-5" ?..'.-. rf.. ? ''I'vf .- "on" nU-ji ':;! si if. i ' It if. J- . ! .,1 ,I ? ; "i X OLUA : ' ; ; , Carolina, sunMy-march i4, isso. ; Single Copies 5 Cents ' : . ', 10 I. 1 JLi'" wJ '" t . t ' ' ' ' IS II iV' i ... ra : I. ! ; . k I -1 i I ' i 1 - - - . . " - - - : ' t- I NUMBER v' ' 1. i r Wl LTV 1 1 N GTONPOST T WlLMINCMOK Mattkr LT THE I'OoTpFFICE AT N. U, AS tfECOSD CL.S it A TUB Of AD VERT I S I K G 1 , Fifty cents. ''per line' for the firbt u ,ortini :md twenty-five cents yv r '. in ior each addiljional insertion. . Eight. (8) lilaes, Noxparcil type, con stitute a square, v: The subscnptioh priee to Thk Wil ya xgtoN Post- is $ 1 . 00 e r y eai ; ox! months 75 cents. ! Allcommunicrtionson busineMjhouKI bij j addressedjj to Tue- Wilmikgton I'Dsr, Wilmingtoti, N. (3. j ! All advertisements will be churgcd a rfiie above rates, except on special con iracts. ' ' . ' -' ; "I f Mr. Geo. T. Ruby, colored, of Iritis- i'ana, was before the' eiqu4 cx'njTriittee on ilif lUbamVgate'sbipe SrerylpoJnt cd i u tiiiiny.i'Jte Htet). tpi Jtfieje; .wvif in LuuisiauH, Texas, Mb&issipd,. A-a i.'iiH and ? Arkansas; 92,800 men IT r i" morrow at co ji tha smoj f ihi week. . the General Assembly called by G jy. XHonocil; to Ueiiuerate upuii thu propo sitions jre.M;tedi by Mr, Joet iur the oraiiz-4, loi.king to, emiralion, th't ' 'purchase 'if'ilie Western N. JJ UaiU ti'tir hs pditicH:ittJit,btit' ,tlat1t rpdyiU iueet iii life Capiiut. ; j iuSrti,iy tne aeinai jqi iuir pMvrJ r .tj.vrly itU,iUeiuewnaiur.s iheiHi KhI li'gtiiii, wliich "w a eqtfUgh iutB bvtiiH1 Untnhts -dy.U tbsub-l ciit- ihtni fogkDjwIier-'o Hen hell in which i?y liytd,', iI 'jijvpul iout ietieis.,oi written piu-1 ''oiiiy one in tKrre not much feeling vt this klod . waV4ci-i.hp.Vl V K'aiurs'ta- what ' j Oakdale C ClT i: ITEMS'. -vm r-t J Ty n "XT - "1 1 pioine Dteqmau jure o. xio. i, nave " , . - f. imttr allorVipd f ft their frtir.lr " -.t -r.lt:: V:' nii'u; "a At' I fc-e rry.--r ------ . Tobacco. 1 V " ly ; Mr: Wi D. ttah'tf has eaten new Irish ' No intermenu in Byllevue Cemetery potatoes grown - in , his garden in this ci t y t li is eeaso u. BMn I Jiin'Vietl Ja JUleigh.aiew JThereare; two prisoneis coufiued in tlie.couty jxil -charged with capital enracs.- mie fur nron tne oiner ior I hf .shipment of pinestrtir from this ' t'iiWlarv1 '; 1,1 ' :'y-' K I -f i t'ltydiiis been re-connmenced. t f -: ". ' x " ' , - --' ', j T ' -ri '-r;V-!' y !' Thc'Roistelr of p'v-eds'h'arf V5, THE CONVENTION OF Til E RE VUDLICANci OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, WILL MEET IN THE CITY OF RALEIGH, ON THE SEVENTH DAY OF JULY, I8S0, FOR THE PURPOSE OY NO I INATING -::VO ELECTORS ; AT- l I i A RG E, A N 1 ) ST ATE O FFICEilS J pY ordr OF STATE EXEC U i itve Committee. -Late GeneraTNews. ' of hotels ('! 0.1 Lhe-.ft. ti'.i the nt's, in lit to be i l lnj country i nii policy. The C!iic;igi Tribune says that the Nor(h Carolina delegation have quar- U is. at -the micrman house. Propj-ie- refuse to rent to ouiders v liuitv of the c-tivenlion of xMav. No.incrcase f tMi; tie! 1 1 li as e.i ns-.-d P.ir I i a- li.-solved, .tid i'drig U )n the quVstiorn of t he for ih GLrjlfitme is one of the i -:ilcr of tlie liberak, including I the i . ; i- i intbe Vm r 'rrgion- but tht. ihe -xof j promiia to b s a j:olracttd controversy." I Mm Hi .j ! lari- friun Hie co'.tou rtf- I Tdie two .iu?l iaborafcu o. tneitj di g Bprniij, lie neiii vt-u,,,,,,,.! nuipiuwte reparti by if.rii'l'eatlenien mm m 1-- I. . - V.t - .i ti K Mm NOK ";,1 i prittr M 4ne?j coiuuwi a i l i t b 'Ihri .ir to lit 764 votes lu Jbe CKi-" Vkuii94Hi V- MRi of tub city. CHgo o-.itvvniiou. ...; . , ,.f , pruue'j '.qyf-Mne or our, cotciupcr.afies. A ' prominent Republican whb Js.a j pPthif tlterte idocuuients ; opposed the warm atlmireri of Secretary Sherman; 9awf this great.publio work owned by yvsterday rxprrssed himself Very freely tetite, with ttie most conclusive rea with reference to the outlook' iair Scre 8pniog. ; - ,i .