f - r ( I HIE WILMINGTON TOST; W1LM1NGT0NS N. C. Hun day Morkiko, July 18, J 880. WHAT, KILPATIUCK SAYS Uen. J uuWu K U patrick inado a tell-' r ing speech the other day at a ratifica tion 'meeting for Garfield and Ak TUUR. whieh wiu bristling, with plain talk, and in which he wielded a two edged sword. Hpeaking of the Demo craticb'undesrt lie said:; The speaker claimed that at Cincin nati the iDeinocrativcoin milted a series iof blunders. Trier kicked out Kelly Via in I insulted Ti-ld e n , 1 5 ay a r J , Th urmao. and J lendricks, and discarded all,their past issues aim platform?. They nomi nated a patriot who 1G years ago would "not nave crossed nanus with one man ; in ten of them. (Why? i Was it because hp killed he killed 18,000 Democrats at f Getlyaburg? Was k because; he banged AI'm.' Su'ratt ? HVas it in consequence if hirt Jndian campaign ot 18G7 the iiy independent command 4ie ever had when, after six weeks of march iiVg and hard.ships he succeeded iu kill ; nrj; t wo Indian?, ione an old squaw, at mi expeiMliiurc of $'J, 000,000 and the coat of -3''0.. Httlii,r,''..live8?'' If that iHiiipaigu had been made against the itbels there might have been reason in if, for it was on account of similar fail ures that the ijemocrats had tied to itorce K Mo.Oielian and Fiiz John rter. J hey, tried iMcuiellan. the trn- succewMui ROiujer; men oeyinour, ine tut pprrnear; ' men ureeie, who had -always despised them, and then the re ..fotrucr Tildei and in the nature of things were defeated every time, for ' 'their disloyalty always confronted them. : .! -:' ' -: ' It whh bu.rdlva icss blunder to nom inate ;V't74!hih, who was able to Lilians $1,000,000 1' or every year he was in the notc-shaving business the most unpopular' Democrat 'Svest f the Ohio -to carry Indiana, 'the Intlo 1 of in 11 vtion and repudjatioii. in their plat form they , placed a free-trade plank -where it could bp first seen and read oltenesf, thus striking a heuvy blow at '"the". industries of l'.eiinsy Ivauia, New " Vork, Nevy Jersey, Connecticut, and I !)!. . I l'llO flobili, art. of his speech IS .about as gooi anu inspiriting and rc frvfvhing as anything in the English lanuae can hv: 'F. .. " ;. There 'ar continued the speaker, principles liigheri than, men and plat lorius to be settled in this campaign. On k;ne side is Hancock and the solid Kouth, on the other Garfield and the loy al north. The Democrats place all their dependence on Hancock's name. T w y care nothing- for principles; they 'only want plunder. The Republicans come forward with their old principles which won the war and which willwin now, forevery issue won on the battle field 'must be preserved forever. Ijhad the unspeakable pleasure ol seconding the nommatiyn of Chester A. Arthur at Chicago a m:n honored and re-, spceied by ''the people of his staW; a man wliose name ciinnot bo omitted fiom ,ihe history of the Republican party, who assiste'd ?at its cradle; j who was a deU irate lo i the first i'VcVso 1 CoMventi')fi, and who 1 long years, ago o irto io espouse th-j, causa oi the 5 K.ro.aiid"' win social recognition, for ne him. I io.ve to dwell on the , nomiuatirD of lioihv tit;u., Garfield is an exemplifies!- li ;iiif'Kepublican institution.. I saw lriji as a boy of 9, running errands fcr hi- widoroi , mother. 1 gaw him m the tow-path at 13, earniug: money to 't.uy bookV A little later 1 saw him weeping out the school house and working at the bench ta pay for his lUiiioii. 1 saw him shoulder aj musket a a private soldier, j I saw him atChi ci.mauga. ride three miles throngh a living nell to bring word to Thomas to lill the U ft until the main body could Itlieat trt Chattanooga, arid I sawj him I with the tlag of his country waving in . iiif hand,"; hurl-' himself againsflthe fbels until they scattered' like clVlf. 