t-J y - WILMINGTON. NOIil ll CAUOI.INA. SU.NHAY, Vi) r A I . ULY 18, 1SS0. Single Copies 5 Cents NUMBER 27, c,I-j -i TT ' " . T 4 ' 1 - ' - ' - -. U - i sv. h viX. N. (?. AS M:C)NI)CI.AnS " 1 a n Kit T katj:s op advertising. Viftv cents jper lino for the first in icitiod and twenty-five cents fer lin for each additional insertion. -Eigtit (8) lines, Nonpareil type, con- . iiitute a 8iaare. TIk) subscription priee to Tins WiL minuto Post is $1 00 per year six months 75 ceDts. r . Allcomniunicrtionsonbusiucsshould bo addressed to The Wilmington PostJ Wilmingion, N. C. AH advertisements will be charged a the above rales except ou special con tract?).'' -. . " NATIONAL RKPUBUC iN FOLV PRESIDES!, JAMES A. GARFIELD QF OHIO. FOR VICE PHESI DENT, j CHESTER A. ARTHUR ' I OF NEW YORK. -REPUBLICAN ELECTRO A 1 ;iCKET. J'ir EU-ctor Hill 1 Vice- Pif s:!rnt, , OldVEll II . DO OK EH Y the b'ixth Congressional Ditrk'. (JIX)UGE EVER I TT Of t f Seventh r Congressional District. WILLIAM f-'. O'H. ROi;iNjON 'Ofi'lhe Second Conrre8sional District. TAZEWELL L. HARGROVE Ot the Fourth Congressional ' District, ' G.lw. PATT ERSON ()(' 1 1 1 o Sixth CVrtirtfsioual District! WILLIAM R. TRULL ! Of the EighHi Congrefsipnal District. RKPlJBLlCiN VTATE TICKET. FOR GOVERNOR, RALPH P. BUXTON OF CUMBERLAND. FOR LI EUT.-G O VE RNOR, RUFU SB A RRINCE R 1 OF MECKLENBURG. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE, ' RICH'D M. NORMENT OF ROBEcUJN. FOR TREASURER. AARON D. JENKINS i OF GASTON. ' FOR AUDITOR, RILEY H. CANNON . - OF JACKSON. F( )R ATTORNEY-GENERA L. , AUG. "Mi- MOORE OF CHOWAN. j! FOR SUPERINTENDENT OFPUC , LIC INSTRUCTION, j ; ARCHIE R. BLACK 3 OF NEW. HANOVER. llEPUBLICAN CONSBESSiONlt TICKET. , For Concress Second District, OULANl)0.11UPBS Of Cr.ivcn. lur Congress Fourth .Diitrie t. MGSKS A. IJLEDSOE Jj Of Wake. Ft r CongressT-Sixth District WILLIAM Pw. MYEttS Of Mecklenburg. KK PUB LI CAN JID1CHL TICKET. (To be voted throughout the State. For Judire Fifth District,' JAMKS'II. HEADEN Of Chatham. Facts and Comments. Elbridge ' Artierican Smith states that: the Institute of Instruction" . - . ii was really originated iu the Jyceum at ' Millburjr, Mass-,in 1S2G, Daniel Wtb ster presiding and Edward Everett taking part. . Tie report that Blaine and Dun Cameron have fallen .out' does not seem ta be true. A private letter Irom yhite buiphc: Springs states that both parties and their families take horseback rid e3 tosetber daily, fcecretarv Sherman aLd 1 arty 1 were at the Ocean Grove on Monday, ji V lion. Joseph li. Chandler of Phila j delphia, formerly editor of the United States Gazette, died at the sge of 82. -Baring IJrothers , have transmitted $10,000,000 for the American Board of "Foreign Miisions to Missionaries of that Hoard iu the last half century. Hon. Thos. C- Piatt has been elected permanent chairman of the N. Y. He imblican State Committee, and Ilenry H. lime of the New Hampshire Corn mittee. '. Tlttt fplrudiU uld.teuvr Drigiioli.mLo ! - an niin Adt-linH Pttit tod NiUson In thiir dibti', nnd appeared with Piccolomnii when ihjii charming little ongklrtia, t th nge of 18 came out in In Luerett BorgiA, is cow studying hard sit the English opera, unknown in hit early days, and declares with his Italian fervor that he will astonish everybody with his English. When ! tho war broke out there were some officers of the regular army who were not cler on which side they ught to fight. It seems that Han cock Ik came equally as much confused when helhought it possible that Til den