-''.Ira 4 VOLUME XI. W IEMIN GTO N , NORTH CARQLTNA, SUNDAY, APRIL 11. 1330. Single Copies 5, Cents NUMBER 14 r ! II'! ! II I II Ay P ; - I I I I r i II I 1 VVlLlVIINOTOlSr POST ESTEBBD AT THE TOSTOFFICE, AT Wilmikotok, N. C, as Second Class Matter . V. R A.THS 1 O T ADVERTISING. - Fifty eent per line for the first iiij wrtftnm and twenty -five cents per lin H? eaeb additional insertion. ' i ' -J ' . ; . ' Eight (8) lines, Noapareil type, con fute a square. ' ' The subscription priee to The Wil HiNflTps Post is 11 00 per year; six months 75 cenbs. " All comtnanlcrtions on busincB should be .addressed to The Wilmington P6st, Wilmington, N. C. All advertisements will be charged a the above rates, except on special con traets. TITE CONVENTION OF THE RE TrJBLTCANcS OF THE STATE OF NORTH (CAROLINA, WILL MEET IN THE CITY OF RALEIGH, ON THE SEVENTH DAY OF JULY, S80, FOR TIIEPURPOSE O Y NOM'- IN ATTN G TWO ELKCTOR3 AT- LARGE, AND STATE OFFICERS. - BY ORDER OF STATE EXECU T riVE 03MMITTEE. The Chicago In(cr-0ean bhy : Sec. netary Shepn in electioneers by red us in the national debt $10,00P,00D per monio, ana u i dj nn means a osiu rt'eommeadatioo. . ai i i l i The Alexandria QazeHi rematks that "Mr. Shertwan says 4ilic rebel element "bow eontruli the Dnocraiic rartv "In rrcry 'soatHern state, and that the ' "triumph of 'that ' clement is the dis- of American 'civilintion.' . ... W r Why did Jos. J. Martin the -Re pub- fle in representative vote; to keep up the duty, eu paper? We are cursed with ringr cliques and monopolies, and Ve hope Mr. Martin can cive some g jod reason for this act, which (unex- plaind)we consider an outrage against every pcor iran In North Carolina, j The rice of paper has been fwrced to double its real value by these monopo- ?be, and Mr. Martin is assisting them. The Blaine brethren have very mod estly been c'aimingitwo thirds of the delegates from Ohio. But the Cincin nati Cbmwerci2?(antUGraat) don'tseem to fchtnk So, It says : Ohio will appear at Chfcago substantially unanimous for Sherman ; as nearly so, at least, as New York was for Conkling at Cincinnati hi 1876. There may be an eccentric person or two in the crowd with the hilent for irritation highly cultivated, but that will be all. T ; Hiermans Platform Mr. Sherman goes before the Chicago ..Hvention "with a firm determination not to detraet from the merits or ser- viees of others, tor to ttek this- lofty - ..j F . elevation by ciishonorabie means, or lying evasions , or Irretenses. This msgnanus utterance nas tue greater ' . i weight from the fact mat m me pre- fiminary eampaign now in progress Mr. feherian's friend organirsd, into -a Feznlar assoeiatioe, have scrupulously j ouerved the above terms. . fcome inju- dicions persons may have violated boih the letter and spirit or the general pro eramme. but such violations are d is tinctlv renudiated by Mr. Shefnan's friends as a body. We challenge any ease in-which the Sherman association has failed to meet the terms laid down by their; creat leader. Some friends? cf iher candidates fwrRet that in an ami cable canvass within the party cny eratuitoua slander, and. in case of h:s nomination, will fiLd their position ex- tremely awkward , I asningcon norm. J.fcn Sherman said at Mansfield, f)hio. on Ma-cb lst. 1880. "Next to a firm and iudicious en- forcement of the law by the eeuriP, the best remedy lu the south would be the eucouragemeut of common Echols?,such as are almost universal in the ror'h. This should be a matter of public pol icy. both by the state and national gov eminent. If the colored people of the south were redeemed from the ignorance eaused slavery, it "would be no more possible to overawe and overcome them bv th lrn klux klan and tissue ballots by the ku klux klan and tissue baiiats than it would be possible tasncceed by snchmeansin thenor h. - f . A ay Uieu, 1U