XV ; - : I ! - iH 1 Pii MM v VOLUME XI. W 1 L MX N GTQN POST r Entered at the Fostoffice at Wilmington, N, C, as Second Class Matter V RATBS OF ADVERTISING. Fifty cents per line for the first in jerti.m aud twenty -five cents per lin tor each additional insertion. Eight (8) lines, Nonpareil type,' con stitute a square. The subscription priee to The Wil uinqtqn Post is $1 00 per year; ix months 75 cents. All crmuiunlcrtions on buslnesshould be addressed to The Wilmington Post, Wilmington, N. C. All advertisements will be charged a the above rates, except on special con tracts. ! : Ti IE CON VENT1 ON 0 F TH B R E PUBLICANS OF THE STATE OF NOKTH CAROLINA, WILL MEET IN THE CITY OF IIALEIGH, ON THE SEVENTH DAY Of JULY, 1880, FOR TUE PURPOSE O? NO -i-INATINfi TWO F.r.V.flTORS AT- LARGE. AND STATE OFFICEUS. ' BY OliDER OF STATE EXECU ITIVE COMMITTEE. v' Late General News. I V The Mlealh of U&iu II. S. Foote of iM inaisnjppi ia an event, xie was one oi the most remarkable men of the time. When he "first entered the Senate he was always fn dbftte and, spot with an extreme rapidity, and an unerring aet uracy that was marvelous, lie was til ways a . Union man, even in the .Con federate Senate. His acquirements in law were hardly inferior to Caleb Cush inir, and in versatility in letters he was rivalled by no man in the south. Evt ry true Republican in Ue country wiil experience gratification at the honors recently conferred by the Presi dent upon the jllon. Horace Maynard of Teiinessee, arid Lt. Gen. Longstreet of Alabama. If it is a tardy, it is a just recognition of twe of the most emi nent and ablest of southern Republi cans. Maynard has 'always been an unflinching Republican since the ex istence of that party, and Longstreet, from having been only second to Joe Johnston in the Confederate army, is entitled to even higher honors than the Ministry to Turkey on account . of the noble and patriotic stand which he has taken hi public affairs of laU years. On the whole It is a matter of regret that a Senator like General Gordon has retired.':' The appointment of ex-Goy. Joe Brown by Got. Colquitt as his tiifroctnr baa nnf firpn ftfliiftfnrtirtn t.fi hucIi regulars as are represented by tie I Savannah News and the Augusta Con- ttduttonahst. It is to be regretted that Uordon in his letter oi resignation r should have indulged in a fling at the South Carolina and Louisiana contro- versy. - The portrait of every Governor of Tennessee except Gov. Brownlow hangs in the State House at Xashville. A burning shame! The attention of the Tteasury De uartment having been called to the erronertua nractice at many ports of issuing licenses for the fisheries to ves- fds eireaered in other business than lakins whales, ccd, or mackerel, a cir- . - . I cular has been issued to Collectors of Customs and . others prohibiting the J licensing of any vessel for the fisheries except supn s uiaw unaiuwo vi catchiug whales, cod, or mackerel as provided by section 4,321 of the Revised Statutes. Vessels now licensed, how- ever, will not be disturbed until their present licenses expire. Ex-Senator Isaac P. Christiancy, now .Minister to Peru has instituted a suit for divorce against Lizzie M.Christian nv nee. Lucenbeel. The Hon. Edwin v. v o Wiltits, of Michigan, and E. Chase In gersoll, of Washington, appeared for il romolaint. As soon' as they had filed it the bill was withdrawn by John N. Oliver, who entered his appearanco fr Mrs. Christancy. Neither attorney would divulge the contents of the peti tion. Mr. Oliver stated that he would next week file an answer and cross-bill, and toth could then be published.. "V rr !T A rrfrf nnaninv inr anv good doctor who will come and settle himself in our little town of Smith- ;n- ,tu MtJrini nf thi. wnnld rvlorl in Vnow that ihftv rnnlrl riavft , mA Ainr within their reach when M 2 W V " sic in ess demands it. Yours truly, Smithville. Those who suffer from fnervou irrita tions, itching uneasiness!, and the dis- comfort that follews from an enfeebled and disordered state et tho system, should take Aver's Sarsaparilla and cleanse the blood. Purge out the lurk- inff diatemner that undermines the health, and constitutional vigor will return. FBOU WASUIH QTON. lIOJfOP.8 ; FOR j SOUTHEB BePOBLI- ass. Money jFoir North Cako- UNA RlVERS AND IIaHBOBS.