might tnke the oalh as President He wn holding a commiesion asi.be third ollicer in rank in the army, and hH cojiiernplated; a$ the ."evidence is, taking oidtrs from Tilden if he had himself Mvorn in. . lie was sufficiently fishy to 8atify the southern Bourbons. Gov.' Ilailratift has been qualified and entered uoon his duties as Collec tor-of .Customs of Philadelphia, i 'Attorney G meral Dtvens decides that he will, not appoint Deputy Mar shals in the south lexcept in pfec'al ca.stn when nquefttcd. E-(h,ve'iior John Campbell of ,Wy- oimni: is deatl. lie was chief of staff fur (j n Sjthofield during the war, and hiiieilv'ws Third Assistant Secretary of iStiSe. - f . ' - "I lit- Rjub.ij:arisj of Indiana are ju-- biiani . i.d The Democrats carry sorry faces uv r-tl'e tail end of the Hancock lictet Uic'sJingy IjQglish. V LATEST. The National Republican: Ex-Senator Fcntoit (,4 New York is a sagacious politician, a shrew'd observer and a man of conservative judgment. He is said to have expressed confidence that the Republicans can carry New York this. fall, and expresses tho belief that the fact vvi 11 become apparent before the canvass U half over. While he ex- presses the purpose ef taking an active part 111 -the campaign, he thus early declines to make thb canvass for United Statts Senator, lor the reason that his private interests forbid it. The Hancock people are -entirely oc cupying themselves with tintennabula tion, cock-on-the-hoor, cock-and-bull, and cock a-doodledumism. They evi denlly believe that excessiye boasting, and bragging will j deceive ihe people and elect Hancock j . Thy Hon. lhos.;C. ijlatt has been elected chairman cf -the New York State Republican Committee, in placo 1 of Gen. Arthur, resigned. The Bews from HHerent sections of New .York is. chert i 1 g-. ' - I The ljou. Albertl. Porter, the can didate Tor Governor Jtvas received at Iudianapolis on Wednesday. Thetjar- field Guards received him at the station and escorted him to tbe Grand Hotel, where he was welcomed by Gen. Har rison. The dipbyi in the streets was very imposing. In the course of his remarks Mr. Porter observed that a bill had alrcar'y been introduced in Congress to enlarge; the Supreme Court to 21, anc if the country elects Hancock a cfurt will be selected Uwhich will de clare the f ni( ndrrjerits to the conslitu- t". 1 I tion, the I3ih, 1.4 h and null and void. The new member- will all be Irom the SOUtn. - It is recorded, that a man called in the iisrrati've "A Mr. O." in a book! written by the Rev. Dr. Garrettson of Baltimore, Md., a well known scholar lived forty days 90 years ago w'Uiout taking anything but water and small beer. ' ! , . The running comments of the Korth Slate on the late State Republican Con vention are in yery bad taste. ; A per son who is so narrow and mean minded that he can't think of anything but his personal spiles, after a convention like that at Raleigh, is entirely forgetful of nis own sen respect nnu unwonuy 01 i' i 1: : ii" .ri much, respect as a liepuDiican. isui ' we arc not incnneu 10 do as severe as me tecHMou umy leipuie, ir iueio yet nope lor reiorm, and 11 11 were noi a recognized fact that !he vilest sinner uiuy inuiu, jo uuu tu a umu sense and capacity is,not likely to be- - - . .... . . come hopelessly deluded aotl giren over to peevishness. NOTICE. Iiooma UiHtrict Executive Committee Payelicvillef Wj C., July s, 1880. There will be a Convention of the Republicans of the Third Congressional District on the 20th day of July, 1880, nt. Smith ville: "fa. f! fnr tho nnrnnsfi of nominating a candidate for Congress and a lTesidential elector. . O. H. Blocker, Chairman. Jxo. S. Leary, Secretary. Custoraer-,tWby are 'Malt Bitters' so popular ?" 