COUUlusiUU, maw mo Republican party is about to appeal to iha Amnriran npnnlp in standi bv the policy that has secured to yiu pro. tmnn.ri ninnrit- and .will Rcure to allot our people equal, civil and politi- cal rights. IiCttbe National Cenven- tion at Chicago, alter iuu consiaeraiion. and without nias or prejudice, say wbo an best lecure success, and the ltepub Mean rHv- lik a wfll drilled army, will A,.t"i lino Vnii nvprmme the IIMltl JUWV 1IUV M v t vvw -w ' iRfil . No remeJy in the world ever eance- into gueh universal use, or Las so fully - . , ' ... woa ia eocnaence oi nrantina, as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for tbe cure of vuui( vuius auu vuubuuijiciuii. . PakAdise, N. C, April 10, 1880. My Dear "Logix": Circumstance over which you seem to have no eoa trol embarrass yea more than frequently. You tune yocr lyre for the third term oratorio with a persistency that should entitle yen to the gratitude of everybody in the state that is, if, as yon say, everybody U for Grant.. Don't yon think, sometimes, that you rather over do the number ef ardent admirers of the r x-rresident, tnafc you get in ft rcomsa to epcak, with about thou sand in rr.irs or other reflecting glasses and s?if yourself in all cf them and not knowing who it is, say, this is the whole of Nosth Carolina, as I' am. a truthful man. Turn mas, come here let us wriie to the Time that the dele gation will be solid. - ; ! It i.- said, Login, that man h fcar frrUy Rud wonderfully, made, whether thU be so or not generally in youri case it is cnc'uiveiy proved and yep are wanted as a delegate to Cbicago,'tn faet you are nqw a necessity as thjj Moses ja Egypt to ike Grant beoro, the third term clairvoyant who looks into futurity with. lunatic confidence and sees not only sr;id North Carolina bnt the whole RepuMicau delegation one thousand strong,' marching into Chicago with third term crape on their hat, singing "G d sive the King.'' Tl.i-! nite trtousand is not txaer, but the iti n who obtains delegates after your nr.nner eancot fix the number wiili Hi sactness of one wbo. deals in the cxnrt sciences. Oae star more or less i:i vhe broad firmament is of no c - onstqu - t.ve when all are for Grant, and the .moons too, particularly the tuil s, Tu!l of damage to springerops 3 ou;.g '.. fettjs and unmatured minds. I ;ieak it these full moons, Login, h8 they aje.rlo be ipartieularly adapted to your tyie pi figuring, they are of the expausiye oioer in appearance, wnen . i i i first coming to view, and afterward gradually diminishing until the last quarter is? reached, when they retire to a thin edge and present proportions similar to the third term delegates from North Carolina. The, only nearer com- ' o , parison I now-think of is a moon in a dark night or the daytime. As a prophet yon lay over any that ever fcre built, only it is necessary to come in en ycur blind side and take facts ss ven never see them. You have but one equal as a prophet now liviDg, that is your newspaper, the Txmtt However you-are young as yet, when you mature and ripen yon bid fair to be a standard of supreme intel ligence. Should you force your growth a little by the use of strong iertilizrers you may be able to approximate within nineteen of how the North Carolina delegation will fctand and in that pro portion gue3 who will be the Repnbii can candidate for President. " I shcjnM feel certain of this were your judgment unbiassed by your de sire to ! secure a friend at eurt wh could convince you that it was a duty you owed to the people to accept an office for superior worth I left you, Logan, at Goldsboro tak Is 1 i 1. i 1 l'JI a. - f j L jog tome the Sherman delegates of the Second District to inecribe their names r iA t v ' . u .y. 3 our v pureu one of them outng&t and have put the otner rn ycur general roil as certain; that i., yr n thiiik ycu have them