il; 0 F.1B-! if. a rHtn-&. V " JT - j x sr.?, J 1 1 ' I v.- ...... . .-. ' vv - ' . . I - . r - -I -r- ........... -.1: '....,- V ;.-,-j:r ......... :,.,T, v.i V; -;.'" ' - - lis. - T: : -. - nm II f. M II . .5 H .i ;i :v :::',,t1:i:i:v--is;.... . X , : Iri I H , t- M I f.. II I r ill 1 -J i. ' t. ' . it .... 1 1. N. C.vAs Second Class " RATES OF ADVERTISING; Fifty c6nts per lino for the first in : ? kruloa n J twenty fivV cents, per line tot eacli a-lditional insertion.; ; ; ; j; :: KigUL. (8) linDs,. Nonpareil type, con- stituton siare. . . ; I , ' : . 'ii'hc subsciription price to The Wth Mxato 1wt in ;1 00 per year; K,ix monLlist'j cent3, . . V -. '.V ' ' ; 'Allcommunicationsuubusinesliould'- 1)0 addressed toTHE WI-mington . l'oT, Wilmjiiston; N. C. : VJ;,.. , AHadvertejnelits will be charged a : w the above fates, except ort'specil cofl . tract. .-. ' .:'-.- '; . 'A'- V ' Ai;CItKNT T TllK iliXPillSrl. tj-itiinla; morning after the iuaur iiral cerenionic as ex-lVesidcntLIayes, jlayc and lfamily and retinue, : rtirvaiitx, tvVreliir6cung Ji.iUi. oiore uh their way to Oliiiji, their train 11' 11 ' il i 1..n.....4 ! 5 nUIKK'tl aim I lit? nvy h lutumuu vts .iiaKhcd toctlior, 'creating disaster to ' tiieiraio,!arfdii'ju?y to thd paseitgerj . l iio :iiair.H L iihitli the cx-l'resi-itt'iit anil r.cllaye were ittic.givere ilmnvii; iiijire tliaii hail' the Icngth'cf the ,;. r jirt-riyr car iutrirluiMU:Jy no, oie ct :Tk lo.wel'e injiued.1 foevt r'al ol the train lijud ivtre injured nnd had to be car . liv'd to I'liiUimurf1.. It 'occasioned a -.i-.d fieal of diday . to lite Presidential train, although 'no damage - .to the " - persoiis? Jautt they were' detained t)' r': ; iiihO" 'and a Iflay : at j Al toMii.i. 1 in consequence' thcirj friend : V wrC anxiously ' wailirigi for them at ' t'levciind, t was Several daysbehind ' , (hjlc itme: apjyinUd forjtbeir arrival at '. . IVtiiioiil. : " ""- j 1 aThe 'accounts of, Thimas L. James, j,utal'ot"tcr iit Ni w jVprb citywcre iciti'trcil to .Sixth Audiior, McGrew'on ' ' : the moriiMiT "Aer Mr, .Tames assumed ' r 1tnrdlits of ro:-l!naslc-wncraI.r Ihey . ; were audited and. adjusljcd wiUiixi twen . ty:four t houvj alter th ii r repei oi anu :- f.)Uiid,to be taiic.ct to aj cent,- The au- . . ditor uiloriucd , the slurcliea o(i snircliea on Mr. 'i. "'--. ;atm s'i I'o'nd of tbe saiisiaclory settlb ;WViaraiwi ih? cqmp!etcrcleaHo frcmi all, ; ' fuiiuibiuty, Blr. JtiWW ceased to ,. z rofctnsiistcr at New V'orli on the tb V. ir!-!.,.and became Tosimaster UcneraL tho 7th inst, Thii prompt scttlo ' pU-ut lid the ; ycounla of an ofllce jfhe -J ; aiijils x)V which" nearly cual one ; J -mivilr:. of ibe ctiUrii pjj.sial revenue of 'f :.thi)ovcnime-!Via;i unjrccedcuied in the histury of the depalmeut. J ' ;-iiiuii4j tL,j'jricTj t'liirigs Jiwhicti are j fljttiojs that-.-jSiajft. parperiter : v aised to ! s.ny, jiltcr hc !ad been prcsi- "dent: ;-r' 't'ui. ibr'aTfbile, of Senator 12 J'ttvids ot JVcrmoiit ia: "Xou may - . iHttnic iu : the tlair blitK folded and I ; ' ca:i Uvfl Vvhuther or jnoVcoator I!d Mn Ida sck tie . character " of tty icg'sl.uioii . tliijt isJirought up. ; f If it;Hvknowa Ihaf boJwUlJso absent 0 for aTl- w t'aj every bill Ub "JoV In It ' : H , brought fd the front and pushed," ,j whcreai if be U ir'e-ctit nothing U tain about th iu,"i . ! ; ; '"( I : CoiirvbS etinkuUhcd ihc char- :. ter ot the Cape lVar Naigati?u Con p.i!) v. ihe Comiaify iwa tirst cha'Vcrl al tbu begin uing : of amended by TrtOQU th century ana ftcts fr.oul liia tQ' -thls Jrtatc bviut: iargSj-taUx.