i i ii -r iV VOLUM XI. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA,' SUNDAY, JUNE 20. 1880. Single Copies 5 Cents' 24 - -yn wn i i .i m .r V 1 1 jNILNOTON POST I rr-r rzi: rzrzzzrz: rr.NTERKU AT THE POoTOFFICE AT W ilmington, N. C, as SeconixClass Mki t er I ' -1 RATES, OF ADVERTISING. Fifty cents per line for the first inj portion and twenty-five cents per lin for each additional insertion. Eight (8) lines! Nonpareil type, con stitute a square. I The subscription priec to The Wil mington Post Us 1 00 per year; six months 7o cents. ' Allcominunicrtionsonbusincsshould be addressed to The Wilmington Post, Wilmington, N.rC. . All advertisements will be charged a tjie aboye rates, except on special con tracts. , '. ; THE CONVENTION" OF THE BE PUBLICANS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, WILL MEET INTtiE CIlX UlV UALMUll, , , THE SEVENTH DAY OF JULY, 1830, FOR THE PURPOSE O Y NO 1 INATING TWO ELECTORS AT LARGE, AND STATE OFFICERS. BY ORDER OF STATE EX ECU- TTIVE COMMITTEE; GKNKUAL COMMKNTd. The nomination of Guv. Jarvis for h-elction bythe Democrats was a forf gone conclusion to those who knew that he held the machiuery ofthe party. He was not -only nominated himself, but he took along under, the same ar- rapirement the nomination of Lieut. , a t Gov. Robinson, Col. W..L. Saunders for Secretary ot fet ate, ur. worm ior Treasurer, and Thof, S.. Kenan lor Atturney (Teneral. Gov. Jarvis is the Samuel J.-Ti'den of North Carolina, and there iaa provincial GramercyPark I at Raleijih. 1 ' It i Kuffictentlv stranse.abat aLer it I.'hr been an oooti secret for more than lur. rnira lfll flnv JPVmftlir WHS trO- i i j J i u - r lubited by hi pbysiciaEB from being ..fLuUrJal rnnvminn. aii iIioua 1 arkorillaf IMPS fthOlllil KlLVn bfifill IIIVOU SPiVVM-u,"'-"" v . 3 extant as to makinc him the Democratic candidate fjr the Presidency, -j Uncle Samuel Ti'den has been con sulting lately at Gramcrcy Park, with " T- C3....I.A- rnn1n1l",'Umi'lk'1ir .TDOl .KIT. GJilTJVi;! IVtlUUUIIj UlllllU M VVJ-, (ol cipher ragrancc), Levenett Salton- fctall of Boston, et als. as to his chances iit Cincinnati. Be has sent circulars all over the country asking certain cunning questions, such as, Vis he (S. J. T.) ntt to-day the tjMrcPresident?" and asking finally if the Cincinnati Jon vent ion wjiot bound to make repa- ' ratiwu to Uncle Sammy by nominating . 'hi tn again. Gen Gaf field was serenaded at Wash ingtonH'y the Veteran Club Wednesday xl. in nrniilMif lull I IHUPIW I 111 rt I.I lirilHV I General, made the welcoming speech, to wliich Gen. Garfield replied. Then "addresses were made by Hon. Geo. M. Robeson, Gen. Williams of Wisconsin, Geu. Logan aud others. It was an im ntenre crowd and the enthusiasm was unbounded. GVn. Garfield said to-night to a f riend tliul be should make no reply to the .barges brought ajiaiust him; that he fully replied some years ago, and I i:ii if ii tripnd thOUPUt it ntcessarv Ur Hpi ak they could u?e had to say.; It is thought tLat the vote of North Caroliua at 'Cincinnati will be 18 for l'.jyard and 2 for Horatio Seymour, Prof, II. M. Taut oiDartraouth Col lege has received the appointment oi Prolessor of Astronomy in the Univcr tity of Tokio, in Japan. ; The Reiublicans of Indiana have nominated a state ticket which they intend to elect. Their ticket isy Hon. Albert G. Porter for Governor; Thos. Hanua for Lieut. GovernoT; R. S. Hill lor Treusurei; and Judge D. P. Bald win for Attorney General, lion. John C. JNew is chairman of. the State Re- nublicau Committee. Senator Vance married at Louisville w.ioc.i. lU rMonr nf tho w -j .i t i'i a t bridy mother, Mrs. l lorence b. MarT tu. The ceremony was performed