, ''-''" t.. .- , . .-. . " .. . .... ; X iJ i-J Li U v "3 - Vi If M M V r,' P) i 4 n I " v THE WILMINGTON, TOSTJ- W. P4 CAN AD AY. Proprietor. Senator KeffogVWftft a ; splendid oV fence ' Bh7 tack of -hm cqifeague Joaes. The ifc- puicaa statea'tha1- an JsU;r Jone8 was dumb, and while his tormentor, v-iW,. was receiTing:the congratula tions of hriends and the plaudits of the galleries, Pones crept to tne cioax 5om, ioiaSd-bis-gaberaine about his feeble iormiABd fled for home, - Wadaambton-. yet 1 fragrant with the - fumH 'of his Lynchburg speech and the frauds by which he was elected UovernoT aed Senator of South Caro Una, waotB4yii:jnyest!gtioa: uponjtb Senatorial conduct 'of Senator Mahone, The extreme egotism of this ancient iJourbonwnoT Jgeores- iWeoriuptkri ind fra'iiAbT'which he and his asso- riatpR were-lifted to power in South i I first railroad frcm the Neva to Moscow and beyond. It will be remembered also that the late Czar, Alexander II , at the commencement of tho late re bellion took steps to indicate in the most unmistakable manner the friend liness of Russia to the United States. And afterwards he transferred the title of that rast territory, known as Alaska, to the United States, br treaty. thus presenting the spectacle 1 of the Empire opening its doors toi the Republic, and making neighbors of two frozen coast?, a common1 highway- to the icy seas of me Arctics, oniy thirty miles wiqe. And now the cable tells us across the ocean that Alexander XL' sleeps in the Imperial fault of the Cathedral of. St. Peter and 8t.' Paul, 'on the bank of the Neva, with its catafalque strewn with flowers, and that the proclamation goes out from - Alexander III.. confirming the throne (6 the Grand Duke Vladimir, C'OrrCUEBS THIKO SESSION. the reach of the people after about tea years frcm this date. . We make this long s'atextat, using the matprl.il nf ihfi' 7rihun in nriVr ti give satisfaction t j our readers as to UMW,??fJfI"T,l n the conduct of the President: in not I calling an extra seasion. ! j of southern States scaled - UlLI.AAOMa.HONe. I - . I t . . " ' The editor of the Atlanta Republican in editorial correspondence from Wash- ED TOBsii klBOXE. 'HO MIXES A SPEECH nr DETEaCE Or ma w LITICII. COTJSSE. ' i -' - By TeltTphtothMrilJJg 8Ur. , v had been down. Continuing, he said: Til j Bepudiation, honorable; readjust ment dishonorable! Yireinia, it was for this yon bared your bosom Jo the soldier's tread and the horse's footand it was for : this : y cu laid waste yoar fields and displayed your fortitude and courage your neroic suffering and sac rifice. It was for this tcu suffered dia- SENATR , j Washikqtos. March 2S.TbetttT membermentofTOQr territory, and sent iDgton describes the Ecene between I nouncement tht Mr. Ifahone-would 1 unt iju iuauuuc. uu me wuuuvu w i to-aaT aaareai ttut rsenaxa. m tibvuwi- i tint won - nnra ihpir hnm it ku the set-to in the Senate. nm far the colored' 1-, 2t ttO act C I lected 10 the French lrti&latnr K bis was either the clash of arms w his withdrew therefrom in ISM, when LooU freedom inroked. i v i ' rapoieon orerthrew the Cepnblie. U , He had not measured his duties by was a member of the present French the coosideraUon ef self-interest, not oenate, oat aia not lake , a prominent so much could be said of the disda- part; in its affairs. JX. de Lafayette , guishedatatesmaa i who urged the acuta l and jiu xamuyv were recenUy incited, to resist tne i&eaaj osiers, virgin u i o m was wt American people, not forgotten her abandonment iron r o present at in xerctowa celsbra that quarter, and needed no counsel as i won. us oaa eeTcrat snenas in tnu to her duty, i I am hero, ho said, in j country, and took a warm istertst in conclusion, to assert that, Virginia, J his fwelfare. y.i,J- mother of the Union, reTeres net oid-j; r. ExMtoP rn time faith and detoUon to Ujwwj. 4M . t xZaZ ment tbat Her nonoreo sons , ameo v i r 7 "-' "- ,. construct, and in furtherance thereof I j summerahat there would be s fire la ty in Virrioia, had - tht effeet or draw- I to be the last in the war and the ing to the Capitol a largo audience. I As early as 10 o'clock ''the doors leading with a regency during the" minority of the Czarewiich, in case of "our demise." A ukase has also been issued creating a conyocation looking to peace and the tioinoDInn nrnllutinnl Af at of a - .1 Carolina, weuldeiercise rnorethaij ite L-l.-rr usual wiflom&VouIffkwpiC t i e meir nomes. it was t consiruci. ana in iunaenaca unnwi i vum w un ia He sais that I on of hia action, and In. explanation for this n o rpluctantiv abandoned propose to giro my best abiUUM. ana I th Treashry buildinr at Washiaztoa while Hill was speaking: :i e n 0f thtpdndpleaofthoBeadiu allegiance to the common country 10 '?rt TILeSNe,ApPTW lefio tho40 of Htrch if Hancock Mahone sat on the Republican id. I r tn VinrinTa. the feet of. draw 1 , th tt in th war nrf th tn :" tt.'