-bidder under tinti Ji21 whan ibe stock was; sold. Tbo coaipiany Jdoes Dot now 'rxi.ttaud the navigation of tbe riVcr is . JieucefortU froo of a!) tolls. the rr'i Jc syUjat Duller of oulh aroU" "d Cwdn of the aiaritime ' btatc Of AVct Virginia- ara fighting; -,t ; jwhich KballVc Chairman flho Senate owiuitctK hvLl FiuaincCi and that Um iontii i igvt;g loHiake bo liona share. ' s nat-'T Slatt. Uaiiom has bewkJad atwr H i s"cd tKc; knfemcc comniU- 5 : tee, ; It tiU tic on : Ibat the "total ' sjwciiou U tl iumj ofi 314CO lot the . . !'" : ' 1 ;-l i; . 1 A i fs ji C if c rua. i teemed, i ,tta 's ajaiitsC ' ftHfaaUt fn?n Wlscoasio , in idle f Matt CirMBUr.';'' ;? v . j ' t -- i . ..... . ? . 'i ho demand 1 stett ralW cootiouet - Owptioaally brik, and alft ; i af " ! promptly etfucted for aoy loU that xa : idaccd .utn tbo . matUu, at intcea X ' . Uutdo Utt uutetilJy dttiat from our Mstioua ti'ttoUlkR. Parties bervuld VT S ; wicral moused i ton Cbica ds . J;cry-aa ucuac t mica u oy ilk bott tiles fcca tuaa 4 u :- j orrtd.. There ant plenty of kaym V .-y . kovmo iia f4 but there r Bt . .,aU4 cbxojiog aatKUAUhal fnc Lra.' ldrofal da lixh,hlld is ft ic;Uc flhk altlwoib. ii is ooly ft -.' , ui:U r 0X levU, ta Yiue4 ftl f Wj . -A eiC Owe of feer kuaVaod's bridal itu I . as a plfj-a UUl tun tt tt.5CU fai r, d4UibuiUtQ amors tht J bh t hixilli at Vkcua. Latest. WhiWiiffa new auite well settled tii at Davis of Illinois Will act with the Democrats, H is confidently belieTed thatSeuator Mahone will act with the four prospective colleagues to he elected, and with theVicerEfeajljdoptrol tbo , TbfirjiiUAeiiAn yet in . ,QrtaaVf eakfisted at lttBflivl Wed- nesday.;, I ' '. . j. AnguCaiif, : ,a Jormef Senator has beev'wnfcUated jn .Visconsin, and'JFrie.lfttjiri8 probWj; a sure thiog;!n!vcancy in Minnesota is by appointniejA and has not yet been made, .- ( . : . tieneral L A. Bheldon is jnoentioued as '.the Marshal t of the ' District of Col(fabia. ; Ex -Treasurer New ;ol Indiana in un W. williog Jo accept the position, of First Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. s 'J . It is said : Ibat- Gov. Pi lesbury of Minnesota will apoTbt OencJal A. J, Edgerlou of Dodge county, ex Senator Windoro. . . in place of - , WASIIJtUTOJN XTKIIK. CliU-f Justice ; CartfejLjw re in the (Jabuiel Ujcera. Secretary Dlaitie assuruedjUis duties of Secreiary-of Stale and received; the. hcadd of bureaus. J . Secretary Wiudom arriied at the Secretary J officp of the Treasury Department shortly; after, one o'clock but did not enter formally upon his duties.- II will do so to dt y. Acting Secretary French disposed 6f yester day's mail. The new Secretary devoted the remainder of the aftern 6n to re ceiving tbo officers of the department and attending to other matters, pre paratory to assuming full cpntrol. Judge Hunt entered upopi his duties a becretarjrof the Navy, y.eslerday af- ternoon, dispensing with all formality, and not even making his presence in iceuepanmeDia xnowo uma uie cuici clerk, upon entering thoj Secretary's roorn, found ' him sitting ' at, his "desk, lie afterward received c-Secretaries Thorn psou and CioOT, who remained in cortvfrsatiori with him a fialf hour or more. . At t oclocjc tp-Jay bisphieQ of bureaus will hp formal y presented to blal.. ; , . - - ' Attorney -Oeneral M cVeagh assumed charge butl went to Philadelphia on iti) port ant f business Thursday.: ; J and returned on Secretary Blaine notified Vice-President Arthur, yesterday that' he had forwarded hi resignation as ' Senator to tbj5 (oyernjrof aueJ to take place on the otu instqnt, Ex-Secretary J. j 1. - Cyx, , of Ohio, says that Blaioe; goes into the Cabinet with the understanding lift he is, to abandon hia special efforts to bePresi dent;bat JJob J-inpoln'a ) talents were inquired about by Qargeldj that James' appoimmeut U strictly business-like; that McVeagu's place is that of an in dependent somewhat uike . that of Schurz; acd that Kirk wood has phil- anthropio id IP bout thp Indians. ; la tbs NStnate to-dayi immediately after th reading of the journal Sena- lofelect Mahone, of Virginia, escorted by Jiis colleague, Senator Johnston, of irrmla, advanced to Ibe Vice Presi den). 