e of postal caids i- ; to h iv-.- Conznss was in the hands of the Re- driven msuiv makers i.-f w rit: - 1 in r 1; . . .. .1 . . ,- . ;s i ' i puoiican pait.v, mere arose u great cry ana envelopes out ot bu-10. - troru the 1 'eutocratic nosis sgamsi - e potim. r.ud now since the wires of gov - ernm'eut arc in the hands of tiie latter -Vsli' Alt YlL-U J ."A'.V.! 7'.S-. iinrit. the verv men who bellowed . , .,.,;., ,.! fairnrtlUm or., ,1,. MtO-DKN I.YUE I.OI ..K N. ! i. I ..I. '.v ...w yj, OI Ut 1-.. xvlll i.il,r.iN i. r 7:li mnh verv tirat to seture comtortaoie -posi- I Mrv ou.Montiay witUi.u, K:..;...a, m ..uu .i ii;u, on ui.' con.ir ri l.u-hll; :..! lrl: e strt-f in, by h Kraml l.-vi t- :m x s,,;ri t. A. A. 10 i! i A . s't-r. rv. O '. . P. O v l )i it a'.-. t'.M c; i ,!( o !i';-:;c- .. i Pin.1 For t Cemetery (c dored) that -. f a chi.il . thing thev -c'ii 1 to tfi's market for sale- peas.. Said peys remaiet-.i on Vm- nnr-.j -. A, ;l diu We -vlmit tha these charges are severe, ket from A pr-.l t.. .h'-f duue. -Di:;m - ; - min ? - ' that time ipiotati-.'is rane 1 f.;;, ! 0 - ihe rt-Kiit lb at will junCj on aocMni i' va u t (kul' M- li u itnlirv. I erh! thrv turnt d b:n tvr in ru-r ' tuner p irty in Green cdunty gate weight f five of the I ' j;u?ss wss 1 ,'E72 'pound. Wi'.mjiigton . V, as l c prt-senled. Ia.,.u i no Vt i it.,- lil-il 11 ! -. i o lOii ;" t'i in : . v'i ; ' 1 i,. tae tiin, pe ev" w 0.ir iu; i- in..; i i al'.aw'v-:, : .: J: T,n- . in. j I Mr. 11 I II ;,;ij, gi-iit'.em;A .cJi'.-'uit'-uMr i ' a raet i OT tro ll t'-l t'. cs ot . ! i i' .' '1 VeVtfi; t' t id . i i. v un and i. rv r to Goh-sb-ro, 0 ry, ho ln.d told ihi m tiiey w .ejhi ;. . Mr. iUuben JGrant, who was a very , t - sml to Fsve'tte- 'sve l" lV U" ' 'V ?":i:u'. ' ' 1 o'd Vi-i-itot ut 5 his , it v died at his . in t a. wa.er, sun to i syette tu,het I- r sni.l p -as, wukU :-.o ' : - : , . V ... i i i ttV n.i'es of Wilmirgltln. r taking tharut ,.l e t. hoc.! i . ..- i"1:1r - f tveniug. Ulu re- ...i.y Ptvpit claim that thev are ply to Messis. "V ;'. P, Oi. aam -V C ...'-. maie.s were interred al WrightsTille illistK'irv from the extortion- repeated letters and tfe-raais, at, i ; ; ,t.i;j. I m.l illitr W as .l.t too lluiil in; in ti-u-.u ui; I ii- l -.illl Illli : l'l?lM'l t brokers and buyers, j wju,n tju.v re n- t.ti, in SH . l.l!l ....... itiuJiiij:, in Cunubcr and eoursty, t'aiue towa l.istt n ;ii'.ef an I S..-..1 lus ir enu til'fr. Tii. n-.i'u iiwtiets a i srea' tit p.'O . . t nth mau .'d t'. o cry lughtH m i taiirs, but th v u-;ucd t vrvhaf -nbfr !rtm tti s !fsotl. TOo'lllJe :. -' h i v j; that he is h . ci Fa ! W,: iniiit .r. I Mr. IV ' 13.- Ortn v . f Sami-tJ v . out 7. fme . wn'-v. ri t o the i:rpon- ti .- t i ' . ftt-aR i r. in iiei;iieor. .'i-i A cs.; McDonald, j. ov.