I -. . ... m i , ..T,,TTrrTTa ' ; p : , . I. t ' , '1 i : f - IE WILMINGTON POST. W, P. CANADAY, EdV & Pror til TJ . WILMIXQTOS. X. C.. Sunday Mobbing. J one 20. I860.- RECEIPTS. f!ntton Spirits Turpentine, Rosin, Tar, Crude turpentine. ; bait?. 180 cifkp. 287 bbls. AD VER T73EMENTS. f Premtion of IRON and CA11SAYA BAE, in combination lilk Ik Phospto A rreparaUWl W. fr Mlonand recommended by themforf Endorsed Dy 1 . im.iii. A: Dyspepsia, General Debility, Female Diseases, . IIAE- (iOD. ; .. j i nave been oVing your Compound OxTgen Treatment" wi it s Judge -L Urj'ait, tf Saltte.-IU., -" "Hrlytw month!!, and am i rotbuodly grateful to God Mid yc.u fur the bcWGo derived from its us-i. I Lave been -for more hn T.irtv vears a sufferer from nervr ous disorders. Overwork and sedenta ry habit as a college student brought me iDto difficulty. Later! in life pro- fessional labors added dyspepsia to ray and i I have been a : : ' v. - Jour I . S i I kits TUKrXlN-Tlie k i opened iirm at 26 ecu. per g" rtgu'ar package ' advanced la u,r in lh.i dayj to 25J cent", at whi;h price 500 cak i-hangeil hand. r . KosiN-iThe u.arket was quot d firm ftt $1 03 ibr StraintMl andl Good i Strained. - aUs foit of bbls K Low Pale at $2 liO per.bbl. it 25 perbbl of 280. 0s., with , sales fct quotations, closing at $1 35, with small sales at the advance. CEUDE TUEPENTINE. The market was steady at f.l 60 for Yfcllow Dip, and $2 50 per bbl lor "Virgin. , rfrxrtvr TVio marlret WftS OUHjt aDU nominally unchanged.Futures for June H r3 ii ii in n?rini mii I i ii ii ii a ni. r.-- m m m mm mm a m w ar-m a friP i n ii ii i ii vi onrl ff9 II U ft I 11 z-- m mm mm mm mm m i m "w- mm rm mm .mm -mma rdammmm m a : m m r. mt try j-i r nil v . XT 11 7 1 I I Jo i-i ill ivjift JVJETT ADVERTISEMENTS. CAUTION wr t Wttt rrofW Station, Jen., writes: oral years, has been cjrrt Wf nr...i.;ra v,;r,v feic which ruu(i hr from Iter bea whrrn she liad been lylnjr for many iuouius. TTI. A SPI fl II .1 I II Tn.oa Urnwn of ,i l.-aronllPSttfll r. rnn lils irrateiui re bills, two bottiesoi rfiiR ever used . She 'which she Is mnch relieved. p . PATEICK & Co. tTUKVlUJi, TEXAS. j I ' I MANUFACTURED BT V , . ' MB HARTEt'!MEDXCINE Cp XI XX. m OK T.OTTTS. nnmrr wain MTKriXiX. " NO. 10 i i WOLFE'S ap 2 ly It ufferer for many years. My openediNew York tjlf and closed great puHerer lor ma j j 8teady atai.58;.August ofidned at 11.20 ;-unim-hppn bad. ana l nave iiiu j ;i.1 j..MioR i Tho fnllow- o'"' : 7 ' . i ana ciosea sieauy w i n ..-.At i no - . . me acnuu wi The follow- ing were the official quotations here. Ordinary. Good Ordinary, i Strict G. Ordinary Low; Middling, Middling GoodMiddling, rh irrpcularitv in hleart.i ' . ' The gas has nearly relieved the disturbed heart-action,and my sleep is, becoming as wect and pro Jtractcd as in early life. . shall always remember you with grati tude, and appreciate the blessiogs of a progressiva investigation which brings -r . i " 1 M e f n 1. a I hll YOU IUY vvu l BUUU ivau.io. - . - - 1 VJOltOU, i gratulate yourselves that you stand in Spirits turpentine. thP. lrr.nt ot a new meuicai i iwm, . that is to effect a permanent revolution in the treatment of disease." Our ; Treatise on Corobound Oxygen, which contains the record of remarkable cures iu chronic diseases, sent free. Address Dra. Starkey & PaleD, 1100 and 1111 r Girard Btreet, Philadelphia, Y. 9 10 i6 ii m cts 14 f i U it c ." ft c it . t Tar. Crude turpentine, 