vsn p toads ? y ffi n to bfOTs umm fc uw. VOLUME XII. ' r.iMMi ..' sVilVMlKCf TON POST ILvrRREP AT , THE POoTOFFlCE AT Wi i;uisu ton, Nl 0., as Secokd Ctas MATTtR I . : ; ; . iTaTES Or ADVERTISING. Fifty cents per line fur the first in er tii'Q arid tweutyofive cents per line for each additiqnai'insertion. , -.'.Right-(8) line-, .ititute a wruarc. Nonpareil type, con Tlie subscription price to' Tub Wj j MtSUToK Host., is fl W jcr year; nil month? 7a cents. ... j ' -.. Allcommunicalioiisoiibualnesshould tie Jdrsse(Kto( The Wh.mJnnuton :lWr, Wilmington, N.C. : j v . AM adrertiseuieutji will be charged a the aborci rates, except on special con r'icts. '-" ;. - ... ' v;' THE PKESIDENT. The Inauguration of the . Twentieth President -; Of The Nation, ; J A ME 8 A j GAR F I EL Dv - Of Ohio. HIS . INAUO URAL ADDKEfeS TUIS I'll EM D K U T w -op at Mentor, 1'be breaking the coutUsiRs awoD; old nei?bborR, : the journey lo Wahiuglou, the domicil of the iVondential party at the Kigg iluei dJuucrs, later iews, receptions, the departure 1 of the late President from tbo White Jlouse, brings mat ure dovru to 1 o'clock at high npow, uf the foiirlh ofjMafch 1S31. ' , ' More than 0;0W .people haj gath ered iu the Capital from outside. , There was an immense paceaut cou iatog tne of tbii military forces of. the United States tbousands of militia T(?rii he statcSf 'tov numerQus tarmjW". (ioui veterans from the Miifcrcnt states, tiifil organisations . irilboul number, xifelcbfri from tbo While House to hc Capitol., : , . VV. ' -lec6ratioua; wtre dUjdayed eTery Tfhere from the donie 'y and porticos f.lbe Capitol to all thp pijblic edifices - aud tburcbes aud statues. ' i As is usual the retiriug I'retident e- Jrted iu-couiing I'rcsideut ioto the sippa 9 Chamber, and spoo r after 1 i u'clock I'rcsjdeul (Jar0el4 reached his , vL.- at ihA Trout of tba platform and look a seat, . Willi UUiei vuauva upon his right aud ex-President Hayes upou his left, with Senators Pendleton, t ii ill an V ICil i Bavard. while immedi- lely bebiiim Wtys mother, CisrlicU, Mrs. ifes' andVViee-p lira. ' dent Artlu'r. ;; 'V.; Alter a, craud sveue cfeongraiuU' tioa, the President , proceeded by .way i tli rnaie callertes to their ctr yt ' - " . lKCa. ; , J.yu the partrculjtfed their car riages, auj were driTeu to their places in thij-lino of; the processujuV which i itarted at l.V?K The processiou passed im lVnnaTltania Avenue to Fifteenth, street' aud 'ew York Avenue and . halted until the Pretideutial party had Dufiition on the retiewloir stand. i he wuola- c'oluvtu paiel7iu reriew . before the Prtsideut, and, after cop- tiuniiic the march throuch several m . .rcelf, disperse J. V Ibe viy M tiiUiauily illusaibaUd ii ulzhi, Ihcr f uisRiiipcent dia- ii'ay of fireworks, ud be side the grand , LaU-at -the atlouil Aluwuni. public receptions were beUl iu raijous parts of ! the cii?i . ' ' IXAtul" KAL Al'iRliK fc tVI,VK.- We Uod to-Uay uia an emiuence which oterlooks one ' hundred years of uaUonal HA cen tury crodcd with perils, but ctiwped ith Lriumoha of liberty and law. Be fore proceeding in the onward march. Url us pause oo this height for a mo ment to strengthen our faith and renew vwr hope, by a glance at the pathway along which our people kare trareled, it ie uow three day worn than a tun "drtd jean aince tha adoption f the tint written eooituUoa of the United and wpciuSunhMiT The Kspsibliu was tbTaSei with danger on'everf ute the articles of eoqMeraUoa hand. It had not conquered a place in the famllf of aatioas. T"he dtdure bat tie of tbe war for independence, whose ceauaaial aaatrerary will soon be velabrated at Yelktowa bad out yet been fought. The coluaUta were strug- nt atiMl I Ka mmIm nf A areat nauou, nut ageism tne setuea T . . . k . ... opinions of mankind, foe the . 