nil' Til AT il inn 'iircr J VOLUME XI. vyiiiMiisrdTQM post . fENTEBED AT T1IE TOSTOFFICE AX WILMINGTON, N. C., AS SECOND CLASS MATTER 1 RiTfiS OP ADVERTISING. b'itjty cents per line for the first inj rtiU and twenty five cents per lin j,,r e;cli additional insertion. Kibf (S) liiH!!, Nonpareil type, con - in mi- ;i H'luare. I'itt- iMiiMM-ipiion price to Tiie Wii, m v t.r IV-sr is il 00 per ytiti; VIm; in tu r,ri ons on busings should (' i l lrtl to The Wilmington r sr, . Wilmington, JT. C. All advertisements will be charged a lite above rates, except on special con THE CONVENTION O FTU E RE I'UBLIOA N"8 OF THE STATET OF NOKTH AMOLINA, WILL MEET IN THE CITY OF RALEIGH, ON THE SEVENTH ...DAY- OF JULY, 'rsso, FOR TIIEPUUFOSEOVISO i - 1 A UNO TWO ELECTORS AT- LARGE, AND STATE OFFICERS. BY ORDER OF STATE EXECU ITIVE COMMITTEE. Late General News. f Ma l'pincll in attfmpting to peak in Iieland the ether day vas assailed with yellf, roansjKd lotten by a lrivl fctionj, rr.d -gate up t caking. I le hit in tLc face by an oiange -tnul t-aught aound the waist and nearly l.urlfd frrm the platfoim. . "J lie J I'ris corrpoi.dt nt cf the Timed, !iMii.hipg I hi- qufftion el c spelling the ,)t Mijtirny iiol ody ki.ov.s tit con?e: ' iiitnts rr trxU ni ot the coi flict delib- fately entered' upon, and that the jC'iibiiiet mny .before long have to chocse - lelwccn acts nf violence and resigua ; lion. J CharUs L. Chapman, one ot the clerks at the White Houe has been ''"peremptorily discharged by the Presi dent for bcipg guilty of a most disrepu- labld life amoDg women, which has crca i WH8 ed greit aDd general scandal. He nni accomplished elefk, appointed. by (Un. Grant during his last term, and hfi been ever since in this special jr. I iet?ic. Philip, Joseph, a light mulatto, editor of tho Mobile Gazette testified before the exodus committee, and saidlbat the nA mntramani o mnnor iho I nrgroes took the shape 01 a convention uvy nv tJ . r 7 r. a i.V'u"vl "" "M "'"1 " favourable spot in the west to which the eg oe, m.gnt emgrate anonna nap ... . . . -i t -t 1 l coipea men as a thin nartiallv en- than partiaiiy en rifirhts in the south. I JfcUlB 1U VUC BUUIU., race had never more joyed their political Gen. H. M Payne has resigned as Commissioner of Patents, and L. M- Marble has been appointed in lm place.4 B ackburn of KentuckyTfraving de- a- . 1 uied that he made severe remarks as to the party fealty cf Speaker RandalJ, as repdrtea iu tho J. x. innunc, tue cor- entJondent ot that taper replies that "Mil. Blackburn did use language which reflected in most severe terms upon Mr. Itanldall's course as Speaker of the House, and upon his party fealty. Moreover some of the language which ! MrJ Blackburn is reported, on good au thority, to have used on that occasion is unfit for publication. The annual meeting of the Lotus. Club was celebrated at. their club bouse ou Fifth Avenue on Saturday week, at vvhih' its President, Whitelaw Reid, cditbp of the Tribune presided and made - a felicitous speech introducing Secre- ' UrV of State Evarts, who was followed by Daniel Huntingdon, Joseph II. Cboate and others, and a flow of soul. Mr Choate said that reporters were the bane of modern society," aud tnat there 1 was nothing iu the relations of life which they did not distract. Letters from Biarritz dated Thursday announce Minister Lowell's arrival taere. His wife carae with him from Madrid, and bore the journey well Her htalth is better, notwithstanding the fatigue, and rapid improvement is , ipected. The Chicago Inter-Ocean calls St. Louis "the town at the other end f ." the bridge." Of the decrees issued by the; French ' fioveminent against the unauthorized religious societies, the first concerns the Jesuits tnly,1 while the second affects all . . t 1! ri'u, unauthorized congregations. i-re6n87V ,1 J?rYZmn considering that further tolc ranee can- vVo. aZuA Wbica national sentiment has declared