Single Copies 5 Cents NUMBER 51 V OMM H XI. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY, DECEMBER , 2i. 1SS0. J X I .Fi-'M LNf.iTON POST i Nfl UK!' - AT TJ!K TonTOKFICn AT yVhMif-'rox, X o:vas Second Cl as? f A I I Kit i " . , t . ; ItAT3 OF ADVERTISING. Fi'tv cents tcr line for the first in ,0,1)11:111.1 twenty-five: cents per line 7 jr e:u:!i additional insertion. lOilvt (3) lines, Nonpareil type, con- : vi'iitciii square. i Hie .-i'lb.ieripliosi price t'j The WlL-;i.N,n')N- lW is $1 00 per year; 1 ' .,ix-Ki-!it!i75 cents; ; ,ii( o!nuiiink'atioiMo:i businesshould addressed " to The Wilmington , t i, Wilmington, N. C. Ail advertisements will be charged a ih' itbave rate, except.on special con '.'-. iracH. i j run klpi'iilu'axm; of 1 lit: Tlll!ll IHSIltK T. Tho Benub.icans oJ the Ihiru e;n-i -icional IX.-tricf, vill '"pUase write "i'imi ;i Wiliiiiiigton, N. C, and give m a Ai?l. account of all frauds ccm- iiiitlcti by Hi i Democrats j during tLe 1 1 clion, jyviug r.amei of county, precinct. ;:nd of poll Iholder?, also :i;un s ol j jcrsom 'pievenlcd. from vo ing ami the reasons for it, whether n'r ut I the ngislars werqat tluir post t. .l.ity b-Coic tin c'ect'nn; in fid I . v. a l'u! 1; history of all fraud or ii -ugiilaritiea of every description, that 1 lii aypluee duriiig'itie election on 'fucs (ho li I of Novrmber 1S80. ' O. If. iJtXHKKR, -('!ii'.irii;:.n District Republican Com inil'm, n't Wilmington N. C. :W VF.AIC . vv i t k-i'loin Chrutviiai will be the I'nnt day of the year 1 S3 1 . The "Happy i N t vv Year" w-ijt V welcomttl before : tlijo Pout ;ig.i'in . reaches its j readers. Ve.j.'in iir the lup'y cliorus.tb all our ifaihr.i, in wishing ihe Joining year lull l bi hjfht , hki'.H, 'prosperity and .(.my ;ri en, p, peace and comfort and, .Lippii.c' iii t'ltir relations, and as b c :i ii.r.iiiirf ed'all (ho bletsjngs ;,7i vciMis'ent with il.c varied events v'l lie iiiri'i rtiiin futcre. These mile . .ilun .1 ': w.iys-'of life are natural n iii h I V i" ire rt flection, foi form In i. - ;i s to our pe ronal affairs, for 'M iii into :lui' ij!t-crua.bility of the liiiiji.M future,' and' for laying down in iv aiitl mure wen utiiuvu ri&ouiiuin, i ,', i -,. . ., j.,,., Ti.o i r ilic iinl.iiut: ol our conduct. 4 be .iu r judgment v. e observe and the iicr the spirit and the -courago with In! .-, iiieii wo in . id forward, lb iicaier we ' ill liillill thf measure of that aecouut iil iiity wj.iVh'N encumbent. upon iiV." i: i:i?"tSi7sivviiiis. I 'i lli".ic on Tn -day Spaiksof I .i. ..!-, tiM.I t!ir i. rm relating : ., . ... r , I V'Kflawli C.ui.llU i' l.rl rfs U.Mlt, I w ......... : : I I i.ii i, n eay-i -onci-jmoi j , int Si-:uKs un d ihe t rm eou'euiot 4 I vei.u-M.Kto Weaver ; ,elied hU 'il-tii.g weight was ISo pound.." ,."pi7lis rlii n K.aid that Weaver was "no iiiUii"." Weaver then rose and iM.iiideil 'the gentleman ire ;m llii;! us a :ar.'' j aiks retorttd that Weaver i M o-. n.tire t, end a vidian," v lit i: ioii n e.v. r srai g ;ourwa uiui. 1. . '-11 'i'i nitV o wreiuh ell a i, v 'i' 1 i d, .ik ti. u -V a wespou f . : iiiis eavvr., ,i - iui I'liiii uihii 1 ihu Point i nl M'aik wire iimiv lo iitfui. .r m aal a'.tei w arus. i coma w nip j v . IU r - I di :i I fear Weaver ami ... ... i i n I'tii r h ii i . - . -ii ' 1 ' vn;. i, f r "'ore tr-uo.e .ii w . . j a; I.', In- i a man ef good im- -oveablc;tcmper,r rd u; . . i i , ,- . l!