1 : a a.. it. . . te WOlkl Uhl iiV. tAen believe that the supresse iu- ilortty Of rtteinmsnt mtd. We asty SthAtd the srdlanlhlp of the lll TK.lwaAwa cannot ever- ti thamaelvca. us cannot evec- unuu Uje fsrvenl fove of liberty, la- V i ':.r..-Tn leifcnt TrJZrC KM im niwi w . With Ttt experimeal or seu governme.j. t'kMi thee foond. aferashort trial. that & cnfo4ai juw ry to meet the Becesslties e the ttVM lupnouc, uey ooiuy esuniisai ttrtn with fall powers of tll-preeratiia,' and with ample aathori for the ac- aad expendier . m it aj4da aad ia Its sir the Saiiosal Vt w, th win 01 ui rwvpie. 1 comnliahmenl of it arrat objects, ifn' der this constitution the bousMUHea of freedom have been eiadarged, - the fen dation of order - and peac4 'hare been sUvnthehed and; and the grasrth nf tr people in ail of I be better tfemenu er nati(pat lite has indicaled the wisdom Of the firandeia and given sew hope to their descendants. - Under this consti atution our people long ago made them selves safe against danger from without and secured for their marioers and flag equality and rights on all seas. 1 Under this constitution twenty-five atates hare been added to the Union with conwtU tutions and laws framed and enforced by their own citizens to secure jibe' manifold bleaainga of local self gov ernment Tne jurisdiction of this con stitution coyers an area of fifty times greater , than that of the original thir teen states, and the population is twen ty times gieater than that of 1780. j : ' The; supreme trial of the constitu tion cAoic at last under the tremendous presuare - of the civil war. Wf, our selves,; are witnesses that the Union emerged from the Wood and fire of that conflict purified and made stronger' lor all beniucent purposes of oreroment, and now at lh close of this, the first century of its growth;' with. inspiratioM of it History in their hearts, pur peo ple have lately reviewed (he -condition of the nation and passed judgment on the conduct and opinions of the politi cal parties, aad have ' registered their concerning the- future administration tne govern meit lo interpret and to execute that -will, in accordance vf ith the constitution is the paramouul uty of the executive. , - Even from this buei review it is mauifeit that the uatioo is resolutely facing t the front, resolved to employ iu best euergies in developing the great possibilities - of the future, riacredly prrservjog whatever has been gained to liberty and good government during the entury, our people are determined to leave beind them all those, bitter controversies in regard to manlhings which , have been irrevocably settled, and the further discussion of which; can only 8tr ui4 ntrjfp and delay tbo onward, march. Tne -supremacy of the nation and its .laws should be no loneer Sub- jecu of debate. That discussion which for bait a: century uueatened, toe exis tence ; of-the Union was closed at last in the Hfcb Court of War, by a de cree Irom.wbich there ia no appeal that the constitution ancV laws made in pursuanoo tbeieo are and shall contin ue to beJbe supreme law of the land, binding alike upon states and people. This decree does not disturb the auton- my ot abates, nor interfere with, any t ttelr necetisary rlahts of local kelf- goverument, but it ds fix apd estab- iisa me permanent supremacy ot me oiou. The will of the nation, sneak ing with the voice of battle and through the amended Constitution, has fulfilled her great promise of 1770 by proclaim ing liberty throughout .' the land to- all of vbe inhabitants thereof i ihe eleyation of the netLte tace ifrom alarery to the full rights of citizenship couslitution of 1787. No tlijughtful man can? fail to appreciate its beneficent effect upon our institutions and people. It hu freed us from tne Deratu&E can immensely 10 vn-nur w jhm" forces of our people j it has liberated lho