ft CP ' l - . - IS ' i itl Wff V 5 3 Iftli J K 7 - - : : , i ' -': " j-f L- -t'' Ar f f ' . ' I . UJ 1 . . . . v r 5- WILy Iff GTON; NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY, JANUARg fo. 1SSJ. ' , Single Cofies 5 Cents NUMBER 3 f .'I - ' ' . " 1 : ! IKnTKBED AT THE TOSTOFFICE AT hv'iJ-MisuroK, N- C, as Second Class lAUEi: HATES OF ADVERTISING. Fifty cents per line for the first in- rtiiii aiul tvventy-fivef cents per line 1,-r racIi additional insertion. - Kitfit i) lines, Nonpareil type, con uiuitc a.H'iuare! - .1 1 i The sijb.wriptiori price to lllE Mi.s'i io.v -"rosr id tl 00 per WlL-1 year; 4 mo n tin f v ceins. j ? AUcoiiHJtuuicalionsonbusineasbolild T W redressed to The ' Wilmiko.tok. s- 5 P.i'ri WihninstouNvC . IS A It ad vertiscnients will be charged f ( iie ;i)ove rates, except on special con 4 i.'r.ufo." ' - - :' I TO TIIK KEITBLIciSfi OF t JIIK THIlti) DLSTIUCT. ; TJie Kcpublicaus of the Third; cion t .tewiial District, will please write ire . ;it . Wilmirgtou, N.C. and give aM Aiil account of all , frauds com iiiiUcil ly the -Dcaiocrats duriDg-.tbe fahC cltction,: jiviu nstniea of county, (jicincl, aiid 'cf poll holders, also naiucs (1 ptrsous prevented . from viptin aud the reasons Jor it, whether or iiot lhe roistarV were at thcirf out I oi'iiuiy before the election; iu. (act I I Wtt a -full b-intory ofj a'll frauds or, ! ';ifWg!ttritiesjofcvery descriptionthat .1- i... i.. f.i.-f.'i!tritii iliA frlprtinn nil Tiips. J iv the 21 of November 1880. ' f ' -y-:: , .0. II. iii.o( ki;b, j t'Lainnan' district I llepublican - Com- luittcc, at AVilmjnglon T. C. ; . J'iio . legislature, bus j bcea acd by ot iialor cott Jo investigate the outra tri'V.iii condmi of the penitenUary offi l i a's i iv t h.el r treat men t of con ict., and A!-. V!ill"tlj i)tiji'4cratic tegifhOTfr' dare i,y j-'- sst uatr ot'l'a reaolutiona in vtiiitiii (lie Western N. Cilia iJ road :'.(!.' Many people, rcariiieis of parly, i . 1 it ye that 'corrupt meaDS were used tu i'liett tlie, aio, therefore . the matter hliuL 1 .jc iaslijjatcd.' 4 4 ; . i iti n iiai Ucd Uy ,he hou tjiern Dcm (,irai'(!'.'t 'iT the negroes will "eschew" s u!t will, be serene," dud the -vii.1 .-...ulIi w ill jiiari'li i peac,eruliy to I'l.i.-i'triiy. f'iipposo the1 iiegroes cpu -ilil, wiat ij to bo doue with the thirty tlvi1 htatt iu X7o'i)gre9io.whicii:tUey are i.iititU-J: Wfill the- south consent to v1inv tiicm? or will it continue to tic;(l tt c'in.f j?E.vcfiaijjjc.' I i'lio bouse which Davy Crockett once livtil in at J.awrcnceburg, Tenn., is still ; t;ui'liu5, and diycrs'lperBons in the n iglrborhood potiseiss legal documents written out by his owifhaud as Justice I tin; pe.acfs jllo had a mill near the Ij.'U-o,. lt, it i raid, went' 0(1. bunting' nii.l U tiiuneoriag while his wife look . v ir uf ilio1 grinding. Mrs. Crockett ' a w oniau of great Btrength, and iyoulil baiidle eacta'ojgraifi 'with case. 41 !i. vJlolirt -Biermau 'Amscicft's d-rl iiirigiluaacier and statesman, p;cs i'ui'm the sjeuatjp. to the Treasury MV tnt,' aud after four yearsof H iiViWnvUUful and brilliant service yr:'rou'icU -Id the United States, re iiiuU i the Senate ; llio unanimous , U iJe v" the llerublicaivs oflhe great : thhv W hat a iwmp'imeot the ; :.-;t pvople would, yer? naiurally !ov t Y .5 If, Sutrmn, but that is not the x:sr t rl thermal! des his state a vtci ; VouipHnjent to erve ;it. Qhio - i uiuuy great ' raen, but we do tbe i " :' i..!...i:a . u.uor trei 1 uicu uo iiuaauvc iu j tit. ivruiau i their equal rif not the '.niiny'or irt' aay of them. . - ' :) . U jii;Icuu Sherman has becu'unau . ;uu;;H'y uominatcd for the Senate J.y;ii plauo f Allan IK. Tur t.;U . v 1 : '; . -f-. - - U.ui. i uoivus C. Watt lias bceu, aler XKx't hard tight,' nominated io tbe UfpuijHcin viucas at Albany; as the s-.u-c.sot of Sfcuator Kenan. ' , J. K. Uawlet basbeca select- tJWthe licprcicntatiTe from tVunee- liovit in place ol Senator Litou. livy. Uattbou wU .uccec4 senator Mc Ikiuatd frow Indiana. ' 1 OeuvMitlcr will succeed Uot. IWotU ' atKuator' frciai CaUwrnu..1 ;t t:tWo:ltaif.iou of Aiine band f vm(staua nioV eloqnenV sous j jUccevTUat iaUUfat; ood mao, Jmi 'o.