i' ,J1 ' I II '11 U U ID LI r.a or: . . i- volume xn. WILMINGTON. NORTH -CABOIgTOATS-.PfflIf8; J88I. Single Copies 5 Cents j NUMBER 14 ; - t .-mm W, i (,--- ... ... Ay t'i ' ! " -t" s - -r-f ! 1 r t : r1 . 1 .... 1- J. . . : - - 11 ' 1 - - 1 I S t": :HilNOTONPOST I'fcrrERtw at the Po&toffice at L "iif.rVffviTON-. N. C. A.S"?EC0SD Class ij-. . . - U,AT3 OF ADVERTISING. ; Fifty ccuU per lino for the first ia lUuii anU t wcaty -fi ve cents pfir line i cacli a&dHional ..Insertion; , ; -: Kig'at , iincsy NoBpareil typt?, eun.i ,titute ajsauarc,; - -v' .. r TUo suTjscription price to The Wxl MiKUTo.v . l!o.ir i-i 1 00 per year; six mouths 7-5 cpnt3. . . : , Alicotauiunica'tiousonDusinesghould he aa.Jrcsscd to The )Yilminoton l'OST, WllmillStOU, JN. KJ.- . ; - i : . ..Lf - 1 . ... . . -- v ; All adf ertiaements will be etiargeu a - the above rates; except on ppecial con tracts. ' : yl .'v:', !" Latest Uu T;.unJay lbere was a debate i a the fc'euate in which Dod. Camerou led ollowcd by Naxej, then by Dawes, then by Jonts i l'iorida, tbco Jonas of ijuis aii.i, and finally Deck, Logan, Terry ai.d Harris. The debate was . really tuaxiufacturiug poljtiW for 1SS1. ' Ex Secretary of State, lyarts( cx ,l:enalori Thurnlau 'and IJowev coolm.U-. :-MoDcf i f the rnouetary,, tonference Lo I)C held iu Taris on the 19th iust., will vail un IhciAriaona next weeV. Tbtir instruct iuus-have been delivered. Kellogg . continues, rulcntlccs lipun j ouifc, his colleague every tions he ' iifas uouth on the Louisiana frauds Kaguij; tortus audVeavy fall of snow aud sleet sj)readJoiu Uisiqarlr, Duluth, Ion a, -Jtew EDgJajpd, M issisalppi,' nearly c'verjwhoro' over the couutry, d.iog great duiuagv and blowing dovfn the I piscopal Church In Chnton,, of our Niuipn.ou couuty. " ' y j ' CcueraLAUaa KulljerfordUas been . in iliccily for th last week on :a visit L (a hla friends aud on busiucs"1, in whit 1i really bis home. . '('f't por: btvtf btcn circulated, w likli :, ' were traced to IacA''eah, the A ttornr y !1 ik&i&i, that he would rcin, if the. President did not koltfpcl AVilliaia J, iChaod cr't-j resign e'&toiicitor iieneral, I v is uuilersto:dx moreover that AlcV. tlid'polo tho rresideut, and gbt.uo sat Mictiwii. There iipo doubt bbtChan '4ter would iw.Q:it tbeTreaideut'i wish. ') ! ai Ji-that Senator. Conkli r g , racd A ccaus3 -Judge Kobertson aipoiuied Colblclox of New York. I'lwt y.-uator is entitled to a treat deal f i;'eoQ4,iJcration, and wields a momtn- r top h ver ;uc paVtyi buVjhe norhJj,ig j;td to slop!' Suppose it don't? auy otlij jniau can dictate to the I'res- i l-?at, Uhug i he ought, indeed, to be fobrtsuRo Hby bini., ' s ; ?! t. Mixed iij witu ibcse thiols 18 tho ft liatigini? tu of Stanley Matthew uomi I f . 1. M . I - .i 1 1. p IU111UU 1 i is $k i least cudugh dissatisfactbii about the tilings in the: Senate, to sow I eeJ- d teension.. It is. a period wu. ill r juirt caution aud. discretion A I) 1 M $ K K IT O J V V U lv TV UHti K K . :;(!iT, Judge Toiirgec, the author of ."A foolV Errand," is to bo the; guest of I th t aioii League Club this evening. I the ioIl0"Winr correJToiideuco explains t:w loitu, MarcU K, 131. 7 J 7 At IHON . Tl OURiiEK. &R. The undersigned citlze.os.pf New lurk and 1 Club, n- hieroberfof the Union League an cxprcssioncf regard fdr yyT services o luqooniry fiicPuhlican1 -rartr. desire to. 1; "id; tao I Kuvier you a public uiuur to bt gtren wt New N ork "af such a tlaio i you may designate, 'Vule 11 i;;ir; ri a. (.ttauu 1 -'Jttti t." Actoi.K V. Harper, Hamilton Fish, Fr.cd, A. Urown, ; '' liiuai ivsnvl, ViniioiV 'Iocke Kicbardion, ;UaiJlV-4t- Horace rorter, Thomas Ash it ell . Horace. l. Fry, , J. Monro Urown, I m?i n..;,vu, .ou Olflcrs. f .SB.