lis i if s mm MS- TO . : i -. .it m . r Y fl I. i - .-..; -.i -. : I 1 g H . . i i, ; mi a 1 ' -rVvr; I "rfS (AY .r ri ji v tn tr im I T n?i ii ii. i r-w J I I I H. '- i I; :, . n ' "if i - I" t i : V ; Hvrrnp at -.VciiiV J'ostoffick at ..;ii.mi- i-' N- C.,;Ar-SECOSp CJ,As:f HA:TL3 OF ADVERTISING. Fifty ccnt.s per line for the first ni .u fHM ;uid 'twcBjr-Jiyd'" cents per Ime ,,r each a.tkli tioiial ifibcrtion. " -:ight jf Uaoi Nobpareil type. oou- ; .jaie a square, t T f i o Jab-?V:ri p tip a pr i c c to Til E WlL m :v : , 1 QO per j year; 'mi)U 75 cents, , . ; '-. ) A I U.'nri muni eali o 113 o q btwi ties slioiiltl c -:. juliircs-w-.I to . The .Wii.MrKiroN I'. WiltTtonN. C.S j . ,H jiVlvertrscirieiiUivill be charged a : ti'ic above pjUc8,. except oii' Kpccial con tracts ' " ; -;V i :- v: -': ' r i o in k iciirriiMicAXj r Till; Till ltl IHSTKK T.V r ; "vTNv j,U jiuVticfiua of the' Tliird Uon " "y;u-..'siori.l Difitricf, wilf please write X iii'i. fit VilinirgtWiVC ahd give ! n,i- a )ull acuiint. hi all frauds ccm-. ' in-iltvi by Ihe' io:nocrat8 dprins the J;!t'!'(tv: giving naincs cf county, X ::-ilv-ijKt,l ;vi: ojp fj'oU, hoJueraV alsp .i, ft ij; '- i Toiirf : pr.even-ttd from v.iiti.'J ai t1! tlit' rcssns lor it, wbelhcr i; i,r ;i'- t!ii' fVgi.Htafa were ai-: their foHt J' (..tjhiljy ;i)i-bre the p!cction; 1n.i.ic'tvi.' n - wiwit 'ji fi.iU; hislory of all ! frau- or hieii .jiiiVuics of evety uriplion, that' K .(If K pliU'rNJurjn j the f lcptiou on Tae.s ; J iVjIre 21 of Novembet IfcO. - " 1 )inkict. : IJejiubiican Com viit!( r, at. WilmiiiRton N. V. t; d V v ii N " J NOU Vil V AllOLI Si . Bivi-.mi "iiii Ihu NvAr. Zite dated rV" hrhoKs I ri JodjiccwiUte county S.iv( - iiUvrt t iiig i n fur malign regarding C i '.'iv ; i-1 prunf hi tig- progress t'f-1 he Tain lie ."' r:oiu Th:! artielc ; fs a little i luiL'.ii:;';, hilt we print it askile of the ,,jjii;i .jlie'tiiirk- iniijculingtlie pV- juily f '.North rftroHna: . i ' . ' . . . i .... f-i..." j)'i f -la nr-tii -thd eastern iortioa i.i- 'S'fiU l'aroliii:i, w-ljcreupon to set-(i'l-'ny itu migrants, . ' Vf" i fV'c!''d ---'a arrive "in . Jvew iiirly iifct;e prinjv The locality jvVUi. iu ; IA hj'h at- preveut, .will be sc " ; ;,;,.! i;. i:e;iy I'anilico river, in l.eau--('.inly, and U repreiierltcd flJ ber ciirtr Vi:'ry"1vJ.tilo. Th iiliabitunts xlaiui - .Viitiii !lw marsh- feycrj'wjku prevails ; diKi" U.-t' iiumur in other local i : v I?, s tliH--- vtot" .extend to' tlio " suuth.8ide ( f the vnttiit-yj that tho climate, owing ' the 'close. troxiinity of the (Julf ;r i.oa.ii, l ii.Mltl a'mV agreeable-dttritig - fit.' vin,ter,"anJ, Ui rough" the almost X .iiUajiilX preyaliinK j sea breeze, c- j)tir.ftVivK- 'Uttu 'pJpaaaui la sUhuuer. : l-ioH U'.K and otiicr farm work, it is- chiiuiCvr ;ean becanitd . on. "with rare L r Arppt-inK'. 'during llic entire winter. UiftAi of eyery yariety fiul well llavored : , '..jy iLeri a. aUo saitTio pa plentiful in i 'auiHOo r I vcr aud. i u j t he.iu numerable - bW :un;U itnauis' that, empty into it, ! .'Ilit'?; ehit f pro;luct9 arc cotton, corn, flri'; and email p,rai"?i n'd it is "believed ' jruek, fArmingi'Ln. the vecenlly i uirKuised iaeililjeu 1 w Iran? portatiou iu wurtUi.i.Viurkctrf. ca'n bo mado very pro':Jt;iblo. A tiUiuVfr - of tfwecdUa. f.imilkvH Hct!;lcd tioaj- rscwb.crn a Tew " yt-aii 'ago. '-They-ilevota much time-to iho c jiliuro uf early vegetables, which .:ii''l'v'd tliemt tu harvest two crops ;ir 1 y ? Th e y a re r e p rese n ted as t h r i i f xTMert ?and , c?tKd; citizens; The ' nluapli; Uui ai'd ;. biaiucss ventre of :. i;;ii!! and Iho eontigueus counties if.' U U":hltigtt', which,iiko u0st8ouths ' 1 1 rt iiwns'ol" ita,ciai, covers cousidef- ahi.v e round . auu nuny strvcir, muu8 