-.I , ... ! J' - i. Ml;; .I..": .: . , -S V - sv- V : - - - ; -r . .. f . , i - -- MT:VTj-, 1 1 'I I !' r 1 1-,; i s - I i '' " "" '""?""4" ' - 1 I 1 i - '! ' WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY, AUGUST J. 1880. Single Copies 5 Cents NUMBER 30. vV ri'ir. 1'o-toffmi; at (J., AS K'NJJl,A( ;Vii mVv;!0'. N "ATili Of ADVERTISING. J. ;p v criil per line fur the first in 'tiuu and iwenty-fivc. cents per in eh-a-M'itioHal insertion. ' . ' .yni (S) tinea, Nonpareil type, con- I The HiHisr; r'iplioii price to TltK WlL :. mission Post is 00 per year; ''six month 7ft eejits. . ilcdnnnu'iiicrLionson busliiessdiould i I,.' juMrc-weJ." to TlIU WlLMIKUTO . ' w, Wilmington, N- C. I j, w n.l vcriisirruenU will be charged a tin: above rarM, except on upeeial con J , tracts--'. ";".'-- - ' - Hh; tiuki iMSTKicT c;ou- .-7IITTKH. J Tii' CrHowi'iig named gentlemen were .q..inii 'i aJ members of the Executive "C-nnitlfe t-i'tlio Third District, each . lu.iu" (itMii tti'd by those representing t!i- .-t vi r.il cmuiiifH in the Convention: r,nii;swii:k --Js( ph Spell. K'ailcii --.Jiilni Js'ewe.11. ' j Cuml( iLiiid O. If. Woeker. v i J'.iiinbiis -Dwen L. W. Ninth. i,.ci -w.j. r.ushii!!. r ' in,. Hi:-. Ii v i ii I U:im;iii. ; ; 1 Iii'i iH'Uir -,(.im's SJ Uurringlon.' j r-M.i T.' S. II. MiKlianan. j i '' . i " - . r -i .' i v: .1 ifiviTi-ij. . .1. i i iimi wiin ; I", n il r 1 I'ii'ih '.i. ' J t i;i.'..v j 'i-ii.oiu:isJ 10. ( i t lit in. !.Aiti'Nni":l';tlUi'i fcitVuoiii. Ia-'MI'hmo -.losi'pli Abbull ,v -l.illowiig 'h the order wfilhe .'(,if:inaii'Ier- in Chivf 'f the ''l lya in I'.'iiii'," X"' n. Grant, in furthiraute of i,i w. '.' ir' tl ie'i x-s'jMirrs of the United fih'S IV r t ie coining: cjmipaign ; M Ai-JtvuV, Cot,.. i j . . jmy z, i,w. V;.; lhil,i'Jl Nil'l, Adj. ,G(H , mJtM ;,, ,'a': York Cil; : . : ' . ' ..I'vilnUh loidei 'telegrAphed. "In'iiiy (,iini(.ii- tin best interests of the; whole I'liimtrv, n'iitli itnd .sonlli, urniam the ,ul.. t l:eafid by Giheld ami Arthur. U. Mi KANT. i lu'!l M!v. ii' is the order referred to J m.Uiifill'aleh TilV. Oi:l' lli.ni ( t: rnii Gt;(! anizathjn, KS. tl'-N ION VKT. IJnI'ON, Roys, in lii-liK." Ni'J You K, '.I uly 2'Jud, 18S0. l " ' J i.'i-ai it.M. in'.ir.i;,s ) V" .v.l. L j ; I JIi ia niber lor-caeli htale.ol .(line . X,t I ( foiii inHU edl t he Union Yet- i Jin s l iiion yvill l (Miee I'rue.erii wt tr-;iiiio llu- "Imivs in Bine" in lleir 'nl'irtivo htales to iiromoto the elec- ii ni'ul ( t.UlieKl and Arthur. ' . ''f I oriranizalion rf "Boys in I', mr ' will report- to the Department I'.iiiniKiiii.'ers in their -respective state.. By. order 't . II. S. GkaxtJ - . - .... 1,1 tt Cciiim o Ti r-:r.-l ijiel, "Joys..in I. lie. io m. r. l'l Kay, ' f Ailjutant-vicncral. j X i. a I tiN W 1KIIT-8UM K HilMi Tt THINK OF. j 'in .n.)!iimi:u uewl was creaieu in to cum niu nie !' the vi.ir gotten np i (i,Mii t and destroy the , government. !. t v the pie-ent soipoi ten- of Hancock. I iu- .'.ivi iiu. nt cVcditSi t " ter cent ::. .'hi iliiiihg tfij' last day's of Ihicha I '.i Wiiy at (.0 i ts. in '.the inaiket and j ,f ,i , imA p'-aee J'at lh.it now.J Hfter - I i .i- . Ki ub ii .tn inanai nieiit, v.m . i n.t nl I i nii'n are at a prr ii i iii i t ;'! pi-i c-i i i f all the, gi cut I I u, . an. niai ki t" Oar largest nati.n f j l i Wat in IMiA, v ifl J.Tyl. ; ! it liasjiow bn, itiminished I l,:i;tVnliean li.fl,tM"-'!"17-7o. : Hm--'Mh i:il paid by tl0 Bcpublican i: juiv u isao is "$s:r,ioi-s2s.c3: 1-y the re-timp'ion' tit specie payment, .vul tu fti ul in of ti's and b' In lo'4'a .u: l I':'-, ttie Bnblie.ins have dimiui- !,i,l iUr hiii.ti.il v. iMieresi. .?cm . i ; i . . . . .: i . .. . i... i i.. ir.it u 1 - II I . - l" I . 1 1,1' 1 'I IIKIl T HlK M.l f" lull's ... .