'- :X-. f r 7' 7 .' .'RUT- JTUiKJj . "til r II OiJiMSvXI. WILMINGTON. NORTH .CAROLINA,-SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11). ISSO; Single Capies 5 Cents NUMBER 50 In PS Ay 1 jMIN'TON POST 1, j,s h:!ki-.i AT TMK i'oSTOFKICE AT :' Aiii,Mii''i.. - as.Si-:cosik;i.asv - u i ,:i; ' ' - ' ' IiATi:3 Ol ADVERTISING. !! -;tiv (rents' per line for the first in- , :ui.l- twenty-live er-nts per line -rf, viii li additional insertion. j-jiriii, (S) liiHM, Nonpareil tyjie, con " .unite a .S'lii.tre. - fh'sl.v;ription price to Tiirc Wil-'i--siiN'ii:ox.-ii',jy i-i 1 IM) per year; six iriunt hs 7' cents. . AlIc'iiiiiiunicaWr)nsoh busincs.-.hould ln dressed' to Til W IT, MI KOTOS Post"; Wilmington, N.C. ' r : - All uilv-irtiisemcnU will be charged a ilie above rates, exc ;pt on special con .traefH. '. " '. " " ' " ' ' ' . , h "tin; i;t:i'i iiMf.ixs of J SIT. Til I It l IISTItICT. Kvub;icns of the Third um- ; ii - inii,r hi.-ttie', will (iltase write :';. ;.t WL'iiji jMrv N. C.f and give it- ,i lull ;: i Mint nfa.ll -frtuds com ,t? ; ! by :!. '; nucrat.s" during the '"(- . ! i !ii(!ivc;i ing nanus of county, -f'.nirni, "f poll holder.'', also i' .nit I 1 .'sons 'prevented froth v iUii;; and the leii.s'jin lor it, wlicthljr .1 i: .t tli- legi.ifars were at- their ost. i ' ..Inly brlrj tin; election;, in I ict I i ll a lo'l history. of all frauds or i!i -.'li.iiil it s -of eve ry description, thai k pliivi- .'jn'i ig the clrcUou on Tues -,!.v ihe jT"i' 'November 1SS0.' '' ' O. II. i;io- ki:k, . ( lu.ii i ; ; v 1 1 I :. t rict JLejuibliean loin i.il'f.f, at .Wilmington N. ('. : .1 ;m II. W heeler, - author of U'licr'.i i'.i lli.itory of North Carolina, ' u I v m liaMi-croiis'y sick at hriTlioine mi V'ii-liiii(o r. C.ty. j " i j (.i'.vfral tyrant diucd in .'j-ta'e at l!ie iVhite I 'oipc where be was welcomid l,y l be I'asjdeiit Jiml a. di.iliDgu,ihcd i ,v,'M y. An l in ibo evening the ti i i r r nit I nl Juan 1:, A 1 ley's yplenr i re i 1 t i e to a. gentlemen's party i ,n-i V ii';;'' "i t!u Vficc-d 'resident, tkc I i rt .vry ."-tin maji, the Attorney-(ie:iraf, ;Nln.Uir-1 ,tves, Ho ir, ,IIill of.Cidorado, iil '.'."l-. .: , -J . ;i i 'litoriaL article in lat week' ' l i In an .article entitled "The .Secrpr f':t -1 1 1 1 v- Treasury." we said. "John l i New-.yrk, "the last holding il'.l .i;iiui uV lvCl7" when ifhoulu have .. . I, '.!'!: n A. lix of New York, the ;i IwvLiM-till Mareli, ISiU," ut r"-ui'. and ex t'usident (Iraut on .nii !:iy ..appeared in the Senate in eoini miv wit!i SrrsftCr' Loiran.iant a. tMs W a t il e i and netirly !1 the .n;.!. ,:, ..! ,.,.!i,im sUi ral I )piii- "h- Sennto s sulkily rcinaiiud in !l...:r r;;!-t. T n- -I'resideut in com ,i.i;;y "its lit; In r t "lien. JJe.ile then Via' to-the- Hons ami was t:iken mi ih.. l or. e-joi'e 1 bv Mr. I'orl of Idi- !...! Siiralef ' .W cm me i lown the i hair-and tVcortul the Central t T i.';rea in ironl t.i ine emir., a . i i ' a i i t . .. . . i i. c.i u.ts lakf.n an. I ncariv all incin- . is ..ahit- 1 him of both . parlies, V. ,..,! A.I !,,. , . not .. OS u'a lllUl t J r t . ill i i ii e jt oei head'!'. , n,uii .iiMde cl live 1 1 r is I ar- . ' . .1 " I' ..Ti i.ipti n u pani to me. niuiviii'tm hi i ',i;.-i' Si Li'tii k bv ibe vrand iury of ..iipty . I l iiniitio, in u ji:. ii was a I .-. . I I. . - I . i u t iluit il.t li'wstonJvurnut and U V; i . io J.vv ii.,. dtiic-uncid Judge S!n iu k. Sue tl e 'paragraph . was I luulKTtt e IWO IHItlH l:air.Ul lUVO ' 11 . I H 1 lh, :r h'muoim; iii tho mailer, T-id itvilUM what il.y. ! n ineT -i-.!'