.lH.i. Hr 1 wu elected. He came about ai arar - -j - - - - - - , ; . . . a -ww. w - w - - tt -i ae iiif ui sua aiLrwaav j Aaai s . . ---- - mwvmw a Aua caivoj m aawva atavasa tne democrats. Me was tne observed of, all. A littler specimen of a man, physically, can hardly be conceited of, Je is; live feet one inch, m height and iI J ,TT. I wci"U3 uiue-uve pounus. at ib, ta fact, anqther Alexander H. Stephens, J 1 J X- ' . i 1 yei iias me use ana periect coairoi oi i 4-i "f T ; ; , 2i oi tii I -o-tj, i -- all his limbs, wnen in sneaking, he 1 tne exception or tnose resexyca we j senator Voorhees to Senator liOgan, as ing to the Capitol a large audience. l o out. Oh ! ingratitude, tkou basest Mahone Was warmly congratulated by I tba lima and place as Tennor foee ia and meanest of crimee. c V , Messrs. Oonkling, Bhennaa, Uawea and I his predictions. - The th? les were'lRf not occupy any more time impsAwnf 'crowd ai within ten mJu- of tbe?Senatewith the subiect of khe utes'alteK.Uey werejpjn but would cow refer. to eTery araiiaDiQ seas.wAif't .!f'f laa inierrogatory point last jcriaay dj other BeDUblicans. - ! t . ;' f s rf A number of dilatory motions were roted dowhJhut.at 4 P. M., on moUon ! of Mr Pawef, the Senate adjooraed until tQ-morrow. - s this Virginia moujited TaxUr, Ma hone Tne second principal speech btjLhe lirc'.y Senator from Virginia, is .printed in the Post this week. General and Senator MatioVe'is making things much more entertaining than he would do, if the Southern Bourbons would let him alone. What a ' red rsg is to a mad bull, Mahone is to insensate Bourbons. Hill, of.Georgia, - began to paw the earth and bellow, as Boon as Mahone entered that halL. Now. have followed Voorhees, "Jones Vest, Salisbury and others. ; Tho equanimity of the Virgin ia Senator is not disturbed so far as at present observed? He comprehends the BiWation and holds his poise, awaitinc future .combinations andiabi dine results. - We look to a .large and Ruc.cesaful field to him in the south if he goes on as well as ho Las begunj ' A little"7 while ago it was .solemnly -resolved to celebrate the battle of Unil- ford Uoutt House, wnen me evennu dav arriVed.' not a bakers dozen were . - - j i present to celebrate what Col. Wheel cr, our most estimable historian, termed "one of the most celebrated, iret reals ia our history, one which "called for the admiration Vf llie friends ef America." Wc seriously believe that the occasion 1781; was , than it at Guiiford Court, House in worthy of better treatmen rprnive Tram its ceicbra'.ord in 1881.-- iJut tin' jubiUtionhaviug Malted out ' he average Bucvivor was npt prepared to witnesiVsuch lavish elasticity of pa triotic ijitl.usiaam in respect to the coming ercut at Ytrktow,njon the part of our laYe'lcgMalure.'- 'iliat brjlliaut congrega'trou"of wise men,' after' relat ing in preambulous phrase, the cpri apicuouauess oi KortU Carolina in tbat early period, appropriated with the jut- 1 most readiness THEtx TiiovsAub doi.--i.ARri to ay the share qt North Caro lina's expenses on that centennial joc casiou. Sodilcrron, as Fktber Ritchie was Avout to s8yf EXTRA . ES8I0If. V Ve make up from tne Tribune aum mary of the reasons; which influence the President not to call an ex.tra ses sion. It appears that there are some reserved powers in the statutes' bo great as that the refunding can be carried on without any more legislation, and avoid Incurring , the expense incident to a prolonged extra session, j The argu ment for an extra session has been that the country should; not uunecessari'y be compelled "to pay six pef cent on about $100,060,000 and fire per cent On about $465,000,000 of bonds, for six or eight months after they become redeem able. Put investigation has brought in TicrYit nnvira Tinder wlrich a consid - rr"T . r ejeble part of these bonds can be paid, and obiections toan extra session which were not at first fully perceived." I The statutes authoririnx the refund ing are thus stated: - v The powers under which the admin istration can pay off a part of the ma- tunng debt were editorially pointeu out in the Tribune March 1L They are (l) use ef funds in the Treasury; (2) sale of fl50,000,000 temporary-loan certificates under the Act of 18G4; and' )3) sale of 4 per cent.lkmds authorized by the Act of 1870. In fact, the ques tion is much less one of power than of expediency, for thq Treasury has power enough to pay off a in uch larger part of the bonds than any statesman cr financier of either party would tate the responsibility of paying. v '' - ! ' . , placed -t his hands upon his hips and threw his shoulders 'back, the appear ance of his chest, and i abdomen", and legs was not unlike that of. the starred prisoners as they came into our lines from Andersonville and Belle Island. There were no round limbs. There was no-shape of thigh or calf his pants hung as looself about his legs as they would bad there been ! no flesh on n: bones. His voice was good, and he was heard distinctly throughout the tiajil.'Y-. ;-v - v-.TT '.