": vrUt- "-"W X:.''- ' I V.aflb vv' ; i ''Mil N J-1)NPD '1 ''All : ' RATS t - -- - I o ADVERTISING. mfiv cents-ner line for tUe firstlnr icrLiou utul tweuty-iive cents per lin or each adJitioual insertion. ; p v lOight (8) hacs-Noaparcil typecon- ? dilute a sqdarc. The subscription price to The Wil- MinUte allare: poUtician.i On Sal ''.mcngton - I'ost i.i , tl 00 per year; ... ?.nf j5, , , - ccutie uouami UlK -laratK 75 cents. . v : ..01?? ject of tbo meel Aircommutiicriion.son uusincssuouia be addressed to The Wilmington Post, Wilmington, N. C." " All advertisements wilbbe charged a the above rates, except on special con tracts. NORTH CAROLINA , WILL MEET IN THE CITY ?0F RALEIGH, O.N THE SEVENTH DAY OF JULY, isso, fou 'i li i; r u upose o y no ,i - KEATING" TV( ELJ'iCTOItS AT LARGE, AND STATE OFFICERS. BY ORDER OF STATE EXECU T I'l VE COMMITTEE. V: LATEST NEWS. Ort'irun ha:i o:ie Republican, iuc'ud- i ( i ir t I it- u:embcr,ol Conirrcys arid th;c Justicts r0f the Siiprttne Court, Ex -Senator Ihtyard. ol Pclaware, tlie lailicr of tlie prifccnl.SenatOr, lies a, fuc point t death. : . 1 The Utica Gb-suwr t.fcstrts that Gov. A'ov. -Scyttiour inllexibly declines to permit his name to bo used as a candidate f , ,.. . .., m- -t--A, . wi . ikqu j.auMt,n.T ueu u by eleetins-A'aa' : Itbssi'-Jq',' r chairman, THE CONVENTION O F TUE 1 IE nd Tuesdaywell; a -pu t i t an(j p J - j a cretary" ' The chair- rUBLICANH OF THE STATE OF f r rt.r rr'4 Jn 'r inaa on .Ung. h.-posHio.!; addressed . 1 ' .t,1,r- -' SVA -a,u..r:W- thc mccticirnV so:ae ilcD-tIi. r;eakiD? t he 1'reHidency. He deems it immoral L " .-c,cd k thveople ou Uat Sint the enemies oTpopu ar govern J . i . .... ! lc vv.. i jt cicu .. int m,opt tit. li-ai, i menf thro.uchout the Uepub icati caran: I' a- "liny rone to enter. 'upon: a iiuolic ol- fie'j'w lieu' lii' health is uutqual to f the "t-Hfr'furmaneo of Jits labor abdr?: There of Alamance has! meat in this. xM r. J iiiwts E. Bo j d has held the cilice lor 8 years, and whose term has cxmred. ! 8 i er cent, en the capital stocir, and spent very largely in improvements The River and llaibor Bill amounts to 820,500. - 1 i- The General Tariil' Bill has failed to pjisx," which was urged by Fernando Wood, and the old tarilT is left sub htaiitially jimaltered. - p As the Lon:? -Island Sound steamers-r Narragansett arid Stonington, were op I'Vbitc the mouth of. the ""Connecticut river on Friday night, they collided in a. dense fog and sank in forty fathoms of water. It ks impossible to ascertain the loss of life. The City of New York of the Norwich line took otf some of the passengers. - J ' ! ' . ' - " ---I '. The Baltimore American .thinks the AMU iiXl 11 lilWHJ Kt.( Hint j n i o tuu tiikcLa very .tron- e, and in its cdi- If Gen. tonal te-aiorrow will s'v: ViaiiiVid was- a 'dark hoisy in the sens" t';at;. Siy - was uut a candidate j lr tle "i'.omina'.ion, be was nt-t a 'dark horse5 in fiiVi unt-cri iK'it. I:i4. IV!H !l '1 i I '1 f-T !1 TO. neirative man. On the contrary, there is no man iu the country who has ren- dered more constant and laborious pub- . ..ii.i it- Ii i-ov nftii'tti j in i I i-ublic oucstiohs arc more Tally- and completely put upon mr'iN.ri 1 , hp. leader of his party- in the" House of Relrcsentatives, he occujies the iks"i tiosi whiclij under the English consti tulioual system, weuld'eutitle him to the' rrcmiership. In his ease, the' can didates is it deed the platform, and hnkes .any defects or 'short-epmipgs in .tint decu'mcnt a matter -of sm'all mo- m 'Ui.' A1IOUT WllITTAKKU. A Herald correspondent writing from West Point of. the, examination of the fust class j-ay;S :''- ' . The second c)ass in chemistry, inin- eralogyand geology was under