V.,i h hmue aro'attcrrd at Irregular i iKtt ivaS li U -fituaud on Ihe north fenl. ot l'duiluo t'wf. and has about v XXiud i iikiljukut;'" Xb only iutcrest. lu.uie. to itra;isr arc the till - a, i! i rt eryed yehes oLthe -iale war. - the CMt end or the towft on a blun" . tho ajptoache., are the uirataiUel i em tin cf a at at fort, and . ii. Ui... li tX, eiu lrcllng the : town, are iUnihle litYes cf infantry breastworksj rf.utd bv Vh ,Confederatea at the i vouiiucnecuient of tlio sttugtev The i ,j' ,;nktj jtif ti ttve rlver-r-a double line T. f ivtivv plicsioofc aa' foriuidable a . Ulu ti ; fimus'tructod. vseoalrtreekly i . a mbat'-: eofu rovietcatlou with New i i fa aMd ortbtlf ha bpen fstaUlUhed, i i od light draf; river boat rua every .'-.aluVukit da? to Tarborov Aompany t i-:?!llt capitalUu has alsi buU a ! luilroad through Fork aarop which t- 'vnccta ftHX ,the stcamera VUP ,a ! tth .! in rUet dAW at riVIUOUth. ID9 , a - Y . v w u iixtu. Vi-urorcia labor fcapital aud cutcrprisf Dull! lT male tht ae of the Rrdeuj in. St r-.ihU iiiiutrvT'isaid ld. Moot fVRVf ry ft day ag ax WaiWartoo, acd v alia'll.4'vte Jar 10 VijlA'u lba.-f: . - )--.: '. .. Mrs. HyV will rrtwat to tlje dcut'cVct acd Ma Oarficti aa tflfffaat lltlrvl fend extension table for the family dtrdos-roora. Ttey ar pf aolia niHrtMnv. nrreti br aa aitWt W Cta Vianati. itete ate eaRl tlowtra, fenia Ut iuWi4votaaihif. ? tuaxi aVKavebctti, la the habit of ud:tift ilclr niibu ia allote illn la tb cf Hlcbwood. - Irxiala. Wiihit U Ut f'Jii beoHftojr leutral Samaiwcxikiaktf UUjid toi a dvaac , Ua Wiroaa ior- muof Kuii, ; UoaS4 4wtlbd i t r., w:m f . iin tn rl hla ewB TltR DHA i ll O- jySllOl ATKI - . ' - t ":: k: . ' ''kon. t ' : ' ! ' : Aftr a litigeriug iltneVs of inure Ihian af year, The Et.,Ilev. Thomas Xtkinatln D, I) , D., Bishor of the J3pis oj pal Church :of North Caroiina, expirja rather unexpectedly; at the Bishop ic ia this jity at about 9 o'clock on tic night of Tuesday last. ; Nearly the fi 'tt symptons of that physical weakness to wboac alow progress he- fall a victim a year later, was observed 'at a. ceremo iy atlhe 'St. James Church in ; this city. He was subsequently taken tp Bilti naore for medical treatment, hence to the White Sulpher -Springs, 'thetife Dack to lUltimore, aftd finally to. tips city , . where urrouaded by tin lendejr- est mj uist rations which affection tou a'ufgest; he gradually safik to that la repose which kuowa no waking. ":''' , 11 iii illsiory. lie was cf Knirlish descent, his grand-father having been a clergyciasn oflhe Anglieiu Churcb,nd he was borp at Mansfield, a faffiiiv estate near Vi- tersburg, Virginiaj oaUheiCih of An gust, 1807. At the period of bis demis i he was there tore 73 years and 5 mohtljs of ag , Hi? wa ecteed at Yale .Co lege, lu t,he time of the eider tsilnman, but grKiluatecl at Hampden Sidney, in Virginia,-in 1832, at the age of 5. Hp 4vas trained to the bar to whichiie wap adtnilted ,in J53-3, practiced the prfei jion flfc-hyif, pursued a ;' fo'yrs of sludi'eiS in ibcolpgy and becam ft Ueacoii ill Order's in 1837,' and in I83& was admitted to tho Priesthood in ChristChurch in Norfolk.aerving at Narj-' AIk'unU li39j, when he took charge cif St. Pau.'s.rarish at JLynchburr, and.ip lSibecawo theIict6r of St: ' Petei'ji in ijjJtimore.; lu Mafrr 185?, ho such ceeded the lit. Rev. Levi S, Iye, hb Bhhop of North Carolina. He made. his residence at BaleigU for ; a short time wben ' he remoYcd to this city where he r has since resldcdT, always holding the oiUce of Bishop. He mar; ried in I'tteraburg iu BMiei Josepha O, wilder, who survlvea""riiniS .tie was crcaiea uocior t vivinuj by. Trinity Collejj fartford, Jioctot of Lawa'by the Vnjhrersity o Kbrth . Carolina in and by ;;tb University ofCambridccin Fngfand. iir fl,.