4 i I A . 4 c c rv1 '0 u r . M s :' .'.Hi riff, UI (XT ; ta 'nasi i I HI UJ it4 I . '-t I - ' 1 v' ,rv. ' t I VOI.IUIB -XlX . ';'.-'. '.'. 'U;."l-I iKvr:&Ei at; tub l'torri it at VVxL)lJUXUJt. N- tl, A3 eiXUJtU UlA RATCS QP ADVEZlTJSXIfa. Fifty c-iitt icr Uae'fur.tltVJint in rtioa add twenty-fir -cent per IIm for eacli a'l Jitlooal ioMrtioo. Eigbt $) lioei, Noiparrfl typf rcon- ; Xlie uab-ictiptLori price to The Wll m so rx Po;fT , w , $1 00 per year; it month? Jo cents. . , AU0ommuuicationoubuHiae8hould he addressed " to -JHR i Wf LMIKOTOW POST, Wilmibgtotii N. C All advertiHemcntfl will be charged a the abot e rates, except on Bpecial con. Tracts.'! - v .:; ' . "" i TO XII K It E I I II LIC A X H O V '' TIIK TIIiI IMSTKICTiii TliBe Kepublicana of the Third "Uon gressloual District," will please write uie' at' WUmiogton. N. C, and gire . me a full account of all frauds ccm- tiiillcd by the. Democrats j during the last election, giving names of. county, lreciuct, - and of poll' holders, also fiHiuea oi person prevented from voliug aud the.reasons for it, whether or twt the regiatars were at theic-post . vt duty before the cloctionj tn flct I want a full history of all frau-l-T or irrfgularities of every description, that lojx place during the election on Tucs- j diy the 2 1 of November .1880. ... v r- ' O. IJ. Ul.OtKEB, ACliairman Diatrict Kf publican Com uatU;e, ut Wjlmington N C. ; ; - . :. T i . V ' THE KEV1SKJIN vr TUB BinLKi ' The Kev. Dr. Philip SchaiT, IVesU ; dent of the Revision 'Committee, ad dressed at the lecture room of the First Prtsbylerian Church a large and intel licit autliouc?, on the subject of (he propose J revision of the liible. ' The '.proposition id si ui ply to revise the ex isting tWti of the Bible, following that - oi Jatncs 1, of England maiuly, but '' availing thcuisolveti of all learning concerning- live subject from any source. U u not inteiided to charge the char adet of , the llible but-y . judiciou cLsngw ol worjj-i and phrases trivet he real weaning of tho original. Tj this cuil a coriimittec ol learned Theolo giaus aud scholars iu Kngtand-, Amer ica, Germany, France, and in all na lions -where there are Christiana who believo in iha Tiinilf, have organized in tM UiYjatone. oiia in Oreat Briukil . a Monday lasl a ir.gnituiacciaent .,! .J.. in Am.rirrVn litw icnrV".' Koocurred on the Ait LiB-IUiroadr This great work l a? now been going; on ten years.' ' . ' . , . The Uev, l).v fchatf, was boni in Switzerland, closed bis, studies in Eu- ' rope in IMl, and emigrated tq Amenca where he was appointed a professor . iu , . Theology. At the a of 37 bo "'ub" ; lished "The' f rlnciples ol Prol tant- i ism," and afterwards a' "llklorj ol.the Apostolic- Church.'t "History f if j the Chritian Church, -from the -birth of ; Christ lo the Ueijn . of CousUntine," "The Person of Christ, the Miracle of llistwy.V and inanv other works. He . .. .j. r r . 1 jpglcal Seminary in New York Ciry". ' l)r.'chafl3 leirning ia mifvcloufet-pecally-in BacTred lileraturej and The ofogy, aud his" fame, la world-wide. : As to the cbi ration of Dr. Schaff to tbd audience, they tverc the rcuiunt- ' tng of Jlhe translatiooa valrealyj made '' and comment The Gtl traulaliou made in England was,- in the Saxon toog up, and iho or a t in Nor m a n I re neb . Then cawe! tht Caxtool,, Tyndall'a editipn and one ir !two otber?, belore ' King : JauxV. lie slkoaed also bow wordvdid not mean the anw thiog une age as in another, citing examples. lie 'slated that the New Testament would be priutcd ai eTUcd next