' - , . ... i . ... : , I. i i : - . V- - I I I I 11 II N-l I 4 Z y T II y. 1 i. T i, r n v -w- I I . i it y i rv. -r 7 I I WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA. SUNDAY; AUGUST 22, 1SS0. Y4)I.UM1$ XI. Single Copies 5 Ct-'s NUMBER 33. V L IjMINO TON r ot Wll-MINO IOX, C, AM BKOOKlKJtAgH M AITKU 1 ,:.-! ItATES Or ADVERTISING. " l-'ifty ccnU per line fur the first in 4,-rlimi and twenty-live rents' per liu? lor each adtitional insertion. Uight (8) lines, Nonpareil type, con- o it nle a square. The subscription price to Til k Wjl, MiNUToN Vwr is 1 ,0' per year; mx months 7 cents. All communications on busieHsliould i addre-wd to Tub.' Wk-minotoi? hi Post, Wilmington, N. C. All advertisements' will be chargttl a 'the abovo rates, exciHt on Ppfecial con i I i y . i J U DO K IIIX I'llN ' U N V A " lloi. Uyi r. I'.uxton, lion. Ail-. ,M.' lion. Jw. J. Mrim aroit ' otliprli,p"hlic ui j ;s cakers will a' Jfess lliO people of 1,1k iJ'ii.Hi ('iov": (ional Li-lii tut fliow: I'leiioii, Tinirs lay L'lJili AnnMP HiTtCoril, i'rhliiy L'Otli Aiij'ost. i;.;('iiy, .'ulon'ay i'Stb Anj.Mi.-f. Wmloii jNloiolay 'JOth Angti'l. Win'lor, ' .-lies-lay! "s Aio.-;u.,l. . j Mvi"' U"rviSuai4;iy l.st iS-p'r. Williiimstou TliiHMTsy' lM Sep'r.. " iiHlmiton, js;iiunl:y lib St p'r. in r I'Aillr, MoikImv litli 'i p'i ",. (MOIJ'H I'.. I.V4IMI Will ,llil.lls I lie tepl" Xf bvlluM:: li't.ili.nn, Abiniaiiff (;iiiii-, Toi'-d iy ,Mirii:ir?(Mi. i ,. ' .;; A.-liet'i', LiukIi.Ij.Ii ei.imlv, jy Aiipii-i .'!l. ' 1 1 im-' I i;oiiKrrasiini;Vl IHstr ct ,1'Hnt ; vans. Mi sirs .1 w . Sli.ii k. li'.-r I al V: I'. . m la t an el iy win .i l invn "lie p jile the 4i wimji tninv :md I iliiCfs: I in iters, '.i i ti n t. All : : J I Ifllli i"g ( IHIIll V.: .. . . ' I'l'-Mllloi t , Newport, -.'7, 1i4ieiier ill.;. -(iii.sli.w t'iMiiity. S.v:uil mi; .Lick-eoiyillc, :', t'.itheiine I ;.k. .-r pi. I, ChiiHpirpi i' D.ij'lni '(!iu:iiy. " i', K.-iiansvilln ' " J ' ::, r.r.iiich's tore " ". l)'hr iippointinen s witl bn, made ill a low days . j. - IUIYS IN JAiV-tl. JJLt'K. f'iie ";iaud tori blight (lemom tratioii ui the I'nion Veterans Union will come Il fit (he night of lhe Ml, of August They hive invited all t Townships UAKFlKlil) !l hi y hive invited all the. Ward and AtSl All- I I I I.I II -CMM5-1, to I'i'illiaut "l.isplay.. join them in ; t he lhe lollowinji spakcrs have bien inviud to add i en 1 I he nutting, and llu ir is t pei lid lo be a splendid time. The I'lov! -ir-l'.liin will appear for the lust lime in i heii j i-ew tiniforiiu and w il h I In li. .iieiv Ion Ins. . , . ) .-I K k I-.KS. ; II. U.1I; P.. y. IUii. Iw, II. T, UmIi ol Soiiih .CiMolnui- l.loii. P. A. S' tiki r of South Carolina, an I others. Mil. STlUlvKlt'fi M'KKCII Vi the' legular ineeliiig of the club I the "ruiv--iii-r.lne," Union Veterans Union, held on Wtdnoday evening last in l heir club . r kiii'i , -the regiilai btisiiiess oi lhe club wis. suspended, mid the l'nel( ot of lhe (In'', Col. Ueo.,rl,. M.ilnon, aioje ami iialKiducvd to the bi-cr smlieiiee pitsini the ln. !. A. cl isker iif South I'aroluia, who pio ntdid 4.-I deliver a hi e an addicss as ii Ins l e ii our pUaMire ! listen lit for .Miie lime. Will out .dinlliig in per 'vm ii'ilii-, r wt rtk Hings, be showeil up the I'lniiiifatie paily in ihtir-true ,c dm', 'iinlti-d in an sdHiiiable uian m i theVioi gVlo nvs of Ihal pally in bis slate, pikI .what Republicans might evieet if that IJIIlV W'( re HHXi s--ful Hi i November n xU lUit wo will not at tempi tn xui i in a yuopsts ! tue ' K 1 J- . . 