-; -. ' :W " -4- ! K' - V Tbo Obsctiuleti. -j I . St.. lames was in full funerfcai dra pery, th-j mosses left over from' Christ mas heavily draped w;' cvapo ami other evtdenccs of qriet, in arches byei doors and wjndows apd glunjr eojridor8; On the chanccritood 'be IJisbbp kWi heavily draped, and one shield on.each aide drapediin flowcrs'find withrappro priate f iiiscfiptiopj. lExceptuig the scaU reserved for the funeral proces sion the eld St. James was packed, when the measured tolling of the bell ancoicced tht the (uneral, procession was leaving the, residence of tho late Bishop' Tho organ murmured in low and mournful tones, aud the -choir oi St. James broke forth iu melaucholy strains.' ' Willi measured " tread the, funeral cortege moved toward that an ciept tcnpio Vrhere the yenerated. ashes were to be deposited beneath the alr. The pall bearers' were tho lie. lYM. Ambler, the Ker. Dr. Patterson and the Key. Mr. Pitts of this cityhe Kev, l)r. 3IarsbalK Kev. Mr. Kich ami liev. Mr, SiaedH pf Kalelgh, the Key Mr. Larmbur ofv Goldaboro, and the Key. Mr. :B.-ou?on of Wilson. Several young men carried tho bier. When , tho pro- ceasiou arrived the docf of St. James Kev. ir; Wauqu, jUbopI Iyatan andt Bishop Whipple of Virginia met the; casket, and. a fter it was pi aVed ou the tir Dr. Watsoa read 'the icssou ; irora the fifteenth chapter of Paul to tbej Corinthian th v hymni 'U!cc ir Jesus'' was then tuo, atl tc.e castea as loweml beneath the level of th cha'ncel. UiaboptLyman tbf p Jtm tbjfl commiUal srrvioe in a voka of profound emotioc, "Eartb lo trtb, Aahca t4 Ashe, Dat I la VmU" . J IUhott WhflUp ot Virginia read the cooclnling prayer, jMSd Jerusalem the toh??n 7 waa -upc by tbe bo!e leofccTegiliont and (be aofe'ma aeivicta were caded, j commoata ouitUbop AUlnafa Uvi Vt. Atitnsoa'a character was: ajnyif lar j pvtre ad nofcl V? er the iaanber of tbe ;ahool, wita after atDgular powt Q$ dealiag witb jecu and greai dwer of apeeeb, to- gHher with that ef brata with out which no maa caa b a weial thinker, and that cotacieatioua reaoa- Ing wiaout which Ibtre fa a acbtdar htn, be atood'a j-llar of ujat waqj tuea and oal to the mot aiHEcalt 09 ca.4oa. Thert was aa absence f fecUtloa av ainctritj, ait lagtacauta fraakne4 t44uadacy r tU Ulliz toaroujb Ban fjtU wotU, ac4 at the unc Use a df rcoti o of CiUb, aa laplkUaeta f WS U U aatrl prladpk of tktrktU ytcat aa undiriJed aabkiio bia taUra ;;:v)ilmington;;n f His opportunities were great as well as his rcapbnaibtfcCand'LmtU as his reppons satiIifd both.V.rir.dinghibi8elf tho c!p83 of a peiiod of liercctt exacerbation on account of trie civil war, he tore himself with an uiirVftled ' serenity which commanded the" love ; and the veneration of all'wih wbora he , came in contact, and exerciecd a racilicatiDg and sootbins influence upon all his surrotfnding.s.. Wc doubt that ail tae scuthcrh "couriiryor.eierson cculd Jje singled out, whose JcCuenco lor peace and gocd wiir va- so gnat. He walked the earth with, that . tupeiiar mien that comes from - 'luinliau. reli ance aad high training, ani not, ply r? -i- - - r- f ample u the. nobler wuIks ot life, among the iriillioa aud aFhalf of peo ple within the liniijd of this (Jummon wealth; but will' ctjctiuue to maikrthe generatiois as they roil ovifr his tomb.' ; TRIBUTE Of ItliSPiiCT. , At a called meeting of the Vestry of St. Paul's Church, on the evening of the 5th inst., the Kcclor presiding, the l'ollowing rcsclatious were unanimous ly -adopted: . . .' " : : Wj(t:m:.vs, It has pleased AlnJighty Godvin Ujs wise provideucs'to remove outof cur niidst onr beloved Father in God, TrioafAs Avi tcixs6x, .,' j 1 ; ' Resolved, While it ia bar 'duty5! to eow