-" M - t r n rv. 'AT rtff IcJ-J if I fill I W I LM I NT()N AN()UT! I OA ROLINA, SUNDAY, JULY 25. ISSt). S;!c CojIcj 5 Oris NUMBER 2U, 1 V I II I III'.' I 1 A . I 11 I I i I y JLV vviI,MlNVlON l'l)SX I VVll.'M:N.i.rMN..N--4!-. AM.1I.U MaM Kit I I , , '.KATES OF ADVERTISING. fifty cent per .-line for j the first in .:rtin unit twenty-live citi per liu tr each .additional insertion. Biplit (SjjjHnes, Nonpareil type.wn ditiite a square, i ' . The subscription prifeto Tiik Wll, ,surs 'Vr is tl; M pr year; ., iii-inlli-i 7r cents. , . H iiiu'iint rtkni.Hoii lHHini'Srtliiill .il iV'-'i t TllBWll.MIXUTON l" Ml advertisements will be charged a die above rates, except ou special con tin: rinieiV nisntin' ton- The following nmeil pjenticinen wero appointed as member of the Executive L' .inniiit ejof llie Tiling 1 lihtrict, each Ki'iti; designated by A hose reprcHtjiitiii? ilws several counties in -the. ('on vent ion: ' f'.ru u w i c K J use ph S pell". Jlliulfii oil ii Newell. CinnU rliiiiil ). II. lllocker. ('i.lirmlniH -Owen 1a W. Jmithl . l'.irtrrl W. J. lin-hall. ', - hiij-lin - Irvin r,ui:in. ' liuriit lt .l.mirs S. liarrintoni j . Moore -S. If. f'.iichaiiiin. Ni v II;!iiover--J. I' iinypa'eKer. IVmlff - !fi. l-'reneli. r Onslow 'l'lunti:iM li. iilinan, :nnpHoii--l,altm iof.soiii. 1 i i!iii;i,o Joseph i'f AMjott. LATEST. .si'-ea by the report "ol A- v.ill I the for tin- lhii l ( 'oirrrciisMinai District, printi-tl i in 'another cohnnyiho lbx. Wii.i.i.vm - P. ( VN Ai. wiiHV-uii'jiniiiiouHly niimi natr l as. : iniiiliJate for tS'onre.xH. No other name, was Kpokcn of lor the poni (i,n, an) ili.i ih(ii,ii,aiii4n sas it( fact niul in reality iiiiunimoux, an it wa in Iotiii. ''I ne'next isHuu the VofT will i tiVat the unbjiVt n i t h iuiportanee de ,. jm-i. iiul iiI(lu('Mhe reanons which : MUL'1it.t', leii'V 1 ) o nomination at jsfuc utv tlu;' people of the District. . 'flu-letter of acceptance of' (Seneral AHUuv, ; the Republican caiuliilate - tor Vice Pnsiileirt, i.- a very bohl artd jhle ilnciiiiieiif, outHjtoUcn at all poiut?, h.'i ft:i)j;rt all itlu; AVtjy tljrmijjh. '- It in i t inti d in another column, ami we nli.ill liae ui'mc to paj about it hereaf t r. : ' ;- ' ' . t i-fttVil that (len. U rant lias ac- M .ti ii ciuutiiiMiUiliy au iioporliiiu poni ' (ion which nilTreiire li" recidence in i -New York '(. Hw. recent trip to .Mexico hail mmu.- coniicctiou ut.h h'n , tntiiye cnpacnc.uti. , J lie Wentcri Hraucli of the Kcpubli vw National C'onimitteo have or l(.nti.ei fi.t Jt.i.ioao. Sicuatut Loan tlechniiii; on account of,his time bcin enrii'eil in nieakiiiir in UlimtiH ami ' ellur ctnte?, Wr. FiHey wa iee t'liijirinau. An auxiliary iMccteU i coin- inittee uaiilecled liom Chjoapi. Much t'.piinii;ti Itttiiu-rt w;h tratjai ted': iiik Tiiinu ::iHTitiiT. .1 h irour lender my real'? j the . ci.it. M.f tilings in forntcr cKctioiiHi iu ,' jlnu .titricr( we i . juie down a feijv fact!. , jn l rl Vndejl Vote as ',o72. It leap-. I in twi viat. l7(, to I ,-, - list' there was I '. vvr, lor Waddell. gained in two lu i Uo oilier hand in I S7S Waddell ict'cived only lO.J.jO vote ahd Kussell fcfivid, 1 1, 'll WaddcU'a falling otViiom tho Vote of I S t' as i. J 'J I , a ud U usse Us fa 1 1 i ug if Hum Canaday 's vol of ISTti, was J.l'i Kejmblican vote. be acu tlat by-the lai. Voting in llii district in 178, the decrease ot Wh tBiv UcpubMcsn ' ami iH-mocratie firs was U'M , t ur sincere and confident fiMrt ds wlio ilkupiH'rt'mg ihaclefiJid wi'.Ldo well to consik ler tbce facts.. They can t couui .ni much .certainty vtrthiv Dis trict, iiwe the uuauvuuted for in- crea.o U Waddell' v-tittf of ,'X votes. tMjiri in iiire couniio. ad aJdeii s Uug otf of 6 JIM in two yearsL TIIK IlKMT Itt'lUlLK niHTK! We" are inforimnl that Te has (ailed t jay Itho employe of - the Western Xwth Candina Kailrw'd for I evetjl mohtbs. It ia cwusidcrvd iu