1 s,Mccb, but advi4e our fnends not to iiiisH lbe nesl t bame ol In ai ing Mr Stiskcr as we learn that he will vrUp U invilVd -to be irent at a mass - ,,, ' f mren..,:. -H i. ujbeM., Ile orgcsl m.hmi ine iioys-in-iuuoiio n.ii-xMl v of Livin the Hon. . I I rf .. ... j CauJiMsy a uniljHl ami raru'ret uppvrt, as a Maneh lUpjiblican whose rt puta tion, which 1s t vj-n ialUnal, will enable hint lo te idgiiil strticc lo the ctdorvd i wple, to whotu he,i oue of the most ! faithful and devWd admcates. j j jpbctiif Manning who ha just lelur neil from Maine, where he has bcn spending acfvial weeks aajs the itate is.iu a whirlwiml wUuthuMi. Sna - li UUiue told him Uhal lhe R put- .:l'a;.,.he.Ute bt at least - ' i . c i.-wki that everywhere be went, ta the north, A ., . me cveiwa.nKy u.- M amol u U that thoc wh fHXtd ,h. nation thWl a.d wow'd .till ojc- ... ... t...i.- iroi h, sin uv mvi.A about tl t ad f eai ia-'o aitabte; iilAlHB AM 1 TUB LOFTY 1'L.AIS t r mj. . i - i r'llm -Ttmet Porlland correspondent give i fHs his dpiuion that Maine will turn up with a clean Republican . , . . ' . . .. ticket elected by at leaslUO.OOO majority and a solid Republican Congressional delegation. Oeu. Plaisted, the fusion candidate for Ooyernor is exposed lo a The Tim?: correspondent gifes the following spicy details of the distin- IN ow( the conditions are all changed as guished 1'laisted' and the equally dis- lhe candidate and his relations with 7. ... . ,, , , .. nis own party and as to the general tmguished 1'illsbury s operations feeling anions the people, i It U never of bogus olncials among the fuMoniBl?. wise to make jiredittions, but the cold It is s refreshing as the cool sum- est kind 6f calculation gives the lvc mer wither and the approaching publicans ground for a high degreoiif , . , confidence in their ability to choose the au turn ii of the l ine Irwbtate: Presidential Eleciorj of this stalo in Jt mIiwi thai as on Army ollicer, ho f I'ljileil I .tiiwl to k peculate on the " cosiiie.s laud desires of his ...ii . . . 1 men. lln exlortl money Land x joint lute from bis jegiuieu lal band, professedly to froiect liiniiflit lmllir Ik. iHMl HlMtrtl- uieiiU C3.tured in b;iille, ami lur which I nobody was pecuuiariiy t lefponsioie, but in rvatiiy s a eyusidiTHiioii or proetiriitg lh di-e.br;e of t lie men as en listed solilleis-l Alter Iho .rar lib prestd the note for payment, but- the men .look legal uilvice and declined. Plaisud'saw.' iroiilde, and generously gave Walerville; College $l,tKH), but lhe j t wnj'spt-rs, which covend the din i v. uli praise, did no' discover un- lil i,ii ly ih.it this gill was in Hie loi ni nl .ili.li note lakcn for an illeg.il coll mI i,im..i. 'J he Mill "wan tiled Umhi lie)'!.', in l f iise, lliitl i'laisted tib laiiu ii lo-note by "fiaud and inisre lri'w.'ii..iMi," uiil ilie plainliir went oii( ui 'in cbaJgi d with lhe- costs, iiiI fiiiliiid with a good deal too much conliai-iUii; m IMaisUMi'n ''boiior." llight tin-tin' i. .. il tins iiuplejiaut develop mt iii. ai-iiui. lhe (liiibernatorul . caudi- ifilr, ill. m ii;ive conic to the surface man)' in w vnieiie.es oi uinnunesiy aim it.hnioif iliHl.tiy jlhose eonnecled with (he hie I'uMoii iStatji (.ioVdTunieut. It :. .. n s i Inti during the last IV w days mI I. . in cli-ii hi Council li iv Irom the Treasury, -without, Voih.Ih tr or bids leiidereil, inore j I litn 410,(1)11 which went into the iockul ol iho gang liiiiiinii abinii the ilate lioiif-e. It ap pe.ir.i tli;il ,lhe t'otniciliiieii potkeled lraordinary .fees for I u veal ig ling .State iiistiliuioiis, and took carnages from the rHale Prison carriage, shops to the value of more than 'l ,(MK). It appeals that Slate Pi inter ( Ebeii l' I'nWiiify drew jsevcrat thousand dol lars Iruiuthe Tieii.Miry wiihout reudei ing any account of iij'thal ho drew other moneys above the legal allow ance I u prinlinrA that he took a valua ble ea triage from the State l'rison,' for which the Fusion Warden credited 'htm by a : I'otisignuieut to a j bankrupt alie.uly i barged with a balance of .t:;tK, Vlo cked 4'worlhle3s."l . In fact, every day seems to expose some new thiel and some -knore cunning thievery I by the gang that surrounded Uarqelon. l incie any woihkt inai nio rusiuu atKj l arty hang iheir.neaus.4aini are mouesi iiiiiiggrcssivt?