1 saw him in Congress battling forlbe principles Air which he" would have d ed, and I'll see hi in again on the lib fMarch, riding with Chester A'. Ar .iluir in an open barouche in rcnnsyl Vimia avenue, amid the thunder of ar ullcry, the waving of hats, and the Minutstit the inulirtude. I'll see him !" "atcd in the chHir ot Washiusiton and hear the Nation cry, "AfiU'ii. (Jlnry be to God, from wh im a i Ub'sinj:s;iliw DIRECTORY OF LODGES. MASONIC (WlllTK.) ... lohii'Klise Norl. F & A M, meet last i tiuit-tiiiy evening of teh month, at Ma H,"ic Hall " , Wilinn)lou Lo-Jgo .'510, FA A M, meets i Tuesday liv each iiioiilh, at Masonic Hall J'o.uoonl chapter' No 1. It A M, meets 3d I(j.i.lay in-each month,- at Masoulq H.tll. Wilmington, Council ,No:4, li and O M, '"'t 2d Monday in each mouth, at Masonic " Wil.minst.on- Commandery No. l V t "ols 'M W'edtiesday.in each month, f' xia--iiclhUl. '. KNUiUT. OF IIONOP, J jVroiliia I,idre 131, meet 1st anil 3d Mon.' J-'iSlli each iinti nt. Oilil . n.. ! z- - w v cuuna uiiii! (" 1. U. V. r ' -ape- Fear Lod ilay ;veuiiiL' !0 No meets evt.ry Tues- -' I'.oageNolr, meets every Wcdnes "'i evening. i - r .h.,.!1..1 Encampment-No. 1. meets 1st : ,i vU I'rulax-eveningof each montix. v fcv Vcca Lodge meets Island 3d Thursday - vn.ltS of eswa month. ' j 4th uminst0u Uegreo Lodse meetsbdand 'in laursday-evenelng of each month, I. Q. 13. 15. , v Norti! state Loileo No. 222, meet 1st and isuii.aay iu each month, at 3 o'cloeic p m O. K. s. R. ".. , M ihhauau Lculge No 138, meets -2d and mi hunday in each month, at 3 o'clock p m ROYAL, AUC-NUM. ( Cornelius irrrii4 J...J1 w.noi 'iw , I .wi?dy veMg of each month, lh on Si '8 meet at Odd Felloes "ut ltrcets. e'ccn 1ri"cess and Chst- : ; Lknigutsofpytuias.' la l", ?wm,?ni ankNo.Z2l, roeet.2d Friday ,Q each mouth, at Castle Hall. 1. O. R. M. ' :- Wyorulng Tribe No. 4. meets everv Tues evening, at thciriliall oulrin,LVbf tweenrrpnt and Second streets. rlncc-8 be- .1 MASONIC-Colorkd.V In i',c,, Lpd-e i meet 1st aod 3d Mondav luVr, 8.ieei M and 4th Monday. lien t ' U. U. O. F. c, meet 1st and 3d Tuesday ?n each : xi"'z- y tlolii., r V . UC4 ""t water sts r in i Ly " Lodge, meet 1st aud 3d Mon- i - oli li i li ii 1 ill c r nAM . n n m i. a. Wfttfty. fcfrV 4YXXtt.C ftlifl I. O, OF O. S. AND D. S. 5 ; , Cj,ueen Esther meets every Monday jeven-; ine. " . ' " ' . - , htar of l.lbertyt meets every Tuesday evening. ; ' 1 :- ' Ingenious, meets erery Tuesday Tenlng Unior,neet every Wednesday evening Loving Union, meet every ; Wednesday evening. Damon and Pythias, meet - every Thurs day evening. Fidelity, meet every Friday evening. . . The above Lodges occupy the second and third stories, in the west end, of Evans's building, on Princess street. MtZiou, meets 1st and 2d Monday in each month corner second and . Princess streets NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ROSENTHAL'S V NEW BOOT AND PlOE STORE; 32 Market Street. A Word of Advice to Mv x. Patrons. jY KTOCl 13 NOW COMPLETE IN AliL 1U Brain lie, and ray arrangements enable me torrccve NewiArrivals of Styles of tho t ;'-V7- :.i Best Make, Weekly. ' ' My Sioclr will tell In the Future as it has iu the I'aKt Call aud xa xamlne before you purchase. My Hchoyl Shoes cannot be surpassed by auy In the Hate. Kemember the new sign of the ShoW-Case. Next week I will give you some of my ' t ': PipoIar rrlces; no time this week. , Respectfully, C. EOSENTHAL, 32 Market St. oct Slghpf the Show Case. cn n a week in yonr own town.f5 0ut- t free. No risk. Reader, if you want a business at which persons of sillier can nijike great pay all the time they work, write! for particulars to II. 1Lai lktt Portland. Maw. Jim 17 6ni '. . . j. L 45 Years Before the Public. THE GENUINE DRiO.koI.ANE'S L. CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS ! FOR THE CURE OF - f I - ' Hepatitis, or Liver Complaint, DYsrsrstA AND SICK HEADACHE. Symptoms of a Diseased Liver. PAIN in the right