-e I'I. I l i e re xt day Weaver m?de hat . . , ..:.i.. 1 I bio ...Hdo-v. :skiug piirdou of the !hue. aid rnvmg that Kith fcc ud C. uW were (e Mame. ': irl imii' biiel a:ivl tun. ana . . . - M di c Uew mat hU "hpguage" wa "Vi cn:l ct wth thr tule of the 11 u:t..-.. ' 1 tlii I'letl that I owe u v A d 1 berth under it." ... - . i.. ... ..t iii:n.-,. O i iui-1 i.iu CI J?;ugieioii "" c w !ii U' i.t ec. was urn ' ".v .. yea, HI, &yV,4l V- ;, 1 t'utiLx has a pic- Ihe .Mrt of the row. how Sparks d-:' kituMlf with! a chair.Ac, : i . . . A:., whkh we reserve fornxt wetk. Mr. i;:and of MUwuri, ha obtained 1 triuiion to have printed in the J? , v,i x ub(Uuie which he pro;H to otTtr for th Fuading bi!l.; It spp f ,ute ol (0 com now iduid u.j utes of (h 'cola now in the Trt tary th L'attcd State UUioj due doiieg and t5$l, aad dirt the ScreU- ry of th lury.w c.b- m cwb- d the mtxiaiuw amount of blver dot lw. and ta pav cut uch dollar la lbe aupt: vi the puhlic debt. SUoa r ,'i i'liiiiin.'iar ins my i . i jnmw i .i - lau it UAILY LIFk OR tJiUFIELO. More than two thousand papers daily reach Mentor. No multitude of clerks, no system of scrap-books, can begin to keep pp with them. ! Hundreds of thejw contain marked articles, which the able editors have written with great care, and containing valuable suggestions in regard to Cabi net making, Civil Service reform, the southern question, etc., all of which the able editors aforesaid expect the President-elect to read carefully and luwardly digest. His inability to open thousands of these marked papers cause s a daily hs of suggestion, advice and admoniiiou the enormous value of which can only be properly estfrnated, by. the writers thereof. : Mentor has two PosUfEccs. The one at which General Garfield recJves his mail i West Mentor, and L. H. Luse, M. L., the village physician, is the PustmaMer. Six mails arrive and de part daily, and every one of them brings a large amount of matter for General Garfield. The Pcstoffice is half a mile distant from General Garfield's resi dence, and he olten goes thereon horse back and carries home a sack of mail oii the pommel of hi paddle. The General is a good horseman, aud his mauly form snows to good fdvantsge in the ?addle. I have seldom seen a more rtriktng figure (ban (his "man on horseback" presents as he gallops down the road, erect and .graceful in the saddle as a trained jcavalryraan, but drffscd like a plain farmer, and the broad brim of his slouch hat Happing in the wind i His neighbors never lire of gazing at him as heTpasses by in this and hu unissuqitng manners help sto confirm t'nem in the belief which they most devoutly cherish! and which they emphatically declarf On every proper occasion, that 'he is the greatest man in the wofld." i ; . i if The cUitr day General Garfield de sired to sec a gentleman who lives in a remote part of the toWn, 'and went to his house on horseback,' Hiding up to the gate he hillqed jin the familiar manner which is customary among neighbors in this country, and the lady of the houie came to! the door. .The horseman inquired whether her hus band was at home, and being told that he was not, requested the lady tp tell him tp call at his (the 'speaker's) house to see about a certain 'matter of busi ness. The lady had-Bevcr seen Gen eral Garfield, except on public occa sions, and in his farmer's garb, she did not recognize him. "f you will tell me where you live," she answered, "1 will tell niv husband to call at your house. 