by Rt. iRev. Bifcbop McClokey of the Catholic Church. The party will spend the summer at the White Sulphur . .1 SpriDgs. Gen' GarfiflM h Irft fur bin hom in Mentor Ohio in Mentor, Ohio , ( There was a gplendid , ratification meetiojT of the Gnrfilf1 nru Arthnr . " . ,t cooper 1-sUiuteJ.ft CoDgress adjourned on the 16th inst without day. It has been a very flatu- ' lent body, of the do-nothing order. It, last hcurs were languid; with the sins of its inefficient maiority, and it may almost be said that it 'died and made rt el . b HThe Democratic National Convention assemb.es in Cincinnati this week, New Fnglniidi New York and Pennsyl- v.iiiin.1 Mi ni mnHllv to farnr. Uncle bauiut l Tiliien, but the. real difficulty jmhih ti b to agree on the most avail able man. Mr. Nordhoff, the Herald special, ;w ho is apt to be well posted, suvi that it i the purpose of the Tilden men to muster more than a third of the convention, and thus dictate the nomi nation. But be doubts if he can con tnl 200 delegates. It will, without doubt be a mixed up body at first. OUGAMZ VT1UN OF A GARFIELD A D A iitii u ir CLUB WjLMr.vcTON, N. C. June 20, 1880 'Mr. Editor; The Republicans of the city of Wilmington met last night in man im tine to organize a Centra GainVJd y tu) Arthur Club. The meet ing wus rallid to order by Mr, Geo. W. Price, jr. , -Upon, motion Mr. Duncan Holmes vas made temporary chairman anrTM. W.:!T Branch tem orar v sec- rotirv TIjo tomnnraru rli iirmnn nlerrt. -rr r- j -J , - came forward and before taking the chair declared hU alb giance "to the old National Republican party, the party of justice, pue rogresa and honor."-. 1 Upon a otion a commiiUe-on perma nent organization was appoiuted by the chair. The committee having retired, Co'. (J. L- Alabson was called, and in hin usual happy manner addressed the enthusiastic assemblage; Mr. II. h Scott was tiext called and responded in a glowi' g speech, after which the com mittee on permanent orcanizition came forward aiiu made 'he following report: Fur Pj;ident, II. E. Scott; Vicc- Presideois, M; W. Hi Branch, Daniel Howard,; II. B. Green, Sol. Nixon, Lewis Bryant and Robert Kennedy. secretary, w. n. uowe, sr. Assistant feecretary, y . K. Price. The President of the club was then escorted to the chair amid deafening cheers., Upon taking the' chair he thanked the club for the honor con- erred in a warm and hearty address Upon motion which was agreed to ment that the club repair to the house r of giving that gentleman a serenade m . t ,vuu". r '' uariy.aiier wniuu the meeting i jourucd subject to the call of thePresi- dent. . W, H. Howe, Secretary, W. Iw Price, Ass't. ! lt'EPUBL'luAN BXECUTlVfci COM- MIITTEE. Rooms REr, Exl Committee, cee, j :" 8S0. J New Hanover County June, 19th 18S0 Puri'iautjto.ihe'call, the Republican Executive Committee for the county of New Hanover met a ; 2 o'clock. P. M., of the above date. Gen. S. H. Manning, .the chairman of the committee, stated the object of I 4U..HiMA4 (mm TT i m 4 Arm r -P n a n i luc.UiLa"1S' "V" ? "'" na man having exnired with this meet in er. - onmotion of L; Ej Rice Gen. Man ning was reflected Chairman. On motion'J. E. Sampson wai elect de Secietary. On motion it was Rczohcd; That the following persons be and they are hereby appointed from New Hanover County, as delegates to the State Convention of the Republi can party which meets in Raleigh, July 7th, 1880. And it is further Bcsolvcd, ThatUhef hrst four pn the followine list, namely. H E Scott of VjW J- enr lunusuii', uuscpu kj.uju- Fpurtn W'ardand George L Mabson of . r 1 m .1" '1 the F irst Ward arc hereby authorized and empowered to cast the vote of New all qnv-stions. j PELEQATTS TO