-; - - - - ----T-J-!.-, ,i - ... i'' '" - -' '. :. -; j, -.;'' . .. .. ; .m',.. V-r;,' .. - VOLIJME XJ. WILMINfrTON : wyrttt n a ot ttvt a ; ftnvfS'A v ; kt, r rr- - ' ' - WILMINGTON POST Knterew at tub .Vii-M'N(iToNr N; C, j Maiter-V - roSTOFFICE AT a Second Class HATES OP ADVERTISING. Fifty centa per line for the first in sertion and twenty -five cents per line for each additional insertion. Eight (8) Hues, Nonpareil type, con nitute a square The subscription price to The Wii Misavos Post is $1 00 per year; ix months 7o cents. ' ! All communication on buHinesshouId be addressed to TrtE Wilmington i'osT, WilininKtou, N. C. All aUverliscments will be cliarKeua tno aoove raics, excepi on special con . i . . r tracts. County Ticket. For the Kenaie. 1IENUY KjSUOTT. - For the HfiUKrt, WILLIAM II. WADDKLL. j JAMF WlliON. f For ShcriuT, HIKI'FEN II. MANNING. ''For lj:,iUT'if Owd.,, .1 OS KIM I K. SAM I'. SON. I'Vr 'I'niHiirer, r.U IIEWMOTT, 1,1, For t5' -rner. FDWAIU) 1). IJKWLKIT. Fort oiintabbrif WiliuiiiKtoii Towiixbip, .IUUIS U, tt.Ullll. -General Robert IJJ Elliott of South Curolin.-t, will nddrrx the citizen of New Uauover couni) , u the political is-ues of the day ou t ojlobvr 13lh, 18S0, at the JIEAII Of THE OLD MAItKET. HOfSE. Let everybody turnout mid hear this eloquent South Carnlinian. There will bon (inAND Toncii J.kiht 1,luk'i:s,sion by (ho Hoys . in IWuo and Ward (.'Iwh, under command of Col. All our (Vieiidrt from Ihe country are j invited to bo present mid participate. l'tr unler Republican Executive OommUiee. j .S 1 1. M ANN1N(, Chairman. ( i int. L. Ma i;.son. Secretary. I'l.lCtefl FOltllKCUKTUATlON. FiKst Ward, Uppfcr Division, itsi tlrnee of T. J. llcrrijig, oil west side of Sixth between ', BInldcn and Harnett : - ttreeU. Fir.it Ward, Lqwei Division, sloroof .1. (.'. Su veiiH-iu A C p., on Fourth street at Honey lridge. Seeond Ward, J. i MundV store on Front until about 5th, thfji- at rei- d iMC ofj.!'. Luinmleii, Frontntrcei. Third Want, oii. I'linces-v .second door fiuin corner -f Fourth Kliee'. . I ... .. l-.rtirili Wai'l. at. V . 1'. UWIiam M.l. on jek Ml et.',"' .. - . -. ) iliii AViird, .l.;M. lluuei't. store mrner FiAR and CafllenlrtlM. Mooltfo be- opeil; including llie liOt tiny liel-re election.; AIUM'T THK Tilt IM invrnnnv i;anVam. Cuiiaday.and Shi ckrlford, candidates for iiKrcMrejy'Ot.tivcly, for this Dis inei, will apeak juHtly follows : WhitettHe, t'oliimbu-i county, 01 TuendsvSOctuber I2tb, at 12 o'clock " ; - n hi. t i c Frtiinei. Turnout, lininswieL cou-ut j. .en W'dnesday, Oefober 13th, at""J2 uYliivk n-Hin. .1 ?.. Haningloii anuounccn hirusolf S-H iu I ndependent Candida lo - for ihe House ol Ueprenentalivex, in tbe State li-Utuir, for Harnett county. 1. S. Lutierloh ef Cumberland roun 4y. i- itunoiiliieed n ludejt-ndont iii.lid.itr for Ihf llouw of Ufpresoii- lUe from i'iiibcrlAtul. William U Puncati i announced as in. Independent candidate for ibe N;ii.u from Citerrt, Onslow and JvHU C III T. John No, in tli ludepcudent Dem oviMie eaudidato for tbe House of Kpr-eultivc, Irvm Crlcrvl county. il.ii I fC Sounders of Hcaufort, U tbe Indeudiui candidate fr Sheriff for Crtcrrt couaty. Mr John C lt;krr is ih Imlrpro dfit CAiidiUle for Sviiator. from Cu tu WtUud iil llarotfU couutiei. William M. UUck i the Iudrpcudeot tdidt for Sheriff of -Moore county. W't understand. aU, that Boboii Ward Is the lode iodcnt candidate Kt Ui s qaUi fmm SAiuraon county. . Anew omhra indatry bp to be loaujuratl In LoaUiana the maaufclir vt prr out of the rvfu kuj;r cane a Aer the juice baa brp ta prmed. ThU rtfu W known aaMba 5" V U Th value of the iaporuiiooa ttKl, fUtrc a&4 bulUow into thU couaUy for Mm year cadies J 30Ui last was aov lata ttltety-lhre atlUioM of ikl UKNP.ItAL GAUFIELD AND TH ) ' 1 " '- " ' - . - - - i I l KMaaiaiaiaiaiaaai MM I I .. - W FUBJBUAIKN. - Mr. Sm alky the Tribune Ohio cor spoudent giyes a graphic account o tbe visit