Msetf, have solved to dissolve the as- Nation, ahd the establishments occ'MS being unwu ,r By Pied by its members must be closed ad vscaud within three months, which 31, in the case of educational establish- I he L.ironess Burdott Coutts, beinc: asiceu io contribute toward tterbert Gladstones candidature for Middlesex, writes: "l do not feel disposed to loin this movement, because it seems to me that under the present circumstances our country needs above all things a firoutr g"veriimcnt, and since the dis (. iuy!M of i'ariiaiaent in 1874 by Giad- j stu.ii-, ihn Libera's bve been too dis- orgamz d t t for i-uch a government to tle'o u..ti) -. : ' ' -y . Thf .)x iiHcrls of 2s a have de cluTeu i;r '1 ilden. j Tin Supreme Court of Illinois have r:rnit rfd an important decision per ... ' ... m mimiy-r Hie reading of the TJibie in the pub! c ghouls. They decide that the Rible ?bali be r-dd fach morning, and tLat il.t 6cholar shall refrain from .i , ,- j i- other -hi dies dunug its reading. ; The latest returns from t he various precincts slipw a si weeping victory for theJLjt zens' Union, its ticket receiving otna iAan i - ;f V,, . As or. , strange idea i prevails, even in well m- lG,3u) votes, against 10,240 for the formed quarters,, that the Queen will Working Men's ticket. About 4500 send fer Lord Hartingtoii iastead of votes sti!.i remain to berounted. The Lfrd Granville. "It may be ? taken as result n;y be accepted as evidence that tuXlTr -wi.U. nfot J summon Mr. Gladstone. A ministrv very many working men- have become formed by Lord Granville will certain tired of agitation and Kearneyisin, and ly include Mr. Gladstone, but Lord are prepared to unite iu efTorts- to re- store confie'ence and forward business activitio". Tin; vote, as far as counted. shows that the Republicans have cast . LONDON, April 2.-Tl,e Times says , .. ? 4 , i i. that it would be premature to jiresume nearly a lull vote as compared witli tne An iht .final rctulf rp tUn. election of last September the falling oT having manifested itself amouc the allies. ' Gen Grant i n his reception speech at JNeA' Orleans t-aid I am glad to hear that this city has been sV much benefitted by the lm- piovetnents at the mouth of the river.-' What helps you helps a large section of the country, and th3 entire Missis" ippi VaHey, in fact. I wish New Or leans and the entire south increased and long continued prosperity, beliey ing and knowing that it is the best cure ior aisoraers anu secuonai animosiues. turns, it is evident they are far from great financier. After a great achieve Di0iti0,"',rplAe l!ri' !.?Li"? been performed in any line --p- , - - i you. Mr. Chairman and friends, for uus kiuu uuepuuu, auu, iu uumauaiuu, 1 hope the blue and the gray may neyer again be arrayed against each other. The past is gone. Again, I thank you. Loud and continued applause. I Senators Blaine, Edmunds, Carpen ter. Dawes and Ferry, ioined in a smart I . . . - r, .1 I scrimmage in the Senate among inemM selvc?, on the question of admitting Blaine7 "riders" to the apprDpnationa for Marshals when the Republicans had Ofrppd to ODHOHft haVin&T aOV. iccei,er Fisher of the South Caro- Una Railroad reports mat me toiai re- w nh ot flia road irom UCt. l. leia. IO . . 1880 amount to $1,546,500,51, . 1 expenditures $937,323.11, leay. surp!u3 0t $609,177.40 to the ,i , m i j. v. c stoctholders, The interest on the first , " . , Ac, Uryn i ppnrul TYiftrforjinre hOndS haS been promptly paid, the rolling stock and uuva o o --- I track has been much improved ana an- tiquatcd officers have been replaced by young and active men. - - The public debt statement show3 a decrease for February of about ; $10 000,000, This is to bcTut to the credit of the Secretary of the Treasury whom the people of the United btates to xaise to the highest office in gilt next year. their Ex Gov. E. D. Morgan of New York, has. given 100,000 to the, Union Theo i- O yf nna