the'" west Hjcujhat l-st .hatfailod 31 cannot . .atTriuSvliis contract, -Mr. .'IVft and (Vl. Sam. McDowell Tate are jlnHh iu N'm KiVtrj ing to pUev the new lU-st N'ml of tl.rroad.t' have Kvn un able tido. at Tmy.pncv. Dar pre (S, iietwn that, it wottldJ n, have cmy t 'U trre. The Kaleih (rrrr, b-aditi Democratic papern the tatV, ' that ret has cne rntirJlyxVy 1h- gallic iutaa' oiM l W .Kurd. -' tiwt bok uwfe live a tiiW pt n than the tm-U of a city th - i XfOTXCC Tb if ill hv ft netting tt lh IU publican vrtrrn of lh Second VrJ, for the urKo of urmiixing CiAU FIKU, IIUXTON ai CANADA Y t t-L ii. at C. Scott'a stor, on Irin ctM betweeo Third and Fourth trcet, Mouday crruiag, Jul 2Ctb, 1880. Al5, n't .'the Docket Company' House, In the Fifth Ward, on Dth be twen Castle and Queon streeU, Wed nesday evening, July 28lh, 1830. A full nltendance of the Republicans of both Wurdi are desired. lilt. TANWKIl'tt FAST. - Tl.ii now famous gentleman has to day reached bin 27th day without food or '.imuUnt. . He takes nothing but water, sometimes Croton and sometimes Hpring water, iced, to the amount of 1G to Hi) Lunees per day. The introduc tion into his system of nitrogen and oxygen contained in the water U his only nutriment. On Thursday morn ing last Dr. Tanner felt some indica tiotis of vertigo", but was belter at uoou. Ileeutercd upon his Iweuty-fifih day of fast iug, in good spirits and feeling irtll. He drank a pint of water after infiidii'ght. . v T. I'll is is not the only instance of ab- slai'iing from the use of food. It is re late! by i' J. Hale, F.-q.,- wriliwg from New York to the JIaleigh it irj' that a inaiuiii V'autauj;a countyrof this state, fasted "fi days and then died. Also IK) yesirs :t)i't a man iu ir' near. Ililtiinore lived If) days without food. There was aiiotb! ta.sf, we .link in Marblehead, Mas-.., where a man lived 40 days with out II, od.. We suppose th it there may have '-beiii other instances which will come l. liKht. Dr. W. I. Ixe of Mar-, ion, JilinoU, wiilr. to Dr; Tanner that he h;is I'.ifted lll days. A terrible accident ccurred at the Ilinloii river tunned, which is in pro eess tifvoimii' j,;lioa from Jers.'y City to New Yoik Milder tho Hudson,, by which 20 men were stilled or drowned. The accident was caused by the cariug of the roof. The i'renideqt apd engi-nH-r t f thu CuUipiiny are of opinion tht the break occurred in cou equence of tiie. neglect to keep' watch. v;Thei c is more himc.My, honor, iip rigbtness, int'jrit)- and patriotic piety in (lyni'ial Garfield's. little linger, than there ij in' 1 ne iirnius and gizzards of the whole tribe of ancient eiftners among the Uourjion pres of the South, who arc pecking at his persoual charac ter efyrffcls,- iHorj cvuy morning before bieiikfiiHt of all the honorable and decent qualities which belong to thc human .animal, called man, than thc.-c scatidalniontjiiir mild lliugerd ever kiniv. Tin: hktu'hlican btatk com This body met al luleigh for consul tat ion ou tho 22nd inst. Thomaji N. Cooper of Iredell was unanimously elected (Miairmau, and J. C, L. Harris, fecrctLy, and O. lluuter, Assistant JH-crctary, unanimously A sub-comuiittce for the cnv?ss was elected, composetl of tho following perJ son.-: J. J. Mott, J. H. Harris, W. A. Motre, W. 1. Canaday, Thos. V Kiojh and 1..W. llmjU'brpj. lien. i; V, liuton, our candidate for Governor wai present in consulta tiou with the rmmittce. lie wan al Jovvid lo use his owu pleasure abeui res'gniug from the bench, but decided J of his own accopl to resign, and gire his attcntl a to the canvas. Tisiting ad parts of the state. Further detail of his canvass will be mad soon. The meeting ot tho Committee, which sat two ilays? was entirely harmonious. Nast in Harper's Weekly is after Hancock with his caricatures aa badly as he was after (Jrccley. He new rep resents. Hancock as the .Trojan horse, inidc which