THE WILMINGTON POST. JOSEPH C. ABBOTT, EDITOR. WILMINGTON. N. G,r Sunday Moknino, Seit. 26, J 880. 1 :Wiiif NATIONAL REPUBLICAN TICKET. VOR PRESIDENT. - JAMES A. GARFIELD V OF OHIO. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, CHESTER A. ARTHUR OF NEW YORK. COHKLIKCrS BBaT JSPEEClI . It is rare that so upgtwt'a presence, knell him of eathusiaaro,' such elo quence ajjud supKjpfound dis- qBtSltl?U upw "v. aothorU4tiTjp,;hasrre8tcd tbeattention of the American people a3 that which gathered at the Academy of Music on Friday evenine. wet k. Not only ;w; the orator there looking out boldly o the sea of faces, but uirh functionaries with tpeir garments yet fre-jh from crest diplomatic circles, men venerable with honors and nee, scholars famed for luarninr irianluli mII.nI inahfltrUBB -"",, CWV""" ' - ... ,- theories, and brawny men of the world, and fair ladies, all combined to make that, nmnliillirntrp A fCfllC lUOre 1 --- , magnificent and imposing than an inrinn withm nnricnt arches aronud Ida T'Vpa n . ir U n Tiber, or within t " ' Westminister Hall. i Hamilton Fish introduced Mr. Con line in a brief speech, when tho ea event of the occasion was inaugurated. It i rare that either an orator of sutjh powers, or an audience of such oouipije hension, meet together on an occasion bo triumphal in its surroundings. MO UK AND SWBKTEK TIDBITS. In the last iwsue of the Post we pre- I 1 .L l . r , i . - - a i .. i.kirhA i rfta was nunnii nra inn v-nanntm s.rvn a mo.." ,i "grand" ,.. .kick "t other, .ten bT owrwhelming odds, Ik. etubborn feci ! .Tk mvA recited Ewyt no- 1875. ud w. ker. demud 1u rer.? 21st of our contemporary: . ... section, any party tains aadkW.cou- lirittJTOiiiiCeTinciiig w Fklit on to the platform and also 'rsihS Senator Iech: i. New JSUSS i.aatbe hras, taintvertr. All Ur.2.04l SSSifiS mi'uWm wrUaSiS deplore cmmit andrr,. have len e wrmld "T". ? .J? mi the ntterlT sunDressed- uu "u." V e?ro simply diabolical. A devil incarnate Union the approaching election is to be wasted opportunities of any and every KEpcDiiTlOX of eoaTUERX dbts. I th'e 1cn,ocrt8 Toted for them sen. could not have Deen more mauguank no more than a larce, uale?V as i nas f ttWAw U mado'of all thw ill-got-lately and aairjdera IU arorobiiitUe "Champjon liar 01 ine w vi e c- sometime happened to be, wrnea lnw 01 auairsin we wjiu comi j- v v V One of its chief usee has! billskiMeanwhile the world Mting that a tragedy. There is to be no iree ae- every ciuzeuoi in great iaix-jei)5d.dn- oTtonwt dcbTaTre meant to BeOneatatUr aTTol bate, nonalTijrhto, no true exprea-1 mtercats and whose grandeur are bo I l V,r. " Vl.- w t h lrIfiwiH,lii r nnAiim. , From will appear that there sum m these- atoUs.-ana m several uear 10 me. , u we, we -auu dialed- ita oblieaUow. This wnth and threaU in ; the ' Wrtfc . . I riMjr1inr nAaar nnt vin a. chance in a I evcrv Dortitm uf the couutrv in the. i lorit on jrnaaT igoi.marismijioigovenunentrtne wnOr6,conjryiT u" "w'j 03 si As fill !. TtflT (If the. an?.. Thm attack he I nrwoAiliWv ,.aAiinnfll irtiittv And I an American, profoundlv do I ifiuitw y j kvu.u mn mfVuvuii ) J - - ' . - - - .1 ..nn iKa nnr.nln rf i a- arkiit.H Wflfl I .An...HL t a 1 n n n T 1 1 a I trin ! -i n rriirir llin miKlrhrlnripa are "trand.'' ''uiacuanimous all ovcr the south who "excite the ad miration of every generous hcarl," in somuch that our contemporary is com- pclltd in an increasing largeness ui "grand'ness" to exclaim : CJraiir.- Conklinir. Garfield, Arthur! - - , v: . . laiCIT IJJIHUt""-" y ..M.t Mnntiatirtn of state anil Oil nfcipal debts amoanla to about $S09,- 000.000. In 1873 ;tM aeoia e nnlhrrn KtAtM were l212.OW.WV., ivn and iciott dcelaraliona , la ; nation. at oonvenUons, it became eaiy ; u I -1 m.1. J7 ' - ttuae . ! -.1 .4 IV. I iheia states recoenixe and pay interest Uod thdeU Wm racltdat tho nta 0f ea only $53,V78,V46. A large : part! of $2,000,000 a , month.. Th loterent rlani.nJrvAM. nAf Avon q ptinrA in ft I prorv fwrliiui i .f ill A mnnirv in the, ID rame BUCu as tnat in wnicn iouj were i lerest oi icY iurs, wuosq, csuimm naatandlthe boot V divided the other helped to build western and southern day. between Tammany Hall and the I railways who holds the bonds and b UDner air and aolar walk, reform! Dens- ligations or southern communities. ocAy. nator Hampton largely When petitions are prc.onted. i,, Con, inO SShSs beenS oh nromises 40.000 Democratic . majority gress, praying for some action to stay 1 L"8 " A w rUA 1.1 4.msmAm r m-k l in kaimh t nmuni vnpr liii? Kt:t:i:ti i n'uuuiMiiui nv iAuiMsua i:u biuh f ' 1 - . .... .1-- : 1 ... . j..:.. .. ' iu kuuku - . j I 1 a n H . iviiAinar inn rfi I ni.ti nitTdfannimr ' inn nnm ixi What a quartette! Machine fellows m8:ori;i3 40.000 the other wy.