-..t ; , . .- , : . . 1 Ury Sherman to obtain the nomination j yVei may. , expect that; the Geueral fo Vs'tied I tit U-rment, thatof an to tnarrU' li, thiwcU Cemetery thisjweek. Tlwre will be no services in the 'Sec ond PrcKbyteriati Churcib to'night and tine i to a co L ne red There are57. miles oelevnoiie and coiulitiou oi siinjruine' of for the Presidency. : tsj ' j rAsaemblyj will not be in unseemly haste ' This4nterview we find in thV'HoWtf1 ifio'iSingi to a vote on the Question.-hiiL and ; we publish, as giving what yell rthaj all fejatures of the proposed will be posted bherm in man in Chicagi ays carefully ' scrutinszed, both in commit- of Sherman's prospects: r" -;h tee'and in thri bdy itself. This is due "Secretary Sherman's prospects im-J to 'their;;co'tistiiatents If not to their prsve- dai'y," ht said,vVThe friends of own self respect, ,It would not be rn General Grant have all along declared j the credit of our law mak?rs if they that he would get nearly the united were to huddle together, and disposchpf vote if the south. They know that' is theuhjecf as !' they ' would of a "hasty not tli'j case. teeven of the ten dele- plalcof soup.", If the 'wliqie thing is a gate a1. ieady. elected in NorthjCarol ganae, a set up thing, a .trick of these na are for Secretary Sherman, and jouni financiersas is said of thetn, then it dvi4!s nro that at least fifteen ef the would not do to be in haUe. The fact entire d. b gation of twenty will be for, I is that suspicion has . been aroused al- Shernian.' Postmaster General Key is ready by t'. el vxtraordiuary--haste in certain Hint the entire delegation from which it lias beeo hur-ried up, as weli Keir.ucky and Tennessee. will he for I asiin donseqiience of the hig' s-mruli ig Sh.erhi-Mi; U Ah Virgiuia and 'West promises and f the philanthropy pro Virginia ar known to be so!id4 f Jr him J testations .of -Rest fe Co. and mere is a strong prouavuiuy tnat I j We noper- the representatives ot the South Carolina and Alabama will alo j people, as soon as tiiegave4 conies downf scud united Sherman delegations. Tex-1 will call a halt. If they were to cry as will be divided against Sherman and but to the slpak and oily- Best as he Grant, and Louisiana may be, although approaches with his blandishments, we hone to carrv the entire delegation "Halt! who i-ofR there; !M and'Rast an i '.um hra.ilivnj ini un nilor r. 11 ii'l. I 1 ll - ' ! . . . :i . . . . . . 1 o it ci 3. menu nuuuui nit- wuuw. nave nau a cousuitaiun. uirnt in mat state. ine wuuarawai oi results. ironic' rule, afnd the amelioration of IJism.ark, po" trains.. the Ireland. Roth parties are success - The 4 of Virginia, but .with' na Parucll has gone back to Ireland to lnok after his,re-electin to Parliamenl, I tary Sherman with in; the . several the nomination of Pinchback will make 8,?n', then, le" them sa . fj the contest more intense." : . ; friend, without the . countersign, and "What strength do you credit Secre gire him a thorough overhauling. tefegrapU c:tr. i to" l:i " wbite couple. r 6 i ' . Tc.Jirt cargo of Mtui vvt tftipH fr.i ti X? 1 1 tinrtti' ti't' W4-?iiwi if t . r ' i ; - A friend from Bladen, count r called ii on yesterday . and , says that the ex- ciiemeni ana inaignauoa ia me coun-. try oyer the timber combination in this cityr isjrery great: among the people, and unlets there is a change very soon W i 1 m i,ng to a is about t o su ffer tery se riously. We again appeal to the mer chants of Wilmington td see that jus- ttce, is done their country ? patrons vrho J follow the timber business, ui' -Huflin Cas-ax, (oxirANY. TLe stockhohk rs of the Duplin Canal 1 Coin Wx? '"es ' ;at' : MgtitHi'.vily"i ijiiesday" and pt-ift-cted their rgaMiz,tioru The. meeting proceeded lo an lieleelion 'am 'y AD VJStiilSEENMTS, 01) 0! w m a Id ITS triad R, pufclttais t icJlPer fid itxmttst3BL,kfor 6'S "d StfkndanTortlie CUdaiWpnderfoIPurabili- ronderfa abKsTruen6mrindicats . t UST CllAflCEtTO.DimCIIEAP ;fWckoring & Sons largely advanced their price PettSrOttriold'f contracts cxpirtf AprU-tf aad Q1 lLiH ttittt titiivtiitAtBt Uui dxti it alllmtaL: ' twprlcmasv-artricsitiTolr ter,Joirert.l3Amirica. wire- strung. -sthnMiglt j this -ii ni'.,ffi,..ri 1 1... ...:.u I Pwrncmasv - .iH!f. r ; . .