v fL V 1 VI 16 j:. JL - Illlil I ' I .- Wr I r I I r 1 I ' ;l I T .1 I I I I '. 1 Vb. 1 MM VII I : mm I1a A - .. II .1 I. II III l . I V ) c l t. V I V J I I V I VU I I.I V - I 1 "V JL 'NJ T JL V Vi 'T , - i t i j. OLlJtfE XII " ' ' -H ftM J , r- -j ; y ; -TT- 1 : - i: ,,. -J it. ,uih): vtf i I.MING.TONPOST ii. vUm.-ii at the PosTorrocE AT Wlf-MlMiTUN-, N. C.r AS SECOND CLASS Matter IO THK KEl'lBLICAXS OF Hit: THIRD PIMTRICT. The Republicans of the Third von gresMonal District,-, will please write , at Wilniington, N. C, and;ive ,ue a full account of all frauds jsonir fitted by tbe Democrats . during the l,mt election, giving names of' county, precinct, .and, of poll holders, also names ot jieraous prevented from vutiii?aud the, reasons lor it, whether ur not the registara were at their tost ol iluly before- the' election;: in fact I want a full- history of all frauds or irregularities of every description, that to k place during 'the election on Tues .htlie 21 of November 1880. .U. II. BU)tXBf t litiriuan" District Kepyblicairf !in inittee, at WilmingtottN.C v ' I'rewdont llayes has only eigbteri tunrc dajs of cfficial lrfe. -; . : senator lilaine has been contioexT to his bouse daring the past few "dys by in hps So we are informed vby tie I I.I wv.-:- - mt . I - vi :- !ieu. James A.Cferfield was formerly iledared llrestdeaV, from the 1th of M treh next, by Cobgresa 03 . Wednes ,lay last. Now thire can be no doubt "ol' his rlghli to r the position that -the nole so unauinrAisly selected hi m to hll in November li. , f ' ' A. t Jar field will be the - jiub l'resi'deut of tbe Uoited' Blale. Aud bis iuauguratiouT will make tbe i loe of the 20th yea'r of kk i lh Republican party, ol the couatrjr. In - i St". 1. Abraham Lijxcolp, one of the In si men Ji AmcrTca, was inaugurated, iii ISS1 , j atnes A. Ciarti'eltlj, one of the ablest -ami j;cnt men now living, will be i Luai'Kurattd.f With such men as Lin' c jlir Umnt unci tieilielrf, the liepubli . ii partv will continue to control the stiu'usy-ot the uatioti. With, such - i.icuas bhcriuau, lUaine.Conkling and Wtuiinil, .n leaden1, tb ptople can m VU Mista in the Hepublicau party. . JuJ-c fJarW has agaiu counaenced Y die ihlicjiliuu v( ihe'iji'jnal AVe cer - Inolv I'tlTcve that be should been i-iiiitdged - by the-KepublicanB of the ia'r, nndi weyow call-apon them to tatty vt bis support, and aid him to juiblish a Republican paper at the State , VapitoV by Bubcribiug and soliciting : tlher to do tbe aame. Vo hoi only ubchbe by sending your name, bu ' send the money ao. Do not hesitate ' a m.onifiit aboujLlbe matter, but go to work at ouce and sustain, aa you ought ? i.i, this laudable uudritakiug of Judge , Clarke. Kepublicans complain berauae ! !lif' i" no repub!ican paper at Ral eigh, but wbcu one is started-they re- IU!o to asiA irt itnaintaiuirjg it. II ow i an you cipu,t a paper to live without mtint'y, ,I'ery lifpublican iuth state iuj;ht lo'seita at : leat one year's sub ; punptioui to Judge Clark within the next mouthjlthen we wouUhave a pa- prrtbat would be a'pywer to the party .and u.elul to tb'eatatev ' iu"n.irit y eoNKw'" ' Vf, oil the south, have long been i uted w ith a lot of IboU who have not i;u sciixe enough to keep theirvtdngue t?eo. Hutler seems to be one of l'net 'item. And while the caatigalion he rcvptred lou J- 'cbruaryTtb. ftvm Senator KVwe would be glad to se s just, jet it is very morti- aucceed. hut wdespiw a fraud. Onllij lyiegto culh at ; was everv man who lives iu the the "J'nci that we have ruvb men nr.. iuucr uaa maue . long u-1 i. . t " 1 l. .'r 1 I akus to the Senate, ami aousca