'a desk n4 was sworn in subscrib ing lo the modified oath. He took bia tieat upon, the lpublican aide. In the rear. .row, next to benator Mitchell, of ennaylTania. y- .j. " Ticfe vas . heldf a mcelinir of the CabiuV to decide whether the National Banka ahalt be permitted to submitted o anbstitute bond for legal tenders which, tfcej now hold as' n protection. No conclusion was reacied. They hate", placed the' portrait of- ... . - ,i . vs id tMt iwviu di (iie White House. and the speech made by Preside at tlaruVd inTcceivisg it, en iowed Mr. llayer temperance policy ai: State, dinner. . r . There U llrgs eleneat iu Washbg- C.W'arl4.9ii lni&ilni tin iTho rfr.?t iff ciUiES tether the 7ih Congress, in order to protect the jpuoiK f red it - The Kepublicana of the Maine legU- lalore hatu nominated Williass r. Fjrye in idace el the ucaocy caosed y the reairnaUon bt Eenaior (Uftine b to .' The Ho; Simon Cameron ceiehrated hb Siad. birthday in I UaTana : by testivat at wbkh he ierited Oovtraor Ceneti?'t";:!; . ' ' SI WF Tanick MKlUJran.wiih a wheeruir- row, ran . . race with ft tocoaotivt; aa the Utter went ent ol alrht. Mac oc- Mrwc "AT wtd re. re teerin black- pafdvili be alUr renaia into jtr TheTtry bet trntk Cam Utht coua. ty fx renL LCcatel ftdjolonin the city lUaiU Arplj to W. P. Qaaaday. WILMINGTON; NOCTILG KW IIUPK f Oil THE COtUllTSP '"Vj '; I . "K- . "V,:",; A TALK VITH . ; W. AV'ILHAM, THE. COLOREDMESIDEB OF THE OHIOiLEG- ISLATUEE, ABOUT TIIEpIiOSPECTS OE IIIS PEOl'LE UXDER TUE5EW AD3II KISTE ATION. . . George W. Williams (colored), who is a member of the - Ohio Legislature, and is engaged in the practice o-f law in Cincinnati, spoke in the Rev. D Fulton's church,, in 'Brookfyn,' Sunday evening. After the meeting ft Trib.une reporter asked Mr. Williams what was his opinion as to the prospect of the colored race under GenerM Garfield's Administration. - I rr';. The colored , people," lie replied, "have the greatest confidence that Pie4 sident Garfield will do all that he can do under the encourage them. But the question is, what can ha do legally more thau any other Pre sident has dont? In my belief; and I so expressed my opinion i to General Garfield when l! saw him at Mentor in September, the best way to uolve the question , is by an exodus. Encourage the negroes to migrate to other States, and then educate those who remain. Impress upon them tho importance ot establishing schools and help'thsm to study , the professions. The colored people unquestionably will ' feel very much encouraged by the bold, courage ous way in which he haV spoken con cerning them. I do nbtf think a white man has ever spoken bo frankly when occupying an oflicia! position, and there can lie but one " result; It will inspire the colored people with hope, encourage them to seek education, to invest in the soil, and to respect themselves." f What is the condition of the race now?" ' . V "I have given some attention to labor statistics, which with the census, prove that the race, is not dying out, but is in a better. condition tliari it ever has been before. " 'To what is this due?" t ; "That the rac8 is advaacinir there can be no question. 