-i r. t ; . 4' 5- I niE WILMINGTON POST, ' I WILMINGTON,' N , C. .SUNDAY Mohmsg, AUG. 29, lc80. STATEJf EWS. ' ,lion. C. AY. Grandy, late chairman of the Republican Stato Committee, Las beoni nominated for Congress in the first District, Lavipg teaUn lion. J. J. Martin, the Bitting Member, in the Congressional convention. ' The Signal : Gentlemen who have been present at llio discussions between Judge Uuxton and Got. Jams, report that the Republican candidate is mak ing a splendid impression among the masses. His speeches: ore models of practical thought and. ;logic. The is sues of the campaign have been ably and plainly presented and the people fully informea of the records of the lling Democrats in thus State. Judge Buxton has won good and substantial men to the Republican party at every ifectissiuii. The people want a man for Governor wbom they can trust in every place of life. ; ' The Caroliniah :' The Republican ampaiga iji Elizabeth City opened on Friday dight Judge Commander presid ed opening with a spirited address, fol lowed by Dr. P. John, Hugh Cale and WilyXano, Geo. W. Cobb, G. B. ThoiDpoii and lfugh Cal. 'were ap pointed the Executive doxumiUee. The Ilq.iii.licH! .; . f Eliz.il.ttli City are uai '.'( ; ! lil ii; rimcst ill S V.SV faiigtl . . t "li : r i.itLv Oji'.i'vcr lus eu.'.rgfu 1 luil, '!, I ! it I ; ii !'. Evr.nt -wit a. V tit:. . J. i. 1 1 tt'.ll.' 1 Hi j i 'n il. i v r r - I! i IS- I .. -t ; tlil' ui- i.'ii.il ., 1 1 i.i it u Ui ii.; u 1r.u.-nt I'V iVi u-r- svsil vii-jic. it. i.invi i! ;iii,iuvii U-'.v ftrCNtrc- itiui Tfi ii stuiilar. t,nu my " it will f jiliiii'v tlm euiintry niu CiUi .vyarjjlriut 'j'lluvJ. -i i to the I'rVfklfucy. 1 1 U;uiduli-li &(t, .1. A. Uiair, td itur. in- wnkcil up l'roiii :t year's llip Van Winkle sleep im the ' Calakiils l U,hiIi1i1i, and isa.s bright and lim li r j iinicd is over, Wi r-.MiNc;roN l) i st ri ct. Fourth routid, i'f quarterly' incetirigs for .he V.'ilujin-lDii District, M. E. Church, hutith :' IJok.-sliiny, at Bethany, . r Aug. 2S-20 IM.idt ii, ui Antich, j bept. 4-5 Wizti.oih,:ilEli7Abfethtown, Sept. 11-12 llruriHwkk, at Sbalotto Damp, ; Sept. 1S-1S ,Wiiccuui:uv, av Cypress Creek, : Sept. 21-22 ' SuullaLilc,' " Sept. 25-20 i Wilinin::t"i, at I ront btrect, Oct. 2-3 Willi. in; i. n, at Fifth Street, Oct. 9-10 WIhk vill. . :it Shiloh,. Toph'iiil, at Uuion, New llivt-r, On-:U t Jueou's i.'iock, Duplin, at Wesley, Clinton; at Clinton, Oct. 1G-17 Oct. 23-21 Oct. 27 Oct. 80-31 Nov.tJ-7 Not.IS-14 CXihario, at Newton Grove, Nov. 20-21 Lo'. tvi ry t facial member be sure to bo at tlu- lourth piarterly conference. Dear bu t l ren, let ua press the battle nil over the district and look to God lor victory. f . . ' i ' . . L. S. DCRKIIEAU, ' . , IVesidiog Elder. Mm iJluto Nt.i.A N. U, Aug. J8th, 10. Kopublican Plan of " Organi- z-jtion, , 'A-.' 2. i i'. ... !.. i ti,. i.i.. i.-ii I'ritioft mall ih the unit l ciuit kjjvi I'tu'i'iun, Keii pr.i-inrt tiali .. c ui i vteutivo .fouiitv O'lmiutu i. ,i ti ht.e sfitvi; Uput:ciuv If i ( i" !" et'-rti lv. iiik I.- j - !-- . . ' i, 1 tn h-i ;i" ,.i-' J At- w '" ti 'Tin i ft- i f .t V - ll . It tt,M V Vt i- it i . ;itir.o . ;.ti. ! 1 Rrt !;.;, . .. ) ; . , i -. f. . ; -to ir . t.. ' v v l, il.t lu ih. c!f.tT e'i k i.x it i4 caui&uttiMp t ravtieo: Vo.fj .T lhrtt,!1" vencr Kt'ttn tti'fhtn: t .t, 'b pr,.r u' Wi,- irh jV- ! may lx? t.. ! i t;e rc t m uutuui wen.hcr. ! i 11. l'oui:rrjio!, Judicial asu lrna- js;rwfe'OAli J udi ;ia and itwkUril D jtrict CotuuiuU'4', c)tt,Kixi not itlAa one turtuWr ln each county, 'sur U a than acveo Kicmtxr, bkont a11t elected jby t diUtct coaTtrttutt irc"h ol hoO akAll cWd CQAtrmAQ irom their number; .YvritAV, thjU rraAk tut district onuniUc afcall oaly b elected la diairicU embntdog not khAB oo couniy. YacAnci occurring StttUa thirty tlayaof kciio outy W fiUl by U wt of the co&atu. !P III.