'I it 4r' WILMINGTON NOKTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY; JANUARY 31881. Single Copies 5 Cents NUMBER 5 y - - -, ' .f J-. , a . . : r yy . 'you Y 1 I? xjj. II i ' t : ivi MlNCiTON'IJOST ""':U-vrKKBJ AT- Til E KuiTtHTWf AT. ' Y:i min" i-N ' "y If OrlADyERTIING;' " " Siv cH-'pcr Ue for the first iu H J ,i -ulil twcMty.iivc cciits per line j: ,.. !i additional insertion. Ki'ul (Sj iW Nonpareil y-ctn- ?'iii:!rc-.'" ' : ' 1 '.';; ;; ' r.n-(;ri.tio!v price to Tit K Wll ' -v ,,N- Post is tl'- -VO.yper year; ' t,i Hitiis , cents. - r" i ; ViiisyiiniiU"Kliolison:biiineHUoiild U-.Vi ' 4fr..-.sf(il H' TN: Wfi-MGTON : j.';,;',-, Wilmiir-ton.N.n. ; ; viVa't'rtiiiients.VUl IrtJ liarged. !'f; i 'io ul)ovc f.it.'xccpt o special coa 1 j o j in: ki:i'i'ih4 ax ;r i ini: Tit 115 1 UISTKIC'T. - ! 'Die i:i u'ni; u.H of the third uon 1 1 ';'.r;.vi'iii':) I'Mritiv; will .please -jwrite ' . Vi!i!!.iHgt""t N- U, ,anl give -f ':.;'. lliTl. :i':i:oimt jcf a if frauds, com- f I:;;.'.! fl y "tin- iA-i'o; rata duri Dg : lh e ;-' : . i;d-'rciVi)n-,.;.ivij. natues of county, ' ,i.i:nt, .ut'l l'il boluew;. also 1":-'i.i:h-j ! pt ir,fjiir Jreytntti W t; U (i n ; 'lt V i rcHE on.i Io r it,' wlicthcr , ,v ":r t ntari wcre 'at1 tlieir j ot n. f.Vr;- the election; in fact I S(hfi!L1itr)!: ; ot'ali Jtaudof i- . n-,'-i !'': i ii'i wf t-verv Jcscri ition, that h l: fv ;ii fii:Ve Klu-i'li'g lie clejrtionVm TleH- U. : s ' IJ.15J,0 KI.H, rliairma.i'i iWrrvt lUpUblicaa Coin- fiilt',rr, :i Vi,linir';(ob N. C. XK ON II SAILS. (t'l;itc lrohisr on (or M.cveral j . y -i' i n 't he" sL-s te ihuyM c nu M r.-1 )ortdm Ni.rtli 1'aroliua with a view t V 1 id jo iv$, n fa n i o g col ord l- it out of. the stale; has iivirtvfcr'U r hi. if Uian, :U lirst 4'ieir3. U.rvC aUlifl tlie diiTt of. this long ..i t xs'.f, liitlerii.iU;re8l, oh accoiint . ri t tt t iVla HMiii' i in eu Is wh ldi now u ,( i i"'f'ti Ir'euutor Ularte tuvoi'-, V'i f M ng"'an. fres.h nd tig- skcpu'If; It-t drdj) platitudes' as '.! r:!.'i t'Jiiiy 'ifOiVj; 'cre indigenous j if..!; iji 1 1 u piltitred I hese direct ijV' -iH ' liit litertie of the people, Avhitlieie in -the way of r, .'u n .1 j e'p!o, how the mouth of a i n,; lapped up iu the coiirts, 4.'i !iuv. 4hch' wt'rwoiue'us not .towards .'it il fij'ht; miu but towards uli;vlHl t lineii'lcs audtho evil: of .i M-:f( r.uy, --in; ti, hi vit-h ftylv ol. oratorl--: i '. rjiHiet-. '' . i.', '.' j; ,t U,d"( r.ii. oj csed broadly to "a im ol t vi'V S'l iiihijbilioa of a latorcr ': - uiii ( Ailie Vuteji tt employ: fuc if , t'nN ivakiiig the stigma.of a tax vii ctu li irV.it's rfcht to loci)iuotioii; his u;'t wit'iitti' his latituAleaudJoug- iuvk.W'hi.!vi'lie might live i'i a "rce uiiuiry, witKnotrccutTibuio lutro to iWisiutchvKMi of JvottU Carolina iaiiVuii i very thing have becu- coin-" j ' r iuiir J cabiuji taking "hi crops in.l. r (l.e .si ; j o of 'Landlord ' and liiaiiV lUv.'f "I'milfge Tax'; pur- -ik an '-1 a!ts tits; I5ul we never had I .t : nun bittvlt beiore, biue mis .li.i It- ..i' iVee : t.itt; Xcvcr was :.itiiH! l j. ut;a'!.iw ou the i hat 4' a iU-n living in should i n',;! i r iiriog in Toi tit Varoliaa . u: and nk Ar hiui, ihat ' he j'aWt w ,i I'tnaliy of $'Ct). . " -J h m i or rut: ti'MUNti . i v t niucvNNkoiLp; ok utlrV llLl oV.U TH.K feENATfi i I A 1:-B M ITT KK.' y .. v i -Ki ; vji l irv J.lUli Fiuacti cuiaaiitU IU 11 'If Iil.llilT I'T lUllkMIVU.' trsjiii ut tn:o nct oi t-.t- It udiucd the mcrve of '::;i'iiV.tt4f:-HttVi ?- repealing the WUu h-orthir rcrcive W be kept U Uijtt . tHcoud It required i ntc ta W rcdteI at the I: iarv at Washington, attho (.. r ihc V Vt'-draTf A vf bonJ.4 and itviactH'i i national Wak circu- a at tnw idture of the oanaa ty iii Hiul ihouty. rourta-n !m-1. ht iuonimuiw awount of legal. .... - - - rs .r w . i f ivided tcr the mlisUibotio.o of SiU.