side, under the edge of the ribs, increases on pres sure ; sometimes the pain is in the left side ; the patient is rarely able to lie on the left side ; sometimes the pain, is felt under the-shoulder blade, and it frequently extends Jto the top of the shoulder, and is sometimes "mistaken for rheumatism in the arm. The stom ach is affected with loss of appetite and sickness ; (the bowels in general are costive, sometimes alternative with lax ; the head: is troubled" with pain, ' Accompanied with a dull, heavy sen sation in the "back part. ' There is gen erally a. considerable loss of memory, accompanied with a painful sensation of having left undone sorrfetlung which ought to haves been done. A slight, dry cough is sometimes an attendant. The patient complains of weariness and debility; he is easily startled, his feet are cold or burning, and he com plains of a prickly sensation of the vkin ; his spirits are low ; and although Tie is satisfied that exercise would be beneficial to him, yet he can scarcely summon up fortitude enough to try it. In facfr he distrusts every remedy. Several of the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases have occurred where few of them existed,' yet exam ination of the tbodyi1 after death, has . shown thfc liver to have been exten sively deranged. y . . . . -1.. . ' AATJE AND FJLVER. ' Xk. C. McLane's Liver Pills, in cASETi of Ague and Fever, when takf.nnvith Quinine, are productive of thf. rriost happy results. No better cathartic can be used, preparatory to, t)r after taking Quinine. We woud 'advise all who are afflicted with this - disease to give them a FAIR TRIAL. For al bilioas derangements, and as a simple purgative, they are un cqualcd. I , ' 1 - n UEWAltE OF IMITATIONS. he cenuinc are never sufrar coated. ' Every box has a red Wax seal on the lid, with the expression Diu McLane's Liver PiLijS. i The genuine McLANe's llVR PILLS bear the signatures of C. McLANE and Fleming Bros, on the wrappers. : :' Insist upon having the genuine DrJ C. McLane's Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Kros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the market being full of imitations of the name JIcLtlue, spejled dififerently.but tame pronunciation. , Dec S ly I SUMNER LODGE, NO 48, ,! ; Of.COfcUMBIA,S. C., j I. O. bf G, S. and D, of S. fleets Mondn.v evenibsr of each week . E .7 at 8 o'clock. t - v X. U'OItRESSX, 3?? S. inch 7 tf New Coal & Wood Yard TO W1F.R& MORRISON, Froj's.' TOVEf ind Grate Coal and all kinds o WOOD. tn hand. Orders promptly attend- ' . . ' COL? , at Lowest Prices, delivered wllb- extra charge. s OVA SCOTIA and ENGLISH COAU . FOWLER & MORRISOXf, nov 9 tf Water, bet. Orange and Ann Bt MISCELLANEOUS. H. T. HELMB0LD S conn pound FLUID EXTRACT PHArMACEUTICAL. A SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR ALL 1)ISE4 OF Txiil BLADDER & KIDNEYS. y. -: ' 'I" v..'' For Debility, Los of Memory, Indisposif tlon to Kxertiou or Business, Shortness o, Breath, Troubled with Thoughts of Disease, Dimness of Vision, Pntn in the Back, Chest, and Head, Rush ot Blood to the Head, Pale Countenance and Dry Skin. r If these sjmptoms are allowed to go on, very frequently EpUepiic FitLs and Cpn sumptlpn folloAV.' When the-constitution becomes a fleeted it requires the aid ofan Invigorating medicine to strcuglb.cn and tone up the system which II ELM B0 LB' S B U( ' J I U ' DOES IN EVERY CASE HELMBOLD'S BUGHl) IS UNEQUALLED Rr nnv mnVv known. It Is prescribed iy the most eminent pbysiciaus all ovelr the yrorlil in J Rheumatism, Spermatorrhoia," Neuralgia, Nervousness Dyspepsia; Indigestion,! Constipation V i1 Aches and Tain?, " General Debility, j - Kidney DiaeaBesj Liver Complaint, Nervous Debilif- ' Epilepsy, j Head Troubles,; Paralysis, General 111 Health, Spinal Diseases, bciatica, Deafness, Decline.! ' Lumbago.l ' : Catarrh, Nervous Complaints, 1 Female Complaints. Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Cough, Dizziness. Sour Stomach. Eruptions, Had Taste in the Mouth, Palpitation of the Heart. Pain in the region of the Kidneys, and a thousand other painful sy in ptons, are the oBsprings ot .Dyspepsia. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU INVIGORATES THE STOMACH,; And sUmulates the torpid Liver, Rowels, and Kidneys to healthy action, in cleansing fhA hinnd of all impurities, and imparting tiro .nil rltrnr In thf! whole S VSteill. a ginirie irnu win u qmro convince the most hesitating of its valuable remedial qualities. PRICE $1 PER BOTTLE, Or Six Bottles for $5. Delivered to any address free fi om bbser- VPaticnts', may consult by letter, recciv ui Ramo attention as by calling. n.or.t PhvKici.inR attend to corres pondents; All letters should be addressed Q3. T. HELilffiBLD, Pruggiijt and Chemist, Philadelphia, Pa. See that the private Proprietary ' stamp is on each bottle. SOLD EVE Y WHERE. BOV23-ly RAILROADS. PETERSBURG B. B. COUP ANY. OFFICE SUPERINTENDENT, retersbur? , V.; March 31, 1880, Schedule of Trains, to take Effect on Msrch 31, 18S0. GOING SOUTH. New York Express leaves Peterg- - - - burg, dally at 1.07 p Tn FKEIGUT TRAIN, WITH PASSENGER i : COACH ATTACHED. Leaves Petersbnrgrdally (except Sunday) at.. .10.30 a m Arrives at Weldon ajt SJ2o p m GOING NOHTH. New York Express leaves Weldon, daily at . i. 1.10 d m Arrives at l'eterisburg at...... 3.30 p m. T FltEIGIiT TRAIN. WITH PASSENGER COACH ATTACHED. Leave WeJden, dily, except Sun- aay. ai..............i.. .. ... 5.4a P m Arrive at Petersburg, dally, except sunaay.ai.... M.mHWMWm.lu.3U pm First class coaches will ran throueb. be tween Wilmington and Washington. feieepine cars run through on niarht trains. Sleeping car berths can be bad. forJIOO Richmond to ' ltaltlmore. No - change of cars. - Throneh tickets sold to all nolntn east nr south, and baggage Cheeked through. tt. M. BULLY. en'l Sunt. W. J. BROWNi Dispatcher of Trains . j une zu u. Ricjuoni antt Peterslnr Railroad Co. I lOMMENCINGI Sunday. March 21, 15S0, irams on mis roaa win run as follows: . LEAVE RICHMOND, SOUTH. 12.00 A. M.. Through MAIL daily connect- . ing for ; Charleston, Augnsta, - Aiken (via Charleston), Savan nah, Raleigh, and Jacksonville. Stops at Mane lester and Ches- ter. andllalf- Vavon siarnal. o.:J0 P. M., Accommodation Train, dally.' J'assengers taking this train will make close connection at Petersburg for Norfolk. Stops at all stations. '' 10.;i3P. M.. Through Maix. dally connect- j ing fkr Wehlon, Wilmington, Ualeigb, Charleston, and Savan nah, Columbia, Augusta. Atlan ta, Majcon Mobile, Montgomery and New Orleans. Pullman sleeping Cars from Washington for Wilmington and 1 lie South. Stops at Manchester and Ches ter and Half- Wav on Klirnal. 3.20 A'. M., Freight Train daily (except , Sunday), passenger car attached AH trains leavlmr Petersbure will start from the Appomattox Depot. Sunday Excursion Trains leave Rich mond at 9.00 A. M. and .30 P. M. Leave Petersburg at 9.30 A. M. and P. M. everv Sundaj'. T.D.KLINE, f mchlMlf Superintendent. FAST MAIL ANU PASSENGER ROUTE TO THE NORTH AND EAST, VIA. THE RICHMOND, FREDERICKSBURG AND POTO MAC RAILROAD. ' , Entire trains run tlironirh from Wilmlhsr- ton to Washington, via. this route without cuaugu. j - . Hi Leave Wilmitgton, W A W R R, f! uauy ai...r... ....o.oo a m and r!. ltp m Leave ilichmondi ....5 pun " 8.1ia m Sunday excepted, i i Jill Arrive at Washington at 9.25 p m an 1.10 p m. Sunday excepted. .si Arrive at Baltimore at 11.10 p in and .03 p in. feunaay exefpted. M i Arrive at Philadelphia at 3.25 a m and G 50 i in, ouuus; ficepwa. p! Arrive at New York at 0.45 a m and lftiO-5 p in. Sunday excepted. i.. ifi) Piiliman Palace Sleeping cars on t life: 6 50 a. m, trains to New .York, and on the e;40 u iu. uiiius to tvasuiucion. V. A. TAYLOR, V . 