10 bales 501 casks 1.316 bbls 51 7G8 tt tt Tlio uontradic- June 10 SPiiiiTS Turpentine. The i market opened firm at 27 cents per gallon Tor regular packages, with sales reported of 120 casks it mav.pnwj uciua.."" vance of IJc on last reports. , Rosxn The marketrwas rregular at $1 05 for Strained and $1 101 l2 for Good Strained, oaies yvi V1 500 bbls Good Strained as : of 175 do fine rosins at $2 .5 for M Pale, $2 87 for Mx Good Pale, 3 00 for iWa. Pale, and $3 37 i for ;W Window Glass. Strained and :vod Strained are quoted on 'Change at $1 0o 1 12J rf. . . c,, 0- Tae The market was firm at $1 6o attend the inquiry, asnewas er bbl of 280lbs, with sales at quota- that WnittaKer was niiusen I , parU, Secretary Ramsey says: inere Turpentine The market is not one word of truth in this, further mE.. fift - Yellow Dip and than that Mr. Townsend made a report. j- bb! for Virgin, with sales at In that report he did not express au W P?' 001 ,ur ' opinion pro or con. He sily reported cl000nJ;The markcfc was quiet and nnmin ailv unchancred. Futures tor June WliittaKer Caae-A tlon. f Iu regard to the statement printed yesterday that iu the report which he made to the secretary of war Martin I. Townsend gave a history of what he had doue before the court, and U'ought it was no longer' necessary for him to tAnrf'itiA innninr. as he was sausneu it 1-' 3:1 I 11 g) ik II l-iii 'wis VEGETABLE . . m-i Rf ..n1. Cover & Book $2 K - A N I IJ toflCbOORQANSlSStopS, may 9 4t , -..-- -- - " - The Comn ete Home i ' . . r.TtjniniiTin'iJ MTrrilee Religion, Morals. Money, Uao.i.y " " .,.i.,.ti .1 U A P 'V . . v- a tkofmore praeticalutnity wiH i dom. if ever, be found outsiuc ui JSEliDV and Poor in all coun t. r bomesToungard J1?!, Hell. AOw."""; Address J. C. ivoAinri unii in hid v. - McGUKi Washes, often buyi??at as Jowjs one- tenth then vaiue.auu m " 7. r Jt we paia over ouc-cjah - - -, . .f price. Blnce Parting we have always be able jto dispose of uieisw v - and tnrou'in our regular 1" mui iiae couuiry at nemij 1 b , 1 ' , , ' , . t.st as we could procure lutiu, ine latgn nuiuoer oi wnuicn hcaviesulealersandianufa?lurt rs i hrougu- out this and other countiiea uritg tnv months of .lone; -July and August (ihe lime -when, the Jewelr business i st-usiiant), w have how on hand an imraenhu Htock ff re 'most desirable j4ods we have ever.lmiidl!. atid whicn we Lave bouaht at, lower pii t.ti.tii ever before, lu order to dispose wf lh' ; ' entire stock in the n-ot ppee y manner . oossib e.and maneroora itr new oue wn en m c hall continue to buy. ws have bii'upou thloihwiDg novel plan: r- . ; :; v We propose to give you a list of i lie mo-t desirable of the-e goods giving op wtl each ar.icle its regular retail value, aud eil It vou at the rate of Five IKllais' wortu !..r $100. For instance, on receipt of 50 cU. e the value of o.00. 'nd: so on t broughout the enti re liS, Below we give list of the mo,t valuable of these goods. r . v rT OF JEWELRY AT jAVIIdl.ESALE A AfcAVa-isJ Liberal Commjsslon IDY A CO.! Philadelphia, 1 a. may -9 It A PUR-piLY VEGETABLE KE3IECY i FCll IHTERHAt A33 tXTERiiAl USE, 1 tii'rt disease for which it is recoinmeiidew g.Z. COMPI-klNTS that i. ia co Answered an mlUUiBgcurefotUiseMB. Has stood the tost of Forty Years' Constant Use In all Countrlosand Climates. Everywlietcwho has ever pvenrtatrlaL , .tu.!tTriVAL AS A LIN1WENT. ' ' J " . ' rrTPaiiTi the Back ami Side, v" m "?r.CaC,. Ulned from oU