- State KAmiUt CXuotuttw, Ttx aall b uo ExerttUT Oxa sUi, compccvl of o mr tnm each 0esttiooAl DuUWt la UataU ta b vicaufaAid by tb duutct dd T : " 1 : gallons in state convention assembled; two members at JargeJ to be elected by the state convention, and the chairman ot the convention at Which the election is held. They shall be biennially elec ted at the state convention, shall choose one of their number number chairman and shall elect a secretary who is not a member, who shall reeido at Raleigh. IV. The chairmen of the respective county, district and! committees shall cal state executive 1 their cpnvcn- tions to order and act as4empora- ry chairmen until a tiermanent organi zation is effected, with power only, to : i 1 1 i r V ajnjun. anu receive me rewnoi.n committee OH"tredentials. V. JNb executive j committee shall have power to elect; or appoint . dele gates to any convention, whether coun ty,! district, state or national. v; VI. fte member of an executive committee or . delegates, or alternates duly chosen shall have power to dele gate his trust or authority to another. VII. Representation. Representa tion in county conventions shall con sist of three Republican voters as del egates, and- three as alternates from each precinct in the county, and no more. : : . " VIII. , Representation in congres sional, judicial, senatorial and , state conventions, shall consist of two dele gates and two alternates and two alter nates only, for every member of the Lower House of the General Assembly and shall be apportioned in the seve ral counties accordingly." IX. Delegates and alternates to county conventions shall be elected only by a voto of the Republicans of each precinct in precinct meetms: assem bled; and delegates and alternates to district, state and national conventions shall be elected by a convention of del egates duly elected aud sent by the people fur that purpose alter due no tice tj,d pubuciUiou of not Jess than fifteen days, of the time, place and purpose hi yucu ouvenlioii. i 1 X. The certificate of the haifiMan ;i;.l s-eireiary of the- ineetiuir cottiojr li-itli the rf"fl;u'iiy ;f the pv.i&ary lii'.eliii? cr convention, uuu the tiee lion oi the Uflegate and iilttrnnte tucre ilt, Khali be aceeoted, when iii.c;i.Utt- i, 11 ! t?ud . Millie!' : : i '!.( li n i Vs. ! I ! .1 ! I lit'ii ii ItjJUlC i' ll'.l U Xi 1 tiS i;Si; if' iir. ii an-J II ui i t- t Uu Vi-li- Mi,: a F 'i V'"i! i' i 'J A M "HAFn.V. J JL O 11 AliA, GEu W V IM.lAMS, i J.C1 ii.r.M-ii. .i I' iiAi:li - N W ll A kLLLl; , U (J iXiWliS. i ! tVllHiil'il . WiLaiLCiXxLOti MARKETS. ; i ah-. 2i. i-iiurs 1 'rKPiLNMNK Th.j market a quiitd .luli i ol rent per gallon i rtfrular paekajre:, with sU-s reported .iter of 100 Cfko at 32 cents. Kosin. The itiarkct wis lirnv at 1 02 lor Strained and $1 07 for Good strained, with wi-les as etl'cred. lAU -Market opened quiet at $1 70 her bbl, of 280 lbs, .with sales at- that irice, but later sales were elfected at 82 05, closing steady at the decline. JRUDE 1URPENT4NK Tho market Was firm at $1 80 fbr Yellow Dip, aud f2 25 per bbl for jVirgin, witll sales i at iiiotaueras. Cotton 1 ho Mtrket was stead v. With small sales at quotations. Futures or August opcttetl in New York at i.4 and closed lirm at 11.5? cents; ctooer opened at 10.00 and closed lirm t 10.03 cents. The following were it- rt ... w tne omciai quotations here Ordinary. cts" lb Good Ord inary, . Good Ordinary, Low Middling Middling f3ood Middling HI 10i