.'-'Si T" . - ' T i I r MITTEE. The following named gentlemen" were u,M4nicdW"le of tLe Executive S mie c.fthehirclDiStnct, each hVi..d,',',J b7,lb rc',re8ent,ns Liwral counties iu the Convention: ' Carteretr-W. J. Bushall. t ,uett-J!n-' S. Harrington. 1.' ,rfci; J I. Buchanan. Now Hanover E. J. l'enoypacLor. IViMlerrtif). Z. French. Onslow Thomas E. tlilmati. i. ...,..ii-r-CalLou ticrisom. j;x-UHicio -Joseph ;J. THE REPUBLICAN PLATFORM,' AUOPTKD AT .RAUSIGH JULY ' ' 1 . The lion. Ji. U. I'.diltrcr, chairman of t!,c Committee on i'lntform ami Ileso Jaflufis reported from that comroitteo '.; ,pfolliwinc: TiieKcpubllcuiHof North Carolina, in Convention Assembled, renew the ..leoVcs made in all their former plat form. Ani Inert declare as IoIIowr: j That tbt-y cordially approve: the n(in'iiiiaUoiiM, recently ruado at Chicago, - ,f James A.,Oar''elrt for President, and Hinder A. Arthur for Vice-President; .mJUiat they will most cheerfully and .tcjiu'ly devote llicmsejvcs to their elec iiuii as fml'ffpeuablo to the prcscrva tinii'of the Republican party, and of ihe republic, in its inlogrUy. And that ihrv fully indorse tho principles Hit forth i t! platform," adoptel by the lpAiblicun convention, wliiehr,coiiven ,,1 in the city, or Chicago, on the 2nd Jay of June IH'50. , . ! 2. " hat llicy havo hoimi, with great ii'T( lK;tiHio!i "and alarm, the rapid con H ,lnJa ion ami ciigrofwrnent of our rail r.ad .h rsirni, by and under the control mid oWrfdiip of foreign monopolists -that such consolidation of capital Rives power to tlii monopolists to oppress lie labor of .thcouuntry ' by .unreasonable mil urrjtirtt local tarlffa and fares, and ivi tto tlie'ii the power to control the legislative branch of goverrnicnt, in the pa'S 'e of laws in their interest,- and 1 'ruinous to tbose of the people ; and that iliy have seen with regret, lhat.tb.cae monopolist! are making an insidious iftvasioii' among the leaders of tho Dcm- ciuitie party, which culminated on tho J7ih duy of June, in the engulting-and unsllowing up of the whole Democratic u'.c convention ; and that while they iivc no desire or inleiilion to niaJra-an imjiHt war upon these monopolios.lhoy (n demand that tho Legislature shall l,t.s laws to govern and control them, so that they shall not bo permitted to (Incriminate against our own people, ami place a reasonable limit on local tariff and fares. . ' - That they view with anxiety the eo'iiuiti'in of tlteWcsteru North Caroli na ll;ulio;ul, which, through the hot JiiMteuml ill considered contracts 61 the democratic stato administration, in sur roinuie'l lv legal troubles, which afford uote'eflron taxation, and threaten to .'delay lor a long time, if not altogether tlele;i', the rmijletion of that work so neeear; for the welfare, ami develop ment uf'tlio slate, and "especially the wwtern counties. I Tlin't the Ucpublican party has al- wyn been ihs friend of education, aud now rtgaiti renews its pledge to the peo ple ul .North Carolina to continue its rH'ori with incrcastdvigor, until there . oliiill ho a completo and pcrfeetvsysteui of ptibliu instruction. .r. That they recoguizo tho imighauic mid laborer as tho bono and RjWw of jtic land, and plcdgo themselv&s)to pro- leel their rights aud promote their po . liiieal," educational, ami material inter rilit. . I ' t. That the recent constitutional Amendments were passed by a conven tion which was not composed of a raa- i irilv of fleeted delegates irul of winch w publican