1 General Ticket AcoM E.TM. MYJKRS, Gen'l. Supt. U uicli 21 tf, i a j AV imitation ifc TU'elclbn ! Uailroad. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. Wilmisgtox, N. C May 20lb, 1SS0. JOMMRNCINO June 1st, 1SS0. Round Trip. Tickets to the J ! Mineral Spring aud Summer Resort's ' of Virginia, West. Virginia and ' North Carolina, , will be on sale at the Coui on Ticket offices of this Road via. Goldsboro, Weldon, Rich mond or Petersburg, and also to Summer Res rts of upper South Carolina and . West- crn Norlh Carolina, via. Wilmington and Columbia, v i For Tickets, Price Lists and Time Cards containing ail needful information, call on tlje undersigned, or Ticket Agenta at Wil mington, "Wilson, Weldon,. Tarnoro and Goldsboro. , a. pope, ; General Passenger Agent. June 0 it ' XV i I m i n t o n , Col ii m h ia & A Hirudin It a i! road. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. - V . Wii.MlifGTOX, N.p, May 2Gtb, 1880 COMMENCING June isi, inw, iwuuuhjf Tickets to the Mineral Springs and Summer Ilesorta of Virginia, West Virginia and North Carolina, will be on sale at the Coupon Ticket offices of this Road. For Tickets, Price Lists, and Time Cards contalniugull needful information, call on tue undersigned, or Ticket Agents at Wil mington, Florence, Sumter or Columbia. A. POPE, General Passenger Agent. June 6 It ,-;' JjklQ a day at home. Agents wanted . Outnt and terms tree. IBDBJw Me. ? ' . .!!'. i : ' M:h - . NEW ADVERTISE MEN To. Wilmington 4 Weldon R. B. Company Li.-i OrKICK UKXKBAX.SrjPXBI2mC2nEHT, I .Wilmington, N. C, Junel2,18S0. : s'": CHAN.QK OF SCHEDULI. ' ON and after Monday June 11. 1880, Pas senger Trains On the W. fc W Railroad will rnu as follows . : DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN Daily. ', Leave Wilmington, Front Street i Depot, at.... 6:50 A. M Arrive atWeldOn at ..p.. 12:50P.M, Leave Weldon at 3:40 P. M Arrive at WilmiBgtoii .Front St. Depot at v:dj r. an PASSENGER1 AND FREIGHT Traij, Daily Except Sundays Leave Wilmington, Front Street I)cpot fttwiinwti nni 3.30 P X Arrive at Weldon at ...... 3.4DAM Iieave Weldon daily, at 1:00 A M Arrive at Wilmington, Front Street I t Depot, at.....l, ;................1.30 P. M, -Trains on Torboro Branch Road leave Rocy Mount for Tarboro at 5:10 P. M Baiiy,and Tuesday, Tlrujsday and Satur day at 5.05 A. M. Returning leave Tarboro at 10.00 A. M. daily, aud Monday, Wednes day and Friday at K.30 P.M. The Day Tram nkakes close connection at Weldon for all points North via Bay Line, daily except Sunday, and daily via Rlchi mond and all-rail route. I Night Train; makes close connection at Weldon for all points north via Richmond, JOHN F, DIViNK, General Bup't. juno20jf SUPERINTENDENT'S OEFICE Wilmington. Colombia & lu ll. Company. t - WiiIbiihgtoii, N. C, June 12, 1880 0HANGE, OF SCHEDULE O' N an: d after Monday. June 14, the tol lowing sche Jie win ue run ontnia a i L ! road: PASSENiGER, EXPKES?, MAIL AND THROUGH F R EI G HT.T RAIN DAILY EXCEPT" SUNDAKS. 7 ; Lea e Wilmington 4X0 P. M 2.40 P. M 8.15 A.M. 5.0OP. M. Leave Florence Arfive at! Columbia Lieave Columbia Leave Florence .... 4.30 A. M Arriveat Wilmington... i...... .11 oO A M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN, (daily) Leave Wilmiajrton ...10.13 P M Leave Florence..:. U.30AM Arrive at Camden Junction .4.15 A. M. Arrive alt Columbia. ........... . 8.15 A. M Leave C$ umbiaj. .......... ..... 5.00 P: M Leave Cmben Junction - 12.00 M Leave Florence at 2.30 A. M Arrive at Wilmington ..........! 6.30 A M This Train stops only at Flcmingtor, Whiteville, Fair Bluff, Marion and. Brink iey'a. l i ' Passengers for Columb!a, and all points on G. & Gi K. It. and in Westeru North Caro lina, via -Columbia and Spartanburg, should ake Night Express Train irom Wilming ton. .. 