J ()!,(',(!: x.j. I.,, s I i I! l.i' A I hi i: lWi'ori'l' y s i ., ,sm:(1iNIi t,i." a i i kc -X- UATE3 Of ADVERTISING, i fifty cents per line fur the -firvt in--.. i Lion and twenty -five cents per line lorcaeh additional insertion. Kiht (S) lin5., Nonpareil type, con iuic .i ssiiu'arev - V .The stilHcr-iptioii price to TuEjWii. mixotoX . Post' -is $1 00 per year; -;is months 7o cents. Allcoinuiuuicationsou businesshould lie addressed to The WILMINGTON Poir, Wihmnstoi), N. C. ; All advertisements will be charged a ' the above rales, except on upecial con tracts. .' ; in Till: Kltl'l III.K'WK J9t' IIS i; TEIIKI DISTItKi. I'iie IiVpuloicans o' the Third cou- -n-inal Di.- Iric', w i I i ,df-o-e write ii ,e a'. Wilinii gO-n, N. C, anl give imiv dud jicn iiiil ol Jill, frauds com- milti d-'4y" the DcnoVrats durinjrl,tbe I.!-!. i1 ttifii, j-ivin names ot county, j't't 1 1 1. t . .and-.u poll holders, also ii:iiiit -i il '. 1 1 r.ion-s pievcntcd from .ii.i':;; and the reasons for il, whether i t' tii'-( ist,rtri were at their oat duty ! l',re lite election: in lict 1 i ' . . . ; h.) i! a ItU hilory ol all fiiiils"br ii ifL'i.ii itit-n ot every description, that i i r. '!ji !!iiriii;f tin i lection on Tnes- 1 .,!... li.c j i ,.f 'November 8S0. O. 11. VlAU Kl.ll,- ,- i 'i nii iii;iii. 1 intrict lLrjnllien I'om t'if, .U U'ilniinton N. C - 4u 1 ' oisuli: 1'iiiLr, :tntl,.,e;j.avi, .beforai wliomKcnuarl Ifiiiip v.;u uVrsiigtied ou h charge o! 1. 1 i n i . u- i:bel avain.t (icn. (ijrfield, .'If' r a very long and laborious jnvesli ' j- itiwii, tendered UU ilccUion to the el Irel that there waV i t the least shadow t doubt that the M t'ey ! Iter was a M l't;cry, an ! hel'l 'hitp, the rditi r of tin; Triili ft r tTiaf. Is; the course of -Mils' ' i barge .Judge- Davis commented iry Kcvcrely on the course of the Hon. y.ijr', Hewitt iu connection with the M .tt y !t Iter, an 1 said , that fl. llad- ley liini a:!c 1 as c nfuleutial agent of tli . N. t. n a! I'ciuocralic Conimiliee in the itm-H;a -y. J do ft Jlowit g it t! c language of the ilec ' m:i : "Tho defeudant (I'hilp) is he'd to ; nswer upo:i lho charge ol . libeVi" 1 must be toininUte l, or give Luil fir his ppcarauc; 'to enswer auy indictment lit it may b found ugatust iiiin. " . '. ' ' ' .' I'liilp s not iscld ou tl.c charge of 'forging ti e lorey 'cUer, but of writing die aiticl- iu f.'ie "J'.ufU" entitled ' Lying and Sticking to it," in which liu tltM i'tinces (J jr. tiailiehl . fr lying t .r. having . deuotiucevl the as le'tcr a ! r-er. . .MIIM) I ON A-MIOTIIUU M..W ? The Biekneli resolution to c.ne,t ihe i, i.lectoral vote by i joint rule was dis ' tus etl in u spirits 1 contest ou the 7th. The joint rti'o wa:ch the Democrats are attempt g to p;t.i gitei the power to cither llo ne to i e'ect . the electoral .'vote t'.i .-ts.tc. : - -- Vi'.tlwitr'd C!ar'r,tlie tapilol Architect, Mr. lty mid M-. .nilhuicyer, I whom t leiexred the subject of enlarging -'liie accoiumodatioTis lor th t'ougres-.-niial library, report in favor cf a new u'.ul sej ar.U building ;;uUx lV lerj in -j.e, suveptild rvf ituleii-iite cnlarjr.tj aifit ;i tiit- immense library tucrriise. lu! ! brary now contains ;mi,(1X book? let a T.i-t iiiiimiiit if cocumenls: - i i stt'Jlie ( usen; rat! f increas-e in i ye i', wi'd ciMitaiii 1 ,.'00,000 volumes. 1 In- projected ne v bsiitdjug will hold . I tMti ;)!! .huue, and will 'cost , '! ' s. ! - leputt-.l that Jol.11 IV trHer, . ii j 'iii iesn, will bo elect sl U. !.' 5s n '"" ' :.';u ' t'abloniia. V !.'r " b a-led 1 barter lor a :ti, r tnviii'C C in' niiipnr f.-s th . " . 41 4 iiUrt rente. p :: tu i 11 jnibu uicinbeis wb 'i : ' 1 1 . .