w. : . . . r,an nf vnr stvl. f uuiuu is iiiw name luinir, JLrt)iran. iet-1 me tell you, if you should go to Chica- go and undertake to deliver fche North p as you put it down for the (x-President, you know how boys catch bird by putting salt on their tails' well, tou will want a pro UJuciiva salt mine. an officeholder, and i hre therefofd not permitted to exercise theordinary privileges of American citi- z5E8 at rarY conventions, I de not now hope t0 mck yen except through a newspaper j bat is neutral in politics, 1 Lave lb pught the Pc5T, to reach you i i yout retirement, having been unable o ascertain your postoffice a?3(rcs. lour uc ckts 1 ns Lcen brillfant and dismaU F at ernai y yours, fciMPLE Simon. Disband. By!, order cf the Got- i ernor ani cpmmanaer oi hiei Adju- tant Genera Jones has disbanded the fo!lowic cUPanis: - i . . , Of theSedndEegiment Company D. Whiting liillds. . ; Of the Fifth Battalion-Company A, Hanover Light Infantry: Company B, Cape Fear Liht Infantry; Company D, Fayetteville Rifle Guard; Company E,J unariotte liiues. II. The arras and accoutrements ibe- l&nging to the state lof North Carolina in posse?810. of these companies will be promptly d livered or accounted; for I - as srjeciaiiy id irected in each case; of bondsmen will be held responsible ob their bonds. . ; ' ; IL 9ffi"T will make a th receiving this - property horougb inspection fthe d rert resuits of such in- $pcciion to the1 Adjutant General of the ' i aisic. i -J. CIT i: ITEMS. Chew Jackson's Best Sweet -Navy Tobacco. 1 J - ly .Second Sunday after Ea3tef. ' Heavy frost yesterday morniog. j One interment in Rellevue Cemetry this week an adult.: ; H i , i ii - - i it ' The was one interment this week in St. Thomas' Cemetery. Politics is getting hot hereabouts. Keep cool, boys. ! Advertise in the Post if you wish to tell you? goods fast, j Friday wa3 the anniversary of tie surrender at Appomattox. I I Things were lively In . the diSrent wards of this city, Friday night. All true lovers ot liberty sheuld read the Post during the coming- campaign Coiae in and pay your subscription for last year, and renew it forth&ensu ing one. ,Sui8cribe for the Post if you want to get the latest news of the day on all subjects. Qiite-a l?rge number of hogs were captured and carried' to the citj pounds last week. There were fuiir - interments m O dale this wetk two adults and two children. Three interments in Pine Forrest Uemetcry this 'week; one adult and two children. ' The Post is ou'v $1 00 a eiir. the. rise lu printing pupei t tiu. con'.rnry uotwiihsiapding.." We wer. prn?td to sve on our Mreets last Friday, CajVi. V.mu B yW;, -the ft . - mous Navigator auct q.iauo v.yager. Rv. F. li. n oo l win preach this morning at the Fifth Street. Church and this evening at the Front ttreet Church. One would almost think winter was here again, considering ihe grat de mand fur overcoats a few days during the past week. r A gentleman informs us thai twenty four telphone poles on the Turnpike were struck by lightning On Tuesday night last! The Register of Deeds has issued. four marriage licenses this week, one f which was lor a white couple nd the remaining three for colored toup!e3 GnASD RoTiXD. The eauvas3 be tween te friends cf Messrs. cted man and Waddell was wound up vvith a grand round. All drunk and all down Friday night. Col. Waddell is very much more pop ular with the Democratic party than hk Democratic enemies have siven him credit for, heretofore, as the vote on Friday night showed. i St. John's Church, corner Third and Red Cross tree? llev. George Patter- tereon, D.D , Rector-April llth The gccon(i Sunday after Easter. Celebra lipn at 7:0 R &m Morning l'raver at n a'ccck. Evening Prayer at 7 o'clock Sunday School at 4 p. m. Rev. Dr. Geo. Patterson, the verv iwuiuai acwh;i w uu uuuua xaiisii. f .has been quite sick during the past rweek, but we were exceedingly glad to learn oa yesterday that he wa? very much belter, and is txpected to ouiciate to day at St. John's.! Criminal Court. Ihe April term of this court convened on Monday last, at 10 o'clock. The followisg cases have been dis .posed tff. .v . 