nf ftf 10IC!U ceimaaiY tuw wij, yui, the great American training schools of ministers and' theologians. Gov; Mor- Mitchell, Ormand, Ross- 0 gan is an old Roman of the best type, nouss. ; ' rich as C-csus and one of the best and iofiicst character ot tne i uruan biock. V ! ttpn Scales, our Member from the 5th District (dem.) has introduced a bill, providing that all the mining lands owned by the United States shall be appraised and "sold at their true value," mnnov annronnated to pav the puMHdek il-hta i. a sttp toward, raising n br ce of lands in the tern- lories so that emigration will be stop- tied ' aiid the ureat northwest will be as badlv off as the sontb, on account of , , . "; T r ..- , . xrrtli,; - the high price, of lands. Nothing can be more deleterious to the; west than tiiia Hp m;v4at 2c measure, and we are surprised1 ibata mau who has the good surpnseu u .... ,Sf sense oi ueu. ccaic, ouuutv v.w such a blunder. On Monday lastOs Senator Thuraan rnso to rpnlv to Senator Blaine on the " x- - j , , Geneva Award bill, he was suaaeniy seized with dizziness and; putting W hand to bis forehead, fell back into hie chair. ' On his removal to his residence Dr. Garnett, his regular physician, ex- . .. ...'.., ... , .C.i --v could hardly be called vertigo, and adds con d y. fc , caused by momentary wifcment In cauaea uy , deoaie. - was gai w 'J'LTSZ Tburmaa that peW Yf WILMINGTON, NOETH CAROLINA, SUNDAY, THE MULISH ELECTIONS The Liberals Successful- The result of the appeal to the peo. pie of England is certainly a suprise on this side ot the Atlantic. The fU lowing M story of the success of Gladstone and his associate?: ! London, April 2, The Times in a leader say, j " About one-tail d of the eritireumber of members of the House of Commons have now been elected, and it is apparent that the result is that the Conservative majwritv has beeu replaced bvfa Liberal majority. The balance of gains and losut s recorded yesterday will suffice to sjtat rest many hopes and fears, and to give the couiin IWlA VM 1 ft j-w Mill a h a i ! . . 1 1 A mj.1".uiis uijsu.uaung me mture relations of partien in the House of CommoD8 " . London, April 2.--A correspondent of the Manchester Guardian, Liberal, 8ayg the f)f fche tounded the best judges On both sides. It may now be safely assumed that the partington not Mr. Gladstone would lead the House of Common?. The Times editorially says: which the Prime Minister may. think incumbent on him. la 186S, when con- adopted the somewhat unusual course of resigning before Parliament met. This example was followed by G!ad- stone when defeated in 1874, but the ordinary course has been fur thw Mi;i. istry to await the meeting of Parliir ment aud ta abide the turjnal verdict which may then b delireml; but even if the fiual result ot the orf sent elec tions should be evidently adverse, the course of Lord Beaconsfield, we think, need not be that pursued on the last two occasions. NotmtWAndi tn geijeral adverse character of the re- ui luofguvciuuicui wuiuu soiwc Ajiuerai speakers have argued. In this re'spect tne returns oner a conspicuous contrast to those of 1874 or of 1868. Lord Hartington.Tiiberal leader, io a speech today ir Lancasshirc said-, that if a Liberal Cabinet is to be formed at once the question should beclecideU decided by . the party and the wishes of the Queen; An T?rt i nKli rrli anonial itocl'iroa tint . 