exam;, nation in the library to-day ana luclucl- ed aniong" its members the notorious Cadet Wbtaker. .No oue except he had microscopic eye, would detect that ho was a colored, man. He looked qui:c as white and proper as the cadets sit- ftr ftvaminatiou lie anowfd no informn- hi to his Caucasian -. companions, and if auything was rather more self-possessed and more lucid. He has now the lim- its of the barrack in plate ofuis room, ivnd looks and feels morel cheerful Sev- eral of ihcmcmbers of the Board of Vis itors have had long talks! with him,aud he has appeared io impress ihct favor ablyj Senator Edmunds was sneaking (he other nightfiboijt too cdet and cx n'prcssed himself to the e?Tect that hp looked upon expert evidence as a hum bug, ant without saying anything defir jite otie way or the Qthpr left the im pressioa ba his hearers that he thought there were some furtber "developments needed before the case of Whittaker. 'could be settled satisfactorily. been ai'i'OintoU, arid cooBrmcd by tlie askcJ liu opinio!),ue8aiar.;uuos.rug- .... . ..'-. .-. , tWaloi District Attoyforllboglo Hvcea)S Blair, uUonsbonot.DstracWorplodBed Wester,. Judickfwkricl, in placi of GtauA ftiWida liad iWeJ Po Iul,g,-and tfl particular cana.da,- but, a , , i i ii i ?.., f'1,.wi wri preierccce for Hon. R. P. Jiutou tfoi HoinyirgilS. Lusk of Abheville .who had become, .o .batvr . lnat bad blood . - w p r. The Western Uutoa-Telcgraph Corn- GarfieiH is on? on :whom,air of;; ufaii nany nhows a net earning of $5,300,000 unite.. Hcjs :v. whole, scylccl.v broau ior Hi pieseuf fiscal year. It has paid Ssf. if s weakness - --r-"Jr- II IIIH lfc.il 1 1 ! . l I H W TTTT l Hill wl 1 1 I III II I pi M ir II II II Hill II ) n . i W V JUUUa' V'Aftll'AlAjiiN ilDUUfr&ls. i- . i . .. -ii" ' r ... r ir uol,,VAsniKG?T9s!?:5QPP"' T11E ; - r ; K6snNATT0N!' S !t r; : ::.Wasliihg;t6a ;ibVjpdH'dcdl.:5enteri of" tliocoiint an WaSl1Ps oiii cublic? sniliijona. to Cabinet " w. v,:,t.' f Tf. v,rtl Ten t-.:t i go. sTUe clerks .in the mfeaU ai tended qU polnlaient that neillier,. ofahe promir ncnt canUiUale iiaa .Oecn wociinateu, with a' n foments "ti fiection 'caEie he 'crcwi6''!coiii!ciibu. thaV'ufaa'e'r the cii- nistauces,the yory bet, tUiig.-tliGt could b3,done, bad becudone-' 1 '' -: h Tii e iLw cF'HE-'x'A'iji) 'J :'H , O.iitf Lie oldest audrvst ekquetJ puiii.au KieinbtoTthtj HousHaid: for a ?-.Ldief in. , lt fi"y nnatj ,ia "'the - !cuntrv;eould have;' ijvicm ing ot Uj people, in lyof of this jrin- ' " i : rt ... - . r waiihn. iuan. But in spile of' all the " - .- ".v.-. v,.',.: , r. rffpe-c:, and love, and grahtudeJelt lor hiui l v iiO masses. '.and in. the; face cf 1ie'. utaj-.st'cflbrts'oftho'iaost' Wkillful ....fi.i i,'a..M.T,a tf ?Wf rrxnfia rrrni! ?it v !!rwv R..: t . i ...'- i . .VlT LETS! Tjy our." The teonper of "thb -Grant Uwtii', can best boS-hownlbF Geo. ,: iiazkiou.;oL;Wisc When" had grown up nominatioh lets 1 u ouf; becauseGen. m,iesj!nd;the Deiirwdraoulit not to find .fault with that.. , ..-. '; 5 ; t IT VAa ;Gpqi,i'ULi iie, us in the November elections. lie will have tlie ConklirrV lier'm'Iivaiid BUine influcace la ! New 'Yorkand does any oae doubt, tftat with ignited ,'paity-we can, carry that state ? Why, sir, just as we expected! evtry Re ubllcaa to work for us if ( ran t h ad been ' nom i natcd, so' will every Grabt man do, his level best for the man wlio carr.edTiis'slars on the battle fields 6f th? vcst. YpU'G JLEV TO, THE FHONX. There is another jotrlt in this nomi- nation, ii nierns mat iuu rei'u;ai poi- T . '' ' J 1 - 1 ll . .. 