1 '. Henry Miller, charged v;iih asfdu't. Defendant dischaiged. Geo. Hill larceny. Judgment sus-: pended. : j . J. M. King. JutJgfneat nisi, J. H. Cruse, charged with burning of thedwelliDg cf Mr, (John A. Sanders, was arraigned tl is afternoon. Messrs. F. H. Darby, T. U. McKoy and II. H- McKoy, were assigned as cousel. The case was set for 10 s o'clock Tuesday morninr. and a venire bf 1C0 cood andi U:wfQi citizens was ordered. . Geo. Hill, larceny. Guilty. Sentenced 6 years in the penitentiary. Love Ann Jones, for being an acces- sory to an attempt fo commit lapel Guilty, beutenced to statejpenitentiary for ten years, l. F. Lipsc sec nib, larceny. Guilty. Not yet sentenced. i Henry "Cruse, arson. Guilty. Twenty years in the penitentiary. The same defendant was indicted for larceny, and submitted to a verdict of frniitv. m;ir-,i u.tip ,r,.t. 7;t xi.io.u -wulu,;,..WUJ.! . . uu,,. not guilty, - v Bwi. atojre, larceny, v eruict not guilty.: i i Office "Good SAMAErrAir,"-. Newbcrn, N. C , April 8, 18S0. Editor Post ! I wish to inform my friends, the sub scribers and patrons cf the tiood SamcL. ritan, published by me at Newborn, N. I C, that it will be suspended for one week o,n account cf the sickness of mj printers, and some needed changes that I desire! to make. V I. B. Abbott, Proprietor. Notice to Mamnees United States of America, Virginia. Automailc Sig nal Buiy off Cape Charles. I Notice is hereby given that, of about April 17, 1880, an Automatic Signal 3uoy, painted red, with the let iern C. C. in white, and giving blasts of a whistle at short intervals, will be moored, six and onehalf miles south east of Cape Charles Light-house, In about six fathoms of water. ; j By older of the Light House Beard ; John Eodgees, ; Hear Admiral U. 8. Navy, Chairman. Office ojf the L'ght-House Board," j? Washington, D. C, April 2, 18S0. WiL?iiioTON Mutual TsuAAycE Company. The annual meeting bf the members and policy holders ef tie Wilmington Mutual Insurance . ' Corns pany wks held in the Court Room, at ti:e City Hall, on! Wednesday night. The following officers t were elected fur the i ensuing -year : . President W. A. French, re-elect; i-cd-!::. ' "-.r-- i . Vice-President J. Kent Brown,- re elected.' . y tecr'tftary and Treasurer -Samuel N. Cannou. Directors Wui. Lar kins', John H. Freeman, R. E. Ileide, H. VonGlabn, R. J.,Jj)nes, R. E. Calder, R. S. Rad cliff, James H. ChadbouraH. Mj Bow den, Wb A. French and J.Kent Brown. The reports indicated a gook years' business, all losses having been paid and a handsome surplns left on hand, "j uajj vs JxLtDKHM.Es x HQ po&xa of Aldermen met in regular monthly session Monaay last; all tlie members present. The Finance Committee reported that they had no authority to grant the petition of George Harriss, and the re- Port was receivcu ana aaoptea. Ane same Committee reported progress in . I. .11 a ? at 'L t x n L if er 'i i. -t . - t;i.-: - j I ia voiuimuee on uis reporieu tuat tuey uaa awaraea me contract lor ' liiiltti rsr lamps, &c., for the ensuing year, to B R Xing. The action of the Ccinmiitee was confirmed. Contract for keeping city mules was awarded to T. J. Soufherland at $32.50 per mow h, Conmct with the Wilmington (Jas C9mpaoy wss continned. J. J Dry was awarded the eontraet for removing night soil. The B$ard appropriated $50,000 for the present Cecal year. The iMayor was authorised to a PPoint an additional health officer, whereupen he appointed Mr, Was. M. Hays. An il lamp was ordered'to be placed at the corner of Davis and Third streets. Sunday applications for positions up- on the1 police ferce were