oea 1 r Aw$ io the usual stylf of such Kutler. XtUt he had ntahea I Couklinr, who hail raid very tail k niion to the remark, arose m .j .h.. t. i..ma .h ,... iituistt had designed kta remarks as an tuli tipuu him fur soneting he had nid in a speeth last September. He that Mr. Butler had takeq loog Ume to reply. As for tbe vapor- to of tbat Senator be ba4 nocoactrn. Mr. j BuJer-The Kafxrlof inec- teoce of the exnator from tw otk b nv concern for me : . Mr. Couklfog The Senator is a per ; k u ih w boai. I do nvt choose to ban J? wvrd or epithets here or else where. IfAijvf all here. It ill be cen that the treat teeaator trosa .New oik w a Mtfevtly cool, and acted the pail of a cvUeman, wane tne ouih Carolina Seealor t ferge " t in lir r linn nil 1 w it si 11 trtr i. Why Senator KaMesa did not Kt doeaoabiai wecaonot teU, bnt tup- -m that our lUrrtxotatiTe must have tstta iVkoU Wt have never been die- 1 i- ;ract4 by Senators lUasoes or Vance H any audi conduct. A Kentucky court has conpeBe4 a 1 u to rav bet lost on GsrtUld's tirvCen,.'; Th country it now safe. THE C'Al'K FEAR KlVaK. There is a bill before Congress which rirtually makes the Cape Fear river a free river to all. Tbe bill has passed, the House and is now before 'the Sen ate! It establishes a port of entry at Fayeltevilie. W understand that the company which control this valuable stream (the Cape ; Fear lliyer) have sent JCol. A. Mv Waddell to Washing ington t0 lobby with the Senate again st the bilU The people who live tog the lioi of the river should send in their petitions to the Senate at once, expressipg' their desires and wishes in the matter. If the bill fails now, it will be many years belore they will have a chance at the matter again. " 1' i WiLmikcjton, N. C , ) V r Feb. 10th, 1881. j Hun. W, r.Cnadaj: ! ; ; Deau SibJ It is due to the Iiepubli- can,. party of the county of New llano teri lot tcfjuaiBt.llKBV iritb the" reason why, up W loiatlate, I have not taken my seat! as one of their representatives in the present state legislature. ,1 have been suffering from a severe attack of illness which has demanded medical attention and con fined , me to my room for the past four weeks, rendering me lo capable of attending tojany business". hope to be able to report at Kaleigb n a few day. Yours truly, Jamks, Wll-iOjC. it will be seen that tho work of alaughteriug the convicts goes bravely on, ou the; Western North Carolina railroad. - ' ' ' ll'j Tt'cgmiih to the N. Y. Ho did. STAEBVIL1.E, Feb. 10) 1881. Ou Tuesdav"nieht and yesterday im mense rains prevailed along the line of tne v eftiern im onn varpuns rauroau, west of this point, causing several land? slides and endangering the railroad bridges over the mountain streams. A mall Bhde in a deep cut nearhe west ern approach to the Swsnnonoa tunnel, fifteen milfs east ot Asheville, was be ing removed yesteromy morning Dy a force of twenty convicts, working with a construction train, when a arge mass of earth fell into the cut burying the whole number, l nose w no were wont ing in the ditch on the aide of the rail? road opposite to that' from which the slide deacended were caught between the cart nod the side of tho cut, and when a, sufficient force arrived to un cover the buried men three, were found ouitedead. and i fourth so bedly -irv- iured that he died this morninjr." Of those remaining seven rnisiaineu ipjU' ries more or Uss serious, and it is ex nected that some of these will yet die . . . . .' T . Enciner Aldricb. bis fireman aud one of the'guards, escaped, without in iurv. . ':-r:.