r ; VOLUME XL V If j MING TO 1ST L OST : 1 . . BUXTON " KSTKKKI AT T1IU l'OhXQIHlCE AT W'n-MtN'NTox, N. C, as hCcoNi Clash M ATT-Klt 1 - ( KATES OP AD VEHTISING. - Fifty cents per line for the first in sertion and twenty -live cents per line lor each additional insertion. JKight (S) lines, Nonpareil type, con stitute a square. The subscription price to Tiik Wih minuTox Post is $1 00 per year; six months 75 cents. All communications on busiucsshould bo addressed to The Wilmington Post, Wilmington, N. 0. All advertisements will bo cbaVged a llie above rates, except on special con . tracts. " ' rUJSLIU SI'KAKINU. Messrs. John W. Shackelford and William IV Canaday, candidates for Congress, will a del res their fellowciti rem at the following times and places: Lisbon, Sampson-county, Sept. 17tb. ra! Ourfiolrl nf fWl, ' - - 7 ..1.1 : w. uiu is, n lHruuuiitnu. mm my a mr ,m r c a m . I - -- M - of Republicans, but it is h.i simple m , . ! L "f Jv the- between two Censuses. If uue which we gladly pay him, to ad- ri"npiiaiu Victory or Buxton I W1 man , wmwe opinion Is wennaxn Marlborough, ceunty or any WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SUND SEPTEMBETim Single Copies i Cents t . .. NUMBER 30. a il I I All . urn inai no nas uone more than any Other sinsle member of his nartr during thedast- session of Congress to over Mft'lnmmy. Bubgaw, Sept. 9, 1S80. show that it h not impossible for a To the 'Editor of the Tost: man to act with a Consrassianjil majority, and yet to keep tis self-re- "pcci ana tno respect of honest men. VICTOKY IN VERMONT. TWENTY-FiVE THOUSAND MAJORITY. Judge Buxton was met at the denot by a large crowd, white and black, democrats And Republicans, and es corted to the hotel where' after receiv ing many friends of both political par-tie-, he dined; -and arrangements were made by a 'committee to divide time with Major C. W. McCIammv of Pen der. ' worth as much as any other mkn ; i other county of the state. 1.000 fimiliM that state, says unfalteringly :l ' . '' inlthe 'Census of 1S60 and that , . . f , . of 1880, and omitted in that f i7n never since iz nas mere been so wa h,il nnnA .u T urv.r .i rMA . . w vuuw va NOTICE. - Rooms Rep. Ex. Goitvttt Of New Havoter Ootnrrr Anruatasth. IRsn promising a cantaaa in mis stale for was defective. ThA xr.Ni..i. .ni the BeDubliean nartr. In tht I Assistant Marshals who tnnb- tho rvn. A , - -w uoa i - - 'wva i rnnnrv a i i in ir L'aiTrnir t plac. our candidate will rw. ik. BUS WO were poUtical aoDointeea. TTV Jr. ' M Hereby -! w rnttiT tt thim 1 --j . ' i CUiea fit th KfnnhllMn . w I k t. i votes of all Eepubllcans. This of. itself rjJr tt. LlLT. T r. f . ""Be, monament has - wau a wtv Utg j A colored man named Council was I)wne4 at Sloop Poiat Tuesday, while engaged n xemoTLier au fmm n.. ority of the RepubUcan Exe- vLT fOOww Fred. B, Rice. His cuUve Committee of New Hanorer m I re50Tcred on Thursday but county, a CONVENTION is hereby had off by.a shark. TRIBUNE SUMMARY OF TIIK 10TH. ' Oct. 18lh. 20th. 21th. 22nd. 23rd. 21tb. 20th. 27th. 28tb. 2!'th. yOih. 1-t. 2nd. at 12 candi- in ton Lillington, I Iarii:tl " ,l.')liiisonvil!o, " ' ' Jiiiiciborw, Moore "' ;.irlii " v " t .lIlltTOII, " " FiiyiiU vilU', t'liinbi-rland .Unigsliiiry, ..; " " "KorktMi,' " " llollaiv, BLdui Klizubcthlowii Turhbiill " n The pi-akiii will lake placd oVImkj M., each day.; Other d.i: s ir Congress, uro inviud to attend. . Judg.j lluxtoM, tlio lUpublicm can