-.-.it.''-biicf. tbe eiet faiUtfa - ixltal ol l4lbera UepbUcao, ! uvcJ the tale Senator Chandler f ;;.;ilkh5iaa.i:r: '; : i- U.V Outer 1 lAely w succti ijretur WalUci of reaMyhaou. Yhi, kltiAail Ikvardoi Underwriters t orfl'&waird rf(M tot-Ik fj oi iaioatutroa af t iactadUry or iactadiaril whs) started tk tire at . . Uuii abur j; 4 f 'tetka a$o. Dxs leejtk ta o0Ur f? Mr.ivanderbilt A'ddVto the Decl3 j" : f ., Faud. s I The Rev. Charles- F. Cccms, of this citylkaH forwarded to President Battle, of the Unwersityiof North Carolina, h check for $10,000 contributed by Mr. W iliiam H. Vanderiilt to the Deems fund, established by Dr. Deems for the aid pfliodigent students of that univer sityl Mr. Deems writes: "When I began to mate my little donations to ward building up that fund, my trust was that some friends might be found in North Carolina who, after I am dead-, would, for old love's sake, make it up to a'iew thousand dollars, but now uy laree-heirted friend, from whom I have never solicited anything, steps in and makes it'quite as large as I had hoped it might grow in a quarter of a century. So very iiule was 1 able Jo give that I requested to havethe claims of the sons of ministers of the Gospel preferred. Now help, all applicants as rapidly as needed, being careful to observe that we desire to help, not carry, I am satisfied that nothing is gained by pot ting boys through a ollege like grist through a mill. The right kind of. young man will satisfy you that he will ultimately be able W; return the sum borrowed, and will find friends to stand lar him,"' : -'-'v Iho e iinIre of a King by lc Aoi ' ' " m3--A Fable. ' ' ; TbeVaiiima'a s were puce' about Iv choose a -king. . Some were in faVor Of the lin and some of the tiger. .While jltbey v.tre considering the matter he Wquash'-kug-'crieU cut that he had' a let- ler, writto.i Dy.ine non, in ,wnicu me iion said the pasturage of the deerfand oxen - Might to be tciven to the swine anil 'hi hi ki. i Tbefiuash-bug gave the letter t atcertaiu wolves and jackals, who were trying to havo the tiger cho sen, and they caused' it to be shown .- the deer and oxen and all the other, aniaiali. '".'he lon fTenjed that he had verwrilleu this letter, and said, find find me the creature that did this false thjng. ' The woles and Jackals contin ued to howl over It, and iosiatrd it was true; but ' the aaimals did hot believe bena and cose thei nqn lor tueir Hing, nd the wolves ana jackals hid them selves iu their dens for Bhame. . A loriir time ( afterwards.' when the animals had alaSoai forgotten the mat ter, the jquash-bug . came before the lion ' au4 said, !Uh King' 1 ain now "convinced I was mistaken in saying "that you wrota that letter although until yesterday 1 had no reason to doiibt it. I foreive jou. What the ion thought no one could tell, because he said nothios; but it is probable he jtbought, as all other auimals did, that it was better not to touca the eqnaah bug, as the more he is stirred up the worse he smells, . Moral: It is truly maguinimous to confess one's errors, wheu all the world has found them out. : . r Hints for tbo aeaaon. -'"v l'fecautioa against epidemic or con tagious illness is never- untimely, al though tbe epidemic may be slight anJ the contagion doubted ' altogether. There is an element of truth in the ex travrgant statement of an English of. ficial." who declared that one-third of the deaths which occur in England are due to ignorance and indifierence, the knowledge of diseases being applied mperfectlycor not at alL v iu our cities, the," health boards are active ia inculcating the simple priu- cibles of caution and prompt - use of remedies ; bnt in country districts there is a fine field for disease to do its will, because laailies are sfow ; to believe in the joisouous influence of certain ail-, nieuts, and rery careless abouf coufin- inir thete infectious visitations to tbctr own" bouses. In cities, private funerals for those wbo die of well-marked at tacks of contagious diseases are insist- ed upon by th proper authorities, and scarlet fever is dealt witk as strictly as maU-tox. Dut in tillages there is a recklessness ; almost tncrediple. 