ICS 4r il . r A'oLiJMB-xn-. vlIjMLNGTONrOST " "7rTTi rEI AT TUP. POSTOFFlcV AT KfiSsr, N. 0.,' as npCus, I A i ri:r I - TO Till' tEli'BMCAKH OF I-IIi: tHIU DISTRICT. TheRepublicans of the, Third uon- - .rcssional . District, Will please write mo at- Wilmington; N.C., and give "me-sfuHacdoant of all frauds com mitted by the Democrats : during the : lt election, giving names of) county, ' -Jecinct: and of poll holders, also liaracs " persouB "prevented-, from votingand the reasons (or it, whether r ot the registars . were at their post - ,A '.lu'y before the election; in fact I WafuU history of all frauds or irregularities of every descriptionthat iota place during the election on Tuea diy tbc '-! 1 of November 1880. ' . . , - . O. II. Blockeb, . (Niriuaii District Republican Com mittee, iiV Wilmington N. C. traioNtNoim 20. issil ;. V ; sii. cte's.c;-. Y number s 21.1' 200,000 of North Carolina have ex la IV M'lO ',,rC.s;i thciiwclvea in writiug.flsin Ali amendmcit? of the I'uqdiog . IIi;i.lc in comnufce of 'the whole u.-rr-a-'reedto as tfforteu. J motion or.irBJ'J l i"1 ... inl-P!rrlW o, was rejected ' ir, whole bill wa l'hen lead a.third i,;,.juj ik.iBl' Afrit i:v. uavft 20, Tl ' hcDemocruU votcd'in. theaflirm-"ttiiw- as-alio Mr. IMumb and Mr. BauoV dt'is. l ho bill now goes to the House (v,r cncurrtuce iu Seuat.e amendments, 11 uiK-ly, a..r 20 instead of 5-1U bond ; a Vupciuation of one-half instead of uuo-loiirlb ;of one per cent; for placing ttic loan ; a provision lor popularizing ,Mh' lu:ui the e'ciise of having it taken - b r lho pcoi 1 , and several verbal alle- THe. llaiSlirUitis.. in Senate on Tuesday last, a bill come "up to increase the Governor sal ary. It was Voted, down by one mnjor- tv all the Republicans voting agaipi, J . 1 . U511 no! it. , On 4be very next aay me "... reconsidered and passed. All the Dem ocrats had been bulldozed during me night before, and many of the Repub- icans succumbed to the nauery oi tuC Democratic administration cecals and spoke and veted for the bill.: We shall have to let v the people know of those Republicans who represent con stituent who are Republican, and in- favor of the strictest economy in the au- minitratiort of public afUirs,how tueir KvnattrH ana Representative are voting We warn these Representatives that n th ui Lt foreet themwlvea as to vote with and for Democratic measures that we shall be . in dulybourd to giv me rnnlii the proper information. 4t . llflmnr.rat wants to have a pension bu reau established, iu the snape of Kau- rn.rt nmmisBions. or of that fcina, ne gets a Republican tp mtredtipe the bill A tap on the aekota liepuDucaiii with a smile and, a little compumeiu from his Democratic friends, i fcuffi riiit to canture the votes of several of nr diH'ineuished Republican Legisla- , - " J .... 1...... UnM.r n KAiublii;an reaKes- lUL-i VUt IIJ4VMI .v. a Hiiggestion to certain Uf publican membeis, you will &ee them swcli up with importance. j We nytthese things with - all kind ness and pity lor them. We want it un derstood that a large majority of the Republicans areniade of different btuir. Now. there Ire a lew Ilerublicana, who flrA under obligations to Democratic state officials, whq Laye influence with some or these- Republican Representa tives aiid control them to a3very great extent. ' What lho Xiepublicans of the 'state deeire isrfor their Repreeentaiives u .I'.iul liv fnconouiT. Reduco cx- . FEKANDO WUOO. ' pems -condensed from the iV. 1'. Herald.) 