referred to the committee on Police Petition from a number of citizens, i tn have Castle street hardened, was : ietu auu rcicneu 10 iuc vuici o. vntc Some other business of importance was transacted, when the Board ad- jotuned. nFurncRATin Excitemest Blood Haiii, axd Black-Eyes. On Friday -1 . . night last, the ward meetings of the Democratic party was held, for the pur pose oi selecting aeiegates to tne Couritv Convention, which will be held hereon the 17th of April, for the pur pose of selecting delegates to the Con gressional and State Conventions. There has been for the past week, great excitement over the matter. The contest was between Maj. Charles M. Stedman and Hon. Alfred M. Waddell, candidates for the' nomination for Concress. The canvass has been bitter in the extreme, not only between the friends of the contestants, but between th' contestants- themselves. Messrs. Kidman and Waddell. have made a personal canvass of the entire city. Ud late and early, encouraging their friends, therefore, they run together msny times.and the language they used to each other during these short inter j views was not at all complimentary. But their friends did not stop at words, They bad many bloody fights,, and at one time, on Friday at about 4 o'clock n m tho rrawd nn Front tret waa uituot, fcvc uu6 y K5' sons, the mcst of whom were drunk and exceedingly disorderly. There were nnlicpmen in Tr.itizpn -VrlnthAk around .i- u- Wuufi ufg.ug uu iur. , We; understand that free Bars aud tree whiskey was plentnui. e know that free fighting was the command. The few police that were on duty could not make anyirrest, the friends of the contestants defying the officers .of the law. Ladies either had to go blscki out of their way, er take the middlaof thej streets to get to their homes, r Seme of the ofiicera of the law were drunk. The charges made against each candi date by their opponents, were so uncom plimentary, that we refrain from pub lishing them in our columns. -The fight was yery cltie, t as jflll be seea by the report below, Mtj. C. M. Btedman carrying the city by only 39 rinajority. The Waddell men charge that it was fraudulently dose, as they say many of, Ma j. Stedman'a friends Woted three or four times. This we do not veuch for, and only poblish the charges as coming from Cl. Waddell's friends, f We are indebted to the Star, Deino cratie paper, for the proceedings f the meetings, which we publish below: , - FIItST WARD." ilrf. D. Mann, a member of the Executive Committee, called the meet ing to order. T Oh motion of Mr. W. M. Parker, the call was read by Mr. W. J. Mstt. Messrs. S. H. Morton and W. M Parker, were placed in nomination for chairman, nd Messrs. T. J. Thornton and S. W, Strauss were appointed tel lers. Mr. Morton received 70 votes and Mr. Parker 67. Mr. Morton was declared elected and took the chair. Balloting was then had far delegates tothe Caunty Convention. The Sled- man delegates received 83 votes, the Waddell delegates 75 - SHC05D WASD. Mr. DuB.'CUtlar called the meeting to order j when ballotings were had for chairman Messrs. S. D. Wallace and Junius Davis were put in nomination. Mr. Davis received 108 vote and Mr I Wallace SS. Nomination were then made for del egates to the County Convention, and 1 After bjillotinff Via nbnir annnnneed that .u. Widdell dnWates had received 1 133 Totes and the btedman delegates J jq2 Oa motioa tho meeting adjourned. j , THIRD WARD. - Mr. R. J. Jones was elected chairman b acclamatioB, and Mr. James W. King aDa Mr. R. C. Cantwell were ap- poit. ted Secretaries' 250. of which the Stedman delegates ieceived 12S ftnd tha Waddell delecales 114 Tnfpfi FOURTH WARD. At the meeting in this ward Mr. O. H'Rsbinson was elected chairman, re" ceiving 124 votes, against 110 votes for Mr. J. C. Stevenson. - - Delegates te the County Convention were ballotted for, the-jStedman dele gates receiving 124 vetes and the Wad dell delegates 114. FIFTH TVA'fcD. At the meeting in this ward, called to order by Mr. F. H.i Darby, a 'member of the Ward Ex2eutive Committee. Mr. p T Tilv W.td r.hrmn hr ba11ot . M, n OrrSeeretarv. Stedman delegates were elected to the Gounty Convention, by a. vote of p.c f 4 - i RECAPITULATION. TOR CHAS. M. STXDMAS. First Ward Third Ward Fourth Ward Fifth Ward ' delegates.' 