-- '.; lu the meantime the railroad track from the foot the mountain" on this aide to the summit and beyond is ob structed' bv slides, and paasceers, mail aud baggage are being transferred. The track will not be entirely clear lor per haps a week. The rains by which tho slides have been caused have beeeu ten paralleled forUwenty years We see Arom lhe ISoaton Louner tuat W. V. Turner is in Boston soliciting money to publish the rroj!( 'aiixl paper he says he is running at llaleiih. Mr. Turner published a paper in ltaleigh some 1 months ago, called Xbt lYpj'ltt Voice, but he only issued a few numbers, and it went up, we have beard, nothing about tbe paper sidce, until now Mr. Turtjgjf turns UJ) oh a beggieg expedition. W7e notice among his endorser none of the Hepublicans around! this stale, who know him so lhd not aurprbe us. - - .. t I I Mr. lurner intends to publish a paper see him Uerge Wasbiegtou was choseu hrst President by the unaclmous vo(e ortbe electoral college, New York alone not haying taken intercat enough, in - ' . i . the orranitation of the eovernmeet to polol elevlors.1 Acolhcr pnjof . of the Ktj0 intetest felt ia coTernoeot affairs I at that time is found io the fact. that, tnoun tne in 01 aiarca was me ume WBaOTi'aSSWii' Apri( Ma jjeaate April G, and it was not until jLpril 30 ; that lreident Wajbiogtoa was inaujurated .u-.Vdf af ... ,Blacibttm of Kentocky, bad better -j,- Up W9 kuodrtU thousand Klicfs who Wf re ready ta seat Tjlden, before he attacks RerrttentaUtej Fry arsin. We can inform Mr. viackburn that he has at 1 fast rtr ttp Stf. better maa.tnan be u ia every m the word, socially: aaenaUy or tby- caBvl Therefoiiv Mr. Biickbura ill ftvov hW, . b. iUoe MiS. Fry A mhtu he leeU belliiereoL Aou . -b.- oi..r f suitable to ike caliber of hb wesson. I T ssmi I Ue.r j YY. Oliver, the liblicaa cancna nominee rtht Senate in lnn eyltania. has withdrawn from the r a --.. . rS M endettt tan- Mr. Uraw r - ; Senator lUnsesBas accepted the io- titation ct the Philanthropic pekty, at Charti Hill, t delirtr the Com ttencftaeot tWthfrt Mai Jtnt, WILMINGTON, NORTH FOKT. WlIHPI.Kj The above was the name ofi the Frt on the Arlington Grounds, near Wash ington, where-the training school for i Signal ofiicera baa heretofore been lo r EJ cated. It will hereafter be called iort Mjyerin honor" of tbe late chief of the Slprnal Service bureau, OeTJ! Myer. Gen. Hazen has paid a very handsome compliment to his predecessor, by this. act and has done himself great credit. IJOBACK MA.x"NIlf - f '! The savage fattack on Hon. llorac e itaynard, rostmaster General, in the i . Y. Times is in bad taste.' fEvcry one ho knows the history ol this states- tan honor him for his integrity and uritv of character. He is (not an in- riritrer. never was and never Will be. He i a gentleman and a statesman, ah onor to the state! ard the nation that e has at all times served loyally. The outhern Union men delight to honor liim, anu will not aopn lorget me at tack" indirectly made upon bim by the correspondent of the Time. Mr. Farnell, the great Irish Common- er, ana cniei oi ine lianu jeague oi Ireland has sailed for America,! This gentleman; is probably the ablest mem ber of rarl'auK'i't. which Ireland has sent for many genu atious, "and we hope be will lie received by Americans in a i manner that will show the English people whit- we think uf their tyranny toward Ireland. i . . Hon. John 0. JNew, of the ludianap- olid Journal 13 iu Washington. ' Mr. New is very highly recommended by the Republicans of h's stato for a posK tion in General iUarfieid's Cabinet. We believe i it would- be a good selection. Mr. New was United States