7"" ar 7' maki1 e a difference of ?8 votes so far. The government, therefore, is already hopelessly beaten. ; AT ' w iT . K. A. w lA nA u 0 railroad is mast(ir of -,.,.,: uiu i.:u 1 i ,u.,u acmcu lacu iiiiuuuu iuc wuuoca iu inui ihetate, SIeSsrS. Da,is and Rul! I? Wssed almost without the dot- nn, waspassea almost wunout me uot tinff of an i or the crossinc f a al- ting oi an or me uossmi, i a w, it .! T .1- il- r. t VQ0U2Q Wo Uoiievc tunc ncic suiue ictv triyial amendments made by the corn- m:ttfte Tue Tote ? the Senate stood 5 nayg to 40 &je9f an(j ja tne House 21 nays to y ayes, we give me votes as they were taken : : 6ENATI2. Ayes Mr. President,: Messrs. Alex ander, Austin' Bledsoe, Brower, Bryan of Pender, Bryan of Duplin, Bynum, Caldwell, Pancey, Pavidsen,, Hillard, Eaves, Epps, Erwin, Graham of Lin coln, Harriss; Henderson, Holleman, Leach, Lyon, Matheson, McEachern, Mebane, .Merritt, Moye, Nicholson, Redwine. Respass.Royle, Scales.Shack-. elford, Snow. Stewart, Taylor, Waddell, . . ,-A w:ii;QWO WV,?fo4n N -Messrs. Black. Bull, Everitt. Ayes Messrs. Amis, Anderson, An- i gir, ja.ruxey, ui.iuvju, uauuvi, ai- I ringer, Battle, Bernard, Berry, Bing - ham, Bizzell, Bialock, uonner, iiost, Brown of Mecklenburg, Bruce, Bryson, Burroughs, Cale, Carter of Buncombe, uarter ot Warren, carter or xancey, Carroll, Carson, Cary, CJict, Jobb, Coffield, Colwell, Cooke,Council, Davis 1 of Havwood. Davis of Madison. Dims I, D ''"onga nua n"!nti,i ston, Grant, Harrell, Harrison, Hend- -raon. Hewett. Hines. Hobbs, Hortou, I Huffstetler, Johnson, Lamb, Leach, Leatherwood, Lockhart, MSaneA son, Miller, Moore, McCorkle, McGe- McLeaiJf Ne?elI Norment.Olieer, Orchard. Osborne, Paxton, Powers, I Rawlev. Reid of Macon, Reynolds, Richardson of Wake, Ritchey, Smith; Spruill. laylor, Vnn. Vaughan, , - w,... Wimhrlv Wood- x. wmb.ivmW vnnnff SQi i uunn. x'errcu, jcoy, xjuwij, - .a r- d f McDowell. Rich, ardson of Columbus, Scott, Turner, I Waddell 21. 1 Senator "Dertch of Wayne, did not voto. t? -r0 md nn th final passage of the bill, but we give below f obacrvation8 of Mr Covington of the Houscj inasmuctijthouu onerney u:.n rmn substantial- ;-auernfnPA nrtrp? u, ViT 7:1: ha, b?aOe7 in : eipla nation Nays Messrs. .Bird, iSrooiw, uucnan, is an "01a coiorea iaoy nom uic v ir- r,,,rvmPnDnBrntz Cntlar. J W Chadwick, Christmas, Clarke,Coving. ginny who accuses Clarence of desert- Vinson. W H Bernard. R B Wood. ton, Davis or uawoa is, 19 chiidren. One, PU n d his vote on the bill. He said there were a number of amendments he would be pleased to see in the bill. He saw an evident determination on the part of the House t take the bill just as it stands. Looking at the bill, as lie did, and after hearing , the remarks of Judge Merrimon, he could not 'make up his mind to vote for the bill. He said he thought,, nay, he believed, that! there, was something wrong in thi3: thing. There wa3ome power behind the throne. He said there was an; amazing inconsistency, a fatal blind ness, in? going into a thing in this way. It was like being swindled with open eyes, to support a bill so full of errors. He thought it better to put a stop to the matter now, and rather let it break down than to go on a little while and then break. He said the reason giyen for selling the road was that the state was not able to build it. Yet we sell it to Mr. Best, allowing him to contract a debt of $850,000 on the Taint Rock branch, and then, perhaps, let this fall upon the state. The Dodr,impoverishedL state also Jias to pick up. ; the matter wnere Mr. I5est left eft, and complete the branch to Duektown. It will be seen that our members from New Hanover, Messrs. Scott and Waddtll, as well as' Mr. Brooks from Brunswick, and Mr. Ro3s of that county in the Senate, voted, nay, while Mr, Neweli of Bladen, and Mr. Norracnt of Robeson, Republicans, voted, aye. The end of this fatal transaction is not seen yet. The "elephant" is not yet rid ofj If the parties represented by Best c6mpiy with the teFms of the act this great thoroughfare will have a debt so great that it will go into the hands of receivers for default of inte rest, aud if they don't comply the road will be returned to the state heavilv and hopelessly encumbered, and un finished. Sherman's Supporters. : The class of voters with whom Sher man is a special favorite is not the p; litical bummers, but tho sober, qui :t u i . ( ri-i busines men of the countrv. The meln who have something at stake and whose . r i business experience has srivm them nY.nni:nn iAl e 1 Y , Ptical ideas of social order are just the men to appreciate the work ot our Of human, action there has not been found wanting a class of carping crit-: ica whose sole function is to deUact from, its glory, o a multitude of critical dabsters in the Democratic press have attempted to' belittle the fi nancial career of John bherman. Af- ter the peril has passed and the good ship conio safelyTnto port, envious; rivals would underrate the skill of the reat pilot. But tho Secretary can af lurd to treat all such efforts with quiet difdain. He has established 4i is fame above detraction and can wait till his- tory shall silence all their envious grewts. Elizabeth City Carolinian. Protest from the Wool Trade- j Boston, March 31.-In answer to the actiou of the committee on Ways and Meai.s Tuesday, the Executive com w , v t " ?00 Manufacturers toda 1 , . w i,- f0n0wing dispatcn to Washi - . - . mittee o. the JNational Association cf day sent the shington: "As representatives of the wool man ufacturers of the United States, we pro; test against the action of the Ways and Means committee in. relation to the tariff on woolens as; reported, he measure proposed is substantially the same as the tariff of 18G6, which caused the failure of f o many of the woolen mills, and arrested wool, production throughout the country. It would he disastrous to the national wool manui facture and sheep husbandry.. The manufacture cannot' exist without a duty of 25 to 30 per cent, net after pay- mz tue amies on wooi ana otner raw materials. A measure providing for tho interests both of the wool growers and wool manufacturers cannot be mat tured" without consulting parties havi ing special 1 knowledge. No branch of our revenue system is necessarily so complicated as that relating to this in- dustry. The wool and woolen tariff j should not be opened until the fullest i ume can ue givcu wt uciiuciawuu auu 1 consultation with the interests affected. A manufacture of an annual value of Gf $300,000,000, and a sheep husbandry of untold value; to tho agriculture of t,he country are imperilled by the hasty action Gf the committee." This "National Association of'Woel Manufdcturers" is one of the most pow erful in the country. It embraces not 0rly the wool manufacturers, but the wrool growers all over the country, and a vast amount of intelligence, and weahh. m t m Mr. Clarence E. Davis is in his lonely cell at Oshkoss, , Wis., in consequence of . two much marrying. Several new wives are turning up every day. He pronounces it an ponpycocK. une - - ... n . . . Alice u. u& vis," ine sixty -sey- enth, discourses healthily in doubtful orthography of her compeer. She wn T will n avo a nnsa i a rrn 1 n f K m says: l win never apptar against nim, bat will help him if I can, lam sorry r. .. ii hMan hn w thA frail wimin. t will call and see him 800a as j can. He shall hw mypittv and not my revenge.. JIice will do 0 i k T. The EI;zlbeh City Carolinian is put a ting of a new Wilding for its use, to be ef 1 called the "Ca olinian Building." APRIL 4. 1330. . v - , : : 1 1 .' -. ' - . I - CIT Y ITEMS. Chew .Jackson's Best Sweet Navy Tobacco. " iy ; Dr. M. J. DeRossett, a former resi dent of this city, is to return to his old home. - Th Boards of Audit, Aldermen, and County Commissioners, will meet tc morrow. . ' -Work has been commenced on the Daplin Canal. Earth was broken at Bannerman's Bridge Tuesday last. The hour of ringing the market bell has been changed. The breakfast bell is iung at 7 o'clock, and turnout bell at 8 o'clock. i The trial of one bottle ot Hall's Tegetable Sicilian Hair Rcnewer will show most beneficial effect unon the TBxir'scalp, llev. Dr. Pritchrd, President of the Wake Forrest CnlWA UtJ. wa "CTL ,:u y luc uexxu ui me horary Associatian. . Subscribe for tho Post if you wish to get well PosHedJ in regard to tho po- litical outlook, and all the othei latest news of the dav 4 T , ' Burrell Amey was awarded the con- tract of carrying the mails from the lostofhce to the railroad depots and steamboat landings. t William Allen, the colored car coup ler at the W. C. & A. 