- - .--a i tmier jtow ana save jrotxrso99U otf the pur- was carried out vesterdarbv tho D-uiLh 1 th i f.Uowinir rpnli- Pr.iilnt Mr I chasei irtsent rate"uaranteed onlVosAtril i. ThWKh,iPr it,..n ..wl, urcT V-ib r' mch 7 4t 1 ' - I Hanrtuer Marafarv fin Uuln.nH Tw master, Mr. David Farrier, oi Duplin; Saperinteoderitj Maj. W. L. Young, of JNew uanover, ana a iioara of jiirec- . The market has been well supplied with fish and oysters drring' the past been furnished with a good organ of week. ; 1 - 1 ' . f F tne sterling rnanuiacture. it is a o oc : ' f : i j taVoand 7. fctbp instrument. JA . AV.JL' U I COW UH9 IV Jt lUf ma i-.j.ti' - mm m . , . j ,j . , - ( , - new field of labor. Uia head Quarters uThe new steamer John Dawson owned tors consisting of MMesa. Worth, i I -.. . i . . , . VJ" I TIT Yt-1 .1 ,1 t tt -rTrL .rw ; SUMNER LODGE, NO 4S, now are in Augusta,- Gaj? and built bv antain R. Pi Paddison W. Caldar and R. H. McKoy, of New and David Sherman, has been cdmple Hanoyer; W. T. Bannerman, of Pender; I Monday evening of each week Qcvcuipiecwo! iy property wejej tej and made a trip on Friday, r w Xi. Miner ana ij . . i rimute, oi at 8 o'clock. Duplin; OF COLUMBIA, S. C, of G, S. and D. of S., sold during, the week for back taxes. They were bid in by the city. A new society of the social and be nevolent order, was organized in this 1? Mrs. Jarley V wax figures are inprepi citf a few evenings ago, and will be aration anu win oe piesentea to tne known as the Odds and Ends Associa Community on Easter Tuesday, v. tioni It is proposed to present jhe yener- An Active Pdblishikg House ' Mcs3rs. T. B. Peterson ABrbthers, 306 Chestnut.; Street, Philadelphia, have ju3t published the following new books : "The Little Countess," by r OctaTe mch M CITIi Tucker Toitriscnd. a young colored Fcuillet. "Naina," ind "L'Assemmior,'.' iltln i c li rs r r f I h i j Tr. vt art a t-vn 1 3 1 o a I I I' r "-"1. ,r Ty Was W m the by Emlle Zla. "The American L'As- i -wnha memorial gift during this the 4rd M Messrs. Kerchner & Calder SUmmoir a Parody on 'Zola's L'As- twenty sixth year of his episcopate ; lres., on Friday. He was carried to " TTow Rh mrr 1- ! Ar , .. i 1 " , -- i - . j I a- fc. nl..X. -. i i wie uuuue siauon. i J ..I'OKIiEST, Is tf 1 ! ". 01 There will be no public demonstra- 'ion in this city by the Hibernian As sociation on St. Patrick's day, which falls this year on Wednesday,1 the 17th insr. Grape shot have been dug up. from the bed of t he street car , track during the week.; They we-e brought here in the ballast which was put on the road bed. a The irotling race which wa3 io have tikeu. "place' on the track at the ' Fair (rounds on last Fridav. did not take L 1 J-.'.:- ' . ; I place, i 1 he bets were withdrawn and i i. - i i . the race declared off. I ' ; which is urllerstood to be critical. .-I (('it: Nebraska, is frozen in and IMief Lommltlec in JJiibnu ie.rpcclpU.atr the Mausiun li! I ii l.r. ( o va uv relief of the distressed Irisu is recorded U 1 )) from this city. The old Pilots from Ivj&Ioh, New Vork and Philadelphia ar before the committee strenuous q oyer the United States The new States?'' he was asked. ..;L. ' , : oni? Ail A I N.; t.c Him too lunuiout toiw. uu ti.i hio Ka eian oorresnsnaeniottLe nine irom nil the information l ean gather '.i iLi - -.a-i u.. e will receive mere father than ajess j , t . . - ,M . - number. of votes in the convention : iniquities of the-Slionnan men with all Massachusetts, 23 vote : Connecticut, that sublime lndiuerencQ to facts whicn 10; New Jersey, . p.OJuQ,,48i iQdianai t he r exhibiteoTon the 20th of January lu; Micn.gan, io; Illinois, jpj y iscon- Jast j d to lUe aoin OI theiit.ate ' .1 . I . i 1 a ll n I. ii i . w f .i . 