-Ki! 1 iult iAt acthoriied bv the ..tot juiy iImO, by the withdrawal oi i-ArXnnkiOf f uatiooal bOnk ot the Aavin an escc of tfrir frvtWb, ittd tj rtdwtribullon Jhiioe tate"mf log lew au &r;r i rtvuon. toier aei apporuoo - ttt 4i aidfl oii ce ' M"if pwa'tuw 4i4 Alihji W. by tte rrtaras of -i .Sii-lKS!;lK4Mr add wliaocc of ijibU .4f..ir'-'ihf tht i St-bopis t! nd SatiU tumC i Tb em to itthlt ta ale of oof raw waiertal, Kcwsd ill freparo oar cklUrta 'm lofottulW lulie of citiieo- r.j l u third will illtturat what it 4fro vvil and ma.ar capable LATEST. . . , l'h Kepublicans raised the question of quorum orr .the Mariif -Yeates- case and .floored the Democrats. ' '.' ; Seuatof lilaioe bas made a very able speech : lamenting the inefli:iencj pt our mercantile ; commerce and ; that Eogland controls Ibe carrying tra3e of the world. .. ;- 1 : , : - ' , The last time the Jeaueatte was seen near Wrangel's Island was on. Septem ber 3, 1879. 1 Capt. DeLoijg is probably spending; this : winter 'in the Arctic Where he must d ie of scurry or make a land journey with dogs, to a place pf safely. , . , ; The if publicalB1 iu ' the 17th Con-gres.-j will" Mre ;S7 Senators and the DeraocrsU 3G, The three Independ ents, David Davis of IUinoin, 'J.- E -IJrown of tieonrii and fViliiam- Ma- hone of Virgiria, Kold Ihe balance. itAiL.aoAD suiiemks: Ills now rumoreithatsome-Virgiaia capitalists are about I revive the Fay ettevil.le & Flolenca railrja-1 under a combination to connect with-Norfolk ami Richmond. Should this line be completed it would of course b j a com peting line with the present Atlaulic Coast Line and-the lreJnioijt Line, The Liurinburg Enterprise, printel on the line of the Carolina Con t rat seems to be awakeoa What W gnu on and discourjes on tjlewhole s,) intelligently that we -copy its jobeervations tutir.e! Under the title of "New Iiailroad Con nection" is says: . ' . V understand the present legisla ture has been applied to for a charter I for a new railroad originating somer Iwhere in Vircinia and connecting with Ihe Cape Fear & Y. V. R. 11. at its terunr 1 tpe nortnern part oi tnis state. This oottipauy pvopoad qsing the Cape Fear & Y .V, It. B. to Fayette ville, then buying the iFlorerice'road and laying the track on the present grading, connecting with the Carolina; UenUal about Shoe lleel. -usioe the. Carolina Central towards WilmiDgton, building a cpw road from a convenient point on the last mentioned road across to Sinitivillejv It is claimed ; that this will be a nearer route: from north to south by about 300 miles. Wo hope the charter applied foj- will be cianted. The construction of such a road would constitute 'Tayctteville a competinc point lor the .North,' Carolina and the Wilmington & Wcldpn, and would in sure the building o,f a road from Fay ctteville to Goldsboro. and from. Fay elteville to Salisbury by the two great II, It. monopolies controlling' the rail road interests of western and, eastern North Carolina, aqd would restore to Fayettevilie her former trade, wealth and importance. Let her come What bejietlts Fayettevilie is certain to; benefit sister i inland towns, and1 Juirinburg and.2rfhoe 1 1 eel would share their por tion juf ihe general gbod vouchsifed. - i ii I'anuln Under Difficulties. . Xown Creek, Jab. 20. 