.aT o nw ko 1 1 i mii uu in iu fi t i . .iiide Shenck toJw,boi we A , . ....k. .n.. n.i i ;u i.iii i v". '3 " '-n. u. ;n..l,ir and U.at tbcso papers, as . . . i V o.J. nil, n. ? .aciior v . "' 1 i .nte Jn l e ibt iuk ftom blame , , mulvr " i J vmill UHl'i . '- l ie lil;inore . r-i nas a tvr- I. .'.'. I.UM'.l iraVClU'K fWIU't iMWHIM - - .. I . ..U I . I mAlt.V ...'. i i .1.1. i i, ii.ium.1 uifougu io. .i-it. .,! ,iiw r.uioig ether lluuK. he In u-i t 1 1 to soil aud t lunate, .ottn :i ... . i io. .'.iii. i rrallt'- rciariie siaie. l! o rArra'avctivo, from the coat to i- i..,'..s . .1.. .i t.Hi uulcs. is le- ,"'. . ' !...' - .....I. ...I i i ii'i,v. level, miii ihwiw uij v n h'.sliumf foil, wiih miderlyin-; Jjt Vi:j i f ;uail -a natural and eBfctvfi :. tuiji-r; the middle and western e - ii.'.n. ainviiud ir c'ayey and gratelty, Mn of cieal lerlilUT.f A ,cr ,;,,te,itisr.y the atbat f .utheiu Sttt.- in esiremr oriuK tlue of lVaufoii, wbten nas io I rture of Geneva. Italy.and Ashetille, hub ise uue oi Vr-,riin cli!atf. A state 10 WOICo ilSilSa cirn fVwrt e,;al perfec mo. M.d iuhicllbe6 lhHtr a. we fjivrerfe . urt thai the state ef Tea owe deal diitctly with . it ial euditora ana avVid t&dkat. ll anueslhatlhoa t who ihe tate ! itwlly lodtbted v wdl l ble'y to te fatter aadlewc .ulauve ihn mere UafieAert in bod. JOH ItltOU.V'S KODY. Tlir 01l liouer of Freedom AlfHekTil itml Irfcnlrl in tlie Sennte. " Yeslerdar, during the debate in' the Wenate ab the hilt lor the relief of j A. Jjowe-, Mr. Vest, of Missouii, said: Xhe people sent out by l'lymoutn Church And other pillars -of God and morality, headed by that old scoundrel, John lirown, who afterward justly ex piated his crimes, on the scaffold at Harper Terry, were responsible for mucjofibe violence of that unTortu nate time.' He did not. propose to quietly liear the jeople of Missouri charged w ith projecting slavery statutes into Ktofus. Jjowe was an irresponsi ble servant, nid should bfe' paid for his clerical work. Air- Jbgilla; reepondinp to iJVct, said be die not proptee at this period of the Nation's history to enter upon a viudiea'ion of John lirown. John lirown whs rxrufed as a traitor on the l OI December. IWJ- lit lue ixauon ' iv k p inn Aiil luad lie lur4 vaviiia Harper's Ferry and bore it in triumph through four year of war to Appomat tox Court-house. John Brown was about four years ahead of his .time. Jt was the Nation that was laggard, and it n quirt 4 but very few years after his decease for tbe Nation to occupy the platform on which he had stood. Mr. Ivlmnnds said he began to get iitercK'ed in this bilb since John Brown's name bad been bro"ghl up, although, lie added, nothing that can be said of him in the Senate, good or evil, will mar, the brightness of that fame licit will go down as the type of horust, ihoiigh it may be misguided love nl liberty. His body lies mould eiing in il:e grave, but his soul, thank Cod, is imtrching on.Aaf!ona( Ji'rjub (icun . ' It -is 1 1 rlainly tiue that nobody in the Senate on 'be day when John Brown was hung for treason against the sti utei of Virginia, made any such defence of hitu as Senators Ingalls and Ed o otids did, but there were enough of "ng(:llow's "hooting mob'' there then, and possibly now, although ho one of them loosed his tongue but Sen ator Vest, who termed old John "that old scoundrel John Brown," But when Senators Ingalls and Edmunds paid their glowing tributes to the man who Was executed on the scaffold at Harper's Ferry," they fulfilled the prophesy of Longfellow's glowing and fervid: lines, written long before that occasion: . ' li-'.lviiiiccil tlic cio Blumly rrmly. While tboVrAckliug fog cots burn. Aixl Mm hiKitlnir mob of TrBlnlv In sileut awe return. And jjutlicr up the scattered uslie? 