liHrjOrity, by an infamous and , mlmiiled fraud on tho voters of Jlobc- wm county.: This corruption, on the ; purl of tho Doincracy,Tt7inonslratc3 tho lut that their party will scruple at no violution of law in the Interest of party 'Mrtmcj ? and that tho leraocratic i srty not tlio friend of representatire pivrrnment or of tho iH'Ople. ?. That thoj'rcacnt system of cotinlj" . Tcrnnirntin North Carolina is utterly Milirrrsivc of the rilfts of the citizsus; n ilie j;ro!wcst political robbery cter 1'imtiml in thi, or any civiliwui coun I'j ; i ilit' must damnable fraud ever io .miI ir sanctioned by any political ' 'ity, and calls for Ihe uruiualificd cou- f. '("uuiiiliun of all who have the uame of hevim-n, without rcganl to party attllia-li.-n. V claint tttf right ut the pvoplo ') rkct evtry olliuvr its the state, from Uip Chief .Kxt'futivB down to tho hum- . I'lcAt otUcial, and dcitmud that this ni;lit .sluill not btf denied nor abridged; itnt ah hotiot cciiul Khali follow a Irco b illot, and tho majority shall determine So shall i n let and adiuiuUter its "5 They donuunco tho iK'inticratic ,r i-jriy an an. oligarchy controlled by ; 'I'hoad corporations and aristocratic ; hiflucDeea,, 'ami if uot m rested in its Cirte, it will overthrow the most chef lil rij.hu of tho pooplo Ths - ten wncy to the concentration of daoee ru$ jvacr, fur pfivate and corrupt . a ut the hands of & fvtr, has jre ceutiy uiaaiicsted luclf iu a TUtal part uf oursiate ROTrr ntuent, aud in waf txcil0 tha ereatMt apprehension. Tbe 8ujctinteudcnt ot i'uoiic InsUW tKa, aow endoratHl by his party noul otioBf and without regard to ths pop Ml r aiH, hasdHiiandel to bar rested Va his hand, that la in the hands of ft ceuual bod ut trhkh he should he ths life, the atolote right of dictating lst text books our children shall use, bereby ha can mouUl the opinions ot the tavisf (anctatiao; can slraoglr, for tUbsocttt vt pvrsoaal or sectiooal UrerltM all coninetitlau in load Hjeraturc, and. opus up tot his otaoey jj sstisnatlr connected with the Popular Uis ftud Vttrty, ft faithful mad vtv4uU source) ( corrupt Johbery. Tsuthey deneunoo the laws know a at the Undtord ftftd tenant acta, as de w4Ijc the benefit of nfew," tj op the humhl ftud defenceless) outssu Thai thry deneenee lh pre "t o4 laws of the state, as opprt. its U the UWrst, and demand their etdajwtt, e tht burden ot build '(aal repairiat theaa shall i borne , h eai(y bj all clanes of the peo NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ROSENTHAL'S NEW BOOT AND S20E STfl R 32 Market Street. AiWordlof Advico to MV; I . Patronsj MY STOCK 13 NOW tX)MPI.BTB IN ALL II JJrane.hcs, and nay arrangements enable iue to redeve New Arrivals of Styles, of the Ucst Make, Weekly. My Stock Mill toll In tbu Future as It has In the Past. "nil at id examine bef-.ro you pnrctaaso. My Hcliool .Shoes cionot te Surpassed by iiuy iu thetato. 1 Kemcmber the new sign' of LbeSbow-Case. Next week I will give you some or my Popular Prices; no time this week. ! V Kespectfully, '".': .'v i 0. ROSENTHAL, ! I 32 Market 8t- 1 oct 19 Blsn of the Show Case. V WASHINGTON, D. C rpHB aatamnal term of this institution, I which Is open to all wlUiout diitlnction ot race or nex, will commence September 8, wuen admission may oe naa to ine normal. Prejiaratory, Collegiate and Theological Department. . Provision han been made for Qnittlng the tuition of twentyjflve BtndentTof pro per quan neationa in ine rranaraiorT ana Normal