1S8I. ; , M k. FiDif oiurardon mc for tress passing ou. your italiesce' IhU cold, rainy, snowy, sloppy weather, lleally the Sun Ins forsaken us. He is seldom ecu in this section, lioadsare almost impassible. (Irand Jurors will haye wok to do ceit term' Scarcely any work has leeu done in prepariug, for auothci crop, which will operate against the i'arbiets. January or k ebruary is the. time for deep plowing, applying mauurcs, &c, to plant a foop ai spring oiu3. A laruier uaa more io couicua with than, any other class of iuen un favorable seasous, uncertain labor, gu a no ju e n, c ohi m Usiou mc rch au ts, legis lators, money power and all enter into combination to break the farmer" down. When every living beingon Ood'sgrecn earth is dependent cptlrely pa (be fart mer, wuo uas io lou in punsn.o sou storm for support. . farmer goes in a commission Trcrchant, uiorl8ges bis crop, often. his farm, to get supplies to make a crop on.. Toe merchant charges bim eight or teu jdollars more ou the tou i f goaao than be pays, the manufacturer In fact the ncanufisctur- er willWt sflj It o the farmers for cah for lesl than eight or ten dollars more (ban he charges the merchant nd i ttrn waits c the tccrcbact scve- ral aionlha. The me rchant cbargef the farmer 1 ir cnl. on everything ad ranccd to hin and charjts alcast li ,rcr cent, more profit on credit than caeb; air: up Ue account r tTtry mouth and cfcarces ccaipoond interest So the farmer fcas to par about 50 per cent, for erertthkg l iiscs. Thecvn .pieiKO i at the settling p tke tar- mtt i in debt, and baa wrasll eaolcacr other atocV loy up. tluano nea ard aaerchaats get all tbt .profits. Now, If every farmer would raise bi on aaa narc. and mot k on a smaller scalr, boy bo goams la a few ycarstbey woald b ladepeadeaur rt a Iog as they fool with rvmmUlcm aarrcaaats aed tirp tber Wi & wy ytr. I, fcr oaoertr iatend i uW aaotacr pouc4 of goaao uales 1 caa parchea the awe tersas tko pcrebaat.dor. Uod pml tac day when rxtry Uir wtU do UkewUe! Ul tbt piatw aU tuetchaau ue their forttlirrs thrsa vt ratiwly, By poWfcdiia- la abowjouwlUoWig The National Ecpultkin lejs cut what ne'arly everybody has been think ing of. that th&rO'iio, idee" sUcks out very proraitiehtlf i:i the noniination of Stanly Matthew's by Mr. Hayes to the Supreme Benc'i. The President is evi dently filling his bag with lid bits be foredeaving r his btjloved Ohiohere he expects to f-ehd the rewaindtrof his life anions the honJea of his ap- pointee. ,.;r:- : '. -'j- i-' The.Ckrolinia.i: Eiizabeih City is the county seat oflPasquotank. It coutaina a population of about 3,000. The town government is Republican.' The fol-. lowingjs a surnmarv df .the business ofl the town in part :- dae planiDg mill, one cotton factory, three saw mills.and the ElizabclV City aod 'Norfolk ' Iiail road, nearly completed, five churches and most cxcellpjit public and private school. ' V . - j, ': ..'r.; The General Assembly Of North Carolina. : r S EN AT E. i?-; V Ja' uauy 271 Scott of New.; llano ver Bill to amendthapter.lOo, section 32,x)f Uattle'.i iievUal. Committee ou salaries and fees. ' , V Kcott, of Nt'W 'Hanover Bill to amend chapicr ;iJ,.seclion o'f the laws of 1800. ComiuiUte-i u: salaries Vand fees.v".' Mr. llaiics -iJ'wi t ccj2re the better draining of the loVlaiids of Bushy Fork Creek, in the county of Davidsou. ; Mr. Kaves Uill to giv ileaaifort county two weeks of Superior Court. . The Seuulc ', tow proceeded to the" electron of trustees, of tho University. The following ge..tleinen 'were elected in place ol: tboe '.whose terms had: ex pired: ' . ' "V " ': v-: : . Hon J J ;Davi.-, C It Thomas, I'rof J Deli Jlsoper, Col (!,";N folk, Kugeuce tirismm. M D, 1;M . II n C M Cooke, tJpl ll B Short, -O Wllolloweil, Esn, llev Neill -Keiiay, Ht, Hov J t Stew art, .lloii-ll F (Iraitiirer, lion W L Steere, Col S Tde I) Tate, 1 1 on Lewis Hanes, lie.L li li v sr.ee, Josepn wilr liams, Emj. 7' '.-'.