matter well as well as theslave ftnm m. rUtion which w roared and en feebled both; it has surrendered to their own guardianship the manhood of more than fire millions of people, and has opened io( pnt-of Uffp ai career of freedom and usefulness; it has given a has riyen a ' hpir nsiration jto the poTer . of self fcelp iu tejlh race?, bj making labor honorable to the one and necessary th the other. The iulluence of this force will grow greater and bear richer fruit with coming years. No doubt the .great change has caused se rious disturbance to our southern com ttWsutiae.' This la ts be 'deplored, .though'it was perhaps unavoidable. Put those who resuteti ine cnange should remember that under our insti tutions there was no middle ground for the nerro rce between slavery and etiualcltionehlp. 'Utfp cau.ua ho er nranent disfranchised pcsantryi in the United Statea. Freedom can never yield its fullseas to Ion; as the law or iu admiofstration plasei ths smallest obetaeV 1xt5e paih any Virtuous citizen. s . ' s . " J saade nmaikable progress. Witlv an uMUtaUoniof ditolion to the (Union, as tied, gata them to sea lifibVt Thy are) rapidly laying tbt material, founda tiaa of self sunnort. widening Iba cir cle of intelligence, and begiaaing to 107 uiai gaineE axyuuu They dertrte tbe generous encourage ment oPaQ - good aaen. aad jso Car as asy authority can lawful) extend they ahll: Iot the full aad Viual peec; Uon bf theconstitntioa and laws. The full amrfree wt Kge w sv-, r ttiiBbi of the issue may ia in up solution. Ull allfS!, that a nu; commuaitite negrd cttiaena are prscti- cell sieved frerfvhJtlk?'1 J2 M aa tha truth of this aileeaJUoa la daiittcd.it w nswerwa ttuu ia mawy .1 . . - I Man I u in. i ptacee www wwiy""-"' I ncaai cue 11 toe W rroes art alloired Uvuu. W ferars ie-tOc,?! W ft .11 true, bit W l-iloa that can ba eTared. tar crrc43 ttt Irewdom of the balht4 Bad Ixai. wyetwrnaat .uT; - J-,,. Vr wslk a2ht ZSTZLZVA VIVS Vlii. taa tea- I . ' i asssTrt 9 h-re anatllU Un cria which if pen' t tie?.: deatroT rovern- Kts is 4 fysneey. sua tt U- II tsa beta said tlal tht tCtitisSlls tare o py the HTct Ua if M hl;h Uttsta as) 1 pjnrasseas o WILMINGTON, NORTH repose ot nations, it suouiu be saw with utmost emphasU, that this ques tion of tuflrage will never give reposa or sarety tne states-or to tne nation un til each within ju owo jurisdiction makes and i keeps' the ballot free and pure by the strong aancjion of the law. , But the danger which arises from ig norance in the voter cannot be denied. In covers Sr field far wider than that of negro suffrage and the present condi tion Of that race. It is a danger that ood hides in the sources and fountains of power in every state. We have no standard by which to measure the dis aster that may be brought upon ns by ignorance and vice in citizens, when joined to corruption and fraud in suf frage. The voters of the Union, who make and unmake constitutions, upon whose will hang the destinies of our government can transmit their supreme authority to no successors give the com ing generation of voters j who are the sole heirs of sovereign power. ; If that generation comes . to . its inheritance blinded by ignorance asd corrupted by vice, the fall of the Republic will bo certain and remedyless. The census has . already sounded the alarm in: appalling figures, which mark how dangerously the high tido of illit eracy has risen among our voter "and their children. - To the south this ques tion is of supreme importance, but the responsibility of slavery did not rest upon jibe south , alone. ' The natiou it self is responsible for the extension of suffrage, and is Under rpecial obliga tions to aid iu removing 'the illiteracy which it has added lo the voting popu lation for the north and the south alike. There ia put one remedy. AH of