-ivi.tg the apprpriation lor " vvnr.u m m hrols unlest tbia tales can inlire ibare ufttie futuV Arnold l Co, an, old lolVe "m tvuude.l in IS h failed ia New 1 er with 'liabiliiifs cslimatevt all the :'iom j HtHK) to -,(KV,lHK). U.erv v eriou iharpp of mallea w iiuiS MrHt titi'imcu of ,lif'H;rjil O. C. Ord. beioc uter 62 'Arvi.ti, httn rttlrev! 00 the rank' ! iTiadier, au4 Col. NfWn A. t.te-ral Indiaa h'shfer" ha Iutci irt.hU ttcai as a Urija t-eueral iu the irguUr Army, aod 4 p'e,v.it-sl to the Chief cf the Sf :' vtiiir. ' .' ' - ' i thou'Ui iu Xttoy itrvtea that u3 O O. UoarJ will lapemde Gen. :a:Ui .1 Wr iVtt. T!;e More) 14 Uadert iu lU" alec I J '-fr.v tanh cvaleoipl liaj parl'tf tit i'rwtat MeJe whic i deuouncea rosary. H KI'O J (j F TH t 8 ECB KTa K V Or '' '1 II F. " He Al'U V. KVf-i.itfa I' iii a'.i -i-.rc . for ihe N'l r fi.dirjr V'ic 30, J "ere: I J olai t. unitary le- a- t ceipti - - - -Expenditure idiiia- ry for same piiod : Total ordinary expen- diturfs -; - 1 Leaving a surplus nv-. . enue of - . - -AVhicb with t'lu'i. drVn i"hi catb La' auceiu Trejury - lo7,(i4-VJ07.78 Making - - f 73.Kj8,087. 11 Ai.l which was applied to various uiipce flu ous purK ses. lie iojuircruents of ihe linking fiuul law have been complitd with. Princi pal of publio debt, !es csth inTrcas ury and accruing interest, l as beni r- duccd from J2,7oG,131,G7l.l3, its high est point, which it nacl-cd ou Aug. 31, ISGoi Jl.Sl'OioJlO.S'on No.y- 1, 1S80, aTeductieu of SCG.iOSSO.-M The uet increcse in the cxpcLdituns 'or the past year wire 5C?o,0711," "" iiscai. vr.xx, 1SSI. Total receipts, actual and ettiroatid till . June o0, 1581 j- -Tijl xretdituris ritual at d i sl'nial . d - ... . . 5 ::r,i ,('(:(, tc.ro jfGO.CI.'O.OtO.OO $ t'0,(K '0,000.00 The; otiuu.tes of e- I endituren fer Juue C;;.:o,ootMKo.oo I . I J'UTIOS OF TAXJ S. The rp'.us'ieTenae actual rdd ex pended for the fiscal yiars 1880 1881 and 1882, $1 2G,&'Jo ,102.8'J. 'J he report tLen f liters into an exjd.'. nat ion of the reatci s ftr 1 of reducing tho taxes. Althcuch "at ptibcnt tLere might be a j-urp.'us of rcveuue it might occur that the income wi uld, at some future time be !ers. The removal of the tax en state banks was especially objected to. ' t 1 ntHMUMi, Un or before Ju'y ctxt, a large pcr tion of ihe public dtbt will fall due or become, ndiemab'c, p. fellows: SG S7,3,",0,0OO. The fc'ecretcry dors uot inticipate any serious troub'e in meeting tbe.se obligations at iLatuiity and rcsctving the pub.ic credit. 1 e recemmeuda as a piccaulionary meaRure that; f JLU,CUp,Cl 0 of govern ment -notes of not lets (ban $10 denom ination, and bearing not more than 1 pir in I. iiitiust. And also he recom uifiuU ibt issue of $U)0.0Ov),o'M of 3 (i5 bund of the t-aine cbarattcr, to bo ri deeitiable mi the wiil - of "be guveru- men . ni;-L.Mt'llu.. 1 be reijrr"review brielly the event ot rtMiinpii'tn. He believes that the triumph can be maiutaiMil without any further legislation. 'COINS ' ANI lOmAi.E. .. l ie amount, not including minor coiui'g ter. the year is $81,100,172.0, The tcUl Mncunt of coiu in the minis, was on the J at of November, as fo'.Iowt :-(iold nd silver 'GI2,203,G03. 11: VlASPArM-II.VXR pom au. The icpvrt j,its over the jvhole silver tjurstion. in detail, and vcryclose an alvi-H, ' be tonclnrion is that the com pu'.oy ci'irge of s?Iver .hould, for the pieMiit, be euspiudtd, and whoi it, is resumed, it should, be at the bullion value f tre givd d bar, r. ' - ' -It u y le I titer for Cuii's at the present limt to cuutiue ilaeti-.:i to the suspension uf tie coinage of tho silver doliar, and to awaii negotialious with toreigu jHiners for tha adoption of an international ratio ; 'but, compelled by othcial du'y to report upon thu sub ject, the 5eictary feels bound to ei pre