of the Jubilee pincers of the Fisk University in NashTille. - Tenoes see. j Ue lei Is a simple and touching story Which we copy nearly as it is told: !! was at General Garfield's home in Mentor yesterday. The family,-with a lew fricndii, were gathered in the parlor alter brcakJaat, when two carriages drove Up, filled with colored nennln I provea to be tne Jubilee Singers from the Fis'k University in Nashville, J lenn. . ur course, tney were all ReDub- i . - - Jicaua, and fiuding themselves, when in rairunviHe, so near the home of the Republican candidate, they came to call upon him. goon they gathered arouud the piano and began to sing the peculiar pathetic religious songs of their race those sad, weird melodies born of oppressions which express the-long-iug ol the slave for a liberty that was only hoptd for in the Christian Heaven of anollier. world. The little company Of listeners was deeply moved by the wunio, the melodious voices and the eanitKl devotional expression of the Hingprft. Wheu they were about to co thtv turned towur.I npnrnl OitfioU and smui; au imoresaive benfxlir.ilnn with I hep? word? "Tho T JrA Kjs Willi i - va arvi W nu on; i lie, lrd guard and preserve v'ou: he I.'. id lift up His eounteiiance upon rou, n.il tive vou peace." There was ilenvf l.r h time as the music diod way. 'I'lit it General iirRnA wlm had HlKd by the mantel with bowed head, spoke to the band of Bingers very earnflly and solcmuly, saying: My friends, for mv familr and mvsnlf l iuauK you lor mis visit and for the songs you navo Hung. While I have iittienetua itiouglitk has come to me which nwy encourage you. i I A Voice has gone forth before everv great good that was ever achieved in this world. A voice in the wilderness ww the herald ol our Saviour. In the wir for the Uuiou the thunder of our guns on a thousand battle-fields was the voice that prepared the way for nocriJ uai came lo your race. Now, Iriends. the earthly savior of your people must be universal educa tion; euu i believe that your voices are preparing for the coming of that bless ing, lou have sung a great university into being. You have sunir hefara kings nd priuccs. You have surur to iuv uitvik uuu iuu loniv. xuu uuve sung to the hearts of your people, and 1 hope aim believe that your Voices are heralding the great liberation which education will bring to your lately-en slaved brethren. You are fightine for light and for the freedom it brings; and in that contest I would rather be with you ami defeated than against you and victorious In the language of tuo song you have just sung I say to you, "Miireb on, and you shall win tbe vic tory you bhall gain the any' , , Mr louden, one of the singers made au appropriate and feeling trply, my- iugianioiiz other thingr You enuiiot realize with what hope and expectation we look to your eleva tion to the lofty scat that is within the gilt of this country. You do not know how wo cliug to every word that you utter, and especially to the sentiments that you have just expressed, touching the rights four people. The correspondent add: Mr. Louden had talked with rue the evcuing be lore about the fears enter tained by tho intelligent colored people about the future of their race in this country iu view of the reaction which seemed to be sweeping away all the safeguards thrown around their freedom and political righla by the Republican party. Something o this apprehension louud expression in vbia response to General Garfield. He spoke with evi dent emotion. , No one present could belli feeling that the great work of the Republicau party for the emancipated tlavca was not yet ended, or fail to sviupathixe with their dread of having their destiny committed to the party which opposed every step taken to give theru liberty aud cilitenehip. The Tilealon School, Miss! Amy M. Bradley, Principal, opened, its fall term on last Monday, with rather more than the usnal number of