1113 rKUSOVALITY. f 18G0 the Duke of Newcastle, then on hi way to Portland i Pereonpte Sheriff Sutton wai in towd j'dif Wid- ncsday. " ' -' " '. Jii(W Alberton was la town: pn with the Prince of Wale?, said, "Ihe Thursday and stopped at - the Pureell torn mpn vhn have moat impressed durintr onr visit here are Mayor Wood . . ' A 6f New York, and Governor Banks 0f Shade Wooten, one of the , neariest Massachusetts, and ot the two i juagq business men m 1 UDlumous, iivwg oo Mr. Wood to bo the greater." At that Wettt jKatlt was at the Commercial lime Fernando WTocd was a (man of , M . - . . . irreat wealth, boundless ambition ana if n consiaeranie mnuenctf, Ue a inday. i . has risen-J Mr. Warren R Rice who will be re- Uiigh from a lowly binh. He had left membered by some aPyiatet on Ihis early fellows far behind in the race " T tt iee; mnA bf lirS! 7He had bees' honored repeat- the War Steamer ln.pee in 185, and Urr iha entire f-rs fit tllR PCODie OI I 19 urOUier OI VUJ. U. . iMW at New York and his eye was faxed on the visit to his brother. - ! " ; s i fh Rtatp. Itmavbe doubted whether Senator-elect Miller of Califotnia, iany New Yorker, even in the most says his Alaska For Seel Compear has (prominent rank, eyer hlieu a more con- paid tMOwertmentlK.tWO.OOO of the SrB7lH;ahta $7,000,000 we paid for Alaska, and be Onaker. Ilia personal appearance i fore his grant exphes will have paid lindicated rather a man who, born of the whole sum we paid Russia ; while ENew England parentage, had received the Beals, honestly protected, are more &n .ecciesiasuvat uuiu6, ." f i..,;ri . U. taued a risrid course of abstinence trom t'" Gen. Arthur of whom somebody of the Democratic sort had said was born kll indulgence to which , the human Iflpsh is heir, isevertheiess l-ernanao the city of Philadelphia, on the 11th of in Canada, wjrftes that it is. no such Junev i812. llis ancestors were ugui- f ining. ,iuS viuv.' r. l Ra uh Waldo Emerson is now seen .. -. II". I!f. li I'lll. J 1. - Fernando' early r pportunities were 1,1 puuiic.me put iiuie, uuu ue nuw pxtrrmc'v limiud. ' His father vas not no leiters. Lvery morning be spends a man ot meanc, and at tne age oi len lrJ 8ludy, for reading is his' chief pleasure, and every afternoon he walks: in spite of his dislike for cold weather Robert T. Lincoln is talked of lor Secretary ol the Interior lm worked a4 a ciffsi makfr in this city. VVlfcn he was thirteen years of age he was earnlng.hu own support, ana con- Itiniipd in avocations humble though nr.fitablp. until he was twecty-tittht i . - years of age. , i lie ran with the machine, was fami liar with the dOi'g- ot primary meet in(rq and. altbonch never. a- drinking man, was haii ittluw well met with hundreds whose lounirin'' place -by day nroatVlO Cri Tl tllill Wh( sifllt 0.1 nsl wWrever tbeir heads happened to tall Shortly prior to this he owned a liquor ktnrn'in lirctiiwich street, .where ,l:e ae- oiimtil'it'r-il rnnsi'derabie rroncrty, He ambitious, audi naturally de- oirPii 11 leave that budiicss. With his The 'General Assembly !;6t north Carolina. . """'.?."5 ,.V""';-' " '.4'--'.i ' February 1G. ': - - :sena1e.: Tiro Senate met at the usual hour, Lieutenant-Governor Bohinson in the chair. Petitions relative to prohibiuon were Introduced from their respective coun ties by Messrs. Williamson of - Davie, Bernard. Finger, Foil, Jones, King,Mc- Mllian, Merrill, t1cnaruaoa aau peats. Beferred. Richardson From certain citizens. of Bladen county, asking the appoint ment of W, G. Dunn as a justice of the peace; , j inger Bui, acpompanieu uy a pen tion, to prohibit the sale of liquor with in two miles of McKinney's church. i Williamson of Davie, ottered a me morial from ilia Grand Lodge of Good Templars of the state relative to prohi- bitiofl, in relerence to wnicn me ioi lowin? bills were introduced oy mm liill to change tha law of evidence with regard to the sale and manufacture ot liquor, i ! . ; Bill to extend mo provisions oi cuap ter 138, laws of 1873-74,' to counties, in tha matter of the sale" of intoxicating liquors. Bill to prohibit the sale and mfiuu facture of liauor within ne mile of any church or public school in North Caro lina.