5 . Druggist "Because, a? a Food Med-' icinc, they enrich the blood, harden tbe muscles, quiet the nerves, and perfect ditrpstion." Bv TeiGfrram. T.vmxw'i N. V.. Jutv 17, HbO. Editor Post : A Garfield and Arthur flag now floa's from the masthrai of a beautiful pde erected here to-day The crowd was t large, and the enthusiasm great. Yours, 1 W. Ki:EITII OF JHJXTOX IT KAYKTTl!lVIIiI.K. t On July ICth a very large and en thusiastic meetin eting was held by the Re- publicsns of Cumberland, and adjoinf ing counties t ratify the nominations of.GABFiELD and Aktiiuii for Presi- dent, and. Judge Buxton and the rest of the Republican state ticket. The Howard the music, and Bras Band furnished by 9 P. M. the old Market Hall wag crammed aud jammed full. Cannon were fired rud both Re publicans and Democrats were jubilant at the honor done their distinguished citizen. 1 After forming jthey marched up.Hay street to the r'bidence of Judge Bqxton on Haymouut. The Jud.ue -responded in a very appropriate speech though not a long one, which was received with '- - i great enthusiasm. After calling on Mr. Lutteiloh and the Rev. H. C. Davis for speeches, .the assembled crowd marched back to the Manket where rousing cheers wire given for Garfield and Arthur, Buxton, Barringer,' Nor ment and the whole ticket. Cumber land will be carried Republican on the 2nd of November by about 300 ma- jority. Wo are under -obligations to, Mr. A. G. Thoruton, the iiJhairmau'of the Re publican Committee of Cumberland, for the dispatch givijg the above in formation C1T X Chew Jackson Tobacco. 1'TJbiMb?.. Sweet Navy iy Oue interment in Bellevu? for the pa3t week. fwo interments m Oakdalo Ccmc- teT the past week. Six iutcrmen-s in Pine Forre.-t during the past week. No interments in the. Catholic Cemetery during the past week. The Register of Deeds issued one during the past marriage arris Jicen-st; wetk, O' yes, the 0 dds aiid Kuds Associa- tiou, No. J, & II have an excursion from here, to N .'wbetu on Tuci-diiy, the 20th inst. Don't forget, youcan go toSmitlnille on Tuesday for oU cents, a.id attend the Republican Congressional Convention. Capt. J. W. pleasaut trip. if iirper will guarantee a JRev. Dr. Mei delsohn of this city, is now in l'niiaa beoa on a visit He is expected plphia where he has 1 m j 1 lor several weeks past. to I return hero about the first of the all. . A grand iani ily excursion I will be given by Ihe built ! ing , comuiitieo for Luke's Mcthodkst the benefit of St. ni... 1. r t ... y",,,IlJv"" - vllJe' 00 .ionaapriuiy .bin, n,pnT.i ll.bV lv nn-'.U nc.rnii of July 16th, Jdmes Johnson, with in flamation. Mr. Johnson has resided in this city for tlie past nine years, lie lived formerly in Bladen county, and his remains were taken to Bladen .for interment. Attention U called to the ' Special Notice,,, in ano her column, . signed I y Col. Mabson, an d ?eu other veteran U. S. Soldiers, residing in this city, mey are called logetaer fori the purpose of organizing a "Union VJcterari's Union." There will be an excursion to Smith- yille on Tuesday. The steamer Pass- . 