scholars, and with the usual corps of teachers. Mia Bradley bas been spending the summer tuonlha among her friends In the north and return with heal lb invigorated by fresh air and recreation, t-jlhoee datie which have occupied her for fifteen years, iter services reoacrcu to ibis community art best attested by the Im posing wslU of that beautiful school edifice, the rceult ef her efforts maialy, and Ibe yuung men and women who bavt bceu trained thete, lor the duties of life. The success of this Institution of learning, places it in rank amoag tho first of the. slate as it condones its uacfaloeti, and as a triumph as it lands now, is beat appreciated by tho who witnewed it small beginning and the early atni&le of tho piiaoa who fonnded it. Tbe Newbem JtMalaL JksaUtaat Eotinetr Webber, of lbs U, S. R. It- has been detsched from the OHUx at WilxaiogtoD, ana ordetva to tea. porary duty on tho Uy. Cnttet Sttvrns, on this atatiocu The jUow Crret b at Key counv aa U alaoat always b. i LATEST pacts ahd cOMMEfiTs. xne nebaomaaal slowness with which the Post can compete with the third editions ol dailies, aided by wires which reach to the remote regions of Turkee- Btan and China and Polly nesia.frcaaent ly induces a disposition to have a last word with our readers, of some sort that will have the air and manners of lato news, while we are conscious Hat we shall be outrun by the said third edi Hons with which we are surrounded. ine story as to the demented coadi- tiou of Gen. Uancock, which appeared in full in the Chicago Tribune on the otu mst., ana m all JeadiDg journals of the same date, seems liko a cruel canard, o.l ; If it is not a canard it is a reality which cannot but create great sadness.1 the writer speaBs ol iiancocfc as "the dear A. lla w tins, Secretary, and A; John old man," who is "oij the verge of des- son, Kobert Meacham, Ohsrlie Wilie. peration" and likely to bedriTen "stark auu.iuai.ue.uas uau 3ymploms of apoplexy twice, already, and that it is ie vercuct ol all around hita that hi promouon lo to I'residoncy will tcr- u cunu.y career,- ana that r", Cttr Ciirly 'calcd. I; The ofiito tuai ii uas in i pusaessiou tuts original letter, and a General Allan KuUVtrfocif, now rc siding, ut Wabhingtoii, vvher be U eu gaged largely in the practice: of la.J ia on a viit to our city, and i.- a tr est ai me reiUenco ot J. II. Nell', ' h The General ij welcomed 'warmly his many frieuds here, where- he l,V kas lor a long time a resident. The elections in l Uo states of Indiana and Ohio, will take place. o:i TlwuHav ll.a I'll. r iiiex ""J i.iv, HI HI llQ. ,j 1.. rmer siaie Dotn parties claim Micetr s, bufi in neither slate can the De.niociau carry excepi. by-fraud. -. Tho Democrats Jire runniug into both stales ra!s0 voters and repeaters. I Cobjiiilt lias b, en lvc!el Goveruor in Georgia by oO.OOO or -10,000 nuijority nearly all the 'Republican!,-white i and black, voting for him in prefe. eui-e to Norwood. ' i 1 W. U. Euglisli, the 'Dciuoeratie. can didate 'for?Vico-Prcidrnt, is cliurged with aud proved by hi.j owa'siguatu-'c and that of YV. L. Marey, I'olk'a fcjooi c- tary ot War. Is-,:,,- n'...,,- torney-lTvjucraT, ajid uuier;-), to have 1 tary of War. I fraudulently drawn . and converted to his own use bin trrand-father's back pension, amounting to fSJG 1.4-1, cheat ing the rest of the heir. j The Republicau . majority iu Ver mont, official, is 25.012, and Davis' ma jority, (Uep.) in Maine, 101 Those people who haye ut any tifie moved iu Army circles' cannot "fail to know what was the opinion of General Grint concerning Hancock- Whether the Fowler inurwiew Law any 'bais or notour whciiier Grant's reVi.iion, as ii appeared in the JtHtcr thvni, is the true version of Grant' habi'u il ctnver"a-' tion about Ilancoek, does uot make any diu'erence. Grant bad. a'nl bas. and will always have, strong likes and dis likes of men, seeing what is filse in them, what is b-Jiuba lie,' what is woak, as well as what is true aad'great.ai ap pears eoustanfly by the curt sarcasms and eulogies of his talk and writing. By the time Hanc-ck bad cut up a lew of his capers, such a.s order "No. 40'' ia Louiiiana, Graiit bad Wguu 1 to poke fun at him. Ho enjoys humor as well as arTbody. audllicre w.w( a gto-tespueue.