-r-l.n n .o.iu! eapaeitrinai iney io... i.o ,m Cour( j htJ a,erefore neither ,u 1;0 aflcr lwtnlv years of jRcj ub t ui v a luile tl oitii g debt of iless than I CHSlon Uor opinTtuuity to cxprcM an i;.ftn ruu a covtrniiieut I vir cm j . (KV), Now it "Hancock were by ,A- . i ssd.iVnv to ToTcIccUhI the XI t , i r,, ... nimbi become .bad rupt, ur -ok -v. u'u -'to doy ii, r.ilucs wouM I'll '"in -it.' s.nd disaster, lHiverly, lUiiivltits una fiaivauou uuw u . . . . .. I !. li li'n iery lind of buMnesji. .luil-o Buxton arrived in to n this MiMtu.i a:vj is the gmt of-Col. , lv K bt.lik. . I ' .Hie iitUvr spvAi-r are all lixiHited lul probably top at one f le ii ,', - 1,,uU- ' V t.iivy Chavei a coioitf4 woman Wl V Uiou t,J her brother, JiniChatfr ..flUbfa, have had legacies of a ih.uivuiJ dollar each Iclt I. htm by a . , j ... iruliic who rrccniiT u v iravc- una 0.110. 1 ur T mir with miwuivn. I. .v, ' I . I ... l.r..ml t , i ...... v i.. ru.tr in, iui int , . ... ... wj aiU lMypiid in SptcmWr ceU ( I . l.e IV. Uarlh-aJ, the I r.- a.u Eldor vf tb! Oonurtore, will " v. " " , - ... . . . . ,t Latest. 7 r- -! vr ' - r tn.n. N. 1'. Danks of Massachusetts, haying aildnssd an immense ratifica ihni iiit'itiiig at Chicago, and come to Washington through .Illinois, Indiana, Chief, West Virginia, and Maryland, report Illinois to be safe byi from 20,000 to 10,000 majority ; that the Democrats of Indiaua virtually giye up that state iii October to the ltepubli cau.i, that English" is an ; elephant on their hands ; and even West Virginia and Maryland wjll make great Repub lican gains. ' . Secrt tary Dorsey'i of the Republican National Committee; in ; k letter to a friend iii Washington, under date of Jiiif "S h, says: "Our prospects every where are brightening, and 'I beJieve the outlook now is'bctter than it has been btfuro in twelve years at this stage J of the contest." ! "i Two thousand men in li'ie of a Re ftubiicau procession at Cahiwell, Suuth Carolina. ' , j i : The lVpubliciin f?late jCouimiltte of Massachusetts met at Boston oa thn :!8lh ult.i id were addressed by Sena tors Hour and Dawes, and Gov. Mar shall .It-well, the Chairman of, the Re publican National Committe, who said:; "(5iiv. Jewell predicted at, the close o f liit ii iiiuiks that whl-ii the elections of NoyuubtT come the Republican will slate and two tor l ave try northern lime nmitherii htaUs, and ho did not i , i imiiii h'Kiii '-the category of Republican stales lli.jl will be fur G irlield his own of Cot nt i lico t. i Dr. Tanner, the faster, vomited a lit4 then became tie iiiuciiftoti Friday but better and walked two-thirds of a mile. His g lit was free and he talked in a lively strain. To-day is his IH'Ji, and he has Mily: six days more. lien. Hancock and jMr. ""English, Democratic candidates for President ' and Vice-President, have formally in letters accepted the nominations; Aa uui. iiiiifiit yi iii.ii, nori, jianeoeik a jeiie.r .1 . t iri i. r. is dignified and "manly, .but' English's shows all the mcaiitKss bf a common partiiian. A ISOOltlJAC'K JSAIhKI. fcoine days Hgo the Dcnioeratic papers puitMhrd what purported to be u de cision id lire U. S. Supremo Court, de livered by "Judge -Sway-no, to the. fol lowing t UVct: 'Tim uLreem'enl -with General ' (2:ir- f'feld, a uiember of Congress, i jay him j ?C,000 ai a.contingeut lee for procuring a contract winch 'vas itsell made to de pend upon a future appropriation by Oni.,tnll iik,;li laiUHl COll HI only come from r si coiwinittee of which he was Chairman was a sale of official inlluiucc, which no veil can cover, gainsiine piainesi prine-ipiib in puuuu nolicv. No founsellor-at luiv whilo . .i i . i . .....: 1. 