-THE Okeat Boat Hack a Great FnATJD. ' . ' '., Washington, D. 0., ilaySO, 1880. 80UTIIEBN BEPUBLICAN8 TO TBE FRONT Tht smith has just secured two first class appointment. Hen. Horace MayuarO, oi Tennessee, our present W inister to Turkey, has been called to succeed , postmaster General Key, who retires from the Cabinet to become U oitcl feiatas, Listrict Judg in Ten neMv;. ueneral longstreet, of well- kDuwfi Confederate fame, has been an poiuua t uccetd Minister Maynard at Luiuuntincple. Bith of these men are socthtrii born, and what is more to ine purpose, both are sound Republi- cans. r4 J , S:;ZS.. t vjcunai j.fsjt ja reuring uom the I uaoiucl tatrs with him the well earned respect and deserved regard of every person who has come into t fficial or social coutact with him. To say that ne i.hs proved to be one of the ablest officers thnt ever held the position he now rrsigns, is simply to state what is too wel'.-knowu to repeat at length. It is possible that Congress , may ad journ this mouth. It is quite probable that it will not. Any opinion on the sul jnct at this time is but guess work. ALL THE BOOM SUBSIDING; V Just mow there is a decided lull in Republican National politics. The friend v of the three leading candidates have practically concluded their work. Thtre seems bat little doubt, now, that the Illinois state convention, now in session will direct the delegates chosen by it, if indeed they are not instructed, to vote all the time for General Grant at Chicago. After tc-morrow all the scheming aud all the figuring will be concentrated on the delegates them selves, or uuo thing I am convinced. Whoever is nomnatcl tij the EepnKii- cans will be elected. Unt4 the Chicago Convention designates the man, all speculation is ' useless. What we do? knowis ihis: The Republican party will enter the campaign more united, and f.r more in earnest, and with m're reasoii.ible chances of success than at any time since 1863. The House spent, some three days in perfecting and passiDg the Postofiice DepArthient Appropriation bill for the 1 . " 1 ! i 1 1 . l coming nscai year, a long ngni, too place oyer the appropriations for the "star" route service and in the end the department1 estimate- was cut. down, about 1500,000. On Monday the Senate Committee reported' the bill . with the 1500,000 refused by House, added to tna j-j It was largely increased by itf m other amendments were algQ ma3e Th5s weans a 8trl,ggie yrith Houge which will last for some dajs and jmpair the chances of an -1v a,i;Mtirnmpnt. ! XORTIt CAROLINA'S SHARK OF TUB JtlVER AND HARBOR BILL. The River and Harbor bill passed the House last Monday as was expected under the suspension of the rules. For Worth Carolina the following appro priations were made v Improving Cape Fear river, ferty thousand dollars. This will probably he iucrcaVed in the Senate to at least a . ) $75,000. Continuing improvement of Curri tuck Sound, Coanjok Bay, and North River Bar, NortlCarolina, twenty-fire imousana aoiiars.1 Improving French Broad River,three thousand dollars. improving Neuse River, fifteen thous and dollars. ; -, Improvinb Pamlico River, .three thousand dollars. j Improving Roanoke River,lwO thous- ADQ UQll&rS Improving Scuppernong River, one thousand dollars. - Imdrovitfg Tar River, two thousand aoiiars. - Improving Trent River, five thous- and dollars. j - w - The same bill also provides for the following surveys with detailed esti- mates of the expense of the work to be done. Cape Fear River, between Wilming ton and Fayetteville, with the view of pertaining ccst and pracUcabiluy of rearing away i ogs ana overgrumxig trees and of aredgmglout such shoals as iDS cost of each separately. Town Creek: To ascertain cost of taking out such shoals asjinterfere with ordinary river steamboat traffic. ' - It will be seen that the Old North State is fairly taken care of.. THE LAST GREAT SPORTESTO FRAUD. During the