1 . -.1 ' . - . iticias did liotuccced and thayhe I yw"gfr rnn of j the party, did.;, fYpu Will. se,rtrE?tT thC VOUrsg meu M i ' -11 . s : : i . .1 comy to u.c trout in LUw. camptjgn-.acu I d'Oal, 'iMilH i s in t he nature cf things. a Miur :Vc ifn clad' of '"tk& coming c.nai'ge. . , V... I 1 ir A I ir.no C.1IT13MII t f , V7 1 5 f0 D " - : ' - r .i! t . " ... ... ' . ..... . i Uomimttec,. vi ,. tae cyaim-.vwcu: iuuai. Tiieve Were six 4 of seven Democratic Senators present, and Senator Morrill and myself were the only Republicans invited. Qf course ve talked about the Chicago Ccnventioi?. Iiiotiied that the Democrats wero unaaimoti3 ing that' Gen., (irant vouldn in sav- be our weakexi' candidate ?ca - account ? of the third Ajcrai; bri nci pie 'involved. ; They 'warited- him" nomTD:aled;:lcau3eVaey ; kuiif; agaiLHl ;Lim -on rthat jbaad, i alone, while many thousand more -Jwould cot I voe at all;"' 'tlx t ,1, U.hitli ; ;-.::::!.t". i general mm hearty .-nianntr? in which the iiomitiaiioa of -Gcn.'GarheU is re- ceived, Tbc' DfiinjCjat4 who' caii beat ,...,;.; ; 'Lli'f r.. s ?t.; Xn '"k T "T, I . . i- i - :v - i.;. i A uffvTcr;.froin .bed bugsi .y;rites to the 4Jipcp?$)li Iuscccpcf, follows: "After we hud been -,htmg ..tfcpra for eigut years i icarneu, irgza4 gin mat had served as a chambermaid i.a a. large boaTtl.iug house, that bugs caube exterminated lor all , time- ,14mmediv ately fullowed her (J.irectioawhich. was tn t:k-P crrr-P. tht hid Iipph mnVi are entirely free, iraur.tfwsJ.pcsJa. : Jt-Js now more, tuau imriy yearssince a bug I has beea seea ia my houssV V '.: .M.; J it alien In' lIiKational iDdnyention.' .U 'i' 'i, a i ;.-; 'V..w" w,.;?: 1 ! uD1CTg. wuvemi!?.1SKu.vu drait -resolutions.., The ! committee the pumlMiUtf ronj through their chaira.an Samuel P. idainV a ,iluhhcv miftuyau .?wi-eyr Swain, reported their list of delegates agaii. auciupt U oVU,ii:th(4 lc which was adopted, and the following- . r. laauesuC io mane irienug ui ma cuc- to Homiaatc Cartcrctoum Tras held in ye:vr tis he' and Ugv. JL'c&teraiu iasi ... . . ' ... r . , sided. Ad the townships ve ' ii r u s'srrijai ' uos v isi r i Oi?. rT- - ?Smithviu.e, Juny 7, IS3U. r '5'o Tii ii f .WiLiiiSGTpi? "i'qs-r1? f ; y I' Tii'e...KepuVU2ana.6f Brunswick cour; fy ; met; in ? cqo yention, at tht Court House in Smithville tc-day fur the pur pose cf electing ' delegates to represent said county in , (he State, Congressional and Senatorial Conventions. ; ; The convention wa3 called to order by Edward W. Taylor, chairman Ex- tlee, who stated the ob- eeting, and also; stated why the professed Grecnbacldsin two years jrgc; "that lis intention - was siinply to particularly with reference t the lato railroad nrl ' i h a uf organized condition of tbe Democratic party. . !' - . ')- '-: l ? All th tc'wnshJps were repre'ieitcd;' Waccarnv by proxy. j ' On 'motion,, -of. Samuel 1 Swiiin a committee ofone frem each .township was appointed to1 select delegates to at- tend the Several conVeniioiii, and to resolution: ' ; . That the present nystem o county government-: imposed, upon' tin tne i.til,, j.f f.Ts.ii. rt i : . . . i ii... i f lyranmcai unjust ana ie- gradicg; to aii.Afgiu-Aaiericaa 'people, ' .,n(1 mf,rit ,i,n ,,,;,,.., inn lFt)n ;llt;h and candid of a!-i political parties-" that taken'-as aii. indsx;to Democratic 'rpy- . . - . . ... ' . . '.' ttiat" toe 'iwepubupans ol Brunswick county reileale the avowed principles of civil and political liberty, equally accorded to all her citizons, ? ; -Ivatso moved and .carried that for Congress was expressed by the eon- veniionl i : 1 -SA Hess. !'