JHE WILMINGTON POST, WILMWGTON'N. G, Suniay Mo'KjeiKG. Juke 20, 1880. CAl'T. INOALL8 S STORY. i lie Jetcl PeaBerpeut ho Saw off Mother an Island From ILe To Hand (Mc.) Argus, June P. . 'Yesterday morning ; our reporter learned thai' Capt. M. D. Iogalls, o( the sdioone; Chalcedony, lying at Rumery's Hharf, had actually seen the big "sea serpent" off Monhegau Island, a few dj8 g 1 ne haidy mariner grinned lit I e wl en the reporter told him he had coi .'to, interview him about the big nke be was reported to, have lately , HOfii, but itel the story was cot far f from ;i he truth. The Captain then went i n to tell about the a range ihiDg he recent, y fiw, rubhtHntially as follows:. "Lmt S.,tuidy,nbout 1 o'clock' in the; fu rnori,' rre slowly Mailing past MoidiegHii, ihere bing very little wind, about 20 miles Boutbwett ol the island, , i , whtu we caught sight of what looked ; J?lfe a large schooner floating bottom up. As the object lay aim st dead ahead, we made directly for it, but be fore w Rot very close a Cape Ann schooner lay to and sent a boat's crew to inspect what, now plaiuly appeared to be a monstrous carcase of some spe cies or ot her. We finally hove to, about a' ship's length oil', and look a leisurely survey 'ot the thing. It was dead, and floated oti the. water, with its belly, ot 'a dirty brown cwlor, up., ' Its head was at Jeist 20 feet long, and about 10 feet through at ibu thickest point. About midway of the body, which was, I should guess, about 40j leet long, fwere two tins, bf a cleartwhite,each about 12 feet in length. The (body seemed to taper from the back of the he id down to the size of a.jsmall log, distinct from the whale tribe, as the eud had nothing that looked like) a flike. The shape ot the creature's head was more like I a tierce than anything I cm liken it to. I bave seen almost all kinds of shapes that can be found in these waters, but ntver saw the like of this before, sfwo years hgo, off JSeguin, I saw shooting tljrtotgh the water a thing which, 1 think, resemblea this creature. consid erably, but I didn't get close enough to it to! sav for certain, lhe inen Irom t It .a f nu A ii tt aJ 'ape Ann schooner got ou this dead uie, and obe of tho boys cut a crenl d.mble shuffle on its belly, which for albino world looked" like the bottom : of a Schooner covered with barnach s and bhou teawetd by the weather. We dhave toWed the Iking to Port- land had there been any win !, but as there- wasn't we steered away and left it. What isort oi a-sca monster mis was J lau't say lorrsu-e, out in mv opiiiu.u it was the original 'tei terpent,' which has heen seen once in" a while f ;i veais past, and which, when alive, waAoo wilt a swimmer lor any sailir g vessei to get alongside.oft" Republican State Convent! )n. Rooms KepublIoan State Ex. Com. Kalehui, N. V., Feb. 20, 1880. The next Republican State Couven- tioii ot North t'aroliiiH. for the nomina- ti'in Vt K h iii it (bjyt rnor and other State Ofli and Presidential Electors at large, ie. held at the City of JUleisrh. on Y IUN JULY 7 TH, 1880, at J 2j o'clock, noon ; and will consist pi rb leg!a!e Vq;n each couuly equal to twiv the number of its Representatives in ti't) Uonie branch of the General Assembly. ' U W. OR ANDY, Chafrm n. F. M. ISokkell. Secretary. "eeoU'i o:itf le?i3louai isistrict ,i;on veuUou - Rooms KepnbU'can I xe fu'jre Oomm'ttect Second District ot" .p'orth Carolina (ioldsboVo, y, C. March 24tb, 1880. L I The Republican Conveii'ioii for the S'-eoud Congressional District of North Carolina, will He held at G ldshoro, on the 1st day of July, 1880, at 12 o'clock n,, tor t he purpose of placing in nbra iniioii a Uepublican HMndidate to. rep -rsrnt thi! district in the Forty -seventh 1 hi. gr ss of the United States, and to W'Miiiiattj I'ritl'Miiil Elector upon lpublivMii ticket, and for the tr isition of fcuch other business as m.iy be ne.eesary Delegates