JU, a' r. f.,i r. f i r ye i f i . i if i -r . i n.; "iiFii v ii i L .. . - 4 f r i i t - - - - . . - .to":. VOLU.ALIv.XJ. wiijMiisroTOisr post Entered at the Postoffice at Wilmington. N. C. as Second Class Matter! -.v RATSS Of ADVERTISING. Fifty cents per line for the first in itrtion and twenty-five cenls per lin h-tor each additional insertion. 1 Eight (8) lines, Nonpareil type, con stitute a square. The" subscription price to The Wil iiinqton Post is $1 00 per j year; six months 75 cents. All comraunicrtions on busines should be addressed to The Wilmington Post, Wilmington, N, C. All advertisements will.be charged a the above rates, except on special con tracts. a THE CONVENTION OF THE RE- i .... . THBLICANri OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, WILL MEET IN THE CITY OF RALEIGH, .ON THE SEVENTH DAY OF JULY, 1830, FOR THE PURPOSE GV NO .1- IN ATI NO ; TWO ELECTORS . AT- . x LARGE, AND STATE OFFICEKS. IBY ORDER OF STATE EX ECU TTIVE COMMITTEE. Late General News. The Czar celebrated his twentyfifih I yexr oh the Throne on the firt day of March by the most lavish festivities, by the Te Deifm, by nssemblie?, '.by cmt.itaj', national hymns and ban- - , - j . I'here is much relief to the tuffVrers frm famine in Ireland from the Amer ican contributions. There is likely to be a good deal of trouble ab ut the aQ'airs of the Indian Territmy. - ' , '. i In the report vof mortalky of the S National Board of Health, Wilming ton with i:s 17,0P0 population to put down as total number of deaths 8, for the week ending February '14th last. Sayannah ivith its' 32,656 population, shows a total of 8, Austin, Texas, with 15,000, total 5; Norfolk, ?4,000 total 13; Los Angeles, Cal., 14,000, total 10, and Concord, N. ' H., 14,000, total 10. The health of Wilmington is as good as the average towns in ihe United Htatej. The aggregate mortal ity per 1,000 of whites, in towns cited is 19 3-10, in colored, 35 8 10. , j "There is-it bill in Congress providin g for the abolition of compulsory. pilot age. J At a hearing before the commit tee one of the witnesses, stated that compulsory pilotage was one of the greatest burdens against which Ameri can vessel ow'hera had to contend with in the southern states. It was plun dcr hesaid. f'- MU. UOItTCU AND THIS "3 AJjIS." Wo present to the. readers of the Post to dsy the; very admirable argu mcnt of Hon. Wm. T. Dortch, of Golds boro, agaiiast the calling of the legisla ture in extra session, and in opposition to the apparent purpose of the Demo cratic party1 leaders to eacrifico the SUte and the interests in the, Western North Carolina Railroad. f The Post never would make any work of internal improvement a parly matter, and it will not do so1 now, but with Governor Jarvis, his official fan . ily at Raleigh, and his Democratic Congressional! advisers at .Washington, thi business is simply and purely a puty question. Mr. Dortch, however, 'does not so view it, aud, perhaps; the most pronounced Democrat of them all, looks at the Subject as one of Norlh Carolina interest. We ned not' review Mr. punch's argument, his remarks are ef ample force and scoje. We invit an atten tive perusal and study of the facts he h:s set forth in his very conclusive ar gument. We see no reason why the state should be inhaste to sell this public work, unless the approach of the great cam paign renders it necessary for the Dem ocratic, party to "have a clear deci lir action," 'as the Oxford Torchlight, one of their organs, put it.- We have ob served that they always want something for every campaign, and we well re member that in 1875 they took on this deck-load of the Western North ,Caro lina Railroad to puMheir cenvention monanrp tlirriiiorh and actuallv seduced - ,.