Department. Colored youths, who wlMi ami-class educational opportunities. and Ih rvUUtlon the peculiar udvantageoi' ine national uapiioi, win ao wen to sena foracnUloiiueto J.D.JOHNSON, aue 1 1L Secretary. BEST business now before the public You can make money faster at work for us than at any thine else, apltiil not required. Wo will start you. flin day and upwards made at home iy tnc iixiusiriotin. Men, women, boys and cirls wanted everywhere to work for-us. Now is the time. You can devot your wnoie nine to the wora, or only yourspars iiiotneuts. No other business will pay you Luearly ns well. No one willing to work can inn in inane enormous pny vy engaging at once. Ontiy Outfit and terms free. A Kreut opHu-i unity for making money easily and liononib'y. Address Tjkuk A'o., Au- gu-iia, iM.iiue. ' - junzom TXXIil TADL0IR.- opuiNG and summer styles of Diagonals, O Worsteds, English Tweeds and CassU ineros made to order In the most fajs hldna- -vi I. blomaiuur. inni Sniiiplcs and Rules for self measurement Bent free. Sample Department, C20 Broad way, New York. apl412i '. L t l : .: 45 Years Before the Public. THE GENUINE DR. C. McLANE'S .''!.; Cr.LECRATED LIVER PILLS FOR Tli CURE OF Hepatitis, cr Liver CcnplainV ! - . BTSrSniA AMD SICK MSA OA CSS. k STmptoms of a Dlsoased Liver. ; pAHT in tu'o rfglit s!d under thp 1 1 edge of th ribs, increases on prw sure : sometirrtM the ttain is In the left side the patient is tardy able to to on the left aide t sometime tlie tntn Is. felt uruicr the abouldor blade, and It Aeaocntly extends td the top of the . shoulder, nd is sometimes mistaken for rheumatism n the arm.. The atom-; nch is affected with loss of appetite ' nnd sickness tho bowels In general are costire, sometimes altcrnatiTe trhh lax; the head Is troubled with pain accompanied with a dull, fceavv sen sation in the back part. There fe gen erally a considerable loss of memory;1 accompanied with a jndnfut sensation of havmg lef( unione something which . ought to have Teea done, r A slight, dry cough is sometimes as attendant. The patient complaini i of weariness ' and debility; he 6 easily startled, his foct are cold or ourninc and he com plains of a prickly sensation of the skin ; his spirits are low ; and although ! he is satisfied that exercise would be , beneficial to him. yet he can scarcely summon up fortitude enough to try iu?. In tact, he distrustt eTwry remedy. Several of the above symptoms etttnd the diseane. but cases have occurred where few of them existed, yet exam ination of the body, after death, has shown the uvw to have been eaten-. sively deranged. ' . " f r AGUE; AND FEVER, i n c. McljtxK's Urn Ttixsi w CASES Or AliVK AND FE1 when ; taken with Quinme, are productive ot the most harpy results. No better, cathartic ran m nsedrrtttarasorY lev or arter Ukmg Vnattnsw we wow adriK all who axe a2kted wkh this disease to f them a ru teuu - For all bdiom derajveTnents, and as a timple purgative, they avrua :euakd.7...T A t 1 ii'i nrsrasts orxxirATi7Sa; The genatat ate aem segsr coaled, " Y.rtrt boa Vas a red wax seal esi the 114. with the tapmaaoa Da. McLAt'l livaartUJ. The ceamiae licLajraS trram PriU Vear the slcaatsrns of CUcIam aad Fuuttxu Baos. osi the wrapfxta. Ikt wposi bavtae the gtaaWs Tk. C. Mc Lass's Lrvma Piixs, rowed bf lVtaia Ihxsu of nttsbsmh. ra- the Km.