1 ii to history's gotden ijriT." T1K NEW MARblKT, T4iere Is a dispute regarding the mode of transfer of the New Market to the city, and there have been" several meet ings of citizens pro and t on on the subjpe. It fms that the lat session of tbe Cenera;! Assembly created a Bosrrt of Audit to which any contract which the city might make involvin monry hoti!d be reVrred,, aud vilhoul wli.-h reference the transaction would be null and void. Tho opponents of tho sale of the New Market insist that I. . .a. t 1 I . I n.wirmr nAi wv tfA ti inn riiT xiiii i iih i iuo vi.ihi " -rihiiMuOTtiat-t-otwm no unurn m ' r . ellect, because me iwaru oi auua was A 1 I I .A .,1 M V Alii Itlft UOl COIUUI leu. AreuiuiuKir iu 6 1- .... . I ! I 4- II on rriUay evening ai unicu iir. uomce ipM nresiueo. aim which ub u II- ll II .1 t. l .n. t lion urcsseyl Oilviiy. vvi. imvi i'iiivisiu.u amared and iTCseutil lue lollowin . 1-1. 1 resolution, Allien opiug rru, w subuiitted to the mcedug without dt bate and passed bv a large majority; Wikium The Board of Aldermen, "lun-u.. W...IU. - .1 . II I ..T I ...II. L-inann h.vA ' et1r4. u.ilh 0xt) vw iUrkrl I1.. unv whirli we believe to bo ii' iegi mm ueiriiucDUH iw iun ets of the city ami lu-'lai-pajcr Iherefore, be it resolTcd, i ... . L .. . . . .. ... Ki wmemWcd, do pledge ouwelt t . .t . i ti i . - : I ;i 1 lo rt-sisi or an icirai means iuu mi - legal contract unlil approved ly said Hoard ot Audit ana i uianee. 1 . - ..... . I 1-. . ' I .'AM I Mil., i. I . n Licnrd said contract without ubaUliuS ihe same to the City Allorney lor nu I ...l..i.n B A t.. 114 ltflltV VVIUIUH I Third, ibat in relusti ,h. of Audit and K.,,,.. H theT the board of AlJnimrii beve transctoded their I . t. " - t authority nu oeserve vi all goou ciuaeni. . Fourth. That we Have every coon- dnr in the Hoard ca auuu aau -i ' I u.l t.-. I ham !.i r1 lht nnuir, tM "Tr .r . r ibj t; , niCU of tbe cuy are iu every way protecteU, Ocre ' cnaoniPj 1 or approvinji aaiu coniracu tk rrcluUnt ar certainly cpen .-.i ..M1,iA M-etitthe whole V, ' . iivauviifrj , . v t- l wtiaoun evutoo. nine ajirjuvot I f-vimioo, m doable, the whole JU ,( tnwft from iheae j ; . . . . Ic meeiitothecoarU-pcvhaps. v-IT- who a;denie4 the iht a4dit t UiJ, U. Uecker, ih The very btlht atar o .to be ttn sear the boriiow, abeot dve icu.h, i -Sirlrw. the de atav. and it h ertl Biated by atrocoo:eri that it pee 6 loot time at pa4tiht aa aT eUtr Mar ? bTVle fa oar latitftde. L: our (oMixi i:i stokv. i . . I Last week ws ba i o? adon to notice the humanity of man to men, as exem plified in ;1h; j.e's'n of Mr. Justice Millis ia the arre&t and trial of a Mrs. MUler and her'brother, and the impo sition of a fine of three dollars each, 'for a disturbance of the public peace. .We said .-then that .this trial was a travesty on justice. -Now, upon "the statement of the magistrate, as we hear it, the case, Irom inception to close, should receive the cethiire aiid con demnatiou of gjod ciiiznis. The fcts of which we hpeak are these : On Thursday evening, a week ago, the arretted parlies were indulging in some loud conversation, inside their rented dwelling on Ann street-: They have.residid there lor a year or raor,1, peacefully ai.d (I'.iietly a to occasion no remark or complaint, aid upou the evening of which 'they are charged with a mi.