1 t n r r I n . ...j y-.r tkn 1 Vfl rlrttl Mil I tyiillUIUCC. "OS UIOVVHHJ lllllXj votes," MAYOR'S OFFICE v . February 2o, ISSO; $25 REWARD. ; ABOVE REWARD WILL BE' PAID the Bride of Charming Valley." "Major p fcumcient-to conv'ct Jone'sbourtship," with 21 illlustrktionsV person f Persons who have been guilty of " Ahgele's Fortune," by Andre Theuriet. Iate of boning bouses, Junius off palm j.s, 4,Dosia," by Henry dreyille,t ard: anUkiig off te froru fences', or of com- any. similar depredations in this S. II. FISIIBLATE, . v . 1 , '" Mayor. .. 'Hyde Park Sketches," all Ih uniform mitting tl !.L .? . : I- ' 't IITt" ' I, sbjio wua xneir euiviens : or xienry i cuyt ureville s ' popular works. These books Mr. H. Samson who is well ,known are very entertaining and "arc meeting in this city aud who was at ue time with the great success they so richly connected with; the dry goods business deserve. Booksellers are requested to now ran by his; brother Mr. J. San sen, send in their orders, and all Book J r ' died in New York on Thursdav. ! Buyers! should send for Petersons full j feb 29 i NOTICE. ;"indiguation"!all the way from Curri-. This leaves General Grant in a de- tuck; to Cherokee, machinations of in Washington makincr cided minority if you concede, that ,i. pposition to the bill turning J of Sherman without .number, and a whole pilot business to the KfttweGn nJue and bherman. Blaine catalogue of horrors with no. end. Af- will receive most4 of his support from I tec au ''amouqt qt Jet.t&r Writing which bill reported in the House the east anu west., , , has weighed down tne: Raleigh mails, n tlje relation of Marshals fixes, the Gr'y a M "i'T outward bound, but getting only feeble 7vi-at '$1.60, limits them to one at jje has already the ; votes' of New response, the vacancy of facts has been i t w r j k r l - i .a ii. a. - . . . - Senator h imlliujx f . i . i. i - 'wt- a m .v pncinctJ anu to-three uays service, lortanu irennsyivania, iu ana oo re i suppnea uy uriniaui, imagiuiug.. -auu an.i'ihat n Marshal bJiall he arresieu ovi' printea in tue guiiiDie columns oi in? ,,;,,,l,,a:,ykclec.ion.bys!ateaul!1ority. ilnTL-SS: liipAoM intitt. McDonald received .rougli is that the "Grant boom" has already Signal at Raleigh and rom Senators Conkliug . and bejrun to die away. The peculiar ef j at Greensboro, aud most of the lour- Ix?:u, unbu his attempt to impeach i."8 a., .T Wti Deffspaper lo say notu.Bgoi inai .. r ' .' . v I rom iiew orh. auu reunBriTauia, ! . p ..dj ,,7 lho inCatiiatvA ,,c phaters of Uener?ls 4'ope aua thouga 8Uccessful, were almost equiva- TV " V " ' P ,f 7l , They demoiisheq uim. lent to ojeieat, and flave aqne iUctt to ..vhm; v.w. iHlJ break down the mof emant for Grant, oug . name ot "i'evp-t s yoiee, wnicn miraculous it is believ ,'jvct to tak ticket wit! -: , ' . -j ' Li-sseps Mr. E. W. Taylor, of Ensy Hill urunswict county, near this city, ship- sUa8 Heel lias contributed throuzh ped green peas to the north yesterday, the Rev. Roger Martin $64 73 to the rn i i j til - Aiie snipment is ai least one montn m3h Belief Fund. The monpv was 1. .. . t ' . . . . - .i 'l : " earner than nas evr ueen known be- sint tn Mr. AlnnrW Rrmnf f ih?a . I T m.-m.-s mm. u s J VI U I. y t'Jf , 1 I citvi to be tnrwardprl to tl nr.inpr n. i - . i i " t. 11. JM. iVlbCI, VI HW&Jf 11US purchased the engine of the old Clar-I eudon Iron Works, and will erect la WOULD RESPECTFULLY JtESDKl's Buyers should send for Petersons' Ml t$a Catalogue. Address all letters to T IS"! . . .i . t t T ., , .... M v"won xnonnBwe Jiarset between Sec-, 1 1 I'nlorcATi At UmI)iiji I l. 1l.Hnlv.h1n I rinrt ,l cj ... , I !l i I fafcOOW . -I.! I). The Mount Olive A. M. E. church which was destroyed bv nessta edition C.'oraent Attachment to his- cotten Rio hime ago, is being rebuilt. TI t his farm. Good. Let others follow stone will bo laid on Thur he corner rietv. The Sorgo Hand Book, a treatise ba 90O JHJK1VT WANTJKI Sorgo and lmphee Canes, and the Mm: Early Amber Sugar; Cane. The rpq Wk quarrying stone at Kochy rotnt, ior xooj la uwyy- reauv, auu win I be sent frpft nn iinnfip.a.tmn! , W iin I Jv yi. f rn 1 . 