diiLituTor (iovcrnor.and i Ion. Augustus M. Moon-, the liopublicati candidate f.tr Attorney (JtiK-ral, will spiak as fol lows : J- : Moicho.id City, .Monday, Sept. J.'Mi (ioldnboro, Yyi:c t'ounly, Tirtsciay, S',.t. 1 lli. i Hind lU piiblicnii If ;illy". II II, W I?. (Jatiaday, thi; IN publi in c:it ditble for Congnss from the od tllrii t, will addrr-s riio li'e.uiiMvirk ((uiily, at bmithville, Mon day wtiim', Si-pt. 3th J SS0, at eight o'cnei a l. the court libuso. The lol lowinj; t iiiim nt speaker have been in vitil lo HKik on the occasion : iicii. v. ii. DocKtry, lion. li. (J. Carteret Returns have been recsived from 220 lowus in Vermont, leaving twenty-one to be heard from, These returns make the. Republican majority 2G.576 and it is estimated that it will be" In the entire etat 0.26,030, 'a gain of 3,211 on the Re publican mnjority in 1870. The Leg islature will be more strongly Republi can than herctore. Only one Green backer has been elected to it. There was great rejoicing at the rooms of the Republican National Committee. Col. Hooker, who returned vrstrrdnv fmm j j Vermont, was greatly elated over the result of the vigorous ,canvass which the pj.rly had made! At the Demo- cmtie. Ik iiI(juartcrs there was a corres pond i i g degree of depression. ' '; LATER, atuh'Ja v. Town's heard from, 238 C to hear from. Farnham's (Rep.) majority 25,152, iim of 1402 over the vote of 187C, when the total vote was G1.1G0, and Hayes vet 3 44,092, out of C1.4G0 total. - . (Jreat depression at Democratic Na tioiiul 1 Headquarters, and unbounded euthuiiasni at Republican. UKNKItAL TIIINCJS. i -lonwrgo iww iu auumoa to our vi more clerical ability 17th e a . . . " v.uaio oy uis party yeie. The Bon-parW'yote "4 fent shares on the pay. Township ifr? of teaaber next, at 10 Wends. It Li cf beautiful granite and which in 1876 was cast tot Mx.lWen itTlf T ggnized, anS Jm-to,m e foUowing will be . Very attracUve structure. It becau,eitwanted.changeAwilZ fiSt Uefe S rfcu" . ' 13,000 pounds and when jear vote the Republican ticket ;be- nty rtop5S d I ther" ti?TTmi PriSht nearly 18 ;fcet high, causeit docsno want a change." firmer class of investigation is wo Membws of : -i ThisyotewlUcouutatleastSd lA1: SrTi"" to the nao m- i , .. . . . i . t"v"i vv,uiatj ui me recent i WH" Lsweniea and four Ait.i wiwibo uuuer i rar u -r rt . i vuauKinir irom dim mkia tn tha.ntfa I rflrnrnB : :ui. ii . I . .l - . . w wi r. vowan, an esteemed r. " . . "r. r :T .s j .!t "K"uie, iaea mves- naies to tne Senatorial ConwniU. I lew days awi an .frw Republican parly in this . nero or TnnT" .S?dr Lbe,be- be held at Rock, PolirIC belayWl slick THE SrEAKlKG. At about 2 o'clock our honored standard bearer Judco Buxton was in troduced by leader of the county, in a J few very appropriate' re marks. Judge . Buxton then walked forward, and taking the stand at the end of tho Academy, in which the speaking took place, and made a speech of about one hour aud a quarter. He arraigned the Democracy at the bar of public opinion for its past conduct and maladministration, aud denounced the Landlord and Tenant act as oppressive to the most j defenceless, citizens, and giving tho landlord the advantage over the unprotected tenant. Ho showed ma iue landlord had abundant rights before the cCurls at common law, 'with- I - out statutes, and that it was the tenant if any body who needed btatutes to pro tect him. JIu denounced also the pres ent county road law and showed its in justice. 