- southern states, who wgna thee mem .aw? all over. Uonkling U the only one pt loutte stale, there lac, rials, as. holders of di-uonored, bona. " Vre eVense I f rji 7rcnt no and th ihi WeU-knbwn.and olten ascertained lie- Who sells credit to the soulbi woo uu7, , wrtvf4M k T !Tr -V win KilmnrK nmll .7ui :""'.:.;:, i.t n antl.Ptn I w mttnr, '.ml toWco? Who I or palliation Jbr thi T s Ave alt tout aov I ut?rct. harge will Jail much lower I""" -T-"'t".J- T.i I puunuu ujytr, ......... ;v-,:-r , " , - j. U it? It m that carDOt-bag go Viti Th,. n .tootUipreUy well, wv a cusoana in imoue .iwum i tates alike, withoutexccpuon or uouut. wouiu gain uy uvr uivir. wi 1, f. : .T .1 VKl.ti7.,-. 17m 1 11,- .;.r f iKi .Wl -;r- wlm elsewhere who I "is 'L f . ilm lWrmw tinn and woalii-?. Who ksea br Jief ernmcnia-couiraciw yTTi "J w.- v. ? ouu. vv t i" 1 aiu iciicu iu wi tiuuw v " - . 1 . . 1 v . 1 t ii. avmiua anil lurAt inprtns and d etractions? Do men I v aiucauy wuu. a ."v.,ri a.i Aiiii. Hiian aiiu mi - ewi w , w -- 1 - - - have no cause to remember Oonkling save with execrations. And this is the set' who say the Democrats may not be trusted. After this we shall not for sometime attempt to enlighten onr readera as to what eort of statesmen exist in the id wealth? Who lisa br her: I ernmenuucomracieu mw? uj "j w vi iU ld ta,,Uh -r..?t .AtvV U AnTmir with th s excuse, knd it Democratic admlnisUaUoo.' Mr injure or destroy their own ia f not the only one ia'tha. it isnot iiNf Whoever ill answer theae The anU-war, debt,- Contracted ibefow tenfold in time of' peace, paid tl rr REPUBLICAN ELECTROaL TICKET. For Electors of Presidept and Vice- President, - OLIVER H. DOCKEEY : Of the Sixth Congressional District. GEORGE B. EVERITT Of the Seventh Congressional District. JOUN B. RESPASS . Of tho First UoDgressional Uistrict William b. o'b'robinson . Of the Sccpnd Congressional District. SAMUEL W. WATTo '-Of the Third Congressional District. WILLIAM A. SMITH. 0! the Fourth Congressional ',DtricU G.W.PATTERSON Congressional District. of the Of ihv Sixth sented to our readers a few bits sweet aud "charming specimeus of L I - English language, and regaled their ears with the delicious morsels. Ilaving permitted the authors of these morccau-v to exhibit in our columns in their charming and raviahing language what they think of Gen. Garheld, we now show what they think of Mjv John Sherman, the Secretary of the Treasury. It is soruethiDg to some people that this gentleman has been 25 year.a in Coneress, always occupying prominent places on committees and the very highest places in debates, and achiev ing acts and bringing about measures which have placed him in the j very highest positions as a statesman , and financier. It is something that he has placed himself in the very highest rauk of the greatest financial ministers in the whole world, so that no one of them living has ever surpassed him. j It U something that It can -be Baid with per fect truth that no great foreign minister ana prosperous, ana iuuwiv voifc-, fc'V"" 1 ,"wTVXv rr Bharu taxes, ana bear 1 paid the interestott it regular ly.,j X he l Hcans diamiaeill20.0Q0Af annual i i ... . tnm nrM nrihR iioht Mnce the war was i ktm oi-rann outim. And votm. laekine but 4 01 a .roajoruy v wisu w mjun. -r ratui, t. . '.t:.I'. VA.V i 4i . k... I t . t all The causes of such a condition vestments? Whoever ill answer these one mu-wk, ueos ' "T'. whum i3 ail, ine causes oi piivu nI.