Inrk Tammanr .thiere, old Til Ion jth hU bar1, . ci-rebels, luklux. rcl-UirU aiul shot-guns. An other cartoon, represent him ma Gulli Tfr, lying oii his back and such LUli rut as Tildw, Fernando Wood, Thnr man, Lmar Toombs, ErigUUt x.c a uiyriad of then), lashing his hair to the ground, tying him down hand anU foc4 with inrtnitewimal strings, a the six inches high Ullipats did Gulliver when I he was asleeis Customer - "Wh are 'Malt lhtttr' so popuiar i Drvr-i"l -"reC,s, a a rvot Mea- iciae, they enrich theblowl, harden the luuscle. qniei the m rves, and prrTfct digetio5v" . V-':-: lhyicUnj freely prrcriW the the Food Med icioe, "Malt Kilters - p- I cau-e more nowtUhtog, atrrngtbeniog. the J and pnrifjiog thaa all other forsas of rnaU or acuiin, wlule free frooa tae objexthMi nrjed a-aiat nalt lienors. No latermenU ia the Catholic 0e-erv 4rinttha past nk. CUyr.JI1H1 OK fUK T1UUD iti.xi.ui;!ii.ai, lTi:i T. Thw body asruUlel athe Ouurt lloune iu uiiihrille on Tuesday U-t at 12, . aud was called to order by Capt. U. II. ICocker.the Chairman of the IIx- cutive Committeof the .district, who apiointed W. 1C. Price as tempo ra secretary! The chair then called for the cre dentials of tho delegates, aud appoiu teJ the following as a committee ou cteUeutiaW: (ico. Fricc Jr., A. (i. Thornton of Cumherlaud, W'j J. Uusl all of Carteret, J. W. McLiuc ot. ()us lowi and 11. lieainau of Dupliu. Iu the absence of the committee Judge S. W. Watts and II. E. , Scott Esq , addreisedthe convention, and the body tooka recess -until 2:30. . On reanaaabling the jComalLttoy, ou creJentiais reported the 'following persons iiitilel t' soita: ' ; - B.umswick, W. (irilli i aui Joseph Spell!1; Uiaduu, 5 i. cwol'!,. C. Edwards; Cnn'lorlaud, Ta )r:iton, J. Leary, O. II. lilocker, T. 15. Lutle lh- ColumbiiSjJ Juo. Spaulliug aud O. L. W. Smith';. Cutorett, W. J. Bushall, .Stephen. Turner; Dupliu, Irving Heain iU aud J. olauford; llaructt, no dologitj pr-M-jut; Jf jjre, Sioti Duchau iu an I C.-i. L okey (prox); New illiii'iTcr, E 11. Hrinlv, G. W. l'rioj Jr.-, J. C. I liU. . J. renuys packer, (W. 11. (! jrkiu pi'J.v); L'u lir, Gso. JW. C.irr au ! Win Mclatire; (Jaslow, Averctt McLi!i; .inipsou, J. Tally. - The roj r'i w i :id'ptel. Il-in. J ii-2t'i J A-i' til oi New Hauover, was el--.:tjd perm lucnt chair man ... ' ilou. J.1VI1HI aul G. W. r-ii- Jr., appointed t-'t c I ielt I i yf 'y it, to the chair; - wYi in a 1" i-jl' s; ; thanked tii c riveuf.'i ;r f .r lb honor aud rcques!cd"ii'j!i;ii.i.i'i'i i'.r porma nnt secretary. . K. I ; ice are! u i:v . .:inui were electeil. i Frank Div'n anl Wiu . Cta' w'jrc appointed sergn nil at aruv. On moliou a oiii'hitles'of ' e ui.st ng of II ii. O. II. IJloek-ir,'- .J. J, l,Iill and J. Wr Sp iMinj wrj Ap!-i:i'-.- i on resolutions an I p'atfiitn. The rule of- Uu S--.t- C ive:Ui."i, so f jr ai ap-lic iS'e, v .-re :i. 1 j;i'.e 1 fjr the govornan it of tlii . c :ivj'i'.I-j.'i. Nomination' kjh Cisuj'u.u'K i-oii CoN'.ir.K.s, beiug in order II n. Gio. l'icJr., took the ins rt jr i i-n. j'-.-.u ed speech placed' in n j nunlio'i ' tiie HOV. WM I'-IUKUU 0.VN'.V1.VV. , The Bomi.n itioii was s -c -i 11 by A . G. Thorutoti. ' i . n;otion of It t O II. Blocker th u'laiinati n w i ni 1 1 4 by acclamation unaniunu-!. " N'o.Mix.vri N.-J .von . lii-jr j:: ' .t--i-;;:v on motiou it wan ri-u!vil iii iv speak ers b3 allowed only ' ''ni'inu'.ei cr'i ia setling forth -tTiir vi-i.w i a i 1 a lai' u tiug candidate; the li'.biiu- iftd persons were p'acji i'l n):uiuiiin; Judge W; Ayaltsxf 15 un-i -k; W. B. llichard-sjn of Mwr- JuJge Watt, wn u n iiiii i-!y ii nated. The coniuiitiCHJ on lloiaii j aud Flatlorm, throuh the chv.rtnu, C.apt. O. II Miocker, leporte.' " tao i j' !u lti resolutions which were uu vniai uly adopted. "'- ikVVf. Tnat we cordiahy in lore the wise and patriotic platforms adopt ed by the National anl State Conven