1. .C. . a n . n a a AtlthA hilar - for tho United fetutes. Government rurniah pure cane seed or ine Dest y&: j works. radnw nnvt I Ci nni n h ati O ' AT a mi fap.t.n rp rf flnnlr J-"'wu' vih'c "l"MS under the.iusnir.es oFth(IrnnH TTmfArl o.-Kar jZivawuiaiur, v lCLur vauo jjxjij, i ill Clement Attachment. Blymer Manufacturing Co., I wages.. Order of Odd Fellows. Steam Engines, &c. bacUGHT TO GiilEF.-George llnl, ! Xhe new market was formally opened colore., who has been stealing around Friday evening and many ladies at promiscuously .for same time past, was tended. The building presented a very captured on Monday while in the act handsome appearance and the display of selling some of his stolen -plunder. ef Deer DOrt lamb ' etc,, was verv ' i i 7 '' All DR. lie is tne one wuo stoie Messrs; iercn ner & Caldc-r Bros, cotton, Messrs. E. Kidder & Sous tarpaulin, a'nd'3Lr,''Mo'r-' ris Bsai's 'b'.-eswax. fine. About Yellow tobacco. W . A. Davis, editor of the Oxford, (Si. C.) Torchlight, has just published a hand some little book containing the exper ience of fifty of the most , successful yellow ' TltOS. WILLIAMS ' W. W. HARRISS, will resume on MARCII 1TII the PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. . and offejrs bis PROFESSIONAL HER VICES in the PRACTICE of IIOMCEI'ATHY. Office, (at present.) next to Court lIoue. tobacco farmers in. Granville county N. C. If you want to learn all James Varman, a boy of about 16 about tobacco from the, plant bed to I .Residence on Gth near Orange street. feb 2) j,f the farm , of Mr. Columbus Swain, of 1 a. Davis. Publisher. Oxford. NC: and -5' c Howell 1 ... . ! . . ; . . fiiqeivii said to bp mating rt"(.e with ed i i i to bp paLing ftti a. ii Th furniahed evidence that there is 8prung spontaneously and Gov. idshop of Oluo and t the strong ami terwheloiDg feeN ,int4i sau e 8Grt of e that the latter wont ob- JDg for Grant that many npposd. The , : . e-vanesceotex- indicuations" of the rur th- serond tlaee on the fact Is that the fight, as I have already istence, as tne O i .... . . -4... 1 ' 1 31 i .1 saio, is narrowing u-seu uown to oner i jaaieigu-cuucspuuucni. man and hlaine. Of course it is ub- k Those sors heads ' who complained derstood if General Grant is not nomK that tuo statV committee appointed the old Grarncrcy. has iroud to San Francisco. These articles will be replete with facts Lhitherto unknown to the public. ,'r t:!t:v now r .: J J ceive me nomtnauop., ; 8 n : " ;, : 4 What about AVashbufnt2" i ;. ',; State? convention, are now Uy to "He is probably the second choice of alleTiftte their raberes by tie" same Grant's friends. But ! hardly think he u jA u,l ti. aA t:.i r i - . ' - i - i itiiki iir iiipiiir.inr. uu in l ii l z. . h a u yi is. ft'e 1KSiKn(SfhU 5trtic the! 'QQmmittees did pre- rntory, wnieu i s noiuing i , -i rt flrBK lllaf ,, fft tlm i t... r;.lv what thev comolained .of the l an attempt to steal laud virtiiallv killed whatever chance he 1 -to ttmmillrp fnr Hninf. Thev adoDt- i mi - oa.aa vvlum w - j k The steamer : Rotterdam arrived iu New York on Wednesday, IS days cut ppiii .Rotterdam, ' haying experienced y hi y severe weather on the way mat 6,r i . ,liin.in lb iii'jro tha deeded: in fee binvple ta the - Indians by may have had." the United States iu 1832, and vhich loid in fee simple,. i '.get tin Bj o? all sides. p I jic better chfs. of "citizens- in tfau t-'raiicisco have formed a Citizen's Pro tective Union understood to be equiv alent to the vigilance committee of a hv jtarij ago. Their orgauizitiwn is said to be perfect and thoy declare y "ihat the time has come, when the man hood of San'-Fraucisco fhould bo jjCtte, aiiq i iientjeu thV'thp" line iUall now be usnuiiy urawn uetween thoo who are in I favor of law and or , der, the rights of property, the safety and .liberty of citizens and.. peaceful prosperity aud those wjio are for riot, Wiisiuatton una pniagy, atiarcpy, uu , .Vest 'ud: dciUruciirtn.'"