- ES 1 I - . ourireo rcturneu lu TUow 1iuupi.u'iiia, Mardh 21. 1S51. fv Mti imcx: Your favor pf ih. 13ib swouininsr ao inviutiou tola public for tlia Uooor you donie, 1 if ill Tuesday treaiog, March A - ui vert troly, - sti v n. i.iair, iuoma u. Actoa, lf ;rnt. the Hon. John 11. tint Han Hamilton Fish. Wtl- IViwd, Ateocral Hone Tcrter, Vttipa Lcaguo Club tHtixat Ald&afr to JuJgr' .Tourgw. a i; 5 The Fool i:rrao4" 4 VUlioot giraw." i Th dinner J fCTau ot nigra Uua two doxra prmtu . .... :- P'f.a'.W&ic bf wiUtary tuto and ..taaihiisoat U iltki tue tnton league Club, ew received. I very gladly accept latit IT !.! Iiinnwt mi, imlviih t t evKtvutk 1 nV-iAr r iJa wlh-ikiah .EOllGE UILL LCGAJI f)L",TLER . YOOEHEE3 AKO MAIIOSE. I ' Ou Friday Mr. Lamar made alengthy speech on the question of electing offi cers of tbe,8eoaterand was followed by Mr. llcar j Da wes eorge. of Mississippi, Hill, Logan, BudervEili; and Maxey. Af this jpoint of the i debate-Voorhees, the "tall sycamore of lbe Wabash" read an extract from the Philadelphia Evening -Telegraph', which spofeeoi Sen ator Mahor e as a "renegade Democrat," and ''repudiaUonist'I This brought Mahone to his feet, asking whether this was Vooi bees' "language. ; , ; Ir.Y(OlQrbces replied that he.isent it to the eerk; lo read at . the suggestion of Mr. Hoar. ,J! :7 '.-'V"-.",-;''.' ''" Mr. Hoar made an explanation wiich ought to have been satisfactory to Ma hone, but the latter proceeded violently siying, "i t nail stieci my cwn course n this matter." : r ; Mr. Vcorbees defiautly Select me whenever you please. - Mr. Mahone rcsolutelv I -select you nnv, ,'lr ::-s' ..." Mr. V ooi bees co u le tr pluously Well, eeleci me now. ; i . i Mr. Mahone persist iig in bis Ixjiat X liive called .epeajcu in ttia bouse to, V'y w beiher or not--. - - ( lifiu-e Le had .ti in t to iiuih the sien Cence, M r. Vooibees, anticipating it, and browi Dg t (T self-rest rai ni, w h icb he bad. observed pp to this point, said (passionately) - then I endorse every single w'ird which was said iu that article- .."'j- j; .. ;r.'." Mr. Mahone (brcakiDg in)-Then I say that tic reference which you make to me are frurh as no tonorable or brave man nould make, and I'decovuse you as such here. ; . - I'TberopoTtcr, gives ti e renlcccc as it wts uttered. j 1 . i Mr. Yoorbecs --That is a Tare jucs ticu of bee and hereafter. 'V Mr. Mahone The "fcercartcjM will come nssooa asou wirct it lof Mr. Yoorbecs 1 will know exajitly bow tu meet it. ;J crdorse' every word said in that article, t en Jorse tbeterni renegade Dcmoctat." 1 endorse every thiug else in it that nisy bo construed to r f ject on. the ourse of the Senator from Yirgiiiia, aud without bis taking time to put tho words , upon me. - lie can ids redre!. ,There is no uje Jo uulii:g acj mibtake about this mat'" 5ti at !!.; I heard the Senator from Virgu. ia stand here and shout cut "that Suppose it don't ? I know it won't with mc --by your rdictaii..n.. That is cheap-very, cheap, (alluding to ,Ma hone'4 expression.)' V ". Mr, Mahone It i vtry cheap, Mr, President, to deal iu such bravado as the gentleman from Illinois (nicanicg Indiana) does. . . i Mr. Voorhecs (Jio was walking over to bis owe cliair when Mabone's last remark- was made turned around and said) The gentlcrflanTallydeg to mc as the Senator from Illinois. I suppose he will take'up exception, therefore, if J allude to biai as. the Senator frota Yermout. ;.;.;"-.".