1 :.. inililiin liit'h ollicc has ai riiilit to rut himself in a positiou of lemptalioti, and umter pretense of making Ji legl nrgu- mi nt liert liis ylliciai: inlluence upon r ,.Hi.,n. CVrlainlv the cturts of justice will never lend themselves' to enforce contracts obtained by such in-; Uuence,' I This statement fns.1 appeared in the World i u. the form ' of a telegram from Washington. It now turns out that, Mr. E. W. Grant, the .Wushingtyn cor renpoiidcnVef thn IIVii.u merely U iu his ili HUh 'that 'mi ti.lerprisug jour nal hud unearthed the following" iStc , Kiying tl above pretended de cision, iiud thuit Mf. Hurlburt, ih niaiiaLiiiir editor of tuo RlirA traus- C n r form d it into a regular dispatch. Jn the inanUinc,IudcSayne wro'e I ... . a, . I . . it in '.' I. I ii ii l hi i r us ur I .. ,i . .1... .... r - .. v. " 1 . . : , : , 3: , f,U, Hero is what Judge Swaytie says: "So lar as I am concerned there is an pi lira luivtattiucnt. J uectt trtotc a uvrd v'what i a'fril'titid fo me. 1 never knew any thing fl tuo tacts oi tue mat ter cliarml against (Jen. Garfield, and iff "4iarieil nirali '" -r-Tp- - i. . , . . . , iht ctftf iu Mewlrln uw ' Wvrc-thc judicial opinion uou tbe subject. My confident impression i is thai 1 noter ht anl of such a caso before. Gen. Gar- u a ,oual frielui wf mine and I hVp ij)C hiRhest coufideuce in hi in- Irirritvj. J ke thitcuunlt my am. fiW i0rMn uiirf v"i7AJt.7 rt j&rticle r' to tttthim Mri. li inmt oui mi clsmiuation that there uctcr was any such case before tbe Supr VX.nri. il Har, now- rver. tba ci-t'cpalor IW.itU wa' couu'1Mf a the case of Purke t. Child, -Ult aid eft that case befr the Circuit , . ,.v , , ,i .r. CourloflheDistiKlofCVlambu. lb lGol)er-c never was - before any I ourt. ' ThU whole matter was oncccud by the lHnucrat wun : io purjwi i . . . .-.tv i i orirfing uigTavv vpvu m. Th. . .n.M hit hh,Mllll1rll UPOa IBf I .i .Al.w ... iutui.,..v . , iuuin oi at wrr con iwiihiii moat rwt very heatily opoa the houi- dn vf Mr. Hurlburt tne wponiblfl ,f th JejJing IVrnocratjc newt- Llr-r f ih. tlnitJ Si.t- Ihpniii ..! par I ot ui umiiH Ksirv. rii" ibalMfww oi.aw corrrwroodeat la order to manufacture iVU rteaa acJ totanr lai tcandil upon PUBLIC A RATIFICATION MEETING MOSDiY, AUGUST 2D, 1 AT 8:3(1 P. .M. The following distinguished REFlIIi LIOANS will bo present and address - . the meeting. Yo jr Caudi'lale for Governor, L'ON. R. I'.' BUXTON; Eor Lteut.-Governor, GEN'. RUl'USBARRINGER ; For Secretary of State, II ON. R. 51. XOR3IENT ; For Congress Third District, HON. W. 1 CAADAY ; j COL. 1. J. YOUNG, ' and oilier cmiueiit speakers will ad dress you iti front of thftPfi LI) MAHlvEr HOUais. AND BUXTON AND CMADA.T RALLY BOYS ! RALLY It ALLY! AGAIN ! ! The Republican vbters of the sev bral Wards and Towushhs in New Hdno- ver county, will assemble at the follow ing tiints and places, for the purpose of organising Waril; nr Township CUib?. The purpose of .sjiid clubs to bo to ibr- ward tfio election of lha Rcj wpiiublican nominees. All Republicans r.ro rc- questi ( to b present. Each, club i ill elect a Presidciit; Iwa. Secretaries Yicc.-1.1i ;i eriJciit, irnd Treasurtr, when organized. The jCoi responding Secj re- tary id eaeli club will n it to these' Ileadiiiiarters a roll of ihe officers of the club, in order that all commuuica- , '!. ;, , .. i uous may tie mato inrouii lua irojer channels and direct from the'Ceutral Club to Ward and Township club's The 1 vai iuus ards In ttieeiiv tv ill hold; their meetirgv on Wcdiie.-daj, Aii'urst ,Uh. at SjJ ..) p. in., in Uic loiiknv- IP places : First ' Ward r-Conn r i : h tiliU I5runsw stieets. Secoiid Waid -Coll it House. Corner I'lineiss Thin Wa.d- bird Eiglih S'trei 1.4. Fourlh Y aid -Ami Siieit Kiistice House. .Vifi-li Wartl-Buekit 'Jompaiiv II Ju.-c ft-l . .. 1 I 11 II ... 