1 I firmly believe 4 that within twelve years a colon d man will boid" Cabinet position. Still, as much encouraged as I know xuy race feels, I do" not believe the, southern question is solved.. That is a paramount problem, there is no doubt. If Gen. Garfield solves it successfully he will be his own successor, Jellerson Davis said recently that he nevetsaw a re constructed womau. That accounts for the fact .'that' is ,e'yery where npticed in tho south, that the yoiing southe'rhefs are more, dislowal than their father were. Disloyalty pervades their, gram mars Jand; histories. It U sulky and inert now'; but in a few years, perhaps quarter of a century; it will become ac tive and aggressive and will have to be crushed again: Every man that deliv ers an address on Decoration Day speaks in the strain that Col. Brecken ridge adopted last May, when he, -placing his hand over his heart, thundered out that pTory man vho slept in a Con: lederate grave b'adjdicd for Constution al liberty. After the war the country was liberal to southerner, and gave them foreign missions, they have lately bad a Cabinet Minister, and yet they are not satisfied. What we want is a' free ballot, an untrammeled vote, pro tection for human life, fjefence for the country's defenders .und protectjen for its protector " " . ; Adulterated Millc. ' , uWhat has been the number of ar rests; made by tho inspectors for the past yeai?'. - ; ' "We have arrested about four hun dred and twenty dealers, visited some fire thousand 'stores vv hero milk was exposed for sale, tested about six thou sand samples of milk and made not ess than four hundred chemical ana lyses, .The prisoners havo been tried in both the special sessions and general sessions courts, although most of the former. ctmrt""; Is much difikulty found in making the arrests?" No; as a usual thing thd dtulcr comes to court aa soon as he is informed that he is wanted there. In some in stances, however, they obtain informs Upn of our intention to prosecute tbeen Then ttey act very promptly in the matter, closing upv their bu.-inos at once and renisTicg to another part of the citr or leaving tae metropolis al together." r VT "What hate yju found the average mpurity Xtbe ta$ U aaant lor , rang from tea to iiAj per cent, "What U the average , puaUhment upon coot iclion of the ttuVndei?" , If the prisoner is a poor man er his ttory gaics credence with the cvurl.he he jjeta XT very iiUUy. The 6ae generally. ' It seKloa ges above $i If, however, the mau is wealthy, e an old offender, he is fined, from ?i5 ta ljd. I should say the average fine I abont ora' . ; : - "In what part cf the city dj ywi Cod the gteateat . amount f tuipure milk -la the tenement and ntcre tftkkfy sealed parts, AH the ay IV4t;tra;h auttidovatheeJHeraUaafiaUk is Urjely curried ca. Perhaps the wn e5aairs art the da!eta in Ext Lad- XlilVttiZfctZ&Z? fLriimi of said .,. .u it.I . 9 iu led UrfeiibsUtutinev ; "How oftenia-tltottr of l.x Detxit..-. lin Kfnr t made?w. Dailj,except Wn tf . fa, duUe' or chemitfM THE EFFECX OJT Apfe ftweM "How many kila arftdnlterated milk have yon genefly found! M i "Three kipds-T-'ir8red, akimmed or both,"; Blsi r.'.i--s)' .' : , What harm isUte in aelUng akim. j In the first pure it Is & foaud be cause ihe buyer Jrea not obtain what he asks for.or expets ; to get.; In the second place it hi jeficient in ft very im-. portant , nutritivj . : element, , namely, cream. When ffam is . removed the quality of the mix .is rendered much poorer In anmiier milk is largely usod as food by ne working classes. A bowl of. milk aid a piece of bread are often the ooli breakfast or . supper the poor man his: - Unless it contains tream there is vtry Utle in it on which! to buua bone aid unew. iheiatty substance is absent aid this the human system needs. Wabred milk is detri mental to healthJ Iris of impoverished quality and then thre is danger that the germs of contaguns aisease were in the water. jVery ofien typhoid fever, scarlet fever, diphheria and . even small nox result frorrthe use of watered milk, i The water wth which the mule is adulterated may tave been drawn from a well situated near a stable or otherwise poisoned.'