towglsB. n-ii-T-TgrFBri . - pome, uikj. - . B PERRY DAVIS & SON, S 'proprietors. Schiedam rA Lovely Boqnet, uoiu, u v 911 IiiTAa aVkrt.wl stvUs.wlth name. , 10c. Nassau Card Co., Nassau, N. j. may 9 4t ; .' ":' - - ' - WATERS' PIANOS and tiuGANS! BEST MADE warraniea oia WKW PIANaStool ana Cover fM .up ward. New .Organ., ?15, -A i1 ward. Illustrated CaTAlogu .free .AbKN WANTED. Second Hand 'IN.mrS i .t at BAKGAINPL HOKACK AVATg K9fi rtroarlwav. N. . i ON 30 DAYS TRIAL We will send our Elkctro-Voltaic Belts y. " . - . i ;imos until TTiai nW"r.KWNervon8 for w aays io tuo? or nV dis. eases of he Liver or Kidney" and nmny other diseases. A Sure Cure gua rantee d or no pay. Address, VOLfAlO BELT LU., Marshall, Mien. may 9 4t -'v: , p-tt A TTOf 1 BOK-SJ OKlvlN nHriArTibr thk world. Any Aromatic opl 18 cow ly auvERTISSM'ENTS. MISCELLANEOUS. V"J"n.:rt;rnf literature. A Unosl ffWWf General Litem- SBcekmanBt., brp.ivost Office, Ntw ork. ' ma 4 4t. . TtTrnai unlike the many so-calltd I rrp n I I Hi ...ntinna tor this disorder which OlUV.v.. . - . , .5S only relieve while usea oy i no j i, "V.v.-r, 4T7.t,- a t imt'T.v t :ind has been Vndorsedmi S the leading medical au hornies in Lu- a ope. xi V.'VAVV, i d rt a k es to fend SsWrtaTaroliSnt a FllE K ack age on their forwarding name and Post ot- i tlceaddress.to his oiegmf t;. j Cedar St r New x oris. " J; Jonnrt'ment. tlio nart he took in the examination of witnesses before tue ,inVh waa kroner. &s ho was se- V'Ull) ? AJ IV f-t 1. W lVa wnr iknirtmp.nt'tO CO t0 ica;icu ujr "wr" v. . urot Plnf Th statement IS TldlCU- lous and without foundation whateyer. daurier 'journal; - There is a negro oman in Emanuel county, Ga., known as Hannah Rountree, who was a grand mother at the age of twenty-ix years, he gave birth to "a girl when only thir- teen years old, and the daughter when 'about that age became a mother her- i sefl. ' ' V! - opened in New York at V .G8 and closed barely steady at 11.54; September open ed at 11.27 and closed barely steady at 11.22. The following were the official quotations here: Ordinary, , frond Ordinary Strict GoodOrdinary, Low Middling, Middling, Gool Middling, Proposals for Furnishing Rations and Ship-Chandlery for Revenue YliU IT Vessels. I HEAD QUARTERS 9 10 101 ll1 cts ' ft t tt u tt liEOErrrs. from the j Judtre Phister, Congressman Kentucky, to whom was- referred f..ioi nnnfeat. for tbft seats of Sapp and Carpenter, of Ohio, has just completed his report. He .holds that the Dems cratic claimants have no cases. ' Ayer's Cherry Fectoral--the world's .nnf MmJir fnr Vnlfi OOUffhS. COE- sumptisnand pll afrections of the lungs and throat. , WIjIjuiWGTON MARKETS. Cotton - .'"f" Spirits turpentine Rosin -Tar, Crude turpentine 1 bales 386 casks T32 bbls CUSTOM HOUSE, y i May 19th, ISiO. ) CEALED PROPOSALS will be received Sla this office until 11 o clock, noon, of Wednesday; J?n M. IfflJ-tor supp lying- Rations ana nip--"-",c j ii"yv Kauousciuu thecrewsand ves- llfs of1 ThVuni ted "States Itevenue Marine SeiS Oi "y" r, ii 4rt.n Ttelrift.f.)TLhefiS- iTendingJ Arr.f E.hl.f'honriiPrv to be bid for iWill be lurnisuea on aiiiv""v flThe rixht is reserved to' reject any or all bWsfand to wive defects, if de.m-d lor the interest of the ernmnvdo. may 23 2t j ww' JARS "a. I I Li.r? n o r r C0HANSEY METAL TOP, C0H AN SEY GLASS TOP, MASON IMPROVED, PORuELIAN LINED, " CELEBRATED GEM, CELEBRATED GEM. SCHNAPPS. trt o to 2 f.d . C5 EL W VS sr o o V! o v.' -V) 8P P5 v OJ C r-h ?S 3 2 Cfii . KAfTf ' Cer t's New Style Searf IUngsor Pius...