-;.;.5 '.' ' Mr. Mahone iconiiuuiDg aud com pleting his scutenc)-Uut When the gentleman s;s that ' he endorses the statement of tha newspaper article I undertako to cbaracteriza it here as' such that no brave or honorable man would make in this chamber. Now let him take that with him and wear it. Some Democratic Senators hero sug gested to Mr. Yoorbecs to say no more but not heeding Uieadjke Mr. Voor hecs retorted, in a somewhat oricuHr ' manner The question about takio aud wearing ttiogs depends kgood.djat U4Hu ' here acd hercaAcr. . : j ' This cuded the coatrovcrsy in the Senate chamber, and then, on motion of Mf. Dawes, the Scuat at T;13 ad jourued until Monday; It is a great inconvenience to inrrjous like uumlvrs, who only appear to the worKJ with cur hebdomadal sheet, in stead f ebootiog forth hourly like some of our neighWrs, that tbc aTiirs of the woi U don't close up, at precisely I'l M. ii Saturday oigbt. As our slow- gviog vthkle cf clTllkaUou locks tu tonus up uu Aturuay,nigiii( me u ar ris, Hill, Danes, Hoar, Fcndletoo snJ Haw ley debate has oot conclude nior MacYcalt got the Cabiuet xeJ; ojer Windeoi settled opoa the exact terws oi rcfuodln;; nor WhittikerV court amtial cosnc to a nadinf; cor Jay iioald closed op his last (combination: nor the last Nihilist exploded hia oal djnaiaite. Tae ia aa taeoDclasivr eM to crvat U' tteota. thai the bt we I ata Uo, the gTtatt it ladustry y ejus ex ctcistVvt otttT ttcctd U rtUlo; that last item. - Nvtblog bat th etertbe of Carlsllan tbatlr tanla our ueigb bcrs rrevtmLs tti frora slnlor a diilr. aad coabf la with the xtry last buccb THE ROMAMje OlTdllM.ltfU." low the Czar's Doatii wad Dauueii. j St. Petebsbceo, March, 3'i.M.i I'obedonsciieft", who it waa an.iounced just after the assassination of the Czar, would play a promiuent pirt iu public flairs, is sertotisty 11. f - u :r v ,: j The Minister . of Justice is over whelmed with' applications fur- admis Sioo to the trial o tho Nihilists. ; : ' ' J . All five of the prisoners will be charged with belonging to a secret society for subverting the existing order of things and with, complicity in the assassina tion of the Emperir. . ( 1 Public cariosity centres'.' in the ft male prisoner, Sophie PieoHsky, whose aristocratic conuection?, social position and superior education, excite general wonder. She is the daughter ot a for mer provincial Governor, and the niece of mn officer of high rank in the army. According to the confessions of Piepff sky and Jelaboil they both knew, and the time'and place. Their fellow con spirators in London and elsewhere only knew in a general way that another at tempt would be made. ' . j linssakolf was only informed of what Was required cf hini oo the day of the murder. Jelaboil", the chief director in the matter, lutvir.g been arrested two days before, Pieoflaky became the gui ding spirit, and eent llussakoil' and the other murderers with the stations as signed livcm. Rassakoff protests that Ire was not in any way admitted to the councils of the-conspirators, ' but was merely a fellow worker. He asserts that the Nihilists latterly have had no money, that there waa considerable din agreement among them and they would probably have dispe rsed had their last attempt failed, ' jltussakofl'scen.s tu be a Nihilist pure and simple, having ro pnject or desire beyond the destruction or the existing ojder of thiogx, Picotfsky and Jela knclf avow that the otject of their p eratious was to terrorize the country, disarrange the inacbiitery of the gov ernment, and bfjpsr about, jf possible, a isocialistic republic alter the pattern o the Paris Comrr.Ut r, Tha other two firisoucrs, ilicliHeJoll and the woman IclfoiHim, f.eeio of lea importance. Uolh refuse to answer the charges made against them. ; 1 Tbe Xtandard't S U ' I'eters' urg dis patch says that General Skobur rf was recalled because be axked irruiission toj occupy an oasid south of Merv, to reach vhicb be