'jiy Dame is liarneia,-' saia the Uciicral, modestly; Aad that lady Will probably never forget her embar rassment and mortification at not rcc- fj'rasTJsp before hemadp hipise'.f knoxyn. r . . Uuc woman writes to uiui lor a peu- sion. Auptuer, writes asutng pir a lloHloilic.e.; ;:. : '! I ? Another woman, who Evidently has confidence in the better lialf uf mau- kind, wrote to Mrs. Garfjtfld to this e feet: ' W e ; are very f pobr. My bus bai d i-i ecmpetent to ! till the etlice of IWmaster in this village, and if itn- erar liailieitl will give rum tue oiuce ( will mn von a swltcli liiade ol mv own ,, OI,narAniltf TrUnliilpnt that. . . .1 1 -n f 1 ner apoiication win up Uivorauiv cout MUereel. ppca;e, 4 n biiegeu, sue tended a teaoherainititute twenty (arflel5 teiiver "a lecturt on grammar, which was just splendid A Dutchman frocl Teniisylvania brought hltn a vtry curious chair, to pieseut 5Soniledy s if be wauti an office; "Met "aked him Mem Gotlino! i gf,u vancyo see c.'msicmi irn'ut' . Such iufident ari tho bubbles on the 8urtace,lf Iteoeraii Uainriu s uaiiy i:r I ... i..".'s.... : -fv. .lilt .lrr..nt """ ,,,u- vtrm " 'i?rr V 1 ' , ' K .... ,a r i . j nfixfhNi eh.nihl lulliPKs mrrul ntutlv f ..i;;.. .'ii;.rm preparttHofi lo lUo g(fet uuuca anrc- spoustbiUUfs tue nfr uu're ever ilul it iimn ftiiir arnfUv aiitl conscien mw w " w v - - ii ... ! Ui. ... KI. l uutir urJMn iu pvi v uii ivMuui auii , .illte,,hi-. aud although he ts teaitHrrUf out of oiiice, he U devoting himsejf dajf and night to tudy and ii.i.,r i if a nun ti tninti. . 111s riir .1- ive correpoudeoce Uetdl to with (.runiilni nn anJs t-rrtV Visitor 'H accorae4 a much tinie and courtesy as . u . :...V.l ..1 kminoM will p-rroiU ;.' . "I .7T...l.. " .' well-known mervbant of Haiiover, N. ll.,hoee wife htdjlcng bn a flicttd niih A?thma, wotfvr the Com J pouud Oxjgu TrattatU After using in huleoiet a uvutbi b wrote I I ,v...kt I wimiI.I ri &ad rou cf I "'" '" ! . i ino Tt;,aut."' "tt . B. JIT WI1CT couchioc incwautlt all day and nearly .ti nichL CouM etjt no roi mgai i . .it , . , . v uoles h nM cniorowrm aoa .cvw. or chloral U' ufrlc duriaj the MthautiJ atuckt wr disUtsstof 4o ihe extreme. Now has no ccugti aal no apNarance of ,thasa, U able td da coaid5b:e woe. UUetc (lat nheo tWo month expire - Our Trea: ith fall iafortuailoa t lr. , lr. Sharkey j p4jn. ItOOatd IIU Girard Sireat, rftirlphUP. 1 :f. L V.-.T- . . shor. Toledo OhKr i-I t a MoDster Irou cm el. The j monster Italian iroa clai war ship Italia was successfully lauached at Castellamare, Italy, ou September 30th, in the prestnee, 6f King Humbert and a large concourse of spectators, To give our readers an idea of the im mensity of this vessel, ths complete ness of its armor aad the formidable ness of armament, we give a descrip tion of it. The Italia !ia'4G0 feetloDg, 72 feet 9 inches beam at water fine and G5 feet C inches cn the upper deck; 30 feet 6 inches draught; height of upper deck above water line, 25 feet; height of ar mored battery above water line, 30 feet; displacement at water line3,4SQ tons; indicated horse power of four setsjef. engines, 13,000, applied to two propel lers 10 ieet G iicbcs diameter; estima ted weight cf hull aad armor, S00O tons. The Italia is built without side armor, but has on her upper deck an armored battery of 09 fee t long. G7 feet 0 inches