-w about liaucook's cavurtiags down there that all the time excivted his risibilities. We do not believe Grant, knew or cared much what he aid in private circles, about llaiwovk's airec taliou of etatei-uiaiiidiip or tho mock propiieties of his lUK)lls of avordupois. TiiUNuEis ltKiiiM) pok;- joiirs- On Tuesday night t f last wcik, ttc save being court week, a large number of tho cilirens of Druaswick were gathered at Smithville, Judc Watts and Henry K. Srott, K., aud others bad bcru previously auuouncid to speak at the court Ik uo oa that even- ing, and at soou a i2.uk e very fcot of that ball was txrcupitd crammed. Mr. vcott wa first introduce! and mado a thorough U'tpubticau spcxth, with glovca vff. He Cvu) pared the rcconl c! the .lpab!teaa party w ah ike IV mo cratie, and contrasted the patriotism and virtues ol the oce with the treason and wkkrdnrss of theotLeia and eUed with a splendid tribute to l.epublican Utu. Hon. Jaaic Wiltg of XVilminetoa was next introduced, and dbra&ed, the bviteM coudittou and prosperity of the conntry, and the baancUl uece of the dsy, ahowlcs up the kmbese erecabociua and in macy. &U i took tbe breath evt of tkeUi ubm b4 rreeebvacker pvveU Then came the c4d ntma, JaJge VfaUa, who has now Acr his years of kiini mm at t4 Kettor of the ljVlkaa patty. T say hat he spoke is cnoogh,- jfdt he led I the crowd rtfrota rrraTo to" i fw. 1 lively to severe," "' j 1 ' l The enthusiasnvran : biglrthd if the indications were any evideaca of the temper of the people of ancient Brans wick, Garfield, Buxton aodX?an&day will go out of the corintyj with.! hying j colors, and the. whole ,. county ticket weep with an increased maioritrj - 1 " : - . Political-State: J A friend writes from ftbek nm, York county, S. C, that ' tho Bepubli- J caus met on the niehi of Oct'llst anrlT I . . I aer informal organization, cquii up and found 2TA jtorser. J TLin organized a Garfield and Arthur Clnb, electing Robert Meacham.' President! A. Hart and J. H. Byers, "delegates to tu county convention. It was thn grandest lime the ' Pwepublicans ever flad in Rock Hill township. "One of the Boys" writes from Bur- gaw giving a detailed account of meeting at Big Pino Tree, of which , naa already lid a nnt;, time. u,"u vior-.jou oi Aran!:ement8,, wo spoke of Major J. CHUcKoy" when n should liavt bceu "Major J. C. Mac 'I ho bi'jmtf correspondent of Judi-e Buxton's snceeb in 1n Alter Judge Buxton's able nr!. many of the old citizens give him their warm nana ot lnendsh - . C3- it was said by some of the best 1 our little town, that he would get many t a white vote. The canvass wilt com- jnence in Caswell on the 11th of Octo- oer, anu continue until the day before the election. i " Ibid: ., Jvever, since the organi.-;itiou of tho ltepubhcanj iarty in Randolph county, was the prospect for a Republican vic tory better lhan now. Ttuh th tHt. ical caldron is boiling with intenso heat, aud the Democrats as they havo never done before, but their work does not amount to much. Ihey have lied and deceived the peo- nla ivilk ri 1 . . : ... .i ' I t-.j iiod JiuuiiBtu. unm mey are utfi uul"g to realize mo Kituatiou ibid, as to Henderson: Since Methuselah was a Lou and diir, "'t :';, ' hve TJenioCrais over to the Republicans umi auci groaned with the measles! if my old hat is yours. We heard nura bers say that if Clingman couldn't beat hat speech,1 he had beterouiL It was leeidedly the weakest thing we haye i-teneu to. ! OldIendcrsou is solid for Garfield and Iuxton. - i Jl- ! ' In John II, Kespass, candidate for elcc- torl bas made a good speech in Beau-f-ri l uuty. Lr. Worth tho State Treasurer had lhf batl ta.