votld haye bad to tra vejrse Persian territory,, the Jiroperur oqt desiring fresh embroilments abroad. STATE NEWS. T'a' Green Ciu:ty utaent is to be erected hldcocite: A-mon to the meniory of QdT. Caswell, ii being left to the discrc tiob of Gov. Jarvis as to whether the saone sba'l be erected in dviustou or at th grave of tho d! itinjruishfd early Gqvernor of North Carolina, and a pujjlic meeting has bicn jbeld at Kin ston, and commiitees tu solicit contri butions have been appointed. The Le gislature appropriated $JJ0Q fox the pur pose, and a further amount Is to be raised bv contributie ns from the peb Elizabeth City Carolinian: W. It. Cobb, editor of the S erliog (III.,) Ga- zetff. Is spending a few days visiUnghis mother and many friends here. It is eight years since his last visit. He ex presses, surprise and gratification at the manifold evidences of irpproveiaent and progress-in his old native town.r He jis robust ia health and has become attached to his western home The JMndttari savsJ"One of our sub scribers who has has had good luck in the cultivation of cotton, I waa telling us some days ago,Ahat last year he em ployed goose labor in his crop with highly satisfactory results. ; A hoe was never ia his cotton after he got it to a stan J. At that time be turned into it four gerse.'acd, without ever touching thetffcttou stalk or leaf, they xfippedff e'very blade of grass just as it appeared nipped it eff to closely too, that it '. . P r li t l. never rr-Apeareu, auu iii ewvo oe K A.I II Ki. ' f if I An in Kta beiguborhodv J .- t "' Tee Tarbbro j&i-iKcriit warns plaat- era ana urmers agaiost pzanuosr loo oiucb cotton this year, and too little ot corn, eats, :pcas ,' potatoes and ether food crops, &od expresses the fear taat that cotton next season will sell as low as hre cents a pouo'l. bwmg to an ex- cessivc crop. TieCartotttiirW 'ii jyt that W. 4.1H the :$xitm? f the W. X. C. llatlirojid, tas,pUUoneu Judge Core (a Uu a a crier rtair;ag the ewaera aaJ ataoiiuc of thl ro J to appear be fore pudge t?ymoatra ViUtsboro orr April i:H tb show caue why they should . r. vi e!ev a PicsiJeot of tat raXf " Jtfdgo Hare granted the order 1 . -..V ' , -To mm it uf, tlx Wag year f bed riddea svickoe-, ctUej $2 per W tota f I.SC--aU of tab ciptete waa torr Vy CUc of Uop letters ta- Uti j by nay -a if. aoe bet own hoastwotk I-r year atacv wit tali f a Jaj, aa4 1 waat wy body tt kao it, tbtU Uot&t, X -- rr , ::i " y rt'Tf: r. Vi ITEMS: .T'ro;; -'.The, Earfof CaHnr)5cottj"sh tTo bicina.0, died on MMliy ftigbt" at the Fifth Avenue MotfE 'A A corrcsporidenf ainonncea (nat CbU W; C. Morrlll of Georgia, is a 6a$!P date for Judge PhiHIrplaceandBrT- 'T - - - ' ' rrf.ii'''iisi m- ant'i cflorti to gctwinAiiantavroaioi fiee from" GbTeraort&nJey oaly creates a smile. w' V3 y-.'' Senator Euubds t JnJ; inleryiewed while in Charleston "f idj tarbngatte Aetw that ilahone'a l !aeace went lor free tpeecb; that tltepe xple of the north utc aisnae VO toe I Juuj, pu uicce ly distrust, i The pnl way,to stop it w :. Ilugb J, Jewett aaaecliaed; the Presidency of the World' Fair Com mission. . ,A- meeting "S :the commit sioa wiUVbt 1IJP) that the office vviU be tendered dto any body until the transportation com pa niea shall bare come forward with, the full amount of their subscription, T In the German Beichstag, Bismarck spoke in defense of the government bills reiatite to taxation. ,' He assumed entire responsibility for the memoran dam submitted with the bills. Ut em bodied a programme approved by the federal government, and it wouM be carried out if nit with the assistance of the present Reichstag,! then With that of the next, or the! next, j He would oppose apy modidcation of the tariff', and would increase the revenue whene ver feasible by taking ad van a ge of frontier duties. J I, - . .' , I j ' i- ' ; . f. !." 