v;de, covered with 21 inch iron plates, backed with IS inches of teak, making a total thickness of 3 ft. 3 inches between the' skius amidships. Two longitudinal buikhesels, with tram verse bulkhead1 uivide the ship into 53 water tight compartment, j and these again are divided .by four water tight dtcks. The firt,or lower deed; is lour feet below the water line, ajid is pro tected by sn iron cr t-tc'el-iifmGr three ; inches thick. The boilers ajnil engines are under this deck. The rocoml deck is constructed of thin iron tjr steel, and is G feet above the water iiue. ;ide cempartmeuts between the two decks j are filled with cork, and affifrd the(only means of preserving stability when the sides arc pressed near the water line. Ihe third or battery decg is 14 feet, above the waler lim, and 5i it are 12 rifles of d inch eaUbe r. jl'lie fourth or upper eleek. 2" feet aboife the water line, supports the tirmeeli battery ;' in which are 4 100 ton Armst-rlng breech loa'ding rifles, mounted en ltrbeHte,aud so arranged a3 to permit a&dn either on a line with t'le kee l fore .and aft or in pairs on -tithe? beam, or toward any part .of "the aotttpd's. Tfe battery is connected with the hold Ilt the pur pose of getting supplies elf -munition by armor plated cylinders 0' feeij iu diameter. The chimneys re also in armoured fbaf;s. ,()a theiipper deck are also six G inch Armstrong riflts, tje being a bow chaser, and ue a stem chaser. The Itali'u is als provided with four ports for e jectiiigfWniteheiid torpedoes. Th 1 UU ton gum are 32 leet 7 1-2 inches extreme lertirth; length of bore, 30 feet 3 inches; diameter of 17 72 inches; powdi-r. chamber, lSiL-w-'-t r . .. ,- .--r -inclie,; ouUide diadcler of gun at n.U2 WM frfe,leJ iijw zle-, 211 inche-vand at the breech, 70 1-5 ; auecaif the defendant fJr trial, i inches : weight of projectile, 2.000 , sa'hl amount was deposited in b pounds and ",500 sia'of cfartriJge, 53 inches long by 15 1-5 inches diameter; service cbanre of-'powdor! Trouv 20U pounds to 375, CO Dm Com m i & s t o x ii". i; s .The Board of County Commissioners me' Monday ftercpp.n' in ad( urfied c sioii ; pteseiit! Wiliiaui h. Smith, Chairman, ami Commissioners B. G. Worth, d-AvMoutgoiiiery, I'.. J.. I'earce; anitH. A. Bagg - ' T. O. Bunting presented "hi e f.ieial boud as constable for the township e,f Wilmington, which v.'is oseecpted, and he was du'y qualified. J. A. Sharpies?, ctr.stabie-e!ect icr Cape Fear township, was allowed uut; the first meeting in Jauuary, acd the Clerk 'was instructed i:.ii'y him to that eifeet. 7 A. H. Black was, en :iiolii, appciul ed Superintendent i f Pnlvio hitruc lion for the couuty i f eW flanuveru place 6t B. V.'. Chad wick, jresignod. The double' tux - t J. W. Te'uair, iu Maso'nboro townhip, was ireniitted. Appiie-ation; f J. Y.. I.ipilt a? r.ot grautcd... ' 1 I J. , liaukiiii was erd(red 'relieved from pjjing p!l-t.ix, o'w ijig to physi cal disabilities. John H. Sav.