? FARM EES ALSO IKTUE BUSIKEeS. 'Do the - farmers themselves ever water the milk theysend to the city? "Yes; we often mike raids to the depots aid overhaul the ferries and raiiic cans wnen tne: arrive, in uie i summer time' we hive found large nnnnlMnn T o A nlf tui millr in tha I cans on boats cornier down the Hud-I souKiver. The I addteration is done I by the farmer, but ths does not excuse j the milk dealer, e can easily seer he should not be in tie business. There is no more reason wry he should sell I nii -ftraies anu o lemaies; -impure milk than hat the butcher I adults ftndff children. Total 8. snouia sen uuwuoiesime meat." ; in7i.- j u- :n. i .Mi 1 . i i " uav u uuuo nu hid mum. juuji "ItisemntiedSsUtheriverorsewera. In one day we have seized over three I thousand auarts ofimnure milk on one I boat. We made al verv lare ' seizur'e two summers ago of milk ithat came V . i store and find imrkre milk for sale we I do not destrov it. W do not fd that we are authorized to do so. Yet this I dealer undottbledlf siils it after the I us to'seie the milk'' : . j I The Farmers and Fshermen'a liiil I and Bill Supplemental Thereto; For convenience of reference we give herewith yertied copies of .f the "JPar- mers and Fishermen's Sill" and the Bill Supplemental thereto: i AN ACT i for the Better Protection of Farmers TMe Gencrai itteiityy of ATon'A Carolina itof-iac" 1 . f. Sot T Tlol il. ahntf K Unlaw fill fnr the Board of Aldermen or other proper authorities of the cities of Wilmington, Tarboro and Newbern tq impose or collect any tax a or for the kale of fresh meats, beef, pork, muttoa, game. fish, oysters clami, garden truck land "rr8Sf inspector is cpne u vnere is sapient She is sfew wheeler, 40 i;Suid rkio 3 Sd 7i h m feetbt6Mith m shops or stores, cr to in any manner Blanche iVclock on Wednesday af interfere with the sale of the above I temoqn ti5 iarrived . port Friday. named artteieq. 6 $2. Any -Minon or persons violat- mg the provisions of the above section oAhia sWla shill be deemed iruiltv of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction before any justiceof the peace, oe fined hot lees than fiftf doUars and impns- oned not let thai thirty days for each nrfraar offence f 7 , .Via.v 51 That at laws ami rlanaaa nf laws in conflict wth this act are here- by repealed. : ) Seck1lhU U in ,Mrc fn?m and after its rat-nation, h In the General lssemWy read three Umea and raufie this theeh day of March, A. D. lUUy . v irt Rvm FiiFNT U' i " to an Act enlitW an Act to provide for ik.lkil lmtylKiil nf h.rin.n an.l Fishermen. :- i WuEXtAs, Tlu snle purpo-e and aim I able to (Kcrtain. t Bat the third Jec of an act entitled "Aah Act to provide I tar: fm tlsv. Chss.! Fx !- i i .1 li present session si tne Ueneral Anem-1 blr. was to rrsvea. orrremion ana ex - tuition and to able Tenders of fresh meals, beef, perl, aautton. ram. tUft. oysters. cUm.; farden . trnck, and ail r th- .tr. of ik. f wn. mnrosu iuwu a .(SkVra, or from wagon, cans, anope or stores, and 15 JS Hocse coapaa or ta pay tritsta to oporauoo; there Aw, the trteeral ablT of Nosh. Carolina do enact: s?4 1,"i4 ilk. MMMaii!ix Natt!i. .ltl 1 lrS bviha Marcrs r4 Doarda of Aier-1 r1 l " atw ef tfea t cf Wilaiarton.eJ'iSxktv Ad ars:iwarat t Irv! TasbarOk and cf New Berne, kr the dirtcUas f tht city pbyilcixra and bcarws ex sca-a aM aaaa ana M ooa ttfd U exesBit drakr la sexa ani dee treat t ptysfl f Uf tU B Cice tax u ckics ana uni; cu n 4eer ahx3 bs Larced ta pay ay las whatever, direct? r ladimtiy. fctr the fcest nt tht WUaistosi Market Usose Cam fay act shall the word i thefilUi tin word Arrive itWer,, ST. JaU ArriveatWl,- 'AM ..