1 A young girl near Uiuciiiuali, about 12 years old was attacked by a dog which sbe believed to be i .mad. She seized him by the naked throat land choked him to death. It as believed she is uninjured. " , General Si said at his "birthday dinner; "A mau who makes no eucmies is never a josiUve forceL I beganJife with 'a dcterminatioi to suc ceed, with, what result others may judge. I hayc inade it a rule of life to.be kind to every one and conoidcEate of jail. Yet 1 have made cuemien, because I have had opinions and asserted thpm, But this has brought me .iiends alsoj and wherever I go, at hjmcjor ;abroad, the grateful cviaences ofrtheirrregard greet me. I have lived long and seen much of life, and when I am gone all I hk is that people can day that I did i le beslU could and was ever Iruen to il- h'e my obligations and my friecds-"- lA Washington special to the 5 waukco Eepubliean says that "In couteKl over the question of; calling ian extra sessiD-j, Secretary VWindem -pa j , showed hs i-trength. The panic which seemed tp strike so maDy public men did not afreet Mr. Wiudom in the least, although- bi department and his ad ministration rof the finances nust bear the, brunt of the mistake, ifhe refusal to calla session should prove to be one. He went calmly at work to show that the necessities of' the Treasury were not such as to justify an etra session of Congresal" The Presidenf will find that Senator Wiudom has a dear mind, a level head, and does not 62n make a mistake. j NOt long before the Avar's death letter arrived in St. Petersburg bearing the Roman postmark. It was addressed to the Czar's wile under the title of 'Her Majesty the Lady Princess DoJ: gorouki." The letter proved; to be tho work of a young Italiaa painter ot hopeful gepiui as he himself believed, but ef empty purse. He had no ueaus ot pursuing that coure of auidy which was needful in order to place him high in the ranks of the rising artists of Eu rope, and ia his diapair of other helpers conceived the brilliant thought of ap ply ibg to the Princes Dolgorwuki, and asking her to seed bins tbe tiffing sum of 60,000 roubles! The -Graid lob ess," as tbe eervanlj of the I Ilulaa Court caiied ner, snowea ut letter to the Czar, woo waa hishly amaswd. and swa i,t ika vann TlasaTsiisi1 nasi si sjsasra mv jvws -h v-msiv thing lor so dariar a stroke tof fiaaa- ciphers aaoohi at trur un; and the reinaiader, W roubles, be minv to tbe pcuuooer. : . . The Jcr-ftta.' ""k' Ut viiit eos Of Kemper Cvuny are fate from further Badkal persecution aaj ruc cution because of the Cbtsu-!- tu-urJcrl Br buraing op tho cvhiuit to:t bouse ia Fcbraary, cootaiBiDsfal! the reearda ot taal taaaooa case, ifcef t tnaJet farther lent taTcatiralMMt ef tt tatpea-i vtblt. So far as las alunato! eutoMat i eceraedylht baraia; will make B-i wae vaavk afif m a peel that tie cardema wvalJ W putt- abed. Tbe pabtic acatlawat f the ooaaty aasUiaed the ctiascaad aoiarr woo!J trer have loaad a Ttrdct axaiaat iu Tht "beet citiwsa" bar escaped tbt aaaMnaaca of fdxtltr asiiatkM of tht disarret4Uasmbjm asd car'- mm. ! Jarote Ueaweitts lavlht ttttaiaaUeei :.,V! i Srm? - . i m 1 - A Wavy swwetan aa4 rait ,1 tt CITl ITEMS. ! Chew .Jackson .Best .Sweet Navy Tobacco. , ' t, '. " " " ly j TjjeI Nayassa.'t-The steam yacht Kacyassa' i recently purchased by the Jfay.aSsa' Guano Company at Meares" BlnfCl4 a pretty Httle crfti Sbe makes the trip in thirty minutes. ' L Hie breakfast' bell will hereafter be rung at rb'cloctlhe turnout bell at S and " the market bell at 10 o'clock--; There