- . Burwell A bill amendatory ' of an act that passed the General Assembly ah its present session, to provide for the erection of a hospital ju the city of Wilmington. Htrrer To chance., the charter of the town of tfmilhtield. iu. Johnston cnuntv cottcf iew lianover--lo mcorpc o?Tr items: 'There was a very charming service - ' t IfiA TSloafnn TTnnov Ttnm laat Knn. !. il Chew Jackson's Best Sweet avy I , . c,y . ,s , wlipnt, - Tobacco. . - 1 lT'. -pw u tt i. -! No interments in Oakdale r during I gentleman ot rare training at the shades i he week. r ' . I of Harvard, and wide - experience at - .cr ,1," unZLL. uVrao uu jo"aa, ana now resides in the CUthollc Oeme-1 T . ... ? v - juumoituci Acuuiut;.:. aiio auaiencc -It is said that the old constituents of rl the Sons of Liberty. , ,,. ,, .,, (. , . . The special order having arrived, Garfield will give, him a parting recep- wla8 t0 ameild constitution tion' and that be will deliver a farewell address' i No interments in . a lery wis week. ; : ? V-1 not ; Aecidentallv mllprtl it".i,irf. If you want to get rich1 advertise in J seemed to Jiave come together of itself. the Fost. ' ' ' .... I ETe ear w gentle parapuase of the eay- . v,-T j V ii .k; ' 'Imgsof Christ on Mount Jkloriah, which. Ash Wednesday falls.this year, on m lhem i i f the 2nd of March. The Crimnal Court has been in ses sion during the past week, -vf ' " If you want to be well advii cd,. sut- scribe for the Post. , -...."',.:- There were one interment in Bel- Hevue Cemetery this week. The Passport will resume her sym- mcr schedule about the' 1st of AnriL The roof the Poor House was dis covered on fire Friday. Damage light of a heavenly iky. ... -a- - ! AN Al-PKAL TO liUMAHlTY. Point 'Caswell, Feb, 15fc 18S1. 'Mn. Editor: The subject of tbla relative to taxation, providing that the General Assembly may exempt tne. property of manufactures from taxation for ten years. The question was dis cussed at length by Mr. &tapies. On motion of Mr; Clarke the bill with regard to pilotage was" reconsidered, T? HlarV I that a substitute for certain amend Sub- ' Tjie North Amebicax Review. -The contents of the A'orifA American Lc- vleta for March ninst win the attention i" v of all by the timeliness of the topic ' aiscussea. . ires, we nave a taougauui , r and moderate article, -by - Bishop Coxa : on "Theology In the Public Schools." I The author would sternly exclude from i the schoolroom all sectarian dogmas, i whether Paptist or Protestant, but. hey . insists on the retention oi the Bible,; first because that book is the principal J - If you want to make a fortune rent a I fountain of our English speech, and. H farm ol W. Canadav. I secondlr because it is really the i baso I of our social system. The second arti i i. Que adult and no children. ; were i . CtAln" IuV who endeavor , interred in Tine Forest during the to show th& practicabilty of hb' ship- week.. -i I railwav. its advantacca over all ! canal a- . -;-- -:-a--. ., .; i- schemes, and why tho United. States , can without risk guarauteo thot pay :; ment of 6 per cent, interest on $50,000,. j 000 of the capital stock of the proposed company. Judge II. H. Chalmers, writing of the ElTects of Negro jsuff. . rage, lie-speaks for the southern stales, 1 Marriage licenses were issued to I waii0 engaged with the solution of tho f .; four colored and twojwhite couples J great problem that has been f9rceu np j by the'Register of Deeds during the j 0n them, the sympathy, and counsel of 1 week. J the North.. The other articlea aro ni f . liw I Tnllll V Do you pay your honest debts? If 1 Z,. ..: ... , . r-I . n .nh. rinl lAn Irt IMP 1 . i A farm for rent near the city Urn its. Apply to' W, r. Canaday. i i : . " . : - ' . 