-0 , . ; western Repjiblicans of the legislature to vote for the call, in March of that year, that through, altering te Consti tutioiv thev might give better state aid to the completion of the road. In like manner they obtained votes fwr rati d cation of the OoLBUtutioual Amend meuts in 1876. The ugly look of this Best propor tion U its great haste. . Beat can't wait till January next and lt people have that time to think of it. He even threatens that if his proposition isn't Attended to at once, be will go into some ether speculation;' and North Car- olina will lose the benefit of mating a - r vT: prwein of acoupleof millions to him ic n turn for his building f their roaa. All tbe most difficult arid ' expensive part of the! road has already been built, Whv did not Br.t coma alomr earlier J before the tunnels were al' bored, and the1 broad iiws of the chasms spanned by those splendid and expensive stone ... , . ' . . ..... - arches ? J;. iv ;., . , ,. a L i ; : : !;: . , v f As fctroug as Mr. Dortchi makes all these points in his conclusive argument, they are not s sirnas ''Gov Jarvis begjrig uppeal is, wesif. , ine uov ernor tut be very hard, pressed to whme v adly,;and put on such gnm- aces , a n'd make , such thjre -ts, a , that we can't fiilitUe;WetU'r nor have any more schools, nor. pay up ou r old debts, nor do anything, unless we gtt rid t'f this ' great thbroughfare which is just now ripeniBg into a splen- did piece of property, which Mr. Dortch. foretells will inUwentyjjears be able from its surplus earnings to earn J enough to pay all the stafe expecaes. ;.. : , ;,' We began to fear at one part of .the Governor's jeremiade loat he Would sell rut the Capitol, Pehltentiary, Asyf lum f .r. tho Insane,' l?eaf, Dumb and BliLd School, and all the ewamp lands ior wnai ne couia ger, u me legislature j did not hurry up and accept Best's HllKLiHVN AND TUIS UEBTi One of the most1 cherished : ideas of the Democrats were; that our national debt should be treated as is that of Ehg land as a debt never to be paid. The Republican party has ; always said, "Let us pay . tb at debt -as soou as we can. it is sounu imanciar ana ecouo mical. policy to do JtQ.",, Senator, Toliu Sherman devised the piau, and Secie- tary Sherman has carried it cut. Under nis sKiuui cuiaance tne most maryei- ous reduction of a great public debt mai me worm nas erer kuuhu, g steadily n. v'": : ' The wisdom of such a pplicy.11 plain; B$ pay ing our debt our credit is en- hanced. By this policy Secretary Sher man has been able to save millions of I dollars te the people in the' rate of in terest alone. He has reduced our great national debt so much that the 2 that stood as the left hand flffure, when naming the total, has been changed to all. When this magnificent reduction was announced the Democratic press comnieuceed a general chorus of sneers and lies. i ti : , i w. rAnM lhere is ou v one thing ne could pos-1 o r sibly do that would please the Demo cratic partv, and that is, to die t ' But, he will not do that. He Will live to . . . . .. ' .1 take a high otbcial part in the great Democratic wake next autumn. The Blaizie men now circulate stories to the effect that their candidate would diyide the Ohio delegation with Mr. Sherman, Said an Ohio Member of Congress, in an interview last week, "Mr. Sherman will certainlv have tho entire Tote ofpsum up to a total estimated cost of $9,- the state so long as there is any chance O . . - of his nomination." Those ; who un derate Mr. csherman's ower make a great mistake. ; " POLITICAL. V The Republicans- of Indiana ' are working vigorously, , Hon. John C. New is to be chairman of the state com- nsittec, : .' " ; '1 ; ' ' . The Congressional nominating con veutions will be held mostly iu June. 8ee now many of the Republican pa The delegation in Congress now con- nfirg ; North Carolina, will endorse it. sists of six Republicans, six Democrats, anu one 11 jua ixtvri iwccuuiwv 1 T- ir :.i... i 1 u n i- Democrat. V ith ; acceptable candi-j dates, the. Republicans, in the next election, can easily carry seven districts. anu peruaps ciguu iud iwui. Dortioument was made by tne iemo-1 crats. with the expectation of aid from the Nationals. But in