-, ' ; Addiimu.u frasto.fi tt r m r. pi re No vember 30h, 181: John 1) Cafneron, 4udje George V Strong. Tlie follow ing gentlemen to ull uiiexiiret terms caused by death, Dr. D T 1'ay Hon A o Merntnon, 1)t v .1 ilawktuH, Hon C M Cooke, Gen It B Vance, C V Hol lowed; , ' " ' ' : V". Williamson desirfd th o. Senator , fr nr ForsylU to say when he intended to call up his motion to recon.si'der the vote by which the bill1 to aooiwn-- mc present form of County goVei univnts was tabled. Glenn said it was his pwrpose to call up the moliou as spyu as a vote from a full Senate could'bot had, and the in quiry Of the "Senator!; Irom IMgccombe had reminded blur ti ' iu.iuire of that Senator when he jVV'illiaihscn.) propos ed to vote ou tlie uvo'tuni to jndeljotig- ly postpone tic mil i lutroaucea by the Senator from Way ne, pnosiug to im pose atax upon persous wno come inio North Carolina to employ laborers, and which the Senator had advocated so hotly for t v day?. He noticed that on the caU of the roll yt stcrd iy the Sena tor did riot vole. v Davidson inquired it he imdcrsiotju the Senator from IVry tl io luliiuate that ihe? Senator lroin Edgtcutnbe "dodged," the vote. r i GU-h said he would not say lhe?eu- ator from Edcecombe, ''dodged," but he would say that wheu it came to go intronthe recervi,; tne senator roiu Edgecombe did pot stapd up to what he had 'been haying for two days. Laughter, j ; ' 5 " Whitaker said that tuefSvnator from Wayne, in' tho debate yesterday, had intimated that the Senators from Crav en, Edgecombe and Halifax were rival caudidate for Conjres, nad as the Senators from Craven. and Halifax had voted and were ou record on this que lion.. he uudcrstoo"d" the Senator Irom Edgecombe did not wish to take an un fair advautace, ar.J be rwas very anxi oils now to be allowed to record his v'ote. iGreaVmerriiiieutJ Frtsideotf the Senate; I Ce Senator from Kdieeombe'i has iermi?siori 10 vote. More fuu. J ; --''Williamson aiit ho desired ti'ex plain hi vote: "When tho amendment b( the Senator-from Mitcheil was adopted, excluding froui th operatuios ofibo bitlithe couutks westnf the Blue Uidze, ia his opini vii the bill became unconslituttonai, ana ne incmure toiea are. ' ' ' ' ..'..' " '- G;cuinUira no u wan mat ine Senator from liRceoinbe had upport ed the bill so wrri!y on its recomi readinfr. after the aaiecdment had been adoutcd; WUliamjton Mid that at that time tue Seaatortrom Wayne td not told him the. bill was utvcoau;uUoaal l (ttteat laucbter. tuid tielbeaalc adjurneU.l HOUSE OF KEFRESENTATIVES. Senate bill L- authorizing the com wiwiocer vf Ookw to letf a pcial tax for the 'sear 1551 and 1$J3. not txetcdieg 5T0O0 for the three, years, one-third ot this amount t i be cvdlect rvt each; ye potted iv vrr: read ier. "' '-.: '"' -'' lUll to Incorpcsi'c Vals Mitu fictattng coisfaay, !a AUoEoce coca ty,: pa$d 'j ?e0d'd hird radiig wi:hott divi;oi. Houw? bill 211, to kivrporaie ifejr ea MilK in AUn?RC cvety. hU a card1 stock Cf.fX-X. i:i th rnvilr of iscreif ifto 0-?oa, rjl . i: Ttrj! TfiJir-? "Vboali dt- Vtlo&. . . ' ' - :. . '.'-'" lloa Vtlp r rrei latttl cs pair4 t v'filt npf-blgii "Iffle akk iM j-cr'.r4 cr.fjnsraVf o bf tk roaamturr, lakes op, al Mr. lor Ha raid: bll ws. iattvdCrJ by taie f X t;e a Msw at la rail- mo Uaatlr da:t t iMlr j U?g MMIe, U; aha atkf'8sropttitj. ailaIU triw mcetjng what I know to be (he wmhes of the people of- my county a county in which there are several -dangerous trestles, and wbere, from tbe late terri ble disasters, the people hoTe good cause to dread these trestles. ' Pabfie sentiment there demanded something from me. Whea this bM was present ed to the . committee joa internal im provements, there ras aarapproTal of it, but upon a fullinTestigation. and after bearing testimony from' our lead ing railroad men, Uyy.hare agreed up on its impractability, and, as a member of that committee, I am free to say that with more light upon, the matter, they have acted conscientiously, and that 1 ' have no cause to complain at their decision." On motion of Mr. i Joyner, the bill was tabled.