4 be; ublw burial of a diphtheria patient,1 with rooms cjowded bj old and joungi the. deadly atmophte blos breatbedj and fwonien mho calmly sioodj by tke pcuUsktt, wis a spectacle wit aessed by the writer not loag aiace. W trad the sad statistics of empif demies ! a rural comsnuatues,. aoa bt tweea tbe loe -7 :ir,.i ml reurekcosibie expeeuresi Smalt poi fxkbtemi any TiU tatf, propriety ami carw, wwwv r Smji ' thm ioAle ar awake to the daar Mr hut ihe earn rcrsou i Hr i - 1.- ttt ir.riM fTr or dipUieria to extend its influence, aad laea marrei at iae ptov- l.lAmUI JUMtMatkMI which UlSM SO muck ttiaireM upoa u sooa m So doubt one-tairt ait aaaecesaaruy ia these epidemics ia country distrkta. Tba tboroagk puri8ctioa of dwellings tq separauoa 01 ta kck, wpnw (aerI. art sad features of tkt casbit better the sacriaco of custom, and tae. labor and . iBcoovenience of saakta bouses fit for human occupancy, tkas tkt fell count of the pestilence. If tkt circular put fortk oy health ooards could b rtrrodaced aad 4Utriat4 k!iA2t tat Uad. tketo sM W a kiuclikoi oftbt t?Us ataUotd; I iLMuUksa biesalar totho ca- aaaaUr if oat vera to eouect ucu toctbis tkt rsat4 arpUtd a tbM Ult) tiMtr br ikeet wbo Set w went abort tSulof aat octar. Takt oipaiama irrw MrT.-, .. . .. . . 1- What a variety of, wrappings and dofc ings.and besetraente are on record- each sure to prevent the going out of tie vital spark ! . Kerosene and pork and other groceries are impressed into the .service. Tbe patient is bound hand abd foot with appliances ; he isi nelp 133 ; he can scarcely breathe ) his blood is on .fire with the jpoison ,of the disease; while without the redolent i onion vies vith other substances in 'malng life a burden to the sutfeter. , I . '; ; ; Ilational information, iso'ation, pro per treatment by educated physicians -.-these are to prevent the unrestricted cpurse of these terrible scourges. Mean while these processes, ludicrous it they v ere hot utterly wicked, will go ou.and I ie death record will civo its mournful l isscms, heeded so litrie, yet so easily lnarned. -. v'- I v'. -iL;-" Tlic Newspaper Press of Great i . Criiain, ' Iu London and ' the provinces there a re something-. 0 ver wo th ousand nevs newspapers, or oaerfourth as many as e dst iii the United States, The- multi plicity of, these publications with" us Ins given rise to vainglorious bombast t j on Ihe'suVject vffr our national eclight? ehment from this-sGtttcc of illuuiina iipn, and the aiiiioiptioh of superiority QTer the English in the use of, the press ia perhaps the commonest vaunting in hich our patriotic braggarts indulge. How little hubstanlial foundation there is for it rqay readily be showni In the nrst puce tao .extent ol a paper's cir culation is the best criterion of it's in fluence, and here the English pubiish- American.' Iu England a daily paper with an edition of 1000 is at the bot tom of the , list. '' In tti is country, we have hundred of ibem with a circula tion below 500. The London 'Tekiraph circulates 250,OQO copies daily, or more an : twice as many as the most sue ssful paper iu this couniry, while the fyariitar'l and the 'At (.' haVe eaoh acjr cjulatiou one-half greait r lhau llioN.V. UcrwY or buit". enjoys,, or six times greater than the -Chicago J'w or 7t- Hune has. lue prunary uiiiereucc be-J (jween the newspapers of the two coun tries is that 'tli ost) ol liiiglaud iiod a much better