this thev are probably destined to disappointment. , Tho contest lor tne xfcepuoiican nom ination lor Governor is unusually spir ited. Gen. Morton- C. Hunter has hitherto been decidedly in the ead, but during the past lew dajs uenerai Streiht. of Indianapolis, and General tiuacSeUuk of EvanviUe, have gained rapidly in strength, .j. . , ,-: "; - u r; . Thelbiid f trm boom has run into a hole in the ground, ine syndicate composed of Pennsylvania, N,ew.Yoik. Judiaua and Illinois, has collapsed. First, Gran: had only 20 majority in limsvlvauia, and would not have got .k.r.Tt.t 'fiir Don Cameron's dicta- tion. Then New York, at Utica, with luat vw-r' Senator Conkling sitting ngm un ... - .... appeaiiugly, only gave 34 majority for the Third Term, ana u -wauiu uktv been vHtcd. down ' if Congling nafl hliived in Washington. The Illinois . . k convtuiiuu met on the same day as the. New'Yotk, and seeing that the Third Tei ui had no strength, postponed action to the 19-h of May. Indiana brt-ke a w-y lro w the Thi r4 Ternii . ; ' lf There is no doubt but; the Third Term infatuation is growing weaker and weaker every day; In the yery states selected to begip the fight in the nominal success was io miserably tre :i nn nihnftiafiM wu raised. v 1 at i kuchw v WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, STlND AY, f Trie butcher McNeil was almost unanimously rejected bythe Senate as Marshal of the Eastern District of-siis- 80Qri) The nomination of such an un- mitigated villain and murderer to a high and responsible office was a grave and inexcusable insult to the American Vilur' ! ' Shame where U they blush !", when mDurg cenai!' Chalmers in tle Housed and Forrest is apotheosizecf ! ' ': - OLEOMRG4KWB-riOG'JS 03U l" A number of bogus butter dealtrs have been arrested in Philadelphia. These rascals take the dirty fat sweep- IqgV of butchers, stalls and shops, trod on for days, aud on whicTtojpco' juice is spitted, and with which Ctber filtn' is mixed, boil it in big-kettles, mavV it into a poisenous compound nd sell it fr good butter, chiefly in the g0uth. It is difficult to tell this filthy and poisonous composition from good butter. Bat the effect on health of using it is-lerrible, and it is our opinion that : the men who sell the vile com- poun(j ught t be hung at the gallows. Xbis vile and dirty compound of dirty tallow scraps is made into such a per- fect imitation of cow's butter, that many people' buy ,it aud eat poison without knowing.it. No punishment is too se vere for the scoundrels who knowingly engage in this villainous traffic which is planting the seeds of disease in the human race merely for lucre. T1113 ST. UOTIIA11D TUNKJEL. ; A dispatch from Berne, Switzerland, announces that j the work of piercing Mount "St. Gothard was satisfactorily completed at 9 o'clock y'esterdny morn inc. n in iI m-paf. 'rinii-iiMT TIia rmt met. for the?conetrucUon 00 St. Gothard Tunnp! waa o.rdp,! to M 'T-m.UFnvrp of Geneva, on Aug. 7, 1872. It was one ftr4WAji(,- ,.r llw the Ferforation fch,m!d be completed ,(Lin -v; v,,.frM u :u a Jarge premiunwn case of the comple tion of the work in a shorter! time, 'and with a not less heavy penalty in case of delay. It will be seen therefore, that the contractor has' kept inside of his limit by some months. Despite difficulties, which were sometimes seri ous! and always great consumers of time, M. Favre has tho satisfaction oi having bored the longest tunnel in the world by over a mile in less time by over five years than was required to bore the 'Mount Cents tunnel, now the second greatest work of the kind. This 1 rapia acnievemeni is a tnumpn ior tne I improved drilling machinery 01 modern r i. u- 1 1 u i j I invnntinn wh'nh . lias hpfln rmn nvpd upon thc St. Gothard Tunnel from the beginning. Comparison of the three largest tunneis snows uiac me iuount P!nia loncrth ?oht: milpR Ipsa a tava -- ;:5b"600: "RtrrSd in the 13 year3 from 1857 to 1870; "the Hoosac Tunnel, length, 4 miles, cost $13,000,000, was finished in 11 years J KLlS W mile8 hag been bered in iess than seven Wears and a half. The contract prices 700,000. This, amount was to cover all I AvnAMoAO w h af H op Hi rant rr n onoouArxr and all risks and contingencies from whatever cause arising-. If this part of the contract is held to, the bt. Gothard will be much the cheapest of the three tunnels in cost of construction, in ad dition to its other and sufficient dis tinctions, :" 1 m TltAJ3AlOTAE, The Ashville Journal enquires "who lor Governor ?" and adds : VVa want te make a sutrsestiou and 1 uav fr Governor, Judge Buxton, for 1 .it .-1 rt 11 c r.ient.-iiovemr wm. u. v;anaier 01 Buncombe. We believe that with this ticket, we can carry North Carolina I jfh rood men for the rest of the places. 1 yye WOuid also suggest u . r. vrajgg ui MrDawell. as Secretary of btate, and ravid a. Jenkins for Treasurer. Of Uk character of either of the above eentlemen, no man living can say aught, or these that are resting iu their graves have ever saio anyiniug 1a me contrary. Come speak out, we mean business. mi , , , ' , J U the above, and support them cheer- "Y, . nomiuatcu.- the question as u 1 1 -Mi . our next Congressman ?" the Journal says, first: ' ' ' ', At this writiug, we do not know that the Republicans win nominate anyone, but we cannot foretell what may come, Kut if n0 Republican does run, who am one- the Democrats will be the man? 1 . . I IOllUl ; j,vnni Rnhinson. Johnson. MerrN man McLoud, Atkinson, Gaither, Sent i ator.wu11eBi14e9.u1 nmuciiwu, Guder r Col. Coleman ? - We confess hnr inability to tell who the man will rf be. j The Journal dots not think tnat Jiieut -Goveruor Robinson would make a very good run, but intimates that finl.lt. S. Gaither '.would, and it adds significantly : I Thn we sav that it behooves the Democrats, if they desire anylassistance to keen off a host ot dragons, they had better select some men that can take at . d 9U9 that tlie petple can rely upon to speak their sentiments in the I Congressional naus. t 10 nominate a w man like llobinsooi'Aod. I.i Vance l un as an independent, Robins 5n would be beaten 5,000, in the district, Jaa. wo ild almost any b the ther candidates that we have mentioned , It yoju, do not be lieve ionlyryU..; V,,,"; 1 On tne subject pf the sale of . 1 he Western North Carolina Railroad ; on the basis of the Best proposition, the Journal says to I the Republican items bera of the legislature ; j Si imhk-i ? i Examine well the 1 papers aud refer ences that Governor Jarvis has as to the ability of the syndicate who propose buying the )Y. N. C. R,! iLi and jt-i you believe the security good,1 and that the road will be built, don't rest until you cast your vote fer the sale. ; , -; r-..'). -?! divr -.j..:.,-- We want the road; and iany sacrifice that the state might make ou what the road has actually- cost it, i would be a matter of nothing to ourvjpeople if the road can be built, llienlain,- pass an act that before anybody coula eDjoin the progress of the work - that the per . son so enjoining sheuld giro a bond to the amount of a million dollars, and so fix it that no man : outside ofi North Carolina could get hold of. any shadow of a claim against the i road, i There is patriotism euough in the breast ef every Republican member' to throw 'all the safe guards around so as to insure the progress of the work. We say too, that there are many : Democratic ' members who will not faver the sale, but we warn you to shun them, and work for the sale of the road, it you believe it will be completed, and we have some assur ance that it will be.f I ' t The Journal thinks the state with convicts ought to grade the C. C. R. to Rutherford and - Marion, and under stands tnat the road will do th rest. : H. R. Helper wants to huild'v a rail road from BheringV Straits to Cape Horu. . ., . : OITX 1TE11S;1 Chew Jackson's Best' Sveet Navy looacco. , . ; iy Only one adult reported for BUevue cemetery this week. In