-te to sneak ofex-Treasurpr rettkt'us, p.h follows: ' 1 Dr. Won It followed, and said a treat deal abuu'u the finance! of the1 state, aud hmy uncommonly well they bed been managed in his hands, ad how twtully bad in the hands of his predc1- cessor. lie lrgot to say, however. that when.be Umk the oOica there was njj'unejr in the. -treasury, whereas . now there is none. . jlf ever the ci.iiduct or thn Public Si'hools, ; about which the Treasurer b ibblcd considerably, was worse than n bw, I ha vol not heard of the time. Dr. Worth wont make any capital by criticising David Jenkins, who man aged the Stale Treasury much belter than his successor has. Slatesville Jmeri&tn; Judge l.axton. Geonre II. Everilt and Dr. Nortnent will address the J-eo-j pie at the Court House in States vi lie on Tuesday the 12th. LKui't f.nl to come and Ihcar them. Judgo BuxUm discusses Mate issues in a clear and satisfactory manner. Mr. Eretitt ia one of the ;mot promising young men in the State, and the equal as an orator and debater of any man now engaged in 1 1 1 . i w d im 1 1. . . l T . VMM0 BU tUII Ol Vt. 1ST. lQr ment also holds a birh place among the public .speakers of North Carjilita. Gov. Jafvis has waudcml ovcrKiolc Virginia and in a sjh-ccU t Dan vita trotted out bis favorite right arm again. The Democratic papers are pn tend ing that Judge Buxton avoided Jar vis because be could not meet IU arju-i ment?. Boeh! JarvU as a speaker eau't bold a candle to Buxton. Jaivis an.lJ?hacl!f.ird were both trained aUke and il ia ctxi jectMn which i the 2:ndetcsl ia iatdlccL I TiiE Ncatu Amccjcxx UeyikwJ Tbe cunlcnU - lee October air: Tbe Democratic Party jedged by it history1, Eatery A. Morvs; The success of the Ekctrie I Ly'rht. Tbo. A. Edioa: The Rains ef CVolnl America. Dnm. CTianxy; The Orrrrace of the Sb bath Rev. Dr. Leonard Becoe; Caai- rvaiwof 15d, Jaie D. Tkew Wright; TaxaUoa of Church rroperty, Rey. Iv A. W. titter; Recent IVojto ia As- treaoar, rtttfe&njr . . UoUtn. Thi grmd Jnrrvu ctfm vkkh cxhihiU the hhea Uterarr aalUies ia U iu CraUres U cocaUaUy bcrtaaia the regard efiu readm aai a scalar caia ot kk lakie U wkheta Sciac Ut Ulaed and iaatreeied. . J j j ' 'yJsxi.jijvi&K 1U. i single Copies 5 Cents LAWS ABOUT VOTIKG. Somber of Eoxea. . Voters must bear in mind that there. will be nine boxes at the .election the Sad ot November, and that each person, who desires to vote' in cyery box Vnnel V. f .fT a m I auiAAb ajuyu xime umereoc uc&cia as ioi lows: ml--'.. One for Governor and State officers. Quo for Presidential Electors. One for Member of Congress. One for .TlinVpn pf tlio Jfli or.,1 AlK w. . . . . . -w " i.u ItUM UkU i"1" A-'iaintts. One for Sn!ifor ,r ro!,, HOUSO Of TnrPcrmtaT;a - -i iuiuiio vi wuc ! Ono for J3ounty officers: u. t-i: 3 . - . , Iw jor T&wnohip Constable. One for or against the pnvioscd amendments to tho Constitution. j-ninffs to oa JVoted. . 1. The registration boohs will be kept open for revisionlfroia the 2Sth day of September. 1SS0 Until ami Jnr-lnIn the day preceding the day of electon, rr ' - and the election will be contacted in ail respects accordiog to tawaof 1S79. Ch i .ter 275, P. Persons entitled bv laW to vole, who shall have redded fjr twelve i months in tho state, and ili ciy days in the couuty. and who shall be, ou election day, actual rcsideik I nf Precinct or township, will be T J entitled to register ana vole. 1 p. Thoso who shall Lave "lur ne age ol 21 y&tti since Nove rv. vu, nhir.rfh 878, will of course iiave to h gisler iu .an iuj!u wuo suasi iiavo If . 1 ...I. . i ii i reaioyed rjin ono direcmct r ivi isbip to have to qother iiiGo that date, nil . - a - - " register anew. ! ;i. P, Govern crsor.3 wno n--istercd ior tuo November election, 1S7S, !; u nave $iocc changed irecinct, m jt, upon resenting themsolvea !br rcdslration, produce a certificate from tin regutrar in; the precinct In which thei regis tcr- COj, stating that their names erased from his book. ! iad been JL'-urtlicr Dneetiond No ouo is to register or vote except in that preciuct where ho is au actual add bonajide resident on .the day of cieciion. mis means a .voir! r who has. continuously resided in, or w ho has re movca to. a precinct in r..