trarktt.. They arc pub- 1 lashed ainiU a dciiav population, and as & result of this are not only much more Extensively. read, but are Tmupu- belter than the papers of the same class in eouniry.. There is hardly any nun par son between the- country pre t this country and that of Great Britain, so Superior is the latter,- '''' ..'I Catcb!u Codllsh With Xvli. u-Yoitl tlic Furl&iiiouHi (A. If.) Chronicle. For many-yearsln the 'early days of; todfisbery the only ' method of taking he iBh was by the use of what are now termed the baud-lines, to aislin KuUh'them from set lines or trawls. At length trawl-llihiBg was introducetl, to ine lniense uisgusi 01 iue uauu-iiners, who declared that, the trawlers would kill off all the fish, or at least t thin them out to such an extent ai to de stroy the fishiDg business ; but the use of tra wis became more and more com-J mon, until now the hand-liue fishing doae is but trilling. Recently we were Informed that a new method of ciplur ing codfiU baM beeu introduced, to wit, the employment of a gill net, with which the trawlers were- as. much dis pleased as the hand-liaefs were j with the trawls on their first . appearance. This statement we were at first inclined J to regard as a "hsti story," but we are assured that it is true, aud that cod net is described as by no means a costly atlair. The cod keeps neaf the bottom of the sea, and in consequence the; net is only made about three Ut horns wide; the ordinary seine twine is used., l)ne edce ot the net is weighted to keep it on the bottom, tbe other ' edge -being buoyed by hollow bam of glass: the net is set with anchors at each end, left out over night, the ssme as a trawl, and hauled ia at the tlrst opportunitj j,We see no reason why this plan should not work well, and no valid objections to its use. -The mesh used being large.tbe small and unmarketable ash) of which thousands upon thousands are killed and thrown awar by the trawlers) wiil not be taken at all,4n4 the expense of procuring bait and the uisagrecaoie and tedious job of baiting trawls are avoided. It is - id that this, plan is due to a supgestion by l'rof., lUird, of the wn-tcd fctsie i isa Comuisston. : No Fescx: La x. W lious cr be ing circulated in every towcahip iu this ccuuty, requesting it e General Am bly to eujtct a Bo-f4ao? fur X Hanover. If the liw Li obtained the county fruee necsyaiy 10 separate New Hanover county trcm Tender ccuoty will be only about nioc.miles in length, extendi 8 s from piaat wU Tepsail sound, acrjM ti Vb? XiWthcist river. TUmi knee will cc;, au tie estimated rata of tiw to tie mwyay $iamv la cverytcr dircctioo the water ways can be nude" lawful fence. Tae tr lends -Of this mTtcea. are aaopiiae of iu succtss. It U tald that the valuation of cattle in the ccuuty dcs cvt exceed fOOO, wb -be vt kecpi ap the keecs t keep cattle oat cf tfc crop txcttds flw.OXV Tke wkios cl tkt xt&h net law arc vttY. ample. and are codentcjd "by nearly .crtry body. ImJcad f fracies the wf la sad tbe cattW out, Ike cattle aie be fcaff-d la aad tke cr-yps oat. Ak WeUaeeiay taUs liu xtmt tkc tad cC March ad Et!t a tkt .Kthcf AU. Chew f Jecksoa'i 'Best 'Swee Navy Tobacco. . L. . "a I wlyl rieoty of ice tvery where, yesterday mornings No interments lu-OakdalerndurjBg the week. v nPl? V-.tr4;."?'; f ;I -..,v. . : ""-:iSig No interments, in the dtholie Coiner . ...us- i.U- ICIJ IU1S nee. fin ml H Sunset Ibis afternoon it$vffii JiiVf utes past five.Vclocfc n 1 VI Criminal CourVconrenes: oaHke first Monday In Ttbt&xji ' 1. The cotton receipts at tbia 'port yes terday foot rp: 633 bjJeiV1 fij. -6 Go hear tbe Indian Preacher o-m6r row night at the City Hall. There were no interments In CeU lievue Cemetery this week. j; .. -Yesterday ''was the anniversary oi the capture of Fort Fisher in 1865. " -, -l , ' ;i- ' Some venr nice black-jack 'wood sold this morning at $1 15 perload. H U ' The Steamship Benefactor, Captain Jones, sailed, for New . York yesterday No adults and three children were interred in Pine Forest during the week. '-- : ' ;- ' ;--? - "The lax'receipts at the City Tmis urer's office on Wednesday footed up The Official sworn returns of the li quor bought in this county during the past year only aggregates t33,715. 