-durieanor 'the mosi vivid imagination would not torture the act into more than a wrangling dkjagrce ment . Lond lalk"was the wrong which retributive justice walked forth and seized u tio:i ; not a blow was struck, not a scratch U the 'person, a brui.-e or the nppeamnee ot iole'n'ee, and ueitli crofthe principalis were injured in perswi or hune. On the contrary, the sun ron on the i'dlowing d:iy and set as usual, and rose again and passed the meridi m bdore the mills of j-istice be gan to grind. It all 'happened in th:s wise .--It was Saturday,' the clo-e. of tho icmpo.ral and judicial week, wood was scajce, provi sions high, and nothing seemid to pros per, but the new market, ' when Mr. Thomas ' Bunting explained to' his friend; M r. Toney A.ht'T li..w siiuc thing 'ike an earibpt:i.kc Lad'occtWrcd opposite, his residence and to which he was a i in ess o:j liie Tliur.-day previous Mr. Bunting then drops it, Air. Ashe drops into the ollice ' ot Sjuirc Millls, and states, "that upou information and belief," an oift use against -'the majesty of the law has bteh commiilt l, then Mr. Ashe drops out he states that he does not kr;ow the accustd nor where they live s of course, the great vU- doiu of the magistrate ti.ls. the gap m iijo jiiioi luaiion, ami ttenu'y stienl! Mil'is, the son, steps in and Millis and luiuis, mo ujy.i ......ti, -"v, j crind at thejuill loirelhe'r. The accuseJ j b , 1 .! ut, no yiuu.-s ot .'the. -'acta i coufroul them, qj coaip!aint is there, no 'ioioriutr is there, nor is l ight or pity there. The acciu-ed are iutormed that they cau sub i.it and liicy accede to the suggestion in tear :i :d triarliling, Tcnowing us little -abou'. Mibmission as about the case iK-fore'rhe-couri. The whoieinrilily p. si!is ii the brother r"is ij) red inpiion if, "" 1 raged" law, ipwviijj a lilt li"Tlii h two dollars to l e paid in liua.l li'juii!.t tion he tore the opati .dour i!' the j iii. Thev rr home toe-ether, I they are -v-t , "-n;rlorn. nut ttie iu.-.v Las oeen vinaieai- . i ed, and, with kingly grace has tru-ted out one dollar ami seventy J'.ve cents without interest for one day, the Sab bath. On their wy the further payment.-"-is dii iist. their la-t cent was on tumV l: --it, and Monday was pena'ty lsy. S. these belligerent, thte prs'di) ilangrrous to the peace .of ihr i.i tiHiionweaUh, Ar ranged together, that 'S:s,.Jvho cou'.d earn no money, was to go in j ijl xm Monday and the broilurlu bis woik,J then .his" earnings up to Wt-Unesday would take 1 is si-'er out of cu-dody, such a course wis, h,-jwcvcr, unneces sary, as they found' olhsr mean. We- are informed thai Mr. Mil'is states that he has kept within the law,' it may be. s an it 1. it the pjwor of ihe judiciary is eh.uted it: drawing so tjae a Ijue. if, hoevtr, lli4t be lb? case, thireisii:e tr;btj:al4fjpariit, comprehensive 'and' which will Consider aud deteimiiu4 if in thts ca. there hs been a, S.iir, ifoucrable trial of b'uhirto unoiVendin person, hoc gOAxl character can be ct-iblih.u. ud ihe aJtitiou of a ihs-.cibancj d" the peace, by them, re:.itcd by a4leAl fjar reruub'.e ;ti5e!, thl iribuul i public opfaiij IjeKtleaijjn live ihe ca-e i Mr. IXC. black r ef Ihuh'y M.ao IaIo, in Wilkes county,, killed a ba'.d eag'e which measured 13 fri-trn ;ip to tip of w:i?C c!a ""iBjhs lore, and 7 iacao tva Itvr.l lo rar u. Ii weighed UpcuBds. . The Kreach tVuitdy vW$Nrty, IVc 3rU. Maui I oirttcr. iVv cv. : -V an 1 2ih, and the Coaa; hovelled tWif , ei'snToeetsi . f-'? tif;iw yrnewf er Opera ia .ikiw'e-t j, s. a icsMatUt tWy caeao: i lay Wie ilhovl k f a tiihl . rtt of rwilrxJiJ xhfOW- Th l.ar:brr J&hify- tt4i lilt !!, wtb tre rewwiiy Uid is4 CI L x ITEMS. . . . s: I v . Chew Jackson's Besl t J5weet Navy Tobacco. 