'Railroad; who met with the serious accident on Mon day, died the ntxt day. Maj. Graham Daves accepted an in vitation from the Ladies Memorial As sociation to deliver the annual address on Memorial Day the 26th inst. The death of Dr. Samuel L'angdon, a former citizen of this place, but for a number of years a resident of San Francisco, has been announced. It is estimated that the net; proceds of the entertainment given Tuesday evening at the Opera House for the benefit of St. John's Church will not be far from $150. The Diocesan Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in North Carolina, will be held in St. Paul's Church, in Winston, commencing on Wednesday, May 26th Henry Alexander had the misfortune to fall between two box cars and break V his leg. He will be taken care f bv Cai4. V. Q. Johnson, the Supt of the road on which the accident occurred. L Mr. Job p C. Baily an old and highly respected citizen, died at his residence in this city, on Wednesday morn ng. His remains were followed to the grave by Gape Fear and Orion Lodges, I. O. O. F., of which(order he was a mm ber. Tho property of Mr. John R. Melton , on 7th between Bladen and . Harnett streets was destroyed by fire on Tuesday morning. Several frame buildings were also damaged, lhere is, some insur ance on the property, but hot enough to cover the loss. Election of Vestkymen. The usual Easter elections for Vestrymen of the various Episcopal churches of this city, and for delegates to the Dio- cesan Convention, were held Monday last with the following result: -ST. ja1.IES'. Vestrymen A J DeRossett, W G Thomas, Alfred Martin, James Daw- son, James G Burr, James Anderson, A H VanBokkeleu, W L DeRossett, J L Boatwright; Z Latimer, R E Calder, , , ri-i Clayton Uiies. t Delegates Dr A J Derossett, A H VanBoEkelen, William Calder, Dr S S v,ott AUprnntPs-Mainr lirn'nnm Daves, R E Calder, Dr Thos F Wood, Clayton Giles. i st. joiin's. Vestrvmen C D Myers, John L Holmes, W H Green, Jas A Willard, Henry Nutt. John W Gordon, J K Lippitt, ibA Curti, S L Fremont, Ed King. i- Delegates to Convention James A Willard, John L Holmes, C p Myers W H Green. Alternates J E Lippitt behind of a reasonable hope of his ac John W Gordon, H G Smallbones, Jrio ceptance by the Saviour. "Blessed are C James. 1 rbelerates j w Atkinson, DuB Cut- Wm H Bernard, F H I ii Mitchell. Alternates R j E Heide, R B Wood, gj R Q w q McRlae. ST. MASK'S, j jVestrymen-John D Jfeoa, J W Holland, J H Davis. H S Sweet, fciam'l Reed,S W Nash, John O Nixon. fT-k-i- i t n 'j'-.Ji t tt -rv v&, V Howe, HS bweet. Alternates Wnl W S Hol.and, S Samuel Reed, J W JfcksoDj H O Green. ST. PAUL St . Single Copies 5 Cents There are a couple of nondescripts ery nifeht making Ulks at the old every market. They are dressid in uncouth made we think of fur and costume, thPT diflfWKH jnJiM .11 r 1. I ; - . "w j"usf wi vi buu- jecta from Zoroaster down to doctoring corns and bunions and nSTA inma srtrf. of decoctions to sell. - I - , Catholic Items. The Papal brief for the consecration of Rt. Rev; M.S. Gross has been sent from Rome. The consecration will make him Bishop and Vicar Asostolie of North iwi!; and will take place; in Baltimore, Md., sometime during the month of April. Archbishop Gibbons, '-accompanied by his secretary and three clergymen, will lere New York for Rome on the 2Ia mst. After making hia rpmilr decennial report' to the Pope, he will Swan Quarter, Saturday, April 24. make the tour of Europe, during the Sfc ?erge Hyde coun-, Fourth Sun summer - fa " day after Easter, April 25 summer. Fairfield, Monday, April 26." I Mr. Hn,bin'4 f xr J , " I , I rm- v" Lri. 18 ODe 01 ine vefy Dest Places 1Q mis city to purchase