-i;n,w will that New York the carpet-bagger ever visited thaBOUUi, Cent interest bw Treasury ' nolea, an f and the c y,f X" frZ lov of J If and either with knVick.or without i waa 6 per cent twenty-jear Vond, for matters which no sane, intelligent man. ami htr i u ..e, . ror,i m. u auu - 'Na nrt of this debt baa trai on the dollar. It, U well . to TSt D? il l. in X: o ; . pad;a large part has been aJJ that during the la8t five W ,f 1 lDO I nndlnnrA of tlm dav. that h may be peacelut r ei.fl knr in IV Ka WA Will At I II JAV-tTWn.rlM .l.irt " ll IM Tollfi I able to IUIV llCT I iiVl lil ui ouuiU v u v MJ " " ' I VITVB nut.w. .It . . . some future time print what some of to remember that tbis . pnra-e .-aim . u. - ' for impmcntai Bttt f89.U00.000 of internal revenue. 1 hold theui mav say. aud then leave to the " " T":; ,i.w..i .....,. r'iVT n.n ' nnt an acre the most damairinr fact for this excuse i Ull tb0 record sine wben the 4u-lj.7i;i nrn A Apr a massacre I whose fertility docs not benent lSew I is taat ail Ine, miegea liirgai; at Glenfruin, notso savage as has stain- oik, nor could she proht by the m- edour annals, 220 widows rode ou fortunes or poverty ot a -hamlet in all white palfreyB to Sterling Tower, bear- our borders. f L sn. .,U n it mear her husband's It is not needed to tho ar-u incut at f t . . .... j t? 4 I 1 1 . i ..AmA.i fAn a f.l tin tliu r'aiifiOAi bloody shirt. The appeal wasea cjc.'i- ima .uiu. u "' ; , rri ki . I . a ; 1 cltn tif itflkn emit 1 VJt liiu uuiuc nv(iu.i cii i un i oi niv wmvmi sunns', feilile. and "'blessed' by nature ''.a'- average southern man the syiiogisim problem whether Garfield, Grant, Sher man and Coukling, use a3 pure Eng lish as is copied above. is that all the alleged . 1 Ureal issuea of I bloody drama of the rebellion opened. bonds charged .upou lho carpet-bag and 1 aay that the Democratic party governments put together! does pt has been wrong and beateojm all the OONKLING, His Great Address. THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC OVERFLOWING, Vealtli-LcarninsEininiice-lion- Wlt.I.TAM R. TRULL Of the Eighth Congressional District, j has eTer jeak wnh public credits so REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. for governor; 1 RALPH P. BUXTON OF CUMBERLAND. FOR LIEUT.-GOVERNOR, RUFUS BARRINCER OF M ECKLEN BURG. For Secretary of State, RICHARD M. NORM EN T Of Robeson. For Treasurer, AARON D. JENKINS Of Gaston. For Auditor, RILEY II. CANNON '' 1 Of Jackson. For Attorney-General, AUGUSTUS M. MOORE . ' , Of Chowan. For Superintendent of Fublic Instruo- ! tion. . AKCH1E R. BLACK Of New Hanover. REPUBLICAN CONGRESSIONAL for himself. vast and with such triumphaut succcs?, so that our government stocks are at a premium in gold in every financial market in the world. It is something that his personal character is absolutely unblemished, that no stain rosts upon it, and that he has never at any instant swerved from the principles of the Re publican party, but has from the time when these great agitations commenced stood like a colossus, as a statesman and a man, defying criticism or im peachment. These things, and much more, are much more, are a good deal, to some people to some, decent people in fact to tho great bulk ot the Amer- iean people, than than has been wit nessed in connection j with auy living man. ! Now let us hear what tho Wilming ton Star says of hint and tbiuks ot him, and the choice : languaRC in which it speaks of this greai American. Read this and reflect what sort of a man John Sherman may be, as compared with this writer: ! Kn man run have anv resocct for John Sberman who has proper respect V1WUJ mva - " - hind's slumbering sword, and outlawry and the block made tho name of Gleu fruin terrible to victorious Clan Alpme even to the third and fourth genera tien. I am uot going to recite horrors nor to allude to them, nur to the chap ter of cruelty they till, it -t to retry the issues of the war. My purpose is .juite ditlerent. It is to show, if I can, what aHii.i v at state now : wuoaim ?av thd 'contending forces are tliA rpsiilt mav mean, and prudence and wisdom point, ben. Grant's letter announcing that hi would support Garfield and Arthur .L: i.nrt mvwl with dramatic ciiect, 01 and Iategrity-The Masses of furnisbing .the text of many sermon?; the Peoplo-All Classes of thele l;Pn10W"l7? "e lu ' " , I J iln vr.uili rimtruln Use ClOUIIlIJ, uu Democratic party. Tltr. SOUTH IS CONOKH83. I liCt us see how much national cou- 'trol is now in the hands of the south, n ii iBcant as it is in numbers ana - interest servatlOIl 01 Our KepubllC-AlI TjpWarj9 0f thirty members sit-in