in bumble submiksion to the Divine will, it is right and fit that we bhould expresj the uuTeijjned grief we j feel both lor our -own pergonal and the im measurable -Idea his Diocese, has sus tained iii t heath of one so eminently fitted iu - every way for the high and holy office which for twenty seven years he has sr wortbiiv filled ia the Church of God.. - A ' ' . ! . ' ! . : Second, Tlnt U:-Vestry in a body attepd he rutcat from 'the Ei'iscopal residence. " . Third; That the Church be uraj.ed iu mourning a an emblem of the or-t row ol UhecorigrfgaucHi, which, oflenerv ,yi u iucuiiii iiuvii iih u, oiieiif r lah any other-in th'i state, hajj the rivi'ege of listcn?n to his wiid arid iviuc life yii-ilij? WoVi'-. I " than pr i Fourth, IPhat we feel the livelic&t sympathy with U htnnvid family es-' .pejcially ,iith kli widow, to whose ut tiifig . zeal ar.d energy so much if St, Paul's pr8rc:Hy iv dnq; acd that a copy of tliese-resolaiious. be delivered, to her b,y the 'Scert-tf;? of the y cslry.". JicicQii, 'l'htit the icity'pnpt iM be're queeted to publish thes6 p'oceedi.'' T. M; AiiiiLE(: Kectorbresidit. DclJ. Ctxt.A.itfeecretary ' ' 7 ' i ; TKlBUTE 0J?4lKSPc J'. i r Tho Kector aud'VtJtry of St. Janle?, Pariah, called fogethci on the oocaaiou of the death ot tju brttii ijshop ol ttus v.ioccse,; urn unoAy Axiaxsoir, D. U, L r., pd dtqirU'g to. give cJcpreiuwAo 'liitfir feeliog, do heveby .' : . I , ', ; :. ; ; fc?;'e. That iu 4b: death ;f our venerable Father in Gj'od the nieiulera of this Parish, at whop altar h Tor sometime officiated asllIec'lPr, h'avo pc- culiar cause for grief iu .the heavy bo- reavement they have Eustajiiau. JNou one congregation olv bows its head under Jlhis t hstemng.fbf the ,'ha;id' of God but every circle aud every coigreV gatien through out the Uioceso weep over tbc.bitr of.thtirigrcat' BUhop. , It lisuch ineu as lie,, men: of pr&yi r aud men ci trutn. wno consiittne Xue strength aud power of; state. L'e was wise in counsel, gentle iu manners, wth a tindword'lrom uu ail who bo'.i ht ' lils' kHdty' hcat to intetxcHtrs'e. -.lie went about doing good, comfortingihc troubled, uphoidiD;: J tlie i weak jiud cheprin the desprfndent, a true leader, of the Hosts, of otl whose trumpet never gave forth an uncertain Uouad Wbue we mourn thel heavy ailliction which has befallen tw, yet rwe thaakl God for the great privilege;1 w' .bave' en-: joyed of havlnt been. so closely ?con rXccted with oTj whoso, dailf wa)!. so exemplified the truths c f the ChrsUan religion, llis ilfewa a prepatatioa for etertity and he so lived - that the lengthening shadows of hia earliry p!i griuwr disturbed. him h1 ' and when (he aiimmor.s came heCculd esclaim iu the exultant ...language ' of;Wv: olia. "Amen, eveu o ccme bick'y Ird ;y-i!Y,-,Tsiai a? a joke a ff tjur re-" spict. iw our departed H;hop the Year trfot this lVrih will atter.1 his fiiuc ral la a Hr. .s--;'.-:-.-.:,'-:--.;.- -.A-. ... Mtsotnsl; Tbat'w feeder to tliU af flicted family atnl parthrfciarly-. to :hia venerable widotr our profsmndes; sym-, pa thy in theirljorror, , tommeadiai thenr 40 the watchful care of that God in whom cur departtd Bth' Ve:eTd and trusted. J ' -. ' r ". . - U , f . TrA-kaV h ; Teeter" if Piih ; bj lipectfu.ty wnesUd Iransnut copy of iLir ruvlutitu to Mrv AtkiadV ; -j - - ..'-x j .: a raecirg ci tue eiry ot o: Mark Charch. btld a ike 5;U j iat tbe foUowinj 'adcjtM;'. !' , Witic-U,i t; baa jlcistd Almighty God ia lUwie lVovideace U remove frora car tuid our dearly bekvtl Ci-vbcpasJ. F;br,TuMX ArKj.sw. 