entitled .Mo a seat and vo!e in t'e ct)nveution , must be regularly' delcgaleil by a coun My cDhvt ution called by their several county committees. Thel following are the counties iCoraposiug the Congres- rond District, with the number of delegntes and alternates 40 which each h entitled; votiea. Craven, Delegates. Alternato. . o. ' 2 Klgeccrube, Oreene, J .Mies, titwVr, Northampton, Warren, Wayne, Wilson. I 2 1 1 I 2 2 1 u I 2 1 1 1 2 o 1 ! Tbecounty committees; ol" the above tiamed counties, are requested to call a county convention iu time to insure their counties being represented in the District Convention. By. order of the Republican Execu live Committee J i Olando IIl'bbs, Chairman. E. Smitii, secretary. I Consamption unred. An old physician, retired from prac .lice, having had placed in his hands by r au inuia missionary the formula o! a simple vegetable remedy for . the speedy and permanent cure for Con sumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh Asthma, and all throat and lung, affections, alsoa positKeand radical cure for Ner vous Debility and ull Nervous Com plaints, after having tested its wonder V curative; powers in thousands of asea, has felt it his duvy to make it Wnfto his suffering fellows. Ac tuated by this mouve and a desire to relieve humaa buffering, I will send tree charge to all who desire it this tf cfpe, in German, French, or English, with full directions fox preparing and Msing. Seut dj mail by addressing Jtfft stamp, naming this paper, W. W Shcrar, 149 Powers' Block, Rochester N.Y. - sept. 28 13U DIRECTORY OF LODGES. ! . masowic.-(Whit,x ' St. John's Lodge No. 1, F & A M, meet last Thursday evening of each month, at Ma sonic Hall .,.w;tlmlngton Lodge 319, p A A M.meeU 3d Tuesday iu each month, at Masonlo Hall CJoncord Chapter No l. It AM, meU 3d M?.?a3T ia eacb month, at Masoniq Hall. ' Wllmlngtoa Council No. 4, RandOM, meet,2d Monday in each month, at Masonlo xiall Wilmington Commandery No. i, K T, meets 2d Wednesday In each month, at Ma sonic Hall. ! KNIGHTS OP HONOR. Caifolina TiOdtre 431, meet lt and 3d Mon daygin each mftntb. at Odd Fellows Hall. I I. O. O. F. Cae Fear Lod je No 2, meets every Tue day evening. . , Orion Lodge No 7, meets every Wednes day evening. , i . .. . :. I Catopbell Encampment No. 1; meets 1st and 3d Friday evening of each month. Hebecca Lodge meets If t and 3d Thursday vwntngs of eaan month. -' - -' Wilmington Degree Lodge meet "d and 4th Thursday eveneing of each month, j I. O. B. B. North BUteLodee No. 222," meet' 1st and 3d SUuayl n each month, at 3 o'clock: p m !"';.''' O. K. S. D. 4:;:'- ' Manhattan Lodge No io8, meets 2d and 4th Sunday In each month, at 3 o'clock p m j -. ROYAL ARCANUM. . Cornel I us Harnett Council No 231, meets 2d and li.h Monday even in- of each month. The above Lodges meet at Odd Fellows Hall on Third between Princess and Chest nut streets. . KNIOHT3 OF PTTniAS. 1) 8toi ewall Lodge No. 1, Meets every Mont dftv ,t CfiiUe Hall, on Third stree - Oermnnfa Lodge No. 4, meets every Thurs day evening at Castle Hall. . ; kndowrq. nt Rank No. 221, meet 2d Friday in afch month, at Castle Hall. ",, 'I I O. O O. T. - v' r wllmiugton Lodge No. 61, meets every Wednesday evening, at Temperance Hall, on Third street. i j.-f"'.;1;V I. o. R. M. ' WySorh li.g Tribe No. 4, meets every Tues day evetitnti, at thelr;llall on Prince s be tween front and Second streets. MASONIC-(Coloiied. Mt.jNebo Lodge meet 1st a d 3d Monday in each mouth, oh sixth between Walnut and Red Cross streets. i ' UibWm Lodge, meet 2d and 4th Monday' In ciicb month, corner Eighth and Princess' sireeis. . - l G. U. U. O. F. 4s Free Lovo Lodge, meet 1st and 3d Tuesday in ecu month, cor uer Dock and Water sts Got; eu Lyre Lo lire, meet 1st and 3d Mon-. day In each month, corner Market andi Water streets. ! i 1. O. OF G. S AND D. 8. ' ' ti,ueeu lather meets every Monday even Insr. i : - ) htar jof