Treasurer under Gen. Grant. He h ' mow Cbair- 1 -. - .. . f . man of the State liepublican Commit tee and the National Committee, and a stalwart to the core. v The ltepublican Slate Committee of Virginia refused to call a straightout Kepublicau courcntion inMarch next- It is believed that "there wi'l be a coalition ; between the readjustcrs and KepubUcaus for a state ticket. This is a great triumph for the NatiouaV Ue- publicaui, and a very just one. ; Hoii. Aieo. lJ. Evefctt of Wiiistou, North Carolina, hai been uoininated by I'reaident Hayes fr Collector oi Internal llevepuiv iii plate of Dr. W; H. Wheeler, of the .same town, who has; occupied the posit ioir for: three year?, under the apjoititment of Presi dent Hayes. ! ' Will Aikcu Jt-xplaln:' j Cocgrcssman Aikeii thinks a Kepub liau who takes part in southern poli itics is a. "legali.ed political btirglarj' What sort of a burglar is a soutbern Democrat who hold- a seat iu Ci'iigress which he stub tjy having a ballot box stufl'fd with tiesue ballot That ope ration seeiusto he K?uerally "legalized ' iu iho south. If it were . jlot,.L Aiken would npt be in Congrcsi.--.' Vurl Titlfune. . '' Untler 'A rain.' Scaak0 lut'er bad suppressed lus euioiins this session f tXitigress might I have ended without a solid southern exhibition of a-ny kind. All the south cm Senators and" ' llepresentatives, ex cept Butler, have conducted themselves with unprecedented decorum. They have shown that they know what bap fff. pened ou eiectiou Uay.- A tic 21 bane. ' ' 1 : ' !'. j; How He tvhlbitd lltmsclf. Senator Butler of South Carolina,bas uot attracted much attention since he took part iu' the Hamburg massacre in 1S7Q; but to day some aHtentiou is di rected ro him by a personal and abu sive a tuck make on ;; Mr.- Conkling TtMJaT. It is doubtful if people would remember such a mau existed if I he did not cive tlay to his brutal m- siincis occasionally. .. . .... i . y AVw YVrh (t f txnu Advert isti The south U supposed to have right, or that is the Democratic portion of it, which northern Republicans are bound to respect. Bat the Republicans have uo rights that spevt. ; the ;Daucrt, Tt.itl The Rrpubiicau Natioual lUmmiltce convcucs at the Arlington Hotel, ia Washirgn, IV C., March the Mb, ISS1. Busiutss vf imporlacce will come up for 1 iocidrativn!. A full meeting eapectcd dressing cf brtaj, ca!dcd 1 oiV and Billed with plenty of butter io.d a Ut tie reppr-" and salt. Lay ttjupon one side of a n-und of trak, cover iih tbe er ; aau oa-.e 11 uo n ua a iceae " . ' - ft ft and thread. Salt and ptppr the cnt- Ue of the steak, an Jlac i diip-pieg-paa with halifa ina y water; ,Yhc? batc4 brow a a ;ae side tara and bake the other. ; The Wgwiatare has jw-4 le vefy vt daye left to tax tbe ppl Jih ha tayori-- - "" ' v 1 p ."-:'; . Don't reed a rpe that y i sn't ots CAROLINA,1, Sjff KDA Y; OIT at) ITEMii ' . t a r -1" Chew ' Jackson'; fies Swr Naty - , i s I ri Tobacco. The Criminal Court jeets to-mot. I rOW. J x r- irr ,7 ;i - .1 No interments In Oakdale during the week. L2 7$ If ybu want to get1 rich advertise in I the Post. , r-sli No intermenls4a (,he toIfCeme-f I icrj uiis WceK , . r , I If you want to be will wised, sub-J scribe for tbe l'oeT. -i i.i&i'i I'i. 3 .'J ' Mr U. H. GUbejttteU u to y - - I I'll ' ; I 'J . If you want to' make a fertanereirCs' farm of W. P. Ckiiaaay.' S?I Hon. JoliiiIugotUNwbeTr,avas ia this eity oirTidaf last. ?; . f A farm for rent near the city limits. Apply to W, P. Canaday. . ' i , ., J, ' There were one Interment in. Bel lievue, Cemetery this week. V 1 11 Bo you pay your honest debts ? IX j so, send