'fft-V uiit wtti e to, tow ia- Cburcb. aa.i vcsicc' ;U b t. wrr e tai-i: .' tktp ;cl h.S Mtftyfe Wer Iw ' itrer?lieet farejetaBp?; and ttutiiaed. :':lkiTb tfert Iwt; itrewrtaeedf babiiaaecu Totw ia epect bdj aa4 fii' ti eisxvcra&a Wk atLein to Ilia will r;t ft h bit rithi i u. u iti mkit trvS. I aad er?tr tiit- ''-bcsM Yfc&aT&Tt I fuIJv. ' lovinclT. etea : rcfere&tiaBT I Uc iUmm tmsi wpli ir!eXV .tit irtxX Itatos wmkJ cart written ter lie coU the errf J X the Pcc,,as4 e : th cob-- se-J Oeau! uaier th eC Uii.bu. M lvr4Jeai- IavKf rrrtratlwa to whita h :I rsUarTa I It teems to Be wirs wekeis? a Li'J i.:f, aTMIJiw ... ; ! jhf losa whieh they hare auataineu(;that tfiem and that ihe pies iSe requested "to publish the-aamet ' !S-( Siy GEORGE ' ELIOT J l ui'HHHi. ft -f'. -n- nil i M arlarf jstacs -the- Eenool - Girl A ' Plain J?ace and aVinelBrathitr 1 . . ... ., . ...- If-:! From on Occasional Correfpondentcf the ; ': :- Tribune,,-?-; ,ff.ft ' AMDOVEfiDeei 2d. Divers newspa-1 pcieay mat- weprge jho waaoorp in the town 6f"Wirwjckshire," I wbicji ttlioroe wm borne in the citroE' I w . , j . . . . J Warwickshire is a countryy arrd there is no town in England of; the1 naiie. She was, However, born k iri; the county of Warwickshire ; ihjOr icarNnncatou: Her father was the bailiff cr land stew ard of, the great njan of the neighbor hood, an office t,' 'which one of - her brothers succeeded and still holds. ' r She received a'portich of her educa tion at a boarding school near Nunea ton, 'and a school-mate, whose' son I hiet last spring, says that as a girl, she was very; popular vith t$achers : and pupils. She learned everything with ease, b'uV was pa'ssionately devoted to music, and became thoroughly accom plished as a pianist. ;Hcr. incstiers .aid ways croughi tne most dihvculS solos for her to play ia public, and evef. where said she might make a perforinei equal to any then upon ihe - coj.ctj stage. J- 1 y;o was Keenly susceptible toWLa sli3 thought her lack pf persoii?i' btauty, frequently saving that' ihe .'wa-i ' not pleased with a tingle feature j of he face or figure. She was iot f specially noted aa-ia j writer, b;t eo youitnor was bei intellectual power that all thought her capable of any efTf"t, and sb great was th.e charm of her jconver1 sation that there was 'coatinualStrife among the girls as to. which,, of thei should withi walk her. ' The teachers; ba-1 to scttlc'it by' making it 2dcjerid ujan alphabetical succeion, ' ; ' .'.' She Ifsnt jp Uuid. tcquaintance with het Cdrly Jiomo during the middlo and later portion . of :her life; but: when 'Scenes'of Clerical; Lifo" was -going through Bnclwooii, and--, there was much speculation amoni? Ltcrarv neo-. pie aa to te pf ssanality of tho ne &m powerful writer, in apite of the mascu iina pseudonym the inhabitant1! of Nuutjalou at ouce declared her to be tlio author. They: ulentilied several h.sraetcrs oftbe story, among the rest, Mr. Dempster. : The latter d'ed ' "A Nuneaton only a year ox. two ago,being oftea called by that name in private, circles - . - ' '' George Eljotjonco told mo that she, had kuown in early life a family. some what fike the GariB3,' and 1 ollea'feel as revul ti Ucr books that characters moving in! their sphere are; real: in a1 different e use from those of the liomo a and D .-roihea ' type. 1 Counted it good fortune to ntet tho gentleman who told nc these iigideutaof George Eliot's youth, aadevtt greuierw ray pleasure a later, i "saw" another 'who was with Chapman the pubiiiherhjhen i Miss Evans was living in thd house the dear friertu sad arot- tlaugbicr of liri Clliapraan. ; was in Loridiui w hti ishe was! mar ried last May to Mr. Cross. The IfiUy AVtc?, in small type, and in an ihco spicuous place, eaid : "C?corge 'Iiot tho distinguished author: was "married yesterday to Mr. Cross.' , . , . ,.:,, .