Liberty, evening. meets every TueBday J Inge .tou'i, meets every Tuesday evening f u ni mi, meei ve-y weunesaay evening. liOVhi Union, meet every Wednesday eveiitng. Daitiou and l'ythias. meet every Thurs. a day cvrtntn Kiilelit, uieet every Friday evening. . Thd ah -ve Lodges occupy the second and Ihir.l siories, in the west end, of Evans's building, on Princess stret. Ml 7jUh. meets 1st and 2d Monday in each moiitili corner, second and Print-ess streets NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 5 i r t - ,-i -1 1 - : - - " - 45 Years Before the Public. THE GENUINE DR.C.LIcLAWE'S ' CLE11ATD Hepatitisr, or Liver Complaint, bYSPBPStA AKO BtCte MBADACH." Symptoms a'SIsoasecL tlVd PAIN !n the r!g!it side-, iirideif tnt y rtige df the ribs, increases bh jires. Siire; j ipmetimes the pain it in, the left iide : the patient is rarely able id lid on the left side; 6ometime$ the pain is iet under the shoulder blade, and it frequeiftly extends to the top of the shoulder and is sometimes mistaken ; for rheumatism in the arm. The stom ach lis .affected with loss of appetite and! sickness; the. bowels in general are costive, sometimes alternative with lax the head is troubled with pain, accompanied with a dull, heavy sen sation in the back part, There is gen erally a considerable loss ofonemory, accompanied with a painful sensation . ; of -having left unlone something which ought to have oeen done. A slight, dry cough is sometimes an attendant, ' The patient complains of weariness' and;debilfty he is easily startled,liis feet are cold or burning, andlre'com plains era prickly sensation- oi the skin1; his spirits arelow; and although he is satisfied that exercise vould be beneficial; to him, yet he can scarcely , summon up fortitude enough to try it. , In fact, he distrusts every remedy.? Several of the above symptoms attend r the disease, but" cases have occuned . where few of. them existed, yet exam inatfon of the body, after death, has shown the liver to have been exten sively deranged. lAGUB AND .SEVER d!r. C. Mclane'3 trvEit Vitus', in cases of Ague and Fever, when taken with Quinine, are productive of the Imost happy results. - Nc better cathartic can be sed, preparatory to, or after taking Quinine We would advise all who are aftlicted with this disease to give them & FAIR TRIAL, ; For all bilious .derangements, and as at simple purgative, they , are tin equaled,,, '" : J- BEWAltE OF JM1TATI05S, The genuine are never sugar coated. 1 Every box Has a red wax eeal on the lid, with the impression Pk McLANE's Liver Pills, , The-genttine MctANt'S T.mnl'rLts bear; the signatures of CMcLANB and Fleming Bros, on the wrappers v j Insist upon having the genuine I cJ McLane's Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa the m uket being full of imitations of the t name McLane, spelle4 differentl btt same pronunciation. ' DecS ly "y ' :- . Ucan make luuuey taster at work for ns than at anything else Capital not re quired ; we will start yon. $13 pw dy at home made by the Industrious. ' Men women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. 3Sow Is the time. Costly outfit and terms free. Address Tavk A Co Angosta, Maine. . t 9-11 SUMNER LODGE, NO 48, OF COLUMBIA, S. ! I. O. of G. S. and u. ol D. Meets Monday evening of each week at 8 o'clock. A. J. FORREST, T? S. mch 7 tf MISCELLANEOUS. H. T. HKLMBOLD'S COMPOUND FLUiD EXTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL. A SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES OF Tun BLADDER & KIDNEYS. For Debility: Los of Memory. -Indisposif f ilon to Kxertlon or Business, shortness o. Breath, Troubled with Thoughts of Disease, j Dimness cr vision, fain in tne liacn.unept. and Head, Rush ot Blood.to the Head, Pale Countenance and Dry skid. , If these symptoms are allowed to go on, gvery frequently Epileptic Fits and Con- snmntlon follow. When the constitution becomes