-igc v.'a e octcJ keeper of the 'Poor H o .ne and H I use i f CVrj- rectiou far the enss;i: vear. lbe contract iur iuiuijuu'g iieutcin to the out door y-oot wa warded u K, Mcllhcany at 12 eeutljper prccilpj- tion. ' - ,, ! , The coulrac; 7r j7rr.Ubiing cihr.s to Uie county poor and ldrjirg the dead was awarded to Noah Sinipsoa. The annual report cf the K' of Uecui W4 reieu, aad j Isj thjioe of the. Taiioui m3gsUa:e- of (he county thowipg the amount of fer coliextrd by the fvrrocr aui the sruti unt e t t!ne5 colU-ctcd by 'the i;u r. E. Hewlett. Couuty T-rt iarr, pre xut(l hu . aaSual report, which M examiaed aud fcund totrvet, hwiriog a balance in land mtH;bl ta the Ckn eralFcad of f 2Sl5.lj; Educa;iosal yUQ j - "TC i4 Sheriff 5, 11- Mu;3 rcwattd 11 Wpatt, sUa rJVni;d W tfce. Fi' Dtacw .' Coio'aiitJce. , j S. A'asAotiSjS. l Int tf lie SajSrr iot Ccurt prceotd fct$ rrsKit, i (he a , l cf w""-iT" pad ;s; A5fand.: : ' ' l ' ' j: Every eaa wha dai?i;M 1 ;;jai V le, . Trtl -".saI; itd Ikk rv. W .i .,-GIT-a:- - ITEMS;. JK-:,' Chew Jackson's Det , Sw?&l NaTy Tobacco. -- ' ' I Xfj - ' See ad 'of, a. i'5ThMtfe,- lXajor, relative to firearms, &c )7V . :i7 The mail by the d C. Railway is ready for distribution from the Tost oflice at 4 p. m. ',-r IThe mail train on tire Carolina Cen tral Eailroad leaves Wilmington at 9:10 A. M., and Charlotte at 62$A;U. t DiED:r-In this city, on tho 23rd; at 1 o'clock, after a short illnesi, Sylvester Petteway, aged 52 ye&Vantf months. The Signal Office 1being removed to its new quarters in the Kalioi&I Bank building. The change of locar lion will be made by tb first of the New Year. i If you know of any Democrat whd voted, but was not : entitled to do o send his name and the name of tffe poie-holders, to Col. O. H. Llocko?, Wilmington, N. C. U Monday evening the 27lh inif, Messrs. J. I. Macks and W. H. ChaN bourne will deliver lectures at fft. John's Hall before their brother Ma sons. The public are invited. Any ladies wishing to know of tpe merits of the Excelsior Kiduey Vdt, iLs action, etc., are referred to Mi. William E. McKecknie, Pbctograh Parlors, Toledo, Ohio. See ad. jj . i . j- . The receipts of cotton for the wek ending Monday, the 20th in&t., footlid up 1,750 bales, against 2,510 bales fjr the same period last year, showing $b increase in favor. of 18?0 of 2,240 baijpi. This issue of the Post goes to prs ou Friday morning, Deceaaber 21tU, although it is dated Sunday, Decembjfr 26th. This is done so as to givetfe printers a chance to enjoy their Christ mas. I f Gen. Allan Itutherford arrived n the city ou Thursday evening and wU remain until next Thursday. He s ihe guest of Hon. J. II. Nefr, on Dok street, and , is welconied by hosts bf friends. " The sureties of W. J. Pentoa paid ou Tuesday the amount of bond, 20(), by Rio "'appear and the sa'hl amount was deposited in bank by t:e Justice. I! ! ! i Mai:kjei. In this city, at the resi denc j of the bride's parents, on Wed nesday evening, the 22nd int-, by Ke. Dr. J. U. Wrtion, ."Vlr. Jos. B. Weatherly of i-iuh"v'ardina, to Miss Emmali.- Gilbert e-1 this city. No cards. : ' There .w.ts o.uile a storm on tLe sounds oil . Monday last. The tide Was higher man it has bseD for some years past. About one hundred head of cat- lie which were fec-ding on the marshes were drJwned and swept out to sea. toi.. Beat, v UKtwi. a ucse gentle- mea ha o on laud, aud are offering the public, the largest assortment of dry, goods and fancy notions of any whoiesaie and retail bouse in th;s city. Our friends will find it to their interest to give iheoi a call. ; The e'uormous iucomis of the coui- biiud raiircads controled by Yander- bnui excites alonuhment. The N. Y. Ce ulral and Hudson Iliver total earnings of $33,1 75,11 3.23 ; the Jlichigaa Central $0,100,000: the Iiike Shore aud Michigan Southern $ 13,720, 000 ; and the Canada Southern $3,730,- 