1 Marriage licenses were issued to four colored and two white couples by the Register of Deeds during Ac week. 1 ' . The dwelling of Mr. S. M. ltobbius at Smith ville, was consumed by fire on Wednesday morning last. The dwell. ing and contents were a total loss; on wliieh there was no insurance. Tiyc ehy government are now issuing now.G per cent-bonds, which are being taken aVpir. The 8 per cents fcity bonds, are worth a premium,! and are now oh the market. - . , :t, ;;,,-v.,:,- Abbey Howard - colored, fromireudcr county, is in jail charged with idfanti- cide. She claims that the death of her iufaut was caused from cold, as she wa i turned out of doors durioc: tbe cold weather.'. : " There are four eclipses during the present year two of the' sun and two of the uioon. The moon will suffer a to tal eclipse June 11th and 12th. The eclipsing ot the Sun will not be vbable here. , , - m 'j '' '-r-.i " " W. E. Miller, of Bellvue, Ohio, says : I have been troubled, with Asthma, and received no relief until I procured your "Only Lung Pad." I can recom- med it to any one having the asthma. -See Adv. ;;':' . ' v-)..; . Mr. Donald McRae, who has been quite ill for a week past is slowly i re proving, and hopea are now entertained of his ultimate recovery. Ho was taken with hemorrhage of the atotnach, and was in a very critical condition for several days. Samuel HIrwm, 01 cite Creek, Col fax . Co., New Mexico; says: The Only Lung Pad" has done more for my wife than all the gallons of Cod Li verOil, French or American.she has Uken, or all the Doctor' Mediciaes she has used. iSee Adv. Messrs. A. T London and A, li. Campbell of this city, have erected a steam saw mill at Ebenezer, S. C., and are now ready for work. A new tram way locamottTe, owned by then,paed throagh this city for Ebcncrer a. few days ago. V - '- - : TUe iltven tugs May T. White and Lightniag from Baltiaeore to Sevan sab, tia w ith soowa in tow, were caught in a severe stork off Frying Pan Shoals on Sunday last. The scows were cut away to save'the ttfg. It waa thooght both lugs would go uodvt. They art no in pert awaitis, orders. A thief cstcrtd tkt residenct of Mr. Wukk Carr, on tkt cotntf pf Eljkth and Walnnt streets, , a to days ato during the absence cf tat Guany. and atoie somt articles cf ckHk:s, a4 tken aiteaartcd arsoa to conceal the theft. A wrmasC naased McNeil, otpected as the gaSty r"ly, I LVrxri5cs l?snaiTOa.-.XIi 3di CoaatlUtts s fronted by the IUr4 of AMenaea a4 tkt Ceaaty CVmeakMoewrs to coeaikr the talker uce aad acesaity of er.sUltkieg. w itkooA farther daisy, a faUx kosriul U ska city, aseet la th Osenty tauakkam reoea ess UmUf evraisj seit, ai half pest 7 ot2ock. Hon. Henry E. Scotl'V Senator of this District, is in the city poking none the worse for his Benator! labors. t Mr. A. Thomas, of 3wi Haveu, Con necticut, who is nowu ! this city, is hating a sharpie but by Mr. li. H. Berry. The' frame iiip and is ready fer boarding. She ha;a fifty-five feet keel, is sixty-eight feC'over all, and is twenty feet beam. - Sbes to be schooner rigseds and hen ccgapleted will be lajkeftto New Haven thnn VTheannual electIon$tof field officers of the" 2nd Eegiment a' S.: G.',1 was held in Charfotte ov kTusday laat as follows:--- c(tfAlbertsH., WqjU't'of Fayette Tllle, ColoncL 1 ' :TgJ. i Flrst-Lieutenaht, Tys C. Ja mes of the Wilmington Li-Bitlnfanlry: . Lientenant-Colonr;!?ptain : J. M. Davis of Mecklenburg'ii : The river steamer (doy Worth ran againstua snag a fewlya ago iu the rirer about Similes frij Fayetleville, which punched a holejfiu her bottom and sunk her. IIr iigpft