the constitutional power of Hie nation and of the states and all of. the volunteer forces of the people should be sum moned to meet this danger, by the sav ing influence of universal education. It is the high privilege and eacredduty of those now living to educate their successors and tit thcin by intelligence and virtue for the inheritance.' which awaits them.' Iu this beneficent' work sections and races should be forgotten and partisanship f liquid be unknown, Jjct our peojile it oil a nw uieauingin the uiviuo oracle which declares that Ma littlo child shall lead them," far our little children will soon control the destinies of the Republic My couutrymen, wc do' not now dif fer ia our judgment couccrniog the coplroyersies of pag jjeneritiona, and fifty "years' hence our ' children will not be divided in their opiuious concern ing our controversies. They will surely bless their fathers and their lathers- Jod that the Union was preserye.that 'slayery ras overthrown, xud that both races were made ajual ucore tbe Jaw.' We may hasten, or we may retard, hiit wo caunot preyeqt tbc Uual reooncllia tion. It is not iiossible now for us to make a truce with time by anticipating and accepting its inevitable verdict. Enterprises of tug highest importance to our moral and material- well-being -iuyitp $ an4 ofl'er amp scope for the employment (four best powers. ' Let all our peoplo, leaving behind them and a resterea uniou . wiu graua victories of peace. x j , j - V The prosperity Ajbicl np.n prva.il is witoout pit11 1 Hr history;..' fruit ful seasons nave done much to secure it. but they have uot doue all; the pre ' - . r . . 3 servation of the public credit ! and the resumption of specie payments S3 suc cessfully attained by the adtiuuistra tion of my predecessors has enabled our people to wore $o Ijleings which the seasons brought, j ly the experience of commercial nations in all aces it has been found that gold add; silver aft'ord. the only foundation for a monetary system. Coufusjou has recently been created by variations in the relative value of the two metals, but I cohfidently believe (hat arrange ments can be made between' the lead- xar commercial uatioaii wmm nm re tbe'ijenefal use of both meals, n press should provide that the oom pulsory coinage of silver; now required by law, may not " disturb our mouetary tem'by driving eithea metal out of Circulation. Ifpossible.such iu ad: juaenouid'be ttphr. rhsjdni- nowef of every ' coined dollar will be exactly ctpjal to its debt-paying o( the county is to com money and declare Its value. Grave doubts have iivu - - ; been entertaiur w uvmw wutuM authorised by tbe constitution to maxe any form of peper money a lersl ten .1.. Tka n,Mnt. itstfa ot United SUlcs notes has been sustained by the necessities or war, twi SMcn paptf ahoqld depend for its value aud . cur rner uno'n its convenieace in use and lt ttromDt redemption in com at the --r f , . . . - , a ju .... . --. . . ! compulsory circulation, riuese notes rr not moeev. out are mertiy rromtso to pay money, lithe holders dend it IM pomte houd be kept. The rfkmlinr of the national dent at a lower rate of interest should be aocom- ' . .k - S t a S. t S niimhra witnoni conipcuiaz wits- drawalof Jbstiooal lUnk note and tans cmnuroioz u utiu vw countrv. venture to rtter to vne poai- k itoa ( nave occupiea w smww m- uoaa uunag.a loag kiticv ib vwk and to say that ; Uaie aad experience haye strengthened the opiaiooa I save o oitea exnresaed oo - these subiects. I Tbe Rnanceot tpej oTf piaieol snail susr no detriment wkKh H snay be! posaioie wr wt u-BiwrfHiw - y -prevent, v . :;..