Feb- ' .'ry-try, printed in P.ogland by the Ux ford and Cambridge, University presser. The American revisors bare given their tfe and labor without compensation v ir ttcht jea 3 Dr. SchslT issues a Ironv which we take 'IHti VHtUIRIi -the liberty of copying an jrxtract, slat 1?lw ay one who desires li,caa ge Itt ditbu oftht Sew Testament which appears Ih February. Tboat jf rsooi ho deilre to arait themselves ol tbia advsjitage'.can follow the direction givea below. f . Aoy friend of tbe great undertaking who will contribute towtrdv iba ex ? Pei ten dollara'or .mort efoe tht first of Marcb aext, will recti? a mt- tsorlalcory of tbt first Talnralty edl- , Uta of tht reristd Ntw Tratament y aadaoaely bound andf laicrlbed. ' Tbt - oar nuU Knl to Mr. Andrew 1 Taylor, Treasurer la tht CiWt uooso New Yorky U .at"RTtblia,of .n Tbttd tj0 . gtcsMonai av.susct, sue , tend la all account I of fraoda to Col 1 docker at ibla taet. Wo bopt tbtf wilt Vt sure to do it. . x ,r. AfV ica U talaea' art iwttal l Ata ua aa4 art itongat try U now Professor in the, Union TbeaiUnd having told the train- men tq ia- KM?, i sUti ut m-. f a. 1 1 . 14 a New YeanJa Ifct araal arder: CaUaet Diplooutie corpa. ' : The Kuprtat CoarV .ad : Senatort; aeaberi of Coajrcs Am. At 12 m. the Army aad Nivy. . Thea will follow TtteraortoWlcri, and citizesa.. Ileceptloa to ctoat it WU1TTAKKU M CAaB. It is aanonBced that a Coart Utvial ia the caea of Cadet 7biitaiei baa been ordered to content at West Point on TuesdayV January 18tb. Krt. tlen. Nelson (A. Mile ia' to be President of the Cour witb tbe followiBg otber members: Col. A. 8. Morrow, 21tt Ia fautry; Lient. Col. Pinckoey Lngeibal, 1st Iofantry: Lieut. Col. J. II. Uaaain, 1st ArUUery; Mj; LewU Merrill,1 7tb Cavalry; Msj- E. IS. Lumaer, &ih jCav alrj; !Capt. R. Q. Franlr, 1st Artillery; OapulJ. N, Craig, 10th Infantry; Capt. Mcrritt Barbes, ICtb Infantry; Msj. A. B. Gardner; Judge : Advocate of the Court. ' y- ;J. . . ' understood that the President consulted Gen. Howard jn regard to the Court Martial, and that he was desir" ous that immediate action should be taken before he entered on bis duticvat West Point, as he did not desire jo.be e'mbarrHMed by the, case. K Whittaker will be regularly trie4u'nertJjejartK cles ot wiirjiud the rules of the army, aud on charges and specifications. It is to be provided in tbe-order creatiDg the Court that at least a majority of the members of the- Court shall, not be graduates of the military academy at West Point. , Also in case of acqaital, TV hi taker thall be permitted to enter the next class below that in whiih he was, and Ire entitled . to a fair chance cf graduation. ' f It is said that the President and Se cretary of War are both of opinio that it will be better to have ib triili take place at some other place lhanjWest Point, wher, as experience has de monstrated, the influences are all op posed to allowing Whittaker a fair chance to defend himself. Tbe court martial will be ordered in a few days, and the Judge, Advocate General will draw the charges and specifications lor the trial of Whitaker. I-'uMJUTf Ul. RA1LRUAU ACCl- which rnns from Charlotte to Atlanta, Georgia. The scent of accident was about 9 miles from Charlotte at Taw Creek trtstle. ,-." Two freight tuiks of the usual aie Itit Charlotie yesterday morning io fteciiou tbaj. in, the one about fifteen minutes indite other. On the up jcrade, jut beyond Paw Creek treatle 14 cam of ihe forward train, uadr En gin er Anthony, broke loose (and stoped after running only a short distance- In the rear