cheap goods, the Uirmlif nf wi.;Au -:ii u m- jr.. , . i. ' - . ' I wuac .tney jrepresen ed to be by e p:oprie?rV wnoa9 WQra 13 eood 7 a ounlr buyers will, do weu to morougniy examine the store of M. Hanstein before making their pur- chases of dry goods, hats, caps, . shoes, &c. The proprietoJ has just made one of his semi-annual visits north, and haa returned and the icide of hi, eel. leut .stablishmcnt Bhows fornhathe Went. - . - i Harbor Mastek's Report. -Capt Joseph Price, Harbor Maiier, makes the following report of the arrivals of vessels at this port, Ac for the month of March : American. Steamers, Tonnage.) 5,225 Barques Schooners, Total, foreign. Barques, Brigs, Schooners, Total, Total arrivals 15,964 f33 Total, 2,173 . Tonnage, f 1 1,821 5 . 970 s 41. Total, ' 2,741 Total .tonnage Notice to Mabinees United States of America, Delaware Bay. Change ol Light-Ship on WinterQuarler Shoal I LightStation. Notice is hereby given that, on or I ..... n -r . . . I n about April 10, itiSU.JLignwnipiNO., now on the Winter Quarter Sheal T,l,f ,thCnn Sao oaf nfViririnia will be withdrawn ferrepairs. Relief Lightship No. 24 will tempo. rarily occupy the station. This vessell is painted red, with the word "Relief j in large white letters on each side, and the Number "24" on the stern. Hoop-iron cage day j marks, painted red, are at'each mast-head. The light to be exhibited will be the same as that now shown from No. 37 to this station. By order of the Light; House Board: ' John Rodgers, Rear Admiral U. S. Navy, Chairman. Office of the Light'House Board, Washington, D. U, March 31, 18S0. IX MEMOBIAM. Died in Fayrtteville.March 15,1880, Matthew i.fitry, Sen., a colored man, y ' the advauced age of 82 years, Hav- iut lived in this place from the time he nun earAn naH slri o coHHIar hv rroria r .us " ' Hrir CL rr:: lUl tiiD ucdu i uis ainujo successful in nis business: enertretic ana industrious to a remarkable degree, he enjoyed the confidence of this commu nity; polite and humble to all classes, nd withal of good judgment and with more intelligence than is usually found in one of his class. At one time com missioner of the county, and also a magistrate. His health had. been grads ualJy declining for the past two years. iit) retaiueu uis aacuiiiea iu tuo iasfc, and his memory was excellent of past events for more than a half century. He had been for the last score years of ma me a umuvsior w me oaii, owning a farmin this community. He reared a large and respecUble family, aad among his last departing words to them were, "I am going to Heaven; I want you to meet ine there." He was mem- i : 1 : r t.t , il. :i r ber of the'Episcopal Church, and it is e r. At. . . . a Bource t consolation to his relatives and friends the evidence he has left the dead that die in the Lerd." Communicated. Fayetteville, March IT, 1880. NOTICE OF SEIZURE. CUSTOMHOUSE, WILMINGTON. NO. COLLiECTOR'S OFFICE. MARCH 27, 1880. To whom it may concern t N- NOTICE Is hereby given, under Section 3075 or the Revised Statutes ot the United States, that the following goods were seised at Wilmington, N. C retpectively, on the zona aay 01 Aiay. ana iei Deoember 19th. gth. Twenty-Four handke revenue Jaws of the Four handkerchiefs, silk and silk mixtures. Nine tons Bitumlnons co&L Any person claiming any 01 the above ar I tlcJes. is hereby notifled to aDnear andfllA trict of wupdngton, hts claim to the whole W ?T r6' WAlhln twenty B fdft of. tWspublloat I . w A'.hY mrZi3t Collector of Customs NUMBER J3 List of Appointments by Bishop Atkinson, for his Coming Visi- Tr- , a , rt ' T&thT0' Fir3t Suaday after Eas.ter'.. lc-n.