--. ' - V . .. ' : .'' ':- i ' i - dJmktmatic corps. I These were, hq we ereUl occupied before the hour of as- sembling of the Senate.4 ' Un tne noor, in rear of the SenatirV desks were seat ed a large umbet of to whether the latter would endorse the papers of an applicant for the smallest postoiEce who favored repudiation", either of state ornational debt. ? lie many of J W0Qld ask the centleman (Voorhees) them DepresenUflresect; whilein the- J now he found it compatible with; his radons iorridori 1 those -who had tho 1 principles to. associate with Senators misfortune to, arriTe too late congre gated and bewailed tir ill luck j K The i Journal &lurday - having been read, the Vice' rresidenjt laid be fore the Senate the resolution for the annnilitmnf nf RAnatA offieerS.! statlotr his long beard ori running his fingers . Iki -;,rtr frort; Virginia bail the I the leaders ot the bourbon party m thraugh his hair, j He didnot apfear i thatlae tenal?r r0 . had.tni Virginia, denouncing the iniqaitous to be following closely the speakers- floor, v ,J f v r.r" J beasures of Federal finances, and; : pro- - Mr. Mahone premised : bis speech jby expressing his regret that he should be compelled Again to interrupt the delib erations : of. the Senate. I ' trust, he Mahone sat apparently uumoved du ring his speech, occasionally stroking i 1 1 j : l r C from other states who had "repudiated.'1 but ' had :not "readjusted.": He j had never heard .Mr. liiddlecereer express ; a favorable opinipo even ot the views of the Senator from Indiana on the na tional debt. . ILausrhter. - lie also quoted from John W. Daniel, one of fire occurred, but it was' in Kemper County, Mississippi and was started for the purpose 1 dt, stroyJos tht proon of Democratie Wl doxlog and aasassiaatkm. .., joba S. WIs,: iai ietter io UittUc& 1 mpnd llVaays: "I know that our Keadjuster party is a uaitia the resolve tq cut loose from blind serritade to northern DemomyTharaaioaithy tho Bourbon organs have worked then- itf as 1 IrIa aiiiik 'm tarm 1 1 a f 1 1 m .am milted that tne American nsn i uvu wji crmen are entitled to compensation: for Senator Mahone'a action is quite clear the injuries to thejr resscls and tackle. "iuey see m tae Dftianiog of " England has proposed alternative we v iacr uom. on iae irau. a cou rses, one being the payment of a t ' 1 .. : . . lump sum the other, reference bf the '"j Southern l'ollvical rhllosophr- ' " question to arbitration, the two gorera j Last night a group of friends, all menu nominating each one person, the Umoorata but one, wert talking about uv?rZL??r-u"u-rtr.-L southern affairs after dinner at oHe of : f-i.- OYER fPHB fTOBLO. The Daitu Sew has reason' o Here that the fishery dispute beiwetn England and the United States is on a fair way toward settlement, the fact being admitted that the American fish- Twice or. thrice he went out for a few moments. When t Hill .sat down he rose quickly, and passing down though the tier? of desks stepped out into the open space fronting the clerk's desk. He was dressed in black, and this may have aided to make bim took more di minutive. . "'" ; ':' ; . ' The correspondent tken quotes a part of thfrspeech of Hill, which we printed week before last and then quotes or makes an abstract of Mahone's. ; Mr. Mahone (who had returned to his seat on the Republican side) Do I understand you correctly as saying that I accepted a commission from one parr ty and came here to vote'for another Mr. ilul l uuderstana ma you were elected as a Democrat said, that Senators and the country will concede that to this seeming for wardness,' I am provoked- If I uy fail to challenge the generous consider ation of those who would appear; to have found, pleasure without justifica tion, .. in ther raried and ungenerous assaults, I do not doubt tbat I shall command the respect of the brave and independent spirits here, as I know I shall among my'own people. - I shall not complain of that indication which and . 