- , t..; . . ?: 1 ;-' ' -h'JW4mu right? it was IJcorto iuliot who married Mr. Cto-, and, aa it did not say at that time, at St. Georjre' Church, ilanovers.faare, the bridef maida being tbe sisters of her husband.' An old friend of hers told roe it af iiselcM to deny that many of berf;iend feared the step waa fan wier but that t they had made up their tuicdi, f,om I the know!ed? taer - pojfl of her (judgment and good iense, that she wee entirely competent to dacida what waa beat for bet future bappinesa. When ever afterwards I met anyone who knew, and loved her, th marriage was pokcu of ia the same apirit. , See west imme diately td Italy, whera with ber ,lbns band he passed rabfct of - tka aumaxer. maraiag aot to f f ba PsidrT, owned Again', after ber return, I - heard the marriage apokea cf a moat bappyr i as another evidenco that etjuitity of age a ad iateiicetual ptii u abso lutely aeceaaarf to frieedaker erea lore.' It la not gossip td recall tfce details of her l;Ce; even taocjh ake ber elf nerer gjfTa t ti.t;k,e j1 eat patikuir io regard to it. the sd waya wrote under tae paedaaarct Ukea yeara before taad hski that while tbe work w a open to cnticwa at all times aod plac?! wtb tbe worker the criJ bad BOtalag todX ; - Bat bow uu&s a a w-epcr w:i f JFterg t w$a, at esjtily w'Vt?8dtSs cuct acta? la reranl t tt'fi-i fVrr4i thm t .1. :. t WiTJaa gialririrt tit ataa- k-t-iilt k,.'-' ti" PNJett 'l TT i ai w 1 . - i ,Ai JOINT TO alWOtNT A If SATE TH E 'i-TJUKS.rEB'QF CAKOLISA icrori , .Whebeas, liftSI'as been said by public apeakeeilig the past politi cal canvass, arijiip7 the newspaper press of both pitKPwhich- conveyed the impressidiKi-ltate : officials of iorth Carolina ie matter of the Jiale : of thef -AVlftforti. Carolina Baiiroadi-wrei .feced by corrupt iTlrefort bi ttmMtf; That ! Augus- iua r S.' MerrinfOBSf tho county of Wake; John : Hiia)f the couroty of wcaveav iiu iryRarnnger, 01 me county of MceklBfJ;r,be and are here by appointed a:ibp88ion to investi gate the entire ipirP of the salcl and transfer of thIrtjSioad by hei said fofDcials i )M f sy i; ; ' y ui r ' fIiegokrJ, kitif't eaid , Coinmis-sion- sbalt ael.ei'f their nuiabci as President 6t$0g$$e and shall have power, and are ilyjrauthOrized to summon witrilif compel attend' ance, to admifiiatjiLs, to take testi mony and td lj00r attendance of any and all 'perstSliether state rfii cials or, ether Wfejfei the; production of .all papers 1 ni pessessiou rela ting to said sal tran-ierioiT the aata Wern Nb?li34rfclina liailrdad. HtuhlcU, lurdt: ijlt tao id Con- mission shall hoj I lirst Bession in the city of Ka'cr vuuin ten aaya alter the passgi these reatrtu- tiocs, and shalli power to adjourn ;ordins to their from time to tjif jHugmeci, uiuu ilsuurDcse of! this Coram fcidt slialfeSiSifecompl'shed; l:coh uL jo$mzi said Comaiia- of the public TfaiiSM a sum. not ex ceeding three d1$er diem, and that the said Com ralliid each jof thern shall jbe pait-bfcublib Treasurer the sum qf 'li'li, , and traveling and other ' cjtpf tup'; :. ,-. . j. r-'fWMieilaM. CummissiQn reportlto the l5eitELsscmblv' within thirtyidays ftor passage of these Joint KesolultoiliI. V . -toomiiaody jpSmmitU iu the iriu- 9ipal cit'ie? irl jitlHf? tfivtry arc nctcd rJs. fpllows ' ; 5 : .. ; - Detroit, thef widp ; ." t Louisville, hbJpW.dtt. .Norfolk, th1lpijrc:if. ; Baltimore, (hd insefsi,. , . Cincinnati, imc gafst ilirfi. strEouts; tijclllpleckics?.; ljartrord4; lUc..uaicia'tis: ,;: W'aabiltbi'M:danccrs: Boston, the! riillllccturil. San FranciicoTeff iacst it:d;tlleut. 'AUa.ii.ta thd aSlJcral tntcrtaiucrs. . li'skuiond, iboil am kbie dircsi- tiou-- '-rftefr ; .'f--8'' l,hiladclphil! gi5V;ctiKU aud lady-like,; F ''- "'..j'' " -'New Xofb&t -ind mcit.'tx. penaivo iusdrcHlfif ri' ' ;. f . . Cleveland. .fapfgraccfiil and cc IcrtaidTog'iu iirHfiion.. ' "Tim 1 CUew Tobacco, .1 !1 I'&.i.i'-. t Swcvt iNivy . l.V 4)ae;:''ite'e''')akda!f. Iuru the wek. 1 :.. No i-termehifBS)e Cithvltc mc- mm , Tterc ' wrr 'Miterm uU.