-;: ; n 4 vv This uame foxGeneral Andrew Jack son had its origin on his inarch, to ren sacsla, FU., before tboHattle "of Nfiw Orleans. They went into camp near BayiMinette in - a driving Yain: The General had " not been well for some days, and his men made him a shelter ofhickary bark to protect him from the weather. Early in the morning Mr. Bryne, an old friend ot General Jack son's, came over to "camp to hare a chat with him, and to act as guide across that part ot the country. He rapped smartly with his slick upon the bark, and shouted: ".C'jme out here,. 'Old Hickory, and let's look at you." ; The oilicers laughed heartily, and remem bered the name, which clung to Mm ever after. :'- . ; '. . '- , :- The Kid weirs bottoms on the l'oto inac above Long Bridge arc to be filled up. ' I . '"--' '; ' : GIT X ITEMS. Chew Jackson's '.Best Sweet Navy Tobacco, - .. . '. . ly - rm C- i 1 A party of fishermen from Beaufort caught J,700 drum-fish at Myrtle Grove bsach in one day, last week. A hoarse attached to I a dray backed nto the dock at the foot of Princess eireet Wednesday evening last. That company which was to build a railroad to the sound' in a very short lime, turns out to be a gigantic goak. 1 ' - . . . .-. . ;.i .; Spoiled postal cards will be redeemed at tlie rate of four cnts for every five cards by application to the postoflice. A large sea lion was discovered on the beach at Masonboro a few days ago. Au unsuccessful attempt was- made. to capture it. , : ' - M'ayor Fish bl ate has gone north. During his absence Aldermau Vollcra will perform all tho fuuclions of the Myyurality. . .' Mr. D. C.'McIntire of Bach Swamp, Kobesou county, dropped' dead at uis residence on Friday last." He was well kuow.11 and highly esteemed. ! la the Senate,' on Monday last, the bill to provide for the erecliou of a hos pital in the eity of Wilmington passed its second and third readings. The dillereut churches in the state hve been rttjuestetl to take up a collec tion to day the 5th Sunday in this month for the Orphan Asylum. 1 . 1 . - i- The young irieuds of Maj. C. M. lteUmau gave a complimentary supper to that gentleman Friday sight at the Cty Hall, in, honor of Major S.'a birth ; J. S. U. Scotill, Morr,is,:llls., sayt: When your "Only Lund 1'ad' came to hand, my sou could not raise bis head He ia now up and galuiog every day. See. Adv. . A littU boy while playing with a pistol a few days sge was' accidentally shot through the . band. , Dr. F. Wi Potter dressed the wound and the little fellow was sent bom. " ; The Vrence Cutter Colfax has been cruising to the southward and eastward of Savannah in search of the scows lt off. Fry ing Pan SbaU Doc 7lb, aa account of which appeared in the Post but was uncucceasful. Wc rtqnireof all cortpoe iknU to vjrite onlj one aide of the paper, and legibly. Ia default of, Ibcs require ment bis aaaaacript goes rracralcwJy into the waste basket. CbUb. Frary, of Adrian, Mich says: To my complete iurr'i I ob tained a SJo4.aigbtVre.ibeCrt a'gt I wore aa "Ooly I8 - 1 b ufertd from Astbca lor Tea- See Tbe oU "paradiM' tree U frool of Mcwra Sol Hear & Drv siKe, and the Uvlrpboae port la froat of tat site of the oSd Market, ku Uts takes iwal Tbe re alaBs6rlpko b bow auacbed to the pe aa the oid Hisses J'1 ;;.T poai etgatk eohtsaf uj k Mt d tke bm a d auaacaen UepUicaa fofen ia tie soctiu - ;e alaaya wloae h e iu rtUag taieatWUty, cmo4 lack .A heavy piece of iron ienonMr. Wm. Taft'a leg a few d3ygo and broke iit just above the ale bone. He was at the time engasfd; in his usual work in the blacksmitshops at i -North Carolina approprfiies only 75 cents per capita for the education of her children, and she stands' the foot of the list of -states in silliteg&y. But inmana appropriates ?10, sd Massa chusetts $15, and no uorthefi or west ern state stands lees than ?7 capita. Koui Verrons. v- . rtM is said that a narrow gsge rail road of iron rail, and with comotive is to be built from Nichols pepot, oh the Wilmington, Columbia 051 Augus ta Tiiilrojd lo Coawaysboroyan South Carolina, and tljat wbeu tj1.; river is improved tdCpnawaysboo, -rat-class steamer, will rud - from' iherlean out via Georgetown to CharlQslo11f . 