. ! Chm. Rep. Co. Convention. L B. Sr.ix, Secretary. Tlrpiiblicans of Carteret. Edit or. .. I,os i: A . meeting of the Republican Executive Committee cf lioaafort Ein.. prc- re repre sented It was, resolved that a call be issued for a county ilepublican "convention to assembleVin JJeaufjrt'oa Tuesday, Oc tober 5tbj 1930, and that the Republi can'? ia each township be requested to hold meetings on Saturday, September Sth, and appoint -delegates to the said convention. ' . . : The following delegates were appoint ed to the state; convention, - viz: ' Geo. Mason, YvTilloqghby Preseott, v Jere Thomas, C. C. Bell and fevcrityUwo other The delegates, to ihe congressional I TV 1 . I - I 1: - 1 ' . ... ' f T 1 i T WMU wavcuiar:. u;e v. v.iWlj u' H VnI-a T T: 1Wrllv n.? i'.iritr- " " .w&,.v,, ..... v The convention then adjourned. L: 'A'. SKAr.r.i;2r, Secretary, The report of the Cbmmissioncr of the Bureau of Agriculture for May says that, owing to the dry weather in the early part cf the month, seriou3 misap prehension . was felt, for the safety of all'tho crops, but the propitious rains of the latter part of the month haye materially changed the condition of things. He makes the following aver ages far the crops named: Wheat, G7; corn, 94; tobacco. 77 i a Middle and SI in West Tennessee. The lruit prospect, I . -cij lluli cAi,vj--i- iu v6aiu j'wvii I C3, which will not be au average crop. Tne grass crop is unusuauy nae, auu I will be large. The cotton average for West Tennessee is over 100, and'.',for, Middle Tennesse. ; ' .Lcsy expensiye will it be to irrigate he plains of Kansas, than to dry the takes and seas of Holland. The lakes "1. ...i .Vi . 0i lxonauu ivuo "v1 ". ""Ji neither will ' the 'Arkansas valley be irr r jolted in a day, but by j)reparation be' fnb and and the accumulation oT'a ' ctiw nf water on the surface to be in nt readiness, when needed, the lnnor rirv RDclls will be deprived of their nnprtii ruin the prosperity of the jv ii v - country A.drunkard'lled into the woods, near Nashville, Tenu,, while wild with dc- lirlum tremens, dug a grave, and was 'nnriyrintr 'in-it dead.: Hi3 wife was . , - . n,f;. S v.'i', "Vi.t nnd made frautic . by the .-iDut ana si. clothing in Chi- four year, and l.r.ivcy; cnjpjqymeot. to -S0?000 people. The- viue o; me kuuu UJau " 000, 000. - : - : . .-. 1 1 m II iri III II limi Hill mmiM ! IMMIItMBWMMMMIMMMl'''l''''ll''''"'""""' e-'?:i rhieCharlita'v4rM'y3at'U' is not true, as yharged,' that Co!: Williira John5on is usihg indney'ta buy up del egatca to tho Gth CongrcssioiiAl conyenr tioh. - It publishes a cardl fcomf 'C. Mc Donald"; denying that hearer offered him a ny money. : Tnasmu&a as a Dem ocrat; raust probably jSOftoiniaat dis it iet, we think, ttat ; parjy ;)Liy oxld 1 do a graceful thing by faking a citizen real ly so estimable as.CoI. 'J6hsbnV"- The AsheyiUG orna is eritaitsiastic o ver the brilliant prospects of that te ri al city. It says:U:,v'Sf! :rr: '''&' - . We have daily appllcatioris for rooms. The hotels, are busy preparing for sum raer some are already fulj; and the in- fltif of people foiTtheammer 103 bare ly commenced.; isarely the God of the universe nas aone a grreat acanorWesU cm. North Carolina,, and especially for As-hevilb. -He has given us. the -purest air that there i3 !upoa the 'cartbJUhe purest crystal water, and ' our - people general good health and; plenty to sub- ssss, upon, ... . - r. , . -. i- - - . . : t : . The Ivei'aavi lie jjexiocrat gives the iOilo w ing curious niece of mforma- t:nr lOll : v e are i nfor med that, a "Non-Com- battant's Club" ; has beea Uormed in Reidsville, composed of meiof all par ties, and the organization is to. continue throughout the ; campaign. ,;Wc hope iis membership will s-oa embrace all who talk politics. :,,!;; Ui -. : ' : ' The Raleigh Tost - ' l lue whoie operations ol. our Slate Treasury amount to receiving and pay ing; cut' alialf million of dollars annual ly. Mr. Julian Carr, as the firiabcial. manager of Blackweii & Co., handles