bi conviction that U i for the interest el the jLVuitesJ States uow, as the 1 bill prinlucvr of silver, to reccg--uii lb TVt change that has occurred iu the relative. market value of silver and gold in luc . chid mart of the world, to allopl a ratio or coinage based upon maiket rabje, and to con tor m all exialii'iC loiuace to that ratio, while maintaining lie juld eacle of our coinage atita preaeot weight and Jin. nes. lie confidently believes thai tht cthx-t of thia measure would be to make our gold and ailver coina the beat in teroatioi.al tandirdaof vslue known. Already ihe doublcrOgK ucd with out cost for coinage, and iu greater sums thau idt othc r gold coin, ami of eiual value to any other coin, whether meas ured by weight or taie. is rc"eied without qucUoa ia til ooaiiurcil countries as the not canveaicnt medi um of exchange. II ii believed that a silver dol'ar of ihe weight and ratio ot the proposed coiaag would b the bi ttlvrr taodard tor interaalional ex change, and that it would tend to hi ihejnarket value of w'.vcr bullion at Ahe ratK prHHd, and would thu. aa Lfar as rfcUcbl, avoid the chnrtti relaUve value 01 iw eaeis woiit giving a teady nMivket' foe the ulxtt product of our reentry, la this conncctow, the aUentle-a of Cjufrru U rwr-ct fully tBVllOJ 10 oeiaiion of the aU approved Ja ISr., iepiirifi tt reuempuoj 10 ia ful mr. t J office ol ike Trea or T aVtant tremwrer of e 1 q, -, . . i -. nj,MI NGTON. NOini I C j Jf tales, of thti'.tiiver Teoisss oi the United j States of sriiaii'-.-dciii niinatioiis than ; one dollar. " i When fraeli ! i .-1 1 v e r c - i i 1 1 weii? : nuthorlr,el .by the act. approved! lubru- ary -I. b-, lin y went ma-iy lo con tain 3t i -grain-' of s'arjdard silver, to the dolJ.-.r. This was . subsequently changed by the coinjre act of 1872 u '2o grammes or o3".8 jrruiiis. They thus contain C' 7 :raiiLs, or nearly GJ per cent., lesi thau the tUndard dollar. J nor to liZ'.i, by rc:;.on . oi ihe large prcductMii ol gold in C:i!il'ornii. tr e standard silver dollar and its fractional parts had risen in markft value above par in gold, and were larwiv exported To prevent their exportation, and in accordance with the example of Great Britain, the policy, was adopted, by that act, of reducing the weight of the minor fcilver coin, and this policy one rated well until, in the spring of 1SG2, both gold and silver ceased io circulate as money. During t lie .-iif pension of specie payments a remarkable decrease in the value of silver occurred, and now the maiket value of the tilvtr iu a di! lar of li.e fractions.! coin is only 82 cents. .N.vn;.!. k.vx !;.-;. The casj,ii! stt.ck i.f the n:itii;nal batiks on October I,? 1830, 'wa.s $137 . 003,80 ; s-.srp.lLs, $'120,.-ylS)83 ; and the total circulation out-standing, J-313,-1)40, 8v3. -1 National banks' aro orgauifi.d iu every fctate .f t he Union except Miss issippi, and in evety territory except Arizona; ami tie. total number iu ope ratfou is '2,00.?, ..which n tl:e greatest I'iUiuLcr that has been in operation at any one time. 1'be Conip! roller devotes considera ble f pace to the dinHii.-Mon ot the ope rations of lbs national hank t-iue'e the date of ro.uuiption. of specie . payments, auu me cv iis as well art - lho benefits which arc likely lo arise from the larirc addition of coin ! the circulating me dium iiuide sii.tf- thatla!e. Ihe capital Mock of the nauonrd banks is 17,( (Ki'.OtjO bs and ihornr- pliis nearly 1 1, ('!.:( M -On less tiiau.it lite corrcsp-iiniing dale in 1S7". i'lie io.u.s (d' the-banks at the date ol iheir last returns ni l,,:o7,00U,(Mti) and the in dividual tit I'o-iis S'87.".0K. 0','u 1 ip highci-t points les.elHU sincf she orv.iu- i.ation ol tiie svs'eii! I ii Inmu l.i.,.. - ,. $207,01 . m. 10 g resit f r si nd t h e 'i u d i v id u a 1 deposits 4:2'i3,0(.0,liOO .greater than in Uctobtr, lot 8, while I the capital aud surplus at tho pitviouj .date were $5,000,000 in ejkie.