the .. . , ! ifmim nf lteiresentatives. in the elcc- Brfialhinffin tho fcame impiuse. b rasoa- of couniing the whole colored population a citi zens with full political rights, ccjual in .11 il.Ina with fliA whitCS. Thl3 IS double wrong and double robbery, to iust the extent to wiiicu tno irccunaeu J - - A f 1 1 Pit ... -,.! ate hindered or and their oioe im trim tlm stmeu equal the sums repudiated by Georgia alone. , What are we to think of mou and communities who go into whole sale repudiatiou as "gayly aslhotrou; baUour toucuea. bis guuar. , - ueu as she i. Were 1 spewkiu lo southern I Mr. Weaver brought lorward m the House of Representatives a bill to issue bat money and make it legal lenaer ior all debts public aud private, man after man from the south , openly declared tliat if tli tvnri 1 nrivatft tverrt Htrickcn out he would vote for . tho bill. , They had no objection to paying ou puuuu Community-The Great Business ! Interests of the Nation -The Aspiration for Liberty and Pre men with a hope that they would lis ten, it would be well, indeed, to ak them to reflect upon tlios causes. When -the war was over, bad there been hearty, manly acceptance! of the most generous, 'magnanimous terms the i . . . i : n oaiui vrnati worm ever gaw-accorueu vy if.iyia, m i r , , , & , . r hor? much anycaae -not in any like caej becauso debts with chaff, but private debts they which way 1 there is none like it in -history; had mougns snoum no paia iu iuviwj. politics and a thirst ior power played oiuioueuiswe tiuaw. uo less part, wasted Jess time, and dono obligations In southern ethics " sov- lcss. wrong; had industry, enterprise, ereign state Is of higher essence thau thrift, , and humanity ruled the hour; the nation," and this was tho btauding had thre been more meuding, and defense iu rebellion for going with buildiug, utul planting, and sowing; their states. Moreover, etatta aud 1-1.1 (i,rr 1,. ,.t'r:rim rind h.ii I muuicinal ouliirations are ior uomo t'n iinrltim rttat nd kepn I PUrPOSCS. If their OWU State S UltU and drive back northern men; tjii: SPEECH. The following is tlufuH text of the Scuator'3 address : v j Fellow-C itizehs : Whoever is given greeting and audience in such a presence ought,nueed . 'V"!,8:: This represenlaUon, based on stittec tbing wormy. BouiUtu...K , i - . fa . vioiation of the Con inadequate in an - Kayo ouiy -- ."-. . " i;, h.irlr had a lair day s wages DL-ea paid for a fair in'i work: h:id there been no 1HT- secution or exodus of labor; had repu diatioii been loatla-d and shunned and hot embraced how Inch in the arma ment of the vUnioti would glitter the constellation of the south. But, as already said, I deal at this point with consequences and results, as they are, nnt. with :iusr. l)pll(rillL' as Rfillo. swt a - tr - -w aud as. we should, whutovcrot misfor tune fa s on any section, when mat section comes forward as a claimant of A M A WW A WA - " - and credit is not inviolate with south ern leaders, what In their hands would be the fate of obligations which wcro tho means, the cause, tho memorials ot Uieir deleatT I control and management of our general ne.rauueu oi ujc yvo -M rii:5,t lo 0i, we aie bound . To w.iat extent this to ojk inUj U(0 soopc aml ground 0i ion returns clearly '.now. I ..... ,:. ..,i .u mni-lirui . i lilt: ci.11111 .wiili iuivj tut: .uuli . t.T. iv-wmvj. 1 I to sy. TICKET. For Congress First District, ! CYRUS W: GRAN D Y of He,rtford. For Congress Second District, ORLANDO UUBBS Of Craven. , For Congrem Third District, i WILLIAM F. CANADA Y Of New llanoter. For ConRrwe Fourth District. ;MOSlsS A, BLEDSOE OfWake. For tngreasr-Fifth a District, THOMAS B. KEOGH , , Of Guilford, r For Cvngrcw Sith DUtrit t, WILLIAM R. MYERS J Of Mecklenburg. i - For Ooigres-Teoth District, . D. M. FURCHB3 Of Iredell. HEPIBL1CAN JUDICIAL TICKET. I To be vutrd ikroogboot tho State.) For Judse-Fiftu District. JAMKSll. UEADEN Of Chatham. Thla Vppreaaed" aud -abused" and "detradod" rart cf tho country, the outh, pays only one 17th pec cent of This was said on Sept. 9,-lSSO. Ou the same dayjt was aunouueed by the same authority: . We knew all along that Sherman was mean and corrupt, but we were not prepared for such unblushing effrontery and such conspicuous yity. Thisapeared in the Maryf Sept. 