-,- 15y the way, it should be noticed that two or three weeks ago 1'illsbury and , f everal other conspicuous r, coparceners werpau nouueed as going upon the stump for rhtisUd, but amen these developments they have failed in coming to time. 1'illsbury, who fled the Sta'e last Win ter, has noiputiiu an appeannce, and." ami the newspaper' are ominously silni,aboul him. It is even intimated that lhe t'emoc'r.iis will indulge veiy I i ii It stump : speaking, but rely on the still hunt, i'h.il is. tiie saler course lor a party that H dible lo be in'.cr iiipled in Us caiivass by annoying con -nndrums, going; to the voi uiflrioW of its I conipositiiii. I Political. Th"! '-'Sons o ijturiiv III HHIIlll i :i . :.. I. are miserable, and the Republicms are happy. The , IVni'xr'atic gafhering.8 pail;ike of the character of (Quaker nutiing. "F. tJov. lltnliicks' meet ing al Fot Wayne, as well' as that of Puliler and liixditlle al Indisnspolis, was matted by no entlum mh. Many of lhe otatrs !' the day .found lliem selvts embarrasstHl by the eeuliar o sition of I be parly in tho stale on the ineney question. rr me past nan doaen campaigns the finances hayo been the foremost topic. ! Yesterday they were relegated to the rear with a una nimity that was surprising. landers, candidate for tJovernof, is alxuit the . i . l:l . .... r .. l.Ll I m ,rkA k llfl l.'JMft SI. UIWriY Lff llllIlIOrff r-J j - r- In. . rimvil rip mnnrv views, in . f. ,f n,lirtni4v icucratic pUllorm and the Ctmlidacy of W. H. Rnplisb. The heavy work of itH) ora- tor. direcltnl to misdating the Re- publican record, abusing the Republl- van iKkrW and denouncin; the Klec- ural compromise of 1S7G. They have gvt a caudidate en the. Haywood ticket in Soulh Carolina who is mixed p with a map. named Lough- tin who is jndictrd for uandering lhe state's money. That tenersble patriot Wade llam4on ought to look with hi pure eye on these hasty young men. I The 77wf tiTtreHHtf,eoTtriug two! -l.-.l. k.v. Uf ikal InarWf. including " ' nearly W counties showing; the utmost 1 euthusiam io Xew YerV, and says cdi - 1 totlaUj; ' i il. ,,msrl la the Km 1 : .... Jwik L i;k1 l.t Karw the pohUca, pjirtv U aolted, aai mxl tx liK.. t.. LkAi iK librrala. r'7IL::T 7 lrl :i It .v "." I XT??? '1- 17 -T!L. A'.lXae. routif.tlaatv eherihey pwrsuPi, u h kuv wvk, wi .. .. I there a a mat or vrw a-a certain element in the bjemocraj from whidb votes are likely to drift away to the other side or ouiellv remain out of the ballot-box. Four year3 ago the Democratic candidate was a prominent citiju of this atate, who had genuine pretentions to statesmanship and a fresh recofd aH a rejormerj both capablo of being plausibly magnified and highly colored, and there wan no special fear that he wouhi e the tool of a sectioiial UltJ III II V 11 BM'SUll 1U ' VUO neeuliar condition of a 1 lairs, at that time which did not belong to hi jarty. November. Ihoy ueet only to work earnestlv. UDitcdlv. and booefullv. and theyjappear to hnve begun with this purjjose. , " ' Ex-Go v. Ami in V.Ui -I iormerly a liberal, supports Oaifield' w - mi ' m. r r and Artbur. lie siiys in bis s. eeb: The Liberal Republicans j"iii d them in 1874, and irave th-nt the House tit JtepreseiitalU'es, "whic'n they , have re- ,laiued ever ?iv, ; and wkept on v ting with. them iiiitil they also got posses- sion joftbe Senate.' And now fur - two sessions they have .had entire control of botii-branches of (ingress. Why have they not rdonned the civil service? Why Uae they not. pii-wetl 1 1 - loll to abolish snoils. winch thev knrw