-.l t; th t ry .v.hoI r W ilmiH;:t conv - . . . i il: 1-Mi.ll II It hlil.t I: tl i-c i r j bint- are not true, we had been held over i il.'i'C t ihev a'i. wh it'll we 1 iet e. it at t t unt r -t-i.ing pea-, I I that tne p-.i aii'ithrr --eii i'f. We tiud liu- Ki:'., WT.ti tlie Mine leader;, sei.ili'" i.iv.ii.i-- :tr i i" ottr the lrttids "I'll t a;'.' h'l' . - .. .. . . . . r I " oil the character oi ijjo. t s.-e our people set rigni. u are inclintd to bo ll w nt.euieit i: V. s.u.iit on-e story frame, house was ;i S.nitIiillo ou Friday. It was si '. it- have tilo-j-ed u Ctias. Hudg i .s i i" : nis cijy. with Mr. R. P. Mclv:t e of Ii adeii county. They dtsohed eopaitiu -rstiip. and Mr. Durham employed Mr. Mel vino as his clerk, lind vet the timber ring refused to purchase from him. Such conduct reed-, i." further re inarksat our hand-, ihe 'wry e uitnt'cf the facts i'i .ihe. i ',.t;o. .-li -'-.v-o what" fitri ii 's il v ", 1-, r r-i j." ..; carrying their pi-.-t t-4 '..te :.: . hi.4.:-. handed pa'.ivy. M-ssrs. Sa.i.fe' 1. arrow ... -i i'. u - man Jahn, were t ln.'.. i on t'i.e 17.1. inst., by the Kepubl 'ear's ot" t: . l',r-: Congressional l-istsict. is i .e-'a't-the 'National Coi.tr t i.l :-.. a: n:. :.u'. Dr. John is rditor 1 ti e ...". sking - them, then -itch entice-on- ajnd w ho'esale cxtor- liiMi li ui I be put an end tio. A per 1- .. ... I ixinir in 1 1- A S .'1 scll'llr-'; CO. it'll uu m'i ', ti'Uti ;y, should lie. ab'e to se'.l it in W In-in-ton as f atoty ' aii't cheaply .any other place. U vYli .'il b ir.ituuased to come to Wiltior-.ti'ti and A n.etting of the directors- of the one f the n ry lot 1;. j ut icn , t'e iii for ' liitiriii-ters, their ciusins:.nd tin ir aii.-" anil with more truth than poetry. I may add, "their sons," fir, in dr d. tlfe hitter are the ones most fav ored. The fashion is for every Con gressman, who is chairman of a com mittee, to give the1 otih ji of the siiin : to i.i-M'U, and if, uufortunately, he doe--, n-t posses this interesting ap pendage, he bestows it upon a nephew, a', any rate it never leaves the family. Vance lias his son to draw a monthly .i.U'wat.ce for sitting iu the committee i.,.. !m ot" Kr. rolled Bills, and chattine with 1 1 e v i-i'.ing constituents ol the"o 1 lean." read newspapers, novels, etc., . , - ';..; work, lor lhe:ie is ut.ae to .1 . 1 . . , L urn Las a See .11 1 e li ; . ! it- il.ei as clerk ot a cortfin-ttee t'.ii ia- - ami ty-lnetye, it i-i .iniorous, were to ... -i.is rictilation, a the . ihe .-anie wouldn't k DOW r . th , ..r.d perhaj s iu considera te.:; ti.i rent, the 'obliging "c-immi'tte-i n ' w n J move an adjournment be-!- ri a eai.ifg to order. It would be i t er.'. 1:1 ;-;- hie f 'r mo to eiiuau ra'.e . rk . V the "-Oils i rrn-ivi il a' . is i !li -.. .: iI OlMiU-l ai;J I'n-tTVice il and iriln.uice s;c, v li.i.r . I'urriHCi-ti, ;sinuil Arii.'