will bet no change in the time of tinging the other bells.' -'',! ? Pilots report the soundings taken at mean low tides as follows: ' Bald Head Bar, 13 fee?t 3 itjehes WesterhrBaf 'Kj feet; This, be it understood, is at mean low tide, witlr ran average-rise, of four and hff feet at hfcb' tid,-. cr seven-! ""M the ?10th of Maj was ihade a le gal.J holiday by tbe legislature of the state,- at its recent session, the Ladies' Memorial Association of this city will observe that day, instead of the SGth of April.Msjor James Iteilley has been invited to act as Chief Mar'siiai, and has sicnified his cousenl. '.; -The fiflieib unniversary of the mar riage of Mr. i Luke B. Huggius, one of our oldest and most re." pec ted citizsnsi -waa celebrated by himself and s;ood la dy by a family reunion on- Thursday last. Many friends dropjed in to con gratulate the happy couple and wish them many more anniversaries of their wedding dav. . ; :" .. Excorts ' Fokeiun i iTbo .. folijjwiug are the exports from this jort during the nrbutUbf March; as compiled 'from, the books at the Custom Huusi: -Cnt-toD',2l66ibales; valued at $133,111. . liosin, S-3,774 barrels, valued at 1G1, m,: TaV,3,&yO bar rdla, valued at7.173. Spirits turpentine', 213,780 gallons, val: ued at $,GGSi Lumber; l.CCC.OW: ft., ucd at f 15,090. Shingles, 151,000, val ued' aT?r 81. Total value of, foreign exports for the month, ?1J5JC2. ! ; : Fires IXi kixo Tt:rfiEk.-A small frame houso -On the cornncr of Sccqhd and Marslcllar 'streets, was destroyed by fire on Monday morning.. No insu rance. The Hermitage, ?b6ut 8 miles from this city, owned by Mr., Hill AY. Burgwyn, and occupied 1$ Mrs Mar garet A .Johnson, ibis sister aud her family, was consumed oa .Sunday, to gether with many articles of furniture, wearing apparel and a years' provisions which was .... in the house. Mr.", John son's loss was very heavy, on which there was no insurance. The building was insured. On Wednesday the beau tiful residence of Mr. 4. Canaday, pn 17th ind Market streets was d.e stroyod by tire;,' But few articles ot furniture were saved. Mr. Canaday wasi partially insured. ;. His loss will probably amount to $2,000 over and above the insurance. , ; I UmteixStates DisTiticr Covnt. 'The fjloving named persons-iiave been drawn aa jurors for the U. S. District Court and summoned tq be present on Tuesday, May '3rd, at 10 o'clock. : Duplin couhty, Martin Robison; New, Hanover county, Sol Vf Nash, Charles Stemmermao, I'll Uayden; Nick W Scbeack, Geo Sloao J DeBernier, Nicholas Morris, JjK Prown, Chaa S Love, W W Campcn; Jas II Carraway, B Oreenocrg, Jas tVrfj Colli c, Stephen H Morton, Henry Sweat Johnsoa Hooper, W II Alderman, 11 F -White, B F HallrDauiel Eliisoa, Harding Johtiaoop Jds B Worth, Chr!st:aa Hus-sell-'aasf K Cutlar, N- U Spruut, Jas C Stevenson. John J Guier, US Uadciiife, Joel W Wool via, Aaroa Kellorr. U Brunswick county LK Slipper As Boss J WSmf.h, J WTavbr, Court will eopTcae o;i Mocdaylihe devoted 10 the hearing vf admiralty cases. DtREcroK'a Mit rixu te W. & W. B, H.--At a aiectiogs of the Beard of Director oi the V. A W; lUUroad held at the President' ofice Monday morning a cumaittee cf citucaa froaa llalilat a4 ootland Nocxj mw4stieg t Hoe, W. H Kmbia, Mr. fc'U. fesutit auj live other geatlcaica fhim Uat accUoa, abmi;kxla prorositioa to the Bdard,. agmis? vrKia their psit t girt the I scbt of vifJ: ! thr gtaiiag aji-1 forobb Use cr.? ..t ir Cr s braeck rua4 trvaa Scodad Ncik tAwc j-viet tbt W. J. W. tlauiMui between tbe j,' . j 1a-kc of U w 14 mik. if t ;aUvil j kwapaay icmJdwa their put frab the irva al Uj ice Ual; tau ta v 4aa iibi ay icca a tbe kxk i tit Am tnkl llctlurJ tL tarvrably walbe rt4iu9,aJ tp I a - - I piiN. a weaat.Hc tsisr e .tW Me B. UAtsxK Dr. A. i S- iHUet, aU Mtra. m Macrae. V. U. YiOaaI atd II R.: fcsira, i tiM.Uat ivt m'vh tnti rfk itart The ! Fire, We publish, below the report of the burning of Mri Canadity's residence, clipped from the Wilming ton Star, which is correct, except that Mr. C. finds that his loss in furniture, books, &c, is upwardsjof $2,600.