7, 18S0, and the italics are our own in order that out readers may get the force of the choice and delightful En glish: ' i; We publish eliewhere the brief and yet very conclusive reply of Seaker Randall to the Alamlmui, yii speech of Joha Sherman It Beets ihai un tcrvpttloui and mcndaciou$ pv(iticul -ayoytte in a way that offers no chance ot replT by a direct appeal to the public records of the country. It shows Lw ,,iim is the present Adminis- imiIaii whn nne of its chief officers can descend to the depths of ;wVire murtprrtcniatwrn aadurAxti to make flauible a slanderous charge against la opponent. lut need ttoe country be surpristd at auytblng that John Sherman may do or may svf llis record is abt m corrr as UatfieUl's or Hobeson a. On the Mine dat thir fuluiiuatcd In the following bcautifuf language : They know that the thirty-five mil lions of tho north, would nvcr sgrr to nay one cent of any such claim. So tvik4t !a!Y Ia tctVlrti and Ai vWir. and wkeo Joha Siwmao, la hi sprecb, nude UkaUteanUte diJ. V tr vaa lying Iron befciooinc s.i.t-l, tnen thenar said l . ' KherAAAB waa the chitt Binvr to grateful and respectful appreciation must be my return. We are citizens of a republic. We govern oureelves here. No pomp of eager array in the cham nlv aivaitH the birth of the boy or girl to wield an hereditary scep ter. Whenever death or revolution pours' on the oil of coronation we know no scepter except a majority's consti tuted will. Te wield that scepter in equal bhare is I he duty and right, nay the birthright, of every citizen. IU3 supreme, the final, the only successful arbiter hero is the ballot-box, and in that return should be gathered from it, ... i ,i . i should bo sacreaiy recoraea, tno con-c-ionrc ill iudsrinent. the intelligence of all. The right of tree self-government has bfen in all aires the britrht dream of oppressed humanity. Tho sighed for privilege to which throne?, dynasties, and .iowcrs have - so long blocked the wy France seeks it by iorctd marches and daring strides. Mr stitution and of common honesty. But there it is, and there it votes and specks in the nation's councils. The sixteen lately slave states, including Delaware, Maryland. - Kentucky, and Missouri, which did not secede, have thirty-two Senators. Thirty-nine'is a majority of the Senate, so that the soutti needs only seven Senators from the o'.her states to make a majority of all. She will never fail lo get them, if seven nnrtliorn Democrats are there", lu the Ilouse of Representatives thero are 2S8 i Z It: i I IT ' I ' I . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 memDers; uijijuiiij i m. a hv w. i,. iftfl mpmbrn laokinir oulv fortv- nne of a majority of all. ' The electoral college consists of 309; a majority is 1RH. The nontti has 133. l.ickiiifr only iorty-seveii of a majority. Consider i.h HWttv these numbers have in the Ron! There are twent vci-'ht com mittees, and committees not only pre liL't virtually control lecw'a'ion Sn hot h Houses, and this wut be o Iorctd marclics ami oaring striues. nir. I z , i ,i . peerage of. England it must take heed lest il "d Westminster anu land ring with dread echoes of applause, but in the fullness of freedom the Re public of America is alone ou the earth, alone in its grandvur, alone in its bless ings, aioue in its promises ana possi bilities, endj therclore, alone in the de voliou due from its citizeua. Tho time has come when law, duty, and interest retpuire the nalii-n l determine, for at least fur ytirf ijs Tdicy j" many thing. i'wo pakiei rxist p&rtiea should alaajs.' in a government of the ra.tjriltc. aud to support anu sirengtn rn iho party which tuot nearly holds his views is anion? lue tuit&i lauuaoie, mrritonotH acts of an American citi-, and this whether he be in offici'd or in private sUiiou. Two parties, coo tend lur the management of natioual an'aiis ue or tle other of thee two conteManu ismre to manage he na t ion's concerns for some time to come. Tbc question is, which of these twj is ti il... i.