1 His remarks on the present odious county government law were unanswer able. Ho, asked why tho legislature had not as much right to takn nw!,v I - - , - v m uuu result." re second invesUgations, should rach ,X I twaotj . . -ii . I I ni.il aMii mm nainaw m& . r . ti, ... .... I uwesaary. win do condnrtAH t i .uansact sucn nthir i paxi 01 ms inirn. ir . uo luauuucmrera." ne said "ArA i w.t,!-. .. - u.: . i . " -l4 -sii ..... . i ..ufiiuu, mm wun me a . esneciallv artA ,i i,r.A ",hU tue creates their employes, believing that aeon- I . ' - tinuance of Republican policy is essen- w 8ATPAYKE1VS. tial to their continued prosperity. Not e cal1 attction to the advertise- more than 75 per cent of the voters are mmt of lhe University ot North Caro distinctively party men and eontinue ' Wnich- was reorganized five years either Republicans or Democrats rear 5g0 under the Presidency" of the Hon. after year. The other 25 per cent are mp F' Battle L- L- D- aided by an essentially non-partisan, and to a great- efficient and competent corps of Pro- er or less degree shift from one side, to fe880r3v This ancient institution'offers the other s circumstances dictate. The M 004 opportunities for a high wonderful prosDeritv of thnmnntr. f standard of! scholarship as any in th V.. . ... ... I Rnnf.h anA . ... lu prcsem ume win contribute largely I ' "i"3 '1La year wun an to a republican success this vear. We 1 1"v'1Cttaou uumoer oi students. haveho return of the tide which so business as may rronrl CAIM k.ffM I once removed tn t i, vuuYBnuon. " . , i uoing well Each Votlns: precinct wm 1m w vivvn aoxicv delegated and three alternates to the county convention. f The RepubUcan voters wiUmeet in their respective townships at the usual voting places, to wit: Cape Fear township, at Castle Hayne. HarneU township, at MacCumber'a Store. : nearly elected Mr. Tildeu in 187G. The Governor said iurther that he would concede to the Democrats none, but the old slave states. "Our friends are hopefully contest ing every one of the Free States. At therccent election Oregon was carried BOXS IK BLVK. Col. Mahson'a command of n.n In Blue, and the lriith Ward Garfield and. Arthur Club turned out Friday Jight, with their torches and made a fine display. The procossioh was made np of white as well as colored veterans. iey marched threugh various Bt.t Siring and receiving; cheers, and at Masonboro townthio. at Wh..v "uur rned to their club The ItennhliVin. r ikuo.u.... ederil Point township, at Biddla'a I davpassencer train will .J have organized a Garfield and Arthur, f ,?da' Pber 13th, I Eastern Division of the Carolina Ccn- , f u viuvn. LU. LO elect UirM uu -IVaiimurl nn .(.kA.. ii . . , ' ,. A , " v,. iU0 48i OI a room. tioa of Henry Fontville, Pres. fSf 1 f nd fhree teniatea each October, in addiUoa to the night pas leaCaah'well, Vice-President, and "d omnte a candidate for enger train now running.. At. the H. Richardson. Secretarv. Th, mt each ot their respective me time an improvement win i. county, Therolias recently been a terrible cyclone in the Island of Jamaica where buildings, wharves, ships trees, shrub bery and all moveable articles on the facaoftho- earth, were thrown into chaotic confusion. . The eily of Mobi'le has been ec"urKTd citizens of by;a fire which destroyed about f 100 - 000 in property. ; from the people the right to vote for 7 the Kepblicans, and in Indiana we Governor, sUito fficcrs, Sheriffs, Mem- are maJilDJ; a promising canvass for bers of tho General Assembly and state officere. If we should carry In- Judgcs ns tho Magistrates and County iana, it willgive us every fre'e state. Commissioners. Ami h,- a.,kl sr w This would make nearly 100 -mainritv people were if oil to he. tuMcd to elect m the Electoral College, and would in-'Ki.