in ' your subvription to the Post. One adult .and no childreu : were interred in Piue Forest diiribc the Week:" That splendid farm just adjourning the city on the 'Tank Boad is for rent. Apply to W. P. Canaday.' Market street looks much belter since the removal of .the market bouse put of its center. The very best truck farm in the coun ty for ' rent. Located adjoinning . tbe city limits. ' Apply to W, P. Canaday: Marriage' licenses were issued to two Colored ' aud six white couples by the Register of Deeds duriug the week. A - Who is the inanj that : will start a handsome hotel at the sea-shore iu time for next summer t - Dou't all speak at once. '.. .' ..":;.:.',-'. . ' ; There ought to be a large, line hotel ou Bald Head or Smith's Island. It is the. finest locations for a summer Re sort any where around this coast. . Watches, clocks, &c, for sale by that champion watch-maker, Mr. J. L. Win ner.' If you. have any work in bis Mne,, dou't fail to call and bW him ' or yori J will regret it. ..." , . - The new Congregational Church on Nun between Oth and 7th streets, is rapidly approaching completion. Is is indeed,, a crrdil, to the southern portion ofour city. ' j'. ' .' ..y ' . To gethtkved smooth, hair cut even and a clean shampoo, go Jo Werner's iirst-claa barler shop, lie says be can beat the world, and John knows, in fact be is too ,ut'whUj a mail to bedis-' puled, therefore we are goiux to ake- his word The turnpike, during the short spell' of fair weather has been liberally pat ronized. It' has from the very first proved to be a financial success. We th 1 lo bTe B0lbef ,uraPik do'n towards Federal Point, which would e pay cquauy as wen. - Geo. A. Pope, we learn, intends to make a general reduction in the rail road fair. He is an . enterprising rail road man, and knows just how to make dividends for his companies. Cheap rates double the collections, Now let us have a reduction In freight rates. . -; Dieu (ro& Lcxcnxox. Take pieces of cold meats of any kind, .chop fine ; season with pepper and salt, iost a lit tle onion; break over the meat two or three eggs ; add a small piece of butter; stir all together ; pour it upon nicely buttered total, serye hot;, garnish with parsley. -i - Capt. Harper ought to nave the las - port put in good condition, aau be ready for the excursicn season which will be soon at hand. If he woulJ add anoth I and 7th atreeta. They offer to the rub er boat to the tin, one with about 1 Ik the best articles in their line that double the capacity of the Passport, he would find that the additional invest men: would pay a; great deal better . Jl - 1 HnuwAt BoaMJtT.Mr. Ucary I Oogr of Aannsmtca: county, was act f eposi oa Wednesday last, in tree of Long House oa Serry street, by a colored seen aad osuaa, b? kn-Jted ; bias down jnd iwhhed hiam. ala, Cla-r tu severely c4 wpess , le head aa4 laid in nnnnoasjncUsn ssatanntil ftxu3 by a r-aiicemaa ahovt oen knot ncr the nWats. Jnlin PVtoca as-1 Uaa. Vajtawrre simW. ua kA um; city, bnt was captared la I JTfahav e Thmnday. - Tbt case a U heard I by Jwnice Oatdaar m WeneaJay J FEBRUARY J 3. IS81 . Mra..EobertKaiiaom, who has many "tenda in this city, died - fti. -t u. 1 oif Monday last. friends in this city, died in Newbern Wehaye had several, days of fine weather, the past - week, and hope it will continue so. i ' Hon. Thos. Buffin has been appoint ed to the Supreme Court Bench, vice Jedge Dillaxd, resigned. HonJFfed. W. Holliday, Gover- nor of. Virginia, passed through this wt xiwf, u mure wi iiwiu a- : ,Gen: Jos. C. Abbott; has been on an inflpecting r. tour during the' paat week t