works havt; been washed away, ansj! ucre is noth ing now left except he Wi atii ma chinery. As soon ai frcohct sub sides an eflbrt will b iuade to raise tiie hull and boi'er,jtr! iu them a new boat will be built! hrf: ' " ACtRE FOiiiMAiJiX'cr. Ve coiy the following, as it rri bc f some ser vice to our readers :-irJ am willing to itl my reputation asl , public man," wrote Edward Uinc ?' "the Liverpool ilcrtury, "if the worstasc of small-ox caunot be cured in thilrV- days, simply by the .use of creaiajirl, tarter. One ounce ot cream of tarj; di6eol ved in a pint ot water, drank -itA iutervaL-i, when cold, is a certain, ncy-liiiling remedy. t has cured thousand never leaves a mark, uevtr catfsesbiindncsv and avoias tcdjous linterrffi?.1- : ' ,. " iz-iir ' Oakimle CKMurfc- At Vic an nual meeting of thet owners of Oak dale Cemetery, held fdnday evening, the flowing gentlemen were elected bribe ensuinc year: 2 1 President C5eorge?jV. Williams. ' Directors EdwardiJvidder, Jas. 1L Chadbouin, Wm. J,.H1PP Dr. A. J. DeRosset, George -in drouth, W. II. Northrop. '. Mr, Donald M cl? Wtrdiucd a re . election as PresidcnM aue iwaru 01 iirepors mei Auobuay afternoon' and elected Mr. R. J. Jones Secretary and Treajfter and Mr. T. Donlan, fcupenntendit. The Postmaster ?neral is urging upon railroad compass the necessity of providing"' the Ratwaj P. O. Cars with saws, axes, bagliets aud safety heaters, in lieu cf thss stoves, now in use, and further Bayhen the occur rence ol fires in Ragay Postal Cars would bo almost abs&uiely prevented, too railroad properigsiou id thereby be preserved, and the probability of the' destruction ofmaiUvf firc be reduced to the minimum. Ilgc.eDt railway ac cidents bate demonfted the absolute necessity of placing Jws, axes, and a hatchet in each matv-pir or mail apart ment.- . ' h'ih .-.. TnxirEEASii. L; rur.n. A larc audience, ccnsisttii?:ot those of our citizens who. are ie5rstcd in the sob- ect of liquor prohEiion, assembled at the Opera Hou;- last evening to listen to a lectura the subject ot Temperance, to be livercd by Capu N. F. Thompson sjiic roiucat of eme of our prominent sn. That gen tlcmao bandied hbject to the very best advantage, ac& made au Lmpres ion on the mindsM bis audience, as to the evil e0ecgr.ot intcmperanor, whiih will not so:i?Le eradicated. HU remarks tvtte - ical, and carried with them convicliaud will Jo much in accomplishing f ends which the friends of prohibuiu in this city are tri viog to attain.;. pUi n 1 aoaian u a rTaceiui petw ana dm vocai modulations .v. are; a;- vC a f,nbed elccuUoauL Settled Ur. day eves ic j aeltlcvf I full i.h- L1:,ah Hewlett, teot '.rcxttitex, lr the coealy laars 1i ehkh a?e c!a iled as ftf.iowi; -at For saMa 2Ptx;t For General YnuX i or ipecial I'ttad 3. - 7,2.0?; , TeU - - M' bcrif laaailf seUicd the tui tases tm ?elrdil Lut, payay;,tke sne ot sitJTrrartr lyetth, ler wkkk !ke '-swhjWt a rtctJit. a Jit. - PaMie lak -.ir5t2L special tax (Ust .Vrylca Da sab ssd l&ji) - Fer trvcttest trtrwiiary sai Mtprt cesivirt X pay iirra A:e rU. .... s Tacsl Suie ta,r - TetsJ Owsly W - -v . - , .-. , ... ' ' ' lip'. ' 4ht lutrr.ai ? - TIIE INDIAN PKEA-CnER. j "'T liev. J. J.. Kklly, the well-known Indian Preacher, who has spent twelve years in Eurepe. will preach a special s rmon in the City Hall to-night, in aid of L Stephen's A. M. E. Church. Services to commence at 7:39 o'clock; The public are respectfully 'Invited to be presentj'acd hear this 'orthy "J'xaan of God'- Come one come all.'v .j ; Fx est "National " Bjlsk- fif- teenth annual , meeting of the ;sJoct holders of the First National jBanlS of Wilmihcton". was held in the Directors f Iuj fifihIkTdaj; The meeting was prganiaed by calling Walter Gregg, Esq., of Mars' Bluff, 8. C, to the" chair and " appointf DrCapt. iv. ii. Kenan Secrctajry. :vc..;-'JTi i , I ' , The usual reports were read and the following ( gentlemen, 'comprising the old Board of Directors, were re-elected, yir Messrs.? A. Martin, D. G. Worth, James Dawfon, James Sprunt, Ei E. Carruss. ' ' ' . Co v ntt Com KissioxERS.