1 A Systematized band of rovers have beeu doing up Point Casw0i' for the past two months, and havolakcn off about $200 worth of goods, ?pt. li. P. Paddison being Hie heafSjjit loser. Josh Hayes, colored, has--bcS arrested as one of the thieves, and -tb evidence is .strong against h He is now; in jail, iu; this ' city. cers are on tie track of the otlier tbi5ss. A.N'l) FAt(.'MER.-r-Tlie . annual nu'wber for Jauuary 1st; 1 SSI. Contents .An Un published Letter of -Mr. JeAsou ; Vir ginia its past, present a)4i future; Views on the Future of Vi wnia and the' South, by Secretaiv ShrSajin: Fish Culture The Carp, Prof, fencer F. Baird; Sorghum, Hybridation of Plants, .Marshall V. Wilderjfe., &c, a good, old, cheesy monthly ways fill: ed with good things, liolfjaundera', editor, ltichmond. " - v' Legisla hve L q c AJfcg H-In the House, ou Tuesday, a bill M authorize the Commissioners of Ooslo bounty to leVy a special tax was intuced .and referred to the Comraittce Finance. Bill to incorporate the J&fth Caro lina Pharmaceutical Socie passed its second reading. . '. ", jjg jf Bill to incorporatetho Sth '.Atlan tic and Ohio llailrpad -Jistrucriou Comiany, passed its third jjffjtiiing. Bill to make Brunswick; Hcr a law ful, fence, passed its thirdiKtdiu. ? The Noniii AMEnicAlilviEW.i- Contents :. The Nicaragua "Qqal, Gem U. b'. Grant; the Pulpit aigi the Pew, Oliver Weudell Holmes; ijjn's liod in Politics, Judge AlbionM,Tourgee;. Did Shakespeare Write Bans Works, James reemau Clarke; Ptisanslnp in the Supreme Court, Scna-r: Johu T. Morgao; -T'he lluins ,of "Cq0ral Ameri ca, Desere Charnay; The Metry of the Future, Walt Whitman, .pgreat war rior -and statesman, Iwtt-ijgrcat fact-S tha moat famous of .AniAean novel ists; A great antiquariaiiirt; liymane statesman and a rebel 'jsjtfral turn ed statesman and - niled i2CRte'' ea, tor, furnish the matter, forilii ancient magazine fjt February. $y j "From grave to gay,, From lively to severtJjAil- . . STKAMEk JSCS K. The fVamer Clin' ton,. owned and' commands,; by Vpft, James Wallace? sunk at tgtp wLarf in this city, Friday mornhijaboutrdaj light. ' The Clinton ran itftRccn th is city and Baauermatt's B.-, and ar- rived in this city lat t Tlnlar "ighjf, irr w$ff, helakl and in rine '.'int.- h wan uer stern over lappirf iue steam- tug Alpha'iahaif. tt'hca-H5V tu: weut to her wharf later irr th J veuing hit bow etrnck the stern of tbsCliiUon,but at the lime nothing was fj-ughtcf it. At the time of the inkinM ihe Ciia- Too, st x persons. woo tj''.'wp (D her narrowly eecail waehnr Utc. It is thoarbt Vhu the tjCbt-r tfthe Clio too were atarted wh jV.riKk by Ui Alpha. !se will b red, . .- ! ; -ri'-f GtAso Lotv,k K. o r;-Thc Grasd Iodj j pt the order i'Kaigau c ITiBias ol ot tto caroufc, ui hu4 iu aaccal mf in Oo!dpr ccsiaea eiW ITuMdjv the &h' hi Fclrxurr. The nicniVers of TCa MStit of Out place are taking rl' towaivls eatertaiaiog taeir trvtSti9, aJ at a regular met liag of tbLodge ttld tTiday nigbt, a roiBiUV.t f anaegt- stalt . w a appoiated 1 JOMistiag Umtv J. W. rya, J. w; iVeoila, W, jB. tertb, j Catic v &t aa J E. ;JL Wrigil, A baex. f tbe G.aed Lodg ceaUflrd. Al a aWetiag of Itoaaaa Lof k5d ia tab city m TasfHby algLfi li. II. Gt?kf a a ViSLfcrc&UTt, IaO Ja lUvJr s4 r Cr li:C?riVCrK 4Kaaf J. U Slis F. C Ms&avkaa a4 W. H. M. Koc a aOcai Slaacwan Lntij wiU 3a tu raijuirc actsrw agW. ". ,; r-;.,::, ';:; ''-'.' 1 .