Oakdale there were .two inter ments this week, both adults, v - The maiket is bountifully. supplied with fish, oysters and arly vegeta bles. A large whale was seen off the bar a few days ago. It is said to have been a whopper, The Register ef Deeds issued four marriage licenses this weeir, all of which were for colored people. There were seven interments ip Pine Forrest cemetery this week. Two adults ai.u five children. , 1 The sale of real estate for .city taxes for 1879 will begin at the Court House door on Monday next at noon. The residnoe of Mr. E. Turlington, was alUmpted to be robbed a few nights ago but the thief was run off. A member of Mr. Alex. Johnson's family run aJ thief off of his lot a few nights ago. Xf you do not want gray hair, use Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer which will not stain the skin, j or soil linen. Burglary. Geo. Wright alias Geo. Myers, was captured Monday morning while trying to effect his' escape from those who discovered him burglarizing the residence of Mr. D. C, Davis on 31 between Bladen and Harnet street. Shot At. Smith Eanett, - colored. was fired upon from an ambush near the residence of Mr. Jno. A. Sawde, about fcur miles from this city. It U thought that the would hs asaassia is one of IJenry Cruse's confederates. Sheriff Taylor and Judge ( Watts spok on "Appropriation" at Shall otte, yesterday. They want uongress to ap propriate to the digging f the canal from Cape Fear to Waccamaw river. A charter was granted for this canal in 1865. Decision Reversed. 4-In the case of the State vs Crafg, wh ere th e deft a. dent was before the Criminal Court for refusing to work tbe highway 1 and the caurt decided that the magistrate had no uuai jurisuitiiuii, me v cujiiems Court reversed the decision. Election of Officers. At meet ing; of the Wilmington Steam File En v cine Company, No, 1. held Tue8day evening last, the following oncers were elected for t&e ensuing year i Foreman E.G Parmelee. i First Assistant Foreman Jesse Pip kin. . ' . ' , . ' Second Assistant ForemftUW C VonGIahn, , V Qhief Engineer E M Manaihg." First Assistant Engineer--C H Car roll. ; :- :t ':i:,.. Secoud Assistant Lngineor R G Recording Secretary ---H D Burkhi- mer. . Corresponding Secretary Wm H Mus3. , Treamrer J F Gause.. j MARCH 7, 1880 . ; ILlebor Master's Report. Capt. Joseph Price, Harbor Master, , makes the following report of the arrivals of Tesscls at this port, Ac for lhe; month of Febraary : v American. Steamers, Barques, Schooners, 1, , ... ' i Total, Foreign. ' Barques, . Brigs, i ' Schooners, 1 : ' ' Total, ' Total' arrivals 17,022 , Tannage., 5 4,379 774 r 4,018 Total, 9,171 .Tonnage. 4,263 3,440 - V . ' 148 .3 1 15 12 13 2 27. Total, 7,851 10, .Total ' tonnage f A meeting of the Luqr Dealers As sociation of this city, was , held cn Tuesday evening last, Mr. President Hw E. Scott in the Chair. Thirty-nine members were admitted and an election of officers for the : ensuing year was had which resulted as follows: r . j -President H. E. Scott. I i Vice President John Haar, Jr. Recording Secretary James 1. Mc- GoWaU. . ; ' ; ' , : ,t j - Correspond ing Secretary R. F. Eyden. Treasurer B. H. J. Ahrens. A committeo on Fiuance and Visi tation was appointed. A resolution was adopted to appoint a committee to draft a memorial to the Legislature, petitioning for a reduction of the taxes now imposed upon liquor dealers; to appoict a committee to visit Raleigh during the coming session of . ' m the Legislature; aud to issue a circular letter te other cities and towns in the State asking the appointment" of sim ilar committees. Board od Aldermen. The Board of Aldermen met in regular monthly session on Monday evening last. Mayor Fishblate presided, a ad there was sl full Beard in attendance. The Finance Committee reported progress in the matter ef Cato Bunting, and were allowed until the next regular meeting to report upon the petition of George Harri3s.f The same committee also