-:--.; - qe erriM ui anwwiMaw wwinj mere atuatten from the sverament than Itaey have wet received, r The I r. . fc -si sssiv-- half of enr foff, X Icmbh much Can larsm parteceur ex port. - as tne I ucal acscwce r ?r-Z maaniactam axe ir j CAROEflf A, "ti:)(AY. ACHlCt88i; ;V " tt, industxtaUyiodependr istriaUy independ iJgsA tte pro rto capiat and tat"' srsid fu iletneldl af tc; I rt.j Their Tinir fitail teAdy aad healthy gttT jtisiU still be maintained; onriacll-fc) ' txah- sportaiton anouiOi os pr7ieapj"Urt continued improvement ci mi harbors and great interior wadtr-rs aod by the increase of OUT -tczz l bn , the ocean. - -x,t h Taa dvelopment af t?ra rfprldcbiB- - a ... merce has led to nrrad ifor Capo Horn, by co8atrcc'rJ canals or railways across lhj tiisaa which unites the two icoctirsa; Various plsns to this and liars taLKrJiecV and wiu need conaiderax any -outinojio of them have been sncpaatnzed to warrant the United ftUlca in extend ing pecuniary aid.r Th apiisct how ever, ja ona .wnieht tsyUljasapdlataly enzaeathe atteutioa of !sw irerefii menu With new'and thcroc -pro-J nrgo ; no narrow polkxrrrrtti peoilixr or exclusive privilege iacy commer cial route; but. in lie language of . my predecessor. I Jbolfeve it to be the; right and duly of tie Ceiled States to assist and maintain, sdeh supervision and authority over any inter-oceanic canal across the isthmus that connects North and SSouth America as will protect our national interests. '. f ' ; J; The constitution guaranUes absolute religious freedom. Congress isr. pro hibited from making any law respect ing an established religion or prohibit ing the free exercise thereof.;. Th territories of the United States are subject - to the direct legislative authority of Congress and hence the general government is responsible for any violation of the constitution in any of them. It b, therefore, a re proach to the government that iu the most populous of the . territories the constitutional guarantee is not enjoyed by the people, and the authority , of Congress is set at naurht. The Afor- mou Church not only offends the moral nense ot mankind by sanctioning poly gamy, hut prevents the administration of justice through the ordinary admini stration of law. In my judgment it is the duty of Congress, while respecting to the uttermost the conscientious con victions and religious scruples of every citizen, to prohibit within its jurisdic tion ah criminal fractures. esDeciallv of that class which destroys family re lations ana enu&ngers social order. Nor can any eccleaiastial organization be safely permitted to usuro in the smallest - derree the functioni and power ol the National government , - 'ri ' 2 i . , ' . 410 v'u uerTicecaa never oe ptaceu on a aatistactory basis until it ia re gulated by law. For the good , of the service men, for the protecUou of those who are entrusted with the appointing power, gainst waste ot time and on struclion to the public business caused by tbe inordinate pressure for place, and for the protection, of ineumbents sainit iutriue aad wrong, I shall at toe proper time ask Congress to fix the icuure ui toe minor . omces oi ine seve ral executive? departments, and pre scribe grounds upon which remorila wuicn tne incum Dents nave pointed. ; Li. WW V I l inaliy, actlust always within the authority and limitation of the consti tution, invading neither the rights of stales nor the reserved rights of the people, it will he the' purpose of my administration to maintain the author ity of the nation and ia all places w,Hh. in its jurisdiction! to enforc? obedience to all laws of ihe Vuion. in the interest of the people to demand a rigid eoon- omy in all expenditurei of the govern- ment, and to reaueat the honest and faithful service of all executive Officers remembering that the offices were created, not for the benefit of the in cumbents or their supporters, but for the service of the government And iC;, ($l.law'-citizen8aI am about to assume vue great : trust wnicn you have committal to my