.... I. ud, li.xis, :i:iii .-if:i i .'Lit. .:;-!!. w . , 1 h- j.'ir.-Uin,.. J UI iilill'i" i'-.:' t illliiUD, 1' ii- r Wt-.i. i:.i.-.ilr , m ; i.: u u ! V l.C. iS At It. R., for - the: election of per in the Mite. :i u 1 .1 1 1 .iicer-.-w' 1 1 1 ;e r.c nioir mv. 1 Id in Ktliimcre to- Now.. if veil w 1 .. : v make iu corssii t" :it ;, j i-"...-- e - n- posing this' Unt'g. i'i .i vn.ir p. . by Bitie.' ie at yi -ur w.i !-'- t'-i' '- ' , next twelve i.iotUii-. tlj. tit;; in. ,r,-j 1 1 -. . - ........ 1 , 1 1 - . ...... niiu the verdict of manslaughter and n (at IAII UI h f I' tn.tt ,1 r .1 t'b .fill V.L Nt' i im y " 1 ------- - - - ( for his pe.s. " ll ihe -u ..r iauo r- h is s.d -Mitria Hall is ditsalit-fied .( , r r- v. in t'f th "railini: K-put: .i .0.- 1 I state cl in irg the v.;r, ; 1 -. many y er. he w .1-.' J- Ma: -lu orih Cartdlll l. -I -el t 1' is we.i K . Ii'mI. Ma-".. . ...I ... L' . I . . who hoid heavy J siaif..u.wii:. Sale of Obsolete and Unscrvic b!o Ordnance autl Oi;Jnr.r.r Stores. 1ITKD Sr.l i : .;;-. AM a A . I . ( , C jrner llouslo 1 nm tirci lie .-orc !, V.O . liox I- NtW Vohk, J.taaaf 'KAl.Kil l'linlHs.ll.s, ia the vnriou Arfna,i 2.r - o.l l . , ;fi Uio I'nili-a MutU-a. Hldi Oi 1 I r ip w 1 r-t i' u" 1. .!..'. t VV-Um-ilay. llic L Ut ! f I t ith. rv . iv-... fjrUr li-catol a fniij.w . : 11 w :: . AUeKheny AfM-nal, !".; I i y : ,r,i rori-. tl.t'iiTI-oil Mnnrm. Aintmi, ..... i :iJ ' Bpolm Arsenal. IihI.-.Ki nm .. - ,r t .O. M. rim vi:i ah. nn.. m.Ij i;.k 11 t.a , K-oul, lit.; sl. lxuiis Ar--!iol. M . ; N..; nuat Arinurv, Mav ; ,'6!i!:ji!ii;Ar. -nol. 1. S alTvncl Arvciia .. . S j.t r ;. Ai - i.ia.i 1 -;ti :.:. jj.ere Uvider the iatlu- l 'oiitK-rtiCul. I.!.-kwrr '.! ,r Maaaat-UuvtU. Mtoiifsni. Nr Hum; N-tr Jfroy, yc-x Se:k. lr.!i .-. the brm at ev th-: ciaiheatitt. ttOV p H C :i W il l I W itul-. d t.i.tt wwuid prtler htng Dg. t a ! 1-! g term iu the penitentarrr l: " fWr iv.ee aiiv Il.Air:i cfur.y, purp -r . 1 mil .11 timber, uut u. .. .Ati.cr-.l ave det ided . l tt i j r;,lTvM ir ': f X Sue iilunlr v, 1 r .1 other wor rJ tv.a'. l '' ! i l.'l; t1-. . G:f . 'ill " lJ X i u.v'. 1 ;'' . ,-u;.'.i ' f the cU'neh, the tim n . rii '..limber -o tl it il. . the nt ;1 o 1 fiAv u 1 1 te .hl llit tiuieit alien t i act aft llttutkei biotr. i ! risao ol rL piii" d.v ,. it.e ru Ixrvi ts 1 i!.t !ecl f tr lia'. t ar UI "V O'tt a - 'U U4.tf. e -en , ' f 1 ri 1 1 f li liis own produce, suggestions. hi tl.At c tse niriC tiiet tut ot ieu he cauuiu - - , .1 1.:. ..1... .;..,i UCU.irsoi t o- i i- i i" .1 '.; a, sje.-.-uieni ... v. ' - to caber vf il e,.t U.io.ii lii here ;t;i.-'i.: oat Own tneic : n v v m .j ; vilv. li m '; Wf-.i-l t- .aii; this neiclor ctve li'iu tae i:."