-fi, j . ; - . ;3 v. aiiUj UVA who produces in the latter caseacerti hCiato that his name has bleu erased irOra ibaAraAe cfJ-uo' nuu-m. to! luj time of closing tlxo rogistratiDn botiks. Crtific?.te3 of registration me. nut al lowed. The following- pcrso'us are not to vote : Minors, idiots and jlunatics ; persons who after rionvictioi j or con tession iu open court, have li!j?n adjud ged guilty cffclony or cthci infamous crime, committed after . Jj,uuary 1st, .177, uu less restored to righla! of citi zenship by law. I j Subject to tho forcsuiii" cxceoiimiH iall males born iu tho Uuite4 jstatcs, or naturalized, tco Jmve resale Jti'n ihe stoic ttcelee months next preceding J 1 . . nc aeciwn. and ninety days in the county. jare quali- fied to register and;yotc in.ttyjj precincts wuere they rc-sklc. The residence of a mariied man is where ;.h-U family reside; luat ol a einglo man where lie sleeiw. j No one is to register iu any precinct to which he has: removed for the in re purpose of voting therein; ,uor unless his residence is actual and bona jide. The above is made up from the Ral eigh jSt'ijnat. SOUTH CAROLINA Au Iiitericr View vi Cov. Scott's Career- Hambunr Butler and Cor-raj)tioa-Tissae Ballots -Judje. Samuel Leo of Sumter-Alexander McClarc- &c. &c. Wa,s,ii IXCTuX, I). C , . i tr.rr. 22.Ni, lSiM j Liu rou IViT : A short. relriaptVtivc view vi yliii- cul bUAirs ia bvuth Croliua may b in structive lo orne of your North Carc-J Una rcadtrs ; it' will ccrtaicly.be cd!j. ing to many of your readers iu the Pal metto sUte. I am active Jsiuih Crtdiuun, it has frcjticnUy lrcu my previse? to relate through the i.t.ja-r U.Lcrt cvniogs f both the ikraocratic and Bcpublican parties o! my state. While I have never partd the ucrdcnxis cendnct of ueh characUra a Ham- bcrjh Bailer, Ham plan, O Cos cor, tt lmm stkr .have I tarn ia- clioed to throw the tsxeUc of charity oyer cch men a 'ilg. WhiUmcre and ether who d-d J isoch lo Coevrrt 6otnh CareU&a Crpblicaasres iato a by-word acd a ref rcaeh. la 1SC5, aa insurious Ueka. Ccsc rxl, li. ScU, becaste tjrrro of Spsih Crolkua. . ScU had ia a se&ee beta a carpei-tafxet- At; the head c4 his vktorke divoa 1 1 rB.rrd the , and was hrscsUy tv- dlamr of iut Z.tM at the tat the FardaMrae tcrraa. kaewt Utter Uua the jwnHid gentry of the SouttCarolina seaboard UVV anT Hungry stomacha were filled b7 bounty thus disbursed by' Gen. on bco All through the slate, tho old aristocracy Tied witH each other in 1 PraisinS Scott. He was, a lion among I f Tift - WAT AM A .1 t ' m - i w " Koonu uTonie I - I . among the men. Yet he had not Governor of the state a year, bafnr t, so-called chivalry laid plots to assassi nate him through thb agency of I tuVln-r VI on. Vf At,1!- A1A 1 .11 I. -.1- . I VU1I U1U U1DT UimL. ivu liis personal saietv. nnt trier art nni I W I PnrrnnfnB tJ. i j vwuMwutu niui a Btjb ill rvprinniiMfi I - iMvuiow KM UlUIlUei IDA ZSTkllT Carolina treann l4. t. o I . muu vumuus. ion Swindle, tha BhU TUdMmii tv- Conversion Bond Fraud, all had their I origin with Democratac lobbyists, and sucn men as M. C. Ttrit.lnpv.T-. k.j ready to reap their share of the plun der. Each of the foregoing schemes I 1 dJ ....... i " viw ibkum ut tt:i ti.ii nun iriA 1am. cratic legislators abskted thomw J and they were naWJ m, nor's veto; That wai an nld IrTZrl ta .. j M the Democratic mpmhen in ir ni. - VU V the way. and nermit th to defeat ScoU'a labors in the interest ot good government.' In other words. I the Democracy' cricnnrairfwl : . I , . . IT r- :""v oaa legislation, with the sole view of bringing the Republican party! into disrepute Ihrouzhoutthe state and uauw,v i T..i:. - t . I rfujucu luiueis me to aav that .liir. - j - J - - luo auminisiratlon of Governors t- ii ... . r- . Jtsow, auu juoses, isoutn Carolina had no more earnest friend and eloquent dc- lender, than J udge Saknucl Leo of Sum f i ter, now tho unanimous nominnn of that district for Coriirress. Tim.