tions of the Uepuhlioan vrty wectly at Cineairo ami l.aieiKii. - . - .. , i Jtfiln(, That we enaor?e ana pieuge enjoyintj the right i-f free and ia? dependent citiseuship, would regard as .ki 0N..iMt Uxr that could be be- Stowed. " Eaolxfi, That we note with Pnde mm Aiir ntliilfA tivr r 1 rcsivient oi the United Stat anuouicca in his fivor of the vi .nmv. .... - . : immTmnt of southern commercial tntrnti in tircr. railroads and canals, i fl.IiT our candidate for Conrtes to the filial sccurcment of the free naTi- ration and in?provetuer.t of the Cape Vr riter and it tributaries by the nstional goremment; betieviug that tr isvunv should be free trt u and thai iu termaneat iniproTe inent as a navicxble stream U demanded by the interests of ttade amt commerce, and that tVgrea ought to grabt this as Welt as the inprtTcroent ot thje lower Cape rear. New Kivrr, Iu assi lieaulori iniri. ana me pining up of the unjs on tne eviSi ror laiaau aarigatwn, that thj water l tae rireis, soumUao.1 bays vf Uiu 4at are Mich iart ol the HiW aouatt ap hud be ci'eu W the tree u of the pevple, JTA unirjgrvu4 a-oj"av j v sv " " m oicat a4 the rw i Ari. that ihi cvavciawa ea- tionc and appfotx the acts-dak! tie i Dtalrkt Coot DUict Ck'qianuee, nca I ai aaiud ia the cIcvUv 6. jiloa. Daiicl U r our cirnes support to the tate and cardinal pom: m Us creed, that Natioi-a i ticket, believing that the the overunumt -.sUoul by every electiou of (UrriHd fjr rresPent and lueatiw to the. Coutituuou, pro- Buxton fo Governor, would be a bless- tcct a Amvncaii alliens eveaywhere : ... a,..:h n ., "fs rMvmi. n the lull enioyment of their civil and i l i ill. &x.ji v v - i i af U tt every catt tu present any VfL JL m tW cr IcsHUUoa hj IV, ot ge J cJnh r oiled iSlaU-a or the ticacral Asxtcblj H ..j., ; if Norih Caroiioa as shall giJe PcUl JwlrtmW aS5 SiTuere U ilividaaU U . W dcui- Ute imat fi! i I? 1 1 i : I- aal that the thank ( the people bf the district a'e Io that getlnii fur arifg the panugv by that branch of Congres of which he is m member or an set to make the Cape Fear t free river. .- -.::.:--, The fsfiloving persotn were appointed a committers to inform tho Hon. W. P. Canaday of kis nomination: Capt. O. LI. Miocker, W. II. Ocrken, W. J. Mushalli John Newell and IX Li W. tinuu. . t .,- v . ni, noiivi;' fhe following named ipersoas were api nted to notify Judge b. W. Watts I of hik nomination as electoc , Arerett I A. Mclcan, C. 1. LK)ckey, (i.j W Fnce, I Jr., A. CKThoratoni W. K. f rice. r r 1 ,iAii,.nU .,i...ii i A vote of thanks was tendered to the I County Offifeers of Brunswick for. the l use of the Court House for the Conven- I tion. , i Jqskp CUcbott: ChMrmaii. I suggested, and of certain proposed reg W. K, 1'eick i '- I ulations giving appointments to pub- V Secretaries.' " 1 , i !1 m " I Owes JU A. SaiiTi GEN. ARTHUR'S ACCEPTANCE. AN ALLL, MANIA, AND COM- I rUEIIENSIVE LETvTEK. j the MAIS. roiXTS OF TIIE CONTEST I 1IOXKSTV ASD ORDER IS ELECTIONS -THE METHODS OF TIIE DEMOCRA TIC l'AUTV SEVERELY CRITICISED THE I'UULIC SERVICE ILANK IS THE UEI'LIiLICAN VLATIOUM FIN'A CI.VL MATTERS. FoIlow inLr is lho1 letU-l- ir Thea ter A. Arthur, addtoeil to the Hou..Gr. I W Htiiir, Chairman of the Republican National Convention, . aeeeptiu the lomiuution lor the Yiec-l'ramloucv:, N uo: ws : , 'Ksw YouKi July lo, im ' Deau Sik: I accept the position as- iirned ine bv tho creat rtl no. N-w- YiH-v TnK- i-. ia;n I Deau Sik: I accent the nosition as-1 signed ms by the greatpnrty whose ac- tion you announce;- This acceptance i implies apj.roval of the principles! do-1 claredby the Convention, but rtceiit I nn.r,. i.r,n!u ... o.l.l ry 4 - " v.wuv vahivv S1011 dnt po th iiutliority of the National Govetnineut to preserve lrom trapd and force elec tions at which lt3 own oflicers are chosen is a chief point ou which the two parties are plainly and intensely opposed, Acta of Congress for '. ten i yearij have, in New York and elsewhere : done much to curb the violence and' wrong to which tho ballot and the count have been naiu aud again subjected- ouictiines dcnoilinr freat tios' snme- I ' -w...