-s of their present amounts. Tho individual depositkand the nub ic, private, and bank deiio.-its wi de- dueling Ihe amount - due from 1 .., tiks and the amount t f the clearing h-ise exchanges, hsvc increased more tii.m $322,001 1.000, and amount lo the tinprc ccdentcd ssuu of, 1.1-55.000 000. 1 he:iui.st. "jatifviii!' i xhibit isitli cont'il!o:i ot l!e i.J'.tionsil banks i, ibat they are now -doirg business upon a specie ba?is, the amount of gold coin belli by the naU'.ual bsiiiks having in creased since the day of resumption froni;,),031M:01 to ?02,s51,tf2, which is but abe.ut $l$.OU0.MH le?s than the W"ble cab reserve ritpiired bylaw. Ihe' national bautcs hold "nearly $200,000,000 of United 'flales bonds-. Which will mature o:s or before) July next. The whole amount of IJi.il ! Slates bnml- lo lil l.v il t.o.i il curity for liVcuiaMoi, ami l -r ...he, '" 1 ' 1,nl;t',ul's. busine ..L.ushiriii'i::.;,!..,.. ,u.,-:!,"f". rten arise in an eni i . , . . f . - . .amount t capital. iuves'.tl by ihe slate banks, avins banks, ami pi ivate bankers for the six mouths ending May 31, I SS0, as shown by the returns to this Department for. purpose of taxa tion, is $228,053,101, making a to'al of $G-". 1, 4 22, 151. The profit up. n circulation, to the national banks, at th- preseiu price of bonds in the market i estimated not to exceed one and one-hall per ecu:, upon the capital invested, and the amtjsii of state and national taxes is mgre than four per cent, upon the amount of cir culation. The batiks and b.uiker-. ol tit coaa try have complained that the iaes up on bank deposits and baukcapi:al since the pc.-s.ige of the first interna! reveuue act. have been greatly disproportioned to the aiuount pstid by other classes l property, a:iJ H Vkuaid Nicni ths:. the lime has uoi.ai rivtd, .s htninbeforc recomaleT.de 1, when Congress might properly repeal ll taxes on capital and j depewits. retarding the preeui t'$ ou circulation. . 1 Toe natiinal bj(!i:ig system fully realiid all tU eVpei tatsotm 1 1 its founder. I Til as turni.be! a safe currency, of uitsionn vircjtil&tbtii. c.ire fully guardct .-i;mi?t ..u:it f f iiiiijr. prylecled by -anpie ttwiyr, aiid promptly. rsicesi'.r.i l i,h' at lho b.ink and tue Treasury. aiur U;i-.U lion iu respect to these isnp.rtani cr porations eetus to te rsj.rrd . atiho prceiTt tion HM.H ; M.Ux jdaliea are techuical and diftcutt, re- The rt-ccpt of the govrniimcmvl iu'rio5 h utKl atfcuracv; lo others, a'mountui. during the iival yrar, a fihey mul be tru!ed with jrreat u3u, siiown by watrati'.!. ta t .3 p.rKiVi, j her th? iiphtrat griMiod for upicion were dvt id ti l'ow : In indefen- j -'d "' ihnr ruic; in tl.i r. dent in aury utter. ftiI.S0l,l-V.S7 ; i tbey musi sit judKially upva al io national tank dos!t tm-, Jl D ,-1 uei aSVvUog targe private ad vi'.Cvv,.iit. public latere:. a lo bkn trif Ue- -'-A far itt.ii.ir. tf ih-tu Atiju: - j 'soo are , prct, tally ftt.l. H i 4 cd for the Isk-t Ccl vi tr V-?;c At ubject of roorataUuoQ that, da to be tio !twi o ibe g Trnaie nt by j rinj: the last year, tbt re .as been asajc; I ub.ic olScer eKpiirl either in" ihe re- i ceii:. saftfdteepiuer dibureru-iit oil the public uoue. It u to be trtt;. ; led, homcver. th; the pprtts,iiiju ul i eil-coodaced baiace tkSuse, depea4. Io thrcugh tb- isue of dap'.ca: of, o ainly fx iu aceci npoa Its Ut cxpia Und.eprtsvd liv te Fir; Ugnty1 and Siel'.tj 6 ta bead 4 Comptroller, ia h rexit t.r U-t vrar. ) has ptvien ix eersrd to V uici.