Mr. ii 1 u V' IV'I4 Mll'liLlltr In -.iirii? T. I ' . - - I 'V! Is it pos- siblellhat our I Iv inocralic fi iends liavo been- thinking "th;it some lime they might gel into power themselves, and the-i spoils would not he fo. very bad a thing? - that contributions fiom ofriee hohlers are a conupliou fund only when your 'adversaries have thiii ? Can il be,? I w il I nol detain voir loii!rr. It, was not iny purponv l .nave said eveu so nil'ch as f have lull merely to thank you '!nnd to asniir yoii i'l my couvio tiona in regard lo i Ire onimi; cai i.iigu, and iny ileU iiuiii.ilioii niippoii Ci-n. (Jailt-td lor l r-si.lt-Hi , .i Hie he.sl and li te-ji iti 1 1 f ii' .in j i ' 1 1 -i imil ii.uriotic Clll''ll ol HI V '.V.IV ol llll Ilk UlU IO tl". MlMil;..'S i;it?;i K "1 f.l'K'iAU . j Jii'lj; Walls a n f l. 10. Scott, Esj., ' wenl toMoure'.-i Cn k mi lhe morning and jto Burgaw in the. evening, - and' report that Ihty had splendid meetings at both places. There was hi;; crowd lit oorc's Creek iwhicb was add'cssed ty .Judge NVatts in one of bis bap.'t'iie'st .efforts ami afurtviirds by II. l. Scott, Esq !, in his usual dcipieul and spirited style. The utmost, enthusiasm pre nnwiy whites being present. vailed. The spcakeis (in heir return homo wards were s-jiz-.'d-at lJurgaw by a lively crowd of Republicans aud Democrats and held another eiithusias'tie meeting. render, the. .djughter and sister of old New Hanover, w ill gil' a go d ac count Jof beiself in. Novciiibcr, and is wide awake evtu now, at this early pi riod of the viiny iss. UODESON SPKAKy, imhuhtux, rs. U., Aug t'J, liW. illii llH lOli: - Aol set fug any i polls from Robisou as froiii other coun ti4, Ii wish to iiil.-rui youri r adcr.n that we' are not asleep. ' Kcpjublicans are moteJntercslel lure in olitrcs lhan I have lever known themj-to be. .The Democrats are lrighieiied.i 'I'luy tiicd to form a llaneock, Jarv is and Dowd club, and compel every meiobei lo suii- " . V.I iHirt their ticket, but sooij f.iuud ihey had made a blunder. Jlohest nuu will I IIOl lULUSU nil inarms in uiu joi Mirv I . I II. .1 1 .. 4'. . " i ' ' .. I . . I of the men on their (dcin.) ticket. They tried ito raise a pole but (ailed. After raising it some distance the o'.ricr day it fell; a little boy rcniaiked, "Yeur President will' fall too. I rues he was richt. R. pubiicans Iwill d.i their ,l,im in !?.!.. -...ii ii. t f.'iivemhi r und with il tree ballot and -a fair count, it will go Republican bv amki i w helming majority. There are hundred ol votes loct in this county by the Pep, ul! leans not having compe'etiti men lor pollholders. Thos' who sppoiht ihciH select -ucli men s don't know A from T I tnow whereof I speak. I stood by lhe "o!ls;iu and .kept a half dten la-t iKcUou it lav' boms vies wrong. time frtnn casting iheir At this rste bow many afe Iot at each precinct? The Dviuvcrlat. itdlhwlder said "ills not our businvM lo tell you how1 lo vole." Republic . HllhoIders I jont kUow. . r are afrjii. to tell them. inteliient ll pubHcAns all over th alale sc lo il lbt -mible men .Uboldcrs. : Thcre ,hould ou no iWlholdcr i bo CAnoot ,,1 a8j j,u.. they say "jou caa heal, Well migUw us voUus o I we ran hral tad rrMintin ou fchall I ' L . hear fmm me agaiu M 1 Yours truly. , v.w.brr li0Et30. I'' ;" f , - KeorU fro- diocreut place, i the I anrrundine couotrr show that the ' , V -- nTTr . Three deserters horn the rr.ioa - . , . i -.L iii. r ' I Wlly 'ai.j a cW of a arto be UwCa Uemocratle Corrtipttonin Richmond " ;' County. J ' llAMLET;rN.C., AugasV 17lb, ISSO. Emtor of tie Tost: ' 1 My attention has been called to aa article In the Morning Star of the 7th, just headed. Tnfomation for the Peo ple" in which 'appears the following untruthful declaratlop. "Take Rich mond countjr. fJrTe ee it stated that the total expenses of this large county under Demeeratlc rale Wilt not exceed $0,000. Foor sears: ago la 1876'' ' when the Radical had charge the ex penses wcre'.fO.illW. llere we see that the expenses are I reduced more than half. 