! This ' 'ivi Jeu'tly iiicau's bushiess, jis'.; said that i f a ript bfcaJfTi cut the . vengeance will bp terrible. lu.the meantime Mavor Kal loch issues a-iroeiauiation, stating that there is n caue of . app-reheusion- that 15 the woi kng class yidYiniate ihc peace, , and if they are attacked they v.iil wait , ',iij;jf .couajUitional 4y ol. judgment Lo- peafitabiy t'but effectively.! conslgU their aoithe'rs Vo"polr! oblivion, which they ical infamy and inest richly de- The newspapers generally call ror pcace 'bht'1 Kearney "defies Vhe UUIVU. 11UW IT WAS- .. . ; .d his sent ns the GreenHboro Jannyc, with Efci(& K'Uq Ofttcaange U seems that the serenity t the Sec retary of the National Gommittee was not quite so much disturbed as it was at Rahigh on the 20h of January. Read of the blessed civil seryice : i The Republican Executive Commit tee of the Fifth OonffrMsiocaVI4i3tct convened ih ureensbero oti Wednesday last) J. B. Gretter,' Esd., balled (he I -' V 1 . PLA 11 .11vr1 cieetins io utuer.. aaic iuii wk vmov4 it was found that every couqty in the Distriot was represented, lha com mitter .laen electeaine roiiewing gen tlemen t represent . this district in the National Convention to be held at Chic ago. Juno 23. to nominate candidates . . . - -I- "I ir itresiuenp ano; v ice jpresiuenoi ui Uuiit'ed-Stat.I.Tiz:Thoa.J'R! Keoeh'df Guilford county, and J. W- Ifden, of Alainance, ' qelegates gosepu noa kius, of Guilibrd, and H. 8. Keith, of Davidson, as alternates. i ' -. "The abov appeare'l in The Stale of lat wetk,' and is' right as far, as , it goes, but does not, give : the rcac; s Jull in?;RUt iutv t'hQ meotiai: lJi'ie)? ihc ui titrrdeiegates r we"rd oraSe-hbiders and one was: uiideri ridictment for viola- tiins oi revenue' law. . A. resolution was" ofjered iostruciij: thp ?l2ga;es o goi for Gen. Grant; Ifur, it Was Vesclndedl boll eogt is 1 even now with the x. Committee, ihe April number oi the JNorth Brunswick county, was bitten by a receive his book, post-paid. The to Araencau JKcview will contain an ar- blaok snider. He died in about 24 baccb grown in his county (Granville) tide by George Ticknor Curti. entitled hours. 'His suffering were intent has a greater reputation: than that. f "McClellan'a Lasi Service to the Rei ' . any other county m the United Stales. uublic"' It will caver the whole neriiid The building committee of St. Luke's of Gen. ;MrClellaui militarv. career ethoaist Ohurch, corner or 7th and uThev cure!" What cure? Aver's from the flank movement tolhCJamesi churcu streets, have again commenced Cherry! Pectoral for a Cough;; Ayef's to tbo defeat of Lee at Antietam ft wort on theinsideof the above Church, Pills for purgative purposes, and Ayer's will be followed by ft second, part in the I and Wll lve anotller e of their SarsaparUl May issue; giving the full ; hiitoy of rand festival3, during the present an aherati McCIellan' rerQvai from command. Sale of Obsolete and TJnscrvica bio Ordnanco aud ' Ordnance month, t aid them in computing the church. ed the "like cures like" style of raedi- cal practice. f . .RAEiqij, SI C.March 8SQ. JJejtoro xus Post; I i The correspondent of the N. Y. Times, writing from Raleigh under date ef March 3i, forgot to inform the public as fully about the Republican Execu tive' 'District CoDvni'te-, hat te; qi? en1 that day, to appoin't d,eVs'ates to Chicaro,1 aspe did of the State Execu tive '.Committee, that rn,e.t o the 23th of January UHt-s UoU Youug, Oollec tor of Internal : Revenue for this pis trict was appointed :One of the Chicago delegates, who is as cut and out Grant man, and Mr. Steward, r UUqn, otie pf ttie,,trioU respectalile and influential colored citizens of this place, wia a'.so appointed as the nther delegate. He is Dot tbr Grapt. A large body of the representation who met to appoint these - delegates