reported progress on the petition of the Western Union Telegraph Com pany. jThe'special committee on petition of Alex. Oldham were giyeu power to act, upon the petition. In the matter of complaint of Alex. Oldham, relative to the storage of tar I barrels, the Chief of Police was directed to notify Harding Johnson to re move the infltmmable material from the yard. Special Committee upon Stevedores were relieved of further consideration of the matter submitted to them, at their own request. It was resolved to have a tower erected in the City Hall yard, in which to place the city fire iilarm bell, said tower, to be seventv feet in height. Alderman Foster desired to be re corded as voting against the resolution, and Alderman Hill as voting against the location. I . The following was adopted : j Ordered, That a committee of five be appeinted to examine the new Mar ket building, and report back to this Board as to whether the same has been completed in accordance with the contract. The flavor appointed tho following committee: Aldermen Von GJahn, Myers, Vollers, Foster and Hill. 1 The following ordinance was adop- ted : Be it ordered, by the. Mayor and Hoard nf Aide nnn. and ir. is hprAhw er(jeredoY the same. That from this date henceforth until this ordinance be amended or repealed, no guano or other noxious fertilizer shall be stowed in any snea, house, store, warehouse, yard4 lot, ior on any wharf in this city, east ot fheuape Fear river and between Red Cross and Church streets. Any person or persons violating this ordinance, shall be Sned twenty-five dollars. The ayes aud nays were called oh the above, and the ordinance was adopted by the following vote: Ayes Aldermen Fishbiale, '-B-jwden Vollers, Myers, VonGiahu, Fianner King, Lowrey and JIUl 9. Nays Aerman Foster. A petition liom Samuel Skinner, to erect a small frame building at the Ma rine Railway, was granted. Ihe report ot Roger Moore, Chief Engineer of the into Department, for the month o,f February, was read and ordered on file. - Bids for furnishing the city with materials, lights, &c, were opened. read and appropriately referred until the next meettntr, after which the Board adjourned. '- . Pinafore" has been translated . into Russian: What 1 neverovitchki ? " "Well, hardly everoffjkovitch.' .; " A Mississippi sheriff didn't leap from a traia after the escaping prisoner, bnt got off fit the next station took dinner, anu picitea tue leiiow qp a,ue aiU gators bad run b,im, pv of thet swamps -.: : : Single Copies 5 Cents The Sorgo Hand Book, a treatise ' ' Sorgo and Imphee Canes, : and the Min neseti Early Amber Sugar Cane. . The edition for 1880 is new ready, and will be sent free on application. We can furbish pure cane seed ef- the best va riety. 1 Blymer Manufacturing ;' Co. , Cincinnati, p. t Manufactures of Cook Sngar Evaporator, : Victor ' Cane Mill, Steam Engines," &c. ? 1 1 feb 29 2t : - All About Yellow tobacco.--W. A. Davis, editor of the Oxford, (N. C.) Torchlight, has just published a hand some little book containing the exper ience of fifty of the most successful yellow tobacco farmers in Granville county, N. C. o If you want to learn all about tobacco .from the ilant bed " to the sales room floor, you, should en close 25 cents in postage stamps to W. A. Davis, Publisher Oxford, N. C, and receive his book, post-paid. The' to-v bacco grown in his county (Granville)! has a greater reputation than that oj any other .county in the United Stales,' feb 29 3t . . .: : County C01111 is si o n e b s. Tho Board met in regular session Monday afternoon, "all the members being present. ' . The Treasurer submitted his month ly report, showing a ! balance due" on the. general Jfund . cf $19,721.84;. a bal ance in hand of special fund of $271 07i and a balance on hand of school fund of $9,323.13: A .'. 