-:''. '-.V-'"-' j ,'v Senator V. V. Richardson of Colum bus, on.the bill 1 authoriting the Treas-; urer to sell the,$200,000 bonds now in the. Treasury; and devote it to the com mon school fund, made some Tery cred itable obserrations on ; the ' subject of education. He desired that eyery avail able dollar which could be spared tor the education of the children of the tate should be utilized . lor ' that pur pose. The bill was on motion or air. Eichardson, made special order' McsicaL, 1 Homes a k ' 1a p p y Homes. Make, your homes, musical, and happiness wiD Eurely come. Noth ing like Music to drive away care, and soothe .the troubled ? breast. Ifjouv haven't a PiaaO or Ortan. ret one. If youJhaTe one already get somo:' new Music, and; tune up. The beat ' and cheapest way, to get the . Music is ; to suuscribejto toe bouUiern Mumcal Jour nal and let it visit you monthly through SSI. It will only cost $1.25, and each monthly number gives $1.00 worth, of beautiful Music, both Vocal, and . In strumental. end your address and a 3 cent postage stamp to the Publishers, sudden &' Bates, Savannah, Ga., and they will mail you a specimen copy. , A' DA&TAnDLY OutiiAue. A few nights ago the steamer Passport was iet adrift from ber mooring at Smith- yille and went ashore on the shoals be tween Smithville and Federal Point. The steam tug Orlando had " her lines made fast to th Passport 'and drifted off with: her." The same nig hit there was a masquerade ball in Smithville and Capt. Harper was , a . manager. Several objectionable persons were re fused admittance to' the .ball in mass, arid it is thought that they tried to vent their spleen by turning the steamer adrift. After the ball Cant Haroer found that bis boat was cone and im mediately instituted a search' for her. In the meantime the Captain and crew of the Orlando and tho mate and deck hand of the Passport were awakened by the thud of the steamers on the shoals. auu were teiiing up steam wnen.uapii Harper arrived almost frozen fer the pia;ht 'jras tery cold. , Fortunately the tide wis setting in, or cjsc&he steamers would have drifted out to sea or gone aground on ihe shoals between the rip and bar, .and then total destruction would have been certain. It would be a lortunal0 thing for tho scoundrel who perpetrated the outrage if fce.is not ai prehended. . '; ' .'; The Fayettevilie 'Examiner Unedu cated labor is like an -uudibcipliued mob. Educated labor as like an army thoroughly disciplined, every man in his place, with the implements of war in perfect order, and ready to advance witii irresistible power. . The capabili ties 01 ine mob may be great, but with out ice discipline of the army they can never be rendered erncient. If you know of any Congressional .votes being thrown out o.f tho box, and not counted for Wm. P,4 Cauaday, by poll-holders, send ail the information and the number of votes thrown out to Col. O. H. Blocker,' Wilmington, N.O The number of immigrants 372,550. Of these,' the southern states drew;, but 0,1?;,! the western 1S11, and the en-tern 137,50!.' NEW au v ERTISEMENTS. nnn ve stoti.ouo,3iorir .- ili up. IWr r, J. . X FaCC TO ALL. 1,11, -. . rtfM I0MES IU TEXAS'' 19 Tua mix or A New Ulastntted Paaphlet lwcnjp'liv of ili aU7 aloes t J Dit. it j Ut tb Ha or lb IXTERXATIOXair UOKVT OBTU- r KliN li.lLUJAt. t con 11 of m rood ortir f ta Mal. : it tlMKoirUiii IS mmmm mini drer of rur aa4 la ?a bobtr . ... . FAtlMjs FOIi SALE OU UEN T, a4 XU m t mill wmat rrm 1UA W ecxt rr. A arT lil W luiw tra t Uhm dilf rim,m Im majai t. Tmm, aaa affilcaUoo fry iutf or poatal ar4 1 I AIJXX MtOTJY. Mw:f.TitM. tnm l i'niiUMl IWrAV Ma OKeai53.1 1 i "l'irT janSO if'.. ii i Fx .aftrt.i.inti ,i i NEV ADVUETISEMENTb. JACKET ; Clly of vVilmiustou, A". i , Be it ordained by the ! Mayor and - Board of Aldermen as follows: 1. That the market building and lot in block 1 38, extending from Fron t street to the riyer, and iu block 513. tt the northeast corner of Fourth and ' Campbell , street, and. in block 70 at . , the southwest corner of Fifth aud Caa- . tie streets are hereby appointed .as, aud declared lo be the public markets aud , m,araxit places of the cily I f Wilmlng- ton. ' . . . ,:..'"':i;' 2. - Carts aa.d1 otbu Vehicles btijisil' marketable .'articles to market for aalu shall take their stand under the shtdst of the market bu Front street or alorg theiStrcets neat to the sidewalks, adja cent to tie markets at the iorucrs of Fourth and Campbell strc'ct.imd FiAh and Castle streets. i ; , . 