--f ' lIHpoM; All QcP and - clauses of Jaws conSict.wufi as ads -are hexeoy r. pealed. v. tern .'. . i--:-j.;i-:r r BOC 4. JLHUg ffit snail , DO in ioree torn the ateblits ratification J 5 . wtt the Gene-aSi AssemDiyreaa utree Cmes and' Talfifid this, the Tth.-day-of uaicn, A Jj.ii jrsx.. Tobacco. 1: m" y-s,6l "aiyvs As entire nfwegistration is rcqtiued. If yCO do otfter you (can not yoie( at we apprecfetwB municipal bjtcmvu. "' The imporg ; this part i;oa Mart ,3 to 12i 188i;wre or eftl tons, ana A memorl blet is to be erected in the chancel iti. St3 James Churchi to the memwii ol tue uie liisnop ai- kinson. New streets feihiira have been placed at the norlhcisf and, southwest corners of the intersect u ot Market ifnd Front sueets, ana tr Doxes.ns ycDeen ai tacked to thf ifewU. : ! I New eYAtiiT. A steam jaxht 30 feet longrT feet , beam and 7 7 feet hold, was sLTped Irom Philadelphia, on the thouu Thos Van Gilder, qu Moudajflah g the Navassa Guauo fc .... - . -j ; - . - t Company ox" fels city. W presume the yacV, x&kh is said to-be a" very ;rA nnLi i m fninsr hPt Worn ... ....t? a .3 L J - i irTi ' tma n W1 l"e vompauy, at MearHiwililtlJl: : :ll rS j Dr. i V ker-Supreintendent-of HealtMualrjithe following reports: o falha SuUly city Sof tbo' month o UW f i 1 rjnloeW:4Aiiali n.i n fcrnnW-'? rsm ,atn -, i- --.. .j.,u. !SIJj'ii.:ij.: rTi m auuits auu.bU"Uintii:u. xui&l xo. --UH auu JVIU,VU ' lu? mhtb;;2 n ' i ! 1 "I'r'i-vi ' LiGKTi j&wft ETEAMAB.--Mr. Wal ter Taft h tiiilt a light draft steamer uesigncu goiia passenger ana tow boat eTiJdS.-. m . ,1 " "F vipo a w.; ue bieamer will bea cSiriug the Bummer months when thtt mm in tho xiver is very low. ileet long, by horse jHjwcr. She wjjl aiU inches ot water, Mabxhe .HCosriTALi After teve'ral months! oQiiird labor tho workmcu uu 4er theldBsiAioo ojf Mr. DJ. M. Dart, have Uhlsf the repairs' jou the U MarinmpRal in this city .The build ing is si6h$ good as mew a4 is second! to j hopi ta,l in the country. It is provide Srith alt the improvements and cohv&ances and is an ornament, J to the Jitj fMr. Dart deserves much credit forlh excellent manner ia which l.i.S'iV j. t i ' I - I fv;: QaAsk jir. " he three masted . V."'" , , -. hoonerSlvy A. rowers, CaPt W atts, 1 "om fk)8 iot this port, with 000 tons guano fitter ted ashore near tho bar w. &re4off by M; sieap tu The only? Jgtmago sustained was the loajof atttAjW tons of fguano, which f, f , : wc?e hwn: overboard to; lighten the I hip inpisaibly the copper scracd a I little orfSb" bottom. The mizxenmaaL j Capt.SvsreporU, wasiost off Frying I ' r . . ' r w . J 4 in g&le of wind. f SEai lcTcri.-fThc Library J Asociajfoftjs preparing (for. a lecture seasorrr) Eogcnc Gtob, of Pai- -:-, .:ii2L; . J UT L 7BU hachoa-nas his theme cf king David, of biblical 6me. The next in order will U 019 rDf- Jos. K. Wilson, of fhts Ttl. . ' I fcl T I of thr t0 lectures we have not beca I ' I ' ' " 1 i I A TrH:aace JloTtattSil.-fMif I FraiicLfa Willard. tf ChteAfo. iW. del of Weman! Cimtain Ten I Tnnx, a the LmLcJ fcul,to i ..tvivj, I Gordcft? Boston, Mias Gesiie Dor- . Georgia Ualu Mctcod. r 7vT? ."rf .rT" T i J S fcrc-ary o; t&e warjuaa icm 1 rraca Iaieo. arrived fcrf bv tW I ff l Xoetaj FrlkUr ftti: se4 .Ud are the m usTXT rva0iira mW Mr, McXcod U tat i I of CaiJ Japea a IMr4ca.' mboai iiehr;elfcr Mri.XWtt yrj trweCrj th lJka af the cliy w ho fit) the kaprraae tatat at the ta &;ilja44WChijs4 yestert' ftftetaflae.;j... .Ui ..