5 5 5 5 5 do do do, do do do Mason boro Township Harnett Township ! ' Federal Point Township Total 33delegatef. TOK A. M. WADDELL,. ocwuu m uai Cape tear iownship. 6 delegates. Total 8 delegates. I IIARSETT TOWNSHIP. The meeting was organized by call ing Mr. Garrett Walker to the chair and appointing Jshn G. Paiker, Secre tary I ' An election thea took place for dele gates to the County Conventiou, tube held on the 17th instant, with the fjl- fowing resuit: G Walker, J G Parker, C H Bonham, K J Mason, C U Alex ander. The delegation is solid for Stedman. j .MfSOXBoao. township. J Pursuant to a call of the Executive I Committee, a large and enthuaastic 1 meeting of the voters of MasOnboro township was held yesterday. The meeting was organized by Mr. John A. I Farrow assuming the chair and stating the ebject of the meeting, after which Mr. Farrow was elected " permanent I nht tivptarv and Mpssra. Martin and Lewis Todds tellers. ' After the lapse of fifteen minutes 1 the balloting commenced, and on the nauots ueiuc coumeu, luwuueu in toe Uwinn of! Msrs. J A Furrow. 'Chfla Craie. Jr.. & Montford. W Martin and K Ji Heide as&tedm-in delegates to the County Convention. ' UjavEitsiT Noemal School. To he teachers of the state and those de- airing te teach: f '" : 1 The fourth session of thft TTniifT Normal School will begin on the 24th oiuune ana close on the 29th of July 1880. NoefloTU have been spared to enlarge the usefulness ef the schooLand iu maitw possiDie ior tne humblest I teacher in thfc f at- ott.,,i n. 1 clses. The Superintendent ana the rroiessors, as neretofere, will bemen off special training and experience in their respective departments, as well as ex perts in Normal methods. The scheme ' of instruction will in clude, besides the commons school branches. intrnct;n in 'Mafnmi Tv,;iw osophy, Geometry, Algebra, higher English. T.flt.in Pnmne)in TnW keeping. Physiology, Kindergarten and Vocal Slusie, - l KINDERGARTEN. The Kinderearten DeDartment will be managed by a teacher of national lame and vast experience m Kinder earten wort. LECTURES. This interesting: and profitable fea ture of the school will be continued. Lectures may be expected on topics of special interest to teacners irom distin l !?.. . . . - . . . . I euUhed educators of public men. v I .... - ESPETTSES. tirnnn f.ahlfi hoaril watr "Ka harl in I - w - y w mmv. . vuapei nui at per mourn, 5iz oy i ior uoam auu larmsnea roem. uentiea i men cas obtain rooms in'the Universitv I buildings free .-of cost, except a small I ar,r f- fV- r l . a ii... . r I ouui iui njc uoo uj tnt)-. luiuituic. xj iiuiiul viuua uumu tziav: uc icuuucu lu i or f7 r,Pr mnnfh Wriliti will b provided students whereby they may COOk their own food. Tn this Wav the costof liviog was reduced to$t 00 per weeK Dy students at tho last Normal f school. ItAILROAD FARES: , j ...gj..v,". uiauu nutivui- .inJ.Mf. H i .! L 1 . . 