- uiio.s puuuig iue yoico oi a wmne Mate, i vMu. rjm,, -.. in vontrefs. but on. the Bench and in Legislatures, 1 numners oi men never chosen bv thel people. The Democratic Pmir. mce 1 . gaining posscssim; of tho two houses of I cogrens, ias maue mese just Jaws the "'."l!.."1 oittcr, ceaseless assault, and, I l H 1 1 V Ctll I IT'lPlUUVX 1MC lllUUVU VUUlul Ui restrictions cunninHv contriTodl tol'auie ana I)r,r-IVJH tneiu. . luis ag-l 1 ' 1 , 1 ml m jrriiivo majority boldly attempted to extort from the Executive his fannroval 1 oi my own views. Tlio rnrht and I - V. , ' "... :C , , y torcure lione.tv-and oTder in iePA0lTJlL ima anQ pilar elections is a .natter. ,o vital I S " tm ii jiiu.-l claim in lioill. i lie I oi viivmui enactments destructive ottsianaaru th'ese Klectioti laws, hv revolutionary I il.ieats that a constitutional exercise of I tl.,- v.-tii nower would b Dunished hv,I withLoiilinir the appropriations neces-1 :.-rr fo nr, v on tTn- finvemmoiit. And 1 these threats were actually carried onthould be encouraged, so far as the bv refusin- the needed appropriations, I iu-1 hv iuvmsi wi eitra sewsiou of Con- I m concession of this usuniiuff demaucr.i wiitcu are nuen , ui many piates. to sub'.vct the majority to the lawless will 1 of a minority.- Ominous signs of pub lie disapproval alone fcublucd this ar- rocant. power into a suhen sarrender- for the nine being cf a 'part "of its demand. The Itepublican party has strongly approved the stern refusal bf it lepreseututivfs to suuer me over throw of statutes believed to be salutary and in;t. It has alwavs insisted, and now insists, that the Government of the United States at Anicriea is icni po.WvJrcd aud iu duty liouud ta cilce p.ud'y pnUH.t the efections denoted by the Constitution as national. lgr than this the l'epnblican party holds, poetical rigto. as great pan oi iu votU of recon tract ton, the licpablican nartv cave the ballot Id tlto etuancipa- 1 slave a kis light aud dvfoosc - A larre isc rcc iu iue uuiniK-j oi uu-hi- j hers oi i.oiigrws, anu a? iue i.k-oii J College, fnm the if4rnir ?!aThoUUnjr I st.itr4 was the imtnctliate retalt. Tlhe i .-- . . . I historv of recent yeara aiwunua in evi I deac" that in iuaiv wavs Jiod iu mauj I nUoo vsiwciaily when.- their nuaiWr fa been great cuough to endanger j ivmoentfie contrsl the t err men br I wlv,v... rfovaiKm ti citwensfcrn: this m- J crca9e ef rerpwentauon wae, 3ed ! i .L iLinvl and robl'cd of their - ' I . their vot. It w true that no 1 I statnte or Constitatwn in s many i mnjg drnir or arndg-s tne eteme el J tkrir tuical rirhm bo the mod J l M way ar4 bo 1cm cV-tUal. It agceic juid start- i t.V, tl-t Uc mcn-ascd fHwfr i a ;t( trtn tb-entraocfesixiiK detted its rharr " rtxnihir k cunt wicUwl Vf U who , ,,,1, c4 the u now the vW niiaace aJ read WWciilU Vwel Uc- iUt a. rJfe; 'thWy iweii 'S UU hand roi muL Vat CxJ ask ix 1 .1. .'r..rl irjtf and nauralstT ei use nw:.n ci a; r- -t Wplr le4 that tho aitrt whu-eearwi is ro tliofttrieoa in great and patnof.e achievement, will not falfiU its destiny until peace and prosperity are estab ItAed in all the lanJ, nor until libertr of thought, conscience, ami action, anil eqvsuity ot rpnertnnrty - idiall . lie not merely cold formaiitias of statdte, but living birthrights, which the humble may confidently claim and the power ful dare not ilpnr. . rlHd resolution referrinr to the pub- lie aerviee seems to me deserving of ap proval. , Sorely, no man should be the wKfftk h. , fnr ftn- unflt tfl n. form, "who xa ' lacking in the ability, naewty, or integrity which a proper ad- 2??MUH0U - ' 01 8Uch, 0,mc ,dmDds- xuia senument wouia