-al cudejce of t&e ilestrciUxa of a ck.j j Wad, a daplil wa i. ji traS rar nave, aa l fcUiiuetiUe rr !a. i ev!,a mjirvd fcy law, SomtUaae xtt i I thi rpdemt! tKa the ortriaat toad a SfeaUy iacrr..J tJ ii. ' .t: . - -r . ' it,. ... .i j . . .. ..vv. : t tvi:i..iv.n. . ss j ?.UiNl.apo ti -tevaaieati t tie r"ctetu t iic ut JJiai ! j Caaprx4'tr i a re4eif4 f 'sVi JA C gewra! fi Ai 5 ' -l?y w!itUifTlL)U literati re Jwl i PT. 1 la CuckV:ai tS-i , aaoa.iSg iW: .' aILar-. vil V ,tW lf kad, ta .vatlb4USj ef tepieitaar U ta pe -t.h. 1 rs M"v Wi.Mi. it r I A K0LI NA, UNDAY, auy exist ef i i rr a nttrAtrtu ilnli f.i .... v,. ....... - ipur- ,v be qu.onQd and Congress poe may wi.l Iks asked lor some needed If cisla t u tr meet such cases. Additional legislation t- authorize Treasury, in excess, by receivers -of 'jiriuuu ! iuuuej. f juui iue " V V, J 1. v iue 1-jrst Comptroller and meets with nor approval. I The report states that since the or jranization of ih r'nTcmnipnt. dn.n in t.hfe close of the last fiscalyear, there v. . ' "c has accumulated a balance of $255. '104,11-3.43, charged to the Treasury, part of which arose1 from defalcations an ui nuiui ittjuiits lue auinori ty of law lo adjustment. It is recommended that authority be given to reimburse ib Treasurer for mrsc uuaYHiaoie amounts, mey oeiog no longer under bis control, though he is.eharged therewith, and to charge the .luivuuio iu t-ajo parties 1 rum wuuiu inev are respective! v due. Such a conr amnnnta e s-v (Ka HMa?.. 1 iL wouloTTake no money from the Trcas- ury, would relieve no public debtor from any legal liability, while it would greatly eimpiity the accounts of the treasury, ana would cause the books of luc viranujeijt iobuow always ine rca unpad nf th aonf Koi,.- cash on hand available for disburse- ment. ' It will be understood that the aDta- v... u owuuC5 uu;u asire arisen Irom these unavailable amounts are , due to no fault of accountine or bookU keepiug. On the contrary, it is worthy ni'tl int n t Ivo t a? il T .r r. "-wut nifse ua- :r:ji5. ai cisely the amount of the mnneva tp- ..... ....... K, u iit, iicnauiy. iiianea vie- ceived by the Treasury and not :exr penueti, as shown by the-'bnoks of the several bureaus of ihe Dpnartmpnt No belter proof cf ihn i.h which the accounts of the great fiscal operations of the Government have been kept would be asked fir or oU lairud. iiLtiiojis. I, The rtvtuive customs lot the vear ended -June 30, 1880, wsis $18G522,j (.'ill.oO. ! f 11. - . a -JT V . . . ."" j ue preseui larui is i.ui si connnia- ion of laws passed durimr nianv sue- AWl lo e uccessi- ties ot the (JovcrnmenL from time lA j. - . ' m . titne. These laws have furnisbp.1 ih greater part of our revenue, and have ,,u,lllU4r pioiecieii ana uiversitieu ..o.j.e.mauuiaciures megerieral pnn- r, . ,Uo .,iUum-u j oeueved to be wise and s.i ntarv marked or sudden chanire. which would leuu looesiroy or injure domestic in- diistries built uf.on faith in thestabilitv 1 1 existing laws, should, he made in them. Changes, however, have oc-i eurred iu the value of srpe artirlps Citsi-ed luaiuiy oy luiportanl inventions ..i.ii improvements in the mode of man a fact ure. These have produced irreg-j ii arities and incongruities in the ratesj ot taxation, on others the rate of taxaJ ti.'n is too low. !?oine duties ad valorem uiifiiit, with the experience acquired un- tr xisiiug laws, be 'converted into sp i- Ii duties. iManv articles which d no' compete with domestic industry! and e ! but a small amount of reve- j nu , i tj M ue aautii to ttie tree list -1 Tl . k . . . .. -.1 I J . 