- vt uxrd win 4t$it? JeCaait, at tht Treat - rm - - Til I r.rt. "f J ! street church at i Vclocki to-day which .' 1 i . . the public generally are invited to at teediri"4-,:M-. 1 .u - 1 JlEW COXGftEtUXlOSAIi .CHTEai. -A- Btvlsh. Airchfeectural edifice,! fox thenae wof .iherifst! CkJCgrtgaUoaai urch,ofv this, 'city, of vhlchJBeT. just 1 Jieen .r compIete4 en, 2?un be tween Sixth : and Seventh. The funds fox the construction of the .Church, are donated by a gexdteman. of ihe : nortix whose name is. nbfr: at present ; made public, ; r-i It is built as fat as pbsibh) of mate rial procured -in pis vicinity, such aa hoarteilowandicurlt ne. hanusome plcmerjiwooos uouna Acre; px uyj gothiastxle of architecture, T2x5a and 23 feet high, witbt a lower lining itself a uunurea leet esywaru. xue iuuau. iug on the inside i as well as the effect of the ;- architectare of the struoture, is of the rnost perfect and finished.: The Church will seat about 450 persona is heated with sfiirtiacesi furnished 'with artistic chairs of a "peculiar sort with a tasteful; pulpit, and the entire outfit' tings, j it is; ono oi the most perfect church edigcisea In all its parts in the city. . - r ; i Jt was dedicated on Saturday sight, Kev. J. B. Taylor! reading the scrip tures, Her. 0. h'- WdodrulTof Boston preaching the dedicatory sermon and l,he Kev. Dr. J, Ht Wilson offering the concesecrating pfayerL ' - - f." ... Youkg Meji'3 Hebrew AetsociA Tictx.On Monday etening last a largo assemblage met at the Harmony Room, ih luia city, wr ioo purpose oi organiz ing the Young Men's j Hebrew- A esocia tion, and after adopting a suitable con' stitutlon and by-lawsl the following ot ficera were elected; . . '. President--Ilex. S; Mendelssohu. Vice-President JUeopold Brunhild. -oecreiajryjosepn Ji, Aaron. Treasurer Nathaniel Jacobi. Board of Manaccrs H. Brunhild. A Weill, F. Rheinstein, M. M. Katx, E J. Slrbuse. - COujrry CoMiiissioxErkS.-lhe Board met in regular monthly session Mon day present UolWm L Smith, Chair man, and Commissioners BG Worth E Li Pearce, Jas A, Montgomery and HABagg.--r . ' ; ' The Treasurer . rhado his report for the month'-' of February, showing balance in hand as follow: General fund - - 29,530.17 Special fund r- ' ' .: ' - - 1,585.95 EducationaLund - - - 9.919.S0 The report" of the (Register of Deeds was presented, showing the receipts from marriage ' licenses for thj past UKth and exhibiting a receipt for the same'.'1 . :- -j- '::-'-':; it. was ordered that the sum of $20 be appropriated to tne Boards of Health for Taccination purposrs. ! J The Ifoard then pirocceded to draw a regular resireof jurors lo serve at the April term of the Criminal Court, as folIows;,i.f. 'IM '! E McBrtde. C.H King, Patrick Glavin. OwenFeunen. Jr., W B Orr. George AIosclr.TX Bridget, Daniel F Barnes, WH Sneedcn, Clayton Giles, W H M; Koch, J W Hodges, Allen E van s, D HKuasell, Thos Brinkley, Geo O VanAmrin, Jno L Holmes Jri, Washingtcn Ifpit Ii 1 Hutehius A D 1 ve, J 11 Uuggins, Jdo A Everett, S II Morton; Jno j W Hewlett, J W Millis, Sylvester Burriss, J 11 Mc Garity, J T rltTani-, U Mallard. H A Burr. :., . , Uou tho apiiication ol Jno F Car rcli the Board appointed BIcrick Mc Uae County Surveyor, to act in con junction with the SurTeyer to be . ap- poiatrd by MrGarrefl, to torvey the lino between certain property and -report at the wit meeting of the Board. The appUcftkwt for re-exublkhtag the xaad icadio- from Hilton to the NrgTo Heap road and Brum wick Ferry, wa, on motion, referred to a future maR ef the Beard. 