car were the flag man, llobert Griffith, btj thia city, and six passengers, three of whom were colored. - When the cetached cars stopped, flsgman Griffith jumped otT, form the paergers that they had bror ken loose from the remainder of the train, imsaediatelf started back, to sig nal tht second section, which be knew must be only a few miles behind. ' He bad not gone back far before ht beard the engine of the1 approaching train whistle, and then real lied tbt fact that he ecu Id proceed no farther, because of the trtUe, which U 100 yarda wide and rery high He wared tbe;flag as ihe eogiue, in charge of Engineer WUenbttry, came in sight, nad the en- clneer expressed hit .rtcogniUOo of it oy immeuiaieiy mowing ua uraac. But his train wq heavy, and bt wa HMtinr the bottom of one of the bie- gest grades on tbe road, hence I it was impossible to stop. As soon as he saw this, and befort crosslog tht jtresUe. be reversed bit engine, aovt coatinued to blow "oa brake? lit left his scat, and, standing ia front of tht fire-box, witb hi hand oa tbe lever, awaited tht hock. It came, and ho "'was partially knocked down by a rick of wood from tat tender, but was otherwise janhnrt, though, almost entirely shut in by the mass of debris which wax I thrown arainat tho eocine. UU lift was pro bably wed by the act that tb rear of tht lenucr was wrasa ivgsi m,u tiMritii the full momentoa of tbt train from tat tonat u ut stoaoi uta cut againat which tho ahauerea can were piled ia an intxtrkablo tsata. There were six pasttogert oeawes me fisgmaa. Too ' traia which ran lato thaa hadeitfDl iua uraiis wood ftauoa a e7nwci jhu,w lBca wkea iti comlnt was an&oancod no oat felt apprtaenaive. a. had - beta teat back as aa adiluocal precaution, and hence ao attenUca waa paid to tho, approaching train. It was apoa thtsa ociort tney anew jib air. Gaither remembers that ho and air. ltdtUo A VFkbaaat started to m oat. hat before bo bad passed tht auddlt of tht car at was kaocktd down. Hi tAMed. vt'b Iht aaalstaact hef a ccl- Area bub. to wmwf warn CT Uit inw ttk whole top of tho 'ear fcnV Tho saskw9 JT i WNel eao' Oiherf aBd sutu Am rrealeat coafaoo. Tbq cawgbt Hitaltb maaaauaf two rtaU lttola miofikBerc, cars iactosi u v iyw svf v v;il;:ngto"n. noiitii Pt?; wrt i!rfrefd. AtUt at e tU9mt.fy m I l-irer4 aUe. j as L. erie ,,rt Ifsrd. 1 he , f am4 fif w rrMutd afttr set t rsf kr. iee at lLasid wtrt faUrttf buiatd elT. . j-i' ''''"''"" e-wMt' nil : l l !" ' 9tkp Vom iif r.yettttiUi Ta mmUer wbatv antxrfctey feoW lejil declaioa cf Itt j taitt at lit Iredell Cuurl ia recd u ih. penalty of aaaiin; all oar railroad i the la fernal 5 foot gna-e: Jad?e Bennett feeentir charged Ut GrandJary at bUicvi;ic(cKUwm) that It ia aa iwlictaWt 'aJTaact to change the gauge of a real! road to a greater width than fwar fret eight aa one half inches. . Tbe penalty is a fiat of 150 per mile for each day during which the illfgal gauge remains as well as imprisonment of tba guilty parties. This charge Ukxls the Ui lion of W. J. Itest and hU associates, whq not long ' since changed the gtuge of tne W. N. U. Kailroad, lroaa lour feet eight and one half inches to five feet. . ' Tne Kichmood iYh '-i. the ablest of the liberal papers of Virginia, says bluntly and truly, in the tettA of tbe wholo . family ;of Southcrii "dam phooU:" vJ'j 'i'' '' Senator I'ujrl Of Alabama, advances to the political front, and in bis new capacity makes boldrlo assert that the South in and should remain, solid In support of Northern Democracy. ' i He claims this to bo .the only hope of the