1.1 I school on the several railroads for one fare. Iteturn tickets should always bo bought before taking the train, .... ' AID TO INDIGENT TEACHERS. Through the kindness of the; llv. Dr. Sears, agent of the Peabedy Ftind, a sum has been given to assist in rav- lnff the eXDenses of teachers whosa own means will not enable them to attend . r: the school. This fund will be applied to the payment of travelling expenses, so that ail students may reach the school on an equality. All persons desiring aid will apply to President Battle at Ohaoel Hill, bv mail, before May 20th, so that each one may Jearn m advance what amount he will receive. TEXT BOOKS. Text-bsoka will be loaned free of charge to all persons attending the school. Thus it will be seen that for five or six dollars any teacher in our state may attend the exercises . of the Normal school, and secure for himself and his pupils its incalculable blessings. Those wishing, before leaving home, to make arrangements fer beard will please write to Mr. A. Mickle, agent of the school, Chapel Hill, N. C. Thomas J. Jarvis. Goveratr. Exofficio Chairman Board of Eiuca tioa. : . ' - ' ' ? Kemp P. Battj.e, Presdeat of the University, Chapel Hill,N. O. JOHX C SCAKBOiOUSH, Superintendent of Public Instruction and Secretary Board of Education. A fool killer la needed in German y the Louisville Medical New says, the particular fool being the. Princess Bis marck. This impolite opinion is based on the fallowing circular, issued by the President ef the Ecktnfoerd Shootinffl hlb In if mpW TTr TT.Vhnn-c the Princess Bismarck wishes to receive as many magpies as possible, from the burnt remains rf which an anti-epilep tic powder be manufactured. I ! f tmt m?tiif, therefore, high and well- bor .i sir, to express to yoU the entreaty that you will forthwith ihoot as many macTDies as vou can in vour nreserves and forward the same." DIED. MOORE. Tn this city. April 7th. Mary E daughter of W. H. Moore aged 2 years and 4 months. i : i AfiOCiCU UIV l JrJ Vl-S V Ulv AAA tUQ iittiilv V theiiord." . . 1. , OFFICE j CITY CLERK & TREASURER, CliY 'OF WlLMlKGTOX, N. C, I April 2d, 1830. NDTIG rpAX-LITESS will attend at the City -. i : i- Hall. Tuesday, June 1st, at 9 o'clock, a. m.t and fur twe. ty working days therealter, for the purpose of receiving the Tax Lists ot the ! .-. - n :; - I - - f Inhabitants of this city Upon all cntyecta ol taxation which are tp be listed lor city pur Fos?3. 111SNRY SAVAGE, apt II 3t Glerk and Treasurer. NOTICE OF SEIZURE. CUSTOM HOUSE. ' : , ! wilminqton.no. 1 .j collector's office.1 . 1 . -V' MARCH 27, 1880. To whom it may concern : i' ' . NOTICE is hereby given, under Section 3075 of the Revised Statutes oi the United States, that the following goods were seized at Wilmington, N. C.. respectively, on the 22nd day of May,-1879, and. December 19th, 1879, by reason of violation t the revenue laws of the United States namely: Twenty-Four handkerchiefs, silk and silk mixtures, jn ine ions miuminous coal. Any person claiming any of the above ar ticies, is hereby notified to appear and file with the Collector of Customs ior this Dis. trict of Wilmington, his claim to the whole or any portion tnereor, within twenty days uomoaieoi uiwimuncauon.!, W. P. CANADA Y. ! - m.?r273t Collector of Customs. r -" ' I ! i "' 1 " ' 'I - 4 ' i List of Appointments by Bishop : Atkinson, for his Comma Visi- taMon : ! ; ' - :. . : wreenTiilSecottd Sunday after Earter, . :fi ...:., uimcouuij, Auesuay, - of T i " V pril 13 bt JobB f? Durham's Creek, Wednes- . ' . uaAUiun Aurora, Fndav. Aoril TG: Wa8hingtojThird Sunday after Easter, " . . a?"' a- Zjlou kurort county4 Monday, Anril If) Bath, Tuesday. April 20. StrJames church, Beaufort county, . ! ' Wednesday, April 21 Makelyville, Hyde countr, Friday, . ! '.'J " Anril owan quarter, Saturday, April 24. n y-v - . . . r bt Ueor2 Hyde county, Fourth Sun- . . , clay after Easter, April 25 Vanceboro, Craven county, Friday, . . r .. . April SO JNewDem, :kitth Sunday alter Easter, Beaufort, Tuesday. Mav 4 . Kihstoa, Ascension Dav. May f. Holy Innocents, Lenoir eounty.Friday, V gton, , Sunday aiter ' Ascension, I ',- . ! - . If t r,r4 . . . . -jr 5C- ms cnuren, morning. St. Paul's churchV evening. Warrenten, Whit. Sunday, M Mav 16. PUoam. tltj m . W A T . ill I i n IV II '1 17 I I V , Henderson, Tuesday , May 13. uxterd, Thursday, May 20. Kittrell'n Raf nrrlav iar, 90 Louisbur: 1 - j j,... t . ..... . -m-. ' iy YUXUMUMMTZ. NftW . . fiWfi V1 -" KStan lSnmMlt v'uj iuuiimuiiluuii J. b WINNER, NO." 3, S. FRONT , ., . Street, Wilmington, N. C., Tesires to inform the jm'blio that he is vuiuuuiusieru, anu aiso to uo nar a. soJcl Wftrtr . n w frrA.W A I j ... . . work. Any work cent toliim lay mail will be promptly attend to. apt 11 ly. Ricliioni aal Petersinrg Railroai Co, I meis Cl G Sunday, March 21. 