-; J ."Tho tine residence of ex-Mayor W P. Canaday, situated on the corner of Market and SeTenteenlh streets, was destroyed by fire on Wednesday morn ingl Mr. Canaday was at hia omct in the Cnstom House at . the time. rAt about lO o'clcckMrs, Canaday repaired to the kitchen, to see about the prepar ation of dinner, and rduriag- her ab sence Hiss Bell, her sister, who was up stairs, detected . the odor of something burning, and hurrying down stairs, called Mrs. Canaday and informed her of the fact. Mrs. C. immediately rushed into the house, when she discovered considerable smoke ia the sitting rood and tbe parlor beytmd fuU of ltT tlSt called a colored boy and sent him alter Mr. Canaday, ".. In the meaatime every eflbrt waa made by those presentnear ly all females to extinguish the flames -and -with proper facilities and tht re quisite assistance this couldTiave been done. ,As it was. they were kepi prefc ty well uuder control forsome consider ble time, an evidence of which is found tu the fact that tbe colored boy ran all .the way to the Custom House and de livered his startling message, white Mr. Canaday ran all the way home, and was there iu time to save a small portion of his furniture; He thought at first, that his wife was unnecessarily alarmed, but when he got as far as Fourth street he saw the snioke from his burning house aud gayc the alarm. ; . The residence auu Kitchen were en tirely destroyed, with most of tbe far uiiturc, a valuable library, which Mr. 0. has been twelve years ia accumula ting, aud which ho cannot .replace to gether with the beautiful grove of trees, some of them the finest iu tholcily, which added so much to-: the attrac tiveness and value of lbe placed j Mr. Canaday 'has ; been constantly adding iajprovcmeiits- tohis premises ever since he purchased them, and only on Mon day he had his ' water tanks lined! and was getting the pipes ready for the ne cessary connections with his bath house, wash room, etc. . , j . "Mr. Canaday estimates the monied value of furniture and books lost at f 2,000, -which was about covered by in surance, in a company represented! by Mr. Norwood Giles." ; .. ' ''The house, kitchen, fence, etc he ays eould not be replaced for less than fS,300. lie had insurance upon tb'cse, in a company represented by Messrs. Atkinson & Manning, to the amount of 2,S00. The loss of tbe trees of ciirse Cannot be replaced.'' . ' The fire ongvnateu somewhere: iov the ceiling between the parlocjtnd Ssit; tng room, or iu the china' closet be tween ha two rooms, and in immediate proximity to the oliimWr. nod is be lieved to liare been caused by a (law in the latter, though Mrs. Canaday thinks i! must have been the work oi an jin ceuclary." y j j . . "The fire department hurried to the scettc, but could get no water. The Hook and Ladder Company did what they could, which was necessarily little under tbe circumstances." . . I "The wind was blowing almost a bar ricaae at the tim, - and the seething flamies fiDnr.l h uner and, tbither by tht itroij i.wiud, picsenUd a g&ad aa well aui ttrritic siaht." . .; . ; Mr. Canaday a faiuily.includiogalrs. Uvlli his wife's mother, who is here ta viait and wck abed, wero removed! to the jhouRe cf Dr. Carr, near by, and subsequently f the Parcel! Uoust, where they are aow ttoppiag. Ut la