- 8oo. blee.vd Buttons. Engre.vtd or Stone Settlng............"..-.v -85c. " rosonl Studs, Kngraved or to tone j4ttinff ,........ S3c ' Bound or Long LlnK Vtst Cbahi i !. and Charm &jc.- . cr Ladies' Plain, Band, i ancy Stone or Cameo Bings..... .....85c. ladies' Long cr Round r ancy Bosom - - NC - btone or KDgraved Kar-Brops to y ' " Engraved aud Fancy Cut! Pins... e.i . Any ThreS. of the above articles will be sent by mail, Postage paid, on re- ':Tid?A?Sd B4cekjs.Engravedl Firsl-Class Scale Kings, Double , :, i Hean, Shield, etc..................... LW . tr Gent's Brilliant Uiamond-Het " - - Lon Fancy Shawl or Bosom PinLW . V 'Fancy Extension Ear-Drops to . . matcn Genu's Onyx, Amethyst or Topaz Sleeve ' x Butions..... - ,w Onvx, Amethyst or 'iopaz tehiit -. Studs (3)..... ..U:....: yj. Cimeo and othtr Stono Kings Inrc i.w . Heavy ' Link vYebt Chain and Charm . .........." Extra FineStrf Kings or Pins ... i.Ui y Five of the above arucies y mailed frec.to any address on l-ecelia Gent's Long New Sfyle Vest Chain and Charm.... I--- - 1J " fc-carl Kings and nns, new tvir and Exlia Pine...... . ........ ' Heavy Set Stone aud Fancy Studs... .......,. ' or Ladies' Cameo, Amethyst and Onyx Sleevevbuttons ........ or Ladies' Cameo, Amethyst and ..iii Utnna K.i II frp.j. tr r .flies' Long and very Fancy Cud Pins, 1.4a FxuiElnished Onyx, Amethyst n.-.l V.ncrrrtvPll PiDS....-. ........ 1.4o T" Extra Finished Onyx, Ametbyst and Engraved Ear-Drops......... . Long Opera or Guard Chains 1 v-inflv Meek Chain and Charm... 1. ,Auy Six of the above articles will be inaiteu iree on nws ; Gents Solitaire or Cluster ubirnuau uiamoutt rms 4- -4v Single Stone Australian iia- ' ,...ni Kllllls 1.... ...... ............ - ; Heavy Large Solitaire Austra lian Diamond Single Stud......,- Fine Finished Long Lifik Vest Chain and CharmM.................. Very Nobby and latest Style Scarf Kings and Pins.... ..... " or Ladies' CameoDnyx and a moihvsf.filflfiva Buttons........ Ladled Etruscan jn ecKiaces, very v 3 v -vn T nr 1 I nnrQ. U Mil 1-11M.IIK IjUMiiia, - very heavy.... ...........j............ Australian Diamond and other Fancy Pins and Ear-Drops...... Stone-Set and other Fancy Cud 1.15 1.43 1.4of 1.00 I'M l.'J L'JO 1.90 J.SW 1.S0I Locket Jor o 'T5 0J 2 1.9a L90 1.90 1 00 c-aU,i f.,rrirfularK. Lowest Prices to the i.ia. sn'Pial Figures for 25 to lots. liJOgroPS r2 .84 bbls bbls June 12. Spirits Turpentine The market ppeDedtfirm at 27 cents per gallon for retiular packages, with small sales, re- ported at tha,t price.- Xiaier, i;two u sed hanas" at 2 ceuis, uvsmg I ''' June 17. Rt.tttr Turpentine. The marktt opened dull at 25 J cents per gallon for regular packages, but later in the after noon a reaction took place, and 400 casks charged hands at quotations, closing firm. -; . t . -RrwcTxrThR market onened firm at $1 05 for Strained and $1 12 for Good Strained, closing with 551 iz? onerea for Good Strained and $1 15 asked. No sales to renort. Tab Market for this article was firm at $1 75 per bbl, of 280 lbs., with sates at quotations, being an advance of 40 cents on last reports. ml 1 x niTTrT7 'lTrnPENTINE.-J.ne market - . . t h i firm at the latter figure, j . .,, . ism firm at .81 50 for Yellow Dip, and ItosiN. The market was farm at u bbl for Virgin, with sales at io tor l r .v.r: w TO BUILDERS. OFFICE OK EsaiKEER SIXTH LIGHT 1 House District, j CnART.ESTOT, 8. C., May 10. 