I0f 111 ( ti KUOrJllTtf. Cotton, 12 bales 512 casks pints lurpenttue .osin, 1G13 bbls S27 bbls 531 bbls Crude lurtcntini. . August 23 Sri uits Tit rpenti n e. Tho market was quoted quiet at 31 cents per gallon lor regular packages, with Hales reiwrt ed later of 50 casks at that price, and tou uo at cents. llosiN The market openeil firm at $1 02 j for Strained and $1071 for Gixnl Strained. We Lear of a s;tle of 500 bbls Strained at $1 02 ier bbl.. and 1,000 do Good Strained at fl 071r clos- UK tjuicb ami sieauy. i Tar. Market quoted uuict'at fl ier bbl of2 lb,s., with sales at that price.- I Cra'PE TCRrENTlNK. The matket ashrmat?l H f.ir Yellow Dip, and per bbl lor irgui, with sales at quotations. . ;,LTTON The market was t-teady and tionmially uncbangeiii 1 tit tire for August opened iu New lorklat Il.tV ynt ami closed barely stead y at U.Gl varui; vcioocr openeu at tv.c. cctu jnd ciost-d barely steady at 11 jtit; irnta. np iouowmg were the uUictA! quot- iiona itftf:.. Orditiary, h Ordinary, rki O Ordinarr LvW jHiddilug, M i-iihfij ik--f Middling, It' 10J KECKll'if. q,f:t 'ptru 2:.i ck tbb it? 3IS " ltwil, "Var.'j tiiU-.!' " i" J 1 .- w wricatiae. .n:ua 21 , riRtr TrapKxnsc. Tt taitrt ofwifa qui t 53 cuU xr pilloo f nrgnUr package, ith aalc rrfKHtcd later of ICO caka at 331 cot. , j Urs Tha tairket wa ita tth sale rtport of l.Otx bbU Sirained at II 0i aad 1 AX do CM KraiiKJ at ! Tab. Market opreed dull at $1 70 rerbblo2S Iba, iUx aalca later at it & per bbl, ddftiag wtatk at taat CacrK TcBrcmjtB Tl atari, vat Una at f 1 SO ft Yellow Dip, 4 fl W rt CM fo Ytrtia, wita aai u otauoa, bic a decliM of Zi cezlt oa trpa alar last rrporta. CVjitos Ta nartti was staady tad ADVERTISEMENTS. PERFECTLY SAfEW THE MGSf iNEXPERIHICED lIAuDSt For Diarrhoea, Dysentery. AND ALL THOSE NUMEROUS TROUBLES ! SO PREVALENT AT Ko Ecmedy known to (he Medical Profession hM wwim-wry mm iiylnlUUCJ VECETABLE 0 It has been usf'l with Mich --r .Vrful simvcbs in all parts of the world In the treatment of these dillieultics, that lit has conic to lm considered , , AN UNFAILING CURE FOR ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS ami such it really is when t -fcr l in t?te and according to the very plain directions Inclosing i- . ..i .i In Buch dbseascs. the altack f' u tiallr FU'hlcn ufn rrmnlr at banal lor mhiMi tn nftnn fnllnw A AT tl.:Tj" flftrlcrt. The inclination to wait ami co if .the lumroir dors not brine a tttcr fcrflng, not Infrequently ' occaeions a vast amount or m-vll-? FUflVriiifT. nt avnacttatM rts a lift, timely done of Fain Killer will almat invarlahly . ava Innh. and with tbatn th attwidant doctor's fc. It haul stoou lue irsi oi ly rm rvnsuLaiC mmm ui ait twiuura uu iimaicn, mux is perfectly safe In any pen"'" hauds. It la ntommeaURi l.v Dirsicinri. Knnm mfesslons who have had opiortunity for obaerTior (lie wonderful results w likh hay always ollowcu its use tmc ncr I t HtST 1 hare lonarnsed tho m'Tt l nnwn xaftz ttRT DAVIS'VEGETABLE FAIN KU.I UU in my f irony and voa Id not on any Kroinl l irll hnat it. Wlma Cbolen was U oimlra;c I nmd no of mnj sort bat the Tain Killtrr, n-i nlUKWfh aumlf and screral memben ol my im.j w-to A-H'k d severely, 1 am upw " J W" equal to every orgrai7, doing my doty U the commntiity d d I n my ig my amy v Mia n.h If I were to-day, Pain Killer would bo fw only piwlr I mncn. n i wore uwkra ' Kbcmld nse. I have thoroogUly te;;tr1 it, and It can be reliert on. i i Wo fiimlly can afford to le without !t ml lt The use of one bottle will go lunhrr !o conr - aier advertising. Try it, ami von win iw --r ! w niiout it. Btlae M5c. OOc and Sl.oo per boitlf. - .n rn oliiain Jl at'any dnig atore or from , PERRY PAVI5 A SOH, Proprietors, Providence, R- ap 25 ly CTA1TB2 T0-S17 ITBOUT A SI7AL Trki tlia rtf all Vtnfla rif Sana and I bus tin onnni hmrinir Rtonri tbn tout of universal use for thirty tifnri in the most malarial districts. It never falls to cure, not merely removing for a time the symptoms, bnt eradi cating the cause of the disease, thereby making a permanent cure. Price only 75 cts. Manufactured by The Dr. Harter Medicine Co., No. 213 N. Main Street, St. Louis. Rev. F. Hackemeier, Bunt German Protestant Orphan Home, St. Charles Rock Road, Pt. Lonis Co., writlnpr April 30th, 1877, aaya: "Dr. Hartri$ Fever and Agne Specific is & positive cure for Chills and Fever; has never failed with us." j Mr. Jno! C. Welboihc of Kcvuport, UU ms: I rnred a little (rtrl of Aajne of thrco ' Years' stand in p, with 2r.ITar(crf'fciTrancii!0tte Specific, after the best physicians failed to benefit her." j j Dr. Yottngblood of Little York, Mo, says: "I hare mod pr. Hatter $ Ftur and Agt SlKctflc in xny pracuce, and can heartily recommend it to tnc puoiic, t.p iy nominally unchanged. Futures fol August opened ia New York at 11.66 ct und closed firm at 11.70 cents; Octr ber opened at 10.61 cents and closed lirm at 10.C7 cents, lhe fo lowing were tho official quotations here Ordinary, cts t lb tjood Ordinary Strict Good Ordinary, Dow Middling, 10 1 io n r M it Middling, GjoJ Middling, RECElTl'S. a Cotton Spirits turpentine '27 bibs 1 11 casks llosin 2021 bb's Tar, 2'J3 bbls 517; bb Crude turpentine ! August 25. Spirits Turpentine. The market was quoted quiet at 33 cents per gallon lor regular packages, without reported transactions. I Rosin, Market was quiet. ! with sales reported of 600 bbls Good trained at $1 07 J per bbl. Also sales of 190 bbls fine rosins at $2 25 for (K) Low l'ale and 5?2 50 for (M) Tale. 1 Tab. Market quoted quiet ab $1 70 per bbl, of 280 lb, with sales of receipts at quotations. 1 M Crude Turpentine. The market was firm at $1 80 for Yellow Dip, and $2-00 per bbl for VirgTff, with sales at quotations. ,. Cotton. The market was steady, with sales of 42 bales at quotations, and CO do on a basis of 10. cents per lb ior middling. I utUres for August opened in New York at 11.73 cents and closed firm at 11.79. cents; October opened at 10.G7 cents and closed firm at 10.73 cents. The following were the official 'quotations here: Ordinary, j cents fV ft Good Ordinary. 81 ' ;" M Strict Good Ordinary, : Ixiw Middling, -1 . 10 J Middling, j ,10 Good Middlinir. t 11 ii . RECEllTS. Cotton , Spirits Turpeuliue Rosin, Tar, - Crude Turpentine 17 bales 211 caskj 35S bbls 100 bbls 22 bbU i Aogust 2tv Spirits Turpentine The market opened firm at 31 J cents per gallon bid lor regular packages, with sales report ed later of 150 casks -at 31 cents, and 15 do at 30 cents, closing firm at the latter figure. . -. p ;v . j Rosin Market was firm at $1 02 J for St rained and $1 07J lor Good Strain ed, with a!r as offered. Also small ales of fine rosina at $2 25. fur (Kl L,.w Palo and $2 50 1U (M) Tale. ? ' per bbl of 2S0 lbs, with Mile of receipts at flotations .. .. , ,- Cri'dk TrjEPEXTiXK -tae market was firm at $1 SO for Yellow Dip, sod f 2 00 r fcbl lor Virgin,! with eslea at quotations. : . .' CorTO.t, Th tuarketjaas ateady, aiU iir of St bl t MUoUtious. rutuirv t-r Aorust nviini ia i . York at I1.7; crau and c lowed raay at ll 1 1 70 cvnu; Ccuter opened at 1I.1S I cat and cWd ey at 11.14 cent. J The fvUowic-: ere the official quota-1 tnn here: -v Ordaary. c t ip (.rood Ordinary , Strict (tool Ordinary, 4w at manor. 101 Mkldlmr. food MkidUax. 