-trajis Cnd small local offi- stant,v end a11 question as to the PresI cerg how could they be. trusted to elect dential accession." . the Judges of till the courts, even thf I After a moment's reflection the Gov ernor added : What a lerriblo misfor tune it would be to have the doubtful and disputed result of 1S7G repeated this year ! After that experience, knd considering what is now the dominat ing influence in both branches of the oupreme Court; aud the Gove, nor him self. .. lie made quick wcik of tho -side of he W. N. C. Railroad as a put up iob for political Mlrilllf M fl ml .lir.-...l I The wreckers on tha Kloridu I the Dem fr Tilts viTii!inUp 1 ' t - I - - l muk I Cu III I If '( I T M ' M arc reported to have acted very bar- money and bankrupted the state from prescnt Congress, which would have to oarousiy m regard to tho wreck of tho ll61 to 1SG8 when the Republicans took vole Wuo can tel1 what might Vera Cruz. They are charged with possesaiou of it. Jli SPfrt,h r I hapiien in caseof a disputed or doubt- pluudoring not only trunks but the wholo was a plain statement (if .!,. ful election? How easy it would ba tn 1 ' . W UUUU' 1 I m . - " " liuxion, and Canaday CU b by the election James T TT . ii. luchrUso, Secretary. The Club passed patriotic resolutions en dorsing the Chicago, State and Con-' gresBional nominations, and condemn ing the present odious and unjust system of electing county and township governments.' Tho Republicans of Union Town ship, Pender county, met .on Septem ber, 9lh, and formed a Garfield and Arthur, Buxton Tl . wwwng iMijan Tate, Prcs, and R. C. Kelly, becertary. The meeting was very enthusiastic and' adjourned to meet at Leesburg on September 23nd, .when a rousing meeting is expected. The New Hampshire Republicans ia their iceolulicn blew their trumpet with no uncertain sound. They affirmed tho right of every American citizen, the supremacy of the national government and its integrity, invoked every element of constitutional power The Republican voters of the six running Ume. The old i voting precincts ol the city of WUmlng- brakes are soon .to be exchanged f.. j . - " ion win meet at b o'clock p. m., Sept. 10.1 .nr.n . ... iotn, loou, to elect three delegates and three alternates each : First Ward, Upper Division, at First ! aru uucxei uompany's Houso. x nab ITara. lXIWfir llfviainn . I the air-brake on the road. i.Miger, and 1 Ion. S. J. Vatls.' dead bodies ot 1.h1!m Ul,i.i,nr. r niabln r.r-f- i ir .. ... ' ,. ... defeat the election of tl,A v?..t.t: Mall the -i.eoi.lo turn m.t 1,1 1..,,, 'vnr,..i.i "7. V ' A, v"r " "7 .; TM wrcioiyi A r ."vullMa to the protection of i,;.,.i.i i:k-. I v inuiuuu.T nnu oiucr jewelry. I nu" earnest, and was mum ntAn. I 1'""WVQ icruiuwonize luo rov-I , . . " Among the lost on the Vera Cruz vc'y listened to than I have heard a crumen'1 b Congressional action I In- Z T?t0Qil,,ica" wj Goucral Torbert, tho distinguished "Peaker 'fur many;. years.