aououess meei - uu n .nin nninin has been widely divided uoon the wis- dom and practicahilky-ef tho various reiormaiory senesnei wnrcn nave oeen f uc jf e ncJ l""' Iationa qaa been distrusted, mainly be- cause they haye seemed to exalt mere ,TL1 aLe special fitness for the particular work iu hand. It seems tome that the rules wmcu uouiu-oo appneu 10 me raanage- raeni oi mo puonc service may proper ly conform, in the main, to such as reg ulate the conduct of successful" private business. Origiual appointments should be based upon ascertained fitness- The tenure of olEco should be stable. Posi tions o responsibility should so far as practicable, be hlled by the promotion of worthy and efficient officers. The iVctigation of all complaints, and the pdoishment of all official, misconduct, snh!d b prompt and thorough. These view, which I have long held, repeat- exily dtelarcd, and unilormly applied eaiy uec'iarca, anu unnormiy wh,e.n cWeJ uPn ,.I,,ilK icd m thkresoluliou which, o! 1 approveA I will add that, b wtien caiiea upon toact, l una emooa Lctl m the resolu Uou which, ot course, tTSX, Vtl cePtatlce ofbhc olfe hel 6r lo one does not, in my. jt e?.cap a"-v1of H" resi0.t,9lbui' judgment, i.;i;;...i , WLirn, vi line ux imwu ,ij.-w U1S provided only that he honorably, faith fully, and fully discharges all his offi cial duties. i The resumption of speck; payments one of thc-lruits of Kepuhucan pol icy has brought tho return of abund aut prosperity, and the settlement Of many distracting questjous. XUie re storation of aouud money! the large re duction of our public debt and of the Klirilon fif infproat t Vl A IiictK i.W. ifn nrti.. ..i.i; --,: 11 mtuk ui iuq ijuuiil. vi vuii, .in abktaii luv ability and courasretot the Kcpublica nnriv to ueat wiiu sucu nnanciai pro bl eras, as may hereafter demand s'olu- tion. Uu paper currency is now as eood as cold, aud silver is performing its legitimate function for the purpose let change. The principles which should govern the relations of thpse el- VlUVUtuHrt . . - . . - clear Thera inut'bo nu deteriorated :?! a I coin, no ueprcgia.eu paper, auu every Idollar, whetherof metal er paper should stand the test of the world s fixed The yalue of popular education can hardly De oversiateu, Aimouguus in terests must of necessity be chielly con 'o Tujiufj ruuif, uu iuu, iuui- nduat action of the several states, they Constitution permiu by. mo generous co-operation oixue AMionai uovern- UT uemanu mai me auvaniages 01 our common scnooi system snouia oe broucht within the reach of ererv citi ten. 'and that uo revenues Of the Nation or o'l the states bhould be devoted lo the supp)rt of sectarian schools. Such changes should be made In the present tariff and system of taxation as will relieve any overburdened indufctry or class, aud enable uur manufacturers and artisans tocomictc successfully with those of other lands. The Government should aid works of internal improvement national in their character, and should rronaotc the de velopment of our watejrcour9es and harbors wherever the general interests of commerce require. r oar rears aro, as nif. tne nation stood at the threshold1 of a Presidential election, and the ltepublican rarty, in solicitinr a continuance of its a.ceud- ency, founded its hoje of juccess, not open its promise?, bit ot'on its bistory. lis stibsosuenl course nas oeen sncn as to strtnrthen tL-e claims, ivhich it then mads to the ccfh lence, acd tippert I the country. On tbs other biaO, coa sideraiiotis more urceat ihaiJiave ever before existed forbid the accession of its opjonents to power. Their success, if suercss attends them, mest chiefly cemetroni the uuittd aappert of that seciioo which ooght t-ic forcible dU- rutio of the L'nwa. aud wu:cb. ac cordioc to all the teaching of our past histAry, Ul dcomi ascendency m the cocacl'.s of the party to ho triumph it will haT