1 i -- . I - Passengers for Augusta should take Night Express Train, which connects closely via Camden Junction. ' . Through Sleeping Cars on all night trains for Charleston, and Augusta. Trains! leaving Wilmington on Saturday nights make close connection for Columbia only viajCamdeii Junction and South Car olina Railroad. JUHN F. DIVINE, Gea... Sup' t , June'JP-tf. Oai'Qlina ' i: i i i " way Central iiail Oompany. , OFFICE! GEN'l SUPERINTENDENT '""WmatiNaTON, N. C, June la, lh0. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. O ,N and after JUNE 16th Instant,' the following Schedule will be operated on this Railway : PASSENGER MAIL .AND TRAIN IHXTRESS ") Irfiave Wilmington at... ....G:00 P. M .. 1;25 A. M No. 1. -Arrive at Hamlet at. 1 . 1 1 ." Charlotte at ......7:00 A. M ) Leave Charlotte at:.... 8:20 P. M No. 2. V Arrive at Hamlet at.......... 1:27 A. M Iff!" Wilmington at U:O0A.M No. 1 Train is Daily except Sunday, but makes no connection to Raleigh on Satur day. ; jl . -i No. 2 Train is Daily except on Saturday. SHELBY DIVISION MAIL. FREIGHT & PASSENGER ANDJSXPRESS ) Leave Charlotte, j Arrive at Shelby ..8:00 A. M - 12:00 M. . Leave Shelby... :j Arrive at Charlotte . 2:00 P.JVI ...C:00 P. M No. LOCAL FREIGHT & ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Wilmington.. Arrives at Laurinburg........ Leaves Charlotte...... Arrives at Laurinburg Leaves Laurinburg Arrives at Charlotte. Leaves Laurinburg Arrives at Wilmington ..'G:J5 A. M ..5:10 P. M ... 4:15 A. M ... 4:00 P. M ... 5:30 A. M ....4:20 P. M ....5:00 A. M ...4.15 P. M These Trains leave Wilmington and Char- lotte'TuesdayfJ Thursdays and Saturdays: Laurinburg, Mondays, Wednesdays and ; F ridays. I Close contection at Hamlet to and form Raleigh, and I at Charlotte via. States vllle to all points in Western North Carolina and to Asheville. Also, via. Spartanburg to Henderson ville. adjacent? points and Asheville. Passengers for Asheville via either rente, leaving Wilmington at 6 p. jn., will arrive at destination at 7 p. m., next day. Sleeping-Car accommodations on Through Trains both to and from Charlotte and Wilmington, j . . . , t There will aiso De inrougn oieepcrs run to and from Ualeigb and Charlotte. V. Q. JOHNSON, Chief Engineer and Superintendent, June 20-tf ; ' " v at - Ureal cnauce iu make money It j lj J i If you can't get gold you can get greenbacks. We need a person in every town to lase sauicnpnous iur liio j urges i., cheapest and Illustrated family publication, in th. world, i Any one can become a suc cessful agent, i The most elegant works of art given free to suDscriDers. ine price is so low that almost everybody subscribes, One agent report inajt.mg oyer 9iou in a week. A lady agent report taking over 400 subscribers in ten aays. ah wno engage make money fast. You can deyote all your time to the business, or only your spare time. You need not be away from home over night. You can do it as well as others. ill particulars, arrecuons ana terms iree. legantand expensive Qntrlt frept If you iStnrontableWisenllnsyburWdresB want, nmflialile work send ns your at once. It costs nothing to try thebusi- KJn nn o wnrt ATiarftfroa IRlia I.O nun great pay, Addr88 "Xhe People's Journal." aoit W-12m $300 A MONTH euaranted. 112 a day at home made by the In dustrious. Capital not required we will start you. Men, women, boys and girls make money iasier at wwk ior us wan at anvthlne- else. The work is light and pleasant, and such as anyone can go right at Those who are wise who see this notice will send us their addresses at one and see for themselves. Cstly outfit and terms free. Now is the time. Those already at work are lavine no laree sums of money. Address august 100 y TRUE W. Augusta, Me - - ! I MISCELLANEO US, bricky4ri. j HAVE a splendid tract of land, on the' old Newbem' Road, that contains the bes LOT of CLAY in this part of the state. Any one who would like to start a briok yard, will please call and sec me. Bricks are always In demand, and at good prices In this city; ; dec7U W. P.CANADAY. PIANOS $140 TO S400- All new, and strictly first-class, and sold at the lowest net cash wholesale factory prices, direct to the purchaser. These Pianos made one of the finest displays at the Centennial Exhibition, andwere unanimously recommended for the High est Honors over 12,000 in use. Reirularly incorporated Manufacturing. Co. Factory established.