-i: llevtic CcBiot'y!Miscek:. ' ;' IJe-l- , Three adulb I oa cliild it wcrc 'the ialcrtd jin . jtrs'' .. .. ' - . AN c are under fsjf.fitions toJlwuV J. A.iIfnbbelVcf'Jft;:Hntfor hi eptVcii on the lYnsio "'priaVjon: V'U. '.. Marriage TMcea luples by tboltegJrififlf'erVcrU,; the Week, ur.-t'.-S..!?jatcGKt U I'e-Cerl waa- uurkd a ay. to Ms carab v. 15611, aadftL cgag I pair' bare gone on a mm :"ow AH, K&bion4T fvt the ca- .aciag teria fated Moeday t'gkt by IV ih V&m,HTiijlrr. JSw VokipfM cie of nbekiolf iSf-w" ccderT'Hr rt- f' C M.iitm .CVx'! N At , 4 rIe.rtLly,;'fct-Jfg; f led fer f r It: BswS .frbtrll O ntakiat 4 THrTVEiiTEBStiSETU : i )' .'-ve poweEjploy a clerk to L r rrra , Us pfcoetp and for- other 5 .iirposc?. and ihalShall be baid out YW newel 3 t v; - . ,1 i:-eBSB4? a cjtiikw I - rfial w' S fi Sialic Copies 5 Celts r ALi'EBiiiste NoT&i. The Board of r' - i ! ,11) iji- Aldermen met id .regular aetiion Mon day afternoon. . .-'. :.. The fire alarm in the railroad tieil has been fixed. J', jy' Jj- Irji-. i ,:; Police officer il'eUewsy'ttilo jWaa p?,id the deceased officer V wagsa for the . month of Decembeti j,. 1 1 The Wages of sCcec t hand ba bcea raiccd to tl per day on account ol ex treme cold weath er and price of wood: 7 A petition irom Ux' : payers repre senting '5f,Oo4yrtliof.eal jeatate; was presented f to the Board pf Audir, asking tbeir approvaPof the coa tract With the market company ,4- f The prohibition mecng, bcld in Jiie Opera Houstp, on'Tuesday last, ; wae- well attended and - cCaaidcrablel inUr- est was j manifieatcd. j Addresses . wcro mado byjKeT. E. Av(Yatcs; ClXev: J. If TajlortKpgejr' "Jloore'j A: J Dellosset, and raptj 'jf. Tbbaipeoa. Upou motion the following resolution. was adopted; .Vo t .. ":' w '. .',. . JUsalveJ, , That " the pastors of the churches in thia , citywith the chair man of this meetinjr. be selected as delegates' to represent the-: friends ofn prohidition in tho anproaching state convention at Raleigh, and that, furn thermore, the cbairmaA bo authorized and requested to select,' , as soon as practicaole. ten additional delegates, and to announce their names in the secular presa o.this cty. -H. The meeting thereupon adjourned. BoAup.oi' llE.VLTii.A meeting' of the Beard of. Health for New Uanovec county was held in Uie County! Com mksioners room' last Friday evening, Col. W. h. Smith; the chairman, pre sidi b?.. ' t. " ' ' ' :y ' . - .! : (, . Dr. This. P. Woo made a iifeal re port to the Board of bia '-yiait ito New Orleanaj iu attendance-on. the Quaran tine and tlcaltU uieetings recently held there. I-'-'-V;-U' -: "! ' The- fbllowaag reaolul;onj oflered by Dr- AVood, was adopted: t- 7?toi-f i, That in the opinion of the New Hanover County Bjard of Health the time has come when in the interest of humanity ahd mercy a hospital or infirmary and dispensary bhould be es tablished, in the city of Wilmington for the care of tho sick poor.: Nonsuch in- stitntion now exists aud tbrpre Is no ad equate rovision made for such pur Iosca. Wo rcspectfally augeat that the proper. authorities be a--ked to taJkb suth actiou as will secure the. end in view;.';'w-:' '.'?; '.';--' The Secretary wa-i . rtquei.rcd to pre sent tLii resolution . to -the chy and county authorities at their-fcfxt nicit' ing, which was.' tlono-this afternoon I A.-AusiAK.'lhc following are the new I jr elected officcrs'of the A. . Adrian Stcaui Fiiiejl'agioo. Company, for -the year lS81;-r )t i i" :' , Foreman A Adrian. ' Firvt Aybiota n l ot ( iiiti - 1 lei h. au Ili-uti.' i .;' :;'. . ;. ; ;';,:i":.s' .