South. We suggest that if tbe South had not tied iiaeiv so fast to Northern Democracy and leaned so much upon that broken reed before i860, we would have had less ''blboi letting" in the ate little unpleasantness betwtcu the North. and the South. , ' . According to the. State Returning Board, Treasurer WorWi - leads Jarvis 334, - and is the highest on the state ticket. The next highest in Scarbor- Otrgb, who fills 27D below Worth. The next i Jiobert., who ialls SS3 below Worth. Kenan U ueif-, fallinc 23iJ be- ow Wortlu Nxt is U'bicon, wbo falls 451 below wortk, and the last is Saundsrswho falls 49 below Yorth and then the leader ot the tit ket fall ing 1331! Hancock lead Ja'vU 3,351 vdtes. The two candidate for Supe rior Court Juilgei,, Dennett and Gil mer, being sort of illegitimate append- gX's to the state ticket, bo'.h walktd up into the big raajorities, getting; resnec lively 15.415, and: 13, 107 niajorities.N The candidates for Senator from Mic nesota had been S. J li. McMillan, the present Senator, ex-Govt C. -K. Davis and Girt. JohWtt. 'Saaborn, all bf St. attl.; McMillan would have had an easy walk-ovicr ifthe friends cf Alex. lamsey, the present Secretary-of War and ex-Governor and Senator, had not announced him. It came like a bomb- shell upon the aspirant and now all is confusion, Uamsey lather Ifad nj atd poitsibly, looking to re-c!ectMo. . , The following . arc significant fig ores: btfvcutecu counUes in Alabama show a white increase of IS. 20 per ct., and a negro iccrease of 27.G0 per cent. The white increase Jo South Carolina & 35 per cent, wh;te 'the r-egro increase is 41.50 per cent. In 15 counties in North Carolina: tmbracing the heart of the cotton, toVacco and m ana factor, ing region, tie whites increase at tht rate of 25 per cent., while that of the negro i 35.70. lIo?til ilies areimmioent. between Tui key, Greece aud Albania. Serious trouble in Trans val. 1 T. l'ETEiy i.r r.c;f I z-y. a im perial decree ispublishevl, reducing tht import duty on alt. increasing that on foreign good,' imposing a tax on trade guilXv and doubl i ag the slorace,' dues on rnercbandise ueHiteu in theliovi crnment YarrboU4f. The decree will take effect Jab. 13.; A telegram from Panama says there are now 117,000 Chilians at Pisco, and 3,C00 moke are exacted. advance will bo made on their i arrival Tbe Cblliana art pluadertag (states and towns wherever they go. No reststaact is effe'redij but thU, the Pernriauj ay, docs nwt prevfot "oatrages oa the part oi larst vanuAJS. . , . RrmvntaUve WiiUam P.Frtj baa Writtea t friends in Maine tilat ht is not ashamed to c?ofes that he rrvatly desires to be elected to the Uaited Sutes trenateTi but that be will aol nrglect his dtr i a tVa jreas to go nemt aaaeiectioner lot tne place whea tbt Legttlatn're meets. Th may lost sat the Senaurskip,"' be says, -but even if it does, I shall sUll have tht salUfaction of knowing that 1 bavt not - w a r 1 Begiectepreeaiagpuouc outlet merely to advance mf pfvl taieresu aad aatbttioas.' , ;-i' , j Jadge Se:Ut is bdag prrved fx tht vacancy cauaea be the - pnQoc:?ak cl j Jcije Wood to ik-e tr'trfttae Coort. Tbt Jaije bit xuaervus adalrtrs and devoted frkods la ibis stale wb woold bo gtatiSed at ass appotatssemt to too Flftb Ctrcalt. wbJcb cosisef the ttatta ef Hot Lis, Gccjgtx, Mlssiiaifp Ltm'saaa :aa4 Texav ::- t ; '; Tcsterday, NVw rrs y.WAtrj gtatuUy eknxted at a boliby. i . - cai:c:.!::a. : ":::ay. ccsir? tf tst csi- i.rssrta.tjfji! TtnZ: y Us1 at IU Yt. t : ar tUrpt ttsri'.UattJl.'scf R-t tcwor; 1 of at LIist s tnsztiaa aUra wKt trzzX ti tit csnUirj Cca. C?ut,t'-:ri3,v-T. ...UIl, j as will as Uitlta::trtf.