1 nrirt: lj,, Ktr whnrf nt. 10 f.vlnr-V I fv- " " -" " " r " - - a m. and relurJ,, at 7. o'clock p. m. Fare for rounU rlp 0j ccnts. it, will G a pleasant cxtaursion, besides giving those parties wl o desire tb attend the nigtnct Keputilicati Convention, a I . - I J chance to do so Chief Justice Smith recently .filed an Opinion, oppfsisig me uognitriiuin liiy; court below, an abstract of which, given by ihe Raleigh "Itisno part 0 f the duty of Couuty Commissioners I o keep the bridges of their counties id repair, and they, are not criminally 1 able lor "failure tooo SO." jjurin a se vere storm, en. fcunday night last, fivetjogs belonging to a col ored woman named Amy Moore, lmag Brinklev'i station. Columbus county, were killed by a strode ot; litrhtniner. At the same time a tele- graph pole iu friut of the residence of Judiro Cantweli at!- thit place was J struck and :ba. tered by an electric ... 1 bolt. , Installation or OmcRs At a meeting of Stonewall Lodge! No. 1, K. of IJ held Monday eTeningpait, the following officers were instaPeli for the ensuing term :i Jfi ; : CO SG Hall. VCKWj Price. jPJ W Zimmerman. MatA WBOrr. J G A Prempert. OG HHGerhardt. Attendants J M McGowan, W H Walsh; J s Smitti ''h'on;. . ' , - - At a meeting of Cape Fear Lodge,Nb 2, IOQF held Tuesday last the fol- lowing oCicers were Sinstalled: N G J W Woolyin. Y 3-W M Haves.. J I Secretary B Bell. Permanent' Secretary W L Smith.? Treasurer - J Maunderi Chaplain W J Yopp. Conductor R G Ross. RStoNGRJ Jones. LStoNG- T. II Smith. I G John Kicrnan. O G F V B. Yopp. -4 Died Away Fsom Home.-4 ye re- gret to learn of the death of MrilThos. Williams of Rocky Point. Pende ty, The deceased came to this uty ou SturJfy last, for the purpose of a physician. He has steadily (frown worse, and Jdied; last: night abut 9 o'clock at the Purcell House w hire he had taken rooms. His remains will be carried to Rocky Point this morning for interment. 1 he" deceased was about 32 years of age and was a hard arorkiu, industri ous young man. He died of typfioic- maiia fever. He was engaged in a con- with tract for slone for the New Inlet Mr. G. Z- French. School Teachers Appointed. At a meeting of the School Committee, District No. 2, Wilmington township, held this morning",. tho following teach ers for the next school term were ap p6inted to-wit : j , j Union (white) School Miss M E Cook, principal ; Mrs E - J Fanning, Miss J A Leete, Miss A S Meares. Williston (colored) School E! E r Green, principal ; Isabella Howe, rptt,jr W Howe, Mary E Nor.vood, Annie M Taylor. hh: The following is the School Commit tee. for this district, viz: ! : James H Chadboum, chairman, Wal kcr Meares, John Norwood. Takget Practice. The Hogyard Relief Steam Fire Engine Company pit-tiicked it on Wrightsville oouud on Thurtday.. The day wTas spent in the practice of different sports. In the af- teino.;n. thoy indulged in a target rac- lice, whic resulted as follows: ' 1 .i i j John Grcschen scored 11 andliwcn 1 ' . . 1st prrz-. j H D. Lietgvn scored 10 and won 2nd pnz.. rJ- . - ' M. Rot i'j 11 'seen d 9 a nd won i 3rd prize 0 D. Doeclur i cored 8 and won 4th pnz?. A. L bsiuan scored G and won'iGlh C Miel iclis t-cored 4 and won Gth prize. . ; . ' . r v Ivchof the above successful conipe- -tiiors had the choice of prizes accord-' ing to his number. ; The' New Mabket Compaky asp the CiTi Government. A meeting of the committee of six, composed of three member each ot the Board of Aldermen and the Board oi Audit, and Finance, was held Inday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Oily Hall. The Mayor and Alderman Foster and Jdyers, and Messrs. Giles, Jones an d Worth were present. Mr. Worth offered the following Resolved. That it is tl eense of this committed