affected It requires the aid of an lnvlgorallng medicine to streogthon and tone up the system-which i BUilLU," DOE 5 IN EV 'IY CASE HELMBOLD SBUCHU IS UNEQUALLED By any reirte- y known, uiwpreecrioeu '3 the m'st eminent mji' imia " Rheumatism, : Spebnatorrhce ,t i Neuralgia, , Nervouiiieiss., Dyspepsia, Indigestion, ' - f I Cons' ipation , ' XAces and i'aih-, Z Gnr; Deb.iiMy J, KidHef Uweaea, 1 Liver Complains I ; Nervous Debili-. . Epilepsy, I Head Troubles Paralysis, General 111 Health, Spinal Diseases, " Sciatica j Deafuess, Decline, Lumbago, Catarrb, j Nervous Complaints, . Female Complaints. Headache, Fain In the Shoulders, Cough. Dizziness, Sour t10mach, Kruptlous, Kad Taste in the Moiith, Palpitation of the Heart. Pain in the region of the Kidneys, and a thousand other painful syuiptns, are the oftsprings of Dyspepsia. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU INVIGORATES THE STOMACH And stimulates the torpid Liver, Bxwels, and Kidneys to healthy acUon, in cleansing the blood of all impurities, and imparting itfui onH virnr tn the whole svstenx. i a trial will hfl oulte sufficient to con vince the roost hesitating of its valuable remedial qualities. . , PRICE $1 PER BOTTLE, Or Six Boliks jor $5. Delivered to any address free fiom obser .hV(b mav consult by letter, rectfiv- inr the eame attention as by calling. -'?t Physicians attend to co cor res- Uompeveui, .V.'fr.'r i.,7H he addressed p-ndentr, Alt ICHS'"" to 3. T. HELMBOLD, x Druggist and Chemist, Philadelphia, Pa. CMVTMOJml See Mat tlie private Proprietary i' tltamp is on each bottle. SOLD EVE YWHERE. aov;23 iy ."' JI ' " - - ' i- i ' KAILROADS. Ricfimond ani PeterslinrE Railroad Co. COMMENCING Sunday.' March 21 1880, trains on this road will ran as follows: LEAjVE RICHMOND, SOUTH.; 12.00 A. M.J Tiibodoh Mail dally connect ing ror -., Charleston, Ausmsta, Aiken (via Charleston), savan nah, Raleigh, and Jacksonville. Stops at Manchester and Ches ter, and Half-War on sitrnal. 5.30 P. M.,i AoooJUtoDATioic Train, dally.' j-asseogers taxing inis train will make. close connection at reiersonrg ior Korfoik. "Stops 10.33 P. M. Tnp..i-nr mar: ,fii it : uuvv i Jne for Weldon. Wilmlnrtnn Ataleigh, Charleston, and Savan nah. Columbia, Augusta, Atlan ta, Macon, Mobile, Montgomery and New Orleans. Pullman Sleeping Cars from Washington for Wilmlneton and the Knnth Stops at Manchester and Ches. . . r l"?rjuid Half-Way on signal. .20 A. M., Fbsight Thatk dally (except . . , i s?nday), passenger car attached AH trains leaving Petersburg will start from the Appomattox Depot. in Sowdav Excursion Traiks leave Rich mond at 9,00 A. and &90 P. M. - Jave Petersburg at 9.30 A. M. and &30 P. M. Bvery Sunday. T. D, KLINE. inch 28 tf SuperlntendeiltJ FAST MAIL AND PASSENGER ROUTE TO THE NORTH AND EAST, VIA. THE RICHMOND FREDERICKSBURG AND POTO MAC RAILROAD. i Entire trains run ihrnnvh fmm wiimuL ton to Washington, via. this route without change. . m Lfayo Wilniliigton, ffAWE R, daily n t H Zit sk n' o nrl fl AS W Leave Richmond......... pm "'8.12 am csunoay excepted. ," : j Arrive at Washington at 9.JJ3 pm andl.10 pm, Sunday excepted. mi Arrive at Baltimore at U.10 p m and 3.05 p ni, Sunday excepted. F Arrive at Philadelphia at a m and 6 5d p m, Sunday exeepted. Arrive at New York at 6.45 a m and 10.05 p m. Sunday excepted. j Pullman Palace Sleeping cars on the 8.50 a. m, trains io New York, and on the 8,40 p m. trains to JVashington. s." C. A. TAYLOR, mch 21 if j ; . IV 1 1111 HIT lO II &, Ui lflnn ttnilroack " i PASSENGEIt D E PAR TM E ST. WilmIsgtox, N. C. May 2Gtb, 18S0. QOMMENCINU June 1st. 181. Round Trip Tickets to the Miocal Spj-ings and Summer II .sort's of Virginia, West Virginia and i - - ' " - ;. I ; North- Carolina, . j ! wilLbe on sale at lhe Coupon Ticket offices of this K ;cd via. Goldlrro, Weldon, Rich mond . r Petersburg, and also to Summer Res rts oi upper South Can lina and West