- f.n tJ laklSatioas) si tha aa Hertis. rpeSei diSeseatr bet Howard university MISCELLANEOUS.' ,v. BLMBOLD t COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT i PHAtMACEUTICAL. A SPEpiFIO REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES OF The. BLADDER & KIDNEYS. For Debility. Low of Memory, Indleposif tlon to Exertion or Tluslness. shortness o, Countenance and Drv Skin. If these symptoms ase auoweu to j?o on, very frequently jspnepuc i'i anu con sumption Follow, wuen lire cuiirliiuiiou beeomee afTected it requires the aid of an invigorating medlclno to strengthen and tone up ine system-wuicn : "Hklmbuld's mmr DUE S IN EVEUY 'CASE- HELMBOLD'S BUCHU IS UNEQUALLED nvanv remei v known. It is prescribed the most emluent pbyslnluns all over the votia. la Rheamatism, Spermatorrhcca,; Neuralgia, Nervousneaa, - , Dyspepsia, I - -Indigestion, J Constipation -t Aches and rain?, . General Debility, Kidney Diseases, Liver Complaint, Nervous Debility, Epilepsy, Head Troubles,; ' Paralysis, General 111 Health, Spinal Diseases, v Sciatica, ; Deafness, Decline, Lumbago,! Catarrh, Nervous Com plaint. Female Complaints. :il.l..lia laln In tl.a Sl.ntil.t.ra rrvi.nk Dlnlness. Hour Btonubth. Ernntlous. Dud Taats In the Mouth, Talpltation of the 1 rleafT. Pain la the region or the Kidneys, and a thousand other painful symploas, are 1 the offsprings or Dyspepsia. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU I Invigorates the stomach 1 And Ktlmnlatr the lorrls Liver. rowela. aad Kidney to healthy action. In eleanKlnc me dioou or an impuriiiea, ana impairing new HfS and vlcor to the whole ayatem. A stngto trtaf will b quite Hufactent to roavtnee tne not neviiaiing oi iu valuable rsmeoiai qoauuc. . PKiCE iil FER BOTTLtf, li t". Or Six Brttk for fo. Del I vercd to aa y addrva tee 6 ota otwer- vaUoa. -latleaU- mar cM.nl t by letter. reoHv- lag the taaf attention as by nUtlng. rosftdeata. All letters should ba addrtwid i ' 1 - ' ' j. t. nraLDOLD. Intf3t and Caembl, rnltadelrhla. ra. ! CatrriOaV! SeUit tkt prtTali PieprttUij -t . : --i i Staap it oi tat bottle, l BOUEYEYWHEKB. RAILROAD. PETERSBURG R. R. COMPANY. OFFICE SUPERINTENDENT, ' Petersburg, V March 31, 1880. Schedule of Traina, to Lake Effect on Mnrch 31, 188a S iq 1 GOING SOUTH . . ' ;. New York Express leaves Peters- -bursr. daily at . . 1.07 n m Arrives at Vf eldoa at......... 3.ap m JfRBIOnX TBAIN WITH PA8SENGER iV ijCOACU attacukd.; ,.v ; leaves Petersburg, dally (except 1 " " uuday)at.............-.10.30 a m Arrives at weldon at ZJZi p m f, J Vi GOING NORTH. New York Express leaves Weldon , dally at . 1.10 n m Arrives at Petersburg at .x... 3.30 p m FREIGHT TRAIN, WITH PASSENGER ; COACH ATTACHED. , Leave Weideo, daily, except Sun- day, at, ... 5.43 p m Arrive at Petersburg, dallv. except - Sunday, at ,,. .............W......JIO.SO p m First class coaches will ran through be tween Wilmington and Washington. Sleeping cars ran thronern on nltrht trains. Sleeping car berths can be bad for SI 00 Richmond to Baltimore, No change of cars. ou .""fV?-11.??6"01 south, and baxeaare cheeked throueh. r T BULLY. Gen'l Sopt. W. J. BROWN, Dispatcher of Trains Jane 2011. FAST MAIL AND PASSENGER ROUTE TO THE NORTH i?h EAST, VIA. THE RICHMOND. FREDERICKSBURG AND POTO MAC RAILROAD. i Entire trains run thronrh from Wilming ton to Washington, via. this route without cuange. Leave Wilmington, f W A W R R.l dully at CM a m and 8.40 p m iieavie uichmond 5 pm " 8.12am Bnaday excepted. - Arrive at Washington at 9.35 pin and 1.19 I p m, Sunday excepted. Arrived Baltimore at 11.10 p m and 3 05p in. Sunday excepted. Arrive at Philadelphia