188U. , . t t?. humuach tm xoiil ba received at S this office Tunm i oclock M. of Monday, J AJo,r' iin. from cractical SSlSSSnty loIbrrnaen. eTf. c"1.,;s- Dwelling lor Little Cumberland Island, Ga,. 'Lcoi Plans, spcc'.ricauons, jom. r ;",. " and other information, may oe uuuuucu aDDlicalion to this office. . 'rbe rightisre-eivedto rtject any or all bids, and to waive any defect, Mfljr Corps of En gi Deer?, Eotinefr Sixth Light House District. . may 16 1880 2t 5fHE PERFUMER, ID. F HAYNES & CO., . J.j'bbefs aud Importers, Established iS5S. ' BALTIMOKE, MD. Any Ladies' may 30 4vv 1 T HAVING BEEN BROUGHT TO OUR SOO MKT WANX.E1)' TO work quarsyicg ttone at Rocky Pel . . . f . . i ' . N, C, for the United S'srlcs Govcnnr.0 i tit l-;.- onriir Vrrtnlcvmetit and g wages.) .. febCOtf THO$. VT1 LLI AMt attention that iinilations of our lartlcle are $1 05 for Strained and . $1 10 for Good. Strained, with sales of 1,000 bbls at quotations. Also sales ot bu ddis nne cosins at $3 00 for N Extra Pale, and $3 374 for W Window Glass. T'ato t ift martet was nrm at t nrktot inna r'Wrwx' Thft market was auiet acd nVminallv unchanged. Futures for June TSJ"E vv opened in JNew xork at n.oo auu uiucu steady at 11.G2;, September opened at ii 91 and r oseflsteaav ai n.z, iue jl a ji - - -iii vi an i per bbl, of 280 ibs, with sales at quota- fojlowirjg were the official , quotations linnu - l l CitUDE Tciipentine The market clost tt steady at $1 00 for Yellow Dip, :irjcl $2 40 per bbl for Virgin, with sales at quotations here: Ordinary, . Good Ordinary, Strict Good Ordinary, -W- 3 .u uuoiouuuo. . jjiiaaiina:, .... TU ,na,trnf naa rrllltt and I fV-T. M wiuis. auo " i Middling nominally unclfiinged. -Fotures for Qood Mydlinff; June opened, in iiew iorK au .rlofil tirm at 11.68: SeDtember opened at: 1 1 9r nn.l closed firm at 11.31.: The following were the official quotations 9 10 cents $ ft 10 11 m tt t tr II v RECEIPTS. ntroj Ordinary, , GoodOrdinary, S. Good Ordinary, Low Middling Middling ood Middling 0 10 10 11 in cts''ib' tt t tt it Ootton. Spirits Turpentine tiosin, Tar, - , Crude Turpentine PEI.SOXAW.Y IS AT- EXDAKCF. AT D1S 'its; a- salouiN , No. 11 North Trout Street. Soutb of Purccll House, W1LIVIINCTON, Hm-Cm None but the bost wormenempby mo 'Aionnfdr- urer oi taii" . .'"r"""' ii...inn Aiun Kxtracis. ime, rnction, vur... v he. Colognes, lieauimer, v-; ' , vVsn.etic . newer. : Renovator, Hungarian Cosmetic, and Hair "vvs of every shade. janlLu . . ' - . . , -r ri r:m n' A 757 Broadway, 2 bales I TT. 1 J Rh A 1 , N e w Y o r k, o U casKS Publisher ot b irst-cias.s cuus if r;,' wants one or more Ageuwiu c.. . Steady -work and beet terms. may 30 4 w . Cathartic Pills Combine the choicest cathartic principles mUi j' no in iironoriious uv-v-imn'-'j ,..i;a,.,l to MHPiiro activity, ccriamn cl.v.j.." ---------- . - beiug.sold Iu tLis market, notice is hereby im. W. W: HAilBlSS. will resume on MAttCn 1IU the j : PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. apd offers his PROFESSIONAL SERVICE in the PRACTICE of 1IOMCEPATII Y. Office, (at present,) next to Court II Residence on 5th ncar'Orange street, feb 29 tf ' . ' T'ms Heavy Engraved Miniatures Chased' Bracelets, Broad, extra heavy. ............ ..... vio-vit. nf-thfi above articles you mayselect will he. mailed to' you free on recei pt of 83.00. : . . r . , ' r. , Fancy xvecK. v;naiii auu. jucuoi- lion unarm, iu rtuivj umcu i Tpwel f'askBt. . 