THE STATE CONVEN- . TION. ' " H E Scott, Cape FearTownship. Joseph E Sampson, Third Ward. L E Rice, Fourth Ward, oeorge L Mabson, Firrt WiTd.f , FIRST WARD! ' 1 "1 W1I II:we, Sr, D O Davis, II Brewinjrton, E Nichols, S)l H Nixon, Stephen Bullard, G P. Rourk, James P Spaun, John JJ JNixon, Mcuras Byrd, Sol W Nash, Thomas Newkirk, J 0 Siith, Robert Sweat, Charles P Gever. Simon A Richardson, Jeffrey Williams, Abram Mosely, David Nix on, W P Canaday, Uwen Bnrney, A A t-w lt. T O T T? 1 TK Dudley. J S W Eagles, Josh Tucker, E A Dudley, John EvangelisUSamuei Reid, Jacob Johnson John Q Nixon, fe5rd lloward, Josri Meares, James Batria. Thomas M l Simons, Jame A Lowery, Josh Galley, Robert Phinney, J W Bryant, a J bterling, Mills , Uon ia.' Beverlv Wriffht. Bryant Holmes, Aaron Kel lev. H Lomax, James McNeill. Sol Austin, John II Brown, ward P Snckr James L Tucker. W J Kelloee. E McBride, Duncan yHplmes, Hezekiah Reid. Tom Brown, Henry i.ucas, ueo I ur nr.. nunMil' M TTall Phot b8S$L James W Galley, Bichard Holmes, Fred Andrews, Ed Van Dross, Henry W2,!Kg!i YT? bon'rn John sugg9, Back Wright, W H Cotton, Alex Price, - Ed a Ganse, Elish Cause, Cary Boy ken, Charles H Htrouds. xnomas xfcODinson, uwen Mathis. Wm W Waddell, Lewis Free man. Edward Stills, Cato Sneed, Zack Koonce, J m otatcner, xrauit aum- son, Lewis Nixon, Tiiornas Rivers, Lewis Hollingsworth, BuTrell Amy, James H V o ve WilUain"- Owwau, pato Waddell, Thom-'s I5oil. ' " SIX'OSi) V A IID. S Van.Amrinsce. Georee H Jackson. J C Scott. S H Manning, James Addi son, James AGreeln, Georg-s Lee, Paul McKnight, Saml Sterline, Thomas E Scott, Robt U Phinney, E H McQuigg. Balaam Fuller, Jr, Harding Johnson, Weks Corbett, C E Jevenes, E J Pen ny packer, C , P Locky, E R Brink, Charles R Mallett, Daniel Howard, George E Berden, B G Bates, Ed Lucas, C R Mallett, Jr, W H Scott. Vm Sul livan, Robert Washington, Washington McNeill, George W Robinspn, Joseph H Noff, J B Worth, U O'Connor. R WObadwick, g A A Poppe, R C Myers, Geo Myers, J C Myers. THIRD WARD. Edward Davis, James D Dry, Allen Evan, Alexandria Hostler, Christo pher Hamilton, Richard Lewis, F O Sadgwar, 8 R Simmons, Jjhn Wil liams, David J Deal, John E Taylor. F-W Foster. James Wilson. David Bowen. Guy DavM, David Jones, . Wm K Price, Henry Taylor, Win J Stewart, BD Morrell, James Anderson, Ste phen Bowen, Charles A Freman, Joshua Hamilton, Henry King, Jasper Owens, N G Sampson, James Sullivan, John A Whiteman, Isham Young, J oseph C Abbott, John W Beery, Stephen Bellamy, John A 'Hargrave, James H. Lane, Uenj Roam, Prince Smith, Thomas M . Gardner. FOUBTA WARD. Bartemus Bernard, Thomas Byrd. J Lewis Bryant, Thomas Byrd? Calvin Blount, Wm Burr, Geo W Belts, John W Bryant James II Cutler, Win - T Cntlar, Lewis II Davis?, Jackson 'U Davis. Silas fc Dean, Robt -D' Davis, Sarol B Foy, John Gibson, Wash Howe, Johnson Hooper, H li Walker, H A Burr, Edward Kidder, George Chad- bourne, James J I Chadbourue, Wm J Joh nso n , Ch as J ac k so n , Philip La r rington Benj Leboo, Joseph John G Norwood, John C Norwood, Jubn Owens, George W Price, ,i.Jr, Josh P Payne, Murphy McNiell, Saml G Jen kius, Alonz Simmon, David Sadgv war, Sr, Wright Stanley, L A Hart. " ' - FIFTH WAK !."' " Thomas Allen", Edward By rd, Alfred Cowan, John I Davis. H. B Green, James P Green, Valentine Howe, John H Howe, J C Hill, Joseph Jon A H Martin, E D. ewlett, LJenj Merrick, Thomas P Reetf, G W Sheridan, Moses Grainger, Sr, Richard Jones, W B ill, Preston Spriggs, Josh ill, John W Foliey, Frank Bryant, Duke Davis, en ry Green, Anthony owe, Jr, Par is James, Anthony Peden, C W . Avaur, Nelson Benton, James K Davis: iec- tor Davis John J Geyer, 7iram JIxu- kins, Anthony