- Ho showed f1, aiminS the blow at an outpost natio flnwud redit of lhe cavalry opiper of tho late war, and v. a . " v " v m v ll'ii political qucblions of the day dis- Grasd Mextiso of I. o. O F The Sovereign Grand Lodge of the Iu- hold its 5Gth Annual Comm,,,,,..,,;..;.1" ArtaAa u . - I lOrODto. CanflU and CauaaayC.ub, c. ' 7. Yu.Tu f, 2 1 Second Ward, at the Court House. ?. eifih'IU EeprescnUtivo froui' Third Ward, at Giblem Bulding. Urand Encampment of North Car Fourth Ward, at Aon street Engine , and Mesws- Wm. II. Bagley, of House. Raleigh, and R. J. Jones, of Wilming- Fifth Ward, at ihu street Bucket n VI resenUtives from the Company's House. " rand Lodge of North. Carolina. Mr. The polls at all tlw voting precincts t . IcT0 ocre to-morrow for in the city will close at 9 o'clock, p. . uuuu .uu una ui omn zitioD f.. ' ... adopted by the .Ute convention, no TZ , i ' Vf MDAY Mol-"- ' proxies are allowed.if a delegate is ab- Umi S ' it;,'dajr.,:,0rni sent, nis place will be snnolipd hr.n j. ..." irym "e riM- alternate. ' 1 nceoiAir. Itobert M. Houston. rihsi'd Ex. Cum. oi Bui NhWU k. TO On the adjournment ol "MtXTICATii; 'TKIIMT.Km tiAjrlMl). H 1 i r Mi.l.iln mill Det.dljer Mvif j MiulThvuwii'i; Hie di'orl tli l.onisv llo ( ourlei Jiiiliuul. UtHnj 'tittwon' (ctttr to tw AVw Prtnn-rtific ninthly, Jul, S, 1880. i Hip truth is. Gen. Garfield, thmml. lindly man. and a man a I nm nr. ii flled. who wbiiUJ "f1 il a dishonest Hiii'li tor In own sake or it own sake, i a p:tnis.tti o( a piece with his party," nioro ""recently Cousul General to Frano- Ti c Hcpublieam of New Hampshire have nominated lor (ijveruor the Hon- Charle II. Bell, almost unanimously. Ho rtcrnt.ly filled out a vacancy in. the U. Senate, havinij been appointed by the Governor. Ho is the son of the late Gov. John Belt of that .state, and the nephew of tbe late Samuel Bell, who was Governor and twelve years a U.S. Senator, and the first cousin of tho late Chief Justice Bell aud also of tho Ute .J Aines Bell, who died while in '"iHilorThnrmnu and Iho Workli lh United State Senate. He belonc-s rnni- .,, 1 A II',, Cr4nKm! I to an n it c I e ii L n in I imiw.ri.nl r ... : I : ... - VUVVW I "( laui IUUIIIJ IU tnit st;-to f nd hascousiJerable acquire- tho glorious achievements of .u, ,,i Ilke 1,orl Sumter, this attack would h old Republican party and closed bv direct,y nVa tfae heart of the Repub-, , asKing major ilcClamnljr-how. he couid uciermine us result T' ask the people to trn-n the ualhnal After a pause he continued:'- "For- governmei.tf.ver to (he men who tin- tunately, ! however, we neeil not coc- dertook. to destroy it from 1801 to I8G5, template.; his dsrk picture. The busi- which question however our McClamtny nes' men will not permit their present failed to answer. He never one time prosperous condition to be chanf.d in. showed or tried to sbf.w I to a lone winter of dnn The young men off Flemiucton met on the Gth and formed a Garfield, Bux ton and Canaday Club, by electing the following officers: A. T. Evans, Presi dent; R. D. Wilkinls, Vice-President; J. E. Luth, Secretary. Twenty-seven members were admitted on the first convention, the city delegate - will 'as semble in. convention to nominate a canaiuaue lor Uoostable of Wilmimrton township. . . , S. 11. Mankiso, Chairman Rep. County Ex. Committee, j J SAMitiOtr,' Secretary. ner of Third , : ' "waen was found to bo why the Democrats thould again be They wIH finUh the election on tho 2d meet,.u aud lhe Republicans are doing irusieu wun me management of public or November by a result so pronounced remington lor Garfield and afiatrs, but confined hi nisi tf .t I that tho most rrrklps nni,.M.