---The Board; of County Commissioners met in adjourned session Wednesday after noon, ( chairman ; Smith , and all the Commissioners being present J , ; J. C. j Millis tendered Ms ofiiclal bond as Standard Keeper in the sum of $200, with' John P. Stoltcr and Chas. M. Bonham, as sureties, which was ac cepted and Mr. Miliis was daly qualir tied, .r ;'-.:':J'--o 'J. - - L'f.v-'L f'1 " The following was order Board : ' ' . ; ,. .' . the It appearing to tho satisfaction j of the Board that the Register ; has failed to collect the tax on purchase of liqubr according to law, he is hereby instruct ed to notify all such parties to 'ctrme forward and relorm their list .in con formity wiih the law, The'; ha' ring- col lected only L'j per cent, for .stale and per cent, for county for, purchases fom 1st July to 1st Octobci, ,1m, whereas, 5 per cent- is the legal tax- : . It was ordered by the Board that the Committee on Public Buildings be au thorized to erect an additional building on tho Poor House premises at price not cxcccding inoo. j The C,Alr-llTAV 1oiuct. A Vehr upr has made some Tery fbrrcct pr.tdic lions as to the weather, wc tye room U the J foirowing - necial reUictious which wc find in his almanac for 1SS1; Blockades of sno w in the United btates about the 7th and 9th; mild spell from January ISth to February 12tb; March Jth aud 10th, gales probable around New ,Yoik and, Boston, and snow storms. ' In April a snowfall on the 4th or Cth, but spring will be well advanc ed by the 10th, ia May, after the 10th, hot weather; on ' the 13th and ' IGth thunder storms. Juno, warm till 11th, then cold till 20th; 24th and 20th hot. July, cold on 13th , 20th23rd and 31sl; hot on 4th, 9lh, lltb ICth, 17tb, 2ith and 2G'.h.. August 4t!i ard Ptb will be cold. - In September thu centre ot , the raouth will bo its warmest part. Octd ber will open cold November will be muddy, with littlo frosl'.December will bf the Warmest ever known. Let our readers cut thiedut and " verify j t hese predictions. Nothing illustrates so ic?fy th? thoroughucss ot itho "civliiutiea of t jis ninetccnla ccnturvai the tact ot the scientific dcvei;if ttai scd tuiuStla: 0 Jet a i ' cxhiU. u iu all brandic of trade aal i4jjimciu!. li e Lave been led to Iketcircinaiks by&u exanuoMliou cf the, Seed Annual "-lor 1 Sol---published by 1, ZL .Ferry k Co, the great Scdmcu of DtHrt)it-Mich. a copy of wlch Is befjrs us. ' Here is a work,s farre if n Jt larr thin any of the fintrclan maga tine 4 issued frpe to ai w ho apply far ' it, ckntlyisUsla,''anil con taining mi .xount cf inibrmatioo auigh -u the uaucf.comn aiid, botan ical,' ; claiiic&Uaa,: ' characjer, height aud calo; mi pta&t, mode of to' lure sod what U iVfid, the numerous' vattetJes aud their d '.iaclite iaafi, iU ges cral directions tot the clliSt: and suoagtxacct oi a garden, ssUi as cxU cvl b tiaiaed frOca petLar isy unit, few it asy vi , ai.'U.in ihc iiiu i il iHaary Kinder, SiI q icu4scJ Ai artasgtd m to be itsaiiy uadcriw4 oylaH; fartly saJi ectc;p(U docr.t cs the ccm which wc ate happy U kaw UtU e-XUsnvt iJ i.(jj; h tsUi-: wtth. Stsd ithtta for;! Cugcd'heiiee ybsyyowced,!, -,';' . :' rccrsa"' ,Msjs4t.iJrf;' ssae aw feiwtcwyjatcafhj is altsys rrts- ltt sad la the sdraac. fTbe FcWas- ry ssmser ; Itw::;rfc , u - ft ; . -it-sure!