-:ati Jersey. t9 tx-C:i:tC:-rryea Ut wftskilUJ tXCi VJ3 tt Clsa trjy at ti t cf 47, til ttzll 1st beea C5 U U tU Hxtl Ci cav xmirss toxroar, D:s. ccrtrrcadcut at DabUa tiTB Tfeilla istscat la tht atxto trUUHi coaaidnratfy aba tSiL Then srra l.tilm tut aa cTilLement ia tht -ati:!.U:L33J tt the crurt, and I aurs.aB(sr iriaa .sne Tiers eri.:. -! a aniwiaeac woo aucnaea maxj ua apt""' ' ' ., W t A I - . . . M I 3 I 1 The lurracx accommodauoa la tat county is iasaficieat for thtincreaaed number or soldiers and temporary barracks will, therefore, bo fitted op at Ualhkeale, county XJmencx, and En ntstymon, county Clare, for detach meats of infantrr, each comprising two officers and fifty men. Another de tachment will be tent to Lough rea, county Galway, as soon as quarters for them otTt Deen pronded. v Freshlcxses of "BoycoUinz" are cob tioually reported from ; Ireland. - A large meeting was held at Craoghwell, county LUaiway. fast night to protest aealnst the state prosecutions. The Bight Hon. Josepb Chamberlain, Pres ident or the tsoard or Trade, has re ceiv c a iftter irom jMoim tartattator the liyes of himself, Mr. Gladstone and Mr. John Bright, if tbey coatint j to oppose. coenion.- . wrnvruniTDV fiaa w?t i - m named Patrick Henneily has been ar w Aitf bovvat a m Msim wxa i aaaokaa rested at Tipton, charred with the murder of Lord Mounmorres, ia Ire land, in September last. It is said that lien nelly 's description also answers that of the man who recently shot an Irish laborer near Birmingham, it is supposed, in compliance with the order of a secret society. Henneily fs the son of a butcher at Conbur, near the scene of the murder of , Lord Moun morres. . '" ""' I - LosPOJf, Dec, 31. A dispatch ' from Home sayt too aticaa has sent per emptory commands to certaia of the Irish episcopacy to abstain front lan guage tending to pause belief that the Pope spp roves of the operations of the Land League, ! -" The policeman who was fired upon and wounded at Hoi ford, in the County lipperary, is in a precarious, condition. the Jx.?, discussing tat coming session of Parliament, says: 'A coer eion bill most be passed first, and' tbt Laud bill second. We believe that when the explanations of the MinUters J art beard, it will be found that no of-1 fort has been snared to make the exist. I ing laws sufficient for Ireland." The last of the Chinese lepers in San Francisco, Cai-. 14 in j- number, were placed on a steamer on Tuesday, Dec. 21, ar d tent back to China. The ar- raogeint nts for the shipment were made sereily, and tbt other Chinamen seemed perfectly willing to allow a free de parture aheo they finally learned of the plan. A Ex-Gov. li K. Scott, of South CaroJ Una, now Iiviog in Naroleoa, Ark. recently shttand killed a yoang man named Dowry. Scott claimed the' shoot ing as accidentaU C0MPLA15TS TUAT tXSTOM HOtSE PAT- BONAUE IS LSD I3T BCUALS Of W. A. WUEXJXB. Tbt followers of Senator Cookling art badly complaining that they ao longer get any of the patronage of the Cus ton House. Tbey say that all tht re cent appointments there have beea of aatl-Conklteg men, front St. LawrcBct i and are; mostly and tht adjacent counties. Herbert E. James, a son of Congressman James, of Ogdensbnrg, and Frederick D. Win slow, a son of eute Senator Wissktw, ol .Watertowa, are . aaong tbt appointees. Thoaas Law lor, a relative of Geaeral Patrick, St. Lawrence coaaty a also appointed S A. OS k AQ.ASB ana II I if a 1 VksB) District Attorney Pbef pa and