4 lUC. lOWUMiip.i wiii noi.i iiiuir iiijcci- ings as follows : Federal Poinfv--T'nur.'day, Anrust rr m Jtl p ' 1 ' . ' BjddltV Store. J t the usual tin'r Wiisaiiboro- place, Friday, AuviM Clh, at y in. , Hanuti At i McCoinbcrs Moilu'ay AguA '.ih, at ii p. m tore t CaP l-eA-Catle llajiie, We lijes- diy, .'August lltb, at p Don't for. -ret the dales or time. . 1 . 1 . t-CO'lt . - : - . . PrUident Central dub. W. K Pu:( I. , cn tar Wm. H. Howr.. Si: - i I A :?ir;kin t' inpai ;soii Congres!:nan AlVKinley was inlet- viewed the other day by the Cincinnati Comiuereia;, when l:e rcmarheu iuai ib'n would not be a. perMna.l ifanvass between Gaifietd and Hancock, though Gartield would have the advantage iu a 1 f ........ .1 !. if ii An'. 11. n I'otni'antuu ui Kin.fl uu. v. v U content Ut-weeir the two parti s as to which is most lit to'be truiled wfilh the government of the couutry. lr. Mc- luuley thca-made the iollowi:: strik ing comparisous: iii" l"800. ailcr 'twenty ycais of! Demo cratic rule, a government G per cnt. ..." i ..." t k.i - - - i o ' " u,,n.l old tor eighty nine cents.) j j, for JI.OS. j In i, afitr. twcnty years o( IK fralic rule, a 'oau of ilS.mVW ihnarket for six nxvAh. i At the ctul'o: twentr years oC Be, L'UIO- uo- i;.w rhl,. a nan d ?K.O.uiK.liH.i I teu in a single day. ! l j n twenty jcars ot l.cpuoi.tau rui I Vn lied ' : I ' ! An incrte it iHuUtiua j of -fifty .p- Uu r tf ?oueral ,kuUurl j : TtHir. uf ixhj ih t cent. An iucrca-M m esvru id UcaJ aud brtad-'.uiT of 00i icr ccut, . An increase m exports of tauufs.c- - ' f rcR j An inert of inttral cvajuiercv of JOO pr ccni- .i i - , .An nui-.ya.o i i . . , . . j ncniT rcrs tot IKrao- i .... , i CTJlnc ruie. vupgrc amwi r4 a Kvia . - . . .- i. i I llf JVS lV U.V W NT lUIHiil lillMW. In l.vaj. alter lcaiv years c. wput -.:.:. - - . , - v, iarbrCugU south, which w m to tit ' iiXUvw of Ucot c-n;raciea tor brxught on by o.:d iVeaiociiUc th tso nU wft aein the wavlr: oMhat b.od i - j , . v .. k- . t- T7-; M4 bu hIj availahi I . - fc . A 'nduLxlc lot tlie lecy I , t iscy. alter leor year i k-cmt- RE h; -f- the country wa over $20,000,000. i ! On May 31. IsSO, after twenty years of Republican rule, this balance of trade was over $162,000,000 in favor -of the country. s ) These are facts which the people are not likely to forget. They touch! the very marrow of the question at issue this year. It is no answer to these striking facta for the Democratic jour nals to say that General Hancock was "a superb soldier." The question i is whether, the Democratic party, with its bad record, or the Republican party, with its good record, shall be given control oi tne government. STATE NEWS. A sou of ex-Gov. Holden has gorje to Europe to continue his Btndies. It . is understood that he has distinguished himself as a student. i ! i ! 1 The Grand Lodge of the Good Sami ritans met at Statesville on the 20th, July.' I ' .. ":-" "- .-J A corresponded of the Iileigh iNevcs says Uiat "Bishon Lyraaa alosed, j July lltb, lit Chapel I Fill, an admirably entertaining and delightful lecture to the Normal School on "Egypt and the Nile.' The chapel was crowded, and he held the large and intelligent : as sembly absorbed from beginning' to end.1 , ; . ! " ' The Rey. Dr. Deems has assigned qukc a large turn to the Chapel Hill i University iu aid of indigent s'.udcnts. 1 ' i i: The Roanoke Fair at Weldou i is to be held, commencing October lltb, and eudin October 15th. I- ! j I " ' ; ' ' ' Th6 llab-igh ..ObsaTir ckitiiate jthe population of the state ot North Caro liifatolbc l,G'J2.7ij'J which, if! true would be an increase of 321, ID 1. ; There was a good deal that was re markable about the, lion. Mason L. Wiggins of Halifax, recently dead' at tho age of S2. At an early age he was a s,tudeutat Vino llill Academy in Scotland Neck, Halifax county, JwLe re he was prepared for colleg3. lie en tered fne University of JNorth Carolina, with the lion. James K. Polk. Bishop Greep, Hon. B. F. Moore .and other, dis tinguished men. He was for 00 years -j : . a member of the Methodist Church, was jnany years a Trustee of the Uni versity, sat for 15 years on "the bench of the Special court uf Halifax, and represented the state Seuate frloai Hall fax br 1G. successive years. C.