-vt to tnwl? It is not a oues- tion of candidate, The candidate if business rrow larrcr. ( f tin so twenty- eight committees the south has tbc rMiairmanshin of seveutoen. nd the control of all the southenli! Chiriaii ships are of -important comjnitu-fH, lelaware, with 40jtKH) ictplc, about minv as the citv of CSevelaixt. tli. or asincle rural couutr "ui New York haji the' Chairmanships of lievi?ioa ol Ijaws. a committee whse busine. pas finished years agn. Virginia bs-s the Chairmanship of the t"." I'ensionv (rcorcia ot Uorumeicr; les v Af !Mtocrs and Post K ti.U: .Mlw uh of Claims; North t'arolin. Uilr;1s, Ami su on. 1 bavi? paid the south has coatrol of all th working committee This is tm in this way:'-- On evry comniiltcc there m m.sprity 'f I-t'j ocrats, and of thtve a majoiity'- in' a! cases consists of M.utru-rn rVntt.r. The same condition prevails in IhU House. There are forty-two eorwr&i tec. The cbairmrn of twenty two a: from the ru!.h. All the coiuhhuaJ are su coOfUluird that the nuj-tity L IemocraUc, and tf the majority usvre fitness, filualiou, and standing of the claimant. ' Light is thrown upon these queries by the facts already presented, . r but ngnt may uo gaineu iron other facts of kindred import. Then ho spoke of that grcut high way to the sea, the Mississippi. . ' TIIK VITAL FACT U tin t'rnius. enerirv. aud capital of merchants, f.rmers,manufac turers, and railway managers, :uueu uy wholo.Home adiuntnents. of tariff and other laws in tho interest of American labor. Could science deepen the mouths of. the Mississippi till the t.reat East; em could load at the wharves of tho Orescent City, the achievement would no more arrest or divert the movement ot commerce lrou e;ist and west than it would control the tides of the sea or change the courses of the stars. South ern mmmrrcpii imnl tardv. and de- . .......... . - g w r pendent; nortljern commerce in com- Till PERIL OF DEMOCRATIC ASCEND ' ' AKl-Y. ' " ' But we are told Gen. Hancock would watch them. An angel might watch a titrer: a child might attempt to divide a beefsteak with a blood hyund ; a lamb might lie down with a lion ; but the" Iamb would be icslde. The peril oi riamnrratic asceudancv iu all the branches of the rovcromcut is deeper rooted than any measuro within the scope of existing public questions.' Statesmen abroad talk of "tho balance of power," and of "changing the map of Europe." . iocs sayings mean not much more thau might easily occur here. ' He thcu alludes to tho admissbn ol Texas, showing how poor , old8 Van Buren even then staggered back at the power of the Democratic king-caucus ; how the southern members oi"Cigicss denounced the t). S. Courts "as mcro drivel" and their decisions as "plauii ble sophistry ;r how they were hostile to the army; how they opposed the en tire disss of legislation aad measures rrent iuuea of the centurv. A tri umphant nationality, a Tegenrrated constitution, a free republic, and un broken couutry, untarnished (credit, solvent finances, unparalleled prosper ity all these are ours despite the policy and the efforts ol the Democratic party. . Along with the amaxing Improvement . in national finances we have aniating individual thrift on every side. In every walk of life new activity is Mi. Labor, agriculture, manufacturer, commerce, enterprises, aud investment, all are flourishing, content, and hope- fuL Rut in the midst of the harmony and encouragemcut comes a harsh dis cord, crj ing,''UiT u-t a chance-anything for a-change!"" This is not a bearing year for a change. ' Every other crop is good, but uot Iho crop of change; that crop is good ouly when the rest . are bad. Thejpountry does not need or -wish the chango propoaol, and the pressing invitation of onr Democratic friends is much like '"Will you walk into my parlor?' said the spider to the fly." A good-natured but firm "No, I thauk you," will be the reejonM at the polls. TIlUOAMdPATta WEBl-MVaT, besides being Republicans, are largely . fitted for the stations which await them. 5oin service with him in Congress has made me well acquainted with General Uarfield That he has the Intelllgeaoi., v experience, and nablts or mina waica fit a toanf for the PresideoUal offlav I think, i know. , Without early adna tages, be years ago achieved prominent among tbe leading men in public IwV. aud tuat prominence ue naa mamiAjorw ever since in all the collialoos botte individuals ami urtiea. Is competent to the duties before lira there seems to roe no reason to donbL Of Oeneral Arthur it aeema . needles here to r-icak. Moat of you know him, aud all, who know him know a high souled, honorable man, bonorablo in every osUion in. which he ever stood; a mau to bo trusted in every relation' of life. If Uiev character, the popular ity, and personality of a candidate can add strength to the Republican csue, Oeneral Arthur will add that strength wherever he is known, and must where he is best known, upon turecoruana its Candidates tho llepnblican psrty oo vi naimafivH " I " ' . . my r aud amendment since tho days of asas ine counirj a approve, - -.