that the New Market Houses be purchased by the city at .a price and on terms 0 be hereaiter agreed upon. After ajlengthy discussion of nearly 1 ' ,t; wa ,,f nn,i lwu liOUiQ luc iuuuvu niu jjuv uuu 47 suitea in a tie vote, Mayor Fishblate Alderman Myers and Mr. Worth yotiog in iavorjand Alderman Foster 1 and Messrs: Oilcs and Jbnes aeainst the resolution. " 1 On motion, it was then resolved that the committee fchould confer with the officers of the Wilmington Market Company as to upon what terms, any, they would lease the markets to the city. " ; The committee theu amourueu to ... . . i. t . CoxVe2?tion or Sabbatu Schools, -On Thursday last the state conyen- , -i, -i l, , . , tion of the Sabbath schbols connected with the A. M. E. Church, met in this city at St. Stephen's Church, with quite J i r . . . ' i -r a large numoer oi iiinisiers ana i - ay lcr Al? - r -uiiai, xreuent oi tuc aauia tion, presided. Considerablebusiness reiaung iu iub ciare oi me oauuaiu i i. i i t a - J . r- x-".: schools w tr-nooMnrl On FriHav as transacted, un ,rnuay the school connected with afternoon St. gtephen's Church of this city under the superintendence of Col. Geo. L. Mabsoh was reviewetl by the Associa tion! The proficiency of the school in the tcachiog of the same was excellent, and received the commendation of all present. After the exercises addresses were deliTered by the Rev's. R. H. W. Leak, J. H. Haynes and W. D. Cook, and! afterwards the Superintendent, Col. Mabson, on behalf of the school returned a vote 6f thanks to the mem bers of the convention for the interest taken by t lem. .Your reporter was highly pleas ed at the good order main tained by the Superintendent and teachers over so large a body ot chil dren, and-at the personelle of the mem- rDfeTk of the" cohrentionr The Vdnven- tr&n adjourned on yesterday. The members expressed themselves as highly pleased with their reception and treat ment, and as being; under especial obli? gations to the Rev. Jos. G. Fry, the beloved Pastor of St. Stephen's Church for many courtesies. ' ' 1 !' : : I ' i Special Notice. The honorably discharged Union soldiers and sailors, are cordially invited to meec the under-1 signed on Monday evening next, the 10th iust., at Giblem Lbdge building : Geo. L. Mabsony late of The 5th Massachusetts cavalry. ' j Wra. H. Howe, late of the 37th Reg fmeni U. S. CT. ' , Henry B.Oreeo, 40th Regiment U s-c t. . ' ' ; : ; Hector Davis, Gih Pennsylvania Iu- fantry. ; ' : ; John S. W. Eagles, l7th Regiment u. s. T. - .- . Geo. E Bcrden,a7tli Regiment U, S. C.T. Jl C. Smith, 37th ii;giment U. S. C. T. - John Suggs, 3ih Regiment U. S. C. T. Thomas Quince, 37th 'Regiment U. S. C. T. John'Evangalist, late of the 38th Rogimcnt U. S. C T. Cary R. Boy ken, late of th3 37th Regiment U. S. C. T. ' Tue Ctf alujnge Race. The chai . I - . - lenge race between. the yacht Restless hand Flirt and ! 'm which the Ripplo and LJzzic were permitted to sail was had ji, t- 1 -i. x over the W nghtsvill course on Thurs- day. The yachls were started by the Judges Messrs J J F'owler aud Janics A Berry were Started in tho follrtwinrr time and order, with an ebb tide and ' light breeze from the southeast: Kestless 2h 5m 00s Ripple 4h 20m 20s Lizzio - 4h 22m 30s Ripple " 4h 23m 35s The breeze, that was light at the be ginning, shifted to the southwest before the teJininus of the race and became lighted until it was feared that the course could not be completed iu the allotted two and a half hours. u ui 'i i.L ., , Each yacht sailed the