1 . I i , "op"lu a l ""''' "-, " "ppra'semei.i. re? loreeineiti i the laws inrposini; duties ad valorem, ud reduce ihe coat of col leetJou. Km itier repot ts of the Secre-j tary exhibit many facti, showing in detailthe mctssity of such moditica- tious. isri.nxA! trywuK. The receipts tiom this tax for the iiscal year ending June 3!), 1SS0, amount! to121.51G,;i l 02 We-pa over for comment at sosi.e future; tune tgch pubjecls as our iu crea.-iiig foreign experts-, commerce and! navigation, ;utcrnal commerce, claims coak. and geoJf ; mrvey, marine hos pital nrvice, life saving service, na tional Board of health, xc , Ac. We give, however, the clo:u b- rva;;ons ol the skxretary ia regard io the gcucia! tbaracicr and uiaujigeractst of this gnat Department, which ii a nobH T!!i-4ican-g of btniset! and bis ssocu;c;. Iu cUwing his anuual rept the jtc- reiary laKes pleasure m,larioi: tesli mony to the geinral tididity and ability of the oliicera and employes of ibis ,lV-'i pariaicu'. As a rule ia"r have bv cl- penenco and attention tu outy iWome liuet Sidptrnsbie t the public ser vice. The larger p.rti n .f min have iHiif in the Department more than ten years, and several have lUen Uy .4'urir ctbeienev fwro tie lowest erade tierk , to hih lllions I n omr r-a.M tl,Sr lae ottscers no iatace cf Iran!. !e- fe atson, or groa negievc adaty Th D.'panment a weit-orzaouri aJ and cieia 4 divtist. Th jat la rttata aad rraard ths j "ni o lnsi a4 lutkfal tSTri vlffk. lariar lie Ur " bna of ia I vfartaaesl a brra 1)ECEM 1 Ell . ISS'i. I i. it ' , - . . 10 me iostcriug ol merit by the ; r.es tion and promotion of trained and ca - cable men: .-nul i ,rr,..t. ,.r iu; ' wholesome couvictiou in all f-uarters that training, ho lesi thau intelii-euve js inaispensaule to good harm would coma to tho P public inter- sis suoum tae lruits ol this experience be lost, hv t,hafr.r m.una ft,,. 1.,.. occurred. To nroteet nnf. nnlv lim - public service, but the ucoole" frorw I 8uch a disaster, the Secretary renews -1 report, that urovision tr 1n.11iA.fnr -i - tenure of nffi r.ir n n,.i ,;J,.i a I removal only for cause, and for some Incr?ase lor pay lor long and faithful GIT x 1TEM. Chew. Jackson's Best twcet Navr Tobacco. Iv The Register of Deeds iu.d two ma-r;o, i t marrla? licenses during lae pat v.eilc. A1' to c,)IoreJ coupU Co'' l,eo L- Wor.ship:!ul Mister ottiiblem Lodge No. 2, Fri g and Accepted Ancient Yoik Masoijs Denutr Shpriir r,.n ii w ueputy CMientl Joiin H. l.rown, . 0 oun. Nt bo Lodge-, No. 11, add Henry Taylor, o., will leave the citl on Monday- mornin.- io -,tt, .i ..' nuai scshod of tho (.Jraud Lod-e at , . . v,4JlJU -l.ou0c at ei ' IUc L,,lcu ldge Euild- ln at tIie corner of I'rincess and T?:.ii a. , - ..-'- i iiuiu hircci?, uuw u&t coirpieted. and oae 01 fit cdin,c8 owned i.y coi 1 ... . orea Jlasr's liJ "-e eouth, having co; I $7,000,. a i:d being entirely paid li.r, is a creditable. llionumc nt to this 11 t .i ' . - . ,. . "" rt represents Ui'iciiA Hooi-:. That charming ac tress Miss Fanny Davenport will appear at toe 0ersi ilou-e . n Wtdnesds.y night aa Kate Yiia;i, an Auicricau Girl. 1 lie ctiibrali-d ail:l lias t :ini( 1 wild the play going Midieeccs in New- York' and. other cities dining the tea son, and is now i:akiinr a brilliant lour lhroui?h . iIip tr:!.;,,! ...oii.v,. I C, " " - ' - i.OUltllill cities, where she i v. cuu tiusi dtli-ht ... . c L u"oul bhc al'icw here only ...Ul. niirljt, and tc only .cha vv at Ihe rare treat, -t-veryimng wi.l be, 1 the rarest and ui02t attracti e form the rxeellc-nce of , m , j uivu v is mi .port e. and the' biiiiianey id the seeni rv and the costumes. UoA'Uii or A i.lKf;.t i;n. A pu pa tion submitted by tl.-e Wilmington . -uj leuu aiiu t.i-.. cucd, when Aldcrnmu Mjcis cilcrcd the following, whieh w:i.; s:b ptevl, with one dissenting voli; e ii Qnlutu , , TUat li.e said ecu tract be and the same i.