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1'. r ' ' ' ' I ' . ... 'J 1 The police i have orders' from 1 the. Mayor to arrest all tramps - found :on theotreets. " ' ' rni.i.r.-..k'.ing went directly out uriii wav'to Mentor; wa closeted eev BilhiurVaiid leilat'midbight. Wher-atn-.il pioplearo speculating wheth- ,tv.aUto eminent as Mr-onK- ivit'huut inviting. In ordi- t,t.. u- -.t fpiitleman desttes to see ' auotiii'r he-calls on hiui, and' there is notiiiiig wld ur uutof ' the way, for two uUcu ivi who are 'likely to bave as inu.Ji In do with affair" as they will, to .i . .. ".' . .. .i.i 1.. ...... havt- a tm.-uUatioiu H anyiwuy t pensc. reduce taxation, reduce the num- accumulations Ic entered a counting . V, ihPtn. room as a mwifuwi, oUUOtT.tUv.j ber oi omci.-, uu v 7:---' wei.into the .hipping business. as the Lfernocranc rriy ,c iv"fa do. Increa-n public freecuoou oy appropriating as much money as ptssi hiA fur that nuroose. Make as small appropriations to the University, if any, as possible. Our farmers and heavy who cannot auoru io st-uu ii , V V iV.T;n, . ments thereto might be offered. Sub i tho 15lh instant, at the house litutei wa3 adortod' lhissed third read is Larkins, colored, of Pender. era! lii ir jv nt tax-payers, communication, the Rev. 1 died on oi jjewis iarJtius, coiuivu,. m i cuuci. i j Tho writer will venture a few augges j lions fn relaon to the deceased j though HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES he never haa out one conversation wnu Fifty-six. petitions 4 for prohibition him', and that was but a short and hur- were then introduced, nearly continu; ried one, ft seemed a little strange the .first 8 of which uumbered 2,130 UUUL I ------ i-i 1.4' ... a . I ' stances, was unruflled and hb Uimng that a white man, and a,&cotcnman at petiti0ners as imperturbable as maroie. that, should nave come on a mission so Rowland To chatiira the name of :. i i, i r I . .if... ;c'A- i..iv.AU1,... 1 .i . .fci ; if li. ..1,1 I?,. seu-sacriuciuir. auu iuuusduuuiu ui i meiuwc ui ouuu iiiii iu um,a-. .v- At this lime self-discipline was Mr. Woiod's prominent cha,racte.ris ic, : His face, under the most provoking ircam- I 1 v ..: 1 1 1 : - . . Jlewasdistingiiteneu uy au a.. . aitentlbn to the im- ferrcd. . 14 1? nuuiu rv vi vv u i w , i . their children to the b"" '7i 5 ffi n .7 lArithat of. man I provemedt. of the negroes. But firm, . . a a 1 , 1 l-.U.a KtMr-liVM flllll Oily I 4. 1 t " : J 7 . - I plenty of free tcboois. ror ai un.. r.Bu r u c,m and his months iu the ytar.and we hope our i. lc,ion iVnK I I . ' .w . MIL. Itiovl the university win d thin i.....Uliana arliiv renrCSCPt POOr mCnrt Ifuoiv. . i .... - i '.flv..t n attondf I nini n h of the lower end ot whoso children wumn -- - im,IlftVllbie. 1 II 111 lUVl : a- " He dressed Ifault- i:ven while ilcalin;? wHh the the pitv he A I was 'Blwi. i I. : n ..ulnii- tinnrrtwtd tuv -4 , t ' i i j I inere waa.iiuia . "jk" v. u"K"-i'"u vole for appropriations far that cslau-j Be8sin Rbeut him. -Externally he was a i : - i. .M a - it Atti niirniia 1111 liiiua v- i t tif rpvprn 1 1 l l iiv: tiiniuwu v p.vlii s u.ai-iu.- T 1' ' : . , of ih matters bv not calU m 1840 ho wa-r eloctea to congress. mcrii"in people, Ihry nnsiaae lueu .- , Clay, Webster, Auams, jiuuivr, uu t!2 It LUf Supposes be i going mistaken, for when an appropriation ot mcn, of nation repute. Up to nf thn rxtravacant new I ii,u timp although his educational au- l(, be Miueamuh abou .ueu , . n " Mnd,nay ;anta had betn meagre, he bad by .'U l MlSWrj fiuu l'ie- I - -. . , . ; . , r . . w - i . :-. . aa t r ! 