-c l'Var iitiwntr: Rev. Miles P. Owen, a piominent citizen of Mc-.)aiiiel'-s township, died at his home on Moil day last, age 10. lie had been a minister in the M. E. Church for forty yeai We regret to learn that Mr.E. J. uaa ut.Lii .1.. . . j ... Sati nbiy last, aud that 6e is BUiTering uiiatingly at this writing. Ten exci thousand bales of. cotton were shipped last-year from Eauriuburg. The C. C' 11. 1":., sho-s employ about 100 hands, th? p:iy oi which is about $3,00 per IllOIi'ill, Svuiuel J. Fall, North Caroliuas age it in 'England, has hopes, of turn ing a tide of immisrration- hitherward. Ii is said that Sjnstor Matt. Ran som is iu feeble heal (h: Tb.e Elizabeth Cit'v Carolinian: The wojk on th railroad is gohig on Juiptly,' b-ut ' tfatUfactorijy. 1 he main jirAding is aoout compieieu, ana me tiling of the Urge swamps at Cum- luek Run and rsorth n est Kiver will bu hui'hed in about two weeks.! The iron and material lor the bridge over 'utquotauk River is delivered abd the wori ou it is rapidly progressing. The jnincers arc uow on the braucli ex tending South. Wilson AJi-'.uux : Mr. Wm. -High, of Old"; rieidi towu.-uip has tweuty eigjbt chiiUreu and grand children, and e says there uu not. oeen a single death in his family. ilayor Wi!son telegraphs from New York that Mr. Bct is on his way Nortlr Carolina wiili the n:oney to pay uf 'the hands on the .W. N. C. Railroad .'Jon which the. BaWigh VUitrnr re- The diUUrincs-s of Mess. Grace, Rest ILo .inMVh small matters does not infpire much confidence in their abuily or dpoeitiou to txjci'd the mluions ot dollar necessary lor lue ca'mpSetaott of the work. The Reidsville Vnacmf ; WLile thfe hail storm of last wctrk brought ruin aud destruction to all crops.In it tritck. yet tome of the sufferer are a'ile to U'ar lUciit looses. Phi taero are uthtra who Uavebeca dcphrcM of ey err hop and prptct, s'.nppvu vl every thing upon which they depended for cxiau-ace. and are ulterl dtu;nt ol all the nec4iti' ol In. They not only ucxrve ycipituy. but material t xMi.ai .r. rYs-ixlUVK. T he W i:miigtoa l 'ttiva Veterans L won jaet oa . i iickIit at Gi-'lcni l!g buiUia asl twelve dw member wtre admitted. Tbe follow in j mtn elect4,a cScen fir tie first cvrapany: David Coepr t,karUin- ias.CVaftU, lt licuteoaat ylca IHvU, v litaWBant. Col. ilabsca i Pmidcat of the dab, with the Urti'i rJakfCokl. Orimiaal Ckn cvovt to-coe-i. row. :. THE CANDIDATES CONTRASTED. A London Journal's Reasons for Tlilnklnff Hancock Will be Ba en. Without endoralng every shade of expression in the following very ible article- on the Presidential situation taken from the London1 Spectator, we publish it as showing almost remark able insight into our affairs from one of the English liberals of the Glads lone and John Bright type, j Ed. Post In an article upon the result of the Cincinnati Convention the- Lot don Spectator says: "As Mr. Tilden was too old and Senator Bayard too com pletely a southerner, and no' western man of undoubted popularity was fdrth coming, Gen. Hancock was probably as wise a choice as could be made. Nevertheless, we think he will be beiten. The deep distrust of the Democrats which the events of the civil war in spired in the Union men has not yet died away; there is a great reluctance to intrust them with the Presidency, and recent elections show4 that, the Re publicans, when united, still have a majority. Their adversaries, moreover, though they have at last insert i "hard money" amoDg the planks of their