one order of goods that it would Hake all tho resources of the Treasury North Carolina to pay for' and (hat comprises not one momh "of his ydar's operation:). - )."'' The Elizabeth Ci'tv I'alcon pokes fun . . .. at thcUIe's of Robeson county. It bays that its newspaper is edit(yl.by McDiar- med and xdcMinan, that at tho liifcet ing of the bar to condole - the death of Col. M. A. McLsan, McLean lUes ded, F. McNeil was secretary; X1 D.' Mclver and F. A. McNeil were a com mittee to draft resolutions; and jthat Mcoraiac reports the markets Mclieod is a leading merchant Mcl'nfyrc'and McMillan are census takers, ! N. ilfctcP. MciNeil has opened ; a store, "Duhcan McLellan has g?rt married, h McCrlie is Obtain of tho Shoo Heel Riflesifaad McKay and McKiunaa have 'the measies. , , -; . ,. The, Eliabeth;City--iVV?r CavoiWan " -. j . ... , 8.. v s : . " ! Vci low-Republicans, we can auLwiil succeed if we shall be tre to curscHes. Let tie annimosity- of factions ceaslr let tuo ;iaic cry oi color be iiushed and brgoucn, and let us all come toetller with tho common purpose, to perfolh our fiislAi!u'y to . out, party and otur couuiry. iuen are emancipating them sel ves J'rora the slavery of the DmS craiie pan v, and are willing to assist us, provided by our action we dp not repei theiii. -., :'. !:. " The Wisu.n Advance advocates a tovy clock lor -taat beautilul but small citir? Dr. F.J. Hay wood, an eminent phy-r sieian of "Raleigh, '."N CM died .'aJt.li residence, in that city, on Sundaji tb4 30th ult., ia his 77th year. , . - . . . .: ,Wo havo had the hottest May foir the ast ten years.. I he yv mston IlepuMicahiU learned in local iiistory r;S appears 'rem t.le following : ;'' -., :1 ' ; . s 1 Sampson county was, iu 1743, formei out of a portion of Duplin .county,! and named atter Uol John teimpsou.l In Clinton, tiic cornty seat, lives the Hon George V. Strong, who is the grandson ot Lot, bampson, which relationship seems natural cnouirii. The Greensboro Patriot says : We learn that more than 0UOO per sons were in the procjssien formed at Graham on Saturday, to attend tho an veiling of the m&nuoient'.on the battle ground of .lamar.ee. Hon. Di G Fowlc, Col. T. Ai: Holt, Hon. Id. r, battle, ana Hon. John Manning, were the orator?. After the sperdUdg dinner was announced, ana every bcuy I had eaoii2hvand much Was ielt. " ; ' :i CIT x Svcet Navy Tobacco, pur drug stcrcs, are now .tupplicd with "Malt Bittcrsf V the ' new Food Medicine wluh has doae so 'raacli good and comes to us so iigh'ly recommend ed. Try it, It .may save you a" heavy doctor bill. . r . 4t A Household Need.' ; i A book on the Liver, its diseases and their treatment eent frce.i Including treatises upon Liver 5 Complaints, Tor pid Livery Jaua.uice, Biliousness, Headache, Ccn3,tipatioav Dyspepsia, Malaria, eic. Address Dr. Saaford;lG2 Broadway, New York City, N. Y. "It . . t : More changes are whispered about ia railroad cirplef, and it is rumored that Col. A. Pope, the General Passenger aad Freight 'Agent of the Atlaatic Coast Linewill become General East- era Agent of the LouisyiBc and Nash. vilie combination,' with ! headquarters iq New Yorlr. at a salary of $10,000. " List your taxes.; Third Sunday; after Trinity J)ay!84qD'gth. 14 fcoura arid S3 lainv :utea. ' -:.':?. ; v'-JUayi f fi'T: ' , I 1 Siibset to-day at 17 minutes ipast ; 7 ,clock- ;'.- : "" i in inli Pi-niAnta in "RpttAirtiA nmnVrv week. Bay a badge for your dog if you want o, s4ve him. The Floating Compress is being. con- verteu lato a steam barge. ' ; :t. The yachts ttfpple and .Restless are being fixed up for the race. V " ; The days are; now within two min utes Cf being, at their longest, i : - :j jjThereverq tp iaterments ia Oak- dalo this1 week, one ddalt aad one child. 