1 ' " . ' The. Register of Deeds submitted his report of fees, collected from marriage licenses for the month of February, ex hibiting a receipt from the Treasurer for $1G.15. f :" -. Above reports were examined, found correct, ordered spread on the minutes and placed on file. L. G. Cherry and John Crawley were granted licenses to retail spirit uous liquors for three months from the Ut of March, 1880. . v It was ordered that the, Supervisors of Public Roads in New Hanover coun ty be paid $2 per diem for eight' days actual service in the performance of said duty,, with no. allowance for mile-:, age, the bills" to be certified by the Clerk of the; Board of Supervisers. , r Ihe following list of jurors was drawn to servo at the April term cf the Criminal Court : i W H Styron, John H Hanby, B J Jacobs, Wm G Jones, Fred Kidder, Geo Ziegler, Jno T French, Walter Rutland, .T Pyke3, Jno E St George, W A Eakel, Robt Tkomas, Wright Stanley, Fred Hill, Joseph Harrow, Jno Matinder, J G Wright, R- J Scarbo rough, E J Whitney, John Freeman, Henry Taylor, John JLeGwin, Joseph Sternberger, EL. Pearee, H H Qer hardt: AlfredHargrove, .Thomas Beck, F B Bishop, B H J Ahrens, Nathaniel Sparrew, mmm On motion the Board then adjourned to meet on the first Monday in April, at 2:30 PM. i , I The Board of County Commissioners resolved itself into a Board of Educa tion, when the following proceedings were had : v. 1 j) : It was ordered by the Board that the error in the school census in Harnett, and Cape Fear townshius bo cor rected, - ' The census, as corrected, stands as follows : j ; I tarnett - iVhite.3, 139; colored, 313. Lue Fear Whites, 42; colored, 374, v : ' - To correct the apportionment of school fund3 made at the last meeting of the BoarJ, the Treasurer was di rected to charge Cape Fear township as follows ; Whito School Fund, $13.36; Colored school fund, 13.42, and to credit th sum thua charged to the School Fund of Haruett township ia consequence of the transfer of 8 white and 26 colored tio Harneit from Cape Fear township. ' VTbe following is the additional ap portion men t by districts. No 1980 white, $117X0; 1.7C0 col ored, $211.20. ; ; ; No 2916 white, $109.92; 1 ,265 col ored, $151.S0. No3S5 white, $10.20; 82 colored ; $9.84. ' : - V. :... , , No 4-97 white, $11.64; $2 col&eA, No 519 white, $19.08; 313 colored, 137.56. . . -y v-- No G 42 white, $5.04; 374 colered, $14.88. ' . ' ' Hens fed on clear sound grain,' and kept on a clear grass run, give much finer flavored eggs than henn that have accetw to stable and manure heaps and eat all kinds offiithy food. - : ;CharUy toward the weakness of hu-. man nature Is a virtue' which wo de mand in others, hut, which we find hard to practice ourselves. , : i y f ( r The members ef the bar who read law under Judge Pearson it is said, in? tend to erect a monument te his mem ory in Oakwood cemetery Ealeigh. It is to cost $2,500 NUMB ER 9 'NE )Y AU vktLiLSEENMTS. ir mm Other Pianog'weaFpt, BUT A,G0;0H, FOREVER. . VICTORS JdaU at contests and for 53 OSical PerfftCtTonAVofidcH-ul HnraKiH. ?ed Stand&rditf lb onabl,Cost.,Tnia economy indicates I fV CPwneiyCtockeriDgn4 po other. ; porchaso LAGTCHANCE TO DUY CHEAP CWckering & Sons largely advanced their prices V Oor old contracts expire April r, lain jrill 3 tn ertari rwdiTi tsfon that date at old raUt, Ok pricwi aov aro posittTely t!i lewert la Amirica. OrderowandMYelroma3to$aOonthopur- chaaeA JPrsent ratet guaranteed only to April x. LTJDDEN'Sj BJLTES,' Savannah, Gal'" . Wholesale Agents far Ga.,Fla.,S.C. C,&Ali mch 7 4t : ' h . SUMNER LODGE, NO 48, ; OF COLUMBIA, s. a, ; -. ; - ' " I. O. of G. S. and D. of S., Meets Monday evening of each v;?ck at 8 o'clock. ' ! ,..v : -A. 0 ITOIII1E3T. 1, S. ' mch 7 tf J CITY 01 WILMINGTON . 1 MAYOR'S OFFICE " . ' February 23,1SS0. ' ' $23 EE WARD. ' V ' -a ; - rjHE ADOVE REWARD WILL BE PAID1 for Information sufficient .to cony let an y . person or persons who havo ben guilty of lfte of stoning bouses, pulling off palings, ' and taking off gates from fences, or of com mitting aDy similar depredations in this city. ' ; '; S. II. FISHBLATE,1 . feb20tf i : Mayor. NOTICE. I WOULD RESPECTFULLY TENDER my services as PHYSICIAN and SUR GEON to the citizens of Wilmington and vicinity. : - Office on North side Market between Sec end and Third Streets. feb 29 tf . 