platform, are regarded with suspicion by capitalists and by bondholders, now an immense class, scattered all throutrh the Union. The advocates of plaDer money, who some years siuco so shook the fidelity of western Republicans!, are declining in strength i under the pros perity produced by recent harvests, they have lost ground with practical men by accepting leniale suffrage, and their alliance with Dennis Kearney and the "Party of Labor" frightens all the freeholders and the majority ojf de cent people. As between the parties, the Republicans should wn,, anil as between the ineu, all tno elements of popularity are with Gen. Garfield. fills nomination was received with enthu siasm by his own party, and delights almost all Americaus not hostile to "his political principles, lie embodies their idea of a career. The average small freeholder who, iu the last lesort, rules the Union, sees something dramatic iu the election of a man who was once ia day laborer' to tho Presidency of the Republic, something which realizes his boast that in the United States all careers are so free that any American lad may hope one day to lind himself in the .White House He is himself exalted in such a man's election, and this none ihe less because Gen. Garfield is. now a man of culture and experience in politics. That feeliDgndt altogether without warrant, if equality of chances in life is a true Republican idea, greatly helped the election of the 'rail-splitter,' Abraham Lincoln; and the result of that choice the most successful ever maae by the Union will help to smooth the path of Gen. Garfield, whose char acter, again, attracts the higher class to which he now belongs. Gen. Han cock, on the other hand, though in his way - celebrated.' is not the kind of man to arouse enthusiasm among voters who at heart believe that the West Point training, though not acknowledged ! to those subjected to it 'aristocrats nnt f sympathy with the body ot the people. . There is nothing dramatic about Gen. Hancock's career, nothing to awaken sympathy in the west, where actual power lies, and where the quiet, regular officer is regarded with a disfavor which sometimes breaks out in the oddest manifestations, as against Gen. Gar field, Whose war record is also a gqod one, Gen. Hancock is not a candidate who can supply by his mere popularity any deficiency id hbv party's ranks. The struggle will be .very severe, for feeling is very bitter, and the result! of the last election showed the parties to be nearly equal; 'but the probabilities so far are with the Republican candi date, who, in spite of freo trade, will have the sympathies of the majority of nugusn liberals, ihroujihout the war and ever since they have perceived that the satety ot the liepublic is bound! up with the belief that the rijrht of the federation is above the right of the in dividual state. That is the first isiuc between tbe parties, and on that I all genuiue American Democrats are hope lessly unsound. A Voice From Old Bidden. Bladen Cor sty, Hollow Towsshu', July 21th, 1SJ. Emtoi; Wn.MiNuros Post: Sia According to uolicea large and enthusiastic crowd assembled at the the residence of Col. T. M. Siktu' on 4tn iost., for the purpose of organiiing a Garfield, Ruxtou and Canaday club. After three cheers for the above ticket and their associate, the club, wasorganiaed by electing Co!.' T.I M. Sites president, aud LV W. Estcs Sec- rcUry. " i The fvilowing rcsululivus were ujnac- imously adopted : 2?focn, That from pat experience of the workings of the Democratic party, we enow inal it u ilieir aim to break down tbe strong ana rroUxtinr ana of the aUa&al (roveromerL and ioriaoua sui:e rigauyoa mccmiob in iu stead, and that the Bcmicatioa of 11 aa cock for 1'rcsidenL. was made olely to carry out the solid soqUh