-... rAr''luri Buxton m - " .A M W I . -i vvuivIUIU Cor- Thtv. Oil tlrn n m.I I... .ore assisunce could arrive it was i names and was Boon compktdy d troyed. The dwelling house was 3v,d In a somewhat damaged condition. Tfae loaon the kitchen, which Insured, will amount to.', wh $iv Jen U,dR was about' orTtiOO. This loss i. COTcrr,, bv I - was termed by the audience to be first- class foolishnnw. His speech was really One of the best monkey shows I cyer aaw. will not dare to ojuettion it." Canaday. The Wilson Advance, spaking of Ben. Butler and John Pnnl- They are men of emidrnt abUity and 1""? in the M "wihgtou Mutui if they render w eff.-rMve -erviee to I ?r M)0, Mr. Houston's furniture w una uemncrirv m ih h... I oiibipmi - t . 1 and heretofore remWH m rTrtTvl r.w'"'u,:u ,n " ' and Barringer, and party, perhaps we can aiorf to om- ZZ Z I0?1' Tbe . 50 was ; remov?! g to i V-iatoi I hurman ltts Up Gon. Gar '' Id of l)hioJ in this amiable lahiun kes A dim Swears that Garfield v- vu Miartu, and Garhcid says that I'c ilia not do anything of thp kind. Ii'i-.o wm a Rood dcnJ of talk, but no l'f a-aint him, and 1 am compelled 1,1 y ilt Gattidd geta out of it bet- msn nnviHKjy else, and, on th? '"ir, t!ro was not sullicient evidrnco rtiMi the corruption at hit door," Alter cSiiMderinir all tho (Ml llui . I... I- : , 'A ..... " i'fiv "i u tuui ur ill ill 13 View OI 'If. (.iurtlidd'n connfH't inn with il Vndii AUbili-r". Tun);iJ ,, Hendricks of ludlaua. t" iit a Mt it. Meat Injure l$trji?ltt nvmiHiUol., ' I tt ll jou whom I think tho Repub. hMn Mvmild nominato and whom I O'l'sidor Uu ir utrongest mau j be U a ''up wnii. a nun of nrinrinl. an Imnnit . , . lent im h Ursi man you ,couId nominal. I r!r u tv. Jnca . O.trrirld of OaiA , and would makes pood Prcsidei wrui .ll. IVmonallr, t coniderhi Alrxandrr II. Ktcpuouji, w iTtir I TV .synJa (fAi.) "A in the Credit ilobilier matters 'lii which General Garfild has bcea tnir8,M. 1 Uj1it k waa allicthrr at of taeeu. li will not do-for Jfta 1 mocratie party to throw mud al )ttit U Garfield; tweti if they do 1 J wiu eicci nia.- . J The Xrorldataty. U1S. ' - ? la the midst oltthe organiseil carni ' of corruption which has Un golog o msay weary months and JV at Washington, it U rally wacusry to catch gilmpsea now aa1 fhoeestf tor hoaeoty's sake, aud . uattt coaaldf ration of rarty. Gen. ment in Utters, and is President of the N. II. 11 Ntorical Society. Our McClamuiy aLcd Jude Buxton whether he did not vote to exempt thieves from taxation when he was a member of thj legislature. To whic i k T...l. 1 : i .i .i The "BoysJu BW'sre 50,000 strong Z it7T T . f ii w v...i- b member of the legislature at ail. I -V . , , When McCIammy had closed, the t: U NO ic ALLY AT 11Lau. Jude answered "the f. ol according to CrAt.oSrL ind administered tohimne En.TOU W-Ther. will . "t repnm.mliog, that ever grand rally of the Republican party at 1:, r , !,UmP tho Club Room, ol the Garfield Bux- 8Wored f f h questions pro ton and Canaday Club No. uXn 7 KOTICE. Rooms Rei Ex. Commitiek, VVILMISOTOX. C. a . . ' Angust 2Jlh, 1SS0. V4acn son" in his last few remark, ,)nr;n. ook occasion to say that decent and respectable way county one mile from the landing on wbich ho toot Cape ear lurer. known a, Willi' lh?ro WM . dcc nines irom rayetteville, on in 2lth day oftepttmber Hon. R. P. Buxton, Han. W. P. Canaday, Hod. O. H. Dockarv. Dr. TTT M. Korrocnr nJ others have been Invit ed aud rem pec ted to address meeting. 