owe, Sr, Washington ffnwfl W A Jordan. G T Littleton John W Moore, B Fill yaw, Lewis Le Grande, Wesley owe, Moses Grainger, Jr, David Williams, Johu White, Chas Ward, John Waddell. Solomon Moton, Wm Ellerby, W Banks, G B Farsend. Andrew Till, Alfred owe, saac Lilly, Gabe Reaves, John Sheriuan, Win Jones, George Leonard, James Harriss, Win war ren, Joseph J Cutlar, Abram Jone?, Peter Lewi, Henry nill, Elias Camp bell, James 6Tiark, Edward Clark, Fred Clark, Saml Ciark, Wm Purnell,. Frank Herring, W ii Moore, Minso nill, Kenyon Byrd, Thosras Reed, James Winfield; Richard Jones, Alex Newton, Godfrey Willis, ir., Jas Banks, alifax Leonard, andover Johnson, Wm Buchanan, Joseph D Sampson, Alex Sampson, W B -'all, York Moore, James, Jones, Jas Rich' ardson; Thomas Meeks, Isaac W King Z Boon John Phillips, George Hooper. CAPE FEAR TOWNSHIP. C Tate, Thos'Zarrell, Trimus Ag- cock, T ill, J Q Adams, Randall Jordan, I3eu Armstrong, iawaru j ones, Bizzeli Ned Cameron, Wnght Dickson, Cicero DicksDn, Wm Fonville, Jerre Fonville. oily Grady, Geo Grady, Prince Nixon, John Newkirk, Samuel Peebles, Ed Sharples3, J A Sharple33, Abram Sharple3s, r rank loomer, Chas Toomer, Chas Thomas, Emanuel Williams, Geo Williams, Isaac wnson, SfL;Uyh M Ths 1 T lJnr..T J I.'- nil it V n 1 rro t n MTvspitr J T.-Mosfiiv. Av- JUVVlVi V . w , j v J J J i i t s. x- T' : l wood JNewKiric, james ixewKirK, rjssicK. Newkirk. S C Nixcn, Andrew iNixon, John Pleasants, Samuel Register, E T Simmons. P D Sharpless, Boston Spell- man, Robert. Thomas, Emanuel lues- dale, Blackweil W'.lliams, Murphy Ward, Luke Grady,, amuei uurney, Cass ill, Edward Jones, ienry Jones, Rev Geo G McGhee. ' . HARNETT TOWNSHIP. Henry Akins, Anthony St George, Jo seph Pickett, Baston, Thos French, Ed DMcCabe; PGreen.Alex Galloway, W W Humphrey, Joseph Higbsmith, Owen Jones. John Highsmith, Henry Miller. Jason Loftin, James Kichard sou, Jordan inixon, u campauu, T . i IT 1 O Iasiah St, George, J ohn ura pDeu, White. Samuel Erinett, John A Ho t. Harkle3S James, nenry uiay, John Green, John Moore, Prince Swain. James A Hewlett, A R Black, Mordacia J?ov. Wm uavis, Manic . . v r , w . Loftin Sam Hines, Lewis Nixon, Jordan L Temon John Nixon, Sim Peden, Lewis n,.r .mvid Tftin. Church Hines. "rs . . t-i- t Nelson Davis. George Williams. Isaac a ww MnsP F.vans. kJlJCiJVC , II IU x-rtMt ' 7 . . , TUT T '..!. LJ ni Muni OV I It I .fjWrPV. Hpnnr Mart. Thomas Moore. Andrew Spencer, Joseph Wright, Wm Winters, Jesse Brown, Nelson Davis, Albert Evans, Tom Green. Laniei nines, jonn Loltin, jonn iucnm, virgu iu.uxc, TTAnrv Hill. Alex Stedman, Georso Williams. Gilbert Whitfield, J H Dor sett. Sunday Wallace, Burrell Sidber- ry, Harry Shadwick, Thomas Howe MASONnono township. - Elijah Hewlett, Joseph Smith, John Waddell .Wm H WaddelL John Hew lett. Get rge Hewlett, John J Hewlett, t-i.i mi Wm Pratt Emanuel Rhodes,' Thomas Uampbell, John Yinea, Halifax Leo nard, Wm McLaurih. J WD Waddell, Joseph iS ' VaddeII, Caion Baker, Richard Smith. Henry Jone, Richard King, John G Wagner, O II Robinson, Alonzo Hewlett, Joseph P Walton. federalJ point TOWireniP. B W Wade, Solomon 'Bowen, Henry G Davis, ; Wm H yilliams. Henry Davis, R Bruce Freeman," Nelson Hankins, Anthony HaWes, Cttfiy San ders, Lewis . Waao; . Stephen Keys,1 Joseph Davis, Thomas A Davis,-Wm Turley, Joseph J Atwood, Cmtar Black ledge, Chas W Davis, Frankr Farrior, Joseph Harriss, Charles Hill, Henry Houston, John Witchell, Elijah Moore, Wm McNeill, Lott Boutherland, Charles James, Clay m6n: Moore, Jesse E Lowe Brewster Faison; THIRD CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. ' Resolved, That the following persons be and they are hereby appointed