2.o0. Long Opera Chain, with or with- , out Slide and Tassel ....... Heavy Large Miniature Medal lion JjOCKei. Heavy Jet and Gold Bracelets.... Cameo Medallion Pin and Ear Drops or Gent's M assi ve Wedding Kin g Plain, or Band or Gent's Extra Large Cameo, A metnyst or Onyx Kings.. Ldng Shawl or Breast Pin, finest Ml Q 1 H V Long Fancy Cuff Pins, finest quality or Gent's Cameo, Ametbyst or Onyx Sleeve Buttons..... Gent's heavy Long Link Massive est j Chain.. ................. "Cluster or, solitaire Central American Diamond Pins........ . Stone and Fancy Leaf Scarf Pius ana xxiutza......... . - 0 " Stone and Fancy pattern auiu. " Massive Solitaire Stud .. Any Ten of the above articles will be sent by mail free on receipt of oM . All of this Jewelry is of a good qualily.; but, of course, the qualily depends gre&t y ou the price; for instance, 1 he 82 50 HrMcit are of a much finer quality and finish, be I sides being heaTer, than the 85c. oucs. 2.50 2 50 2.50; o0 2.50 2.50 2.50 2:50 2.50 " 2.50 TO AGENTS. "ami " t arc tlie result practical cx- tt tt 1,353 -bble 17 bbls I bbls 730 nji.UJiiPr8. Cotton, 1 i Spirits Turpentine llosin, Tar, : Crude Turpentine. 1 bales -U572 casks '1,250 bbls 10 bbls G14 bbls June 14. Qpthtts Tttrprntine. The- market opened firm at 27 cents per gallon for J June 18. Spirits Turpentine The market was firm at 25 cts per gallon for regu lar packages, with stock A'ght and no alps to renort. Rosin. The market was firm it $1 07 for Strained and strong at $1 12 for Good Strained, with sales of small lots of Strained reported of $1 07$, ami 1.000 do Good St raiued at SL 12i. Also sales or ou bbls is at si uo, anu irt do I Extra No. 1 at $2 00, per bbl. TAR The market was firm at$l 87 per bbl. of 280 lbs, With xalps at quota. UN FERMENTED ooenea nrm at cema per guuy iui i. r . ' PguV packg; with sales reports 8 dran ul - l I'll last reDorts. Crude Turpektine. The uiarket was steady at 1 60 for Yellow Dip, and $2 50 per bbl for Virgin, with sales at quotations. Cotton The market was quiet and nominally unchanged. Futures for Tuna nrtpnrlin Npw Ylorlr nr. 1 I fiO and clnsd firm at 11.73: SStember onened opened steady at $1 GQ for YellowDip, ;yjb!!.,"...E2 - and $2 40 per bbl for Virgin, with ow. sales at quotations, closing at $1 W(& "crf- $2 50 bid. grdnary: Cotton. The market was quiet and good Ordinary, nominally unchanged. Futures for Strict Good Ordinary, June opened in New York at 11.73 and WMiddhng, i 1 ill KA. fi.nlmKi nnanorh Middling. ciosea weat n-vv, wcp."va vru . ... nf ii ai and eldsed-ireak at 11.17. Th Oood Middling, following were the official quotations MALT BITTERS TRADE-MARK.. nt 5no fiinta .it 26 cents. latct v , Rosin. The market was quotea nrm aijl 05 for Strained, and $1 12 J for Good Strained, without reported trans actions. ' ' T ATi The market was firin at $1 2o per bbl, of 230 lbs., with '.sales. .at quotations. Crude TorpentINE. ihe anarket MALT AND HORS mm HP ,inifirinifv of t' ffect. They II 1 ' ... -tT - - - r ..vx.fnl utiiilv :i,nil Ol i:ttis oi ,.(viv" j . ! . 