312 11. This is a total of 1,720,225.6 1. The lion, IJenry V. French, of Mas- sachnett, now Assistant Stt'rctarT cf the Treasury, and Col. Chamtexlain spent the night of ' Wednesday and the dav of Thursday iu our city. Duriuj the day they vrere dnvcrvover the town and to the cotton presses and wrae cf the other industries, aad iu tUe after nooa leceitcd friends at theit looms at the Turcell. T. Ik l'cttrwa Brothers have juU pabiihed a Dw,coaip'.ie, anduaUurai cditiou of all the wvrks written byrx Emm 1). E. N. Soathworth, la fjjkf '. three Tolames ; Beautiful Saow, .itcw iltauatcd eLuoa,bvaai ia kjowVJLL; My Uero a captivaiitg love 9tdtft'hr yirK Formler; The Trials cfpjga. aed The;rrtoee?s MfMxt Uts.rr GrtvUlf: CasiUe. "Lai -Mae Aax CaeUa. fcj Akxaader Vf aod SlfM4e, by Mr. E- IX It N. SithwrertSj; aad taey tar ia lUtm fx isaHdiateralka&a, eaU la- het iiaae. kf lleiT Grtvu; Belah. a i love sicry, by OcUt Feae; Vl Wi, I Om Fiesta Dcttif,aa aaa4ii4y t wiih portrays.; eTanes; Mmutsm lararf, tj uasUve aasff; &aa a FalteWed, Crt .tk Eevt ekslkaLX 3do3e; TWClack Vesty Jl fl A bale of cotton on the sidewalk in front of Mr. J. B. Hoggins' store - was diacovered Onre Wednesday evening. Fire crackers did it. --Mr. Vm, Canaday, of Topsail So-Jnd, and who Is well known here, was terri bly cut by a pea machine a few . days ago. It is feared his inj'arics will prove fatal. Mr. Frank Grier in endeavoring to extricate Mr. Canaday from the teeth of the machine was very t badly hart, but succeeded in , throwing the belting from the machine which kept Mr. Canaday from certain and instan taneous death. ' jA.fine largo new engine arrived in this city on Wednesday, and will do service on the fast mail train over the W. C. & A: R. E. It was built by the Kcgers Locomotive Works, at Patter son, X. J., and has a IC-icch cylinder, a 21-inch stroke, a 5 feet driving wheel, and is fitted with air brakes and all of the latest- improvements. Auother of same dimensions is expected in a Aw days. Mr. II. L. Bordeaux has cut a caual through a neck of land about thirty five' miles above this city ou the North East river known as the Horse Shoe. It is about one mile long and saves a distance of aj least ten miles to flalmen. It is working out very .rapidly aud very large flats now pass tlfrbugli it. It is expected that the steamer (Jliuton will soon uic it in her (rip's lo and from Bannerman's Bridge. Mr. Bordeaux cut the canal at his own expeuse. Accident. A passenger train on the Wesi ern Division of the Carolina Central kailroad ran through a trestle about GO feet high about three miles beyond iViu coin ton cn Wednesday last. Mail Agent Daniel Bloom aud two brakenaeln were killed, and a passenger by the tame of J. W. Goodsou was disabledjby the accident andhwas sub sequently burned up by the flames which were commuuicated to tho shat tered cars by the coal stoves which were used iu heating the train ,; 7 I --vr The following arc the aiipoihlments of the )V ilmington District, NoHh Car olina Coiufereuce of (he A. M. E. .ion ChurCh j-, , j Rev. G.IK. Farmer Prciidiug Elder. , St. Luke Church John Hooper. . Zion Chapel,Acorn Branch and City Mission-U B. K. Eliiby, 3 Smithvilic and Brown's (ihai.I S B. Craven. : ' '.'.'.''