- :.ar4 I tht U faw tkist ! edwrk. Is- tety lay ec;M tin tste tS'"'st svhwr. ft a?y ts wrsr fwiSeesw Xi storks - sie Wsx2y fx Thtn mi ';rtZx&&l&w Xkr:hlm&,. i2s irsird; a wsin4 ist ttswln Atnkf, tee ssa-r-A, I7 Ara Stephens, both powerful; 'a sketch by that inimitable humorist, "Josiah Al len a Wife," and r numerous other sto nes, by Frank, Lee Benedict, and oth ers, sli original, and jtll by American '. writers. , The principal embelishment iirV eeW The LostBabo In e Woods" one of the moat charm- ; mg that we have ever seen. The pat terns for- fashions,- for tho work fable, etc, etc., are almost ' countless. I t l& impossible to conceive how a-lady's book could ho, better. . "Peterson," is , undoubtedly as it claims to be. tho . cheapest ;snd . best of ita kind. . The , ;lcnns are but two dollars a" ycarwith great reductions to clubs, and beauti- i lul preminms to the pxrson getting up a club. V Now is the time ' to, get up clubs, t Specimens ; are sect : gratia for this purpose. Address Chss. J. Teter- -son, SOC Chestnut street, t'hiladelpbiai Ps.-"ar:Tf t-Tiv?!-.-', .r. Jit. Hey, Thomas Atv:luson,U.l.iii,D At an adjourned meeting of the ves try of St. John's Chutcb, Wilmington, ; called in Consequence of tho death' of the Rt Eef. Thoma Atkinson, D. 1)., LLD;,?and held January loth, 1SSJ; the fpUowing Minute and resolutions , were unanimously adopted: . ' . ; -"While we see and recoguTza the wiil and work ol God in the chatli Iwell-beloved Bishop, the ;Rt. Rev. prhomas Atkinson, and baw jwithub- . uiiaaivu iu iiia uecrce, we cannot' lu.i deplore the loss which his dcsth catails upon us, upon this Diocese and upon the whole Church Catholic.1 For he v was a foremost leader of, the armit's of the Living God; a cduncilior of nisdtni ; a Christiau of excellent character; n Bishop of truly -Apostolic typo' and spirit. An earnest, logical and forcible preacher, he emphasized by -his life ; what he proclaimed from tho bcud, ( desk. Large-minded", generous ami just, ho was a ruler resected an fear ' ed 'for his justice 4 and impartiality, wbilo bo was universally beloved I jt -V his gcntlcuesa and tcuderncis of hears", As a vise master-builder he laid fouu- " :'. tuitions, deep and broad bccauic he taught that vnc foundation . "tlml i Iaidrwhicu, is Jesus Christ," and hi t work which ho has built ihcrtuiMmslidii abide, because 'ho has proved hi:nteif 'a workman which necdeth not to" be : ashamcd.V' Wc belicvo "in lho t,,j.i- reunion of Saiuts,'and m wc km,.v. tint wo have his example to incite us to greater real and earncstefs in followiu t Christ even as he followed Uiaj:- aim ' his prayers which from the place 4 waning ansa as incciuo before the throne ot God far us who arh-isttll"-'' etrutrclingr .tbe' UtstratUou! nt:d temputions or this naughty wuiSd. Vr rejoice for biin, that Lcf is at rest ui tLc , presence of that HVicur whom lio w dearly loved and ?o natiy deligliicd to honof; we mourn for ouri olyea thiit his living powr and eiaiiip!c:rtiiuaa. a Christiaii, and a sehil f iatyr of tho Dock": of Christ arc &t.-n Irora -ii herefoe, as-a token and cmbkit our sorrow snd our seas of U,,s. . - - i.tmf, Ilrat ;bt. John,4..CiiUri;!4 hhall be draped with uiuurinU) - lwr .. Hi days. ' t '-. f'. - ' Actolttil, That. we extend our leadcr- eat sympathy to his bereaved family, m that he has gone froiu them s Iu rm a. distinguisbeiLfor hi dwiucsUc trace a. be wasforhtJ iniblic virtui-. V huro them of our heart-frit "praven i ha:" Godwin comfort them in their 'e ill iv llonland ia II it own tinseKu.r to them that loving hutband aud ut;u r a the land hcr. paiUogi are Ulf known. Ectotccjt. That a corv tf t'hlA-'Mi-.- and the 'a-xomanyin ..rf-jluttoiii be sent to the family -i tiur dr i,a;if Bishop, and that they be' iubiiW4 iu the city papers. . .A.Uet, -' WM.lI.Uria.v. Secretary prv t-w. Wiimingtou, N. C, J.au. lwb, NEW A D V ER TI S CM ENT , PETEKSBUIIGU. H. COMPANY. , OFFICE J-UrERIN rEN 1 rr ;.- . -: ;:, ' S: 0 ip ckedo-tc of; Tfa!ast"ti''tak S.ftit vu: Nor. 3, 1; . T; ";.- OOIXO UOUTll v ,-r l"ti mf . vi-i r;i . 9t atkKircMlnut !.. tFrs.eja!r. . ., .-J....,.,,.i-S.;ti"a i. ' :'St a Its . v ... . - .... Jfe. "it Stfi &mm " m I U...- ..... j - - t 'i .r mn in rtitfwi 0.. 1 4 ttvaur jsuiy. vry 'rj&'i&ix ttmm W ttAa, ay. vdtpi t, kt--- -- tiMM, m.j .... ! 5:4 -r-,. Iertsswres 1? V!. -i

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