from New Hanover county as delegates to the congressional contention ol this 3d congressional district,, when called, and it is resolved further that E. B. Brink of ward 2d, G."W. Price. Jr., of ward 4th, E. J. Tehnypaclrer of ward 2nd, and Jos. C. Hill of ward 5th, are hereby authorized and . empowered to cast the vote of : New Hanover county in said convention, on all questions and oO others to be appointed by the chafr man as alternates f ' ' ALTERNATES TO CONGRESSIONALCON VENTION. I - ; FIRST WARD. i - Jas A Lowerv. W TL Howe. F W Foster, H Reid, H Brewington, James Lane, Thos Beck, W J, Kellogg, Dun can llolmes, J li Brown, Wm Chad bourn, Henry Price. ! SECOND WARD.. ' S II Manning,. W H Gerken, Geo E Berden, J C Scott, Jos U Neff, Danlil IiQwaHl,b:acy jV anAmange. 1 THIRD WARD. Henry Taylor, Jno Harrrovc, T M Gardner, N G Sampson, Jas Dry, J II Whiteman, W K Price, h.d Davis. FOURTH WARD. J K Cutlar, L E Rice, Geo Chad bourn, Lewis Bryant, J C Smith, Sol Nixon, Wm Johnson, Rev W H Banki, Jas Wilson, Jas H Chad bourn. fifth ward. I W Kiuff, H H Hankins, Richard Jones, Geo W Howe, Anthony Howe, Henry Green. W Avant, Wm Winfield, Alfred Howe, W E Sellers, S T Potts. CAPE FEAR TOWNSHIP. Johu !F Garrell, Henry Thomas, Richard Waters. , HARNETT TOWNSHIP. I) C Davis, A R Black, John Holt. Jas Pigott. I MASON BORO TOWNSHIP. Eiijah Hewlett, John G Wapnor. W H Waddell, Wm McLaurin. i, FEDERAL POINT TOWNSHIP. Balaam Wade, Wm David, Lewis Davis, Mr Hanks. " O i motion; the committee adjourned sul jct to the call of the chairman. S. H. Manning, Chm'n.. J. Y. a mpson, Secretary. The national line steamship Queen Ancnoria on last cunaay aiiernoonm a dense fog in longitude 67c42v and latitude 40 3r. Their bows were ter ribly crushed, but owing to lhe perfec tion of their compartments they did not sink, but came back to New York in safety. No lives lost but passengers much frightened. The German barque Cadelia ran into an iceberg in latitude 45-50v carrying away all her uead gear and rending her bows asunder. The collision between tie Sound steamers Narragansett and Stonington on Long Island Sound last Friday week, by which' the, Narragansett; was suuk in five minutes,losing at least fifty iivea j3 yea -m QQZ detail in the N,v York pape. I. W calamity 0f which we scave the sub I i. o i .: ; stance last ounuay morning. CTT V ITE1VC. i Chew Jackson a Best Sweet Navy Tobacco. ly Tho days are now at their longest and on Tuesday they will begin to shorten. A new colored church is being erect ed next to the corner of E:gUth and Castle streets. ;. It is rumored that the little Steamer Elizabeth will discontinue her trips to " i . - .1 Smithville about the 1st of July. The floating ; compress has been changed into a steam barse and ill , n i t 1 '.i tv' . nereauer do Known as. tue Lttvenpori. Mr. J. W. Barnes baa ahibned a rt . " arKc auiouiit. oi yegeiauics iu;s season, . fe & to nortnern marKets. City Treasurer, Capt. Henry Savage, died in Wheeling, West Virginia, on Mom3av iMt Iron' bands have been placed around that portion of the First Presbyterian Church steeple in which the city clock now rests, List your taxes. The law. mak.es it a mnsuemeanor it your taxes are not list- ed. The time isfast drawing to a close. ,. It is' stated in some of the papers that the.Western Union and tbc Amer ican Telegraph; Companies are to be consolidated. A colored man. was drowned at Smithville( Monday. He was bathing in the river, and was seized with cramp, it h supposed, r" . ' . The schedule of the Carolina Central Railway has been changed so as to run in close connection with trains on the Raleigh & Augusta Air Line road . Mrs. Junius D Gardner of this city