whole of the week we have lived in a sporting atmosphere There have been horse races every day, and the War and Navy departments kindly closed their offices at 3 p. m. so the clerks conld attend them. rTo-day WILMINGTON. NORTH that all of those employed ia them, who wwh to, can attend the last of the sporU of the week at the National Fair Grounds. The event of the week was' the Hanlan Courtney race. J The former was the favoriteamong sporting men, Decaose he has not yet beeii been beat en. and because of his creat endurance- Courtney has been under a 'cloud since he ave away the race at Lachine, Can ada, tome two or three rears go This ace was merely , an advertisinff dodee. More than all this, that great hulk of Drawn, uourtney, has no heart in hb huge breast. ;He is as full of words, and as wantiug in that pluck which carries; men through such contests as he i big. His little opponent has strength. e"1 kiH, an 1 what is of far more con- sequence, that fkithi in himself which " worth half of any. battle. Wow lfom all that I have said do thinlc tbat thete was a boat race on fcUO IOW"Dc io-aay. in ine morning- ine big fraud had a headache, and pro cnrea an hours delay. He had lost heart if he ever nad any. At last the mea were placed, and started! -n.ere is the olficial account of ihe advertising fraud : 'Hanlan appeared first at 5:45 o'clock and Courtney came out five luinulis later. Start was made at nine minutes past six, Hanlan on the Virginia aide. Hanlan got the lead at once. j At the quarter-mile flag Hanlan was one and a half lengthy in the lead. He held it all the way down and was lead ing at the turn. Hanlan had ithe lead all the way, gaining all tht? lime, being on tie last quarter six orL eight lengths ahead. Courtney was r6wing very slowly, seem ing to take his time. hen nearly op posite his headquarters, the Potomac boat house, he stopped and scratched his head, ihen pulled into his head quarters, leaving Hanlan. to finish the race alone, which he did at his ease.'' That was all there ..w.''- " men did ' cu uiaiic wuuhuu i w tice twice. " lhat was wuat leu thous and deluded men spent time and money te come to Washington to ce, and six ty thousand confiding . people of this city sat hours in the hot sua to witness. Riley pulled out ahead of the sc-ealied champions, and easily kept his place all the way around. It is the worst case of professional sports hippodroni- ing before a swindled publio that has yet occurred. It ought to be the very last. Our chief, Col. W. P. Canaday, has been in town since riunday last. For three days he was very ill. At one time his friends were much alarmed. He is now on his feet again,' which by the way, means more trouble,, some where, for some of the th rd term men. Yours, II. C. F. Magnolia, N. C, Hay 20, 1880. Mr. Editor : Please permit me to interrogate you through the columns of your valuable paper relative to our civil and political rights before the law as citizens of North Carolina and of these United States of America. We, as citizens, taxpayers and voters of Duplin county, are excluded from the jury-box from some cause, I know not what. This state of things has gone on lengenouodi, we thiuk, and would be glad to know why we are tnus treated. It has got to be a very rare thing to see colored men serving as jurymen here. Why should our rights as citizens be ignored in this manner? Th , excu foT this;-infringement, so far as I nave been enabled to ascer tain, is that the -"niggers are too igno rant to serve as jurymea." Admitting ignorance to be the disease', 1 am quite sure that depriving us of any citizen ship is not the proper remedy to apply. An nnnre of prevention is wortn a poand of cure Let tbem be where I ikAW i).n maa lioofi nnrl loo rn enmothiner 1 Llini KU DC1fB AiUUt UUVK 1VM1U WWUWUmUM b t construed in all of its rnri T Ul.r (hot. fr rnrPrn'mont. . Dolitical application of the Chris- tian theory of life, that at the base oi the Republican system lies the Golden Rule, and that to be a good citizen of the United States one ought to be im bued with the spirit of Christianity and to believe in and act upon the , teach ings of Jesus. He condemned self- seeking class-distinction, envy and malice. He inculcated self-restraint, repression . of the lower and meaner passions, and. regard for the rights of others, and respect for the4law. ( Respectfully, &c, A. McCullougu. I. O. of Good Samaritans. The Supreme Lodge of the I.