tn- brtar the :argrt contribctaon. There U Uie c'ave i :c-ua. lot appre hension that exorbitant ciaiau upco the public Treasury, by no means Uta- ited la the imndrtas t aa:iom already t covered by UIU tatroducea m iagresa withia the paat tsr years, ooa e socttsfti'l nrged if tha Pmocritic partr shctid a?cI la sappJecentis its presvst control of the aatiwnal lejW-. latare by eiecaafr its ucc-ut ana. There ia dasrer U at.na::p the control ci ti,e wok lawsakiag power of ,Ux ItuTeraaieai w a pfiy waica has ia alaKW rveTV -wraiacrw tii re- lra rnnrl oUkratkws qaita aa warred as taca t waicu uc u;a m - aiiwi bow ttiadai edjxu. - I da m4i 4att that - saccr awai tiia Ili tWncaa VAs. and that its tr.. . I rip-hts as a CitizeiV. ami that hp. should asph wtU aaaare a ecofifcasaical, aed paltkAk AlatlatralJ- l',l ret!tral?T. rer aedeat ?TTaat: I )-!-rK -vi A.ABTiaw. T ILii. CkfcTfC Aa Naiwsal Coareaa. lie Hrpas CIT TC ITEMS. lTi-m- iirtiua'a 11 .... Thac ;f; ;. , ',. . ' lr, bee al 17 8top Orxua. I , See ad Agenu Wanted. See ad-Malt and Uepa Utters. No Interments in Bellems fur the past week. One iatermeat iniOakdale Cvmt- try the past week, Eight interments in l'iue Forrett during tho bast week. ' - . Cantelonpc7 and "melons' have been plcjitifol da-ihg the past week, . See ad Cbanre of schedule of the Richmond and Peteribarg Railroad. The Register of Deeds issued three marriage licenses during the past week. Copious :rains have faUen in this r vicinity and hare extended far intoj the interior. We understand that the Wilmington Market Company have complied with their contract and have filed their bond. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Uair Re- newer tho only reliable preparation for restoring gray hair to its original-color. Murder! Steven liichardsou cou liiitted a "most diabolical: murder on Monday iiSght. After nearly killing his w ife w;lio resided iu Brooklyn- he assaulted his father and mother in-law living w ith jher.' with a shovel and dealt such bio wsj as to kill his mother, and w ounded his father so that it is thought that he cannot recover. Richardson is in jail to answer to the charge of mur der. . : ' ' .. . . ) : ' Tiirxnn: Stormi inc tlmndcr and lightning have been porticularly severe during the past week. The peals of tlranier and flashes of light ning have peen of so violent a nature as to inspire nearly every one with awe. The residence of Mc A. I), llrown was struck' and several rooms ruined. His cook and housekeeper were ptnnued but have recovered from the ' effects. The fluid ran down the chimney and the house on fire. The residence of Mv. 1. 8. Jones was also struck. ' The fluid ran in the house on the bell' wire hnd tV door post wercjset on fire. Mr struck on Thursday, a portion of 4 the front walk was knocked out and the furniture in the room badlvFsliattercd His jiurso s koncked down. though slie'w as not hi t auyjextrnt. A Miss fchrppard livi ing;;t ihc corner ot rourtu and Market ttrets w as also streck. We are happy to state that so fax as wc have been able to asortain thero has been uo loee of life from this cause in thi itif During tin: jVcvalence of tho storms the telephones w ekr'popping and and : cracking and frequently sparks luwe beeUj seen to jump from the wires Uiios Veteuaxs' UsiosBoYa is Ulle Cltjii. According to preriona notice, the cs-soldiers and sailors of theUnitoil SUtea 4'olorel Uoops re- mi.iiij; nerc, aui wuo wrrc uuuvimnj diacharsetl from the service, aaet at Giblem Idp AetilJiac on Monday crenitiiT laat .or .ha tMirioaa of forming a t'l.b of itl.u atxivc named union. w r B ILb iohuK was called to trderWl0mpfc': 'Kk o; Col. t ico-L. ILabson, who rx plained I its object; when Scr'i. Csry li. lkjkin, was called fn the chair, and W. H. Howe, iJsq., requested lo act as ecre - tary. - I Alter a full and free disca&sioa the cab wail organiisd, and the