!.or:t;i - ... ihe Nw- 1. those i' 1 rett that the v.ctert il. by the elttti'.n ; l r'. was to Sam Crrtw than inT ot the itate. We to: rft;' :.e.I i:-i y - : C. ll f lii 1. - a t u..:..c.i' 1 ; i 1 ir.a'it their teV: eetive "daJ,"' knt . . . f r. .s .f.-tet h vz w hieh should be niade I Uhode Iacd. Virc-lcia. .'..t.-.e. ai-d -t feitib known but toa L.11V'ai''i':,;l,1,t i: ...... ; ' .'lib.... . . . I corn -! v. llieM 1 Jv .f Mr, . r r- in ,t.aiDt:ton. and trial s.u,r,- i... i.i f.L ... ". - . ' :.:ii- Snaff r I Kilt I AurmU Aiwnai. M .in -i,.r li...llr , ol 1 K.n, llirs ,T ArtaJ. Wain T. r I r,- I - v . f the "never Die I' M.;i:.l. MiOtarr truiitmr. N. 1 '.-.. v 1 ry .- v. - 1 ni 11. 1. ti e Will . . j , .- . 1 " 1 . VV i ! 1 ... in I Kara in van vitil ns.Ultl. II llirj ! m'l, i tiuiiinjujii 1 ft ten veimwill not hve ? many in h-tbitiatT a oui little i!er nwt)of :iii'.hv i!l, - 1 Ftdinn . . r re.! 1..0 tireti - U. IK laKt Wu.mim n,' N. ' . i t.. 11. 1 il "A t ar.. I' I'i ! I he old Urockel tomb on i Vni.e read. -.bout eight milts from" this 1 Pcoi of , w na bin-rn inti, kboul ihrte meek I Ueti-n 1 1 Ix. :' ",tv niahejr digjeia. The bonea of rn .ic 10; t :ui 1 w re let; bv them in the ro'rnt tl'fm a: e h.cir baUi.tr oi e jv; the old r.a ; i I; iu trd fraai (be nor. l.t in " 1 teui.uti, opfued very lively. A i-'-"1'1 1 vm l.r r.umoff ! rii arr.ieu Kl :iin'i.ion 1 er p-.e . y tic Ittweer. tte 1 lt of February tll.Ualld Cll'tcd --.th to work bv.'a I o.ue i: i'ha yd -av. tht tf !:oni(., tt,rV-Wil .. t h '.atciflr atierwaid. !,aO; U:.ill h tat tlal tttf.b eu.i Jt I it u.:4 iJ.u irt Vttin;too. I' of trttc:- if if--. Urrv Kalk 1 t;utk .t.v 11 M a s c. .0 UinK it. f.ofO. !.!.-!. i fton .cw. N. V., Feb -V1$S.. J A Georg-a. I.u.'f iH::.; a piaiuv lor to via ij.'iii r.. lt: h juse 1- m all ; a n i . to t co r.vir ri r.i the! i w t r part l the p.iritt ion b t rt ct n the ki'.cii- 1 . e - ...-.-.. . . . i Ltk--- I .V- I f 11 an 1 lif I'aiiei. n- 1.. t ef IVertuber and the . - , , v . inf. " lu I., c irr : r x and-lhe niotl.ti i. . i'; i ! !. rtt k lea Jed witu torn, and mid C . -.1 I -.. . I ,r.i men wrre carried , ...... ri m . tnev r coaoa d. and thev i the u -u. wii! ble thiw to I lb other, t i, 1 ,0 er : r.i.i . 1 . .;! .t ;a j.i L.t a'.-vt r r priCv. Tu. Auha'.au at Mr. J. dittt fara. cfMr .lh me la rr ic w eight. Will 4T tt a ' - . . . remain.' in th O.d i " y . . chiekf n-a ii fi;ncr An Y.i th-h iLf is-aa u.l -- t at.d ' tile "d'nin ti-.e . d o i. "I J 1 l.a at White' ' taon. lut tu tecnj ta tie e t er CaO- al .4 a . 1 ki iae : .i. Tt whet VI to the watchwaa aad it 1 a. 1.;-. It U thought e ol tb i. . -aucded. j - 1 r 1 V hand iher 1 ut mn u I l a I BuanT. bv a f alloc ; w cau'.t tl a.tc:j;r I "'i', aud u eel ru our.g.:.a y e .- . t . ..e. ftff, in rtfod .. ' - ' ' ' h..p ld. N. A J r pw a; a .. . . . .. and m btirird br ' 7 --.. Very mwvUuUr. t t --' - f& ''";'-: Hun MdMiu. 