'There were five interments in Piae Forest Cemetery this week, one adult I A femad cyclone struck Wngbtsviile bound on ednesday and lifted a , . . , . ... small house fjmoii of the pillars.1 Oi icer G W. M Davis shot ' two mad dogs yesterday, morning oa the premises of a citiz?a residing on Soath4 Third street. Qu1 ite a crowd of excursionists arrived in this citv on TV5d.n.v from Tianrinbnrn' andtookatrip to the black fish grounds on yesterday. ; " Mr. F. Mi Fremont, of this city, has been admitted during the present term to the practice of lav in the Superior Cour of this countv. There were four marriage liceases issued this week by the .Register of Deeds two of which were for " white aad two for colored couples. Ti,k:n,B..t. . : c I fioe tc-dav, ia the draft from 90 to 100 . T - ' I degrees. You bet, its beea hot, hotter, .. l .' lL.. . V ' hottest, i a this composing room. T f: & - The excursioa rates on the C. C. Railway, from the 14th to the 20th msf ., iaclusive, will furnish a rare opportu nity fox our 1 riends on the Hue of that road to visit 'this city. . The census enumerators in this city seem confident that there are over 20,- 000 persons in this city. That will give us three postal. deliveries for the city, tvith one additional far every ad ditional thousand. ' The through mail which has for a few days past beea arriving here oa the through freijght traia from the nortl bas beea taken off again. Thi3 is done by P!f? i;recei!ed l1111 Washington v;ity. The fourth annual convention of the' Y. M Christian ; Association will cqb- f eae la Raleigh pa Tharsday the 17th insL, at 8:30 p. m., and will contiaue with three meetings daily, during Fri day aad Saturday, closing Sunday even ing svith farewell addresses. .;; V There has been a report that ihe Steamer Passport was about to be. taken ... . .. t " away irora tms porr, and thus the pub lie lose tho benefit of the excursions down the Cape Fear during the sum mer moaths, We have it oa very good authority that it is not by : any: means settled that this is so. -, I' Burglary. A, burglar entered the residence ot Mr. J. JI, Ilaaby, oa Sixth, betweea Dock and Orange streets' last night, and carried off Mr. Hanby's watch, hesidesothe? valuables. The thief entered at one of the wiadows. We have not the) full particulars of the -burglary " ' ; , . , .,, ! Cape Feae Company. At au elec tion for -officers of the Cape Fear Steam Fire Engine Company, held Moaday night, the following Vere chosen: Forcmaa Valeatiae Howe," First Assistant Emanuel B. Jone3. Treasurer Elias Campbell.-. j Secretary Godfrey Willi's, Jr. ;The EscArEi) t Bnr.GLAit. George Myers has at last succeeded ia breaking jail, and is now ia all probability ia y South . uarolina. He was 1 chaiaed to the floor of his cell but ia-some way broke his shackles', then the -iron , bars to the ceil aoor aua pick'ea turougutae wall of the jail and made good his es- cape. ' 1 : - . More" Connections. The Wilmiag toa aad Weldon railroad now controls the Yilmington1 ColumbU and Augus-. ta, 2orth Eastern, Cheraw aad Dar lihgton, Cheraw aad WadesbaM Charlestoa aad Savaanah, and the Alt-j lanta roads, witli,Capt- Jao.F. Diyiue aa Superiatea4eat. .Capt. D.,. we un dersiand, enters upoa his new duties on the lth Sastaat. He will coatiaue to have his Headquarters in this city. Cents .aiOETUAEV-From Dr. J. O. Wal- t ker, Superintgndeat ,of HeaJthQ. have; the' tollowing" reports cf deaths in ' the1 city of Wilmipgtqn:ibr the.month of ' : . , '. "";.; vt?White3 Male3 3r females 3;s 3'adults aid 3 childrea' 'Total1C. i1 ; j Colored Males 11, Cetoales 21; '; 14 adultsand 18 children; Total; 32 ; - Grand total S3. Soundings for MAY.The pilots report the following sdundlngSjasmade by them daring the month cf Hay: Bald Head Chanael,12 feet 6 inches. Western Bar, ! 