Colonel Georte BJwa. The oidef Cuatoaas efi eers say thai the son ot Senator Wins- low was appotatea neeaase nw lataer eoatrols one vote far the next Csi'cd 9tatca Senator, lie was kept oa the ctoiibur pacing s studies at a law school, a few, dtyt ago bo was promoted over tho beads of gray haired aaa extacexks to Seventh LatisiosV, at 12200 a year. Graat bis dortJooed a talent af- ter-diaaer baxeor that surprises every body. If be Uvea tea years tie iaUat capacities tbat bars Iaikt4 beacaih bis sppareat stolidity aad laOiSereaco will astoaisb the wotbl. Graat is stia There H stssll cboieo between taat cr ac thing la tbt way Nona OuwUaa -scalea-Uwd. A New a otk graUe- saaai rtUir that be scat a bo&4 of tt. vO.Ub twelrt jtart at pet ctaf, to CaMgw to bo tcafei. Tbo total dw, priecipsj aa4 tatcrcs, was U9 IItmotttaiaka4aailMtIib tW iu jraussi al ps ja:;uai$ -rtssi. Cl 'tore'l.Natf. Tobacco. ' 1 IT llappf iStw V'affJL' JCo interments Ibdalt during tat syetk. t Wood is acairt sat high, rangieg Yetterday was tlg cat U? of tbt ecotcbtbof JJappf twJYcan i Two adalts and S5cbiWretro iaUrred ia Fiat Jlrest daring tbt week. ' ' '-Mff Mr. J. Leob has aMIo germaa tarp ia his propagating Mm pona MM,t 4. ttU V . www ' strnggUng for lhe2jS;bfgander eena-i torship. y -mm. ''4':V; Tbe Legislature Irenes next Wcd- aesday. Tlrtbuprtwi Court convener i-ia uaieigb to-taori$i Tho Signal Officei ta- raovtdf tw iu new quarters in Dawson Batik buiiding on ylfrajr tThe. regular ma4l3f njceting of the Board of County.l-mmusioncrs will be held to-morroweroQon There weris'tteri llnermrits iu ! Bel HkvU UomeUrtmpeew. beibg. ini , ; . . : . , ... fnU.tripleibt,whJ f were buried in one grave. ; ,.. .fH':- ' '''. Marriage liciussilwere i-ucd to three colored and l4e V white couples by the R:guter .V eeJ during; the week. The Witmirgtoif JMght Infantry baa been invited to atteaa the inausura.- tion ceremonies WiWashington City on the 4th of Marcixf. The mail trai&alpin the northern .-- t c- a roads have been vrr'irregulsr for the past week o& aecht of the heavy snow storms to fh f forth of us. A white woma JtviDg .ia thi-t - city rcxtxtly'.aTe.terP'Ntyipletts. They were each born vci, two'u'pper front teeth. They Iiv$ut two days. The nachiaergvf ihe river stean'ff Governor Worthlb&ke down n Thars W n n" f?a,u Jor reI'a. bicb icu win oe ctypjueicu oy a uesuay. - If you know tor Democrat who voted, but was nts entitled to do so send hi name lalltLe' name of the polcholderr, tofpjf.v O. II : Blocker, W ilminston, N.IC - ; Messrs W; A. tu. Willson werWRqier Hirrcs$full com ped i t i'.ms s t tb Hfal i ng. ?.' dbn Usit la'it Mondar evening! f Botu tbe gentlemen have been awardi,. handome.. pair of sil rer plated tj6cr skates. .' j lbere is i is a pejil&n'l being signed iu f, whicil'?t1l be presented to this city, the next GenerppLsembly, asking for a state prohibitlUorlaw. Similar; petitions, wevb?riisnd, are being sicned throueldtlta the stated Ihe movement was a short time agiaM the circular, clef which were jfeillelie emanated froia tho meeting nEk was held i at thl Capitol." Every anao hwa denied ifcrt ri to f vote. shoulS 'report his oaate ata address to CoJill Blocker, W .i The Sunday i n t'wl scholars M the First PitbytelChurKh presecUd- OB rnaay tvftg last tbe tetirttg Superint3aen Ih (J, Wortbr with a baedeome gf Shaded eboop cahe Mr. StmT Nort '.Asoiataat Supetl iotendent, : w"f handsome - carved silver cakf ba(M4nd Mr. f. II. lUb- wn ff " snBt of Music, with a very basdsweaiUrr Wrry stand, witb, frosted glass dii ' f : Cpt ' Joaitg8a(I:arbW. UasU. re mm 1 1 Assesteaa su TeUb; Tbt aaisbel I ririaf at tkmp dtricg lU j I ISJOe ! Scbooaers I) a kWifWes Totals; tosi T3.SI'I.,stel4;!a Graaatot ictiCAa as4JFoeigl' iS4 twX ig I7JCI t.wt.:. 