'i Athin ten 'years, by1 the next census, trpdri this plan of economy the peopJeMf liichioood , Would hare saved more'th'aa t50,000 Who in that county can becftind and fatuous as to wish ufaXg1 RadlcalL domi- Now this strikes the people of. Rich mood regardless of party as the very essense of audacious falsehood. , Why, str, it is a I.ict- Known to all men in ibis county and the entire 1'ee Dee 8utjtiOII lbat ithe Democratic tida t,v-r, ' or A. i. j w:,ve 1S74 weptfrom the hands o the Republicans of Richmond the count? goverment of the same. . 1 The Democratslected three of the . j . ,,vc mT.iioiiers. lar.jM. Aycoc m .1 . was CJhairniaii of '.'I bet Hoard, whose term of fhj did not expire until De cember I87C. Nw ifJ there wa any extravagance during tne year 187G (and lhe l7r "ays Ihcre was) who is to blame for it ? Clearly the Demo cratic Hoard ol County Commissioners who reigned supreme form September 1874 to December 1S7G. If the A'rVrr is correct and there was such a use less cxjKjuditure of tho people's hard earned Hollars why aid -tho Democratic Magistrates, (not elected by the peo ple but appoi tiled by a Democratic legislature) Te-eletit as Chairman of the 'Ki.rd of Couuly Commissioners of Richmond this same Jas II. Aycock, who had "presided for ovr two years of such alleged extravagance ? I his is,but one of tho many dishonest false charges made by Democrats against Uepublicaus, county govern ments. They deceived the peoplo in 175 and I87G, and now seeing their prospects are so dull aud gloomy they hope to lead the people of North Caro lina to believe thai a member of the legislature from Cartaret 1 more competent lo select the Magistrates ot and tor the county of Chcrokeo than the voters of Cherokee themselves are. Expose this falsehood, i dishonesty and slander, and peace to the people of our state will be under even nioro i i . . : j .i. .i ooii;iuoii3 io you man tuey arc now. In contusion I would ask the Star to ventilate tho administration. Repub lican and Democratic, , of Harnett county, the Democratic banner county of tin- ''hird Congressional District, ljut ihev dare not do it. because the frauds mid corruptions there surpass in iiinirtiitude auy m the state and they are Uiiiiocralic IrauOa. ! Smith. ! ' l-'iter rrom' KTailrn. IIi a ikn Co., Aug. 1G, 18S0. --Fjiji'uk ItT: 1 give you some idea of how tilings are working in old Pladcn,' allow me lo say that you hare no need to fear as long as ruch men as our friend W. M. ilonrue speaks in thunder tones in your behalf. His in I fluence ia ahead of ant man in this I .... ! j county at this time, both with lhe' Rt- I publican and Democratic partits.. He I I- 1 1 1 - i in- tuum ui'iin a mail nuu nuuiu repreieiit the Hfplo geuerally, and is known to i be a tried Republican, n l old Rladen will call hiss out to bear the banner io our next Senatorial cam I ivaiirn. Ha will brimr tn our ranks at least 2U0 Democratic Totes. He is the I rharrtkion of our taitv in this ilintrict and muM reprtwnt us. Ho is advo- catiug tiaificld iwid Arthur, Uuxton aud Canmltr Rlmnr You will hear more of him in lbt future . .. Yours Ac, W. R. 1:hky Point Fksper Co:, August 12, 1 SSI. j . I write to inform yon ami the roaay readers of your paper that there was a picnic on Jirown oounu, uouow ... . ?t, km i.. ,k- ivuui, nu'i iiw, iktw vj ore RciHiblicaoa el llrowa s Sou ml, aovl by invitation 'cauaed sue to be with them, and after the picnic was over they electing ate as Chairman aad Rev. Heudersou SecreUry. I being iutited to lhe picnic to ad drrs them eoncr rnlog the topic, of the day. and