at 3.35 a m and 6 50 ; p ni, Sunday excepted. Arrive at New York at C.45 a mand 10.0a pi Tullman Palace Sleenins nn mi ti, ft m. a. m, trains to New York, and on the 8.10 p V. A, TAYLOR, flfnpral Tlok t. Aironl JI1VU U II Wiliiiiig-to!i AVrldon Uailrotl sad PABSGSNOBd' DEPARTMENT. WiLMiNiiTox, N. C. May 20ltt,im QOMMENCINU June 1st. im llouiid Trip Tickets to the 'I ; Miueral bpriug ayj Summer lljsort'a of Virginia, West Virginia and t:- North Carolina, will be on sale nWlie Coupon Ticket offices of this Road via. Ooldsboro, Weldon, Rich mond or Petersburg, and also to Bummer i . i Res Us ol upper South Carolina and West era North Carolina, via, Wilmington and Columbia.! . . i " ForTlcke!, Price Lists and Time Cards containing ail needful Information, call on the undersigned, or Ticket Agents at Wil- mlngton. Wilson, Weldon, Tarboro and Ooldsboruj. ! A. roPK, Utrncral Pascngor Agent. June8t IVIIIIIIIISIOII. I 'oil I ml tin Ar. Aiigiil;i RnilroatI, vnVs PA88ENOl:U i DEPARTMENT. WltMtHOToy N.C,May 26th, 1SS0. lOMMENCI Nil June 1st. 10. Round Trip 1 i Tickets to the Mineral Springs anil Sjuinnivr Kesorts i i of Virginia, W est Virginia and North Carolina, will te on isule.at tliW Conpon Ticket ofticrs of this Road. .i For Ticket. Tries Lias and Time Cards conUlntuJraU needful Information, till on the nnderilgoe, V, Xfeehet Agents at WR mlnston, Florence, PutoIct or Colambta. -J7 A. roPK. ral lvgvr Arvnl. June S ti 1 a day at bout. Agsats wanted 91 OntAt and tanas fr. TK UE a v ascssta. Ma BIT SUM NER LODGE, NO 43. or colcmbia.h. c y I - - . LO . of O. S. avad D. sf S.. MeeU Momlsr cveaiag oi eaca wcrk T at K Vlork . a O O CWCS. a t mitiiiirtir n w A.J.F(JlUtESr,P H ntch r ti NowCoal & Wood YardhSslra FOllEBIB0EJlS0JlPnj,s. tbTOV aad Grars tal ae4 all kUata WOOD e haw. Orders pwssf4ty sAlesas- Ui COAL; at 1 TrVwa. 4aMttfs4 wib- sata utlractutrea. ' -'. - A XUTissTOrnAstXtiLtVLLL. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -Company. - Otkicb OnniiAtSUi,ltatStiKST, I WUmlngton, NO, Sept. Its, It&L f CHANGS OF BciiSDULX. ! fN and alter September latby 18S0. at 8:10 - W P. m Passenger Trains on the W. Jt W. naurooa will run as ionows; DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN Daily. Leave : Wilmliiirton, Front Street - Depot, at 5:50 A. M Arrive at Weldon at 12:50 P.M. Leave i Weldon at. ...3:40 P. M Arrive at Wilmington, Front BU Depot at.. 9:53 P. M NIQHT PASSENGER, MAIL AND I EXPRESS Train, Leave Wilmington, Front Street Depot, at.. , 8.10 P. M. Arrive at Weldon at 3.50 A M Leave Weldon daily, at 2.15 A U Arrive at Wilmington, Front Street . I Depot, at.., -.AlU Ai 1 I TnuQtUD AProoro uruncu xvonu ieav Rocky Mmnt for Tarboro at 6:10 P. MV DallV.and Tuesdav. Thursday and Satur day at 5.05 A. M. Returning leave Tarboro at 10.00 A. M. daily, ana Monday, weanes- dnv and Friday at 8.30 f. M. f he Day Train makes close connection at WeWon lor all pointa North VMJSay Line, UJ1UJ DAVV k)UUUy aauu Uftl J JJiVaw mond aid all rail route. The o.4U p. in. l rain tor an points norm via iiickmond. ), and WashiEgtcn makes close connection at Weldon. Bleeping cars on all night trains. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Pup't. sept 26 tf 'l ; . i , , , , Q KN. jSU PEK I H 'L'SJi I) BN T' S OBFItjJE Bskta'R. H. Cofflpany, MlOtO. K. C, fcept J,-lt!U CHANGE UF SCHEDULE !'"' () N and alter gqlc;uOer TJlh, 1S30, t 3.50 p. ui.L tho toilowinR raesengtr Bchedii;e will be run ou I !;ia mud. - I - i DAY F A M fe N J EK, M A 1 1 . AN L Xl'i;KS8 TRAIN DAILY L me Wjlmiuiilofl H.GO F. M M Anive at Florihct:.. 