1 - Board, proceeded to elect three oaoxgcxs kit the propwed City llospi- ul, whkdi rrsuhrl fa the ttAiM of Mr3. W L cadtb, II A Bas a4 E G-Wort. - ; . Arpii f Ikraaea i u rrUil tptd!Q(s Ujeori ieere graaud to ft L IXxaa A Ct l LT retry aI Mmhx Tie Ikord saStdoiMd.' . "Bay tarn aomclhisr thai viU asskc CMsraaemWt yoia every tisse 1 tack at &.cafct Aramiauto Aiolrksa. mho .Ba vaaM te sj fvDasaiCRki n-ra If yoa ksa ef .aay O&pwximA eec bel tlraera oateXtha bctVxJtJ r4 etrJ tW Wjl. T. CSasAlsy, lj jr-hkrs, sc&4 U - the laJitmUda aU tWcTtOxtef ro6cs tAr-aat t CO. XH- TOx&t,' ryUm3r, N. C '-4aaaihMaansnaBVaannnnnaaBaaaaM- Afumtjrrrai acarecsty Lail4 AtfTU U.r.CaaIiy. . NUMBER HI NEW AlTvETISEilENlU ...Ml. I .H f.U Notice- j V USIXElkjltlNED, having btcn ai- itcd Btfjrara pt Election for the City of Ttlumlitt notld te all eoceaid.'&aataherewOlbe held aMuni clpal Eccticm, for the election of two Al dermen La cac5 W:d of the. City of WU.. mlDKtcn,oat4cfOUnTU TULTkSpAYW iIAEaKifarca Ao!-), !SSi;UitUicpu3Li: "or sftld clccUanVal be kept oi-cnoneald MarchSlth,-1SSI, from seven o'clock, A,M milsuet, af the places Ocilguatcd tt ew anil that licgUxatkm books , will to kept open from $ oMock, A. M. W ti I XL, - , w;f w - " j. . - ; on cycry aay, ''aunoays cxcepic 'om menclng with Monday, March Uio;TtU snd- cndlng Wednesday evening, Murchj the aXd ,- 13S1, at tho ploeea'dcsiguatcd below i Flm Ward, Vpvct DIvUou Kcbtration SlE. corner Fourth and IlarncllllrccU ; voting place same. , . n First Ward , Uowcr UlitslouraUaUon at E. SckaruVrctldcncc, corner Fourth and ' .A :t .i - . - I .' ; Campbell stroclsj votlug place corner Sev enth and Red Cross elreeU. . , . . i ' Second Ward H eglstra Lien CofitHou:-; voting place wuc, .. j i ; , Third Ward Tcgbtr4tlvu oni Prlacw, near S.'.', corner- of fourth aul Princofd - streets; voting 'place Uiblcm Lodgp corner " ; ' ' : - ' t '- Eighth aad Trlnccia streets. ? ' -Fourth WardRegistration, nn StrvXt Engine House; voting place Eauiei - . ....., - . i . ' - Flfih Ward RrglstraUon New Market, corner FifUid Castle etreck; voting place same. AKCUIE ALJJElJMkVN, Registrar 1-irst Ward, Vppc'f division.. ' E. SCHAllF, Registrar first Ward, Lower jUivluou. J. C. LUMSDEK, ' v-c. Roglfitrar Socol Ward I ' W.L. JACODS, " , , . RcgUUar Third Word. 'JAMES KENOlkICK, , i: , ;) . Regtktrar Fourth Ward. "H. E. OUU.Jr.J . , Kerlbtrar t tlth Ward, ilarclvl. f - . Vaccination Notice. , rF ALL PERSONS M TUEj CITY ho hare not been raccln&U-d, or tvtiu dciie rs- vaccination sad have not tho. necessary - " .. ; j. . v, means to irocure the tame, will call at my office ,8ouUi side or Frlnecu; betwet-u Fut!. and Second streets, between tho hours of It a. m. as4 1 T. m., from March ltth to IVta inclualve, 1 will vaccinate? Uicm (rt Ot cuarge. I would tUte that there U nt tsM ot Small Fox within the Hmlu of tit a city, but vsoclasJUon Is required A j ru caulionary aud preventive mrwu re. J.C. WALK tl., SupV Ilealth New llaaotcr Cwuui . mch lU-lt Star and Post copy H WUmioston, Columbia & Augusta ilailroatl, PAaanxoEi; ijn'AutitENT. ' WlXJlIOTw-.y.C, March o.U i. QDMMtTATrOX TICKETS U ilceiiAil. nations ef lOOO and Txb 3411. tv put t over the eoanccUons f tnog WiliMiDatue. CvtnabU & Aoiusta I. 1 ct lor nc aad Colanil4aT and afcu')r ajfic-J to Uis nccevkiUsS oX Ootiuarrtl.arc U1 ly . ths WUmtBtonCataAtU AAuuu II. It, nU ere on sale at its Ft;i til ta VUmtsiloa and CTtatnt ?u.( ' " " Ucasral Ismmis Astfci. .)' - Ha 1 1 road :-' fvUiuU PWAfcTKHrfT." lr:I ; vvji', x'tij km i, wu;'': ; QaxktTAt:a-s r.tap. f aaow!af . jnat 3h;iji. fK ow ta rtu kifc f iit v;u!s VAsm ii.R US C4bf 4 ri44a, a4 fM!i9 s4.T'.a a t)fc -iH . . s i . . . . . : . mams issi i nwm. .ute 'ire- taiMi a yttm Km 1S aW t '.s,teiaajwliii 4. , a. ixrt. ,.f 3rJ' fwwr A4. ffl fl as. Twxm ms(tVnaM, ' ' SEND kUh. M ta4 JklU.-1 a ttM au 3 at s.f taaaata Ava.M v Ill;::-:; m . k' ' ' " ' c a- f. -!- i i. 1