- U. of Good Samaritans and Daughters of Samaria, will hold their annual, convention on the 27th inst, at Washington, I D. C, on which occasion relegates from the various Grand Lodges in the several states are expected to be present. Sunset this afternoon at five minutes ijast 7 o'clock. CAROLINA; SUNDAY. Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy xouacco. -; . -i, j ly No interments in Bellevne Cemetery tbi week. : A here was only one interment in Oakdale this week, an infant' There were tefen excursions this city during the past week. rom ihe stores now rlese at 7 o'clock every evening except Saturday; Mayor Fishblate we regret to learn, 13 still confined to his houso from sick ness..' i;; '-.j .v..--. There were seven interments in Pino Forest Cemetery this week, five adults and two children. i -ly The full proceedings of the Odd Fel lows State Grand Lodze Convention will appear in te rext Post. issue of the Mr. Thos. H. Smith has purchased the property southeast corner of Market and Front streets, known for many years as the Holmes' Hotel property. The First and - Second rresbvterian Churches of this city, wilt hold joint services to-day on account of vthe ab sence of Rev. Dr. Wilson ;at the Gene ral Assembly.; Rev. C. M. Payne will preach in the Second Church ! at II a. m. and in the First Church at 5 p: m. At the target practice of the Wil mington Light Infantry on the 20th instant, private A A. Johnsen won the medal. Sergeant R. H. Grant, was closely behind Mr. Johnson and almost tied him, the judges declaring . ly sixteenth of anicch to decide the contest. MEaiOlAL SEHVIUES. v , Rooms Nationa l I Memorial Assocition j At a meeting of the 2salionaTi&erutF rial Association, it was decided not to have a formal procession I aud parade on the occasion (if decorating the graves of the Union Dead at tbe National Cemetery this year. This, .course was determined upon for neveral reasons, among which are that the Committee deem the occasion too sacred to war rant the indulgence of a1 noisy and boisterous demonstration such as are uual in general parades, and that it is nut an appropriate way of Ipavins: that ivsjiect and honor to the memory of the Nation's Dead for which these services were inaugurated. Tue public are respectfully invited and requested to assemble, : in such manner as they may choose, at the Na tional Cunetery on east Market street, at 4 o'clock on Monday the 31st day of May, wlu re the following services will take Dlact : ; 1 ; Music. . Prayer by Rev D. J. Sanders. Music. ' -Address by" Rev. D. D. Dodge. Music. J Benediction. Decoration- of Graves. Ed. R. Brink, , Chairman Committee. The Mails. As there has been so many changes of late in the schedule of the railroad trains, and consequently the change in time of closing and open ing the mails, we publish a Ijcorrect list of the time of opening and closing. Northern through and way mails - - - - o.oO a. m. p. m. Raleigh - 5.30 a.m. - and 5.00 Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied tuere from, including A. & N. C. Railroad, at - - - ; - 4 5.30 p.m. Southern mails for all points south, daily - - - - - 7.45 p. m. Western mails (C. C. R'y) daily (except Sunday) - - 5.00 a. m. Mail lor uneraw a uarnng- ton . - - - - - - - i A p m. Mails for points between Florence and Charleston - i AO p m. Fayetteville and offices on Cape Fear liiver, lues-j days, and Fridays - - - 1.00 p. m. Fayetteville, via. Lumber-! ton, daily (except Sun days) - -' - - " - - 5.00 p. m . Onslow C. H. and intermedi ate offices, every Friday - 6.00 a. m. Smith'ille mails, by steam boat, daily (except bun-: davs) - - - - - - yuua. m. Mails lor Easy Hill, Town Creek and Shallotte, every Friday at - - - - - - u.uv a, m. rWilmington and Black Riv-! er Chapel,; I uesaays ana Fridays at - - - - - - J ou a.m. OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern through way way mails - - - - - - 7.00 a. m. Southern mails - - - - 7.30 a. m Carolina Uentral railway - a.io a. m. Stamp Office open from 8 a. m. to 12 m., and from 2 to o.dv p. m. Money Order and Register Depart ment open same as stamp office. General Delivery open from 6.00 a. m. to 6.30 p. m., and on Sundays from 8.30 to 9.30 a, m. Stamps for sale at General Delivery wnen stamp omce is ciosea. Mails collected from street boxes e7ery day at 3.30 p. m. hir..