3, The stalhf iu the -aid Market House shall be rented annur.lly on thu 1st Monday of-February iu taoh year by public autioa to the; highpit LiJder; said rentings shall be for one year, and stalls not rented at iiali times, and those becoming vacant during a rental year, shall be rented privately for tho unexpired term of sai4. jental year, or irom month to month, until the next annual renting, provided that when sj rented privately, the rent for meat klalis shall not exceed ten (10) Idollars per month for each single stall, and (t0) dollars per month for each fish stall. Stands under tho sheds shall bo rented, privately from month to month or' from day to-day. V . ' '-i . - . , . r-' . 4. No person or '-person shall sell or offr, or expose for sale, except at one or the other of said market places, any butcher's .meat, fresh meat, fresh li sb , venison or other kame, poultry, wild fowle, oysters and vegetables withiu that portion cf the city embraced within the followiug limits, to-wit ; Beginning on the riven at the foot cf Harnett 'street, thence .east with' liar nett street, to Eighth street, thence. . South with" Eighth street to Chestnut ; street, thenco west with Chestnut ftrcet to Fifth street, thence south with Fifth street; to Orange street, tlieaco east with Orange street to Niulu slrvcti T thenco south with Ninth . jitrtet to Wright street, thence wc&t with Wright street to I-ront street, thcuce north with Front street to Castle street, thence west with Castlo . street, to llo ' river, and with the ri vir to the Lcciu ning; provided that.uojh'ug etrein con tained shall be construed to prevent the iiale Of vegetables or poultry ly iiceucd grocery dealer from their? tors , Or oyster, game, or fih soM ' ju icMau rants or estinc hour",' VT IHuItry, ur hogs, consigned tj comraij-sion iihi-' chants, far sale by. the wholcalc. 1 5. No hucksrtcrs or other iht.oh., shall sell, or ofl'r or caiose "r-fak. any of said njarkctable arucka LIimu beforo mentioned upon auy of l!ic f idt - walks or streets of this city. C It shall be theduty of ti.tu.i, f the Market tocxcrci'Ms a general t u r Tiion ever ihe f aid marLct liH!te aud places; to asi'igTtplacei to cai: c r per sons attending market, sad nf mcor- , dcr among them, and in .'.' 1 csrirt ; to decide all dispute which- r ar.N. beiwceUj buyer and ft'.ler tju Uiu tbt, weight or mcasuxe cl'i say.-aitv;lc, and generally to di anJ peifjrtu ill arfi in and about said; mar Vet necc"..iy -,hr proper regulation of the axruc, and Uu. eoforcemcBt of market rrgu.:.vt3. ' 7. Any ptraoa violaliiig jiyii the provUioua of this ordiasacc ui'.l U deemed guilty of a . mflemra-4r fj RD,i upon convicUon shall be i..tcd Du laj exceed UndoUara. cr iupnwcl ttu days, lor each and every c:' cr.tr; SS All ordisaccs ia 3 !n. r which are repugnant n, vt i. nv,f ot with any of lb prvvin'jf bzauf; are hereby rrpcaled. - 9. l"hU ordiaaoc hi'.l b- a .Vr. from acd-aHer the iSthdiv tf JiauarT. raned by ibei Lkar4 t ( A'dcrt&ta, Jaauary lbih, J$AI. ULNKYAVAUi;c,;yA !,;. . M AYOn-5 OFUCi;. rctri or vr:uiivrv?f;x u Tat above OrLcacc will L frftr. ed oeail ater MawAsy. Jaaaarr alo. car'. . i J Lj im m - - . -i ( jiaS3 lt . Mj. V, II. MOORE & CO., IC ? a: m r mm It JL U. r 1 1 vis K CY sTUNE U I H t r.- 1XXHJLS IvW mmmms m limit OS a: .y T A Vt f .'' ' a'Wm.B.;:; V! i i . 4 1 i -j I A

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