ern North Oi'ol.'fla, v'jn. Wl'mlDgtcn arid Cjluaibi. ' torTickelp, Price Llfcls aud Time Canls c i talnirail needfal info I - it i ! llit uu 'erthctied, ?r Ticktt formation, call on Agent at Wli- niiu.t"n, V G .ia-b'j'o ilsc;i, Weldon, Tarboro and A. l'OPE, ' j General lVisscnger Ageu t. H . -junt- it V i ! in i ii 1 o ii , Col ii in Ii i Au;ru(;i K-iilroai. v PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. WiLMlNGTOX, N. C, May 2Gth, 1SS0. ! (COMMENCING June 1st, 1SS0, Round Trip J I ' 't Tickets to tho ! Mineral Springs and Summer Reports of Virginia, West Virginia and rth Carolina, . i will te ou sale at the Coupon Ticket oflleev of this Road, ' 1 For Ticket!?, Trice-JLUts, and Time Cards .-. . r- . i- cont tinlug all needful information, c ill on the undgrsfgne I, or Ticket Agents at Wil mington, Flqreuc Sumter or Columb'a, a. rdPE, j General Passengfr Ageiit. jun 6 It NEW A DVEU TISE l KNTS. ROSENTHAL'S ! A . - , j , ! .'. j I NEW UlinT iVn V I0E TftRMJeYtcreebacks. We need a person in every 11 M mm MkM VaT If A J ma. 1 MM aV -Am V mM Mm, v mw AV 32 Market Street. A Word of Advico to Mv Patrons. M1 Y STOCK 13 NOW COMPLETE IN ALL its Branches, and my arrangements enable me to ree'eve New Arrivals of Styles, of the Best Make, Weekly.'. My Slock will tell in the Future as It has in the Past. Call and examine before yon purchase, My School Shoe cannot be surpassed by any in the State, . i Remember the new sign of the Sho w-Case. Xext week X will give you some of my Pcpnlar Prices no time this week. Respectfully, ' " v - C. ROSENTHAL, 32 Market St. octl9-tf Sign of the Show Casa, MISCELLANEO U&. THE RALEIGH Christian Advocate, EDITED AND PUBLISHED BY : BIC)K& RElb, - . RALEIGH, N. 0. Is the organ of about 69,000 Methodists In North Carolina, and has the largest circula tion of any paper in the State. It gives the markets, secular and religious news. Is a yayvc. sju-v 9aw per uuuuiu. oupscnoe oi nnp(- A rl vprf lvertisiDs rale literal. Proposals for Fresh Beef and Mutton Headquarters Depart ment bt t he South, Of - : flee of Chief Commisary of Subsistence, f Newport Barka.cks, Nkaviokt, Ky ) : April 21, 1880. QEALED PROPOSALS, IN TSIPIdCATE, O will be received at the office of the Axt ing Assistant Commissary of Subsistence at Fort Johnsox, Smith vilm, N. C, until 12 o'clock noon, on Saturday, May 29, 1880, at which time and place they will be opened in the presence of such bidders as may be present, for furnishing and deliver ing from the block, the Fresh Beef and Fresh Mutton j-equired' for issue at the above mentioned post, from July 1, 1880, until June 30, 1881, Inclusively, or for sucn less time as the- Commissary General of Subsistence may direct. Proposals for each article must be separate and independent. The right to reject any or all proposals is reserved, r"- -: .Blank proposals and information as to the conditions of the required written con tracts and bonds will be furnished upon application to the Acting Assistant Com missary of Subsistence of the post. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for (name of article)," and addressed to the Acting Assistant Com missary of Subsistence of the post, i JW. BARRIGER, Major and C. S., U.S. A., nuy 9 1880-61 j Chief Com. ol Subs. New Coal & wood Yard FOWLER & MORRISON. ProD's. s TO VE and Grate Coal and all kinds oi WOOD on hand Orders promptly attend ed to, COAT,, at Lowest Pi icrs, delivered with out extra charge. i NOVA SCOTIA and ENGLISH COAL. FOWLER & MORRISON, ov 9 tr V ater. bet. Oransre and Ann St. OLD A(D RELIABLE. Dr. Sanpoed's LrvEu Invigoratob is a Standard Family Rsmsdy for diseases of tho Liver, Stomacli and Bowels.-It is Pure Vegetable. It never1 Debilitates It ii IP -. a u JJiver T&iyigorator "ll'f has been used in my practice lor more than 35 years, with unpreee4ente4 results, SEND FOR CIRCULAR. T;r W SAMFOROi MiD 1(1 DUt'CCIST WILL TELL 0V ITS BEri'X t may 18 lys . 