-',-' SccoiijljAt-siiiiii.t ' i'vreu,arJriMatt?n Kalbjcu, ; : , :. i;' f': ? j-.,;- -)l,residOut-Jl'iidenbuMiei . ; , Vice-iycydcut--j D SJt5j-.s ' -' v'lts vrfd iii'g "Scct.Ur 4 ) Q iiilltr. itcrtiy.TTJ i L GkcLiu, . '.. ' . Eagiucer Walter Furlong. , r Aia;tant Eugiueerv-W :F; Lttimaa. - f .- ... .. GttsfAsiA IjMiTheofficers of lermcnia Ilje, N"o. 4 K 01 ; were instaltidjlbaftday iiveaing1 but, by Ik i ). G. C,j H. C. Prenipert nd are an io:Ior;- . -; , .sv a; -''-" lpyy F Weazl; ;'; ?' ;-V'H -: ci -w lOi'JvidK- il-::: V tr-,J A K..cvler. ; ";:,' .i - F V oKmpm. : ! ' K im-FC3IH!er. " . M of E F W Ortosa i. -' : '- '' Mof FVJ F Ka!f. - ' -' M at A A Vcbrbih. . ; I Gi-Job I teie.,;- -. ' A t-J S!embersrer.;,, ,; I. u. j: 1 ,-ljaa Iviivdaia; wcra j iSWd, oa Tuesday i;It, at fcf ficer- c f p'l Fcar; Vgt,. So. ?, l... O: F.J,f)f lI:eeaicgieria: ''-i'i NG-WM Uaic, St. , i:s-ikfjikiu - ? P. S -W L Sayib. ;i;:; T-i-Joba 3-Uja4cr. - US toi" G Mamu lkar. ba ta X G-W J II Kal5i AVi Ijepwisu !v i:H':i .Crf W Cilcia.aH.i.. irjii ?') I. tiiA'SrraAa..:..v,v;;-i:li' auC$lrBafl '.,..' II S ta V 11 I2arkk;a&t. 1 K : -iail Piatt- 1 K vf P f-Ai a xtraiu tKiT t! JIiiy ctta ijt; Ui ;iUitx a4 n were Iiak4 C (U."d4k 1 iaicj ':-:::iA:-T,:r: :;: . ' IT cf U A S-J WaAiaW ' at A-l U UnK':r. f -' ! fnll Tit CMiitL i. .'.' 'r NUMBER k2 KEX !ADVJ31TISIENTS. Oakdale Cemetery. tTOa Aonaal Meeting of L-t Owners" ;.?m-ft.t'i -i,;r ;.n -1 r -. . . for Uo(f lection of Prnideut am! Dircc tovB, will be hIda tbo Company's 'Uf- mg, January Itkb, I3SJ ak JS o'clock. Tho . Pra,cUcal' Gcnasin Barber ... 1 1 "1: . j and Ferfumca. V. on -r... I ... A . -iJ f oxKcii c-ireet, Near Frost. Arid aljoa Stacd"m the cortivrof r Front and Priuiccss Strcete; facturerof rasiaiaalBxilliauiiuc, Friction and Lusion; Also, Extracts, Colognes, Beaatifier, Hsiir Oils, Ton ics, -Uenewer, Innovator; Huagariau. Coamec, and Hair Dyea of Every .. Shade, i-"1-.', ;- 1 Koae tuttbeb4 workmen empi4yed by lac. f:: PETERSBURG R.E. COMPANY. I OFFXCE SyPEKINIENDENT, reteraburt, Yaiiov. Ln. 1SH', Schedule of Trains; to take- Effect ou Nor; is, iseo. GOliJQ SOUTH botou?.nd SavauUah Vast J-eursoorgdntlr lit . v' p lit . Arrive at! pP oaiy at iicliif ui.) 1 VIUUU W...... iKtVi p.U( -a New Yorfc Ex rresa le'avca lc Arnvvs ai VulU ja ut aouthtiu Kipcwu lrvi iUi r t . arg rtalty, at'....;. IX. ers. .ll:'t in k l; u m wu:-oin: tiiaix, with if.vBHE.NGi:u -evca lolombute. v f-, !pl ArtvaatW.ttkltMi i 17ZL ......ll..vj . m .: ' :;; ; OOIMJ NOHT1I poston .ti.! Ki junah' l Icjivo Tchliii dally tit...... .... 1 - i.:.j -rt ... -a iu N."v,r KaprcM-lc'aVea'-Wt ; von, UMIJT Arnvvsut l'vtonours i "'I i in ou ' , sn .. , , - ..i i, - -t a hi : x n lu KRj-raiiT 'inAtK. with tacknuj n - ; ;WAUl ATTACiUiUi. - .i . etou. :l ' .1 Hi 'V ': I MI ll' ltl : . ' i .' - -i Kleeplnj: earit ana Tr t -'iu 4ffc t Mnit7 Ul, Btl Wkll(tlln ...i . iV. limit. t(ui, iuttj.nd'frltf-l if, .jtit" c..i tr, I'MMjiisaf got wist. U-kvu .uu cbwk tri LKt. - -, riit .ufli-. ;j n Liii.xt,'i. i-aiawm rs going north ti t -'-tt- T t-i,V. .i Z- ,. tiitrm-r n;iru r jvt He ' Tv.v, . ; r ;;.;P '' iwlv? JHtUrW ti !Ua; Tax. ". Jta TMj..VXM"A1j' uu:hxj. or : Tig; X. - l - .V1 lwnaW.W.1 to b14 , fiamiiiiiiiodnft A. jm ;aia " jr A.. WALKlt.-cW-t. Win. M.v T., Forrester ..,'. ::-..:.' . Kri'.i Mtai5:w Uiblf ; . iy iR".E''44:A-tii; mm all fekaafv4. am. mtatt IruvitrtLV '"-; !f:';'VTi? i ' "!""" '' .. - ATTrrjriaja; wtf.a ?ta ii 1 ,'ttaiiflwift y4 f1. 7".J"f;lta aNrmM 1 1 ' - i '. vt v . h r : i. -i i i . nC3J:I5E3EIlIEiiir to thetrvitof G1 tiureietateU V!n y Ut Ice bit cae dowo w4 apiklBf ky t p- UktWSft4 UsUfda fat U. 3?ua Ctmb klkkaa. rL- MH4 tttU -i run i ii ttraRwiU ia talaUiarvC a ?'' -'y ? : ,: i r jtk : v.- v ; :;r;:V ' ' ;;r;-ig' i' illt I