101 Oottoa, 14 lalrt SlZcasU iui3 bbls ru bbu ?ptriu Tarpctatiae, laOStB, Tax. Crude TarpatiW. Aataai 27. Sk5rturTcuxnxx.WT3a a&arkH ope4 firm ai cata pr fpltem, lor rtfalar packarta, wiia aaJa ttMtii of IS casta at taat price. ! AD VERTIsEMENTS. Cramp. Cholera,- . OF THE STOMACH AND BOWELS THIS SEASON. been in useso kroj, aqd with such unlfocsrir zceuini ne and fMwncnlly rcry amw; wlu av In TTwnital and noraona of all clasaM and EVIDI cvrf nir M rir . Hwn FERBY niTB HOW; I Icikiw yii ?ipet tm trtnaKHniiil ini ynar hxt fmz nitrlMtp at! that worn lai lor it. but I tK. fmd that m mv tanflTit baatrab; lUIWTa T mm inn mnm wt imnnbkw o yiwx I aatia.Tiial ar il t mr rbildran (nm iniMwn aaraitha, 4 lithcirbme jimm old) with pw Met r r nm. I rrirnlKtm t!r boweia, and atops all diacraoaa. M an-l wi'r Mwt to it m all raaea, both fnr tntrrvl and external . Tra omd H m myfamilj f rim, and trtfi not ba wiahoat K. Twdmc iMaoll iHkr roorh cbtniaHoa to jim, m manr timea U F. IKHiKK, Baagall. Datdiaaa Ux.Kew Yurk. prlc brinca it in - e you of its i within tlw reach of all. merits than columns of newa- L Roam. The market was rjuoted dull at tl 05 for Strained, and firm at $1 10 for Good Strained, with sales as offered. Tab. The market was quoted firm at $1 70:per bbl. ot 2S0 lbs, with sales of receipts at quotations. I Cbude Tubpentine. The market was steady at ft 80 for Yellow Dip. and $2 25 per bbl for Virgin, with pales at nnntations. ' ! 1 ' I 1 Cotton. lhe market was steady. Futures for August opened in I New York at 11.38 cts and clos,ed steady at 11.38 cents; October opened at1 10.58 cents and closed steady at 10.5."rcents. The following were the, official: rduota- tions here: . ! ' S j; , Ordiuary, , i : cts! lb Good Ordinary, 9 fl " Strict Good Ordinary, I f " Low Middling, 10, ff " Middling, 10J Good Middling. 11 1 IiECEIPTS. Cotton Spirits Turpentine, Rosin, Tar, -. Crude turpentine, 1; bales. 205 cask. 731 bbls. 218 118 "unique; The New Ladles' .Fashion Journal, I , COSTAISIBO Till LATBST PARI8, LONDON AND NEW YORK FASHION NEWS AND GOS8IP Wlthth May number comtnenpoaa tale enUUed, !l)r. Weetwood'a tJecrel." lor tale at all the Bazar PaUcrn Agencies throughout tne country. Subscription Trice Only 50 Cents I a Year, v POSTAGK. TAUJ; Single Copies Fire, Cents. FRANCIS WRIGHT. rublUher. OKO. II. BORST. Itusincaa Maaager, No. 781 uroauway, . j. Juneautf. HDP A "NIC Slope, Hub-Haea Oct. i WlVTiYl O Coupler. Vox OI eat ox Huutaoa. Heat oa trial warranted, only AGS. Ptanoa f Vi up. Cauttcue Kroe. Addreaa Dak i bl K. Ukattt. Waahlnjtou, I t aug ta tw. AcenU Wantcil for JSrolth'a Ilible Dic- 'v tionary and "kV. rutoiial Bibles Addresa. for Circular. A. Jj llol.M A! A C 1-hliadclplila. , aug 15 Iw The nonnnsafbr llook Agrnts is pel ling oar aplsndidly illastrated boos. Laze of ; GENERAL HANCOCK wntta by hl HPawlnc frtaaxl. W. Koran, an aattMWnT natiaai f aWaidBiirar ta tmih i i.TliV.w EXGLISII. Thra work laofBctalty endoraed. ksw-oriCMl Immenay nopnlar. an4 allta( beyond precedent.; Ontat AOeenta. fa et quick. and Kor the neat bn. beat taenia, nnd lull pnrtAvulnrn. Addreaa Hubbard rtram Aaianaa. ua. , . , anclSn. ti THE NEW FOOD MEDICINE- DO at Matawaal f! Mate .haaa 1 tor-f rUjafl MaiaaiH I tUk tMaWt T tru araara. aaaS ta Imm aiUT aafcadatA 1 1 a wmm aattmiaiax fcW waiarr a iali lay aiaan liaa Uta UanWMnaaaaal aian u lanawiiiw. a. mail i a. Ailumi Svaaalm ma laarlaV lXm mil jaayajr Smaa TafpaMH mr aaiaij tax TOSLS. 4 U IVn nhllla ttLaMlMaBMaaaaaBa v v ra i i am 11 " I aawutat rmm taa- VlaW MALT mm ml Mawak U ti (earn. X Tma a. a4 UmXJC NEW AD YER11SEMENT&. CAUTION i J I WOLFE'S. Schiedam Aromatic HCUNAPPH. T UAVlNO IlfcKN imoUUHTTO OUR i attention that Initiation of our 'article are ' - r ,1 - beiOK sold In thla market, notice la hereby Clven to;nli: may concer Tendlog of any article, with ai t -r itona iuattaid nndef a revestnct f tbe tr. fli CbBTassJ xnxfttao wvurm kq axtv . It Tana. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, BOLD. th lrgt. - Great chance to maJt a money. w need a penon in every town to take anbacrlptiona for lanan. eheaDCt and bectiUlaauated fkmllT nnbtlealion In the world. Anyone ! can become a anccesaful agent, vix eicptvnt works of art civen tree to suniscriDers. n price la so low that almost everybody bud- a.aaa& a arms lv rw that almost everybody bud- I e agent rcporU taking 1J aub- I a day. A lady agent reports j acnoea. ui acxlbars'ln scribes. One Bcrlbara in a ttnr. A laoy ajrent repw making over fJM clear profit ia ten daja, You I 1 can devote all your time to the bualneea, or I only your spare time, lou noeu not oe I away from home over alghL YOa can do H 1 aa well aaothata. Full dlrectione and ternia free. ZUegant and expensive Outfit free. Jf I you want profitable work send us your aa- dreae at onee. It ooau nothlnd to try the I business. No one who engages Calls to make I Port and, Maine. raa PST. AUUma UEOitUE DTOaua I jnn i7 6m JOHN WERNER, THE PERFUMER, : v - PKBSOSAXXT IX AT IKH I A H GB AT HIS NEW HAIR DRESS- ITSTp SALOON. ; Ifo 11 North rront Street. South of Purccll IIousc, WILMINGTON, N. C. Nona but the b"t work mrn rniployfsl t y me. Maoiifucluier of ParlwUa Hrilllan- tine, Friallun. and LuhIoh. Alao, Kxlraclx, uoiosnea. Keauuner, llalr OH, Tonic, itc nwr. Kenoviiior, lluuearlan t'oKmrtle. and llalr ufe very atile. jnn it.it m 'esa make tuont-y taater at work lor ua wan many untie eiae (.udiimi not rt I qulml ; w will atari you. tU pvr day at home made hy the lndualrloua. Men women, boya and Elrla wiMited everywhere to work fbr ua. Now la the time. (Joatiy outfit and terma free. Addreaa Thus Jk t o Auaual. Maine. - S-ll NOTICE. ALL. peraona vlallliiR Waccamaw IKe on exeuralona. would do-woll to call on Henry McDowell for pleaKure IhkiIb and dinner, lie ia aiwayi on uano. June 20 tf. I t STOP HUH A Htooi. HO..H, and aic. lioxcd and I Phi p pexl. nnW IW. New llamw, f.ii to l,600.Saildaumuier oiler IIIUNtmled frr. Addrcaa Lmnlel K. lteatty, WaaUliitUiu.N. -, i - j JUl n w KanedFrwfoTctJi $10,000. SAFETY UHP.v tm vfca aaa aaf a f arrrv arramraanT. M.. aa.taaaar aaraaa, V aaaaavlaaiaaraarwK ' .aaiprmfO"", I la ln. artta alaa Aarrav ractory aad OtficSi iaaiiajntes, H.jf ; Jan UTOrp Bualneaayoa oan eoraceln t DrAll to rj per day made by any worker of either aex, right la their own h i eslltlea. IarUoulara and aaioplea worth t ere. improve your pare iikio al I tua iui eaa. Addreaa STiaiai A i'o I'ortlauu Halaa. . i apl l-ly CT?XTTV i ". . Miclt CO.. IN.rt OHjINI land. Maine, for beat Aaene Huaineaa la the world, fcxpcnalve ou fit ftee, 1 iui' w Cathartic Pills Combine the choicest cathartic prinHplr in tnedtciur, in in'Purtioiui axiiri ly av!jualtl to arc urc acUvitr, crrUinty, and' uuifoaSkity of effect. They am the r-tilt of yeasa of careful atndy mud prartica.! $. pert nasi t, and are the tnnet tftwluaj rciu. ely yet dtacoverM f ? lleajiea cui hy dcntnreumnt of the atotnarh, livrr. anl tmweU. wbkh rfyiutrw prompt and rffi tu. si treatment. At m a liLtjiare a-laHy applWalletothuirUMvaof Uwr-ap. Tlicy act directly on the Uicio'. r .xid SAim tUthra raweaacs. ami rdoro nxular healthy scUon. Thoir rxtcic4ve itae ty phraklana In ilx-ir prartic. mw 1y ail ririlteetl nation, U one of th tuanr pronfa 4 taHr value ai a safe, antr. and perfectly teilaWo rpkUre ttMtbine. Ueing coeapMifxled of th concruiraUxl Tirtur of portly 1rertal4e aolwtamre, they are poeittrcly free