111 finnDi.li. vote U not caucc ior n wi v" cred Hy the people that it was unauii Spainhoar -To exempt school com M,tAAwiAn 4mm uflrvimr nn llll-IPM. . v . .. .. t IUIWUC1UIU J.VU. 1V lt"n . determined and unllinching, he prose- Newell To degne the line.belwci-u l uted his labors, mixing with them ex-1 Bladen and Columbus. Referred. '.imiaiivff an nttpr (liHrprrarrl Benberrv To repeal a certain law I UOt 1 UI I I V aa - - D Post. Dr. cent strictures of Mr. Richard rant r White on the public scbools ; .'Theo- J T A Hlniwl win in IllA ritv nn 1 Jocical Charlatanism.", by Mr. IJolni f Friday making detail arrangements for Fiskc, whose typical thoologicalj cbar- the water works. The material is now laun is Jir. Josepu vook ; anu, nnany, , on the way. Stationers find that postal cardi have decreased tho sale of cuvelopes and writing paper to tho amount of $12,000, 0U0 annually. . j -. a review of seme recent publication in 1 Tbysics. by Prof. A. W. Wright. 1 . That splendid farm' just, adjoinning the city on the 'Tank Road is for rent. Apply to W. P. Canaday; , '1 Y Kxiuirxs oFpyTiiiASTho elq'venth ,i annual meeting of the Grand Lodge cf the order of Knights of ly thiai held I . . - . ai ; a . ft :1 in UoldTboro last weer, ciocd ,iu u- i bore after a three day's scMion-l The proceedings " were of great interest toi tho order and pleasant and hafmoniona Capt. A. A. Mosely of Harilelt town-j throuslout, Two new LM?gcs wtroorrfi Referred. lo me luea ui hkiu i.uS , . ,ir n,a l-.irft,.' .. ..... . - , . . I H UUCU"iv 'iwiiww ivi .v ,.vwv . rcavll u V- uiuvuiuv a an vsj;av b avo- r maffistratcs. school comni.uoeraeiv tlu y tK'ht to con trdenls.. ' SIKI.L HTAT15 rr.OPEltTY , Hi? Lfgwlature has a bill before it toU tho .talc's interest in certain pruj-erly in Raleigh, to Vply the mon t.y to tharccustiuction of a Governor's mous . : '. . .u. Senator Hcott voted againsi we,ir crease of the Goyernor's salary, anA Mr Dorlch left bis seat acd refused to ,y.toth.;ccnstiuctionof-a Governor. - Ma-Msion. Such extravagance u to b. poill on to the bill my cMiaud.f m;a Democratic Legisla- uis o ppo si iign tJc Thi,,in theVaceof tbefactthat . non; to question felt in the all-important cause of pro- &c., by tho voters of New Hanover i . . i . I : ' I ' . i ..i t.:u .J mu'ling the gospel. , We would maintain.that it would be ni deli better for us ifwe would so divert ourselves of prejudice as to board these white- men who como amongst us . , . ri ... i. ii. in ...nn i in i no Yiprrrrva in atiniii i.e- no means negicetea eciiTeuimri'. aio - i""- r- - r read and wrote a great deal. - t ". 8pectable while family, than to drive The first speech which h made in them to the alternative of livingin Congress" was in. advocacy of Morse's places contrafy to theif instincts.' electric-telegraph. , Do not' our people know that some ' s I of the best meu and the proudest! talent Mr. Wood, theu the youngest -locm- that cm QIU& a puipit have spent ber ot the llouse, inwrmcd h'melf th- araong the uncdQCated thorou'ffhlv of the possibi dies of Pro- w r " " ;, j . .. -. rL"tfnL-: Jrh- nn. and finally, with and barbarous Africans? Are the e- ko) v " ' . . - . I . r ; " . ' . . .1.. u. ooiainea i groes here less imporimntman iuo - ship, had his hand badlj injured in a J gjmized in ihc stale tho pa..t year, and "j toe mcmirauij kuows au luticaw ui :i s t The residence of Mr. K. R. Taylor, Sheriff of Iirupswick county, narrowly escaped "destruction by fire, a few days 'fagb.'The fire was caused by a oefccltve flue. 'The engineer who is to take charge I Jones. iu erecting the water works in this city, I Grand Prelate Rt-v. Wm. By fj. ' ! is expected to arrive in a day . or. two. I Grand Master of Excboiucr-f p- T.1 The pipe and machinery are .now on the gcanlin way. characteristic importunity, r . . ...l n..liMa ltav manv totiht ics in norin "-'r tu.t me public schools ihr.lwo months -.