has fallen heir to a handsome fortune left by heij great-grandfather who died in England in 1802. Delegates to the Congressional Con vention from New Hanover county are unanimous for Wr P. Canaday for Con gress, so we are requested to state. The splendid iron tonic of Dr. Harter of St. Louij, cures nearly all diseases ofthe liver, such cs dyspepsia, general debility, Want of vitality &c. For sale by all druggists. :' , The residence of Mrs. Owens, a widow lady, residing near the corner of Fifth and Churjch streets has beeu visited twice in the last week by burglars. They were frightened off both times. Honorary Degree. lege in this state, has -Trinity Col conferred the honorary itle of Doctor jot Divinity . Eiwiaj A.I Yates, ihe popu of the Front Strset M.'E. upon Rev lar pastor Church, in this cijy. At tueiJast term ol the tupenor Courts for New Hanover county, which ended last! week, judgments, were had in 62 cases : non-suits, o decrees 14 : i 1 - ' cases continued, 102. , , A slight change in the schedule of the through freight and accommodation 'the Wilmington & Weldon and Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta Railroads goes into effect, on Monday. Our uryg stores are now eupplied with '.'Mait Bitters," the new Food Medicine which has done so much good and comes to us so highly recommend ed. Try it. It may save you a heavy doctors' bill. 4t A Household Need. A bookj on th,e Liver, its diseases and their treatment ' cent free. Including treatises upon Liver Complaints, Tor- pid Liver, Jaundice, Biliousness, Headache, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Malaria, etc. Address Dr. Sanford, 1G2 i , ! it -r 1 n't . "XT " r a i uroaaway.ixew lorKuuy, is. x. 4t The enumerators of the census for this city have completed their work, and as sosn as the names enumerated are transcribed thev will sit at the nntirt ITLlsft for two dflVS fla rpnuirpd rf ;i bv law to correct the list, lhe dodu- innnn as It now appears is about 19,000. A ourgi lar tried to effect an entrance into the j residence, of Mr. John Nei- 1 meyer on the corner of Sixth and Orange itreets on Thursday , morning. but were seen, and as they received a warm reception will hardly go bacfe again. Second Assistant lEngineer C. F. An gel, of the Revenue j Cutter Colfax, has. been placed on waiting orders and Mr. J. G. Hall, of Baltimore, assigned to the place! on the Colfax vacated by Mr. Angel. jMr. Hall has arrived and en tered upon the discharge of his duties. A cyclone, accompanied with a hail storm, passed over a small 1 portion of Pender county on last Friday. It orig inated near South Washington, and then passed down to Cyprus Creek, its path being about five miles long and , - - - irom one-nait to mree-iouim oi u -j , - mile in Width; I ' A Sad Fatality-. We regret to learn that the Hon. Alex. McCabe of Edgecombe, a prominent white Repub- lican, wis shot dead;ih a riot at Tarboro on Thursday. A Mr. Dugg an, Register of Deeds of Edsecoaabe is seriously wounded. McCabe has been several tprma a member of tbe legislature. We have no! further particulars. The wife of David Jones, a welL known drayman of this city, has given birth recentlv . to triplets. The first wsa Tnrn Inst "Frirfav niht ' thfi -p.ertond L' i - i i "wr J 7 on Saturday nignt ana me mira on - " t -b-;. , r survived. At last accounts the mother and her child were doing very well. The mother is about 35 j ears old and has grown children. The brig Dos Cunados has been pur chased by Mr. E. G. Barker and Cant. Fred. Small. ' She is now under the American flag, with her name changed to the Fred. B. Rice, She will hail from .Wilmington, N. C. The brig is now being refitted, and