4LKXyW((Dl5KlII. O ItUSSU. ' Alexander Alcxandroyitcb, is only 50 years Aid; aad the only monarch on the earth youncer than he, are King Louis of ayarlajvii Humbert- of Italy, anf King Alionso jof Spain, who not yet twenty-four The use ot ail, "eurplus money" in the Treasury is expressly authorized by a provision placed, upon motion of Sen ator j Bayard, i a jthe Sundry Civil Ap- propriauuu um icwumjuisnpi. , uio act provides that "'the Secretary of the Tressury may, at any time, apply the surplus money in the Treasury not oth erwise appropriated, or so much there of as he may consider proper, to tue purchase or redemption ot uni:ea States bonds." this u a very oroaii grant ol power; for the phrase "surplus money lft tne .treasury not oiuerwise appropriated' is not legary ccunea, and mieht be held to include the entire : - ... ... .. bullion fund held lor redemption oi notes. It will be remembered, too, that the powet to replenish that fund, if tho temporary use of any part of it should be found neceriaarv. by the sale of any required;amoubt of four per cent bonds, is expressly gjven by the Resumption net - whether it wxnedient to sen four per cehUi "under this or. any omcr power, is a separate queaUcn, - i . -.-. - veneration and descended from is not vet iwcnty-iour; years oi (age Ho married in 1.8GC thej sister of the Priucess pfaWales, and she assumed the namo of jIarie Fcodorovna. ;. Tour childreu arcjjorn to them, three Grand Dukes ana one Grand Duchess. Ho is aad" io'have a deadly hate for Ocrmanf.aa!t1iouijh his own mother was a German rrinews.: Jle has grazed ione or two bttttles, likes his cDjldrclfJitas uo taint on his domestic name, anif fsrery popular in Cbpen hagen. lie is the son of Alexander IX, and the grand uncle of Alexander' I la penoq4o is not quite six Tet tall, but brol .shouldered,, deep .chested and of great streUgtbL, 4JLU eyes are a . ' a ' V 4 - a. " i ' . . t a a . ugat grey, ms loreneaa uign, ana we whole doiejopuiont of his features, be token dignity, power,; firmness.' y.;- . Alexander III. is what wasiallcd Alexander 11 and he traced his linear back through Cathe rine I. and XT. and raul, (Vetrovitch) and thencf ticroGreaUjinu ever of loUatcjr may be associated with tne!taoda idea oi the Czars comes doa.In. si aort of irregular way through mur ccotnries and obscure nomenclaUsrsi to this 'Alexander the 1IL The 'father of the present Em- lm waaaoibi' the most marked of all the Kusian rulers, in these; liberal meaanres wicl Uansformed a despotic to a cocsUlu t;cca) goTtrcmeot, freed the wf$ and; librals?J the whole chsx sc.et of tha Itnasiaa iwtltaUoav. He fc;lt the" war of Crimea as well astb 1st war wUhTurkty, ktcpiBr op all t whUa tUo great Wea of the sjjTxn- utsnjtr coUeasal power to- wards tho outh, aad the opening of , a free water passage rn RaHJaa commerce aad n&Tk UuroC(V Ua Iardaallea. It is reHh! that ta natkMas so dlasIaiUr in their poUUcal odia, Ut- toryaadxtrarrxrtf aj.r.owl sad the United atcs, should hate to prrptta ally maiatalaed rtlatkaa so amicable. Tho baUe relauaus beiacML them hate almost always beta ietlsate.froa tho earliest period of oar goreewaeai. as when ur trtttx baut the wxrs tltA nueation. - " t Mr. Hill (with provoking coolness) I say that you weraelected as a Hem pcrat and accepted your commission as a Democrat. '" j , . ,' ' Mr. Mahone (persistently ) ou said that I accepted a commission lrom one party and came here to represent an other purty- j J ';".-;''' .. ' ' (Uili juterrupted.) 'H'.' ;:' V Mr. Mahone (impatiently)! want to say that if the gentle mauundertakes to make that scatement, thestat'ement is uowurranted and untrue. Mr. Hill (eompcsedly)-was not the gentleman acting with' the Democratic partv, .and was he not elected to mis body as a Democrat? (With fiercer tone)J Answer that posing to revere tnem. lie iccom mended the Senators from Indianja 'and Delaware tNoorhees. and ISayatd) to try acd reconcile their differences of views on the financial question : before the Senator from Illinois again dk cussed the subject.' Aa; to Jthe Senator ! from Georgia (Drown), who seeiped Jo be so. much troubled about readjust ment, he questioned wbethcr the world had ever produced a man who could sj reauiiy reaajusw aimseit io an eoaui tions and all circumstances. Laugh ter.) .That gentleman had p,otj atftad of the people and of the Democratic party in an efi'ort io dissol ve the pnien, and was the first Governor in the south to confiscate Fjederal property jin . the courts of Savannah aud to scixe Port Pulaski before ' tho act of secession.' Sumor bad it tbat the Presidency of pentlc Iu the The power to receive temporary loan deposits,' conferred by the act of June different purpose from any now in hand. let the temporary loan was not au thorized for any purpose expressly named, and the power then granted has not been recalled by (Joneress. it is mistake to say that a special refer vo of &0,000,pOQ in legal tenders must be held at all times against the temporary loan of $150,000,000, ioriheac t pro vides that' "the Secretary of the Treasury Mty issue and shsP