4 It .. -ia. ' Next Saturday is Christmas day. i . : . Lookout for the known and D. (, Z!s. bovs. ;?I A gas lamp has been placed itf front of the jiil. '- ,: Travel is good over tho railroad lines leading into this city. :. i L-wk out fjr sneak thieisa.-aud cou li Jence mep. They are around"., Maj.e W. L. Young h; in the city locking gfllcr the intercst;jne Durjin canal.' - . . , It is thought by many that the Market bell, in its new quarter!",, is charer and more distinct. Tho collections iu the City Clerk and Treasurer's office, Tuesday, amounted to the snug little sum of $4,893. A couple of bolts of domestics was discovered on fire in the store of Mr. Julius Sampson on Monday last. One hundred and twenty-five dcliu quent draymen have been required to pay up their back takes during the past week. - Every gas light in the city, suddenly went out last night about O.oO o'clock. The stores on Market street.were in to till darkness for a. few minutes. ."Rev. John J. Beasley and family of Masonboro Sound, have removed 10 Monroe. Mr. Reasley will take charge f one of the Baptist churches in that town. ' Mr. William West has a curiosity in a chicken which was hatched cut a few days ago. .It Jias three well developed legs, the superfluous member being be-. iweeiiJLhe o'hers, and just a fraction shorter. r!The Carolina Central Railroai have reduced Jhe fair for round trip tickets, when purchased of the slation'agcnt, to four cents per mile, each ray. Wc trust that the reduction will redound to the iuXercst of this city. ' 'lue lT, S. Marine Hospital is .under- ' J Vf " fP"" j--,- t- 'f suVnfi-d'irifli -fl modern . , ',. ' i, , i , ,'i ! iiMirovpniPii I.-;, si: cli as liaL and rohl water, bath rooms, watetr c'osets, force pumps, it.:. Cid A. Foie, Central l'assenger Ag?nt of the Atlantic Coast Line, is to establish an immigration department in t 'lii.iL'ti. n with liis otliee, and pro pos vs to r-iablish energetic agencies in dillVrent p ir'xrof Jorth Carojina, at d will r. Hu rope iu the interest of the i ii. in i. i.ilntii scheme. I "a ' i A : -1 he pupilsol the 1 il feton I ti?t i . ntv w;ii!, undir the supervision of Miss Bradii j , appear in tbe cantata of Santa Claus in the Tilejton' Vj-per r.''on? on 'TiirsJay iiirtlit next. We are assured ih&t the cantata is the most pleading , one that has ever been pre sented in this city. There will be oyer fifty .-cholars who will take paits in it. CtANvi"- A numUcr of reforms in the unwritten work of Odd Fellowship have been introduced with a view of simplifying the iuitiatory aud degree ceremonies, all of which go uto edict on the 1st of January. There will be three degrees iu the yubordinate lodge instcadd" five asrmerty. Those who have iiow.tiie first and second degrees will rauk as first degree me ncberrr those of the third and fourth as second degree member under, the new arrangement. There is one degree ia Rehcah and t'rieiuthcLncampuicul. CurroS TmEv A hand ol cotton; . i ,'t .: ! mioyr u. ,rvu.. iur fe tor some moolns past cotton axs ctta aTo'.en from the wharves In ihi city, and ah ctlicer waa put oa the lxit-ut for the thieve-. Aboul Iwo wt-tk ago a dray was sen about '6-30 o'clock P. M. driven into tbe yard ol W. J. . Pea ton junk hop. The Cwlto w rclltd into ;he bouv, when iVatoa told the th"tT thy ettM St fraa t':ai f0 fir it. Th crt day the ccHlon was idcotioed by a Ug and ihe thipplng mark, htch, by the way, had a cut 'out of the barrios- tirceKo Jrakic W a. Le, Kd lvane, M-.ca liar- i UT -VrIl a.!U Was- ! s . . , q . j . ill l.iH,t an.1 t'nt. W. J Verl.f 1 f J. . V. x . - - - -- ... , i white, were arrwted jthjvd ,wiih the ctime. Tbe cwred mca were exen -i Mi to jut i &U U ol Wad. le. ( lArt, et it w c ( that he had jpeJ k Wsd asd dl 1 twat to tfUL tida b j tk. 