-over 37 years. The -Square Grands contain Mathushek's new patent Duplex Overstrung Scale, the greatest improvement in tho history of Piano making. The Uprights are the Finest-in America. Pianos sent on trial. Don't fail to write for Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue of 48 pages mailed free. MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO., 21 East 15th Street,. N. Y. apr.13 6m; Free Love Lodge. No. 1469, G. U of 0. F. HJ. WHITRIIEAD, NO . W. T. HALL. N F A.J. JONES, PNF E. M. GREEN, V G T. F. HALL, Treasurer JOS. WILLIS, P S J. G. BAKNETT, PNG. JNO. PAILLIPS, I G ? P. H, II ARLEY, Warden , ' J.K.CUTLAR. Chaplain I Keeular meetinc 1st autisa i Tuesday in each month. Lodge Boom upper floor, cor ner dock ana water sts inayi-u Golden Lyre Lodge No; 1608 G, U of 0, F. "- JOHN W.? A VERY, N G GODFREY WILLIS, N F E. A. DUDLEY, P N G . J. M. SLOAN, V G P. W. LAWRENCE, Treasurer A. A . DUDLEY, P S W. H. MARSTELLAR, P N G j MORRIS McFARLAND, I G ; THOS. MILLER, Warden ALEX. ELLISON, Chaplain j L-H. DAVIS. Marshal .Regular meetin 1st and 3d Monday night in each month. Lodge Room upper llooiL sorner Market and South Water btreets. j . may 18 tf - r rrirfitr Hospital. 8 A new work, price 50 cents hv ninil. Mrstr- ft-. Clark St., Chicago, 111. CySpecinlty, all I'rirate, Chronic and Female Disease. Consultation free. Ladies and Gentle men, send one dollar for samples of lcs! r a b b e r roods, and valuable information t express. Relia ble Female Pills, 85 per box. Private home and nurse for Ladies during con finement. ries or Mature, PliTil ology of Marriage. Or-. r.nnB of Generation, Disease of Youth and Manhood; a wealth ef I . , V I I .. CS m formation, of interest to both -exes. Nothing offensive to good'tajstu and refinement. Infor mation never before published. No fariiily. (E'Address, Dr. AJ O. OLIJ LIN", 203 Clark 8tl dec - U io EH; ft 1 1 CO DC" o PS M a Pxj o - p. p. D; M. JJAKT. PRACTICAL PLUMBER. STEAM AND GAS FITTER, wiLMinn ton, n. a, I.VN STILL Uri FOUND AT HIS OLD stuiKl, Journal Bulldirm, Princess strectl where he is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line, cheaper, than ever before offered to the public lias constantly on hand , Bath TuDs, ' Water Closets, Wash. Stands, Pumps of all descriptions, Drain Pipes, Gas Pipes, ' Gas Fxturea,"&c., Personal attention given to all work. Satisfaction guaranteed, december 21 tf (DRC A WEHK In your town, and no capital risked. You can give the il J U U business a trial without; ex Dense. The best opportunity ever offered for tnose willing tQ work. You should try nothing else until you see for yourself what you! can do at the business we offer. No room to ex plain hereJ You can devote all your time or only your spare time to ihe business, aud make great pay for every hour that you work; . Women make as much as men, Send for BpeciBi private terms ana particur rft3 lars. which wemailvfree. t Outfit free. Don't complain ofmrd times while you have sucliachsnce, Address - II HALLETT & CO' i aug 10 ly , Portland, Maine SPIRIT OF THE S0UTl AN INDEPENDET FAMILY NEWSPA PER, devoted to news, politics, litera ture. 0. PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT ROCKING- V HAM, N. C. ; HAS BY FAR THE LARGEST CIRCULA TION OP ANY OTHER PAPER PUBLISHED IN THE PEE DEE COUNTRY, TERMS IN ADVANCE. XEi SSKhT" Onecepy; ix months.. One copy qne yaar. ... 