2 feet G incaikt 4 T As tho rise of tide is seldom less than A feet this gives 17 feet cler.: I Fro quently the-tise is mere thaa; A feet and with spring tides or an i easterly winds 15 feet clear may; sometimes be had. ;':V . : :;..;.'-? ' I f if' i i i '. T ; - ' .- ' ' Aa aai''-duelling assocnttioa has been formed at Camden, S...C, the frequency of duels in that vicinity having aroused public sentiment against the bractice, xmriy-aiae geauemen sigaea tae reso- Intions. nnA JllAtro J: K Tv"orslinw mna . , n .M . . ., . .. T, . . . -, v . , , , , Its objects are declared to be to educate 'j. - , : .;.-,' and organize the moral sens4 of the ple ;;aSainst,the kicked aad perai- Pctce, otaKe proper mcasares - 1" aa aujusimeat oi aii personal uimcuities ia ino coaaty, aaa to eaiorce the laws against daelling in every case oi their violations. ""!Ladies' Memorial Association. At the anaual raeetiag of the above named association, held recently, the officers and managers were elected for the ensuing year : ' President Miss HeUie James. Vice-President Mrs A. L.i DeRos set. - Treasurer Mrs. Dr. A'adersOa . Secretary Mis3 Kate Burr, f Maaagers Mr?. Roger Moore, Mrs. Joaa Caatwell,; Mrs, John Poissoa, " .. T?1.. ., ',r ' , Kan tin Mrs I irtrrrrnH AT ra T-viviaa xtji i -xt t if -ktZi- ht xt U-iii, Mrsu-T.-K. Mclvoy, Mrs. Norman ivrT, nr., iy - w ,r McRae, Mrs. Eugene Wiggins, Mrs. Murchisoa, Mrs. Dr. Everett. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS; OFFICE TUEaSU&ER & COLLECTOIlJ - City of Wiliiisgtok, N. C. . Juno 9th, I8S0. IIE INA'IIED UNTIL 12 M., Wcdmis day, Junc lUth, 1SS0, to Kepair the Wtiar, foot of Chestnut Street.' 7 ; ' ' , : ALSO BIDS M j '; To remove said Wharf and make an opea Dock. , . : HENRY SAVAGFJ'- j an 13 1 1 - '-. - City CJerlc. WiaMhig-low 'elolon PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. Wrr-MtN-GTOx, N. C. May 2Gth, 1SS0. COMMENCING June 1st, lSSO.Rourid Trip Tickets to tho" rn, , 0 Mioeral Sunn prmgs and bummer lijsort s oVirginia. West Virginia and. --rth Carolina,' . : '' : W-i - -be on s;.Je at the Coupon Ticket" offices of this Road via. Goldfcboro, Weldon, Rich mond cr Petersburg,: and also to Summer Res rtsof urrer South Carolina and West, cm North Carcl.'no,. via. Wilmington and Columbia.". .'V""T - ' ;- t'! . v or Tickts rifc Lists and Time Cards cPtaiulng ail needful information, call on the un-Iertigned, or Ticlret Agent3 at Wil I mine ton. "Wilarm WrTl I -Cj - . . .auwJMa A mi k. W u Galdsboro. A. POPE, , . j ', - y General Pssenser Agent. June 0 it IK: A u griasl a ls 13 road i ; PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. I J Wji.3iXJiGTOx, N, C, Jlay 2Gth, 18S0." Qencing June 1st, isw, Round Trip u w Mineral Springs and Summer Resorts -of Vin giaia, West Virginia and North Carol i na, ;7 will te on sale at tho C.jnpon Ticket oflices of this Road. , v For Tickets, Price Lists, and Time Cards containing all needful information, call on the undersigned, ;or Ticket "Agents at Vil- mingtont Floreacei sumter or Columbia. -vn-i r-.