hold in reserve for the payment of such deposits United States notes, not exceeding $50,000, 000," the Obvious meaning being that tho extra issue of notes, if made at all, shall be held for that especial pupose, Otherwise the ecifprovides for the re ceipt, "by any of the Assistant Treasu rers of the United 8tatea or deposita riet designated fee tho purpose other than National Hanking AssocisUoos.' of deposits of not . less than $00 each. for which certificates shall be issued 4in such form al the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe. : These cer tificates may bear interest at elx per cent ot less, and the amount U limited to 1150.000,000. Possibly that amount of three per cent certificates might now bo sold to tho holders of small tavinrs. and might la part serve tho paraose of tho three per cent nows wmcn ?eci?ia rr Sherman recommended. - Whether the act ia question gives power to make the temporary loan for the present par pose, the Administration will soon de cide. It sa, 510U,iav,vx can nations edtr ba borrowed at 3 or SJ per cent r While this sum, and th urplu rev enoe for aiae month?, esumatel at t7x.000.000. all the six per ceats can undoubtedly be mired without depie- Una: thn reserve or selliBgfjur pr cent bonds, in that case iiu aaoteuoa whether anrthing saoold boaddtdto tba thirtr rear debt for the narrjcaa of cuUicx down the Intstvst oa the fve per cvn& without waiting naU next winter. Too ; almost lart by d lay would b only six oooibs dlScrenc ia latercat oa abct $tlO.DJ.tXW p. hasett.000.OOOL Sale of tst per eta. weald rsdoce the principal cf tho dtu and mkht bo asaa at each rata that Ua loaa weald cost tho r?rtraaeax not mora than Z per .- Cat the part of tho debt how vtssslaisf wkka it ia ponible t3 fay 4T withia twenty -six ytaxs withcQt tho asaeat f ereiit orsLis aw oalraboot iXO.OOO.CO'J. and thu aasoaalahoaM bo paid ia P tees years at most. If low per erats are aold. they ran far thirtr years, at jdact ft larger part o4 tht debt Wjoad has characterised the manner Mr. Mahone (imperatively -Answer method of Senators in. ineir aiiusion io y "-Y"" , r". ma. miiai n nun i. i.uiaL. riunw stijiu lrixi s. . . . v """ - . ' l. struggle that ensued lie (Urown) was entirely with their own sense ot manly earne8t for tho cause until its fortunes deportment and Senatorial dignity, began to waver, then he abandoned it however little they do with my ownj Virginia is accustomed to meet the oc casion where the independent spirit of the Anglo-Saxon is required to assert itself. I Virginia has oyer met with for "A difficulty at one time arose from the excessive claims of the jUnited States, bOt the latest telegrams from Secretary Blaine point to the Willing ness of the Washington Cabinet to ac cept one! or the other of lb i above plans. I , " v - - ''! ' ' . - :. Measures are being taken to arresl the persons implicated in the Mansion House plot, v ' - .' f" . .: A larcc petard was exploded ou Sat' urday-' at the door of the Carmelite Church, which was' considerably dam aged, at MadriJ. . . ' . ',-4,i Nob folk, VaM March"27. -A fire broke out this evening in the cotton compress of James L. Harway, oh the Boston (Steamship Company's wharf, this city, and rapidly i spread to the cotton j shed adjoining! Tho British bark Condor, loading with cotton from with hrs militia. After the war he Was next heard of ii the Chicairo lie publican Convention, lu fict, that gentleman might ay. with-the Poet JLaureates brooc "cieu may come and men may go; but, I go?on forever." i-. j' V. ,i4T. ... fLauehter. j He was next beaid of 41s uluwuu uu.1.su 6u, t.,., rv f- u-aical candidiite for the U 8: Sen which destinr' has imposed, always, however, with much contesnpt forstasll party lines,: when principie was in volved in which her faith and honor were committed. With absolute con fidence in my loyaltlheandmy i devotion to every interest ol her people, I will not relax my purpose here to re- the hotels. Io the party were two Con gressmen from the hoop-pole region cf Ohio, and a southern Senator who is fond of philosophixios on the politici ot the futore. The Senator said that the ignorance of tho south na' orally combined, and that tht masalog of the intelligence to prevent it frosa getting control of gorermontal forces was sa inevitable consequence. When In ad-' dition to ignorance there was the color distinction, and tho segregation of the ignorant race apart from tht Intelligent portion of the community, the evil wsi intensified and made more fixed. "Do you then regard ract hostility in politics and the dominance cf the! white element at : the expense of the1 rights of the blacks as a permanent! Harway 'a compress, took fire, but was I k k.u. tt,. ti A. -m... -i.i Sir,, iuanoac uaiCKiy, sir,! quicsiy i - - v.