-. : . I n lo avow its Durnosea for the fa- Lincoln; how southern claims are being u vnpi)l'lo JebulU our w piled tip to . ad' amoupt more than I OTrcial marine, dm ea from the sr t the natioual debt vcr wass Low they I Confederate cruisers, aided and abttd Were pressing U.c -paymeat of the by foreign hostility. H tof ivv a mwvi a aaswa j t f It proiKjAC to stand lur euuaiiio, a- . . l : T. Ia peilUflli: lioiiwvru mmrann. iu vuuj- i - - , A. n i .... .i .: .:i.i -..i I ilirM-LMitlon tsx anionntine to tliO. piex, lmeusf ij aviivp, iiuy uiui -- - - - . and independent.- Northern methods s80,22, ; besides tbc.paymcnt M JI the and I rogressiou have' constantly io- ta the south from crtry cwnclv crea.1 their, fruits; tbc reverse is true a,u v( of southern roctbols. , - . ., , ...... . r ., I liemoorauoassuuipuon oi economy; ue 11c thowed that the exports of cotton I 1 . . . I - -.I i t.,r. .-r-A Ihowcd the details ol llio grcai irug- as coinparctl with Lrradstuhs saSerea ".. . t ... ., ,k . -, . , ,. j tie tor rctomptioa and how the Dvuto in comparison and is tn a decline, and . r , . . , . . . ,, ,--.' tratic Jeadera tpptcd it with few a- he tieats at length on the disparity of . ... . . .. . . , . tepiioasJaod declared that on the soltd northern and southern interests. Look , , ,, - .i basis of yoW roft.v ii cn'tuicy the at- . . ..Ulli L.i. ki,... i hi; avai.b utw ut uboiau culi""t".." , f" -'. , roposr w bLoucsU.M msnltv. sn-1 pror-res. It prcscrvo amity wita aji tae worw, w erring our own obligations with othrt. aad seeing that olhen obeatve Ihvirs villi In iimtH-lfrMf ritiAMl of Akst'i erer birth or color, In his rights i rqualily Ufoie the law,.IncloUB fc licht to vote and to boooanted; to f bold tbe publio erodit ami tbe aajkih; td" 1 9 ngarcmcata, and, br doiag k tbtogs, me ltepuuiican lny mv tion of candidate, ue cinaiuaie ii V . Vi. iiJ .i . K.nhvncst.cenuinoman,KiU w than ha l is southern. During the t Jctk ar4 accept a rartyijiominat'ion to wtj, l alIute ,wcr ,o b,i, ine Frifdency VcelreMdenrr, or L wMMthe yatKe t? after be m ekctH bJcome of th yet and the apptmch o luw hlmlt Few things ar the FresHlrwUal fa va aas tslc4 Lre despicable than first to mure urgent re for noi-g .low. jUny Jion at tbe hands ot a party, and UhTJ7iLl0r,i: h' inhH-f winninc pUteatkm many that have hrtm ioUv-tuccd hsr. L iiiir to iroHv that r ath u" 1- i ;. . it... i. 1 to Ajtsnro lo . indusLrr. LumaBitV. under the ficboa ol vagrancy, and pvia, JT'VL: rl-,n lo Amer'isV tbe .-1 on management, and than Iraru ef tho fttnalag acts asvleloscd OK spien-lid L tf4l kAAtv their !ckenin, beastly administration, irgnment on that mbjccl a follow t t t m , , - and human natorc will tell you that r-. pr trtwrths. WilUam Jlrnry HwiUi. CUlrtK Uie frcedmca of Ooorgia do not sup- j' T1,s iimva.v fcwi.iu.., V. f rw-Vsr! htteta la V cst it .t if they could. In 1 57b tho Iho form of law A wfr. com- l::Lirt (,.,, ki. i iao tm Repubitran vote or Louuana was !, I nosea wnoiiy oi tpuoiican j?-na.or, -f . - . . - . . tlUmt I from a frivate lrtirr to hiaslf U.: MC ilWAMNB 1 .0 tW i rvAiocnj iisyr", wruirn - Chtcairo Conretiiioo: -ral4 W K ideal srif AAAsU asan. Hsdf Dr. Ffa&kJm it m ttxt4lj 9 of h U. o n ambttioos UboT. H Uocoln got ihdr plane bt tin frosa tsrav. Cot U.fu ; trains! aaao, lk aaa rktMiMl. ia akcMl. IXa AAA U vf io 1 ia."1 " i"r j;s j t A A., I rr S-t !v ADul llciTXQUlg MhjU oithtPaya only una i.ut per oor ,V:.X iritT. patriotism, and tho whole taxea, or k than one fiflhll WT. "JV. ;;n UUe ViiW the higher ob- .a-ab. a. a a tv. Aati s w-i - II uancoc wcrt w k . w -lamisasVT. fooddeace 1: ration amoog men are not set down trul4 only pay oos pet cent, and tha I Tv ftmW fcfuJ.uAi ViFT oortlt W pr cat, ThU wtmjdtit lao I WJ o littlL It ! JJJJJ " mclmt beleo to the x norU withont doobU I xt to find out of oaracives bot I alud class, and, Uterer asvsOaU ' . , ,.!UAlaVlabaEprUsli f3ul no pawV of a party . tM f r?V laey nav lavttcu nw uasnpvssi - - -i to deliver ifao address al Um ' Fair", at Wadeaboro. to be held tr 2, rTtli, mit and Btix. lt TV "Dixie I , -r", V" I mom and ciom w artwa m--VJ?fs, Octo I saeW-V . So j policsr and !