! . Town Creek circuit 11. J. j Blanks. Whitoville circuit C. II. Smith .,'7 Sumiaerviliejcircuit A. McTver. Kehobatli circuit M. M Levy. Carvejr Creek circuit J. Williams. AbbOiitsburg circuit J.O. Freeman, l.'arait rtou circuit C F. Moore. WilliL Creek circuit D. McKay. Argy Dyer e circuit E. Dix. y. Hill circuit S. McKay. Methodist Grove Mis-ion A. Mc Koy Kobd sou Mission-T-Ecwis King. J. If. llool, llinhop. Kxidurs oc lloxe.u. At a meeting ot.CarOiina Liodgc Ne. -I'M, of Knights of Honor, held Monday night liist, the following oficers were e-'ected for the ensuing term :-- S 1" 1) J A Springer. U-N W Scheock. Y Di -CiaytoriGil. A D-J ii Wright. U G N Harri?v F i:J-J E Dadl.y.' TW A Wilson. C Kir U M PayLC ti-CW McClammr. (iaardian J P Wil'.ia:u-. S J M McGowaa. Medical Examiner Dr F W Pat e:. Trustees j-Usrcn Fcnacil, .Jr, Joha C Jatnes, Alex Johnon. Jr. Ken to G L-J l Tavlcr ; j-'ttriatc . Walter Coney. "Lt j Tiiopn w mom G e : H a JoiNtu Together, No Man Per As SCSX!,, And thus pvke Dr. Vjloa of th.Krst Prebjtrian Church of (hi city, on tie evening uf iLe 2ad iat then he joinrd in J! Mr. Jn. 17 Wethtly, formerly cf South Caxaliua, aad Mas lami E. Gilbert of ihUc y, dacchter ef Mr. l. J. C.J. bert, ozt cf Wt'icisglcti" thit chi ec.. The bride loikcd ktc!y7 ati it grooca eU,Je Vss-aa tkat It it a Ctxad ldki liktw td IX SiiiZe 9 taalerui d:rrrare U him aboQi Ij&ks o this eccaaisa be wa harj wfej &m'd ,wH everiij e lbe s t wiU witlioJd cr cveacrttn aasd kate Umm wio are ap-jsted "Lm to uaajjie Eb lk. .'.'! 5j iJ ilrfc tTAi2yeiiy :i.v-l: j Urskc. - j ' W temUt iktsa m$ rumXus aa4 w3i IW Uvea a Umt al f f wtie4 tifiu.-' ri"' Masosic Epcrioxs The follow ing officers have been elected at the va rious meetings to serve the different Masonic institutions for the ensuing year: Vi . 7 Wilmington Commandery No. : 1, Knights Templars. . ECT-WHChadbourne. ; Gen H H Mnnsonr Capt Gen WR Kenan; Prelate W W.Allen. SWSS Everett. . JW-RW Price. . . Eec JCMund3. -Wilmington Council No. 4, Koyal and ; Select Masters. I M-W A Winiais - D I M J I Macks. P Cof W W W Allen. Eec M J Heyer. Treas R Oreenberg. CoaccrJ Chapter No. 1, Rjjal Arch ; Masons. M E U P H II 3Iunsou. KSamT Northrop. S J I Macks. ; C of H II CPrempcrt. Eec J C Muuds. Treas 11 Greeubcrg. St. John's Lodge No. 1, A. 17 Sc A. M. . WM W 11 Kenan. S W W A Williams. J W Ii Gretnburg. , Sec J C Muuds. Treas F G Robinson. Tyler B G Bates Wilming'on Lodge No UPJ, A. F. & A. 31. . v M W HChadbourue. . SW-EG Barker. . J W U C Prcmpcrf. Sec V.' S Warrock. ' . -.Treas A J Howell. ' S D Chas Schwarz. J D-J H lianby. Stewards J B Ejbinsou and Wna Otcrson: Chaplaiu Sam'i Northrop. Tyler B G Bates. The officers will be installed by 1. M. Samuel Northrop ou the afternoon of St, John's Day, December 27th, ol 3 o'clock, and in the eveuhig at 7 o'clock there will be a social entertain ment in Masonic Hall, to which the public are invited. 3r. WliUiici'd Dlitlitlay. i t hi (hcCoslon )lt raid, 2c. Is . New England'fbeloved poet, John G. Whittier, was 73 years of age yester day. There was no special observance of the day at Lis residence on Oak Knoll, Dauvers. Arrangements had been made by oue ol the Sunday Schools at the l'iaius to give him a re ception in the evening, but, owing to a siignt cold andthe Veverity of the weather, he fell obliged to decline it. Tho writer passed'a pleasant half-hour with the venerable poet in tne alter uoon, aud found him enjoving his usual health, aside froth the cold mentioned. lie bears his years quitewell, androne would hardly take him to be 73.ldle conversed with