and shot-run policy of Sooth Carolioa, acd thereby do away with the ISUi, Uth and 15th AmendrceaU U the CoaaUta Uoa of lh United States, aoj to rt ia slave teat milliooa of ciunraa, Tiert- fwrt, we do leoocncw a&l toU la tilUr cwieaipt aa lr prr r.im aa utirrly oV.W saJ nntailMal tM!i 0..1 the firht at the balloi-box U Notkb bcr depend oa oar J ..Wtsa ia the nrtof uie tn i4:i IW,!yLa4biUayt6AcTU ' rW Taa! we hearlL'r tedoM v. v M la htm 9jk w l ttatuU 1860, our moUo 'shall ever , be The union of states, and the enforcement of the national laws. , " " Resolved further, That this club shall be known as the Garfield, Bxton and Canaday club, No. 1, of Hollow town ship, Bladen county. -.,,'" ,tl .;';., :L ' After several short, but spicy speeches the club adjourned tq meet on next Saturday at the same place, and every Saturday thereafter, until the election. something wonderful m it. "Lungs feel easier and better by fifty per Cent, j I am better than I have been for six months, f My cough is nothing to what it used to be; scarcely notic it. Go to bed,at night, and scarcely Cough once before I am asleep, and scarcely wake until "broad daylight. Surely there is something ;wonderful ia Com pound Oxygen !" So writes one of jour patients, j Our Treatise on Compound Oxygeoi containing a record of many remarkab Stakkey e cures,; sent free. I)rs. & Talex, 1109 and 1111 Girard Street, Philadelphia. oit xr ''items. Chew Jackson's Biii Swest 'N v Tobacco. ly BUXTON AND JARVIS. Judge Buxton and Gov. Jarvis hold a joiht discussion as follows: will Kenansville, Duplin county Tuesday, . - August 3d. Jacksonville, Onslow county NVcdaes- uay Augast 4tn, Jones county Thursday : August 5th. jelioir couuty Friday August ' cth. Trenton. Winston Sctippcrnong grapes arc ripe. O.ic iuterhients iu Rellevuc for the past week. ' . No interment iu Oakdale Ccinc tery ihe pastlweekj Four iutcrments iu Pino Forrest during tho past week. I No interments in ' the Catholic Cemetery during the past week. ToiST. CI u bs o f 1 0 to o u o add ress will be sent for $2 Q lor the campaigu. . f The Res'Lsti.r of Deeds issued: co the past marwago yiicenses . during week. Grand Lodge Kuights of llouor ill meet , in Ashville on the 2Rh, of August. i Post. Persons who want the PosT tor campaign caa ?ct it by s-cudiiig -10 A large water moccasin was killed on Frotit street near the corner of Nun nreet on Thursdav. The family cf the venerable Bishop Atkinson have bteu.suni?.oried to his bed side in Ilaltimorp. Slcamboatmen report the Cape Fear as being yet slowly falling, but with water enpugh for boating purpose. An attempt was made to rob f.n ice house ou Castle betweu Sixth and c?eveniu sireeis Rather cool. Rh. i will Lot Tint, u.lal lug Rlaahc re turn to ihese waters. Capt Latham is in th ecuy : nd t! iLks she will g to avnu nr.ah in 'wi one mouth L-e .fallen a well known ctlired man wa; accideully drowned while in tathing in thp river on Saturday night last. His body has been recovered. ' lhr. l-collcct that Pust( ii put down the very small price for the cam paign at i'l'oV for 10 copies, and five dollars for 20 copies to one address. We fchould not suffer from a Cough, whtri a few does of Ayer Cherry Pectoral will cure. Tirue.lmoney, ccm fort, health, all are saveil by itj Now U the time lv tubaciibe far tic Pur, all political news pbiUhed. Will scad twenty cofics lar iii. caru- paiga to one address j,. SQl mo&rj at once. Pbysuian freely prescribe the cc FooJ Medicine, 'Malt ai!crs,' U- cause more DourUain;, trvogtbciiiajr, and purifying than all wbtt frm of malt or rccUieioe, while free ha the olcctioa orjrd actios, taat: lcors. la CUwoc " Why are 'Malt Ikucrs so popular f ' . ; IrBf.U-"lVaiiaf,a a Food Mod kiajc, Uey .earki ih beol, triWn tW acl, jie4 the &rvca, ai rwfea I 1W.Efcfj RepcSUcaa ooiU t ! hate lie Parr tie caefa a&l WJ W b U U li OlwaU k I..J. t .