'ifii'ia 1 ,. ? . , ,1. A.t. Mj. ClaabfUa i ia ia ic t aT.(t 4 -artks aWtcc tn tit r g tMiiNi, ir a 1 Who mia 11. .-tv., Cliiur a.E. Vi, in 1 p OialKr.lut h w .1 them to rau-ic. Sj k i -- pay lhtr;v 10 h ty yi ' pr , n; uic wLtn'y u tu:. tco'.h the sii-i by iu :c -SHl 1 uu.v iu l Sit 4! J ; J.V i CO' t D . cl - tlt y, a:..:-.. c tttry n-j'.h I e 1 I - c MU!C, Vtl at.-: i ... ih tti-t ; s . tki. ti fab tr.i a - Wr a a I re m ua. Kr. $1 i i t .1 : t I A:.'- h a s-.n, ch-rk ! "never tneei' ;-r-.-':.t-:i:. aridj with the - salary he t,i .vt- J-.r .Stjntiets, (ia a horn )u :ee, he def; h collec the d t.- r mi. eonoi.it - at '.f hf V a :.-V sg to. t i t to y v .i; ' i th- l-(rl !n Hia Trrllorl. to 'ir A.t.ania. la.i;i.ri. i. I".i::ls. 1-: tee, he defri- v Li ex- I Krntui-ky , Kr.. I . ; . .. t, , , Vorlli I j.ft!;f.a 1 .--,; .'j', t .... . I . .dfa ' i . r ?.-!. D J Tnaav Ajp,ka, AHi.m.. t ... fa1 .. l.,k'.. j o iucai in ouity e-l k. 7-i,B''AO-' '...-m.Ut.d ll k: tlLllig ab ud drVaVj r ui ur. ia lv Ik... i . 3 s ..CXI t. ii- il.'i C r- ! trt!-ijt;rt. --f-.-i .-a--. : - r. . I on af.,.,tfa-Km at Ji ija.;-- ''. s. a 1 j fiy di-.po iti ia ... ititj ulc. a 1 ai with Ma-l !t.i"i -tie.rabi !?rti:cr f.-atn N : Cr..J i1a. " And the I:pl .5 r ate;: h prcrnd t j rep '-: , .'t.-'tpf rr.it tcittaken el . -t!..ty krld biprrniioac ia tie . I hi ari hiaj qtU 01 '. ;(:., icd i" Liif oa Use pj.a-a e,f ts . to c-.1i4.icc li-' a; j-ts::. a, of : - ! i .'u I ::,;.. C-T.r..::ef at.i "i e 44 lri:j to try W r: f-a IL Asacy .r ai acy . ? i tit ; . ;. -.. , till lbrtOtEUsl.:i I ; ' 3 ,;i ,,.;. ;, famuli oi ay.p j.-rt . t. ? r .'- a . - a.. - tat ui. .44.1 :.-t..4i . v . .a at. ;. ahi f V pt r-i f . i : a-4 u. UOIr -;,t .; cir tf .i bre t,a Wu-m a- i v . aniJ :.l cl ' ' k . 1 a ty i-r-i'm u ; t!;.n i I rl. -rrfjr' -s; i r? "-j OK Jat .a t ;! 1 If r-f ' : w - -1 r : iCt a.1 tuli i,UA - :. .4 ; U.' J . I ' Af -,k Slia a.- --t ,-t f ' t . St Wlj!- J-J S " ; a ; t- t-j, j '.Hi. t. ' '' lUii e i:i-. .r. -j ra.eti wa-jtr-J. t -i ;: ,it jc.4 wots ia tWIIiicml l tW ;i l?f aiil rtiy Wt rastMn' maal drr j ' J J . iteaf Kt ik My r Vii tii 3f Uy .l lOt . - f lpr ii. l Ft I . j ' . .r a i4 C "- : r a -a ?i 1 - C'fff i.i few i . 4rv t kil(f t:i-la i - tr. H i i'i N A; i- k 1 1 - ?: Oft. t . :t .tf. k A Ui tt, ' " .a.- i I f t. at ; j. ; a 4i!ji iil-'-8 f'.rt & . I. I A w m a., i a - . to fc l ltj I ; a ' - - . 5 r-' 1 ivtu&n as-'-. -- 1 a 't- n -. T l-;t- ..-- ' "-"- :" j- xts, " .". - i .'... raa? " Jsr"! --- i . awif. kaa s i - -u a t f .--4" :f4.I ' flai'rf ; In . t a ' - -'- e a a f a .;' ! ' 1 "kl 4 -ara a 1 ein.tuajkia -ra. f kV. 1; s. 5 ' I."'- h .i-v... V ','1 t' :!'" W. -.j -::. ,1 '"V . t ii ' I . f'-'rf ' , .1.-- , 4 t .''" n '"?'- J iVs' ; 1 v . i: yv i :t:.V. v a . . . 1 . I ' i -X V. '.. - - -. i -... s .. t t i : . i ir;