hands. I appeal to you for that earnest and thoughtful support which win maze this govern- ment in net, as it is in law. tne &ov ST Ti vSa'aSnhSm-w SJPmffSU ernment ot the people. shall greatly pawvusm ho may ponsibililv and duties of the alrftiuUtflt and above all upon oar efforts, to promote the wel invoke tbe port and blessings of Almighty God. &woaa iKia ormx. At the concluaioD ef the addiesa Chief Justice Waitc administered the usual oath, lo which Clen. Garfitld , re plied with reverential ferrar. TUu vvvtiza BILL. Congress haye passed law pro v id ing that several millions of I per cenU and 41 per cents, which are about to. mature, shall be re-rjfotde4 at the rite of a pe ceo,u The SeasibUUy of selling an article par or at a premium and then taming round tq VM maiket and buja taa aasqe aavwat I again at I a Idlest, basnet before bee ; dcjounatratcd, rvtaiieut liayea fired I . -Sv . m a a" . ej a senaihie parting snot, wnen ae vevwa the bill. TluCUCAM t OU Ka VKlM The follow tag lelerasa from SeJuOor Scott, of thu- Ltatrks, recetred o SaUrdsy cuaims frctt maajU la rerajdtmhf lUrkttkUU BAAAN-C.llArchOch,UM. To Wiusuxirox Purt ; . : Tbe bill U protect prodacers aad. ww- 11. & Scomr. TLa weaursj staSa tila tortther aavebeea trct i fftbHe ataoom aa aaawai estsa er I ? A - - , v-y . VBy .Telcgiin frpta JftsWiiRloii.J f& to ike iiiw:!j AllNOUNoCMCITt Of TUC'GAIHl ;Late last night wj reccited J a - leie pmjlrom air Tasbington, giving (he names 9 of the fcresideuttCideU'r 11 si The Cabine t of President Garfield as nominated to dsytj j ? ' v ; Secretary of Stale, James G5 ' ; Claioe, llaine. f -' ;"- --:vi 1 : - - Secretarr of Trnry William WIih ilom Minnesota 1 v ffSecreUry o;llvr,'Eober Lincoln, IQrnots.1 i---'--J' "fi'H i tni riBectetaryofNavT,WiWiam , i"pstmasler , General, y' Thomas me'Nevf' York) j t,: AUorneyXleaeraKAVyTeVeagh. ,; Secretary) of - Interior, j bamuel A J. Kirk wood, lowa.pand couOrnred by tneSenatet-H '-f.'' :V "-; r?- 'A) j -."TV The National, Committee passed re solutions uuauiultmsiy, ' establishing District- Kepreen(atives jn 'Natioual Convention. "I ' ! W.P.CAMbAV. CIT i ITEMS. ! Chew Jacksoni Best Sweet Navy Tobacco. ;.;,: :'1 !: 1 v We leiru that m railroa 1 is aoa lo be; built between lfaison and Clinton. , - , If you want to be well' advised, -sub- senbe for thePosT. . " The Superior Court for this county uoes not convene tintil the first Mon day in June. Fires haye been raging in the woods for the past week! but the heavy rains of Thursday nighj checked them some what. " ' : f AVhat zone do we live in ? Last week a Beat was caught? in the river, and this week a pelican j was killed on the Sound. If you want togeV ricn advertise in the Post. A large United! States flag was fly inn to the : breezss on Friday from the balcony of tbo Custom House in honor of tbe inauguration of President Gar- field. ; . One hundred sand seventy thousand dollars have been appropriated for the Cape. Fear Kiver. $110,000 for the Gpper Cape rear; If you want to make a fortune rent a farm of W. P. Canadav. Services at St.! Mark's Church are as follows; ,; ; :,:;: -J-'- Sunday Morning Prayer at 11 A. M. , Sunday Evening Prayer at 7 1 M. SanaaT School kt St. Uarnabas at 31 p r F . . J- : ., vengrmsuon vfiss at vuurca at ij P.M. Week days dp ring Lent. Moruins: !Vaye4 at 71 A. M, Kvening Prayetf at 5 P. M Seals free. V That splendid farm Just Adjoinning -J the city oa the f'Pank Koad is for rent. Apply to W. PJ Canaday. The very besi truck farm in the couo. ty for rent, i city limits. liocated adjoinning the Appljto W, P. Canaday Dcatu of DjC W. A. B. NotivM. We regret loj learn that our State has lost, in the death of Dr. W. A. lC Norcpm, one of Us most prominent physician, llr. Norcom lived: at Ulan ton, N. C, but bad a professional reputation ol much credit