-- :' - ' ipopE ' , . , t ' I qu ' GefraInjA5ent. . . . .. ' -- 'Sg' .. NUMBER 23 r 5 f NEW av vziiilSEEmtTS. City of Viwiisgtoxn. C. May 2Cth, 1SS0 V ' X r. . ; :xpjllCC. : :-;.:-: U'.s1- gY ORDER OF HIE BOARD OF AL dcrmca the "f :'1;-.r ' ' -V;" . ' : ; ; DOG QKDWc f goes into effect on the 10th JUNE next, ; ' Badgea can be procured on application at this offlco, - ; 51IENRY SAVAGE. . may 30 St ,Tax Collector: TO PURCHASERS OF SHINGLES - "TO'E would like to take a contract to pet f f Shingles for any person who may be In need of them and Avilling to pay cash lor tliem when they are delivered, we will ftll any order, for any length, widtbr or thick ness, at short notice. Give nsachance. SIBBETT A THOMPSON, 1 may 30, 1SS0 r ..... Whiteville; N. C ESTABLISHED 1 853 dli BEAR U BROS. 88 & 20 Market St WILMINGTON j N. G. y;E, HAVE JUST' OPENED, AND have on exhibition, the largest and most complete. Etock of .' f '' u." ': "."' CLOTHING AND j FURNISHING GOODS South of Baltimore. Suits from, $2.50 upwards. , 100 Blup Bliddlesex Flannel Suits at grcatiy reduced prices. : A FULL LINE UP . . 1 r . , - . '1 CHILDilENS' - ; : ? : .BOYS' AND MENS' ' ":v . ; SiltAW AND FELT HATS, Prices to suit everybody. j Come One, Gome and examine our stock, and we will strlvo hard to merit your patronage, as we navo formerly done. ' , t - - inayi2 3in ', . ;; ' . ; : ' . ' Proposals for Furnishing Rations and Ship-Chandlery for RcvciiUr : -Vessels. . -- :-;. ,' '';:. .-'-. . , - .' 1 i CUSTOMHOUSE,- ) ,. - i ' Collector's Office. ' , ' " w: - May lUth.'lsaO. I ' SEALED PKOPOSAliSwill be rcceivl at this ofliee until 12 o'clock, noon 'f Wednesday, June 2d, 1SS0 for supply in- . ivttuuiiBiuiu Duqi-uaiimery o do y.i lr. separately for the use of thejerewsand vc- ' seis of the United States Revenue Marino' Service in this Collection District lor the ns- T calyear ending June 30th, ISSl. Schedules of articles of Ship-Chandlery to be bid for ' win uu luraisfleu on application at this i office. . ' . . . . . , - ' Tlie risdit is reserved to reject -any or all bids, and to waive defects, if deemed ior the interest of the Government so to dc itercst of tne Government so to do: V. P. CANADA Y. A maysm ' Collector. TO BUILDERS. : Office of Engi3tkkr Sixth Light i House Distkict. f CirARLESTON, s. C, May 10, im).- SEALED PROPOSALS will bo received at this offlco until 12 o'clock M. of Monday, ' tho 31st day of May, 18S0. from practicstt. builders only.for a Front Beaeoa and Keep ers' Dwelling for Pans Island, B. CV, and also for a Keepers' Dwelling for kittle Cumberland Island, Ga. . V . Plansr specillcationH, forms of proposal and other Information, may be obtained ou application to this office. , The right Is refer ved to reject "any or ail bids, and to waive any defects. '.;;iH.;;:I,r, P. CHAINS,: , - Major Corps of Engineers, ;, . Engineer Sixth Light House District, i . may 10 1SS0 2t : .' , Proposals for Tresh Beef aad ITnttoii Headquarters DepartnientWf the Soulh, Of fice of Chief Comnaflsary of Subsistence. ' , Nkwpokt Dakkacks, Newport; Ky., April 21, l8so. ..i SEALED PROPOSALS, IN TRIPLICATE will be received at the office of the Act ing Assistant Commissary of Subsistence at . FOKT JOU JfSOX, SjHTflVttLE, N. C. until 12 o'clock noon, on Saturday, May Hi) 1SS0, at, which time and place they will be opened in the presence of such hirifioT-u I may be present, for furnishing and deliver- mo rrcsii ueei ana . tresh Mutton required for issuo at tho above mentioned post from july 1. lsso untU June 30, 1881, inclusively or for sucu less time as the Commissary General of Subsistence may direct. Proposals for each article must be separate and -independent The right toreject any or aU proposals is reserved. Blank proposals and information as to the conditions of the required, written con tracts and bonds will be furnished upon application to the Acting Assistant Com missary of Subsistence of Ihe post. t Envelopes containing proposals sheuld be marked "Proposals for (name of article),' and addressed to the Acting Assistant Com- nai tfsary of rtubsistence of the post. ; J. W. BARRIGER, Major and C. fc., US.A my0l8W-t Chief com. 01 subs. 4 3 .1 Jl 1' 4 - i I ,1 1 4 11 -31 11 vJ '.I 1 -9 .- I 1 , 3 .1 Vl" ' SI 1 J 1 ,'5 : i J ! 1 1 'i -1