were . ofUers oil -the internal Revenue. Hon, J. K. TroOiks Hepreaehtative from Brunswick cou,nty in the Iegisi latiire, passed through the city on Fri day laat, toi attend 'the ;ext-ra session of the General A8sembly at Raleish. We were glad to see Brooks in such splendid health. The Railroad Ring JMiiUia MoorCj a crazy colored woman who is given to disturbing wedding ceremonies, was arrested on Wednesday night while indulging in her j favorite amusement, at the St. Stephens Church. As usual she was fantastically! adorned for the occasion. Stores. UjKIXp ST.V T1IS OiiUXAN CI2 AGES C V, Cor'nerj Houston and Greene Streets, (P. O1 j. ; Box 1811,) ;'. t r New York. Jan'nar v '.".M l xa. UU for complaints that require gealej proposals, in duplicate win ratirp mpdirina r l uereceivea at this office for the purcbasc .rdiive meuiciue. l of Obsolete and HnRprviwahin o.,inor.... and Ordnance Stores, embracing Cannon. Fiji I44u.mNiiuRa.--.Tne town may have trouble witl acl honest of Laurinburg.haa been visited by an Representative 513 he, hefw.re de ther conflagration- At tbe lime) the irauding tljo s.tate cif itl rights. 1 rain was falling, and had it not been We have been Informed by friends possibly the entire business portion oi that Mr, Brooks has finally consented the town would haye. been cbnsucn.et. to becomethe Republican candidate Asit was the damage va ligit. List of Appointments by Bishop I ftSiiL'811!1!?8' at!icp- Vork. A 4 - r TTi.t 16AP9 8c.raP Materialise, ar. MkMUBua. vr me various ATsenas.i Jborts. anu Depots in tation. . ' '. the United-States. r ;hninrtcn Sundav before Easter -Bids will be opened at 12 o'clock, M., on .i.ningicn, .unuay oeiore -sier ?odnesdav, the 25th day of February, lm, I Marcn 11 for Stores located as follows, to wit: St. Mark's Church, morning. o.AUeghenyArsenal, Pa.; Frank ford Arsen- TUnC i,n,nl, al.Pa.; Fort Monroe Aisenal, Va.: Indlan- St. John a church, evening.! apolis Arsenal,Ind.;Kennebcc Arsenal, Me.; Rock fish. Good Friday, March 2G. , Plkesville Arsenal, Md.; Rock Islnd Ar- St Josenh'a Pavettevilli Fatpr V.vt senal. IU.; St. Louis Arsenal; Mo.; National k.u josepn a vayetieviiie, master .ve, Armory, Mass.; WashingtonArtsenal, I), v.; I . . March 27. Watervlit Arsenal, N. y.;Water town Ar sc ot. Sohn-s, Fayetteville, iiaster Lay, t J j , . March 28 states, to wit; - Tarboro, First Sunday after Easter, I Connecticnt. Delaware, Maine, Maryland; again for the Legislature; the' mere fact of him: accepting the nomination f is equal tVaa ejscft, ere te.ee" we Cn-atalae 'tne R?pub,licats om their success in jth. raaUtlt . - - Hit. Wilson's Lecture.- A j fair audience in numbers and a- superior one in quality welcomed Dr. Wil&Qa on Monday night at the Opera, ouseV The sublect oi. the ii'dd.rcls as 'vic. man, and Mr. Steward, r LUUqn, otie pf I cess, ', which! lie qualified, described iiuaiv;u, gtyius nis own lieas wnat success; consjsted of.' The mere ac complishment of a purpose, such as the accumulation of wealth,:, learning i A correstnuen PiV ihe btau i iWcairun'aVrst it atid thuJ lha! nt!)' cilKlir on 1 ll O hfr;ld I tue .0.? 4 .aqu&reiy ou iiio neau l l f 1 n ct-M- - . I 1 t.V.n. .... 3 j.:, Vuc iuuic sirji uung us rMl.ause ot Harris. Iveoi'h i aneer .and cbagMn. Ibe Oomtnittee1 bad them'arihood hbt to elect a licnch- mkn ?6f Keogh - Chairman, and enough to leave Mr. Keogh at when they made up tha delegs Chicago; "hence these tears." anon ior Mile hiu to the Co. honor hoine orinotoriety true succoos hihci de animal, cal of learning could not be accounted as uccesn consisted in the velopaaent .of that human ed man. There was much snd rich illuslration'throw around the sub;ect,- fanner so icholariy sind pSlish'ed'r thaTthe audi ence was held-to the close, and one could not help a " feelinar of pride and gratiQca'icn that such intellectual ieasting could be gathered from the re sources which are among us. j Highway RObery Hquei3ueak NCv 4 plan waa made by several