-.. V The fravelon the Passport is increas- mg so rapidly mat CapU; Warper con templates increasing the ajza of-his decks and otherwise altering his boat for the convenience fof I the traveling punuc. The ,improvemnta .will, be maqe in tne .b all. . f ; ' Mra Lumsden, Wife ofJr; Henry , V,W" ,"'4us xianiss' piacqr on juasonboro Souna .vtaTdlled .by iightning on last -Tuesday afternoon. Her infant which was lvin-r nn 11, a. 1... 1! byhexasnhSti'MlhelicnV'o . the flash the sun was sbiniug'brightly. . Tho Rev. Edwin- Geer died in lialti 0IOr1P3Cvj e pas Ibooiil Ci, 61 years of age and was a native of thil city, tja father, Mr. Gilbert Geer, hav ing at one time owned i' large' ' plailta ' lion on MasbaboiO' fecund. ji&'H$ I J - Cen.' Lewis U. Maratollar; whom 4 " ' . many bf our readers will remember, 1 married ReV.lWwin Geer's'wsfer) irni ' ' I he himself married Mi3 BJount, a sii- - v tex to Mrs. James A. Willard. There are, many persons ia this citv who wilt regret U learn of ids dc4h. " V h j j j WASHINGTON p. c. T.?.f,uV,mBal termofl thliustttntuT ,.' .a Mliicli Is onvn to till with.mi .i,:.,... i without itistlncliii when aUiiiiSbion may b uU totuooruiil "l.co or sex, will i-ommcuco !?iit6iaier t thetuiUou oi twentvffiv .a-.i-L.: per qiiiUlflcatlons in the cpaiT.ry ' and i TTi.i "u-"u,l,u oi'l'ortunillf f, T , i".iw,.iiiuiuu wpii to M'nii aus 1 il . . 'Vo IO J. Ji. JOIIV.SUN j StH-rcta . RiclimonrJ aiirl PetersUnrfliRailroaa Ca. pOMMlClNu Sanaa.' jtjlV ts 11 trains oa this road -wtfi run 2 1 h,t? I-KAVK UrcHMONri sui'Tii T . - - - ...... . "um, - lor UhMletiloiv Auikl ? Aiken Kavunnah, ffvls is,iru.. '.. lou, lwalctph.ana jHiksouvlli,- 1, r 1 arlor , cars j to W'llmlitoir .n v. M. except undjr. F:p.wit, f fl,V lnK this traiiitwill liiMkerJon. counectlon nt ivt.r.i,.,.... - V... . "7 IU t::Mi.. M.. Through Fri4"!.t t. ... .;.KAVK.PCTKItsmjnu. NOUTJI. -nwvilVU, - .w a; ai., Tu k. ,i-i. 11 1 -?uih 1 Uuil v . v x , -T, , . ouiiruuuir a iih Nt., 1, I mond. Freacricksi.ur uuU i! North. East, fend vt.S lXt , " . bunday. Kui..s ut M-iicli.i. and cheater aud HiUi-W.v ,,Lt .,'. J , , ttl wr -s Hull on IUttl. . i ... .vicoruiiirMirillnii TVi.. .i,.u . at uii n 1-. m.. inrousli Ma! .i;1l!v., tll-oi Vllj; . u 1 wiciniionu, j-r,.,iprl nnd l'uUiiimcj lUUIiuad l)f t lit. M.l ..Lt . . . . K-Itllli. ir ,iiii ruuuiv ,ti, -.i. . t. -"Ak . ... j.n, ran Mop a.t Munchi Mcr r.ii.l i hfstor, and a?. Half avv uij.iUi Drt wry s li uff on iiical I All tmlns leav froiu tlie ApiHinutUx iH-oot. : T SCXWAY KXtTILviaX Tk a i w 1,... , aivuu m ;v j, -m.; una I?. M IJU vu Sundsr. , V Ilw ivr ivi -iwuu m u m.f a . Jii. mufl h :m 1 11 .... juij-ui "Biritittaai-L M00RE:S BUSINESS UNIVERSITY Atlanta, ia. If 1 w cov.r total r,,.tL' .. for tbre inoathN. spti.i r.,, ii.,..,..;..; I WBWI JOT lllO Liluite I i , ..... .,. . K. RFST W btluro lha 1 I,?. 1.- ou can nialte muniy ra.tJr at s sww I work for n th nt ... n.,. else. Uj-IUI act rom-i(-...l. wi- ,ls.,it - - J W Oy the lodiutrlo:;. Elrla wwitcj cvrrjruuek. lo.'w tait jui Sow U the time. VouT nn d.-Vott whole time to the womj or only ur IWi.M Wei), t o can rait toiu:tilt norm at oucn Cotilv On lilt iuinrci. rHotbt r In; wjiijiiji t i.iiV, u pur I y en;aj;;i: and trur jr. grai orportuu.ty rv. .V siid noiioralvy. AaJrcs Tact A ite.. A 11- juti 'AUMSJIED 1853 1853 Sol, BEAR & BROS,, f 18 & 20 Market 6tM WILMINGTON, N. C . W AM- CLOTHING AND! ruit.4:bLii;;c GOODS Salts Iron SiiO Uf waris, 100 Bias HildlcMx Kiaaatl Kalli : . .Ari-u.it5s.vr . CHILDRESS' B0TS" sJID HEXS . SriUV? xX FLT Hirs. Irt- fe is.it i crjWisr . . ' i 1 '..' .. ' -I-: Come One, Come All, aA aa3sia ct Hsa. v4 I wwm Tirwg, mm w m tut ak aM. .aifc -. - . Mijr l a Howard Dniversity