lorut u that be will rebaibi at an early day." :VV .V, i BW A I V EKTES ENT& Municipal Election (OFFHIAI.) ! . .. : jl , . .'I ('rllfiratr at Election. lUiiiNtiHiN. i.urit cadjux v. t: 11 ; arch V 11. iu:uWiJ hold aa 12meom tot AUmsai K.r u J tr W ardrf um uty wf Hu)rr ton. 4k tlf rt-irt IHr4r ef Jtvr,ivl. fs M Nona uwtM. www . an M Ur?istHtlMnifWMlw tOiy i;.fe txMStr cwrur im liw ajwtt, ta Cm u4 wnxt tuitwrat w4 ntaraaf MSt ttrK : - - ,T imam W.TWJair tfm a4rta d taty4ts . j -' WiLaa It, Oh4kMra " ihm d hewd e mimar1 - 7 A. . Ta-aT VUvl ir-f., I ka W. U. ii. immtd 4 IfeM ae t 4 ,1' ta.,a a i I wrnaaaaju aiawaa p ftM if aBjahAaBBMajaaw fcAtl Ism at ! twi t w imm Wua! . wiaaj Jl ltj.ii.ii tta rt.. ..rfir ? Mwri mm r v'a, -T" a. tr5tat, ysiitsr fw-'hrt-i' XEW AVYJ5JtiISS2ESX3L - Certificate of Kcctlca-J WlIAUXGToX. KOlirH CaJtOLDfA. Z- Z Xf'V-' . lS8u'i ' : f E. XHC UCCB1UND JUDQ8, sbsly qualified to; bold am lUecUoa fbraldarmta ar;tae 8ed Ward of the City aCITli-f aUnaa,oaUieFowTtkThitBVtWf4 18S1, pnrsuant to an Act ot latXatal Aa , enfWx of Worta CaroUaa,nUOe4 Aay ActttOrgaaUt a (iarmameat far Urn CUy A. D. 1877, do hart by esrttytl Bmt ud remrn oaaid nlntt i i' , " aoojpn jr. run riMiini mmm .m . MTMltTiSbt TOtM. . T r ' hTPT decrrr thai vtitMi 1 an aleeUd AluorniM at ih. niS I. . aatBurtoa from tb nmm WanC 1 - t-1 TATE ROWlJEN7orXB. BEftnrN nwbin af K ailn . . aacaa&-st i . -" f Certificate ot Elccllca. WILMINCJTON, XOttta CACOLIKA - !'','t: ;:.!.:, flarcatt,ti. I ) E,TUE U1IDER9IQNED JUpQEsIdat quallntd to hold an ElecUoa far Alderman for the Third Ward of the aty ot rilmur ; ten, ba the Fourth Thursday of Krrajgf, parsuaat toaa Act of the General Aatesa- bly of North Carolina, entitled MAa let ta Orcaalae Ooverauent lor thedty of . WiimlnaUra." ratified the idatls diry tar r5t.D i837 do aereay crttrll.s itaa foUowing U trae and earrecV etaia ment and mura of aald etaeUoa: 1 liSSV.SF1 weetved two haa- ured and finvr-tUrr rots. - r .-HH' ftttKln nclvedtwahattdral and fifty-four votes . , , Effi'Ju".1 Blaety.flvaiwtea . Bcaiterlnr rotTed four vnL. uowden and James R. bb . " " wi uvuira uu I luihi v. o-lred tU hlghMt ariKr (the WllmlnrtOB from th tki w.vU w 7 " lW.??JSib2!lWard. ' . JACOBS, JtffcUtrar. .iyri, nri. u of KlecUoiu meni-st Certificate orOectioa. WiLMIXGTOX, XOUTH CAnoUXA) ? , .' U'.! ; ' ' March Si, istl. Jq TUE UMUEUylUStD iCDOEijlmly -qualified to hold an election for Aldvraaaa for the Fount i Want of the city f WTV mlogton, ".on the Fvarth Thoradiv f March, iji, ptiriuaat toai Act of the Gear aral AtseinOty . Korth Carotlaa. tatltled Aa acttoOrp nlie a OoVerameal for th QlT Of WllnitllfflA.. r.llftl ik. .' S red two huodwd ToiSr ;: iywooa .fw alatyni roTnd ' CUi.lUr rCelTed "MtyeW a. i iL810? reclTd two votM. J f J,h. h'r?i zSJSEPA BU1UM Irm Ihm Coanh Wmm ' i4! KWDRICaT, IWttuVT. UJEJIJL I . tl 1 Nil Ittll i-P J - Certificate of EleetleJ WI.LliyoTpjr, XOnXHCABOLXNA, 1. ' 3larcha.lait. WE.! THE tiXDEOaiQXED JCOCtX duly qualified to hold aa 3mUm for Al oeraiea for th jflfth Ward of the City w umiagioa, oil the roona Tharada March, lasl, pusuaat to aa Act of taa Ota ral Asaeably.br orth Carolina, tainted Allf1trirriilw n...... . - L. . ot Uarrh. A.. U. 177. do brrT itfliit tl u mmamxmt to a Um a4 MwrM aua. .!a; votes; aad j oakUoaerrfsd rrtar tas4, jn4,!r. Urn tram I rina WadL. 7" If. K. orjc Jav Imw S.HORKIii. W ax a - - TIIK ffOSDEBFl'i KEJI mm te4M i TLaV? . , T Hi ' vr. 4 as mowtti tr v-m v. in ran r"S. c?hm4 i a AUX.Stf.V.rmitn i I luyKauiaiiKx otrxes ta tia rr 111 4 rf aa !nam.1 r,: ? i-a aast Atsa tasN " f ''" . it , v.l,v f otwa attder ar am. ; - larsT, I ' 4itkt a.aUt . ""' ' ".' " i '- 4.r a I .BBHnam-eadr aa 1 - V