1 hose wishing to come, can leave Wilmington on the 2 o'clock steamer and arrive Wedaesdav moraiog, in liate .'or the meeting. Boat will be run fivw Fayrttcvill te this place for accotutnodalicn of air. A band of mode will b preetit rr theoecaaloa. Come one and all t The ladic and gcntlmea ot Willis' THE CEXSl ft IX NOITH K. OLIXA." It is reported that Gen. Walker, the Superintendent ot the Census, beine lntprvioariwl nt V. tj.. i. ...In..... th.V; ui::V:i"Vc"! D" Islr comprising., the counties wauo m ooma varo- ew Hanover and Pender. i3 hereby una was defect vi in. . j . I.n. . . " ucreoy ififo. .k VV s w ,n ,eu 10 mcet at Boy Point, on 870 or the Census of 1880 is fmudu- Saturday Sept. 13th. at A o'clock p. m 1 nt. He say, that in some Districts to nominate a candidate for ts. !rDCTt T"? n h,'gh " 100 Ne over county will be entitled cent and that in some counties or to i delegates audi alternate Pender nt It l ti! u W 150 Pr coan,'T bo entitled to 2 delegates vr.UIVU lu DD sncn ana z alternates. Cw Hanover and ncrease could have occurred without Pender counties are hereby requested mmigrauon, but adds that In one of to elect their delegates Jw, tbese Districts ol 700 people only four convention aa soon i . ". were rnor.l .. !-I " . . . " .,un, to say that! . . v IU uul OI me I couniy, conventions meet. i-m- "llc- AU uve reading of the ex- .i . w look the past, as this Is pre-eminently a WUle of lho kle JcQn C. Eaillry. Honey and molasses! f A Natioxal Askemely oi nil U.O. OF O.K. ThernA I We havo heard irmtiUl .w I vocationa of th an r.n .. Itu.hlir.n . VT' . . . " ow. i rater- A Convention of tho 12th Senatorial rnshiog ver to Hanct Let's se I FfoLl! till i Loscs ln UniuU tnere 1-orney.he's one; and BaUer. 7ZLZ , . oa m "l of I vana,-Mullett.he's threa, and 'wn. a., irom the&b, i tho what., lhe othpr ...yS!; S of October. The Grand t,a,rLl otnj October, and inrMr... - i . kihiuu.u( r al Chew Jackson, lu. . V'?,UK,' wh. the address will on rf C)wr. to condutt a joint discussion, and that he considered that the cursing and other manner of Major McClammy'a speecn an Insult to every gentleman present, or to the audience. He then told the people that U he w-s elected reading of the ex- tract below from Gen, Walker's con- versauonal explsnation will let a good deal of licht Into the subject. We have no intention of doing Oen.. Walker or the Census enumerators in South Caro lina injustice, and shall do our best to get at the troth: Governor th.lt hn unnt.l ..-. ,KU"1,U. poiueiy Doweu I poaed tbat inch an k ... their himself out. There were then loud $IU for II. .2. Scott, iis., who responded in a strong antynS Ptcb, during whkn he handled the Democratic -party without glove. It was generallr aa'ul bv both we Uburch will hold a fesUval for Po"fai, paric urn II. K Scott's the benefit of their Church at ta same 'J, wf SU ad that time, UUhon Hood and otaara am he fiauhed the funeral rrtaoa ol our Clammy cans. The Democrats were P1, The only Qotstioa was whether uic atMtormai locrraae coaU be ac counted for by the defection of the it is true tnat ia 1S70 there were large lower ia some counties since 1S60, and while the war .t urally rrpreasHi luUnl growta of iswoa to some cxteat, that is wo reason to suprxwe that the war has de stroyed the normal rrowta.- t? H IV a --w ipected to siak. ThU f. IK- ttma t very rnnch diatU.l mt7s iC"Zu ... :S-T !