following ofheers elected, viz - i'reaidcat -tieo. L. alabocui, with the Ike vet rank of Co'.oaeL ' 1st Vict-rrcaident Henry ft. Green, with the IVcvct'of LicuL-Co!onL 2ad ee-Ireident Iewit Nixao, with the Brevet of LaeuL-Cuioael. i?cretary-T-WvI. !!?, withl the lircretot iiajor. Treaaarrr Jaxre. A. Greco, with tbc Ilrryct of Mm jot. nt:Ui6r, rtatary Ooo. . lier- den aith sJaa Brevet of Captala. iiaartenaaster lleciir Uavia, with the lire vet oX Caf4aia Marshal Jh Iwrn, with the Iktyrt aXCaaUi. Tharo was qtuUt a larre aaaaber ea- H aad coswidcrahla eataaaiaaa aaaai fraud, rxveral baaieen oocaaailteca were appUsted. aad U sraa decided U iaU weekly aurUag retry W4 teiay rraa. hcrm&et to W4ffdf ftUd. We tratt thai tW ciah kl ha a tajqra. aad the yarpaiai of tea orgaa- . ifiOsa faHy carrWl-U . YA W JLU wmai ISEFXMTS. U7 STOP m Cbi.l . i wmSfmL- rmmmt, aa& tm turn. i J VT f- 1 iavjs KcaarAWi,fcotrrii. 12.9) M THanmrtt Uu. ,., i . lt1J ; Vharlwitoii. August. 1 11 fc&i'X?Us,U' "P ickspne. ,''Rt,.ntr tfcrtoi.. , . P. iL, AetxrorAAoit Tkaix. daiiv Sr?hi.?a"-y" PS mil .. '."uua i fetersbur J.-M A. ii.. ThrongU freight Train lallv. rigut i nun inuy. 1! r.ununj wnn passcugvr car attached. . I ii ii. ;t; !- -v 4 :n.i I - V CrETEESEIJUi;. xmtTiii . , THRoCGil Mail .laii . Sontfaycopnecunrtrii'h lucl. . niond, Fredericksburg aod the tj tgie au4 4Cusiyak.a awl . orth.Est, aud West, rxc-pi - . tundr. . Stops M-ucUeir and Cheater and Half-War aud . at Orewrys Btuft" on signal. A.M., Accommodation Train .Ifiilv execpt Sunday. Stops at a'll stations. .i ill I. Through Wall dally connoetinu with Richmond. Krederlckshai ' r and Potomac Railroad for all points cast aud west. Also ink- . ltlK ClOlia OOUIlMMinn will, t'l, .. Chemreakc and Ohio Uallrou.l tor the Virginia Hrij, .j all . points north and wesU Tlii trajn stops at Manclio-lr una Chester, and at Hair-war and t Drowrv'i itmtr ti..-. F.eop. M., KREuaiT Trai.x dally (caccpt All trains lAirrlnir PptnrHnr ,nK ...... from the Appomattox Icpot. Be h day Kxcuiwiox Trains leave Uioh- " mond at VJ A. M. and Mu I. M. I!v Petersbure at 9. a. M. ami .vai n vi Sunday. T. I), ici i vi- July 25 tf r stapcrlnieiidcnt. YOUNG MEN ! WfH MOORE'S BUSINESS UNIVERSITY AtlanUi, (ia. IV.P0 covers total expense-, for three months. Bend for Illustrated u - r cular. July 1 12. "luNlQlK.' The Jftw Ladled FaNbiun Jourual, . v costauiisg Taa latest J rAKIS, LONDON A b XKWYOKK - FASHION NEWS AND tiOSSIl' ' With the May number conuunu lulo uU tied, West wood's ik crot." lor tali at ull the Bazar rutfcm J -.rhcu'i IhrouyftOid the routinj. -Subscription' Trice Only 50 Cents a Year, - rusiauc rAlu. Single Copies Fiyc Cents, FKANCI3 WltlUflT. pnt.il,. her. UKO. II. KDltsT. PntlncM M:uiuXcr, No. T-l - A- l VAtlAJ WJ 1 . Juue Jj tr. BEST; ijuhlrM-ss now bcrum th'- t,-i;e. ; loucaiijuuc mom v r.i!.tt i work for us t! else. 'Capital not roouircO. We . i:n: you. SUaday an4up-wari mnJe i'' i-.c n by the laduxtrloii. Meu. uoin n . i, , . ;. :,.! su iino 't!iue. liiu -iia i'vu!- -mh.:- wuoie ume to the work, or cm; v v.i. r . j iu. momenta. No other tviui. u iu j.j.y you wruj io one wiiiini; In ftoik can fiiil to luafctictioriiiuu I v 1 v 'tj.h' at once Costly o.itnt ami lrrir: !n. A Ercai o;iriuuiiy i.r iomo-: m j... v , UP: , :, uu nottorao'y. A.dirts Tm i - t .,. An- Usui, jiaiuc. ....... ta ,,, . KSTAlUiKsHKl ' ''' -1 1853 1853 Sol, BEAR & BROS, 18 & 20 Market St;, WILMINGTON N' C V ,XAV E JtST OlflNK'. AM ii. havaeaUibiUoa. Ui Mffciv ml . i CLOTHING AND FURNISH l.,G I , GOOt'S 1 ' 1 8 uU ot Da: t.n o:". . Suits frojpllht) njwirdr, 100 Bias MiddJexe : Fiiad Sails at creaUy rdaci piia. . A FTC U.N I o ; -( BJIS: AUD M ESS" SrhUW AND YtlX Bar.-. Come One, Come i All, W srrs yw pmit t . m w . a ' Snr S Swl S300H nvimt rwa..i .; k ry mt 1 mm, a u , . aa imm V t a.7L MMnaint vw rW '. V lt u ... -'"k .mj mm.zi mm mm mm .wa