course without accident or louis, ana arrived at the terminus of the race in the follbwinir I i - time and order: ; Flirt Jt 11 , Ripple iu zvm ms Lizzie lh 22m 30s Restless 4h 21m 35s The following is the- actual running time of each yacht ; Ripple Flirt Lizzie 2h .j2m 12s 2h 3m 02s 2h 5m 49s Restelss 2h 0m 35s aiiu neciisiou was OUU mucu enjoyctl and lonir to be remembered hv i..n. ooiu participants and spectatoros Physicians freely prescribe taej new Food Medicine,! "Malt BittersV cause more nourishing, strengthening, and nurifvinff than all other forms of malt or medicine, while free from the objections urged against malt liquors. 4w. 1 : . . . ' ' " Tiie Amekican Uniox Telegrapii COMPANY VS. tit i w At xx r. xv C. & A. R. R. V-OS. - r, ; , I The petition oi the Amcricin Union r I Telegraph Companv tor the condemna- tion cf a right ot way along the track 1.- 1 of the Wilming on & We!don and the J Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta Railroad Companies from the Virginia to the South Carolina line, was heard by Judge A. A McKoy at chambers, l in this city Thursday morning. Messrs Donald McRae, M. Cronly and John - D Taylor were appointed ccmmissic- . - j.-ij- :- ners - to ueciue wnat. compensauon shntilfl he naid the railrnart rnmnnnips. - r-- ... , - The counsel for the defendanU prayed an appeal from the decision, which4 ma xiuixu iufU.uuuc. taiuic iV gram, uu tuegiuuuu tuuiii pointing the cbmmission terlocutory. The case wil grant, on tne ground inai tne order ap- ners Was m- Will De taten tO the Supreme Caurt under a writ of 1 certiorari. : I - i . y - - I Our drlig stores are now supplied - with .Malt Bi ters," the new - Food Medicine which! has done so much good and comc8 to u3 so highly recommend i : - i , . x , eJ Try jt. It may save you a heavy doctors, bU1. f, 4t THE REPUBLICAN PLATFORM. ADOPTED AT RALEIGH JULY 7 th. .;.-j Thp Hon. R. C. Badger, chairman oi the Committee on Platform and Reso lutions, reported from that committee the following : j Tne Republicans of North Carolina,' in Convention assembled, renew the pledges made in all their formerj plat forms. . And they declare as follows : 1. That they ' cordially approTb the nominations, recently mado at Chicago, of James A. Garfield for President, and Chester A. Arthur for Vice-President ; and that they will most cheerfully and actively devote themselves to their elec tion, as indispensable to4be preserva tion of the Republican p Jirty xind of the Republican its integrity. And that they fully endorse the principles set forth in the platform, adopted by the Republican convention which conven ed in the city of Chicago, on tho 2nd day of June 18S0. 2. That they have seen,. with ''great apprehension and alarm, tho rapid con solidation and engrossment of bur rail road systems, by and under the control and ownership of foreign monopolists that such consolidation of capital gives power to the monopolists to oppress the and UD:ust 16cal tar;ff3 aad fare3, flnd gives to them the, power to control the legislative branch of government, in the passage of laws in "theiri interest, and ruinous to those of the people ; and that they have seen with regret, that these monopolists are making an insidious invasion among th ej leaders of the Dem ocratic party, whiclji culminated on the 17th day of Jiinc, in the engulfing and swallowing up of the whole Democratic State convention ; and that while they have no desire or intention to make an unjust war upon these monopolies, they do demand that the Legislature shall pass laws to govern and control them, so that they shall not be permitted to discriminate against our own people, and place a reasonable limit on local tanlls and fares. . 