Beaufort and other places along tho "" ,.. , XLvll. lfllllC9" Hiiauu nui iis vi Baleigb to-morrow.' He says that he has been.! sick or he "J would have been ikere before ibis; .' :Y ;!.;:v.':....: ; Uishop J. W. Hood was in the .city ?. :f -r, . , ! . . r i t. qn xriaay en ? route or uis uume at tFayeUeTille. - The Bisbopi is one of tne hardest worked Divines in North Carolina. " 1 A little 5 year oljl sou of Mr. J. A. Ialiiins fell from a wagon on Friday, the wheel passing direetly over his bead. Fortunately,': the' little fellow Scaped with ,k slight cut on Ins ear. Mr. Perry. the new Proprietor of the Purcell House, has been very Jusy the past week gelling that establishment in order, and in a few moro days he will be able to present to the public a hotel in such a conditiou that will be comfortable to stop at. ' . ;The Chamber of Commerce ano! Pro.-, duce Exchange, met at the Rooms of the Exchange Friday, to consider the Regan bill to regulate Inter State Com merce. The meeting adjourned with out final act ion j subject the call of the Presidents. . k- Joseph Harris and Chas. U. Davis, both colored, and of Federal Point township, became involed in an alter cation, when :hc latter sbot thc former. The wound was neither fatal or serious. Davis was bound over for bis appear ance at the Crimiral Court. . j To Be Uxifokmlo. Tho nicsstu gers of the Western U.nion Telegraph office of this cfty have been uniformed with the reculation. unilform,'; of the Comimny viz: bluo coat with'red irim tings and brass buttons,' blue pants with red stripe down the seams j jaud blue cap With red trimmings. The caps have arrived and the suits are expected in a day or two A Test Case. Mr. C. H. Gilbert re fused to comply with the ordinance re quiring ail butchers to remove to thl new market, and was arrested aud ar raigned , before Mayor - Fishblate Messrs M. 'Bellamy, DuBrutz Cullar and John D.Bellamy, Jr., appeared for the defendant, and- Messrs.; Junius Davis aud F: U. " Darby, for , ilbe city . UTSTEE .iA.RlENa. II SOIT13 . our enterprizinz fisheriuen 1 would, com mence to Cultivate oysters in tbe waters near Wilmington, they would be .able to make it very profitable, vTbe oyster gardens near Norfolk and Baltimore nav v,..iJ1.w-- .1 .k., t. .... a fj -usuiuaviuvij) sftuv awav aav ts.sa . sen why they should not be exceeding ly profitable near Wilmington-. The United States Marine Hospital is fast approaching completion and will soon be ready lor use. The govern ment ought to have the square leveled off, a nice fence pat around it, and then plant trees ou all the skies. It wiil make one of the handsomest places in the city when coapletted. .What, sjy you Mr. Cnief Architect llUl Let us have the whole property pot in first class condition. -. 1 ' "' New Maeket. We call tbe alien of oar readers to tbe ak of Menrs. Sellers A Deal, which appears in 1 another column of this issue of the I Ixs r, m ho have opened a first-clas I butcher shop, ia i he curoer cf Pnoces J the market a3ord. We .would advt I war lnesda U give ifeesa a ceiL They I will deuvirr year Beata to asy part of of the city. ' v' i ' .. ' I WboOull be the neat Aide-area U I getting to be a very exciUats -j-tiw I wow, aasver the mcaaWs of the Dcaso- I cntk prtf . And U is very Lkely that l -aore than cat rcaUcasaa will U die I at-Iated, in not lei x!cici usernti 1 Ue 4ear rT Bnt noa UU Lfeara 1 the naarkct nron he. Wa owtry wU settled, aad hoi very tUati I left iWrsv We zttsV llcaor. Mayer ; tssht-Ulek cwauane, as tUte aeceu U be y iUle cyrita Uhlsafw the zacx a nuiyreaj c awaw. fnwert' Single Copies 5 Cents The