- - . j ! i was elected as a readjuster. i .Do you pel every impeachment oi me cpnaui- know. what readju'te'rs are? I Applause and laughter on the JiepubUcan side. Mr Hill I undersund that in Vir ginia there re readjusting Democrats and debt-paying Democrats; ! but, as I understand they are both Democrats. We liaTR nothing to do here with that question of the ; Virginia uents who sent me to this chamber with clearly defined duties, which ihev aud I comprehend. was elected to the United StaUs Sonata to ' do their wiM, not to a caucus to do its bidding, and Virginia earned her title of Old Do- not. I ... . The last "uo": was firedff with vehemence.'" :.'i-i .; Senator IiOgan then -replied to Hill, and Hoar, of Massachusaits, replied, which we printed two weks ago. Senator Conkliog, according tokthe Washington: correspondent of the Cm cionatti Cjkiiurclal, shook hands hear tily with Senator Mahone at the close of the dramatic scene on Mondsy, and said: j "I believe I have nt the pleas ure of your acquaintance, but I am anxious to know yeu better.- I pm proud of you proud to know you, sir and to congratulate you. : Vou are impregeable. I am proud to see you stand for the honor and independence of your sute sgainst such unparalleled insolence." . . ;. her. 1 ask' ask the benator atrain. was acuon oi ner own pwptr; cj iue ioj- he no: elected to this national body as alty.of her sons; by the instinct of in a member of the Rational Democratic dependencn wfthot help at' the hands party? , . - .. c ' ; of those who would now interfere with Mr. Mnhnne xu. a.re vou. soswerea i : : - ' f f - . WWI lhat pai ajajRj fhe gratnit ous care , anu fcerB fot her at the hands of strsogers strsngers to her trials,. strangers ta her-aacrifices and straneers to her will. I feel tbat the spirit of her people inspires me when I scornfully nv ' for them, and for myself, the nngenerous attempt! to in struct a Virginia 8enator as to his doty to them ' and; to himself. ' Senators should bo willing to deal with ' their conslitnenta.' I answer for mlut, to him that would insinuate that my ac boo in regard to the organization of the commltteee of this body asd the proposed election ' of oaccrs has been controlled by improper conside- ratjohs' and I am lah to : belier that any Senator - hss' to intended, in the laagusgo oi another I say: "If thou aayest I am not a peer to any lord of Scotland bene, highland or low landi lar or near, fard Angus, Ihou hast lid.T-, Xow perntt mt to :rrthat Senatora can an more rcall9 my regret thaa they can aseaaara sa ajasaemcnt that my colleague (Johnstoa) should bar Jelt It incumbent oa'llnuelf to join the asaaouler colama ia thk chamber, lie first latrodaces the (loca tion of my 'ioiitkal coaaisteocy, or, if ho prefers, inconsistency, aad , next he would lntrodjC t ta thm boaorablt body not aa bie coUcagoe, bat as a ro podator of public oblrgaUowa.) Aaeatt of jastiet to cr ftljow trsators readers it accessary lor ,m ta apolcua foe noting ssy coKetgweie ctiUdseat oa the hand, and hia Mrrtnioa oa the Hwrer snwc be and hU herta may enicavor by chn? Icrk of tho asoraey tn firpoaatf what J ought tba,I a hf mj tmwksimt and cy sense afhooorwhxtl am. a tais penksUr f. Urn UtCr tU U raatagt oseaSemgwo. ; If . I tako bias by hia rrccrd, lsamtrf ri la. b ae&btt bam what bt Is W. Ul dsry borsmaamUperlsrm. Lasr-V-ttr. Mr- Maboaa the proceeded u pro aa cxbaaatir VmUrj ai the poUi kai aad faaacol bJstorj aC Virginia fm tbo last Cea-I. fie arat ta tbt UatVa dk a4 bad read a taU tV&wlo; tit tittat to aVkb tbt debts The Boston girls hold still until they aro well ku&od, when they flare up and say, " I think you ought to be ashamed. When a youcg chap steals a kits from a Xew Haven girl, the says, I reckon it's my turn'now," and gives bim a box on the car that he don't forget tot a week.' When a clever fellow ateale akistfi from a Vonkersgirl she smiles, blushes deeply, and says nothing. Wheo a fe male is. saluted with a buss, in Phila delphia, she answereth thus: l am sstonisbed at thy assurance, Jededlah; fur this indignity I will sew thee up," and when a man is sciart enough to steal the divine luxury from onn of oar city Udits, they are perfectly satisfied and rectiro lha aalau with Cnristiaa meekarss whn tsaMe ou pae rheck, they tura the other aU!.. ' 4 : A fithtr's pride A colored saan who is pretty well oS, has had his too eda- cateJ tr tho ministry. Last Sunday the Gal vtstoa EJae Ught Colored Tab- craace was crowded. to hear the fwang man vreach bis first sermon. It was a enlecdU ? crt land tho father of tbt rxhsrter was is bappv as a clam in thitty feat of water. The dar after he wa Mkl It a friaad how be Ukeo hia soVe sermon. "Hew does I tika Itf "Why, dbotrreacbts Eka da berry debbel hisatlf.",--ua.'sa .vn. ' To cralU of tht lafact Priac of Spain is cf recked rboaj ialaU Ub sdrer; Pji form b thai of aa epsra abe tha cartalaa of silver rasit eaamelrd with while Cawtrn tba cvtwrka ef what taUa em which ia ea Vwbfstl U brilliant coSors tie arms of Ffaia. ate, put .was. beaten by a more moderate Republican iie late Joshua Hill. He nexjt appeared as the appQintjo of tho carpet-bag Governor of , (llcorgia the prince of carpet-bafgcii, Dullock to. the otfice oTChief Juicc of that state, which . position he suos?queatly re signed to take the Presidency of a rail road coqjpfcpy. . 