- M. 6t, rrwidaot -JJEttttUr. ; U)?uel WaddeH can ccrutalj can gratnlite h!aMlfthat hU ftasce l ar moat has not been any warn than was t v . , , i uum 04 m rttstrne or l&so u timi r JabUaat and powerfuav well p!ead f a a ciinr1:! ,Ifcrtl- wiU the restilu If ocr himmTSali ? v.!!. u OAly be induced to travel ard wi;h UrhTdinrs JSLIiT1 the Jade, aad do ereryatKreaa hadiJ . here, the rraalt woaM bo tiut the s ! tiaal 11: wT!!- froddayofNovembvrnext wald roU iata the mm. - iTLZTS! k. ..v- voa ot juTLciro, raa. tanoee, and i out twntr-nre laoaaand mawritv ..t . ' i Catniiaa.'He(ii t .3kV. ArX, I - wpOOSl W CWTy fasaUj ear. They did not even :Jeare a real! r.T: Jm Thes ikt-ti. I iwia.Twn.flq; icaa,u tasaai. Thi r va there art &SBllkM ihWnftW slaw caaacea in xasattamta . .. ... y- i'- Maxkikg. v-aairman. i?publican Executive Com mittee. New Hsnoycr county. A. Irurn Chairman Republican Executive Com mittee, fender cooaty. There will be a Republican Courea Uon at Town Orjkk tawaihip house on luesoaj 3Ui day of fikptcmber 1850, to nominate ounty offi.-era. Tb Toa ship ExemUre Committee, will hold umr pnmary elections , on Saturday m .1 a r- . cHcmoer ism, to seieat thre dJ gatea asd thre aUernatea, and no sonf.to reprcseat each towaahip ia the Coaveatiao. A fall delegxUoa from each township is respectfully required. August lo. - 1 Eowaan W. Tavios, Chairman RrpaMicaa Ex. Cbsamitte. JtOTlCB. Th caawial CoavcsUoa of Radai ad Rranawkk. aiU be al Elita- Uatowa, oa Wedaesdav. the Ikh dav of SWr. 1!). Rfwaan W.Tatlo, CiaJrmaa. E. SiJWsunrAtT.Cmaa. Thai dairvuW iuumu. lfM Jbmm& a asesaWraf Qx&tm frvm ocr 4ih District. Lm r om u Uook, r be Tobacco. w delivered by the orator of Lh. dar One intermenTTnidale Cem. WiLminv'T ty this past week. Ssi. Nixie intermeaUin Hn. FWt the Stat Cspiud. during the past week. I "7 exia-e .arraagments arc Witg " accommooate the vsai mulii- la BcUevae I wwe which riU aemble there Oaly one interment Cemeterylthia week. o interments - In the Cemetery daring the past week. tin tl. occasion. Excursion trains 'will rnn from nearly every roust in tk. it- Catholic Tha excarsba trains leave Wilmio-" ton for IUhmood oa Thari4y Oct. " bee 7th. - XW Aoyjatt i IS EES' UTS. Udtcrsify cf - Sank CiroIiiA -'-AT-'- ' CHAPEL IULL. The Register of Deeds, iued four nafrii licenses dunag th past or three So mikh cows kav receotly died (rose the efitct of eatieg w vrasge.Doaaea. Uaster Jaases W. Busnm dently shot la the aid rn. .i,.. ' . - mj mmum I mn mr . . . oat ncm bird ahooUor. I 1 " aku mm. j t - . - . Uenry Jehaaast kaa bra I "mm.t&tzsL t. with stealiag cattle aad ss in im tL.i I VZiTS S2lAi: y- indefaaitofteW ' I SS. lrVZ -r-uu rhufiks.i,,. -- a Wjw sraur. V .tv. . I t5Ajrr Tu lurYn.. . " - Mva.wsk a ursi OAttrtELO. teaafeilowa: v I OCT. j Jixra .1 a ffaeftA - . - ud C&aascl UWl WU. 1 aTJr 'VTi. ata at so VearIkrl2fiwttaclca. s21 iaaKaauhoaktt 4m ami til I L-SSaSW walla em la sWa rt,., . - u 1 itiTAtf fvwuaa . I - ..... . . - - .- - ' - . ' ''''. - - ' ' ' '"- i .. . I ' '. . ''...' V ' :'- . " . : --,-...'. ; ' " ' " i. - . j : - ' ' : - ! .' -. ' .- . .' ",.'';..". ' r. '-.'...-. V' '. ' T, .'-."' I ..... : - . .'..- i ' , " - . - - . ' ' "'."'-.', J ' '.:---'.,. . : - i - " ;.'. "," -;' .' '-"'.-'-'- :' -'.-''-'-'-'-'-"V -:-..-.'.. ..-.--.,".-,.;..'"- -::.:....;....::,..; .1;- ... .V- . ..'..:-.:,,.,-.. ;' : "-. ;. V -.I -I, ! I - " - I . I- a t ' 5 . 8- ."! . I i i t