- . rr. . t . .. . " .uAariuoro, Auesaay, April u. ; nw Hill, Wednesday, April 7, r St. John's, Pitt county. Friday. Anril 9. UreenTille,Second Sunday after Earter, m . . .''' April 11 Jnnit Beaofort county, Tuesday, St. John's, Durham's Creek, Wedne - day. Adril 14 kiurora "aay, April 10. Washington,Third Sunday a after Easter. Zion. Beaufort Unntr MP J " - April 19 ath, luesday, April 20. St" Jams' chch, Beaufort county, Makefile, Hydecnd11;1 a,;i oo Vanceboro, Craven county, Friday, A " ' Aprils 0 ewbem, Fifth Sunday after Easter, I ' Mav 2 Beaufort: Tudsdav MW a IVinstOB. Asfffnsinn Tlav Tv a i Holy Innocents, Lenoir'county.ividav. LV . ' May 7 wmnmgton, bunday after Ascension, G, , , , ' . i'.iay'Ji Kff c,burc' mori?lnS-. . ti 16 Ridwayffl 16" ' Henderson, Tuesday, Mav 18. I i r j m r ,t, . . SSSSSag , G Louisbarg, Trinity Sunday. Ma?' 23 ' . - " - rrJ nr-i i i r A.-. , NJY AU V&U'ilSEENMTS. Ridnaonfl and Petersbnrg Railroad Co. ri,nTriTXTn .1 ir...i. m 100.1 trains on this road will run as follows: LEAVE RICHMOND, SOUTH. 13.00 A. M., Through Mail daily eonnect- -ln for Charleston, Augusta, Aiken (via Charleston), Savan ; nah. Raleigh, and Jacksonville. - Stops at Manchester and Ches ter, and. Half-Way on signal 5.30 P M., Accommodation Train, daily. Passengers taking this train will make close connection at Petersburg for .Norfolk. Stopa ; lO.oo P. M., TflBorGH Mail dally connect ing for Weldon, Wilmington, - Kaleigb, Charleston, and Savan nah, Columbia, Augusta. Atlan ta, Macon, Mobile, Montgomery and New Orleans. Pullmau Sleeping Cars from Washingtoa for Wilmington and the South; Stops at Manchester and Cues - ter and Half-Way on signal. , O.20A. M., FbeiGiit Train daily (except T Sunday), attached, All trains leaving Petersburg will start from the Appomattox Depot. Sunday Excursion Trains leave Rich- Petersburg at o:30 a. m. and do p. m. every I OUUdaV. T. D. KLINK, Superintendent. FAST MAIL AND PASSENGEE ROUTE TO THE NURTH AND EAST, VIA. THE RICHMOND, FREDERICKSBURG AND P0T0 MAC RAILROAD. I Z3T WMltMl Entire trains run through from Wilming ton to Washington, via. this route without change. Leave Wilmington, W & W It R.I daily at.................. C.50 a m and M0 p m Leave Richmond..........5 p m " 8.12 a m Sunday excepted. ! Arrive at Washington at 9.23 p m and 1.10 pm, Sunday excepted. Arrive at Baltimore at 11.10 p m and 3.05 p m. Sunday excepted. Arrive at Philadelphia at 3.25 a m and 6 50 p m, Sunday? excepted; Arrive at New York at 6.45 a m and 10.05 p m, Sunday excepted. . -, Pullman Palace Sleeniner cars on the 0.50 I m. trains to Washington. a. m, trains to New York, and on the 8.10 p I ' i u..V. lAXLiUrl. .I General Ticket Agent. i x . U. XVI I JS13, IjrCn 1. SUpt. I men u u I PETERSBURG R. R. COMPANY. office Superintendent, . Petersburg, Vj., Feb. 2il, i88' GOING SOUTH. New York Exnress leaves Peters bnrer. dnllv at i yt v. I . . ,1, ' " ivta at weiaoa at........i..y. y.u p m er,&xPJess lcaves meters- ' . aStL T WearSaS J.v going north. New York Express leaves Weldon. I a lh''T""L 7 1.10 I Arrives at Petersburg at ............... 3 30 I Southern Exoresa rw7iAJT p xu i daily at...M ' ass o. m JT?? t Petersburg at .820 a m freight with Passenger coach at- lacnea, leaves Weldon, daily, ex cept Sunday, at..... ...... L50-p m irrives at PeteiKhn rr at. 7 ?j n m Leaves Petersburg at .. 7.00 a m ArrlvesaWeldon atM.-., p m THROUGH FREIGHT TRAIN. Leaves Petersburg, daily, except . fc 4.30 pm Arrive at Weldon at..... .. .... 8.35 p m Leave Welden, dally, except Sun- aJ"rv;::- 4.00 a m Arrive at Petersburg, daUy, except ounoay, ai. ... 835 a m 81eeDinz cars ran thrnntrVi Sleeping car berths can be had ufor ft 00- Richmond to RaltimorcV ' xnrougnucKeusold to all points east oi south, and baggage checked through. or t nnnroA1L SULLY. Gen'l Supt. W. J. BROWN. Disna.fe-.tier nt Tmin. U can make money faster at work for us than at anything else CapitaHnot re quired ; we will start you. f per day Vomenrand VrTsVd ev to work fo? na. ifow is the tWSSu? I outfit and terms free, Address Trui a Co i uuiue maae 1 tne inaustriouS. .Men Augusta, Malncu ' apt 9-U V V inwvi iuy ue proiongeu uuui .ugu9b v -s 1 3

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