1 60 une cepy six moDius a One copy three month... Vo W. M. TERRY CURED. A simple vei tot too tvwtu ana prm: titrmanent cure Of Coufinmo- tionrontl"117, ABthmaind all Throat- ana l,mr.f A3 eettont. jubo a pwiHTe Hnp radical cure for Ken-cms pebuityand ab, Ihoumiul nfrrue. liecilC. -with full dir rticiliJ lng ana vmnft, Bcni vy iami irco oi ruuinc on receipt oi etamp. tia owwm P"!'"- IW.W.BHEmAR.14Fircr,ltKKK,McwT,w.y. 9 CH GO MISCELLANEOUS.: A FAK TRIAL! iXil WE AS SC f , - AT THE " ' ; c - - - LARGE WHOLESALE GROCEliY -''''; ;' ON Southeas and-Dock j$tr. ' Having the LARGEST STOCK IN TIIU CITY to select from, and from our long ex '.: -'-': -v nerience in the trade, together with our ' . ' " i . abundant facilities- for doirg tusi- etf, we' e an guarantee satisfaction as to the Quality of and Prices .of Cur Goods r : ' ' ' .:. ' .'i, -J-. "- ""'.;.-" to all who will favor us witnj a call. ADRIAN & VOLLERS, WHOLESALE GROCERS, . Southeast cor. Front and Doct S.s". WILMINGTON, N. C. may 23 tf New Jewelry Establishment. J. L. WINNER, NO. 3 S. FRONT Street, Wilmington, N. C, ' : ' ' ' -- 1 Desires to inform the public tbat liel.' prepared, to repairjwatches, jewelry and Chronometers, and also to do hard solder work. Any work sent to him by mail will be promptly attend to. apl li ly. Hit. SAXFOEb's LrvEit Intigokator i'3 a Standard Faxiaily Remedy for ,fj& diseases of tho Liver, Stomacli 53 and Dowels. It is Purely JtfifeflJ Vegetabla It Debilitates It is Cathartic and -fl? v WW, .UMrtvO -1 Tho we. jLnvigorator ha3 beca: used my practice t,tand liy the public. , xur iiiuio. mini oo yeyrn, ,"with unprecedented reunlta. SEND FQR CIRCULAR. St Tt Wt SANFORD) MiDijsvvyonK.iiV AST DEl'GGIST WILL TELL VOL' llS UEI'l'T may 18 ly. '' nndertaier. GarDenter and Calnct Mater. .. On Second Between Princess aud ejstnut Streets. ' AV iLli FURNIS II cbFFI NH, CAS K ET8, -with attendance, at tho very shorten notice. (.. - All ordersrom the country promptly at tended to. -J Orders for Carpenter and Cabinet WorU BOlfcitcd, and work guaranteed.' Work as low as any in the city. dec 7-tf S 1 51 TO fi000 A YEAR or 85 lo 820 a davin von own lrnlitv I' No risk. Women do as well as men. Many make morlhan the amount stated above. No i one can fail to mabu money fast. Any one can do the work. Vou can make from 60 cts to J2 an hour by devo ting your evenings and spare time to ihe business, Nothing like dt for money Mak ing was ever offered before. Business pleas ant and -strictly honorrble. Reader, if you want to know all about the best paying be foretha public, send us your address and we will send you full particulars and private terms free; samples worth 85 also free; you can then make up pourmindfor yourself. Address GEORGE STINSON A CO, august 10-ly , I'ortlandain Me PAHKEit & T11L0K, DEALERS JN 4 Kerosene Oil, Siotos, Metals, Guns Lanterns, Fairbanks Scales, ' PUMrS, BRASS AND IRON ROSIN ;i STRAINERS. - -1 ! DIPrEBS AND SKIMMERS. Manufacturers and wholesale dealers TIN 1HD SHEET IRQ H WARe! No. 19 FRONT STREET, an li ly , WILMINGTON, N. C, WANTED: A LIMITEJ) I number of active' enersret 1 raT vn b sers to engage in a pleasant and profitable business. Ctood men will Und this a rare chance " ' ... ,.- jj. ; TO MAKE, MONEY, I , Such will pleash answer his advertise ment by letter, enclosing stamp for reply, statins what business they have been en gaged in. None butt Hose xtY.o mean busi ness need apply. , - . j Address, -'.-J :'.v,i-.- '': -'"-; apriI20-ly Atlanta. Ga 17 STOP QRGANSKSX?: ped, only $07.75. New Pianosr$ll)ii to S1,(!U. -ea-JHiasummer oner Jllust'd iree. Address Daniel F.Beatty, Washington, N. J, n may 30iw i I I El Mm BlO fiSBS? 7 e-ZZ'X rH jtH Tonic, fjrmmm . f-T4 tl E.-3 h.4 tri JT. .1 1 I J M "iVAi Hk. J . w M r Tm .11" "It. 111 .11 t Ml SH 1 fc3 FST tfl b-' f "a ts tri TU PST 1 L4I wcj k mmm w a mm mm l'm ll j w-jm rt ea mm 63 Ed El V 4 LI nil r

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