1 all 1. Leave Florence o 5 ) A M Arrive at WHiuliur'ton ........ 8'2) P M NIGHT KXl'KfcSW TRAIN, (daily) Li-ayc Wilmiiiilon.,. Leave FlorchceL ..10.13 P M ,. y.iiOAM .... 1.15 A. M. .. 8.15 A. M .. 5.00 P. M Arrive at Cumileu Juuctlon.. Arrive at Columbia Loave Columbia Iaxivo (Uundeu Juncliou. Leave Florence at Arrive at Wilmington ....... l-.W) M 2.;J0 A. M .. 6.30 AM This Train, stops only at Brinkleys, Whitevllld, iTlcuiiDgton, Fair Bluff and Marion. . ' i i 1'assengers for Columbia, and all points on O. Jt C. K. 1 and In Western North Caro llua. via Columbia and SnarUiuburirL ithould take Night Express Train from Wilming ton. ViuiBonimra fur Aiifnsta. Rlinnlil take Nlelit Express Train, which connects closely via Camacn junction Through Sleeping Cars on all nhiht trains for Charleston, and Augusta. - . Trains leavinu Wilminston on Saturday nlirhts make connection for Columbia only via Camden Junction and South Car olina iiaiiroau. JO LIN F. DIVIN'i, Gen. 8np't: eept 2G-tf. ! Carolina f Central J iail- way Company. OFFICE CiEN L SUPERINTENDENT Wn-MiKOTON, N. C, June 16, 1S0. i ! ' CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. AN niid aacr JUNE 16th instant. following Schedule will he operated this ltailway ; PAS8ZNGEI;, MAIL AND liil'RKSS TRAIN 1 Ixnve Wilmington at fi.no V o. 1. V Arrive at Hamlet at..... 1:25 A M . M N J " ; Charlotte aU..7:0OAL M V Leave Cliarlotte at... -,Jfc P.M No. 2. VArrlve at Hamlet at 1:27 A. M i ) " i Wllmlugtouat W10A.M No.l Train Is Dally except Sunday, bat makes nocounectlou to Raleigh on Satur day. , j ! ' No. 2 Train is Dally except on Saturday. SUE LIST DIVISION MAIL. FREIGHT PASSENGER AND EXPRESS l IeaveCliOrlotte. NOj 3. ..liW M. .... 2:Wy. M j Arri ve at ttuoiby. Jleavo Shclly Arrive at Charlotte.. f"o. .(HO i'. M IiUCAL rREIOUT A ACCOM MUUAT1U.K. leaves Wilmington... &t A. M 1 Arrises at Laariubnrg vju i. M I leaves Charlotte ...... LI A. l Arrives at ljurlnbun w i: i Iipavrs l.Hurlul'iirc . .& ;J" A. M Arrives at Chariot t ....; 4:3f P. M Lpave I Jturloburtr. -....MA, M Arrive at WUmlngtou. .I3P. M Theae Trains leave WilniliiKtoii and Char lot te TunKtuiyii, Thursday nml Saturday : iAurlnbareL Monday, Wednesdays and Frtdav. CIom coniecuon at ttamiet to ana form IUtelch. and at Charlotte via. tfUtrs vllle to all ihmdU In Western IN onto I Carolina aud U AahPvtUe. I A I no, via. spartanbure to Hendaraon vllla. adiaeeat potnts ajid Ashrvllle. Taaoeriscsr for AhevlU vte i Ibrr rootr, leaving Wliutlacton at s r. m- will arrive I atdesUnatlon at 7 p. m next day. Kleitoc-TW accomnxMMlionaaa Tnroasn Trains both to aad from Charlotte itad WUmlocton. i Thvre will aleo b Throaith Weepers ran to aad from Kaietgh and CbarkHta. v..t4. juisnsua. i Chief Kaxiseer aad Sspsxlstsndsmi. Jaas3-U aaakeaaoaey 'HX rmn 1 tret sold yo caa getcrevalMtcks. W KetcrevalMtcks. W aaru imik'h la every town iamwiiTipwsi aw tat larreai. cheapvataad lUaatrated tasally pubikaUoa, tathawxwbl. Aayoaacaa bataa a tao i ii nfil iftak Tb BMart twaat- work of artvnrrwu aabtbra. Tt u I ao low Uua aliat evrfbody-aabambas. I vTorts wakisr oW 1 ta a I 4laltMBlnMUUll9fMMaS I aabatrlbets ta Ua tV AU wba ewcacs I nitt bkhmt ttri. You 4v4 all yoar UaV taa baaia . a aaly rr ara I uasa. Tou aad stc ba away reaaa tun UnfilrhL '.iaMaailtHlluotbm. waat nutlbbblp worst aaad as ya atono. it eoata aoUua to try X vbe Mrw aula ta saaka rtaaapay naruaaV' mm mm mitesitt Wlli AJIiaajta.tSa. taj?iS) ir batal asaiasn ia lis tH : MJSQELLASEO GS.I, BMCKY4BD. ; T HAVE a splendid tract of land, on the 'X::Hli'r'' . : -'-K liJ'i'S K-i.' ; old NewberaBoad, that conUtoa Ue kert LOT of CLAT in this part of the Btate. . Any one who would like to start brick -.....'