inf'.rw them who the Re- . .A.t:iL ... November next, whkh 1 did by rradiar over to them th liepuoitcaa iKaet to te vol en ior nn nrmhr Mil. as. I rraI 1 Ihrra I Uea; tUrfield, acceptance it the com I mittce. I u I Aiurr wc apecciie were saaue vr rTTeter JooesjUeT. Si. Ueodcrwa aad others. We aad a rood time. Rerub - j hcans m Doalow county are becomtog .U the' lad. ol Xiember I neXU ; - , . T2.tf!T7Z iSLS!!A at I larrri tote foe the KerhUcaa jrty this vtar Uaaaaa formerly tires. u J - . Chairiam aa4 it, su tW a-retia to Imfaoe Utaof IhtmeeU.c ahovw mctmd. If r t. t STATE NEWS. The Ilin. J..A. Armfield has lleenj nominated byQie, Democrats for Con eress in kthe 7th. District So he has beat Robbins. The G&stonia Gazelle save: Col. Q. Johnson, now that Gen. MacRae has declined the managership of Carolina Central. R. R.. will be in charge, we hear, and his former con duct ol the road is a guarantee of his iauniuinesa ana capaDiiity, lor future. Notwithstanding many ana oiner expenses, ne has accotnp lished the main thing in Railroading; kept his road up and made money. The Road is in receipt of 700 tons ot new steel rails which will be laid at the most desirable points. Th a Roan Mountain ' Republidtu7 : Tf .Tnrvia n 11 .1 Pn' inn ftAnriniA iIia I people of the west that the present 'eys- J ieiu 01 counry governnienij is ono oi re- ftm, Jthey will certainly bo eutitlcdjo 7- rilf ii- e n -1 r i -T tired of this way of allowing the legisla- tare tl elect the maristraf. the mair- 1st rates to elect the countjf commispion j ers, t ic commissioners fay the taxes, j appoibt the assessor!, judges of lec- lions, and returning boards, while they, thn fwvtn I k nin. nnlir 1 j 1.' ! hi anil env I ''Grcat.is the liumbug of Dcuiocracy. Tin "r Journal of Indu? savs j that rv the ojQiccrs of the Industrial Associa tion are busy' day and night 'rettiii'r ! ready for their next Fair with brave heart!!. The demand for Ui speed i tit Morgantou is the Statesvillc VAinericn it in painphl et form, am il. r.arriutrer's to larire that ii" will publish will have it for sale; No more cllectivo campaign do'cunlent can be obtainc d for this fcfatc, and it mittct Kceni8 that lite Executive Com ouht to. circulate it as such. i IMS. Chew Jackson's iH Sweet Niy Tobacco. i There no interment Ccmctjery this weelk. in llcllevtw interment in (hi Scdile Ceine- lery tbis. pant week. Seven interments in t'i ino Furreit during the past week. Tho ResrisUr of Deejfi-isrued two ' marriage licenses dicing tl past week. lloli Allan liufherifi:rd is spending' I the season at tliei )VTim SCr. Hotel, C.ipe 1 iaT I ' The new iron bridge 11 cross the rai'.-j C'f Fnmt street road track at 'the bea has been completed I '!' " ' Stepben ltichardson be hung oil I the samo galltMVs. from which Allen Mathis made las exit. The city authorities have bail -luick walli above nd 4arouud the- ; Rock Spring repaired. A liuich netde l im provement. J ft i We are glsitf j t" r ort the steavfy improvement in the iencrable Iiishop Atkinson cohilition. W e irii't soon to see him restored to hcaltlu A very large iaiiigatr was seen hwiiii- . : ... . ming in the river, opjtdtc- Markcfd.ock, Friday atteniooii. Several sboLs were fireil at his $ralorsliii but without eft fee. ''it Kkioiith ik Hoiin. The (Jramjl r this Lodge of Knights of 1 tonor for state meets atf Ashvi lo next Tuesday. I viroiina ixaieo in ti lis tity .will be rr- I Prescntel by ilr. 11 ', tlrard lprescntMiv: I. -f i f . I The l'fra' reoorlir i:otkv ie prjesencw at;t;?n. Hancock' head quarters n iVrlnesliayi of the follow mir. from Mfth t;axo Jiria. Mc sr N. Mj. SwiH, A. A. (iasti:i, Durness NichoiU aml iA. li r inter. A.WU. S. I jpginrcr ti' with a surveying rrty arrival kl Uhr Cm k Wrslnctd i -M - ; l I uay ir me purrnws or mang I survey of