2ovr that gent'.enan was here ss the leader - of xhp Demo cratic party, and his xf)ianltion was tbat the .Democratic jariy ;hid erred and atandonedTLioj, but that i.ow it had righted llselt And ralud on his (Browns) grand reserve on undying and unchangeable prtccipVd , Laush ter.V That gen'tleuian had iliuded to rumors of bargains j If iher were any truth in those rumors theu Lei (Maboue) was indebted for . at;y advatitape. be might draw from.it to the fofct that the Senator from ttearria did u4t know of the opportunity, j Langhtt-r. Vn that point be (Mahone) wou'td knswe r. all the ; lnuendocs of Senators! distinctly and gravely, and with das regard to the dignity and decorum ol tiie Scnajte, lie hurled oacc with scoru sdu con tempt every imputation that his action bad been uuuecu iy anv other con sideration than that of promotion of his people's merest? aud or the welfare of the whole country. Heiavosred his responsibility bis proud f eVponsibihty for the introduction of Idr. Kiddie berser'rf nsrpe s a yaidtJiLe for the ofiice, but .'professed. LU rr&dinci to withdraw tbat name -it it were true as report had it tbat Demofrstic Sena tors would then wi'hdraw iheir opposi tion to the eiepUou of oncers rJ tne and the fire extinguished with a trifling loss, beveral buildings took fire from the large pieces of cotton and shingles wnicu were carried oy me wind a cob- siderable distance. The Atlantic Hotel ja 11 ryVt I 4m anil iVi. imA Af Ik. T . . rl V."A" . v, IVVI VI UHU- mark Building was bsdly burned, but these structures . were saved. . Fires originated in other parts cf the city, and intense anxiety was felt; but they were soon extinguished with no mate rial 10SS. ' '! " . : V-'' - - . I : . - .-.j'.-The II ou. John Uiu, our Consul General to J Switzerland, informs the Tribune that the Federal Council hart enacted lawsj providing certain copJi divide the blacks Would fox" "No, they would keep together, be cause they would see a chancerof get. ting the otfice- There Is a remedy, bet the white Republican leaders of the south will never adopt It, because iseir occupation would be gone. It Is to save a government with dual and coordlsita ; powers Io all the states where tbiasr gro population Is largo. 1 would hart the whites elect one house of the legW latureand the blacks the other aad havf a division of all the offices belweea fhi two races. I would tven go as fsiai tor bve a double executive, it worked uons wr Bwiss emigrama. j Agent, are weU iB Home and Carthsga. The eel prohibited from transporting any of the orod men shoald rote at their polls, following clssses of persons: 1. Persons who. on account of ad. vanced sge, disease or infirmity, rre ncspabie of periormlnr labor, unless it is shown that ample provision baa been made forlbeir support at the place of destination. 1 2.1 Persous less tbsn eighty years of sgeJ unless they are sccompaoted by responsible persons, or it Is shown that proper provision nss oeea maue Tor their maintenance at the oUce of their destination, subject, furthermore, to the assent of parental author j or preper guardian. : I ' . 3. Persons who. alter paying tbt ex- Ehes of their journey, would arrive at e plaffi of uestinsiion without re sources., t i - - . Persons who art prohibited lrom and only lor men to represent la the eivernment'tbeir element of tho pope lion, and tba whites the same.' 1 bus both races would bt secoted a fair share of rovermeBtal tower, aad measure could be adopted as law with out the consent of both. The majority would rule as nowwfor no law could be passed without the action Of the body representing tbt most nu merest ele ment of the population, whether white or black ; 1 i -ix--'; i A -i "Do you tbiok such a qovft ichs practicatleT'vr ; v.