7i nlil3 is to eive notice that on the 3d day X 6 Oct., 1878, a warrant In bankruptcy wasi issued out of the District Court of the United States for the Cape Fear District of North Carolina, asalnst the estate of Thomas C. Mcllhenny, of Wilmington, ,ln tlrecounty of .New 'Hanover, in said district, who I has been adjudged a 'That the payment of any " debts, and lhe i delivery of any property belonging to 'said bankrupt, to him, or for his use, and the transferor any property by him aie for bidden by law. 1 xuat a meeting ot tnecrea itors of said bankrupt, to prove their debts. and choose one or more assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankrnpt cv. to be holden 011 the 18th day of June. A. D. I8S0, at 10 o'clock A. M.. at Fayette vilie, N. C, before wm.A. umrie, jjjsq., ivegisi ' -m-y t A 1 J Jl A. 1.1 ter in uanarupicy oi saiu ujwnci, , - J. 13. XX A I -li. Marshal for said District. May 22 2t. $25 to $50001? fruUrUtnply !HVtrl In n fr forttinrs er ry imt. rni-l iHvsiniin-iie 1 r 1 - r".-T rpltaHial B r.;::T.,"T 1 ' 1 1 1 I Vy iyen-m m . p r:i '"1 jan4 - -t ttreai cnauce to mime muuej IxvJIj U if you can't get gold you can I r" v a town to take subscriptions for the largest, cheapeStandlllustrated family publication, in thb worm. - Any outs can ircwxu. cessful agent. The most elegant works of art eiven free to subscribers. , The price is so low that almost everybody feubscribes. (Via fluent reDorts making ovet 1 150 ma week. A laciy ageni repin v subscribers in ten days. All who engage make mony last. loacauueTuwauj-uiu time to the business, or omy your prc time. iou neea not ue nwoj um UUUi over nlzht. Yon can do It as well as others. Full particulars, airecuou wsi Elegant and expensive Outfit free. If you want profitable work send us your address at once. It costs nothing to try the busi ness. KQone wno enjjfgcs fvvu r ereatpay. auiucm uvA-wf Portland ; t aPgl7-l2mS great pay. Portlall, $300 A MONTlt guaranted. f 12 a day at hon5e made by the In dustrious. Capital not required we will start you. Men, women, noys ana girls make money iasier a ww. iy o at anything else. The work is light and pleasant, ana suca as uj uuc vu fe , ,7 Those who are wise who see this notice will send us their addresses ai u-o w themselves. Cstly outfit and terms free. jsow wipvuflfr ArrSf-S" Vhh,7 Address august 10-Jy TRUE . n. flITT? A. m.mmj Vugusta, Me nl Ck a day at home, i Agents wanted Outfit and terms free. TRUE CO Angnsta,Ma. k w-rr mm nmnn rTi n 1XTO Sub -bras? & Coup- 1 I Ur UttUAll O ier. boxed and shlp- niwipr 7M. - New Pianos. fl95 to I1.60U. jMiasuminer uiic ahuov .v. Daniel F.ueatty, wasmngwa, a, o. may 30 w t j : Cathartic and Jjfn Wt 9l9 aAi - I I 1 1,1 Zim if 11 1 -4ta : .o. i.wm tor. m m m m 9 US" mm - ! MISCELLANEOUS BaiCKYiQD. I HAVE a splendid tract of land, on the I" old Newbern Road, that contains the best LOT of CLAY in this part of theWale. Any one who would like to start a brick ! - . ; .. . ! i yard, will please call and see me. v Bricks are always In demand, and at - -Ii-. - ; good prices in this city; . j - ; dec7lf W. P. CANADA Y. ' PIANOS $140 TO I $400; All new, and strictly first-class, and sold at the lowest net cash wholesale factory prices, direct to the purchaser. These Pianos made one of the finest .displays at the Centennial Exhibition, land1 were unanimously recommended for the. High est Honors over 12,000 in use. I ' Regularly incorporated Manufacturing Co. Factory established over 87 years. . The - Square Grands contain Mathushek's new patent Duplex Overstrung Scale, - the greatest improvement in ' the , history of Piano making. The Uprights are the Finest! in America. Pianos sent on triaLv Don't fail to write for Illustrated and Inscriptive uauuogue oi pages manea rree. UikM)LH80HN FIANO CO., -'H SI East 15th Street, N. Y. k apr. 13m. Free Love Lodge No. 1469, G. HJ. WI1ITRHEAD, N G I . W.T.HALL. NF I - A. J. JONES, P N F I K. M. GREKN, V G f T. F. HALL, Treasurer JOS. WILLIS, P S I -1. G. BARNETT, PNG JNO. PAILLIPS I G I P. H, HARLEY. Warden j J.VK. CUTLAR. Chanlain I Regular meeting: 1st and 3d Tuesdav in each month. Lodge Room upper floor, cor ner .uock ana water sts 1 may 15 tr Golden Lyre Lodge No. 1608 Q. U. . of 0, F. JOHN W.AVERY, N G GODFREY WILLIS, K P E. A. DUDLEY. P N G T XT QTili M W I P. W. LAWRENCE, Treasurer A. A. 1JU JJlxEiX, if O I W. H. MARSTELLAR, PNG ! MORRIS McFARLAND, 1 G i THOS. MILLER, Warden , i ! .: ALEX. JLLISON, Chaplain ! L H. DAVIS. Marshal I Regular meetin - 1st and 3d Monday n Isrht In each month. Lodge Room upper floor. jorner Market and South. Water streets.) may is tr (;. . ..-j j t Prlrmte Hospital, 209 1 A new workr-prlre 50 cents by malU - Myste ries of Nature, Physi ehfy of Marriage, Or Itans of Generation, Diseases of Yonth And Mankood ; m wealth of choice and valuable in-' formation, of i Interest to both sexes. Nothing offensive to good taste and refinement. Infor mation' never before published. No family should be without iu o. nan at.,C'bicmgo. I HI. (CySpeclalty, all Private. Chronic and Female Dineases. ConioluMoa free. Ladies and Gentle' men, send one dollar for sample of best robber good, and valuable Information by express. ReUnv ble Female Pills, 15 per box. Private) borne and nurse for Ladles' during con finement. (C7 Address, Dr. A. O. OLIN,;J03 Clark 8t. aeo -tt 1 CL, ' i .. H.SJ: CO 0 5 m do GO M cq P4 D, M. DART. PRACTICAL PLUMBER,1 STEAM I " AND GAS 'FITTER, WIL MIS G TO.Nf N, C.t C VN STILl. liti, FOUNT) AT i HIS OLD stand. Journal Ttuildin, Princess street1, where he is prepared to do ail kinds of work in his line, cheaper than ever bf fore offered to the public lias constantly on nana Bath Tuns, Water Closets, , , m m rm m w asn asanas, . y " Pumps of all descriptions, Drain Pipes, V Gas Pipes, i Gas Fxturei, &c., &c. Personal attention given to all work . j Satisfaction guaranteed. I december 21 tf $66 A WESK in your town, and no capital risked, Yon can give the business a trial without expense. The best opportunity ever offered for those willing to work. You should try nothing else until you see. for yourself what yon can do at the business we offer. No room to ex plain here. You can devote all your time or only your spare time to ihe business, aud make -great pay for every hour that you work, i Women make as much as men. Send for speciBl private terms and particu lars, which w mall free, fa Outfit free. Don t complain oi nara nines ; wuiie you have such a cbsnce. Address i I H HALLETT A CO., :l aug lO ly Portland. Maine . SPIRIT OF THE SOUTH I A N INDEPENDET FAMILY NITWSPA' JE. PER. devoted to news, politics, litera ture, Ac. . - h '" 1 PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT ROCKING' HAS BY FAR THE LARGEST CIRCULA TION OF ANY OTHEK FAfJUl I PUBLISHED IN THE PEE DEE COUNTRY, TERMS IN ADVANCE. 1 DnecoDTone vaar ...... ...91 60 One cenv six months........ ..... 75 One copy three nionth..jjgggj0o eoDsocapnoa f -wm srri a dainln -vstsretnlilt) rsmiesfv for the pdy and permanent curt ot CefctTaapj land Lmr.9 Affections, Also ft VOf itlve mmi adioal r.mve .W Kerju.JewJity and ia, (in German. French. rEniriteh) for prepal ,W and using'. Bent ty "mail free eharel Um receipt of Btamp. Jnli on receipt of i W.W.SHJL, Its IWWR1 twct.arawwii'-'-r of 0. f. j; 8 --! ucsi 11 11 MISCEriANEOUS. A FAE TRIAL! ' .',y is - .' ALL WE AS 1(1 AT THE LARGE WHOLESALE GR0CEKY Southeast Corner Front and Dock St). ' : Having the LARGEST STOCK IN TH E CITY to select from, and from our loDg ex perience 1b the trade, together with our abundant facilities for doirgluri cfp.Ave, V. c an guarantee satisfaction aa to the Quality jof and Prices -of Our -" ''! ; Goods V: j to all -who will favor us with a cili. ADRIAN & VOLLERS, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Southeast cor. Front and Dock fcls; ! WttMINGTO, N. 0. may 23 tf i ; ' M JewBlry-EstalilisIiinent, J. L. WINNER, NO. 3, S. FRONT ( . Stxeet, WilmiDgton, N. C, Desires to inform? the public that he 1 . prepared to repairjwatches, j ewel ry an d Chronometers, and also to do hard solder work. , Any work sent to him by mail will be promptly attend to. apl 11 ly. Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, 1 OFFICE GENERAL SUFT., Wilmington, May 15, 1SS0. (XN and after Thursday. Mavi2f.h Mm Pasneneer. Matl-i, SLTiri pYnrota train leaving Wilmington at3:40p. m. and arriv ing at 9:13, will be discontinued. Through Express ' Freight train (with Passenger Coach attached) arriving at Wilmington at 1:001 p. m. and leaving at ou p. m will accommodate the local I travel. I 'JUIIN F. DIVINE. ; may 231 ' GenM.Sup!. Wil.. Col. & Augusta Railroidr ; GENERAL SUPT'S. OFFIuE. . Wilmington, May 15, 1SS0. ON and after Thursday, May 20th. Urn, Passenger. Mall and Express iraln leavlDg Wilmington at 0:10 a. m.andar- riving at 8:20 p. m., will be discontimied. Through Express Freight train (witb. Passenger Coach attached) arriving al:'):j" a. m. and leaving at 4;00 p.m., will accom- modate the local passenger travel. . . JOHN F. 1)1 VI NK, may 23 It ; Gen'l. Sup't. 13 D. MORILlT Undertaier. Carjenler ani CaMnct Mater. ' Oa Secoud Between Princes aui: cstnut Streets. 117 TV ILL FURNISH COFF1N8, CA8 K.ETS-, with attendance at the very short-eRt notice. i " . All orders from the country promptly at tended to. ! , Orders for Carpenter and Cabinet Work ' solicited, and work guaranteed. Work as low as aijy in the city. dec7-tf i' .- ' '. CONSUMPTION" jp asm vise, ir c vim s All suflerers from thla disease that an: anxious to be cured should try Dr. Kissner is Celebrated Consumptive Powders. Thes: Powders are the only preparation known that will cure Consumntion and all disease n oftheThroat'andLungawindeed, so strong uuriaumuiuHn,' huu aiso 10 convince you that they are no humbug, we wi 1 1 for-! ward to every sufferer, by mail, post paid, a free Trial Box. i i i t we don't want yeur monev until von perfectly satisfied of their curative poweiH.1 Ifyourlifels worth savins:, don't delav ii. giving tnese powders at trialas they will surely cure you. . j. m- . Price, for large box. S3.00, sent t o'a n y r'a r t of the United States or Canada by mail on receipt of price. ash & nontax . Funlto StbBT, 860 B aaxTK.N Y March 30 ly J Jm. $1500 TO 10000 A YEAR or 85 to J20 a day i n you own local ity XSo rlsK. Women ao as well as men. Many make more lhan the amount RAt,ftd abnvA. Nn nnA -can fail tn ma k money fast. Any one can do the work. You can make Irom oOcts to S2 an hour by devo ting your evenings and spare time to tho business. Nothing like It for money mak ing Was ever offered before. Business pi eas ant.and strictly honor rble. Reader, if you want to know all about the best paying be fore tha public, send us your address and -we will send you full particulars and private terms free; samples worth 85 also free; ycu can then make up pourrolndfor yourself. Address; GEORGE STINSON A CO, august 10-ly Portlandaln Me f ARKISli & TilLOK, ! DEALEES IN ' I Kerosene Oil, Siores, Metals, Gons Lanterns, Fairbank's Scales,, PUMPS, BRASS AND IRON ROSlfi ! STRAINERS. DIPl'ERS AND SKIMMERS. Manufacturers arid wholesale dealera in . ' ' TIH AHD .SHEET IRON WARE. No. 19 FRONT STREET; an 11 ly WILMINGTON. N. C. WANTED A LIMITED number of active' enereetie can vas- sers to engage in a pleasant and profitable business, oooa men win nnd this a rare chance . - : - TO MAKE MONEY. . - .";'' Such will pleash answer .his advertise ment by letter, enclosing stamp for reply, statinar what business they have been en gaged in. None buUose who mean busi ness need apply. i- Aaaress, i i FINf- EY&CO;, atlanta, Ga aprll20-ly m i TV-i i-s t . W .

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