-, nn.l again did Ece throw himself into. th breach and strive to item tho tide of wrrupuon. xuo Honest Rennb cans i-otuuu oi mo iemo- cratic parly aPDlamUl l.U rnr, it is af tr, lnnUr x.. . i """i uu t -l.J. ... . r -viai iium, liKU ituura r. t- " 7 . f CUI vauuiuaie w,b,lMin;,nwil lue yean lay.'io. 1, ...U..M i ii L .. . v nuuiu i;ive i WPfl numnhan w i elected. It is safe to declare that Lee - - was instrumental in iaving millions of dollars to South Carolina durine the Moses rcgim?. llo was at all times a tuorn in tho ilauks bf Democratic and Republican corruptidniats. He bocame the target of abuse ' ftom! Buch harpies U. P. Lieslio. Although entered at the Howard University in this city, bo found time to go down to South Caro lina and lift up his voice against rapa cious Democratic and Renublicad - thieves. " The editor of the Washington rost says he never heard of a Republi can job in which Democrats were not. connected, and I assort that that w as eminently the caso in South Carolina. Even Aleck McClnre of the Philadel phia Times, went down to . South Caro lina in 1S70, to engage in tho railroad swindle, and after pocketing all the money h could lay hauds on, returned to his homo to heap rnrs upon the South -Carolina" Uv-puUcah?, because they objected to his taking crowbars to prize open the vaults of the state treas ury. McClure's visit to South Carolina reminds one of the scriptural declara tion, which says that "wbero the car cass is, there will the eagles (buzzards) be gathered together." f But notwithstanding Judge Lee's ef forts to give the people of his native state fo Ml !iovcrnraent; cotwithstaod injr hi rerv'.':jri' as a "reformer" , - . 'i was ; wide a tbo confines of LutUf, jii 8 find the Democrats persecuting him in 1873. forcing him to cme to this city for protection. A re gard A,r propriety and decency it seems would impel the South Carolina Demo cracy lo greatly repect7 him, and in sure hira a fair election this &I1. They Cm nut oppose him because of any lark cf character or capacity, for on tho scores he is the equal of any maa in his Congrcsional District. If they tu0 boxes with ttrvuehaJloU, and thoe secure hi defeat, they may rest aWbred that a Republican house will take ccf -sixicce ct their method ' and the larger the tuwne ballot oifjofiiy acaiaat him, the mote certainly will he be ae- cvrxlcd bl scat The North hi a!i?e ia the .T3Crtioiij wf tbe Ummm bji Uou, and war it- ti tw the oatberaer (?) ho heteefut aitcatpts te enter Ossptsa thrtoh ach dhoaeat agtadea. I was told by a' prcmlaant nonhcra Ilrpvbtican the other day, bo kaowe Judge Ic's aatccedefiU, and rsioahla crricee aa a refers?, thai the peope of an aecUca willwWh hit Ooacres awaal caaraat e lonely, wiUi a view to acnainie whether or art the Deaae cracy will Urt alteaiei to coast kisa eat by time halkita ee by falac coaata, Vears, ; . raurrrTu. by ihe Rrrehlicaa Caenty Oocrtsaa of Wsyoe cexxij, tst t&sssj c2Lccn: Fee the Srair XT. T. raUdath: the Uoee. Gaa. T. Waeaasa aad i a Daae;(arthert;W. &rtidc;ff. Idctcl Deed, Jeeathaa rtana; far Treasartr. iliZea IZarsxrrr. Le n. lrrt D, iar. fc fenmyw, X. V. NUMBER 40. err ir items. i0n'- Be.tV st Kavy New crop peanuts are I market- I coming into I . t H AhCT. I Mr . Tit . I , - - " mwiowu w" preacu his .... 5ermn at St. John's Church - 1 g the I J Voss, who has resided at I SmithvillA fnr i . I . - . - - ... v I " - -v WW INiBb Ycjztr lir I n U M u - i wuttW w nuininffion. . ..I A16X, bprUIlL JEq.. Critlfill Vice 1 m I - l. fl I n . . - - - " I .l m"L Prt Las returned to this i r"""5' au cace 01 several uontbs I , .ft., r , I I Toe Laurinburg Enfcririse remru I wr. reter JoseDh. who !.