- "CertsJoIy ; 1 hs ve no doubt of it It ought to be tried first here i the' DJ trict of Colombia which would Uei bt given lepreseetative- (vveramest With entire safety.'' ; I 1 - Tbo plan ta at least IntrmUag. I Benate-i The opposition t lliddle- berger.jbe- said, wa in vita of the comiag cctioa' in Vireina It was a desire to uphold jurbocuoi there. It was a dfeire to VphUd a. ?atty which, while f Openly profming iobedience to the constitution, held by inrntai rcser- vauon rurt-oses hew t tie trt the coastitu tiaa, and which did not believe in the right of the freed nir.n t ate. It-was to uphold a party that rii!e nominsily accepting the Cinclanatij platform, io which a full vq:c, a free baUot and aa honest count had beta detain Jed, had introduced coDjiuutioaal amendmrn reoairUg that no enn should casta baitot iit aajp cfiiee on! any . accoaot natil be had paid a caciuUoq tax This tdn was tonpho'-l a party which defied the Democrat keteed. and which had uadenatea ti ructfcfci t f iadirec .- "L. rv-.. ' uon u uiiincane ue cw;ortM man. That ws the purpose. V He had aevtr given that docirice hi asarat, 'eithtr in GbUe or at the aaIio: bx. lr one wanted.no poUtical se? U In Virglnia. Ue stood prtparci here on this toot by tba courage f men w ho Were behind at borne, to a.re to the tUairy thst la Vlr-iaia, at lft, thef !id rs free aaSrage. priority asiffrs, a tall re4 ai aa boaest eaao:. tppl&M Crca tht gallery. It was tre, be asii, the Kenjastiag party hsl ietrwcW iu otectors ier Uajsoock sal Eejtti, Vmt U was caal!y irsa that it hs4 fsrarao and yxrjxmtj fetbari tem iirus imx tert&oie .cndidas as mxtitm af tbt PeasocrtUe scarry. I The parpoa of the dsatrrs wat ttty ut rtt fjra4 crtavrai W fycars. m aa to briar Virgisia Imk Ir&m aaakber . tMw Utaraicf ue u Wr mlz taxi fmi&m Im th alan&2 &f s'aUav Tar aw it fro bim sat UsacUa brra sVaU bt iiad by a casraa m bcMs yaity, bad wstd ;mu oa bis cetra' M&i b parjf swerrm was hii paraa&asit u i CMKtirrd u W U iasrmt YlHiil and tb velAre ef Ut-1 wbaSt rzy, Tba Cravgagsnr it '.yiryial' fttz of Isaiij j as wit f aaiiai- immigrating by the laws of tht land tf f" tt,MC' rJ thcU desUnaUdo, - w "Q?, ?T?"B f- f Penons who possess no evidences l. V. ilZ "7? of domicile or dUitnahlpf also, 8wbs "J !?S1?iihJlS-S2i ciiinsiubie to miUtax) service, who eat to bt printed MComtsg (mei csnnot product tridtnet uat they bare w - 'I'. ; '' f ' restored to the state the military effect I : 1 . - ' , w)th which tht Utter,' bad furnished Anarchy prevails ta the Anhrtua hu. ' froaUer Tbt Kurds opoalrdefy ibt. Advices were received it Chicago no Turks. A priest le travtrsiog the eaas the 27th March from Jay Gould, that preachiog rtbtWoa. The ftpao he had a coairrtnet in Florkla with Mr. Hcil alien, of the Chicago and Al ton IUitroaJ, and John1 & Oanlt, Uea- eral Passenger Agent of tho Chicago, aciflc Hoed, to ' feellcg ls so strong that the setorU are afraid to iatarfere with Mm. A general outbrtak.is feartd. 1 h as aerted that several PrnUa iribs. a Persian general luvecredtbr dar general aevrral rUlsgcs. V abash and Pacific Head, to tho effect that he (Sir. Gould) M wining to end IlrooUer towards Bagdad a4 4 war, If all unlimited ikkcta sold dariog the rcut" bt aacepted ever all tbt liars without reference to the lint on wheat tccouat thry wtrtsohl. As tht Wahatb probably o!d tbt most unlimited tkk t, it is thought this propoeirbMi win not U enUrtalned here, ';, IOscar dt Iyatte, graadsoa oi Grn eral LaiayrUt who was preatnt, tT ff Twbtrwm. V k, M akk Uaiacbt. wwakntrt It lU hot rr ti !h tba abesyrm aoedl; llTJ - . iT. rfirrnt rvu of tbt body, a moa with bis distingukhsa pand fstber, 0car da LalijcUe drscrpdeJ from oat of tht moat aackat aad esmV Uraidol frames , Noac rccalrt so math Us ti, -asd-note art profoundly graUfsl s4 ; tucVanUtrrat la rtctmcrairf U f ' Bitters aa women. It Is i the at? "t tdy peculiarly adaptad t ik awfl DU tbt sex It wairtraally eniyt u CbQa and fcrvr, ladlgtWkm sr. if racrtl fUw, cossuat or UstinUial aVtKttdrtcy. are a3 0 rrmcrtd by tbeat tiUlS-r0,,4 neat families of tht Prracb Wab2ity. I cat Hie utbef was caatd tfUf Gterxt WasUagtoo. lit was born in mt, aad cdacatad Sat tbt army ia faria tad at the fsiloary acbsmt tf lltfa, whtmet al tbt xt oi alartcea bt tn nml aa anlUery etktr. lit was la tba Jd&. ffS tbt fsahtf CaUla.aa4 a grade U Ut Lrjioti af Hsacc. Xa UtS U tk pan la tbt irfcm baa St whkb recc0d. tbt rrrWraa tf tbat year, and was kb bl$ fber teSe4 a' arnmlcr of tbt Cbta&ISwetatl AsHrmbI f tat tbt lwrJt3t f Ptlat et XUraw, wbert bt wxa fW!hr,-rirrr urattal U tbt isbSe. Jl!t, teead rrwcrtul wUb tbt adrat gUjicbS- of I! Sacaa. Ht sa raas. A Wtrrra street to2t tbt b it etary, Asaaaoa mwstrgfi i bouat fo4 tbt tt2ai twarm-ri rats, which a the fu aUaistys catlre warirr tf btX Bt ftt b dtww etslrx Ut abt mas tf aad tUdtbwbm. fisr fS abt rttsYbtd.kadlasw Jste &teacat sdtbt -ctSat. ;Tbt B eccaUg a ttt barrel laa tf atbbx) Ataa lssawaax tribe lr dadbt tf a nni I tit ttr " - - Lm tkM'lfVa fiMT reus rrfotit tbat tssmatrt m staft bad rem4f3mtiJ trausw .; ; i

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