1 Uyta IM.aay Casteww-sal Tetosbei'. MbotoftitV9xJaai Bt oowasol: mm, P.. CaxaJayv bf hafgl i . mm' ' a: S' mm .:. S- F! i J-jVlf .' NemlerJ scbooWs;"!iiL: ' Brig. . 'W.f IS rjyfporeiga vees arf, tal Cj.j Ca 5 CvJ ! i A dUtrftcUoa of rroti-a f--t lit ' benefit fdf tbt poor cf Ct. JoSa'aTariA was twadt at tbi Cktsry ca jtstarday, Kate Thayer, Jacaary ta and OU- ver Djud Crrsa, Jxzzzxj t'X art all wLo art looked fjr til Orcra ".House at rrcsenU :: - ' ' e tX!J J'";: Tbt ma between tht Uric lal of a tht W.AW. Ciilroad wis Bids la' S hess andSitalcalesty erglaca wc5fia, few days ago. - - There Is said to be good iVaiing oa tbt ponds Bear tbh city. Tbe Mosquito Hall paid Is froMa bard to adfpt of fiiur or firt incaea. , -.' iX mem boggago and expreas Cju was barned at tht depot of & C B4 1- tt Charlotte a (tw xyi ago,It wki Wxdt at tbt Coapaoiesahops in Llttrldgbarf; -Steamer Galf Sireasa. b tact ftr New. York, put Into Delaware lireakwaler Dec; iSth, with loss ot rudder an4 rod derport. She will need ssiatanct 1 to reach New. ork.'. , ; . .. t- iTht Register of Deeds 'reporls Ihit there have been! 131 marriage licenses issued from his office during the ; year 1830; Of this number 73 Iwero issued to white and III to colored cosples. The installation of .officers ot " the Masonic Lodges ia this city look place last Monday evening. Mr, C M. Van Orsdell and Samuel - Northrop beiog ttie installing officers. Fine addresses ( - t were delivered by Messrs W. lly Chad birn and J. L. Macks. ' ;'y On Thursday last one'ol the 'soaniea on the schooner Jessie -Elixabeth was knocked down the hatchway by a barrel of, rosin which waa being swnngv oyer the sides of tbti vessel. - abo right bip bono and left knee pan of tho unforto- natt fellow were broken. He wis at tended to y Dr. Bellamy, and then sent, to the Seaman's Home,: where he is now under ties t sent of Dr, Thoa: F. Wood, surgeon ia charge. j Such weather as this it is very nec essa ry for" one to keep warm; good warm clothing is ' indispensable, there fire persons must have it, Messrs. Sol. Bear & Bros;, keep the largest stock in the state, and ' sell at such low rates as to seriously interfere with, these smaller bouses ' ia tho way of competition. 9&ie can get from SaL Bear1, ot BroaV mam cuoib . stores every article of wear ihg appareJ, -besides everything that is useful about a ' bouse or - farm. Give them atrial and be oonvinced, V .; Oi;ioNvL$m;E.--At rrgular meeting of Orion Ixx&t No. 7. 1- O. O F., IJeld. Wednesday; evening, the fjllow- ibg ofliccrs were elected fr the enju ing term: . - . i , - n.g.-w.. iiewVu.' i::, t. U.L. Tate Bywden. ; ; N 1LS.C j. n. regh. 4 u ! : It'Sec-WJcrrow. ;'".' v f , f ' Treasurer W. 8. WV i i TrUte of ,Widoi' aud Uidiau' fuud S. Warrock.C, MrAjtsflVr, Jto. L. Dudley.- ';--". uthe officers will be iustaltcd on next Wednesday iight by IV D. G JL Jts U . Jackson. , ; ' Kuy a f. A rcasi'M. At a meeting of Cornelius Harnett Council No. 23f, Ur at Arcanum, held Tuesday even in?, the follower dSccr were elected: -i:fgeoril I. Liabiid. f, V;. ih- vf --iP4atVlI. II. Kvprewiczi ; 'j traiorN. Mayer. ",.' :y i I ScrifUry lv A. Hallct. I Collect or-Jacob Well. - TrksurerVyai Larkin. ' Chadlaia.r Meadeasoho. ' i;ai.l .-I iLTinmarkhf. v - Warden-J. W. Strauss. . (1 Scntry-4-E. Levy. :;v I Medical Kiamiorr W. J. ICTfel- , ' . 