- 1. i... - 1 40 dent at that placo a few days 1 48 &S worse. 1 I - i . ,? Work 8belliDS the tumpiko i ?piaif Progressing. Shells aro brought onlhof the river by Sclioo,cr t i uu men uaaiea out to the 'k rl F"e. Bishop Atkinson is now In lilh; haying left tho Old Sweet prin. Virl ginla, last week. Ho proiwuc Khf,ritw to go to Old roint, Virginia, and thcWe I tn thin i;u T jL Professor Kerr is cmrajred in me SDecimenR streams adjacent to this rit . k r. . I., . " - i me water nf r.Anr.i.i i I - vuwuiiVJU I'UUU is the purest that has boen umIttaI i I Mr. John Judge, recently rcpri-nt. ing Measrs. Chess, Carley '& Co.. iu tins cny, naa removed to Charles lou. Mr Auumpaou is now theiuann.r. r i.i this department of Chess, Carley sTcVs. ousiaoHS. Dr. M .! n.i-. r city, but now rp;.tf v... x- . . 4uru- i naa dli ii:awri Willi A I. i. , uoui WMC Ifm Ilia . . I " is critical! mougu nis Symplons are somewhat en- i courncino i t .. . . 'I --o a "a "iciiwoa; fays Th6 fourth and last Quarterly M...,. ing for the rreseut Conference year for xmnotrcet Methodist Church, south of this city, will beheld today by the' Presiding Elder. Key. Dr. r,.irLiJ,. Tho public aro in invited to stu ii l. Seats frco. terprise started in this city "by Mci. i. Norwood Giles and Pembroke' JW' has commenced oieraiion.s. Th twill is said to be complete in every particu lar, and is much belter than some of; those in operation at Charleston aud Savannah. Death of Mb. Geo. II.. Biuia Lv. We copy from the New Haven L ru ing Register an account of th? death 1 1 Mr, Bradley, lie was for iuauy years previous to, and since tbri close of ibe war, a resident of this city, aud carried on the boot and shoe buiues-ih com pany with his brother, Charles' M.1' Bradley. He has been in bad health or a number of years. lc wan I ,-iT u; 7i'. years of age. The IiegUer saW "FoJ fifty years the deceased was a tavtuU; of the firm of G. c C. ftrad'.er. cu- gaged in the wholesale aadj retail' boot and Shoe bUsiaetW iu Wi!mln!nn North Carolina, with a branch hote in this city a portion of the iimc. At', the breaking out of the war Uu-ir.btm-r neas was exicnsivo and their stock on hand was very large. Like maty othe r merchants in l,hc aoulu U.cy iu.t heavi ly, stock, railroad lavcliuca;j, rsl estate and oUU'audJrg accoutu goif j wgcuier. Alter the war u ucr tie firm managed to secure itM.jw.i f their real estate again and conUr.utd their bualneas up to the spring t.f IsTI, since which time both brothers Latc rcsided hero, Mr. Bradley was a rt t estimable gentleman ami deiU.ott an enemy in the world." There are many in thi city who m ill regret U learn of the .eatii of vf Bradlet. JIo was much Lked-hcr r. aivi has many friend io Hi aicoer oar older citueaa. y CapL-J. D. Hanky, pf Ui c aa iemtioa which wiil cvw iaio vtrV Cenera! ue. Ill kt um riilrc and ia be applied to fcedi-g xcl miUt bg caiUe and hj ahiSe in UxQl lUhaa applied fr a t ii; tfcJ so : entered inta the cw&peUriMa tr a oCt3,fX) t5re4 by the A&M saaae Society tt ih to,', ia f eti3 -( this aatarc. Oa the Tih day 4 OcWUr. 1T3- firite tarpesUaa Ud W 27 cr&U ; October Iih, lim, ihaea article M kSVttlm prrr2aa. rrIaed a4 rood atraiard reaaa aU ei the fth f OctcW. lfT, at 5C ali pn it4 satmiacdl aadtl ftU for gl ala. d, aad Octaher 7th, lim, tie ,-. m the henis of Vrlz IU chacceAl trmlar4 aiti 2 f ULUtaadll Sak4trse4 tcrxW tl riper Ul al tl m ak'd OaCaasOi theaas l ttt t.t mi 2aCaber nh, lUf u asiaxtit i.; : VV. -! - ; - '.'::.". :' '''.-:.. ' ! '1-! ' : 'i -i - -i . ", 1 . : , T. -" " ' ' ' - . -. ' - - - fcajiax, - - : '!' '. - -' - I.-- .'- ! ' : ....--:'':.?.: r . .. ; ' , ;..",:;,:.,..'::;.-..;i , 1 !..; ; . .- Y -Y :-Y.-:: .-,: -;-.::--- . ... : ' ' Y- " - ;. .. : -;..:':: :v U :-. f "" ' ' ! . ' ; ; ' - - -- ' - . -- - .... - - -. - . . - ; . - - ' : . I