1530. J . 1 m I rro Ina Vta J 1 I 1 .1 . trains on thjs road will run as follows: LEA VB RICHMOND, SOUTH. - ' 12.03 A. M., TilROUGn MAiL dally connect ing for Cliarlestoni Augnsia, Aiken (via Charleston), Savan nah, Raleigh, and Jacksonville. Stops at Manchester and Chea ter, and IIalf-Wn.v on Rfpnml 5.39 P. if., Accommodation Train, 4aty. r-assengers laiung tnia train will -make close connection .at Petersburg for Norfolk. . atops at all stations. 10.35 P. M., Thbough Mail dally conricct.- ing ior weiaon, Wilmington, Kaleigb, Charleston, and Savan nah, Columbia, Augusta. Atlan-5 ta, Macon, Mobile, Montgomery and - New -Orleans. - Pullman Sleepine Cars from Washington for Wilmington and the South. Stops at Manchester and Ches ter and Half-Way on signal. , Fkeigjit TiiAix dally (except Sunday l.tassenerer cat Att.ochJ 1 -1 3.Z0 A. M. I from the Appomattox Depot. All trains-leaving Petersburg will start I AV'14! 'JJ9" R5ch- j Petersburg at 9.30. A. M. and 5.S0 p. if . every ounuay. , . T. D. KLINE mcnaatf Superintendent. FAST MAIL AND PASSENGER v ROUTE TO THE NORTH AND EAST, VIA. THE RICHMOND, . FREDERICKSBURG AND P0T0. MAC RAILROAD; ; ' rvstr- irfi, Entire trains rnn thronih rem Wilminc. J Cha"e. ton to Washingtoa, via. this route without Leave Tfilmiucton. CW & W R R.Y r 7h"9 m f P , Sunday excepted. , --' Arrive at Washington at 9.23 p m and 1.10 p m, Sunday excepted. -f : Arrive At Baltimore at 11.10 p m and 3 05 p m. Sunday excepted. , Arrive at Philadelphia at S.25 a rn and 6 50 p m, Sunday excepted. Arrive at New York at G.43 a m and 10.05 p m, Sunday excepted. .o Dm 8.i a m Pullman Palace Sleeping cars on the 6 50 a. m, trains to New York,, and on the 8.40 u l aciaugtuii. v. A. TAvr.nn . 1 . General Ticket Agent. I E,T. D. MYERS, Gen'l. gupt. . ' mch21tf . . . PETERSBURG R. R. COMPANY. OFFICE SUPERINTENDENT, Tettrsburg, V.., Feb.,ai,-18S0. j going souin. New York Express leaves Peters- burg, daily at .......,.. 1.07 p m Arrives at Weldoa at... 3.20 p m Southern Express leaves Peters burg.dailvat :.. n 49 n m Arrives at Weldon at 2.CS a ni j I GOING NORTH. , . New York Express leaves"WeldonV dally at....c. ............ ,..i..M..... i.l!lp m. Arrives at Petersburg at................. 3.30 p n Southern Express leaves Weldon, '"Jr ...... .......... o.t a m 1 Arrives at Petersburg at.......... 6.X0 a rn Freight with Passenger coach at- lacnea, reaves weiaon, dally, ex- i Mcept Sunday, at..... . 1,50 p m 7 Arrives at Peteisburg at 7.30 p m ' Leaves Petersburg at.............v........ 7.03 a m i Arri ves at Weldon at.... ....:i2.l3 p m TIIRo'lJ Oil FREIGHT TRAIN.' Leaves Petersburg, dally, except Sunday, at... ..M.V-....... 4.30 p m. Arrive at WeWon at........... 8 35pm Leave Welden, dily, except Sun day, at..u..... ..........-...J 4.00 a m Arrive at Petersburg, daily, excepii - 1 -Sunday at -................. 8.33 am i .Sleeping cars run through on night trains. -Sleeping car berths can be had for II 00 Richmond to Raltimore. Throngh tickets sold to all points east or south, and baggage checked through. ' , t K. M. SULLY. Gen'l Supt. W. J. BROWN, Dispatcher of Trains -mchSlti. ... u; can make money faster at work lor -us than at any thins else Canitjil Tint. rn. quired ; we will start you. S12 per dav at home made by the industrious. Men women, boys and girls wanted everywhero to work for us. Now is the time Mostly outfit and terms free. Address Tbtjk & Co . Augusta, Maine. . r apl 9-u V