3. That thev view with anxietv the condition of the Western North Caroli- I " T-fc 1 1 1 - 1 ' j 1 - na itanroaci, wmcu, tnrougn tne not haste and ill considered contracts ot the Democratic state administration, is sur rounded by legal troubles which afford no relief from taxation, and threaten to delay lor a long time, if not altogether defeat, the completion of that work so necessary for the .welfare Land develop-menkof-the state, and ' especially the western -ecu ntiesi . , . '- 4. That the Republican party has al- 1 t ' x j ways been, the friend o education, and now again renews its pledge to the peo- .pie. ot Aorth Garohoa to continue its etiorts with mcreastd vigor, until there shall bfi a comnlete and perfect svstm of public instruction, - inat tney recogniza the mecbamc and laborer as the bone aid sinew of the land, and pledge themselves to pro- tect their rights and promote their po- T.. 1 j 0 . . 1 r , : t 1 . ' htical, educational, and material inter- CStS. i , .1 6. That the recent constitutional amendments were passed by a conven, tion which was not composed of a ma- jority of elected delegates, and the con trol ot which was stolen irom the Re publican majority, by au infamous and admitted iraud.ou the voters of Robe son county. This corruption, on the fact that their-party will scruple at no violation of law iu the interest of party supremacy : and mat 1 ne uemocratic nVtv is l tUefrien.i t: lenreffentativn govtrument or. of the people 7. That the present system of county I "V"t . 1 1 . . 1 I government in ixorui Carolina is utterly supversivc oi tne rignts 01 tne citizens: ever oracticedm this, or anv civilized co,un- try i the most, damnable fraud ever uevi5eu or sancjiiuueu oy jiuy pouucai I 1 Z I L i I I . I " . I party, and cans ior ineunquamiedcon- demnation of all who have the name of freemen, without regard to party afiilia- tion. Wc claim tie right ot the people to elect every officer mL the state,! from the Chief Lxouuuve down to the hnm bl'rst oflici and demand that .this ll-UV ouati u. "cucuiwuui rtwwtw, I ma " uuuwn wuun ouau iuuun o. jicc h.i ot. and the maioritV shall determine ; ; . J : s r . r . . . wno snau enact and administer its laws I S. Thev denounce the Demnrratie ' :-r . ... A : r- j r Ipniiy as au uiigaiuuy, counoiieu uy railroad corporations and aristocratic influences: and it not - airested in its course, it will overtnrow tne mostcner- -VsTX "Y" r0us powers, for private and corrupt ends in the hands of a few, has re- ceutiy manifested itself in a vittal part of our State government, and in a way I to excite the erreatest aDDrehension. I -iae k?uueriiiLeuucUL ui j. uunu ausituc- ... i it . .-I nation, and without regard, to the pop- juiar wish, has demanded to have vested uon, now euuorseu uy uis pariy iiomi- 'I l t. I1 1 tm . nis nana, mat is in tne nanus or a "Vi.,?' JT. what text books our children shall use. whereby he can mould ihe opinions! the rising generation; can strangle, for "r".!! Zu" literature, and open up for his office, so intimately : connected with the popular lite and purity, a laithtul and i nruiiLauic buuicc ui cunuuL louuerv. fPr. A tU i " r. 