the creeis rrcpa.raUrr to - I eleaninr R iemt. under ai. ai rrorr a . T" "V 1 1 fltAn f firm f riA r ill rrnm. nl I ly an orJer recentlT t?ocJ by 1'ort m,Mrr ;f neral KcyL on and alter next 1 .1. , . ' . ii .i1 1 txtober 1st no pas:'l card mail matter I other than the can! regularly prescri I beJ by Us will be IfjnrarJed through tk- A.r W ibin w Aa addition W being rc4 to the I linLm'MillLJ tchool house, 1 parth street, near 1 .,t r.' jibe railroad, whkh aa improvement 1 " . . Uksof te bwr Mitf. bM4e 4k I ibj i rgrr. .LruUf a maS rr I ewalwtaWT rof ft a raa- ttry. I fr k rrkrt h id u k " "T r tLi al4" l" 1U WPiW-w mmj I 't-fi: ;New cotton has; arrived and has toU I it from 1 1 1 ranli lit i 9 anla 4V i?F dling. Wilmington has receired fha first bale of new cotton raised in this state. It arrived 10 days earlier than I did the first bale of last season. There will be joTn services of ib First and Second Presbyterian .Chnrch to-dav. Iter. O. . M. Pavn nfBr.iaL log. At li a. m. joint services f well be held at the Second Prestytetiaii Church and at 5 o'clock, at "the First; Church. , 1 . ' 4 Stephen Richardson the doomed man is fast approchtog the! end bTDfe He i closely watched by a guard, but ministers and others are allowed , to visit him. He is said to pray often Li . &1 a - l- 1 - . 1 ' 1 ' . ofheart. - t 'i, '.' m ! ' n Ti, i Vrni;.. t"-r- M mfthi wa5A5 wiuw surneTwun .aTTniira , . ... t , , , ... . Ottiy, and tbe last schedule will be surely put on this .winter. This is Only a few qf fthe many improvements that arc to be introduced as soon as praclicabic r One of the recent rulings ' ot tbe rostoffice Department is as follows: "An order for 0-ds Js a document upon which suit may ba maintained. It has, therefore," a monetary value and is bubiect to first class rates of 'I .-.i. ' postage, A Treatise on tbe Hair published by 11. T. Hall & Co.. Nashua, N. II... pro- Iprietors of Hall s Vegetable Sicilian llair Reuewer, contaios raluable mfor- mation about lhe hair, which should be ' read by all copy. Send to imbhshers for Messri. T, B. Peterson A Brothers,! riiiiadelphia, have in preparation a Sarah Iksnihanrt cditiou of the younger Dumas' iHiwerful norel,, "Camille; or, i The Fate of a Coquette."! The work will bo highly important as a complete key to Mile. Ilernhardt'a conception of CamillCi It will also h a fitting rou venir of the great French actress' Visit ! to this couulry, and on the cover will be found ia canital fiortrait of hert Paper cover r.t a low price. Ti OTIC K. lil iCKLirANSOKTIIEFol UTU WABt OK Till; ClTi OF WlLMISUTOH. Y'OU are hereby requested to assemble at the place of meeting, the Cape Fear Engine House, on Ann between Front and Second streets, ou next Thursday night the -Gth inst., as busiuer s of importance I is to be transacted. ! P.y order of C. P. Iakkey, President Fourth Ward (Jarfield and Arthur Club: . K Juns C. jfoKWOoVj Secretary r.rooks Long, olored. was the only penitentiary bird eap.d v Iho CrimU nal l ourt :il iU Ule seMiOii, aud he has coue on a five year's trip for larceny The following bavo been sent to the House of Correction: i ' ' I' SarabDavis, . colored, assault and battery, mop lh. ! Randal Jordau, colored, assault and b.Utery, ' months. Sam, Smith, to'oied, , nuisance, i'G ...:.. ' i I; I ' Julia Mi'l'rr. colored, ' asjiult and bsttcry, O'J di. i SuLriiKr.x Pi.A.vrta asu Fahmee. A most ixcclleut journal. The two articles on Rnsilage are full of useful information to isrracrs. j Every farmer onrhtt' read mch au article as thai ou the "True method of culU rating 0!C buudrcd acres" ; which although - wriftcu fx the IVKImont regkm, wt.i apply io any rrgioni in ctaer parts! The in?, shows article on the writeri abeep rais- iaielligeac on that subject.! Put we caaout sirt all the schedules of