-v 23. 1880. Superior Court convenes in this city on the first Monday in Jane. The special term of the Criminal Court meets to-morrow, the 24th inst. " - P ' ' " - r Mr. R. E. Heide and two daughters arrived safely at Liverpool on Tuesday last. V - ' j The Hook and Ladder Company cel ebrated their anniversary on the 20th instant. The scholars of ilisses Burr & James school, had a very pleasant pic nic at Hilton, Thursday. .j We are pleased to see our Chief of Police, Capt. H. C. Brock, again on the streets, after some days illness. ,? - ,We understand that there will be no race between the jachts of the Carolina Yacht Club;before the.4th of July. ' Six persons were baptized in the First Baptist Church, on Thursday night, after the sermon of Dr. Teasdale. The wires of the American Tele graph Company will reach this city sometime during the coming month. The Duplin canal is progressing fine: ly. The work of sluicing will be com menced; about the latter part of next week. may 23d -Trinity Sunday, St J elm's Church, Morning Prayer and Celebra tion jat 11, Evening Prayer at' 8, Sun day School at 4. . . r' There were enly three marriage licenses iisued this week by the Register of Deeds, two of which were for white couples, and one for a colored couple. MAd Doct HWs-owr,,r Barnes Killed .i mad dog on the corner of 7th and Wooster streets Wednesday morn- log. The rabid canine was frothing at the mouth, and rushing around furi ously when knocked in the head with ah axe. Chain up the dog. ! Uarry Brock," one ct the splendid team or in nm i & : n panV, broke his neck on Thursday last. Tho team had run away .. ad LifoA with a telephone post, at the acjr of 4th a i nd Princess streets, which result- ed in! the death of one of them ji-. - . ,. The annual excursion of St. Mark's Parish and Sunday School will take place on Wed nerd ay May 2Gth, on the Steamer Passport to Smithville and brts a very jdeasant time is anticipa ted. As the number of tickets are imiied, it will be necessary to procure them eaily. The boat leaves at 8;30 a. m. sharp. Children half price. ; Insane. Peter fcilverthcn, a one armed tramp, was arrested last Tuesday ' disorderly conduct, aud on Thurs day was pronounced insane. He was confined in a cell in the station house, but became so violent that it was thought advisable to send him to the coiinty jail. . He succeeded in . wrench ing out the iron grating from above the cell door in thejstation house, and oth erwise destroying his place of confine ment. Census Enumeratoks. The fol lowing is a complete list of the Census Enumerators for the city and county, so far as heard from, except Federal Point, and no one has been appointed Eoumerater in that township as yet : D. C. Davis, First Division of the First Ward. T. O. BuntiDfr, Second Division of the First Ward. Archie Aldermen, Third Division of the First Ward. E. T. Love, Sicond Ward. J. W. King, Third Ward. James Kendrick, Fourth Ward. J. C. Millis, First Division 'of the Fifth Ward. Geo. N. Harris, Second Division of the Fifth Ward. James Cowan, Cape Fear tewaship. V. B. Futch, Harnett township. John Farrow, Masonboro township. Oak Geove Pleasure Club. A pleasure club was organized at Mr. P. A. Schutte's new place on Wrightsyille Sound on Friday night. Mr. A, Adrian was made temporary chairman and Col. B. Ii. Moore was chosen Secretary., . On motion, Col. R. B. Moore wa3 re quested to-state the object of the meet ing, which he did, and read the consti tution and rules of order for the gov ernment of the club, after which an