-lir IL II IIUIO V --o I .. .. .. . . J I OHIIHIH U I - - " ' r , ... . I f annthr. and this lime Us moav . , . .1,!. vmtMi & I.I1UI1U . 0 V . - ..... . lillU ' 1 , J . l: I. Tn.f Kof.irA thfl paSt I .. ...r..i ....A.lmonii iriirn mmlA thnt I i. ..' u . ..v. i;..n hualknnf Ik"ar Ihe people I lata ail WW. w MOV v.w- j gutctsaiui rAi'iimii"" ' -- . I linpuruiub tuau iuv uiBmu.vw.uv. Can we aiscuarge our -amy ne- The Hickory IVcw: "On Wedues day morning last Mud Cut was th i.UUH' puKcv lo'iHiiniiience in the stale. l.nv.. Iuo fihoo!H yr S or ly rooiuu iu o rry year. . - . ... ; i KEI'lttibiCjia'ATiVBH FIM1IT1M ! :Ou Wednesday last, Mr. Davis, the fci-pteeutative i'wni Haywood county, united 51 r. Terrell, the PvepreseuU- w i arrirHl at the cut. a large I led ud to the national l .r ' - the recent is now a matter of bistorj. " . . a I Oi' i unanimous couitnt to run the telegrapn then n foreign lands? What! The wires from the committee room ot t ne h fa our sl who tr..-. r lyr.rruntnltvp trt that of the I h'"-" . Senate a danco of lour or five bun- toiled and labored in our service to ed- oi wires i ucate ana i improve our iuhuuo, ivoa : that assistance that Trov A supplemental bill Id tliei law authorizing the commissioners of Onslow counlv to levy a special! tax Referred. . , House bill to protect sheep husbandt ry, providing to raise a revenue by tax ing dogs. ! A jmotion to lay on the table failed, amid cheers. t- j i- '..j'S.EN'ATE. -v ." - .'.J ' . i:, ' . 1 f February 17. . TliP snatn mpt at the usual hour. t nt r.rwpmnr Robinson ia the caught by a seine, inthe nrcr opposite l .4 ' I Cat Island, about ten miles below the C 1 It.'' -T ' i ... !l I. t amAaaaaA kl aa Six petitions for prohibition. . city, na captow sw. iu .u... . - ; I , ' ":t I capture. , -...:' " , . ! Mr. Carr offered a memorial frpm the xhe uui forms for the mestegcra of North Carolina Conference of the M. the Western Union Telegraph Com- E-Churcb.Sjutb.coniningovcrGO.OOO pany have arrived, and the boTS ap- , . . ' . -L nearcd in them for the first time, , on r.ames.of which over 15.000 were voters. i . . .--.n . .........'.':.. . . i ,- . iv last. . rnVrpil a. fjllowa.:- I nearly one hundred The newly, elect- i ed Grand officers for tbc cnuiog year i were installed Thursday night, fcl-i lows: ;., :. , ;y :,-: .;. Grand Chancellor J. A. Rjuitz. i Vico Grand Chahctlior-Charlci R.5 r - On Fiiday last a large, lino ' seal was. Reports were freezes1 and ra;ns suddenly gave way, liis .-ympatnics were ii ie cut below, burying j the south during tuc wr. j cutjreiy with slid rarldlv into the beneath it several convicts who :wtje .....PMUt work. All were rescued save three, who coukl not be reac'heid in' i.ATrc vi:akV'. Fciuaudo Wjod aas luJllctiouably as a r"...i.ir.n naAnlA if wn nnnnui aurh measures and means as are necessary to Messrs. Richardson; Bernard, Manning, improve theii morals, and Christlaniae and Finger, for committee on finance; their hearts ? s this spirit of opposi- jir. Spear-, for committee vn engrossed tion to which mens association, as I. ... Mr svottf lUickinsLam. for Th very i i truck farm in the coun ty i... rent. Located adjoinning the city limits. Appbjr to W. P. Canaday. Grand Master at Ajiys -II. C. Pi en. , Grand Inner Guard . G. 1111;. ! . Grand Outer Guard-E, V. Iawkyi, Thcfollowing District Deputies wcrj- ' appointed by tho . Grand Chance! tar; Lodge No. 1, R. S. lUdcliff,-. Lodge No. I, II. Pretaperu , Lodge No. 3, Thomas II. Sut!w f. Lodge No. C, Charles Dewey. 