land large extent. He died ia Baltimore: aad his remains were taken to . Edentoa for in terment, Uisj brother, lr. IS, g. Nor com, of this city, was with him in n bis moments, ! . i ; Kn.iittAaao Euxnov la cordaoce wtuj a retolutwi " paaaad at tbe lajdfpeclajl meeting of the Board ol Aldermen, the ltayor, after consalta tion with members of the Board i of Aldarmea tt be respective wards, thel follow isc appointments of Beilstrarfbr the aasakipal elec- lion to be be$d U this city oa tbe ilth ruA Ward -Cppei Utik-Ar chie Aldrrcsam. Lower Uivbiot-E. Second Ward-J. aUusasdcw. Third Ward-W. U Jacobs. ' FomrVi Ward Jamrs Kes&kV nfiWaH-U-Orr,4r. Teriuarsaa named abeveaAS ---Hrj'i - PrkiAV.lheV iaaW aa r. JL. tr c4waXliy aUk whatever ether d51 may he anisisry ecics-a jpoav the cUscixrreof thsir elaw TlsaArrncf the JbMlariii . . -r k MVt.t.1 VHP a '"ijH drvevtsr A ,; S'JAHSsSfjkt 4J7-) . 1 H . J 11 Hlt!ft7 HriKf'n lrnnV! lain Joseph Prices JLUrbor lllcfbsf makes the followir- rtpbrtef'thbairri- rahy oT Tessels ai Xbh por c!( Ibf jthe monin or February i numDer of vi f 'Number, of sela W, witbta, tojtalDfT UfiU ljna.j Of thee;7J vessel wtsnf Ajaerlian.'VTitir 3,21 1 UnW:MW 't&gifrUk sxooners, "and 1 of-the; IzttcfJ 2 wer schooners, . 7 were brtrs indj lCvere , ATiijMPTEDARSoy.-An Itempt wasJnadjBje fotMata' Uw eld frame istorw : on Front i?trect,: lust north of the new market,? owned by the Walker estate wd occtoksi by J;yulf- Tk?";ln(ml aaturaied a plank oa Ihecrear fendFtf lie buildlhg with oil Dd then sei!fue1 ?',or Ynaccuatale reason;' perhaps ihe oil jwis :wa4ad tie 3llre burned .wry. b lowly ami Ihen wbt out. There is no club fas (o the pcictralor of the crimc-t? ffl j.it j- Ex rcTd- DuKtKy vVicitt Jlii; During the montlr of lirnax just closed, as we gleam Tronic the boek at the Custom House,' therelrere exported hence 1,03G bales of cntloni i'b'ar rds of rosin, f!,35S ' barrels - of tar and pitch,75oS gallonH of fipiriU'turin- Une, 2,322,000 fcst lumber, and 11,- 000 shingles.5 ' Kt ? ij', ; The cottou was Ivalued Tit '$26. the rosin ai $02,817; the tar' aud 1 at $J,0 12; the spirits tarpentin at 108 the lumber at - 1 an. shingles, at $3,622.: iKsiJitrous OF; ELEcrio.-Thd fol lowing are the inspestora of election appointed for the municipal election to be held on Ihe 21th inst,,:! . j -. First Ward Upper piviaionSJ Hill erry, L. J. Tliornton, C. Strode.lJ. OV First Ward Lower Division John L. Dudley, John II. Strauss, J. W Whitney, Louis L. Nixon. . Second Ward L. Tato Bowden, lC sF. Eyden, K. . Bates, Geo. E. JJerden. vThird Ward-A. J. Yopp, W. M. Hays, John E. Taylor, John Hargrove. I Fourth Ward Thos. O. ; Bunting, Geo- N. Harries, C P. Lockey, Louis Bryant. . -.-yu .'--.,'' Irifth WardNick vilioiri,l;col W. Branch; Anthony Hewe, 'Jr'amcs & Dudley.. : ' -r ;.Ji ., ' CunoSKii'ii Itiiist. The colored Luan whojm picked, up aick on the veyea to; ine city prison, where he died, proved to be ltichaxd Johnson. The deceased said to have lived, near, this city. He was well dressed and dn his person were found 1 watch and chain and a small sum of money. Coroner Hewclelt held an inquest over the re mainsrThursday moraing. the verdict being deaih from heart disease. The remains were interred in' the paupers' burying ground, , , -- ar ss 1 , ;E " , , - - Election- or .Ofticeks. At a niccl- ingof the W, S. F. Engine Company ?Tp. i; heldTuesday night, tbe follow ing ofiicers were elected: JudrC. James, President. f P. G. Robeson, Vicc-rrctidenL AV. C. Craft, Secretary. J. F. Cause, Treasurer. E. (5i Panuelee. Foreman. W. C. VoMiuba, 1st A?saUtH. . W It. Da.U, 2od AssiaUnt. E. W. Manning, Chief Engineer. It W. New kirk, 1st AssUtant, The anniversary of the Company wbkh falU on'Jbe 22Jof March, wiU be celebrated with an engine practice, Tu 1; 1 1x1 oTKATnu Saomric News. One