1 nerituent, and are the most cucciuui i edy Yt discovered h)i diseases caused v bowels, which require prompt and effectu al treatment. Aykr 1Mli.h are wJy applicable to this class of diseases lhe act directly on Uic digestive and assiin ilative prwesses, and restore regular healthy action. Their .extensive use l.y physicians in their practice, and by all civilized nations, is one of the many proofs of their value as a safe, sure, and Wfectly reliable- purgative - medicine being compounded .of the concentrated virtues of purely vegetable substance they are positively free from calomel, oy any injurious properties, and can be ad ministered to children with perfect safety. lir'a Prr.i.s a an effectual cure for Constipation or Costiveness, IndiRes tion, Dyspepsia, Ioss of Appetite, Foul Stomach and Breath, Dizziness, Headache?, Loss of Memory, Jumb ness. Biliousness; Jaundice, flheiuna- Skin Diseases, Dropsy, Tumors, Worms, Neural gia, Colic, Gripes, Diarrhoea, Dysen tery, Gout, Piles, Disorders of the Liver, and all other diseases resulting from a disofdercd state of the digestive apparatus. v . . ; i As a Dinner PiU t Key .have no equal. While gentle in their action, these , PiLt.s,are the most thorough and scarcn inF cathartic that can bo employe!, and. never Kivo pain unuwsi m'c -Hp'- inflaineil, and theii their influence is heal, in" They stimulate thtf appetite and digestive organs; they operate to purify ami enrich the bloojl, and impart renewed health aud vigor to th whole system. Pronirrd !lV DP. J. C. AvCf ii CO., Tracticr.1 and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. T"! Hailed FreefopO cts LAW1P. giv.cn to all may coccer i fitted wim ' uui" SAFETY ATTACHMENT. ( Bay mo ny ' .7' """, I rreveutsdrippinc aijd bc ilnj. 13 West ruaowj, w - Factory and Qtfice, Dinghamton, jan ; - -- T)T?nm business you can engage in. JDJCjX to $20 per day made by vending o.' any article, with any ons 53 any worker of eit her sexr right In their own lo calities. Particulars and samples worth ?o ere. Improve your spare wuie au iujo apl iy iy ess. - Aduress Maine. Business in fit free. " j o: trade marks above described, wil be IU I4'. J. Klt-li to.,.rori, land,. Maine, for best Agenc the Worltr. expensive ou prosecuted under a rccent' act of the U. 83 For the benefitof parties wlshlncto act as Agents for the. above goods, we make tin foTlowine special offer: , On receiptof a?15.00order for cur Jewelry, as per above offer, we will send the goods ordered.and make the party getting 4ip tbe . club a present of any one 4f the. Coilowti -S llure Abyssinian Gold Hunting Cti'setien- . T. .int. . . 1 Ture Abyssinian Gold Open lace Gf uevrf Watch, Stem-Winder. - -.. 1 Pure Abyssinian Uold trm- ipdinc AVatch.lllumiuatcd Dial, by which yu can tell the timein the darkest night. 1 - Pure AbvFsiniah Silver Hunting-Case , ' Ueneva Vatcb. " , Anv of these Four, Watches will be sent 'alone for $0.60, or the Watch and either a Gent's.Hcavy Abyssinian Gold Vest Chain and Charm, or a Ladies'. Solid Abyssinian Gold Long Opera or Opera Guard Chain, Agents who cannot send t ne. full 15.00 at once can eeud rmall orders as they procure them, and when said orders shall have amounted to $20.00 wc will send tbe.Waich FKES OF 1UKTUEB CJIABGE. . ' Read What the -Chicago Trcs Say of TTs, And Send In Your Orders. - 3, si '7 Congress. SPRING. and summsr styles of Diagonals, Worsteds, Ed glifeh Tweeds and Casi- meres macte-to order in h PKt-t tashiona- ble manner. V r , Sample and Rules for-sell measurement sent free. Sample 'department, G20 Broad way, New York. ' v apl 1 12i 9. 10 10 11 cts , . if Ordinary. 