will go on the ways next week for thorough repairs to i her bottom, uapt. omau wiu cwn I mand her, MJa s o n ic News .The General Grand Chapter! Royal Arch Masons for the United States holds its next triennial meeting in Detroit on the 25th of August ensuing. ; The Grand Encampment f Knights Templar'will be held in Chicago, Au gust I7th. Messrs. H. H. Munson, W . R. Kenan andaWr H. Chadbourn, oftlis city will be in at endance. -VI- ; Beforo the adjournment of the last term of the Superior Court, Solicitor Galloway reported that, agreeably tp the requirements of the law? he made due inspection of the office of the Su perior Court Clerk of the county of New Hanover, and found Ihe Several dockets kept with neatness , and accur acy ,; and the Tarious papers and docu ments filed with due regard to the pub lic convenience. Identified. Y o u n g Silver thorn, the maniac who was picked up in this city some weeks ago and who was sub sequently sent to the insane department of the poor house, turns out to -be a son of ex-State Senator Silverthoxn, of Bel videre, Warren county, New Jersey. Senator Silverthoru has been notified of his son's whereabouts and will doubt come or send after him. no The Race, A challenge race be. tweta the yachts Restless and Ripple was sailedlBver the Wrightsville course on Thursday, a stiff breeze was blow ing, and the yachts sailed under double reefs. The Restless started at 4a and lm and the Ripple at' 4h 4m and 10s. The contest resulted in favor of the Restless, which came in on the finish at 5:53. ' ' ' 'Vs Tanneries. Mr. W.H. M. Koch has erected a tannery on Third, between Wooster and Dawson streets. Mr. J. W. Hewett, a tanner of many years ex perience, is the superintendent, and work is progressinjg finely. The leather tanned is said to be . very fine, and judges are much pleased with it. Mr. Isaac Wells is erecting a tannery about two hundred yards from- that built by Mr. Koch. He expects to be ready for work id the course of two weeks. Another Attempt to Burglarize. An attempt was made Tuesday morn ing last, between 2 and 3 o'clock, to burglarizs the dwelliDS of one of our compositors, Mr. W. E. Sellers, on ninth,, between Castle and Q'leen streets. Mrs. Sellers, who happend to be. awake at the time, saw the robber and gave the alarm, when the would-be thiefhnade good his escape. We are requested to ask the gentleman to call again and see Mr. Sellers, who promises to give him a warmer reception the second time than he received the firs!. f'Tne local ministers conference and camp-meeting will be held at Ruther ford) College commencing July 21st. The local conference i- u-v a delgated body, consisting of two or more dele gates from each Presiding Elder's dis trict. Rev. J. W. Heptinstall is the President and L. Branson Secretary. The conference was permanently estabr lished in 18G0, since which time it has held regular meetihes, annually. It represents the local ministers in this state about 800 in number. This is a body of energetic workers, peculiar to Methodism. TVy do a large amount of mission.-1 work vilhout expense to the churth. Remember to attend the local conference and camp-meeting at Rutherford College, July 21st. ; NOTICE. . There will be a County Cijnyention of the Republican party of Columbus county, held at "WhiteviHe Court House on th 3rd day of July, at 12 o'clock m., or the purpose ef electing delegates to the State and Congressional Conven tions. Each Township Chairman will holtl a Township Convention for the purpose of appointing delegates to the County Convention, prior to July 3rd. J. . rAULt)ixG, Chairman Rspublican Executive Com- miltee. RrtPPBLICAif D18TUICT CG;- VENTION. A