sulrcts. This ue- fa! monthly U pablUheil at Rch- roonJd, Va.; at $2.00 rr tear, f!0 to dub of 3 and I1.U0 t clubs of 10. Iiolfa sJauodr, editor. Sowthem Piantrr and Farmer Wfsay, Pul liher. '. . . j ' Kji?t M jul The Dotice of the pro- posl trantfer of thregH rrrhttere4 atail puuebe to into r-A the : 3od int.. hs aothiarf th 4o with the Xut mail ia cvotemptatfeHi oa the At' iaut'ie Sfcahaard Wtr New York ! an-i Sou them cities. Car. Divine on I aaya that the fsM mail will not b rot oa b&Ul afier the meeting 4f the Seelh- to I era railway Time CeaTCfttMa. Thk - csmrefition will he cwmpwed of all the A tlaa lie rUra4 ?prrtataIfwt whkh wil take ft in New York diy MUMiuaM VKUMf. nana uuu lau aad the 1 f Xeeemhee, tha rt bthUty m that the last aaaS sch4al vi!if9iautct akh 21(ivw ca tha brwfapcB ia WUmiaftoa cn the htl -tkes lW day m whkh they are raVo ta 5ne Yeet. Vifaf trAu rJSJSlISEEXMTS. '' - TO LET QN;MLASONABLE terms, a CHICK. xmsa riAJo, in good condition. FAdtoees Box 303, Postofllce. I J STANDARD 8EEDLING3: VKIt j OROWN.I For sale by it. EDKNS St llurUiir. Wiluitnjttou, References ItRvltl Worth. iim Mvcrs. J. W.Barnes. J.r.tiarrell and Ciu fr. M. Woolen, each or.above have tes!tl th V . I . ..... .ii. IX Uil "m 1 -. Ot'FIC OF fiUl'KBINTKXniCNT IF BicrAiRs, U.J4. C"stom HOrsru i ' WitMnwrnw, N. C. Autusl in. isso. SEALED I'KOl'OSAI w4 JrU.l nl th ofllca of Uie 8UperlntaUtnt or Ko pairs in the U. S. Custom Hous liuiluiiif la this city until 12 o'clock hi: mi the 4th ot September, ISM, for rurnlslilnff UiIb material and labor required for mnklne oortaln re pairs and alterations to the Miwlne Hos pltAl bulldtne ia tola City, In accordance with the speeiflcatlon, copies of which) can be had Uxa application at this oimee. 1 IK li. THOMAS, Supcrlntcudcnt ef iUepulrs. ant22Jt. !. - i ! MMlMaPCtCrSuliritRa 14 CO I oMMlfCTNtJ Sunday. JviM rv l I V-r inuns on inis roau win run as, toiiuwn: I r VkV't- UliMIIMNIl UlKTll alm v xn.,r u.,L.ui.L,n.,,. Allcen Savuniiali. f( via t'harli- iqe ior uuarieMii, .isui;i. Uta Kalclxh, aud Jacknuuvllli-. larlur rara to WilnOiUni. Hlops at Mauchetter aud ciu-k-ter. - 5.20 r. Mj, Accommodation Thai. !ally. except nuuuiiy. i'ansvUK'rM ihr inK this troln will make cliw conneellou at l'elcrturi; Kr Norfolk. C:'J0 A. M.. Thronch KrclKht Train l'uily, excopt Kunday, with p;uwvir car attached, j LEAVE PKTKlWUUltU, NUUT1I COO A. M., Through Freight dally. e- pt Hunilny. connccUiiK t uli Kn li niond, FrederlckHtiur and tin! lolouiac aud C'li-ijiko ami Ohio Jlallroads, fur hll pululs North, Kan I, aud Wist, excrpi . Huiuluy. bloni Ml Alrfiiclio-l and Chestor.aud llalffWay utrd al wri-wry a ruull on tliriial !i" A. M-. Arcoiuiiio.lutli.il Trki n daili. esrpt Huuday. ; Slops ui a t . . rtatloiis. ' '.'-! . : ill 1. M.. Tlirouith Mail daily oounis iin with lUchnioml. i rmleru KhIhiiI . and IVtoiimc Itailruad lor nil polnla east and went. Also iioak -Vncloito coiiui'rt Ion with llu' t.heaapke and Ohio lliUlr.ki.l . for the Virginia sprlii:;' inl all MilnU north ana ut. 'jnii ran stopi al .M:mrlnior nml t 'htnter, and in llaliwy mnll llrvwry'a lt.ult' u itig'uni. All train loavlnc lvtcrsljuii; will hlrt from the Appomattox Jvpot, HOKnAT kxet'iao! Tilains ljnvij Uirh mood at .il A. M. aud &.. IVM. l tv Pt-trrsburK al U. WA. M. and .i I. M. vt i Muoday. i T.K. Kj,lSi:. July 2 If Hupen4ileiidei.t. ESTABLISH Kl) 1853 1853 Sol. BEAR & BROS. 18 & 20 Market St., WILMINGTON N. C tl UAVK JUST i i havm ciaibiUoo. tl.r.Ur,.. atid ti' t I cotn:eU lvck of I CLOTHING AND FUU!iM!ING I GOODS Hoqtn tf I Htn;etf, SalU from tLhQ Bpward 1 100 BH MWdJefX TlaMtl Sell at (rwiUy r4r4 frv. CUILUREH BOYS' AUD MKHST STRAW AKD iXLT IlArS. I I CotTlC OnC Come All, Vt .A I . ';..A I A . ' I Ji. i 'S J

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