hauaebreakers, to make a raid ou the Cape Fear Tobacco Works, and in or der to make the job" a sure pe. the thieves tiitd to get wo, wen who were employed tUe Jactory to ass?st tfrf hy leaving a window in the rear ii the building unlocked. The men thiis approached, notified Mr. W. L Meadows, one of the owners of the factory, who in turn noticed le City Detective. It wa arasged that the men who ew asked to assist the tWva were to act oa decoys and carry them to the factory on Thursday night The trap was set; and the thieves, . I. Greeu al!a- Jno. Merrich ajsd jb Wal ker alias E. B)ms.Gn alia Chalrfes IXivis, yalked straight into it. Thje building I being surrounded , by r o!fljiqersx te thieves of raauy aUasesj, wa caught m tta tyullging. gnce their arrest it has neen ascertaineu,tnat tney are oia ac quaintances in police circles, and' that charges, including highway robbery, have been brought against them. Marlboro. Tuesday. April 6. Snow Hill, Wednesday, April 7. Anril 4 I pMcnuseui Michigan, ew Hampshire. I New. Jersey. New York. Pennsylvania. jP"" wai oe opened at 12 o'clock, M., or. If 1 -wasa. xtr.; l ort umon, Aew Mex.:U.H. Military Academy. N. Yi. and lowinznamed States and WT V ACJI 1 VA J - . St. John's, Pitt county, Friday, April 9. steE ht&n woTt?' - ? UreejlVtUe.becttnd Sunday alter barter, I Augusta Arsenal, (la.; San Antonio' Arse- ... - . I TI O I 'Poto Daniel.. A 1 . . - . . Anril 11 I " ' v-. uitw AJBeuai, vai.; vaucoD- Triuity. Beaufort county, Tuesday, . . Anril IS I tne oris in-the fol St. John's, Durham's Creek, Wednea-I Alabama', Caliiornia, Florida, aeoruia Uay; Auril 14 I enuc,Ky Jta.nas, Loaisiaoa, Minnesota, Aurora FridaV Anril 1(1. r I "'PP.ssouri, Nebraska, Nevada, Aurora, unaay, Apru . -1 North Carolina. Oreeron. Knnth rarnin' Wa8hingten,Thud feunday after Easter, I Texas, Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Dakota! . I J April 18. lt&MiNewMexic.U. Zior;, Heaufort county, Monday,. t I Vot list of stores in detail, location .term?. - . April iy 1 .? see catalogues, which can be procured Bath. Tuesday; April 20. V ' 1 fSiSS?iffif T St. Jam' church, Beaufor t county, I Aaoney, or ai any of tho Arsenals or DepoU; Wednesday. April 21 yu wmmanuing umcers or Forts will 'r i i -ii it ."wfsu?yr fP"A famish on application inrorroatioh as to Makelyvide, Hyoecoantyi Jrnday, what stores on hand at their respective posts . . ' . i !'April23 are for sale.-' - San Quarter, Saturday, April 24. 8wesSiSl2dCcnhtLy St. Xeorge, Hyde county, Fourth Sun- for, and will jtYe the kinds and quantities Hv affF Factor Anril vJS I "w.i'tv yurcuaw. v" "r:w r" I leiiYCffieswill Fairfield. Monday. April 26. Vanceboro; Craven county; Friday, Deliveries willoniv be 1 . .i."- .4w- The Department resfirw tha ri i t AwA 30 I torV111 b wMcl1 not deenied saUslac- Kewbern, Fifih Sumlaj aker Easter, r . Prior to the acceptance of any bid it will Mar 2 PPJoved by the War Depart- n . . ' j u V ment. Terms Cash. Ten per cent, at tho Paift, Tuesday, May 4. ... ., ; Uma of award and the remainder when tl w Kinstoa, Ascension Day, May V , 'JiSESSr rls llvered- Thirty days will bo Uoly Unoeenb,' Lenoir eoutTlFridaT. "affiffSS,, prlcCi I . . May 7 to be determined by the Department. Wilmington, Sunday afur. Ascension cSlJinVyw X5U)anu must do cnaoreea, "IToposals for purchasing Stores," with the names of tho Arseuals, Forts or Depots where stored, and the names of States ojr Territories in whicU the Stores are located. - . j 8. CRISPIN, ' ' " Bvt, Col. V, S. A., Lt. Col. of . Ord ! Com- winding. Jail II C, 519 ?vdaI. at Jwme- Agenva wanieu -i wA' Outfit and terms fjet. TRUE & tu May 9 St. Jamea church, morning. . SU Paura church, evening. J Warrenten, Whit. Sunday, May 16. Ridgeway, Monday, May 16. f Henderson, Tuesday , Mav 18. A Oxford, Thursday, May 20. Kittrell's, Saturday, May T Lftuishurgj T?nity Sunday; May 2a. ' . ' ft: . J 1 - ? 1 i s I 4 ' .. -..'' - .1 i t . ...

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