front ral-imj, r ny ishtnona prnprrttea, an. I ran la al. aoinistored to tailuren Ith pt ricii aairty . Am'i PltAS are an c-rTcrtival cttrm tit CMtlntlonor tli enr, laMlice tlon,-lraffAa, of AtfMHite, Fowl fMoannch nod ltmUh.tliLla. Illeavisraxy ioaa ot nranory, hbmI Be, lIUIonnra,Jaun!lr.lthcm. Heavlncaxv Loaa of Mrnaory, Nnaab- ttao. VmviXoa anl f$kln IMa-nae, trouy. Tnnaora, Worma, eraJ KU. CUr, (irtpea. DUrrara, Iyea. tawy, taM V rtle, IMaoctWa off thn Liver, awavl alt trt tlaar a a r--ltit-front dmmktHI aUl of th dir-aUte arrarafia. . : s - , Aa a Dinner nil tWy tmre no ernat Why pevrfaa n IkHr arf, tWe rttXa are lhe sot thoffaasn nn4 aaiiiW- ia rniaavruc that ru h nr4I. anI nre rlvn foin nalrna th Iwweta ar rnJUanf . and ifcm tnetr InJtnrOc ta tanaU taajf. TaWy attannlaA tiaa nffvtdn a4 4jc9ttr nrcaava; Oary rTi U forif nant rnm n tAa Unnd, sn4 tstart.tvat-r4 laasnattiU tLUaW7ca, fTtyarai y Or. t C Aytf A, Low. Mast. t AA MtaawTI sassrrntns. fsnlte- i .."'(' , ....JEWELRY 075.00 worth for S 1 5.00 '''"' A(- GoU Wuh a. SCVL ww i - skills , - , a' - nV" ' ' - - Ta at ua naftar fa rna-a aitvjn-a a aeai afecttt eaaa o aa 1 1 mm'ti i U iariaar awa. Itiih r r- f -m-n i i mil In Tr Pan4 lanmrnAa law l rail 4 in Ua 4ai arf yh? ofleB rtX at'aa uT tenth thtMr value, and in no iaI?2L we paid over oneUUi tha. kV, ; price. Klncstmngw na?. iS!?t'w f able to dlanoao rf ti.eae coS, j and turoushour rrsttlareuiiSLi?.Vkta faat aa we coulproce'S.t; ' uu targa DBUUcr of tall urea ZZZVH out this and other eounuti. - Ul&,tW months of Jane, July mJAw.., U, when the Jewelry buslneaa u'" Ua have now on hand i " . "au most dtwlrabla cooda r-"T?w af ui and which we have boutht at wZtH. man ever before, la order to dili-Z. entire atock tn the awt sMaLvT"' posaible.and make room forTaTll. we hall conUnue to buy. v, h.rTT:ti me following noyei plan : rA . We propose to give you a ttat or it- desirable of the cooda, rtrtai V.?1 nui w uvio tta rryuiar retail ValB-TJj" f ou 11,0 e oi nve UoUair fc.i1' fljiW. For instance, on wec whl send you, ruerpAin, aay ,ri5L.r Taiue oi I-; on reoript of ll.uu v the value of iiuo, rndw.n lh" I entire list, llelow wa giva a , tiaiSm? valuable of these goodl "-m L1?T OK JEWELRY AT WHoIJS,,. QcBfa New Style Bcarf RlaBaarnaaW7'' hlreve Buttoua. AUia raiatfT; mouff Miunr ,. " Uoeom Studa, Laarayad o,. 8ttins "qt: " Kound I or 1xmi UaFifSuS " and t liarm "t" " or Ladiea' A'Ula, li.na.TKaZ; HtoueorOuuou kin . iAdlc-s' liong or Kouud '-"rhZ"I f Btuueor Kucravvd tx-lirn match . - -Kuuraved and Kun i-h Mt Any Three of the above arUetra a-uikl-. seut br mail mi..ii .. i LadlvV lirusd Hand llracvL tvKnr m.i.. I-lrat-tlnaa Kal,. itiH.' 1 1 1 ltr1, Hhlrld. or Ueut'a Atrttthuit I'UlbiwujJ IA Txua: Fancy tsha wl or Ua.TT' , uiaich " . j Uent'a Onyx. Amelbyat orTHaa . Nfc --t"Ti,L IM, Cimx.aud othf r Mono lUoa Il-avy" ljek fhrTi...... . i . ... . . . Ap" Five ! the wIkjvo artlcira win lI ... .. i i ...i .. ... .... . . . I .' 1 1 II Itl.l 111 (.. I iui kit iuhj wKirraaon lrrrli4 Ucut'a init New Mj l VifctthalaaaJ ll.fc fc.iri Ulucs ana fiu. K. m Kl.vlc ttiid Kxlia l ine.... tG lUuvy Bvl fcioue bd kttS i Hlul ............... Ik or ljdit a' CinM, AnmhyMauJ ; ouy x islceve ruiltnifv 1 1 or Indies' Caiuot, Ann ilijkt other Slone HI ni;a..... Iji'lira' liuiif and very taucy lB liaa 14, ; " 1 Fxirw JulahvU Onyx,AiutUt)a nil r.tKnivM 11 11 ... i- .! KxtraFtuUlietinjix.AniHtitkt 1 and Knaravcd.Kiu,-lrtM.. ... . v i Iajuk OiK-ra r liuard l imine. r ' ! Kanrv- Neck Ctialn and Hum ' t Any Hlx of the above JirtioUa -am mulled tree ou rrtx lt ui fia ' Uent'a HollUtre or Cluatrr Autraliaa - iiinuiond 1 uia..,. - , afn' HtUKle ISUtna) Auallallan Ita. -. nioud Ktuda (:i)..... 