his uaui grace and easeou ail the varied topics of the day, showing how well he keeps posted on alf that the wor.J is doing. Je still manifests a deep interest in politics.ana watches closely the movements of men aud parties. Oak Knoil where he spends much of hi time, although his legal voiing residence is Atncsbury, is a de lightful place eveu ou a December day l hc relary of the Treasury Wed- nc by trai'MiiiMr 1 to the Senate a re port on ;rii ; . in Aacricaa ham tiLtr .uvat, prej;arrl under the diu.;; j:i e l the iurgea General of the Manuc Hopiul Srvice. The report ori-inalel with ccrtaia letters frota the United .Mates Consult abroad. A let terfrvm the Coas'alar agent t My enc ih:ch in g:ven, says ttitt rumor ol the hndicg of trichina in American prK reuucU upon 'elimination in i roving that the meat iaiectcd was not Aaicr;cu at all, but tiermaa. The re port .aj the camber of ghiw swine is over-ti:icuica to rout a tho mint pu iauoa ct j-r jiiir pcrbafH lho tnot intercslcJ, tLe (tersnaa pork dealer and producer. itit I. u j.icic of the Thirl Ca- grcjicual Dislrkt, sr rj ieUi So ui i3 al! a ceo us: vi UiuU U Cl Blocker at tin p'ac. be tare la do !i W bf tHj AT H iii i zxtlSEEXXTS. Cut v i WtunjEwrwi, 2f. C, JliTaet 05c. IhusmUt J, 113 rpUE HlUStio? ANYCAXNOK, Gaa. i-i aay tiLtt Fmara. la iy -'tt a:r, a upm aij Ut!. U prit-i'4 by a Cr j . Orl.aa. Cta,CcMifni at4 tt r.rk tuUiL'tiUiiw-j tW m ; tVVr aa4 ti 11 cJaaauy. TV U t ii Haat hi tit titxxl h alo pvJuKicd, t:rfi ktm IW JlA ta ll . SEW ADTEETISEMENTS, 0'FlCK xiiiEAsuiuaicOIilx CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C. .."',' J December ltlh, ISto. NOTICE. rjllEaUcnUonloOlioeo at Taapajria lntcretted Is cailenl to tlte lollowlog section of the General Tax. Ordinance of. the city . ec 5. The TaxICoUector Hiall, from and after tbo first day cf January, IsSI, proceed . to collect (be taxes upon Real E&lale and Personal rroptrtj' and Xt)llIiataay Vo due and remain uisild, by DJitrce, a provided by law. I - . ''! hemiysayAue, dccl9 2t Treas. and Cof. o Q Dec i.i-tr Wm. M. T. Forrester Manufacture of, and Dealer in REGALIA aud all kinds of gooUs, ' BOOKS, CARDS, c.,e. vljl ouiE3 rnoMiTi.Y Arri NKi.i; T. XO. i., WpH I.ei;;h strec! . Ii!. tiiuoiul, i. l JT" W mm 1 .. " . 0xk ETi:r;.vUKKn d; Coi.LtaTtiHj ClTV OK WlLMlNt l OS. N. C-. i u V C in li l:i I.! . 1 1 . : City Taxes," 1 880. i auai. cALh ATri;:;rtuN or .in; Tax Tayer to tuelf t lTY TAXK-". 4ae. n v the I3lb of St-i'tcuitcr lat. ; TUo Uiueapprwicnct when .1 I r- i . ii vcrtllcg 111 be made cut. I'arllci Intcrcilci w K f'.mi tat ji u , and lave trouble uy.jTompt jtj ujca:. rHKNllV S.WAe.i;. . Dov 21-iuji' TtM 4 (Vilfi U: lMreths' e f tJkm i re v. t)Af 111 LANUKLTII A nortnii & JTa. Itc i: ly MAIL LErriM. NuriCE Te CMS IT. I' ll w P 11 il m ii CT CVJ 3 a-2 O fz3 r-t a tm T f " V? m - . iHc 12-lf M SEEDS K BEST 1QQ1 TOST OFFICE LJlPAIilHENT. H'muJmU'j&t.'ih c, i:. !;. uaci ijasn ut lrr,.?si tui i of Jaaary J :;. titt ; a ejr4iaj to ta fijs;i arr.'tal ti c. trr r:z4 . ti rtrr- is Ut Jsat is. tut. Utu fc!"w; a- V -.ijnr, u anat is titiM-a i a3 tl lutMir; aiar4-ei 53 iiasi3 esai t7iiills t J !iHWS At.i ttmiStM'lf irtigfc. noiiACE hayxaild J- i- ; JfiS 0 Vu .MMm? iooets Bsnsm triiTEirn 1 it .- ir is :JJ-7' n 1 . fe f vf lend. tr the purpe cf Voided &4i4ai-r!it ' ' .7v:' ' V: "4-: 7; ': 7 :!

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