'ji j j j i a3 iue lauuioru anu lenant acts, as ue- for the henefif. f -i few on. pres3 the humble and defenceless citizen. That they denounce tbe pre- sent road laws of the state, as ODnres- I c: rt the lahnrpr trnd flemnnl t.hpir ,mon)lmnt en th-ithnrdAn nt ViniM. ing and repairing them shall be borne I n io.,w. r "ow ti.iua.iijr vj au viaww ui peu P She report was adopted. -i . The Wilmington Mutual Insurance Jg - Company settled ud their femi-annaal I - - , t " T tax Friday, with the Secretary of State. This is the first company to settle. , NtiW Ai vmi iLSEENMTS. Wilmington & 17eldon Railroad -a PASSENGER DEPARTMIt, K' . Wilmingtoh, Juue'iU r IHPORMT to SUMMER TOUEIStJ; QN and after this date direct con hectic ir will be made, vin.;' Goldshoro, Bhieictfatd Sallsbury, to Aslievnic, . C,koi V, N C.qiea Alrinc-K. C.and.aU Stationsj; n tho Western Xorlh Cauiina Rvi'rrosdk?foi'i lows : v ' ' , Leave Wiliniijslon (! a) "a. in.; srriv at Salirbury 10 p. iu., ana :t Ilea fcf V:!-T. G. It. It., (three miles from Ashev4;i? t. S 20 a. nii , ' . Sleeping c.ir.s between as.lnry - aiu! fl4 Jiead of tbs Iload. Tliis is the only Kouio making .''ife'ci ' " ' - - :j , conntctiou .with, tbe Westt-i Ji North Caro lina ilailrcad., " i ' Excursion .licfcclo a! uu Ifortsi- iates Viih " ; .' v '.!;- " ' - r. all otbor Lines on ; M Co all .'siiratuer RV -. sorts iu AVo jtcru Xol rdit'aruri'na! .!. a. ror-, ; July l ot4 iSPt'Aii-eut. Y IV; MMAn- Tho be (si. ' vHatk-al rt" ficltool lrthfftii'uesls- MOORFS BUSINESS UNIVERSITY Atlanta, Ga, S3-$100 covers total,exie'ie; lul. "x-e iaouins. semi lor IIJu?trated f ir cular. ' ' jttjy 1 J2w. 6 k UNKQUE,-':.:- TJie New ladles' FasWoivljiMinm! CONTAIK1KG TllIT LATEST f" ' PARIS, LONDOX AK.J) Nr:ViHIiK'; FASHION NEWS AND C OSS IT With the May u umber "commenJsitij . . eutitled, "J)r. Wtst.wocd's . Secret. , Icr sale at all the Lkzar l rfknt,- A ;r-i ' . throughout, the ; country; - Subscription Price . ; Only 50 cSnts.a Tcaj 1 POSTAGE PAID. .': Single Copies Fiye Cents. : 1-FIlANCfS WKKrill.rublishpr'. GLO. If. JJ01U5T. r.siiie.s.s',M;uiriK,.r,'o Uroadwtiyi jx. V, : -. June 2'j tf. v . T - : ', ' , BEST; else. Canity business Ji'oAv beforev'tbe n'nlJi,. ; You can luakc money Work for us; fii-iii -tit 1, ; ... , yo iv -re,i? vv "it t- W I t v. . ua.V anl upwards made at honrf- f by the industrious, juen., women buVsamt - . . . -.x... v tiiviriiii- xf ) everyvJierV t!J worlc.lbr u; whole timc Tto V nn,L,' 2 v" moments. - Ko otti-cr bisin-.ss yt 11 pay yoV- lcanYa'iltomak:cm?r,S at on.ee. Cdstly .Outfit, uk terms ffk",v great oppor 11 n i ly for ,1 i 1 k in g j n one yeas i 1 v and honorary. Adtlrew Tiu i .& c.fc-. An- ESTABLISHED vi- 185 Sol. BEAfl 18 & 20:M.9rk'q't:St: TSrTT nr 1 TvTnm'-v ivt 5-vj v v xajj.vxxj.N I. JPj , l . . i - "yE. ILAVi; JJLT.iT, O'PE.NF,! AND liiaVG OH CXh ilii t ir,i iUa i ' . 1 , . -J tuuli'w siocx 01 ULUTH ING AMD FIl RMIsRTfJfi GOODS South of Eaiiui-orc - US lroia ,U "PVfards. i , . i: 100 BTllu MiddlOHeji Plant Suits 1 " J V FULL LINE OF I . UHILDkEMS' ? '. BOYS' AHIX MENS' j . SURAW AND FEtT HAT rriccH to suit everybody .L - I- ,,v5 VVMIt , t - cvuux'iauniic cur sloe,. ami u .i . . -..? V nard to merit your paUoJia-, as. we hav formerly done. raay2 3ra - ; , $31 . v. ill it rive I- A MONTir iruarauted. ?12 a -; day at home made .by-the ' dustrious. Capital not required we will start you. Jlen, women, boys and girls make money faster at work for us than at apyimus eis. iiie woris ih lirht aud ?5?.i,r ldF.ses ".V M for t neiiisei ves. i;stiy outlit and ten Now is the time, tikxc already atw 1 SSfflfi TrTSii 'fe theiiiselves. Cstly outfit aud terms free. .work ar Address iffusta, M :4 '1 o 1 1