. ,471 . v J yard, will please call and see me, " Bricka are alwaya In demand, and at ! good prices in this cltyj ; ": . ' ; " deej7tf , ; W. P. CAN ADAT. PIANOS $140 TO $400- . All "n . and atiictlv flrttetasa. and sold at the lowest net cash wholesale factory nricM. -direct to tha nnrchaacr. These i Ptanoa inida one of the finest displays' at the Centennial Bxfclbltlon, and were I nnanimonaly recommended for tha Hioh- est liosous over u,ovsi ui naa. -mumTij incorporated Mannntetorlnc Orxfactory MtabTlshed over ST years. Tba Square Grands contain Hathnshek'a new patent Dnplex Overstrung Scale, the greatest Improvement In the' history or Piano I making. The TJpngnta are wis finest in AmriAA. PiuMMBt on trial. Don't fall to write for Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue of 48 pages jnauea rree. . a Enst loth Street, N. T. pr.l3-in. TrW TVB Lorlfi No. 14S9. G. U 1 Q ' - . of 0. F. WillTRHEAD. N O W.T.HALL.NF A. J. JONES, P N F i K. M. GREEN, V G T. F. H ALU, Treasurer 1 T All... KJ, M. K I I.G.BARNETT.PNG S JNO. PAILLIPS, I G . M P. H, HA RLE Y. Warden 1 ! J.K.CUTLAR, Chaplain ! Regular meeting 1st and 3d Tuesday in each month. Lodge Room upper floor, cor ner Dock and Water sts may IS tf Golden Lyre LodgeNo. 1608 G, U, I ! of 0, F. Jouniw.avery.no godfrey willis, n f T3. A. DUDLEY, p N O J. ML SLOAN, VP "P. W.LAWRENCE, Treasurer A. A. DUDLEY, P tj W. H. MARSTELLAR, PN G MORRIS McKARLAN D, 1 G TH0H MILLER, Warden ALEX. ELLISON, Chaplain Lt. in. u&viB, Aiarsnai i Regular mectlnr lit and 3d Monday night in uuen moDiD. ijoage xioom upper nool xirner Market and South Water streets. may 18-rtX Pr)tr HMltitl. KD R. Chirk SL.CklUHrN ' Ill.!CjrSprUUr. .11 MtM, Chranto aBi Krm.l. UtKan, CsararUltoa fr... ldiw .Ml Ontto ai.n, M4 mm dolUr kri nmpm sf knt r b b . r nd ThtUl in MiMlo br wmi. KU- kie'rMut Pta & lr but. IVI vat. bom. u4 iom foe ilwli( Vom- ft '1 rm rn t. HV WOTfe. rtr H oral. J mH. XnM. tm f frnrf, rWyM hCj or Utrmf, Of (.u mt O.n.r.M.B, HImm wt ThS u4 UnM i . wHh wt obj. mmi t.ImHi Ib maiM, mt ratarrst to bMb RM. RMMBf BnMlT fc food Mi X.Hna a.T.r Mm MbttaM. II. wmAt hNM b. wttbMt Ik tTiMrw, Dr. A. O. OLIN, ra Ckirk Ht. aeo iU I). 31. DART. PRACTICAL, PLUMBER, STEAM ! ' ; AND OAS FITTER, WILMIXQTOX, N. C, CT I si? -I. Jo' STILL Bl FOUND AT BIS OLD um.u Hnlldlns. rrlnseas istrsctt I wn. he In prepved to do all kinds sfwork I to the public. HaS i cooatantly on hand lhOhTuw, Water Closets, Waah Stand, Pumps of all doserirtks, Dram I iih-s, . tlx Pipes, it as I xtures. Ac Ac Pvraooal alteatloa given to all work. h4UltrUan UMlwd. dormbrr 21 tf - 11 $66 Wi&C K In your town, and no capital rUkcd. Yost San rtva lb niulBeas a Ulat aiUKWl tipKwe, The beat opportonlt tv owsrod for thnns Wluinc to wura. iinuniiv try ikuiii Is nnUI jroa ) lor yonrsslf what yoa caa do at tb hasiacaa w.o(Tw. No room tat as plain ba. l ev (ma aTat ail yoar UnMl or Mly yoar apar ctssa la Ilia baataaa, aad snaas treat pay sor evwy now mat jmm work. otara saaasas rotrh as saaa.