1 llmvy iArce Nolilaltf Auatia. Itan Diamund KlnuleMud n Flue Fluulud Iuk Llak Vtt t'tialn and CtiAriu ; ;f Vry Nolby aud I .Uil Mjt Hiau-f Kluga and tim ,, ,., '- or ljlt' Citinixt. iij abit AuK'tliVKtHlecve ltum,ua 1 lx.lv' Ktruacau NJrkUtT, vrrj itra(u very hravy.. ...... ... ia " Aualrallan luauioiid and t41u Fancy Tina aud Fa r.ln aj.. m "WUiin; tel aud ollivr 1 aucj C im j tn llravy Knaravvd lu ki t . i Mltltui......... i -. .1.aM.d iiiaicUta, luMl. ciita '.! ' i tray . ; ,L 9 Any KlRltV-ttf the nlxttu ait lift fmm iay will' h moauWLttf Iihou rc.-4l1.tof f,Hi; " Ikdi-AK Fancy Nck tjmin anA Mei. Hun Uurm, lu Fancy. Um4 Jvwcl fiujn1!...... , - ,,u ". l4tnKOera(1laln.wliltoraiU- - tui I Hilda and Tal. t " lli-avy ltrse Miniature Midal llou lux krt.. tm )lrvy Jet and tMd llr.-l-u i Aavrnco Atedaillon I'tu and ! Jtroi-a...............,,. jf " , cr fieul'B Afaaalve WeUdiitg IUu iiainr llnd...TOW..t. or Uvul a Kvtn lry tiru, Amethyal uflMiji lUnji. tA " IMiKHhawlor Urcuat llu.nnnt inm ....... Iyollfi 1U) Cull l"lO, Uutai juallty i. w--1 " or Uent a ttmna, AloHb)tta i OuX Mtfova IlatUwia... . U Uent'a heavy Ixmu liut Unulic . .i,-iltt.-.i..,..Ln4,.... 5, t lutr or Hoiiwure - intiUal American Diaiuond lti. 't ; Kloueativl Fancy to-airvmi-tw - aud King. 1 ., . , ftloua and Fancy lalU4 u lio J.;. " A4alvl-:iUlp-Mii.l ... . L. Any Trn of ll above artlrh a HI fc aent l by natl Irre on rer-it oi All of thla Jewelry tbla Jewelry liufi uaJjr. hut, of cuurae, the uallf r :driw"U j on the prlc-r;- or Inataiuc. liw , are m a tnuctt nutr muiuij a,ajttii.a- aiaea o lug nvrcr. ir-u iti TO -f For Ih bt-nrfltor pAlilra Ut Vaart at Acrnla fur tbe abnve awala, Ua fwiluwlns wtal 0T; 1 iu icn tioi a vrnrr ir jre?. aa per ihrnc oilw-, we will Ma4 ti- ( urJnred, and luakv Ilia iilr frtt)tjf u club a present of any one 4 t- .Kew"t W alcte : ,-. I , 1 Iure Abyaaltttau Oold llubUtc i!U . eva Watch. - I lnre AI aalntan tioid V'pca t attUnM WawhU-m-VHMlf t Pure Abyaalnian. U44 : W atrli, Illomtaatnt ltl. M k" T j ran Ml Hit llin In lh lUanl ttH 1 ;l'ure Abraaintan Mlin Mfaiit I Ucueva Walch, 1 Any trflbcw) tour Walrhra I t;l Wat alupe foe K.M, r tbe U atrn i ao4 xAfcaf (H-nla Heavy Alaalla tm4 V M in a-l tltarta. t. a I,d r.4 tnid Lone ire tr i'ia tar4 tor sajimv " A?la vtin eantsul u4 tte Ja mifvtaa Mad.auil mi m imi Ibam. and h ad aawaaM U tAuoa w alil a 4 um a rasa or rv Mtii m .. lien.! What Ike 'fhlWro 1 i . ' Ua, Ah4cis tm '- The nin4. t t v Vt e cialt the tllt( .J, nn advrtteaef 4 U I a rf o. Ila I. Uakbiidi .... W 4Uat IH a'Ur A"? aae J . Uary wilt aV. TW ! fcaa 1o lhe nanra it at ri.? aakt we bate lf w 4 t wM fMalnt aarainat IV. " i ' . , ! ?h tnEw a.- vre. M. f tlrnltoa x r4 u M - ttaaim ctflVe aw aa4 naan knlol at m 4-aVi- lVai Ftaaav atflMl y m4 live raaaalli leap AaU.a f Ui I' " tntna one r m S ne - e amnunc awaaa tn Uavt -. - Uai- -: i , . . : 1 ; aa4 rawwiHY. a4 awaal nava a an uioa eauart wtakl lAxry .- . ! ; A tamf- MinitMH we IT. IniUaa fatlcr t mm J"- v M nni--W. . fltr-v nrawe t aia1.aiv. i 'mm. .iarS HriWe Ordfie tn Um anaiaatl. ' Maavty f en tWt ea t " , neav e wr.l tMaa wawtsa r""""!?. mnaw. in Sar avne- naina-y -awa as f J nweannA 4t anaae'. enn a- ' ;nmaj ti aeawae nf fcjn an a na awnmr t . nUI a anna A. wl-l nn en r a a na atil ta'aan I aTiaaaa lM Jwn kM AJ 4 an tae caw.n nib eaan tnaaialai WU Ua -lamjaaaf -naf laeaaain aann U aae M.ann en m n aaatal tea t laa awwafan a anta in wmm " an w-feadL aaaann tAnan nfaiwwi ' a. n4 wt- f yM anr' t- an' tUMwn W n i lAamay Jkamaa anat W Aatauann - . - TiABt Tvn an av atn-.ajn, r-e- . mLnUtKi vo r. aay K-iyl . -I "it- 8 LnJnwasl