-. henbv ac cepted, ratified and confirmed, and the Mayor and two Aldermcu arc hereby authorized ai 1 empowered to execute the eaid contract on the part of the city and lo cause the great seal to be alUxcd thereto. I'rwhk-j. That there i noth ing herein, expressed or n.(uiicd of the city authorities tliatc.uiii it be legally perfurmed. Alderman Iijivdeu tlesind to I c re corded as voting iu the nrgalivc. Aldcrnau Li ill moved 'to rccoiiMdcr, Alderman Lowrey mjv;4. iaf the motion" ta rCvOusiilcr on the table. ' Alderman King cH'erui a rcs j!ution empoweri'jc the Mayo: to ;v!v.tii-,e for bids for the r;rjvivai ol ibe o! i utatkci r-ciMse and paving the strit-l- whirc ibe mazket now stand: a'vJ,' 1-T bid ; fur the raalc::-! coUititutiug said luarktl. i. . I.... .. .. a. ,s orucrcu tua: tl.c ' L-tuiunttce oa Fire llepariment hare the tire alarm i bell moved to the new market at a cM ? ( not to exceed fil'v dollars, , i Alderman 1'o.tvr Utcd tha: a.-. , ti j mtte furuiahc.l 'him'bviiiie "City 1'rc.v-j urer snowed that t!.c receipts t r :ur- I kets lor lae Li" m-vci; it jr 2) .12 j-er stnuur-i. ',' "',-'d A l r. 4 t i on dt -in !. :..r.. 1 .V .. . : Ve a;c iiiiuiuitii tiit. ou vt:frj A Atr,. iliiUr and hri tr.nliei;, ijtl." v siii -oi ' rViJe ou l!je lt r pv 1 ' re n ltd from a h.prcti'd c:i i-ii?, ho t an keep the iace al all .lixe. fr . l.ix-clf aad i hi ten" iUtv rtf brvuy i:t. -I vi'orc Jus-j tier li.. Lv hi uttt M.., a;J l be : a jx':c;&iaM. and firtoi l;r.s breath cf j the l-ac iLe tasn ix.itg- c". rt h aud ct':. lertui jay t f.re Monday or u ' tu jtsi. The par'tir lr.rc ustb c U .ier:in the vn:p!aicai, but- tie are fniuiiiir iih the f.rtu .' Jii ;, and : Mstti j j.j it in ..;ivr ti irr.-'i e!c:k. io theuiu ,-f the Ik'l oi iitc. W Lae j,--! t iJsrace. tl. I cak iie ece oi the e i1.it. j cabrLea jkre a ft i d words ahkU i j bsa&c jiit tu Id '!.'. r ' j-jts4 I 1 !t!id ol tittiwa, ii ., ia I' Ote fari of Urn the baiCs lfu';,s I atiV oa p.i:r b mine;. jVf t -wbiii; if oi, ill', il iif.iia -. xTy- 1'rs.t A ' Ts s- t Aunts. .Tk u- tiaiiHff - wsra .. J take li r l Ua Sialic Copies 5 Cents f - i s x in uu ruber, were dtroved The - ! fip. ..ri..rM 'L lJr. V A McDjngal.'aud owing to liie strange fact that there was no lire engines in the town, and the scarcity cf water, the U.urirs spread with fearful rapidity. Ihe following are among ths victims: McCaskill A McLean, two story build- ing and part of stock; insured on stock for $5,000. Tbev saved a greater por - ti0f,ir siock ia a lia1,y damaged building, owned and occupied by him as a grocery store, James Lynch, two i v " i story Duuaing occupied by Jseill Ufa insured for $1,100. A. D. ilcCall uiniing owned by T. C. Uandy, who lost tkoiesidence occupied by him in rear of above, together with a small store. '. A. McLean, harness and bootmaker; insured for $1500 oa stock I and $300. Covington store, occupied ; by V A. McLean, as a grocery; $S00. Audrew MeLaurin, two store houses occupied by J. II. Parker, stove deal er, and James Crouch, ii-juor dealer, M. G. McKav & Uros. f-torr housrs occupied by ' themselves and other?, stock, itifurtd for $1000; Frank Foun tain, store owned and occupied by him; A Monroe, store aud part of slock; II F. Northrop, ttore occupied bv D A. McAllister, who lost his entire stock; 1. AvilcDougal, stock said to be in -sured; .1 u!e Mcig?i, store atd res deuce, owned 'by J. F. aud M.-D CiaiK. w. J.I. .Murphy, i-torcs owned and cictipictl hy Liim-eif and Cowan litxs. Arch Cameron, lostcs. iu stock said to Le insured. I lie :ec nd lire ctctintd en Friday uiglst. it oiigiratvd in Mr. II. F. Noitl.n s : n:i. tiri t.