--. It b a Ffi- 1 irrrr . ..ii ... ..v . . . ii 'Xa TMm nsuirr tae circa B-anc uspp-w s. w v T I ZUli:..lM.tAAAlr aztd aa rranl!- cakbagts tobacco aad so JotU. h vtir utS pecpla aa? moo th J v taw,ai mu'mm snc-vnTn, sX tby bavo borwo lb- ra In At-ttiA tk aiiSunsSS sss i - I srtvcai m m -f vm r. - t .2v. .--. . l - - , ......mi tirsrt - Ukdjtsl Utana, Jta!g Bxt awr- This lalmai-a wtU bt piAj . y-i.--vi aiv t iUi I A)aa1da ta tlvs) iMUcnt re a4r trOl U to dar. It. I Ota M4U of IW foCowurg aga&i- r-!iP:- W 7 m, of rrJ ,Woi'. f;T V1 occma tsc rtuocxAm- rattrr w LVsAxratk aUAi,xzl t aat araia. St tkktt ava4 mil iu araria, Ta rvasrxl mam areiig ks la ia itt, a U iu i-iaxv wcuoaol. 1 wooli aod y wd bUUitsja, Ilia ittao of tke ooaatry eat fit? W'aWn t&f oppusitma as to stTir rw-rct i-ct- vWeaei Jits) boor ttkr that the vrlo P"Jci- BS I A imMXt4ij thtre by swwll.rt I ., ' wkaicvcv "VoJid" caocm decrees will be wnuim TaI r-AAMHA still bs roalrtlkid liT iImam who rrprrseat Icm than cce-xrta Ji f Ubepeoptrta t-eisa.; Ttca t tloitd l!;t tb vt np- rnrstJ ad wmt llua ttfut ftcat Gf..fs fcisw ! fSftf tb CtJfcsJ sVistl', .... ...i, ? ,.-- Lsokia iato tau aA.u W U vnatry'a bwsias, vr em ia.pao.y aad rxOy rti4 tW aa4 Indair of tvw srcli-. Cy aJtmysAA ai tfP f d act to, tdauy, em, Aful. aai rrrraos) art Ij4 1 lla is sb sctSMi4rta cwaatrr tl l)la ta en.' xtLe iikAi iwAirl fnMM Ifm rWtlrwi I tits bill so known a the irtuasittkati rx luru-. Vet ia 1So7. io this sajnol act. Jt waa not tko Fk el Anyuos state, th ri-gistry of vote showed IV I Senator, nor U)4 iteaifr litcraliy sad lV whtU vt4e rs. and $1,131 colorrd 1 it fall per ham Utss tieot 'f, aay siejls v; i, snd in lU the re?itry showed I mefabor of the anuUrr, It a a a liepublicao majority of 22,31 1, In Xurth IWolma in Ai the lvepobifaa vote cxtai lOtv.417. At die next Cogrcs.oaal election the Republican . t i- .1 . . Mrcciy spprarra in ine coasu In Alabama m ) 572 the Ilcpoblicana cast po; vutea. Tbey elected five of oDtnproaiiso 4 roobst csajctAng opiaiosa. As was, sowsniucs iu trvcif Rrpnblkaa asrasUr of Ue rjstr, and cTery one, aflrr cuodcraiioo dciar fsln SI aJjM .?CT W" bVasa-i. bTbi.' os, . ixm -fXt . T4, laziceacd UdaOrr XChxl aa s am tmr ru ahia su su a Ulff AUM " ssVsKtX . A, S) ira'W and iwebtvol trresa 'wtre I 1.1 .V : l .i - i lUUK rkHAMin, vir.Tu.1"?, I ' - : - let il aacantedl7 l.fb.Kaa vtt wts iiti tW 1 1'rsAsdABt uraai MosanuT ssstoco k. lit .7 . rjiB run aw mm fixad thIstof Jassary. lfZ tortao u IL 1- l!!!!! ljTVnrrr This ws a very car airal ol frtod mosaptioa f ifwt f-jaaewU. a4 Stvi itlill Ilk irtfts ttuu irtaww : um Usm H-t.q 1 W"J ' wnwi-tyrot 1 . ,i,r- 1. n Ma fT Ur iMrt, aad lb lis-1 rmrawsrls raw Ksaased. T anlHisMi I 7rTiTrr " iT-TrTT f isth Carolina do not I f Us Uii M vrawssptM s eA' sA4 f 7 r.Tr.,A-ii- tra;t riblka tkl k Sitirbt cw aiv. TWvmm f. lby arw iwc aa4 taormxa, lyai t-T k&csr nLxl muitlMaiiai TJwy k tir ill Ulk-Ws avMoa, Tty la whah IJs tirf Tr7tda4 oa o .a tao wtr. isfy aaesv s4 Ury Vpsssi tosi sWia fsMr. i;n isi tijoa W)4tfc tr - ef ll ccUo ia IsTila CWrv!iaa. lu wm tiScl ba a f tl rVsvsts taat aaaa rat alst r iat lix Wslkst-Wi, Tbs wtX p4Vuc Um caawt K-itwts ccruia laaa Use dittw ar tsAa Ua Ifcla 4Scsa al laaoaM vrr rsiel 4T trta ta aOrr aastaaat l.ta fc iu AyC. It sralUnowad as aa abrty aU 7 jT ai ! feavau lrarl, a4 oOr t r-? I U rt fclt' W - t! vUy c.i ft. Tab s, tlmmtmif U aa oal4 taf ea vwla Jaasary, IKJ. laswUtty lie ViAirm f ntatl art t a f I)i4jftaasa4ra, taclatW lol l al k iktsnt V I4 tra wtstss taa a. Next jtrmiia TUn ata nsWa tate-aafw. iswius.nT v .tf -t - i j u im nt-j,, mwf-y asm i ru Lsmss, ittft vaa xai ttktC!e suiid! sisisAssASart aa-w: ys-ymny aw oSAaf I ju 1mm aww asa -" ataruarroaaa laoaca aa sfMi i tra taaa ao. asuJ at u : avatsw Ta ax . Urn rmttmsm I m i iA asL timlm a ttlw I a a La tkeaa waasW JU aci fc4ima-1 ti f Oeit et