election was entered into and resuUed as follows : -President H. Ohlandt. Vice-President Jehn llaar, Jr. Secretary, Treasurer and Steward F. A. Schutte. Groverning Committee- J. M, For shee, Preston Cumming, J. G. Olden buttle. The organization, being effected, it was decided to name the club the "Oak Grove Pleasure Club." This being done the meeting adjourn ad to partake of handsome repast furn ished for the occasion. . , Single Copies 5 Cents - Children's Memorial Absocta- tiox At the annual meeting of the Children's Memorial Associationheld on Tuesday evening last,' the following officers andmanagers were elected : President-Miss Robert French. Vice-President Mus Mary Chaffin. Secretary Miss Carrie Price. Treasurer Miss Hannah Bolles. Managers Misses ;: Sue Meginney, Bessie Ledford, Sarah Lippittf Maggie Meares, Mary Cassidey, Belle Jinder son, Johnnie Quince and Jennie Ber nard. ' -. . . - . Mrs Wm. Harlow and Miss Mary J. Lippitt were elected Honorary Mana gers, having resigned; their officers ef President and Vice-President. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Proposals for Furnishing Rations and Ship-Chandlery; for Revenue Vessels. T - CUSTOM HOUSE. i: May i9tniso. j Q E ALE D PROf OSAxS wlU be received t tbts office anUl 12 o'cloclc, noon, ui WednesdAv. June - 2d. 1880 for supplying Rations and Rhln-ChamllerT to-be bid tor seoaratelTl for the nseof the!crews and ves sels of the United States Revenue Marine Service in this Collection District for the fis cal year ending June 30th, 1881. Schedules ef arucies or smp-unanaiery to oe Did lor will be lurnlshed on application at this omce. . " ; . - The right is reserved to refect an v r l bids, and to waive defects, if deemed lor in-e interest, or me government so to do. , W. P. CANADAY, may 23 2t r ' Collector. TO BUILDERS. Officfof Engineeb Sixth Light ) -- House Distbict. Charleston, S. C, May 10. 1880. SEALFtf PROPOSALS will be received at this office until12 o'clock M. of Monday, the 31't day of May, 1880. from practical builders only, for a Front Beacon and Keep ers' Dwelling for Pans Island, S. C, and sis for a Keepers' Dwelling for Little Cumberland Island. Ga. plans, specifications, forms of proposal, and other Information, may be obtained on bid?,Yni or all P. CHAINS, . . , Major Corps of Engineers. En,p.i?er Sixth LiiUitii may 1G 1880 2t- " Proposals for Fresh Beef and Mutton Headquarters Department of tho South, Of fice of Chief Commisary of Subsistence. Newport .Barracks, Neavport, Ky., SEALET PROPOSALS, ITScA'I'E, will be received atvthe office jrf-The Act ing Assistant Commissary or Svfei8tence at - Fort Johnson, Smith vimj u, n o until 12 o'clock: noon, on Satucay, May29. 1880, at which, time ana piacjgthey will be TrrlJ5Ltbe presence ciuoh bidders as ,"7MxDhine and deliver- Fresh Mutton required for issue &V the above mentioned post, from July 1, 1880. until June 30. 1881. inclusively, or for kumi less time as the Commissary General of suDsiBience may airect. Proposals for each nrticle must be separate and .independent. The right to reject any or all proposals is reserved. BlaAk proposals and information as to the conditions ofthe required written con tracts and bonds will be furnished upon application to the Acting Assistant Com- missary oi BUDSistence of the post. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Prooosals for fname of art.f.i v and addressed to the Acting Assistant Oom- Tmssary oi wuDSistence or the post. J. W. B ABRlGEIt, Major acd C. ., U. S. A. mvy xoou vh CUiec com. ot subs. A FAIR TRIAL! ALL WE ASK AT THE LARGE WHOLES Alt GROCEKY ;;. L on r::; A. Southeast Corner Front and Djck Sta. Having the LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY to select from, and from our long ex perience in the trade, together with our abundant facilities for doing busl i ess, we c an guarantee satisfaction as to the Q--vlity:r of and Prices of Our Goods to all who will favor us with a call. ADRIAN & VOLLERS, WHOLESALE GROCERS, : . . .. ' Southeast cor. Front and Dock Sts. WILMINGTON N. C. may 23 tf - Wilmington & Weldon5Railroad. OFFICE GENERAL