'r aettoM h eaoaea W JuUs tie ' lm, eeta 1f-.tW?e wi . ? it t3 " (: I tlL. lie l to! j U ud f la tatal Ur irawwacliaa- TheKokth .American. Review.- Ruckle's explanation of the decline of the spirit of religious persecution, was that in modern times fjith had under gone an eclipse, and men: could nbt bring themselves to persecute others into believing that whereof they were themselves skeptical. The iuadequate- nesa of this explanation of one of the most striking social phenomena of our time, is forcibly shown in the-iVorM American Hcview for January, by Prof. John Fiake, who assigns a number ot other causes that have becu at least as influential in bringing about this most desirable result. First, there is the decline of the martial spirit and the greater devotion to pacific industrial pursuit?. Then, as iren rise in the scale of civilization, they are less dis posed to be domiuceiirg. Finally, men in modem times have quite lost tbe sense, of corporate responsibility the belief that a whole community is liable for the ollenaes of each individual com posed in it. These points are estab lished 4ith ail tho ingenuity of reason ing and wealth of learning for which the author is so distinguished. The other articles "in ' this number of the lwviii" arc: "Ocutrjlling Forces in American rolitics". bv Senator Cpo F. Edmund?; "Atheism in Colleges1', by President Jo.briRacotr; ''Tbe Ruids of Central America",' by Dc-ire Char nay; ''Partisan. Government", by Wil liam Lt. Le Sueur; -'Popular Art-Education", by Prof.. John F. Weir; "The Limitations of Sex", by Nina lorais; "The Mission of the Democratic Party", by Senator William A. Wallace; and finally, a review of Becent Philological Works, ly IVof. F. A. MmcIj. The Itccicw is sold by booksellers and ntv.s deAl0rs ncijc;a!!y. : Li i i i.i: Amy's C n ia s i m a :. This ChristRias si ry is by Wilson J, Vance, about a little giit named Amy, who was badly treated by the pious family of Rev. .Ur. Faulsatt. Amy was given a desoiaVe room in the attic of the Rey.'Mr. Faulsar't's house, and tho bt(ty opens just as hhe was tryiDg to bid them good night atid go up tlie dreary stairs without a light and into a dark room. Amy had a lover named George Hasted; who w.-ut cut west and after a while found A uy' old lather very rich. Iirtlu ineautime Amy had got very iUed of Lcr old, dreary, iTck etty attic room, and the uogh treat meut of the' fiimil.y.of the Jicv. Mr. Faulsart. Sue wandered away, in fact ran away, saying to herself ali fhc while, good 1 i 11 le girl that she w:;s thai she iiutt;be very good, the was recluiui'.d uy the T,cv. Mr. Faulsart and taken back to the attic r "ui. It Was two d.y.s before Christmas, ami an old ''gry haired man - and George llusted were approaching .Boslun in a train. There were tears in .the old man's eyes, but they both went to l'ar- kerjs.and luuched, and then started for the 'residence cf the Rev. Mi. Fatiifart. Little Amy had gone to bed, and they said.it would not do to disturb he r till morning. But little Amy heard hir father's voice fntm Ucr attic room, aud galled cut, "litre 1 am, papa up here, ' and np rushed the lather aud George llustcd, much lo thecoustcr uation of the pious family of l'au'. sarts. There was ki::i g iu ibatdtk room, ou the patt of lUi rich father aud lhi rich and handsome .lover, and no end of tiappines", and a gawd amount of discomfit arc on the part of ihe Fau'sarls. "Oh; rapa, i.