'l';-;'.y '," IK Tiwvnc.-lf. D. 0'ConaKr ha rrceatly been! the victisa of mUpJaced cusnjfncel For months past Mr. .j)'Cvocor baa teen mieslng smaU asms of tGACty from bis tfe, and bis sarpl tiots fiaa'ly rrsted npor tiwrfgs WiS Ua, cIjrrJ, wbobaj beea. ia bis impvj for the pin three jearx Calif Wvtotly WtHiaau was coaUerrJ tbof ooghy; tru:wortby, aa4 bis employer bad macb cSdeoct ia bisa. Mr-; pCaanr! moved to.tis rrrseat of ce oae of 4bt keys to bis InduU p as list of : " stiolea,. and baa slnct tbea eea la tie ixsWawosr of ;Winkaa, A trap was set tat Yiasj oa Tbatsdiy sd be wailed dirrCJy la It. Ueas fasght la the act cf tiesJua'lie ssdaow aad nW-atiOy e2t a fall oo. itatlag tVat W etoSe tb key ees t Lao leca ia Ji,xiw)itJ ab stracted aVoct f "X Mr. OsW kaa two aca, a csailisaiiMi lock. U wbkb be Uj b. ru. AsspS- ciie bry ef tbe jaacr wjar ai tle. w aa. tVassi ta Wi2 PXtasai , afaie Ibaiitfatji A2 tassa- I la wat sascataliat aav NUMDElt 1 H7 AbvnrruciiENTd.1 i -NOTICE, rva UuLtUW or UIY CoMw. 1 1 ' I . ' wui bejad on rtsenutioa ai tht f .k1el Sew Itaaovet fa this city. , ? IIENKY SAVAl.E. dee X4 it f ' - . Trcaa. a&! toJ. -: - , - I rill-JT SAT1AL 'B.UXK or wiLitiu-; . " ' Janvury J, . j rtmftBOAhjo o fcrcEcxbiV ht tuu l-nfc have U-ret ltviittnl o TLrtS IVtit.,nTiSblnn tko lMi iut. J t a L'a.iii.a . & . riUHT J?ATl(X-VT WfIMI 'U ,o',-ilo SS VAh M V.KTlSa 711 fit J. S3bsrk3MddarsurtBUKaii:. for the tlt- tion oi ii rectors, wiU be ft14 at tUslr Ilk le lttMiao iB-WttmlnKtott'on Xat-iKtuy, tbe -JnXa - (A.K, WAUk inn. 0'icr. OPri A TVvi i.ttot,gun,attaistoi.H IvIjriVINrl'IANtWIU'ittp. lHpVr free.-AdttrcMlimtrt K.-t$ttijr, Vljtus-. -ton, J, . j. )w r ju 2-1 w "7" , i ;-- 1 Ntw" and Attractive Styles are now j; ;;-lieady. . . IFAS(1V I Uckt-'Cablnct or IVrlor Or- x and i t IIAMI1N 0KGANS or blaltesttllsUnction nt Kve ry Urail World'a xtilbiliou for Uilrteit J-OUT8. "rlo f 5!, "'. ftJH, t. f Uk, lb 1'iuo autl upward. 'or ttujrpj-iiinU it 3S (lUAjrlcr autf unw&ril. Cataiotues fr. Masou A iUmtln tri;aii t'ompny, lit Trrmoiit StrM, Uoton ; It. El IUU Ktreet. (Union M)uart)New York; 1B WabasU Ayy mug. Chicago. - Jau 2lw . "HOMES IN TEXAS'' ' ' -.,. I : l . 1 as Tun 1 iylk r, . ,. 4 AJfew lllustraUd Pamphlet Descriptive of the country along utf trltu- ' taryto tha line of tbe r i. t lNTUtN'ATlONAJ. e HlEt" NORTH . EHN KAtLUOAJV and contain a rood county soup tr the fcutc. Jt alio contains the names Hint ml. dresaes of fanners and l'laaters'ln Jeaa wliohave :t , a FARMS IfOR SALE OB RENT, and tnose wb will want. tmrui Haaila l.r . next year. A copy. 01 tttia U3tt will to mailed tree to ttuwe who desire reliable In- ' friuatlon about TexA, upon, application by letter or postal card ui , .v..-; i i A LLKN ' at eOO Y. ' 1 ' ' ! J'alcsttno. Texa. Gen'l Freight and laaa'r At U y Jan iUi f ' BENSON'S C1PCLNE rOROLS PL1STLK. No reinedr more Widely tr Favorably Known. Hi rapid in tcUrvmg, .juick- in ewrlar. Kor Lmo Hurt. RbeuuiatUm. . Kidney Aftectioiia. and ,.ii and mlu- . ConeraUy. tt ibe unrivalled remedy. inn it v I 1 , .; Wm. M. T. Forrcst4Dr Mannuclure-uf, sal Detltr in RC C A L I A 5- and alt fcia! uT ttud.. i;tnKiCAiai. 4ee i-lf e- :r t T t t f r -r rr'i OmnTutti, aaa a Cvals rt. ! - "."- ; cm! ori, w.' at. t: li -'-r, ." f Stttfla,l4' . City Taxes, IPSO. w Iaa raitw tt t&sjraiT T,vXi;.4 CaO tlUi aiafyOeaaaW ioi ' wvaa'JletMiA oaj istttli Wtav.-vi , ' - IVCja lsSl aMe . T? i w W .... Sw jMfcS M iU te. g ssSa.tijjfe , jaa it f i: -.! S" -.-y ; ' ' ' ! ' t, 1 1 1 , " ' r. , j 1 ;;ju. I ..It . i . ; f j 4f b 1 . Vf! f ii ft III