SUP'T., Wilmington, Hay 15, "1880. rN and alter Thursday, May 20th, the yj i asReDger. Mail aaa express train leaving Wilmington at 3:40 p.m. and arriv ine at 9:13 will be discontinued. Through Express Freight train (with passenger Coach attached) arriving at Wilmington at i:w p. m. ana leavioz at 3:30 p. m., will accommodate the local travel. JOHN F. DIVIHK, may 23 if . Oen'i. Sup't. Wil., Col. & Augusta Railroad, . GENERAL SUPT'S. OFFluE, Wilmington, May 15 1880. ON and after Thursday, Slay 20th. the Passeneer. Mail and Express , train leaving Wilmington at 9:40 a. m. and ar riving at 8:20 p.m.,' will be discontinued. Throueh Express Freight train (with Passenger Coach attached) arriving at 1:00 a. m. ana leaving at :vu p. m., wiu accom modate the local passenger travel, " v JOHN F, DIVINE, may234t ' i .Gen'J.Sap't. in-i.i u NUMBER 20 NEW 4VY WMTS. ESTABLISHED 1853 1853 Sol, BEAR & BROS. 1 8 & 20 JVlarket Sti, WILMINGTON; N. O. -yyE HAVE JUST OPENED, bve on exhibition, the largest' and complete stock of "- ! AND most CL0THJNG -AND FURNISHING GOODS 1 South of Baltimore. Suits from $2.5v0 npwards.' . ; 100 Blue Middlesex Flannel Suits y at great) y reduced rrice?. A FULL LINE OF CHILDRENS' BO YS'.;ani ittEN ST J ; STRAW AND FELT HATS; 'rlccslto suit cv( ryCody. j Come One,x 5ome Ally and examine cur stock f aud4 ji iiCtitrlve naru lament your patronage nave formerly (lone. may 2 Sin , j" rilHIS is to give notice that ou 'th'cd d;y ' JL or Oct., 1S78, a warrant In bankruptcy V was issued out of the District Court oi th" : United States for the Cape Fear District on I North Carolina, against the estato- of 1 Thomas C. Mclllienny, of WllniluBtftn, ,in thecounty of New Hanover, in. saiu district, who has been adjudged a. bankrupt upon his, own! petition.. That ; the payment of any debts, and the delivery of any properly belonging to ; said bankrupt, to him, or. for his use, una . the transferor, any property by him ate for- 1 bidden' by law. That a meeting ot the ered- itors of said bankrupt, to prove their debts, . and choose one. or more; assignees of his . estate, will'be held at a Courtf Dankrnpti cy. to be holden on the 18th day of June. Av D. 1880, at 10 o'clock A. M., at Fayetteville, N". C, before Wm. A. Guthrie. Esq Regis ter in Bankruptcy of said district. v J.15. HU.Ij, . Marshal for said District. -May 22 2t. ' . r;""rtr:ni oil 1 '- o a" js 35 " -S OW m J n - a, 2 - o tL-a o (fl 5 B?31,g?ss-J"'2 3' C c I I p a 2 3 eJ4 n' 2 m n cub 2 m 62 ap 25 ly cet town totase suoscripuons ior ine largest, cheapest and Illustrated family publication, in the world. Any one can become a sue cessful agent. The most elegant works of art given free to subscribers. The price is so low that almost everybody subscribes. One agent reports -making over. $150 in a week. A lady agent reports taking over 400 subscribers in ten days. All who engage make money fast. Yon can devote all your time to the business, or only your spare time. Yon need not be away from home over night. You can .do it as well 0 s others. Full particulars, directions and terms free. Elegant and expensive Outfit free. If you want proflteble work send us your address at once, it costs nothing to try the busi ness, JSO one wno engages lans to make eat paj Aaaress "ine reopie-s journal," .- aul7-i2m.. - - - Oin a day at home. Agents wanted Outfit and terms free. yjiUissco marlKty A-Ugusta, Me. $300 A MOJJTH guaranted. 812 a day at home made by-tne Jn dustrions. Capital not required we will start you. Men, women, boys apd girls make money faster at work for us than at anything else. The work is light and pleasant. and such as anyone can go right at Those who are wise who see thisTnotlce will send us their addresses at onre and see for themselves. Cstly outfit and: terms- free. Now is the time. Those already at work are lay lag up large sums ot money. Address august 10-Jy TRUE A 4V MtgusU.Me i . - . we is ia Ei; o2a raw -MO & 3 r m n fT "V Oreat cnauce to make money IT KJxjiJ If you can't get gold you can greenbacks. We need u person in every

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