- Hend ir pct prl vat seraM aad rartiesb. tankwhtrfc we saall rraa. s VWtt rt. I nor-1 coraplala of hard Uavaa walls yw ktMirat,rsat. A ' rortiaaa. stataw SPIRIT OF THE SOUTH Ay ijcDKrtijtDET rAMiLT irrvsrA r4i. us'wwssw to news, yortUca, ttavs rVcijiiED yrxxxi-X AT Borjrjjro. MAlsl. af IX 8sBTrAR rn a Lakiit morerrj. ruaLfi"Mar t? the ru ras; cocjrrav. TTMM& t ADVA-XCC ' Qawryaaas ' ' , , .Ml S (taoroay ats susllia 1 Oao ery lrs tsialk W. aLTaAJaf J fTTrrst. a blwbt s 0 tmft tf tm i f aw Ummf mfnmht-rr ft H ki ! EH p o 8. 2 ?.' Ci "Mo.. - E rn i) : co r-l i m oc: O , 2 MISCEXfANEOUS. GROCERIES, &C. A fuU stock always on hand, consistlo$ uipart of Butter, Cbocae and ; - ',' "' Bams, 8. C can vas t .,' Meats, Smoked and . tX. . . Mackerel, -.-. : : I . ;-t , J j-.-. r- ' ilour, all grades, Meal,' watcT-groux rotatoes. Northern I ' . . 1 -" V Oder, t ' Sugar, Crushed, Powdered, Franulajled. y ) AVan Yellows, u l ' ' !, ""''' ' Coffee. Java, lagulraand Rlo.all grades, Molasees and Syrups, . ,. . . Tobacco, chewing ' sod , Buoklog,' nil . grades, r'-'i" : ,' '; Nails, Appolinaris Mineral' Water, ftsh ar rival, 8eaform,8tcrling, l"tpto, and other " brands of Raking Powders, . Soaps, laundry and to let, .:. 'Starch, ax&c.. - ADRIAN & VOLLERS, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Boutlicast cor. Front and Dock Kb. WILMINGTON, N. O. ' aug 15 tf V I - Hew Jewelry EstaMmcnl. -I .T T. W1WVPP Vt U UPHVT wnmillnn wn Desires to inform the" public Hint he i prepared to repair. watehee. Jewelry itil Chronometers, and aleo to Uo hard bolder work, any work sent to him by ntall will bs promptly attend to. apt U ly. OLD AMD RfflSlEV Da. BAsroiiD'a LrvriJ lsf;tn:-,-i is a Standard Famil v Ivnji s v f -r diseases of thoLaiTr, Sfconiru-h and Bowcla.--It m rn,t ly 1 Vegetable. It never an n M Debilitates It is II T UTTi-S 1 r i . - Cathartic and A Tonic. J$tr TRY v $ v- 5 V b. :r,0-AV. V" vV . & C 0 rtv V Bl H Era El LVH' HVIiivcf Invigiirntor hca Ihh'u tiKitl j . . Srand by tho rmVilie. for more than H5 yrorn. V 8END FOR CIRCULAR. S.TbW.SWFORD, M.O.vSaSc.Vf- . an sap ii ms i wuxtcu. toe niitni Buy 18 ly. r. MORILL, D&iertaier. Carceatcr ani caMnct Mater. - On Second Between I'limtvi and cataut Streets. W, ILL KURN181J COrriNH, C.VNKK- C.V.KK"TH. with t I aOeodanos, at tha very iiort aoUc. All orders from the coustry promptly at tended to. Orders for Carpenter aad iUdnet WHfc solicited, and work gnaraatenl. ,m ora as tow as an ia ute cur. dee 7-U $1500 Tf) tl A YK.U .to fJUadaylaypauwn loraluv v. . .. .i ... .... wriu. hurhhuum at u as mm. Many make more than the amount statad- abova. No ou oan tail to tnaas ssooeytaat. AnroMctdatbtk. ran makstrocn WcisioUaJi boor fc devo. tint your wnluc aad spar Um to tba hoalaeaa. NoUitita flka It iar iopy raah. i h was aver ooctm wilort. j luaiocaa M aat aaMl trtetiy bonorrtrta. lUwter. U ji want to know all about tha Wt yis fors lh Mbllc scad a vtrur aJUn. auJ we will send you rati parUeatar atxt pf I tsrana fr: aaaipsta worth a also ftr-. j mt can lhn mitt ay poarmt4 Mr j'iril, Addreaa UtUUUL tllSitS 4k 1 1 . at art te-ly rVirtbu,Ul Me i finkLU 4 Til U)U, VtXLXX i Kcrcin: Oil, ftiTKtlaU, Giu Laatf rat. Fiirrjas It's TaIm I 5 " I ,t. . ... .... I UM1C, UlWVrO A.' U i Jrf '. 1in STHAIN10L1 ..." : ,i lUauLKtartn wWUalt dAkr In Tilt AID SHEET 1RQK WAEL aalJIy WlL3ir5tOTt. X. u WANTED r mm n ri 1 1 li i Nil SLf LIMITKO aiV,.. SpOHMtw. i am a taoa a twt TpiUK ktts snvmwn. taas im ant. UbV b aww a4att '''T' ' ,TCT:,r , SttbMjMlbb;S tNbMN ajMraws sava sy acf tuao wa saiac proaaactatioa. t-br Or a4 Aaav hi rtpcrt a adopted. mamxt IttBas