-nu .Ii. t , .....w, ...... tto ui;vuv tilU L;;r,l iLrc,uh .lie rcof. Jlcfbro the j.cu.ro iuc ii ' I:t ....... . ". -uu i f ti.ivtu .cilur a earni s .. ..J . . ;-"' ui-i,n ijon, Ir. U. 1). Diek.-oaV-c-niu, tie Ioitolsice( oi e dwelling, cue stable aud six store.; hi re lorsumcd. Fortunately, the contents of the . buildings weio saved. The loss will . inoiir.t to about i'.'i IKill . l...ir . r . i i -- - i "ui; i'i.e-iiaii 01 Willi 11 was iusvred. The railroad depot, shoi ami othir yio t rty arc unirjurid. The lire on last Tuesday moruii; wao t :i the ca.-t side of Main ttreet and that Friday night was i n the west side lwoot the SLiiereis: by ll.e' lirsl iirc, ale-Ms. 1 '. A. McAllister aud McCaskill ticrt;.-.- the slrett into another store and were s ai:i rented Friday ui:ht. Jl.irc are l.ut two stores now sland- ing in the town. Capt. V. ( . Johnsji', TMipt. i f tl.c Carolina Ctutral llailroad, issi.. t neie.i t ) ham Lrsck to the to n f. , r I'. : ! I- .. - 1 . . . . . ! '"iwiu 1 1. v 1 1 et u uy ui stn yed t r ; . c buiMir j ar n p'.r.i cd by f';;e pro. f oucs. '? ne !cs :"at bi th tire- is estimated :.t about troO.OOO. NEU'j.i i:RTIEMENTj?. ovvmx norsK LAi LSilAhW UKK iSUt'KSS. Dramatic hit ',-f the r;.iMjU. ' : A. . ., !!. ; MiiiiTrt i.nli : i "nmcmiay, iccctnber IO, lro. if . i .. i r . ! - ' ' . - . DAVENRORT A- Kate Y;v!s:s, Ai j.Vjti UirJ. rT F.'at'ui.-.'.e .-ern ry. ' AN FXCFi.I.ENr (. DMl'AN Y. !. .'-uiierb Cc-tuun. Nl) -A I. N CE 1N;I'EIC1 1'trcrvtd caU on -a.e at l!eir.lx- w 02 m IV: ii-W ! ;Piq: j :fr:i: i sjc-m' ill w am HI . nil t tr-' 4 -cu i? -Jn;" NUMjSEIi ID. SEW ADVEKTISEMEXl. TO! SEEDS S BEST STinnt I TOOT at..,.. 1 . - J WAUKCT&ONs,rtta..i.x,it,. 1 1 Wm. M. T. Vnvrrtv .Manufacture of, aud iVa'ct ia - I REGAL! & I aau all kiads or gtK a i HOOKS, CAKli. ac. , i al:. om.E'ts i'Ku.mixly Aruiaiu NO., Ve,t I..-:-.li.silil.t - LZZ" liicl.i-.;..:..!. .i. o ck l ii; 1.ASC i:U; &a-oixtrnrur tl TV b WlLMlN.i i, N. e .. - November ! ;n, ' City Taxes, t SBO. JAUAiX CAM1; ATII-:!;tI.J.N i-i stii. Tax Tayers !o then CITY T.vr ., thoiathorsciicmcr'.'a-r. J VCrliSIllg Will Ij'- ;i ad J till. - I p:U( aadsa-c :roi"..;eby j.roii.i.ir;!j ;!)t:i;. - ? 'HKNJtV SJAVa.M. uoV21-nuv.- ' Trcts.i r.. Tl lII'KNTLNK 1IANIW.-I , , i;a,1,v'i;-v,"t,,i- Ht iai. ,.,, . . .' 'HouthCaroliim. i will Vr..:,!.. : UUS ac-Hhoir'.ul from i.on uuiil 11. ,,..' -l. liOOtl iKlIniln.,.,. ... "'.' ' I iin- i-'.ntMi I - , "u" Jtow ttuiil lu-vl I In iv i ...... ... " . !! i . letter to :7,T;, CIW;. " iiiriiftr ino - . . . - leitwtoJ.-ii.- is i i-Vi t v : ' d.-ut. l.rvl, ."J- -Wlr..:ir i , v.. u "llMil, ll! Itt,.-U.tt. uov i' ;: it. .. l.'.'ii ).. ,,I j MAIL LKiTI.Mt.N. Ol lei; ro oN 1 ll. ioi; . rosT uyntjEiiKrAirini :,!. 1l'if.i.;'. trsietOftLeo! U, i IK . . :', of Jam;. it v I" is-j i.., the I. it ua si s ei i.j, , I iUU: ii: i i ;i i cunlisV- to the ..-iu-Jh 1:4riuri ":' ' i-d I . ... I - r hi .,m i i: t .iro! .r. in.' I: Juiie i i . nil. -I m:: .!m, ! J i I! '. boii.!. ant all i-'lur .v.r, .. ;,; will l.c ;ttriii.!;ei! iij-.m ,.j ; . : . ; . , . Kr:t:til A.-i-t.,:.: IV- i.. , r.. ... . . ilui:.ci: MA V.N A Uli ' .VS l.ov l. i. JOHN WERNER, THE PERFUMER, imss-jsaIfj it itirs.'r,, ... NKW I1AI l: i k- i - - - . INCi iSALuoX. Nu. - Market Street, N, . J. J. ill : j. VVILMINCTOrJ. ti. C. Joe. MiatUiUnr '. r- lnc. t rillion. ..! r . , I io-u licajtf.'srr, u.. .. . Hair wr' .;f '; Kjsian I 'MM'A, .. .... i t e . m i iu. '-'- '.- -i , tv T -l JJ.' - j t. XI Js i-, . . . j-. v , li. t? -i ..... a. tt.f - . J ; -, . , .t,l T- .- i ivr riTi i.ft i x i I i" M t. m " 1 1... , , , -V i u r fcseCatt, " (. aarvA c , t 4 &.jl . it..-.. ? Oi5 ':.. it . t H- - !6 .- t '. i -Si i i 4 , . . - : ;....'- ' . ' . . - ' . ' i i " 1 . . !-.- ft- J l