1 i . Lodge No. 8, James W. Moore, r Lodge No. 18, Char lea ' W. Verier. . Mr. J. IL Shultx was appointed a Special I)puty. The several .an-ltDR Mir .Terrl'showtfd hi, manhood by Keen rut en the road to tupply tUe t.iii,. . Mr iiavU leel lor tne sou iu ,.t iucnc shut lcu irtnJ v? ' ,'. .. .-..- I'" i ''.': ,,r"i' . llh(Uir.' Itothol tnes B""'""" Uahia. J .vlvniatsand the fight took place i i tW lHor of tho House while that iregid0j.tct Gartield, will not. it What a disgrace u ,f4Te MenU,r for Washicgtu .1 the poor old state of North Carolina. . f Mwch a .."Bui," queries a cb- . ' . " 1 . . i . . i . r . Kiiiinmr!ii:L lllioui cany prcacners amonz iucui. luuuuvu uu . - . ... i,;u - imu... , ., , - i . . . . i .. . ... . . t comumiec vu nisi w..-, uwm graoimvi.i principle, or ia u coensuea ana perpei-1 . . and even element speaker. unou . . ..h .u. hAna of ultimately ac- LKncu, jucuiary . : . i . i i-i ... .. . . ...t.. t..i i . . ... . . . . . . t committee iUe mun 'Jackson coumy, urnr i jn time to save me. au-a-i education he was-a uwt principle, or u is cnenucu nu jivi- Xtr-. Mr. bcicc internal ini- ..... .' I ,"nrinii he rets Snowed in. I ,i,.t nilnaltiatcd tii4t that the ure jvbwu w r " - : . T I .imr im. fr tie oi .teraaoue - - - " - - r .a - ' . m. & , kBaAvir mi j mm aa u w - ..a . i.iaei :ta svu i nas iSJB aiavuv vus " i . . . . icr. iwoui . . uh the. hope of ultimately ac- to-any. extent .-h,iu, u , . ,. , . . , i v r. f .Imin;itB ., later year,, with culMvatcd peeple. he Miuir.ng i. ws Tu many senses of the term a most um pany io cenwvi. mess auwiucij u provemrois- k polished man. .Without great original erery wsential . to fretdocv an J iadc Alter a lmg and illv debau-, the ideas, he wai inconteMabiy one ol the Ucnce? . bn wte acre1or l4d in IUligh 5S-craW h FTV ner founS Mr. Claik deport himself, a f.r as l0 shjiw UniTeritJi (.rcd, PtJ, . ..: . ... i i . i. i ... ...I. I i. . U ....kAt an. I hail at tin I . . . '. .vuaouju tuu i e tuv, n i'vw,..- - l yeas vo, nays i. iu mo ruin oi u tsff airectious of his enure uretnree. . : . . NEWKEJrr. committees ' were announce! , afte;r I -i,li.w ii. nM. t i r.. ..i:w...i .. Mc.i. Sellers & Deal, had snme of , . , . . , um luuunwwwiv 143 .it unTi ' February, 1SS2. ,r, -; :v; .j ' -f. the finest stall fed beef, at thtir New Matkft. corner t f 7th and Princess Ucri that we liave wen kr a long time 0:1 vittiday. , , , NEW ADVEKlLLMtM.-N guilty cf any. . ,. . .. fuM iiiiiia! ,w m.tw,.v.v..,-,.-- .....I . W..VI.iAH hth 4lh Of 'Vr . i" :.!..:.. ..'.- nr I TS a-U ).''. k t 'a.acaaiaa4aB.inBmi vairninv - v hu ss-i sv m .. . i - u-i- : i -. i n .u ittait v a. a . ., l .,iAii Miore anv nicer empower Wood, he was cver, in the public. HOUSE bF KErKIENTAXlVES. Sixty-four petitions for piohibiliion industry of Michigan has j were introduced. , ; - i -House bill 001, to levy a tfctui ux It as rrpinted that Mile Howard, a wt I! -known barber and vioIioiO. form erly of this city, died ia a hospital in Potl-vlelpkia, of small pox a few days aro. The rumor is antra. Every Man or Boy Hi$ Own Magacln. A Good Chance for Am lbs First BiPtist Chare U thisl city, Li extended an iatiuiiwa to the atUfC3, OffOf Home Paf tUhonord crave r led nomadic uvea I j.B of th world. Works that ia Pender county. tU the crtction of a j beyond the ocu. he. a a national . . J0 m Q q qoq. bar- court hoc and Jail, came up a on- Tk-.... - aJi imsmw mural lt tllTA than the multitude .-.v-..r - Wasb.lnSton. .. . . . ..... .msiiaki'i I kieoUai inau , r. iMO jutwvu v. ----- I inB0Tf,n0B: I urtntneed farmers, raised dnriothe I ,6 . pt Aon on seven tv v hilt oi tint cUton. besides th U .V- .Tf: i l.l. -ilth S iNMIniT I TP lUlUi LAktU IU M I i . .... , ja. A j M assembWd I'd jfea an honored man. rW now produce from fwnu finUhcd bu5inr. A wrangle al coce notd Eiaogtlbt, Ret. A. B.,F-ule,who U now coodnctis a revival i a Ualcih, to vii ihu city. It is ciclcd tha he wUl 3ixtp , . irnt of tha Capitol in ' ,;, . 