1 W, POTTER, M.-S. y rjO work quarrying stone at Rocky Point, N. C, for the United Slates Government Works. ' Steady employment and gocd wagc3. . 4-'' feb29tf TIIOS. W ILLIA1IS. DR. W. W. HAKRISS; will resume on MARCH 4TII the . PRACTICE OF MEDICO E. and offers his PROFESSIONAL SERVICES in tho PRACTICE pf IIOMCEPATHY. V ; - Office, (at present,) nest to Couit House. Residence on 5th near Orange street.'1 ; feb 29 tf - Sale of Obsolete and UnscrvicaJ Jble Ordnance Stores '. ' and Ordnance .-i United Statks Okdstancs Agency, C orner Houston and Greene Streets, (IV O (' . ' Box 1811.) f ' Jkw York, January 22d, 18S0. SEALEl PROPOSALS, in duplicate will be receivedat this office for the purchaJie of Obsolete and Unserviceable Ordnancfe ! and Ordnance Stores, embracing Cannorl, Carriages, Small Arms, Leather -Work, Zifad, Tools, and Scrap Materials, dc, ai the various Arsenas.l Torts, and Depots in , the United States. Bids will he opened at 12 o'clock, IX., on Wednesday, the 25th day of February, 18W, ' for Stores located as follows, to wit : ; Allegheny Arsenal, Pa.; Frankibrd Arsen- . al, Pa.; Fort Monroe Aisenal, Va.; IndUn apolls Arsenal,Ind.;Kennebec ArBenal, Me.; Plkesville Arsenal, Md.; llock Island Ar senal, 111.; St. Louis Arsenal, Mo.; National Armory, Mass.; WashingtonJArsenaVD. C; Watervliet Arsenal. N. Y.lWatertown Axsc nal, Mass. And the Forts In the following naictd States, to wit: Connecticut. Delaware. Mftlnft.Marvl am! Massachusetts, Michigan. New Hampshir cr' New Jersey. New York, Fennsylvani 1, Rhode Island, Virginia. Bids will be opened at 12 o'clock, M., on Wednesday, the 10th day of March, lSbOrfor . Stores loeated as follows, to wit : Augusta Arsenal. Ga.; Han Antonio Arse- n nal, Texas; Uenlcia Arsenal, Cal.; Vancou ver Arsenal, Wash. Ter.; Fort Union, New Mex U.S. Military Academy, JN. Y.. and the Forts in the following named States and Territories, to wit - Alabama, Caliiornia, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Kansas, Louisiana, Mlnnesota Mlssissippl, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina. Orecon. Smith Purriiinii Texas, Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Dakota, Idaho, Indian, Montana, New Mexico, Utah Washington, Wyoming. 1 I For list of Stores in detail, locatlonterms, fcc, see catalogues, which 'can be procured: on application at the Ordnance Office, War Department, Washington, D. C; at thiM Agency, or at any of the Arsenals or JJepots; and the Commanding Officers of Forts will furnish on application information as to what Stores on hand at their respective posts are for sale. ; . Bidders will state expltcitly the posts where the 8 tores are located which they bid iui , auu giye me &inas ana quantities they propose to purchase.- 1 Deliveries will only be made at the vari ous posts where stored. .? pepartment reserves the right to re- ject all bids which are not deemed satisfac-. wry. i , , . . a - j - Prior to the accerttAucA nfflTiv hM it. win " 1 have to be approved by the War Depart- "ui xcrma uusu. a en per cent,, at tne tlma of award and the remainder when the property is delivered. Thirty days will bo allowed for the removal of Stores. Packing boxes will, be charged at prices to be determined by the Department. Proposals will be addressed to the U, S. Ordnance Agency New York, (P. O. Box 1811) and must be endorsed, "Proposals for purchasing Stores," with. the names of tho, Ar8eual8, Forts or Depots where stored, and tbe names 01 Htates or Territories in which the Stores are located. - S.CRISPIN, Bvt. Col. U. 8. A., Lt. Col. of Ord., Com manding. Jan II - , - v ' ' - ; 5 (frIO a day at home. Outfit and terms free. Agents wanted - mm ajbkusU. Me . marLtiij '. -. y. y .,' - 1 .1 1. V

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