-we'll have Christinas', r.on'i- wi "Aad didn't Liltle A"y ba;c a Cb"sjim.i?" and the au'.hor oMhe Mory, aud ibe f heroine. . ASM VI, C.'MKKIM r At the -1 ! i-.rthJ Croiina Annual Coiiutti.ee of the A. MMirCLurcb. wh in Uilrish on the li'.'u of Navember, ihe following appo:r.tmf nts were md for Sim d-trict : ' S Stephens .. y. 11 CHh, , W.il mictos, Ret. J. G. Frv. Rev. Fiward Khiw.fl, M ant . on and Mount llife. of tfe W.im.r?:. n Mk'a. f Hit. CH-im Nupo;. 5sx:t II ill'! Circaiu " Uer. ViUiw Xri ll.ly IVisst, ! Circuit . ; tK' Circuit, Uv. Lewi Xdeafd. Pt irt of Wi;agVso Lktil; 12-1 Te d ilarvsdaa lra Wia art : V li i'-. l.u- f j; j., Hrvnm&t. tn d. Wearer adiml ii-iu: i w...'. tn. iv . 4 lmkSim ai'e4 e4 ' aaa " . ie t li , l. i.a :Ut cay U AUaaW i MMa I CMI U eace of- H'CU4a Vaa4 lJ There were four incipient fires in the city last week. Damage light FAKjfiE Danes rQET was every bit herself on Wednesday riightjit the Op era, House, and the large and 6elect audience which greeted her was - full and approving. Her supports .were in some parts most excellent, as for In stance, Dr. Camp, and the young gen tleman who ultimately married Kate Vivian, whem Fannie JLUvenport.was representing in Anna Dickinson's cot Tery successful attempt at light drama, in what was called, "An American Girl." As if the faulty drama was fact enough to curb the superb geuius-of Dannie Davenport, a nearly fatal mis take was made in accommodating the leDgth of play to the lime of Ieavins of the night train to Columbia, there by shortening it at least a ihird. It wes inexcusably and indecently hur ried up iu parts thereby.-for the trouyo migiit have left on the morning train aud reached Columbia in . ample season for her appearr.cce there. Nev ertheless she was her own splendid self, (showing- out all the while her supera bundant genius, her . unquestionable costume, plays of wit and exquiste postures, . so that the audience did not lose its good natured smiles even when the play too suddenly closed after a brief two hours. MOKKKISIALITV. Mr. Simon Sanders ha added another page of iufamouj rascality to his already unenviable reputation. He wa--one of the fellows who conspired to prevent tbe Republicans from cast ing their ballots for ,thc Republican candidates on the 2ud of November last. We published him with the other it lack kascalSj ar.d lie must stand the fame he has gained for himself. But he thought of a way to get out of his scrape. So he goes to the Republi can' poll-holders, Messrs. fey. V. Nash and Joshua Meares, and tells them that his business has been very much dam aged by the noteriety that he, Sanders, had got, and requested them, as 'a per sonal favor to himself, to sign a "card" which he assured them was only for hiionu personal beuvfit. They, un suspecting his rascally intentions, sign ed the "car l" that he hurriedly read were s(irpri-.ed to sC4i,a turning, lying, political "card" out iu the newspapers exhn jr.iting the taid Sanders from all blame, and slating further that the election was fair, Aic, hi, that division of the first ward. These geutlemen both stale in. "card" below that the elec tion was not fair, and that Sanders is to blame Lr the Republicans uot beii g allowed lo vote. Can any ici'tttabic Republican jKai. this fellow alter ihU last piere cf rascality, trying lo g out of the it fiuious rascality of preventing four hundred ar.d iiltv men fioai voting, and alUuipiiug t d : .