'tx , it. : ' of U. by reisoa of improvmeaU, and the arcee bclacea Mr. Cowaa.wha eppo-cd U LjL, lraB Si . ft .1 A r.'Ve i . T ... . ft t . m ZX. .J aa.l.a. I . a Many , .i tn i.u ve coi of maaaCsctnre has oeen nsseei im nuHit, w r. u.w, - lum. t,m m cumslanc allodia pita- L .J. ' u. .r .v1. r n so r harreUo 45 and CO eta. I favortd iU The bill fiaalSy pa! iu o afchlrd a ruralioaa to i sv tatcsi ,. - " . ftJtm ttBdt a call otthe yeas . i t. .a. a ii in ma i o M i t v t-i i ne u fnrins i a m at . . w s'- " Marbtratt. 1 " - - - L.J I U now rrodacint: the Urr portioa of and aay, by a rote ef to UadwUlbetrkd. i sp" . lor AmuGcmcntc C0KCEBT CLUS, ba vt sg a l a ile Caa4 4 coasparbea that of 1 'l.l . a a . . TV Amtfrd i.V';r Mrs that the iU nad? in Hica2 .. x,'' t vtvKtn. i. a rubacki-i nrvidln? for the rtv hlbition rf the I o( the trartaaw prod act with tl ' .1 IlOn. . I :t - : j . I - - - . . " 1 ' ".'' '.' .I..1' I' .', ...... j-v I fWViiiir. This he saja as rar i SUtwlllc. took th ground -ade of liquor" the aiot pu ar tondasa, aaowa i a .... . . .. V.I Wa til ittlUl VPeeCU CV l . " .1 . I . '.-.. .Is. ... ..!.if . ..1.1 r. ftliMaBlUm v oi upunu w . ---- lhf LexUialara cvuW not pasa.aa ut.uoa 110 sears, eua v w t- '. i . . .. .. a A lew aijkt aja the U -scecy fsase Ttin dweRisx e4 Mr. C H. lirsesjsi, was. i spired that the man Jacob i shot by T. IL Davis, shock! cr'.ae oa Harm has been arrested I Acy&l rucria Xafik4 t4s Te peaaliy ef bis cri dtaih- Mrs UW WlUt fwwm. awa vwav Alaacr Caac The afeaicase el j ak-olu'e prohibitory iriuor law, st hoald submit the qutstisn to the peo- plt to say whether or not they waat tu fr;itUewie used to the acre just hit one half as much as to .usually xZ..J7ZZZzVT'Ct. the KishodTBQV eaa lara la aay dUfC sappUed with waUr-wotka, i- Uoo wUui heaibc the nror4 pro- tshias ivwo miles of PP 0, of bitW' dinned ia wkU .. .. .r .... i - i jUmi rosses f befjre car Ixfuta- h ia wid that th Senate cosaitle I ft it wl have oct ea CoaiMdce bate decided o repon i u their nahpcaia. fATarib'j oa lb MUalo of Uo. I 1 " C,IV Kttriu. 1 rotcwlica. . a . 1 11 I I . "1 ii laae lamaW SV.aai aV - !. UA 1 Ltwtlier with iu cviSUftl. atr&tt. M Jir.t w 4wjr- nre that, was ever weswf wt-v v rpv mm iv r - . ... . I.rti.w fiii-VUt ... . .-.k.il:.. ..wwil.. Uai. ? i Mr. RriBJwa 4 k Luuy hire-1 rf Uj lt&K Uiusute.aau -v i V . . ! it.v .v-;, r.m 1 mU ef th city to caact. aad vt&xx . -.. . : . k . . i . ...i. . iu iiKBUiniirnanu.iM .lyi ..-v'-r- i. ...w . . w . . V i . . .v. I . . Mrtftr Wv!. d I kan tisae to nther a h. elath-l Maiast Ur.aaaaees, wet any aspirations w w t,r, v tmeuaicu . . - , tie Oisaisil Cot halUef ihtCjUS. iKaI nf Sariaaw to lOCWWsaels. iaj. Saaw to now Ue Urjert aait pwoan I ' . ..!. : I. ita l!at) ialnt. Ti 1 . ..';.;..Ma (mm a ik:oa iriik i nsi uhmk w t T. -- . lihtcicpas Ktto ttpil bulk ot this prodrt ia the jrvuad. that the pa yitr t'ix bi read aUafvacd the pUce.atasae- CmT . ,w Us Uied the ik Iteof er.y thoaxal to tke to j, wU sepaii his svaese al CTtraet, has bcea faywahl j rttvft- dlrrs v Oat. U IL tSackcr, XTi-Oar urmtiai h aWata af - ' aaaa.W at WWII MM mm0 - 9mmt: .," 'i.' auy Mnviarrir .-- i -- A MfeC IM LT SA Mw '','.' , d I fy 3fety ,Tf.' KiM&a .' ; ,Th fsaettt . af . aayet., I 1 mw; .sajt . was aucC a ao w i rraTrzrTf;,:v.r attacked aed rV Hr.C Utet u to rs Col. htnil e4lheLBIIaeaffwdAyr.iV TW-iiisausiraaalUiiLj.- j .MUu.Miid of 1aksT U tWithwaktoa- twfrrsy as - uns i CriaI Ctv 1TO.J. wHy.taylrWi tmisttislary. , : iataeo ' i . r : .:;;MsaMMef; -4 h i. sJPSMM tmM(fHttPA lM(S W (aj." - -ff'j i t V - ! I

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