9 Good Ordinary, 10 Strict Good Ordinary, Low Middling, 10f Middling,. Ill flood Middling IU cts f ft iijiCEIPTS. tv ''if tt K tt If ti U (t ft Cotton, Spirits Turpentine, Bosin, ' Tar, ' Crude Turpentine, bales 246 casks 536 bbls bbls 182 bbls 28 There is r.o ereat er Blood-Pukifyino and Life Grvisc JPRtNCifrK in th world of medicine than MALT BITTERS, prepared by the MALT BITTERS COM l PAN Y from Unfermented Malt and Hops. It is a Perfect Renovator of feeble and ex hausted constitutions. It enriches the blood, solidifies the bones, hardens the muscles, quiets the nerves, perfects diges tion, cheers the mind, and vitalizes with new life every fluid of the body. It is so, because it strikes at the root of all debilit y ENFEEBLED DIGESTION and IMPOV ERISHED BLOOD. Sold everywhere. may 30 iw n a week in yonr own town. o uav- TJn rlelr. Reader, if VOU want a"busjaes8 at which persons ol eitherex can makfe great pay all the time ihrnr -arninr vrii.n I or nftnirniim iu n. uau- iXTT & CoikPortland, Malno. . fan 4 lr v urcguists tvEurvrnsKE. a- a "jj" O 2. a r; ?"So Sm to 4 Hl.lg III ansa I a ' JEAVELltY $75,00 worth for $ 1 5.00 j ) AND A ( .---' ," ."-. Sclid Aljysliftn Qola Watch free; UDOLPHO WOLFE'S SONS & CO.. ! is Beaver street, New York, nov 18 ly. . r The above offer is genuine, althpugh at first sight you would consider it impossible. Wewill explain: Since we first established our business here, March 1st, 1878, we have ri. Crtltrcol ot I'htRfliro. ZTtt. S SaB.-- .in the r.iif rition of our readers to tbe n"eW advertisement of the Inventors' Agen cy, Nc. 110 E. Washington Street, Chicago What the Inventors' Agency agrees to dr. thevwllldo. The Sentinel has advertise. . a M-l--. MiKlirf.ir.tl and we have yet to hear ofthe first com plaint againsi iu. ; . The Chicago Express, Sept. ad, says: "ine ; attention ot readers is called to the . adver- , i..e,v-.,n t nf'The Tnvpntnrn Aeeiiev.' oiHce tiov iiiv... u " " - . . 5 . and rooms located at no wasmngiop oireei-, Chicago. From personal inquiry and on the recommendation oi ine ciiy press wo think our friends can do no better when wanting goods in that line. Give ihtm a trial." The' A merican Stockman, Sept. Ill h. sayf: , "We believe this institution perfectly fcou"" and resivonsiDie.anu consfquepuy pcibuhi. neeanaveuo iiesiatiou iiyuu. ftuuiu .-, what they desire." " - ' ' As to onr ryipon6ibilily we also Tefer yO ' to the following firms: Blomgf en Bros;. Mai, d- IS1 So. Clark St., Chicago. 111.; Miller. Wagner A Umbdeustock, 119 So. Clark 8U Chicago, 111. . - Before Ordering, Read the following : All sums of money to the amount of fl.' or over, shculd be sent ny Kegistercu l&wc r Money Order or Draft on New York or Chi cago. We will hold oui selves-personally responsible lor any money cent as above directed. All orders under $10.00 strictly cash. On orders of $10.00 or over, t? 00 mp accompany the order, and balance' when, desired, will bo celiected on delivery, not no gcods will be sent C. 0.;J. to a greater distance than 500 miles. Any money re iw ri for these poods after the stock' is ex hausted-Will be immediately returned.. Postage stamps wWlbe taken -the came, as cash in any amount less than 11.00. I f ., satisfied, return them immediately in good order, and we Avill refund youtmoney. ' Illustrated Catalogue of Watches, Jewelry, Notions, Novelties and New Inventions sent lree on application. : . - , AGENTS WANTED. Address, pjaijgl THE INVENTORS' AGENCT. . .T A TTTTCSM A rl.' Pron , 116 E. Washintogn 8t.,qtav I

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