-n K-publican CTi-Liict. lie admits that hU conduct has butt his busintr. Weil, we don't sc haw any houeat citizen can Irai'e wiih him afur his past conduct, and v.e da not suppose they will. Bu'. read the "card." W i ui Mi i cj.n'," N . C, I ec. , I lii il'vi: W'li. mini, TON Pu-l: Hi l:: Mr. f-imrn Sanders came lo mc on Wtdnif.!.v lt-c. 15lh, and s'i'i 1 t is i .aat ihe row in the rcc o.i i .ii'i i, ul the tiist itrd, oa elec tion day, .Nov itvd, lvt had ruined hi . traii; &!,d he wanted me to ig.o a paptr that would relieve him with hi cuui:v.er," 4w I he hurriedty read over a .,r.J io me which I did tnt under- slan J, r that it wai iatrnded lo be ud in a p-liUcal wav. Nuv, 1 wid Ut t-a oath ifcal ihe votins w dejayed by annecriry chai!eriog ff !! known citij?n, and delayed ia ficding tuteOQ t ri!tration book bv Mr. Sinr. lie trgi-kirai, it I toid him, when I igcrd Iho crd. I iaply writ? thU cardto rvpu-lUic l-c who'.ecand jht'!icd by Mr. Sandtn, If j-e4 by l nWimd from aadci li'f pffimwv, rit (if.btt era lw weftt ta .ut: ir- ,ts.t. faosJ their b&cca lb rfftriiti Iwck, at' l.t two wfrkt Uiori t'ec'M ltj, aal oa tW- , ... -vi c. g. ry mccUaUv. tcftie rcU-iokrv Wi:&r - -JoTt 1L W iur tnx. Ik its a iule:?! mliX aW iltlrairs t ai N5 - lt. tMKtn u w4. a&4 &M taa i Uu S a4ew, aa4 p& S3 l " aasj tVtty TXft tisilAaAia aa& aaa kut&f liaria. kua e W. W. JC tut, 1 W W 1'. Va NETVV ADVERTISEMENTS. PRIZES GIVEN Away Daily, ai No. 24, South Front ST. dec ID-It. OFFICE THE ASUIiKlld CX)14.IIC101l7" '.S CITYOFWILMINUTOK.N.C. ' IVccmbcrltUi, J;m). NOTICE. rpHE attention or thio Oil TaajjWrf- Interested lca,Trtl lo the h.l!cWlBTMttlwir' of tUe General Txuidiuaucei.i UhjiUj ; .. "Sec, 3. TheTas.lollccU'i iijail.lrcnii.nd aner tho flrst day ci January, ix i, 'uctnl'" locoUect tlioUics upon Itcal Estate in.d rersonal l'ropertj and Toll tlmt m3 lv duennd rcmala imi-siil. ly I'iMrets, a provided ly !uw-. llLNUV.b.VVAi.t:. Ticiw. nud Col. dec 10 l't OFFICE 'CLERK AN t) IRTIAir L'KEiJ. CITY OF WILMIXUXON, N. d, Diccniber lit Jr. Sealed Proposals. th0 purcbaso of the U1J .Mai kef' Uouse.asltr.ow hUmls lii Market ,tri!. auafortUcrouwSalortJiejsaiac ou or 1 c fore the 7th Oay of January, is:, Mre u- u edaua will be recetved pt this ofllcJ unou- themoetins of ihcr.card i f ASOcrmcn lo be hcJJ oa the t!i lHrkoat-vr at 1 ' m. 1IENKY .SAYAUK.' dgC " " C'crk alul 'Trctmrt . . lUAUOof Comm thinners or the Coin t.. cf New Hanover, Witlliici i on ti,.. -n...- - December, !. wl.cn-1roposaS -u i,c , ,. eclved For MalnUuauce or lV.o, it , .,tU House uf Correc li.m , For FurnUbiiig Miilleiu. t n , i.i,. r Iotr ; s For Fuit.i ( ..(ii;,.. i, j j ,, r "r oii) 3 curs if ...in ja.uu iry 1 -, -1. J. K. ; A.V I-siin, leelili n,.lk Wm. M. T. Forrester , Manufacture of, and Dealer iu RECALTA an. I n'l kinds uT'm!, ' BOOKS, CAB1 , .. . Ar.IuUliKKS lio-Ml-lJA .msi.U, 1". Tilt r-trrc;. dec r UlCIi KTur.At l!i-U A. Col.Lr j,,4;. Citv or WiLMiyi.i'orc, N.C.. Nivci'.t- r 1 ih. 1 . City taxes, 1880. J AUAIN CAU. ATrt.Miu.N ii l:lt, lm rayetklulbvirtlTV T.lXUf.l-i. ,:r..i. th lith .SrpUldbrr !.i,. The tlmerf,ro.iehr nl.fij .. n-- ; r . i crtllD il", lr made .cut. Parties lutt rrtt.-J m.I j ,t ,, tit au -,.' wad ie trout hjr io.nfl i 'j tic-i. ilEMi S A.K MAIL LEfTIMiS. xuncK to (mmt. rn- rOST OFKICE IKI'AH IH'r..ST. WUc ; I iii I a54 J J i' - - r . of Jumij J;W.lt -J.i,4 ii. mjij tka I :u4 iai rw-aa u hic. t. r-M-ZXMS V4lK KiiiiJ .i4 ni,i Jaa f. ts d f js-h -4-ef afTTfaia a4 &r?f w--,?o. t'.rs: f --. 91,t ;;itiaa4 ti ff4jaiji llUlUCOiAYXAUIn - wt ia.' . fra. W ffjBa WWmb4 Hf U Mi- t HIM. ,1?. I. t It r:

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