Aggregate REjrrs.The stalls I in the three markets rented Monday at public auction: by Messrs. Cronly &J Morris, aggregated the following amonnts: 1 ' " Market corner of Fourth and Camp bell, 8 stalls, (lll'per month, . Market corner! Fifth ' and Castle 3 stalls, $9 per month. , . Market on Front street, -10 stalls, fS13 peMnonth. r.', . v ,". : 4 ; Total, 21 stalls rented for $960 per month, being $11.62S per annum.; , j During the past week a large pane of glass m Mr. R, Thorburn'a bakery, and. Company, represented by Messrs; Dc an6ther in the show window of Mr. Ji I Roaset &. Northron. Col: M, Hahn'a store on Market 'streets; haye been brokeu out, and goods to the amount of $30 taken from them. There is no clue as to the 'perpetrators, as the theft and broken glasses were , not d&- covered until .the- following joorning' after the occurence.' Where was t'ish-1 blate's "perlice?'" Taking card of the New Market, we suppose. - " I TKAMPNuisAscE.T-Five tramps ap-1 plied for lodgings at the StiUoa House on lhursday night, and oa r nday morning were presented 'to the mayor, who Wanted to give them "a bit of warning." He told them to get out of thecity, and ordered three policemen to ascort them to tho city limits, and to arrest them if they were seen here- aooui again. 1 ramps nave been an 1 . mm m - noying the citizens very much of late, hence, the mayor's action in tho inat- ler. Dc' Gooos. -Those who want ,to purchase dry goods (and wc ail do in fact) should cultivate the acquaintance of Messrs. Sol. Bear & Bros. They have the best goods in this market, f Al ways fresh, sell cheap, buy for cash, and sell on reasonable terms. Tn fact, they are tho myst liberal' meu.in the city, and tcc might, in justice and truth say, the best men, but we are afraid on acount of the size of O'Macks and McDarby, attorneys-at-law, and good collectors, because they will thrash it out of a fellow if they cannot get it any .other way. j . : iMTOlilA N T TO Fa M 1 L1E3. The Board of Health met iu monthly ses sion ou . Wednesday evening last, wheu the following wasollercd by Dr. Thos. F. Wood, aud was adopted as a part of the miuutcs oi the meeting : , . ; m 'lu consiuerauou 0; lac uangers rc aMfting from careletsne&aand iguorauce of householders aj regards the carlet fever, the New ' Hauovsr Board of Health presents this warning:. Child ren takeu sick with scarlet fever should be isolated from the rest of the family ir ajroom with suchjfuruiture as is not too valuable to destroy, no Occ jiaviog access to tbe room phrsiciaui and nurses. ''' f ,.- "It ii carucatly urpel thai funerals uf perous djirg w -1 ar! t ' fever shuuH L Attended by the fen est; num ber of fferoons necessary to pet form tbe rite decently. Funerxla. fram cberches shoufd oot'be' permitted a they tend I Apread tbe disease 1 "PamphlcU 011 the sutjeel !o(. the limitation of the spread cfidiplheria and scarlet Tever can to ba'i on appll cation to the Secretary of the. B jard of Hcalih.'3 Tin, Dv Jaxau-A uaetUr lh j uplin 'anal Company was held at the rooms of the Produce. Exchange Wednesday, ailernoon, B. G. .Worti, President, in the chair. t)n motion, order fcr anotLcrJic-i mcnl oi 0 per cent, was made. . M. B. Worth c He red his rctignation as Prcaidcut' and Director ia the Com pany, which wai accepted, aad a, vote of thanks tcsdercd for services per formed. ; : '. ' Mr. W m. Latkios wa elected a Di rector in tne place cf Mr. Worth, acd, on motion, he was abtctwaliy elected lreidtn; of ice Company. It-was ordered by the liuarj that the names of lbpe who have faiiid to pay their subscriptions be t '.rick to froi LLe ... w. v. w ftv r -y Oa tDotioo. the ertu; lUa jcurtfeJ. ' . i - r Oo milt ef ia&a!, atujgislvcniy ft ia wUth Las been 41, aad the Coeapaey has spent baVllS tn alLJCJe Labor, toe!, etc v-TawtsaBenl 'oSJ per .. ccat. calkvi fix, w Id ; "enable those ia charge U i- lh caal caUr prise. ; .. : --a-- 1 atofaij ait t&e- alxra of te ' wa assO. It was CAasd by lha L&m g ef a saull fraaac deeUisj- Laac ca the cwstr J -ecoad and Malory etreeta, eweed by iSJL Vrr Mm a-?l cc;4t4 by iir. nwri U. Tajkt. vThta i L-urrarxd lie i a&s Lad asadc saah headway Uai inAhiiajcvawJ UiarMlraa U WrL; )U.T)kful U '.trlisj fci-t-'y caOf lgcUhlg aj cL42u they raa, Mr. Tayhnr as ye aw was awaktsed Vy tk Vjukig cf arn NUMBER 7 and that when he opened his eyes he found the room full of smoke. ' He im- mediately awoke his wife and they had barely time to gather the clothes to- gether and ' escape from' the burning building. A few moments after some I of the neighbors had gathered bnt it was Impossible to enter tho,' building and; so all i contained was destroyed. Mr. Taylor was insured for $700 on his furniture, which "will probably about Icoter the loss.-He had f300 in the Home, of Kew lork," represented here by Mr. Norwood Giles, and $100 in the Petersburg Savings' and Insuranco 4 insurance on the buiMing for $700 iu ! the Pbccaix of Brooklyn," Y., rc " presented by Messrs. Atkiason Man- ning. This will fair several hundred , dollars short : of tho actual low Tho ' f house ia thoueht to havecauzhl under ' the roof and throuch sjmo Ueftct iu the chimney. - ' 1 f. " 'T- : "' l-y-. ; :-. ': - Bank Meetikg.'-t-Tuc annual nictt- . ,-ftf it.i-WnUr, ih r..ni ,r New Hanover was held in tnis city' . j Thursday last. L..'The'mftrtiir' a. ..ni.-.! .u. ,L . DuBrnta CdUar Uine called to the "; chair and Mr. Thos. A Strange being - ' requested to act as secretary. ; Messrs. T. W. Strange aud Isaac Bates were appointed a committee to . verify proxies, aud there were found to ' be represented 5,172 shares iu person and 1,941 by proxy. The President of tho Bauk maJe'Lji 1 1 report and submitted a detailed state ment of tho condition of the principal iant anu its Draucucs, when, . upou motion, the report wast jidopled. Hii statement showel the net earnings of the Bank" for tho last year to be over 12 per ceut.,;and for tbe last six months a fractioji ovcr.7 per cent. . . The following gcnllcmcu n etc elected Directors : John Dawson, l.)una!d Mc- Rae. G. W. Williams, H. Yoller?, E. B Borden, Fred. II. libciustciti, J. A. Leak, R.'R. Brid-eri, Clias.. M. Sted- man, J. W. Atkiuou, aud Isaac Bates- Ou motion, the meeting adiourncd. NEW a DTERT IS EJdSd TS . NEWIYlABKET, Cor. 7th and trinccss ' Streets. "ircvou!U t-ftll lite fiiitvutiou ,i out uul . VI cuHainrrsaml th7publlc:!ivMUy, . i thofacl llikl ar nw rr.i.lv ii furoiii i tbt'iiVMjlhtbeltl- 'sT !th:i', lOUIC.M.Vl h- All I Jit At'..nl llii M A11K1.T itor.ln. Ulve us m ciUI. CjooU UelLvcrol ftv tu auy pnn of tlic vity. Ropettuiilv. . ju t. n. m;l-lj.i, KtiU It A. J. liiU . Jan ii-ll , W. H. MOORE & CO., CVKNtKWm Mf ANUlt:i.M KJC 1 BIUELT. 1 ! rK tr S r j ou Ual, tlx cl. b( 1- J 7 -KEYSTONE LINIMENT, iccttUjNtt boil!. 1 "INDIAN WWiirUl ctUlintu j lt tit;r isi-i.' t v,-t. Hrw. ' it, -.i.- tw-arft'j-. ' : r : JOHN WERNER, The Practical Geravaa Barber 3 nr mij St aad7tcrfttJBr. " 'i ni;v 1 1 air dui;ss. ' INu SAIAJON. Mststt JrrrV ar I'm I J . Ad a St4 .a U c tw Prt aal P(iacM iJtcr. wiLMiricTpri, th c. tea. Lttr, tRMre, liaccu-. tWix.aM kh 1t 4 mtf ihmm Sfc4.i-W Wa ntmmstmS mm- ' ' i-e I f I, .,.-iV-anf A

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