Republican District Convention for the Sixth Congressional District of I x?wk rn.Ai:nn .iit v i xun-u vaiuurtj. mm u uem m vcar iotie. x. C. on- Thursday. Jiilv istb: . - j 1Qr iU3 purptw oi nominating canal dates for Congress and Presidential Elector for said district. ( The Chairmen of the different Coun ty Committees are earnestly requested to call County Conventions in their re spective counties, so that delegates mny be selected to the above named Con vention. y- By order of the Committee. L. D. McAlpine, Chairman of District Committee. R. M. McDonald, Secretary. i A woman in this city claims ' to be 110 jears old, and another 102 years. : STATE NEWS. ,-, :-. . . - -, - The arm.of Mr. John Bynum of Pitt, was violently torn from his ; body ' by a threshing machine. I ; Mr. Charles 'Monaghan of Fayette: Tille, aged 20, died suddenly of what the physicians termed neuralgia of the . brain, which caused the bursting of blood yessells. r ' i Hon. John AGilmer has been nom inated for Justice of the Superior Court for the 5th district, and Gen. W. R. Cox for the 4th district. Gen. Cex is the judge who decided in favorf the supremacy of. the United Stated law oter the state law, so far as related to ' officer3of the United States. His nomi- ' nation is healthy. - ; t . - ,- sDri Palemn John, of the Xorth Car' oHnian , writing from Chicago says r : Oen. Garfield is a great man and a , true man. In no sense is he a ;dark. horse' for his public record is well known. He was a braitj soldier during , the war, and he has teen one of the , strongest truest, 'noblest men in Con gress for these eighteen years, He is a ." true statesman ,jxnd one of the broadest and most patriotic' men in this.tfatiod. Garfield is a man of the people, and tlo r people will eleci him. ' Here is the most icy coolnesd ol the season. The Newbcrnian says that th,e 'Hon. C. C. Clark offered some resolu tions to lease the Wilmington & .We!- ' don Road." This in -a railroad meet- ing of the Atlantic & N.XJ. Railroad at Newberne. . " j Here is more levei-headedncls. The Greenville Express is so overdome at the defeat of the third-term aChicago, that it cries aloud : .- V Hurrah and thank God ! Hunah'and thank God that the best thoughts ever vouchsafed to statesmen concerning hu .man government and the , freest and -best and civil institutions eVer conceiv ed by mortal men arc not yet over thrown or- shaken. 'i Th'ej.University has just conferred the degree ofLLb, upon -Hon. W'.-N. H. Smith, Chief Justice of' North Car- olma, and also . upon Judge Dayicl Schenck, 'of the Superior Court. The degree of D). was conferred on Rev. 1 Ed. Rondmaler of Salem, Rev. Joseph Atkins.on of-Raleigh, and Rev. Win. G. Star of Richmond, Va. ' ' f The Democrats of the Cth Cougres- sional District havei nominated 'Major . Olem. Dowd, in place of Col. Steele. It -13 said that he was bornna Moare, aiid that he is rich and cunrjiug. ' W JLU VXKiISEENMTS. NOTICE. ALL persons yisltlng "Vaceam;i.w Lake on excursions, would do well to cull on Henry McDowell for pleasure bouts ami dinner. lie is always on hand.' -June 2i) tf. 1 - - , ' ESTAELISHE1) . 1853 985 Sol. BEAR & BROS, 18 & 20 EWiarket St, WILMINGTON, N. C. Wi: HAVE JU3 OPENED, AD most have on exhibition, lb e largest and complete stock of CLOTHING AND' FURNISHING GOODS South ofEaltijnorc. Suits from $150 upwards. 100 Blue 'Middlesex Flannel Suits at greatly reduced rices. .' A FULL LINE OF ' ' ... CHILDHENS' s ' '" . i ; BOYS' AND MENS' ' ' STRAW AND FELT HATS, rrlecs to salt everybody.- , - Co m e O n e, C o m e A 1 1 , and examine our stock, and wo will-strive hard to merit your patronage,' as. we nave formerly done. . . may 23m. . " 1 I :