of the banJaomot of publica- Uona is the Illustrated Scientifc News, publuhed by Mnna A Co., New York. Every aember coataias thirty-two pages, full of csravinrs of novelties in science and the ttscfal aria, thus mental woodwork, pottery, vase "ana objects of modern and ancient art art finely shows. The Xfards number contains, amowg various other subject, iHastrakd, full deacriptioa of the maanXscUtre of aptr aaacnss eortaviaxe, hm the deceptive carve Is predced ia casting the ball by Us baseball pitcher, his attilnds, haw he beUs aad haadka the ball, alt fau fiSttA&ated. The ntualcr awfcsw aw abm cwatauaa eagravingi of Cant. ed psvpoaed ahJp railway acreaw the itbaTaa aad a aoid by- drselie ra2wxy Mcvmotlra. la UdaUesi to all this H coal YaloiLle awsipas fr anivta and lmawjirsriiija a LIU he a4 iaf s4ratr ami catertaiadg U aU Aasca, bat ed3 be heat aJWOAlcJby tb saom UltraMl. JaUkiI H Um A 04X IVk Caw. Sew Tock at f l a yearrsaal sell hy aU am daattX V ;-' 4 ; " v v-i ; ; : A Lam laf seal fecxih efcy Laais IT'S ilJSirJJLBLICAX t COUMIXIK :bJf$ix&m&tn :;: : (-. I Xht ipembcrs of fhe .IVfCMpt Com mittee of lhcIJppcr audjijewtr DivM ions of, the First Ward, aiequcncd to meet at 0 Court JIotM; jon Wed nesday.icT.cnies, ncr at, oclod. Jmctaat3iildrproB4f nilwidance Xf etery : mr meeti-desiredi asa.Maportah t fiuaines requires their acJLiea. IWtlolingtoqy; aManccfati 1S51, -WiujxsGTC,varVh!, lSSlj .r: vThedkrmblicajisoriSe,,Fillh Ward iIIVe(tt'ibBnri-Cpany iui gin : House- ear Slnth I street, at 7:6 o'clock on- Wedncsdayl etctthig uexU ; Vfi MA'a BlLI'rThc, follow- ing;is the i'Poor MaVa BHltsriiich via ktrpaccd by Mr. So)U uU w hicli i LffH una uocnach 1 1 .' . section-l.rhal it-hhall u.il iCl for the Board, of Aldenueajor the pro per authorities of tbecity of )Yilmfng toni AVashingtou aud lafboru, to liui pose or collect anpttx;', on or fori sale of fresh meats, beef, pol muttoii, Ee fishj.oystcis, elani? garden tfutk and. all farm products. I on any t.1 tha . Streets or alleys thereof rroru wajon n carts, shbpa or stores,' or-1 in auV manner Jntcrfero with ibc sate d tiw above named. artichSa. s ; Sec C! Any person or persvus; violat ing the provisions of the aliavc scctiou Of this act shall be deemed -guilty !of a misdemeanor, ahd,on convictiou b fore any Justice of the Peace, bo fined not less thaa fifty dollars aud imprisoned no6 less than thirty . d.fy for each and every ofliencc. 4I . Sec. 3. That all laws and daulcs f Uwa in conflict with ,thi arc lure by repealed. -. a . , - bee. -1, This act sail be inforctilrorii ine uatc of Its ratification. Two newstreet letterboxes placed ftt the corners ef iMarkt ltontstrceU as soon asthe gas are erected." . v1' . ' The- chances 1 or raiitug the Worth afe how considered very able as the water in the tiverL:n several Vect. ';f-:l. . Gov.' 4V0I- alien II ' A btranger while wituessiutr th Hjr- formanco of, Arliugton.'s Minstrels at the Opera ; Uous3 ou ThunfJay was taken with a fit':3: t 'u. nij;ht .-MM . . ' I Auc iuwcu;scasou;tcuwcG 1 ou V edueaday thi 2ud iiwv, Ah W ledues-' day, and will" close uu Ihe April. Easter SuhtUy, Good falls on the 10th of April. J?ih of ''day, foOT-ly STtxsoa AColVrUinl..il ; stfili B week' In Tour own tow n Triiim nt Co.rortUud. Maine ilAKi.i rr io...-ijr $l2d athoiii fitnily tosi.ly ooi lit fn Allrr , .febJJ.ly uu aA.i.0, Asoiw,;)lt z a r- Every Man orJBoy His 0va Masacinl A CoocJ Chanco for ' ' - -.- . L 'U - aturco, of for Hom0 Far lor Amusements. uJUCLBt CLASS.-; aaviac aa lac auwa4aai CW.d4i UntUkai rrM bf X and 'UmpV oinUsfir5 SWiwiiiei .auM mmmu m p tz -pmm m trm Iwm. r mm mm nmi -- 4a ,iTw'.. ' Amut ay l-4 a! m4 sy ta -SMa;a H iLmZZj mt m mm7m EZZSl wimm m Pif mr tnKi ttt S.r. pKIMM T fill I liaMatuiiM.H. m at M.it, i asjU4 i l - . ! I: : ! i - X V - - - r - A. : ii - ;;; i. ' 1